3 cloud computing whit papers

SS Cloud Computing Building a Framwork for Succssful ransition Whe PPe

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Cloud ComputingBuilding a Framwork for Succssful ransition

Whe PPe

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ContentsExecutive Summary

Defning Cloud Computing

The Five Essential Characteristics

The Three Service Models

The Four Deployment Models

The Benefts o Cloud Computing

Issues and Risks

Cloud Computing Maturity Model

Step 1: Consolidation

Step 2: Virtualization

Step 3: Automation

Step 4: Utility

Step 5: Cloud

GTSI Delivers on Cloud Computing

Transorming Government



Supplemental Material

About the Authors

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Computing 

But as mor playrs ntr t markt, as

provn us drivs up t accptanc of 

t cloud computing modl -- and budgt

constraints forc dpartmnts tolook for savings wrvr possibl -- t

dmand for cloud computing solutions is

xpctd to grow xponntially. ccording

to P, stimats ar tat by FY2013

fdral, stat, and local govrnmnt

spnding on cloud computing will rac

$800 million (P, 2009).

rasons for t incrasing intrst

among govrnmnt agncis ar myriad.

o bgin, cloud computing offrs an

ntirly nw way of looking at infra-structur. From a ardwar point of viw,

cloud computing offrs smingly nvr-

nding computing rsourcs availabl on

dmand, trby liminating t nd

to budgt for ardwar tat may only b

usd in ig pak timframs. Cloud

computing liminats an up-front commit-

mnt by usrs, trby allowing agncis

to start small and incras ardwar

rsourcs only wn tr is an incras

in tir nds. Morovr, cloud computing

provids t ability to pay for us of com-

puting rsourcs on a sort-trm basisas ndd (.g., procssors by t our

and storag by t day) and rlas tm

as ndd (Brkly, 2009).

s for t bottom lin, cloud computing

nabls govrnmnts to lowr t xpns

of xisting srvics and to cost-ffctivly 

introduc nancd srvics. Morovr,

govrnmnt agncis not only bnt

from incrasd productivity ngndrd

by cloud computing, but citizns as wll

bnt from t mor fcint us of taxdollars (P, 2009). Costs associatd wit

oprations in many cass dcras

signicantly, bcaus srvics can b

purcasd on-dmand. Finally, administra-

tiv tim spnt attnding to t nds of 

t infrastructur can b rducd, wit

prsonnl frd to dvot mor tim to

an agncy’s cor mission objctivs.

Cloud computing, with the revolutionary promise o computingas a utility, has the potential to transorm how IT services aredelivered and managed. Yet, despite its great promise, even themost seasoned proessionals know little about cloud computingor how to defne it. A recent study revealed that 41% o senior ITproessionals admit that they “don’t know” what cloud comput-ing is. This research ollows a similar survey highlighting thattwo-thirds o senior fnance proessionals are conused aboutcloud computing (Version One, 2009).

Executive Summary


“The Federal Government will

transform its IT infrastructure by

virtualizing data centers, consoli-

dating data centers and operations,

and ultimately adopting a cloud

computing business model.”

(GS, 2009)

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Comput

Defning Cloud Computing

ational nstitut of Standards and

cnology’s (S) nformation cnology 

aboratory rcognizs tat cloud computing

is an “volving paradigm.” s suc, its

dnition, attributs, and caractristics

ar still bing dbatd by t public and

privat sctors, and ar crtain to continu

to volv in t nar futur. vrtlss,

initial stps av bn takn toward con-

structing a univrsally accptd xplanation

of cloud computing’s ky caractristics,

as wll as dnitions for t various

dploymnt and srvic modls. s

dnitions av bn widly rportd but

ar wort rpating, particularly in a ld

tat is still rapidly dvloping.

According to NIST:

Cloud computing is a modl for nabling

convnint, on-dmand ntwork accss

to a sard pool of congurabl computing

rsourcs (.g., ntworks, srvrs, storag,applications, and srvics) tat can b

rapidly provisiond and rlasd wit

minimal managmnt ffort or srvic

providr intraction.

is cloud modl promots availability 

and is composd of v ssntial carac-

tristics, tr srvic modls, and four

dploymnt modls.

The Five Essential Characteristics

On-demand Self Service. consumr can

unilatrally provision computing capabili-

tis, suc as srvr tim and ntwork

storag, as ndd automatically witout

rquiring uman intraction wit ac

srvic’s providr.

Broad Network Access. Capabilitis ar

availabl ovr t ntwork and accssd

troug standard mcanisms tat

promot us by trognous tin

or tick clint platforms (.g., mobil

pons, laptops, and PDs).

Resource Pooling. providr’s comput-

ing rsourcs ar poold to srv multipl

consumrs using a multi-tnant modl

wit diffrnt pysical and virtual rsourcs

dynamically assignd and rassignd

according to consumr dmand. r is

a sns of location indpndnc in tat

t customr gnrally as no control

or knowldg ovr t xact location of 

t providd rsourcs but may b abl

to spcify location at a igr lvl of 

abstraction (.g., country, stat, or data

cntr). exampls of rsourcs includ

storag, procssing, mmory, ntwork

bandwidt, and virtual macins.

Rapid Elasticity. Capabilitis can b rapidly 

and lastically provisiond, in som

cass automatically, to quickly scal out,

and rapidly rlasd to quickly scal in.o t consumr, t capabilitis avail-

abl for provisioning oftn appar to b

unlimitd and can b purcasd in any 

quantity at any tim.

Measured Service. Cloud systms auto-

matically control and optimiz rsourc

us by lvraging a mtring capability 

at som lvl of abstraction appropriat

to t typ of srvic (.g., storag,

procssing, bandwidt, and activ usr

accounts). sourc usag can b moni-tord, controlld, and rportd providing

transparncy for bot t providr and

consumr of t utilizd srvic.

The Three Service Models

Cloud Infrastructure as a Service

(IaaS). capability providd to t

consumr is to provision procssing,

storag, ntworks, and otr fundamntal

computing rsourcs wr t consum

is abl to dploy and run arbitrary 

softwar, wic can includ oprating

systms and applications. consumdos not manag or control t undrly

ing cloud infrastructur but as control

ovr oprating systms, storag, dployd

applications, and possibly limitd contro

of slct ntworking componnts (.g.,

ost rwalls).

Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS). 

capability providd to t consumr

is to us t providr’s applications

running on a cloud infrastructur.

applications ar accssibl from variousclint dvics troug a tin clint intr-

fac suc as a wb browsr (.g., wb-

basd mail). consumr dos not

manag or control t undrlying cloud

infrastructur including ntwork, srvrs

oprating systms, storag, or vn

individual application capabilitis, wit

t possibl xcption of limitd usr-

spcic application conguration sttings

Cloud Computing Framewo

(INPUT, 200

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)  S    

P r  ov i   d  e s

  n t   e g r  a t  i   on


Software as a Service (SaaS)

Wb pplicationsMiddlwarSystm Softwar

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

pplication Dvlopmnt

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Computing 

Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS).

capability providd to t consumr

is to dploy onto t cloud infrastructur

consumr-cratd or acquird applications

cratd using programming languags

and tools supportd by t providr.

consumr dos not manag or

control t undrlying cloud infrastruc-

tur including ntwork, srvrs, oprat-ing systms, or storag, but as control

ovr t dployd applications and

possibly application osting nvironmnt


The Four Deployment Models

Private Cloud. cloud infrastructur

is opratd solly for an organization. t

may b managd by t organization or

a tird party and may xist on prmis

or off prmis.

Community Cloud. cloud infrastruc-

tur is sard by svral organizations

and supports a spcic community tat

as sard concrns (.g., mission,

scurity rquirmnts, policy, and compli-

anc considrations). t may b managd

by t organizations or a tird party and

may xist on prmis or off prmis.

Public Cloud. cloud infrastructur is

mad availabl to t gnral public or a

larg industry group and is ownd by an

organization slling cloud srvics.

Hybrid Cloud. cloud infrastructur

is a composition of two or mor clouds

(privat, community, or public) tat

rmain uniqu ntitis but ar bound

togtr by standardizd or propritary 

tcnology tat nabls data and appli-

cation portability (.g., cloud bursting for

load-balancing btwn clouds).

The Benefts o Cloud Computing

s cloud computing bgins to tak old,

svral major bnts av bcom vidnt:

Costs. cloud promiss to rduc

t cost of acquiring, dlivring, and

maintaining computing powr, a bnt

of particular importanc in tims of 

scal uncrtainty. By nabling agncisto purcas only t computing srvics

ndd, instad of invsting in com-

plx and xpnsiv infrastructurs,

agncis can driv down t costs of 

dvloping, tsting, and maintaining

nw and xisting systms.

Access. cloud promiss univrsal

accss to ig-powrd computing and

storag rsourcs for anyon wit a nt-

work accss dvic. By providing suc

capabilitis, cloud computing lps tofacilitat tlwork initiativs, as wll as

bolstr an agncy’s continuity of opra-

tions (CP) dmands.

Scalability and Capacity. cloud is

an always-on computing rsourc tat

nabls usrs to tailor consumption to

tir spcic nds. nnitly scalabl,

cloud computing allows infrastructurs

to b xpandd fcintly and xpdi-

ntly witout t ncssity of making

major capital invstmnts. Capacity can

b addd as rsourcs ar ndd and

compltd in a vry sort priod of tim.

us, agncis can avoid t latncy,

xpns, and risk of purcasing ard-

war and softwar tat taks up data

cntr spac -- and can rduc t

traditional tim rquird to scal up an

application in support of t mission.

Cloud computing allows agncis to

asily mov in t otr dirction as

wll, rmoving capacity, and tus xpnss,

as ndd.

Resource Maximization. Cloud comput-

ing ass t burdn on rsourcs

alrady strtcd tin, particularly 

important for agncis facing sortags

of qualid profssionals.


Collaboration. cloud prsnts an

nvironmnt wr usrs can dvlop

softwar-basd srvics tat nancscollaboration and fostrs gratr

information saring, not only witin t

agncy, but also among otr govrn-

mnt and privat ntitis.

Customization. Cloud computing offrs

a platform of trmndous potntial for

crating and amnding applications to

addrss a divrsity of tasks and cal-

lngs. ts inrnt agility mans tat

spcic procsss can b asily altrd

to mt sifting agncy nds, sinctos procsss ar typically cang-

abl by making a conguration cang,

and not by driving rdvlopmnt from

t back-nd systms (hyward and

ayport, 2009).

Issues and Risks

n of t ky issus in cloud comput-

ing is t mov towards a multi-sourcd

Motivators for Implementing a

Cloud Computing Solution:

• ncras capacity cost ffctivly 

• duc oprating costs

and ffort

• duc ardwar infrastructur


• ccss SaaS applications

• Fr up staff 


(P, 2009)

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Comput

nvironmnt, wr som srvics

ar providd in ous, som from otr

govrnmnt ntitis, and som from a

rang of infrastructur, application, and

procss supplirs in t form of privat,

public, community, or ybrid clouds.

ny prparation for suc transitioning

rquirs a toroug rviw of an agncy’s

stratgy in ligt of its mission nds.

Wic fundamntal capabilitis nd

to stay in ous as mission critical?

Wic ar bttr suitd for providrs

to dlivr, and wic lnd tmslvs

to t pay-pr-us cloud approac?

s considrations sould b mad

in conjunction wit t imprativ to

consolidat, simplify, and optimiz an

agncy’s nvironmnt, to rduc

oprational costs and fr up invstmnt

for otr mission-focusd initiativs.

mplmnting a cloud computing aaS

modl incurs diffrnt risks tan manag-ing a ddicatd agncy data cntr.

isks associatd wit t implmnta-

tion of suc a nw srvic dlivry modl

includ policy cangs, implmntation of 

dynamic applications, and scuring t

dynamic nvironmnt. Most oftn, t

mitigation plan for ts risks dpnds

on assssing t srvics ndd to

support nd usrs and ow ty will b

dlivrd, stablising proactiv program

managmnt, and implmnting industry 

bst practics and govrnmnt policisin t managmnt of tat program.

For cloud computing to b widly adoptd,

assurancs must b mad tat data

is not only always accssibl, but also

totally scur. gncis will undoubtdly 

nd to activly put in plac scurity 

masurs tat will allow dynamic

application us and information-saring

to b implmntd wit t igst

dgr of scurity. ndd, any signi-

cant data brac will xacrbat alrady 

xisting fars about wtr data is

indd saf in t cloud.

o nabl t cloud and fully raliz its

potntial, crtain fundamntal lmnts

must b addrssd. o bgin wit, t

cloud must function at lvls qual to

or bttr tan t currnt systms

– and must dlivr tangibl savings and

bnts, including raising nrgy fcincy 

and rducing nvironmntal impact. srs

must b assurd of nar-ubiquitous and

opn accss via t ntrnt, and b

abl to mov among t cloud platforms

as ndd – wit t usrs’ rigts to

t data clarly dnd and protctd.

bov all, as prviously statd, usr

data must b scur at all tims.

Cloud Computing Maturity Model

stablismnt of a cloud computing

maturity modl (CCMM) provids a fram-

work for succssful implmntation. GS

rcommnds a pasd approac to

t CCMM, ncompassing v ky 


• Consolidation

• Virtualization

• utomation

• tility 

• Cloud

Step 1: Consolidation

n agncy’s migration towards cloud

computing bgins wit t consolida-

tion of srvr, storag, and ntwork

rsourcs, wic works to rduc

rdundancy, dcras wastd spac,

and incras quipmnt usag, all

troug t masurd planning of bot

arcitctur and procss.

Consolidation is acivd primarily 

troug virtualization but can also b

approacd by t us of dnsr

computing ardwar or vn ig pr-

formanc computing. By boosting t

spd of critical procsss and nabling

gratr xibility, t consolidation of 

data cntrs and dsktops allows agn

cis to do mor wit fwr rsourcs –

a signicant concrn in today’s conom

nvironmnt. Morovr, t sift to a

unid fabric provids bot pysical and

virtual accss to t storag ara ntwor

(S), crating gratr fcincy and

cost savings by allowing mor storag

to b consolidatd in t S.

twork and application modrniza-

tion is also an important initial stp

in nabling t transition to a cloud

computing nvironmnt. viabl

altrnativ to rplacing infrastructur

componnts or rwriting critical applica

tions, modrnization promots com-munication btwn oldr systms and

nwr solutions, all wil prsrving t

valu in xisting systms. Frd from

t bonds of a mainfram nvironmnt

critical applications modrnizd troug

a srvic-orintd arcitctur provid

agncis wit t incrasd ability to

lvrag nwr tcnologis.

s for scurity concrns surrounding

cloud computing, modrnization actual

works to nanc t scurity of snsitivinformation stord on critical applica-

tions. Wn stablisd proprly, t

cloud platform provids scurity of all

data in motion, travling btwn t

cloud and t dsktop, and all data at

rst in cloud storag.

Step 2: Virtualization

Virtualization forms a solid foundation

for all cloud arcitcturs. t nabls

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Computing 

t abstraction and aggrgation of all

data cntr rsourcs, trby cratinga unid rsourc tat can b sard

by all application loads. hardwar suc

as srvrs, storag dvics, and otr

componnts ar tratd as a pool of 

rsourcs ratr tan a discrt sys-

tm, trby allowing t allocation of 

rsourcs on dmand. By dcoupling

t pysical infrastructur from t

applications and srvics bing ostd,

virtualization allows gratr fcincy 

and xibility, witout any ffct on

systm administration productivity ortools and procsss.

By sparating t workload from t

undrlying S and ardwar, virtualiza-

tion allows xtrm portability. Wn

xtndd to vry systm componnt,

dsktop, ntwork, storag, and srvrs

– it nabls t mobility of applications

and data, not only across srvrs and

storag arrays, but also across data

cntrs and ntworks. Morovr, troug

consolidation – on of t critical ap-plications of virtualization – agncis

can rgain control of tir distributd

rsourcs by crating sard pools of 

standardizd rsourcs tat nabl

cntralizd managmnt, spding up

srvic provisioning and rducing un-

plannd down tim. ltimatly, t rsult

is incrasd us of assts and simpli-

d lifcycl managmnt troug t

mobility of applications and data.

ltoug many agncis turn to virtual-ization to improv rsourc usag and

dcras bot capital and oprating costs,

t ultimat goal in cloud computing is t

us of t abstraction btwn applica-

tions and infrastructur to manag as a

Srvic (aaS) in a tru cloud nvironmnt.

Step 3: Automation

n tis stag, automation optimizs

an agncy’s virtualizd rsourcs.

roug a transformativ procdur, t

infrastructur is automatd, and critical procsss bcom mor dynamic

-- and gratr control is acivd by 

trustd policis. Wit automation, data

cntrs can systmatically rmov

manual labor rquirmnts for run-tim

oprations. mong t various forms

of automation in practic today, provi-

sioning automation is praps t bst

known and most oftn implmntd.

atr tan managing undrlying

infrastructur, agncis in pursuit of cloud computing nd to mov toward

managing srvic lvls basd on wat

is appropriat for t application usrs,

wtr it’s minimum tolrabl applica-

tion latncy or t availability lvl of 

an application – watvr ar dmd

critical factors. n tis rgard, automation

bcoms an ssntial lmnt.

Cloud Computing Maturity Model

Step 1Consolidation

Step 2Virtualization

Step 3Automation

Step 4Utility

Step 5Cloud

Consolidation& Modrnizationof sourcs

bstraction& sourc Pooling

daptiv, Scur,& patabl

Slf-Srvic & Mtring n-Dmand & Scalabl

Srvr Consolidation Srvr & StoragVirtualization

Policy-Basd Provisioning& Managmnt

Srvic Mtrics & Mtring aaS, SaaS, PaaS

ird StoragConsolidation

Dsktop Virtualization -Basd patablProcsss

Srvic vl grmnts(Ss)


Consolidation of tworkSrvics

Virtualizd tworkSrvics

Multi-ir Scurity ncidnt spons& udit

ntr-Cloud Fdration

Consolidation of Disparatpplications

pplication Virtualization Multi-ir Data covry Continuous vailability & Failovr

ntgration of Wb 2.0& Wb Portals

Key Enabling Capabilities

Consolidation Virtualization Srvic Managmnt D & CP Cloud ntrntworking

Modrnization in Clint Computing twork Scurity isk / Vulnrability  Managmnt


Powr & Cooling Grn Data Cntr Scurity Situational warnss Provisioning

hig PrformancComputing

Data Duplication nfrastructur Protction

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Comput

Wit cntralizd and slf-srvic for

nd usrs, automation lps agncis to

disntangl tmslvs from t burdn

of rptitiv managmnt procdurs,

all wil nabling nd usrs to quickly 

accss wat ty rquir. ltimatly,

automation can lp agncis to rduc

tir oprating xpnss by:

• allocating computing rsourcs


• establising run-tim rsponss to

capacity dmands

• utomating troubl-tickt rsponss

(or liminating troubl tickts for

most automatd rspons scnarios)

• ntgrating systm managmnt and


Step 4: Utility

n addition to automation, bot slf-

srvic and mtring -- fdback about

t cost of t rsourcs allocatd -- ar

ncssary rquirmnts in crating a

cloud srvic. Wit braktroug capa-bilitis for nd usrs and agncis, slf-

srvic and mtring facilitat not only 

bttr managmnt but t furtr

xtnsion of t usr xprinc.

n t cloud, tr is no intrmdiary 

btwn t usr of a rsourc and t

procsss for acquiring and allocating

rsourcs for critical mission nds

and initiativs. Sinc t usr initiats

t srvic rqusts, bcoms an on-

dmand srvic and t costs of oprationdrop signicantly, bcaus costs ar

incurrd only wn t srvic is usd

and fwr dollars ar spnt attnding to

t nds of t infrastructur.

essntial to administration is t

qustion of ow to maintain srvic

dlivry in a fully virtualizd, multi-tnancy 

nvironmnt wil at t sam tim

providing t igst lvls of scurity –

spcially for information and srvics

tat migt lav t data cntr. privat

cloud utility modl answrs t qustion,

by nabling agncis to rtain t data

witin tir ntwork scurity wil scaling

and xpanding as usr dmands cang,

pooling rsourcs in a singl oprating

systm or managmnt platform. s a

rsult, anywr from tns to tousands

of applications and srvics can b

supportd – and nw arcitcturs tat

targt larg-scal computing activitis

asily installd.

Step 5: Cloud

roug cloud intrntworking fdration,

disparat cloud systms can b linkd in

suc a way as to accommodat bot t

particular natur of cloud computing and

t running of workloads. is fdra-

tion allows t saring of a rang of

rsourcs and capabilitis – including

capacity, monitoring, and managmnt –

and t movmnt of application loadsbtwn clouds. Morovr, sinc fdra-

tion can occur across data cntr and

agncy boundaris, it nabls suc

procsss as unid mtring and billing

and on-stop slf-srvic provisioning.

Wit cloud computing, communication

incrass signicantly, as data saring

btwn prviously sparat systms is

fully nabld – and collaboration witin

and btwn govrnmnt agncis

grows xponntially. ltimatly, ratrtan ac agncy oprating in isolation,

constrictd by t boundaris of its own

data cntr, not only can srvics b

sard among groups, but also costs

can b sard and lssnd.

GTSI Delivers on Cloud Computing

Govrnmnt’s currnt mpasis on optimiz-

ing common srvics and solutions troug

a cloud computing platform is stting t

stag for tcnological innovation – and

giving t govrnmnt a lading rol in

t cloud’s widr adoption. vision of 

cloud computing could radically cang t

structur of ow govrnmnt ntitis dliv

srvics to tir constitunts, t data

ty mak availabl, and t tools ty us

to collaborat and solv problms.

GS closly follows t v-stp CCMM

dscribd arlir to nabl agncis to

migrat to a cloud nvironmnt. GS’s

cloud computing offring consists of

infrastructur and srvics tat bgin

wit infrastructur consolidation and

virtualization, tn span to building t

cloud infrastructur and providing scur

cloud osting and lifcycl managmn

srvics tat mt all fdral scurity 

rquirmnts. GS supports t cloud

infrastructur including t ntwork,

storag, computing, platforms, databas

and middlwar, and cloud applicationsscurly ostd and wrappd around

GS’s uniqu cnology ifcycl

Managmnt (M) mtodology.

M rprsnts a multi-pasd approac

tat ncompasss t planning, dsign

acquisition, implmntation, and manag

mnt of all lmnts comprising t

infrastructur. is modl nabls agnci

to bttr align tir mission objctivs

wit t tcnology, liminat t burd

and costs of asst ownrsip, andcrat a mor prdictabl srvic dlivry 

modl for its usrs – allowing agncis to

dlivr nfrastructur as a Srvic (aaS)

GS’s M framwork aligns wit t

GS Cloud Computing Maturity Modl

by dlivring:

• Multi-pasd approac covring all

infrastructur lmnts

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GTSI Solutions / White Paper / Cloud Computing 

• ong-trm stratgic mtodology for

acquiring, nancing, and managing

• lignmnt of tcnology and srvics

wit businss objctivs

• ransformation of into nfrastructuras a Srvic (aaS)

Supporting M is a rang of GS

srvic capabilitis, including nginring

srvics, intgration srvics, support

srvics, nancial srvics, program

managmnt, -Businss, projct manag-

mnt, ducation, and staff augmnta-

tion. GS’s nginring consulting staff 

offrs yars of industry xprinc in

dvloping and intgrating stat-of-t-art

infrastructur tcnology. GS’s sasondnginrs old undrds of industry crti-

cations, spcializations, and ig-lvl

scurity clarancs -- t rigt qualica-

tions ndd to plan, dsign, implmnt,

and oprat ssntial infrastructurs

for cloud computing. From initial sit

survys and cloud assssmnts to cloud

infrastructur dsign and implmnta-

tion, GS profssionals us a dnitiv

Srvic engagmnt Mtodology (SeM)

as t framwork for all solution dploy-

mnts, wic provids ssntial tools,

procsss, and procdurs for consistnt

quality dlivry.

GS’s cloud assssmnt srvics

bgin wit conducting a sit survy and

infrastructur radinss assssmnt

and dvloping a ig-lvl solution

arcitctur. n GS’s cloud dsign

srvics crat a cloud migration stratgy 

and cloud arcitctur. GS’s cloud

dploymnt srvics involv implmn-

tation and intgration srvics, as wll

as pr-production tsting and prfor-

manc tuning. Manwil, GS’s cloud

managmnt srvics offrs -basdcloud oprations, managmnt, and

support, as wll as staff augmntation.

Transorming Government

GS’s mtodology as bn applid

to a numbr of fdral, stat, and local

govrnmnt projcts rlatd to infra-

structur modrnization, consolidation,

virtualization, disastr rcovry, and staff 

augmntation – t building blocks to

cloud computing. Wtr it is srvr

and storag consolidation for h, tin

clint (disklss) computing for t

Dpartmnt of enrgy, srvr virtualiza-

tion for t DhS Customs and Bordr

Protction, or data cntr modrnization

for rmy GS, ts ssntial stps

toward t cloud av t potntial to

radically transform ow govrnmnt dos

businss, bot intrnally and xtrnally.


Wit its convnint, on-dmand modl

for ntwork accss to a sard pool

of congurabl computing rsourcs,

cloud computing is rapidly mrging

as a viabl altrnativ to traditional

approacs – and is carrying a ost of 

provn bnts to govrnmnt agncis.

Costs ar bing signicantly rducd,

along wit prsonnl tim spnt on

computing issus. Storag availability incrass, ig automation liminats

worris about kping applications up

to dat, and xibility and mobility ar

igtnd, allowing workrs to accss

information anytim, anywr.

Cloud computing can b rapidly provisiond

and rlasd wit minimal managmnt

ffort or srvic providr intraction.

ltimatly, wit its offring of scalabl,

ral-tim, intrnt-basd information

tcnology srvics and rsourcs, tcloud can satisfy t computing nds

of a univrs of usrs, witout t usrs

incurring t costs of maintaining t

undrlying infrastructur.


For mor information on GS and our

cloud computing offring, visit GS.com

or call us at 800.999.GS.

GTSI Cloud Computing Services

Assessment  • nfrastructur radinss assssmnt• Businss impact analysis of migration to cloud• hig-lvl solution arcitctur

Design • Cloud migration stratgy (consolidation, modrnization, virtualization,powr & cooling, scurity, complianc, S’s)

• Cloud arcitctur, dsign, and adoption roadmap

Deployment • mplmntation• ntgration• Pr-production tsting & prformanc tuning

Management • -basd govrnanc for cloud oprations, cloud managmnt,& support

• raining & knowldg transfr• Staff augmntation

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GS, U.S. Federal Cloud Computing Initiative

Overview Presentation,Scribd.com, 2009

hwltt Packard aboratoris, Taking 

 Account of Privacy when Designing Cloud

Computing Services, 2009

P, Fdral ndustry nsigts, Evolution of 

the Cloud: The Future of Cloud Computing in

Government, Marc 2009

ntl, Developing an Enterprise Cloud

Computing Strategy, 2009

ational nstitut for Standards and

cnology, Working Denition of Cloud

Computing, 2009

fc of Managmnt and Budgt, Optimizing 

Common Services and Solutions through a

Cloud Computing Platform, 2009

ayport, J. and hywad, ., Envisioning the

Cloud: The Next Computing Paradigm,2009

Sun Microsystms, Introduction to Cloud

Computing Architecture, 2009

nivrsity of Brkly, Above the Clouds:

 A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing, 2009

Vrsion n, Cloud Confusion amongst IT 

Professionals, 2009.

Supplemental Material 

ntl, Developing an Enterprise Cloud

Computing Strategy 

hwltt Packard aboratoris, Taking 

 Account of Privacy when Designing 

Cloud Computing Services

Mary Jonston urnr, Frank Gns, DC,

Cloud Computing Drives Breakthrough

Improvements in IT Service Delivery, Speed,

and Costs

tpp, NetApp Architectural Plans for 

Enabling a Dynamic Data Center for Today 

and In the Future

Sun Microsystms, Introduction to Cloud

Computing Architecture 

VMwar: Clearing the Fog for a Look into

the Clouds, Mark Bowkr, entrpris

Stratgy Group 

About the Authors 

Prem Jadhwani

Senior Solutions Architect, GTSI

Prm Jadwani as 12 yars of xprinc

working in t ntrpris spac wit

bot fdral and commrcial customrs.

Currntly at GS, Mr. Jadwani dns t

solutions, capabilitis, standard oprating

procdurs, and “go-to-markt” stratgy for

solutions involving ntworking, scurity, andmrging tcnologis. Mr. Jadwani olds

a MS dgr in computr scinc and a

MB dgr in markting and stratgy 

from t llinois nstitut of cnology in

Cicago. h as compltd is graduat

work towards a P.D. dgr in nformation

Scurity at Gorg Mason nivrsity in

Virginia and olds a numbr of profssional

crtications including CSSP, CSSP , CSM,

and GSC.

John MacKinnon

Strategic Account Manager, GTSI

Jon MacKinnon is rsponsibl for acquiring

long-trm, multi-yar programs at fdral

civilian agncis. s t sals lad on GS’s

Cloud Computing ask Forc, rcntly 

caird t C nfrastructur as a Srvic

Committ and srvs as a mmbr of t

cmrica Cloud Computing Sub-Committ

Prior to GS, Jon was wit SVVS Fdral

Systms providing osting and data cntr

srvics succssfully to tn agncis, as wl

as tlcom CeC lignt. Jon olds a BS

dgr from Vandrbilt nivrsity, and a

JD from Wasington nivrsity. his crtica

tions includ Crtid gistrd Sals

Profssional from t nitd Sals Profs-

sionals ssociation, as wll as CMM vl

3 for Businss Dvlopmnt.

Mohamed Elrefai

Vice President, Enterprise Solutions Group, GTS

Moamd erfai as ovr 15 yars of 

managrial xprinc in sals and infor-mation tcnology. Currntly at GS is

rsponsibl for working wit customrs an

partnrs, as wll as across t company,

to dvlop and support GS nfrastructur

Solutions and Capabilitis. Mr. elrfai as

ovrall rsponsibility for pr-sals nginring

solutions and capabilitis dvlopmnt,

and partnr managmnt. s tams

dvlop t solutions capabilitis, pairing

t rigt nginring wit t bst partnrs

to support tm. Prior to GS, Mr. elrfai

srvd as Vic Prsidnt of CorporatSals at arning r ntrnational. Mr. elrfa

olds an MS in nformation Systms from

mrican nivrsity and a BS in elctrical

enginring from Virginia Polytcnic nstitut

and Stat nivrsity in Blacksburg.

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About GTSI

GTSI Corp. is the rst information technology solutions provider offering a Technology Lifecycle Management (TLM) approach to IT infrastructure solutions delivered through industry-leading professional and

nancial services. GTSI employs a proactive, strategic methodology that streamlines technology lifecycle management, from initial assessment to acquisition, implementation, refresh, and disposal. TLM allows

government agencies to implement solutions of national and local signicance quickly and cost-effectively. GTSI’s certied engineers and project managers leverage strategic partnerships with technology innovators.

 These experts use proven, repeatable processes to design, deploy, manage, and support simple to complex solutions, to meet governments’ current and future requirements and business objectives. GTSI is

headquartered in Northern Virginia, outside of Washington, D.C.

2553 Dulles View Drive, Suite 100, Herndon, VA 20171-5219 • 800.999.GTSI • GTSI.com

©2009 GTSI Corp. All rights reserved. GTSI and GTSI.com are registered trademarks of GTSI Corp. in the United States and other countries. (CloudWP-8761-C-09, OCTOBER 2009)