3 body odour cleanse

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  • 8/10/2019 3 Body Odour Cleanse



    Body Odour CleanseBody odour is a major concern for most people today.

    It is unpleasant, embarrassing and reduces our social

    confidence. A person who has body odour cannot help

    but be preoccupied with a nagging doubt whenever he

    or she is in the company of others.

    Causes of Body Odour

    The eccrine glands, also known as sweet glands, are

    located on almost every part of the body, produce

    body cooling sweat that's mostly water. It is nature's

    little air conditioning system. The number of sweat

    glands in a person's body can vary from around 2 million to more than 4 million.

    The apocrine glands, which are located in the armpits and in the groin (among other

    areas), produce sweat that performs a number of functions, one of which is to work

    as a kind of waste removal system that offloads microscopic bits of fat and other


    Problems Associated with Body Odour

    The bacteria break down sweat into aromatic fatty acids, which produce the

    unpleasant odour. Medical conditions, such as thyroid disease and carcinoid

    syndrome, can cause excessive sweating, as can the side-effects of some

    medicines, e.g.anti-depressants.

  • 8/10/2019 3 Body Odour Cleanse



    Treatments to Eliminate Body Odour

    Many products, concoctions and remedies are offered in the market to try and solve

    this problem. Some simply mask the odour. Others, such as antiperspirants try to get

    at the cause of the problem, by blocking the skin pores that give off sweat. This

    stops the odour and makes you feel dry. However this method defeats your bodyscooling and toxin removal mechanism. Worse, this may even lead to bigger

    problems if you are a regular user. Most, if not all these products gradually form a

    thin film of goo in your armpits which may cause some discomfort or even allergies.

    The body odour can be tackled by:

    Reducing the amount of sweat

    Treating thebacteria that produce the odour.

    Through cleansing therapies, your body can be cleansed internally as well as

    externally- through bathing and washing the body as well as through balanced dietand opting for a healthy lifestyle.

    1. Drink Plenty of Water.

    Water is a good cleansing agent; it helps to flush out unwanted poisons from our

    bodies and keeps body temperatures down to manageable levels. Start your day

    with a glass or two of fresh clean water (this also helps to stimulate bowel

    movement). Strive to drink the usual norm of twelve glasses a day.

    2. Bathe daily

    It is very important to bathe on a daily basis and in the warm, dusty and humid

    conditions of India; it is advisable to take a shower before going to bed. Use a

    mild soap for bathing. Unscented homeopathic soaps are the best. Avoid using

    deodorant soaps, since they are not only harsh to the skin but they also

    encourage the growth of resistant bacteria. Use a loofah sponge to thoroughly

    scrub bacteria away from your body.

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    3. Clothes

    Change into a clean set of clothes after bathing. Wear natural fabrics, such as

    cotton, which are absorbent and allow the sweat to be drawn away from your skin

    and allow your skin to breathe. Wear cotton clothes and no undergarments,

    particularly while sleeping. This particularly improves the quality of sleep.

    4. Examine Your Diet

    There are some foods that can contribute to body

    odours. Strive for a diet that is more alkaline than

    acidic. Reduce meats, fats, alcohol, spices, sugar

    intake and eat more fibre rich foods, especially

    fruits and vegetables. Cut down on dairy

    products, processed foods, eggs, chocolate,

    sugar, coffee and black tea. Hot foods like red

    peppers can make you moist. Some food experts

    speculate that the cuisines of warm weather countries rely heavily on hot

    seasonings for that very reason -- it's the natural air conditioning effect again. It

    makes people feel cooler when temperatures soar. Avoid garlic and onions. The

    sulphur compounds in garlic and onions can make your sweat more aromatic

    than it would be otherwise, especially if you consume them in large quantities.

    The same goes for pungent spices. Scientific research has shown that some

    people cannot detect certain molecules. However, the olfactory cells of all people

    are similar and it is the level of activity of these cells that convey any sense of

    variation. Their nostrils may be able to register the smell of garlic or curry but notthe smell emanating from their armpits.

    5. Practice Daily Elimination

    Daily elimination helps your body to remove harmful waste substances that will

    make you sick and cause undesirable body odour.

    6. Use Natural Deodorants

    a) Baking soda: Baking soda is an effective, natural and economical deodorant.

    Rub a good amount in your armpits after you towel yourself dry. If you want to

    add some scent, mix some baby powder. If you want to feel extra dry, you canalso add some corn starch.

    b) Tomato juice: Drinking tomato juice is an effective cure for excessive

    sweating. Drinking a glass of tomato juice daily early in the morning for one

    week should yield results. After the first week is over, continue drinking the

    tomato juice every other day and then only as needed.

    c) Potato: Slice a potato and clean your armpits using it. After drying your

    underarms, apply talcum powder on them.

    d) Lemon juice: Apply lemon juice on your underarms after you get out of theshower.

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    e) Apple cider vinegar: Apple Cider Vinegar can be applied directly onto the

    armpits to prevent excessive sweating. Also, take 2 teaspoons of vinegar and

    2 teaspoons of honey on an empty stomach 3 times a day till the foul body

    odour disappears.

    7. Practice Good Anger Management

    Anger, anxiety and excitement increase sweat

    production. Consider learning and practicing

    techniques like meditation and visualization that

    can help you keep your cool under stressful

    circumstances. This will help control your body's

    sweat response using natural techniques.

    8. Manage Your Wardrobe

    Oldsweat is smelly sweat and nothing beats the stench of a day old T-shirt.The same goes for a suit coat with underarm stains. Get a fresh start every

    day by taking a shower and making sure your clothes are as clean as you are.

    While you're reviewing your wardrobe and stocking up on antibacterial aids,

    don't forget to pay attention to yourfeet.Keeping your feet locked in a pair of

    shoes and socks all day is providing the perfect incubator for bacteria that

    likes moist, dark places. It is no wonder that the stench emanating from your

    athletic socks can make everyone within a radius of 10 feet hold their noses.

    To kill foot bacteria, soak your feet in salt water. Try a cup of salt for every

    quart of water and don't rinse the salt off. Let it dry in place.

    9. Quit Smoking

    Smoking can do more than ruin your health,

    rot your teeth and make you look a lot older

    than you actually are. Smoking can also

    make you smell bad. When you inhale,

    smoke enters your lungs and works its way

    through your system. Tobacco smoke

    contains over 7,000 chemicals and

    chemical compounds. Some are destroyingyour insides, while others are eventually expelled through your skin. When

    you quit smoking, your body smells better -- and you'll probably live longer,


    Medical management of sweating

    You can get an antibacterial and antiseptic solution called chlorhexidine 0.05 per

    cent solution from pharmacies. Applied daily, it significantly reduces the number of

    bacteria, although it has no effect on sweating itself.

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    Another remedy you can get without a prescription is 20 per cent aluminium chloride


    You apply to it your armpits, feet etc. before you go to bed each night. This is

    because sweating stops when you sleep, so the solution will be more


    The liquid gets into the openings of the sweat glands causing them to swell up

    and block.

    You wash it off in the morning and don't reapply until the next bedtime.

    Never apply the solution after shaving because it will irritate the skin.

    You use the product every night to start with and then reduce it as you stop

    sweating to every other night or once or twice a week.

    Surgical management of sweating

    There are a couple of surgical options for severe sweating (hyperhidrosis) which

    can't be controlled medically. Beware of the after-effects of surgery before deciding

    upon it.

    a) Liposuction and removal of the skin of the armpit

    One is to remove a triangular area of skin in the apex of the armpit under local

    anaesthetic. A small piece measuring 4 cm by 1.5 cm is cut out, destroying the

    most troublesome sweat glands.

    A modern variation on this procedure is liposuction to suck out the sweat glands

    from the deeper layers of skin.

    b) Trans-thoracic SympathectomyThis surgery is done under general anaesthetic and uses keyhole surgery to

    destroy the nerves that control sweating.

    The surgeon makes an incision in your armpit and passes a fine needle under the

    second, third and fourth ribs on each side. An electrical current then kills off the


    The success rate is about 40 per cent but because the body still has to sweat,

    some people experience increased sweating from their chest, abdomen and back

    after the operation. This surgery cannot be reversed.

    c) Botox

    Botulinum toxin is an alternative to surgery. Botox is only licensed as a treatment

    for excessive sweating from the armpit (axillary hyperhidrosis), so it can't be used

    for sweaty hands and feet.

    A small amount of the toxin is injected into multiple sites in the skin at the apex of

    the armpit. Although the results only last between four and nine months, it's an

    effective and safe treatment.