#3 board governance basics ppt - kentucky nonprofit … basics.pdfcontributions to the work of the...

8/23/2010 1 Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky. Welcome! Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky. Webinar Housekeeping Telephone All lines will be muted during the webinar ReadyTalk Technical Support : 1.800.843.9166 Web Conferencing Raise your hand Submit questions via the send button Full Screen Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky. Strengthening Kentucky Communities Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Strengthening Communities Fund

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Webinar Housekeeping


• All lines will be muted during the webinar

• ReadyTalk Technical Support : 1.800.843.9166

Web Conferencing

• Raise your hand

• Submit questions via the send button

• Full Screen

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Strengthening Kentucky Communities

•Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human

Services, Administration for Children and Families

•American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Strengthening Communities Fund



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Strengthening Kentucky Communities

•Strengthening Communities Fund Focus: Build the capacity of

nonprofits to address the broad economic recovery issues

present in their communities , including helping low-income


osecure and retain employment,

oearn higher wages,

oobtain better-quality jobs,

ogain greater access to state and Federal benefits and tax

credits, including Recovery Act benefits.

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

What Is the KY Nonprofit Leadership Initiative?

• Mission: Serve, Strengthen and Support Kentucky Nonprofits o Education & Workshops

o Networking Opportunities

o Technical Assistance & Consulting

o Information & Resource Sharing

• Outreach program of the UK College of Agriculture, Department of Community & Leadership Development, founded in 2002

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Governance Basics

Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Danielle Clore, MPADirector

Kentucky Nonprofit Leadership Initiative

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.


1. Overview of Nonprofit Board Service

2. The Board’s Legal Responsibilities

3. The Board’s Role

4. Board and Staff Partnership

5. Committees and their Purpose

6. Recruiting Board Members

7. Final Tips

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Overview of Nonprofit

Board Service



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

What is governance?

• Nonprofit organizations are governed by a

volunteer board of directors

• Governance means to steer, set direction

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Do People Join Boards?

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board’s Legal




Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

• Boards = Legal Guardians of the Organization

• Granted the AUTHORITY to make decisions on behalf

of the organization

• Must be ACCOUNTABLE for organizational


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

According to Nonprofit Corporate Law

• Duty of Care: using your best judgment

• How?

– Ask questions

– Attend meetings

– Read materials as requested

– Keep up to date on organization’s activities

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

According to Nonprofit Corporate Law

• Duty of Loyalty: putting personal/professional interests aside

• How?

– Approve board conflict of interest policy

– Require that board members sign a conflict of interest disclosure statement annually



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

According to Nonprofit Corporate Law

• Duty of Obedience: being true to the organization’s mission

• How?

– Ensure that funds are used for what donors intend

– Ensure that the organization is following the law and complying with regulations

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

According to Nonprofit Corporate Law

• Duty of Transparency: being open and making certain information available to the public

• How?

- Annual Reports- IRS Form 990

- Annual Audit

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

• Kentucky Statutory Standards of Conduct for

Officers and Directors

� in good faith

� on an informed basis

� in the best interests of the organization

� "ordinary prudent person" standard

� reliance on committees and experts

� what happens if the standards are not met?(KRS 273.215 and 273.229)



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Nonprofits and Sarbanes-Oxley

• Legislation passed in 2002 in response to a large number of for-profit scandals involving Enron, Arthur

Anderson, and others. Extreme fraud, conflicts of interest on boards, unethical executive compensation practices, and improper auditing led

to the failure of these companies.

• In response, Sarbanes-Oxley set in place a number of required processes for publicly held corporations.

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Nonprofits and Sarbanes-Oxley

• Only two aspects of Sarbanes-Oxley are applicable to nonprofits:

� Strengthened whistleblower protection

� Retention of documents related to lawsuits

The new Form 990 also asks whether you have policies related

to these two areas, making it more important to get them


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

• Protecting Your Organization

• Directors and Officers Insurance

• Financial Audit

• Conflict of Interest Policy

& Annual Disclosure

• Legal Audit



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board’s Role

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

What Do Nonprofit Boards Do?Flickr photo: *Thierry*

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles of the Board

1.Articulate the Mission & Set Organizational Direction



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles of the Board

2.Provide Oversight

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles of the Board

3.Ensure Necessary Resources

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Individual Board Member Responsibilities: Participate in Fundraising Activities


• Links to funders

• Those closest to the organization should give first

• Collectively, the board can cast a wide net to find new

donorsFlickr photo: kwilliams



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Board Roles and Responsibilities

Board Participation in Fundraising Activities

• Make a personal, meaningful financial contribution

• Provide names of potential funders

• Visit potential funders

• Write thank-you notes

• Attend fundraising events

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Best Practices for Board Giving

• All members of the board make an annual contribution to the organization that is meaningful for them

• The organization is one of their giving priorities

• Develop a policy that spells out the expectations and share this requirement up-front in all recruiting efforts.

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Individual Board Member Responsibilities

• Attend board and committee meetings and functions

• Be informed about the organization’s mission, services,

policies & programs

• Review agenda, financial statements and other materials

before board and committee meetings

• Serve on committees and take on special assignments

when needed



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Individual Board Member Responsibilities

• Make a personal annual financial contribution to the organization

• Inform others about the organization

• Suggest possible nominees to the board who can make contributions to the work of the board and the organization

• Follow confidentiality and conflict of interest policies

• Allow staff to do their jobs – support, but don’t micromanage

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• Where do our revenues come from?

• What is our cash flow?

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• What could really hurt – or kill – our

organization in the next few years?

• How are we doing relative to other

organizations similar to ours?



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• If our chief executive were hit by a bus or

won the lottery tomorrow, who could run the organization?

• How are we going to improve, grow and

move forward?Flickr photo: Maddestmouse

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• Are we living within our means?

• How much does our staff (and others) get paid?

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• How does bad news get to the top?

• What are our internal controls?Flickr photo: Tampen



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

12 Questions a Board Should Ask & Understand

• Do we understand what our auditors are

telling us?

• Do I really understand the answers to

questions 1-11?

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board and Staff


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Effective Board/Staff Partnership

• Requirements for Effectiveness:

� Clarity of roles

� Appropriate division of responsibilities

� Attention to the working relationships



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Effective Board/Staff Partnership

• Organizational health depends

on the effectiveness of this


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Effective Board/Staff Partnership

� Requires regular and open communication

� Benefits from regular and systematic feedback and assessment

� May need redefinition as organization continues to grow and change

Flickr photo: flowercat

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board/Staff Partnership Clarified

The Board is authorized by the state of

Kentucky and the organization’s donors to govern the life of the organization

� Establish mission, ensure necessary resources and develop guiding principles

� Retain ultimate responsibility and power

� Is accountable to the public trust and the organization’s constituents



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board/Staff Partnership Clarified

The Executive is authorized by the board

of directors to manage the daily affairs of the organization

� Supports the board with strategic information, ideas and connections

� Manages the affairs of the organization through appropriate planning and implements programs as outlined by the mission

� Retains operational responsibility and power

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Example: Board Takes the Lead

• Articulates the guiding values through policies that put the mission into action

• Hires, supports & evaluates the chief executive

• Monitors fiscal management, approves budget & hires annual auditor

• Selects, recruits & orients new board members• Opens doors for fundraising

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Example: Chief Executive Takes the Lead

� Develops and proposes policy questions

for the board’s consideration

� Hires, supervises and motivates staff

� Develops and implements programs



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Example: Shared Lead

• Develop a strategic plan

• Create a fundraising plan and strategies

• Initiate and implement periodic organizational evaluations

• Prepare for board meetings

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Committees and their


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why have board committees?

•Board committees, when used effectively,

distribute and expedite the work of the board.

•Effective committees free the board agenda from

routine tasks and discussion to allow focus on major

policies, issues and programs.



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

•Regularly assess the need and value of standing

committees and disband ad hoc committees when

their objectives have been achieved.

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

•Inviting non-board

members to serve on

committees can be a great

way to expand the expertise

on a committee and “test”

out potential board


Flickr photo: Shannon Taylor

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

•Advisory groups can also be established to

provide technical expertise or assist with

fundraising. Typically, are not board members.



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Recruiting Board Members

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Remember: Why Do People Join Boards?

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

• What Do We Need?

• Skills

• Expertise

• Diversity



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

The Board Building Cycle

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Materials to Share with Prospective Board Members

� Organization’s info (brochures, etc.)

� Board and committee rosters

� Brief written history of the organization

� Calendar of upcoming board and

committee meetings

� Organization’s expectations of board

members (job description, board member

agreement, etc.)

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Orienting the BoardOrient to the Organization:

� Program Information

� Financial Information

� History of the Organization

� Strategic Direction

� Organizational Structure

Orient to Board Service:

� Roles and Responsibilities

� Board Operations

� Board Members

Assess Skills Needed



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Final Tips

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.


Reasons That Boards Do Not Engage

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→The board is too large – not enough work

for members to do



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→The board is too small – members feel

overwhelmed or suffer from limited


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→The executive committee is too active –

meets too often and the rest of the board

feels useless

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→Members receive insufficient or

ineffective orientation



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→Agendas are weak – lack substance

and relevant discussion

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→Members do not feel their skills are

being used

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→There is little or no opportunity for

discussion at meetings – members are bored or frustrated



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

→The board lacks social glue – members

have little in common except board


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Keep the Board Fresh

• Use staggered term limits

� Refreshes the board

� Encourages diversity

� Rotates off those members who are ineffective, burnt out or troublesome

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Keep the Board Fresh

• Evaluate

� Board meetings

� Board effectiveness



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Shake Things Up

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

• Use nameplates and change where board members sit

• Restructure the agenda

• Meet in a different location

• Give everyone an index card at the end of the meeting and ask “How could this meeting have been better?”

• Have lunch before a board meeting to build social glue

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Additional Resources

• BoardSourcewww.boardsource.org

• Independent Sectorwww.independentsector.org

• Nonprofit Risk Management Centerwww.nonprofitrisk.org

• Crit Luallen’s Recommendations for Public and Nonprofit Boardswww.auditor.ky.gov



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

How? Your Action Items:• Appoint a board governance committee focused on building a strong board

• Be strategic in recruiting new board members – avoid warm body recruiting

• Be up front with potential board members about membership expectations

• Create an annual board orientation program for all new members & invite all

members to join you for a refresher

• Build in board member education to each & every meeting agenda

• Staff & Board Presidents: treat board members well – they are volunteers,

recognize success and good work

• Board members: Hold one another accountable

• Board members: If you have questions, ASK

• Staff: Welcome questions & respect the board’s right to discuss issues

without you

• Join the NLI’s Nonprofit Network and other organizations

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

What Else is Available through the Strengthening Kentucky

Communities Program?



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

•Collaboration: Working Together for Greater


Wednesday, September 8, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

•Nonprofit Risk Management Basics

Wednesday, September 22, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

•Generating & Diversifying Revenue

Wednesday, October 27, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

•Human Resources Management

Thursday, November 4, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

•Basic Bookkeeping

Thursday, November 18, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

•Successful Marketing & Public Relations


Thursday, December 16, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

• The 3 R’s of Volunteer Management

Friday, January 14, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

• Program Evaluation Basics

Wednesday, January 26, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.

• Technology & Data Management

Wednesday, February 16, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Register online: www.kynonprofits.org

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

• Customized, technical assistance to select nonprofit organizations focusing on economic recovery activities

• Capacity building clinics will be held for approximately 20 nonprofit organizations

• 1 ½ day meetings held in spring & summer 2011

• Application process

• Participation includes involvement of staff and board and will include a pre and post organizational assessment

Technical Assistance

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Are There Other NLI Resources to Assist Our Nonprofit?

Kentucky Nonprofit Network



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Save time and money

owith discounts on services and products designed

to make running your organization easier

o job postings with the NLI Career Center

o e-communications services

oNLI annual Forum

o regular schedule of educational events

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Save time and money

o FREE board training

o 15% discount on NLI events, including the Annual


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Save time and money



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Strengthen your organization

o Training and education

• board

• staff

• other volunteers

oConsulting services

oYour membership provides you access to

the answers you need!

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

• Better Boards through Assessment

Thursday, September 2, 2010

• Nonprofits & Lobbying: Yes You Can! Sponsored by Strategic Funding Group

Thursday, September 23, 2010

• How to Captivate and Engage Your Constituents with Your Website WEBINAR

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

• Getting to Yes – Increasing Sponsorship Revenue for Any-Sized Nonprofit



Upcoming NLI Events

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

• 2010 Kentucky Nonprofit Leadership Forum

o Wednesday, October 13 – Thursday, October 14

o Lexington Convention Center

o 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m.

o SAVE! Early registration deadline – September 20


Upcoming NLI Events



Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Connect

oother nonprofit leaders

• for networking and collaboration

ovendors who want to make achieving your

mission easier

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Advocate

o For your nonprofit

o For a stronger, more unified nonprofit voice in


o Annual Kentucky Nonprofit Day at The Capitol

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Why Join the Nonprofit Network?

• Membership is on a sliding fee scale

• www.kynonprofits.org

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Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.


Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

A Small, but Important Favor:

Please Evaluate Today’s Webinar

• Only 7 Questions

• Less than 5 minutes

• Required by our funder

• Is one of the reasons nonprofits THRIVE –

helps us better address future training and

consulting needs

Strengthening Nonprofits. Strengthening Kentucky.

Contact Us

• For information

• To join the Nonprofit Network

• For links and codes for Member Discounts

Kentucky Nonprofit Leadership Initiative

300 Garrigus Building

Lexington, KY 40546


[email protected]
