3. barangay profile

CDD-100: Form Barangay Profile Form BASIC INFORMATION Region IV Province Aklan Municipality Nabas Barangay No. of Sitios/Puroks Inclusive Years under KC Population Profile 1. Total number of households 2. Total number of families 3. No. of male 4. No. of female 5. No. of male children ages 0-5 years old 6. No. of female children ages 0-5 years old 7. No. of male elementary school aged children (children 6-12 years old) 8. No. of female elementary school aged children (children 6-12 years old) 9. No. of male secondary school aged children (children 13-16 years old) 10. No. of female secondary school aged children (children 13-16 years old) 11. Total male voting population 12. Total female voting population 13. Total male labor force

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Post on 06-Sep-2015




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CDD-100: FormBarangay Profile FormBASIC INFORMATIONRegionIV




No. of Sitios/Puroks

Inclusive Years under KC

Population Profile

1. Total number of households

2. Total number of families

3. No. of male

4. No. of female

5. No. of male children ages 0-5 years old

6. No. of female children ages 0-5 years old

7. No. of male elementary school aged children (children 6-12 years old)

8. No. of female elementary school aged children (children 6-12 years old)

9. No. of male secondary school aged children (children 13-16 years old)

10. No. of female secondary school aged children (children 13-16 years old)

11. Total male voting population

12. Total female voting population

13. Total male labor force

14. Total female labor force

Indigenous PeopleAre there indigenous people (IP) in your barangay? _______IP groupLocation/ SitioTotal householdsTotal familiesTotal maleTotal female


Conflict-affected / PantawidPamilya and SLP BeneficiariesIs the barangay affected by armed conflict? _______If yes, please give additional details of the armed conflict in the area _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

No. of PantawidPamilya household beneficiaries in the barangay ___________No. of PantawidPamilya family beneficiaries in the barangay ____________No. of SLP household beneficiaries in the barangay ____________No. of SLP family beneficiaries in the barangay ____________

AREA PROFILEIs this a Poblacion Barangay? _________If not, how many hours does it take to travel to Poblacion? _____________No. of kilometers from the Poblacion ________________What is the geographic characteristic of the Barangay? (i.e upland, lowland, island, coastal)? ___________Is the barangay isolated from the rest of the municipality? ______________

Environmentally critical areasName of LocationDescription (e.g. prone to landslide)

EMPOWERMENT What organizations operate within the barangay? (Use another sheet for more organizations)Organization 1Organization 2


Type of Organization (ex. PO, NGO, Private institution-csr)

Formal? (Registered, answer yes or no)

LGU-accredited? (Yes or No)

Advocacy (Savings, religious, farmers, fisherfolk, women, etc.)

Area of operation (ex. nationwide, municipal, diff. brgys., etc.)

Years operating in brgy

Active or inactive organization?

Activities (Identify major activities)

Total male members from brgy

Total female members from brgy

Male IP members from brgy

Female IP members from brgy

Marginalized sectors represented


BLGU Officials ProfileNameSexAgeCivil StatusIP GroupEducational AttainmentPosition in Brgy. CouncilInclusive Date (Start and End Date)Name of Non-KC OrganizationName of KC-NCDDP Committee

* To be updated once the Project starts

Barangay Development Council Profile (Identify only those not listed in BLGU Officials Profile)NameSexAgeCivil StatusIP GroupEducational AttainmentPosition in Brgy. CouncilInclusive Date (Start and End Date)Name of Non-KC OrganizationSector RepresentedName of KC-NCDDP Committee

* To be updated once the Project startsDuring the past year, how many times were the BAs conducted?Twice a year

On the average, how many barangay households are present during the meetings?

How many male residents were present?

How many female residents were present?

How many IP households were present?None

What other sectors were present?

During the past year, how many times did the BDC meet?

How many, on the average, attend the BDC meetings? (refer to attendance sheet)

Male BLGU Officials

Female BLGU Officials

Male PO/CBO representatives

Female PO/CBO representatives

What is the total annual budget of the barangay? How much was the IRA the past year? What are other sources of funds of the barangay? Source of FundsAmount


Other Sources:


How were the barangay funds allocated in the previous year? (Refer to Barangay Annual Investment Plan)CategoryAmount


Economic Sector


Social development

Institutional Sector

Gender and Development


Other allocation

How was the 5% GAD fund utilized by the barangay?


Over the past year, what development project/s has/have been implemented in your barangay?

ProjectLocationScope (Coverage, Unit, Physical Target)Cost of ProjectSource of FundsCost Sharing (%)Beneficiaries


Types of Source of FundsBarangay Fund Municipal FundProvincial FundNational government agencies (e.g. DSWD, DA, etc.) ODA ( Foreign-assisted projects)Others Examples of Development ProjectsRoadsWater SupplyToiletLivelihoodEducationElectrificationHealth and NutritionOthers

POVERTYIdentify top three economic activities in the barangay1. ____________________________________2. ____________________________________3. ____________________________________

Identify major crops in the barangay1. ____________________________________2. ____________________________________3. ____________________________________

What is the average annual household income in the barangay? ______________What is the average annual income for males?______________What is the average annual income for females? ______________What is the average annual income for IPs? ______________

What types of road traverse through the barangay? Types of Road%




Cemented/All Weather Road

What are the modes of transportation available? 1. ____________________________________2. ____________________________________3. ____________________________________

Which of the following establishments and services are available in the barangay? If not available, how far is your barangay to the nearest establishment/service provider? (if the listed services and establishments are not applicable or no use to your barangay, write n/a)Facilities/Establishments/ServicesPlease check if availableIf none, distance to nearest facility (hours)Mode of Transport and cost

Barangay hall

Multi-purpose building

Tribal hall

Evacuation center

Market place/bagsakan center


Mini port

Daycare center

Elementary School

Secondary School

College or university

Health station



Pre/Post Harvest Facilities

Water supply system

Drainage System

Waste facility



Telecommunication Access


Credit facility


Emergency services

Capability/skills training


Organizational development

Agriculture and enterprise


What are the main problems in the barangay? Identify.Problem DetailsAre these problems being addressed properly?Remarks

Access/ Mobility

Water and Sanitation

Health and Nutrition


Employment/Income Generation

Land Ownership/Asset Distribution

Agricultural Service Facilities (i.e. post-harvest)

Peace and Order


Power Supply


Others, specify

Poverty ProfileIndicatorsValueReference


1. Proportion of children aged 0-5 years old who died:

a) Number of children aged 0-5 years old who died

b) Total children aged 0 -5 years old

2. Proportion of women who died due to pregnancy-related causes

a) Number of pregnant women who died due to pregnancy-related causes

b) Total pregnant women


3. Proportion of children aged 0-5 years old who are malnourished

a) Number of children aged 0-5 years old who are malnourished

b) Total children aged 0-5 years old

Access to Basic Amenities

4. Proportion of households with access to safe water

a) Number of households with access to potable water (within 250m)

b) Total number of households

5. Proportion of households with access to sanitary toilet facilities

a) Number of households with access to sanitary toilet facilities

b) Total number of households


6. Proportion of households who are squatting

a) Number of households who are squatting

b) Total number of households

7. Proportion of households living in makeshift housing

a) Number of households living in makeshift housing

b) Total number of households

Peace and Order

8. Proportion of households with members victimized by crimes

a) Number of households with members victimized by crimes

b) Total number of households


9. Proportion of households with income less than the poverty threshold

a) Number of households with income less than the poverty threshold

b) Total number of households

10. Proportion of households with income less than the food threshold

a) Number of households with income less than the food threshold

b) Total number of households

11. Proportion of households who eat less than three (3) meals a day

a) Number of households who eat less than three (3) meals a day

b) Total number of households

Basic Education

12. Proportion of 6-12 years old children who are not in elementary school

a) Number of children 6-12 years old who are not in elementary school

b) Total number of children 6-12 years old

13. Proportion of 13-16 years old children who are not in secondary school

a) Number of children 13-16 years old who are not in secondary school

b) Total number of children 13-16 years old


14. Proportion of the members of the labor force who are not working

a) Number of labor force who are not working

b) Total number of labor force

Area Coordinator:____________________________Community Empowerment Facilitator:____________________________