3 advices by sheikh saleh al maghamsi

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  • 8/2/2019 3 Advices by Sheikh Saleh Al Maghamsi


    Sheikh says...

    I will give 3 long lasting advices, we hope that Allah writes for us all salvation

    through them.If your mother is alive and present devote everything you can tomake her happy.By Allah, from the most honourable ways of attaining closenessto Allah and the greatest gain of success, is making your parentshappy, especially your mother.For if your intention is to seek the face of Allah, then you will achieve

    the face of Allah and Allah has advised you to do this.Hence, bringing happiness to the mother is one of the greatest reasons to gaining successfrom Allah and one of the things that will help you, by the Mercy of Allah,in your strengthness....such things that bring her happiness; a phone call that will bring her joy,choose times that you know she would love to hear your voice.

    A man came to Hadhrat Ibn Abbas and informed him that he

    had killed a person. He said, O Cousin of the Messenger of

    Allah, can I repent?

    Hadhrat Ibn Abbas replied, Is your mother alive? He said. No. Hadhrat Ibn

    Abbas said, O son of my brother, increase in asking forgiveness and in doing

    good deeds.

    So when he left Ata Ibn Yassir (his student) asked

    him, O cousin of the Messenger of Allah, I saw that

    you asked him about his mother?Hadhrat Ibn Abbas replied, By Allah, I do not know a more be-loved and cherished action to Allah then being righteous to-wards your mother.

    The 2nd advice: not one day should pass you by that

    your eyes dont go through the Quran, even if you only

    read part of a verse.

  • 8/2/2019 3 Advices by Sheikh Saleh Al Maghamsi


    However, it is better for the life of the heart, especially for what one

    sees with.

    The 3rd advice: that you start your day with at least 2 rakaats.

    Face towards the Qiblah and pray 2 rakaats from your own will with-out anyone forcing you.

    Make it a provision for you in this world and in the grave

    and provision for you on the day you meet Allah.

    Allah said: And during the night, prostrate yourself to

    Him, and glorify Him a long night through (Tahajjud)


    You need not be told about the pleasures of the world. You have en-

    tered the west and seen its people and how they live.

    You have seen it yourselves.

    And with that may Allah protect us from the forbidden pleasures. Even the

    pleasures that are permissible...By Allah, there is no greater pleasure

    than the pleasure of making prostration to Allah.

    Lets say a person died on an action he was performing.There is no reason for your son, your parents, or anyone

    that loves you, to be happy after you die......greater than the reason of them knowing that you died whilstprostrating in prayer.We said, anything that is not haraam is acceptable, but

    how does a person know if the action is pleasurable?...He would be happy if he died whilst doing such an action

    The prostrating slave says during his prostration: Glorifed is my Lord the MostHigh...glorifying his Creator.

    Meanwhile, he knows with all certainty that Allah is not in need of

    him. But he seeks a means through this prostration to attain

    closeness to HimHence, if Allah brings you closer to Him and loved you; then Allah would grant you ease in your lifeand choose for you.