3 abrahamic religions judaism christianity islam all 3 religions have sacred ties to the city of...


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3 Abrahamic Religions

• Judaism• Christianity• Islam

• All 3 religions have sacred ties to the city of Jerusalem in Israel.– Monotheistic (belief in one God

instead of many gods

JudaismJudaism is about 3200 years old

–followers called Jews

–basic laws, teachings, and history of the Jewish people are recorded in the Torah

–religious center is in city of Jerusalem in Israel

–Worship at Temples (or Synagogues)


• The land of Palestine is considered to be the specific land promised to the Jewish people by God

• Centuries of invasions of Palestine have spread the Jewish people around the world

Ancient Israel• Jews

forced to leave ancient Israel– Romans

destroyed Jewish Temple


• Jews dispersed throughout the Roman Empire– Diaspora


• The ‘wailing wall’ in Jerusalem is one of the holiest places for Jews

• It is part of the remains of the Great Temple that once dominated Jerusalem and was destroyed by the Romans in the year 70

The Jewish World

• The country with the highest Jewish percentage is Israel


• Based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

– Believed to be the Son of God

• The teachings of Jesus were spread throughout the Roman Empire by a converted Jew named Paul

• Paul wrote letters to converted communities teaching them how to be a Christian


• The story of Jesus’ life and teachings are recorded in The Holy Bible

• The Old Testament of The Holy Bible is actually the Torah of Judaism

• The life of Jesus is called ‘The New Testament’


• Christianity started with the birth of Jesus. • It grew following the execution of Jesus in

the year 33.• The years used on the modern calendar

begin roughly with the birth of Jesus thought to be in the year 1, but really in the year 4 BC

• Christianity is the largest religion on Earth with 2 billion followers


• 3 major branchesCatholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant.

The Christian World

•Most common in the Americas, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Australia


• Based on revelations made to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel from god (Allah)in the year 613

• Muhammad was from the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula

Islam• Muhammad is considered to be the last

and most important of 25 prophets; people who have received instruction from god– Prophets include Abraham, Noah, Moses, and


• The revelations of the prophets are recorded in the Holy Qur’an (Koran)

–Islam has united the people of the ArabianArabian Peninsula

FiveFive Pillars of IslamPillars of Islam–Basic duties of all converts to Islam

•a. FAITH: all believers must testify that “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.”

•b. PRAYER: Five times a day, Muslims face holy city of Mecca to pray.

• c. CHARITY: have the responsibility to give to the less fortunate

•d. FASTING: month of Ramadan, Muslims don’t eat or drink between sunrise and sunset. Sign of self control and humility.

•e. PILGRIMAGE: expected to make a pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca at least once during their lifetime.

Islam• Jerusalem is the third most holy city in

Islam as the place Muhammad ascended to heaven (Dome of the Rock)

• Following Muhammad's death in 632 followers split into two factions: Shiite and Sunni


• Sunni- Muslims who accepted Abu Bakr (Muhammad's father-in-law) as Muhammad's successor

• Shiite- Muhammad's son-in-law and cousin Ali, whom the Shia believe to be Muhammad's successor– Shia Muslims believe that

only a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad is able to be the leader of all Muslims


• Belief in one God

• Jews, Christians, and Muslims are Monotheists

The Muslim World•Most common in the middle

east and central Asia