2nd degree reiki training


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LESSON PLAN AND SCHEME OF WORK Trainer Name: Louisa Ashforth

Topic: Reiki II Training Date:

General aims (including

development of key


Introduce Reiki healing, what it is, the history and explain the benefits. Students

will perform the treatment, using the knowledge they have learnt in the session.

Specific learning

outcomes for the


· Personal Growth and Development

· What is Second Degree Reiki?

· The Reiki Symbols

· The First Symbol – Cho-Ku-Rei

· How to draw Cho-Ku-Rei

· The Second Symbol – Sei-He-Ki

· How to draw Sei-He-Ki

· The use of the Symbols. Mental Healing

· The Third Symbol – Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

· How to draw Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

· Distance or Absent Healing

· Conclusion

How will you assess the

learning in the session?

The students will perform the treatment they have learnt,

Make a journal of all your Reiki experiences and dreams for future reference and

as a means of measuring your own progress. I will need to view this journal so

that I can issue your certificate.

This will be followed by a question and answer assessment to ensure students

have taken on board the knowledge..

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This course is for those who have already completed Reiki level I. This course is intended to give you the

information and knowledge to leave and start practicing your new treatment. Reiki is a holistic treatment,

which are really popular within the beauty industry and this course is designed to help you recognise

peoples’ needs and how to undertake the treatment. On successful completion of the course you will be able

to gain insurance to do paying clients.

This online course covers both theory and practical:

• Personal Growth and Development

• What is Second Degree Reiki?

• The Reiki Symbols

• The First Symbol – Cho-Ku-Rei

• How to draw Cho-Ku-Rei

• The Second Symbol – Sei-He-Ki

• How to draw Sei-He-Ki

• The use of the Symbols. Mental Healing

• The Third Symbol – Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

• How to draw Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen

• Distance or Absent Healing

• Conclusion

• Requirements for your certificate


1. Do four full body, hands-on treatments, including an emotional body healing, to four other Reiki II

healers (or above). These are normally arranged as exchanges with other members of the group.

2. Receive four full body-hands-on treatments, including an emotional healing from four other Reiki II


3. Do a full distance treatment (including an emotional body) on four other Reiki II healers (or above)

(does not have to be four separate people, but if you can arrange this, the experience from each may

differ and so will be useful). This healing should be done in real time ie arrange a time for the

recipient to receive the treatment, so that they can relax somewhere suitable and you can arrange to

send treatment using a surrogate (doll or teddy bear for example) for 20 minutes hands-on time on

the surrogate.

4. Receive a full distance treatment (including an emotional body one) for 20 minutes in real time from

four Reiki II healers (or above) (again it does not have to be from four separate people).

5. Do a distance treatment (including emotional body) programmed to last a minimum of 30 minutes on

yourself every other day for 2 weeks (7 treatments in all). It is probably best to send it to be

received when you are in bed (for safety and time saving).

6. Make a journal of all your Reiki experiences and dreams for future reference and as a means of

measuring your own progress. I will need to view this journal so that I can issue your certificate.

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I would like to offer my eternal gratitude and thanks to Dr Usui and all Reiki

Masters, past and present, including my mentor G D Evans.


L M Ashforth

May 2008

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Just for today I will Live the Attitude of Gratitude

Just for Today I Will not Worry

Just for Today I will not Anger

Just for Today I will Do My Work Honestly

Just for Today I Will Show Love and Respect for Every Living Thing

A direct translation of the Reiki principles from Japanese reads:

The secret method of inviting blessings.

The spiritual medicine of many illnesses.

For today only anger not, worry not.

Be humble, and with gratitude work on yourself.

Be compassionate.

In the morning and at night, with hands held in prayer.

Think this is in your mind, chant this with your mouth.

The Usui Reiki method to change your mind and body for the better

-- Mikao Usui--

The Reiki principles are spiritual ideals. By adopting these precepts, you will add balance and substance to

your life. It is important that you realise that you are not expected to live every moment of your life within

the framework of these ideals. As humans we are all imperfect, and that is why each principle begins with

“Just for today.” You can without pressure or stress work on improving yourself daily. If you slip up today,

you can always begin again tomorrow. The more you work with the principles, the more you will condition

yourself to adopt them as a way of life.

To become more familiar with the Reiki principles it is advisable to read them aloud at least twice a day.

You may wish to place a large copy of the ideals in a picture frame. Then you could position the copy in a

prominent place where you are sure to see it each day, or if you are going to practise Reiki professionally,

place it in your healing room. The Five Reiki principles mean different things to each one of us. Meditation

will help to unlock your own perceptions.

Simply sit or lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Repeat one of the ideals several times

aloud using it as a mantra. As you drift into a meditative state become aware of what happening inside your

mind and body

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Congratulations on your decision to progress to Reiki Level II. Usually it is only the committed healers who decide to

carry on to this level by continuing to serve others and also to carry on with their own self-healing.

If you felt that Reiki Level I changed you, and if you were, like us all, changed in ways you would never have

imagined then Reiki Level II will change you even further. The changes will be highly positive, but may also be

disconcerting at times.

For about six months after the Level II attunement all of your emotional and mental patterns will change. A more

positive approach in mental and emotional matters will take place. The changes will make you a more whole

individual in how you think and how you feel. The healing occurs by expanding your awareness of new realities and


The process of emotional mental clearing is not always easy and some people may decide that their relationships are

no longer right for them and feel they need to resolve the situation. You may change your attitude to money and your

career. You may feel more capable of realizing your dreams. Reiki Level II stretches everyone and everyone grows.

There is one thing for sure, you will be happy with the new you, however easy or difficult it is to achieve.

You can be assure that you will never be harmed by Reiki Energy, although at times during self-healing, especially

during the first month after a Level II attunement, you may feel a little overwhelmed.

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The Second Degree enables the practitioner to increase the power of Hands-on Reiki, as well as sending

healing across time and distance using the symbols given to Dr Usui on Mount Koriyama.

Attunement to this level brings the symbols placed in the subconscious level so that they can be used with

awareness in as many aspects of your life as you wish.


The students have already taken the major step of accepting Reiki energy into their physical body during the

First Degree, will be attuned again.

This Second Degree Attunement opens the Chakras even more to receive and channel the Reiki Healing

Energy. The Second Degree works on the level of the mind and the emotions, which brings new

opportunities to heal and to transcend mental and emotional problems. This, in turn, creates space in one’s

mind for expansion and growing spiritual awareness.

For this online course, this will be done via distance healing, therefore we need to set a time aside to ensure

we can do this.


Following the attunement to Second Degree Reiki, students are shown pictures of three of the four symbols

used in healing (the fourth symbol is only taught at Master/Teacher Level). Traditionally, Usui teachers

instructed their pupils to destroy any representation of the symbols before they went home, but now

“sacred” no longer means “secret”, and the symbols are available for all to see in books and on the Internet.

The teacher’s main objective when explaining the nature of the symbols is to convey the multitude of ways

in which they can be applied, as a fundamental key to the activation of Reiki energy. They are all embracing

and can be used in every circumstance in our lives.

The Second Degree gives you a technique to help you to use energy in a non-physical dimension. You learn

to send healing energies across a distance, (referred to as “distance healing”). It is similar to a radio signal

and can be received by the recipient. “Mental Healing” as it is called, allows you to contact the

subconscious and the super-conscious or “Higher Self”. In this Degree a further attunement greatly

strengthens your healing powers. This primarily stimulates the “third eye chakra”.

Second Degree Reiki works on the development of your intuitive powers so that you are able to open

yourself more easily to the deeper meanings of messages.

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The traditional argument for keeping even the names of the symbols secret is that they are sacred. Indeed

they are, but sacred and secret are no longer synonymous. For people to learn the sacred it must be within

their access. We no longer have the luxury or time for years of private study with a guru. The tradition of

oral teaching is at odds with our current lifestyle.

Please honour the sacredness of the symbols and the techniques described in the following pages, and

remember that the symbols are inactive unless used by someone who has been attuned by a genuine Reiki


Memorise the symbols accurately, immediately you are introduced to them and always draw them exactly.


Set your intent and always say the name of the symbol three times after drawing it or visualising it. (Three

is the sacred number of creation).

To use them you can either:

1. Visualise them whole in violet. (Don’t worry if they change colour of their own accord


2. Draw them on the client’s body. (Imagine the symbols sinking deep into the root of issue or in

the Aura).

3. Draw them in the air with your palm chakra.

4. Visualise or draw them on the walls of the healing room.

5. Draw them on the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

6. Visualise or draw them on the massage couch with your palm chakra prior to use.

All three symbols can be used together or separately where necessary. If you are not guided to use a

particular one in a certain session you can assume it is not required at that time.

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The first symbol to be learned is the “Power Symbol” CHO-KU-REI. When invoked by someone who is

attuned to Reiki, this creates the energy “Place the power of the universe here”. This is the general meaning

of Cho Ku Rei.

As this suggests this amazing phenomenon can be used to lovingly empower and bless yourself, other living

beings, anything you take into your body, situations and occasions and just about anything you can think of,

to startling effect.

This symbol also 'activates' other symbols and you will have instant access to healing energies.

The symbol brings positive energy and life to every situation and can also be used for protection. See it as a

light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki.

The symbol can be used at any time during the treatment but is especially effective when used at the

beginning of a session to empower the Reiki energy when used at the end of a session and seal off the Reiki


Please note that the ‘power symbol’ is an anticlockwise spiral. In some Western teachings it is taught

clockwise as well as anticlockwise, but officially there is only one.

CHO-KU-REI Pronounced “Show-Koo-Ray”.

The CHO-KU-REI focuses on healing the physical body.


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1. Draw on the palms of your hands before treatments.

2. Draw on the recipient’s body where necessary.

3. Draw in the Aura where necessary.

4. To seal and contain a treatment.

Healing Uses:

1. To disperse pain.

2. To ground yourself.

3. To draw negative energy from the Aura.

4. To disperse disease in the body.

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This symbol SEI-HE-KI promotes mental and emotional healing whenever it is called upon to help. This

healing symbol can be also drawn in the air near a recipient to help soothe and clear negative energy.


Pronounced “Say-hay-key”

Sei-He-Ki is traditionally for emotional healing and therefore it focuses on the healing of the emotional and

subconscious mind.

The Sei-He-Ki symbol should be used in every healing process regardless of whether you know or sense that

there are any emotional issues.

The symbol brings divinity into human energy patterns and aligns the upper chakras.

Meaning: God and Humanity becomes one.

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The left side of the symbol has angles and straight lines and represents the left side of the brain which is

logical and linear. The right side of the symbol represents the right side of the brain which is creative and is

the seat of the imagination. The SEI-HE-KI integrates the left and right sides of the brain and brings about


Healing uses:

1. Works on anger, fear, depression and all negative emotions.

2. Brings about emotional healing, purification and protection.

3. Clears and cleanses parts of the body.

4. Clears negative energy from the Aura.

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1. Prepare the room – light candles, burn incense or oils (if liked).

Then draw or visualize Cho-Ku-Rei and Sei-He-Ki symbols on the walls and


2. Protect yourself by drawing or visualising Cho-Ku-Rei clockwise over the front

of your body.

3. Get the recipient to lie down on the couch. Cover with a light covering.

(During treatment the body temperature falls).

4. Establish contact with the recipient by gently stroking the face.

5. Place one hand under the head where the neck and head meet.

6. Place the other hand flat on the top of the head (over the Crown Chakra).

7. Lift the hand off the top of the head; draw the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei (physical body healing), and say

the name of the symbol silently to yourself three times with your hand over the Crown Chakra.

8. Lift the hand off the top of the head and draw the symbol Sei-He-Ki (emotional body healing). Say

the name of this symbol silently or to yourself three times with your hand over the Crown Chakra.

9. Say the name of the recipient three times silently or to yourself.

10. Say the name of the location once silently or to yourself.

11. Replace your hands and imagine that there is a white or golden light in the centre of the recipient’s

head. Say some words to the effect of “You (their name) are a wonderful being of light. This

energy is being sent to you, to the very centre of your being. Fill up with all that you need for your

perfect body, perfect mind and perfect spirit. Take all that you need and know that it is sent with

caring and love”.

12. Hold this position for at least 15 minutes but if the energy is powerful, hold it as long as is necessary.

13. Seal the treatment in by using the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei, saying the name three times.

14. Balance the energies in the rest of the body using Reiki I hand positions.

NB – Doing mental treatment at the start speeds up the rest of the treatment and it smoothes out the

energy already received.

15. When treatment complete wash your hands. Then both you and the recipient should have a drink of


16. Make sure the recipient is grounded and in control after treatment and before driving.

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This symbol HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN is the only one needed to send Reiki healing over distance and

time. It transcends both, acting in the past, present and future simultaneously. The name of this beautiful

symbol can be interpreted as “May the Buddha in me reach out to the Buddha in you to promote harmony

and peace”.

You must use your own judgement when asked to send healing. It should not be sent of your own accord.

Proceed with the best intentions and send thanks to the universe.

The HON-SHA-ZE-SHO-NEN targets the mental body and the conscious mind.


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USES: 1. Heals the past.

2. Can be used for Karmic healing and releasing trauma (Past and Present).

3. Helps dying people to pass through transition peacefully.

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The minimum time for a distance treatment is 25 minutes.

1. Make yourself comfortable, take a few deep breaths and relax.

2. Imagine the person who is to receive the healing (ie a picture, a name on a piece of paper, or even

use a surrogate like a doll or teddy).

3. Imagine the person between your hands. (Say the persons name 3 times).

4. Draw symbol Cho-Ku-Rei over them and say the symbol name 3 times.

5. Draw symbol Hun-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen and say the symbol 3 times.

6. Name the person who is to receive the healing 3 times and say the location once.

7. On contact, seal the treatment by imagining the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei.

8. Imagine your hands in the “mental” position on the recipient.

9. Carry out “mental” for at least ten minutes.

10. Imagine light on the top of the recipient’s head and then moving down through

the body the body to the feet.

11. Direct the energy to where it is required.

12. Close the treatment by imagining the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei anti-clockwise and say

the symbol three times.

13. Rub hands together and thank your Spirit Guides.

Warning: When sending a distance treatment make sure you know the person is not driving or is in

a place that is not convenient or appropriate for them to receive it.

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Reiki is compatible with just about everything – complementary therapies, different religions, any kind of

diet, medicines from doctors or chemists, inanimate objects etc – to sum up, life itself.

Reiki can never do harm; you can never have too much. Reiki practitioners know that even for a healthy

body Reiki is beneficial; the universe guides its wisdom.

However, there are a few situations where contra-indications may be present and care must be taken to

ensure Reiki is beneficial ie) Reiki and alcohol do not mix; where anaesthetics are involved; and where

pace makers are involved.

Our personal beliefs and thoughts and the emotions they breed, are the most important contributing factor to

our state of health. We have all experienced the benefits of positive thinking in our lives and how it has

helped us to be happier. Research shows that recovery from illness and immunity from disease is strongest

among people who love and respect themselves, others and life, and who use techniques like visualisation.

Reiki makes time for others and ourselves and can be described as a healing affirmation.

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1. Do four full body, hands-on treatments, including an emotional body healing, to four other Reiki II

healers (or above). These are normally arranged as exchanges with other members of the group.

2. Receive four full body-hands-on treatments, including an emotional healing from four other Reiki II


3. Do a full distance treatment (including an emotional body) on four other Reiki II healers (or above)

(does not have to be four separate people, but if you can arrange this, the experience from each may

differ and so will be useful). This healing should be done in real time ie arrange a time for the

recipient to receive the treatment, so that they can relax somewhere suitable and you can arrange to

send treatment using a surrogate (doll or teddy bear for example) for 20 minutes hands-on time on

the surrogate.

4. Receive a full distance treatment (including an emotional body one) for 20 minutes in real time from

four Reiki II healers (or above) (again it does not have to be from four separate people).

5. Do a distance treatment (including emotional body) programmed to last a minimum of 30 minutes on

yourself every other day for 2 weeks (7 treatments in all). It is probably best to send it to be

received when you are in bed (for safety and time saving).

6. Make a journal of all your Reiki experiences and dreams for future reference and as a means of

measuring your own progress. I will need to view this journal so that I can issue your certificate.

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A few reminders from Reiki 1….


Dr Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki lived at the end of the 19th century and was the Director and Christian

priest of a small university in Kyoto, Japan. One day some of his senior students asked him if he believed in

the healing miracles of Christ, and whether he was able to demonstrate such healing. Dr Usui had no answer

to this question.

Dr Usui gave up his position and started on a quest to study the healing methods of Christ. While he was

searching he came across some material that greatly interested him in the Buddhist scriptures. Buddha, an

enlightened master who lived around 66 BC travelled as a monk through India, teaching meditation and self-

realisation. Dr Usui was aware that Buddha possessed powers of healing. Learning Sanskrit, Dr Usui

studied original Buddhist writings. In one of these writings he found Symbols and Mantras which are the

key to the Reiki system of healing.

Unable to know how to use this information he spent time in a Buddhist monastery. He became a friend of

the Head Abbot. The abbot advised Usui to embark on a 21 day meditation and fast on a holy mountain near

Kyoto. On the last day of the fast Usui saw a shining light in the sky which moved towards him and struck

him in the middle of the forehead (the third eye or Sixth chakra). It was then that the symbols and mantras

and their application became clear to him.

As Dr Usui was coming down the mountain, he stubbed his toe and caused it to bleed. When he put his

hand around his foot, the bleeding stopped immediately and the pain vanished.

Dr Usui spent time in the slums of Kyoto, healing the sick. It was during this time he realized that although

he healed the physical body of its symptoms, he had not taught a new way of living. This prompted him to

set out the Reiki rules for life (found on the next page). Usui had offered his services free of charge in the

slums. Now he saw how essential it is, when people receive healing, that they also give something in return.

An energy exchange between healer and receiver is vital. Usui decided to travel in order to apply and to

teach Reiki so that the way of thinking of people would also be healed.

A few years before his death, Dr Usui initiated a retired naval office, Dr Chijiro Hayashi, who became his

successor. Hawayo Takata a young woman, who visited Hayashis clinic because of illness, was cured and in

1938 she became Haysashi’s successor.

Some Reiki Masters have formed an independent organization, but the real roots of Reiki follow the original

linage of Usui, Hayashi and Takata.

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety regulations must be adhered to. Including but not exclusively:

The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)

This Act defines general duties on employers, employees, contractors, suppliers of goods and substances for

use at work, persons in control of work premises, and those who manage and maintain them, and persons in

general. The Act enables a broad regime of regulation by government ministers through Statutory

Instrument which has, in the years since 1974, generated an extensive system of specific provisions for

various industries, disciplines and risks. Both employers and employees have responsibilities under this Act.

Employers responsibilities:

· All equipment is safe and is regularly checked by qualified electricians e.g PAT testing

· The workplace is safe and does not pose a risk to the health and safety to clients or employees

· Procedures are in place to ensure safe handling of cash.

· Create a health and safety in the workplace manual/policy to be followed by staff, this should be

done on induction and followed throughout employment

Employee’s responsibilities include:

· To ensure they are following procedure,

· Be vigilant regarding equipment and any potential hazards, if anything appears wrong it needs

reporting immediately to the appropriate person

· Always be aware of hazard warning labels on containers and follow instructions

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) (1994)

COSHH is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. You can

prevent or reduce workers exposure to hazardous substances by:

· finding out what the health hazards are

· deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment)

· providing control measures to reduce harm to health

· keeping all control measures in good working order

· providing information, instruction and training for employees and others

· providing monitoring and health surveillance in appropriate cases

· planning for emergencies

Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some processes create

substances. These could cause harm to employees, contractors and other people.

Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful. Common substances such as paint, bleach or dust

from natural materials may also be harmful.

These regulations govern the ways substances deemed as hazardous to health should be stored. It is a

requirement that all employees should be made aware of risks and given appropriate training. Detailed

instructions must be kept regarding any products considered hazardous.

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The Electricity at Work Regulations Act (1992)

The Act states that all electrical equipment must be checked by a qualified electrician annually to make sure

it is safe; PAT testing. These checks should be listed in a record book. Broken or damaged equipment,

including plug sockets should not be used.

Local Byelaws

A Byelaw is a rule or law established by an organisation or community to regulate itself, as allowed or

provided for by some higher authority. At present, byelaws are made by the local council or other body, but

do not come into force until they have been approved (confirmed) by the relevant government department.

Confirming authorities will seek to ensure:

· That they do not duplicate or conflict with the general law, existing byelaws or any local act, or

common law

· That the nuisance they address merits criminal sanctions and that, to a reasonable person, the penalty

available is proportionate

· That they directly address a genuine and specific local problem and do not attempt to deal in general

terms with essentially national issues

· That they do not conflict with government policy

Some areas of beauty therapy are governed by local byelaws - laws decided by the local authority. Byelaws

vary from region to region.

In 2016 new regulations were made reforming the procedure for making some byelaws in England. This

followed several years of debate over reducing or removing the Secretary of State’s role in confirming the

majority of proposed byelaws, beginning under the 2005-10 Labour government. This was designed to

ensure a simpler, more straightforward process and local “ownership” of such laws. The Local Government

and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 permits regulations to be made to reform these procedures.

Byelaws generally require something to be done – or not to be done – in a particular location.

The Trade Description Act (1968) & The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations


This is an Act which prevents manufacturers, retailers or service industry providers from

misleading consumers as to what they are spending their money on. This law empowers the judiciary to

punish companies or individuals who make false claims about the products or services that they sell. If any

person provides a service they are not qualified to perform or do not have appropriate insurance for, they

can face prosecution under this act. The maximum penalty if found guilty is an unlimited fine and up to 2

years’ imprisonment.

Minors and Informed Consent

Clients under the age of 18 need to have written permission from a parent/guardian. Ideally, they should also

be present throughout the treatment, in order for you to undertake the treatment. If you feel uncomfortable or

do not think you should proceed with the treatment, then you have the right to refuse the treatment.

Any client appearing inebriated; treatments should not be carried out, as this would invalidate your insurance

as they are unable to give consent.

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The Fire Precautions Act (1997)

Under the new Fire Safety legislation, the ‘responsible person’ for each premises will be required to carry

out a fire risk assessment and take steps to reduce or remove the risk. All staff must be trained in an

emergency evacuation and be aware of procedures to follow in the event of an emergency.

There should be a drill once a year, where everyone is included. All fire safety equipment should be

regularly checked, including fire extinguishers. Fire exit doors should be clearly marked and should remain

unlocked and must not be obstructed. Smoke alarms should be installed and regularly tested.

If a business has five or more employees, there is a legal requirement that the fire risk assessment is in

writing, and takes into account everybody, including; staff, clients and visitors to the salon.

Fire Extinguishers – need to be regularly checked

Fire Extinguishers are red with a different of colour just below the neck, identifying the type of fire:

RED - water – used for wood, paper, textiles and other carbonaceous materials.

CREAM - foam – used to put out fires containing flammable liquids such as petrol and spirits.

BLUE - dry powder – used for Flammable liquids like petrol and spirits and flammable gases such as

propane and butane. Can also be used on fires caused by electrical equipment where electric current may be

present though it with cause damage to electrical equipment. For electrical fires, CO2 is preferred.

BLACK - Carbon Dioxide (CO2) – used for fires caused by electrical equipment (electric supply must be

turned off first!) and Flammable liquids like petrol and spirits

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The Data Protection Act 1998

The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA 1998) is an act of the United Kingdom (UK) Parliament defining the

ways in which information about living people may be legally used and handled. The main intent is to

protect individuals against misuse or abuse of information about them. The DPA was first composed in

1984 and updated in 1998.

The text of DPA 1998 contains six major sections called Parts, which outline the basic rights of data

subjects, methods in which data may be handled by those who possess it. The fundamental principles of

DPA 1998 specify that personal data must:

· be processed fairly and lawfully.

· be obtained only for lawful purposes

· be adequate, relevant and not excessive.

· be accurate and current.

· not be retained for longer than necessary.

· be processed in accordance with the rights and freedoms of data subjects.

· be protected against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss,

destruction or damage.

· not be transferred to a country or territory outside the European Economic Area unless

that country or territory protects the rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

Types of information, which is, classed as confidential information:

· Name, address, telephone number, medical and physical information, and treatments.

· Financial information - cost of personal treatments and how they are paid

· Information relating to the business Finances, Treatment Routines, and Product Formulas

· Information relating to the staff

Only the business and its therapists should have access to any of the above. All information should be kept

locked in a secure filing cabinet or a secure computer.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – update to data protection act

Providing you are already complying with the Data Protection Act 1998, the effects of GDPR on your

business should be minimal. The GDPR applies from 25th May 2018 it establishes how businesses deal with

personal information. As a business you need to determine what personal information you hold, where you

get this information and what you do with the information. The GDPR requires you to document this.

Individuals have the right to request what information of theirs you hold. By the new laws you have to

provide this information within 30 days. By law people have a right to have their personal information

deleted in a number of circumstances.

You are required to obtain consent to obtain and use personal information. Individuals need to be able to opt

in; including obtaining parent/guardian consent when gathering a minor’s information.

If you have already obtained consent under the DPA, you will not normally need to obtain fresh consent to

satisfy the requirements of the GDPR. However, you should make sure that all consent is properly recorded.

You are required to tell people who you are and what you intend to do with that information and how long

you intend to hold this information for.

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If a client has an issue with how their data has been handled you need to be able to advise how they can

complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). If there is a data breach that is likely to adversely

affect any individuals involved, you’re required to notify the ICO and the individuals in question. You should

make sure that you have procedures in place to detect any such breaches, including a plan for how these

breaches will be handled.

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1. Do not send distance treatment when a person is undergoing surgery.

2. Do no treat any broken bone or severed limb directly until it has been set or sewn back on.

3. Never give a Reiki treatment to a person who has a pacemaker as Reiki can alter its rhythm.

4. Never give a Reiki treatment to a person who suffers from Diabetes Mellitus and are taking

insulin injections, unless they are prepared to check their insulin levels every day as Reiki

reduces the amount of insulin they require.

NOTE: Always explain to a person who is visiting you for the first time for a Reiki treatment exactly what

you are going to do and the type of reactions that might occur. Stress that any one of these reactions are

normal. They may experience one or two of these reactions, all of them or none of them. It makes no

difference. Reiki will go wherever it is needed.

We are not medical practitioners. For this reason, we do not prescribe medication or suggest a person stops

taking prescribed medication.

However, it is advisable if you are treating someone who is on medication to get their doctor to monitor the

amounts of medication taken as this can often be reduced.

Ideally, always treat the whole body rather than just the presenting symptoms so that the cause of the

imbalance can be reached more easily.

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Consultation Form - General Information required:

Client reference number: Date of initial consultation:

Name: Date of birth:


Occupation: Mobile or Home number:

Contra-indication check list (please tick):

Any recent head or neck injury? Severe bruising in treatment area?

Epilepsy? Recent haemorrhage?

High or low blood pressure? Migraine?

History of thrombosis or embolism? Diabetes – relevant information?

Dysfunction of nervous system? Skin disorders?

Scalp disorders/infections? Cuts or abrasions in treatment area?

Medication? Are you currently under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

Is a doctor’s clearance required: Yes No

Name of doctor: Surgery:

Address: Telephone number:

Lifestyle/Objectives/Client’s expectations of treatment:

Is your general health good/average/poor? Poor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Good

Stress levels: good/average/low? Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

Energy levels: good/average/low? Low 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 High

Emotional state:

Do you find time for hobbies and relaxation? Yes No

What benefits do you hope to get from a treatment?

The information above is required for your own safety. The information is treated in the strictest of confidence and a

GP’s clearance may be required before treatment can begin.

Client declaration: I declare the information I have given is correct and I can undertake treatment.

Client’s signature …………………………………… Date: ………………………..

Therapist’s signature ……………………………………. Date: ………………………..

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• Always work within the law.

• Never treat or claim to be able to treat a medical condition.

• Respect client confidentiality at all times.

• Show respect for other professions by referring clients appropriately eg GP or chiropodist.

• Maintain high standards of safety and hygiene in all aspects of your work.

• Apply certain treatments only with the written permission of the client’s GP.

• Support, help and show loyalty to other professional beauty therapists.

• Never poach another therapist’s clients or criticise their work.

• Uphold the honour of the profession e.g. when working on members of the opposite sex.


• Hands should be washed thoroughly with antibacterial cleanser before and after each client and

fingernails should be clean.

• Long hair should be tied back.

• Jewellery should be removed (wedding band allowed).

• Therapist’s sleeves should be rolled up if long sleeved garments worn.

• Clean towels should be used for each client.

• Waste should be regularly and hygienically disposed of.

• Products should be cleaned and sanitised between clients.

• Open cuts and abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing.

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A chakra is a centre of energy and each represents a particular organ or group of organs. The term chakra

means “spinning wheel”. The energy moves in a spiral fashion, for example like a Catherine Wheel.

The chakras start at the crown (the top of the head) and go down to the base of the spine. The main chakras

are close to the main vital organs in the body and therefore if an organ is not functioning properly the

chakras could be out of balance.

There are seven main chakras:-

1. Crown chakra – represents the highest level: full spirituality

2. Third eye/ brow – lets you focus and see the big picture

3. The heart – of course is the area from which you love and achieve joy

4. Throat – where your ability to communicate comes from

5. The sacral – enables your ability to connect with and accept others

6. The solar plexus – allows you to stay in control of your life

7. The root – represents your foundation and helps you stay grounded

Each chakra serves a unique purpose in your life and wellbeing, so it’s important that energy flows through

all of them efficiently.

When you are relaxed through a Reiki Treatment, your chakras are aligned into their ideal healing positions.

Everything that happens to us on an emotional level has an energetic impact on the subtle body (or aura),

which in turn has an impact on the physical body. Chakras are thought to be non-physical energy centres

located about an inch away from the physical body. The energy field of each chakra extends beyond the

visible body of matter in the subtle body.

It is important to remember that chakras do not have a physical form and any illustration of the chakras is

merely a visual aid to the imagination and not a literal, physical reality.

Chakras are a way of describing the flow of subtle energy and are said each to be related to an endocrine

gland, which the chakra is thought to influence. The chakras exist in a state of synchrony and balance.

However, with stress, the chakras can lose their ability to synchronize and they become unbalanced.

If negative energy accumulates in a chakra the function of the chakra becomes impaired. Ultimately, this

can lead to energy blocks. If one chakra ceases to function this creates and imbalance as the other chakras

attempt to compensate, creating additional strain on the energy system.

An accumulation of negative energy in one or more chakras can manifest itself as an emotional or physical

condition. Often, we are only aware of a change in the physical body as our attention is drawn to pain or

disease; we do not usually link the symptom to a cause within the subtle body.

So chakras are the focal point for the subtle energies and are the key to restoring balance. By placing hands

along the axis of the chakras, energy can be aligned and harmony restored. By working with the subtle

energy, the chakras may be strengthened and energy may be increased, decreased or balanced as required by

the body at the time of the treatment.

Chakra healing is used in many therapies, including Reiki and Crystal Healing.

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The Crown Chakra

Location On top of the Head

Relevance The centre of our spirituality and is concerned with thinking and

decision making; at a physical level it is linked to the pineal gland;

its energies also affect the brain and the rest of the body.

Imbalance An imbalance in this chakra may be reflected in an unwillingness to

open up our spiritual potential; an imbalance may also show in an

inability to make decisions.

Colour association Violet

The Brow Chakra

Location In the middle of the forehead over the third eye area

Relevance Commonly known as the “third eye”. The brow chakra is the

storehouse of memories and imagination and is associated with

intellect, understanding and intuition; at a physical level, it is linked

to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland; its energies also affect the

nerves of the head, brain, eyes and face.

Imbalance If this chakra is not functioning correctly it can lead to headaches

and nightmares; a person with an imbalance in this chakra may be

oversensitive, be afraid of success, be non-assertive and


Colour association Indigo

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The Throat Chakra

Location At the base of the neck

Relevant Concerned with communication and expression, it also deals with

the issue of truth and true expression of the soul; at a physical level,

it is linked to the thyroid and parathyroid glands; its energies also

affect the pharyngeal nerve plexus, the organs of the throat, the

neck, nose, mouth, teeth and ears.

Imbalance If this chakra is out of balance it may affect our ability to express

our emotions, frustration and tension may result; a person with an

imbalance in this chakra may feel unable to relax.

Colour association Blue

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Location At approximately waist level

Relevance Relates to our emotions, self-esteem and self-worth, feelings such as

fear, anxiety, insecurity, jealousy and anger are generated here; at a

physical level, it is linked to the Islets of Langerhans and the

pancreas; its energies also affect the solar and spleenic nerve

plexuses, the digestive system, the pancreas, liver gall bladder,

diaphragm and middle back.

Imbalance People who are under stress will show imbalance in this chakra;

shock and stress have a greater impact on this chakra; it is in the

solar plexus chakra that negative energies relating to thoughts and

feelings are processed; people with an imbalance in this chakra may

feel depressed, insecure lacking in confidence and may worry what

others think.

Colour association Yellow

The Sacral Chakra

Location At the level of sacrum between the naval and the base


Relevance Concerned with all issues of creativity and sexuality; at

the physical level, it is linked to the testes in the male and

the ovaries in the female; its energies also affect the

urinal genital organs, the uterus, the kidneys, the lower

digestive organs and the lower back.

Imbalance A person with an imbalance in this chakra may bury their

emotions and be overly sensitive; an imbalance may also

lead to sexual difficulties and energy blocks which affect


Colour association Orange

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The aura is the electrical energy transmitted from the body. The size of the aura will depend on the

individual person. Many different colours are seen, each colour will represent a different emotion.

Each colour will reflect something different. The aura will frequently change as people’s feelings and

emotions change during the day. Every strong emotion can be seen. The aura will also change throughout

life but individual people will always have a predominant colour.

Fresh, clear pastel colours are what we want to see. This will represent a healthy person with little or no

emotional problems. Muddy, dirty looking colours will reflect an imbalance in the person. That person may

have worrying problems, be over-stressed or be over exhausted.

What each colour means


A very high energy colour. The colour of a strong aura.

Attracts attention. Red blooded person, passionate.

A strong-willed person. Can reflect anger, love, hate.

A deep muddy red

The person is unbalanced, very nervous energy.

Can be aggressive with sparks of temper. Over stimulated mind.


The colour of vitality, vigor and good health. The colour of warmth. Creativity.

It can indicate a person with courage and confidence. A socialising person, happy with a glow.

A muddy, Dark Orange

Can indicate an agitated, tired person.

Too much vanity and unbalanced.

Bright Yellow

Indicates intellect and a stimulated mind. Creativity and warmth.

The colour of wisdom.

Pale Yellow

Can reflect enthusiasm, a new venture, a new project.



A deep, muddy mustard Yellow

Critical of everything.

Analysing everything.


A vibrant colour.

The colour of nature.

The person probably lives in the countryside.

A person comfortable with life.

A dependable, reliable person, sensitive and compassionate.

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Emerald Green

A good teacher.

The person has accomplished something.

Has earned the praise.

Dark muddy Green

Not a good colour to see.

A very mistrusting person.

Full of jealousy and unsure of themselves.


A healing ability.

A friendly person.


A calm, restful person.

At peace with life.

Can be a serious person.

Devoted to loved ones.

A person with telepathy and intuition.

Very Deep blue

An emotional person.

A person searching for a quest in life. Usually, very determined to succeed.

Muddy Blue

A person who is worried about something.

Bright Pink

A happy, sensitive compassionate person who loves beautiful things and is happy with their life.

Deep muddy pink

Untruthful with an immature attitude.

Deep purple

The person has a very high understanding and wisdom. A healer.

A very calm person with good intuition.

Very confident in their understanding and beliefs.

Pale Purple

A spiritual person.

Dark Muddy purple

Fighting to overcome something.

Very overbearing person.

Very strong willed self-opinionated.


High energy.

A master teacher.

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All Earth Colours – Rust, tan olive green

Reflects nature and all the seasons.

Outdoor person, Farmers and someone who lives on the land.

People who understand the countryside, growing on the land and has an understanding of nature.

Don’t see these colours on City and Town people.

Dark grey

Very imbalanced person.

A very lonely person who can live in isolation.


Clogging energy.


Consumes all other colours.

The person will shut out all feelings.

Very private and shielding.


The most sought after colour.

Gold halo.

Dynamic spiritual colour.

A devoted person who lives in harmony with themselves.

Can provide great healing.


Universal energy.

Lives by meditation.

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I honour the place in you

In which the entire Universe dwells

I honour the place in you

Which is of Love, of Truth, of Light

And of Peace

When you are in that place in you

And I am in that place in me

We are One

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To be honest, I can see no real difference between the different styles of Reiki. All have the same basic

precepts and all deal with healing yourself and others. Western Reiki has a heavy reliance on symbols that I

believe is not necessary once you become proficient (AND have faith in yourself!), as all you need is intent

and the will to help and love yourself and others… but this is only my opinion, you can do whatever suits

YOU, be it using many or few symbols, using or not using “spirit guides”, charging money or not for a

healing… it doesn’t matter, Reiki IS, just let is flow!

The “problem” with Reiki in the western world is that people purport that they are the healers, that they

choose whether they’re healing or not – how egotistical! Reiki chooses what is healed, how much is

channelled and how strong the output is. It is not controlled by anyone; you are simply a channel with the

intent (very important) to heal, nothing more, nothing less.

Think of a radio. A radio lets you listen to different stations, but is not the stations themselves. It is a

channel that can be tuned to listen to different frequencies. To quote Mikao Usui, “Reiki is for all and that

is why it cannot be owned by any one person…”

Don’t get me wrong… whenever you lay your hands on yourself or others, the energy will begin to flow

automatically and when used in conjunction with the symbols, you can ask for more power, healing over

distances, mental and/or spiritual healing, et al. But understand that Reiki is an “intelligent” energy that will

go wherever it is needed. For instance, if you know someone has a headache and you perform the head

positions but they also have something else troubling them elsewhere (that you don’t know about or detect),

the Reiki energy will go to BOTH afflicted areas if needed. Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything or don’t

feel the same things as others… it is not important, the Reiki is there – fact!

A lot of Reiki is to do also with self-realisation/mastery. Take good note of what you feel in your

hands/body/mind when performing Reiki. Don’t expect anything or try to rationalise/judge your thoughts,

just accept what you feel and trust the sensations and/or thoughts you receive – this is they key to picking up

problems whilst giving Reiki or when Scanning. It also helps you to be a better Reiki channel.

An important point to know is one brought up by Vincent Amador (have a look at www.angelreiki.nu) for

even more information about Reiki). When treating people with Reiki (generally a female treating a male

recipient), it is advised to be aware that a lot of people only receive touch in moments of Intimacy. Some

recipients (although very rare) may become aroused from your touch, but please realise it is not a conscious

action from them… they are more than likely to be more embarrassed than you may be. So please treat any

occurrence with dignity and respect, not belittlement or judgement and give a kind word if they feel uneasy.

Thank you.

Congratulations!! You should now have completed your Reiki Level 1 training and are now on the road to

self-mastery and becoming an accomplished healer!

Thank you for your time and I hope you are now on the way to being more happy with your life AND

yourself. Remember to practice on yourself every day (or two) and to practice on someone else at least 3

times per week for the next 3 weeks so as to get used to the energy and to understanding the feelings,

thoughts, sensations, etc that you may feel or be feeling when healing.

Welcome to the world of Reiki!!!!

Louisa - Reiki Teacher (Level III/Master)

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Reiki is present in all living things. Your imagination is the only thing that can set limitations on its uses.

Reiki and Animals

All animals adore Reiki. Large or small, fierce or friendly. Animals are extremely sensitive to the healing

energy of Reiki. Start practising with your own pets and as you become more confident you can move onto

other people’s pets and animals. As with treating humans Reiki will go where it is needed most. The only

difference with animals is that they often guide you to the exact place that requires treatment by moving

around until your hand lands on the exact spot. Animals will also let you know when they have had enough

by moving away.

There is a huge market for treating animals. Use your imagination to develop your own techniques for

treatment and develop a marketing strategy. Talk to your local vet or animal welfare centre. Advertise;

you’ll be surprised at the number of people with pets who need and want your help.

Basic Techniques for Animals:

The very small animals such as birds or mice can be cupped in your hands. Larger animals such as cats,

dogs, horses and cows normally prefer you to begin by placing your hands behind their ears and working

around the body as with a normal full treatment for humans. However, if the animal has a specific injury;

place your hands directly over the injury. Fish can be treated by placing your hands on either side of the fish

tank. Animals that are wild or dangerous can be treated safely through distance healing (second degree).

Another safe way to treat animals is by treating their food and drink. However, this is a weaker form of


The first degree is the beginning of a wonderful journey filled with learning and growth on so many

different levels. Many people find that the first degree is all they need to study and incorporate, to lead a

more fulfilling life.

While others, will continue their studies and progress onto the second degree and then master/teacher


The first degree connects the student to the universal life force and gives them the tools to heal themselves,

their family and others.

Many people just like ourselves, have been drawn to Reiki and find that it changes their lives for the better.

Reiki brings a sense of purpose, knowledge direction, calm and equilibrium into a chaotic world.

We have been able to incorporate the principles and teachings of Reiki into our personal lives and into our

clinical practice entwining its energy and philosophy seamlessly into the other disciplines, practices and

treatments we work with.

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Contacting Your Spirit Guide by Sylvia Brown

This book is designed to help you find your spirit guides which are the entities designated by you and God to

help you with your life and give you guidance.

A Path with Heart by Jack Kornfield

It is a wise and gentle guidebook for this journey of soul that makes life much more satisfying.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum

A delightful book that brings you back to the basics and reminds you of the wonder in the world.

Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue,Ph.D.

A book listing 77 divinities in an easy to read form with a background on each and prayer to invoke for their


Around the Year with Emmet Fox by Emmet Fox

A book of daily readings from a metaphysical point of view by one of the leaders of the New Thought

movement. Each day of the year contains a Bible verse and the metaphysical interpretation. It challenges

you to “walk the walk” and not just “talk the talk.”

Ask and It Is Given, Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther & Jerry Hicks

The book presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham, and teaches how to manifest your

desires so that you’re living the joyous and fulfilling life we all deserve. There are also weekly tapes you can

order. Their website: www.abraham-hicks.com

Awakening Spirits by Tom Brown

This book explores the author’s spiritual training by an Apache tribesman and how to incorporate this

knowledge into a dynamic meditation.

Be Here Now by Ram Dass

This is a book that speaks of spirituality by Christian, Hindu and Buddhist paths. The author shows how

similar the paths are, yet each has a flavor of its own.

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels

At the center of her book is the conflict between the gospels of John and Thomas.

Born A Healer Chunyi Lin with Gary Rebstock

This book explains Master Lin’s philosophy and method of healing through Spring Forest Qigong. It is easy

to read and is beneficial to anyone interested in healing energy.

Close to the Bone: Life-Threatening Illness and the Search for Meaning by Dr. Jean Bolen

A Jungian analyst, Dr. Bolen offers a thought-provoking and optimistic view about the roles patient, friend,

and physician may play during life-threatening illnesses.

Communicating with the Archangel Gabriel by Richard Webster

This book guides you to easily and clearly on how to communicate with the archangel Gabriel.

Conquest of Mind by Eknath Easwaran

It is an excellent guide, not only to learning how to control one’s mind during meditation, but also to aid in

stopping the awful tapes we play inside our heads. You know the kind: “I’m too fat to wear this kind of

thing.” “I look old and ugly.” “I could never do that.” All the stuff we say to defeat ourselves.

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Regarding the Data Protection Act, should personal information be available for client access?

Name two types of information classed as confidential

Name the 3 of the 4 symbols in Reiki?

List three benefits of Reiki 2

Who is the founder of Reiki?

What is Reiki?

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What is the distanced symbol called?

List 2 things you should advise when giving after care to your client

What does Cho Ku Rei symbol do?

What does Sei He Ki symbol do?

What part of the body do you finish the treatment and why?