2nc frogs k

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  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K



    one frog chants a mantra

    to the silent moon

    two frogs chant a mantra

    to the merciful silent moon

    ten frogs chant a mantra

    to the bright merciful silent moon

    one thousand frogs chant a mantra

    to the large bright merciful silent moon


    Ribbit ribbit goes the frog. It leaps through the air and into the pond as it joins the

    Colsons army to ward of the lomaxians. But as it sets off on its mission to exterminate

    all that is not Colson, its plans are foiled as it is captured by the government and

    locked in a cage and shut off from the world a waiting its death as a lab experiment.

    This frog like many others will soon be mutilated into pieces as the government paid

    scientists tears it apart to find the exact size of a frogs pelvis. With useless

    experiments like this going on that are financed by the government, the frog army of

    Colson is deterred from its mission to enlighten the world with Colson and the

    Colsons teachings. The 1acs use of the government will ultimately be used tocontinue the agencys attempts to dismantle the frog army by conducting useless tests

    on frogs. But as we listen in to the distance, we can hear the croaking of the frogs

    army as they send out a ply for help. We as debaters can stop this lomaxian terror by

    becoming the frog. The affirmation of the frog allows for us to break away from our

    fascination with the lomaxians and go under the guise of the Colson. Only with this

    can we prevent the inevitable annihilation of society.

  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


    Link Debate

    On to the link debate, the 2AC literally licked the slime of Lomax. They have conceded

    practically the whole argument. First extend the PETA 14 card that says the affs use of

    the government and silence in the face of the frogs is a clear dismissal of the frogs andthe Colson.

    1. The governments involvement in the affirmative is a clear symbol of the 1acsendorsement of Lomax. Empirics prove that the government uses its agencies

    to conduct experiments on frogs to test random hypothesizes such as if a frogs

    penis length is larger than the size of George ranch (which it is). The affirmative

    is another act by the lomaxians to prop up the governments power and status

    ultimately leading to more experiments and more suffering for the frogs. Any

    use of the government by the aff is a reason to vote negative. Also since the

    link was conceded, they cant make new arguments on it.

    2. The act of silence by the 1ac in the name of the frog is clear link of omission bythe 1ac. They forget the frogs and instead masturbate to pictures of the lomax

    blowing the smith. The PETA evidence indicates that the reason frogs have

    undergone some much suffering is because people put them in the backburner

    and instead focus on how deep lomax can take it. You have to vote of an 8%

    link of omission.

  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


    Impact Debate

    On the impact debate, extend the kriger 11 evidence that says the decline of the frog

    population will result in extinction. The 2ac spent to long licking lomaxs slime to

    notice they conceded the impact calculus embedded in the card. Frog populationdecline clearly outweigh the aff on magnitude, probability, and timeframe by a

    thousand percent. This is an automatic reason to vote negative because even if the

    alternative doesnt solve, the k serves as a da to the aff and outweighs all aff impacts.

    Frogs are the key internal link to medical innovation which solves disease, food chains

    which solve biodiversity loss, and biosphere health which solves every other impact.

    Decline of frogs severely damages the health of the environment and human well-

    beingmultiple reasons

    Osai 13[K., Majon Raj. "Significance of Frogs in Our Environment." Green Osai. 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2013..OSAI have been involved in the creation

    of eco-based activities in many parts of the state. Since its inception, OSAIs projects could be broadly classified under the following heads:

    Awareness campaigns Research studies Eco-oriented people-based projects Eco activism Forming network Production of publicity


    Frogs are an important indicator of ecosystems. Climate change and global warming have left some

    frogs with no suitable place to live and reproduce.Frogs and toads live in water and nearby terrestrial soils as eggs,

    embryos, larvae, tadpoles and adults. The places where the frog survives are the places we cultivate our crops

    and get drinking water. Many of the human activities are unhealthy to frogs and their habitats. We drainthe wetlands to claim land for cultivation, housing and other human activities thereby causing habitat destruction. Other upstream land use

    practices also affect the water quality leading to habitat pollution. The fertilizer and pesticide usage at farms in Nilgiris is a good example of

    upstream pollution. Pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals find their ways into streams, rivers, ponds and lakes and causes

    the decline in frog populations.Experts have noted that the effects of contamination in water affect

    the adult frogs, their eggs and tadpoles.Frogs also absorb and concentrate toxins in their fatty tissues. The study also reports

    that frogs exposed to pollutants have extra, misplaced or missing limbs. Frogs are also friends of farmers. Frogs feed onmany insects and pests that frequently destroy the crops.Also, they are consumed by fish, some large insects, snakes,

    lizards, larger frogs, birds and small mammals. In the food chain, frogs play a big role in maintaining healthy

    environment. These amphibians have an intimate association with the environment, which is

    precisely why they provide such an alarming harbinger of our own future. When the frog population

    declines, we can be sure of decline in our environment. It is important to conserve the frogs and their

    habitats as they are our future.

    Frog decline destroys food chainsthe impacts spill over

    Kriger 13[Kriger, Kerry M., Dr. "Why We Must SAVE THE FROGS!" Frogs. 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. .Dr. Kerry M. Kriger, SAVE THE FROGS! Founder, Executive Director & Ecologist, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, Griffith University,

    School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied


    Tadpoles keep waterways clean by feeding on algae. Adult frogs eat large quantities of insects,

    including disease vectors that can transmit fatal illnesses to humans(i.e. mosquitoes/malaria). Frogs also

    serve as an important food source to a diverse array of predators, including dragonflies, fish, snakes, birds, beetles,

    centipedes and even monkeys. Thus, the disappearance of frog populations disturbs an intricate food web, and

    results in negative impacts that cascade through the ecosystem.

  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


    Saving the frogs is a moral obligation for the existence of both us and all life

    Kriger 13[Kriger, Kerry M., Dr. "Why We Must SAVE THE FROGS!" Frogs. 2013. Web. 15 Oct. 2013. .Dr. Kerry M. Kriger, SAVE THE FROGS! Founder, Executive Director & Ecologist, Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, Griffith University,

    School of Environmental and Applied Sciences, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Virginia, School of Engineering and Applied


    Frogs are an integral part of our existence on this planet and have every bit as much right to exist as

    do we.Moreover, if we allow one-third of the world's amphibians to disappear, we set a bad precedent:perhaps future generations will use our irresponsible actions to justify allowing another third of

    amphibians or a third of the birds or reptiles to disappear. We caused the problem, so it's our

    responsibility and moral duty to make the necessary sacrifices and changes to SAVE THE FROGS!

  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


    Alternative Debate

    On to the Alternative debate, the 1ac has not made a single argument on this. First

    extend Kirschbaum 12 evidence that says the only way we can prevent the lomax

    from endvouring on the smiths pinasia is to affirm the becoming of the frog.Kirschbaum indicates that through our metamorphosis into the premiere amphibian,

    we one become bestowed with the Colsons blessings and join the frog army and two

    we will be able to stop the ongoing violence that frogs are subjected to in their line of

    duty and we can finally destroy the lomax. The fact that the affirmative didnt even

    talk about the alternative debate reifies the link of omission proving that they dont

    really care about frogs at all. We have to adopt the mindset of a frog a realize that not

    all aspects of life are human. The frogs are a pre-requisite to all human life meaning

    we have to become the frog to understand the world.

  • 8/12/2019 2NC Frogs K


    Permutation Debate

    This is the worst argument the aff has made in this debate. There is no way the

    permutation can solve because the perm still links to the kritik. The perm still includes

    action by the federal government which they have conceded links to the k and secondperm cant solve because one cannot be both masturbating the lomax and be in the

    Colsons army. They are mutually exclusive