2edit — week #1 intro to editing

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  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    Dr Emilio Molina

    Blk 52-07-04

    +65 6460 [email protected]

    Lau Chee Meng

    Blk 52-07-04

    +65 6460 [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing



    1 14/10/13 Introduction to 2EDIT. Basics of Editing Review.Introduction to AVID editing system part 1. UI and system preferences. Using editingtools. Capturing media.

    AVID Editing Guide Editing Over view.

    2 21/10/13 Milestone in Film and Video Editing.Introduction to AVID editing system part 2. Importing files. File Based Media - AMA.Audio and music editing. Titles and effects.

    AVID Editing Guide File Based AMA.

    3 28/10/13 Introduction to Color Video Signal. SD and HD formats. Commence on Video Test Editing.High Definition Postproduction Chapter 3 What Definition?

    4 04/11/13 Digital Video and Media Formats. Commence on Exercise #1. Review footage. High Definition Postproduction Chapter 3 What Definition?

    5 11/11/13 Introduction to Compression for Video. Review progress of Exercise #1 (rough cut). How Video Works Chapter 15 Compression.

    6 18/11/13 Editing tools: Time-code and EDL/XML. Review pr ogre ss of Exercise #1 (fine cut). Submission of Exercise #1. How Video Works Chapter 18 Timecode.

    7 25/11/13 Post-production Workflow. Commence on Exercise #2. Review footage. Sync Audio. AVID Editing Guide HD Workflows.

    8 02/12/13 Quiz #1: Editing Technologies. Review progress of Exercise #2 (rough cut).High Definition Postproduction Chapter 3 What Definition?

    9 09/12/13 Quiz #1: Editing Technologies Review. Review progress of NLE Exercise #2 (fine cut). Submission of Exercise #2. Nil

    10 16 /12 /13

    11 2 3/12/13

    BREAK and COMMON TEST12 30 /12 /11

    13 06/01/14 Editing Technologies Review. Skills Test: Editing Nil

    14 13/01/14 Fundamentals of Editing part 1 Review progress of Final Project (rough cut). Grammar of Editing Chapter 3 When to Cut and

    15 20/01/14 Fundamentals of Editing part 2 Review progress of Final Project (rough cut). The Technique of Film & Video Editing Chapters 2

    16 27/01/14 Concepts in Editing Aesthetics part 1 Review progress of Final Project (fine cut). In the Blink of an Eye Chapter 5 The Rule of Six.

    17 03/02/14 Concepts in Editing Aesthetics part 2 Submission of Final Project(fine cut). What Cinema Is Chapter 2 The Editors Discovery

    18 10/02/14 Quiz #2: Aesthetics Analysis. Re-submission of Final Project (fine cut). Nil

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    ASSIGNMENT WEIGHTEditing Exercises (2) 25% W

    Quizzes (2) 30% W

    Skills Test: Editing 10%

    Final Project 35%

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    Browne, S. E. (2007). High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD vidBoston, MA: Elsevier Focal Press (TR899 B884)

    Dancyger, K. (2010). The Technique of Film and Video Editing. Burlington, MA: Foca(TR899 D175)

    Murch, W. (2001). In the Blink of an Eye: a Perspective on Film Editing. Beverly HiSilman-James Press (TR899 M973)

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    Assembly Rough Cut Fine Cut

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    The editor comes into the process once productionbegun, making a rough assembly of shots while the fiin production. In this way, adjustments or additional

    can be undertaken during the production phase.

    Thompson, R., & Bowen, C. J. (2009). Grammar of the Edit. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    ...a stage of the projects development where the majof the fat has been trimmed and you are left wipresentation that is complete in its narrative flow but

    many rough edges. Perhaps not every cut is perfectly tyet, [but] have the timing of the main elements dto a good pace...

    Thompson, R., & Bowen, C. J. (2009). Grammar of the Edit. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing


    A later stage in the editing process where the eprogram is very near completion. Any further changesbe minor.

    Thompson, R., & Bowen, C. J. (2009). Grammar of the Edit. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.

  • 7/27/2019 2EDIT Week #1 Intro to Editing
