2d software and their basic applications

2D Software and Their Basic Applications Scientific & Technical Visualization V104.05

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2D Software and Their Basic Applications. Scientific & Technical Visualization V104.05. Students will be able to master and demonstrate the following PowerPoint techniques: Create slides with or without Multimedia. Navigate within slide views. Use backgrounds and master slides. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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2D Software and Their Basic Applications

Scientific & Technical Visualization


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PowerPoint TechniquesStudents will be able to master and

demonstrate the following PowerPoint techniques:

•Create slides with or without Multimedia. •Navigate within slide views.•Use backgrounds and master slides. Insert images and movies. Include slide

transitions.•Use the drawing tool bar effectively. Set up the PowerPoint show including

timing •Know your audience

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PowerPoint TechniquesStudents will be able to master and

demonstrate the following PowerPoint techniques:

•Use a common background on each slide. Be careful with pictures in backgrounds.

•Use the 6,6,6 rule (as a rule of thumb) •For example:

no more than 6 lines6 bullets 6 words in a sentence

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PowerPoint Techniques (cont.)Students will be able to master and

demonstrate the following PowerPoint techniques:•No more than 2 images per page.•Use white space properly.•Follow the SAFE design methods.•Follow the principles and elements of

design.•Use appropriate text size for slides.

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PowerPoint PointersWhat are the rules?

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•State presentation's objective in one simple sentence.

•Don't skimp on pictures--each one paints a thousand words.

•Keep presentations moving along--one idea at a time.

•Use color.

•Consider it a compliment if people say presentation is too short.

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Things to Consider In PPCreating the Outline

(storyboard)• Organize flow of major

thoughts and sub-points. • Keep text short and

simple. • Use consistent

grammatical structure. • Remove every

unnecessary word. • Write to be heard. Make

sure the material makes sense when you read it aloud.

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Backgrounds •Only use one per presentation. •For interest, add a subtle graphic and use a background with a graduated color. •Remember the correct color selection•Be careful of large images•Keep it simple

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•Keep it simple and consistent. •Use at most two fonts per presentation. Stick with one, if possible. •Use bold type to improve readability. •Use big type. Body text 20-22 points. Subtitles 24-28 points. Headlines 36 or more•Check readability during development by stepping back 5-6 feet from you monitor.

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THINGS TO CONSIDER IN PP•Drop shadows can help text stand out from the background.

•Provide space between the lines. Increase the "line spacing" and/or "paragraph spacing" so that the text is not too tightly packed. The viewer needs help going from the end of one line to the beginning of the next without getting lost.

•Use bullets, but consider using something other than a round dot. Some fonts offer alternatives.

•Only consider using all uppercase for a title if the title is one or two words.

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Color •In a dark room, use light type on a dark background. In a well-lighted room, use dark type on a light background.

•Be aware of human reactions to various colors.

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THINGS TO CONSIDER IN PP•Red: Danger, Stop •Dark Blue: Dignity •Light blue: Cool energy, Calm •Gray: Neutral, Mature •Purple: Royal, mystery •Green: Life, Health •Orange/Yellow: Outgoing, Sunny •White: (Use only for text on a dark background) •Black: Serious

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Color•Contrasting colors help the eye focus. •Colors classify information. Be consistent. •No more than 4-6 colors in a presentation. •Subtle colors for large graphics. •Bright colors for small graphics.

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SAFE DESIGN•Simple•Appropriate•Functional•Economical

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THINGS TO CONSIDER IN PP•Match the presentation to the projector

•If the projector is 640x480 (standard VGA), make sure your presentation is the same size. If not, the right side and bottom of the presentation will be clipped from the screen.

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THINGS TO CONSIDER IN PP•Toggle the lights

•Use PowerPoint to explain a concept, then turn on the lights to discuss the concept. Intersperse active learning activities with the usually passive PowerPoint activity.

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•Use dissolves Rarely• Find a dissolve and stick with it. If the viewer is aware of the dissolve, they are distracted from the content, and the content is king.• Use one dissolve for transitions within a section and one dissolve when moving on to another major section. Vary the effect and/or the speed.

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•Display bullets lists in steps• If you have a slide with a number of points, make each point appear in turn, reducing the intensity of the other points as you move on. • Select the bullet , go to the menu named "Slide show" and select "Custom animation."

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•Have a "Plan B" ready•Be prepared for the case where you can't show the presentation.

• Bring a printout • Overhead transparencies• Other Activities

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•PowerPoint notes Bill VilbergInstructional Advancement CenterUniversity of Miami Last updated 10/22/99

•Greg Bandy, Multimedia Presentation Design for the Uninitiated

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Basic 2D Tools•Select Tool – allows you to

select an object or selection.

•Knife Tool – allows you to cut a selected object into two sections.

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•Magnify or Zoom Tool – allows you to zoom in on an object so you can see the detail of the object.

•Text Tool – allows you to add text to the design.

Basic 2D Tools

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Basic 2D Tools

•Fill Tool – allows you to fill a closed object with a fill. The fill may consist of a color pattern, bitmap, or other acceptable fill.

•Pan Tool – allows you to move the page around to view different parts of the layout. The object does not move.

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Basic 2D Tools

•Eyedropper Tool – allows you to copy color or fill attributes from a selected object for further use.

•Gradient Tool – allows you to blend form one color to another. Linear gradients blend from one side toanther while radial gradients bland one color around another.

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Basic 2D Tools

•Blend Tool – allows you to blend from one object to another with the number of steps chosen by the designer.

•Crop Tool – allows you to select specific area of an image and remove the unwanted parts of the image.

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2D Drawing Techniques•Students will be able to master and

demonstrate the following 2D drawing techniques by the end of the course.

•Bezier curves•Closed and open splines•Control points•Layering techniques•Welding and grouping•Contour effects

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2D Drawing Techniques (cont.)

•Students will be able to master and demonstrate the following 2D drawing techniques by the end of the course.

•Working with a desktop•Grids and snaps•Brushes and brush effects•Line thickness•Rotation•Transparency techniques•Printing techniques