28 augustus 2014 jr / yr 12 no: 33

28 Augustus 2014 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: [email protected] J 12 No: 33 r / Yr Tel: 013-235-1303 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg Crime against nature It was with great shock that Mrs Gerda Whitehorn and her family walked up to this awful sight on their farm Paardeplaats outside Lydenburg on the Longtom Pass. Poachers killed a baboon, a small buck and a Brown Hyena. The brown Hyena is an endangered species. The animals heads were also found on the scene, but the pictures are is too graphic to publish. The Highlands Panorama News does apologise if this photo is upsetting to readers. But the cruelty of unlawful poaching is such a huge crisis in this area. The poor animals did not have a chance. Gerda said they found the poachers nearby and she was sure that they were killing the animals for food and to sell their hides. Another discovery was recently made by farmers in the Sterkspruit area. It looked like the leopard was eaten by bush pigs, probably alive. (See more info inside). The 21 August front page of the Highlands Panorama News showed a leopard which was found in a snare near Coromandel. ~ Michelle Boshoff News/ Columns/ Mining/ Schools Sport and much more

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28 Augustus 2014 Jr / Yr 12 No: 33


  • 28 Augustus 2014 Tel: 013 235 2287 Faks: 013 235 3076 P.B. 4418, Lydenburg 1120 e-mail: [email protected] 12 No: 33r / Yr

    Tel: 013-235-1303 l 19 De Clerq St, Lydenburg

    Crime against natureIt was with great shock that Mrs Gerda Whitehorn and her family walked up to this awful sight on their

    farm Paardeplaats outside Lydenburg on the Longtom Pass. Poachers killed a baboon, a small buck and a Brown Hyena. The brown Hyena is an endangered

    species. The animals heads were also found on the scene, but the pictures are is too graphic to publish. The Highlands Panorama News does apologise if this photo is upsetting to readers. But the cruelty of

    unlawful poaching is such a huge crisis in this area. The poor animals did not have a chance. Gerda said they found the poachers nearby and she was sure that they were killing

    the animals for food and to sell their hides. Another discovery was recently made by farmers in the Sterkspruit area. It looked like the leopard was eaten by bush pigs, probably alive.

    (See more info inside). The 21 August front page of the Highlands Panorama News showed a leopard which was found in a

    snare near Coromandel.

    ~ Michelle Boshoff


    Sportand much


  • Hours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - FriHours: 08:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri

    Rensburg Street 58

    th n September 28 it is World Rabies Day to raise awareness and understanding about the O

    importance of rabies prevention.Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic is supporting this initiative against the oldest and deadliest disease known to mankind.Rabies is a preventable disease that still kills 55,000 people needlessly each year.Rabies is a viral disease that can be transmitted to animals and humans.The disease is usually transmitted by a bite but exposure may also occur through contamination of broken skin or mucous membranes with saliva from an infected animal. It is possible that virus shedding in the saliva of infected animals could take place before the symptoms of rabies are seen. Following infection, there is an extremely variable incubation period ranging from weeks to years prior to onset of symptoms.Rabies is primarily a disease of children, who are particularly at risk from this terrible disease, due to their close contact with dogs- the major global source- according to Dr. Debbie Briggs, Executive Director of the Global Alliance for Rabies Control. Children are more likely to suffer multiple bites and scratches to the face and head, both of which carry a higher risk of contracting rabies. Children are often unaware of the danger that dogs transmit rabies and may not tell their parents when a bite, lick, or scratch has occurred.Once nerve symptoms of the disease develop, rabies is fatal to both animals and humans. The good news is that rabies is easily preventable. Vaccination prior to possible exposure is a crucial part of health management of domestic animals, and is the single most important factor in rabies prevention.Rabies prevention starts with the animal owner. Protect yourself, your pet and your community by taking animals to be vaccinated. This is compulsory for all dogs and cats in South Africa in terms of the Animal Diseases Act. Moving your dog or cat across a national or provincial boundary in South Africa without it being accompanied by a valid certificate of rabies vaccination is illegal. In a recent South African study, it was found that nearly three quarters of all dog bite wounds were caused by a dog which was known to the victim, but not owned by the victim. The message is clear. If your neighbours dog is regularly loose on the streets, it would be prudent to insist that

    World Rabies Day: Awarenessis the Best Defense against Rabies

    your neighbour proves that his (or her) wandering dogs are vaccinated. In 2012, there were 834 confirmed cases of rabies in animals in South Africa. Statistics are not provided on how many suspected rabies cases tested negative, but it is certain that every year thousands of suspect dogs are needlessly sacrificed for testing because their owners failed to have them vaccinated. Avoid contact with strange dogs, and don't be tempted to approach and touch wild animals which appear to be tame.If you are bitten, wash bite wounds with soap and water and seek medical attention immediately. If your pet is bitten, consult your veterinarian immediately. Prompt and appropriate treatment after being bitten and before the disease develops can stop rabies infection and/or prevent the disease in humans and animals. In support of rabies awareness, Sterkspruit Veterinary Clinic is offering free rabies vaccinations for dogs and cats from 1 September to 30 September. Call 013 235 4132 for further details. More information on World Rabies Day can be found at http://www.rabiesalliance.org

    Lede van die Longtom Fotografieklub het baie moeite gedoen om foto's van die voorgestelde onderwerp Lydenburg argitektuur vir die maand byeenkoms te neem. Die dorp het so 'n verskeiedenheid ou geboue, brue en monumente en interessante nuwe geboue ook. Na 'n stywe kompetisie het Jan van der Westhuizen gewen met hierdie prag foto van die NG kerk moedergemeente. In ons ope afdeling met verskeie onder

    Jan van der Westhuizen se foto wat as die wenner van die set subject aangewys is.

    afdelings het Heather Aspeling as wenner uitgestap met die pragtige foto van klein Amy. Ons rig 'n uitnodiging aan al die deelnemers aan die Panorama koerant se foto kompetisie om by die klub te kom aan sluit. Persone wat belangstel om die klub te besoek of aan te sluit, kan vir Peet Gerber (voorsitter) 083 634 4606 of Heather Aspeling (sekretaresse) 082 288 9383 skakel vir verdere inligting. Die lede vergader elke 2 maandag van die maand by die Hervormde Kerk om 18:00.

    Heather Aspeling se foto wat as die algehele wenner van die Longtom Fotografieklub se maandbyeenkoms aangewys is.

    Fotografie op sy mooiste

  • SMS:

    n Divisie van In2InsuranceBrokers (Pty) Ltd. FSP3615

    Tel: 086 111 2882Cell: 083 227 4625

    Email: [email protected]


    Versekeringsforum Building,

    104 Viljoen Street, Lydenburg.

    Call or sms Ronel @ 072 260 6511for all your Travel Needs

    [email protected]

    Call or sms Ronel @ 072 260 6511for all your Travel Needs

    [email protected] Viljoen Street, Lydenburg, 1120

    Tel:013 235 4438 F2E: 086 685 2647/013 235 4458Email: [email protected]

    Website: http://[email protected]

    082 857 6305

    t the entrance to Kellysville outside Lydenburg the residents literally have to walk and drive through A

    sewerage.This river of filth has been in constant flow for weeks. And the smell alone causes serous discomfort. Thaba Chweu Municipality has not come to fix the man hole. A resident of Kellysville is constantly phoning the person responsible for this sewerage problem. Please, Thaba Chweu no one deserves to live like this, the resident said. ~ Michelle Boshoff

    Dis heerlike lente, die winter's verby

    Weer nodig die velde vir jou en vir my

    Holadrioha, holadrioHoladrioha, holadrio

    Daar's dou op die blomme, die dagbreker fluit

    Ons beur deur die klowe die opdraandes uit

    Holadrioha, holadrioHoladrioha, holadrio

    Van hier waar die varkblom en vleiriete groei

    Tot daar waar die aalwyn en kanniedood bloei

    Holadrioha, holadrioHoladrioha, holadrio

    Sewerage in Kellysville

  • vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists


    Highlands Panorama

    News holds

    accredited membership

    of the following bodies /

    Highlands Panorama Nuus is n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

    volgende organisa-


    Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City

    Deep Production

    Park, City Deep.

    Copyright exists on all material

    published in theHighlands Panorama.

    Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

    op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.

    Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

    Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

    Panorama cc/bk. (CK 2006 / 199045/23)

    Office/Kantoor:65 Viljoen-Str/str 65

    (C/o - h/v Viljoen- & Jansen-Strs/stre);

    PO Box/Posbus 4418,

    LYDENBURG, 1120


    Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

    083 626 6305Editor/ Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

    Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:Reinet Bell

    082 450 4875Accounts:

    Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

    Grafies / Graphics:Judith Mosarwane -

    013 235 2287Webtuiste:

    Carol MunroEmail: info@


    Member of


    Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writers name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously.

    The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News

    is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (corner of Jansen Str.)

    TOE ek nog by natuurbewaring was, het ek die een konferensie op die ander bygewoon. So ek is nie meer groot op konferensies nie. Dit meng in met my werk en plesier.Ewenwel, laasweek het ek en ma die jaarlikse No Guts, No Glory, No Story konferensie vir kleiner gemeenskapskoerante naby Witbank bygewoon.

    Die Olifants River Lodge is n mooi p l e k o p d i e o e w e r v a n d i e Olifantsrivier, maar die laaste 10 kilometer grondpad soontoe is n riller.Voorheen het my oorlede vennoot Q u i n t u s L o o t s e n l a t e r o n s Redakteur, Michelle Boshoff, di jaarlikse konferensie bygewoon.Lesings vanjaar het onderwerpe soos wa t d ie med ia kan doen om renosterstropery te help bekamp, hoe die media misdaadtonele moet hanteer, die nuwe SA Press Code, n voorlegging deur Sanlam, een van die borge en ander lesings ingesluit.

    Tradisioneel bring elke koerant n klompie eksemplare van sy laaste publikasie en ruil ons koerante uit.Wat my baie laat lekkerkry het, was toe ek t ydens n r ookb reek , t oeva l l i g een koerantredakteur aan n ander hoor s het dat hy nou vir n slag n ordentlike koerant lees. En die koerant ter sprake, was die Highlands Panorama Nuus! Die kommentaar was seker nie vir my ore bedoel nie, maar dit het my nietemin baie goed laat voel. So, geluk aan my span, julle goeie werk word hoog aangeslaan deur sowat 50 ander koerant eienaars, redakteurs en joernaliste vanuit Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng en Noordwes. Ons is tops!

    Amos 8:8: Ek, die Here God, hou die sondige koningkryk dop, Ek gaan hom wegvee van die aarde af!Here, Vader, gee dat hierdie sondige koningkryk betyds tot bekering sal kom - Amen.

    to the editor

    aan dieredakteur


    Hulle noem my Liewe Heksie,

    maar Lefienja is my naam,eks die slimste heksie wat

    ek ken en ek was al op die maan.

    Matewis is my maatjie, hys die mooiste baba kat,ek weet nie wat hy s nie, maar hys n liewe skat.

    Waar woon Liewe Heksie en hoe lyk haar huis,

    waar al haar vriende saam kom,

    in haar sterretjie kombuis.

    Ek en Blommie kabouter, woon in Blommeland so

    mooi,as n gifappel die silwer roos

    wil vat, word hy in die tronk gegooi.

    Ons het n vriend so deftig, wat kom kuier uit die stad,hyt n kuil en n helikopter

    en sy naam is Karel kat.

    Ons het n gawe Koning, al kan hy vir ons brom,

    sy naam is Koning Roos se Krans

    en ons is lief vir hom.Nou ken jul Liewe Heksie,

    die wat graag wil weet,jul ken nou ook haar liedjie

    en sal dit nie vergeet.

    ns het 'n groot skat in die Afrikaanse storiebedryf verloor. Verna Vels se Onalentskap sal steeds geslagte

    kinders van Liewe Heksie in Blommeland vertel. Vir Die Uwe was Liewe Heksie meer as 'n storie op die plate en radio. Sarel Seemonster het ges: Stories is my lewe. Dit was nie 'n Heksie-storie nie, maar Stories is steeds my lewe. En Liewe Heksie was my storiekweekskool. Die begin van ook my werk as joernalis en nou redakteur. Stories is my lewe. Ek het gedroom om eendag ook 'n sterretjieskombuis te h. Ek het nooit daaraan gedink dit sal daar inren of skelms sal daar kan inkom nie. Liewe Heksie het vir my en my maats ons verbeelding help slyp. Die vergeetagtige heksie wat haar woorde omgeruil het. En Matewis... en Blommie Kabouter...Die skatkis van hierdie storie is legendaries. Engels of Afrikaans... elke kind het geweet wie is Liewe Heksie. En met die Heksie reeks se nuwe uitgawe 'n paar jaar gelede het die jongste geslag lesers die geleentheid gekry om die Liewe Heksie-liefde voor te sit. Haar skepper (ma), Verna Barbara Robertson Vels (81), is verlede week oorlede na 'n kankerstryd. Die FAK het oor tannie Verna se kultuurbydrae tot Afrikaans ges sy het in 1973 geskiedenis gemaak: sy was die eerste vrou wat as SAUK-organiseerder in ? streek (destydse Natal) aangestel is.In 1974 het sy in Johannesburg as organiseerder van Afrikaanse joernaalprogramme begin werk, wat kinder- en jeugprogramme ingesluit het. In die twee jaar voordat televisie amptelik op 5 Januarie 1976 op die lug gegaan het, was sy betrokke by programvervaardiging, aankope en beplanning. Ook Kraaines en Wielie-Walie het onder haar leiding begin. Die eerste Liewe Heksie-storie is op Siembamba in 1961 oor die radio uitgesaai. Die eerste boek het in 1965 by Human & Rousseau verskyn. Sy het in 1978 haar debuut op televisie in 'n reeks van 26 programme gemaak en 'n tweede reeks het in 1981 gevolg.Vels was die eerste vrou wat as programdirekteur vir die SAUK se TV1 aangestel is en het in 1993 afgetree n 39 jaar in radio en televisie. Sy was tot onlangs betrokke by die bekende sepie 7de Laan.Haai - oe - Blommie,ons gaan haar mis. Dankie dat Liewe Heksie nog vir altyd hier sal wees.

    ~ Michelle Boshoff

    Ons wil baie graag net vir Chanel Barnard geluk wens en die goeie nuus meedeel.

    Chanel Barnard het verlede week deelgeneem aan Mej LHS en 2de plek

    behaal na slegs een model klas by Global Artists. Ons is baie, baie trots op haar, dit

    wil gedoen word.

    Marulaboom CDs: Die Highlands Panorama Nuus het in Junie n versoek ontvang om Marulaboom Cds aan ons lesers as prys weg te gee. Ek het persoonlik die maatskappy al gesmeek en talle eposse gestuur om die Cds te kry. Of dit wel nog eendag hier gaan opdag is ek nie seker nie. Dit was nie n projek van die koerant nie. Ons is egter jammer dat die wenners nog nie hul Cds ontvang het nie. ED.

    The South African Association of Talent, Modeling and Entertainment is scouting for Talent to represent your Province at the South African Championships of Performing Arts 2015

    thWe are proud to announce that the 18 Annual South African Championships will take place at the Rustenburg Civic Center in

    thRustenburg from 3 12 April 2015. Often called the Olympics of the Performing Arts.The Provincial Semi-final audition rounds will be held in all 9 provinces, make sure you enroll for these prestigious auditions and qualify to represent your province at the South African Championship in April 2015.We are scouting for talented South Africans in the following styles and events - Dancing, Singing, Acting, Instrumentals, Choirs, Rhythmical Gymnasts, Revue Groups and Models.We have two age categories The Junior Section: categories are: 57 years, 8-10 years, 11-12 years, 13-15 years. The Senior Section: categories are: 16-17 years, 18-24 years, 25-29 years and 30+ The Junior and Senior G r a n d C h a m p i o n Award winner and our Te a c h e r s Aw a r d w i n n e r s w i l l a l l receive a fully paid trip to Los Angeles in 2015 to participate at the World Championships of Performing Arts. You can contact us y o u r P r o v i n c i a l Director Mpumalanga Elaine Grobler on 0769266111 for more information regarding the semi-final audition round in all Provinces, contact our Head O f f i c e a t [email protected] and visit our website www.beyond2000.co.za for latest results and news.

    Opportunites for models etc.

    Veels geluk vanaf Global Artists

  • Spreker by die vorige Sakekamer vergadering, Christo van der Rheede, voorsitter van die

    AHI.Toekie van Zyl, Andre Coetzee en

    Corinus du Toit. Corinus is skakelpersoon van die AHI.

    At this meeting were from left Lebo and Moya Lesia (ne Phosa) from Moyahabo and Chamber vice-chair

    Leon de Jager.

    The recent Business Chamber meeting was sponsored by Moyahabo Projects. Chamber going from strength to strength

    Matric exams knockingon the door

    here are only 60 days left for learners to prepare themselves for the upcoming 2014 grade 12 examinations. The Mpumalanga Department T

    of education would like to encourage all learners who have registered to write the 2014 grade 12 examinations to commit themselves vigorously in their studies.We would like to urge all our learners to also take advantage of the intervention programmes put in place by the Department together with its partners. These programmes have been initiated to help the learners who may experience challenges during their studies, said the MEC, Mrs Reginah Mhaule.The interventions include radio lessons. The Department has also established the dial-a-tutor programme which allows the learners to interact with curriculum

    implementers during their studies. The dial-a-tutor programme is able to link the learners with various curriculum specialists by dialling 087 805 1350 on their mobile phones. The system hangs up and automatically calls back the number whereby the learner is then directed to the correct curriculum specialist. Due to some technical challenges the text-a-tutor programme will only start

    operating by the beginning of October 2014. I would like to also encourage all our schools to participate in the morning, afternoon and Saturday classes as this will give the learners enough time to cover all their work, said the MEC. The department has also successfully conducted the June winter classes in 58 Centres around the Province with about 5 600 learners in attendance.

  • Ouwerf se Plaasmuseumfees - bespreek stalletjies

    DIE immergewilde Ouwerf Plaasmuseumfees vind weer op 24 September (Erfenisdag) plaas. Hierdie jaar gaan daar n groot verrassing wees vir mense wat unieke braaiers kan bou. Hou die koerant dop. Die Highlands Panorama Nuus skop een van die dae hierdie kompetisie af. Die stalletjies gaan weer van gehalte spreek. Hierdie jaar is daar ook n fotografie kompetisie, blommerangskik-wedstryd asook vir gekookte en ingelegde produkte.Die bekende Country Sanger Tom Jacobie tree op. Vermaak sluit in n Veteraanmotorskou, Antiek-sjiek modeparade, komiese toneelopvoering, lyndanse, bak van boerbrood, botter karring, klei-os maak, perde beslaan, skiet van voorlaaier en vele meer. Skakel bekende kunstenaar en een van die feesorganiseerders Pieter Krgel om betyds unieke stalletjies te registreer. Skakel Pieter by 074 270 7222 of sy vrou Melitza 079 857 2717.

    Braaier kompetisie vir Erfenisdag -hou die koerant dop - 1ste vir Lydenburg

    29 Augustus - Stoep vol Geskenke verskuif vanaf Swembad

    sentrum na Imbali Tuinsentrum en sal van nou af Tuin vol

    Geskenke heet. Enige persone wat belangstel om stalletjies te bespreek, kontak gerus vir

    Madelein Viljoen 076 770 2954 of 013 235 2224.

    20 jaar reunieDie 94 matrieks van Horskool Lydenburg gaan op 6 September hul 20 jaar reunie vier. Dit vind vanaf 15:00 plaas by die Horskool Lydenbug. Vir meer inligting epos Theuns Burden by [email protected] of Christo Greeff by 079 126 0058 / 013 235 4214.

    29-30 AUGUSTUS 2014: DOPPERMARK: Lydenburg

    Die naweek van 29-30 Augustus 2014 hou Die Gereformeerde Kerk Lydenburg hulle jaarlikse Doppermark n lekker plattelandse basaar. Al die aksie vind p laas op d ie te r re in van NG-Moedergemeente in Kerkstraat. Ons skop Vrydagaand af met n braai-ete wat vanaf 17h00 die middag te koop aangebied word teen R50-00 per porsie. Moenie tuis kos maak nie kom koop hier. D a a r i s o o k o m 1 8 h 0 0 n t o u t r e k k o m p e t i s i e . O n s n o o i maatskappye, personeel van skole en besighede uit om spanne saam te stel en in te skryf. Inskrywings is gratis, maar kom wys julle staal! Stuur gerus julle inskrywing na: [email protected] of skakel 013 235 4391 Maandae, Woensdae of Vrydae tussen 08h00 en 13h00. Saterdag is ons oop vir besigheid van 08h00 af: kom smul aan heerlike pannekoek, worsbroodjies, tuisgemaakte lekkers, kerrie en rys of vetkoek en rond dit af met poeding. Jy kan ook sommer alles koop vir jou ete vir Sondagmiddag: vleis, vars groente, en n lekker koek vir Sondagmiddagtee. Miskien sommer jou vleisvoorraad vir die nuwe maand....En terwyl jy by die teetuin ontspan en weer bande met vriende in die gemeenskap verstewig, is daar speletjies vir die kinders en n heerlike lekkergoedstalletjie wat hulle besig sal hou. Hoekom die naweek van 29-30 Augustus 2014 nog enigsins dink aan wat jy gaan doen om besig te bly en watter kos om te maak?Kom kuier by die DOPPERMARK!

    By Master Maths se ope dag verlede week was van links me Ilze du Plessis van Lydenburg Laer, Karl Buitendag en Flip de Jager.

    Henry Ehlers het gaan inloer by

    Master Maths se Ope-dag by Johannes

    Coetzerstraat 42. Hy is die gelukkige

    wenner van 'n maand se gratis

    lesse by die sentrum. Hartlik geluk Henry en

    Janko! Hou Highlands

    Panorama dop vir meer geleenthede

    by die sentrum waar leerders

    slimmer word in wiskunde en wetenskap.

    Master Maths se Ope-dag 'n slim suksesHaat jy wiskunde? Is jy doodbang vir die wetenskap-eksamen? Of werk jy dalk vir 'n onderskeiding in een van die twee sogenaamde moeilike vakke?Al is dit al effe laat in die jaar, is hulp letterlik om die draai. Loopafstand van die skool af, staan Marlie Rautenbach gereed by Lydenburg se eie Master Maths en Master Science-sentrum, by Johannes Coetzerstraat 42 (draai uit Voortrekkerstraat, rigting Horskool toe derde huis van die hoek af). Die sentrum het in April vanjaar as een van 149 in die land, sy deure in Lydenburg oopgemaak. Geskoei op die skoolsillabus, bied di sentra reeds vir 36 jaar lank 'n uitkoms aan kinders wat die twee vakke onder die knie wil kry of die tikkie ekstra moeite wil insit om 'n onderskeiding te behaal.

    Word slimmer in wiskunde, wetenskapDie rekenaar-gebaseerde lesse is inter-aktief en fokus op probleem-areas wat aandag nodig het. Die wiskunde-programme is geskryf vir leerders van graad 4 tot 12 en die wetenskaplesse vir graad 10 tot 12. Die kinders weet goed waarmee hulle sukkel en dit is uit die aard van die saak waarop ons in-zoom, verduidelik Marlie. Elke leerder werk teen sy of haar eie tempo en bespreek rekenaartyd in uur-gleuwe. Individuele aandag is deurentyd beskikbaar. Die ideaal is om van graad nege af twee ure per week in te pas maar dis nie ongewoon om voor eksamentyd vier ure per week te bespreek nie. Wanneer moet 'n mens begin werk maak van jou wiskunde-punt? Sodra jy begin twyfel of jou motivering vir die vak verloor, s Marlie. Maar dis gewoonlik die toets-uitslae wat ouers tot aksie

    laat oorgaan. Die eerste druippunt op 'n rapport of liewer, enige punt onder 50%, is genoeg rede om werk te maak van die probleem, glo sy.Dit het niks met slim en dom uit te make nie, maar alles met verstaan, s Marlie. Wiskunde is verreweg die vak wat die meeste hulpkrete laat opgaan. In die jonger grade is basiese rekeningkunde (soos tafels, ewe en onewe getalle, agteruit tel in drie'e) algemeen. In die hor grade word die probleem dringender omdat elke jaar op die vorige jaar se werk bou en 'n gaping kan, net soos 'n swak fondasie, alles inmekaar laat tuimel.Die sentrum het verlede week 'n ope dag gehou en die wenner van 'n maand se lesse, was Henry Ehlers. Sy seun Henko sal oor 'n maand kan s hoe slim die lesse 'n mens maak! Skakel Marlie by 084 491 0033 of 013 235 0019 vir meer inligting.

  • No guts, no glory...

    Van die Forum lede en sprekers by die kursus.

    DIE Highlands Panorama Nuus het verlede week die jaarlikse No Guts, No Glory konferensie vir klein gemeenskapskoerante by die Olifants River Lodge naby Witbank bygewoon. Die konferensie is geborg deur Sanlam, Caxton en Media24 en is gerel deur die Forum vir gemeenskapsjoernaliste (FCJ). Die program het die volgende sprekers ingesluit:

    1. Inspiring Champions deur Dr. Henning Gericke.2. Verwelkoming deur Andries Van Zyl, voorsitter van die FCJ.3. The Rhino War - how the community press can help deur Gen Johan Jooste.4. Gebeurlikheidbeplanning deur besighede vir gevreesde siektes, met die klem op kanker, deur Sanlam se Rean Van Wyk.5. The New Press Council deur Adv Latiefa Mobara.6. How to handle a Crime Scene deur oud Kol Anton Crafford.Benewens die interessante aanbiedings is daar genetwerk, ons het na mekaar se koerante gekyk, daar is informeel gesels oor gemeenskaplike sake soos kostes, drukwerk, advertensietariewe ens.Daar is natuurlik ook gekuier, geet en gedrink. Die konferensie was baie leersaam. Andre Coetzee

  • Prices valid from Thursday up to and including Thursday 04 September 2014 or While Stock Last

    All prices include VAT. We reserve the right to limit Quantities. *E&OE.

    28 August

    Storie volg vanaf bl.1Stropers is niemand se vriende nie. Hulle stel strikke, voel niks vir die natuur nie en hulle is meestal gewapen en deksels gevaarlik.So gaan stap jong Brian Whitehorn onlangs op Paardeplaats op die Longtompas. Netso duskant die bopunt van masjienkloof, begin Umjoji die staffie vervaard te blaf en kies koers tussen die wattles deur. Daar kom die twee toe af op 'n aaklige gesig drie afgeslagde karkasse hang in 'n boom, kop, lyf, derms en vel netjies geskei. 'n Groot bobbejaan, 'n bokkie wat lyk na 'n duikertjie en ergste van alles - 'n bruin hyena, een van ons area se bedreigde spesies.Na uitgebreide foonoproepe na natuurbewaarders en die SAPD toe, teen middernag in die koue, het Weitz en Riekert Botha en die jong Brian whitehorn die stropers gaan voorl, gewapen met 'n windbuks om hulle skrik te maak. En daar daag hulle toe op drie stok-ou mense wat bibberend net probeer oorleef.Van wild wat in strikke gevang word. Die volgende oggend vroeg het hulle spoorloos verdwyn, wie weet, rigting Nooitgedacht toe. ~ Gerda Whitehorn

    Gaan stap saam Saterdag:n Span stappers beplan om eerskomende Saterdag in Masjienkloof te gaan strikke soek. Skakel Gerda Whitehorn op 079 515 7799 as jy wil saamstap

    Lucas Nkuna van Paardeplaats kyk na die plakkershut tussen die bome waar drie hawelose mense twee weke lank weggekruip het.

  • BURGERSFORTShop 30 Morone Centre

    Tel: 013 231 8008

    LYDENBURG99 Viljoen StreetTel: 013 235 1486

    T: 013 235 1486T: 013 231 8008E: [email protected]

    is weer sulke tyd! Werk aan Lydenburg se vierde Sakegids Dis in volle swang.

    Van volgende week af vaar die produksiespan van die gewilde gids, Lydenburg se strate in om besighede aan boord te kry.Sedert die Sakekamer se eerste uitgawe drie jaar gelede, het hierdie jaarlikse foonboek vir die dorp in gewildheid toegeneem en ons kon nie langer uitstel om die oplaag te vergroot nie, s redakteur van die Sakegids, Gerda Whitehorn. Volgende jaar word daar 8000 van die omvattende gids gedruk, Steelpoort en Burgersfort is weer deel van die prentj ie en uitgebreide dorpskaarte word binne-in die boek geplaas.Die plan is om ook 'n groter dorpskaart die lig te laat sien wat aan inwoners en toeriste beskikbaar gestel kan word. Alle besighede wat in die boek verskyn, se foonnommers sal ook agter op die kaart gedruk word.Ons doel met die publikasies, is om besighede bymekaar uit te bring en tot b inne- in e lke hu ishouding, s Whitehorn. Die Sakegids is 'n mooi maar duur publikasie en ons wil die standaard daar hou maar ons wil ook graag sien dat dit as geelbladsye van die dorp gebruik word en langs elke telefoon l. 'n Aparte dorpskaart, wat by die skole en aan toeriste uitgedeel kan word, sal die droom vir ons verwesenlik.Vir meer inligting, skakel Gerda Whitehorn by 079 515 7799 of [email protected] of Charlene Coetzee, Lydenburg se toerisme-verteenwoordiger, by 078 384 0330 of [email protected].

    Gerda Whitehorn en Charlene Coetzee vaar eersdaags Lydenburg se strate in om advertensies te werf vir die 2015 Sakegids. Charlene

    sal 'n draai by alle gastehuise en winkelsentra maak. Besighede word ook aangemoedig om die Sakekamer aan te sluit.

    Sakegids 2015in volle swang

  • 5 Kerk Street LydenburgTel: (013) 235 2118Fax: (013) 235 2145

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    COFTA Unity is there to provide assistance with the B-BBEE verification process of your business regardless of its size or industry sector.Every business in South Africa is unique and personal attention will be provided to ensure that BEE strategies are evaluated according to legislative requirements. B r o a d - B a s e d B l a c k E c o n o m i c Empowerment (B-BBEE) compliance is a process and should be viewed as long-term as opposed to a short-term once off event. At COFTA Unity, we offer various solutions to assit clients achieve a compliant BEE Status.BEE is in essence about growing people, and we believe by growing the people, the business wil also grow. About Cofta Unity:

    Our logo represents the BEE Potjie, a traditional South African dish with the 3 legs of Empowerment, Direct Empowerment through Ownership and Management, Human Empowerment through Equity and Skills and Indirect Empowerment through Supplier, E n t e r p r i s e a n d S o c i a l E c o n o m i c Empowerment. Cofta is owned by Cobus Tomlinson (Co) Frank Mbatha (f) and Tabisile Mgwenya (ta) with a 52% Black Ownership. Cofta Unity Pty Ltd being a Level 2 Empowering Supplier with 30% BO, will add a 1.4 Preferential Procurement value to your Procurement.The Challenge (Problem)The B-BBEE verification process is a complex and time consuming administrative task in most entities. With the introduction of the New Codes additional strain was placed on businesses as the bar was raised to much higher levels. Becoming B-BEE Compliant on the New Codes with at least a Level 4 rating needs a strategy planned with business common sense , which requires a substantial investment in money and effort, which must then properly implemented and monitored in a way that ensures maximum return on investment (ROI)

    What we offer: The SolutionWe provide a simple honest solution to increase your income by improving your BBBEE scorecardMultiple benefits by increasing your BBBEE score, as well as getting levies and tax allowances already paid to the SETA's back and many, many morebenef i ts o f an improved business pe r fo rmance managemen t sys tem guaranteed compliance with the Employment Equity as well as the Skills Development Elements affordable - linked to what you are supposed to invest manageable payment system spread over 12 monthsWe provide a TRIPLE solution to triple BBBEE challengesIncreased BBBEE Scorecard ratingsIncreased Business ProfitabilityIncreased People growth: Grow your people to grow your businessOur retainer service includes:Meetings, consulting time, email and telephone sessions as described above.We will make use of electronic media as much as possible such as Skype, Go to Meeting and Webinars as we value your and our time.Excluded: Travel @R4.00 per kilometer.

    The InvestmentYou can ask the question: If you could improve your rating as well as achieve an overall improvement in performance, what would it be worth to you? Contact us: Cobus Tomlinson Mobile: 082 566 6325, Sonet Goosen, Mobile: 082 302 3986. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

    B-BEE will be the topic of the Lydenburg / Mashishing Business Chamber's next meeting to be held on Tuesday 9 September at 17.30 at the Anglican Church Hall in corner Burger and Ker streets. Cobus Tomlinson, B-BEE consultant from COFTA Services, will be giving members and anybody interested, a brief overview of the latest regulations. On Wednesday 10 September Cobus will be in Lydenburg to present an in depth workshop for businesses. This workshop is offered to Lydenburg businesses at a highly reduced rate. To book, contact Ingrid on 082 634 6473.

  • WIELEWHEELS(Motoring)

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    CHEVROLET has launched two limited edition models of its popular small hatchbacks the Sonic and Spark. The black and white special editions benefit from locally developed exterior upgrades and enhanced specification to give the cars a special South African flavour, GMSA says.For the Sonic, the base car is the 1.6 LS and the black and white editions are available in a limited run of 200 units with the side mirrors and rear spoiler are painted in contrasting orange. Black and white special editions feature Chevrolets impressive MyLink infotainment system and black 16-inch alloy wheels.In similar fashion, the Spark black and white edition is based on the 1.2 LS and will have a production run of 300 units, featuring black 15-inch alloy wheels, contrasting black or white decals, light

    OPEL fans can prepare for a brace of models previously denied to them; the Adam city car and Mokka crossover SUV will be launched in South Africa next year.General Motors South Africa (GMSA) has confirmed Adam and Mokka will go on sale in South Africa in 2015. The models introductions form part of a plan by Opel to introduce 27 new vehicles and 17 engines in certain markets by 2018 as part of a global brand resurgence.Opel brand manager Christopher Cradock further explained, The Opel Adam and Mokka were shown to the South African public at last years Johannesburg International Motor Show, where we experienced overwhelmingly positive reactions from consumers and the media.Precise engine and model derivatives will be finalised closer to the launch, Cradock has said.topcar.co.za

    titanium upholstery, glossy black interior detai l ing, sports pedals, stainless steel door sill plates, unique side skirts and an exter ior c h r o m e d e t a i l package.The Sonic limited edition is available as we speak for R275 700, while the Spark arrives in September and has not been priced as yet.topcar.co.za

    Left:Opel Adam

    Right:Opel Mokka


    8 Breytenbach Str, Lydenburg, 1120, 013 235 [email protected]

    ITs hard to believe that the venerable Morris Minor will celebrate 66 years of being on September 20 2014. I cant imagine there can be many families who didnt have an aunt, uncle or granddad who didnt own one of the most reliable vehicles to have come from post-war Britain. In England, when I was a kid, not that many people owned a car and those who did were well-known in the community.It was a status symbol - the district nurse had a much-battered, black Morris Minor with red leather-look upholstery; the local vicar two or three streets away had a steel-grey Series II example, while the local newsagent had a station-wagon variant called a Traveller and would often tell my dad: Its done more than a million kilometres, you know.All Morrises of this type, incidentally, were known reverently as Minors. Dad and Smithie, our local newsagent, got along famously. The Fall family apparently spent more on car magazines while subscribing to the Exchange & Mart (a dedicated motoring classified mag) than anyone else in the neighbourhood. By the time I turned 16 Smithie could have retired on the motorcycle magazines supplied to me and eagerly read each week by yours truly.We ran the local Jowett car agency and general garage in town and got to know most of the car owners who called in for petrol and a friendly chat. It was rare for any Morris Minor to need more than a 'lube and tune' to keep them trouble-free for another six months or 5000km they were robust and rarely gave trouble.First shown at the Earls Court Motor Show in London on September 20, 1948, the Morris Minor was the brainchild of Alec Issigonis, thats right, the same man who introduced the Mini Minor series 11 years later in 1959.The cars were assembled in Cowley, Oxfordshire though also shipped in semi-knocked down form to other parts of the world, including South Africa. The Minor was an instant success. In two- and four-door guise the first Series (MM) lasted until 1953 there was even a convertible version interestingly, this model accounted for 30% of UK sales. I always knew the British were a weird bunch with their predilection for sun worship if any were to be found as they motored along.Under the bonnet was a 918cc four-cylinder side-valve engine that could haul the Minor along at more 100km/h but, more important, would always return seven litres/100km or better. Incidentally, the first motorway in Britain only came along in 1959 (known as the M6), so speed remained of secondary importance to most post-war motorists.Queen Elizabeth IIs coronation year (1953) saw the introduction of a decent-sized, OHC (overhead cam) A-Series one-litre engine fitted to the Minor. Amateur tuners of the day could now extract some decent speed and better the stock-standard 0-

    100km/h acceleration time of about 50 seconds. An estate version came along, called the Traveller, and its this Woodie model that usually command the highest prices when Minors come up for auction.In 1961, 13 years into the production run, the Morris Minor achieved the accolade of becoming the first British car to sell more than a million. To celebrate, 350 especially commissioned Minors were produced with '1 000 000' badges on the bodywork instead of the normal Morris 1000. The factory called the colour lilac but Ill swear on my death bed they were pink with contrasting white upholstery. If youve got one of these tucked away in a garage somewhere feel free to contact OLX... but dont bother calling me!Simple to repair and easy to keep running so long as you greased regularly the front suspension kingpins and numerous other moving parts to be found throughout the undercarriage the Morris Minor continued in production until 1971.By then it had even more power - an 1100cc motor, a fresh new-look dashboard (all that meant really was a lid was put on the glove box and huge, round tail lights.The Morris Minor really was a jewel. A classic case of the right car at the right time.Wheels24.co.zaMy late mother had a 57 Morris (older than pictured above) and I drove it to school in grade 12 - Andre Coetzee.

    ISUZU will offer a more exclusive version of its KB 300 double cab from the end of September 2014. The Midnite Edition bakkie has a limited production run of 500 units.Available in red, white or silver metallic only, Midnite is distinguished by a special black bumper guard and black radiator grille, black mirror caps, roof rails, side steps and window surrounds, and black 17-inch alloy wheels. A black rear bumper completes the style package, along with a black rollbar and branded doorsill plates.

    Inside the cabin, Midnite Edition carpets and a plaque bearing the units unique number of the 500 built, set the special apart. As for practicality, a tow bar is standard..Midnite Edition models are powered by Isuzus 130kW/380Nm 3.0-litre D-Teq turbodiesel engine mated to five-speed manual or automatic transmissions. Choices of 42 and 44 (with manual only) drivetrains are offered, too. As with the rest of the KB range, the special bakkie is sold with a five-year or 120 000 km warranty and a five-year or 90 000 km service plan. Service intervals are at every 15 000km.topcar.co.za

  • VILJOEN STREET, Tel: 013 235 2141 / Fax: 013 235 4802

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    THIERRY Neuville was the surprise winner of the 2014 Rally of Germany on Sunday (August 24), clinching his maiden victory 40sec clear of fellow Hyundai driver Dani Sordo after favourites VW's Sebastien Ogier/Jari-Matti Latvala crashed.Andreas Mikkelsen (VW) finished third, nearly a minute off first place.Neuville dominated the final day of the three-day event with championship leader Ogier having pulled out after crashing on Saturday (August 23).Latvala, who had taken the lead from Ogier going into the German WRC, then also crashed and left Neuville to race to victory. He went off the road in a vineyard section about 14km after the start of the opening 18.03km stage on Sunday morning.Ogier leads the Drivers' standings on 187 points with Latvala second on 143.Result from the 2014 Rally of Germany1 Thierry Neuville (Belgium) Hyundai 3hr07min20.22 Daniel Sordo (Spain) Hyundai +40.73 Andreas Mikkelsen (Norway) VW +58.04 Elfyn Evans (Britain) Ford +1min03.65 Mikko Hirvonen (Finland) Ford +1min10.56 Mads Ostberg (Norway) Citroen +1min22.77 Martin Prokop (Czech Republic) Ford +4min52.88 Dennis Kuipers (Netherlands) Ford +9min8.19 Pontus Tidemand (Sweden) Ford +11min35.410 Ott Taenak (Estonia) Ford +11min37.2Wheels24.co.za

    JOINING the ranks of the elite supercars and racing metal at Pebble Beach in Monterey this weekend was the newest Lamborghini racer: The Lamborghini Huracan LP620-2 Super Trofeo.Prepared for Blancpain endurance racing in Europe, Asia and North America; the Huracan racer replaces its Gallardo LP570-4 forebear and gains the LP620-2 nomenclature signifying it gains 10 horsepower (7.5kW) over the road-going Huracan and is rear-wheel drive.Notably for us, South African racer and Squadra Corse driver Adrian Zaugg; has been soaking up the limelight as one of the chief test drivers for the project. We think hes done rather a good job and the car should debut in April 2015 for the start of the endurance series at Monza.Powering the racer will be the ubiquitous 5.2-litre V10 with power pumped up to 463kW, but competitors will rejoice because the car retains the dual-clutch transmission of the road car rather than the old Gallardos clunky, single-clutch cog swapper.Performance figures for the Super Trofeo havent been quoted yet but with a base car as fast as the Huracan (zero to 100kph in 3.2sec and a top speed of 325kph), and the cars lightened 1274kg kerb weight, we should expect something pretty brisk from the carbonfibre and aluminium composite machine.The LP620-2 Super Trofeo shows various aerodynamic modifications, among them a low front chin spoiler and a new ten-way adjustable rear wing with a multi-layered diffuser. The result being overall downforce has increased markedly and larger brake cooling ducts have improved thermal efficiency over the Gallardo.The Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo is an all-new car built from scratch with a clear racing concept, Lamborghini R&D boss Maurizio Reggiani says. We believe the car will be as fun for fans to watch as it will be rewarding for our racers to drive.topcar.co.za

  • TIME was when a panel van (at least in South Africa) automatically meant a Ford Transit, whether in plain white and carrying the dings and scratches of outrageous traffic, or decked out in royal red velour as a mobile motel room (one of my best friends was conceived in one!) they delivered the goods (pun intended) until overtaken by French, German and Japanese rivals. But the Transit is back, bigger than ever, as part of the company's 'One Ford' globalisation plan, in panel van, chassis cab and Tourneo 12 or 18 seater minibus format, each on either the medium wheelbase or extended jumbo version of a rugged two-tonner chassis. The Transit and Tourneo come with a 2.2-litre Duratorq turbodiesel, available in three states of tune: a choice of 92kW/350Nm and 114kW/385Nm versions for the medium and long-wheelbase Transits, and a 100kW/350Nm prime mover for both variants of the Tourneo. The Transit has been engineered for toughness, with high-strength boron alloy steel in key areas; preproduction models covered 11 million kilometres in testing (equivalent to 275 times round the world) 500 000km of it in the unsympathetic hands of real-world customers, and endured some extreme tests based on real-life scenarios, such as hitting a 150mm kerb at 60km/h! The vans were also designed around real-life cargoes such as standard-size pipes and building boards, with more-vertical side walls that its predecessor and larger, more practical door openings - the side load doors can open to 1300mm easier loading and unloading with forklift trucks. Tourneo minibus version seats 12 in medium-wheelbase and 18 in extended jumbo configuration.The medium-width Transit has a 10 500 litre cargo bay that can take four Europallets or carry three-metre lengths along the floor, while the jumbo Transit boasts an echoing 14 800 litres, with room for either five Europallets, or floor space for materials up to 4.2 metres long. Smart features include cargo-bay lighting (not all deliveries are done in daylight), tie-down points low down on the sidewalls to keep the floor flat and clear, and high-visibility reflectors to warn other road users when the rear doors are open at 90

    degrees. The medium wheel-base Transit is rated to tow 2800kg, while the jumbo can pull 3500kg. The Transit's cabin boasts a steering column that is fully-adjustable for rake and reach, a full-width overhead shelf and a large hidden compartment under the dual passenger seat, as well as no less than three 12-volt power sockets for charging mobile devices; an audio system with Bluetooth and USB connectivity is standard. Also standard is an electronic stability program developed specifically for tall vehicles with roll-over mitigation, load adaptive control, and curve control to slow the van in a safe and stable way when it goes into a bend (a freeway off-ramp, say) too quickly, as well as trailer sway control and hill hold. Chassis cab variant can be bodied to suit the customers needs.The new Jumbo Transit and Tourneo will be available later in the year from a number of dedicated Ford dealerships specialising in commercial vehicles. They'll be covered by Ford's standard family-car warranty of four years or 120 000km; prices, as always, when they get here. iol.motoring.co.za

    DEFENDER Africa Edition celebrates Land Rovers unique place in third-world culture.Given its iconic status throughout the continent, it's remarkable that there has never been an Africa Edition commemorating the Land Rover Defender's unique place in Africa. Until now. Just 50 of the Defender Africa Edition are available, of which 30 are 110 station wagons and the rest are based on the short-wheelbase Defender 90, with a special colour scheme, distinctive graphics and a range of practical features to underscore its no-nonsense persona. Available only with the proven 90kW/360Nm 2.2-litre turbodiesel, in black with colour-coded wheel arches and signature red contrast roof, each one carries the Defender Africa logo - the Defender wording alongside the continent's outline - on sides and rear, and runs on 16" black 'Sawtooth' alloys shod with 235/85 Goodyear Wrangler MTR dual-purpose tyres. The theme continues inside with Melvill and Moon seat covers in bespoke black canvas with red leather piping, red contrast stitching and a special 'Africa' map tag, while the CD/tuner with MP3 compatibility includes an auxiliary input and Bluetooth connectivity.

    The Land Rover Defender 90 Africa Edition sells for R523 000 and the 110 for R562 000, and there's also a range of dealer-fit a c c e s s o r i e s available to make them even more Africa-capable. Pick and choose what you need for y o u r A f r i c a n adventure - or just order the full-house p a c k a g e a t a saving of nearly R6000 on the individual prices. iol.motoring.co.za

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    R1 330 0003 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr huis, sitkmr, eetkmr, kombuis, ingeboude braai en wendy huis.R940 0003 slaapkamer, 2 badkmr meenthuis met enkel motorhuis nuut gebou.

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    3 slpk en 2 badk woonstel met ruim oopplan leefarea/ kombuis. Enkel motorhuis

    R 7 600pm

    R 7 600 pm

    R 6 100 pm

    Te Koop 2 Slpk 1 badk meenthuis met oopplan leefarea/ kombuis. Enkel motorhuis enkel afdak eie erf

    Plaas te koop. R 115 ha 8 km buite Lydenburg

    3 Slpk, 2 badk Sitkamer met kaggel Aparte kombuis met gas stoof. Waskamer, bediende toilet, stoorkamer, dubbel motorhuis, hele huis het blinds. Alarm met elektriese heining. Woonstel/gaste kamer. Wendy. Gekopelde Generator

    R880 000

    R 2.1 Miljoen

    R1.350 000 Miljoen

    Verskeie erwe en eiendomme te koop

    Every year, innocent lives are lost as a consequence of the unsafe use of electricity, particularly in the form of illegal connections. We believe that one injury or fatality as a result of the unsafe use of electricity is one too many. We have identified that the biggest contributors to electrical accidents, injuries and fatalities are contact with low-hanging conductors, unsafe connections, vandalism, illegal power connections and cable theft, Corporate Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Operations Manager at Eskom, Alex Stramrood, said. He was speaking at the launch held in Winterveld outside Pretoria.During National Electricity Safety Week, the country's power utility educates communities about the basics of safe electricity usage and the risks of electricity theft, including meter tampering, bypassing and illegal connections. Businesses and residents regularly connect to the Eskom network illegally, said Stramrood. This is not only dangerous for the individual making the connection but also places the community at risk. Illegal connections draw too much electricity from the grid, causing power failures to paying customers. Eskom called on communities to report unsafe electricity connections to 08600 37566 or 0800 112 722 and by reporting electricity theft to Operation Khanyisa by sending an SMS to Crime Line on 32211. The service is anonymous and costs only R1 per

    SMS. At each event, the public will enjoy an industrial theatre production that educates them on the various dangers associated with electricity, how to identify the dangers and to know what to do if they spot them. It called on the public to not collect electricity illegally. Only Eskom employees and authorised contractors can work on networks, meters and substations. Safety tips1. Do not pull out plugs by the cord. This damages the cable and can lead to electrical wires being exposed. 2. Do not put bare electrical wires into sockets.3. Do not touch any electrical appliances with wet hands. 4. Never use electricity in the bathroom; water and electricity are a dangerous combination.5. Do not pass electric cords from one room to another through hinges of doors or windows where they can be squashed or damaged. Do not overload plug points. Never leave electrical appliances unattended while in use. Switch off heaters, stoves, and kettles when no longer in use.Ensure that you purchase electrical products from reputable companies, distributers, and retailers. Report illegal connections and other forms of electricity theft.If your children like to go out and play in the fresh air, warn them about the following: 1. Avoid playing near power lines or substations. 2. Do not fly kites near power lines. If a kite gets stuck in a power line, do not try to retrieve it; you could be hurt. 3. Never climb trees or other structures near power lines. SAnews.gov.za

    Connecting illegally can be


  • Voor v.l.n.r : Zandre Volschenk, Naude Potgieter, Duncan van Vuuren, Michael Brummer

    Agter v.l.n.r. Henno van der Westhuizen, Franco Terblanche, Stefan v.d. Berg, Danie Prinsloo.

    Hierdie kranige rugbyspelers het op 2 Augustus op Frans du Toit 'n toernooi gespeel , maar in die plaat finaal verloor.

    Met die tweede toernooi (9 Augustus) op Kanonkop het hulle die toernooi gewen en weggestap met die Shield Reward Die

    volgende toernooi is op die 30e Augustus te Pennryn.

    Horskool Lydenburg se Sewes wen toernooi

    Voor v.l.n.r.: Desire Khoza (0/17), Izak-Daniel Bezuidenhout, Danel van der Walt (0/17), Keith Klingbiel (0/15) Thaban Makofane (0/17) Middel v.l.n.r. : Roan Grobler (0/17) Progress Khoza (0/15) Heinrich

    Rheede (0/17), Frikkie Fensham (0/15) en Thaban Mohlala(0/15) Agter v.l.n.r.: Marco van Wyk, (0/17) en C.j. Joubert (0/15) (kaptein). In die skaak liga, waaraan sewe skole deelgeneem het, het die 0/17-span 3e geindig, sleg 2 punte agter die span wat 2de gekom het. Die 0/15-span eindig gesamentlik eerste in

    die liga, maar word op 'n tegniese fout 2de geplaas en ontvang 'n silwer medalje.Die volgende leerlinge word aangewys as bord wenners: 0/15 C .J. Joubert bord 1 ; Frikkie Fensham bord 4. Die volgende 0/17s verloor slegs een wedstryd. Ruan Grobler bord 1, Marco van Wyk bord 4. Horskool Lydenburg is opgewonde daaroor dat die skaak weer vlam gevat het en dat ons leerders so

    goed presteer.

    On Saturday 13 September 2014, the annual Mathematics Team Competition, sponsored by the Actuarial Society of South Africa, will take place. This is an

    absolute must for all serious scholars of mathematics. On the basis of the

    Harmony Maths Olympiad second round results a junior and a senior Lowveld team has been chosen, involving a

    learner of Horskool Lydenburg.Migael van Velden has been chosen to represent the Lowveld team in the team competition. This is a big achievement

    and we wish him all the best.

    Voor v.l.n.r : Zelda Maduma, Sabeeha Cassim, Annemie Steyn, Me. C. Davis, Departementshoof : kultuur. (me. S. Roos afrigter,

    afwesig) Esmerie Bekker, Naai'lah Gafar, Christina Couvaras.Middel v.l.n.r. : Tacita Black, Shegofatso Mashilangwako,

    Monique Geldenhuys, Carly van Vuuren, Mignon Black, Danelle van der Walt,

    Agter v.l.n.r. : Donovan Marks, Amina Cassim, Matshepo Mnisi .

    Radikale redenaar is 'n landwye kompetisie waaraan enige iemand kan deelneem. Dit is baie gemakliker as die ATKV- kompetisie. Daar is nie onderwerpe of temas waaruit 'n deelnemer moet kies nie, dus kan jy oor enige iets wat jou na aan die hart l, praat.

    Radikale redenaars- Horskool Lydenburg skitter!Jy het ook die keuse om in Afrikaans of Engels te praat. As jy wil, kan jy selfs tweetalige toesprake lewer. Dit is die perfekte geleentheid om jou selfvertroue te bou en redenasie vermons op te skerp.Die Radikale redenaars het ook radikaal gegroei in Horskool Lydenburg. Daar was hierdie jaar soveel deelnemers dat twee lokale gebruik moes word om die laerskool en horskoolleerlinge te akkommodeer.Die volgende leerlinge is gekies om aan die provinsiale kompetisie (Mpumalanga) te gaan deelneem :Janie van Rooyen, Mignon Black, Tsegofatso Mashilangwako, Mashepo Mnisi, Danelle v.d. Walt en Christina Couvaras. Die volgende leerders is gekies om aan die nasionale kompetisie te gaan deelneem : Amina Cassim, Annemie Steyn en Christina Couvaras. (Christina is ook gekies om aan die ATKV- nasionale kompetisie vir redenaars te gaan deelneem).

    Veels geluk aan Jana Swanepoel wat haar graad ses Unisa musiekeksamen geslaag het. Dis voorwaar n prestasie met al die ander aktiwiteite op haar kerfstok. Me.Renee Esterhuizen is baie trots op haar.


  • PROFESSOR BULOHEALER/HERBALISTFor all your problems: Pregnancy problems Lost Love Bad Luck, Gambling Sexual problems Chase away Tokoloshe Financial Problems Customer Attraction Court Cases etc.

    Lydenburg/ BurgersfortCall: 083 553 3050

    www.lydenburgprop.co.zaKerkstraat 41

    Verkope & VerhuringTel: 013 235 1986

    Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

    Tiles Baths Taps Toilets

    BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362

    Sement BousteneMaxi StenePlaveiselVloertelsMuurtels

    Stepping StonesVertoonlokaal byKuns vir Afrika Padstal 4km uit Lydenburg

    op Dullstroompad

    EiendomInstandhouding & VerbeteringFanus Potgieter

    [email protected]

    Verf - Tel - Plavei - Bou

    Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

    Blinds Vinyl Laminate Carpets


    G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

    LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

    A1 LOCK & KEY. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

    KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

    J.CS TRAILER HIRE, V-Tec agent. 079 171 1109/ 082 434 0026

    AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

    T H E P I N K A P R O N CUPCAKE shop. Amanda 073 242 2674

    DA VISSER PLUMBERS: R e g B Z 2 8 7 7 . B u r s t geysers, maintenance etc. 072 598 6532.

    M V G L A S & ALUMINIUM:Instaleering & v e r v a n g i n g v a n v e n s t e r g l a s , veiligheidsglas, aluminium rame, skuif & sort deure, windskerms. Loodgieter dienste. Fanie Maritz 082 490 9805 / Phillip Warricker 082 499 5432


    SEWING: New / alterations, Four bs. Beryl 073 223 6876 Delsie 083 422 4182 Lizah 078 303 5564 . Beehive Centre no 13, c/o Burger & Voortrekker Streets, Lydenburg.


    DIVINE NAILS & Beauty, 4S Slimming Pills. 076 677 6002

    HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

    CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 086 3961/ 081 016 0469

    G R A N D B O N H E U R Coolsculpting / Fat Freeze, Teeth Whitening System, Personalized Diet Plans, Frequency Treatment. 083 275 3272

    CREATIVE NAILS & BEAUTY Jene 072 566 2545


    S K O O N M A A K V A N MATTE, meubels, motors e n d r o o g s u i g v a n oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

    N o 1 C L E A N I N G SERVICES 072 610 5105


    I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


    A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

    CORDU AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 17 years experience. 3 Chroom Street, Lydenburg. 013 235 3131

    GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


    I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


    LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780


    E N I G E K O N T A N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

    BOME tuinplante 074 607 1335


    L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

    PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

    DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941

    D O G T R A I N I N G [email protected] 072 621 7371


    BUY & SELL


    4 STAR, 2 bedroom apartments @ The Kasteel Country Estate. Ful ly Furnished. Water and lights incl. Only 4.1km from CMI Mine. R5 500 pm. 5 Apartments available. 082 816 3260.

    3 SLK MEENTHUIS te huur. 083 230 3733

    2 SLK WOONSTEL elk het e i e b a d k a m e r, h o n d vriendelik erf. Dadelik beskikbaar. R5000. 082 928 5309/ 082 680 6228

    F L AT S TO R E N T 2 bedroom, Lydenburg, from R 4200. Contact 082 460 3000

    N E T J I E S E N K E L WOONSTEL R3000 krag ing. Geen deposito. 072 762 8562

    3 B E D , 2 b a t h townhouse.Lydenburg R6000 p/m Contact 082 808 9342


    G E V E S T I G D E T U I N D I E N S T E , Lydenburg, te koop. 076 110 8990

    J A R E L A N G E TUINDIENSTE met n goeie klinte basis. 072 538 0450



    K A N T O O R / WERKSWINKEL spasie te huur (ca. 300m gebou met groot erf) in Industrile gebied - Lydenburg. Kontak 078 893 5416


    LOSIES - 084 346 7911


    R E S T A U R A N T W E E K E N D E M P L O Y M E N T : I n Dullstroom , Fri to Sun, g o o d h o u r l y r a t e , accommodation provided, must be: Efficient, bilingual, sober habits, honest & reliable. Contact : 082 899 0248 / 073 203 0037


    Greater Tubatse Land Use S c h e m e , 2 0 0 6 Amendement scheme no: 1 5 6 / 2 0 0 6 I , M a r o l e Arivhashu of Luvhone E n v i r o n m e n t a l Consultants, being the authorized agent of the registered owners of the Erven mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of section 56 (1) (a) (i) of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d Township Ordinance, 1986 (ordinance 15 of 1986), that I have applied to the G r e a t e r T u b a t s e M u n i c i p a l i t y f o r t h e amendment of Land Use Scheme, know as Greater Tubatse Land Use Scheme, 2006.Amendment scheme n u m b e r 1 5 6 / 2 0 0 6 : R e z o n i n g a n d Consolidation of Erven 2234, 2235 and 2236 Burgersfort Extension 21, from Residential 1 to Residential 3 for the purpose of dwelling units. Plans and particulars of the applications will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office to Town Planner, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort, Greater Tubatse Municipality for the period of 28 days from 21 August 2014. Objectives a n d / o r c o m m e n t s o r representation in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the municipality at the above address or at P.O. Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 within 28 days from the date of first publication. Address of the agent: P.O. Box 2134. Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell :( 072 649 1974) E m a i l : [email protected]

    G r o t e r T u b a t s e G r o n d g e b r u i k s k e m a 2006 Wysigingskema 156/2006. Ek, Marole Arivhashu van Luvhone E n v i r o n m e n t a l Consultants, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van die erwe hieronder genome, gee hiermee in terme van Artikel 56 (1) (b) (i) van die die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die G r o t e r T u b a t s e Mun is ipa l i te i t v i r d ie w y s i g i n g v a n d i e G r o n d g e b r u i k s k e m a , bekend as die Groter T u b a t s e Grondgebruikskema, 2006. Op die volgende wyse: Wysigingskema nommer 156/2006: Die hersonering en konsolidasie van Erwe 2234, 2235 en 2236 Burgersfort, Uitbreiding 21, vanaf Residensieel 1 tot Residensieel 3 vir die doel van wooneenhede. Planne en besonnderhede van die aansoeke le ter insae gedurende kantoorure by d ie kan too r van d ie S t a d s b e p l a n n e r , 1 Kastaniastraat Burgersfort, Groter Tubatse Municipality vir die tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 21 Augustus 20014. B e s w a r e e n / o f kommentaar ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word of gerig word aan die munisipaliteit by bogenoemde adres of Posbus 206, Burgersfort 1150 binne 28 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie.Adres van die agent : Posbus 2134, Thohoyandou, 0950. Cell:

    (072 649 1974) E-pos: [email protected]

    K E N N I S G E W I N G BOEDEL VAN WYLE HERCULES PHILIPPUS M A L A N . IDENTITEITSNOMMER: 1 9 1 2 2 1 5 0 2 4 0 8 9 , WEWENAAR IN LEWE WOONAGTIG TE DIE P L A A S WAT E R VA L , DISTRIK LYDENBURG, M P U M A L A N G A WAT OORLEDE IS OP 02 JUNIE 2 0 1 2 , B O E D E L N O : 1 0 6 2 1 / 2 0 1 2 MEESTERSKANTOOR PRETORIA Geliewe kennis te neem dat die Eerste en F ina le L ikwidas ie en Distr ibusierekening in bogenoemde boedel ter insae sal l by die kantore van die Meester van die Hooggeregshof PRETORIA e n d i e L a n d d r o s LYDENBURG vir n tydperk van 21 (EEN EN TWINTIG) dae bereken vanaf 29 A U G U S T U S 2 0 1 4 . BOOYENS DU PREEZ & BOSHOFF ING POSBUS 1305 LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 TEL: 015 516 1404 FAKS: 015 516 1624 V E R W : S BOOYENS/HD/M815


    A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. Volle Evangelie-k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom . Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g -s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeugby kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235

    2463. Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 928 5075 l y d e n b u r g b a p t i s t e @ i s a t . c o . z a Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09 :00 , aande 18 :00 , Woensdaeselgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604. Sewedag Adventiste Kerk -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 082 466 5946/ 013 235 4049. Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Jurgens Olivier 084 9191 670 / 082 2131 383 Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke Sondag om 09:00, selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. Lewende Waters Pinkster Bediening. Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkst raat Lydenburg. Past. de Bruyn: 079 286 8234. New A p o s t o l i c C h u r c h ,

    Circle Catering &AccommodationOffers Contractors

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    28 Augustus / August 201418


    LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

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    Tel: 082 454 6555Fax: 013 235 4268

    Herstelwerk op alle huishoudlike

    toestelle, soos yskaste, stowe,

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    instalasies van persele. verkope van elektriese goedere.

    Gerrie082 898 0563

    39 RensburgstrLydenburg

    Dr. David Huchzermeyer; Dr. Philippa Colly;Dr. Anthony Davis; Dr. Jac Brink;

    Dr. Brian Chester -Browne

    57 Kerk St Lydenburg

    013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555082 883 5342

    After Hours: 076 053 7178www.sterkspruitveterinaryclinic.co.za

    STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic Dierekliniek

    Wooden FlooringWall to Wall Carpets

    Blinds CurtainsTiles Loose & Logo Carpets

    Under Carpet HeatingJohann 083 600 [email protected]

    Tel : 013 235 1711 * Faks: 013 235 3107Posbus 1159 Kantoorstraat 24 Lydenburgwww.ganda.co.zae-pos: [email protected]

    Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

    IMPROVEMENTS Thatching Property Maintenance Fibreglass splash pools Kitchen Cupboards Painting Shade net carports Steelwork

    Pieter072 132 3241

    George073 211 4913

    [email protected]

    Burgersfort. Sun 09:00, Wed 19:30. Preist Willie Els 083 860 5395.

  • 28 Augustus / August 2014 19

    Kennisgewing: Lisensie aansoek ingevolge die wet op Petroleum produkte, 1977 (Wet 120 van 1977)Hierdie kennisgewing is ten doel om belangstellende of geaffekteerde partye in kennis te stel dat:MOGOU TRADING CCHierna die aansoeker genoemde, n aansoek ingedien het vir n kleinhandellisensie, aansoeknommer G/2014/07/22/0002


    Die doel van die aansoek is sodat n lisensie aan die aansoeker uitgereik kan word om petroleum-kleinhandelaktiwiteite te onderneem soos uiteengesit in die aansoek. Die aansoek l oop vir insae by die ondergenoemde fisiese adres. Reelings om die aansoekdokumentasie te besigtig kan getref word met die Kontroleurder van Petroleumprodukte by: Telefoon : 013 653 0500 of E-pos: [email protected]

    Enige besware teen die uitreikking van n lisensie ten opsigte van hierdie aansoek moet gerig word aan die Kontroleurder van Petroleumprodukte binne n tydperk van twintig (20) werksdae vanaf die datum van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing met duidelike vermelding van bogemelde aansoeknommer.

    POS ADRES: FISIESE ADRES:Die Streeks Direkteur Die Streeks DirekteurDEPARTEMENT VAN ENERGIE (MP Streek) DEPARTEMENT VAN ENERGIEPrivaatsak X7279 3de Vloer, Die Provinsie HuisWitbank h/v Botha en Krugerstraat, Witbank1035 1035


    Previous computer &retail experience advisable.

    Mail CV to: or

    hand in CV at 5 Kerk St, Lydenburg

    [email protected]

    Requirements:Knowledge and experience in Software skills in the following: CorelDraw Photoshop Must have Drivers License & Own Transport

    We are looking for someone who is passionate and creative to join our team. Team player and ability to meet deadline.

    Email CV to [email protected]

    Assmang Limited Dwarsrivier Mine seeks a suitable Company to submit a proposal for the revamping of Change House.Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014.


    Tender Requirements:

    All Civil works to comply with SABS 1200. Valid Workman's Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor's/Accountant's letter confirming your EME status. Preference will be given to companies in possession of an NHBRC certificate

    Further Details regarding the Tender Enquiry may be directed to:[email protected] or fax: 0866 101 887.

    Please quote the relevant reference number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax.No telephonic queries will be entertained.

    A Compulsory Clarification / Site Meeting / Briefing will be held at Dwarsrivier Mine:Venue: Training CentreDate: 05 September 2014Time: 10:00

    *Should you not be contacted within 60 days of closing date of tender, please consider your enquiry unsuccessful.

    The historic value of the original shale stone houses and some other structures in the old part of Mashishing Township west of the Lydenburg town centre are finally getting some recognition in a pamphlet recently published by the Lydenburg Museum:

    The old town of Mashishing

    Top and Bottom:Stone built houses unique to Mashishing

    date to the 1930's

    here are many explanations for how the name Mashishing came into being. Below are some explanations which may hold some truth.T

    According to historic accounts the original community (BaPedi) resided at Boomplaats. After the land was sold to private people the original residents moved away and settled at the banks of the Marambane River. The name Marambane was derived from the word mahambane meaning to walk. This word was used to describe the gold prospectors (1871), Abomahambane, who scoured the hills and valleys around Lydenburg in search of gold. It was here that Mashishing was established. At first it was agreed that the area be named Marangrang (after a Pedi chief and businessman) but it was later decided to name it Mashishing, after the tall grass of the area.This reference to grass also made in another probable explanation for the origin of Mashishing. Major of Thaba Chweu, Mr Michael Ncongwane, who is also an enthusiastic historian, explained that the BaPedi settled here with their cattle mainly because this area had excellent grazing for cattle. Therefore the place was referred to as Leshishi good grass or grazing. Leshishi became Mashishing. The latter explains why reference is made to grass in both cases, you decide which is more probable!Unique stone-built houses dating from the 1930's can be found in Mashishing. They are original and a sight to behold!


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    Van links Adriaan de Beer (Algemene Bestuurder van TwoRivers Myn) oorhandig die enorme tjek wat TwoRivers Myn via die gholfdag,

    fondsinsamelings en n veiling bymekaar gekry het aan Jeanetta Kruger (bestuurder van Rusoord) en Mariette Laas (heel regs) (TwoRivers myn).

    Gholfdag ten bate van Rusoord

    VW Highlands borg vleispakke

    Entheos Christian School and Mashishing High School joined forces for the South African Model United Nations Debating (SAMUN), Regional leg and represented Germany. The competition took place in Nelspruit on Saturday, 23 August. Cornelle Leach, Ruan Strydom, Thabo Rachoshi, and Belinda Dlozi, prepared for three months to represent Germany in the Debating of The Humanitarian Crisis in Syria.

    These four students and their teachers will go on an all-expenses-paid trip to Cape Town for 5 days to take part in the National leg of the Debating in October. At the Nationals delegates will be chosen to take part in the International Debating leg at Cornel University in the USA.This is an extremely prestigious achievement and we are immensely proud of our Team Germany!

    UN Debating team wins regional debate for Mpumalanga

    From Left: Yolande Leach (Principal Entheos), Reuben Mkhabela (Principal Mashishing High), Ruan Strydom (Student Entheos), Thabo Rachoshi (Student Mashishing High), Belinda Dlozi (Student Mashishing High), Cornelle Leach

    (Student Entheos), Madelaine Roode (Debate Trainer Entheos), Johnny Ramodike (Debate Trainer Mashishing High).