
Succession Reviewer: Prof.Balbastro  Sy 2009-2010 Batch 2011 General Provisions – Articles 774 – 782, NCC Article 774, NCC Art. 774. Succession is a mode of acuisition by virtue of which the !ro!erty" ri#hts and obli#a tions to the e$tent of the value of the inheritance" of a !erson are transmitted throu#h his death to another or others either by his will or by o!eration of law. Definition and Concept of Succession – Succession comes from two Latin words “sub” and “cedere” meaning to enter under or to place oneself in te place of anoter! "eneral #eaning – substitution of one person in te transmissible rigts of anoter! $lements% &' te cange of te sub(ect )' te identit* of te legal relation wic remains te same before and after said transmission +ecnical #eaning – it is confined to succession mortis causa subr ogati on of t e person b* anot er in t e pr opert * and transmissible rigts left on is deat! )!)! -asis of Succession +ere are two general teories regarding te basis of succession% a' .osit i/e +eo ries – can be gen erall * classi fied in to tree a! +os e w ic base succes si on on t e rig t of propert* based on indi/idual ownersip and power to freel* dispose of te same in life means power to freel* dispose troug an instrument of alienation sub(ect to te condition of deat b! +ose b ased on t e rig t of fami l* suc cessi on as a sort of famil* co0ownersip c! +e eclectic teo ries testamenta r* suc cession is based on rigt of ownersip but intestate is bases on te rigt of famil* co0ownersip b' Neg ati/e +eories – denies to succession an* ratio nal basis formulated b* indi/idualistic and socialistic scools! +ere sould be no testamentar* succession because dead person no longer as an* will! Also no intestate because concept of famil* communit* of propert* will cease to e1ist as soon as te person dies! +erefore, properties of te deceased become res nullius! )!2! 3oundation of Succession Succession as its foundation in te necessit* of perpetuating te patrimonies be*ond te limits of uman e1istence! +is is based on two necessities! a' Necessit* for gi/ing stabilit* to t e famil* b' Neces sit* for gi /ing fir mness to t e social ec onom* )!4! uridical Nature of Succession +e Code considers succes sion as a mode of ac5uiring ownersip in line wit te pro/ision of Art! 7&) wic includes testate and intestate succession among te mode of ac5uiring ownersip and oter real rigts! Sance6 oman considers succession as a real rigt since it re5uires for its constitution #ode and +itle! Castan tin8s tat altoug succession is a real mode of ac 5uiring ownersi p and rea l ri gts, it is al so a mode of transmitti ng rigts of credit as well as per sonal rig ts and is li8ewise a means of creating oter rigts wic are neiter real nor personal but wic are famil* rigts, suc as recognition of natural cildren! Succession – nature of its own% 9t is an absolute rigt wic creates an action enforceable against all “erga omn es,” but not a real rigt properl* spea8ing because it falls o/er a patrimon* and not o/er determinate tings! 1

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Succession Reviewer: Prof.Balbastro Sy 2009-2010 Batch 2011

General Provisions – Articles 774 – 782, NCC

Article 774, NCC

Art. 774. Succession is a mode of acuisition by virtue ofwhich the !ro!erty" ri#hts and obli#ations to the e$tent of

the value of the inheritance" of a !erson are transmittedthrou#h his death to another or others either by his will or

by o!eration of law.

Definition and Concept of Succession – Succession comes fromtwo Latin words “sub” and “cedere” meaning to enter under or toplace oneself in te place of anoter!"eneral #eaning – substitution of one person in te transmissible

rigts of anoter!$lements%&' te cange of te sub(ect)' te identit* of te legal relation wic remains tesame before and after said transmission

+ecnical #eaning – it is confined to succession mortis causasubrogation of te person b* anoter in te propert* andtransmissible rigts left on is deat!

)!)! -asis of Succession

+ere are two general teories regarding te basis of succession%a' .ositi/e +eories – can be generall* classified into tree

a! +ose wic base succession on te rigt of

propert* based on indi/idual ownersip and power

to freel* dispose of te same in life means power to

freel* dispose troug an instrument of alienation

sub(ect to te condition of deat

b! +ose based on te rigt of famil* succession as a

sort of famil* co0ownersip

c! +e eclectic teories testamentar* succession is

based on rigt of ownersip but intestate is bases

on te rigt of famil* co0ownersip

b' Negati/e +eories – denies to succession an* rational

basis formulated b* indi/idualistic and socialistic scools!

+ere sould be no testamentar* succession because dead

person no longer as an* will! Also no intestate becauseconcept of famil* communit* of propert* will cease to e1ist

as soon as te person dies! +erefore, properties of te

deceased become res nullius!

)!2! 3oundation of Succession

Succession as its foundation in te necessit* of perpetuating tepatrimonies be*ond te limits of uman e1istence! +is is basedon two necessities!

a' Necessit* for gi/ing stabilit* to te famil*

b' Necessit* for gi/ing firmness to te social econom*

)!4! uridical Nature of Succession

+e Code considers succession as a mode of ac5uiringownersip in line wit te pro/ision of Art! 7&) wic includestestate and intestate succession among te mode of ac5uiringownersip and oter real rigts!

Sance6 oman considers succession as a real rigt sinceit re5uires for its constitution #ode and +itle!

Castan tin8s tat altoug succession is a real mode of

ac5uiring ownersip and real rigts, it is also a mode oftransmitting rigts of credit as well as personal rigts and isli8ewise a means of creating oter rigts wic are neiter realnor personal but wic are famil* rigts, suc as recognition ofnatural cildren!

Succession – nature of its own%9t is an absolute rigt wic creates an action enforceableagainst all “erga omnes,” but not a real rigt properl*spea8ing because it falls o/er a patrimon* and not o/erdeterminate tings!


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)!:! Distinguis “patrimon*” from “ineritance” 

.atrimon* – refers to te aggregate of all (uridical relations of aperson susceptible of economic /aluation!

9neritance – includes all te properties, rigts and obligations ofa person not e1tinguised b* is deat or transmissible!

9ntransmissible rigts% purel* personal, e1tinguised b*deat .ersonal igtsa' igts to public office

b' .urel* personal in te sense tat te 5ualities or

relationsip of a person are in/ol/ed

c' +ose relating to ci/il personalit* and famil* rigts

suc as parental autorit*

+ransmissible rigts%a' igts related to propert*, general rule

b' igts of obligation e1cept%

a! .ersonal obligations re5uiring personal5ualifications

b! igts and obligations made intransmissible b*

te will of te testator or e1press agreement of


c! #one* obligations – liabilities of te estate, not

of te eirs

)!;! Notable canges in Succession under te New Ci/il Code

a' 9llegitimate cildren are gi/en successional rigts!b' Legitimes of legitimate cildren and descendants a/e

been canged! -etterment or me(ora as been abolised!

c' Sur/i/ing spouse is gi/en er legitime in full ownersip

instead of merel* in usufruct and as been raised to a

iger degree in te order of intestate succession!

d' eser/as and re/ersions a/e been abolised e1cept

reser/e troncal!

e' Sociali6ation of ownersip of propert* is empasi6ed!

a! Limiting fideicommissar* substitution to one degree

b! Limiting rigt to succeed ab intestate to relati/es

witin fift ci/il degree

c! .roibitions on donations inter /i/os applied

d! $liminating pupilar and e(emplar substitutions

f' "reater freedom is gi/en te testator!

a! Coice of ordinar* or notarial and olograpic

b! 9ncreasing amount of free portionc! .robate of will during te lifetime of testator

d! .ower to ma8e partition inter /i/os witout need of

an* supporting will

Case% Atun /! Nune63acts% <uestion in tis case is weter ac5uisiti/e prescription willrun against te ereditar* successors of a registered land!uling% igt of registered owner to reco/er possession of teregistered propert* is imprescriptible since possession is a mereconse5uence of ownersip! And if prescription is una/ailing

against registered owners, it must be e5uall* una/ailing againstte latter=s ereditar* successors, because te* merel* step intote soes of te decedent b* operation of law, te title or rigtundergoing no cange b* its transmission mortis causa!

Case% >son /! Del osario3acts% Deceased ad a lawful wife and a common law wife woad illegitimate cildren! Common law wife contends tat underte NCC, illegitimate cildren are gi/en te status and rigts ofnatural cildren and are entitled to succession and tis must begi/en retroacti/e effect!uling% Article )):2 indeed pro/ides tat rigts wic are

declared for te first time sall a/e retroacti/e effect e/entoug te e/ent wic ga/e rise to tem ma* a/e occurredunder te former legislation, but tis is so onl* wen te newrigts do not pre(udice an* /ested or ac5uired rigt of te sameorigin! Lawful wife=s rigt to te propert* in 5uestion ad alread*/ested upon te deat of er usband and before te enactmentof te NCC!

)!7 Articles 77:077;, NCC

Art. 775.  %n this &itle" 'decedent' is the #eneral term

a!!lied to the !erson whose !ro!erty is transmitted2

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throu#h succession" whether or not he left a will. %f he lefta will" he is also called the testator.

Decedent is te source of ereditar* propert* weter e diestestate or intestate and is similar to te term “causante” underSpanis law!

Art. 776. &he inheritance includes all the !ro!erty" ri#htsand obli#ations of a !erson which are not e$tin#uished byhis death.

9neritance includes rigts, propert* and obligations!a' igts – di/ided into transferable and non0transferable

b' .ropert* – eirs inerit propert* sub(ect to liabilit*

affecting teir predecessor wit regard to said propert*

c' ?bligations – eir is not liable be*ond te /alue of te

propert* e recei/ed from te decedent, but if e pa*s

/oluntaril*, pa*ment is /alid and cannot be rescinded

Case% Lao /! Dee3acts% +e 5uestion in tis case is weter or not plaintiffs ad arigt to reco/er te title and possession of a propert* wicformed part of te estate!uling% +e* a/e no rigt unless te same as been assigned totem as teir sare in te ineritance! 9n oter words, tere mustbe first a partition of te estate and deli/er* of te latter to teeir!

Case% Liton(ua /! #ontilla

3acts% Creditor of a debtor wit no propert* to be le/ied files aclaim against te interest of te debtor in te intestateproceedings of debtor=s fater!uling% +e creditor of te eirs of a deceased person is entitledto collect is claim out of te propert* wiSc pertains b*ineritance to said eirs onl* after all te debts of te testate orintestate succession a/e been paid , and wen te net assetsdi/isible among te eirs are 8nown, because te debts of tedeceased must first be paid before is eirs can inerit!

Case% "u6man @da de Carillo /! Sala8 de .a6

3acts% Se/erino and .etra mortgaged land to .edro and 3ilomena!Latter assigned teir mortgage rigts to onoria Sala8! Se/erinolater transferred B interest o/er te propert* to onoria! +ransferand assignment of mortgaged creditwere not registered! Se/erinodied lea/ing defendant te land and onoria died lea/ing plaintiffas eir! it te failure of plaintiff to file er claim in teintestate proceedings of te deceased estate, is e barred from

filing an ordinar* action to enforce er claimuling% +e sale made b* Se/erino to onoria is /alid and bindingbetween te parties and te same can still be in/o8ed againsttem or teir pri/ies! eirs cannot escape te legal conse5uencesof tis transaction because te* a/e inerited te propert*sub(ect to te liabilit* affecting teir common ancestor!

Case% $state of emad* /! Lu6on Suret* Co! 9nc!3acts% Lu6on Suret* filed a contingent claim against te estatebased on )E different counter bonds eac subscribed b* a distinctprincipal and te deceased emad* as suret* in all of tem, inconsideration of te Lu6on Suret* a/ing guaranteed te /arious

principals in fa/our of te different creditors!uling% ile in our successional s*stem te responsibilit* of teeirs for te debts of teir decedent cannot e1ceed te /alue ofte ineritance te* recei/e from im, te principle remainsintact tat tese eirs succeed not onl* to te rigts of tedeceased but also to is obligations! +e contracts terefore gi/erise to contingent claims pro/able against is estate!

)!F! Article 777, NCC

Art. 777. &he ri#hts to the succession are transmitted from

the moment of the death of the decedent.

Succession is opened b* te deat of te decent person fromwom te ineritance comes and from tat moment on, te rigtsto te succession are transmitted to te eirs or successors!#oment of deat is te determining point wen te eirs ac5uirea rigt to te ineritance!

+e term deat includes presumption of deat! 9n suc a case,time of deat must be pro/en or deduced from te circumstancesunder wic te person disappeared!


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Case% 9barle /! .o3acts% usband died! ife sold te entire parcel of land to Cano*spouses, wo in turn sold te land to plaintiff! Later, wife, asguardian of er cildren, again sold B of te same land to .o!9barle wants to annul te deed of sale to .o!uling% en wife sold te land to Cano* spouses, B alread*belonged to te cildren! Sale to .o was ten proper and made

legal and effecti/e b* autorit* of te court! igts to tesuccession are transmitted at te moment te fater died!

Case% ?sorio /! ?sorio and Gncausti Steamsip Co!3acts% Case regarding sares of stoc8 of Gncausti Steamsipowned b* Antonio ?sorio wen e was still ali/e! en e died, apro(ect of partition was e1ecuted b* is eirs and included in tispro(ect was te sare of te estate in Gncausti!uling% +e properties of an e1isting ineritance, as tose of tecase at bar, cannot be considered as anoter=s propert* witrelation to te eirs wo troug fiction of law continue tepersonalit* of te owner! Nor do te* a/e te caracter of future

propert* because te predecessor in interest a/ing according tote e/idence, died before &H&), is eirs ac5uired a rigt tosucceed im from te moment of is deat!

Case% udge Ad/ocate "eneral /! "on6ales3acts% "eronimo "on6ales was listed missing in action! isparents, broters and sisters and is alleged legal wife interpleadteir conflicting claims to te arrears in pa*!uling% "eronimo was a member of te combined forces tatfougt apan! en te forces surrendered, e was one of tose “missing in action!” Since ten noting as been eard of im!

$/en troug te fact of is deat is not presumed until se/en*ears after &H4), is demise must a/e ta8en place on or before#a* 7, &H4)! +ime wen e is presumed dead does no determinewen te deat is deemed to a/e occurred!

)!H Articles 77F0FFE, NCC

Art. 778. Succession may be:

(1) &estamentary*(2) +e#al or intestate* or

(,) i$ed.

Art. 779. &estamentary succession is that which resultsfrom the desi#nation of an heir" made in a will e$ecuted in

the form !rescribed by law. Art. 780. i$ed succession is that effected !artly by willand !artly by o!eration of law.

Iinds of succession%&' +estamentar* – as been defined as tat wic results from

te designation of an eir made in a will e1ecuted in a form

prescribed b* law!

)' #i1ed – tat effected partl* b* will and partl* b* operation of


2' Legal or 9ntestate – defined as tat wic ta8es place b*

operation of law!

4' Contractual – ta8es place wen future spouses donate to

eac oter in teir marriage settlements future propert* in

te e/ent of deat

:' 3orced or Compulsor* – succession to te legitime, ta8es

place b* operation of law but not intestate since it ta8es

place bot in testamentar* and intestate

Iinds according to effects%&' >ni/ersal – substitution in te uni/ersalit* of propert*, rigts

and obligations! +e successor under a uni/ersal title

recei/es te same in is own rigt in te name of an eir

)' .articular – substitution in determinate propert* or rigts!

+e successor under a particular title succeeds in te name

of a legatee!

Iinds according to origin%&' -* /oluntar* act or declaration

a! >nilateral – b* means of will and testament

b! -ilateral – b* means of contract

)' -* operation of law

a! Necessar* – forced or compulsor*

b! Suppletor* 0 intestate


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Note% +estamentar* succession is preferred to intestate!

Case% odrigue6 /! -or(a3acts% ?ne of te 5uestions at issue is weter te filing of anintestate proceedings in te C39 of i6al will depri/e te C39 of-ulacan of its power to ear te probate of te will of te samedeceased person pre/iousl* filed in te said court!

uling% +e estate proceedings a/ing been initiated in -ulacanead of an* oter means tat court is entitled to assume (urisdiction to te e1clusion of all oter courts e/en if it were acase of wrong /enue! +e reason is tat, intestate succession isonl* subsidiar* or subordinate to te testate since intestac* onl*ta8es place in absence of a /alid operati/e will!

Art. 781. &he inheritance of a !erson includes not only the

 !ro!erty and the transmissible ri#hts and obli#ations

e$istin# at the time of his death" but also those which haveaccrued thereto since the o!enin# of the succession.&his article refers to accession which the !ro!erty may

have acuired after the death of the decedent.

Art. 782. n heir is a !erson called to the succession eitherby the !rovision of a will or by o!eration of law./evisees and le#atees are !ersons to whom #ifts of realand !ersonal !ro!erty are res!ectively #iven by virtue of a


$9 D$@9S$$ Jreal prop!'KL$"A+$$ Jpersonal prop!'

epresents te (uridicalpersonalit* of te deceasedand ac5uires is rigts andwit certain e1ceptions, isobligations

Ne/er represents tepersonalit* of te deceased

9nerits an undetermined5uantit* wose e1actamount cannot be 8nown apriori and wic cannot befi1ed until te ineritance is

Alwa*s gi/en a determinateting or a fi1ed amount


Succeeds to te remainderof te properties after all tedebts and all te legaciesand de/ises a/e been paid

?nl* succeed to tedeterminate ting or5uantit* wic is mentioned9 te legac* or de/ise!

Can e1ist weter tesuccession be testate or


?nl* in testamentar*succession

2! +estamentar* Succession2!&! ills in "eneral – Articles 7F207H:, NCCArt.783.   will is an act whereby a !erson is !ermitted"with the formalities !rescribed by law" to control to acertain de#ree the dis!osition of this estate" to tae effectafter his death.

o ill sould be in writing and not oral!

o +e rigt to ma8e a will is not a natural but a statutor*

rigt and must be subordinate to law and public polic*o An instrument, wic merel* e1presses a last wis as a

tougt or ad/ice but does not contain a disposition ofpropert* and was not e1ecuted wit animus testandi,cannot legall* be considered a will!

o Montinola vs. er!osa" i6al=s #i >ltimo Adios is not a

will! 9t merel* e1presses a tougt of parting, and not ofbe5ueating! -esides, at tat time i6al as no 8nownpropert*

Art. 784. &he main# of a will is a strictly !ersonal act* itcannot be left in whole or in !art of the discretion of athird !erson" or accom!lished throu#h the instrumentality

of an a#ent or attorney.

Caracteristics to complete te (uridical concept of a will&! (uridical act mortis causa 0 it is unilateral)! indi/idual 0 it must be e1ecuted b* a single person

3. purel* personal – its preparation cannot be woll* or

partiall* entrusted to a 2rd person, neiter can it be madetroug an agent or an attorne* Jte law refers to tedisposition of te propert* and not te mere mecanicalact of drafting te document, e1cept in te case of aolograpic will'

4! free – as to be made witout /iolence, deceit or fraud5

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:! formal or solemn – it must follow te forms andsolemnities fi1ed b* law

;! ambulator* – re/ocable

Art. 785. &he duration or efficacy of the desi#nation ofheirs" devisees or le#atees" or the determination of the

 !ortions which they are to tae" when referred to by name"

cannot be left to the discretion of a third !erson.

+e ff! cannot be left to te discretion of a 2rd person&! +e duration of te designation of eirs, de/isees or

legatees)! te efficac* of te designation2! te determination of te portion wic te* are to ta8e

wen referred to b* name

Art. 786. &he testator may entrust to a third !erson thedistribution of s!ecific !ro!erty or sums of money that he

may leave in #eneral to s!ecified classes or causes" and

also the desi#nation of the !ersons" institutions orestablishments to which such !ro!erty or sums are to be

 #iven or a!!lied.

o +e testator as alread* e1pressed is will and ad

entrusted merel* to te 2rd person te e1ecution of tesame so as to carr* out is purposeKs

Art. 787. &he testator may not mae a testamentarydis!osition in such manner that another !erson has to

determine whether or not it is to be o!erative.#eason" ot$er%ise t$e %ill %ill not !e a &ersonal act !'tt$e act o( a 3r)  &erson %$o is re*'ire) to )eter+ine%$et$er it is to !e o&erative or not.

Art. 788. %f a testamentary dis!osition admits of different

inter!retations" in case of doubt" that inter!retation bywhich the dis!osition is to be o!erative shall be !referred.

o 9n e/er* case in/ol/ing rigts asserted to e1ist b* /irtue of

a will of a deceased person, te primar* purpose ofconstruction is to ascertain te meaning of te will

o ere te intention as e1pressed in te will is clear and in

une5ui/ocal language, tere is no room for (udicialconstruction and interpretation

o +e language of a will sould be liberall* construed as as

muc as possible te intention of te testator sould begi/en effect

o +at sould be preferred wic would pro/ide for testac*

rater tan intestac*

Art. 789. hen there is an im!erfect descri!tion" or when

no !erson or !ro!erty e$actly answers the descri!tion"mistaes and omissions must be corrected" if the errora!!ears from the conte$t of the will or from e$trinsicevidence" e$cludin# the oral declarations of the testator asto his intention* and when an uncertainty arises u!on theface of the will" as to the a!!lication of any of its

 !rovisions" the testators intention is to be ascertainedfrom the words of the will" tain# into consideration thecircumstances under which it was made" e$cludin# suchoral declarations.

+e will ma* be defecti/e because%&! 9t ma* contain an imperfect description)! A description of wic no person or propert* e1actl*

answers2! an uncertaint* wic arises upon te face of te will as

to te application of an* of its pro/isions

& M )% te mista8e or omission must be corrected and tismista8e or omission must appear form te conte1t of te will

itself or from e1ternal e/idence!2% +is is an e1trinsic or patent ambiguit*, ence, e/idencealiunde cannot be admitted but te intention of te testator mustbe ascertained from te words of te will itself, from tedocument and from te circumstances under wic it was made!?terwise, it will be null and /oid

Art. 790. &he words of a will are to be taen in theirordinary and #rammatical sense" unless a clear intention

to use them in another sense can be #athered" and thatother can be ascertained.


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&echnical words in a will are to be taen in their technical sense unless the conte$t indicates a contrary intention or

the testator was unacuainted with such word.

Art. 791. &he words of a will are to receive aninter!retation which will #ive to every e$!ression some

effect" rather than one which will render any of the

e$!ressions ino!erative* and of two modes of inter!retin#a will" that is to be !referred which will !revent intestacy.Art. 792. &he invalidity of one of several dis!ositionscontained in a will does not result in the invalidity of theother dis!ositions" unless it is to be !resumed that the

testator would not have made such other dis!ositions ifthe first invalid dis!osition had not been made.

Art. 793. Pro!erty acuired after the main# of a will shallonly !ass thereby" as if the testator had !ossessed it at thetime of main# the will" should it e$!ressly a!!ear by thewill that such was his intention.

9f tere is no e1press statement in te ill tat te same sallgo/ern propert* ac5uired after te e1ecution tereof, te samewill not be go/erned b* te ill and te propert* will pass b*anoter subse5uent will if one is made, or will pass b* intestatesuccession if tere is no subse5uent will!

Art. 794. 3very devise or le#acy shall cover all the interestwhich the testator could device or beueath in the

 !ro!erty dis!osed of" unless it clearly a!!ears from thewill that he intended to convey a less interest.

$e &res'+&tion !ein- t$at t$e testators %ill s$all incl')et$e %$ole interest 'nless it clearl/ a&&ears t$at anot$erinterest is conve/e) in t$e ill itsel(.

Art. 795. &he validity of a will as to its form de!ends u!onthe observance of the law in force at the time it is made.or+al vali)it/% refers to te form of te will will depend onte law in force at te time it was made! An* subse5uent cangein te law, weter made before or after te deat of te testatorso long as it occurs after te ma8ing of te will will not affect tewill since te cange as no retroacti/e effect!

ntrinsic ali)it/" te law applicable is ot te law at te time ofte e1ecution of te will but te law at te time of te deat ofte testator!Case% #iciano /! -rimo3acts% +e petition for appro/al of a pro(ect of partition proposedb* te administrator of te estate of te deceased wo was a+ur8is citi6en!

uling% +e condition imposed b* te will, e/en toug it is inaccordance wit te laws of te .ilippines is /oid for beingcontrar* to law! 9t is so because it e1pressl* ignores te testator=snational law wic sould go/ern is testamentar* disposition!

Case% -ellis /! -ellis3acts% Case were te decedent ad ) wills! ?ne to go/ern is+e1as estate and te oter is .ilippine estate!uling% .ro/ision in a foreigner=s will to te effect tat isproperties sall be distributed in accordance wit .ilippine lawand not wit is national law is illegal and /oid, for is nationallaw cannot be ignored!

4! +estamentar* Capacit* and 9ntent – Articles 7H;0FEF, NCC

Art. 796. ll !ersons who are not e$!ressly !rohibited bylaw may mae a will.

Art. 797. Persons of either se$ under ei#hteen years of a#ecannot mae a will.

$lements in order tat a person ma* a/e te capacit* to ma8e awill%

&' +e testator must be a natural person)' +e testator must not be proibited b* law

2' +e testator must be &F *ears of age or o/er

4' +e testator must be of sound mind

Art. 798.  %n order to mae a will it is essential that thetestator be of sound mind at the time of its e$ecution.

+estamentar* capacit*0 defined as te capacit* to compreendte nature of te transaction in wic te testator is engaged atte time, to recollect te propert* to be disposed of and te

persons wo would naturall* be supposed to a/e claims upon7

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te testator, and to compreend te manner in wic teinstrument will distribute is propert* among te ob(ects of isbount*!

Art. 799. &o be of sound mind" it is not necessary that thetestator be in full !ossession of all his reasonin# faculties"

or that his mind be wholly unbroen" unim!aired" or

unshattered by disease" in4ury or other cause.

9t sall be sufficient if te testator was able at te time of ma8ingte will to 8now te nature of te estate to be disposed of, teproper ob(ects of is bount*, and te caracter of tetestamentar* act!

Sound #ind 0 te testator must 8now%&' +e nature of te estate to be disposed of 

)' +e proper ob(ects of is bount*

2' +e caracter of is testamentar* act

Art. 800. &he law !resumes that every !erson is of sound

mind" in the absence of !roof to the contrary.

&he burden of !roof that the testator was not of soundmind at the time of main# his dis!ositions is on the

 !erson who o!!oses the !robate of the will* but if thetestator" one month" or less" before main# his will was

 !ublicly nown to be insane" the !erson who maintains thevalidity of the will must !rove that the testator made itdurin# a lucid interval.

"eneral presumption – e/er* person is of sound mind in teabsence of proof to te contrar*!

Art. 801. Su!ervenin# inca!acity does not invalidate an

effective will" nor is the will of an inca!able validated bythe su!ervenin# of ca!acity.

Art. 802.   married woman may mae a will without theconsent of her husband" and without the authority of thecourt.

Art. 803. A +arrie) %o+an +a/ )is&ose !/ %ill o( all

$er se&arate &ro&ert/ as %ell as $er s$are o( t$econ'-al &artners$i& or a!sol'te co++'nit/ &ro&ert/.

+is is also applicable to te usband because in Art &7E, eiterspouse ma* dispose b* will!

it te e1ception of teir e1clusi/e and separate propert*, tis

disposition b* will cannot identif* an* particular propert* of tepartnersip, since until te partnersip is li5uidated no one iscertain as to wo will own te propert*!

Art.804. ver/ %ill +'st !e in %ritin- an) eec'te) ina lan-'a-e or )ialect no%n to t$e testator.

CLASS939CA+9?N ?3 9LLS&! ?rdinar*KNotarial)! olograpic

N$C$SS9+G ?3 9+9N"• 9n case of an ordinar* will, te re5uirement is complied wit if

te instrument is t*pewritten, printed, engra/ed,litograped, in pencil, or partiall* in pencil and partiall* inin8!

• @alidit* is not affected b* te fact tat%o it was written on poor stationer*

o no cop* was made

o it was not prepared b* a law*er or notar* public

o it was not written in one continuous act Jbut e1ecution

must be in one continuous act'• +estator need not perform te mecanical wor8 of writing te


@DA D$ ?AS @! ?AS%

LAN">A"$ ? D9AL$C+ IN?N +? +$ +$S+A+?• +e fact tat te testator 8new te language need not be

stated in te will or attestation clause!

• 9t ma* be establised b* proof aliunde at te probate!• 9t ma* also be inferred from te fact tat it was made in te

dialect of te localit* were te testator resided!AC?. @! .9AS?%


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Art. 805. ver/ %ill, ot$er t$an a $olo-ra&$ic %ill,+'st !e s'!scri!e) at t$e en) t$ereo( !/ t$e testator$i+sel( or !/ t$e testators na+e %ritten !/ so+eot$er &erson in $is &resence, an) !/ $is e&ress)irection, an) atteste) an) s'!scri!e) !/ t$ree or+ore cre)i!le %itnesses in t$e &resence o( t$e

testator an) o( one anot$er.  $e testator or t$e &erson re*'este) !/ $i+ to%rite $is na+e an) t$e instr'+ental %itnesses o( t$e%ill, s$all also si-n, as a(oresai), eac$ an) ever/ &a-et$ereo(, ece&t t$e last, on t$e le(t +ar-in, an) all t$e&a-es s$all !e n'+!ere) correlativel/ in letters&lace) on t$e '&&er &art o( eac$ &a-e.  $e attestation s$all state t$e n'+!er o( &a-es'se) '&on %$ic$ t$e %ill is %ritten, an) t$e (act t$att$e testator si-ne) t$e %ill an) ever/ &a-e t$ereo(, orca'se) so+e ot$er &erson to %rite $is na+e, 'n)er$is e&ress )irection, in t$e &resence o( t$e

instr'+ental %itnesses, an) t$at t$e latter %itnesse)an) si-ne) t$e %ill an) all t$e &a-es t$ereo( in t$e&resence o( t$e testator an) o( one anot$er.  ( t$e attestation cla'se is in a lan-'a-e notno%n to t$e %itnesses, it s$all !e inter&rete) tot$e+.

Art! FE: pro/ides te formal re5uirements to an ordinar* will andis not applicable to olograpic ones!

N$C$SS9+G ?3 C?#.L9ANC$ 9+ 3?#AL9+9$S•

+e formalities cannot be wai/ed or disregarded!• +e rule tat intention of te testator go/erns does not appl*

to e1ecution!• +e court cannot suppl* te defecti/e e1ecution of a will!• +e purpose of te formalities is to pre/ent bad fait, fraud

and substitution, and to guarantee autenticit*!

?D9NAG 9LL $<>9S9+$S&! in writing)! in language or dialect 8nown to te testator2! subscribed at te end

a! b* te testator imself or

b! b* te testator=s name written b* some oter person inis presence and b* is e1press direction

4! attested and subscribed b* 2 or more credible witnesses in tepresence of te testator and of one anoter

:! signed in eac and e/er* page, e1cept te last, on te leftmargin, b* te testator or te person re5uested b* im towrite is name

;! pages must be numbered correlati/el* in letters on te upperpart of eac page7! attestation clauseF! ac8nowledged before a notar* public b* te testator and te


&! S>-SC9.+9?N -G ? 3? +$ +$S+A+?• .lace of signature must be at te end of te will!

o ) Iinds of $nds

&! logical)! p*sical

o .urpose% to pre/ent intercalation or insertion of

unautori6ed pro/isionsA! -* te +estator• .urpose% to identif* te testator and to autenticate te

document!• +o subscribe O to sign• An* mar8 or tumb mar8 placed b* te testator as is

signature and for te purpose of autenticating te instrumentis sufficient! 9t will be sufficient if testator intended it as issignature!

• +e will is not in/alidated b* te fact tat%o te testator=s name is abbre/iated or misspelled

o e used a stamp or engra/ed d*e, if e was in teabit of doing so to sign is name

o is and was guided b* anoter

#A+9AS @! SAL>D%"AC9A @! LA C>$S+A%-! 3or te +estator• #a* be done if te testator is unable to sign• e5uisites%

&! must be in is presence)! must be b* is e1press direction Jimplied re5uest is



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2! name of testator, not person signing, must be te onewritten Jperson signing ma* or ma* not write is ownname'


)! A++$S+$D AND S>-SC9-$D -G 2 ? #?$ C$D9-L$9+N$SS$S 9N +$ .$S$NC$ ?3 +$ +$S+A+? AND ?3 ?N$AN?+$• e5uisites of itnesses%

&! of sound mind)! &F *ears and abo/e2! not blind, deaf, dumb4! able to read and write:! not con/icted of falsification of a document, per(ur* or

false testimon*;! domiciled in te .ilippines

• Attest – to 8now tat it is publised as suc and to certif* tefact re5uired to constitute an actual and legal publication!

• Subscribe – to write on te page te name of te witnesses

for te sole purpose of identification to sign• +e same witnesses wo signed on te left margin must be

te same wo sould sign te attestation clause!• -* signing a will as a witness, te person certifies to te trut

of all facts re5uired for probate, including sufficienc* ofe1ecution, capacit* of te testator and absence of dueinfluence and te li8e! e does not attest merel* to tesignature of te testator, but also to te proper e1ecution ofte will!

• .urpose%o identification of te instrument

o protection of te testator from fraud and deceptiono ascertainment of te testamentar* capacit* of te

testator• >nless te law e1pressl* re5uires te reading of te will to te

witnesses, te latter need not 8now te contents of te will!owe/er, te witnesses must 8now tat te* are witnessing awill!, and must 8now te contents of te attestation clause!

• +e signing of te testator and te witnesses must be in onesingle transaction! o signs first is immaterial pro/ided allte signatures are made on one occasion and as part of onetransaction!

2! +$S+A+? AND 9+N$SS$S #>S+ S9"N 9N +$ .$S$NC$ ?3$AC ?+$

• .urpose%o to pre/ent anoter paper from being substituted for

te will fraudulentl*o so eac ma* be a witness to eac oter

$lements%o sigtK/ision

wen te act is done in te presence of one woif e wants to wit reasonable ease, witoutdanger to is life and witout canging isrelati/e position, can see te act

not necessar* tat te person actuall* sees teact

implied in seeing is tat te person as8nowledge of wat is being done Jintelligentl*seeing'

o pro1imit* of position

wen te act is done at a point close to personso tat it ma* be said to be in is presence

N$GA @! N$GA

4! +$S+A+? AND 9NS+>#$N+AL 9+N$SS$S #>S+ S9"N $ACAND $@$G .A"$ ?3 +$ 9LL ?N +$ L$3+ #A"9N• -ot front and re/erse side must be signed, if used!• 3ailure of te 2 witnesses to sign eac and e/er* page is a

fatal defect and will in/alidate te will!• ere te will consists of two seets and all te dispositions

are on te first and te second contains te attestation clause,

signing at te bottom of te page on te first is a sufficientcompliance wit te law!

• 9f all te pages are signed, it matters not weter te* signeddon te bottom or at te left margin!

+A#.?G @! AL-$AS+9N$%

3acts% C39 denied probate of te alleged will of .etronilla +ampo*,altoug no one as filed an* opposition, on te ground tat teleft0and margin of te first page of te will does not bear tetumbmar8 of te testatri1! +e second owe/er bears er

tumbmar8 and bot pages were signed b* 2 witnesses!10

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9ssue% #a* te will be probated N?!ationale% 3ailure of te testatri1 to place er tumbmar8 is afatal defect! +e law re5uires tat te testator sign eac ande/er* page of te will in te presence of witnesses! +isre5uirement is mandator*! Statutes prescribing te formalities inte e1ecution of wills are /er* strictl* construed! A will must bee1ecuted in accordance wit te statutor* re5uirements,oterwise it is entirel* /oid!

9N $ $S+A+$ ?3 SA">9NS9N%

3acts% +is in/ol/es te petition for probate of te will of emigiaSaguinsin! +e will was contained in 2 pages in ) seets of paper!+e first and tird pages were signed on te left margin b* tetestatri1 and 2 witnesses! owe/er, te second page on tere/erse side of te first page in te first seet, was not signed!+e pages were also not numbered! LC declared tat it could notbe admitted into probate for not being numbered! 9t ruled tatwat was written on te second page engenders doubt weter

wat was written tereon was ordered written b* te testatri1 oronl* subse5uentl* added!9ssue% #a* te will be probated N?!ationale% Act No! );4: re5uires tat “+e testator or te personre5uired b* im to write is name and te instrumental witnessesof te will sall also sign on eac and e/er* page tereof, on teleft margin, and said pages sall be numbered correlati/el* inletters, placed on te upper part of eac seet!” 9n tis case, tesecond page lac8s autenticit* for not a/ing te re5uiredsignatures on te second page! at must be signed is eacpage, including te re/erse side if used, not merel* eac seet!

+is is to ensure tat no fraudulent insertion was made and toguarantee te autenticit* of all tat is written!



9n tis case, te will of te testatri1 consisted of two pages! +efirst page contained all te testamentar* dispositions and wassigned b* te testatri1 and te tree witnesses! +e second pagecontained te attestation clause alone and was signed b* tetree witnesses onl*!


?N te will was correct in form!


Ges! +e second page containing onl* te attestation clause neednot necessaril* be signed on te margin b* te testator!

• +e inad/ertent failure of one witness to sign on one page,due to te simultaneous lifting of two pages, is not per sesufficient to (ustif* denial of probate!

9CAS9AN? @! 9CAS9AN? $+ AL%


9n tis case two copies of a will was e1ecuted b* te testator! +eoriginal did not contain te signature of one of te witnesses inpage 2! +e duplicate cop* was signed b* eac witness in allpages!


 ?N te will was correct in form!


Ges! +e failure of one of te witnesses to sign one page can beattributed to simultaneous lifting of two pages in te course ofwriting! +e failure of te witness to sign page tree of te willwas entirel* tru o/er0sigt! 9mpossibilit* of substitution of tispage is assured not onl* b* te fact tat te testatri1 and twooter witnesses did sign te defecti/e page, but also b* itsbearing te coincident imprint of te seal of te notar* publicbefore wom te testament was ratified!


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:! ALL +$ .A"$S ?3 +$ 9LL #>S+ -$ N>#-$$DC?$LA+9@$LG 9N L$++$S .LAC$D ?N +$ >..$ .A+ ?3$AC .A"$• .urpose% to forestall an* attempt to suppress or substitute

an* page• Numbering ma* be in letter or Arabic numerals and ma* be

made at te top, bottom or witin te te1t!• $/en if page one of a two0page will was not numbered, oter

forms of identification ma* suppl* te omission, suc as b*te internal sense of te wole document!

L?.$P @! L9-??%


9n tis case te will consisting of two pages was not paged eiterin letters or in Arabic numerals! +e second page contained onl*two lines of te attestation clause!


?N te will was correct in form


Ges! +e purpose of te law in prescribing te paging of will is toguard against fraud and to afford means of pre/entingsubstitution of or detecting te loss of an* of its pages! ere, teunnumbered page is clearl* identified as te first page b* te

internal sense of its contents considered in relation to tecontents of te second page!

;! A++$S+A+9?N CLA>S$

• Attestation Clause – clause werein te witnesses certif* tatte instrument as been e1ecuted before tem, and temanner of e1ecution of te same

• .urpose% preser/ing in permanent form a record of te factsattending to te e1ecution of te will

• +e signature of te testator is unnecessar*! ?nl* tewitnesses are re5uired to sign, and te place were tesignature is put is immaterial!

• +e attestation clause can be in an* language altoug not8nown to te witnesses so long as it is interpreted to tem! 9tma* be in a different language as te will itself! And it ma* bein a language not 8nown to te testator!

Lac8 of an attestation clause would in/alidate a will!

"?NPAL$S @! "?NPAL$S D$ CA>N"C?N"%


+e will in tis case contained an attestation clause written b* tetestatri1 and not b* te witnesses! +e same attestation clausedid not state te number of seets nor pages of te will!


?N te will is correct in form


Ges! 3ollowing te doctrine laid down in Cue/as /! Acacoso, teapparent anomal* tat te attestation clause was made b* tetestator imself and not b* te witnesses is not serious norsubstantial as to affect te /alidit* of te will, it appearing tatrigt under te signature of te testator, tere appear tesignatures of te tree instrumental witnesses!

CA"? @! CA"?%3acts%

9n tis case te tree witnesses did not sign under te attestationclause!


?N te will is correct in form



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No! An unsigned attestation clause cannot be considered an act fte witnesses, since te omission of teir signatures at tebottom tereof negati/es teir participation!


+e law on wills does not pro/ide tat te attesting witnessessould sign te clause at te bottom!

• Defects or 9mperfections of Attestation Clauseo Strict Interpretation% in/alidated wills tat did not

contain attestation clauses strictl* in conformit* witte law

o Liberal Interpretation% /alidated wills e/en tougt not

in strict conformit* wit te pro/isiono  Art ! 809. In the absence of bad faith, forgery, or fraud,

or undue and improper pressure and influence, defectsand imperfections in the form of attestation or in thelanguage used therein shall not render the will invalidif it is proved that the will was in fact eecuted and

attested in substantial compliance with all there!uirements of Article 80".

o ence, te liberal interpretation controls! owe/er,

e/idence aliunde wic is admissible under tis articlerefers onl* to defects in te attestation clause and notto defects in te bod* of te will itself, wic can ne/erbe cured b* e/idence aliunde!

#$PA @! .?AS%


9n tis case te attestation clause contained in te will did notclearl* state tat te testatri1 and te witnesses ad signed eacand e/er* page of te will or tat te testatri1 ad signed teinstrument in te presence of te witnesses!


?N te will is correct in form


Ges! 9ndeed, te attestation clause is /er* poorl* drawn but froma close e1amination of te wole conte1t in relation to itspurposes te implication seems clear tat te testatri1 signed inte presence of te witnesses! 9n consonance wit te principle ofliberal interpretation, te attestation clause was eld b* te Courtas sufficient and /alid!

9n ordinar* wills, tere is no statutor* re5uirement of te date ofe1ecution! An undated will or one wit erroneous date would notbe in/alidated! Neiter is tere a re5uirement as to place ofe1ecution!

Art. 806. ver/ %ill +'st !e acno%le)-e) !e(ore anotar/ &'!lic !/ t$e testator an) t$e %itnesses. $enotar/ &'!lic s$all not !e re*'ire) to retain a co&/ o(t$e %ill, or (ile anot$er %it$ t$e ((ice o( t$e Cler o(Co'rt.

+o Ac8nowledge – to own as genuine, to assent to, to a/ow, toadmit

.urpose% to furter insure against fraud

+is pro/ision applies onl* to ordinar* wills! +e olograpic willneed not be ac8nowledged!

Lac8 of ac8nowledgment would in/alidate te will!

+e notar* cannot be a witness to te will!

9t is not re5uired tat te signing of te testator, witnesses andnotar* sould be accomplised in one single act!

9t is also not re5uired tat te testator and witnesses souldac8nowledge on te same da* or occasion tat it was e1ecuted!


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+ere is no re5uirement as to te manner or time ofac8nowledgment or te particular notar* public! owe/er,considering te purpose of te law, ac8nowledgment of tetestator and witnesses must be done simultaneousl* and beforete same notar* public! +is is because it is easier for a person toper(ure imself wen tere is nobod* present!

9N $ $S+A+$ ?3 @9C$N+$ AL-$+?%

3acts% ere, te will was unopposed, but te probate courtdisallowed probate on te ground tat te same was notac8nowledged before a notar* public b* te testator andwitnesses!

uling% +e formal re5uirement pro/ided in Article FE; is anindispensable re5uisite for te /alidit* of a will! Decision ofprobate court affirmed!

"AC9A @! "A+CAL9AN%

3acts% "regorio "atcalian e1ecuted a will wic wasac8nowledged b* im before a notar* public but not b*instrumental witnesses!

uling% +e re5uirement in Article FE; is indispensable! +e willmust be ac8nowledged before a notar* public b* bot te testatorand te witnesses! ere onl* te testator ac8nowledged te will!

Art. 807. ( t$e testator !e )ea(, or a )ea(:+'te, $e+'st &ersonall/ rea) t$e %ill, i( a!le to )o so;ot$er%ise, $e s$all )esi-nate t%o &ersons to rea) itan) co++'nicate to $i+, in so+e &ractica!le +anner,t$e contents t$ereo(.

Art. 808. ( t$e testator is !lin), t$e %ill s$all !e rea)to $i+ t%ice; once, !/ one o( t$e s'!scri!in-%itnesses, an) a-ain, !/ t$e notar/ &'!lic !e(ore%$o+ t$e %ill is acno%le)-e).

-eing a deaf, deaf0mute or blind does not pre/ent a person fromma8ing a will! +is is to be distinguised from te witnesses, woare re5uired not to be deaf, dumb or blind!

+e fact tat te re5uisites under te pro/ision were compliedwit need not be stated in te bod* of te will or in teattestation clause! 9t is sufficient tat te* be pro/en during teprobate proceedings!

+ere are two /iews wit regards to te effects of non0compliancewit te pro/ision%&! 9n /iew of Art! F2H, wic pro/ides for te disallowance of a

will if te formalities re5uired b* law a/e not been compliedwit, te will would be denied probate!

)! 9t would onl* gi/e rise to te presumption tat te will is notautentic! +ese are merel* safeguard to guarantee teautenticit* and sould be liberall* construed so as not torender ineffecti/e te will!

Art. 809. n t$e a!sence o( !a) (ait$, (or-er/, or(ra'), or 'n)'e an) i+&ro&er &ress're an) in(l'ence,)e(ects an) i+&er(ections in t$e (or+ o( attestation orin t$e lan-'a-e 'se) t$erein s$all not ren)er t$e %illinvali) i( it is &rove) t$at t$e %ill %as in (act eec'te)an) atteste) in s'!stantial co+&liance %it$ all t$ere*'ire+ents o( Article 805.

>nder tis article, te liberal interpretation of te attestationclause is followed! +e purpose of wic, as stated b* te CodeCommission, is to pre/ent te restraint on te testator to dispose

is propert*!

Art. 810. A &erson +a/ eec'te a $olo-ra&$ic %ill%$ic$ +'st !e entirel/ %ritten, )ate), an) si-ne) !/t$e $an) o( t$e testator $i+sel(. t is s'!ect to noot$er (or+, an) +a/ !e +a)e in or o't o( t$eP$ili&&ines, an) nee) not !e %itnesse).

$<>9S9+$S&! +otall* written b* te testator

• 9f tere are words written b* oter persons%

a. inserted after  te e1ecution of te will


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i! witout te consent of te testator – te will is/alid

ii! wit te consent of te testator – onl* teinserted words are /oid

b! contemporaneous wit te e1ecution of te will, e/entoug autenticated b* te signature of te testator –entire will is /oid

)! Date• 9t is sufficient if te date can be implied wit certaint*

Je!g! Cristmas, New Gear'• 9t is unnecessar* tat te will be e1ecuted completel* in

one da* because unit* of te act is not a re5uisite inolograpic wills, unli8e in ordinar* ones!

• An erroneous date would render te will /oid!2! Signature of testator

• 9t is not necessar* for te testator to use is full name! itis sufficient to use is usual or customar* signature!

• >nder Art F&), te signature must be at te end of tewill!

9t ma* be in an* form, but te intention to ma8e a will mustappear e1pressl* or be clearl* inferred!

An instrument wic merel* e1presses a last wis as a toug orad/ice but does not contain a disposition of propert* and was note1ecuted wit animus testandi cannot be considered a will!

9f te olograpic will is witnessed or an attestation clause isadded, tis fact would not in/alidate te will and will beconsidered mere surplusage!

Art. 811. n t$e &ro!ate o( a $olo-ra&$ic %ill, it s$all!e necessar/ t$at at least one %itness %$o no%s t$e$an)%ritin- an) si-nat're o( t$e testator e&licitl/)eclare t$at t$e %ill an) t$e si-nat're are in t$e$an)%ritin- o( t$e testator. ( t$e %ill is conteste), atleast t$ree o( s'c$ %itnesses s$all !e re*'ire).  n t$e a!sence o( an/ co+&etent %itness re(erre)to in t$e &rece)in- &ara-ra&$, an) i( t$e co'rt )ee+it necessar/, e&ert testi+on/ +a/ !e resorte) to.

+e rule re5uiring production of 2 witnesses must be deemedmerel* permissi/e!

9f te probate is during te lifetime of te testator, is testimon*alone would be sufficient!

$1ecution and contents of a lost or destro*ed olograpic willma* not be pro/ed b* te bare testimon* if witnesses wo a/eseen or read te will!

"AN @! GA.%

3acts% .etition for probate of a olograpic will witout presentingte will itself! .etitioner tried to establis te will=s contents anddue e1ecution b* testimonies of persons wo allegedl* saw tee1ecution or read te contents of te will! .robate court refusedto probate!

uling% +e olograpic will itself must be presented in order tatit ma* be probated! +e olograpic will itself is te materialproof of its autenticit*, being entirel* written in te and of tetestator imself and made witout witnesses, in contrast to tatof an ordinar* will, wic ma* be written b* anoter person andmust be witnessed!

Art. 812. n $olo-ra&$ic %ills, t$e )is&ositions o( t$etestator %ritten !elo% $is si-nat're +'st !e )ate)an) si-ne) !/ $i+ in or)er to +ae t$e+ vali) as

testa+entar/ )is&ositions.

Art. 813. $en a n'+!er o( )is&ositions a&&earin- ina $olo-ra&$ic %ill are si-ne) %it$o't !ein- )ate),an) t$e last )is&osition $as a si-nat're an) a )ate,s'c$ )ate vali)ates t$e )is&ositions &rece)in- it,%$atever !e t$e ti+e o( &rior )is&ositions.

3urter dispositions are /alid onl* if dated and signed b* tetestator!


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9f te testator ma8es a disposition and does not date or sign it,and ten ma8es, dates and signs a subse5uent disposition, tepre/ious disposition would be /alid! 9n sort, if dispositions aremade abo/e te date and signature, tis will /alidate alldispositions made abo/e!

9f a testator ma8es a olograpic will and forgets to date tesame, te will is in/alid! 9f owe/er e subse5uentl* adds furterdispositions and dates and signs it, te subse5uent signing anddating will /alidate all dispositions e/en tose pre/iousl* in/alidfor lac8 of a date! +is rule refers to dispositions signed but notdated! Sould te case in/ol/e dispositions tat are dated but notsigned and ten furter dispositions are /alidl* added, tesubse5uent dispositions would be /alid, but tose abo/e Jdatedbut not signed' are in/alid!

Art. 814. n case o( an/ insertion, cancellation,eras're or alteration in a $olo-ra&$ic %ill, t$etestator +'st a't$enticate t$e sa+e !/ $is ('ll


9nsertion, cancellation, erasure, alteration are in/alid unlessautenticated! +e will remains /alid! owe/er, sould it affectte essence of te will, te wole will is /oid!

3ull signature does not mean full name!

Art. 815. $en a ili&ino is in a (orei-n co'ntr/, $e isa't$ori<e) to +ae a %ill in an/ o( t$e (or+sesta!lis$e) !/ t$e la% o( t$e co'ntr/ in %$ic$ $e +a/

!e. ='c$ %ill +a/ !e &ro!ate) in t$e P$ili&&ines.

Art! &7 pro/ides tat te formal /alidit* of wills sall be go/ernedb* te law of te place were te same was e1ecuted!

9f a 3ilipino ma8es a will Jordinar* or olograpic' abroad, teformal /alidit* ma* be go/erned witer b* te law of te placewere te will is e1ecuted or b* te Ci/il Code of te .ilippines!

Art. 816. $e %ill o( an alien %$o is a!roa) &ro)'cese((ect in t$e P$ili&&ines i( +a)e %it$ t$e (or+alities&rescri!e) !/ t$e la% o( t$e &lace in %$ic$ $e resi)es,

or accor)in- to t$e (or+alities o!serve) in $isco'ntr/, or in con(or+it/ %it$ t$ose %$ic$ t$is Co)e&rescri!es.

9f te will of an alien is made and probated abroad, it is notgo/erned b* .ilippine law! 9f it is probated in te .ilippines, Art!F&; would not control!

3ormalities of a will made b* an alien abroad can be go/erned b*te law of%&! te testator=s nationalit*)! te testator=s domicile2! te .ilippines

DAL+?N @! "9-$S?N

3acts% +estator a citi6en of 9llinois and a resident of Cebu, woe1ecuted is olograpic will in San 3rancisco, California! 9n tepetition for te will=s probate, testator=s son filed a motion to

dismiss alleging tat before a will e1ecuted in a foreign countr*ma* be probated ere, it must be sown tat it as beenpre/iousl* probated in said foreign countr*!

uling% Nowere in te law, specificall* in Article F&;, does itre5uire tat a will e1ecuted in a foreign countr* must first beprobated in said foreign countr* in order tat it ma* be admittedto probate er in te .ilippines!

Art. 817. A %ill +a)e in t$e P$ili&&ines !/ a citi<en or

s'!ect o( anot$er co'ntr/, %$ic$ is eec'te) inaccor)ance %it$ t$e la% o( t$e co'ntr/ o( %$ic$ $e isa citi<en or s'!ect, an) %$ic$ +i-$t !e &rove) an)allo%e) !/ t$e la% o( $is o%n co'ntr/, s$all $ave t$esa+e e((ect as i( eec'te) accor)in- to t$e la%s o(t$e P$ili&&ines.

A citi6en of anoter countr* as te pri/ilege of ma8ing a will inaccordance wit formalities allowed b* te law of is nationalit*and it sall ta8e effect as if made according to .ilippine law!

+$#.L$+?N @! -A-C?CI%


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3acts% +estatri1 was a temporar* resident of #anila but a citi6enof California! Se e1ecuted a will ere in #anila but se followedte formalities re5uired b* Californian law! +e lower courtadmitted te will to probate! +e oppositors appealed!

uling% Article F&7 allowing te probate ere of a will of aforeigner and e1ecuted in accordance wit te law of te countr*of wic e is citi6en applied ere! +e fact tat se was aresident of #anila did not cange er being a >S citi6en, and tuste will ad “te same effect as if e1ecuted according to te lawsof te .ilippines” and ma* be probated ere!

+e pro/isions of Art! F&:0&7 are limited to te formal /alidit* ofa will! 9t does not included te intrinsic /alidit*, wic accordingto Art &; sall be go/erned b* te national law of te decedent,irrespecti/e of were te will was e1ecuted and te location and

8ind of te estate and regardless to te e1press wises of tetestator to te contrar*!

Art. 818. %o or +ore &ersons cannot +ae a %ill ointl/, or in t$e sa+e instr'+ent, eit$er (or t$eirreci&rocal !ene(it or (or t$e !ene(it o( a t$ir) &erson.

oint ill – same instrument is made te will of two or morepersons and (ointl* signed b* tem

+e reason for te proibition is tat wen a will is made (ointl*,

te spouse wo is more aggressi/e, stronger and domineering isable to dictate te terms of te will for isKer own benefit! ?nema* also be tempted to 8ill te oter!

Art. 819. ills, &ro$i!ite) !/ t$e &rece)in- article,eec'te) !/ ili&inos in a (orei-n co'ntr/ s$all not !evali) in t$e P$ili&&ines, even t$o'-$ a't$ori<e) !/t$e la%s o( t$e co'ntr/ %$ere t$e/ +a/ $ave !eeneec'te).

A (oint will is /alid in te .ilippines wen e1ecuted b* aliensweter abroad or in te .ilippines, in accordance wit te law

of teir nationalit*, if autori6ed b* tat law or te law were tewill was e1ecuted!

A (oint will made b* a 3ilipino, abroad or in te .ilippines, is/oid!

9f one is a 3ilipino and te oter an alien, it is /oid as regards te3ilipino and /alid as regards te alien!

Art. 820. An/ &erson o( so'n) +in) an) o( t$e a-e o(ei-$teen /ears or +ore, an) not !in), )ea( or )'+!,an) a!le to rea) an) %rite, +a/ !e a %itness to t$eeec'tion o( a %ill +entione) in Article 805 o( t$isCo)e.

Art. 821. $e (ollo%in- are )is*'ali(ie) (ro+ !ein-%itnesses to a %ill"  >1? An/ &erson not )o+icile) in t$e P$ili&&ines;

>2? $ose %$o $ave !een convicte) o(

(alsi(ication o( a )oc'+ent, &er'r/ or (alsetesti+on/.

<>AL939CA+9?NS ?3 9+N$SS$S&! &F *ears old and abo/e)! sound mind2! able to read and write4! not blind:! not deaf or dumb;! not con/icted of falsification of document, per(ur* or false


7! domiciled in te .ilippines

+ese 5ualifications ma8e te witness a “credible” one!

9f a foreigner or a 3ilipino e1ecuted a will abroad in accordancewit te Ci/il Code, tere are two /iews regarding tere5uirement of domicile for witnesses%&! +olentino% absurd to re5uire .ilippine domicile)! Caguioa% intent of Congress is not to allow an e1ception! +e

testator can still ma8e a olograpic will, or one in accordancewit te law of te countr* of e1ecution or of is nationalit*!


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Art. 822. ( t$e %itnesses attestin- t$e eec'tion o( a%ill are co+&etent at t$e ti+e o( attestin-, t$eir!eco+in- s'!se*'entl/ inco+&etent s$all not &reventt$e allo%ance o( t$e %ill.

Art. 823. ( a &erson attests t$e eec'tion o( a %ill, to%$o+ or to %$ose s&o'se, or &arent, or c$il), a

)evise or le-ac/ is -iven !/ s'c$ %ill, s'c$ )evise orle-ac/ s$all, so (ar onl/ as concerns s'c$ &erson, ors&o'se, or &arent, or c$il) o( s'c$ &erson, or an/ oneclai+in- 'n)er s'c$ &erson or s&o'se, or &arent, orc$il), !e voi), 'nless t$ere are t$ree ot$er co+&etent%itnesses to s'c$ %ill. o%ever, s'c$ &erson soattestin- s$all !e a)+itte) as a %itness as i( s'c$)evise or le-ac/ $a) not !een +a)e or -iven.

Art. 824. A +ere c$ar-e on t$e estate o( t$e testator(or t$e &a/+ent o( )e!ts )'e at t$e ti+e o( t$etestators )eat$ )oes not &revent $is cre)itors (ro+

!ein- co+&etent %itnesses to $is %ill.

+e gi/ing of a legac* to a witness or to a spouse, parent or cildof suc witness does not dis5ualif* te witness as suc! at isonl* nullified is te de/ise or legac*!

A carge on te estate for te pa*ment of a debt due at te timeof te testator=s deat is not a de/ise or legac* and terefore, tecreditor ma* still be a competent witness to te will and beentitled to te legac* or de/ise!

9f one of te tree witnesses is instituted as an eir J/oluntar*' inte will, te dis5ualification applies!

Art. 825. A co)icil is s'&&le+ent or a))ition to a %ill,+a)e a(ter t$e eec'tion o( a %ill an) annee) to !etaen as a &art t$ereo(, !/ %$ic$ )is&osition +a)e int$e ori-inal %ill is e&laine), a))e) to, or altere).

Art. 826. n or)er t$at a co)icil +a/ !e e((ective, its$all !e eec'te) as in t$e case o( a %ill.

Codicil – some oter paper as a will

+ere ma* be a /alid codicil to a re/o8ed will!

en te* are separate documents, te codicil referring to andratif*ing te will ma* be said to incorporate te will b* referenceor to old te will and codicil togeter and to republis te will!+o operate as a republication, it is sufficient if te codicil refers tote will in suc a wa* as to lea/e no doubt as to te identit* ofte instrument!

$<>9S9+$S&! if ordinar* will% Art! FE: and E;)! if olograpic will% Art! F&E

+e form of te codicil ma* or ma* not coincide Ji!e! ordinar* toordinar*, olograpic to olograpic' wit te form of te will! 9tis enoug tat te codicil as te formalities of a will!

Art. 827. ( a %ill, eec'te) as re*'ire) !/ t$is Co)e,

incor&orates into itsel( !/ re(erence an/ )oc'+ent or&a&er, s'c$ )oc'+ent or &a&er s$all not !econsi)ere) a &art o( t$e %ill 'nless t$e (ollo%in-re*'isites are &resent"  >1? $e )oc'+ent or &a&er re(erre) to in t$e %ill+'st !e in eistence at t$e ti+e o( t$e eec'tion o(t$e %ill;

>2? $e %ill +'st clearl/ )escri!e an) i)enti(/ t$esa+e, statin- a+on- ot$er t$in-s t$e n'+!er o(&a-es t$ereo(;

>3? t +'st !e i)enti(ie) !/ clear an) satis(actor/

&roo( as t$e )oc'+ent or &a&er re(erre) to t$erein;an)>4? t +'st !e si-ne) !/ t$e testator an) t$e

%itnesses on eac$ an) ever/ &a-e, ece&t in case o(vol'+ino's !oos o( acco'nt or inventories.

?n te face of te will must appear%&! a distinct reference to te writing or document incorporated)! a clear description and identification of te writing or

document2! te number of pages of te document or writing


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$1trinsic e/idence ma* sow te following re5uisites%&! tat te document was in e1istence at te time te will was

made)! tat te document incorporated must be identified b* clear

and satisfactor* proof as te document referred to terein

+e document or writing incorporated b* reference must not beowe/er a prior will /oid as to form for tat would /iolate Art!F2:!

-GAN=S A..$AL%

3acts% ere te deceased e1ecuted a will be5ueating Q:EEEE intrust to is wife! During te probate proceedings, two sealedwritings purporting to be codicils were presented werein tedeceased be5ueated more properties compared to tosebe5ueated in te will! .robate court refused to admit tecodicils!

uling% +e re5uirement tat te will must clearl* describe andidentif* te codicil Jdoctrine of incorporation b* reference' notcomplied ere! +ere was no were in te will an* clear, e1plicitand unambiguous reference to an* specific document as onee1isting and 8nown to te testator at te time te will was made!Decision affirmed!

9N $ "??DS ?3 $9D%

3acts% +estatri1 left a will! 9n te will, se wised tat er mone*be spent on er funeral and oter e1penses, as also some sumsas remembrance to friends to be named in a letter addressed toer two nieces! +wo papers were also presented werein sega/e small legacies to er friends! +e court probated onl* tewill!

uling% +e re5uirement tat te document referred to in te willmust be in e1istence at te time te e1ecution of te will notcomplied wit! +e document referred to in te will was of afuture caracter! 9t ma* be tat te date of te codicil is deemeddate of te will, but te will is ambiguous as to weter it is teletter or te sums wic are “to be named”!

>NS?N @! A-$LLA%

3acts% +e will contained an in/entor* of te testatri1=sproperties! en te will was filed for probate, it was opposed aste in/entor* as no attestation clause in it and its paging ismade in Arabic numerals, not in letters! 9n te tird paragrap ofte will, reference is made to te in/entor* and at te bottom ofte will it is stated tat te testatri1 signed te in/entor*attaced to will in te presence of witnesses! +e attestationclause mentions onl* te in/entor* of properties!

uling% 9n /iew of te fact tat te in/entor* is referred to in tewill as an integral part of it, we find tat te foregoing attestationclause is in compliance wit law regarding te doctrine ofincorporation b* reference!

+ere ma* be no incorporation b* reference in a olograpic willunless suc instrument is entirel* in te andwriting of tetestator! ?nl* in ordinar* wills can tere be incorporation b*reference since it re5uires tat eac and e/er* page of tedocument be signed b* te testator and witnesses!

Art. 828. A %ill +a/ !e revoe) !/ t$e testator at an/ti+e !e(ore $is )eat$. An/ %aiver or restriction o( t$isri-$t is voi).

e/ocation – act of te mind terminating te potential capacit* ofte will, manifested b* some outward act or sign, s*mbolictereof 

ills b* teir /er* nature are ambulator* and inoperati/e untilte deat of te testator!

?nl* te person wo made te will ma* re/o8e it, personall* ortroug an agent!

Art. 829. A revocation )one o'tsi)e t$e P$ili&&ines,


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!/ a &erson %$o )oes not $ave $is )o+icile in t$isco'ntr/, is vali) %$en it is )one accor)in- to t$e la%o( t$e &lace %$ere t$e %ill %as +a)e, or accor)in- tot$e la% o( t$e &lace in %$ic$ t$e testator $a) $is)o+icile at t$e ti+e; an) i( t$e revocation taes &lacein t$is co'ntr/, %$en it is in accor)ance %it$ t$e&rovisions o( t$is Co)e.

LA "?@$N9N" $@?CA+9?N&! e/ocation in te .ilippines% Ci/il Code)! e/ocation outside te .ilippines

a! testator domiciled in te .ilippines% Ci/il Code orwere te re/ocation is made

b! testator domiciled abroad% law of te place were tewill was made or domicile at te time of e1ecution

Art. 830. No %ill s$all !e revoe) ece&t in t$e(ollo%in- cases"  >1? @/ i+&lication o( la%; or

>2? @/ so+e %ill, co)icil, or ot$er %ritin-eec'te) as &rovi)e) in case o( %ills; or

>3? @/ !'rnin-, tearin-, cancelin-, or o!literatin-t$e %ill %it$ t$e intention o( revoin- it, !/ t$etestator $i+sel(, or !/ so+e ot$er &erson in $is&resence, an) !/ $is e&ress )irection. ( !'rne),torn, cancelle), or o!literate) !/ so+e ot$er &erson,%it$o't t$e e&ress )irection o( t$e testator, t$e %ill+a/ still !e esta!lis$e), an) t$e estate )istri!'te) inaccor)ance t$ere%it$, i( its contents, an) )'eeec'tion, an) t$e (act o( its 'na't$ori<e)

)estr'ction, cancellation, or o!literation areesta!lis$e) accor)in- to t$e #'les o( Co'rt.

#$+?DS ?3 $@?CA+9?N&! b* implication of law)! b* te e1ecution of a document wit all te re5uisites of a will2! b* te p*sical act of destruction coupled wit te intent to


&! $@?CA+9?N -G 9#.L9CA+9?N ?3 LA

• Certain canges in te testator=s circumstances from wicte law infers or presumes tat e intended a cange eitertotal or partial in te disposition of is propert*!

• +ere are no cases in law were te entire will is re/o8ed b*implication of law onl* particular pro/isions are deemedre/o8ed!

• 9nstances of e/ocation b* 9mplication of Law%o commission b* an eir, de/isee or legatee of an act of

unwortiness under Art! &E2)&! alteration, alienation or loss of tings gi/en as legac* or

de/ise after te e1ecution of te will)! preterition of compulsor* eirs in te direct line2! legal separation4! subse5uent adoption of legatees b* te testator

)! $@?CA+9?N -G S>-S$<>$N+ 9LL, C?D9C9L ? 9+9N"• 9n order tat a will ma* be re/o8ed b* a subse5uent

document te law re5uires tat it be e1ecuted as pro/ided incase of wills! ence, it must eiter be a will in itself or a

codicil!• 9t is necessar* tat at te time of re/ocation, te testator ad

testamentar* capacit* to e1ecute te document or act ofre/ocation!

• 9f te subse5uent document merel* adds to te pro/isions ofte first, it will be considered a codicil and construed wit tefirst!

• +e subse5uent will re/o8es all pre/ious wills if it purports onits face to be te testator=s last will and to ma8e a completetestamentar* disposition of all is propert*, e/en in teabsence of words of e1press re/ocation!

e5uisites&! testator must a/e capacit* to re/o8e)! re/o8ing will must be a /alid will2! re/o8ing will must contain a re/ocator* clause or be

incompatible wit te prior will4! re/o8ing will must be admitted to probate

4! $@?CA+9?N -G .GS9CAL D$S+>C+9?N ?3 9LL• e5uisites%

&! testator must a/e testamentar* capacit* at te timeof performing te act of destruction


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)! destruction must a/e been performed wit te intentof re/o8ing te will Janimus re/ocandi'

2! actual p*sical destruction

• 9ntention and p*sical act must concur! 9f one is not met, tewill is not re/o8ed!

• 9t is not necessar* tat te will be totall* destro*ed, burnt ortorn! 9t is sufficient id on te face of te will tere are /isiblesigns of te p*sical act of destruction!

• Canceling – mar8s or lines across te written part of teinstrument or a p*sical defacement, or some mutilation ofte writing itself 

• ?bliteration – to blot out, effacing words so tat te* cannotbe read or drawing a line troug te words

• 9n order tat p*sical destruction ma* be considered as are/ocation, it is essential tat it be done in te presence andb* te e1press direction of te testator!

D9AP @! D$ L$?N%

3acts% +e testator left two wills, and as8ed tat te first one bereturned to im! en it was returned, e as8ed is ser/ant totear te document in is presence and tat of is nurse! Aftersome time, wen testator was as8ed regarding te first will, ereplied tat it was alread* destro*ed! +e first will was presentedfor probate, wic was opposed on te ground tat te secondwill re/o8ed te first!

uling% +e second will re/o8ed te first! +e first will wasdestro*ed wit animo re/ocandi! 9t was destro*ed under ise1press direction! +e intention is also manifest from te

establised fact tat te testator was an1ious to witdraw orcange te pro/ision e made in is first will, wic fact edisclosed to tird persons!


+e mere fact tat te will is lost or destro*ed b* a tird personwitout te consent of te testator or is in/oluntaril* destro*edb* te testator imself, does not re/o8e te will!

en a will cannot be found b* proper and diligent searc afterdeat of te testator and it is sown to a/e been in tepossession of te testator wen last seen or tat e ad read*access to te it, te presumption is tat it was cancelled ordestro*ed!

 rt. 5,1. Subseuent wills which do not revoe the

 !revious ones in an e$!ress manner" annul only suchdis!ositions in the !rior wills as are inconsistent with orcontrary to those contained in the latter wills.

o 9f tere is an e1press re/ocator* clause, te pre/ious one

is re/o8ed! 9f tere isn=t, re/ocation ma* be partial ortotal! ?nl* tose dispositions wic are incompatible witte subse5uent will are deemed impliedl* re/o8ed!

o @'sta+ante vs. Arevalo% ?N te later will re/o8ed te

pre/ious will! +e first will instituted 4 eirs wile te later

will, wic ad no re/ocator* clause instituted onl* oneeir! eld% +e first will as been entirel* re/o8ed! 9n te)nd will te testator said tat second will will be er lastone! +is would signif* tat er last will, canceling erpre/iousl* e1pressed wis, was to ma8e -ustamante eronl* eir!

Art. 832. A revocation +a)e in a s'!se*'ent %ill s$all taee((ect, even i( t$e ne% %ill s$o'l) !eco+e ino&erative !/reason o( t$e inca&acit/ o( t$e $eirs, )evisees or le-atees)esi-nate) t$erein, or !/ t$eir ren'nciation.

o Notwitstanding te incapacit* of te eir, de/isee or

legatees designated or teir renunciation, te re/ocation inte subse5uent will will ta8e effect and te pre/ious willswill be considered as re/o8ed e/en toug suc will isinoperati/e!

Art. 833. A revocation o( a %ill !ase) on a (alse ca'se or anille-al ca'se is n'll an) voi).

o Depends on te metod of re/ocation used b* te testator


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o 9f troug te p*sical act of destruction on a mista8en

belief, weter of law or fact, or an illegal cause, tere/ocation is admissible to sow tat te testator wouldnot a/e re/o8ed te will ad e 8nown of te falsit* orillegalit* of te cause!

o 9f re/ocation is b* a subse5uent instrument, te basis or

te ground upon wic te testator proceeded sould

appear on te face of te instrument and suc groundmust be sown to be false or illegal! 3ailure to do so willma8e te re/ocation /alid since parol e/idence since doingso would be altering te pro/isions of te will and /iolati/eof te parole e/idence rule!

o octrine o( e&en)ent #elative #evocation – applied

were te testator cancels or destro*s a will or e1ecutesan instrument intended to re/o8e a will wit te presentintention of ma8ing a new testamentar* disposition as asubstitute for te old and te new disposition is not made,or if made, fails of effect for some reason! 9n tis case, tere/ocation will be considered as conditional and dependent

on te efficac* of te new disposition, so, if for an* reasonte new will intended to be made as a substitute isinoperati/e, te re/ocation fails and te original willremains in full force! Note% 9t must appear tat tere/ocation is dependent upon te /alid e1ecution of a newwill!

o i')a )e Molo vs. Molo" #olo died lea/ing ) wills! +e

later will contains an e1press re/ocator* clause! idowsougt probate of te later will but it was denied on teground tat te widow failed to pro/e tat te same wase1ecuted in accordance wit law! idow sougt probate of

te former clause but it was opposed! eld% >nder tedoctrine of dependent relati/e re/ocation, te destructionof te earlier will was but te necessar* conse5uence ofte testator=s belief tat te re/ocator* clause contained inte subse5uent will was /alid and te latter would begi/en effect! ence, e/en in te supposition tat tedestruction of te original will b* te testator could bepresumed from te failure of te petitioner to produce it incourt, suc destruction cannot a/e te effect of defeatingte prior will because of te fact tat it is founded on temista8en belief tat later will as been /alidl* e1ecuted

and would be gi/en due effect! +e testator did not intendto die intestate!

Art. 834. $e reco-nition o( an ille-iti+ate c$il) )oes notlose its le-al e((ect, even t$o'-$ t$e %ill %$erein it %as+a)e s$o'l) !e revoe).

o eason for tis rule% ecognition is not a testamentar*

disposition and ence it ta8es effect upon te e1ecution ofte will and not upon te deat of te testator!

o +is rule is N?+ applicable were te will is refused

probate on te ground of /itiation of consent, since in tatcase tere would be no /alid recognition!

 =B@=CN 7. : #e&'!lication an) #evival o( ills Art. 835. $e testator cannot re&'!lis$, %it$o'tre&ro)'cin- in a s'!se*'ent %ill, t$e )is&ositionscontaine) in a &revio's one %$ic$ is voi) as to its (or+.

Art. 836. $e eec'tion o( a co)icil re(errin- to a &revio's%ill $as t$e e((ect o( re&'!lis$in- t$e %ill as +o)i(ie) !/t$e co)icil.

o #e&'!lication

: metod b* wic te testator restores to /alidit*, as is

will, an instrument formerl* e1ecuted b* im as is willand tereafter re/o8ed or gi/es /alidit* to an instrumentoriginall* in/alid for want of proper e1ecution!

: e&ress >#e:eec'tion? – use tis if te will is /oid as to

its form all formalities necessar* for original e1ecutionmust be complied wit in te re0e1ecution

: i+&lie) >constr'ctive or !/ re(erence? – if te will asbeen pre/iousl* re/o8ed but /alid as to its form or /oidbecause of some oter cause Jnot form', republistroug e1ecution of codicil containing a sufficientreference to a prior will! +is as te effect of republisingte will as modified b* te codicil as of te date of tnerepublising codicil and of ma8ing te will go/ern ALLpropert* of te testator ac5uired up to te date of terepublising codicil!


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Art. 837. ( a(ter +ain- a %ill, t$e testator +aes asecon) %ill e&ressl/ revoin- t$e (irst, t$e revocation o(t$e secon) %ill )oes not revive t$e (irst %ill, %$ic$ can !erevive) onl/ !/ anot$er %ill or co)icil.

o  #evival – +e restoration to /alidit* b* operation of law

of a will pre/iousl* re/o8ed!o $at i( t$e 2n) %ill +erel/ i+&lie)l/ revoes t$e 1st

%ill an) t$is 2n)  %ill is revoe), %ill t$ere !e arevival o( t$e 2n) %ill G$S! -asis% +e e1ecution of te&st will wit inconsistent pro/isions will onl* be consideredas a re/ocation wen te testator dies and if teinstrument containing tis intention is re/o8ed before tetestator=s deat, ten for all legal purposes te re/ocator*intent is deemed ne/er to a/e e1isted and conse5uentl*te &st will is deemed ne/er to a/e been re/o8ed

o SC ule% unless te will containing te re/ocator* clause is

admitted for probate, it cannot a/e te effect of

re/ocation and te second will cannot be probated for tesimple reason tat it as been re/o8ed!

=B@=CN 8. : Allo%ance an) isallo%ance o( ills Art. 838. No %ill s$all &ass eit$er real or &ersonal &ro&ert/'nless it is &rove) an) allo%e) in accor)ance %it$ t$e#'les o( Co'rt.$e testator $i+sel( +a/, )'rin- $is li(eti+e, &etition t$eco'rt $avin- 'ris)iction (or t$e allo%ance o( $is %ill. ns'c$ case, t$e &ertinent &rovisions o( t$e #'les o( Co'rt

(or t$e allo%ance o( %ills a(ter t$e testators a )eat$ s$all-overn.

$e ='&re+e Co'rt s$all (or+'late s'c$ a))itional #'les o(Co'rt as +a/ !e necessar/ (or t$e allo%ance o( %ills on&etition o( t$e testator.

='!ect to t$e ri-$t o( a&&eal, t$e allo%ance o( t$e %ill,eit$er )'rin- t$e li(eti+e o( t$e testator or a(ter $is )eat$,s$all !e concl'sive as to its )'e eec'tion. >n?

o Pro!ate – to pro/e, before some officer or tribunal /ested

b* law wit autorit* for tat purpose tat te instrumentoffered to be probated is te last will and testament of tedeceased person wose testamentar* act it is alleged tobe and tat it as been e1ecuted, attested and publisedas re5uired b* law and tat te testator was of sound anddisposing mind!

o 9t is a ci/il proceeding to establis te /alidit* of te will!

o 9t is conclusi/e as to te due e1ecution of te will!

o 9t cannot be dispensed wit and substituted b* an* oter

proceeding, (udicial or e1tra(udicial!o 9t is merel* for te purpose of sowing te due e1ecution

and autenticit* of te will and as no bearing on teintrinsic /alidit* of te testamentar* pro/isions containedterein!

o $1ception% N'-'i) vs. N'-'i)" +e court was as8ed to

admit to probate a olograpic will e1ecuted b* Nuguid!3eli1 and .a6 opposed on te ground tat te* wereillegall* preterited terefore te institution is /oid! werenoting will be gained b* remanding te case for probateof te will to te lower court but will onl* result in waste oftime, effort, e1pense plus added an1iet*

o Palacios vs. Palacios" .alacios probated is will during

is lifetime! is daugted opposed te petition stating tater legitime was impaired! eld% +e autentication of tewill decides no oter 5uestions tan suc as touc uponte capacit* of te testator and te compliance wit tosere5uisites or solemnities wic te law prescribes for te/alidit* of te will. 9t does not determine nore e/en b*implication pre(udge te /alidit* or efficienc* of te

pro/isions tat ma* be impugned as being /icious or null,notwitstanding its autentication! +e 5uestions relatingto tese points remain entirel* unaffected, and ma* beraised e/en after te will as been autenticated! +e +Csould not a/e entertained te opposition! +is is ane1traneous matter wic sould be tresed out in aseparate action!

o itout probate, a will cannot pass real or personal estate

o ent'ra vs. ent'ra" +e probate proceedings of te will

of del @alle were terminated because te eirs instituted inte will ad agreed to partition te estate according to te


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pro/isions of te will! Later on, petitioner filed anoterpetition for probate of te same will! Appellees opposed!eld% 9f te decedent left a will and no debts and te eirsand legatees desire to ma8e an e1tra(udicial partition ofte estate, te* must first present tat will to te court forprobate and di/ide te estate in accordance wit te will!+e law en(oins te probate of te will and public polic*re5uires it, because unless te will is probated and noticetereof gi/en to te wole world, te rigt of a person todispose of is propert* b* will ma* be rendered nugator*!

o $stoppel cannot pre/ent probate

o ?nl* te total and absolute re/ocation can preclude

probate of te re/o8ed will! An implied re/ocation will notaffect te will itself but merel* te particular de/ise orlegac* +us te will can still be admitted to probate!

o ='+ilan- vs. #a+a-o<a"  amago6a=s will instituted

Sumilang as eir! Subse5uent to ma8ing te will, testatorsold to Sumilang te lands described in te will!?ppositors want to dismiss te probate on te ground tat

te testator impliedl* re/o8ed is will b* selling te landsprior to is deat! eld% +e alleged sale is no ground forte dismissal of te petition for probate! .robate is oneting! @alidit* of te testamentar* pro/isions is anoter!.robate decides te e1ecution of te document and tetestamentar* capacit* of te testator! +e /alidit* of tetestamentar* pro/isions relates to descent anddistribution!

%o Din)s o( Pro!ateo .robate after deat

o .robate during te lifetime: eason% to lessen te number of contests upon wills!: $ffect% +e will is /alid, autentic and genuine and te

testator ad full testamentar* capacit*! 9t does notpre/ent te testator from re/o8ing te will nor ma8inganoter will, not ma8ing a codicil to te will, but unless tetestator re/o8es te probated will ten it sall be bindingand /alid after is deat and no ner probate sall benecessar*!

Art. 839. $e %ill s$all !e )isallo%e) in an/ o( t$e(ollo%in- cases"

>1? ( t$e (or+alities re*'ire) !/ la% $ave not !eenco+&lie) %it$;>2? ( t$e testator %as insane, or ot$er%ise +entall/inca&a!le o( +ain- a %ill, at t$e ti+e o( its eec'tion;

>3? ( it %as eec'te) t$ro'-$ (orce or 'n)er )'ress, ort$e in(l'ence o( (ear, or t$reats;

>4? ( it %as &roc're) !/ 'n)'e an) i+&ro&er &ress're an)in(l'ence, on t$e &art o( t$e !ene(iciar/ or o( so+e ot$er&erson;

>5? ( t$e si-nat're o( t$e testator %as &roc're) !/ (ra');

>6? ( t$e testator acte) !/ +istae or )i) not inten) t$att$e instr'+ent $e si-ne) s$o'l) !e $is %ill at t$e ti+e o(a((iin- $is si-nat're t$ereto.

o J3irst ) grounds a/e been pre/iousl* discussed'o 3r)  Gro'n)" at will constitute forceor duress or

intimidation is go/erned b* te same rules as tat ofconsent in contracts Jci/il code'

o iolence – were in order to wrest consent, serious or

irresistible force is emplo*edo nti+i)ation : were one of te contracting parties is

compelled b* a reasonable and well0grounded fear of animminent and gra/e e/il upon is person or propert*, orupon te person or propert* of is spouse, descendants orascendants, to gi/e is consent!

o 4t$

 Gro'n)" mere general or reasonable influence o/er atestator is not sufficient to in/alidate a will, to a/e tateffect te influence must be 'n)'e

o Bn)'e in(l'ence – to be sufficient to a/oid a will, te

influence e1erted must be of a 8ind tat so o/erpowersand sub(ugates te mind of te testator as to destro* isfree agenc* and ma8e im e1press te will of anoter,rater tan is own!

o ?n te ground of immoral influence wic te relation

gi/es te mistress o/er er paramour, wills in fa/or ofmistresses a/e been attac8ed on te ground of undue


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influence, but te SC eld tat tis influence will not /oid awill wic is oterwise /oluntar*!

o Coso vs. e<a" law*er in is will ga/e properties to an

illegitimate son and pa*ment of mone* to is paramouras reimbursement for e1penses se incurred! ill opposedon ground of undue influence e1erted b* Lope6 o/er temind of testator! eld% ile it is sown tat te testatorentertained strong affections for Lope6, it does not appeartat er influence so o/erpowered and sub(ugated temind of te testator as to destro* is free agenc* andma8e im e1press te will of anoter rater tan is won!#ere affection, e/en if illegitimate, it not undue influence,and does not in/alidate a will!

o 5t$ Gro'n)"

o ra') : wen, troug insidious words or macinations of

one of te contracting parties, te oter is induced toenter into a contract wic, witout tem, e would nota/e agreed to!

o Altoug te testator 8nows tat it is a will, te contents

tereof are not according to is wises and e would nota/e signed te will were it not for te fraud emplo*ed onim

o 6t$ Gro'n)" Mistae – it sould refer to te substance of

te ting wic is te ob(ect of te contract, or to toseconditions wic a/e principall* mo/ed one or botparties to enter into te contract!

o +estator did not intend to sign a will but some oter

document!o Ma/ a %ill t$at is s'!ect to )isallo%ance !eca'se o(

violence, inti+i)ation, 'n)'e in(l'ence, (ra') or

+istae !e rati(ie) !/ t$e testator  N? unless tetestator re0e1ecutes or republises te /oid will!

=CN 2. : nstit'tion o( eir Art. 840. nstit'tion o( $eir is an act !/ virt'e o( %$ic$ atestator )esi-nates in $is %ill t$e &erson or &ersons %$oare to s'ccee) $i+ in $is &ro&ert/ an) trans+issi!le ri-$tsan) o!li-ations.

Art. 841. A %ill s$all !e vali) even t$o'-$ it s$o'l) notcontain an instit'tion o( an $eir, or s'c$ instit'tion s$o'l)not co+&rise t$e entire estate, an) even t$o'-$ t$e&erson so instit'te) s$o'l) not acce&t t$e in$eritance ors$o'l) !e inca&acitate) to s'ccee).

n s'c$ cases t$e testa+entar/ )is&ositions +a)e inaccor)ance %it$ la% s$all !e co+&lie) %it$ an) t$e

re+ain)er o( t$e estate s$all &ass to t$e le-al $eirs.

#e*'isites (or a vali) an) e((ective instit'tion o( $eirs&! tat te testator as te capacit* to ma8e te institution!)! +at in ma8ing te institution of eir te testator is not

sub(ected to an* /ice tat /itiates consent Je1! @iolence,intimidation, fraud'

2! +at te institution is made in a will! $1ception% marriagesettlements of te future spouses were ter are allowedto donate to eac oter future propert* to ta8e effect afterteir deat!

4. +at te institution is made personall* b* te testatorwitout lea/ing it to te will or discretion of a 2 rd person

:! +at te person instituted is identified or identifiable;! +at tere be no preterition of a compulsor* eir in te

direct line

Governin- Princi&les in t$e nstit'tion o( eirs

1. *'alit/ : since te eirs instituted witout designation

of sares inerit in e5ual parts

2. n)ivi)'alit/ – since te presumption is tat eirs

collecti/el* designated are considered indi/iduall*

instituted unless te contrar* appears3. =i+'ltaniet/ – since te presumption is tat se/eral

eirs are instituted simultaneousl* and not successi/el*unless te contrar* appears

4.Art. 842. ne %$o $as no co+&'lsor/ $eirs +a/ )is&ose !/%ill o( all $is estate or an/ &art o( it in (avor o( an/ &erson$avin- ca&acit/ to s'ccee).

ne %$o $as co+&'lsor/ $eirs +a/ )is&ose o( $is estate&rovi)e) $e )oes not contravene t$e &rovisions o( t$isCo)e %it$ re-ar) to t$e le-iti+e o( sai) $eirs.


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o ree Portion – suc portion wic ma* be freel* disposed

of b* te testator to an*bod* womsoe/er tat e wiseso Ee-iti+e 0 te portion wic ma* not be disposed of b*

te testator because te law as reser/ed it for certainpersons, called compulsor* eirs

Art. 843. $e testator s$all )esi-nate t$e $eir !/ $is na+ean) s'rna+e, an) %$en t$ere are t%o &ersons $avin- t$esa+e na+es, $e s$all in)icate so+e circ'+stance !/ %$ic$t$e instit'te) $eir +a/ !e no%n.

ven t$o'-$ t$e testator +a/ $ave o+itte) t$e na+e o(t$e $eir, s$o'l) $e )esi-nate $i+ in s'c$ +anner t$att$ere can !e no )o'!t as to %$o $as !een instit'te), t$einstit'tion s$all !e vali).

Art. 844. An error in t$e na+e, s'rna+e, or circ'+stanceso( t$e $eir s$all not vitiate t$e instit'tion %$en it is

&ossi!le, in an/ ot$er +anner, to no% %it$ certaint/ t$e&erson instit'te).

( a+on- &ersons $avin- t$e sa+e na+es an) s'rna+es,t$ere is a si+ilarit/ o( circ'+stances in s'c$ a %a/ t$at,even %it$ t$e 'se o( t$e ot$er &roo(, t$e &erson instit'te)cannot !e i)enti(ie), none o( t$e+ s$all !e an $eir.

o Altoug te testator ma* a/e made a mista8e in te

name and surname or circumstances of te eir, te samesall still be /alid pro/ided te identit* of te eir can be

fi1ed wit certaint* in an* oter manner!o Bnno%n $eir 0 eir tat cannot be identified!

o ule% owe/er, if identification is possible b* some past or

future e/ent, te institution is /alid pro/ided tat suce/ent or circumstance is indicated in te ill itself!

o Ei+itations to t$is r'le" J&' were te determination of

te eir is delegated to anoter te disposition is /oid! J)'were te instituted eir wen identified does not a/ecapacit* to succeed at te time of te deat of tetestator!

Art. 845. ver/ )is&osition in (avor o( an 'nno%n &ersons$all !e voi), 'nless !/ so+e event or circ'+stance $isi)entit/ !eco+es certain. o%ever, a )is&osition in (avoro( a )e(inite class or -ro'& o( &ersons s$all !e vali).

Art. 846. eirs instit'te) %it$o't )esi-nation o( s$aress$all in$erit in e*'al &arts.

o +e eirs in order to inerit in e5ual portions sould be of

te same class Jcompulsor* eirs will not inerit e5uall*wit /oluntar* ones'

o +e testator, b* designating a class or group legatees,

intended all members tereof to succeed per capita, inabsence of contrar* intent Je1! Descedents will includebot cildren and grandcildren'


Art. 847. $en t$e testator instit'tes so+e $eirsin)ivi)'all/ an) ot$ers collectivel/ as %$en $e sa/s, F

)esi-nate as +/ $eirs A an) @, an) t$e c$il)ren o( C,Ft$ose collectivel/ )esi-nate) s$all !e consi)ere) asin)ivi)'all/ instit'te), 'nless it clearl/ a&&ears t$at t$eintention o( t$e testator %as ot$er%ise.

o No!le vs. Bson" >son e1ecuted a codicil stating tat on

te deat of er usband Jer onl* eir', all of erpropert* will go to er sisters and nieces! 9ssue% 9n watproportion eld% 9t was te intention of te testatri1 todi/ide te propert* e5uall* between er sisters and niecesas stated in er final declaration!

Art. 848. ( t$e testator s$o'l) instit'te $is !rot$ers an)sisters, an) $e $as so+e o( ('ll !loo) an) ot$ers o( $al(!loo), t$e in$eritance s$all !e )istri!'te) e*'all/ 'nless a)i((erent intention a&&ears.

o +is rule onl* applies in testate succession

Art. 849. $en t$e testator calls to t$e s'ccession a&erson an) $is c$il)ren t$e/ are all )ee+e) to $ave !eeninstit'te) si+'ltaneo'sl/ an) not s'ccessivel/.


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o ce&tion" wen a contrar* intention appears

Art. 850. $e state+ent o( a (alse ca'se (or t$e instit'tiono( an $eir s$all !e consi)ere) as not %ritten, 'nless ita&&ears (ro+ t$e %ill t$at t$e testator %o'l) not $ave+a)e s'c$ instit'tion i( $e $a) no%n t$e (alsit/ o( s'c$ca'se.

o +e fact tat te testator would not a/e made te

institution ad e 8nown of te falsit* of te cause mustappear on te will itself! 9t cannot be sown b* e/idenceoutside of te will!

o -urden of .roof% >pon e wo denies tat te testator

would a/e made suc institution ad e 8nown te falsit*

Art. 851. ( t$e testator $as instit'te) onl/ one $eir, an)t$e instit'tion is li+ite) to an ali*'ot &art o( t$ein$eritance, le-al s'ccession taes &lace %it$ res&ect tot$e re+ain)er o( t$e estate.

$e sa+e r'le a&&lies i( t$e testator $as instit'te) several$eirs, eac$ !ein- li+ite) to an ali*'ot &art, an) all t$e&arts )o not cover t$e %$ole in$eritance.

o +is rule is witout pre(udice to an* legacies or de/ises

/alidl* made for in tat case, te balance undisposed ofwill go to te legatees and de/ises and not b* wa* ofintestate succession!

Art. 852. ( it %as t$e intention o( t$e testator t$at t$e

instit'te) $eirs s$o'l) !eco+e sole $eirs to t$e %$oleestate, or t$e %$ole (ree &ortion, as t$e case +a/ !e, an)eac$ o( t$e+ $as !een instit'te) to an ali*'ot &art o( t$ein$eritance an) t$eir ali*'ot &arts to-et$er )o not covert$e %$ole in$eritance, or t$e %$ole (ree &ortion, eac$ &arts$all !e increase) &ro&ortionall/.

Art. 853. ( eac$ o( t$e instit'te) $eirs $as !een -iven anali*'ot &art o( t$e in$eritance, an) t$e &arts to-et$erecee) t$e %$ole in$eritance, or t$e %$ole (ree &ortion, ast$e case +a/ !e, eac$ &art s$all !e re)'ce) &ro&ortionall/.

Art. 854. $e &reterition or o+ission o( one, so+e, or all o(t$e co+&'lsor/ $eirs in t$e )irect line, %$et$er livin- att$e ti+e o( t$e eec'tion o( t$e %ill or !orn a(ter t$e )eat$o( t$e testator, s$all ann'l t$e instit'tion o( $eir; !'t t$e)evises an) le-acies s$all !e vali) inso(ar as t$e/ are notino((icio's.

( t$e o+itte) co+&'lsor/ $eirs s$o'l) )ie !e(ore t$etestator, t$e instit'tion s$all !e e((ect'al, %it$o't&re')ice to t$e ri-$t o( re&resentation.

Art. 855. $e s$are o( a c$il) or )escen)ant o+itte) in a%ill +'st (irst !e taen (ro+ t$e &art o( t$e estate not)is&ose) o( !/ t$e %ill, i( an/; i( t$at is not s'((icient, so+'c$ as +a/ !e necessar/ +'st !e taen &ro&ortionall/(ro+ t$e s$ares o( t$e ot$er co+&'lsor/ $eirs.

Preterition – omission in te testator=s will of a compulsor* erisin te direct line or an*one of tem eiter because te* are notmentioned terein or altoug mentioned te* are neiterinstituted as eir nor e1pressl* disinerited!

#e*'isites o( Preterition

1. $at t$ere !e a total o+ission o( an $eir – te omitted

compulsor* eir recei/es noting under te will, weteras eir, legatee or de/isee, as recei/ed noting b* wa* ofdonation inter /i/os or propter nuptials, and will recei/enoting b* wa* of intestate succession!

2.t$at t$e &erson o+itte) is a co+&'lsor/ $eir in t$e)irect line – weter ascending or descending,legitimate, illegitimate  or adopted! -ut tis does notinclude te wife!

3. t$at t$e co+&'lsor/ $eir o+itte) s'rvives t$e

testator, or t$ere is a ri-$t o( re&resentation  –preterition includes te omission of compulsor* eirs in tedirect line wo are li/ing at te time of te e1ecution ofte will, weter te testator is aware of teir e1istence ornot, tose woare born after te deat of te testator,tose wo are born after te e1ecution of te will andbefore te deat of te testator!


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2 Din)s o( ='!stit'tion

irect n)irect

en te substitute recei/este propert* in default of tete first eir instituted wodoes not or can not recei/ete same

en te substitute recei/este propert* after te eirfirst instituted as en(o*edte same for sometime

+ere are /arious liberalities,one tat is immediate andte oters e/entual, but witonl* one of tem effecti/e

+ere are ) or moreliberalities wic are alleffecti/e but succesi/el*

+e testator so directs tetransmission of is propert*tat one or more eirs en(o*and ma* freel* dispose ofte same

+e first eir instituted isobliged to preser/e tepropert* for te benefit ofone or more succeedingeirs and is power ofalienation is curtailed or atleast limited!

as no oter purpose tan

to pre/ent te succession ofte intestate eirs

as a furter social effect

because it limits te freecirculation of propert*

Substitution ma* refer onl* to te free portion! 9t can ne/er referto te legitime because te law proibits te testator fromimposing an* burden, encumberance, condition or substitution ofan* 8ind watsoe/er on te legitime!

Art. 858. ='!stit'tion o( $eirs +a/ !e"

>1? =i+&le or co++on;

>2? @rie( or co+&en)io's;

>3? #eci&rocal; or

>4? i)eico++issar/. >n?

Art. 859. $e testator +a/ )esi-nate one or +ore &ersonsto s'!stit'te t$e $eir or $eirs instit'te) in case s'c$ $eiror $eirs s$o'l) )ie !e(ore $i+, or s$o'l) not %is$, ors$o'l) !e inca&acitate) to acce&t t$e in$eritance. 

A si+&le s'!stit'tion, %it$o't a state+ent o( t$e cases to%$ic$ it re(ers, s$all co+&rise t$e t$ree +entione) in t$e&rece)in- &ara-ra&$, 'nless t$e testator $as ot$er%ise&rovi)e). >774? 

: 9n simple or common substitution tere is a true conditionalinstitution since it depends on a future or uncertain e/ent wic isteir instituted does not or cannot accept te ineritance

0 >nless oterwise pro/ided in te will, simple or commonsubstitution will e1ist in case of predecease, repudiation orcommon substitution! 3or e1ample, if testator institutes as iseir and G as te substitute, tere being no mention of te causeof substitution, te same will co/er all 2 mentioned cases in tearticle! -ut if testator institutes as is eir and in case telatter=s predecease, -, ten te substitution is limited to te caseof te eir predeceasing te testator and will not include teoter two cases!

Art. 860. %o or +ore &ersons +a/ !e s'!stit'te) (or one;an) one &erson (or t%o or +ore $eirs. >778? 

- +e testator ma* pro/ide for te following combinations%

&! ?ne substitute for one eir wic is te most common)! ?ne substitute for /arious eirs2! @arious substitutes for one eir4! @arious substitutes for /arious eirs and:! @arious eirs wo are mutuall* substitutes for eac oter,

wic called reciprocal substitution!

Art. 861. ( $eirs instit'te) in 'ne*'al s$ares s$o'l) !ereci&rocall/ s'!stit'te), t$e s'!stit'te s$all ac*'ire t$es$are o( t$e $eir %$o )ies, reno'nces, or is inca&acitate),'nless it clearl/ a&&ears t$at t$e intention o( t$e testator%as ot$er%ise. ( t$ere are +ore t$an one s'!stit'te, t$e/s$all $ave t$e sa+e s$are in t$e s'!stit'tion as in t$einstit'tion. >779a? 

- +ere is mutual substation wen eirs are instituted asmutual substitutes of one anoter!


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- 9f te eirs instituted in une5ual sares sould bereciprocall* substituted in case of predecease, incapacit*or repudiation, te substitute sall recei/e te portion ofte eir wo dies, unless in appears tat te testator=sintention was oterwise!

- 9f tere is more tan one substitute, te* sall a/e in tesubstitution te same sare as in te institution

Art. 862. $e s'!stit'te s$all !e s'!ect to t$e sa+ec$ar-es an) con)itions i+&ose) '&on t$e instit'te) $eir,'nless an) testator $as e&ressl/ &rovi)e) t$e contrar/, ort$e c$ar-es or con)itions are &ersonall/ a&&lica!le onl/ tot$e $eir instit'te). >780? 

Art. 863. A (i)eico++issar/ s'!stit'tion !/ virt'e o( %$ic$t$e (i)'ciar/ or (irst $eir instit'te) is entr'ste) %it$ t$eo!li-ation to &reserve an) to trans+it to a secon) $eir t$e%$ole or &art o( t$e in$eritance, s$all !e vali) an) s$alltae e((ect, &rovi)e) s'c$ s'!stit'tion )oes not -o !e/on)

one )e-ree (ro+ t$e $eir ori-inall/ instit'te), an)&rovi)e) ('rt$er, t$at t$e (i)'ciar/ or (irst $eir an) t$esecon) $eir are livin- at t$e ti+e o( t$e )eat$ o( t$etestator. >781a? 

- +ere is fideicommissar* or indirect substitution wen tetestator institutes a person as eir entrusting im wit teobligation of deli/ering to anoter te wole or part of teineritance! +e eir instituted to suc condition is calledte fiduciar* eir and i wo recei/es from te fiduciar* ofte propert* of te testator is called te fideicommissar*

or beneficiar*- +e re5uisites of fideicommissar* substitution are%

&! te fiduciar* is called primaril* to te en(o*ment of teestate

2. an obligation clearl* imposed on im to preser/e andtransmit to a 2rd person te wole or part of te estate

2! a beneficiar*4! tat te fideicommissar* be entitled to te estate from te

time te testator dies since e is to inerit from te latterand not from te fiduciar*!

Conditions for suc substitution include%

&! te substitution does not go be*ond one degree from teeir originall* instituted

)! te substitution is e1press2! bot te fiduciar* and beneficiar* be li/ing at te time of

te testator=s deat4! te imposition is on te free portion and not te legitime!

- A fiduciar* needs to a/e te capacit* to succeed mortiscausa! Li8ewise, e cannot alienate te propert* b* an actinter /i/os or mortis causa! e sould also preser/e sucand transmit it to te beneficiar*! +is constitutes te /er*essence of fideicommissar* substitution!

- +e nullit* of te fideicommissar* substitution does notpre(udice te /alidit* of te institution of te eirs firstdesignated te fideicommissar* clause is consideredunwritten!

- 9t is pro/ided tat te fideicommissar* must not go

be*ond one degree from te fiduciar* and bot must beli/ing at te time of te deat of te testator! 9t issubmitted tat te meaning of suc words lean towardsone degree of relationsip interpretation! ence, tere canbe onl* one substitute or two or more simultaneous butnot successi/e substitutes

Art. 864. A (i)eico++issar/ s'!stit'tion can never!'r)en t$e le-iti+e. >782a? 

Art. 865. ver/ (i)eico++issar/ s'!stit'tion +'st !e

e&ressl/ +a)e in or)er t$at it +a/ !e vali). 

$e (i)'ciar/ s$all !e o!li-e) to )eliver t$e in$eritance tot$e secon) $eir, %it$o't ot$er )e)'ctions t$an t$ose%$ic$ arise (ro+ le-iti+ate e&enses, cre)its an)i+&rove+ents, save in t$e case %$ere t$e testator $as&rovi)e) ot$er%ise. >783? 

- 9t is e1pressl* made b* eiter gi/ing te substitution sucname or imposing on te fiduciar* te absolute obligationof deli/ering te propert* to a beneficiar*!


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- A fiduciar* as an obligation of ma8ing an in/entor* butas no need of posting a bond li8e a usufructuar*!

Crisolo-o v. =in-son

acts" +e testatri1 DoRa Leona Singson died single! At te timese e1ecuted er will er nearest relati/es were er broters

$/aristo, #anuel and Dionisio, er nieces osario, $milia and+rinidad and a grandniece Consolacion! +e will pro/ided tat ifConsolacion died before or after er, te ouse tat sould a/ebeen gi/en to er would be di/ided in e5ual sares among erbroters!

After probate of te will, Consolacion commenced an action forpartition of propert*! +e defense was tat se was a mereusufructuar* and not an owner, ence se is not entitled topartition!

ss'e% ?N tere was fideicommissar* substitution!

el)" No, te will pro/ided for an susticion /ulgar tesubstitution of Consolacion b* te broters to be effecti/e or tota8e place from te deat of te grandcild weter before orafter te testatri1! +e testamentar* clause pro/ided tat tesubstitution of eirs was not e1pressl* made for fideicommissar*caracter! During er lifetime se en(o*ed onl* usufructuar*rigts, na8ed ownersip still being /ested wit te testratri1

Art. 866. $e secon) $eir s$all ac*'ire a ri-$t to t$es'ccession (ro+ t$e ti+e o( t$e testators )eat$, even

t$o'-$ $e s$o'l) )ie !e(ore t$e (i)'ciar/. $e ri-$t o( t$esecon) $eir s$all &ass to $is $eirs. >784? 

- 9f eiter te fideicommissar* or beneficiar* sur/i/es tetestator but predeceases te fiduciar*, is rigt sall passto is eirs

Art. 867. $e (ollo%in- s$all not tae e((ect" 

>1? i)eico++issar/ s'!stit'tions %$ic$ are not+a)e in an e&ress +anner, eit$er !/ -ivin- t$e+t$is na+e, or i+&osin- '&on t$e (i)'ciar/ t$ea!sol'te o!li-ation to )eliver t$e &ro&ert/ to asecon) $eir; 

>2? Provisions %$ic$ contain a &er&et'al &ro$i!itionto alienate, an) even a te+&orar/ one, !e/on) t$eli+it (ie) in article 863; 

>3? $ose %$ic$ i+&ose '&on t$e $eir t$e c$ar-e o(&a/in- to vario's &ersons s'ccessivel/, !e/on) t$eli+it &rescri!e) in article 863, a certain inco+e or&ension; 

>4? $ose %$ic$ leave to a &erson t$e %$ole &art o(t$e $ere)itar/ &ro&ert/ in or)er t$at $e +a/ a&&l/or invest t$e sa+e accor)in- to secret instr'ctionsco++'nicate) to $i+ !/ t$e testator. >785a?

Art. 868. $e n'llit/ o( t$e (i)eico++issar/ s'!stit'tion)oes not &re')ice t$e vali)it/ o( t$e instit'tion o( t$e$eirs (irst )esi-nate); t$e (i)eico++issar/ cla'se s$allsi+&l/ !e consi)ere) as not %ritten. >786? 

Art. 869. A &rovision %$ere!/ t$e testator leaves to a&erson t$e %$ole or &art o( t$e in$eritance, an) to anot$ert$e 's'(r'ct, s$all !e vali). ( $e -ives t$e 's'(r'ct tovario's &ersons, not si+'ltaneo'sl/, !'t s'ccessivel/, t$e&rovisions o( Article 863 s$all a&&l/. >787a? 

Art. 870. $e )is&ositions o( t$e testator )eclarin- all or&art o( t$e estate inaliena!le (or +ore t$an t%ent/ /earsare voi). >n? 

0 te reason for te limitation to not more tan )E *ears is toinfluence te sociali6ation of ownersip and to pr/ent teperpetuation of large oldings! 9t is limited onl* to te freeportion and not te legitime 


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=CN 4. : Con)itional esta+entar/ is&ositionsan) esta+entar/ is&ositions it$ a er+ Art. 871. $e instit'tion o( an $eir +a/ !e +a)econ)itionall/, or (or a certain &'r&ose or ca'se. >790a? 

Art. 872. $e testator cannot i+&ose an/ c$ar-e,con)ition, or s'!stit'tion %$atsoever '&on t$e le-iti+es&rescri!e) in t$is Co)e. =$o'l) $e )o so, t$e sa+e s$all !econsi)ere) as not i+&ose). >813a? 

- +is procedure is used to oblige eirs, legatees, orde/isees to do someting or refrain from doing sometingunder te penalt* of losing an ineritance, legac* orde/ise!

- +e condition must, owe/er, be e1pressl* stated in tewill or clearl* to be inferred from te language used in tewill!

Morente v. e la =anta

acts" +e testatri1, Consuelo #orente, left all er realpropert* to er usband, "umersindo de la Santa! +e )nd

clause pro/ided tat te usband sall not lea/e er brotersafter er deatm and e sall not marr* an*one sould ea/e cildren b* an*one, e sall not con/e* an* portion ofte propert* left b* er, e1cept &K2 tereof, te oter )K2sall remain wit er broter @icente!

3our monts after er deat, te usband married again! +e

sister of te testatri1, $lena, filed for a petition see8ing teannulment of te legac*!

ss'e" N te legac* sould be forfeited!

el)" No, tere was no e1press condition attaced to telegac* wit regard to a possible )nd marriage based on teconte1t of te will! 9n order to ma8e te testamentar*pro/ision conditional, suc condition must fairl* appear fromte language used in te will! 9n tis case, it was not!

Nativi)a) v. Ga!ino

acts" +estator, +iburcio Sal/ador, designated -asilia "abinoas a legatee! +e condition was tat if te legatee sould die,Loren6o Sal/ador, te successor of "abino, would be obliged,upon pa*ment of 4,EEE b* te testator=s grandson, $milioNati/idad, to con/e* te propert* to te latter!

ss'e" N te condition ma8es "abino a mereususfructuar*

el)" No, tis was a double legac* of full ownersip, sub(ectto a condition wic depended on te appening of te e/entconstituting te condition, i!e!, te deat of "abino! +etestator intended tat "abino en(o* ownersip of te propert*during er lifetime, suc testamentar* pro/ision is notcontrar* to law, for it was te intention of te testator to a/ete propert* re/erted to is lawful eir $milio upon pa*ment!

Art. 873. +&ossi!le con)itions an) t$ose contrar/ to la%or -oo) c'sto+s s$all !e consi)ere) as not i+&ose) an)s$all in no +anner &re')ice t$e $eir, even i( t$e testators$o'l) ot$er%ise &rovi)e. >792a? 

- An impossible condition is one tat is contrar* to te lawsof nature, contrar* to law or good customs and ifpro/ided for in te will, te* sall be considered as notimposed and will not pre(udice te eir e/en toug te

testator sould pro/ide oterwise!- +e will of te testator sould not be di/ided b*

maintaining /alid is disposition e/en if te condition onwic it was made to depend on te disposition is notcomplied wit, since bot constitute and indi/isible wole!

Miciano v. @ri+o

acts" osep -rimo, a +ur8is citi6en wo too8 residence inte .ilippines! is will pro/ided tat te distribution of ispropert* be made in accordance wit .ilippine law! e added


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tat is relati/es respect is wises oterwise an* dispositionin teir fa/or is deemed annulled! Andre, is broter, opposedte partition of is estate!

ss'e" N te condition is /alid!

el)" No, te condition is /oid because it is contrar* to lawand is terefore deemed not imposed! Art! &; states tat tenational law of te testator sall be te one wic go/erns istestamentar* dispositions! Suc condition is deemedunwritted, and te institution of legatees is unconditional andconse5uentl* /alid and effecti/e against erein oppositor

Art. 874. An a!sol'te con)ition not to contract a (irst ors'!se*'ent +arria-e s$all !e consi)ere) as not %ritten'nless s'c$ con)ition $as !een i+&ose) on t$e %i)o% or%i)o%er !/ t$e )ecease) s&o'se, or !/ t$e lattersascen)ants or )escen)ants. 

Nevert$eless, t$e ri-$t o( 's'(r'ct, or an allo%ance orso+e &ersonal &restation +a/ !e )evise) or !e*'eat$e) toan/ &erson (or t$e ti+e )'rin- %$ic$ $e or s$e s$o'l)re+ain 'n+arrie) or in %i)o%$oo). >793a? 

- A condition proibiting marriage is eiter absolute orrelati/e! +e former applies wen it te eir or legatee isforbidden to marr* an* person at an* time or place orwen e is re5uired to remain unmarried or in widowood!+e proibition is relati/e wen it refers onl* to particularpersons or group of persons or wen it refers to particular

periods or places, e!g!, not to marr* or not to getmarried witin : *ears! -ut te law also pro/ides tat anabsolute proibition to contract a &st marriage is /oid! Anabsolute proibition to contract a subse5uent marriage isli8ewise /oid e1cept wen it is imposed on te widow orwidower b* te deceased spouse or b* te latter=sdescendants or ascendants!

@roce v. Marcellana

acts" Se/era Agra/iador! +estatri1, pro/ided tat sould erusband, Domingo #edina want to marr* after er deat, esould coose a relati/e of ers witin te ; t degree! Soulde disregard tis, ten er siblings would inerit and beentitled to reco/er all er properties! Domingo disregardedtis proibition claiming it is against good morals

ss'e" N te condition is /oid!

el)" No, Article F74 allows tis and suc imposition is tuslegal! +e purpose of te law was to preser/e te propert* ofte testator in fa/or of is nearest of 8in in case of non0compliance wit te condition! +e late wife=s eirs areterefore entitled to reco/er* for non0compliance wit erwises!

illan'eva v. 'ico

acts" +estator Don Nicolas @illaflor de/ised and be5ueatedB of is propert* to is wife DoRa 3austa Nepomuceno, gi/ingte oter alf to is broter Don 3austo @illaflor, e1cept toseenumerated under clause 7 of wic te wife sall en(o* teiruse wile ali/e and unmarried oterwise, te legac* sallpass to te testator=s grandniece, @illanue/a!

+e estate was partitioned according to te will! 3austa died awidow and uico was appointed administrator of er estate!@illanue/a files te current action contending tat upon3austa=s deat, te former became /ested wit te ownersipof te properties under clause 7! +e administrator contends

tat te properties tereunder became absolutel* /ested inte widow upon er deat!

ss'e" N er possession was under te concept ofusufructuar*!

el)" Hes, te words “use and possession” impl* tetestator=s intention in be5ueating suc propert* under te Ft

clause! at was intended was tat se would a/e a lifeinterest in tose properties pro/ided se sta*ed unmarried!


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in a suspensi/e term, te instituted eir ac5uires is rigtsand transmits tem before te arri/al of te term!

- >ntil tere is no caucion muciana, te propert* is deemedplaced under administration!

Art. 882. $e state+ent o( t$e o!ect o( t$e instit'tion, ort$e a&&lication o( t$e &ro&ert/ le(t !/ t$e testator, or t$ec$ar-e i+&ose) !/ $i+, s$all not !e consi)ere) as acon)ition 'nless it a&&ears t$at s'c$ %as $is intention. 

$at %$ic$ $as !een le(t in t$is +anner +a/ !e clai+e) atonce &rovi)e) t$at t$e instit'te) $eir or $is $eirs -ivesec'rit/ (or co+&liance %it$ t$e %is$es o( t$e testator an)(or t$e ret'rn o( an/t$in- $e or t$e/ +a/ receive, to-et$er%it$ its (r'its an) interests, i( $e or t$e/ s$o'l) )isre-ar)t$is o!li-ation. >797a? 

- A succession in wic tere is suc a statement b* tetestator is called a modal institution! A mode is

distinguised from a condition in tat mode does notsuspend te effect of te liberalit* of te testator wile acondition does suspend secondl*, a mode is obligator*e1cept wen it is for te e1clusi/e benefit of te personconcerned wile a condition is ne/er obligator*! 9t is statedtat te condition suspends but does not oblige and temode obliges but does not suspend!

C$ion- oc:=o/ v. aIo

acts" "eno/e/a osales, testatri1, stated in er will tat se

be5ueated a tird part of er estate at er free disposal toCiong oc0So*, te sum of :E,EEE #e1ican currenc*, ofwic te amount )E,EEE was for Ciong and te balance of2E,EE was for te e1penses of er late usband, Nicasio@eloso!

ss'e" N legac* was conditional

el)" No, te testatri1 did not intend to impose upon telegatee an* condition in ma8ing te gift of 2E,EEE! Sewised tat Ciong spend te 2E,EEE! er usband was a

cinaman (ust li8e Ciong! +e manner in wic Cinesespend mone* to perpetuate te memor* of a deceased personof teir race does not appear, nor te amount tat te* areaccustomed to spend nor te time wic it ma* be e1pended!+e legac* is not conditional because se intended anotercinaman to carr* out tese tas8s! 

Art. 883. $en %it$o't t$e (a'lt o( t$e $eir, an instit'tionre(erre) to in t$e &rece)in- article cannot tae e((ect int$e eact +anner state) !/ t$e testator, it s$all !eco+&lie) %it$ in a +anner +ost analo-o's to an) incon(or+it/ %it$ $is %is$es. 

( t$e &erson intereste) in t$e con)ition s$o'l) &revent its('l(ill+ent, %it$o't t$e (a'lt o( t$e $eir, t$e con)ition s$all!e )ee+e) to $ave !een co+&lie) %it$. >798a? 

0 9n a conditional institution, sould te person interested in tecondition, i!e!, te person wo will get te propert* if te eirdoes not fulfill te condition, pre/ent its fulfillment witout tefault of te eir, te condition sall be deemed to a/e beencomplied wit and ence, tere is no obligation on te part of teinstituted eir of returning te propert*!

Art. 884. Con)itions i+&ose) !/ t$e testator '&on t$e $eirss$all !e -overne) !/ t$e r'les esta!lis$e) (or con)itionalo!li-ations in all +atters not &rovi)e) (or !/ t$is =ection.>791a? 

0 +e rules pro/ided in tis capter for conditional institutions aresupplemented in accordance wit tis article, b* te pro/isions inconditional obligations so tat in case te condition imposed uponte eirs or legatees does not fall witin te pro/isions of tis titlerelati/e to eirs and legatees, suc condition sall be go/erned b*te rules establised for conditional obligations!

Art. 885. $e )esi-nation o( t$e )a/ or ti+e %$en t$ee((ects o( t$e instit'tion o( an $eir s$all co++ence orcease s$all !e vali). 


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n !ot$ cases, t$e le-al $eir s$all !e consi)ere) as calle)to t$e s'ccession 'ntil t$e arrival o( t$e &erio) or itse&iration. @'t in t$e (irst case $e s$all not enter into&ossession o( t$e &ro&ert/ 'ntil a(ter $avin- -ivens'((icient sec'rit/, %it$ t$e intervention o( t$e instit'te)$eir. >805? 

0A term or period as been defined as a space of time wicinfluences legal relations eiter suspending teir demandabilit* ore1tinguising tem! Conse5uentl*, a term is an e/ent wic issure to appen b* te e1act date wen it will appen is uncertain!A term or period ma* be eiter suspensi/e or resolutor*!

0 As to wo will en(o* te ineritance before te arri/al of tesuspensi/e term or after te appening of te resolutor* period!9t is submitted tat te person wo is so designated b* tetestator and in default of suc designation, te law suppl*ing tewill of te testator and for te same reasons as in intestate

succession, calls te legal eir to te en(o*ment of teineritance! +e dispositions in te article abo/e are, terefore,suppletor* and will onl* appl* wen te testator as not pro/idedoterwise!

0 9n bot 8inds of institution, suspensi/e or resolutor*, te eirwo first ta8es te propert* is considered merel* a usufructuar*because e as te obligation of preser/ing te propert* until tearri/al of te da* wen e must turn o/er te propert* to tebeneficiar*!

=CN 5. : Ee-iti+e Art. 886. Ee-iti+e is t$at &art o( t$e testators &ro&ert/%$ic$ $e cannot )is&ose o( !eca'se t$e la% $as reserve) it(or certain $eirs %$o are, t$ere(ore, calle) co+&'lsor/$eirs. >806? 

- Legitime is a rigt o/er a portion of te propert* of anindi/idual wose disposition is denied to te owner andreser/ed b* law! -ut te owner can dispose of suc b*onerous title because in suc case, te alienated propert*is substituted b* an e5ui/alent! owe/er, is power of

disposal b* gratuitous title weter inter /i/os or mortiscausa is limited! ere a testator as compulsor* eirs,is power to dispose is limited b* te legitime! 9n effect,te testator wit regard to te legitime is te owner and isentitled to en(o*, administer, and e/en destro* te same,but as no power of gratuitous disposition!

- +e legitime consists of part or fraction of te entire massof te ereditar* estate! +e standard or measure for its

determination is fi1ed b* law but te 5uantit* ma* /ar*according to te number and relation of te compulsor*eirs to te testator! 9ts purpose is to gi/e te force of lawto te natural dut* of a person to pro/ide for tose wobecause of ties of blood and lo/e of famil*, e is dut*bound to lea/e someting!

- +e canges under te New Ci/il Code consist of cangingte amounts te compulsor* eirs recei/e and in gi/ingillegitimate cildren successional rigts b* eliminating tes*stem of me(ora, and b* pro/iding te spouse fullownersip of er legitime instead of usufruct!

- ustice -L e*es obser/es tat te group legitimes areapt to become too large wen onl* one forced eir e1ists!?n tose occasions were te usual reser/ed 5uota of Bof te estate appears e1cessi/e, and restrictsunnecessaril* te libert* of disposition of te testator!en onl* one descendant or ascendant, or te consortalone sur/i/es, a legitime of &K2 would seem ade5uate!

- A legitime is fi1ed if te amount, tat is te fractional part,does not /ar* or cange regardless of weter tere areconcurring compulsor* eirs or not! 9t is /ariable if teamount canges in accordance wit wat te compulsor*eirs concur! +ere are two fi1ed legitimes! ?ne is of

legitimate cildren and descendants and te oter,legitime for te legitimate parents and ascendants wic isfi1ed at B of te estate! +e legitimes of te oter treecompulsor* eirs, i!e!, te sur/i/ing spouse, teillegitimate cildren and te parents of te illegitimatecild are /ariable because te fractional amount tereofdepends wit wat oter compulsor* eirs te sur/i/ingspouse, te illegitimate cildren or te parents of teillegitimate cild concur! 9f te sur/i/ing spouse concurswit one legitimate cild, se gets of te estate but ifse concurs wit more tan one, se gets an e5ual sare


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to one legitimate cild or if se concurs wit descendants,se gets of te estate!

Art. 887. $e (ollo%in- are co+&'lsor/ $eirs">1? Ee-iti+ate c$il)ren an) )escen)ants, %it$ res&ect to

t$eir le-iti+ate &arents an) ascen)ants;>2? n )e(a'lt o( t$e (ore-oin-, le-iti+ate &arents an)

ascen)ants, %it$ res&ect to t$eir le-iti+ate c$il)ren an))escen)ants;>3? $e %i)o% or %i)o%er;>4? Acno%le)-e) nat'ral c$il)ren, an) nat'ral c$il)ren!/ le-al (iction;>5? t$er ille-iti+ate c$il)ren re(erre) to in article 287.

Co+&'lsor/ $eirs +entione) in Nos. 3, 4, an) 5 are notecl')e) !/ t$ose in Nos. 1 an) 2; neit$er )o t$e/ ecl')eone anot$er.

n all cases o( ille-iti+ate c$il)ren, t$eir (iliation +'st !e)'l/ &rove).

$e (at$er or +ot$er o( ille-iti+ate c$il)ren o( t$e t$reeclasses +entione) s$all in$erit (ro+ t$e+ in t$e +anneran) to t$e etent esta!lis$e) !/ t$is Co)e. >807a?

Classes of eirs%&! @oluntar* eir – tose called upon to succeed b* /irtue ofte will of te person e1pressed in is last will and testament!)! LegalKintestate eir – tose called to succeed b* operationof law

2! Compulsor* eirs0 are tose for wom te law reser/es acertain portion of te ereditar* estate, called te legitime!

TCompulsor* eirs succeed weter te testator as disposed ofis propert* b* will or not!

Classes of Compulsor* eirs Jfrom -alane'&! .rimar* – legitimate cildren and descendants Jte*e1clude te secondar*')! Secondar* – legitimate parents and ascendants Jin defaultof primar*'

2! Concurring – spouse and illegitimate cildren anddescendants! +e* will alwa*s inerit regardless of weteror not tere are primar* or secondar* compulsor* eirs!

TAdopted cildren a/e te same status as legitimate cildren!Adapter as same status as legitimate parents JA F::)0Domestic Adoption Act'!3or te spouse of decedent to inerit, te marriage must a/e

been /alid or at least /oidable but not *et annulled during lifetimeof decedent!

Art! &;2 of 3amil* Code abolised te classifications of illegitimatecildren and Art! &7; pro/ided tat teir legitime is one0alf ofte legitime of a legitimate cild!

Noble /s! Noble3acts% Noble opposed te probate of a will sa*ing tat se is anillegitimate cild of te testator and sougt to present e/idence ofer filiation!

eld% to be entitled to succeed, an illegitimate cild must pro/efiliation ac8nowledged b* te putati/e parent! Ac8nowledgementis necessar* as it is te basis of er rigt to inerit!

Art. 888. $e le-iti+e o( le-iti+ate c$il)ren an))escen)ants consists o( one:$al( o( t$e $ere)itar/ estateo( t$e (at$er an) o( t$e +ot$er.

$e latter +a/ (reel/ )is&ose o( t$e re+ainin- $al(, s'!ectto t$e ri-$ts o( ille-iti+ate c$il)ren an) o( t$e s'rvivin-s&o'se as $ereina(ter &rovi)e). >808a?

+e oter alf of te ereditar* estate is te free portion wicte testator ma* freel* dispose, sub(ect to te legitimes of teillegitimate cildren and spouse, wic are ta8en from te freeportion!

-etterment or me(ora is abolised in NCC! 9n te old CC, telegitime of te legitimate cildren is )K2 of estate, &K2 to bedi/ided e5uall* among te legitimate cildren wile te otertird is te bettermentKme(ora wic is gi/en b* te testator toan* of te cildren as e pleased! 9t was abolised so testatorcan a/e greater freedom in disposing is propert*!


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alf b* operation of law and one alf b* will of tedescendant! +us tere sould be reser/ed onl* one alf ofte propert* because onl* one alf is ac5uired b* operation oflaw! +e latter is more reasonable!

Cabardo /s! @illanue/a3acts% #oter died and propert* went to daugter! Daugter alsodied so fater ac5uired propert*! Now te sister of moter claims

propert* because fater also died! 9s sister a tird degreerelati/eeld% Ges, se is a tird degree relati/e because te degree iscounted starting from te praepositus, wic is daugter! +is isbecause te praepositus was at te end of te line from wic tepropert* came and te person upon wom te propert* lastde/eloped b* descent!

• eser/ees must also be related b* consanguinit* not onl*wit te praepositus but also wit te ascendant, broter orsister from wom te propert* originated!•

+e tird degree relati/es are te following%- &st degree% fater or moter Jno descendant'

- )nd degree% grandparents of line of from wic properties

originated and broters or sisters

- 2rd  degree% great0grandparents, first degree uncles and

nepews and nieces Jcildren of broter or sister'• eser/ees must also be li/ing at te time of deat ofreser/or, concei/ed at time of deat and born afterwards!

3lorentino /s! 3lorentino3acts% married twice! e as cildren from first marriage and )

cildren, #ercedes and Apolonio, from )nd

  marriage! ?n isdeat, all te cildren got teir sares! -ut Apolonio died andwas succeeded b* is moter, te second wife! And on deat oflatter, se instituted as er sole eir #ercedes! Among tosegi/en to #ercedes was Apolonio=s ineritance! So oter cildrenb* &st marriage filed a claim to get teir sare from te reser/edpropert*! Can te* do so b* /irtue of te rigt of representationeld% te rigt of representation cannot be alleged if te allegedreser/ees are not 2rd  degree relati/es! -ut tere is a rigt ofrepresentation on te part of reser/ees wo are witin te tirddegree, wo are in tis case, te cildren of te cildren b* &st


.adura /s! -aldo/ino3acts% married twice and ad a cild b* te &st, #anuel!3ortunato and Candelaria are cildren b* )nd marriage! en died, is 2 cildren recei/ed teir sare! -ut 3ortunato died andis sare was inerited b* is moter -enita! Candelaria and#anuel also died, lea/ing teir cildren! >pon te deat of-enita, te propert* was to be di/ided among te cildren of

#anuel and Candelaria! at are teir respecti/e sareseld% +e purpose of reser/e is accomplised once te propert*as de/ol/ed to te specified relati/es of te line of origin! 3romtis point ence, te ordinar* rules of intestate succession willappl*! As suc, te nearer e1cludes te farter and wole bloodbroters and nepewsKnieces will recei/e double sare tan alfblood ones! As suc, Candelaria=s cildren will recei/e double tesare of #anuel=s cildren!

Cano /s! Director of Lands3acts% Cano registered lots wit te condition tat it is sub(ect to

te rigt of reser/ation in fa/or of "uerrero! After Cano=s deat,"uerrero filed a motion in te Cadastral Court for te transfer ofte title to im, wic was opposed b* Cano=s sons, sa*ing tat itmust be /entilated in an ordinar* contentious proceeding!eld% te rigt of reser/ation was alread* e1pressl* recogni6ed,tus all persons are barred from 5uestioning te e1istence of teelements of te reser/a! +e onl* re5uisites for te title to passfrom te reser/ista to te reser/atario are%

&! Deat of te reser/ista)! eser/atario sur/i/ed te reser/ista!

+e reser/atario is not te reser/ista=s successor mortis causa noris te reser/able propert* part of te reser/ista=s estate tereser/atario recei/es te propert* as conditional eir of tepraepositus! +us, upon te deat of te reser/ista, tereser/atario nearest to te praepositus becomes te owner of tereser/able propert* automaticall* and b* operation of law! Also,te reser/able propert* cannot be transmitted b* te reser/istato er own successors if tere are e1isting reser/atarios witinte tird degree!

Nono /s! Ne5uia


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ationale – te legitime of te sur/i/ing spouse cannot be put atte merc* of te legitimate cildren wo ma* reduce te samesimpl* b* repudiating teir ineritance!

%hen some legitimate children accept while the others repudiates

Sur/i/ing spouse O B of te estate di/ided b* te number oflegitimate cildren wo accepted

Descendants O B of te estate di/ided b* te number oflegitimate descendants wo accepted!

ationale – te legitimate cildren wo repudiate teir ineritancesould be e1cluded from determining te di/isor of B of teestate since tere is no rigt of representation!

+is rule applies weter te legitimate cildren are tose of tedeceased wit a prior spouse or wit te sur/i/ing spouse!

$ffect of legal separation 0 ?ffending spouse does not inerit!

Legitime of sur/i/ing spouse sall alwa*s be ta8en from te freeportion! +e sur/i/ing spouse does not e1clude an* otercompulsor* eir, eiter primar* or secondar* as suc te* arereferred to as concurring eirs! 3or te sur/i/ing spouse to ineritit is necessar* tat a /alid or /oidable marriage not *et annullede1ist between imKer and te decedentKtestator!

3ormerl*, te legitime of te sur/i/ing spouse consisted in ausufructuar* rigt wic is often difficult to satisf*, and wicpre/ents propert* from being alienated! Now it as been cangeinto complete dominion of a certain portion of te estate!

Art. 893. ( t$e testator leaves no le-iti+ate )escen)ants,!'t leaves le-iti+ate ascen)ants, t$e s'rvivin- s&o'ses$all $ave a ri-$t to one:(o'rt$ o( t$e $ere)itar/ estate. 

$is (o'rt$ s$all !e taen (ro+ t$e (ree &ortion o( t$eestate.

Situation contemplated 0 Legitimate ascendants and sur/i/ingspouse sur/i/e te testator


Legitimate ascendant O B of te ereditar* estate di/ided b* tenumber of legitimate ascendant

Sur/i/ing spouse O of te ereditar* estate

3ree portion O of te ereditar* estate

Art. 894. ( t$e testator leaves ille-iti+ate c$il)ren, t$es'rvivin- s&o'se s$all !e entitle) to one:t$ir) o( t$e$ere)itar/ estate o( t$e )ecease) an) t$e ille-iti+atec$il)ren to anot$er t$ir). $e re+ainin- t$ir) s$all !e att$e (ree )is&osal o( t$e testator. >n? 

Situation contemplated – 9llegitimate cildren and sur/i/ingspouse sur/i/e te testator


9llegitimate cildren O &K2 of te ereditar* estate

Sur/i/ing spouse O &K2 of te ereditar* estate

3ree portion O &K2 of te ereditar* estate

Art. 895. $e le-iti+e o( eac$ o( t$e acno%le)-e) nat'ralc$il)ren an) eac$ o( t$e nat'ral c$il)ren !/ le-al (ictions$all consist o( one:$al( o( t$e le-iti+e o( eac$ o( t$ele-iti+ate c$il)ren or )escen)ants. 

$e le-iti+e o( an ille-iti+ate c$il) %$o is neit$er anacno%le)-e) nat'ral, nor a nat'ral c$il) !/ le-al (iction,s$all !e e*'al in ever/ case to (o'r:(i(t$s o( t$e le-iti+e o(an acno%le)-e) nat'ral c$il). 


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testator )ie) %it$in t$ree +ont$s (ro+ t$e ti+e o( t$e+arria-e, t$e le-iti+e o( t$e s'rvivin- s&o'se as t$e sole$eir s$all !e one:t$ir) o( t$e $ere)itar/ estate, ece&t%$en t$e/ $ave !een livin- as $'s!an) an) %i(e (or +oret$an (ive /ears. n t$e latter case, t$e le-iti+e o( t$es'rvivin- s&o'se s$all !e t$at s&eci(ie) in t$e &rece)in-&ara-ra&$. >n? 

en te law spea8s of te testator d*ing witin 2 monts fromte time of te marriage, it is ob/ious tat it means tat tetestator was te d*ing person and does not appl* wen tetestator is te ealt* spouse but wo dies witin 2 monts afterte marriage!

Art. 901. $en t$e testator )ies leavin- ille-iti+atec$il)ren an) no ot$er co+&'lsor/ $eirs, s'c$ ille-iti+atec$il)ren s$all $ave a ri-$t to one:$al( o( t$e $ere)itar/estate o( t$e )ecease). 

$e ot$er $al( s$all !e at t$e (ree )is&osal o( t$e testator.>842a? 

Art. 902. $e ri-$ts o( ille-iti+ate c$il)ren set (ort$ in t$e&rece)in- articles are trans+itte) '&on t$eir )eat$ to t$eir)escen)ants, %$et$er le-iti+ate or ille-iti+ate. >843a? 

+is pro/ision grants te illegitimate cildren te rigt to berepresented in case tat te* die and are unable to recei/e andaccept teir ineritance! +e* are granted more rigts tan telegitimate cildren for bot teir legitimate and illegitimate

descendants ma* represent tem!

Art. 903. $e le-iti+e o( t$e &arents %$o $ave anille-iti+ate c$il), %$en s'c$ c$il) leaves neit$erle-iti+ate )escen)ants, nor a s'rvivin- s&o'se, norille-iti+ate c$il)ren, is one:$al( o( t$e $ere)itar/ estate o(s'c$ ille-iti+ate c$il). ( onl/ le-iti+ate or ille-iti+atec$il)ren are le(t, t$e &arents are not entitle) to an/le-iti+e %$atsoever. ( onl/ t$e %i)o% or %i)o%ers'rvives %it$ &arents o( t$e ille-iti+ate c$il), t$e le-iti+eo( t$e &arents is one:(o'rt$ o( t$e $ere)itar/ estate o( t$e

c$il), an) t$at o( t$e s'rvivin- s&o'se also one:(o'rt$ o(t$e estate. >n? 

+e parents of te illegitimate cildren are e1cluded not onl* b*te legitimate cildren and descendants but also b* teillegitimate cildren!

Art. 904. $e testator cannot )e&rive $is co+&'lsor/ $eirs

o( t$eir le-iti+e, ece&t in cases e&ressl/ s&eci(ie) !/la%. 

Neit$er can $e i+&ose '&on t$e sa+e an/ !'r)en,enc'+!rance, con)ition, or s'!stit'tion o( an/ in)%$atsoever. >813a? 

Since te testator is reser/ed b* law for te compulsor* eirs,outside of te cases of disineritance, te testator as no powerwatsoe/er o/er it and ence, ma* not impose an* burden,encumbrance, condition, or substitution of an* 8ind watsoe/er

on said legitime! +is proibition refers onl* to tose made in telast will and testament of te testator! 9t does not appl* to oterdispositions b* acts of te testator inter /i/os e/en if some oftee ma* later be annulled for a/ing gratuitous consideration orbe reduced as inofficious for e1ceeding te portion of freedisposal!

Art. 905. ver/ ren'nciation or co+&ro+ise as re-ar)s a('t're le-iti+e !et%een t$e &erson o%in- it an) $isco+&'lsor/ $eirs is voi), an) t$e latter +a/ clai+ t$esa+e '&on t$e )eat$ o( t$e (or+er; !'t t$e/ +'st !rin- to

collation %$atever t$e/ +a/ $ave receive) !/ virt'e o( t$eren'nciation or co+&ro+ise. >816? 

A future legitime is merel* a pure prospect and is not an ac5uiredrigt! +e person appearing as future compulsor* eir ma* notreall* become an eir! As suc, no transaction as regards futurelegitime is /alid weter between te compulsor* eirs and tetestator or between te compulsor* eirs among temsel/es orbetween te compulsor* eirs and tird parties because of teproibition in Article &247, par ) regarding contracts wit futureineritance as te sub(ect matter!


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Art. 906. An/ co+&'lsor/ $eir to %$o+ t$e testator $asle(t !/ an/ title less t$an t$e le-iti+e !elon-in- to $i++a/ )e+an) t$at t$e sa+e !e ('ll/ satis(ie). >815? 

Completion of legitime sould be distinguised from preterition!9n case of preterition, ignorance or fault* memor* on te part ofte testator can be presumed but suc presumption will not lie incase te compulsor* eir as been gi/en someting! 9n te case

of completion of legitime te eir is not totall* depri/ed of islegitime! e as, terefore, te rigt to claim onl* wat is lac8ingto complete is legitime!

Art. 907. esta+entar/ )is&ositions t$at i+&air or )i+inis$t$e le-iti+e o( t$e co+&'lsor/ $eirs s$all !e re)'ce) on&etition o( t$e sa+e, inso(ar as t$e/ +a/ !e ino((icio's orecessive. >817? 

9f an* testamentar* disposition sould impair or diminis telegitime, it sould be reduced as regards tat portion wic

impairs or diminises te legitime because as regards tat portionit contra/enes te law and it is e1cessi/e or inofficious!

ence, all donations b* gratuitous title made b* te testator,weter inter /i/os or in te will itself are sub(ect to tisreduction as te* impair te legitime! owe/er, wen tepropert* recei/ed b* te eir does not constitute a donation, it isnot sub(ect to collation e/en 9f it be gratuitous!

?nl* te compulsor* eirs wo are te onl* eirs entitled to telegitime, are te proper parties tat can as8 for te reduction of

an inofficious donation or an inofficious testamentar* disposition!

Art. 908. o )eter+ine t$e le-iti+e, t$e val'e o( t$e&ro&ert/ le(t at t$e )eat$ o( t$e testator s$all !econsi)ere), )e)'ctin- all )e!ts an) c$ar-es, %$ic$ s$allnot incl')e t$ose i+&ose) in t$e %ill. 

o t$e net val'e o( t$e $ere)itar/ estate, s$all !e a))e)t$e val'e o( all )onations !/ t$e testator t$at are s'!ectto collation, at t$e ti+e $e +a)e t$e+. >818a? 

Art. 909. onations -iven to c$il)ren s$all !e c$ar-e) tot$eir le-iti+e. 

onations +a)e to stran-ers s$all !e c$ar-e) to t$at &arto( t$e estate o( %$ic$ t$e testator co'l) $ave )is&ose) !/$is last %ill. 

nso(ar as t$e/ +a/ !e ino((icio's or +a/ ecee) t$e

)is&osa!le &ortion, t$e/ s$all !e re)'ce) accor)in- to t$er'les esta!lis$e) !/ t$is Co)e. >819a? 

Art. 910. onations %$ic$ an ille-iti+ate c$il) +a/ $avereceive) )'rin- t$e li(eti+e o( $is (at$er or +ot$er, s$all!e c$ar-e) to $is le-iti+e. 

=$o'l) t$e/ ecee) t$e &ortion t$at can !e (reel/ )is&ose)o(, t$e/ s$all !e re)'ce) in t$e +anner &rescri!e) !/ t$isCo)e. >847a? 

+o determine te legitime of te compulsor* eirs, te followingsteps must be complied wit%

&! +e determination of te /alue of te properties left b* tetestator at is deat

)! +e determination of all te debts and carges tat iscargeable to te estate of te testator e1cept toseimposed in is will

2! +e determination of te net estate of te testator wic iste result of deducting te debts and carges from tegross estate

4! +e addition of all donation made b* te testator weterto compulsor* eirs or to strangers

:! +e determination of te legitime of te compulsor* eirsin accordance wit te law

;! 9mputation of te donations, tat is, determine weterte donations are cargeable to te legitime or to te freeportion

7! e/ocation andKor reduction of donations and legaciesinsofar as te* e1ceed te free portion!

en donations to cildren are not imputable to teir legitime


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&! 9f te donee wo is a cild witout descendantpredeceased te testator, is incapacitated or is disinerited

)! 9n case te donee0cild repudiates te ineritance2! 9n case te donor0testator as e1pressl* pro/ided tat

tere sall be no collation unless it impairs te legitime!

Art. 911. A(ter t$e le-iti+e $as !een )eter+ine) inaccor)ance %it$ t$e t$ree &rece)in- articles, t$e re)'ction

s$all !e +a)e as (ollo%s" 

>1? onations s$all !e res&ecte) as lon- as t$ele-iti+e can !e covere), re)'cin- or ann'llin-, i(necessar/, t$e )evises or le-acies +a)e in t$e %ill; 

>2? $e re)'ction o( t$e )evises or le-acies s$all !e&ro rata, %it$o't an/ )istinction %$atever. 

( t$e testator $as )irecte) t$at a certain )evise orle-ac/ !e &ai) in &re(erence to ot$ers, it s$all not

s'((er an/ re)'ction 'ntil t$e latter $ave !eena&&lie) in ('ll to t$e &a/+ent o( t$e le-iti+e. 

>3? ( t$e )evise or le-ac/ consists o( a 's'(r'ct orli(e ann'it/, %$ose val'e +a/ !e consi)ere) -reatert$an t$at o( t$e )is&osa!le &ortion, t$e co+&'lsor/$eirs +a/ c$oose !et%een co+&l/in- %it$ t$etesta+entar/ &rovision an) )eliverin- to t$e )eviseeor le-atee t$e &art o( t$e in$eritance o( %$ic$ t$etestator co'l) (reel/ )is&ose. >820a?

9n te e/ent tat despite te reduction te annulment of alde/ises and legacies, te donations made b* te testator stille1ceed te disposable portion, ten te* can no longer berespected and sould be reduced, or re/o8ed in accordance witte order of teir dates!

+ere seems a conflict wit Article H:E wic pro/ides for anorder of preference in te reduction of te de/ises or legacies!Altoug contradictor*, tese two pro/isions ma* be reconciled!Art H&& sall be applied to tose cases were te legac* or de/isemust be reduced J&' because it is necessar* to preser/e te

legitime and J)' wen altoug te legitime is unimpaired,reduction is necessar* because tere are donations and tedonations and te legacies togeter e1ceed te free portion!ile Article H:E will be applied wen te reduction is betweente legacies temsel/es alone because tere are no compulsor*eir nor donation inter /i/os or tere being compulsor* eir teirlegitime is not impaired!

Art. 912. ( t$e )evise s'!ect to re)'ction s$o'l) consisto( real &ro&ert/, %$ic$ cannot !e convenientl/ )ivi)e), its$all -o to t$e )evisee i( t$e re)'ction )oes not a!sor!one:$al( o( its val'e; an) in a contrar/ case, to t$eco+&'lsor/ $eirs; !'t t$e (or+er an) t$e latter s$allrei+!'rse eac$ ot$er in cas$ (or %$at res&ectivel/ !elon-sto t$e+. 

$e )evisee %$o is entitle) to a le-iti+e +a/ retain t$eentire &ro&ert/, &rovi)e) its val'e )oes not ecee) t$at o(t$e )is&osa!le &ortion an) o( t$e s$are &ertainin- to $i+

as le-iti+e. >821? 

Art. 913. ( t$e $eirs or )evisees )o not c$oose to availt$e+selves o( t$e ri-$t -rante) !/ t$e &rece)in- article,an/ $eir or )evisee %$o )i) not $ave s'c$ ri-$t +a/eercise it; s$o'l) t$e latter not +ae 'se o( it, t$e&ro&ert/ s$all !e sol) at &'!lic a'ction at t$e instance o(an/ one o( t$e intereste) &arties. >822? 

+ese pro/isions contemplate propert* wic are indi/isible or ifsuc di/ision is too onerous!

Art. 914. $e testator +a/ )evise an) !e*'eat$ t$e (ree&ortion as $e +a/ )ee+ (it. >n?

+e power of te testator to dispose of as e ma* deem fit tefree portion is sub(ect to te following limitations

&! +e free portion must be te absolutel* free portion)! +e absolutel* free portion wic can be freel* disposed of

does not include tose properties go/erned b* special lawssuc as te friar lands


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Art. 919 $e (ollo%in- s$all !e s'((icient ca'ses (or t$e)isin$eritance o( c$il)ren an) )escen)ant, le-iti+ate as%ell as ille-iti+ate"

>1? $en a c$il) or )escen)ant $as !een (o'n) -'ilt/ o(an atte+&t a-ainst t$e li(e o( t$e testator, $is or $ers&o'se, )escen)ants, or ascen)ants;

>2? $en a c$il) or )escen)ant $as acc'se) t$etestator o( a cri+e (or %$ic$ t$e la% &rescri!es

i+&rison+ent (or si /ears or +ore, i( t$eacc'sation $as !een (o'n) -ro'n)less;

>3? $en a c$il) or )escen)ant $as !een convicte) o(a)'lter/ or conc'!ina-e %it$ t$e s&o'se o( t$etestator;

>4? $en a c$il) or )escen)ant !/ (ra'), violence,inti+i)ation, or 'n)'e in(l'ence ca'ses t$e testatorto +ae a %ill or to c$an-e one alrea)/ +a)e;

>5? A re('sal %it$o't 'sti(ia!le ca'se to s'&&ort t$e&arent or ascen)ant %$o )isin$erits s'c$ c$il) or)escen)ant;

>6? Maltreat+ent o( t$e testator !/ %or) or )ee), !/t$e c$il) or )escen)ant;

>7? $en a c$il) or )escen)ant lea)s a )is$onora!le or)is-race('l li(e;

>8? Conviction o( a cri+e %$ic$ carries %it$ it t$e&enalt/ o( civil inter)iction.

Common grounds for disineritance of Articles H&H, H)E and H)&%&! An attempt against te life of te testator, is or er

spouse, descendants or ascendants)! +e person disinerited as accused te testator of a

crime for wic te law prescribes te penalt* of

imprisonment of ; *ears or more if te accusation asbeen found groundless or false

2! +e person disinerited causes te testator to ma8e a willor to cange one alread* made b* fraud, /iolence,intimidation or undue influence

4! efusal witout (ust case to support te testator, tecildren or descendants!

Disineritance of cildren and descendants weter legitimate orillegitimate based on acts of ingratitude and unwortiness!

&! An attempt against te life of te testator – co/ers botattempted and frustrated parricide but re5uires a final (udgment of con/iction!

)! Accusation of a crime – groundless means not simpl*ac5uittal based on reasonable doubt but tat teaccusation is unfounded, tat is, witout an* ground, ormalicious!

2! Con/iction of adulter* or concubinage wit te spouse of

te testator – re5uires final (udgment of con/iction!4! Causing te testator to ma8e or cange a will b* unlawful

mean – te cange need not necessaril* be in fa/or of tecild or descendant!

:! efusal witout (ust cause to gi/e support – 9t is notnecessar* tat tere be a (udicial demand!

;! #altreatment of testator b* word or b* deed – No need ofcon/iction b* a court! efers to maltreatment b* word orslander must be understood in its ordinar* sense!

7! Leading a disonorable or disgraceful lifeF! Ci/il interdiction – crimes wic in/ol/e moral turpitude

Pecson v Me)iavillo"randdaugter “disrespected” grandfater wen se was

&4 *ears old because of a letter se recei/ed from a *oung mansuc disrespect was te cause of er disineritance b* ergrandfater! @er* soon after, se lost te use of er mentalpowers and ne/er regained tem! Due to tese factors, te courtreaced te conclusion tat se was probabl* not responsible forte disrespect and disobedience sown to er grandfater!

Art. 920 $e (ollo%in- s$all !e s'((icient ca'ses (or t$e

)isin$eritance o( &arents or ascen)ants, %$et$erle-iti+ate or ille-iti+ate"

>1?$en t$e &arents $ave a!an)one) t$eir c$il)ren orin)'ce) t$eir )a'-$ters to live a corr'&t or i++oralli(e, or atte+&te) a-ainst t$eir virt'e;

>2?$en t$e &arent or ascen)ant $as !een convicte) o(an atte+&t a-ainst t$e li(e o( t$e testator, $is or $ers&o'se, )escen)ants, or ascen)ants;

>3?$en t$e &arent or ascen)ant $as acc'se) t$etestator o( a cri+e (or %$ic$ t$e la% &rescri!es


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i+&rison+ent (or si /ears or +ore, i( t$eacc'sation $as !een (o'n) to !e (alse;

>4?$en t$e &arent or ascen)ant $as !een convicte) o(a)'lter/ or conc'!ina-e %it$ t$e s&o'se o( t$etestator;

>5?$en t$e &arent or ascen)ant !/ (ra'), violence,inti+i)ation, or 'n)'e in(l'ence ca'ses t$e testatorto +ae a %ill or to c$an-e one alrea)/ +a)e;

>6?$e loss o( &arental a't$orit/ (or ca'ses s&eci(ie) int$is Co)e;

>7?$e re('sal to s'&&ort t$e c$il)ren or )escen)ants%it$o't 'sti(ia!le ca'se;

>8?An atte+&t !/ one or t$e &arents a-ainst t$e li(e o(t$e ot$er, 'nless t$ere $as !een a reconciliation!et%een t$e+.

"rounds wic are peculiar to parents and ascendants%&! Abandonment of cildren – means total forgetfulness of

duties as parents! 9t does not mean criminalabandonment under .C! igt to disinerit belongse1clusi/el* to te abandoned cild!

)! Loss of parental autorit* – #ere e1istence of ground isnot sufficient! +ere must a (udgment of te courtdepri/ing te parents of parental autorit*! ?nce parentalautorit* as been reco/ered ten te loss will no longerbe a good ground for disineritance or if disineritance asalread* been made, te same will be rendered null and/oid!

2! Attempt b* one parent against te life of te oter –co/ers attempted or frustrated parricide! +e intention to8ill must be present altoug te reconciliation b* te

parents e1tinguises te ground since if te spousepardons, te cildren must li8ewise pardon! +ereconciliation can eiter be e1press or tacit!

Art. 921 $e (ollo%in- s$all !e s'((icient ca'ses (or)isin$eritin- a s&o'se"

>1? $en t$e s&o'se $as !een convicte) o( anatte+&t a-ainst t$e li(e o( t$e testator, $is or $er)escen)ants, or ascen)ants;

>2? $en t$e s&o'se $as acc'se) t$e testator o(a cri+e (or %$ic$ t$e la% &rescri!es i+&rison+ent

(or si /ears or +ore, an) t$e acc'sation $as !een(o'n) to !e (alse;

>3? $en t$e s&o'se !/ (ra'), violence,inti+i)ation, or 'n)'e in(l'ence ca'ses t$e testatorto +ae a %ill or to c$an-e one alrea)/ +a)e;

>4? $en t$e s&o'se $as -iven ca'se (or le-alse&aration;

>5? $en t$e s&o'se $as -iven -ro'n)s (or t$e

loss o( &arental a't$orit/;>6? Bn'sti(ia!le re('sal to s'&&ort t$e c$il)ren or

t$e ot$er s&o'se.

"rounds wic are applicable onl* to spouses%&! "i/ing cause for legal separation – no need of a decree of

legal separation! +e mere e1istence of te ground issufficient!

)! "i/ing grounds for loss of parental autorit* – No need ofactual loss of parental autorit* b* order of te court! +emere e1istence of te ground is sufficient!

Art. 922 A s'!se*'ent reconciliation !et%een t$e o((en)eran) t$e o((en)e) &erson )e&rives t$e latter o( t$e ri-$t to)isin$erit, an) ren)ers ine((ect'al an/ )isin$eritance t$at+a/ $ave !een +a)e.

econciliation /s! pardoneconciliation% bilateral as it re5uires te consent and

acceptance b* te disinerited eir.ardon% unilateral

$ffect wen ground of unwortiness Jcause of incapacit* tosucceed' also a cause of disineritance%

+e testator e1pressl* con/erts te act of unwortinessinto a ground of disineritance and it ceases to be a ground ofunwortiness! ?nce reconciliation occurs, tere is no ground leftsince b* te act of disineritance te cause ceased to be a groundof unwortiness! +is assumes tat disineritance as alread*been made! -ut were no disineritance as been made te eirwill not inerit, not because e is disinerited, but because e isincapacitated to succeed!

Art. 923 $e c$il)ren an) )escen)ants o( t$e &erson)isin$erite) s$al tae $is or $er &lace an) s$all &reserve


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te amount of te credit, ten te creditor as a rigt to collectas creditor te e1cess and if te legac* or de/ise is in e1cess ofte credit ten te creditor ma* collect te e1cess as a legatee orde/isee!

=antos v Manaran-9f te testator desired to lea/e a legac* to is creditor, e

would a/e done so in appropriate language instead of including

it in a statement of wat e owed te creditor! +ere is notingcontained in te will wic indicates e/en remotel* a desire topa* is creditors more tan wat was legall* due tem!

Art. 939 ( t$e testator or)ers t$e &a/+ent o( %$at $e!elieves $e o%es !'t )oes not in (act o%e, t$e )is&ositions$all !e consi)ere) as not %ritten. ( as re-ar)s as&eci(ie) )e!t +ore t$an t$e a+o'nt t$ereo( is or)ere)&ai), t$e ecess is not )'e, 'nless a contrar/ intentiona&&ears.

$e (ore-oin- &rovisions are %it$o't &re')ice tot$e ('l(ill+ent o( nat'ral o!li-ations.

+is is also 8nows as te Legac* of a mista8en debt!

$1ample of a natural obligation% 9f tere was a debt owing b* tedebtor but te same ad prescribed and te testator orders tepa*ment of te debt, tis disposition is /alid!

Art. 940 n alternative le-acies or )evisees, t$e c$oice is&res'+e) to !e le(t to t$e $eir '&on %$o+ t$e o!li-ationto -ive t$e le-ac/ or )evise +a/ !e i+&ose), or t$e

eec'tor or a)+inistrator o( t$e estate i( no &artic'lar $eiris so o!li-e).

( t$e $eir, le-atee or )evisee, %$o +a/ $ave !een-iven t$e c$oice, )ies !e(ore +ain- it, t$is ri-$t s$all &asto t$e res&ective $eirs.

nce +a)e, t$e c$oice is irrevoca!le.

Alternati/e Legac* or De/ise% wen te testator be5ueats to telegatee or de/ise one of two or more tings tat e designates!

Art. 941 A le-ac/ o( -eneric &ersonal &ro&ert/ s$all !evali) even i( t$ere !e no t$in-s o( t$e sa+e in) t$eestate.

A )evise o( in)eter+inate real &ro&ert/ s$all !evali) onl/ i( t$ere !e an i++ova!le &ro&ert/ o( its in) int$e estate.

$e ri-$t o( c$oice s$all !elon- to t$e eec'tor ora)+inistrator %$o s$all co+&l/ %it$ t$e le-ac/ !/ t$e

)eliver/ o( s'c$a t$in- %$ic$ is neit$er o( in(erior nor o(s'&erior *'alit/.

"eneric Legac*% legac* of tings undefined but comprised in a8ind or specie determined b* nature or b* designation of man!

Difference in te rule between mo/ables and immo/ables is basedon te fact tat in case of mo/ables te genus or specie ispredetermined b* nature so tat substitution of indi/iduals tingsb* oters of te same 8ind witin te same genus of specie ispossible wile suc substitution is not possible in case of realpropert* because limitations and indi/iduali6ation are dependentupon te will of man!

Art. 942 $enever t$e testator e&ressl/ leaves t$e ri-$to( c$oice to t$e $eir, or to t$e le-atee or )evisee, t$e(or+er +a/ -ive or t$e latter +a/ c$oose %$ic$ever $e+a/ &re(er. >876a?

Art. 943. ( t$e $eir, le-atee or )evisee cannot +ae t$ec$oice, in case it $as !een -rante) $i+, $is ri-$t s$all &assto $is $eirs; !'t a c$oice once +a)e s$all !e irrevoca!le.>877a?

+e grantee ma* coose wice/er e ma* prefer oncemade it is irre/ocable! 9f e dies before ma8ing a coice,is rigt sall pass to is eirs!

Art. 944. A le-ac/ (or e)'cation lasts 'ntil t$e le-atee is o(a-e, or !e/on) t$e a-e o( +aorit/ in or)er t$at t$ele-atee +a/ (inis$ so+e &ro(essional, vocational or-eneral co'rse, &rovi)e) $e &'rs'es $is co'rse )ili-entl/.


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A le-ac/ (or s'&&ort lasts )'rin- t$e li(eti+e o( t$ele-atee, i( t$e testator $as not ot$er%ise &rovi)e).

( t$e testator $as not (ie) t$e a+o'nt o( s'c$ le-acies, its$all !e (ie) in accor)ance %it$ t$e social stan)in- an)t$e circ'+stances o( t$e le-atee an) t$e val'e o( t$eestate.

( t$e testator or )'rin- $is li(eti+e 'se) to -ive t$ele-atee a certain s'+ o( +one/ or ot$er t$in-s !/ %a/ o(s'&&ort, t$e sa+e a+o'nt s$all !e )ee+e) !e*'eat$e),'nless it !e +are)l/ )is&ro&ortionate to t$e val'e o( t$eestate. >879a?

+e will of te testator sall be supreme! +e amount fi1ed b* te testator sould not e1ceed te

free portion of is estate! +ese legacies of education and support are most personal

ones and not transmissible to te eirs Junless oterwisepro/ided for'!

Art. 945. ( a &erio)ical &ension, or a certain ann'al,+ont$l/, or %eel/ a+o'nt is !e*'eat$e), t$e le-atee +a/&etition t$e co'rt (or t$e (irst install+ent '&on t$e )eat$o( t$e testator, an) (or t$e (ollo%in- ones %$ic$ s$all !e)'e at t$e !e-innin- o( eac$ &erio); s'c$ &a/+ent s$allnot !e ret'rne), even t$o'-$ t$e le-atee s$o'l) )ie !e(oret$e e&iration o( t$e &erio) %$ic$ $as co++ence). >880a?

+e rigt to recei/e a legac* for pension to support aperson arises upon te deat of te testator!

+e legatee cannot demand te deli/er* of te legac* untilafter te debts and e1penses of administration sall a/ebeen paid Junless e gi/es a bond wit suret*'!

Art! H4;! 9f te ting be5ueated sould be sub(ect to a usufruct,te legatee or de/isee sall respect suc rigt until it is legall*e1tinguised! JF;Fa'

9t is te dut* of te legatee or de/isee to respect teusufruct as one of te temporar* rigts wic passes toim!

Art. 947. $e le-atee or )evisee ac*'ires a ri-$t to t$e&'re an) si+&le le-acies or )evises (ro+ t$e )eat$ o( t$etestator, an) trans+its it to $is $eirs. >881a?

+e rigt to te legac* /ests upon te deat of tetestator!

+is refers to te rigt to te legac*, not te rigt to te

ob(ect be5ueated! Also applies to legacies wit a term, its effecti/it* sub(ect

to te commencement of te term!

Art. 948. ( t$e le-ac/ or )evice is o( a s&eci(ic an))eter+inate t$in- &ertainin- to t$e testator, t$e le-atee or)evisee ac*'ires t$e o%ners$i& t$ereo( '&on t$e )eat$ o(t$e testator, as %ell as an/ -ro%in- (r'its, or 'n!orno((s&rin- o( ani+als, or 'ncollecte) inco+e; !'t not t$einco+e %$ic$ %as )'e an) 'n&ai) !e(ore t$e latters)eat$.

ro+ t$e +o+ent o( t$e testators )eat$, t$e t$in-!e*'eat$e) s$all !e at t$e ris o( t$e le-atee or )evisee,%$o s$all, t$ere(ore, !ear its loss or )eterioration, an)s$all !e !ene(ite) !/ its increase or i+&rove+ent, %it$o't&re')ice to t$e res&onsi!ilit/ o( t$e eec'tor ora)+inistrator. >882a?

+is presupposes tat te legac* is pure or sub(ect to aperiod!

+is is sub(ect to te rule tat all te debts and e1penses

of administration a/e been paid! -eing entitled to te ting itself, te legateeKde/isee is

also entitled to te accessions! >nder te principle of res perit domino, an* loss,

deterioration or impro/ement sall be for te account ofte legatee or de/isee as owner!

Art. 949. ( t$e !e*'est s$o'l) not !e o( a s&eci(ic an))eter+inate t$in-, !'t is -eneric or o( *'antit/, its (r'itsan) interests (ro+ t$e ti+e o( t$e )eat$ o( t$e testator


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s$all &ertain to t$e le-atee or )evisee i( t$e testator $ase&ressl/ so or)ere). >884a?

+e legatee or de/isee does not ac5uire ownersip to teting until it is designated and deli/ered to im!

Art! H:E! 9f te estate sould not be sufficient to co/er all telegacies or de/ises, teir pa*ment sall be made in te following


J&' emunerator* legacies or de/ises

J)' Legacies or de/ises declared b* te testator to bepreferential

J2' Legacies for support

J4' Legacies for education

J:' Legacies or de/ises of a specific, determinate ting wicforms a part of te estate

J;' All oters pro rata! JFF7a'

+is refers to te order of pa*ment of legacies!

emunerator* legacies reward ser/ices rendered to tetestator or is famil* ser/ices wic are in/aluable butwic do not gi/e rise to a demandable debt!

Legacies declared preferred b* te creditor co/ers onl*generic ones or tose willed e1pressl* to be paid inpreference!

Art. 951. $e t$in- !e*'eat$e) s$all !e )elivere) %it$ allits accessories an) accessories an) in t$e con)ition in%$ic$ it +a/ !e '&on t$e )eat$ o( t$e testator. >883a?

Accessions are tose incorporated wit te principal eiternaturall* or artificiall*!

Accessories are tose needed to complement te principalfor its use or perfection!

Art. 952. $e $eir, c$ar-e) %it$ a le-ac/ or )evise, or t$eeec'tor or a)+inistrator o( t$e estate, +'st )eliver t$ever/ t$in- !e*'eat$e) i( $e is a!le to )o so an) cannot)isc$ar-e t$is o!li-ation !/ &a/in- its val'e.

Ee-acies o( +one/ +'st !e &ai) in cas$, even t$o'-$ t$e$eir or t$e estate +a/ not $ave an/.

$e e&enses necessar/ (or t$e )eliver/ o( t$e t$in-!e*'eat$e) s$all !e (or t$e acco'nt o( t$e $eir or t$eestate, !'t %it$o't &re')ice to t$e le-iti+e. >886a?

+is rule is sub(ect to te agreement of te parties!

9f te legac* is in cas and tere is none in te estate, teadministrator must sell first te estate=s personalproperties, ten real properties!

Art. 953. $e le-atee or )evisee cannot tae &ossession o(t$e t$in- !e*'eat$e) '&on $is o%n a't$orit/, !'t s$allre*'est its )eliver/ an) &ossession o( t$e $eir c$ar-e)%it$ t$e le-ac/ or )evise, or o( t$e eec'tor ora)+inistrator o( t$e estate s$o'l) $e !e a't$ori<e) !/ t$eco'rt to )eliver it. >885a?

Art. 954. $e le-atee or )evisee cannot acce&t a &art o( t$ele-ac/ or )evise an) re&')iate t$e ot$er, i( t$e latter !eonero's.

=$o'l) $e )ie !e(ore $avin- acce&te) t$e le-ac/ or )evise,leavin- several $eirs, so+e o( t$e latter +a/ acce&t an)t$e ot$ers +a/ re&')iate t$e s$are res&ectivel/ !elon-in-

to t$e+ in t$e le-ac/ or )evise. >889a?

Art. 955. $e le-atee or )evisee o( t%o le-acies or )evises,one o( %$ic$ is onero's, cannot reno'nce t$e onero's onean) acce&t t$e ot$er. ( !ot$ are onero's or -rat'ito's, $es$all !e (ree to acce&t or reno'nce !ot$, or to reno'nceeit$er. @'t i( t$e testator inten)e) t$at t$e t%o le-acies or)evises s$o'l) !e inse&ara!le (ro+ eac$ ot$er, t$e le-ateeor )evisee +'st eit$er acce&t or reno'nce !ot$.


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An/ co+&'lsor/ $eir %$o is at t$e sa+e ti+e a le-atee or)evisee +a/ %aive t$e in$eritance an) acce&t t$e le-ac/or )evise, or reno'nce t$e latter an) acce&t t$e (or+er, or%aive or acce&t !ot$. >890a?

+e legatee is free to accept or repudiate te legac*!

+e law presumes tat te testator would not a/edisposed te legacies were it not for te encumbrances or

te onerous part! ence, it proibits te legatee fromaccepting te benefits and repudiating te obligation!

Art. 956. ( t$e le-atee or )evisee cannot or is 'n%illin- toacce&t t$e le-ac/ or )evise, or i( t$e le-ac/ or )evise (oran/ reason s$o'l) !eco+e ine((ective, it s$all !e +er-e)into t$e +ass o( t$e estate, ece&t in cases o( s'!stit'tionan) o( t$e ri-$t o( accretion. >888a?

+e effect of inefficac* of legac* is te re/ersion into temass of te ineritance!

$1ception% creditors sould be able to e1ercise teir rigtsin case of non0acceptance!

Art. 957. $e le-ac/ or )evise s$all !e %it$o't e((ect"

>1? ( t$e testator trans(or+s t$e t$in- !e*'eat$e) in s'c$a +anner t$at it )oes not retain eit$er t$e (or+ or t$e)eno+ination it $a);

>2? ( t$e testator !/ an/ title or (or an/ ca'se alienatest$e t$in- !e*'eat$e) or an/ &art t$ereo(, it !ein-'n)erstoo) t$at in t$e latter case t$e le-ac/ or )evise

s$all !e %it$o't e((ect onl/ %it$ res&ect to t$e &art t$'salienate). ( a(ter t$e alienation t$e t$in- s$o'l) a-ain!elon- to t$e testator, even i( it !e !/ reason o( n'llit/ o(t$e contract, t$e le-ac/ or )evise s$all not t$erea(ter !evali), 'nless t$e reac*'isition s$all $ave !een e((ecte) !/virt'e o( t$e eercise o( t$e ri-$t o( re&'rc$ase;

>3? ( t$e t$in- !e*'eat$e) is totall/ lost )'rin- t$eli(eti+e o( t$e testator, or a(ter $is )eat$ %it$o't t$e$eirs (a'lt. Nevert$eless, t$e &erson o!li-e) to &a/ t$ele-ac/ or )evise s$all !e lia!le (or eviction i( t$e t$in-

!e*'eat$e) s$o'l) not $ave !een )eter+inate as to itsin), in accor)ance %it$ t$e &rovisions o( Article 928.>869a?

+is refers to re/ocation of /alid legacies! +ransformation of te ting be5ueated refers to te tacit

re/ocation of definite ob(ects! 9t is essential tat bot teform and te denomination be canged!

+e presumption as to alienations is tat te testator ascanged is mind and tus te legac* is re/o8ed!

3$NAND$S @! D9#A"9-A

3acts% ill of testatri1 de los e*es institutedDimagiba as sole eir! Subse5uentl*, testatri1 e1ecuted deeds ofsale of a large portion of er estate in fa/or of te sametestamentar* eir, wic were later annulled b* te SC! as willimpliedl* re/o8ed b* te con/e*ances

eld% No implied re/ocation! Art! H:7 does not appl* as it isbased on a presumed cange of intention of te testator! Succange is rendered doubtful b* te circumstance tat tesubse5uent alienations were in fa/or of te legatee erself! Noconsideration was paid, in wic te testatri1 merel* intended tocompl* wit te testament in ad/ance, re/ocation being tee1ception! +e annulment of te con/e*ances would notnecessaril* result in te re/ocation of te legacies!

.9L! -ANI9N" C?.! @! L>9 S$

3acts% it respect to te HH0*ear lease Je1ecuted 4 da*s after

te ma8ing of te codicil', it is claimed tat Santos could nota/e intended to gi/e ong te ownersip of te land gi/en tatse ad earlier de/ised te same to La?!

eld% $/en granting tat Santos ad de/ised te land to La?, sewas not barred from subse5uentl* gi/ing te land to ong! +ee1ecution of te lease amounts to a transfer of ownersip toong wic constitutes an implied re/ocation of te codicil!

Art. 958. A +istae as to t$e na+e o( t$e t$in- !e*'eat$e)or )evise), is o( no conse*'ence, i( it is &ossi!le to i)enti(/


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t$e t$in- %$ic$ t$e testator inten)e) to !e*'eat$ or)evise. >n?

As in intestate succession, te nearer te degree tegreater te affections of te testator!

ere, tere is no rigt of representation and tepreference between lines is disregarded!

Art. 959. A )is&osition +a)e in -eneral ter+s in (avor o(t$e testators relatives s$all !e 'n)erstoo) to !e in (avoro( t$ose nearest in )e-ree. >751?

?SA9? @DA! D$ S9N"S?N @! D$ L9#

3acts% .ablo, a law*er, died! is nearest sur/i/ing relati/es areis widow, 4 broters and 4 nieces! is will pro/ides tat allproperties not disposed of oterwise in te testament sall bedistributed in e5ual parts to all wo are entitled tereto!

eld% -* referring to “all wo are entitled tereto” rater tan “relati/es”, e intended tat te residue of is estate bedistributed in e5ual parts to all entitled sould e die intestate!+is was precisel* meant to a/oid te uncertaint* in teinterpretation of Art! H:H!

-$L$N @! -.9

3acts% -enigno died lea/ing a codicil wic be5ueats &EV to3ilomena! 3 died, wit ) legitimate cildren, #ilagros and?nesima! # is married wit 7 legitimate cildren ? is single! ?files a petition to deli/er to er one0alf of te sare of 3 as


eld% Legac* to 3 sould be e5uall* di/ided among er sur/i/ingcildren and grandcildren! -* designating a class or group oflegatees J“sus descendientes legitimos”, wic includes cildrenand grandcildren', te testator intended all members to succeedper capita! Art! H:H is specificall* limited in its application werebeneficiaries are relati/es of te testator, not tose of telegatee! CA.+$ 2

L$"AL ? 9N+$S+A+$ S>CC$SS9?N S$C+9?N &! 0 "eneral .ro/isions Art. 960. Ee-al or intestate s'ccession taes &lace"

>1? ( a &erson )ies %it$o't a %ill, or %it$ a voi) %ill, orone %$ic$ $as s'!se*'entl/ lost its vali)it/;

>2? $en t$e %ill )oes not instit'te an $eir to, or )is&oseo( all t$e &ro&ert/ !elon-in- to t$e testator. n s'c$ case,le-al s'ccession s$all tae &lace onl/ %it$ res&ect to t$e&ro&ert/ o( %$ic$ t$e testator $as not )is&ose);

>3? ( t$e s's&ensive con)ition attac$e) to t$e instit'tiono( $eir )oes not $a&&en or is not ('l(ille), or i( t$e $eir )ies!e(ore t$e testator, or re&')iates t$e in$eritance, t$ere!ein- no s'!stit'tion, an) no ri-$t o( accretion taes&lace;

>4? $en t$e $eir instit'te) is inca&a!le o( s'ccee)in-,ece&t in cases &rovi)e) in t$is Co)e. >912a?

Legal or intestate succession is establised in te absenceof a last will!

9t is based on te presumed will of te testator!

+e law presumes tat te calling to succession, samewit lo/e, descends first ten ascends and finall* isdirected toward te sides, alwa*s preferring tose nearerin degree to tose more remote!

Legal Succession Compulsor* Succession#erel* pro/ides for tepresumed will of tedeceased

ules are obligator* on tetestator regardless of iswises

+a8es place onl* in default oftestate successionsuppletor*

+a8es place weter tedeceased as left a will ornot superior to andindependent of testamentar*succession

Not e/er* legal eir is acompulsor* eir Je!g!

Compulsor* eirs are legaleirs


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$e latter !in)s a &erson %it$ t$ose (ro+ %$o+ $e)escen)s. >917?

Art. 966. n t$e line, as +an/ )e-rees are co'nte) as t$ereare -enerations or &ersons, ecl')in- t$e &ro-enitor.

n t$e )irect line, ascent is +a)e to t$e co++on ancestor.$'s, t$e c$il) is one )e-ree re+ove) (ro+ t$e &arent, t%o

(ro+ t$e -ran)(at$er, an) t$ree (ro+ t$e -reat:-ran)&arent.

n t$e collateral line, ascent is +a)e to t$e co++onancestor an) t$en )escent is +a)e to t$e &erson %it$%$o+ t$e co+&'tation is to !e +a)e. $'s, a &erson ist%o )e-rees re+ove) (ro+ $is !rot$er, t$ree (ro+ $is'ncle, %$o is t$e !rot$er o( $is (at$er, (o'r (ro+ $is (irstco'sin, an) so (ort$. >918a?

Art. 967. 'll !loo) relations$i& is t$at eistin- !et%een&ersons %$o $ave t$e sa+e (at$er an) t$e sa+e +ot$er.

al( !loo) relations$i& is t$at eistin- !et%een &ersons%$o $ave t$e sa+e (at$er, !'t not t$e sa+e +ot$er, or t$esa+e +ot$er, !'t not t$e sa+e (at$er. >920a?

elationsip is te tie tat binds se/eral persons owing toteir coming from a common trun8 or stoc8!

Consanguinit* or natural relationsip is tat establised b*communit* of origin among persons because te sameblood runs troug teir /eins as te* come from tesame common tree or progenitor!

9t ma* be legitimate or illegitimate depending on weterte progenitor ma* a/e been legitimatel* united b*marriage or onl* naturall* b* an* illicit relationsip!

9t ma* be wit a double tie or a single tie depending as toweter te* proceed from te same fater or moter orfrom onl* te same fater or onl* te same moter!

+o count degrees in te collateral line, ascend to tecommon ancestor and ten descend to te person in/ol/edeac generation being one degree minus one, i!e! tecommon ancestor!

Art. 968. ( t$ere are several relatives o( t$e sa+e )e-ree,an) one or so+e o( t$e+ are 'n%illin- or inca&acitate) tos'ccee), $is &ortion s$all accr'e to t$e ot$ers o( t$e sa+e)e-ree, save t$e ri-$t o( re&resentation %$en it s$o'l)tae &lace. >922?

ere one or some relati/es are unwilling or incapacitatedto succeed, teir sare sall not be gi/en to tose nearest

in degree, but b* accretion to te oter eirs of te samedegree!

+e law grants no rigt to relati/es wo predecease!

Art. 969. ( t$e in$eritance s$o'l) !e re&')iate) !/ t$enearest relative, s$o'l) t$ere !e one onl/, or !/ all t$enearest relatives calle) !/ la% to s'ccee), s$o'l) t$ere !eseveral, t$ose o( t$e (ollo%in- )e-ree s$all in$erit in t$eiro%n ri-$t an) cannot re&resent t$e &erson or &ersonsre&')iatin- t$e in$eritance. >923?

+is deals merel* wit repudiation and not incapacit*! +e nearest in degree inerit in teir own rigt because

tere is no representation in repudiation!

=B@=CN 2. : #i-$t o( #e&resentation Art. 970. #e&resentation is a ri-$t create) !/ (iction o(la%, !/ virt'e o( %$ic$ t$e re&resentative is raise) to t$e&lace an) t$e )e-ree o( t$e &erson re&resente), an)ac*'ires t$e ri-$ts %$ic$ t$e latter %o'l) $ave i( $e %erelivin- or i( $e co'l) $ave in$erite). >942a?

epresentation is a subrogation or substitution as a resultof wic te descendant is placed in te position anddegree of te ascendant wo would a/e inerited in tefirst place!

eason% on te deat of te cild or of a broter, teaffection of a fater or te broter is naturall* directedtowards tose unfortunate orpans wo occup* te sameplace in te eart of te deceased and li8ewise occup* isplace in intestate succession!

.arties%&! Deceased – person wose succession is in 5uestion


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)! elati/e Jrepresented' – to wom te rigt to succeedpertains if e were ali/e or could a/e inerited

2! Descendant Jrepresentati/e' – te part* tat succeeds,representing te relati/e!

$ffects%&! 9t places a relati/e, of a degree farter tan te one

wit rigt to succeed, in te degree necessar* toinerit, tat is, ma8es im ad/ance to a nearer degree

necessar* in order tat e ma* a/e te rigt to teineritance!

)! +e lone representati/e or all of te representati/esoccup* te place of te represented so tat all of teminerit onl* te portion wic te person te*represent would a/e recei/ed ad e li/ed or beenable to inerit!

Art. 971. &he re!resentative is called to the succession bythe law and not by the !erson re!resented. &here!resentative does not succeed the !erson re!resentedbut the one whom the !erson re!resented would have

 succeeded .

epresentation is a rigt granted b* law and is N?+ recei/ed fromte person represented! As suc, te following are itsconse5uences%

&! Son wo renounces ineritance from is fater does N?+lose te rigt to represent is fater in te ineritance ofis grandfater or uncle!

)! "reat grandson can be called to te ineritance of is

great grandfater e/en wen e was not *et born or e/enconcei/ed upon te deat of is grandfater, wom e isgoing to represent in te succession!

2! Son, e1cluded as an unwort* eir from te ineritance ofis fater, for a cause onl* personal between tem, canrepresent tat fater in te ineritance of te grandfater!

4! epresentati/e as to a/e all te 5ualifications re5uiredto succeed and all te 5ualifications and powers of an eir!9f e is incapacitated or unwort* in relation to tedeceased or was inerited b* te latter, e will a/e to bee1cluded from te succession!

:! epresentati/e as te dut* of bringing to collation tatwic, during is lifetime was recei/ed as a donation b*te represented and te dut* of fulfilling te obligationswic were transmissible!

epresentation b* illegitimatesLaw allows representation b* illegitimates if te person to berepresented is imself an illegitimate!

&! An illegitimate cild CANN?+ represent is fater in tesuccession of te latter=s legitimate fater Jgrandfater ofte illegitimate'

)! Legitimate cild sould N?+ be able to represent tefater in te succession of te illegitimate grandfater ofte legitimate cild!

2! owe/er, legitimate descendant of an illegitimate cild isgranted togeter wit te illegitimate te rigt torepresent teir illegitimate fater!

epresentation in adoptionAn adopted person cannot be represented in te succession of teadopter nor can te adopted represent te adopter!

eotico v. el al >1965?#aria #ortera died and left a will stating tat .)E,EEE sall begi/en to ene +eotico Jusband of er niece'! Ana del @al, anadopted cild of #aria=s sister and te natural cild of erbroter, opposed te probate of te will!

Court eld tat Ana as no rigt to inter/ene as se as nointerest in te estate as eirKe1ecutorKadministratri1! 9f will isdenied probate, oppositor would not ac5uire an* rigt to te


As an illegitimate cild, Anna is proibited b* law from succeedingto te legitimate relati/es of is natural fater! ?n te oterand, as an adopted cild, te relationsip of adoption is solel*limited to adopter and adopted and it does not e1tend to terelati/es of te adopting parents!

Art. 972. &he ri#ht of re!resentation taes !lace in the

direct descendin# line" but never in the ascendin#.


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 %n the collateral line" it taes !lace only in favor of thechildren of brothers or sisters" whether they be of the full

or half blood. (926)

?peration of te rigt of representation9n te descending line, representation ta8es place ad infinitum!

Cild represents is fater in te succession of tegrandfater, te grandson troug te inter/ention of te

same fater represents te grandfater in te successionof te great grandfater and so on successi/el*!

epresentation in direct descending line9llustration%A – great grandfater wose succession is in 5uestion- – grandfaterC – faterD – son

9f C repudiates te ineritance from A, D CANN?+ inerit b*representing - because e would a/e to (ump o/er C, wo isnearer to im in degree!

-ut sould bot - and C predecease A, ten D can inerit b*representing first C, ten - to A=s ineritance!

epresentation in collateral lineLimitations%

&! ?nl* nepews and nieces, weter full or alf0blood, ma*represent!

)! epresentation in te collateral line ma* onl* ta8e place in

intestate succession as broters and sisters are notcompulsor* eirs and a/e no legitime!

2! Nepews and nieces inerit b* rigt of representation onl*if te* concur wit uncles and aunts but not if te*succeed alone!

 Einart v. t'rral)e

amon died intestate and was sur/i/ed b* isniece J#aria' and grandniece JCarmen'! #ariawas declared as te eir! Carmen now claims

tat se is entitled to te same sare of te ineritance as tat of#aria=s b* representation!

+e Court eld tat in an intestate succession, te grandniece ofte deceased cannot participate wit a niece in ineritancebecause te latter being a nearer relati/e e1cludes temore distant grandniece!

9n te collateral line, rigt of representation does not obtainbe*ond sons and daugters of broters and sisters! &If ' survived#amon, ' would have succeeded estate with (aria and then byright of representation, )armen might have inherited portion of

estate pertaining to *ablo. +owever, such was not shown in thecase.

epresentation b* illegitimates in te collateral lineAn illegitimate broterKsister of te deceased can be representedb* is cildren witout pre(udice to Article HH)% An illegitimatecild as no rigt to inerit ab intestato from te legitimatecildren and relati/es of is fater or moter nor sall suc

cildren or relati/es inerit in te same manner from teillegitimate cild!

Art. 973. %n order that re!resentation may tae !lace" it is

necessary that the re!resentative himself be ca!able of succeedin# the decedent.

Art. 974. henever there is succession by re!resentation"

the division of the estate shall be made !er stir!es" in suchmanner that the re!resentative or re!resentatives shallnot inherit more than what the !erson they re!resent

would inherit" if he were livin# or could inherit.


9f dies lea/ing is cild A andgrandcildren $, 3, and "%

&! A will inerit in is own rigt andwill recei/e &K2

)! $ will recei/e te sare of isfater wic is also &K2


2 " d 3 ill l i t f t i f t &K2 i it i lti t l ld b l d t t +

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2! " and 3 will also recei/e te sare of teir fater or &K2wic te* will di/ide e5uall* or &K; eac

Art. 975. hen children of one or more brothers or sistersof the deceased survive" they shall inherit from the latter

by re!resentation" if they survive with their uncles oraunts. But if they alone survive" they shall inherit in eual


Art. 976.   !erson may re!resent him whose inheritancehe has renounced. 

Art. 977. 7eirs who re!udiate their share may not bere!resented. 

Articles H7; and H77 distinguised

H7; H77

+e eir wo succeeds in isown rigt as .$D$C$AS$Dte deceased and tat iscildren or descendants a/erenounced teir ineritancecoming from im!

Co/ers te situation were teeir wo succeeds in is ownrigt S>@9@$S te deceasedand altoug capable ofsucceeding, e renounced teineritance!

Since is ineritance is not teone in/ol/e but tat of tedeceased and since terepresentati/e will not succeedim Jeir' but te deceased, b*/irtue of a rigt granted b* law

and not b* te predeceasedeir, renunciation b* tecildren of descendants of teeir does N?+ in an* wa* affectteir rigt of representation!

Since e alone was entitled tote rigt and e as e1ercisedte same b* not accepting teineritance, is cildren anddescendants cannot in/o8e an*rigt watsoe/er, including tat

of representing im!

No representation in repudiationLaw cannot presume none1istence of te person repudiating sinceb* repudiating, e as gi/en proof of is e1istence! e as madeuse of is rigt and b* said repudiation, it is not te law but tefater imself wo as dispossessed te cildren of te

ineritance wic ultimatel* would a/e belonged to tem! +us,cildren can no longer represent te fater because te latter asrepudiated te ineritance and nobod* can transmit wat e asnot got!

r)er o( ntestate ='ccession -escending -irect Line

 Art. 978. Succession !ertains" in the first !lace" to thedescendin# direct line. .rinciples of $1clusion and Concurrence+e new ci/il code pro/ides for te principle of e1clusion in teorder of intestate succession but as modified and 5ualified b* teprinciple of concurrence!

.artial intestac* ule Compulsor* succession ta8es place in bot testate and

intestate succession! 9t must alwa*s be applied weterte deceased left a will or not!

9ntestate succession onl* supplements te will of tetestator! 9t cannot touc te portion wic is be*ond tepower of disposition of testator Jlegitimes'!


9ntestate succession Compulsor* succession

Legitimateparents andascendantsconcur witillegitimatecildren

$state di/idede5uall*%Legitimate parentsand ascendants –&K)9llegitimate cildren– &K)

Legitimate parents andascendants – &K)9llegitimate cildren –&K4.ortion disposable b*will – &K4&reduction suffered byillegitimate childrenalone

Sur/i/ingspouseconcurs witillegitimatecildren

$state di/idede5uall*%Sur/i/ing spouse –&K)9llegitimate cildren– &K)

Sur/i/ing spouse – &K29llegitimate cildren –&K2.ortion disposable b*will – &K2&reduction will be


ff d b b th /iew of te fact tat in te order of intestate succession adopted

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suffered by bothcompulsory heirs

+e order of intestate succession+e order is as follows%

&! Legitimate cildren and teir descendants)! Legitimate parents and teir ascendants

2! 9llegitimate cildren4! Sur/i/ing spouse:! -roters and sisters, nepews and nieces;! Collateral relati/es witin te fift degree7! State

Descending direct line+e following are included%

&! Legitimate cildren and teir descendants)! 9llegitimate cildren and teir descendants2! Adopted cildren

Art. 979. +e#itimate children and their descendants succeed the !arents and other ascendants" withoutdistinction as to se$ or a#e" and even if they should comefrom different marria#es.

 n ado!ted child succeeds to the !ro!erty of the ado!tin# !arents in the same manner as a le#itimate child.

Legitimate cildren and teir descendantsArticle H7H sould be interpreted in con(unction wit Article 242of te CC tat wen te adopter is sur/i/ed b* is legitimate

parents or ascendants and te adopted cild, te latter sall N?+a/e more successional rigts tan te ac8nowledged naturalcild!

=antos v. Aransanso >1966?uliana died intestate and was sur/i/ed b* er adopted cildren!er first cousins tried to inter/ene in te proceedings, claimingtat te adoption of te cildren was /oid!

Court eld tat te adoption was /alid and as suc, te firstcousins cannot inter/ene in te settlement proceedings! +is is in

/iew of te fact tat in te order of intestate succession, adoptedcildren e1clude first cousins!

Art. 980. &he children of the deceased shall always inheritfrom him in their own ri#ht" dividin# the inheritance ineual shares.

Art. 981. Should children of the deceased and descendants

of other children who are dead" survive" the former shallinherit in their own ri#ht" and the latter by ri#ht ofre!resentation. 

Di/ision among cildren and descendants9llustration%

A inerits in is own rigt and gets B

- and C inerit b* rigt of representationand te* are to inerit eac!

Art. 982. &he #randchildren andother descendants shall inherit by ri#ht of re!resentation"and if any one of them should have died" leavin# severalheirs" the !ortion !ertainin# to him shall be divided amon#

the latter in eual !ortions.

"randcildren and oter descendants in ineriting alone

?nl* e1ception to Article HF) is wen te grandcildren ineritbecause te cildren all repudiate te ineritance and since tereis no representation in repudiation, te grandcildren will ineritin is own rigt and terefore per capita!

Art. 983.  %f ille#itimate children survive with le#itimatechildren" the shares of the former shall be in the

 !ro!ortions !rescribed by rticle 596.


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.edro died intestate and was sur/i/ed b* is wife and son +e descendants whether legitimate or illegitimate such widow or

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.edro died intestate and was sur/i/ed b* is wife and son! +eson contends tat after deducting B from te con(ugal propert*,te remaining B must be di/ided as follows% for is moterand te W for im! e relied on Art FH)% If only one legitimatechild of the deceased survives, the widow shall be entitled only toone fourth of the hereditary estate.  ?n te oter and, ismoter claims tat besides er con(ugal alf, se is entitled toanoter B of te remaining B!

Court eld tat te son cannot claim te W sare as Art FH)merel* fi1es legitime of te sur/i/ing spouse in testamentar*succession and not wen tere is intestac*, as in tis case! atapplies is Art HH;% If a widow and legitimate children ordescendants are left, surviving spouse has in the succession thesame share as that of each of the children.

Art. 997. hen the widow or widower survives withle#itimate !arents or ascendants" the survivin# s!ouse

 shall be entitled to one-half of the estate" and thele#itimate !arents or ascendants to the other half.

Art. 998. %f a widow or widower survives with ille#itimate

children" such widow or widower shall be entitled to 12 ofthe inheritance" and the ille#itimate children or theirdescendants" whether le#itimate or ille#itimate" to theother half.

Sur/i/ing spouse concurring wit illegitimate cildren – B of teestate will go to te widow or widower and B will go to te

illegitimate cild or descendants, weter legitimate orillegitimate! +e latter alf sall be di/ided per capita if tecildren are of te same 8ind and of te same degree, oterwise,per capita and per stirpes if te* are of different degrees and iftere are different 8inds, in tis proportion!

9llegitimate cildren comprise bot te ac8nowledged naturalcildren b* legal fiction and te spurious cildren!

Art! HHH! %hen the widow or widower survives with legitimatechildren or their descendants and illegitimate children or their

descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate, such widow orwidower shall be entitled to the same share as that of a

legitimate child. 

Sur/i/ing spouse concurring wit legitimate cildren or teirdescendants and illegitimate cildren or teir descendants – +ewidow or widower sall be entitled to a sare e5ual to tat of alegitimate cild! 9llegitimate cildren do not get a specific portion

wen concurring wit legitimate cildrenXonl* a proportion,&E%:%4Xso to a/oid te infringement of te legitime of telegitimate cildren, te rule of compulsor* succession must firstbe followed before appl*ing te rule on intestate succession!

9llustration% lea/es beind .)E,EEE! is intestate eirs are )legitimate cildren JA M -', an ac8nowledged natural cild JC', aspurious cild JD', and a sur/i/ing spouse JS'!

Appl* compulsor* succession first%• A and -=s legitime will be B of te estate J.&E,EEE, or

.:,EEE eac'• S gets .:,EEE a portion e5ual to te legitime of eac

legitimate cild!

• C gets .),:EE B te legitime of eac legitimate cild• D gets .),EEE 4K: te legitime of C or )K: te legitime of

eiter A or -

+e total for te legitimes is .&H,:EE! .:EE is tus left as a/acant portion! +is portion sould be di/ided e5uall* among A,-, and S, because Art!HHH gi/es to te sur/i/ing spouse te samesare as a legitimate cild!

Art. 1000.  %f le#itimate ascendants" the survivin# s!ouse"and ille#itimate children are left" the ascendants shall beentitled to 12 of the inheritance" and the other half shall

be divided between the survivin# s!ouse and theille#itimate children so that such widow or widower shall

have 1 of the estate" and the ille#itimate children theother 1.

Art. 1001. Should brothers and sisters or their children

 survive with the widow or widower" the latter shall beentitled to 12 of the inheritance and the brothers and


sisters or their children to the other half proceeds of te retirement benefits

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 sisters or their children to the other half.

Art! &EE)! In case of legal separation, if the surviving spousegave cause for the separation, he or she shall not have of therights granted in the preceding articles.

Legal Separation – Sur/i/ing spouse will onl* inerit b* intestac*if se did not gi/e cause for te legal separation! J$!g! Attempt

against life of te deceased spouse, or adulter* or concubinage'

7. Collateral #elatives

7!& Articles &EE20&EE:

Art. 1003.  %f there are no descendants" ascendants"ille#itimate children" or a survivin# s!ouse" the collateralrelatives shall succeed to the entire estate of thedeceased in accordance with the followin# articles.

Collateral relati/es as intestate eirs – Collateral relati/es are :t

in degree in te order of intestate succession! Among tem, tenearest in degree e1clude te fartest e1cept wen tere is arigt of representation!

Art. 1004. Should the only survivors be brothers and sisters of the full flood" they shall inherit in eual shares.

Art. 1005. Should brothers and sisters survive to#ether

with ne!hews and nieces" who are the children of thedecedents brothers and sisters of the full blood" theformer shall inherit !er ca!ita" and the latter !er stir!es.

Case% "o/ernment 9nsurance S*stem /s! Custodio J&H;H'3acts% Simeon Custodio died, lea/ing beind retirement benefitsJ.F,22H!2;' from "S9S! is sur/i/ing sister, Susana, claims to bete sole beneficiar*, wile teir nepews and nieces Jcildren ofteir 2 deceased broters @icente, Crispin, and acinto' claim tobe entitled to a sare in te proceeds b* rigt of representation!Some of te nepews and nieces ad pre/iousl* signed ane1tra(udicial settlement declaring tat Susana was te onl* oneentitled to te proceeds of te retirement benefits!9ssue% ?N te nepews and nieces are entitled to a sare in te

proceeds of te retirement benefitseld% Ges, but onl* te nepews and nieces wo did not sign tee1tra(udicial settlement are entitled to it! 2 of tem00#acario C!,Luisa and Da/id Custodio00did not sign te deed of e1tra(udicialsettlement and cannot be considered as a/ing recogni6edSusana as te onl* beneficiar* of SimeonYs retirement mone*!+us, tese 2eirs sould inerit per stirpes, in accordance witArticle &EE: of te Ci/il Code! As #acario C! Custodio is te onl*

cild of Crispin, e inerits b* representation te one0fourt J'sare pertaining to is fater, wile Luisa and Da/id being ) of ;cildren of acinto, are eac entitled to a si1t of one0fourt J&K;1 &K4' e5ui/alent to &K)4 of te ereditar* mass!

7!)! Article &EE;

Art. 1006. Should brothers and sisters of the full blood survive to#ether with brothers and sisters of the halfblood" the former shall be entitled to a share double that

of the latter.

Case% Al/iar /s! Al/iar J&H;H'3acts% Clemente and -elen Al/iar were legitimate cildren of3lorentino Al/iar and -ibiana Carillo! en Carillo died, Al/iarremarried and ad : more cildren! -elen Al/iar died, single, andwas sur/i/ed b* er broter Clemente and : alf0siblings!9ssue% ?N as a full broter of -elen Al/iar, te degree ofrelationsip to er of Clemente was nearer tan tat of teir alfbroters and sisters, and e e1cluded tem in te succession toer estate!eld% N?! .ro1imit* of relationsip is determined b* te numberof generations, and eac generation forms a degree! +us, in

relation to -elen, Clemente is in te same degree of relationsipas teir alf0siblings! -roters and sisters of te full blood do note1clude tose of te alf blood, for oterwise tere would be nooccasion for te concurrence of bot classes and te applicationof Art! &EE;!

7!2 Articles &EE70&E&E

Art. 1007.  %n case brothers and sisters of the half blood"

 some on the fathers and some on the mothers side" arethe only survivors" all shall inherit in eual shares without


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cildren and

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 %f the deceased never resided in the Phili!!ines" the whole

estate shall be assi#ned to the res!ective munici!alities orcities where the same is located.

Such estate shall be for the benefit of !ublic schools" and

 !ublic charitable institutions and centers" in suchmunici!alities or cities. &he court shall distribute the

estate as the res!ective needs of each beneficiary maywarrant.

$he court, at the instance of an interested party, or on its own

motion, may order the establishment of a permanent trust, sothat only the income from the property shall be used.

+e estate sall be for te benefit of public scools and publiccaritable institutions and centers, to be distributed as terespecti/e needs of eac beneficiar* ma* warrant!

+e Court ma* order te establisment of a permanent trust so

tat onl* te income from suc propert* will be used!

Art. 1014.  %f a !erson le#ally entitled to the estate of thedeceased a!!ears and files a claim thereto with the court

within 6 years from the date the !ro!erty was delivered tothe State" such !erson shall be entitled to the !ossessionof the same" or if sold" the munici!ality or city shall beaccountable to him for such !art of the !roceeds as may

not have been lawfully s!ent.

+e responsibilit* of te municipalit* or State is limited to te

proceeds tat a/e been left after an* lawful e1penditure!

+able of Successional igts in 9ntestate Succession

Legitimate cildrenand descendantsJalone'

$ntire estate

Legitimate parents and ascendants%

Alone $ntire estate

it legitimate None

cildren anddescendants

it illegitimatecildren

B of estate

it illegitimatecildren andsur/i/ing spouse

B of estate

it sur/i/ing


B of estate

9llegitimate cildren%

Alone $ntire estate

it legitimatecildren anddescendants

Limited to sareJ9n compulsor*succession%Ac8nowledgednatural cildrecei/es B and aspurious cildrecei/es )K: of wata legitimate cildrecei/es'

it legitimatecildren andsur/i/ing spouse

Same as abo/e

it sur/i/ingspouse

B of estate

it sur/i/ingspouse andlegitimate parentsand ascendants

of estate

it legitimateparents andascendants

B of estate

Sur/i/ing spouse%

Alone $ntire estate

it & legitimatecild

B of estate

it legitimatecildren anddescendants

$5ual to onelegitimate cild


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or any others which" thou#h desi#natin# an aliuot !art" first wen te two or more persons are called to te same

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y " # # # ! "do not identify it by such descri!tion as shall mae each

heir the e$clusive owner of determinate !ro!erty" shall note$clude the ri#ht of accretion.

 %n case of money or fun#ible #oods" if the share of each

heir is not earmared" there shall be a ri#ht of accretion.

e5uisites of accretion%&! >nit* in te ob(ect% A single ting, wetera! An ineritanceb! A portion tereof orc! A specific ting!

)! .luralit* in te sub(ect% +ere must be more tan oneindi/idual to wom te ineritance is gi/en

2! Absence of an* special designation as to te sare of eacin te ting

Same ob(ectK portion pro indi/iso% +ere is a sort of co0ownersipor indi/ision in wic eac as an e5ual participation!

• +e mere mention of an ali5uot part if it is not specificall*and actuall* identified does not pre/ent accretion!

• ere tere is no determinate 5uota but merel* a spiritualali5uot portion wic is gi/en to eac eir, tere will beaccretion

• +o “earmar8” means to p*sicall* segregate

Causes of accretion%&! .redecease)! epudation2! 9ncapacit*

4! ?ter causes J$!g! non0fulfillment of te condition imposedupon te eir or inefficac* of testamentar* disposition'

Case% +orres M Lope6 /s Lope6 J&H:4'3acts% #argarita Lope6, te cousin, claims tat se is te ne1t of8in and nearest eir of te decedent +omas odrigue6, and assuc is entitled to inerit b* intestate succession! Lu6 Lope6 de-ueno, te daugter of anoter cousin wo predeceasedodrigue6, claims te same b* rigt of accretion!9ssue% ?N Lu6 Lope6 de -ueno is entitled to ineriteld% G$S! Accretion ta8es place in a testamentar* succession,

pineritance or te same portion tereof witout specialdesignation of sares and secondl*, wen one of te persons socalled dies before te testator or renounces te ineritance or isdis5ualif*ing to recei/e it! 9n tis case, @icente 3! Lope6 and isdaugter, Lu6 Lope6 de -ueno, is called to te same ineritancewitout special designation of sares! Also, one of te personsnamed as eir as predeceased te testator, tis person being

also dis5ualified to recei/e te estate e/en if e ad been ali/e atte time of te testatorYs deat! +is article JHF)' is tereforealso of e1act application to te case in and and its effect is togi/e to te sur/i/or, Lu6 Lope6 de -ueno, not onl* te undi/idedalf wic se would a/e recei/ed in con(unction wit er faterif e ad been ali/e and 5ualified to ta8e, but also te alf wicpertained to im!

Art. 1018. %n le#al succession" the share of the !erson whore!udiates the inheritance shall always accrue to his co-


3or tere to be accretion, tere must be a /acant sare but inintestate succession tere is strictl* no suc /acant sare! +elaw of intestac* gi/es it to te oter co0eirs! eter tere isaccretion or not, te result will be te same!

igt of accretion in intestate succession modified b*%&! igt of representation% 9f in representation one of te

representati/es repudiate, te oter co0representati/eswill get te propert* b* accretion and not tose woinerit in teir own rigt

)! Di/ision b* line% 9n te ascending line, di/ision is made b*

line J$!g! 9f maternal grandmoter renounces, er sarewill pass to ascendants belonging to te same line and notto te paternal line!'

Art. 1019. &he heirs to whom the !ortion #oes by ri#ht ofaccretion tae it in the same !ro!ortion that they inherit.

9llustration% A dies testate, lea/ing beind .4E8! is instituted aseir to &KF of te propert*, G to 2KF and P to B! 9f G repudiates,te portion left /acant would accrue to and P in te portion of&%4!


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repudiated, will go to te oter compulsor* eirs in teir own ii! Accretion J93 re5uisites in &E&; are present'

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Accretion will onl* ta8e place wit regard to te free portion andonl* wen te re5uisites laid down in Art! )E&; are present!

Art. 1022.  %n testamentary succession" when the ri#ht ofaccretion does not tae !lace" the vacant !ortion of the

instituted heirs" if no substitute has been desi#nated" shall !ass to the le#al heirs of the testator" who shall receive itwith the same char#es and obli#ations.

• +e carges and obligations purel* personal to te eirwo re(ects te ineritance will not be recei/ed b* telegal eirs!

1023.  ccretion shall also tae !lace amon# devisees"le#atees" and usufructuaries under the same conditionsestablished for heirs.

• A /acant portion ma* e1ist because of predecease,incapacit*, repudiation, or disineritance!

• +e /acant portion ma* e1ist as regards te legitime, freeportion, or in intestac*

esume of te filling up of te /acant portion%&! As regards te legitime%

a! 9n case of predecease, incapacit* or disineritance%@acant portion is filled first b*

i! epresentationii! 9f tere are no representati/es% co0eirs in

teir own rigtiii! 9f tere are no co0eirs% ?ter relati/es b*order of intestac*

b! 9n case of repudiation% +ere is no representation,so co0eirs get /acant portion in teir own rigt! 9ftere are no co0eirs% eirs of te nearest degreein teir own rigt! 9f tere are no oter eirs% -*intestac*!

)! As regards te free portion%a! 3or predecease, incapacit* and repudiation

i! Substitute

iii! -* legal eirs b* intestac*b! Disineritance not applicable since it refers onl* to

te legitime!2! As regards intestac*%

a! 3or predecease and incapacit*i! epresentation in case tere is an*ii! Co0eirs in teir own rigt

iii! Nearest order of eirs under rules ofintestac*b! 3or repudiation J+ere is no representation'

i! Accretionii! eirs of te nearest degree in teir own

rigtiii! Nearest in line of eirs in order of intestac*i/! Disineritance not applicable it onl* ta8es

place in testamentar* succession

)! Capacit* to Succeed b* ill or 9ntestac*

)!& Articles &E)40&E4E

Art! &E)4! *ersons not incapacitated by law may succeed by willor ab intestato.

$he provisions relating to incapacity by will are e!ually applicableto intestate succession.

"eneral rule% $/er* person as capacit* to succeed mortis causa!J.resumption of law is alwa*s in fa/or of capacit*, so all personsma* succeed unless tere is a law specificall* e1cluding tem!'

 “.erson” O -ot natural and (uridical, as long as te* a/e legale1istence or (uridical personalit*!

Certain associations, wile a/ing no (uridical e1istence, are b*e1press pro/ision of law conferred capacit* to succeed!

Classes of incapacit* to succeed%&! Absolute% Depri/es a person totall* of te rigt to succeed

in all ineritance during its duration woe/er ma* be tedecedent!


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a! te will must a/e been e1ecuted during te last illness clai+in- 'n)er s'c$ %itness, s&o'se, &arents,

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and after te confessionb! tat te testator dies of tat illness werein te confession

was made e/en toug tere sould e1ist an inter/albetween te confession and te deat or tat te deatproceeds from an accident wic ma* or ma* not proceedfrom said illness

c! tat te disposition in te will sould be in fa/or of said

priest or minister, is relati/es or is curc.urpose% to a/oid possibilit* of an unscrupulous confessor!

(! $e relatives o( s'c$ &riest or +inister o( t$e

-os&el %it$in t$e (o'rt$ )e-ree, t$e c$'rc$,or)er, c$a&ter, co++'nit/, or-ani<ation, orinstit'tion to %$ic$ s'c$ &riest or +inister +a/!elon-; 

$1tension of first proibition, to a/oid suc to be used as anindirect wa* of /iolating te proibition! Non0inclusion ofminister=s wife seems to be a mere o/ersigt, and must bedeemed included witin proibition

(" A -'ar)ian %it$ res&ect to testa+entar/

)is&ositions -iven !/ a %ar) in $is (avor !e(oret$e (inal acco'nts o( t$e -'ar)ians$i& $ave!een a&&rove), even i( t$e testator s$o'l) )iea(ter t$e a&&roval t$ereo(; nevert$eless, an/&rovision +a)e !/ t$e %ar) in (avor o( t$e-'ar)ian %$en t$e latter is $is ascen)ant,)escen)ant, !rot$er, sister, or s&o'se, s$all !evali); 

?nl* e1ists prior to te rendition of final accounts and teappro/al tereof to pre/ent guardian from aspiring to teineritance to co/er up mismanagement during is guardiansip!Determining point% final account! 9f tere is appro/al, guardian isnot incapacitated, witout appro/al, incapacitated, e1cept if e iste ward=s ascendant, descendant, sibling, or spouse!

(4 An/ attestin- %itness to t$e eec'tion o( a %ill,

t$e s&o'se, &arents, or c$il)ren, or an/ one

or c$il)ren; 

#ust be interpreted in con(unction wit art! F)2)  wereproibition applies onl* if tere are no oter tree competentwitnesses to suc will! 9f tere are suc witnesses, te witness towom a be5uest or legac* as been gi/en will not beincapacitated

>5? An/ &$/sician, s'r-eon, n'rse, $ealt$ o((icer or)r'--ist %$o too care o( t$e testator )'rin-$is last illness;

eason% to pre/ent abo/ementioned persons from using undueinfluence on te testator

>6? n)ivi)'als, associations an) cor&orations not&er+itte) !/ la% to in$erit. >745, 752, 753,754a?

Applies to bot testamentar* and intestate successions!

Note tat &0: applies onl* to testamentar* successions! Souldpersons proibited in suc enumeration are compulsor* eirs,te* inerit b* operation of law!

Art. 1028. $e &ro$i!itions +entione) in article 739,concernin- )onations inter vivos s$all a&&l/ totesta+entar/ &rovisions. >n? 

9ncapacit* b* reason of moralit*, from 72H%

J&' +ose made between persons wo were guilt* of adulter* orconcubinage at te time of te donation

2 Art. 823. If a person attests the execution of a will, to whom or to whose spouse,or parent, or child, a devise or legac is given b such will, such devise or legacshall, so far onl as concerns such person, or spouse, or parent, or child of suchperson, or an one claiming under such person or spouse, or parent, or child, bevoid, unless there are three other competent witnesses to such will. !owever, suchperson so attesting shall be admitted as a witness as if such devise or legac hadnot been made or given. "n#


J)' +ose made between persons found guilt* of te samei i l ff i id i f

remainder of te propert*! Since te testatri1 as no forced eirs, di f i did i ill

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criminal offense, in consideration tereofJ2' +ose made to a public officer or is wife, descedants andascendants, b* reason of is office!

Art. 1029. =$o'l) t$e testator )is&ose o( t$e %$ole or &arto( $is &ro&ert/ (or &ra/ers an) &io's %ors (or t$e !ene(ito( $is so'l, in -eneral ter+s an) %it$o't s&eci(/in- its

a&&lication, t$e eec'tor, %it$ t$e co'rts a&&roval s$all)eliver one:$al( t$ereo( or its &rocee)s to t$e c$'rc$ or)eno+ination to %$ic$ t$e testator +a/ !elon-, to !e 'se)(or s'c$ &ra/ers an) &io's %ors, an) t$e ot$er $al( to t$e=tate, (or t$e &'r&oses +entione) in Article 1013. >747a? 

$1ception to general rule tat to succeed, (uridical personalit* isnecessar*! Confers capacit* to succeed upon someting tat asno legal e1istence in deference to te deceased=s religious andmoral ideas! owe/er, te disposition%

&! #ust be te testator=s soul and no oter)! Sould not be a condition, burden, or cargeimposed upon te eir, legatee, or de/isee,oterwise tis article will not appl*

2! #ust not specificall* pro/ide Ji!e!, must be in genericterms' for te application to be made of te propert*in is will, in tat case, te will must be compliedwit, and not tis article

@illa/icencio /! <uinio

+estatri1 ordered in te 2rd clause of er will tat er propertiesbe disposed of for te “peace and appiness of er soul! ercollateral relati/es witin te :t degree sougt to be declared asintestate eirs on te ground tat after te deduction of teamount for alms and masses, tere will still be a si6eable balanceleft out of er propert*, wic in te absence of an* dispositionmade b* te said testatri1, must pass b* operation of law to erlegal or intestate eirs!

+e supreme court eld tat since te abo/ementioned eirs arenot forced eirs, te* are not entitled to succeed er as to te

se ma* dispose of er properties as se did in er will!

Art. 1030. esta+entar/ &rovisions in (avor o( t$e &oor in-eneral, %it$o't )esi-nation o( &artic'lar &ersons or o(an/ co++'nit/, s$all !e )ee+e) li+ite) to t$e &oor livin-in t$e )o+icile o( t$e testator at t$e ti+e o( $is )eat$,'nless it s$o'l) clearl/ a&&ear t$at $is intention %as


$e )esi-nation o( t$e &ersons %$o are to !e consi)ere)as &oor an) t$e )istri!'tion o( t$e &ro&ert/ s$all !e +a)e!/ t$e &erson a&&ointe) !/ t$e testator (or t$e &'r&ose; in)e(a'lt o( s'c$ &erson, !/ t$e eec'tor, an) s$o'l) t$ere!e no eec'tor, !/ t$e 'stice o( t$e &eace, t$e +a/or, an)t$e +'nici&al treas'rer, %$o s$all )eci)e !/ a +aorit/ o(votes all *'estions t$at +a/ arise. n all t$ese cases, t$ea&&roval o( t$e Co'rt o( irst nstance s$all !e necessar/. 

$e &rece)in- &ara-ra&$ s$all a&&l/ %$en t$e testator $as)is&ose) o( $is &ro&ert/ in (avor o( t$e &oor o( a )e(initelocalit/. >749a? 

Art. 1031. A testa+entar/ &rovision in (avor o( a)is*'ali(ie) &erson, even t$o'-$ +a)e 'n)er t$e -'ise o(an onero's contract, or +a)e t$ro'-$ an inter+e)iar/,s$all !e voi). >755? 

Art. 1032. $e (ollo%in- are inca&a!le o( s'ccee)in- !/reason o( 'n%ort$iness" 

(1Parents %$o $ave a!an)one) t$eir c$il)ren or

in)'ce) t$eir )a'-$ters to lea) a corr'&t ori++oral li(e, or atte+&te) a-ainst t$eir virt'e; 

Abandonment% not onl* refers to mere non0support but to totalneglect of all te duties of parents toward teir cildren

(!An/ &erson %$o $as !een convicte) o( an

atte+&t a-ainst t$e li(e o( t$e testator, $is or $ers&o'se, )escen)ants, or ascen)ants; 


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ineffecti/e 9n case of unwortiness arising from legal separation, it is notd b t ili ti i ill t

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Note tat once pardon is made, it is irre/ocable! owe/er, not allgrounds can be pardoned, Art! &E2) J4'2  on failure to reporttestator=s /iolent deat is an ob/ious e1ception!

.ardon onl* applies to unwortiness and not to oter incapacitiesgrounds of wic are based on public polic* suc as &E)74  and



3 Any heir of full a%e who, havin% &nowled%e of the violent death of the

testator, should fail to report it to an officer of the law within a month,unless the authorities have already ta&en action this prohibition shallnot apply to cases wherein, accordin% to law, there is no obli%ation toma&e an accusation 

4 Art. 1!$. )he followin% are incapable of succeedin%* 

(1 )he priest who heard the confession of the testator durin% hislast illness, or the minister of the %ospel who e+tended spiritualaid to him durin% the same period 

(! )he relatives of such priest or minister of the %ospel withinthe fourth de%ree, the church, order, chapter, community,or%aniation, or institution to which such priest or minister maybelon% 

(" A %uardian with respect to testamentary dispositions %iven bya ward in his favor before the final accounts of the %uardianshiphave been approved, even if the testator should die after theapproval thereof nevertheless, any provision made by the wardin favor of the %uardian when the latter is his ascendant,descendant, brother, sister, or spouse, shall be valid 

(4 Any attestin% witness to the e+ecution of a will, the spouse,parents, or children, or any one claimin% under such witness,spouse, parents, or children 

(# Any physician, sur%eon, nurse, health officer or dru%%ist whotoo& care of the testator durin% his last illness 

( ndividuals, associations and corporations not permitted bylaw to inherit. ($4#, $#!, $#", $#4a

$ Art. 1!/. )he prohibitions mentioned in article $"0, concernin%donations inter vivos shall apply to testamentary provisions. (n

pardon, but reconciliation wic will remo/e te same!

Art. 1034. n or)er to ')-e t$e ca&acit/ o( t$e $eir,)evisee or le-atee, $is *'ali(ication at t$e ti+e o( t$e)eat$ o( t$e )ece)ent s$all !e t$e criterion. 

n cases (allin- 'n)er Nos. 2, 3, or 5 o( Article 1032, its$all !e necessar/ to %ait 'ntil (inal ')-+ent is ren)ere),an) in t$e case (allin- 'n)er No. 4, t$e e&iration o( t$e+ont$ allo%e) (or t$e re&ort. 

( t$e instit'tion, )evise or le-ac/ s$o'l) !e con)itional,t$e ti+e o( t$e co+&liance %it$ t$e con)ition s$all also !econsi)ere). >758a? 

Art. 1035. ( t$e &erson ecl')e) (ro+ t$e in$eritance !/reason o( inca&acit/ s$o'l) !e a c$il) or )escen)ant o( t$e

)ece)ent an) s$o'l) $ave c$il)ren or )escen)ants, t$elatter s$all ac*'ire $is ri-$t to t$e le-iti+e. 

$e &erson so ecl')e) s$all not eno/ t$e 's'(r'ct an)a)+inistration o( t$e &ro&ert/ t$'s in$erite) !/ $isc$il)ren. >761a? 

9f a person is e1cluded b* reason of is incapacit*, is cildrenare innocent of te unwortiness of te parent, ence te rigt ofrepresentation e1ists! owe/er, te parent ma* not indirectl*en(o* te propert* troug usufruct and administration!

Art. 1036. Alienations o( $ere)itar/ &ro&ert/, an) acts o(a)+inistration &er(or+e) !/ t$e ecl')e) $eir, !e(ore t$e

 ')icial or)er o( ecl'sion, are vali) as to t$e t$ir) &ersons%$o acte) in -oo) (ait$; !'t t$e co:$eirs s$all $ave a ri-$tto recover )a+a-es (ro+ t$e )is*'ali(ie) $eir. >n? 

Art. 1037. $e 'n%ort$/ $eir %$o is ecl')e) (ro+ t$es'ccession $as a ri-$t to )e+an) in)e+nit/ or an/e&enses inc'rre) in t$e &reservation o( t$e $ere)itar/


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relati/es witin te fourt ci/il degree witout er usband=sconsent but se cannot accept an ineritance from oters

- e5uires acts performed b* te eir from wic teintention to accept is necessaril* implied or wic

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consent, but se cannot accept an ineritance from oterswitout suc consents since suc constitutes an acceptance b*gratuitous title

Art. 1048. ea(:+'tes %$o can rea) an) %rite +a/ acce&tor re&')iate t$e in$eritance &ersonall/ or t$ro'-$ ana-ent. =$o'l) t$e/ not !e a!le to rea) an) %rite, t$e

in$eritance s$all !e acce&te) !/ t$eir -'ar)ians. $ese-'ar)ians +a/ re&')iate t$e sa+e %it$ ')icial a&&roval.>996a? 

Art. 1049. Acce&tance +a/ !e e&ress or tacit. 

An e&ress acce&tance +'st !e +a)e in a &'!lic or &rivate)oc'+ent. 

A tacit acce&tance is one res'ltin- (ro+ acts !/ %$ic$ t$eintention to acce&t is necessaril/ i+&lie), or %$ic$ one

%o'l) $ave no ri-$t to )o ece&t in t$e ca&acit/ o( an $eir.

Acts o( +ere &reservation or &rovisional a)+inistration )onot i+&l/ an acce&tance o( t$e in$eritance i(, t$ro'-$ s'c$acts, t$e title or ca&acit/ o( an $eir $as not !een ass'+e).>999a? 

Iinds of acceptance%

&! $1press

- e5uires a manifest and clear will to accept- #ade in a public or pri/ate document, ence in writing- -ut /alid onl* if made b* te eir imself or anoter

person in is name b* /irtue of a power of attorne*appearing in a public document and sowing is rigtto represent

)! 9mplied

intention to accept is necessaril* implied or wicnecessaril* implies te capacit* of te eir

- Acts sould not be mere acts of preser/ation orpro/isional administration if te* do not impl* teassumption of te title or capacit* of an eir

- $1amples% guarding of documents, watcing fruits,deposit of (ewelr*, ma8ing of in/entor*, ma8ing ofrepairs, collection of rentals, pa*ment of ta1es

2! .resumed

- en te eirs, legatees or de/isees do not signif* tote court teir repudiation witin 2E da*s after tecourt as issued an order for te distribution of teestate

Art. 1050. An in$eritance is )ee+e) acce&te)" 

(1( t$e $eirs sells, )onates, or assi-ns $is ri-$t toa stran-er, or to $is co:$eirs, or to an/ o( t$e+; 

+o transmit title, it is necessar* tat it as been ac5uired, encedisposing of is ineritance implies tat e as accepted suc,oterwise, tere would neiter be ownersip nor rigt to alienate

(!( t$e $eir reno'nces t$e sa+e, even t$o'-$

-rat'ito'sl/, (or t$e !ene(it o( one or +ore o( $isco:$eirs; 

9f te renunciation is made in fa/or of onl* one or se/eral of teeirs, but not for all tose wo a/e a rigt to succeed b* failureto inerit of te renouncing eir, tere is no renunciation, but acession wic is anoter act of disposition, and cannot be donewitout acceptance!

>3?( $e reno'nces it (or a &rice in (avor o( all $is co:$eirs in)iscri+inatel/; !'t i( t$is ren'nciations$o'l) !e -rat'ito's, an) t$e co:$eirs in %$ose(avor it is +a)e are t$ose '&on %$o+ t$e &ortionreno'nce) s$o'l) )evolve !/ virt'e o( accretion,


t$e in$eritance s$all not !e )ee+e) as acce&te).>1000?

&resente) to t$e co'rt $avin- 'ris)iction over t$etesta+entar/ or intestate &rocee)in-s >1008?

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enunciation for a price is not te renunciation te lawautori6es! +e eir does not reall* renounce because e recei/esan e5ui/alent for is ineritance wic e as disposed of!

?ter acts%

&! en eir demands partition)! en eir alienates some ob(ects of te ineritance2! Constitution of te eir o/er te propert* in te succession

of all 8inds of real rigts, suc as usufruct, ser/itudes,mortgage, etc!

4! Compromise wit reference to te propert* included in teineritance

:! +e e1ercise b* te eir of acts transmitted b* tesuccession suc as claiming certain credits, annulment ofcontract, redemption of ser/itudes, etc!

;! +e en(o*ment b* te eir of te properties of teineritance li8e consuming its fruits, li/ing in te ouse ofte testator

7! Acts of definite administration suc as leasing te propert*for a long period, etc!

F! Acts of pro/isional administration or mere preser/ationwere tere is an assumption of title or capacit* of eir

'. 3ailure to repudiate te ineritance witin 2E da*s after

te court as ordered distribution in accordance wit art!&E:7F

Art. 1051. $e re&')iation o( an in$eritance s$all !e +a)ein a &'!lic or a't$entic instr'+ent, or !/ &etition

8 Art. 1#$. 3ithin thirty days after the court has issued an order for the

distribution of the estate in accordance with the ules of 5ourt, theheirs, devisees and le%atees shall si%nify to the court havin% 6urisdictionwhether they accept or repudiate the inheritance. 

f they do not do so within that time, they are deemed to have acceptedthe inheritance. (n 

testa+entar/ or intestate &rocee)in-s. >1008? 

ile acceptance ma* be e1press or tacit, repudiation mustalwa*s be e1press! +e law considers repudiation to be moresolemn!

9neritance epudiation


transmission ofrigts of succession

enders ineffecti/e

te transmission,and itsconse5uences aremost unnatural anddisturbing of (uridical relations

?ne ac5uires 9n/ol/es acts ofdisposition andalienation, opensdoor to oter eirs,ence re5uirescertain formalities

as well as publicit*!

Art. 1052.  %f the heir re!udiates the inheritance to the !re4udice of his own creditors" the latter may !etition thecourt to authori;e them to acce!t it in the name of theheir.

&he acce!tance shall benefit the creditors only to ane$tent sufficient to cover the amount of their credits. &he

e$cess" should there be any" shall in no case !ertain to the

renouncer" but shall be ad4udicated to the !ersons towhom" in accordance with the rules established in this8ode" it may belon#.

"eneral ule% eir ma* repudiate is rigt to te ineritance$1ception% en pre(udicial to tird persons wit a rigtrecogni6ed b* law

• Allows a creditor to accept te ineritance in te name of terepudiating eir .?@9D$D te ff re5uisites concur%

&! enunciation b* eir Jin legal form'


)! $1istence of a creditor wK claim against renouncing eir2 enunciation pre(udices creditor

Should he re!udiate it as an intestate heir" withoutnowled#e of his bein# a testamentary heir" he may still

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2! enunciation pre(udices creditor4! udicial autori6ation

• Creditor=s rigt sould onl* up to te amount sufficient toco/er is credit

• $1cess will go to oter co0eirs b* accretion or to legal eirsb* wa* of intestac* Jnot to te repudiating eir'

Art. 1053.  %f the heir should die without havin# acce!tedor re!udiated the inheritance his ri#ht shall be transmittedto his heirs.

• eir=s rigt sall be transmitted to is eirs .?@9D$D te ffre5uisites concur%

&! 9neritance is a/ailable or transmissible)! eir died witout a/ing accepted or repudiated te

ineritance• & re5uires te deat of te person to wom belongs te

ineritance Ja8a! first decedent'! -ut if te institution of eirswas sub(ect to a suspensi/e condition, tat condition sould

a/e also been fulfilled!• ) refers to te eir Ja8a! primar* eir' instituted b* te

decedent or designated b* law!• +e primar* eir=s eirs must a/e te capacit* to inerit

from im! 9f te* are incapacitated, te* cannot e1ercise teprimar* eir=s power to accept or repudiate te ineritance!

• $/en if te eirs of te primar* eir are not direct successorsof te first decedent, teir incapacit* to succeed te saiddecedent is not an obstacle for teir acceptance or repudiationin te name of te primar* eir Jteir predecessor' .?@9D$Dte latter was capacitated to inerit from te first decedent!

Art. 1054. Should there be several heirs called to the

inheritance" some of them may acce!t and the others mayre!udiate it.

Art. 1055.  %f a !erson" who is called to the sameinheritance as an heir by will and ab intestato" re!udiatesthe inheritance in his ca!acity as a testamentary heir" he isunderstood to have re!udiated it in both ca!acities.

nowled#e of his bein# a testamentary heir" he may still

acce!t it in the latter ca!acity.

• ationale for &st par!% a/ing repudiated te e1press will ofte testator, te eir cannot naturall* be considered to a/eaccepted te presumed will of te same!

• ationale for )nd par!% ?ne ma* repudiate te presumed will of

te testator! -ut te eir migt bow to te wises of tetestator upon a/ing 8nowledge of is e1press will!

• at if te eir 8new of te will [o -ut e renounces it  means tat e does not desire

to be an eir b* an* concepto -ut e repudiates is being an intestate eir   suc

renunciation is anomalous and ineffecti/e

Art. 1056. &he acce!tance or re!udiation of an inheritance"once made" is irrevocable" and cannot be im!u#ned"e$ce!t when it was made throu#h any of the causes that

vitiate consent" or when an unnown will a!!ears.

• efers to acceptance or repudiation wKc were /alidl* madedoes not refer to tose tat a/e not been made in legal formor tat suffer from defects tat /itiate consent Jmista8e,/iolence, intimidation, undue influence, fraud'

• 9rre/ocable because to permit oterwise would lead to greatdisturbances in (uridical relations created b* te acceptance orrepudiation

• 9n order to accept or repudiate, it is necessar* tat te eir iscertain of is rigt to te ineritance!

o 9f an un8nown will appears after te eir

acceptsKrepudiates te ineritance, ten sucacceptanceKrepudiation ma* be impugned because tere5uired certaint* isn=t present!  owe/er, tis onl*applies if te un8nown will substantiall* canges terigts of te eir!

Art. 1057. ithin thirty days after the court has issued anorder for the distribution of the estate in accordance withthe Rules of 8ourt" the heirs" devisees and le#atees shall


 si#nify to the court havin# 4urisdiction whether theyacce!t or re!udiate the inheritance.

Art. 1061. 3very com!ulsory heir" who succeeds with othercom!ulsory heirs" must brin# into the mass of the estate

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acce!t or re!udiate the inheritance.

 %f they do not do so within that time" they are deemed tohave acce!ted the inheritance

• Kin 2E da*s after te court ordered te distribution of teestate, te eirs, legatees and de/isees sall signif* teir

acceptanceKrepudiation! 9f te* don=t, deemed accepted!• ?rder of distribution is onl* made after all te debts, funeral

carges, e1penses of administration, allowance of te widowandKor ineritance ta1 cargeable to te estate a/e beenpaid!

• esidue sall be a/ailable for distribution upon application ofte e1ecutorKadministratorKperson interested in te estateafter earing Kdue notice!

4!&! $1ecutors and Administrators

Art. 1058. ll matters relatin# to the a!!ointment" !owersand duties of e$ecutors and administrators and concernin#

the administration of estates of deceased !ersons shall be #overned by the Rules of 8ourt.

Art. 1059. %f the assets of the estate of a decedent whichcan be a!!lied to the !ayment of debts are not sufficientfor that !ur!ose" the !rovisions of rticles 22,9 to 2261

on Preference of 8redits shall be observed" !rovided thatthe e$!enses referred to in rticle 22" <o. 5" shall bethose involved in the administration of the decedentsestate.

Art. 1060.   cor!oration or association authori;ed toconduct the business of a trust com!any in the Phili!!inesmay be a!!ointed as an e$ecutor" administrator" #uardianof an estate" or trustee" in lie manner as an individual*but it shall not be a!!ointed #uardian of the !erson of a


:!&! Collation

com!ulsory heirs" must brin# into the mass of the estate

any !ro!erty or ri#ht which he may have received from thedecedent" durin# the lifetime of the latter" by way ofdonation" or any other #ratuitous title" in order that it maybe com!uted in the determination of the le#itime of each

heir" and in the account of the !artition.

Collation% act wereb* eirs wo concur in te ineritancereturn to te common mass te properties wic te* a/erecei/ed in order tat di/ision ma* be effected in accordancewit law and te will of te testator

• .urposes% J&' +o ensure tat no descendant will be depri/edof is legitime or portion corresponding to im J)' +odetermine weter te decedent as disposed propertiesmore tan wat e can gi/e awa* to te pre(udice of iscompulsor* eirs

• Collation includes 2 successi/e acts wKc are intimatel* relatedto te institution of legitime%

1. +o collate – to return to te mass of ineritance

properties wKc a/e left te estate of te decedentduring is lifetime but wic te law understands tatit as left te same onl* as an ad/ance of te sameineritance

)! +o impute – to appl* tose properties JwKc tedecedent as disposed of gratuitousl* during islifetime' to te legitime or free portion of teineritance

2! +o reduce – to annul in part tose gratuitousdispositions wen te* are e1cessi/e

• o as te obligation to collate% compulsor* eirs,

specificall* descendants and ascendants! Sur/i/ing spouse isnot included Jsince tere=s no suc ting as donation betweenspouses  /oid'!T -ut Art! &E;& doesn=t preclude collation of donations tostrangers!

Art. 1062. 8ollation shall not tae !lace amon# com!ulsory

heirs if the donor should have so e$!ressly !rovided" or ifthe donee should re!udiate the inheritance" unless thedonation should be reduced as inofficious.


• Dispensing of collation• -* e1press declaration% JcKo decedent'

obli#ed to brin#" even thou#h such #randchildren have notinherited the !ro!erty.

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-* e1press declaration% JcKo decedent'o Collation is based on te presumed will of te deceased

–0 tat tere must be e5ualit* among eirs! +erefore,if e e1pressl* dispensed wit te same, is will is tobe respected!  $1press declaration is a must!

• -* repudiation% JcKo eir'o eir must do it imself! igt of representation is

inapplicable!o A compulsor* eir wo repudiates te ineritance is

li8e a stranger in te succession! 9f e as recei/eddonation from te decedent during te latter=s lifetime,tis is con/erted into a donation to a stranger! +us,tere is no obligation to collate! Still, te legitime mustremain unimpaired!

• Does te obligation to collate refer to te bringing bac8 of tepropert* donated or its /alue

o Autor=s submission% $iter! -ut difference lies on

were it ma* be imputed!o Donations or gifts b* gratuitous title to compulsor*

eirs are generall* cargeable to te legitime!o en te testator pro/ides for no collation, ten it

sould be imputed to te free portion!

Art. 1063. Pro!erty left by will is not deemed sub4ect tocollation" if the testator has not otherwise !rovided" butthe le#itime shall in any case remain unim!aired.

• 9f te testator specificall* lea/es a legac* to one of is eirs, itis e/ident tat te testator would li8e to fa/or tis eir andtat tere be no e5ualit* among eirs!

• Since propert* left b* will as not been disposed of during telifetime of te testator, it cannot be “brougt bac8” to temass of te estate!  9t ne/er left te mass!

Art. 1064. hen the #randchildren" who survive with theiruncles" aunts" or cousins" inherit from their #rand!arentsin re!resentation of their father or mother" they shall brin#to collation all that their !arents" if alive" would have been

inherited the !ro!erty.

&hey shall also brin# to collation all that they may havereceived from the decedent durin# his lifetime" unless the

testator has !rovided otherwise" in which case his wishesmust be res!ected" if the le#itime of the co-heirs is not


• Sould grandcildren sur/i/e wit teir uncles, aunts orcousins, te* inerit from teir grandparents -G 9"+ ?3$.$S$N+A+9?N! ence, te* recei/e wat te* parentswould a/e recei/ed togeter wit all te obligations inerentterein!  Sould tus bring to collation wat teir parentswould a/e brougt to collation!

• Article is also applicable in case of te parents= incapacit* ordisineritance!

Art. 1065. Parents are not obli#ed to brin# to collation inthe inheritance of their ascendants any !ro!erty which

may have been donated by the latter to their children.

• .arents are obliged to collate wate/er propert* te* a/eac5uired b* gratuitous title from teir ascendants!

• -ut as to propert* donated b* said ascendant to teircildren, te* are not bound to collate since J&' tere is norepresentation in te ascending line, and J)' wat was gi/ento te cild is not recei/ed b* te parents!

Art. 1066. <either shall donations to the s!ouse of the

child be brou#ht to collation* but if they have been #iven

by the !arent to the s!ouses 4ointly" the child shall beobli#ed to brin# to collation one-half of the thin# donated.

• at as been donated to te spouse of te cild is notimputable to te legitime of said spouse since it was notrecei/ed b* said cild!

Art. 1067. 3$!enses for su!!ort" education" medical

attendance" even in e$traordinary illness" a!!renticeshi!"ordinary eui!ment" or customary #ifts are not sub4ect tocollation.


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3acts% Defendant de la Cuesta recei/ed : parcels of land from ismoter b* wa* of gift! +rial court eld tat e sould collate te

 %f the !ro!erty donated was movable" the co-heirs shallonly have a ri#ht to select an euivalent of other !ersonal

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* * gparcels for te purpose of partition among te parties! De laCuesta filed an #!

9ssue% ?N trial court was correct in ordering de la Cuesta tocollate te properties temsel/es

eld% No! CC U #anresa commentaries point out tat te doneecan in no case be compelled to collate te same tings donated toim since wat was reall* donated was onl* teir /alue!+erefore, wat sould be collated is te /alue of te propertiesat te time te gift was made! +C=s decision was contrar* tolaw! "ranted new trial!

:!2! Articles &E7)0&E77

Art. 1072.  %n the collation of a donation made by both

 !arents" one-half shall be brou#ht to the inheritance of thefather" and the other half" to that of the mother. &hat #iven

by one alone shall be brou#ht to collation in his or herinheritance.

• .resumption% parents donated b* al/es

• ule is applicable to grandparents but not to te parents of

illegitimate cildren   presumption is based on con(ugalpartnersip wKc is created b* marriage

Art. 1073. &he donees share of the estate shall be reduced

by an amount eual to that already received by him* andhis co-heirs shall receive an euivalent" as much as

 !ossible" in !ro!erty of the same nature" class and uality.

Art. 1074. Should the !rovisions of the !recedin# article beim!racticable" if the !ro!erty donated was immovable" the

co-heirs shall be entitled to receive its euivalent in cashor securities" at the rate of uotation* and should there beneither cash or maretable securities in the estate" somuch of the other !ro!erty as may be necessary shall be

 sold at !ublic auction.

y # !

 !ro!erty of the inheritance at its 4ust !rice.

Art. 1075. &he fruits and interest of the !ro!erty sub4ect to

collation shall not !ertain to the estate e$ce!t from theday on which the succession is o!ened.

=or the !ur!ose of ascertainin# their amount" the fruitsand interest of the !ro!erty of the estate of the same indand uality as that sub4ect to collation shall be made the

 standard of assessment.

• 3ruits pending wen te donation was made% donee=s• 3ruits pending upon te opening of te succession%

ineritanceo -ut eirs are obligated to reimburse te ordinar*

e1penses of culti/ation and seedling and oter similare1penses JArt! :;7'

Art. 1076. &he co-heirs are bound to reimburse to the

donee the necessary e$!enses which he has incurred forthe !reservation of the !ro!erty donated to him" thou#hthey may not have au#mented its value.

&he donee who collates in ind an immovable which hasbeen #iven to him must be reimbursed by his co-heirs forthe im!rovements which have increased the value of the

 !ro!erty" and which e$ist at the time the !artition ifeffected.

 s to wors made on the estate for the mere !leasure ofthe donee" no reimbursement is due him for them* he has"however" the ri#ht to remove them" if he can do so withoutin4urin# the estate.

Art. 1077. Should any uestion arise amon# the co-heirsu!on the obli#ation to brin# to collation or as to the thin#swhich are sub4ect to collation" the distribution of the


estate shall not be interru!ted for this reason" !rovidedadeuate security is #iven.

• if te act performed as suc as to result in teappointment of te sare of eac, tereb* putting and end

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6.1. Partition

6.2. Articles 1078:1089

Art. 1078. here there are two or more heirs" the whole

estate of the decedent is" before its !artition" owned incommon by such heirs" sub4ect to the !ayment of debts ofthe deceased.

• Co0ownersip before partition

.icardal /! Lladas

3acts% -ernardo M Sebastian .icardal unlawfull* e(ected CanonLladas from a piece of propert* wic forms part of te estate,werein te* are eirs but not special administrators of te same!

9ssue% ?N te estate sall be liable to Lladas for damages

eld% No! ere te estate ad not benefited from tedispossession and it was not found guilt* of te abo/e unlawfulact, it could not be ordered to pa* damages! +e co0ownersipsould not suffer te conse5uences for te unlawful act of ) co0owners!

Art. 1079. Partition, in -eneral, is t$e se&aration, )ivisionan) assi-n+ent o( a t$in- $el) in co++on a+on- t$ose to%$o+ it +a/ !elon-. $e t$in- itsel( +a/ !e )ivi)e), or itsval'e

 e(inition an) Conce&t

• simple assignment of te propert* to tose to wom itma* belong

pp , * p gto te indi/ision, suc act will be deemed as a partition

• p*sical di/ision not re5uired /alue ma* be di/ided• disposition0 must be made in te manner pro/ided under

te law• partition0 ma8ing concrete and particular te

apportionment alread* made under te law

Art. 1080. =$o'l) a &erson +ae &artition o( $is estate !/an act inter vivos, or !/ %ill, s'c$ &artition s$all !eres&ecte), inso(ar as it )oes not &re')ice t$e le-iti+e o(t$e co+&'lsor/ $eirs

A &arent %$o, in t$e interest o( $is or $er (a+il/, )esires toee& an/ a-ric'lt'ral, in)'strial, or +an'(act'rin-enter&rise intact, +a/ avail $i+sel( o( t$e ri-$t -rante)$i+ in t$is article, !/ or)erin- t$at t$e le-iti+e o( t$e

ot$er c$il)ren to %$o+ t$e &ro&ert/ is not assi-ne), !e&ai) in cas$.

o% &artition is e((ecte)"

9! $1tra(udicial .artitionA! -* te decedent

1. act inter vivos

)! b* will-! -* te eirs&! tere are no debts)! eirs are of legal ageKrepresented b* guardians

99! udicial .artition

Partition !/ testator inter vivos

• ma* be /alid e/en if tere is no supporting will


• in suc cases, disposition sall be based on te law ofintestac*

article 494. $is &o%er o( t$e testator to &ro$i!it )ivisiona&&lies to t$e le-iti+e. 

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Art. 1081. A &erson +a/, !/ an act inter vivos or +ortis

ca'sa, intr'st t$e +ere &o%er to +ae t$e &artition a(ter

$is )eat$ to an/ &erson %$o is not one o( t$e co:$eirs. 

$e &rovisions o( t$is an) o( t$e &rece)in- article s$all !e

o!serve) even s$o'l) t$ere !e a+on- t$e co:$eirs a +inor

or a &erson s'!ect to -'ar)ians$i&; !'t t$e +an)atar/, in

s'c$ case, s$all +ae an inventor/ o( t$e &ro&ert/ o( t$e

estate, a(ter noti(/in- t$e co:$eirs, t$e cre)itors, an) t$e

le-atees or )evisees. >1057a? 

Partition !/ a t$ir) &erson

• tird person must not be an eir• remember distinction between disposition and partition

ence te onl* dut* of te tird person is to di/ide and todetermine te propert* wic eac eir must recei/e afterin/entor*, e/aluation and li5uidation

Art. 1082. ver/ act %$ic$ is inten)e) to &'t an en) toin)ivision a+on-  co:$eirs an) le-atees or )evisees is)ee+e) to !e a &artition, alt$o'-$ it s$o'l) &'r&ort to !ea sale, an) ec$an-e, a co+&ro+ise, or an/ ot$ertransaction. >n? 

Art. 1083. ver/ co:$eir $as a ri-$t to )e+an) t$e )ivisiono( t$e estate 'nless t$e testator s$o'l) $ave e&ressl/(or!i))en its &artition, in %$ic$ case t$e &erio) o(in)ivision s$all not ecee) t%ent/ /ears as &rovi)e) in

ven t$o'-$ (or!i))en !/ t$e testator, t$e co:o%ners$i&ter+inates %$en an/ o( t$e ca'ses (or %$ic$ &artners$i& is)issolve) taes &lace, or %$en t$e co'rt (in)s (orco+&ellin- reasons t$at )ivision s$o'l) !e or)ere), '&on&etition o( one o( t$e co:$eirs. >1051a? 

Art. 1084. ol'ntar/ $eirs '&on %$o+ so+e con)ition $as!een i+&ose) cannot )e+an) a &artition 'ntil t$econ)ition $as !een ('l(ille); !'t t$e ot$er co:$eirs +a/)e+an) it !/ -ivin- s'((icient sec'rit/ (or t$e ri-$ts %$ic$t$e (or+er +a/ $ave in case t$e con)ition s$o'l) !eco+&lie) %it$, an) 'ntil it is no%n t$at t$e con)ition $asnot !een ('l(ille) or can never !e co+&lie) %it$, t$e&artition s$all !e 'n)erstoo) to !e &rovisional.

Partition !/ t$e $eirs

• rigt to demand partition does not prescribe for so long aseirs recogni6e te co ownersip eiter e1pressl* or tacitl*J see rules on co ownersip under .ropert*'

$en &artition 'navaila!le

&! testator=s e1press proibition suc proibition cannot e1ceedtwent* *earsa! notwitstanding te proibition, tere can still be partition

if an* of te causes for dissol/ing partnersip e1ists orwit (udicial autori6ation

)! co0eirs= e1press agreement suc agreement cannot e1ceedten *ears

2! Caguioa used te famil* ome as an e1ample! .ertinentpro/ision in te 3amil* Code states%

 rt. 169. &he family home shall continue des!ite the

death of one or both s!ouses or of the unmarried head


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Art. 1090. $en t$e title co+&rises t%o or +ore &ieces o(lan) %$ic$ $ave !een assi-ne) to t%o or +ore co:$eirs, or

corres&on)in- to t$e one %$o s$o'l) !e


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%$en it covers one &iece o( lan) %$ic$ $as !een )ivi)e)!et%een t%o or +ore co:$eirs, t$e title s$all !e )elivere)to t$e one $avin- t$e lar-est interest, an) a't$entic co&ieso( t$e title s$all !e ('rnis$e) to t$e ot$er co:$eirs at t$ee&ense o( t$e estate. ( t$e interest o( eac$ co:$eirs$o'l) !e t$e sa+e, t$e ol)est s$all $ave t$e title. >1066a?

Art. 1091. A &artition le-all/ +a)e con(ers '&on eac$ $eirt$e ecl'sive o%ners$i& o( t$e &ro&ert/ a)')icate) to$i+.

((ect o( &artition• confers upon eac eir te e1clusi/e ownersip of te

sare ad(udicated to im deemed to be in possessionduring te time te co ownersip lasted

Art. 1092. A(ter t$e &artition $as !een +a)e, t$e co:$eirss$all !e reci&rocall/ !o'n) to %arrant t$e title to, an) t$e*'alit/ o(, eac$ &ro&ert/ a)')icate).

• in ineritance it is not alwa*s necessar* tat b* te claimof te 2rd person te co eir is dispossessed it is sufficienttat it be pro/ed tat te same does not belong to tetestator but to a 2rd part*

Art. 1093. $e reci&rocal o!li-ation o( %arrant/

re(erre) to in t$e &rece)in- article s$all !e

&ro&ortionate to t$e res&ective $ere)itar/ s$ares o(

t$e co:$eirs, !'t i( an/ one o( t$e+ s$o'l) !e

insolvent, t$e ot$er co:$eirs s$all !e lia!le (or $is

&art in t$e sa+e &ro&ortion, )e)'ctin- t$e &art

$ose %$o &a/ (or t$e insolvent $eir s$all $ave a

ri-$t o( action a-ainst $i+ (or rei+!'rse+ent,

s$o'l) $is (inancial con)ition i+&rove. >1071?

Art. 1094. An action to en(orce t$e %arrant/ a+on-

$eirs +'st !e !ro'-$t %it$in ten /ears (ro+ t$e

)ate t$e ri-$t o( action accr'es. >n?

Art. 1095. ( a cre)it s$o'l) !e assi-ne) as

collecti!le, t$e co:$eirs s$all not !e lia!le (or t$e

s'!se*'ent insolvenc/ o( t$e )e!tor o( t$e estate,

!'t onl/ (or $is insolvenc/ at t$e ti+e t$e &artition

is +a)e.

$e %arrant/ o( t$e solvenc/ o( t$e )e!tor can onl/

!e en(orce) )'rin- t$e (ive /ears (ollo%in- t$e


Co:$eirs )o not %arrant !a) )e!ts, i( so no%n to,

an) acce&te) !/, t$e )istri!'tee. @'t i( s'c$ )e!ts

are not assi-ne) to a co:$eir, an) s$o'l) !e

collecte), in %$ole or in &art, t$e a+o'nt collecte)

s$all !e )istri!'te) &ro&ortionatel/ a+on- t$e $eirs.


Art. 1096. $e o!li-ation o( %arrant/ a+on- co:

$eirs s$all cease in t$e (ollo%in- cases"

>1? $en t$e testator $i+sel( $as +a)e t$e

&artition, 'nless it a&&ears, or it +a/ !e reasona!l/


&res'+e), t$at $is intention %as ot$er%ise, !'t t$e

le-iti+e s$all al%a/s re+ain 'ni+&aire);

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>2? $en it $as !een so e&ressl/ sti&'late) in t$e

a-ree+ent o( &artition, 'nless t$ere $as !een !a)


>3? $en t$e eviction is )'e to a ca'se s'!se*'ent

to t$e &artition, or $as !een ca'se) !/ t$e (a'lt o(t$e )istri!'tee o( t$e &ro&ert/. >1070a?

#escission an) N'llit/ o( Partition


Art. 1097. A &artition +a/ !e rescin)e) or ann'lle)

(or t$e sa+e ca'ses as contracts. >1073a?

Art. 1098. A &artition, ')icial or etra:')icial, +a/

also !e rescin)e) on acco'nt o( lesion, %$en an/

one o( t$e co:$eirs receive) t$in-s %$ose val'e is

less, !/ at least one:(o'rt$, t$an t$e s$are to %$ic$

$e is entitle), consi)erin- t$e val'e o( t$e t$in-s at

t$e ti+e t$e/ %ere a)')icate). >1074a?

• escissible contracts are /alid and witout an* defect, butte law grants te remed* of rescission because ofdamage to one of te parties or to a 2 rd person

#escission !/ reason o( lesion

• damage % of te /alue of te ting at time ofad(udication

• prescripti/e period% 4 *ears after partition wasmadeKappro/ed b* te court

Art. 1099. $e &artition +a)e !/ t$e testator cannot !e

i+&'-ne) on t$e -ro'n) o( lesion, ece&t %$en t$e

le-iti+e o( t$e co+&'lsor/ $eirs is t$ere!/ &re')ice), or

%$en it a&&ears or +a/ reasona!l/ !e &res'+e), t$at t$e

intention o( t$e testator %as ot$er%ise

Partition !/ t$e testator

• normall*, cannot be impugned on te basis of lesion• owe/er, rescission ma* be a/ailed in cases were te

legitime is impaired• eir wo suffers lesion as well as is creditors ma*

demand rescission

Art. 1100. $e action (or rescission on acco'nt o( lesion

s$all &rescri!e a(ter (o'r /ears (ro+ t$e ti+e t$e &artition

%as +a)e. >1076?

Art. 1101. $e $eir %$o is s'e) s$all $ave t$e o&tion o(

in)e+ni(/in- t$e &lainti(( (or t$e loss, or consentin- to a

ne% &artition.

n)e+nit/ +a/ !e +a)e !/ &a/+ent in cas$ or !/ t$e

)eliver/ o( a t$in- o( t$e sa+e in) an) *'alit/ as t$at

a%ar)e) to t$e &lainti((.


( a ne% &artition is +a)e, it s$all a((ect neit$er t$ose %$o

$ave not !een &re')ice) nor t$ose $ave not receive)

Art. 1104. A &artition +a)e %it$ &reterition o( an/ o( t$e

co+&'lsor/ $eirs s$all not !e rescin)e), 'nless it !e

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+ore t$an t$eir 'st s$are. >1077a?

Art. 1102. An $eir %$o $as alienate) t$e %$ole or a

consi)era!le &art o( t$e real &ro&ert/ a)')icate) to $i+

cannot +aintain an action (or rescission on t$e -ro'n) o(lesion, !'t $e s$all $ave a ri-$t to !e in)e+ni(ie) in cas$.


&tions o( $eir s'e) (or rescission

&! indemnif* eir suffering lesiona! pa*ment in casb! pa*ment of ting of same 8ind and 5ualit* Jland for

land, car for car, etc')! new partitiona! affects onl* tose wo a/e recei/ed more tan teir

fair sare

• An eir wo as alienated te wole or a considerable partof te real propert* ad(udicated to im cannot maintain anaction for rescission on te ground of lesion, but e salla/e a rigt to be indemnified in cas!

• Alienation includes te imposition of encumbrances

Art. 1103. $e o+ission o( one or +ore o!ects or

sec'rities o( t$e in$eritance s$all not ca'se t$e rescission

o( t$e &artition on t$e -ro'n) o( lesion, !'t t$e &artition

s$all !e co+&lete) !/ t$e )istri!'tion o( t$e o!ects or

sec'rities %$ic$ $ave !een o+itte)

&rove) t$at t$ere %as !a) (ait$ or (ra') on t$e &art o( t$e

ot$er &ersons intereste); !'t t$e latter s$all !e

&ro&ortionatel/ o!li-e) to &a/ to t$e &erson o+itte) t$e

s$are %$ic$ !elon-s to $i+.

Preterition in &artition

• ?n omission of an eir entitled to te propert* sall notresult in te in/alidit* of te partition

• escission a/ailable onl* in cases of bad fait, fraud on tepart of te oter co0eirs wole partition to be rescinded

• ?mitted eir=s sare sall be borne b* tose part* to teagreement of partition

Art. 1105. A &artition %$ic$ incl')es a &erson !elieve) to

!e an $eir, !'t %$o is not, s$all !e voi) onl/ %it$ res&ect

to s'c$ &erson

Partition %it$ an 'na't$ori<e) &erson

• Se/eral eirs were one of tem is not entitled to recei/ean*ting0 partition sall be /oid onl* wit respect to tepart pertaining to suc unautori6ed person


• ?ne eir, were te oters are not entitled to recei/ean*ting0 te eir gets e/er*tingA titi i t id if d b t t

 !rovides that a !artition which includes a !erson believed

to be an heir" but who is not" shall be void with res!ect to

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• A partition is not /oid if made between two personsinstituted as eirs in a will and it was later found out tatone of tem was not te cild of te testator

arbella v. Cilayo

=: /ecedent dies without ascendants" descendants. D!on

his death " his relatives in the 6th de#ree and claimin# to

be his only heirs" filed a !etition for 4udicial

administration of the estate Cilayo was duly a!!ointed

administratri$. Pro4ect of !artition was duly a!!roved by

the court. arbella emer#ed" claimin# that she was

omitted from the !artitionin#" as the ri#htful heir of the


R: e are inclined to believe that !laintiff actually was not

aware of the death of her brother" much less of the

institution of the intestate !roceedin#s and the

conseuent distribution of his estate" althou#h a!!ellants

tried to dis!rove and contest the same and fei#ned

i#norance of her relation to the late atias orin. t any

rate" a!!ellants ar#ue that an intestate !roceedin# bein#

one in rem" the !ublication of notices in connection

therewith has the effect of notifyin# the whole world that

 such a !roceedin# e$isted and !laintiff-a!!ellee is"

therefore" char#ed with nowled#ed thereof* in which

case" a!!ellants conclude" any rulin# of the 8ourt rendered

therein shall be bindin# on all interested !ersons. But it

cannot be denied that as the nearest relative of the

deceased" !laintiffs dominion over the estate was

transmitted to her u!on her brothers death by o!eration

of law (rt. @@@" 8ivil 8ode). nd the 8ivil 8ode also

 such !erson. s the order of the lower 8ourt of Aune @"

1962" ad4udicated the !ro!erties in uestion to a!!ellants

who are not entitled to the inheritance in view of the

e$istence of !laintiffs su!erior ri#ht" the aforesaid order is

reviewable and sub4ect to read4ustment within 2 years

after the settlement and distribution of the estate (See

Sec. " Rule @ of the Rules of 8ourt) and thus cannot have

the effect of barrin# a subseuent action by the ri#htful

heir for the recovery of the !ro!erties belon#in# to the

estate of atias orin. s this 8ourt has already said in

another case:

  4udicial !artition in !robate !roceedin#s is not final and

conclusive" and not bein# of such definitive character to

 sto! all means of redress for a co-heir who has beende!rived of his lawful share" such co-heir may still" within

the !res!ective !eriod" brin# an action for reinvindication

in the !rovince where any of the real !ro!erty of the

deceased may be situated. Broad !ers!ectives of !ublic

 !olicy are set out in the o!inion of the 8ourt in su!!ort of

the wisdom of allowin# a co-heir the benefits of the law of

 !rescri!tion even after a !artition" 4udicial or e$tra-

 4udicial" has been had 

Reyes vs Barretto-/atu

=: ne of the uestions at issue is whether a !artition is

void where it is made between two !ersons instituted as


heirs in a will but it was found that one of them is not the

testatorEs child.

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R: Plaintiffs-a!!ellants correctly !oint out that rticle

1051 of the old 8ivil 8ode has been misa!!lied to the

 !resent case by the court below. &he reason is obvious:

Salud Barretto admittedly had been instituted heir in thelate Bibiano Barrettos last will and testament to#ether

with defendant ila#ros* hence" the !artition had between

them could not be one such had with a !arty who was

believed to be an heir without really bein# one" and was

not null and void under said article. &he le#al !rece!t

(rticle 1051) does not s!ea of children" or descendants"

but of heirs (without distinction between forced" voluntary

or intestate ones)" and the fact that Salud ha!!ened not to

be a dau#hter of the testator does not !reclude her bein#

one of the heirs e$!ressly named in his testament* forBibiano Barretto was at liberty to assi#n the free !ortion of

his estate to whomsoever he chose. hile the share (F)

assi#ned to Salud im!in#ed on the le#itime of ila#ros"

Salud did not for that reason cease to be a testamentary

heir of Bibiano Barretto