2596 ieee transactions on image processing, vol. 23,...

2596 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 23, NO. 6, JUNE 2014 A Regularized Model-Based Optimization Framework for Pan-Sharpening Hussein A. Aly, Senior Member, IEEE, and Gaurav Sharma, Fellow, IEEE Abstract— Pan-sharpening is a common postprocessing oper- ation for captured multispectral satellite imagery, where the spatial resolution of images gathered in various spectral bands is enhanced by fusing them with a panchromatic image captured at a higher resolution. In this paper, pan-sharpening is formulated as the problem of jointly estimating the high-resolution (HR) multispectral images to minimize an objective function comprised of the sum of squared residual errors in physically motivated observation models of the low-resolution (LR) multispectral and the HR panchromatic images and a correlation-dependent regu- larization term. The objective function differs from and improves upon previously reported model-based optimization approaches to pan-sharpening in two major aspects: 1) a new regularization term is introduced and 2) a highpass filter, complementary to the lowpass filter for the LR spectral observations, is introduced for the residual error corresponding to the panchromatic observation model. To obtain pan-sharpened images, an iterative algorithm is developed to solve the proposed joint minimization. The proposed algorithm is compared with previously proposed methods both visually and using established quantitative measures of SNR, spectral angle mapper, relative dimensionless global error in synthesis, Q, and Q4 indices. Both the quantitative results and visual evaluation demonstrate that the proposed joint formulation provides superior results compared with pre-existing methods. A software implementation is provided. Index Terms—Pan-sharpening, satellite imagery, image fusion, spectral imaging. I. I NTRODUCTION S ATELLITE based multi and hyperspectral image capture systems use on-board imaging sensors that vary in spatial resolution. Typical sensor configurations capture one panchro- matic image with high spatial resolution and multiple spectral images with low spatial resolution. The panchromatic sensor is sensitive over a wide wavelength range and therefore provides no spectral resolution whereas each spectral image sensor is responsive only over a relatively narrow wavelength band that it resolves spectrally. The spectral sensors are designed with lower spatial resolution, which allows a better signal to noise Manuscript received July 14, 2013; revised February 10, 2014 and April 7, 2014; accepted April 7, 2014. Date of publication April 16, 2014; date of current version May 7, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Brendt Wohlberg. H. A. Aly was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0126 USA. He is now with the Ministry of Defense, Military Technical College, Cairo 11787, Egypt (e-mail: [email protected]). G. Sharma is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Department of Oncology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0126 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). This paper has supplementary downloadable material available at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org., provided by the author. The material consists of two files. The total size of the files is 143 MB. Contact [email protected] for further questions about this work. Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2014.2316641 because of the associated larger physical area over which light is captured for each pixel in the image sensor. Before they are used in further analysis, LR spectral images are commonly post-processed, to obtain versions that match the higher reso- lution sampling of the panchromatic image [1]. This process, commonly referred to as pan-sharpening, merges together the low resolution and spectral information captured in the spectral channels with HR detail from the panchromatic image. The goal of pan-sharpening is to estimate images that would be captured by an ideal system where the spectral sensors retain their existing spectral sensitivities but have a higher spatial resolution matching that of the panchromatic sensor [2]. Techniques for pan-sharpening have been extensively researched and reported in the literature. Reviews summarizing the different approaches and comparative benchmarking data for the prominent methods can be found in [3]–[9]. Component substitution (CS) and multi-resolution analysis (MRA) are two of the dominant frameworks for pan- sharpening. The CS framework is characterized by the use of per-pixel transformation of the spectral channels to generate the pan-sharpened images, which is attractive because of its simplicity. The LR images are spatially interpolated to match the panchromatic image size and transformed into a “color” representation where perceptual detail concentrates within a single channel. This channel is replaced with a HR image derived from the panchromatic image and the inverse of the transform is applied to obtain pan-sharpened images. One of the earliest techniques used an intensity-hue-saturation (IHS) representation for thee spectral channels with substitution of the intensity channel. Since then, alternatives that better preserve spectral accuracy and/or generalize to more than three channels have been proposed, including the Brovey transform, principal component replacement, and the Gram- Schmidt (GS) transform [10] and a generalized IHS (GIHS) method [11]. Data adaptive versions of the GIHS approach and of the Gram-Schmidt approach designated GIHSA and GSA, respectively, are among the most promising current techniques in the CS framework [12]. Different from the per-pixel channel transformations used in the CS methodology, MRA based pan-sharpening tech- niques utilize spatial transformations. The basic methodology operates as follows. For each spectral channel, first, via a grayscale transformation (e.g., histogram matching) of the panchromatic image, a HR image is generated with global statistics matched to those of the captured LR spectral image. Next, a spatial multi-resolution transformation is applied to the synthesized image and the low-frequency subband data in the multi-resolution decomposition is replaced with information derived from the captured LR spectral image. Finally, the 1057-7149 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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    A Regularized Model-Based OptimizationFramework for Pan-Sharpening

    Hussein A. Aly, Senior Member, IEEE, and Gaurav Sharma, Fellow, IEEE

    Abstract— Pan-sharpening is a common postprocessing oper-ation for captured multispectral satellite imagery, where thespatial resolution of images gathered in various spectral bands isenhanced by fusing them with a panchromatic image captured ata higher resolution. In this paper, pan-sharpening is formulatedas the problem of jointly estimating the high-resolution (HR)multispectral images to minimize an objective function comprisedof the sum of squared residual errors in physically motivatedobservation models of the low-resolution (LR) multispectral andthe HR panchromatic images and a correlation-dependent regu-larization term. The objective function differs from and improvesupon previously reported model-based optimization approachesto pan-sharpening in two major aspects: 1) a new regularizationterm is introduced and 2) a highpass filter, complementary to thelowpass filter for the LR spectral observations, is introduced forthe residual error corresponding to the panchromatic observationmodel. To obtain pan-sharpened images, an iterative algorithm isdeveloped to solve the proposed joint minimization. The proposedalgorithm is compared with previously proposed methods bothvisually and using established quantitative measures of SNR,spectral angle mapper, relative dimensionless global error insynthesis, Q, and Q4 indices. Both the quantitative results andvisual evaluation demonstrate that the proposed joint formulationprovides superior results compared with pre-existing methods.A software implementation is provided.

    Index Terms— Pan-sharpening, satellite imagery, image fusion,spectral imaging.


    SATELLITE based multi and hyperspectral image capturesystems use on-board imaging sensors that vary in spatialresolution. Typical sensor configurations capture one panchro-matic image with high spatial resolution and multiple spectralimages with low spatial resolution. The panchromatic sensor issensitive over a wide wavelength range and therefore providesno spectral resolution whereas each spectral image sensor isresponsive only over a relatively narrow wavelength band thatit resolves spectrally. The spectral sensors are designed withlower spatial resolution, which allows a better signal to noise

    Manuscript received July 14, 2013; revised February 10, 2014 and April7, 2014; accepted April 7, 2014. Date of publication April 16, 2014; date ofcurrent version May 7, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the review ofthis manuscript and approving it for publication was Dr. Brendt Wohlberg.

    H. A. Aly was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0126 USA. He is now with theMinistry of Defense, Military Technical College, Cairo 11787, Egypt (e-mail:[email protected]).

    G. Sharma is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology, Department ofOncology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0126 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

    This paper has supplementary downloadable material available athttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org., provided by the author. The material consists oftwo files. The total size of the files is 143 MB. Contact [email protected] further questions about this work.

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIP.2014.2316641

    because of the associated larger physical area over which lightis captured for each pixel in the image sensor. Before they areused in further analysis, LR spectral images are commonlypost-processed, to obtain versions that match the higher reso-lution sampling of the panchromatic image [1]. This process,commonly referred to as pan-sharpening, merges together thelow resolution and spectral information captured in the spectralchannels with HR detail from the panchromatic image.

    The goal of pan-sharpening is to estimate images thatwould be captured by an ideal system where the spectralsensors retain their existing spectral sensitivities but have ahigher spatial resolution matching that of the panchromaticsensor [2]. Techniques for pan-sharpening have beenextensively researched and reported in the literature. Reviewssummarizing the different approaches and comparativebenchmarking data for the prominent methods can be found in[3]–[9]. Component substitution (CS) and multi-resolutionanalysis (MRA) are two of the dominant frameworks for pan-sharpening. The CS framework is characterized by the use ofper-pixel transformation of the spectral channels to generatethe pan-sharpened images, which is attractive because of itssimplicity. The LR images are spatially interpolated to matchthe panchromatic image size and transformed into a “color”representation where perceptual detail concentrates within asingle channel. This channel is replaced with a HR imagederived from the panchromatic image and the inverse of thetransform is applied to obtain pan-sharpened images. One ofthe earliest techniques used an intensity-hue-saturation (IHS)representation for thee spectral channels with substitutionof the intensity channel. Since then, alternatives that betterpreserve spectral accuracy and/or generalize to more thanthree channels have been proposed, including the Broveytransform, principal component replacement, and the Gram-Schmidt (GS) transform [10] and a generalized IHS (GIHS)method [11]. Data adaptive versions of the GIHS approachand of the Gram-Schmidt approach designated GIHSA andGSA, respectively, are among the most promising currenttechniques in the CS framework [12].

    Different from the per-pixel channel transformations usedin the CS methodology, MRA based pan-sharpening tech-niques utilize spatial transformations. The basic methodologyoperates as follows. For each spectral channel, first, via agrayscale transformation (e.g., histogram matching) of thepanchromatic image, a HR image is generated with globalstatistics matched to those of the captured LR spectral image.Next, a spatial multi-resolution transformation is applied to thesynthesized image and the low-frequency subband data in themulti-resolution decomposition is replaced with informationderived from the captured LR spectral image. Finally, the

    1057-7149 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


    inverse multi-resolution transform recreates a pan-sharpenedimage for the channel in consideration. Within the broad MRAframework a number of different pan-sharpening schemes havebeen developed. A large majority of these use multi-scalewavelet transforms [13], although other MRA decompositionssuch as curvelets have also been explored. Recent work onpan-sharpening has explored hybrid approaches that combineelements of the CS and MRA frameworks. Several of thesetechniques are reviewed in [13] and [9].

    While a majority of pan-sharpening methods adopt a CS,MRA, or a hybrid CS+MRA approach, techniques indepen-dent of these frameworks have also been proposed. Amongthese, most relevant to our discussion are methods that adopta model-based optimization (MBO) framework, where pan-sharpening is posed as an optimization problem minimizinga cost function based on a model of the imaging sensor orof the interrelation between the captured LR spectral and HRpanchromatic images [14]–[19]. In this paper, we propose anew pan-sharpening method in the MBO framework. We posethe problem of estimating the HR multispectral images, jointly,as the minimization of an objective function formed as the sumof three terms. The first two terms form a combined squaredresidual error in physically motivated observation models ofthe LR multispectral and the HR panchromatic images. Thethird term represents a correlation dependent regularization.We develop an iterative algorithm to solve the minimizationwith modest computational complexity. Compared with priorMBO methods for pan-sharpening, the proposed approachpresents novelty via an objective function that combines:a) a new regularization term that incorporates high-frequencydetail from the panchromatic image into the estimated HRspectral image in a correlation weighted fashion, reducingto constrained least-squares regularization in the absence ofcorrelation, b) a squared error term corresponding to thepanchromatic observation model that includes a spatial highpass filter that removes the influence of this term on lowspatial frequencies where the observed multi-spectral imagesprovide a better model, and c) explicit models for both spatialblurring and down-sampling the observation model for theLR spectral image. The first two of these innovations are newand have not been previously utilized in MBO methods. Thethird has previously been used in some [14], [17], [19] MBObased pan-sharpening methods. Other MBO pan-sharpeningmethods [15], [16] have used a simplification in which ver-sions of the LR images interpolated to the HR sampling gridare considered the observed LR images. We further highlightthe attributes that distinguish our work from the prior MBOmethods in Section VI after we present details of our method,using the context we establish in our presentation for betterelaboration. Using approximate frequency-domain analysis wehelp develop intuition regarding the utility of, and trade-offsbetween, the three individual terms in our proposed objectivefunction also demonstrate that the algorithm exhibits correctbehavior under idealized conditions. Results benchmarkingand comparing the proposed method against the leading exist-ing alternatives demonstrate its advantage: it offers superiorperformance in both visual comparison and in numericalmetrics used for assessment of quality.

    Part of this work has previously been presented inpreliminary form in [20]. The present manuscript improvesand extends the work in [20] via: (a) the addition of aregularization term to the objective function that is essentialin the presence of noise and model uncertainty, (b) a morecomplete presentation of the development and implementation,(c) approximate analysis of the algorithm in the frequencydomain, and (d) expanded benchmarking of the performanceof both the proposed algorithm and previously proposedalternatives, and (e) an enhanced and more intuitive notationalconvention for the presentation.

    The rest of this manuscript is organized as follows.Section II introduces our joint formulation of the pan-sharpening problem as a minimization problem. Section IIIdevelops an iterative minimization approach for solving theminimization in a computationally tractable fashion. Approx-imate analysis of the proposed method is presented inSection IV to provide some insight into its operation. Exper-imental results obtained using the proposed algorithm arepresented in Section V. A discussion of the differencesbetween the proposed approach and prior MBO methods ispresented in Section VI along with a comparison of the com-putational complexity of the different methods. Concludingremarks bring the paper to a close in Section VII.


    We begin with a physical model for the multispectralimaging system. A spatio-spectral distribution r(χ, υ; λ) oflight intensity is incident upon the sensor image planes usedfor capturing the panchromatic and the spectral images,1 wherethe pair (χ, υ) ∈ R2 represents an orthogonal coordinatesystem for the sensor image plane aligned with the sen-sor sampling grid and λ denotes the wavelength of light.A panchromatic image is obtained, using a sensor sensitiveto a wide wavelength range and having a sampling interval Xalong each dimension, represented as a 2D orthogonal lattice

    �def= {(k1 X, k2 X)|k1, k2 ∈ Z}. The captured panchromatic

    image is represented as p[x] = p̄(k1 X, k2 X) + η0[x], x =(k1 X, k2 X) ∈ �, where

    p̄(χ, υ) = H�0 (χ, υ) ∗∫

    r(χ, υ; λ)τ0(λ)dλ, (1)

    with H�0 (χ, υ) and τ0(λ) representing, respectively, the pointspread function (PSF) and the spectral responsivity of thepanchromatic imager, ∗ representing the convolution opera-tion, and η0[x] denoting the noise in the observations. Simul-taneously, K spectral images are also acquired via imagerssensitive to narrow2 spectral bands on the sparser orthogonal

    sampling lattice �def= {(k1q X, k2q X)|k1, k2 ∈ Z} having a

    spatial-sampling interval q X along each dimension, whereq > 1 so that the spectral channels have a lower resolu-tion than the panchromatic. These captured spectral images

    1Throughout this paper, we assume that the captured images are spatiallyregistered using suitable techniques.

    2Relative, to the panchromatic channel.


    are represented by ci [x] = c̄i (k1q X, k2q X) + ηi [x], x =(k1q X, k2q X) ∈ �, for i = 1, 2, . . . , K , where

    c̄i (χ, υ) = H�i (χ, υ) ∗∫

    r(χ, υ; λ)τi (λ)dλ, (2)

    with H�i (χ, υ) and τi (λ) representing, respectively, the pointspread function (PSF) and the spectral responsivity of the i th

    spectral imager, and ηi [x] denoting the noise in the obser-vations for the i th spectral channel. When the panchromaticimage p and the spectral images {ci}Ki=1 are acquired by thesame satellite, q is typically an integer factor and � ⊂ �,which is the situation we focus on in this paper. Generaliza-tions to rational downsampling factors between � and � arestraightforward.

    The PSF H�0 (χ, υ) is matched with the dense samplinglattice � and the PSFs H�i (χ, υ), i = 1, 2, . . . , K are matchedwith the sparse sampling lattice �. Spatial resolution is max-imized without introducing aliasing in the sampled imageswhen these PSFs correspond to ideal low pass filters witha cut-off frequency corresponding to the Nyquist frequencyfor the corresponding lattices. Due to practical manufac-turing and cost constraints actual PSFs deviate from thisideal behavior. For typical deployed systems, the modulationtransfer function (MTF), which corresponds to the magnitudeof the Fourier transform of the PSF, exhibits both a fall-off from the maximum within the desired passband as oneapproaches the Nyquist frequency and a residual nonzeroresponse above the Nyquist frequency that contributes to a(small) amount of aliasing in the captured imagery. Note thatunlike some other imaging scenarios, the noise level usuallyvaries quite significantly across the different spectral bandsbecause of the significant differences in the noise sourcesand in the native sensitivity of the underlying sensor usedto capture the images. As a result, differences as high as3-dB are not uncommon for the SNR for the different spectralbands [21].

    Given the observed HR panchromatic image p[x], x ∈ �and the LR spectral images {ci [x]}Ki=1, x ∈ �, our objectiveis to recover HR spectral images fi [x] def= f (k1 X, k2 X), x =(k1 X, k2 X) ∈ � for i = 1, 2, . . . , K , where

    fi (χ, υ) = H�i (χ, υ) ∗∫

    r(χ, υ; λ)τi (λ)dλ. (3)

    where H�i (χ, υ) defines a suitable PSF for the i th spectralchannel matched with the HR sampling lattice �. More thanone reasonable choice exist for H�i (χ, υ). One reasonablechoice, for instance, is: H�i (χ, υ) = H�i (χ/q, υ/q) fori = 1, 2, . . . , K , in which case the PSF for each desired HRspectral image is defined by scaling the PSF for the actuallycaptured corresponding spectral image by a factor (1/q) alongeach spatial direction, so that the corresponding modulationtransfer function, and effective bandwidth, are scaled by afactor q , as is desirable when the sampling density is increasedby q (along each dimension). An alternate reasonable choice isto set, H�i (χ, υ) = H�0 (χ, υ) for i = 1, 2, . . . , K , in whichcase the PSF for all of the desired HR spectral images ischosen to match the PSF for the panchromatic channel, whichis natively captured at HR.

    Fig. 1. Discrete domain observation model for the LR spectral image ci [x]in terms of the corresponding HR image fi [x].

    The problem of estimating the HR spectral images{ fi [x]}Ki=1, x ∈ �, is a special version of the resolutionenhancement/super-resolution problem [22]. Unlike typicalsingle image super-resolution, however, for pan-sharpening,the panchromatic image p[x], x ∈ � provides some of thehigh frequency spatial information that is missing in the cap-tured LR spectral imagery. To proceed to formulate the pan-sharpening problem, we specify the observation model for theLR observed spectral images in the discrete domain as a low-pass filter hi [x] on the lattice � followed by downsamplingto the lattice �, which is illustrated in Fig. 1. Using thestandard stacked notation [23, p. 212], we obtain the operationin matrix-vector format as

    ci = Hi fi + ηi , (4)where ci and fi are the stacked notation vectors representingci [x] and fi [x], respectively, and Hi is the rectangular matrixrepresenting the low-pass filtering and sub-sampling, havingessentially one row for every q2 columns,3 and ηi representsthe noise in stacked format. If the filter Hi (χ, υ) is anideal band-limited filter matched to the Nyquist bandwidthfor the lattice �, the discrete domain observation model isexact [24]. Because ideal filters are non-realizable and due toother limitations, practical systems use non-ideal filters. Thefilters hi [x], i = 1, 2, . . . , K can then be optimally designed asin [25] using knowledge of H�i (χ, υ) provided as part of thesystem specifications. For our formulation, analogous to thefilters hi [x], i = 1, 2, . . . , K for the multispectral channels, wealso define a lowpass filter h0[x] on � for the panchromaticimage such that h0[x]∗ p[x] downsampled to �, approximatescapture of a LR panchromatic image on the lattice � via a

    filter with impulse response H�0 (χ, υ)def= H�0 [qχ, qυ].

    We now formulate pan-sharpening as the estimation of{ fi [x]}Ki=1 for x ∈ � by combining the LR and partlyaliased information in {ci [x]}Ki=1, x ∈ � with the higherresolution spatial information available in the panchromaticimage p[x], x ∈ �, exploiting, in the process, the spectral cor-relation between the panchromatic and the spectral channelsdue to their overlap. The specification of the spectral sensitiv-ities of the panchromatic and the individual spectral channelsprovides a model for the spectral correlation. Specifically,we write

    τ0(λ) =K∑

    i=1ωiτi (λ) + ζ(λ), (5)

    where the summation represents the best attainable approxi-mation to the spectral responsivity τ0(λ) for the panchromatic

    3Because our final implementations are all based on discrete filteringoperations, we leave unspecified the sizes of the images and the correspondingvectors and matrices.


    channel in terms of the spectral responsivities {τi (λ)}Ki=1for the K spectral channels, treated as a basis, and ζ(λ)represents the residual error in the approximation. The weights{ωi }Ki=1 can be obtained from the specification of the spectralsensitivities via least squares regression. If the specified PSFsH�i (χ, υ), i = 1, 2, . . . , K for the desired HR spectralimages are identical to the PSF H�0 (χ, υ) for the observedpanchromatic image, one can readily see that the spectralrelation in (5) induces a corresponding relation for the (noise-free) HR images

    p̄[x] def= p̄(k1 X, k2 X) =K∑

    i=1ωi fi [x] + ζ [x], (6)

    where x = (k1 X, k2 X), the image ζ [x] is defined as theone corresponding to an imager with a virtual spectral sen-sitivity ζ(λ), PSF H�0 (χ, υ), and sampling lattice �. Fori = 1, 2, . . . , K , we also denote by κi the projection of thepanchromatic channel spectral sensitivity onto the i th spectralchannel sensitivity, specifically,

    κi �〈τi (λ), τ0(λ)〉

    ‖τ0(λ)‖ =∫ ∞−∞ τ0(λ)τi (λ)dλ√∫ ∞

    −∞ τ20 (λ)dλ

    . (7)

    Next, on the lattice �, for i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , K , we define thecomplementary high-pass filter for the low pass filter hi [x],by gi [x] = δ[x]−hi [x], where δ[·] represents the (Kronecker)delta function. Finally, we formulate pan-sharpening as thejoint optimization:

    f̀ = arg minf̆

    J (f̆, c, p),

    J �K∑

    i=1‖Hi fi − ci‖2 + α



    ωi fi − p)∥∥∥∥∥



    i=1θi ‖Gi (fi − κi p)‖2, (8)

    where we use the stacked notation [23, p. 212] to compactlyrepresent images as the corresponding vectors and the fil-tering (and downsampling) operations as matrices. We also,re-use the terms introduced in (4) and add the notation pto denote the panchromatic image p[x] in stacked form, thematrix Gi to denote filtering by gi [x] for i = 0, 1, . . . , K ,and f̆ and c to jointly represent the complete set of HRand LR spectral images {fi }Ki=1 and {ci }Ki=1, respectively. Theparameters θ1, θ2, . . . , θK are scalar nonnegative regularizationfactors for which, suitable values can be determined by cross-validation [26]. For our immediate discussion, we assume thatthe parameter α introduced in (8) is chosen to be α = 1;subsequently we introduce other values allow us to formu-late an alternative pan-sharpening approach for benchmarkingpurposes. The individual terms in the objective function aredescribed and motivated next.

    The first summation term∑K

    i=1 ‖Hi fi − ci‖2 in the objec-tive function J represents the data-fidelity requirement for theK observed spectral channels under the observation model

    of Fig 1. The second term∥∥∥G0

    (∑Ki=1 ωi fi − p

    )∥∥∥2 (withα = 1) represents the requirement for consistency of the

    K estimated HR images with the spectral correlation modelfor the panchromatic image in (6), where this requirementis imposed only on the high pass filtered components ofthe images. The high pass filtering is beneficial because theresidual ζ [x] in (6) is ignored, it is helpful not to includein the second term lower frequency components that woulderroneously compete with the more accurate low frequencyspectral information included through the first term. This idea,specifically motivates the use of the complementary filterg0[x] in the second term in objective function in (8), whichis represented by the matrix G0. The third and final term∑K

    i=1 θi ‖Gi (fi − κi p)‖2 in the objective function J in (8)represents a regularization term that is required because thepan-sharpening problem is ill-posed. Specifically, the highfrequency components of the K HR spectral images in f̆ areunder-determined given the observed data because the secondterm of the objective function constrains only the sum of the Khighpass filtered HR spectral images. The regularization (third)term is carefully designed to provide spectral correlationdependent regularization. When κi = 0, the regularizationterm reduces to ‖Gi fi‖2 which is constrained least-squaresregularization (independent of p). For a nonzero value of κithe regularization is guided by the correlation between Gi fiand Gi p and incorporates spatial detail from the panchromaticchannel into the spectral channel. A suitable value of theregularization factors θ1, θ2, . . . , θK can be determined viacross-validation [26]; a small value is expected to be optimalto give precedence to the observed data terms. The spatialdetail introduced in the pan-sharpened images via optimizationof (8) is determined by the combination of the second andthird terms. The third term introduces spatial detail but isconstrained by the second term that ensures that high fre-quency spatial detail in the panchromatic image p[x] must beappropriately apportioned to the spectral channels and cannotbe excessively re-utilized nor unduly ignored. With these threeterms, the objective function in (8) combines the dual goalsof spectral and spatial consistency with the observed data.

    Note that by setting the parameter α = 0 we can elimi-nate the second term in our objective function in (8). Withthis setting, we can readily see that the optimization of (8)separates into K individual optimizations and correspondsto a per-channel formulation of pan-sharpening that retainsall other aspects of our proposed framework. This highlightsthe versatility of the proposed framework and also allowsus to evaluate the benefit of the proposed joint formulationby comparing pan-sharpened images obtained for the joint(α = 1) and the per-channel (α = 0) scenarios. Other variantsare also possible by varying the correlation terms κi andthe highpass filter G0 in the third term and second terms,respectively, of the objective function. These variants allow usto estimate the usefulness of the different components used inour objective function and will be explored for this purposein Section V.


    The objective function in (8) is readily seen to be con-vex (in fact, quadratic) in the optimization variables in f̆ .


    ∇f̆J �(∂J /∂f1 ∂J /∂f2 · · · ∂J /∂fK


    = 2


    HT1 (H1f1 − c1) + α1GT0 G0(∑K

    i=1 ωi fi − p) + θ1GT1 G1 (f1 − κ1p)HT2 (H2f2 − c2) + α2GT0 G0(

    ∑Ki=1 ωi fi − p) + θ2GT2 G2 (f2 − κ2p)


    HTK (HK fK − cK ) + αK GT0 G0(∑K

    i=1 ωi fi − p) + θK GTK GK (fK − κK p)


    . (9)

    The optimal estimate can therefore be obtained as the solutionto the system of equations ∇f̆J = 0, where the gradient∇f̆J of our objective function in (8) is obtained, via relativelystraightforward algebra, as (9), shown at the top of this page,where we introduce αi � αωi to allow for more compactrepresentation of the equations. Although, these equationsare linear, the number of variables in f̆ , i.e., the numberof spectral channels times the number of pixels in eachHR spectral image, and corresponding sizes of the matricesinvolved are too large to allow for a direct solution usingour spatial domain matrix representation.4 Unlike the typicalimage restoration setting, a closed form solution can also notbe obtained by transforming to the frequency domain becauseof the downsampling operation in the operators Hi .

    We therefore develop a gradient-descent [27] based iterativealgorithm for optimization along with an efficient filter basedimplementation. From (9), it follows that the gradient descentiteration with a numerical step size �T can be written in per-channel (although still coupled) form as

    f (n+1)i

    = f (n)i −�T⎛⎝HTi

    (Hi f

    (n)i −ci

    )+αi GT0 G0

    ⎛⎝ K∑

    j=1ω j f

    (n)j − p


    + θi GTi Gi(

    f (n)i − κi p)⎞⎠ , (10)

    where ·T denotes matrix transpose, and the superscript ·(n)denotes the iteration index.

    The sizes or the matrices and vectors involved do notallow for a literal implementation of the iteration in (10).Instead, a memory and computation efficient implementationis obtained by realizing the required iterations via filteringand down/up sampling stages. The filtering equivalents corre-sponding to Gi and the filtering and downsampling interpre-tation for Hi have already been discussed. The operation GTiis a convolution matrix corresponding to the space-reversedPSF gi [−x]. If gi is quad-symmetric (gi [x] = gi [−x]), thenGTi = Gi . The matrix HTi represents up-sampling from � to �followed by convolution with the space reversal filter hi [−x].The block diagram for the practical implementation of theupdate step in (10) for the i th spectral channel image is shownin Fig. 2. The algorithm is initialized by setting f (0)i to the

    4For imagery from the IKONOS satellite imaging system, a typical set offour spectral images, represented at the panchromatic resolution at typicallycaptured image sizes, has over 400 million pixels in aggregate.

    image obtained by interpolation of ci for i = 1, 2 . . . , N ,specifically bicubic interpolation in our implementation.

    Because the objective function in (8) is convex, the itera-tions defined by (10) are guaranteed to converge to the (global)minimum provided the step size �T is chosen suitably.Specifically, a line search procedure [27] for the step size�T ensures monotonic convergence in our problem setting.We can also adopt the standard convergence criterion used initerative optimization to terminate the iterations when boththe change in images from one iteration to the next andthe improvement in the objective function are smaller thanpre-determined thresholds. In practice, however, these mea-sures are unnecessary because the bicubic interpolation pro-vides a good initial starting point. In our implementation,we therefore eliminate the per-iteration computational costfor estimating step size and testing for convergence by usinga constant iteration count Nmax and a fixed schedule forthe step size �T . Specifically, we use a fixed step size�T = �T0 for an initially determined number N0 of iterationsand then geometrically scale the step size for iterations N0 +1through Nmax, i.e., use a step size �T = γ n−N0 �T0 foriteration n when n > N0. The values �T0, Nmax, N0, and γare empirically determined as described in Section V and inthe Supplementary data (Section S.VI).


    The behavior of the proposed algorithm can be approxi-mately analyzed by considering the solution for the system∇f̆J = 0 in the frequency domain using the expressionfor the gradient in (9). Specifically, denoting by [u, v] thetwo orthogonal frequency variables associated with the twospatial dimensions in x, we can consider the discrete-spacefrequency region [0, 0.5] × [0, 0.5] associated with the finelattice �, where a discrete frequency values of 0 and 0.5 cor-respond to continuous space frequency values of 0 and 1/(2X),respectively, and intermediate frequency values scale linearlyto cover this range. To understand the behavior of the proposedalgorithm, we note that the low pass filters hi [x] have a unityresponse in the low frequency domain [0, 1/(2q) − B] ×[0, 1/(2q) − B] and near zero response in the high frequencyregion [1/(2q)+ B, 0.5]× [1/(2q)+ B, 0.5] where 2B repre-sents the transition band for these filters. The complementaryhigh-pass filters gi [x] exhibit the opposite behavior.

    In the low-frequency region, i.e., [u, v] ∈ [0, 1/(2q)− B]×[0, 1/(2q)− B], the second and third terms in the summationsrepresenting the gradients in (9) are zero because Gi [u, v] ≈ 0in these regions for all i = 0, 1, . . . , K . In this region of


    Fig. 2. Practical implementation of (10) for updating the i th spectral channel image in an iteration of the proposed pan-sharpening method.

    frequency space, therefore the solution is determined entirelyby the first data term. Using the fact that Hi [u, v] ≈ 1 in theseregions of frequency space, we can see that

    F̀i [u, v] ≈ ci [qu, qv]. (11)Thus, in this low-frequency region, the estimated HR spec-tral images are completely consistent with the observed LRspectral images, as is desirable.

    In the high-frequency region, i.e., [u, v] ∈ [1/(2q) +B, 0.5] × [1/(2q) + B, 0.5], the first term in the summationsrepresenting the gradients in (9) are zero because Hi [u, v] ≈ 0in these regions for all i = 0, 1, . . . , K . In this region offrequency space, therefore the solution is determined entirelyby the second and third terms. Using the fact that Gi [u, v] = 1in these regions of frequency space for all i = 1, 2, . . . , K ,we can see that the estimated images satisfy the system ofequations


    ⎛⎝ K∑

    j=1ω j F̀j [u, v]− P[u, v]


    (F̀i [u, v]−κi P[u, v]



    for i = 1, 2, . . . , K .For the per-channel formulation for pan-sharpening in our

    framework (α = 0), (12) reduces to F̀i [u, v] = κi P[u, v],i.e., the high frequency components of individual channels aredetermined purely by the correlations between panchromaticimage and the individual spectral images. On the other hand,for our proposed joint formulation (α = 1) under the typicalsituation where θi


    and H�i (χ, υ), the aliasing can partly be comprehended andexploited in the pan-sharpening process as has been demon-strated for the related upsampling problem in [28].


    To evaluate our proposed pan-sharpening method, we useimagery from the IKONOS multispectral imaging satel-lite [29], for which details of the system specifications,including the spectral responsivities and point-spread functioncharacteristics are publicly available [21] along with a numberof image datasets [30] comprised of coarsely registered panand multispectral images at their native capture resolutions.Together these data provide an ideal test set for evaluatingour proposed algorithm and for benchmarking its performanceagainst previously proposed pan-sharpening alternatives. TheIKONOS satellite has five imaging channels: a panchromaticchannel p[x] with a nominal ground resolution of X = 1malong each dimension and spanning the spectral range5 from525.8 through 928.5 nm and K = 4 multispectral bandswith a nominal ground resolution of 4X = 4m along eachdimension (i.e., q = 4) and having spectral bandwidthsfor the channels as follows [21]: (a) MS-1 (Blue) c1[x],444.7–516.0 nm, (b) MS-2 (Green) c2[x], 506.4–595.0 nm,(c) MS-3 (Red) c3[x], 631.9–697.7 nm, and (d) MS-4 (VNIR)c4[x], 757.3–852.7 nm. Plots of the normalized spectral sen-sitivities are included in the Supplementary data (Fig. S.1).For processing and computation, the 11 bit pixel data wasconverted to a floating point values by a linear mapping withthe digital value of 2047 represented as 1.0. Output imageswere linearly mapped to an 8 bit 0 to 255 scale to facilitateviewing and comparison on common 8 bit display systems.For computing numerical benchmarks for comparing differentmethods, required “ground truth” was generated in the usualmanner [1], [16], [31] by lowpass filtering and downsamplingthe panchromatic and the spectral data by a factor of 4 alongeach dimension using the system MTF parameters. The spec-tral images generated from this procedure are then used as theLR spectral observations and the original captured spectralimages serve as HR ground truth data. Accordingly, the sim-ulations use H�i (χ, υ) = H�i (χ/q, υ/q) for i = 1, 2, . . . , 4for our spectral channels. For our algorithmic implementation(shown in Fig. 2), we realize the filters hi [x], i = 1, 2, . . . , 4 aszero-phase finite-impulse-response (FIR) designed accordingto the specifications for the IKONOS system [21] via theoptimization methodology proposed in [25]. Additional detail,including frequency responses for these filters, is provided inthe Supplementary data accompanying this paper (Table S.Iand Fig. S.2).

    Required parameters for our pan-sharpening algorithm areobtained as follows. Using the publicly available specificationdata for the spectral sensitivities with least squares regression,we obtain the weights6 ω1 = 0.04, ω2 = 0.18, ω3 = 0.21,and ω4 = 0.34. From the same data, we have κ1 = 0.039,

    5Stated spectral bandwidths correspond to full-width at half-max.6Although these weights are obtained purely from the spectral responsivity

    data for the sensors, they are close in values to those obtained in [12] byregression over a set of sample images.

    κ2 = 0.091, κ3 = 0.092, and κ4 = 0.152. Through empiricalobservation of the convergence behavior of the algorithm, theparameter values for the gradient descent iterations were setto an initial step size of �T0 = 4, a maximum iteration countof Nmax = 50, with a geometric reduction in the step sizeby a factor γ = 0.95 for iterations greater than N0 = 20.With these parameters, the iterations exhibited reasonably fastand almost monotone convergence, as is illustrated in in theSupplementary data (Section S.VI).

    We compare the performance of the proposed (Prop)algorithm against: (a) bicubic interpolation (BC), (b) promi-nent pan-sharpening approaches in the CS and MRAframeworks, and (c) a recently proposed alternative MBOtechnique for pan-sharpening. Specifically, the bench-marked methods include: generalized IHS (GIHS) [11],Gram-Schmidt7 (GS) [10], multiscale wavelets (MSW) [2],with 3 levels8 for the wavelet decomposition (MSW3), GIHSadaptive (GIHSA) [12], GS adaptive (GSA) [12], and arecently reported alternative MBO approach that uses a totalvariation regularizer (MBTV) [19]. We note that [19] alsoincludes a number of comparisons of the MBTV approachagainst other MBO methods and therefore also allows indirectcomparison of our proposed approach against several otherMBO methods. To highlight the contribution of the individualelements introduced in our framework, we also include fouradditional variants in our proposed framework as follows:Prop-PC-the per-channel variant obtained by setting α = 0;Prop-AP-the variant in which the second (joint) term in theobjective function is not subject to the highpass filtering,i.e., G0 is set to the all pass identity operator I in thesecond term; Prop-CLS-the variant with κi = 0 in which theregularization reduces to a constrained least squares (CLS)regularizer instead of the correlation dependent regularization;and Prop-NR-the variant with no regularization [20] obtainedby setting θ1 = θ2 = θ3 = θ4 = 0.

    Because there is currently no single consensus metric forthe evaluation of pan-sharpening [32], we consider multiplemetrics for the assessment of pan-sharpened images. Specif-ically, for each of the pan-sharpening methods, we evaluatethe fidelity of the estimated HR spectral images { f̂i [x]}Ki=1to the original images { fi [x]}Ki=1 by computing the followingmetrics:

    • Per-spectral channel SNR defined (in dB) as [33, p. 129]

    SN Ri = 10 log10(∑


    (fi [x] − f̄i



    (di [x] − d̄i



    where di [x] � fi [x] − f̂i [x] represents the difference(image) between the original and the estimated imagesand f̄i (d̄i ) denotes the spatial average of fi [x] (di [x]).

    7We use the second GS variant described in [10], for which, the low-resolution panchromatic image used for computing the Gram-Schmidt trans-formation matrix is obtained by spatially degrading the high resolutionpanchromatic image based on the ratio between the resolutions. The firstGS variant, which typically performs worse than second, uses a panchromaticimage formed as a linear combination of the spectral images, with weightsdetermined by regression.

    8The multiscale wavelet technique was also tested with 4 levels of decom-position but performed worse than the reported 3 level case.


    • The spectral angle mapper distortion (SAM) [31] definedas the spatial average of the absolute angular differ-ence ��[x] between the K -vectors v[x] = [ f1[x],f2[x], . . . , fK [x]]T and v̂[x]=

    [f̂1[x], f̂2[x],. . . , f̂K [x]

    ]Tcorresponding to the true and the estimated values for thepixel x, where ��[x] is computed as

    ��[x] � arccos(

    vT [x]v̂[x]√v[x]T v[x]√v̂T [x]v̂[x]

    ). (15)

    • The relative dimensionless global error in synthesis(ERGAS) [1], [34], [35], which can be expressed as

    ERGAS � 100 1q

    √√√√√√ 1KK∑




    (fi [x] − f̂i [x]


    x fi [x])2



    • The average Qavg of the per channel universal imagequality index [36], defined for the i th channel as [36]

    Qi �4σ fi f̂i μ( fi )μ( f̂i )

    (σ 2fi + σ 2f̂i )(μ2( fi ) + μ2( f̂i ))

    , (17)

    where σab denotes the covariance between images aand b, σ 2a the variance of image a, and μ(a) the mean ofimage a, each of the terms being estimated over a slidingwindow of size W ×W , which we indicated by a subscriptas QavgW for our metric.

    • The extension Q4W of the universal image quality index(UQUI) [37] that aims to estimate jointly the quality offour band imagery using a quaternion representation tojointly represent the 4 spectral bands, where W indicatesthe window size, as before.

    The SNR and individual channel Qi measures are extensivelyused in the signal and image processing communities asmean-squared-error based and visual measures of quality,respectively. The SAM and ERGAS measures are commonlyutilized in the remote sensing community. The SAM measureis motivated by the need to maintain the relative magnitudesof the spectral bands, which is important for identifyingmaterial characteristics, and ERGAS is considered as a globalmeasure of the quality of the pan-sharpened image set withvalues below 3 being commonly considered acceptable [1].The joint Q4W measure comprehends correlation between thefour channels while still allowing for a visually meaningfulmeasure and has therefore also been adopted in the remotesensing community [37]. Larger values indicate better perfor-mance (↑) for SNR, QavgW , and Q4W with the maximum valueof 1 representing the ideal performance for QavgW , and Q

    4W .

    Smaller values indicate better performance (↓) for SAM andERGAS, with 0 being the ideal value.

    Table I compares the quantitative performance of the dif-ferent algorithms using the different quality measures, wherethe best score for each measure is shown in bold. Resultsare shown individually for the four image sets available inthe GeoEye dataset [30]. Because the measures vary signif-icantly over the different images, we do not present average

    performance over the images. From the numerical measureswe see that the proposed technique (Prop) outperforms theother techniques, offering either the best or close to the bestperformance with respect to almost all of the measures and foreach of the image sets. The variant Prop-CLS in the proposedframework that uses a constrained least squares regularizerinstead of the correlation dependent regularizer, offers the nextbest performance. Among the methods that are not variantsof the proposed framework, GS, GSA, and GIHSA performvery close to each other and rank next after Prop-CLS. Theresults also highlight that the different components intro-duced in our framework are essential. The Prop-PC, Prop-NR,Prop-AP, and Prop-CLS variants that drop, respectively, thesecond “joint” data term, the third regularization term, thehigh pass filtering for the second term, and the correlationdependence for the regularization, each perform worse thanthe full proposed scheme (Prop). In particular, Prop-PC andProp-AP exhibit severe degradation in performance comparedwith Prop whereas Prop-CLS suffers only a small degradationin performance and the non-regularized Prop-NR schemeperforms well over the first couple of datasets but doesquite poorly on the third and fourth datasets. The MBTVapproach which is also an MBO method but uses a totalvariation regularizer, offers performance that is better thanseveral of the alternative methods but not competitive withthe proposed technique. Reasons for this have already elabo-rated in the context of the variants of the proposed method:specifically the two key innovations introduced in the objectivefunction for the proposed method are absent in the MBTVapproach.

    Next we present images that allow visual evaluation andassessment of the proposed algorithm against the other meth-ods benchmarked in Table I. In our comparisons, we alsoinclude images on the fine lattice � obtained via bicubicinterpolation (BC), in order to represent the baseline uponwhich pan-sharpening seeks to improve, and the panchromaticimage (PAN) used in the pan-sharpening process. To allowdetail in the images to be seen, we show a small correspondingregion of the images obtained by each of the alternativetechniques. The images corresponding to the R, G, B bandsare combined as a single three-channel color image to allowcompact presentation and also easy visualization of changesin relative magnitudes of the R, G and B channels, whichare manifested as color shifts in the composite color images.Sample results for one dataset are shown in Fig. 3 for thepan-sharpening performed with the actual (non-simulated)recorded dataset. Fig. 3 includes the bicubic interpolated (BC),the original panchromatic image (PAN), and pan-sharpenedimages for the proposed method (Prop), for the CS methodsGS, GIHSA, and for the MBTV MBO method. Results foradditional pan-sharpening methods, for the NIR channel, forother datasets, and for the simulation scenario are presentedseparately in the Supplementary data accompanying this paper.For all these cases, the regularization parameters were setto θ1 = 0.05, θ2 = 0.1, θ3 = 0.1, θ4 = 0.16 to adapt tothe varying SNR seen across channels. IMPORTANT: Theimages are best viewed in their native TIFF format versionssubmitted as supplementary material with the paper, where







    differences can be studied by viewing in a 1 : 1 scaling witha suitable image viewer. Images in electronic PDF versions ofthe paper, may be subject to compression or post-processing inthe publication process which may mask actual differences orintroduce spurious variations. Each figures’ caption identifiesthe corresponding TIFF file.

    From the images in Fig. 3 the HR capabilities of theIKONOS panchromatic imager are apparent; the panchromaticimages show significant spatial detail and a number of featuressuch as roads, buildings, etc can be readily resolved. By com-paring the pan-sharpened images against the low-resolutionBC version, we see that all of the pan-sharpening methodsconsidered here offer a significant improvement over the low-resolution captured MS image by incorporating detail from thepanchromatic image. The multi-resolution pan-sharpened mul-tispectral images obtained with the proposed method (Prop)exhibit improved spatial detail compared with the CS methods

    (GS), (GIHSA)—an effect that is best seen by viewing theimage in its entirety. By focusing on smaller regions withinthe pan-sharpened images obtained by the methods, we can seethat the proposed method (Prop) also exhibits improvementsover the MBTV method. While the MBTV method preservesedges in the images well, it over-smooths the non-edge regionsgiving the corresponding pan-sharpened image in Fig. 3a posterized appearance in which the regions bounded byedges appear artificially uniform in appearance. We observethat the pan-sharpened image obtained with the MSW3 methodappears sharper than the proposed method (Prop) but uponcloser examination reveals spatio-chromatic artifacts aroundstrong color edges. These artifacts are not seen in theimages obtained with the proposed method. For the imagesin Fig. 3 these artifacts are most apparent around the coloredrooftops of the buildings in the scene (see Fig. S.4 in theSupplementary Materials). The artifacts in the wavelet-based


    Fig. 3. Sample pan-sharpening result for a portion of the China-Sichuan 58208_0000000.20001108 dataset (See FullResCompare1_58208_MS.tif).The R, G, and B spectral channels presented as a three channel image. Images are identified by the labels (placed below). See text for additional details.The corresponding NIR channel results can be found in the supplementary materials Fig. S.5 (File FullResCompare1_58208_NIR.tif).

    pan-sharpening technique arise because the near-perfect recon-struction filterbanks [38] used in the wavelet based schemeare designed with matched forward and inverse transformswhere aliasing introduced in the forward transform is canceledby the inverse transform. This alias cancellation property is,however, rendered ineffective in the wavelet pan-sharpeningscheme by the substitution of the higher order bands in thespectral images from the panchromatic channel (whereas, thelower order subbands are retained from the spectral channel).

    The spatio-spectral model in the proposed method, on the otherhand, better represents the relation between the HR and theLR images.


    The pan-sharpening method proposed in this paper is moti-vated and formulated based on explicit physically-motivatedsensor models for the panchromatic and spectral channels.This is also the case for previously proposed techniques


    in the MBO framework but clearly distinct from methodsin the CS and MRA frameworks where the sensor modelsare implicit rather than explicit. Compared with previouslyproposed techniques in the MBO framework [14]–[16], [19]the proposed formulation also presents several novelties andkey differences, that we outline next.

    • Variational pan-sharpening formulations are proposedin [14] and [19] that also use an objective function thatis the sum of three parts, where the first term in (8)forms one of the three parts. The second term in (8)differs from its corresponding term in [14] and [19] inthat the proposed term in (8) involves the spatial filterG0 and therefore impacts only the higher spatial fre-quency components, wheres the corresponding terms in[14] and [19] do not include a spatial filter and thereforeimpact all spatial frequency components. As alreadynoted, the spatial filtering via G0 is desirable becauseit limits the impact of the second term to higher spatialfrequencies and removes the influence of this term onlow spatial frequencies where the observed multi-spectralimages provide a better model than can be obtained bymodeling the pan-chromatic channel as a linear com-bination of the spectral channels. Also, instead of thecorrelation based regularization term in (8), [14] usesan alternative regularization that is motivated by theunderlying morphological assumption that the geometry,i.e., the edges, of the spectral channels are containedwithin the panchromatic image. The approach in [19]uses a total variation regularization term that encouragesimages that are piece-wise smooth between edges. Com-pared with these methods the proposed correlation-basedregularization has the advantageous characteristic that thesignificance of the regularization term varies both basedon spatial frequency because of the spatial filters Gi ,i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and based on the correlation of a givenchannel with the panchromatic image. The regularizationreduces to a constrained least squares regularizer whenthe spectral channel is uncorrelated with the pan (SeeSection IV).

    • An alternative MBO pan-sharpening approach is pro-posed in [15], by defining a Markov random field (MRF)inspired energy functional that is minimized subject tothe constraints of the simple observation model in whichpixels in captured LR images are assumed to be spatialaverages of corresponding q × q pixel regions in the HRimage. The spatial neighborhood weights for the MRF arecomputed from the panchromatic image to transfer edgeinformation from the panchromatic image to the pan-sharpened images. Compared with [15], the formulationwe propose in this paper uses a more refined and broadlyaccepted spatial model for the captured LR spectralimages. The spatial regularization via the third term in (8)in our formulation inherently avoids conflict with the firstobservation model term whereas this is required as anexplicit constraint in [15]. Also, [15] has no equivalentof the second term in (8).

    • Another MBO pan-sharpening approach is proposedin [16], where the problem is formulated as a regularized

    constrained least squares restoration. Interpolated ver-sions of the captured LR spectral images are treated asobserved data and the standard linear spatially-invariantblur plus additive noise model used in image restorationis used to represent these images as degraded versions ofthe true HR spectral images. The observed panchromaticimage is also modeled as a linear combination of theHR spectral images, after removal of the mean fromall images. The restoration of the HR panchromaticimage is then posed as the minimization of an objectivefunction that additively combines the squared-errors inthese two observation models with a constrained leastsquares regularization term. A discrete-sine transform(DST) is used to diagonalize the resulting system ofequations and to obtain a closed form solution which ismade computationally feasible using a block-based imple-mentation. The method proposed in this paper, differsfrom [16] in several aspects. The observation model forthe LR spectral channels explicitly incorporates down-sampling (see next point, for additional elaboration). Thesecond term in (8) corresponding to the square errorfor the observation model of the panchromatic imageincorporates the high-pass spatial filter G0 and therebyavoids competition at low-spatial frequencies with themore accurate observation model for the spectral chan-nels. The correlation-weighted regularization representedin the third term also serves to bring in spatial detailfrom the panchromatic channel instead of the constrainedleast squares regularizer that serves purely as a smoothingprior.

    • The proposed approach also differs from the prior modelbased formulations in how the filters Hi , i = 1, 2, . . . , Kare determined. Specifically, these are non-squarematrices estimated using the methodology describedin [25] based on knowledge of the analog PSF forthe desired HR and the captured LR spectral imagesand the spatial down-sampling factor q . The filters Hi ,i = 1, 2, . . . , K model potential aliasing in the processof mapping fi [x], x ∈ � to ci [x], x ∈ � in theobservation model, which, in turn, allows for the aliasingto be partly resolved via the high frequency informationcontributed by the panchromatic image instead of beingtreated as noise in the data fidelity term. The utility of thisapproach has been demonstrated for the closely relatedimage upsampling problem in [28]. In particular, thisadvantage cannot be realized with approaches that treatthe spectral images interpolated up to the panchromaticresolution as the observed data [16] or use a simplisticmodel of the spatial relation between the images [15].

    A comparison of the results for the proposed method (Prop)against those for the CS and MRA methods and for theother variants in our framework provides insight into thecontributions of the different components in our formulation.The GS, GSA, and GIHSA methods that represent the stateof the art in CS-based pan-sharpening methods, improveupon prior CS methods by better accounting for correlationsbetween the spectral channels and the panchromatic channel.The proposed technique also accounts for the correlations


    between the spectral channels via the joint second term in (8)but improves upon the CS techniques, because of the morecomprehensive spatial model in addition to the spectral model.Compared with the MSW3 MRA technique, the proposedmethod offers an improvement because the latter uses only animplicit spatial model and a rather simple spectral correlationmodel. The fact that the variants Prop-PC, Prop-AP, Prop-NR,and Prop-CLS do not perform as well as the complete pro-posed method (Prop) highlights the fact that each of theingredients in the proposed method provides a benefit. Therelative performance of the methods indicates, in particular,that the regularization term and the high pass filter for the jointsecond term in (8) both make a significant contribution to theimproved performance of the proposed method. Introductionof correlation dependence in the regularization, provides asmall benefit.

    Methods in the CS and MRA frameworks have an advantageof much lower computational complexity compared with meth-ods in the MBO framework in general and with the proposedmethod in particular. However, the much higher computationalcomplexity of the proposed method is less of a concernfor common situations where the pan-sharpened images aregenerated once and utilized many times over. In these settings,improving the quality of the pan-sharpened images is thepredominant consideration over-riding the computational cost.Furthermore, parallel processing could be utilized to signifi-cantly reduce computation times. Although, the developmentof a parallel algorithm is beyond the scope of the present paper,we particularly note that the spatial filtering and re-samplingoperations used in our iterations are inherent in common imageprocessing tasks for which significant acceleration has beendemonstrated using parallel processing, particularly, graphicsprocessing units (GPUs).


    A new model-based optimization approach is proposedthat jointly determines pan-sharpened HR spectral imagesto minimize an objective function that combines squaredresidual error in physically motivated observation models ofthe LR multispectral and the HR panchromatic images and aregularization term. A computationally tractable iterative algo-rithm is introduced for solving the resulting optimization. Themethod is benchmarked against the commonly employed priorpan-sharpening methods. Numerical performance metrics andvisual comparison validate that the method offers improvedquality of pan-sharpened images, although at the cost ofsignificant computational cost. A MATLAB™implementationof the proposed pan-sharpening method is provided.9


    The authors would like to thank the Associate Editor andthe Reviewers for suggestions that have significantly improvedthe presentation and the Center for Integrated ResearchComputing, University of Rochester, for making availablecomputational resources required for obtaining the resultspresented in this paper.

    9The software is available at http://www.ece.rochester.edu/projects/siplab/imaging.html


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    Hussein A. Aly (S’11) received the B.Sc. (Hons.)degree in computer engineering and the M.Sc.degree in electrical engineering from the MilitaryTechnical College (MTC), Egypt, and the Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from the Universityof Ottawa in 1993, 1997, and 2004, respectively.He is an Associate Professor with the ComputerDepartment at MTC, and was the Department Chieffrom 2010 to 2013. He was a Visiting Professorwith the Department of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Rochester, from 2012 to

    2013. His research interests are in image sampling theory and samplingstructure conversion. His current research is focused on high-quality imagemagnification, interpolation of color filter array data, the application of total-variation for image processing, data fusion, and video steganography. While atthe University of Ottawa, he participated in a project on image magnificationfunded by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He is a Senior Member ofthe IEEE Signal Processing Society and the Egypt Engineers Syndicate.

    Gaurav Sharma (S’88–M’96–SM’00–F’13) is anAssociate Professor with the Department of Elec-trical and Computer Engineering, the Departmentof Biostatistics and Computational Biology, and theDepartment of Oncology, University of Rochester.From 2008 to 2010, he served as the Director ofthe Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences,a New York state funded center for promoting jointuniversity-industry research and technology develop-ment, which is housed at the University of Rochester.He received the B.E. degree in electronics and com-

    munication engineering from IIT Roorkee (formerly University of Roorkee),India, the M.E. degree in electrical communication engineering from theIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and the M.S. degree in appliedmathematics and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineeringfrom North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 1990, 1992, 1995, and1996, respectively. From 1996 to 2003, he was with Xerox Research andTechnology, Webster, NY, USA, as a member of the research staff and aPrincipal Scientist.

    Dr. Sharma’s research interests include image processing, media security,distributed signal processing, and bioinformatics. He is the Editor of the ColorImaging Handbook (CRC press, 2003). He is a fellow of SPIE and the Societyof Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T), and a member of Sigma Xi, PhiKappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon, and the signal processing and communicationssocieties of the IEEE. He served as a Technical Program Chair of the IEEEInternational Conference on Image Processing in 2012, the Symposium Chairof the SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium in 2013, the Chair ofthe IEEE Signal Processing Society’s Image, Video, and MultidimensionalSignal Processing Technical Committee from 2010 to 2011, the Chair ofthe Rochester Section of the IEEE in 2007, and the Chair of the RochesterChapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society in 2003. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Electronic Imaging, and served as an Associate Editorof the Journal of Electronic Imaging, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGEPROCESSING, and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICSAND SECURITY.

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