25. allies storm tunisian hillsnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/times... · back upi your...

BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN LONDO.V, April IS (/T) - Th« BetUa radio rrported lodaj' that Britlih com- mandos had alt«mpte<l % Undine nijht behind «*J» llnei In the Cap 6«rfat •rta on the norlhrm Tnnlilan coast btrt irtrt npnlird. Cap Serrat Is U tnlln from tht sjOi-hcld na<iat bale ct Qlserte. PRICE 6 CENTS ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLS B ritish P la n F o r A ssault O n A x is L ine NEWFiM iW FUmES ON S ILL fflABH ltFSA \v.\sHixcrroN. Ar^J is r —a Cf» !»rs b*U> CCTia:; cr^ swinscr arid .'itr: »• Ja p a n e s e In v a s io n Im pends, A u s tra lia n s A g a in W a rn e d hasjc leixj CTTT U-.r 1 acr.ru!turT tfrpmsrr.; aiica u:j :ec U:e tr.s 1- lhira:<T^ :o c- .-r. u*l li tnarj l:f= i hrrT-.ircrr »r^,-ortvi »rr— ^.5. rSA Abrtltaa U Crei ■Ri* - .h-?»irsT- prtiuxa ccs=i:t:er sr.v u-r.j I sxrtxrr praraiir.>. r.-r c! l>.e FS.C Bj PCX c-^snru. i GEN. MacARTHUR^ jHEADQCARTEK^:, Aus.-.n.- ■lia. .Arri! 15 C®:— .\ Uha: -a PT«: w;xh all the sav-^kpfry whk-h :.he |jjri2«w r=;=c: ;» .-sriKc' is I irr.j^rc-rjr airx:r.>;‘ .•Vustralia '«Tis w ic « i cff\-iaIo‘ tixUy after a n::’.::ar\- Spei'tanilar Alt'alraz Prison Break Fails Svcj^arf prcena irs p^.tr puyssfT.a ISO :»« ■niii. «c*.rrd« tie-d isa a • Ma;sst wr:i= »?reTrnrji:i:s: t :Ui lii* cc.'sba: rair ccr.sui--.;iy a : Truk. or.',\ .saiiLv-*”^~Nfa Ausiralias .\ir M;r.i5:<r ,: Arthur . iing a wa? loaa n.:.v i: Mei* S-.:s i= Ti-.« J im « t :- » Ttrusy t.^e r=;« r.-sr ccdfr^vf ur.if* » ?(M=: cu' o.-irT ewili UlL-J %f. attssy T.:'. prss. TT mU lUsmr rnr^iM caUra::^ •J'-; U^r-um iTK= '.i* b.11 Ti» procrd^^T rr. tr? • 5:^=1 Rrp. E6.-fa<=. R_ lO. a pr- , dU*uco -O- j : «hrr. Ihf ifnjlc ar-.fr a *5 ta lie h--^. UV bi:: eirrrt >na izTT t;ltu Rrpi ^ v-.~ R . Ki.-.. a Mrn:r.s ^ I S5»»E=» ^ ^ Stimson Pledses Ample Air Power w.\saixcrrc,\-. .v-.-- :s c.^ ‘ Wf *-.:: trrp ti- pic-^ .'.r SJai i= i 12>e» > tlrt bt;»wa-t^ bjtag ssi iX «Ttt». The fSA. «n-.cr c< Ust ct=xs^r- sr. »aj Sfffrairt 1 = eprsri dtiite »s be:=; thf ?«>»tsse p.' « d t r . iaram «r.i asaaJid «s «^*»a=s-ts <JJCTwi c: Ksv»9. * « a a !=ie-.diU asS »»ki=4 :j! :*»*.- nit*, tiistn- [iORB iNEAR bo: se. ArrJ is ; ill? Kc=:* iJs tijc x-Jtrccti.Ts rcT'.vci br-x=^? a prrixfss t.-j! cTT-.:iir-. px.'fct '.fi^rn i^i I* riihU llaT«)d Rmt. SI. and frrd Uunlrr. (3. Dolh rrrsplurrd In lh<* ^prrlarulRr r«rap« atlrmpt »T»V a\.Watra* Tn>«iv San FranclMO bay; njhl. Flnrd UsmlUnn, nnlorlni;* ijf<pfr»fln who wai kllltd. » lUamaA. r««nh nvmber ®f the fvape p-ny « n abo «hol to dealh as lir trlcj (o »»lm a»ay. bc.:r:i<. sa:i that :h? r»er3 A uslrC ia a^iraiz wi.<’ iS asiaUte 1?^1. “I v sm Tcu Ifcat A-— 'Jralia is in dar^cer—jrin: cir-^r— in the a’cr-^c v -r rx'r- therc Tvr-rtetcr." I H.-= n«»\ tM>« \»»r \L-atni hrfaV »a\ fr il? i Arronv ■ r>c«Tk vS«4 t«« rl Ihr ronvictv ill Co.i'l cii sMcr)u%i a>e:vc .\lriUii vbnrr In a Ailt and ili ''l.cul (H imUcft Uoll ''n, A. WKIU," fcnm «WcU a(- !«nifn nf»r thr prison ffiirr. I3) Ciia*l suard'mrn j«l tuart boali palrolltnt Jhr ntarby ttatrr*. . -_ -■ a.\krt tC— 'C sr-iai *-s a. v.?? *.s ia > ' ‘.i cJ tr J !.t = u : = : S S.v?Tia.-!r c.' Xix r r n E-'CIC. , «;f=e=t <-irirT i:-_j -»» nr. J. C S.-rrr.vo., ru:? c: s.- SATil ^.- I erJcVTPT.fr.; <i:,'r.rc-, jaj* t.-vla.T ";v.. un‘.i.-sM := t i r x'u'Jjxrji Pv--;. ^ en hii rrju— 'Tie: a rcrJrrrrcr »:. Tfii. - tl.-cr? tr/.rr;i *.j vis' •= - ^ '..W : ji't w-' a »; ; Dr. Sxtr.v.'c ryxr»;«l :hit •- s. <VM« Lelarii TC. 'U tvt.. 4.-- -------------- I>rrja.-y *-.:?rr-_-.;f=Sfr.:. h i i Srfr. ■■• - -^.-y a: Mm = u =- . Ini Workers Find FSA Recruiting Misleading as to Idaho Work WAR BONO OR IVE Sj PAST 5 B I 11 I 0 NSE par-« ffiasri cr. Cc^ .\ . J. MfU.-.'. eTTi.-cr a*. la.'e. •T^wse eJT.na^ •er.;«ts= hii rrachfd =a.'C? ;ro. j»or.i*i « Dr. Sojts- M5 siSi. “.KXtaiy •.‘•_';sasd» c.' &ar:.«l*.Ti cf « r t >-»rr bf»a =«j «. U=!M Ih* «<srt Va a: ceir K> prr err.i “TSitr tikcti W i: »« , ------------- ----------- , , ___.._____ k j;cp :a a > t: U;:- ‘■T ^ ew-:rf >r n?» •^ —-*•— -v' iv-J- j- ai>2 rrar 34rcr*.ai.-i~K'~^ ' ~ ^ I Ycrt Ftdrral Rtaenv a£i5 a;;, i ^ rr^fvv ^ a LV rJT>J “JS-Tr <£un t r - . i t ta rij.1 .s ?,-^r.Al.V ' Rt M tiivis s»tor.M\Kn; The roc.-uit-n.c «’i \ . ' f tht' :in n sfcur.Ty iK'.r. art'*ror,;l.v is ^^,o"l::K• up ■as x-ce o f :h o I;:-. n' in a chs-n :hat i> h;v,v-- •r^: :h f .Ma^u- V.i!!,-y of f\7«cn«!\o h-d to U..r:i .i r<w ;ypo of f.irr-,irv—-uni <;u:Lii>-— b»-:V.r(' .‘;;i t.'. Wal all r«vw\i> of rrwluC.ion. I iru*. L,<,..rr.-. ::,v^ Mi- S35TSV ■»vct.T-r\a:r.v;.-4 hf:<- »;:;i I >r. vt Ihr f.-iA'N I' : <'t 1(V) vwl.rr» '.•>iZcrri' ,'r. Id.lll"' 1 . IJIP MI-1.'', tirrr .Mmi'Ii t2 Idah?.- Cc. Strrftwa b U* nr« dlrtctcr c; a sr* :a« n- l<r«*=t t-.rT-ia c.'-««i »t:ii «s t festir* aa j-jtr operatVs «<•* V Be Isssfd a sta:< orrv* laji wtrt r-Si: ciria and urerss st th* <trisi «TcH be ' C^m a msccaLUe t^ae ts «; iStS jet^vrtT. a»i xcsli %» Slate’s Speeders To Be I^secuted Borss. .\srti » st5t=~ Cer; peaalyo rfg=:a;xra Taussi aje ia lie om=* ta liair^ 6U!« OPA Dt«tcr C. C, jUvSersea Taretd talay. As^rrsa a ii !a tv« tiat =*=y drtvrt* « . efcsrrtr th* 55 s£xa prr brsr »v* apced :S;:i.*rar pK» a=d ratlsUKt bcejd* the eit* t». fc£ »«i: *=sTt«4.-=» ' ' ^ : Tx.^a.=> be peralSrt s=sT>ew2=s .nsew tee> rati.-»a er t? tfe=yt=f ajp2c»- uaei r=r rrsr«i3"ert»:iM.' nscRa I COOD nUOAT OBSOir»>CCS SOS S. AprJ 15 in — GevTTScr lj<U,T- Sswed a ;n e » . g«?^-T Idahcara rrc errrteriMe ceacmsec cf USX.OX.nX' a=ij rrrv.TO ‘ ''^■ aTa;lt» jri r?«t U» II SVt.) eral R«errv bartto. rttKiis hrre‘ ^ “ jail U'at Lsere »as =«. e.t^! ' ihe Crasd trCal *»l «»:: w«t » ..• _____ CCCCCCLCCC I t * «v-CTsi c-i? ctf cvitw iifa. mMcii lise &T45=? ^«C»T« or-.f»* 1 *s«l ts cc ia s »;?«.; ti.' ecwtf c r i i :s de^ja. tia: rf cviC^f« ba* »cul K's«±s rxsi=sc rrci= t» SiW i Ttsr Pi:ia2iFi£i3 rcM . !u» t«= xv«^2e^ 5y m:cc a tia' V li.id lrfll;i Mlv.L'.slpj'l. i; l-.Ad bc?!\ 5> 'V . n;;:;:aij- r.frncc ijv I- .U- .'111* nf thee h.nl -m yj Rlilch L* ^aul loi .irfcrral ly jclrc- II Job o; wclfih lui lipn ilif .Mh^l.^•.lI)l) ■ifre (old llic trip of morr ilio-.r rt plucetl lly on ttie iiilml.'. ot n- M the MQilciitinl 1 hpforr bfKluiiliii: n 2,000 mllr^ And >rlc5, liicldrnlnllj, irndftclie to Txvlii Kilb nnd I'-SA unrkcrii n^ Uiry nre to llif folk.-. Irom Ulxic. "Tfiry lold ii.^-or u'feiilil br kIvpii foniplctrly Itirnislird lioli t- .. <i( Jrrm four to n'uiii ronm.'." i.nld 'Hirivlnrp Ko-,I<T, wlin^c- wife Itih nrpk K«e birth to tlKlr rrvrmii flilld, "ninl IJity .laid Uu' FiSA hnd Uvj[n.-cl.ed lUe hoiurj. Tlify '‘ire to h.ivp riinnliii: uiiler. 5;mltnn- lollct;'., r.rrccM nnd rirctrlc lu-ht: • '^Fc'.tcr b pnllri.t, nnd h.•..^ rnriifd ihr rrr.pcci ot olflrlal-, tirrc by hLi lt> TORkp ^h^ Dl ililnEs. Bill lip ha.i hrnrd nn"« " Irw f.innr;.'. dccfOe ncnliisl him n.- ail employe* brcaiiv they linrt no «c- co;«mo<!niloii.'( fnr, liM Inmll:-. He <C«nltnDrd an I'xV II. Ctlann II GOP B»rlj ««v »rtr«^ « ei SiBxaxxtj cf *-s* N ta ise r ^ t i2rw tfajs ef Uw lir.-TT. tct '.hrre « = St sc =sa^ ;»=* *;>. scti?a.-=» » rwrZ cr*=ii wu: cs::: tte liK ;5=T* cc u * ttr»<»rt-t <~t—?a- f «S«5 irj; be pes=iSed tisrOi* b> a CJSCSCCCCi: t»TS 5TT c*si K-SJix sf aso-si Government FU^ " War FVands Snit csrmjco. 15 fe>ieni tct er j s gga t a ^ » <!asat« as%=tt B:c=se asii A-";: ----= rasrazr. a=s! ef is cft:cTa cb c; r»3l S2 es=s«t3cci CounfyNearin? Half Million in War Bond Drive T«^= cocaty a;\;e\v:wr.-! tie Si*:fc a> CiP :;:m ia-crVc w ira: *T*T. X.-J5 lie sale is »ar :rTvv-;tv; j>t f Tw T«=: r » ^ cecr.i.v .-.x;:- T^e juy t>.a aii: T»::> r a i i v - « tr ■Craxtac arar to x:-.f SsaT'Tv^ rixat as sti d-XT !'? li* »5.»!3»» TS» ra,:',T-,f , ^acc* u ar^'v^\l' a-ur^j- :s J.-Ca-T. 5i:» ihf Urtra: jiswir5>r.e i :di S.-CUM. Ti» ir:re -rj ,- tijvtas^w; s.'» a.ir.i.'-. v-^r FLASHES of LIFE ' Auotfalei LrSTT O.MCLAND. cnlif., April U-A r.'.aa rnterMi tl-.c bfrtroum of Mrs. n-jby CX.■.us;a^ :o. 111.1 lirlci a knife at her tUrc.M. She rliuled thr tnlfr, lus- •'- Undfd »fvrml blott'n. He fled. She'i 1 shipyard welder. UNGARYOEiS TROOPS 10 AXIS STOCKHOLM. April 15 WV-Hun- ;;.ry' li pxilllns ;.iV 500,000 nrn out of nxK rnnks on Ihc Hiu- Ian from. It '.v:! .-.i:d In .usually re. inble quiirt'T:; dejplte Hitler. Jil.v,o!lnl <lr:i::ind.' Ihnl llie llllle •.ailon jle!d i vr:! more troops and Ltnnc CinCAao. April IS-A Hlx.vcir- I rOd Ctrl fa^n.iirn ‘in a n^^^Clw third I nr«--- Jedcf nf .in npnriment build. L-.C atlr^cjpj k r.rnoui audlrnee. One nf the tvjtrhers who K«r.p-d j at t-'ip Kiri's t'tirliiK. eil'ed Town HallMatirm polfe. ii.'Sed th.il the\- _________________________________I d^’^rrene^hSn;--! Vir.1 tfep my eye's INATan rutX ^ BTTICK T^e child's tiinUicr. uho told »5SS..Arr-~ !S ?'-;-Si£ 1»r:;re her dautMei* can'l under- Op« rbte-» ; ti l>e .-riO. •.•t.-.r.d !hal ellnit^C out the whi- » yteuraa TjTodaj. <irrf,rr'j clcitt- Ij ilanserous, jiroinlied .vhe P *s ^ tj»iaj Sjr tie r>=JCir re:*ti.'rj. j »'OuUn't let her “pUy cleaning ** ------ ----------■ tt-indo«“ arv taore. An ' •(1 I . rem- IcCa* aj a;rcnis;.‘ nan: of thr .•■i;it:«Tfd first Hungar- •l«ii arrT-iiiik; imisht in the Soviet winter nr;! Ca- rc'cr%'i; second anny Kiilrli .'-Twi! occupation troops, rirc brUiK Ritiulrnwn. theio aourcei .•aid, .Mo;r<ntr Premier' NIcholai Kniby hn.\rrlii!-ed ftxla rc^uesu for troo^i W hrl;» defend Uie Balknw utiu: Uiiiu-ao-.'c ovn Interejtfl are lit M.ikr. tUry dpclaml. KaJlny li:i.s confermJ .Mtli Pre- mier Mir'.'uiiiil in Rome. apoarentJy at Uir bchr.1t of Adolf HlUer. OGEFOR TAX LEVY REOPENS 6 A II WASHINGTOM. April 15 M-)-A (•tniemont. Ijy (.enulc Republican'. cndonlnK the Uiinil plan bfc.imr Uie fuse today for a new explailnn of tlie |>;iy-n.'i-yoii.e'arii Income l,ix Iti tlie hou.-.e uny.i niid mciins coin- mltiec. Seven OOP mnnljer.'. of the rrnale Itn;illcr commlttre, ncttns wllli lltr approval of .Mlliorlly Lender MrNary of OreKon. |)led«ed .nifiport (nr the Ruwl sklp.a-yc;ir 5ws'u-.\l whI •arly enaclim-nt <1/ nir- IrKl.Iiitliiii, iiirliidinR called for nt tnxii aO per lilKildIn: Karrei Comnilllee Artlori ' Rep. KtlUl.^on, R.. .Minn., main* iprlnK of hoii.ic Repiibtifan siippftrl behind the plan, said tli "Clvra ii.'i Kroiiiuli fi »-n)s iiniltiee the fir ojien the pay-:\r,-yni •■It looks like 111 fnrce Uic committee' ilnred. Tlie iiipport by II nepiibllean.i coir.tit ............ orKsnlred i.upport In that Ijntly of Uie contruvcrslnl Ruml plan, jn Jpcted by the hovi.'.e two wrrki nri ;o 19H. Tliry snUI that If 111 r. could ni:rer. tliry bcllevrd III senate fliinncr committee wniild approve a bill of lhl.% nature within <B haur^.' Tlicie wii.s no cninment, from the Democratic nirmtxT'. Mintirliy leader .Martin ot Mi.rv jchii.^ett.' Iiiis nnriouiircd InteiiilDii' lA clrciilnte a pctlilon v,hlrli tiinili: pry ntioiliiT pay-ii.?-yoii-t:o bill frnir the comiulltee. ’ No! Before afiy He lold nc.sw.-.pni rrmcn tod.iy. Iter conferrInK '»IHi Republican wnys nnd mcnii.^ niembers, hoi that lhl.s move could not jlcld fnili before May 10. me mirs renulre that a bl m’lvl haw bcc-.i Jn commfilte 30 doys before It can be dl-.char^c by i>etltion wlihnut commliice ac tlon. Such a dl.ichnrRc rcn'ilres tli dlgiiatiirpx of 31H houi.c membtrs, majority. Marrtnrr S. Eccle.r, chnlrmftn of the Federal R.'.mtvp bo,ird, derlnrc<l n radln lnoadc;i.'.t Hint tax rater iM be Inrrea.'.ed iind "ii heavy ..hhnldiMK I.TX imposed without de- lay to riiib Inflnilon, 5 RESIGN,USIi AIOWIIIHOOS WA.-^HINOTON, April 1.^ fUP.'- Fourtreii urlter;. nnd nii art direc- tor. who !.ald lliiii they ivre qinttinK llie olJIcr ot war lntonn:itloii l>e- c.iu;e It 1.1 no longer ixk^Mbli- tor them to tell tin- full Tlbfd OWl balbhoo.- le Kroup IvM of the n '•(ifJlre OWI. Tlie nil M llKlT {a! ........... OWI director KImer DavLi but ^ald OWI tt',1.1 domln: promoier.i !ale.’innn.*.hlp to by 'I iI kIi pn prefer .illck !iMl Inform; lU) tlon.” it (ilil imT name t men n'lln.^c policies were ohjecllo able, but said "fte rnnnol be nv. clati-d "1th the propacamla pii methfxU ot Ihnre ulin a riinnhiK Mr- Dnvi.v' d'liiif rh for him." Tilth by iiilj Rtntement, wns dirert<d : OWI dlrertor O.irdn ■wspaper William Lr»: fornir ■eiHo live. Coxle.', Jins (lc?.rrlbed Ihc chartcs a.i "compleic bun navb I'.iiied n formal 1 Indav dPKrlbed the charnr OWI a.t "complrtrly Incon Irate Man Can’t Get Records to Show He’s Male KANKAKEE. 111.. April If. (U .P .t -Jo:eI M, Jahoda, 31. iiianaKer of a candy concern. h;i.i been Kfttmk- mall all lil.'. life addrcu- rd -Ml'-I Jo^ef Jnlioda," Hr IIJ- ually sucli i»a« UK^\tly but tcofiitlv cot nl! wrought up uheii the WAACS, WAVIS and ,SPArt.5 a.'d;e<l him to enll.M, Jcr ttrote Michael J, Flynn, Cook county clerk at ChlcaKo, dr.nandlnK hla liltih ccftltl:at«, A pliotratatlc ropy hr received Mid; "Jo.'rf Jahiidn, Dorn Feb. B, mi:, at 1B33 Troop street, Clll- caffo, III, Se.t-female." Jtx- demanded that lili birth ttcord be cl\auxt«5 to ^hovl.• l\ti sex male. Flynn * reply. Joe “A drclJlnn of Uie annmey Kcn- eral of Illinois states that ones a record has t>een filcil no thansts In. conccVlWiS ot uc ad- rtltlons to aitch record may be mide." Joe said todav he'a KOlnc to shoa- Flynn’s letter to hlj draft board._____________________ ___ :u(l reads: War ill Brief ny nANIKJ, I)E i.rcK AI.Lli':D lIICAnqUAUTKRH I.N' NORTH AI'IUCA. April If) (,V)— Freiicii and Briti.-<h infuiUry R^icccssfiiily filormcd two important hills on thi; soulli anti wcsturn fronla of tho nin.'^tricti-d iixi.s Timinian lino ami, capturiiiR GOO pri.soners, incroii.n'd tiie tola! allieti l):ijr .sincc Hip opcnliiR of the Mnrctn offensive (0 more than 30.000, it wa-s ntinounccd today. TJic battle of Tunisia was niovitiK in to its bloodicaU phase a.s nlltcd »rmie.s deploy- ed before Field Mnrshul Er- w i n RommcI'H last-stnnd nintintain positions around tho Tiini.s-Bizurtc bridcehend and ovonvhelniin;: allied nir forces tore at Rommel'fl cover in an offensive which l\ t\« dcAiroyed 180 enemy Jierial cruft Hincc Saturday. with the Mediterranean behind/ thcm-and not very fnr behlnd- Rommd'a trooiM were Kroupetl nl 0 kev pav'^.’ Into the brldRChend n' a line leadlnK from EntldiivlUoN the rn.M coa."it. to DJebel Do/ Had- jur. 32 mlle.s to thf .louthwst. nnd then to Cape acrrut 00 >1ic north . ' FrencliTake- , .. - Att.ii;klnB the DJeber Sefsouf. Ihf* French rounded up 40;)Gcrman.i nnd look i>av.e.-jlon of / pailtloM wlilch hn.i pten the wealem anchoraje ot Rottf lly United !’re« AFKICA: Brltl.^h inion^ capture .tratrKli- hill poNltloni kw Uian 3S nlie . wr.M ot Tunis a.i otliir nuk'd irnilc;i nia.'.\ iLroiind the ^hrlnklni: ixh brlrt;;rhriid for n InU-.^cale w- iaulL. Allu-i ih'.itroycd 18 axis i:;in<'S and love rl;;lit. EnJllOPK: Iloyiil air force makr.i ■very heavy" raid on Stiitt.;ari. ma- aerniiin Imlu ' ' nnd < . 1(» a bomber.i. Oilier phi ubiy Riir.'liin, raid e;iM Prussia lor third time In five nihiiw. RUSSIA; RUMlans break np Qrr- m i\ i\iiUctn^at. to captutc klrutestc liriKht- wc.M of uonet.i nnd ,iciittcr Inrces in.i.'.sc<l for attack solIUlen.^l of Kharkov; aho cro.\ i river biirrler In noriiiuT.\t Cauca.ius and occupy new po.-liloii.v Al}STHAl.l.*i; Japanf.e lo:;r 30 planes of 70 to 200 attiicklns Milne bay and .rixike.sman leiwrla jiOttcr- ful Jixpane.ie niiviil tleet.i mai'.ed iibovu AusUullit in apparenl pivp- uratlon for new oltcjislve, RIVER f S b ^ G E . WORRIES CAREY Tliur.Mlay'.i flood Inlcresl ccnter. rd In the Carey vlclnliy. where Ut- ile \Vo(xS Tiw,wiiu sciwtfd to havt ............cfieh^iirliii: the nichi, aiu; led 10 KO Mill hiKher be- ikMdc. raid t a little lore b At 111 '- ram nii; WP(h1 rlvcr had droppnl In Uip GoikUim; vlc.livKy, •Alierc w.w,y neres of farm liind have bern cov- ered for .^eve^nl diyv Itropn a( .Sliftihone At Sha.hoiip It w.i;, roparlt'd the I.Uile Wood had droiiiied "four or She Inehfr.” tUitiiM; \Vf<l5\r;d»y niKlit, whirl) brought a hope llial the community mlcht e.-.cnpe a.i .»er- Ini:^ floodlnc a^ WM once expected. Jiime.i •nirnbiill. one of the direc- tors of Hie Utilc Wood Rcien'olr tompany, e^tlmat^•d •nwr:<Say that ilie Llllle Wood «ar. currying alwut 2;>V) ;.erond-frel of water. ■dill a lot ot .'noT up the declared, -and the river :pec!ed to cn hidirr." vbwH 7.M uat.-t ovrtllowInK Lltth- Wood ' feel c nloiiK' the Ilaeks Water Tlie flw l condition at Carey wa.i aUl to BKKravateU by the i!ain- iilntr action of an irrlnutlnn flumr icro'.-: the river u few hmidrid feel below th" Main ,'trret hrHJue at the luih edcr of tomi, Tlili, It wa.i dd. had ealL^ed water Io\b.ick tip lU) ft conplf o{ re^'denSls^ placrs nol prcvlou^|v eovrred. Hlrhwnv workers uii'I't thr dl- •ctlon of I.ciinard Cail.un, lore- inn, wo.'ked nil nlRlit to pn flnodlnn of hlrhwny near liTltiKe, mill aV'i> to pirvrnl da- brldi;o from floatlns Tlie DJcbel 6cJ KaratUo' 1 EnfldavUle If lle.^ 35 mllea ifldavllle. 50 miles nd r.evcn mllw - •lllace of Dir dUpalclicn said » iurUier :p by llie Drltlsh elgtUi rjtnr - TtnJld-rllW sector was halted 'by heavy wlUlery commMidlnB the coiul road to Ttinls- Captort MounUln T^ak Deut. Gen. K. A. N. Anderson'S . vcle.-an Drltlsh Infanlrj'men cap- tured a niotint.-Unlop, the DJcbel , Am;, eltjht mllM nbove Uedjez-D- nab nnd *ome 30 mllc;i west of Tmib In flcpce Hs^jUns durins which tliev rounded up more Uiixn 200 naCl Alpine troo|»s. Of the 31),00(1 nxL^ .viidlcra 6cJ«d by thr allies In TtmWa alnce Oe.i. Sir ne.'imrd L. .Montsoinerv- opened ;ie Mnreth line drive March 3.000 were Italian. Contrary to reixjrt-s abroad there n.t no Intonnntlon available liete I Indicate that Rommel already had .M«rte<l to evacuate certain of hh forces, He.avlly armed power harKi-.v which have been used since December to brine In tank.i and *up- ild be marshalled for an n. It wa.1 jwinted out, but there wa.1 no evidence tlial this had ■rn done, Alllit! air force* continued the merclle.'J b.itterlns of RommeP.i nir , both In Tunisia and Sardinia. p|a.Mere<l the entmy.i troop ralloi rv.’port, de- ir.ii' ml other drbrL^, A slderciad tli.il Inter s hlKh Unle %Voo<l Iloodwat lake I flowin?; Intn Mild n > Srvr l.aki i-am feixirt that the n I.lttle Wood nt Carey w!y fnr y to »> wU1i' out foundation. n i In that vicinity, the Tl r.'.jjondrni ;ald. !.•; a < of Carev which held bulldlns of IC«nii Press Ban Draws Newsmen Protest WASHINGTON, April 15 flJ.P>-- Tho deiCTlomUon of rreildcnt Roosevelt's rtlallons with Washlnc- ton newsmen nnd women look new nnd formal aspect today in protest stibmltttd by the atatidluR commltte« of rorrespondcnu. Tlie commltt«c is elected by the members of the press callerles of eoiifrts*. It ia tha only orptnlatlon qualified' to Fpeak for the n p ltil ne«-spaper corps. The cotamllico pntuM ISi. Roosevelt's orders that newinwn ond *-omen sbslj be b»r- rtd from sU but rouUn# and farmol-. l:edcovcB<e or nest monih's-tTnli- ed NaUom' lood conference at Hot I. Vn. HIISSIUIIGAR' I/ONDON, April 15 lum-A big irce of n ntl'h four-enclned bomb- s b^^ed a thundrrl'olt r.aturatlnn . .Id la^l nlEht on lhe,5outhwe:t German IndiL-itrlnl center of Slutt- Rart while other plane.i—pfe'umnUly Riw lan — slmultaneoUJly ntt.-ickcd En.li Pnivln, Twi-my-tlirre planes were lost In whnt the nir mlnktrr df.'crlbed as a "vrry heavy" attack on SiultKart. •'Phe target wns clearly Identified nnd the attack wm highly concen- trated." Ilic. mliilr.to’ fsltl. Three Inie.rceptlng night fighters Toai of boichi rnnRlns from two- Ion block biL-ifers to two-pound In- cendiaries were coicaded on Siult- part's jprawllni: war factories. StultKarl al.^0 Is an important railroad JunctJon and. lying on the main railroad* from Germany's In- du-itrlal Ruhr and Rhinelar«l to thr f.ouih, is a key c(^ in the axis supply system for Italy and Tiinbla. A Gcrmnn broadca.'Jt claimed that J5 Britkh hombcrj Btre shot do«T>. No dctnlls were n-ollable Of the toad on Ea.nl PruolB. Tlie atl-neli wa.1 Uie ihtn} Jn fl»e days on E-vt Pni.\sla. with'both pre^'lmu rttldt belny directed by Uie-red *lr force aealnst-KoenLssbtn;. Gemmn ' borobcn iitrtiek bic* teebtr durins.thelnlsht with r^lcU on two towns on tlui Thanes estu* arj and another lo Eaat AngUa. ■me DrIlIah forcc oJ four.enjln*« L«icMt«p. -oarting- -tnd- H»u/«r • bomben (hat made Uie.l.OOO*milo nnind-tflp fll|ht to StutUart WM rtport*d tjywnM ««th*#it c«drt msldenU t« te'Ui* Iftrfett ertf;to crou (h* Dovcr^tta. the bom)Kn-f«u«I omhttd.'U'-* conUnuoiu prectslan for 79 mlnulM shortly Wforo mWnHht. * ^

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Page 1: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN


VOL. 25. NO. 314 T W IN FALLS, ID A H O , T H U R SD A Y , A PH IL 15. 1913


radio rrported lodaj' that Britlih com­mandos had alt«mpte<l % Undine nijht behind «*J» llnei In the Cap 6«rfat •rta on the norlhrm Tnnlilan coast btrt irtrt npnlird. Cap Serrat Is U tnlln from tht sjOi-hcld na<iat bale ct Qlserte.



F o r A s s a u l t

O n A x i s L i n e


\v.\sHixcrroN. Ar^J is r —aCf» !»rs b*U> CCTia:;

c r ^ sw inscr arid .'itr: »•

J a p a n e s e I n v a s i o n I m p e n d s ,

A u s t r a l i a n s A g a i n W a r n e d

hasjc le ix j CTTT U-.r 1 acr.ru!turT tfrpmsrr.; aiica u:j :ec U:e ’tr.s 1-

lhira:<T^ :o c-.-r.u*l li

tnarj l:f=i hrrT-.ircrr »r ,-ortvi »rr— .5.

rSA Abrtltaa U Crei ■Ri* -.h-? »irsT-

prtiuxa ccs=i:t:er sr.v u-r.j I sxrtxrr praraiir.>. r.-r c!

l>.e FS.C ■

Bj PCX c-^snru.

i G E N . M a c A R T H U R ^

jHEADQCARTEK^:, Aus.-.n.-

■lia. .Arri! 15 C®:— .\

Uha: -a P T « : w;xh

all the sav-^kpfry whk-h :.he | jjr i2 «w r=;=c: ;» .-sriKc' is I irr.j^rc-rjr airx:r.>;‘ .•Vustralia '«Tis w ic « i cff\-iaIo‘ tixUy after a n::’.::ar\-

Spei'tanilar Alt'alraz Prison Break Fails

Svcj^arf prcena irs p^ .tr puyssfT.a ISO :» «

■niii. «c*.rrd«

tie -d isa a • Ma;sst wr:i= »?reTrnrji:i:s: t

: Ui lii*

cc.'sba: ra irccr.sui--.;iy a : Truk. or.',\

.saiiLv-*”^~ Nfa A u s ira l ia s .\ir M;r.i5:<r

,: Arthur. iing a w a? loaa n .:.v i : Mei*

S-.:s i=

Ti-.« J im ■«t:- »Ttrusy t. e r=;« r.-srccdfr vf ur.if*» ?(M=: cu' o.-irT ewili

UlL-J%f. attssy T.:'. prss. ■

TTm U lUsmr rnr^iM

caUra::^ •J'-;U^r-um iTK= '.i* b.11

Ti» procrd ^T rr. tr?• 5: =1 Rrp. E6.-fa<=. R_ lO. a pr- ,

dU*uco -O-j : «hrr.Ihf ifn jlc ar-.fr a *5 ta lie h--^. UV bi::

eirrrt>na izTT t;ltu Rrpi v-.~R . Ki.-.. a Mrn:r.s ^

I S5»»E=» ^ ^

Stimson Pledses Ample Air Powerw.\saixcrrc,\-. .v-.-- :s c.^

‘ Wf *-.:: trrp ti-p ic- ^ .'.r

S Jai i = i 12>e» >

tlrt bt;»wa-t^ bjtag ssiiX «Ttt».

The fSA. «n-.cr c< Ust ct=xs^r- sr. »a j Sfffrairt 1= eprsri dtiite»s be:=; thf ?«>»tsse p.' « d t r .

iaram «r.i asaaJid «s «^*»a=s-ts <JJCTwi c: Ksv»9. * « a a !=ie-.diU asS »»ki=4 :j! :*»*.- nit*, tiistn-

[iORBiNEARb o :se. ArrJ is; ill? Kc=:* iJs tijcx-Jtrccti.Ts rcT'.vci br-x= ?

a prrixfss t.-j! cTT-.:iir-.px.'fct '.fi^rn i^ i

I* riihU llaT«)d Rmt. SI. and frrd Uunlrr. (3. Dolh rrrsplurrd In lh<* ^prrlarulRr r«rap« atlrmpt »T»V a\ .Watra* Tn>«iv San FranclMO bay; n jh l. Flnrd UsmlUnn, nnlorlni;* ijf<pfr»fln who wai kllltd. ■» lUamaA. r««nh nvmber ®f the fvape p-ny « n abo «hol to dealh as lir trlcj (o »»lm a»ay.

bc.:r:i<. sa :i that :h? r»er3 A u s lrC ia a^iraiz wi.<’ iS

a s ia U t e 1?^1.“I v s m Tcu Ifcat A-—'Jralia

is in dar^cer— jr in : cir-^r— in the a’cr- c v -r rx'r-therc Tvr-rtetcr."

I H.-=

n«»\ tM>« \»»r \L-atni hrfaV »a\ fr il? i Arronv ■ r>c«Tk vS«4 t«« rl Ihr ronvictv ill Co.i'l ciisMcr)u%i a>e:vc .\lriUii vbnrr In a A ilt and ili

''l.cul (H imUcft Uoll ''n, A. WKIU," fcnm «WcU a(- !«nifn nf»r thr prison ffiirr. I3) Ciia*l suard'mrn j«l tuart boali palrolltnt Jhr ntarby ttatrr*.

. -_ -■ a.\krttC —'C sr-iai *-s a. v.?? *.s ia > ' ‘.icJ t r J !.t= u := : S S.v?Tia.-!r c.' Xixr rnE-'CIC. , «;f=e=t <-irirT i:-_j -»»

nr. J. C S.-rrr.vo., ru:? c: s.- SATil .-I erJcVTPT.fr.; <i:,'r.rc-, jaj* t.-vla.T ";v.. un‘.i.-sM := t i r x'u'Jjxrji Pv--;. ^ en hii rrju— 'Tie: a rcrJrrrrcr »:. T fii. -

tl.-cr? tr/.rr;i *.j vis' •= - '..W :ji 't w-' a »; ;

Dr. Sxtr.v.'c ryxr»;«l :hit •- s. <VM«Lelarii TC. 'U tv t.. 4.-- --------------I>rrja.-y *-.:?rr-_-.;f=Sfr.:. h i i Srfr.

■■ • - • -.-y a: Mm= u =-.

Ini Workers Find FSA Recruiting Misleading as to Idaho Work

WAR BONO ORIVE Sj PAST5BI11I0NSEpar-« ff ia s r i cr.

Cc^ .\. J. MfU.-.'. eTTi.-cr a*. la.'e.

•T wse eJT.na^•er.;«ts= h i i rrachfd =a.'C? ;ro. j»or.i*i « Dr. Sojts-M5 siSi. “.KXtaiy •.‘•_';sasd» c.'&ar:.«l*.Ti cf « r t >-»rr bf»a

=«j « .U=!M Ih* «<srt Va

a: ceir K> prr err.i“TSitr tikcti W i: »« , ------------- ----------- , , ___.._____

k j;cp :a a> t: U;:- ‘■T ^ ew-:rf >r n?» • ^ —- *•— -v' iv- J-j- ai>2 rrar 34rcr*.ai.-i~K'~^ ' ~ I Ycrt Ftdrral Rtaenv a£i5 a;;, i ^

rr^fvv ^ a LV rJT>J “JS-Tr <£un t r - . it tarij.1 .s ?,-^r.Al.V

' Rt M tiiv is s»tor.M\Kn;The roc.-uit-n.c «’ i \ . ' f

tht' : i n n sfcur.Ty

iK'.r. art'*ror,;l.v is ^ ,o"l::K• up

■as x-ce o f :ho I;:-.n' ina chs-n :hat i> h;v,v--•r^: : h f .Ma^u- V.i!!,-y of

f\7«cn«!\o h-d to U..r:i .i

r<w ;ypo o f f.irr-,irv—-uni

<;u:Lii>-— b»-:V.r(' .‘;;i t . ' .

W a l a ll r«vw\i> o f rrwluC.ion. I iru*. L,<,..rr.-. ::,v^ Mi-

S35TSV ■»vct.T-r\ a:r.v;.-4 hf:<- »;:;i I

>r. vt Ihr f.-iA'N I' : <'t 1(V) vwl.rr» '.•>iZ crri' ,'r.

Id.lll"' 1. IJIP MI-1.'', tirrr .Mmi'Ii

t2 Idah?.- Cc. Strrftwa b U * n r« dlrtctcr c; a s r* :a« n-l< r « * = t t-.rT-ia c.'- «« i »t:ii « s

t festir* aa j-jtr operatVs «<•* V Be Isssfd a sta:< orrv* laji wtrt r-Si: ciria and urerss st th* <trisi «TcH be 'C ^m a msccaLUe t^ae ts « ; iS tS jet^vrtT. a » i xcsli %»

Slate’s Speeders To Be I^secuted

Borss. .\srti » st5t=~Cer; peaalyo rfg=:a;xraT auss i aje ia lie om=* ta lia ir^ 6U!« OPA D t« tc r C. C, jUvSersea Taretd talay.

As^rrsa a i i !a t v « t ia t =*=y drtvrt* « . efcsrrtr th* 55 s£xa prr brsr »v* apced :S;:i.*rar pK » a=d ratlsUKt bcejd* the e it* t» .fc£ »«i: *=sTt«4.-=» ' ' ^ : Tx.^a.=> be peralSrt s=sT>ew2=s .nsew tee> rati.-»a er t? tfe=yt=f ajp2c»- uaei r=r rrs r« i3 "e rt» :iM .'


I COOD nUOAT OBSOir»>CCSSOS S. AprJ 15 i n — GevTTScr

lj<U,T- Sswed a ; n e » . g«? -T Idahcara rrc

errrteriMe ceacmsec cf

USX.OX.nX' a=ij rrrv.TO ‘ '' ■aTa;lt» j r i r ? « t U » II SVt.) eral R«errv bartto. rttKiis hrre‘ ^ “ jail U'at Lsere »as =«. e.t^! 'ihe Crasd trCal * » l «»:: w«t » . . • _____CCCCCCLCCC

I t * «v-CTsi c-i? ctf cvitw iifa. mMcii lise &T45=? ^«C»T« or-.f»* 1 *s«l ts ccia s »;?«.; ti.' ecwtf c r i i :s d e ^ ja . t ia : rf cviC f«ba* »cul K's«±s rxsi=sc rrci= t» S iW i Ttsr Pi:ia2iFi£i3 rc M .!u» t«= xv« 2e 5y m :cc a tia '

V li.id lrfll;i Mlv.L'.slpj'l.

i; l-.Ad bc?!\ 5>'V. n;;:;:aij- r.frncc ijv I-.U- .'111* nf thee h.nl -m y j Rlilch L* ^aul loi .irfcrral ly jclrc-

II Job o;

wclfih lui lipnilif .Mh l. •.lI)l) ■ifre (old llic trip of morr ilio-.r

rt plucetl

lly on ttie iiilml.'. ot ■ n- M the MQilciitinl 1 hpforr bfKluiiliii: n

2,000 mllr And>rlc5, liicldrnlnllj, irndftclie to Txvlii Kilb nnd

I'-SA unrkcrii n Uiry nre to llif folk.-. Irom Ulxic.

"Tfiry lold ii.^-or u'feiilil br kIvpii foniplctrly Itirnislird lioli t-.. <i( Jrrm four to n'uiii ronm.'." i.nld 'Hirivlnrp Ko-,I<T, wlin c- wife Itih nrpk K«e birth to tlKlr rrvrmii flilld, "ninl IJity .laid Uu' FiSA hnd Uvj[n.-cl.ed lUe hoiurj. Tlify '‘ ire to h.ivp riinnliii: uiiler. 5;mltnn- lollct;'., r.rrccM nnd rirctrlc lu-ht: •

'^Fc'.tcr b pnllri.t, nnd h.•.. rnriifd ihr rrr.pcci ot olflrlal-, tirrc by hLi

lt> TORkp ^h^ DlililnEs. Bill lip ha.i hrnrd nn"« " Irw f.innr;.'. dccfOe ncnliisl him n.- ail employe* brcaiiv they linrt no «c- co;«mo<!niloii.'( fnr, liM Inmll:-. He

<C«nltnDrd an I'xV II. Ctlann II


B»rlj « « v » r t r « ^ « ei S iB xaxx tj cf *-s* N ta ise r ^ t i2rw tfajs ef Uw lir.-TT. tct '.hrre « = St sc =sa^ ;»=* *;>. scti?a.-=» » rwrZ cr*=ii wu: cs::: tte liK ;5=T* cc u *ttr»<»rt-t <~t—?a- f «S«5

ir j; be pes=iSed t is rO i* b> a CJSCSCCCCi: U»t»TS 5TT c*si K-SJix sfaso-si

Government FU^" War FVands Snit

c s r m j c o . 15fe>ieni tct er j s gga t a ^ »<!asat« as%=ttB:c=se asii A-";:----= rasrazr.a=s! ef i s cft:cTa cb c; r»3 l S2 es=s«t3cci

CounfyNearin? Half Million in War Bond Drive

T«^= cocaty a;\;e\v:wr.-! tie Si*:fc a> CiP :;:m

ia-crVc w ira:*T*T. X.-J5 lie sale is »ar :rTvv-;tv; j>t f Tw

T«=: r » ^ cecr.i.v .-.x;:-

T^e juy t> .a aii: T»::> r a i i v- «tr ■Craxtac arar to x:-.f SsaT'Tv rixat as sti d-XT !'?l i* »5.»!3»»TS» ra,:',T-,f , ^acc* u ar 'v \l' a-ur j- :s J.-Ca-T.5 i :» ih f Urtra: jiswir5>r.e

i :dii« S.-CUM.

T i» i r : r e - r j ,- tijvtas^w; s.'» a.ir.i.'-. v-r

FLASHES of LIFE ' Auotfalei

LrSTTO.MCLAND. cnlif., April U-A

r.'.aa rnterMi tl-.c bfrtroum of Mrs. n-jby CX.■.us;a :o. 111.1 lirlci a knife at her tUrc.M.

She rliuled thr tnlfr, lus-• '- Undfd »fvrml blott'n.

He fled. She'i 1 shipyard welder.


STOCKHOLM. April 15 WV-Hun-

;;.ry' l i pxilllns ;.iV 500,000

nrn out of nxK rnnks on Ihc Hiu- Ian from. It '.v:! .-.i:d In .usually re. inble quiirt'T:; dejplte Hitler. Jil.v,o!lnl <lr:i::ind.' Ihnl llie llllle

•.ailon jle!d i vr:! more troops and

L tn n cC inCAao. April IS-A Hlx.vcir-

I rOd Ctrl fa^n.iirn ‘in a n ^ Clw third I nr«--- Jedcf nf .in npnriment build.

L-.C atlr^cjpj k r.rnoui audlrnee. One nf the tvjtrhers who K«r.p-d

j at t-'ip Kiri's t'tirliiK. eil'ed Town HallMatirm polfe. ii.'Sed th.il the\-

_________________________________ I d’ ^rrene^hSn;--! Vir.1 tfep my eye's

IN A T an r u t X ^ BTTICK T^e child's tiinUicr. uho told»5SS..Arr-~ !S ?'-;-Si£ 1 »r:;re her dautMei* can'l under-

Op« rbte-» ;ti l>e .-riO. •.•t.-.r.d !hal ellnit^C out the whi- » yteuraa TjTodaj. <irrf,rr'j clcitt- Ij ilanserous, jiroinlied .vhe P * s ^ tj»iaj Sjr tie r>=JCir re:*ti.'rj. j »'OuUn't let her “pUy cleaning

** ------ ----------■ tt-indo«“ arv taore.

An ' ■ •(1 I . rem-

IcCa* a j a ;rcn is ;.‘

nan: of thr .•■i;it:«Tfd first Hungar- •l«ii arrT-iiiik; imisht in the Soviet

winter nr;! Ca- rc'cr%'i; second anny Kiilrli .'-Twi! occupation troops, rirc brUiK Ritiulrnwn. theio aourcei .•aid, .Mo;r<ntr Premier' NIcholai

Kniby hn.\ rrlii!-ed ftxla rc^uesu for troo^i W hrl;» defend Uie Balknw utiu: Uiiiu-ao-.'c ovn Interejtfl are lit M.ikr. tUry dpclaml.

KaJlny li:i.s confermJ .Mtli Pre­mier Mir'.'uiiiil in Rome. apoarentJy at Uir bchr.1t of Adolf HlUer.



■ (•tniemont. Ijy (.enulc Republican'. cndonlnK the Uiinil plan bfc.imr Uie fuse today for a new explailnn of tlie |>;iy-n.'i-yoii.e'arii Income l,ix

Iti tlie hou.-.e uny.i niid mciins coin-

mltiec.Seven OOP mnnljer.'. of the rrnale

Itn;illcr commlttre, ncttns wllli lltr

approval of .Mlliorlly Lender MrNary of OreKon. |)led«ed .nifiport (nr the Ruwl sklp.a-yc;ir 5ws'u-.\l whI

•arly enaclim-nt <1/ nir- IrKl.Iiitliiii, iiirliidinR

called for nt tnxii aO per lilKildIn:

Karrei Comnilllee Artlori

' Rep. KtlUl.^on, R.. .Minn., main* iprlnK of hoii.ic Repiibtifan siippftrl behind the plan, said tli "Clvra ii.'i Kroiiiuli fi»-n)s iiniltiee

the fir

ojien the pay-:\r,-yni •■It looks like 111

fnrce Uic committee' ilnred.Tlie iiipport by II

nepiibllean.i coir.tit ............orKsnlred i.upport In that Ijntly of Uie contruvcrslnl Ruml plan, jn Jpcted by the hovi.'.e two wrrki nri

■ ;o 19H. Tliry snUI that If 111 r. could ni:rer. tliry bcllevrd III

senate fliinncr committee wniild approve a bill of lhl.% nature within <B haur^.' Tlicie wii.s no cninment, from the Democratic nirmtxT'.

Mintirliy leader .Martin ot Mi.rv jchii.^ett.' Iiiis nnriouiircd InteiiilDii' lA clrciilnte a pctlilon v,hlrli tiinili: pry ntioiliiT pay-ii.?-yoii-t:o bill frnir the comiulltee. ’

No! Before afiy

He lold nc.sw.-.pni rrmcn tod.iy. Iter conferrInK '»IHi Republican

wnys nnd mcnii. niembers, hoi that lhl.s move could not jlcld fnili before May 10.

me mirs renulre that a bl m’lvl haw bcc-.i Jn commfilte 30 doys before It can be dl-.char c by i>etltion wlihnut commliice ac tlon. Such a dl.ichnrRc rcn'ilres tli dlgiiatiirpx of 31H houi.c membtrs, majority.

Marrtnrr S. Eccle.r, chnlrmftn of the Federal R.'.mtvp bo,ird, derlnrc<l

n radln lnoadc;i.'.t Hint tax rater iM be Inrrea.'.ed iind "ii heavy

..hhnldiMK I.TX imposed without de­lay to riiib Inflnilon,


WA.-^HINOTON, April 1. fUP.'- Fourtreii urlter;. nnd nii art direc­tor. who !.ald lliiii they ivre qinttinK llie olJIcr ot war lntonn:itloii l>e- c.iu;e It 1.1 no longer ixk Mbli- tor them to tell tin- full

Tlbfd OWl balbhoo.-

le Kroup IvM of the n


OWI. Tlie nilM llKlT {a! ...........

OWI director KImer DavLi but ^ald OWI tt',1.1 domln:

promoier.i !ale.’innn.*.hlp to

by 'I iIkIi pn prefer .illck

!iMl Inform;lU)tlon.”

it (ilil imT name t men n'lln. c policies were ohjecllo able, but said "fte rnnnol be nv. clati-d "1th the propacamla pii

methfxU ot Ihnre ulin a riinnhiK Mr- Dnvi.v' d'liiif rh for him." Tilth by iiilj Rtntement, wns dirert<d

: OWI dlrertor O.irdn ■wspaper

William Lr»: fornir ■eiHolive. Coxle.', Jins (lc?.rrlbed Ihc

chartcs a.i "compleic bun navb I'.iiied n formal 1

Indav dPKrlbed the charnr OWI a.t "complrtrly Incon

Irate Man Can’t Get Records to Show He’s Male

KANKAKEE. 111.. April If. (U.P.t -Jo:eI M, Jahoda, 31. iiianaKer of a candy concern. h;i.i been Kfttmk- mall all lil.'. life addrcu- rd -Ml'-I Jo^ef Jnlioda," Hr IIJ- ually sucli i»a« UK\tlybut tcofiitlv cot nl! wrought up uheii the WAACS, WAVIS and ,SPArt.5 a.'d;e<l him to enll.M,

Jcr ttrote Michael J, Flynn, Cook county clerk at ChlcaKo, dr.nandlnK hla liltih ccftltl:at«, A pliotratatlc ropy hr received Mid; "Jo.'rf Jahiidn, Dorn Feb. B, mi:, at 1B33 Troop street, Clll- caffo, III, Se.t-female."

Jtx- demanded that lili birth ttcord be cl\auxt«5 to hovl.• l\ti sex male.

Flynn * reply. Joe“A drclJlnn of Uie annmey Kcn-

eral of Illinois states that ones a record has t>een filcil no thansts In. conccVlWiS ot uc ad- rtltlons to aitch record may be mide."

Joe said todav he'a KOlnc to shoa- Flynn’s letter to hlj draft board._____________________ ___

■ :u(l reads:

War ill Brief

ny nANIKJ, I)E i.rcK


If) (,V)— Freiicii and Briti.-<h infuiUry R^icccssfiiily filormcd two important hills on thi; soulli anti wcsturn fronla o f tho nin.'^tricti-d iixi.s Timinian lino ami, capturiiiR GOO pri.soners, incroii.n'd tiie tola! allieti l):ijr .sincc Hip opcnliiR of the Mnrctn offensive (0 more than 30.000, it wa-s ntinounccd today.

TJic battle of Tunisia was

niovitiK i n t o its bloodicaU phase a.s nlltcd »rmie.s deploy­ed before Field Mnrshul Er- w i n RommcI'H last-stnnd nintintain positions around tho

Tiini.s-Bizurtc bridcehend and

ovonvhelniin;: allied n ir forces

tore a t Rommel'fl cover in an offensive which l\t\« dcAiroyed

180 enemy Jierial cruft Hincc Saturday.

with the Mediterranean behind/ thcm-and not very fnr behlnd- Rommd'a trooiM were Kroupetl nl 0 kev pav' .’ Into the brldRChend n' a line leadlnK from EntldiivlUoN the rn.M coa."it. to DJebel Do/ Had- jur. 32 mlle.s to thf .louthwst. nnd then to Cape acrrut 00 >1ic north

. ' FrencliTake- , .. - Att.ii;klnB the DJeber Sefsouf. Ihf*

French rounded up 40;)Gcrman.i nnd look i>av.e.-jlon of / pailtloM wlilch hn.i pten the wealem anchoraje ot Rottf

lly United !’re«AFKICA: Brltl.^h inion^ capture

.tratrKli- hill poNltloni kw Uian 3S nlie . wr.M ot Tunis a.i otliir nuk'd irnilc;i nia.'.\ iLroiind the ^hrlnklni: ixh brlrt;;rhriid for n InU-. cale w- iaulL. Allu-i ih'.itroycd 18 axis i:;in<'S and love rl;;lit.EnJllOPK: Iloyiil air force makr.i

■very heavy" raid on Stiitt.;ari. ma- aerniiin Imlu ' ‘ '

nnd < . 1(»a bomber.i. Oilier phi ubiy Riir.'liin, raid e;iM Prussia lor third time In five nihiiw.

RUSSIA; RUMlans break np Qrr- mi\i\ iiUctn at. to captutc klrutestc liriKht- wc.M of uonet.i nnd ,iciittcr Inrces in.i.'.sc<l for attack solIUlen. l of Kharkov; aho cro.\i river biirrler In noriiiuT.\t Cauca.ius and occupy new po.-liloii.v

Al}STHAl.l.*i; Japanf.e lo:;r 30 planes of 70 to 200 attiicklns Milne bay and .rixike.sman leiwrla jiOttcr- ful Jixpane.ie niiviil tleet.i mai'.ed iibovu AusUullit in apparenl pivp- uratlon for new oltcjislve,


Tliur.Mlay'.i flood Inlcresl ccnter. rd In the Carey vlclnliy. where Ut­ile \Vo(xS Tiw,wiiu sciwtfd to havt............cfieh iirliii: the nichi, aiu;

led 10 KO Mill hiKher be-ikMdc.

raid ta little

lore b At 111'- ram

nii; WP(h1 rlvcr had droppnl In Uip GoikUim; vlc.livKy, •Alierc w.w,y neres of farm liind have bern cov­ered for . eve nl diyv

Itropn a( .Sliftihone At Sha.hoiip It w.i;, roparlt'd the

I.Uile Wood had droiiiied "four or She Inehfr.” tUitiiM; \Vf<l5\r;d»y niKlit, whirl) brought a hope llial the community mlcht e.-.cnpe a.i .»er- Ini: floodlnc a^ WM once expected.

Jiime.i •nirnbiill. one of the direc­tors of Hie Utilc Wood Rcien'olr tompany, e^tlmat^•d •nwr:<Say that ilie Llllle Wood «ar. currying alwut 2;>V) ;.erond-frel of water.

■dill a lot ot .'noT up the declared, -and the river

:pec!ed to cn hidirr." vbwH 7.M uat.-t ovrtllowInK

Lltth- Wood' feel c nloiiK' the

Ilaeks WaterTlie flw l condition at Carey wa.i

aUl to BKKravateU by the i!ain- iilntr action of an irrlnutlnn flumr icro'.-: the river u few hmidrid feel below th" Main ,'trret hrHJue at the luih edcr of tomi, Tlili, It wa.i dd. had ealL ed water Io\b.ick tip ■lU) ft conplf o{ re 'denSls placrs

nol prcvlou^|v eovrred.Hlrhwnv workers uii'I't thr dl- •ctlon of I.ciinard Cail.un, lore- inn, wo.'ked nil nlRlit to pn

flnodlnn of hlrhwny near liTltiKe, mill aV'i> to pirvrnl da-

brldi;o from floatlns

Tlie DJcbel 6cJ


1 EnfldavUle

If lle. 35 mllea ifldavllle. 50 miles

nd r.evcn mllw - •lllace of Dir

dUpalclicn said » iurUier :p by llie Drltlsh elgtUi rjtnr - TtnJld-rllW sector was halted

'by heavy wlUlery commMidlnB the coiul road to Ttinls-

Captort MounUln T^ak Deut. Gen. K. A. N. Anderson'S .

vcle.-an Drltlsh Infanlrj'men cap­tured a niotint.-Unlop, the DJcbel , Am;, eltjht mllM nbove Uedjez-D- nab nnd *ome 30 mllc;i west of Tmib In flcpce Hs jUns durins which tliev rounded up more Uiixn 200 naCl Alpine troo|»s.

Of the 31),00(1 nxL .viidlcra 6cJ«d by thr allies In TtmWa alnce Oe.i. Sir ne.'imrd L. .Montsoinerv- opened

;ie Mnreth line drive March 3.000 were Italian.Contrary to reixjrt-s abroad there n.t no Intonnntlon available liete I Indicate that Rommel already

had .M«rte<l to evacuate certain of hh forces, He.avlly armed power harKi-.v which have been used since December to brine In tank.i and *up-

ild be marshalled for an n. It wa.1 jwinted out, but

there wa.1 no evidence tlial this had ■rn done,Alllit! air force* continued the

merclle.'J b.itterlns of RommeP.i nir , both In Tunisia and Sardinia. p|a.Mere<l the entmy.i troop

ralloi rv.’port, de-ir.ii'

ml other drbrL ,A slderciad tli.il Inter s hlKh

Unle %Voo<l Iloodwat

lakeI flowin?; Intn

Mild n

> Srvr l.aki i-am feixirt that the n I.lttle Wood nt Carey

w!y fnry to »> wU1i'

out foundation. n i In that vicinity, the Tl

r.'.jjondrni ;ald. !.•; a < of Carev which held

bulldlns ofIC«nii

Press Ban Draws Newsmen Protest

WASHINGTON, April 15 flJ.P>-- Tho deiCTlomUon of rreildcnt Roosevelt's rtlallons with Washlnc- ton newsmen nnd women look new nnd formal aspect today in protest stibmltttd by the atatidluR commltte« of rorrespondcnu.

Tlie commltt«c is elected by the members of the press callerles of eoiifrts*. I t ia tha only orptnlatlon qualified' to Fpeak for the np ltil ne«-spaper corps. The cotamllico p n tu M ISi. Roosevelt's orders that newinwn ond *-omen sbslj be b»r- rtd from sU but rouUn# and farmol-. l:edcovcB<e or nest monih's-tTnli- ed NaUom' lood conference at Hot

I. Vn.

H IISS IU IIG A R 'I/ONDON, April 15 lum-A big irce of nntl'h four-enclned bomb- s b^^ed a thundrrl'olt r.aturatlnn

. .Id la^l nlEht on lhe,5outhwe:t German IndiL-itrlnl center of Slutt- Rart while other plane.i—pfe'umnUly Riwlan — slmultaneoUJly ntt.-ickcd En.li Pnivln,

Twi-my-tlirre planes were lost In whnt the nir mlnktrr df.'crlbed as a "vrry heavy" attack on SiultKart.

•'Phe target wns clearly Identified nnd the attack wm highly concen­trated." Ilic. mliilr.to’ fsltl.

Three Inie.rceptlng night fighters

Toai of boichi rnnRlns from two- Ion block biL-ifers to two-pound In­cendiaries were coicaded on Siult- part's jprawllni: war factories.

StultKarl al. 0 Is an important railroad JunctJon and. lying on the main railroad* from Germany's In- du-itrlal Ruhr and Rhinelar«l to thr f.ouih, is a key c(^ in the axis supply system for Italy and Tiinbla.

A Gcrmnn broadca.'Jt claimed that J5 Britkh hombcrj Btre shot do«T>.

No dctnlls were n-ollable Of the toad on Ea.nl PruolB. Tlie atl-neli wa.1 Uie ihtn} Jn fl»e days on E-vt Pni.\sla. with'both pre^'lmu rttldt belny directed by Uie-red *lr force aealnst-KoenLssbtn;.

Gemmn ' borobcn iitrtiek bic* teebtr durins.thelnlsht with r lcU on two towns on tlui Thanes estu* arj and another lo Eaat AngUa.■ ■me DrIlIah forcc oJ four.enjln*«

L«icMt«p. -oarting- - tnd- H»u/«r • bomben (hat made Uie.l.OOO*milo nnind-tflp fll|ht to StutUart WM rtport*d tjywnM ««th*#it c«drt msldenU t« te'Ui* Iftrfett ertf;to crou (h* D ovc r^ tta . the bom)Kn-f«u«I omhttd.'U '-* conUnuoiu prectslan for 79 mlnulM shortly Wforo mWnHht. * ^

Page 2: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Page Two TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tburedsy, April IS, 1043

M S E A P I i E 2 K M 1 L S

r*M> o»i)' uroytns » number of vchlclw. the nllird communique m M.

Flying ForUti«* deilrojed ID iwla rtjli'cri durlnK mUsloiu over Snr- tlinln nnd Uir El Aoulim air Jlrld jicar Tuiih wicl returned wiilioul JO'J..

scrolls lorcfs of llitil nnd medium bnnibers iiartwl Urn oh vnrlou* en­emy »lrfleld"i In Tunl'.ln Tueadiiy jiiSlit tiiKl yeiirrday KlylnB Port-

Mlled ou: to muiij.Ii Uje Ei ^ouln« »lr fiflil. srnd bombi amonK the Mfaafl on the srouiid and Kore (llrecl tills on liansnra and other bulMlnju.

Enptn)- nlr llflds on Uie Italian hloJid of Sardinia bUo were *lUck- f<l

airtins lonnntions of iixi.'; /iKhter )>!fliir.i Mrre nirtiiintprnd ovrr Ui'" TuiilMiiti nlr lldd.s. EU'ht nlllirt plmicv. wire loM In tin- viirious op- trnilnn:, riinsln; fnun Tiinl.'.la to Sardinlii. It am announced.

131 Air Trainporlj 01 llii' IBO UX1.N iiln-riifi <lr;,trpyc<l

ulncc Huturdny. 134 »i'rc 1)1;: inins- p.irl-'. of IliP l>[>f usM to haul fuel iiml .Miiiiiilra to flommrl'i troops, n iry nlsocouki be uvd for evncuu- linii (if iniop'. S'-venty-ilirrr of Ihc.r urrc dfniroyrd fin Uirf:ripiili<l (liirliiK FlyInK Fo l l•^ rnld.i

; (111 Sioiiun lUrdclds ’I'uttiduy. It was nnnounwl J•e : rdny-

•me Icwt lriin»i>ort.v li wa* cjU-niutrd. would be nb!f to ciiro' 10,000t«lis of ludly iirr<lc(l -luppllM to AI- rica niwiUily II only one round trip n day wcfr miid<‘.

Naxii Not Whipped wmie Ihc rcii;alnlns nxls nlr

In Africn ^re iimlrr alniMi contin­ue III tuck by ftlllfcl nlr force%, cnm- jylcnl sources cmilloni'd iixnlnsl, (Oiinlini: out Orrmaii ulr power In liih tlicnler too soon. Tlie Ocrmnai f:m Clin oi>enilr from flcld.i In aii.l Ahmrd, Ftrryvillr nwl Mntinir In tlir BUerle nrea, und Ln Marsn, El Aoulnii. Mr;;rlnr iinrt DJfdrldn In tJir TunU rrKlon,

]n llir mouniAliu loulli of Tu- JiLi, Uhtc ure lirkln nt Depicnne. Zasliouuii imd Mnrlc Du ^lu

Decmife Sicily l.s only 00 miles Trom llir African niftlnland. ilir Gennan sir force is able to ane U lor Iwmbrr b.-ue.t, concentratlnK ftjhter plnnw on llie Timl*lnii fields. ,

1 0 BOYS I S fil()E lj.S .COU

Herbert R. HeiLiley and Daniel O. Tliayer, both J6, and both from Yuba City. Calif,, pleaded guilty to violation of the Dj’cr act when they •nere amilsncd before U. S. Com- mliiloner J. O. Pumphrey WedneS' day.

Bound over to llie federal dUlrlct court. Uie Itko were placed under bond of tl.iOO each by Commlulon* rr Pumplirey, and taken 4mme<ll- ftlely to the Ada roimly Jail by Deputy U. S. Marshal Earle n. Wll. llams. Tlie complaint attaliuit Ihi two waa signed by Arthur S. Webb Jr., apecisl aKent for the f< de a] bureau of Invr.Ulcatlon,

Hea ley and Ttinyer are ncciued of the theft of a car at MaTj'nvllle, Calif,, last monlli. They abandoned the cnr at Oooding after belnR ehaicd up a blind utreet by Sheriff Sherman Slump, Previous to thnt they are said lo have stolen Raao- llne from a tnick pilrked In Tain mil.'<, and ehided pursuing locftl of­ficers.

The t*9 were arrested Ttiesday while at work en a farm near Rog- enon.

Twin Falls News iii Brief

Auxiliary Merit Piremen’f. auxiliary will meet with

Mr*, Loube Atltln.%on at 8 p. m. to­

ds)'. _____

Frldiy Meetlni First ward SiiiRliig Motheri will

meet nt 8 p. m. Friday at Uic home of Mr.%, Xenn ESjljert. 163 Second avenue east

Becelrei rromoCion Calvin C, Jf>hll^on, son of Mri,

Flora John.wn, hn» been promoted — leamnn sectnid cln.'s. He b »ta- tlsned at the Unlverf.lty of ChlMjo.

Xee*ter CrmiJustePfc, Charlr^ D, Uiidcrwsod wm

graduated at oji alrplnne mechanic Wedne.vlny frnm Kee.^kr field'* B-3< Uberstor) bomber school,

Tralni at Amarillo Uonnrd Jf, Werner. :^ii of Mr.

and Mrs, R, V. Werner, route three, has beRun an intensive cour«e of iiudy In avlntlnn mrchnnlcs at Am­arillo army air field, .Tei.

Two at KarraEiitT«o Twin Fulls youtlvi have ar­

rived at ihe FarrnKUt navnl tralnins slatlnn to bruin their tralnliis. They are Oliver Dnlmer, :on of ll.iy Bnlmrr, 405 Foiirdi avrniie and Jnmri Kiniitllrv, .'on of Mr, and Mrs. J. » , SlnlKlIry,

O F J A P i A S i


Welaniky, owner of the Cocoanut Ormr nljht club where <00 persan.i fiift death In a fire Nov, 2(1, wai fentenced In superior court today to serve JJ to IS years In state prLion for marulaushter.

The Hospital

Emergency beds only were avail­able at the Twin Falb county gen­eral hwpltal Tlmradny. '

ADMnTED Mr*. Cecil Harris. Buhl; Edward

McCarty, Klmberb'. and Mrs. Luln I.jon aniirt Hay Elllnjer. both of Twin FalLv

DIS.'IISSCDJack MaLheney. Eden; Homer

Tlinmas. Olenna Ferry; Mm. Burrell Fajer and iJin. Hanren: and Mrs. J. P. Anderson and Mrs. Sidney Knljht and daughter, both of Twin FalU.


n the north ehore of Nev, Oulnca. Japan's bid for miulery of the

in the southwiM P.-vclfic, reKtirrifrt here lu a. preludu to ihu cxuecteil

oflcmlve. caM her another 30 plnnrs over New Guinea ye.\tefds>'i ft ro.TimHnlfjw nnnniiiicrd. I>iii ah lied ob.'.rrvrrs warned thiit the rn-

. 1 Kir strength In the area sill: had bren hardly <lented.

Prelude? iThe nȣl-crntrolIed Swedish tel-

esrnph bureau reported frnm Tokyo Ihat Japanese mllltar)- elrcles re­garded Uie »lepj)ed-up aerial actlv-

i-er New Guinea and the . a.1 iKxulbl ’ a prelude to

ten.ilve mllltury operations" In , area within a few weeks and quoted Japanese military authorities a.s be­lieving the U. 8. iiBvy's "preoccupa­tion" In the Atlontlc and Mediter­ranean made the time propitious ■)r an Invasion of Aiwtralla.)

ShlftlnK their four-day-old aerial oflenslve to the eastern tip of New Guinea. tJie Japanese hurled a force of 70 to 100 planes against Mllna bay. dominating the fea lanes be twen New Outiiea and the Bolomoiu only to lose n bombers and eight flRhters In 390 mlnuiei of combat.

The toll ran up lo JOfl the total number of Japanese planes sliot out of action In the three major raids of tlie past four days. How­ever. well'lnformed tource.i ssld that even 100-plane raids were taxlnK Japanese aerial sUensth ma.ised at bases along the 2,5M-mll8 Uland fringe abcn’e Australia,

' litini Soft Spot It appeared likely that the Jup-

eneie were Jabbing at the allied ■ ' l>osl.i successively In (]ue«t of a »pot where heavy aerial blows could be followed up by a full Kale ' vaslon.• Doth Gen. Douglas MacArthur and Prime MlnUter John Curtin warned yesterday thnt Japan al­ready controls the western Pacific sea lanes and U preparing for early Innd. sea and air aciton ■'aimed dlreelly at Australia." thorltatlre source have ctitmaied troop strength at Japan's forward bases at 300,000 men.

Allied Khlpa Damaged De.vplte tiie wiping out of one-

third of tiie Milne bay raiding force, the ralder.<i damaged one allied ship so badly that It had to be beached and started fires on two others. Cit' ualtles were reported on all three vpMels. Damage to shore iiutalla- tloiu was negligible.

AllLfd fighters, principally Aus- trahan-manned Curlis* Klltyhawks. and anti-aircraft baUerlet teamed In ripping apart U>e enemy forma­tion of 40 medium and dive bomb-

with e.'cortlng flghteri. . '

Plays at HansenHANSFJ^.. April IS-Tliree on(

cl plays wll! be pre.vnled at th Hansen high school auditorium Fri­day night imder the dlreciifin of three itudents. Dorothy Ti«cn,' Margie Rambo and Betty Rowlrjr. The first play will be staged at 8;1S

MLvs Lots Fischer, the dramatic* teacher, will a.uL«t the three stu- denu In the presenutlon.

Marrlace licenseRaymond Burnett Howard. 1*. and

Virginia Leora Campbell, 18, both of Twin ralLi. have secured a . rlage ilcen.<e.

VUlts HereMrs. Harry E. Bower, formerly

M1S.S Ruby Hughes. Twin Knlb. Is here for a few days to transact buslnes.1 and vLilt at the home of Mm. E. T. Gutwry,

Reported ImpreredHobble Stover, win of Mr. and

Mrs. Ed Stover. Twin Palls, formerly of BuhJ, U reported improvln; at the Twin Falla county general ‘ “ plUl.

rarly TonightOdd Fellows and Rebeknhs will

meet at B p. m. today In Ihe I. O. O. F. hall for a musical pronrani. card and blnpo puny. Tlie proirram will be presented by'a business meeting of Odd Fellows.

Wife Aska DlvorreMn. Eivther Jordan has filed dl-

vnrco suit here agnln.'.t F. C, Jor­dan, charnlng non-support and de­sertion. Thrv married Aug. 7, ID35 at Ellen«biirK, Wn.'li. W. L. Dunn Li attorney for the wife.

AAA Publlrlit HereJnck Eohdiiboin, DoUe, Informa­

tion n.vM.nlant to the slate triple- A committee, arrived here Wednes­day for a three-day tour of AAA of­fices In 'ivm FalU, Burley and Jerome.

nirth< 'Tci Mr. and Mrs. Tlieo Foster, a

daughter, We<lneMlny; to Mr. and Mrs. Max Viiniiundeln a daughter. Tliurvlny and lo Mr. and Mr.'.. Wil­liam C. Grow, n dnuRhier. Thurs­day. all of Twin Falli, born at Twin Fftll.s county general hospital maternity home.

WAAC Ilegin* TralnlnrFxljthe Alice Dale. 450 Elni itr'-et,

hi>s beKiin iriilnlnK at the ftri<l v,oincn’;' army auxiliary corps train­ing centcr at Fort Des Molne.i la. During the next four weeks she will he n.vslgncd lo a bailc company for iralnlng designed lo prepare her to replace a man la a non- eombat' army Job.

To nhlrlct CourtVern McCowiui was Iwiind over

to dUtrlct court on ^ charse of sec­ond degree burglary when hti pre­liminary heiirlnK was held before Probnte Judge C. A. lialley. The complaint agnlaM McCnwan wili signed .by Mrr.. Velma Foster, ajul c'lilms ihefl of an electric Iron and itlic'r artlclc.1 from the Foster home March 0. McCowan.wu returned to jail.

Writ Hearing Delayed; Girl Has Measles

t competeE\en (ll-MrlcL i KlUi mcn-sles.

A scheduled habeas corpus hear­ing Involving custody of three small glrU wa.i postponed by Judge J. W. Porter After Sheriff Warren W. Lowen.- dl.tcovered that one of the girls ha.i mcnsle.i and the oUier two are quarantined.

The hearing had been set after b.'uance of a writ to Tolly Lugen- beal. Fredonla, Kan,, who seeks cus- tody of his dnUEhlers now living ttltii his divorced wife. Mrs. Helm Lugcnheal. at Buhl. Custody was Kriinted him by WlLwin county dt's- trict court In KniUBS.

I.URenbeal's pcUilon for the writ slated that his wife left Kansas In rompany with Charlie Moke, taking Ihe children tv1th her. The five lived In n Twin Falb tourist cabin and recently moved to Buhl, ac­cording to Ihe petition.

The Kftti.'.as fotlier claimed Uiat hU former wife and Moke are both addicted lo me of liquor and neglecting the daughters, liie oldest of whom is 10 years of age.

Sheriff liOwen’'K renim to )urt showed thal on finding rl 111 with nicn.*lrs and Ihe ol. .. nder.iiliaranllne, he lock nominal

custody and then appointed the moUier to care for the cJilldren nepfling further action. Said the sheriff's document: "Ry reason of such alcknew I am unable lo pro­duce, without danger, the persona of said minor children."

WEATHERScattered Ihundenterms n ta i

mountains tonight; little iempera< lure change. High yetlerday 78; l«w 34. Lew thi* morning 37.


irna r*c* Oa«>Fi.'h cretk rtiervolr. It usually has a little water In now because * hoi s|>rlng on lU banks. Howthe overflow from FUh creek ri__volr-nol little Wood-has given It the largest volume of water It hat held since the Plih creek dam ww built.

Two mllei norlheut of Carey .... county ro«d bridge hid been washed out Thureday, and water had cu away the approadies lo anoihei. County and sUte highwsr crtwi were making repairs Thunday.

}!lghway 4fl north of Gooding, was said to have risen above the flood waten Thuraday as the level of Big Wood slowly dropped. This gave rLse to speculation thal Big Wood might drop enough before the Carey water gets downitrenm that Gooding might fare better from Little Wood flooding. Two diversion diinui up.<tream from Oooding relieve flood conditions at Uiat place by diverting Uttle Wood water onto the lava beds and thence Into Big Wood.

.Shoshone reported a drop of near­ly half a foot In Uttle Wood Tliun- day. which was aba taken as a fav­orable sign. A continued drop In (he Uttlr Wood at thU place. It was pointed out. would give Uie channel | that much better chance of hand- linn the Carey water when It ar­rive?.

Canus Keaervolr Problem Meanwhile at Fairfield In Camas

county directors of the Twin Lakes Reservoir company were lo convena for decision on Ihe recommenda­tion of a state engineer, who advis­ed opening of the -reaen'olr flood gates to lower what water that la now the highest In It# 34-year his­tory.

Directors who Inspected the .nrr^olr Wednesday were told by the engineers that the dam would hold hut thal wind from the southwest mlflJit rany Ihe water over Ihe dam.

Tlie water In the reservoir Is two fret from the top of the dam and six Inches from the lop of the spill­way, It has risen about five inches since last Saturday.- Opening of the gates will net endanger any property, the direct­ors were advised.

Tlie directors of the company who Inspected the dam Wednesdaj- were Hyrum Lee. president: J. W. Jen.sen, Anille NIeUon and W. J, Packham.

To SlaUd River Tlip water would be loosed Into

the Mftliid river Instead of the canal, II was said, and Uius would be ul- Inwed to spread over land south and east of Fairfield not now under cut- tivatlon. It was aald that mott of this rea is covered by sagebrush.The Twin Lake reservoir. a< mes knotm as the "Mormon"

-;volr. Is situated about four miles south of Fairfield. The dam. which was erected In 1009, Is 33 feet high and 1,070 feet long. The re.ieri'olr has a capacity of 3U40 acre feet of

Tlie dam It strongly built, having a rock core and rock face. Since be­ing built It has settled about a foot

Id a half. Water has never run

Many per.'ons acquainted with condlllons In the area believe the flood Uireat to Camas prairie had Jusl about pa.ued. *

Today & Friday

S eW m rlV /tUe Flag of Sttlety Flving

Now 18 dans u>K?louf a fatal trafltc accident in our ilagic Valiev.


POCATELLO. April l i (J^-Annj- ambulances today returned the

bodies of two army officers and a civilian from Uie Idaho wlldemes.i where their light plane cnushed while searclilng for nine missing rniy fUers. .The bodies nf Capt. Dill Kelly and

Ueut. Arthur A. CrolU. boUi of Hill field. Ogden, and Forest Ranger CliarUi E. Langer. Stanley, were found In the wreckage.

Civil Air Pilot Glen O. Jenkins, Twin Falla, and Merle G. Uarckle, a Challls ranger who was a pas­senger with Jenkins, sighted the wreckage Tuesday about &0 miles West of Cfiallls,

A fnewmoblle assisted a ground party in removing the bodies to a highway, where ambulances met them. The plane apparently crash­ed Into a mountain peak, killing the trio InstanU}-.

Air base officials here said hope r findlns the ninth member of

URESIOREC. H. -Jack" Jackson. PtJrt Col-

ttn», Colo, has purchased the Hoot- ler P\jminire store. 307 Shoshone street norUi. from Elmer HoUlngs- wonh. veteran Twin Falls business

Jack&on has been In the furniture buslne.vt for 33 yean, Uie last 13 travellne for a wholesale concern. Prior to thal connection he owned retail stcrea ai Nebraska, N«b, and Tula*. Okla.

Brcomlng acquainted wllli this terrltoo' during his traveling for the wholesali concern. Jackson pick­ed Twin Falls and the Hoosler store when he decided to fo back Into the retail fumlture business.

“I IhlaX a lot of Twin Falb," said the Hooaler's new proprietor.I appreciate the opportunity U quire n .nlore with such a clean and well-balanced stock as Mr. Holllngs- worih had.*

Jackson will be Joined soon by Mrs. Jackson and Uietr daughter, Jacquelj’n. both oI whom are now oltendlnK Colorado Agricultural col­lege at Fort Collins. They will niake their home at Uie Reed apartments.

HollliiK.sworth has been In the fumlturr business here for 33 yean, and has been an acUve civic worker. He plnn.1 to retire from Jju-ilnets.


youth.i from south central Idaho have arrived at Ui* naval training auuoii here lo begin training. They are Charles Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Brown, and Kenneth' Blevlnj. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Blevins, bolh of Hansen; Walter Weaver. Bliss, and Lloyd Brewer, son of Mr. and Mr*. Earl Brewer, CasUeford.

the arrny bpmber crew. Staff Sgt. H. C. Van Slager, SouUi Bend. Ind.


Seen Todayfilgn on county auditor^ door:

“What you crjlng about? Nobodj'1 ahooUng at your . . . C. H. Jackson, new owner of Hooalcr Fumltura company, looking right at itome In that esublUliment. . . Bight red splotches of paint on courthouse lawn hcee, aj per advlo« of the Uw enforcement fellows of theae parts . . . Pair of FSA bl^wle arriving to plan for group of Louisiana work­ers who're coming soon. . . Mother stopping on Mala to open package of ^per hankies so five-year-old can do some noM blowing. . . And big California car. which eaLs gas at ever?- chug. brMlnff Into town wlth ;ust an A-stkker. no more.

Final Services Held For Earl L. Bright

Services honoring Earl L. Bright ere conducted Wednesday after- oon at the Christian church with

Ilev. Mark C. Cronenbcrger official' Ing. Veterans of Foreign Wan con­ducted services at the In Twin Palls cemeiciy.

George Hutton, A. C. WUliams, W. W. Lowerj', W. S. Sommer, James J, Bird and G, B. Sepl were pallbearers. Mrs. Ctarles AQen and Un. Frank Blade furnished maslc.


WHITt-rinal honor* will be paid to .Mrs. Neva W. White, wife of Rev. E. L. White, at 3:30 p. m. Friday st the Twin FalU MeUiodlst church. Rev. H. O. McCalllsler. assisted by Rev. W. II. Hcruog, will officiate. Friend* may cull at the White mortuary Friday until noon. Interment wlU be In Twin Falls Mtnelery.

FORBES—Final rites for Mrs. Lucy A. Forbes will be held at 3:30 p. m. Saturday at Uie BeUiel Temple church with Rev. B. M. David of­ficiating. Interment will be In Twin Falls cemeter>- under the direction of the Twin Falls mortuary.


By EDDY GIL.MORE MOSCOW, April 14 (AV-Alr bat­

tles Increased orer the Russian

front today, with the red army’s fllen concentrating again on nazl supply columns and their Yak. MIg . and Lagge fighter planes success- fully battling off the German's Focke-Wulf ISO mlden.

The‘land armies Jabbed at one anoUier In various sectors with new flghUng reported north of ChugueT and south of Izyum. on th« lonx Donets river battle line.

(Several red army divisions sup­ported by tanks struck again at niud defsnses In the Kuban river aeetor of the Caucasus, but were repulsed with heavy loesea. the German high command declared In a Berlin breadea. t communique recorded by the Anoclatcd Press. Thl« was de> scribed by the Germans as the only Important ground operation yester* day on the Ruttlan fronU)

Today's Soviet noon communique again noted there were no Impor- mt changes on tlie land front.It told of red am y artlllerr bla.st-

Ing a battalion of enemy Infantry north Chuguev, and of a RuMlan unit holding off a German attach '

I a.hlU south of Iryum.<In London ob.iervers held to Uie

opinion that the Invasion-menaced axis probably never again would be able to- concentrate a full-scale of- feailve against Russia, despite a German radio Ijrondcast. recorded by Reuten, which hinted strongly that the nazl.i were arranging their forces along the front for the re. newftl of a drive eastward.)

O.VE CANDIDATE NAMPA. April IS </n-A. Z Llnd- ■y was UiD only candidate to file petition for mayor before Uie fil­

ing deadline arrived Wednexday evening. The election will be held April 37.

• • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a *

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U«bl weight paper.

Page 3: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Thursday. April 15, 1943 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Three'

J E R O i l S AU j'

jmOME. April IS-Jerotnc coun­ty's quota li »atliOO lor Ihc war bond drlre now In progrew, ll waa announced Uila week by ailbcrt \Vlille. clialrmaii.

During Roiftrj cluU luiicJieon Chairman Wliltc tpoke on the war bond drive, and made onnounce- nieiil of the commlUeo members who will auUt lilm In Ihe campalEO in tills Munty. TJicre arc other committee membera who are yet to be »nnouncfd. Mr. White auld.

■riiosc namti «ert an-

nounced Included; Paul U Rudy, R. B. Bh»‘*>cr. Charles II. Wei- Urolh.-W.-E. JellWn, U. E. G"nclr|. finger, Charle* Darlow. E. C. Mont- Bomery. cxteullve committee im-ii: Dr. n.'C. Mation. rcpresentini the senior Chamber of Commerce: Ouy S. Simona, representative of Ihc Jerome Itotan' club; D. A. LTfhrrta- non. Dr. KenntUi W. Walker. Frank, ■ntu. Dr. Carlyle Small. L. W. Orevlng, H. L. Morrla. PAul R. Kartike, Berwj-n Burke and othen Inclurtlna rcpretentntlTc.i of the JuRlor CUawbet of Commerce and the Jerome Uoiis eliib.

Second CIa.vi Yeoman Ralph SmlUi was « pjfsl of the club llili week, u were Dick Groves nnd W. L. Leslier, Shailjone.



H A T SGenuine fur felts in the new color.t, -•itylOH for spriiiR. Clioo.se from tniis, preys, toiil!^, bhic.s, brown.s . . .

W itii whIc or narrow brinui, I)oiin<i or weld o(iges.

$5.00 niirf up

New Sprinjf




$ 2 2 5

and $ 2 | . 5 0All the br.iml iirn- j.prlng iiriiit .ilrlpes iJiat lauiuler time nft^r time, nnd comc biuk looklnB fre.ih and nr'v rirry llmr. Sizes H lo 17, 33-n<-35 :.|eeve lenKtlW.

tor iM ililm in,





M e n 's O x f o r d sPor bmlntis. for drens. you’ll rind no (mnrter loolclng, lons- cr wcarlnB tlioes thiwi ihesft Murt Peters oxford.i. Slrcj 0 to IJ. NirroB, medium or Id* widths.

$5.50 ,BLACK — B RO W N CAP or W IN G T IP

Regular $1.00 Value

W e m b l e y T IE S3 for

$ 1 0 0 "

Silk or wool tics in n il tlic .tmnrt colors and pntteriiH you

want for Bpriiiff . . . a n d uL a aensationni pricc . . . Close-out

o f roRulnr 51.00 tic.-t, now while they ln.<it, . . o n ly__

Twin Falls - Men’s Store

Be Attractive Easter And All SpringB e t h e H i t o f t h e E a s t e r p a i ' a d e


$ 5 . 0 0i ’owclur Blue, Aqua, Beige an d Gold, Sizes 12 ly lii).

S m a r t C la s s i c C a c u a l s fo i- a l l

S p r i n g a n d S u m m e r !

S h e t la n d S U I T S

, Beige an d G o ld ,.

1 9 9 8

Others S16.98 and $22.50

In ftoiv new SptUig eo\ois. that caiiiy bki«5 wivh jouT Sprliiic wnnlrobe. Smart-5 button mo<lelj. wllh club collar or the 3 button cjuunl lyiw. All tklri.i have 1 plftit in l),ick and {roni. The rayon twill llnlnK will add extra jmooilinc.vi.

All Wool rihetlund Fahrics '

» Jersey.-

I IViiU->=» Sheen;

T h ts t xivy, colorful ^rvHts i\tMl sheers tvro ju s l ihc

th inff for your afternoon "On the Home F ron t." You can alway.s depend on thi.s dre.s.s! Variety of colur.-w

In .sizu.H ;i, 15 — ■ 10. 20.

Your flrit itcp lo llie Eaiter PArade I:, to adorn youraelf with tlie fa- inuiw Kliic.-ilelKli model lop tooU niKli fi«;>!ny — loo'i- wool — You cnn't nffnril to pjtvi up your one dr:,Ire, A'k for "Kingslelsh."


C o a t s

• Sm art as Can 11c

• Practical os Can Bo

$ 1 9 9 8

S h e e r N i n o n " P e a s a n t "

BLOUSESYou'll love Uie.ie with your .iklrt-i, sult-v for thos# warm dnya aliend . . . Cool, sheer white Ninon, embroidered In nil Uie brlKhl peainnl . . . Tiillored by "Fruli of the Loom," ____

Junior Miss

Spring SuitsJu.st the styioH for younij Americ;* . . . I’lnin .soft .s[>riiiK- pastel .‘ihade.s . . . Dark tones, too. Ilcrring-'........ iiin or chalk .stripes. Plaid.s. check.s in.tbo.ic

■' • l i f t to your murule.;il)riii>r tones tha t give Sizos 9 to 15.

$ 1 4 9 8

Spccinl . . . Rep. G9c Valiie.i

F a b r i c G lo v e s

5 9 cPcrfecl for every occa- lon. No oullll Is complfle

. without Rloves. The.-.e wlected fabric gloves — in plnln or button beniberc sllp-on will blend color­fully wlUi ftlll U'.-v the fltiLihlns touch!

New . . . Dainty . , . Popular

S h e e r H a n k ie s

1 0 cFor your pocket — your purte or to carry . . . Tlirse rtarllnK, dainty, thecr h«nklc3 arc finished wlUi tlhy hem.1. Many for you and glfta for your friends.

New Ea.«itcr Creations

S t u f f e d T o y s

^198 and $2^8

Just arrived . . . Tlic.-.e .-oft, cuddly toys the klddltj love,(|irownup.<, loo). Bunnle.i, Chicks, Ducks, Kit­tens. Pupple. . . . Ilshtly stuffed, and covered ftlth briKht fprliig tones of a deep plusIuSee them.

Others 5Dc to $1.98

Twin Falls Store

Page 4: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Pago Four TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO H u n d a y . April 15,1543

Ttaf^ aUblUhrtm « • r«^ I* IMt. •( Uu >d*he B w lti I* \M. 4Bd IW T»l» n jli Hfw*. «ubiuk*d

I S*eett4 w.t, f-l« rtllt. Id«ho. kr i»*

r«l»r»d u MWB4 tiU’ «iN Af'ly«Wlk« In Tvli r*Ui. KttM. aa^n tU act

• BUWCWmOH lATM r r CA»*l«-P*TAiU in AD\

tr ik< w«<k I

Jif •]

:CM rnulr«tf kf liw »f »r •H«r n rourl nf rnmp^ '(!•>< U U MblUM >Mklr. -Ill W l>ubl!.M In

. Itit >1 adJrt U«fM« kr Cki»


•<f, : » Dull Krtft. S«n r»ncb


11 is time for Commander-ln-Clilcf Roose­velt. who la an Rcknowledged expert on popu- Jar psycholojry, to do Mmelhtng about^ the dlstuTblriB breakdown In navnl puWlc reJn- tlons.

Admiral King U a flflJtlnR niun. He is not a publicist. Ncverlhelei/i. tnkliiK ndvantage of divided authority Jn connection with the .Uls- aemlnallon of war news, he pcrsl.sts In slttlnR on the lid and overruling the conaldered Judgment of experts who know os much about public relations aa the good admiral knows about fighting wan.

It Is not uncommon go«.slp In Wajhlngton that the offlcc of war Information, which Is staffed with competent newipapermen — some of Internationally recognlied caliber—

at bitter odds with the navy about the withholding of Important war news, The OWI wen know, from long experience, the terrific Iclckback which can conic from foolish cen­sorship.

Word ho2 been spreading of late that nazf V-hoaUi were couceutraUng In great num ­bers In American nenr-con.stal waters. I t l.s understood that many of the.se arc of the newest, mo5t formidable type, such con­centration of such submarines could hardly fpll to do & groat deal of damage, both by actual sinlclnRs nnd by delaying those con­voys which do aucoecd In getting tl^rough.

TJiat would be a serious development. It would Bwakon the public to a greater aware ne.ss of the tremendous jocrJflcei we hove not yet begun to moke—of the urgent necca- alty for atepplne up every phase of our war activity.

The public Is not saibllcd wjih devious aeml-denlala, camouflaged as half-tcuth^. It has long since learned that it can not «xpect to get straightforward information from the navy.

There arc and always will be. while the war lasts, certain facts which must be held up, and a very, very few which cannot be made publlc nt all. Nobody n.ik.>; that any­thing really helpful to the enemy be pub­licized.

But the navy starts out by delaying for argued reasons, nnd too often wind.') up by flatty forbidding the release of news which no longer could help Hitler. The navy attitude os to news seems to be "This Is our bu.slness and none of the public’s. You have an awful nerve to ask questions.”

If Elmer Davis la worth hLs tlc.sk .space, he Xnows more about what .-ihould be publicized than Admlnvl King ever wlU know. Only a firm word from the Preildent U needed to .■straighten out this mess.


W H I R L I G I GCOKTBIBUno.v-RfwurceluJ I n W.Ombum. htwl

of Uie label Uiidcs branch of the A. F. of L., ha.i eiillakd Uie coopcroUon of Uie U. 8. army in u *mail

acheme dc.ilunfd to conic millions of our *oI<Jlcra to b« sympnlheilc lo worlun' un)otu/5n Uitlrjeiurn from

TlxroMgU »n tinanKtmtnl ’kUU memb«rs of lilt orKsiilutlon and itie quarurmiuiitr tenerBl'* o fflc c . •tolek." M hU Irleiidi call him, »cnds mllMonf or clcareitu lo flfflitiiiK men on foreign fronii. TJic varioui Joeslj contflbute Uie fmid.-i for tlit imoltM. which lie forwards to poris deilsnalfd by the Q, M. In the little

BAT TVCnr* ,p»c, ,i,c inieriml revenueitAmp tuually appean on commercially Mid paclu. Iia affUei • atLckcr exDlalnliiK ihai the Rift wiu provided by un iroui A, F, of I*.er». Bejldcs rpcelvlnij ili»m*ndi of thank you letten from IndlvtduBl Koldtert. ha hu

lies of xoinmendallon from various commarid-frt,

Msnufacliirerg ha' wrnim QTt Joint vtnluri ultlioul C0.1t. |>rocej.ior of .Mr. Ornburn

. . . . . . . lew forejlshtcit thanV» pTtTpatBiuSliit. Ke to malit It k by urging them to contribute the f*gi He wim turned down colil Mcept for on# IMDDulnr brand, who xclb his product to

ihnl Hitler could


More than half of the land longed for gunyule production has been released by the government. Tlic explonatlon Is that this acreage is needed more for raising food than for rubber, In view of current progre.ss with the synthetic program.

The explanation does not hang together. Pood shortage Is attributable more lo m an­power and farm machinery shortages than to that of land. To be sure, the Irrigated areas leased for guayulc probably would give high food yields per man-day or per machine- hour. But this merely emphaslies the origl- niU error made when IrrlRated land wfis taken over'for guayule. though more arid soli, u n ­suitable (or food crop.t and available by the square mile, would have been belter,

The whole rubber program still appen: be up In the air. '

AUTOMATO.VS—Recent revelntlnin have couiiiicrfd tlie UrltUh blfi wHli n few armored {Iivl.'.lons If ho hiid followKl ui> the punklrk dr(r»t, nmtrh the tiilea wlijeh na*y ofdccra brlnic buck from Pearl Hartwr. 0«fplt« Ult remurlni: Hnl)crt.i and Knox reporu on thsi affair, J«psn mlirlit hnvo won the Pacific war overnight exctpi iliat frovidcncB muit have been flghtlns on the ilde of the Unlt«l Natlonj, U li not ptrmliiible to make public the 3cAire« of ths following informitlon. but It i.i luUini-

h)T months the nlP5*r;ese rclicaraed the nUack on our ocian fortrtu. They hid laid out a miniature of our naval bt4« on tittlr UUnd of t-'ormot.a. Tlieir Apy (yium In Hawaii told them where our.ve.-jels jind hangar* were loeaud. When their ajmsda flew over that fatal Sunday morning, thty dropKd bombs in conformity with ijlueprlnu given them by their lead­ers. They carried out orders, but tome^hcrc there was tt, setloti* tnUearrlage ot arrftciiteitwnw.

Tliey smashed boau and harbor installation* In com­pliance with InilnietlQAi, but Uio men-of-war the)' ruined were moitly antiquated ships. They mlclil liave blown up the t u more Importsni oil tanti bnjlt by the late Edward L. Dohcny. but those were not Ititrd wi tticlr charta for demolition. A single Wg explosive mliiht have destroyed headquarirrs of the navsj commandant, where Mcret ciphers were stored, but thiy did not touch that bulldlnit. They Rinick according to plan—but Tokyo planned wrong—nnd a^ a rwult HawaU remains a thorn in the Jap.mr-ie Mde, 'Ilicn lu now our oriental foes behaved u auioniiiton.'..

ATTACK—Another unwrltWn chapter In the Pearl Harbor trniiedy Involves the 11th luAk fnrc. onr ot the finest and strongest unlM of Uie Ui)ltcd.SU>tfs fled. l.uckUy. It hnsS ItSt ttft'i.ftts for a 10 crMl p w Dec. 3, whrrcici nlder shliw remained at the Ijiire. T lr practice squadron cnnlalned carriers, nuniernii.v brntid-new cruLiers and many auxiliary nnd supply slilp-v

The commandliiR officer, ulio was then several hundred miles away from the UUnd, rccilved word of tile blow 4 few mltiulrs after It fell. He debatrd Whether to rush to the re.iciic or. ilnce lie had liiiiilr- quatc air protection, to stay out of dn»Ker. He chose the latter course. returnhiK to port on Oi-c. H, Hie four Japanese flat-tops which had made the raid ami were Uien sailing back to Formosa missed hi* squoil- ron by only a hundred miles. Had they met, our ves- nels might have' been annihilated, (or our planes were outntmibcrcd.

Our ocoutlns force wu under Vice Admiral Wllion Utown. Ik Ktcut detenslve tacllclnn. In vi'e loUowini; monthi. knowing Uiat foe's lea power was superior lo his own. he wngcd one ot lhB*flne*t rear-guard actions ever wltne*.se<l In marine hUtory. He la now the ^V]lltc House navoi aide and chief adviser to rreildent ItooeeTelt on problems In Uiat area.

Note: Drown was not rated as an offensive fighter. Bo. M aeon «« we were nble lo send more ships and alrcrnft to the Pacific, he was supplanled by Vice Admiral William F. Hntiey whose motto I* "Attack and Bttnck and attark."

Halsey whipped the nlp,i at Tulasl by audaciously spiminK tJicir fleet. H wa.i « msncuver not utlllied since Mfbon'ii dny. but lie made It.

TAMMASV—Tlie Widely held belief liere Is thi Flurelln It. Lii Ouardln ran be confirmed n» a generiil or hiirW inlvntr I! Mr. RooieveU wl» send liLi noi Inatlon ta rnpitol hni. tn choojlnj the Uttlo Flow for » liiKh niilltary office K. D, It. may think lie plnyhiK imnrt |K)lltles. but both Uie lupubllcans n:Uie t>rmocrat.s up there will iie (jlad lo p^ce the muy In an army uniform and get him out of partl.u affairs for.the time bciuK.

Should his honor, whwe American L-ibor party U good for about 400<00a votes mul who dLillkw the o . O. P , be remored from the 1044 play, Uin action may be hrlpful to TPm Dewey, John \V. Bricker or even Wendell WlUkle should one of ihom become Die opponent of Franklin D. Iloo^ev It, Li< Giinrdla ha.s made many enemies m podrjin ol our lnrKer.t clty- but also many friends.

He smuhed Tammany hall so UinrotiKlily that the sachems would be glail to exile him to Alrlca <1r Italy. And llial Is what Iwlh partle.i will ilo It Ihe Pre.’.ldent dare.t to hand hLi name to cimKrr.v,.

Come on Gang! Let’s Help Franklin Finish H

P o t S h o t s

with the


n of th<

Other Points of View

War time needs have tries. Including .%ume o few Americans have knt prospect of a boom In '


I. belleve produc

It 0:t for r

I. Thi


The nation's children should be willing. If not eager, to sacrifice for the war effort this year by passing up waste of eggs, baby chicks and ducWlngs for Easter.

The meat shortage has made poultry and eggs very Important. Millions of chicks nnd ducklings bought for Easter die soon for lack of-proper care. I f raUed to maturity, they would produce eggs and also help to make up Impending poultry shortages.

This might be a good time for the young­sters to return to the old country custom of blowing the contents out of egg ->ihclls through smoll holes in the ends, and painting the empty shells Instead of wasting wholft eggs needed for food.


War department figures Indicate that the army has not purchased 12.000,000 acres of land, as had been reported, only c.ooo.ooo acrcs. The larger figure represents territory acquired by transfer, from other federal do- partmepu, of land already owned.

This correction U gratifying. I t is easier th e .«m y was forced to pur-

cSaSTB,000,000 acres tht\n 12,000.000. Never­theless, the purchased acreage still exceeds that of New Hampshire. Vermont, Massa­chusetts or New Jersey: It Is greater than the combined areas of Rhode rjland. Connecti­cut and Delaware; It Is alaoat equivalent to Uut of Maryland.

inulated all liidui-tiliisiml that ronip.irntlvely n that they e»lM- Tliere is idustry of coUeciInK snake

' incrculiig demand in our armed serv-

venom U W d as anilioKln fnr innke :cl( excess bleeding, nnd, In romblnntlon iigredlentJ. to deaden pain, ipporiunlty. then, for home Iront Amcrl- 'e available for profitable pari>tlms em­

ployment thii summer to Eet’otit in the oi en country* and enjoy the cxcltlnn adventure of discovering and capiurins live rattUsnakea. One report runs that tJils may be done in ccriain regions of Penn»ylvanla. Yet the repUle Is numrrous in mott of the ataUs, uncoui^t- able Ui these atntes of llie icuihwru. Texan alone, or Arkansu, or New Menleo, or AtlMim, covi'd Mipply all the venom whlrh vould be required. If an intensive roundup of live rattlerji were atagpd tJils summer.

Note of iliLi unusual Hem Li msde, to show how many thliiKi enter Into the waging of thts war of war.'<. CameLt nnd burrc« and ratllunakej. dogs and plKeon.\. mule.i nnd mldRcu—nothlns -ii.vle.',.i b or low."—Dalln.1 Newj.

THE GENEnAL WKPTOeii. George H. Patton. Jr.. wept as he lold of Uie

doaUi of tUs young aide. Capt. Richard Jen.wn. In n German bomblnrt raid In Tunisia, acting Uke an old fool." said the general as he wiped tears from ills eyes.

"Old Blood and OuU." as hU men affectionately call General Patton, nos earned a presumably de­served tepiuatlosv tor hard*boUe<l l6URl\nfs . Ht.i teats do not mnke him. any les.i totiRh; they do make him (ill the more human.

Capt. Jenson Is described u having been one of (lie mcKt pofnilar officers *t American headquarters In Tunisia. HU family had been friends of the Patton family for three gineraUona, he had been with Uie general for three years and was more like t son to him than > lubordlnaie. It is notevorUiy that vhcn his funeral vas held at Gnf.ia his pallbearer were n young Ueutcnant. a srrceant and a Negro prlrate. Here Ja an unmbukablp nffiriBatlon of Uie demo­cratic principles of the United iStates nrmy. It Is a Mfe gnett that tear* at tlie funeral were not confined to General Patton.—Lewbton Tribune,

vernment aRcncy:

Chuekle, ehurkle. churkh couple ef good loiiy ha. Iia

Wha was lhal lUlKtrt ar law iMklnr «o embarrawied dlgnant up Carey way the oth day? Ooii't look now but It wan noi other than Fred Craig, cmlnn ■ tala hlghnay pellreman, and I <ra« tryinc to fish eut of Ksson

Don’t jrt me wrong. He was flO Inr for hU ke«s through errry utij eraek and key hole In hU ear. V Just say la l-'red: “Tut. lut. .tor lock lhat ear. Ihert'i lots of loc pe«ple DP Carey wny."

If you ar« inclined lo daub! o Krcd. at lead be sure year keys a i. In jftur jvotVtt before tlo'lnt tht la>t door.


r pel

how I t rtliotilclii wlm enl

ja n g m :

.for.> rve kept ail r.i lo myr.Hf. but. nmv. on red lirlp. I uk you. Pot-Mr. t ever)- Intelligent cltlten 3 n ‘phone number reallie, nil probability, anyone can hat same 'phone after four ni the most, six? Rlirht

lien, U It necessary. In t . vraiigled nerves, for others rnme line to be forced t. 12 or ]B lyes. 1 counted

t rliit;n about every 10 o ilnute.s? Wnuld It be meat, uke llie 'phone off Uie hoolc p' sixth ring? I'm telling been fcrlouily thinking of

U-hit a Ileadachi


Dear Pot Shots;It Isn't any hardAhlp at all, t I rationed on thli and that. I'n;

Juit sharing my coffee, meat. Micnr, with Tom, Dick and Hnrt:.’.

ho are very esneclnl friends ot line In the fr ■lre. yes, and for , and E . those twins In Hawaii In rfense work, whom Ml never for-

Of CAune I couldn't complain, iiy more ihwi I would think of nimbllnK If they ;.hould drop In for inner and I shared my dinner with irni! How ver>- glad I'd be. If I xild do that!Wien you look at It lhat way. Ifs usv, Not to mention thme poor ttle fiiildren (and their elderil in le otluT rnunlrlfs. who need food. If rniionlriK helps me lo slng-.vi e tllil 25 vears aRo—'lOh. Tom. !ck anrt HivrT>' and Jack. Xwrry ifk, hum' h.Ack," why, fm clad > do anything at all that I CAN. to i-li) them hurry back.Jlome.ilck for my kids; that'a

-Just Me


*nl .Sl10L ;.Kni>w what? Wsr lia.s done out

•lilns loi us countT>- folk.Pearl Harbor

used t pay uwhichevery blue

be all they (and we> could stand.They went about snlffln(r»the but.

ter became we have nt> refrlger#. ttim: looking questlonlbly at thi waier we pumped from Uie wofi>~

.Sniffing dlfdointully when po mill the bnvs come In fmmt ill

jmmethlnK be.-«Ie.imud 0 »hoes.

Bqulnteil and \>hUniyre<l al Uit

Cou^ln C!arU.'.n and Uncle Char* le. vil«a ».<iuW th«y live for e. icaphu; 1k>aI of yellow butter? Good



KEEP TO THE CHILD-8 Ln'EL Ocown people, in Uielr eocer de­

sire to liclp ihclr children become succe.viful. admired and praLsed by the onlookern, often get Into trouble with their leaching because they pul It on their own level of growUi Instead of hoIdltii{ It to Uie child's

i ituKc of development.I Children cannot be Interested in things lhat are t>eyond their re.-ich m undcrsiandlng or In physical accomplishment, 'ro'lng to get a baby who Is creeping about the floor (o build a goUils temple out of blocks muit end In failure be­came the baby has not the power lo tee (hat building, nor the con- itol aiul suengUi to »el tti* block* In place. Don’t try It. He Is do­ing well If he »fU one block on another, none loo accurately.

Trying lo te.-icli a .isni pilch a curve ball uhen col dovelopmenl Is noi at


[ F R O M N E W Y O R K

1. Ths Anglo-AmerlcaD forces will Invade S lc^ within the oext su weeka, m a If the TunUlsn aifkir is Dot «D>Urtly liquidated, a. UlUer «1U com­pel UusMllnl to stamp o u t bis anU-Oerman of­ficers by means of a blood purje. J.

armj eoif- maaded by Crown Prince Umberto wlU molt.

These sensaUosal predictions come straight froen the leaders of Uie lu iu n underground In K»w York, who are In dote contact With boUi their taU)erla«d m i Wash'Ingion.

Our gorerzunent has been quleUy moHlUIni Influential - Itallaos ~ especially tho«* from Sicily—wh<Immlgrtkled here shortly before ihi «'ar or during the rise of the black ihtrts. Their bag* are packed and Uiey are ready to return to the old coufraS u U. 8. arrssy IrwlUsttw* agenta and mltslonarles of demoC' racy Uie moment General Elsao- ower cables word.

DEBACLE-Berltn U alarmed by Uie sroaoii of blllemeu against Germany now sweeping through th« ranks of 11 duce'a soldiers and sail­ors. Not only lias der fuehrer co­erced the Roman dlcutor Into transferring control of his warslilps to Admiral DocnlU'i sUff. but now Uia helpless Caesar has relinquished ‘ e manaKement of hLi Spar\ler- >d Clcogna aerial annodas to ill

..ftwaffe. to prevent mutiny. Tlie grapevine hints lhat the sewncn will desert rather than die llXe trap* ped rats uniJer BrilUh baiUeahlp salvoB.

Relcluwelir headquarters request­ed Mussolini to send Prince Um­berto to nujsl* to lead the 10 dl- vlalona facing the Soviet. But pow- mCuI military (iRures balked at the iugie*tlon and brought such prcs- ture to bear on the fascist chieftain that liutead of dUpatehlflg the klng'r, son to the steppes he put him In command of lU the troops

. the Italian penlnsuls.II Duee even recalled his deol-

maied legions from the Volga baitle- fleld.1. Like Napoleon's doomed grand army, only 18.000 out of a ii<»t of more'than 100,000 sur\lvc'l Lhl< :Olh century reUeat from Mo’- :ow. Defeatism whispered by thf.'e remnants has permeated Uie home garrisons and has made them ripe for rebellion when the BrlUih anil

mertcons land.Pro-allled Italian agents o.i.'.crt

they have proof Uiat the ge.suiw, iiher than rl'k such a debacle,

, .niks to root out those generals and colonels .suspected of friendship for lie United Nations. The In-Mrument •111 be the firing aquad. the mi-'- icre method KlUer used In Ger­

many whenever he wished to crush monUed and dlssenilon wlUiln his Inner elKle. ' indwtrlal alcohol.

'TATtCAH — TtM ItaUaa tS3der> irouQd reveals also what It costei^^s

it the trtie story of ArehhUbsp

fipeUnan's vUlt to the Vatkan. lu spokMsen ZMlotaln lhat th* Aser-

lean prelate wsis sect abroad a« A direct esii&iarr ot the eis^lslstrs- Uoo. eanylns *a o.'ftciai csgtaona- dum of terns which Wash!=ct:»' was willing to make wtUi asU- Oermaa Italian fascist pa.-ty lea im .

If they withdrew fr tn the and Merited our pfcpe»b. we art •aid lo have been prepared to «!eal with Uiera aa « t dU with DarUa and to leave them tn coatrol cf the Romaa EOremiaent. £pearbtad cf thli caM w u Count IMao Oraod:. fonaer aaba-’jador to Icarfcm.

But UussoUnl htmrtf |bou; th«I tlirw acts la

dlplocaatle drvna took pUce in quick succeuloQ. U« Quitted. CrsoU and Ills fellowtrs m m the cotiXset and from portions of importaccc ta Uie black ahirt nsime.

Next ht appointed Cisco as his perunil rtprtuo'-^uvv to the \*ati- caa at tha vwy maaen; vhea t>4 churchman fnxn the Cnltesl wu arrivlnt at the Pnp* * re3Vitr.ce. His Intention was to have ha sit:- In-law approach the Amerlcma dix- nlUrr and find out if «e CiouU bt wlllln* to forgive U dace If h« de­serted his Berlin master.

HlUer doenlnateil the third seer.?. H i discovered his partner's plot and immedUtelT ru»h»l Joachim « b lUbbcilrop lo tUcaa to toetsiaU Ct- TOO and to sound out Uie Sew Yert :lergj-Qun. The agents of the ftal- an reslstane* niottmenl itsle Uial Uiey Jiave unimpeachable infcecia- tion that the nasi foreifn mteistrr got In toueh with BUhop Spe:;si*a ‘T VaUcart City but that ihc .\sert- in refused to discuss peace :ef;er> ■ith the Qtnnaa.

STOLEN-8lnc* BsUan ffU ». ear ago. the Japanese have t«ea 1 tnlng to fit the PhUppl.in lato Uielr econccnlo orbit. New York banks have oMai.nivf la • rcuad* - .bout manner a slight gHsp;e of condlUoia In ow lee*, raplrt.

Ttikj-o blundered ta » fcus r.eas •nse -when ahe went lo wir wllh

two marltlm# powers, t .^ Ur^trt Stales and Gr«at Brllaln. She nreel- ed eollon unentlj- for elothinf and for munitions tised In the Chtr.es* campolgn. But by breaking off reia- Uons wiUi alUed goveriw en'j :lo;ed the three sources c«a which .-ilie fo.-merIy depended for lejttle iw matertiJs: The CrJled Sutea. idla iLnd BradLJapon’s ownership of Ftrooe*

yielded adequato eujv.* Vet a . conquered two Of the world's grrai- esi cane-produdnc seetlarj. ccr P«- cllle Islands and Javk In ctiier lOrds. she Increased boUi her lock

of fibers and her glut of swteier.iag.To remedy this lopsWeU miusuco

she has embarked upon a fire year plan to plow under lO.CW.CCO acre*>f sugar planUtloiu In the Philljv .lines and sow cotton In t.'-.nr pUc*. Ucftnlng eaacl;lnerT Is be;r.i <la- ,

..................iverted to CatClns



nnd cnILs him)f his rfforu

ibout II. I ( icquolntunres lerc nhvi

; .(they’ll be tubtle

nnd ■ theytiurry liefi .

•y'il m.ike n longer ^lav of It. cn'l decltlfd what III gli

for onswer. Diit they're noi going to pul anything over on little Buile. It we nil have to acquire a esse ol mi..%.xl

Hojil>;K you are llic same, I mn.\ -Huile 8malt


r.'.ldrnis of Jtunl lave nrtdcd Rinal flavor to tlie job doi rnieil If Ihe local "mall orfl ■ liesln flocklnc to sanin

unllon that llpitlck U lipstick color or qiisnuty aw but m Items. —The Den

Jl'O 'KSI. SAV HTOffiT Pot SliDUi:

My Aunt Hepilbih sayi some auto iperders won't vt(Xt up even after tiey're pinched. —Nephew Iry

r.VMOl S L.WT LINE ". . . (ilmme *elnle»-they'te

cut Ilie p*lnlt on 'em! . . ."THF. OEVTLEMAN IN




Slay In Uic mlnei. says one go stay on the £are\. lays Rtioilier. ii\en tume.s agency with Uie real BuUiorlty and-«iy*. Join Ui> army or naiy. or else. Then all the government agen clfs get together and wonder what has happened l< ths mines and’tha farms and why they don't produci more at a time when It Ij vllally needed.-Wollaci Ulaer.

TOKYO -r—The Sunday . iR Vermicular newspapers faintly pralie Kecrelary Kellogg'# proposal to outlaw war. but in general they agree thai member«hlp bf the United Sutes In Ihe League of Na> lions would be Uie simple way of solving Uie problem.

Mrs, Lillian M Dentler of Dol^e vlslUiiK here wlUi her daughter.

Mrs. Dallas OordDu. #nd slsler, Mrs. V. B. Bliielty.

Mh* Edna While, daughter of &tr. and Mrs. J. E. White, has returned from Lo3 AiiReifs where she spent- two monih.s viMUng Ijcr slater, Mrs.

hoet of loysl bullderi of the destinies of the South Gldi tract will celebrate Uie ckue of ih( Jimt 10 years of hlsiors' of UiU won. rtcrful muntry with a grtst reunion and eelebraUon next Saturday.

Cpl. James Riley of the 22nd In- fAnlr - has been.plai'ed In cliarKe of Uie auxiliary recrttlUng iiaUnn of Uie United SUles army opened on

Monday la room 0 on the Mcond floor of Uie Twin PalU Bank and -TTWt-com[wriy bulldlnK. TliK su- Uon Is Uie ocond one lo le opened In Idaho since Uie flral 0/ tlic year.

Uian good. Besides Uut he Is drlviiii; his son fro.m him. losing In­fluence with him.

A Chance to Grow in Ptaee When n child's Leu are loo sliort.

l\Ls mutcuUv control still dtvtloj)* Ing, he cannot ride a tw-o-vheeleil | bicycle. Some fathers are amWUous lor Ihclr sons iincl call tricycles, baby.stulf unil iir^e their sons to ride llki ' resulnr lellow.s. Regular fellows have to have command of

, WASHIKQTON. AprtI 15-At first • It seemed Uie White Ho_u.sc hod fixed ■ everyUiIng up *0 that Uie 1

i-ould tmve

Uie United Na- lions food con­ference lo be held

legs and back i,ell I snllnal .••cl of r •scles

For chllilrcn of foui five years ot age, UUj Ii not Uielrs lo command. Let them grow a bit. Give Uiem peace to pow Uitlr bod. Ics and minds. Nagging them to be whni they are jiot, illsturbi Ihelr growth ond scls\ wrong notions about people and \hlngs generally.

neeauit moihtt enjoys » scniaU Ulcre la no reaion to belli

r.old dauKhU doeslikely to enjoy

a nursery song, picked out on the plBiio with one linger. Let her piny Uiot wny If she will, and when a teacher Is found who understands

Uke a child from the pick.

But U ha. been fixed right at all

Sonic people InIho governmentthought U had been arranged, niey dljcoverrsl later Uiey were

also be hangtr; around across U-e strret—unless the pobcc drtre !Um oway because he wex-s a beirU ar.d looks like a suspicious fo.-eur.er. The Americans probably wtil Ket ai; l .e help lha l Mike ilcDcrmov; cia gtr* them, but he obviously Li rcc-.g to be under wraps and :o is etery American delegate at the cv'r.fer- ence. They above all oC'iers cir.aat be siiciiklag o«l of the ecaletrace hotel to give any lrffaretat«i to American newspaper rtpwier* wait­ing Oft the curbiioee el the vtlUg*.

This is not a mllllary coot»rtr*r. There Is no reason for lecrec? at all-not a alngl* reiMn thai ar.v offlclsl can offer hociettly etc*;** that Mp. Roc«ve!t w»nu II. a-*v3 he wants It because he four.d t: »o much more pleasant at Coiahlsr.ca

riUng. Pre:.Uient Ro«.e- not to have newspaper repiv.er*Is .Mill insitUng that reporters around,

cxcluued Irvm the hotel where I newspaper workers we UnlUd NstJors conference is to perhape. Uie meet likable pecp;e n

the world. We may not have the aoelal irae«s that Orotco and Har­vard could have glren us hsd « • •11 been rich men's sons, \Ve d.>nt ask to alt at the u tle socUllj •wuh UJfse poblle servant*. We caa Iruy ou^ own food.

Bal we do Iry to learn and under- sUnd.what Is going on. AU that can . be u id In our behalf is Uut «e ar« hired to try u best we can tn ter? the Amerlca.1 people lnfo.-n:ed aS.-s;t

e mulery cliiig to him and do

. Uut don't make trou- elf and the helpless

ling Uie sonata from

1 Ubeve

ins.flnger of the ooni not let him ble for yo child by dc; him imnmllately.

Growlli Slaw Tlila holds trus In the Held

morals, loo. The adult coneepi of right and wrong Is foreign lo the child. He knows nothing about It. It Is natural for him to take what he want.s. lo think only of his own comfort, to uUsfy his wsrits by the qulekett meani at hand. He will have to be irolned md taught Ihe betler way, first by ,'XampIe, then by rule and discipline. But If the healUiy character growUt of the child 11 of first ImporUnee to the teacher, and It better be, the child must be led gradually from his Instinctive way to ihe disciplined, iptiltnal way of life, The child's itage of de'rtlopraenl must always bt_^tudled belore any lessons are knpooed upon him,

Clilldren grow slowly, and un- ily. In starts and stops, and lys Uiey must be given time for

the experleneei they meet to ripen in their minds and be reflected In their behavior. “Telling him” U not enough. He muit he r*lold„altowed axperlincej, InierprelaUon of them. ,pracUee of Uie approved way.. And ‘'Uil* wlUioul condescension, for It is as dUfleult and as honorable an achievement to be a good child as It Is lo be • ' good man. a good womon.

■WM-s .

its."p»uf Bljt* tUl yni 1>»lp

be held. He wUt allow Uiem U> be admlUed only al suged public slocu, j>erhap3 onee at Uie opening and ojice at the cloelng.

Al oUier times, the hoUl will M kept clMed as a govenimint reser- vaUon. exclusively for ihe offieUl delegates at Uie United Nations fcrence. No reporUr can go Into the hotel U> talk to a delegate. A Urit. Uli or a Dutch newjpaixr corrrn- pomlcjit Is not to be allowed to g' InUj the contetenco hotel to tal‘ wiui delegal« reprwcnUjig his ow: govenunenL

.Michael J. McDermott, Ui« ret- eran curreni-lnformallon chief al

department, who lioi ublyhandled preu arrwigemenU . doiens of conferences, will h*' cliarge of press cantacle for the United Nations food coiifertnce. He haj been Instructed 10 set up his press.relatlohs offlcc In Uie town Hot Sprlap, and not in the confi - hotel, so Uiat he will be ava

at all times to reporters. As 1 porters are not to be allo'K'cd lo.vidc the lacrtd conference petdnds. iht conference press Officer miut p«rk outside where ths obnoxious genUe- icn of Uie preas may. In Uielr new- r a.'jlgned roles as social leper*, beg 3T a crumb of official Infemallon.

■nils Is Prtiidrnl Roosevelt'* do*, Ing at^d It dotMVt do hb Judjmmi' mucli crtdlL

Is penliting la It In Uie foce 1 .0 moet Ttgomia objectloo from'

Elmer Oavli, head of 0\VI. and 1: Uilnk from the sUle department people Uiemsetvea. I ihould be.

iwd If u.procUca] a man as . Antr Welles would a l heait be for any »uch arranjemoil as thl*.l OWI people ar« eoovinetd Uje: •cheme will bm k down afler a fev days. Proa U i first Uiey i&ld It was

terrible mlsUke. iOf course, you know wlul wlU

happen. Just as Elmer Davis, Mike; McDermott, Be«r«Ury Welle* and everybody else knows. ‘T n BriUsh represenUUrta will get Uielr word to their Reuters man. who «U1 be hanging around acroM the street from the hotel. The Dutch wlU get Uieir wort to Uitif nua. who will

lUll asfumlni It Is 0 “ the gtTvemment ’.li paying Uxes to ii bonds to support.

lies and dirty Afrl<T dytns In trrp.'cal Jua-

Grange Meet SetFAIRVTEW, AprU 15 — Fal.-ilrw

Grange b ta meet this Pridsiy evt- nlng. The eommlltee la charxt has announced that the annual cf plants and bulbs will be held.



K ' '

Page 5: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Thursday. April 15, 1913 ThMES.NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Pi\e

• ' H W f f i C W EAnAKDUSyc;*i=-.:nc Ulil nn f.Tiployrocni

iStrti-rr.V.oS 19J7 r.'ow pvev«\ti Ills rr.zigir.i in ».s nn acctuiU-lu- l la T«i:i r-:b ftiiJ Uie nrcii

viU-.ia * ICO-::ii:r rniliu.'. Hiiro' M- . WnItfTT. fom-.rr Ottnrr of Snouball's

»p>vt I.i.- rikil dLslrlct courtr^ii 10 (ittrrmiiic vu’.ldliy o' tlif


> •lL Uip rpurl tw ,. jixicniriu cow.t;^ii« Uir <!<-:rrnii!xini; '•uUdliy anU

: him of llic suit.-:;iioiirr Uit rmploy-ir-^init he Mslictl wi'cll lit

by \Vll:Oll 111 1337 <on- c:!>u:r MlpululliiK thiil nt

I cij i.'ie cmpioyiiiciii lie •t ptncUcp lM%on I(V 10 \rur;. Uiercaltcr. cfnirnt, iiilnciicd to UiP

II an exlilbll, cilfs tonll- i.itiiiT o! TJie Tvoik iJivuUctI

;l l>;il>xJ proU-lor r:irll

s \K Jl.OOO,

266 Entertainers

With U. S. Troops

Citnp Inc.nvjr noiiirn .

B13> fna-.nli;i!i. t.hjvr brr;i klliM

Unit.-.V OWI I

Nrw-ttKJndbi;d. nrmi-j(l;i.CiriliV.\n nrr.i. lr.';;u;cl. Alnilcn, Austr«:u. Al;lra. E5v:U:i<!, norUicrn Irr^nnJ niirt o'.hrr

I-a«TTiirf p;u;ii[i,. rMVii'ivc vicr- prcJrtfni n: Uic cori>o:.i;i(in. wiu.

'Sonif uiiils !i;ivr KH'H’ “ licrc »:nlr »nn:an h.ul bern :.crn bclorr. Thrrr' iiiui:. !;.nr .•ix'iil !lir winter

,Li A:/i:ta. Ollirr.s ha\r fiitrrUlnf<l raf.i ftt outiwts uiKl s,lnirM>i:.1 A:;iiTi(-..n ircxip-, t.’ic .'hflt/r nt bo.T.!>-prpo;-, prrvioa'ly liiiUl by tlic 0 fTr.n:;\, Tlify linxr iriivHrcl by d(« anny bombrr. iiiiv;»l lr.•vll. • jvi;1 a:ij coniiiirrcml planr."

Crc'-:.'i of IJie USO ;.tinws coiv.latit- ;JaMii; nt num- lliaii 1.000 cami»'-

• r-l in tlir Unlusl •

No Bananas?

Vfi. «e liave bananax today— ma;bc nfl( In lbe tl. but thrre ire plrnlT In the miuOi teas. Thli U. K. inlclicr niiiillnc up a brirf rtupKf from war on a »nulh I'a rillr Mr travri loaiird down wUI larr«cll sUl» from nallven.

u . u i 6 m [ s


Rites for InfantJFJ10MK, April lb — C:r,■>v ldp

fnr Uaby Lron LanK.'lon j*jn of Mr. nnd Mn . Klmn LAU.--';n:i. Wni, nrrc lirlii TilcMlay e\rr.ir.? i\t ll'.r Jrrnnic (Tmrlcry. Burial iisiJfr c!lroc!toii of tlic Jfronir Iiinrral rhai>cl.

T ip mrAi-.i h Mini\f(l by Ills p.ir- tnu ftnil nnr bro'.lirr.


fxl i : nnii 1

tio lins bri-ii In wTll nrmy fhln« M.. ttas rrniliia! !io-.v n nifrlil ol-

• Mill ;.rvnrl thr > Join 111 rk nt Oak-

I iVoil mill licr fl-iUKhlrr- Dortliy Scott, vct

■ttrcl; ohrrp Mr: . Paul!:rr, W. K. Martin, Kim-

npvri. MrCjlliini uiin 111' .-on a.-vl daiiclilpr.ln-bw. Mr. and M f, lUrri'.rt McCalh;ni. iiou.- ot Np'.'s. 0:-r, «r:r In HftUMii rrrmllv in x:-.f li'.lrrr.if. of Ihcir Inrni ulilrli ll-.rv rrfi-nlly •.nUi to I'rtP MilUlrr.

Mr' C.irl irij;lips u rn'orlcd (o b<- fonlir.pil lo hPr bed at tirr lioinc fnvn ihp rlfrcl. of n hrnrt aliment.

U<iulry, !n:, of Mr. and Mrr.. Jfi! J'o vtrv. who 1-; Miillonrd nt Fv.:'. J.icl.'cm. c.. lia.-. rrcrnlly berii !’.'.ni;p .1 i-uriviral. nccocaU\« t« *,\il rrcpupil irrni iitm. Aiiollirr H juv ii bn 1.1 l)c nmdp ii rorponil U Irvin Rnnhill. :.oii of Mr. nncl Mrs. Frank n.iriiiun. wlin h In Iraln- lni:.al i> r.inip in Calllortila.

WASillNOTON, April 15 - Ad 111 ilie nillk mnrlirtlni:

rcnnnmlr.' orilpr liavp bcrii iil.nlf bv llif (Ippurtmrnt cf HKrkiiliurc. Tlie ncllon 'vn.' rfffctivr April 12.

Tlic tiiin'nclmi-nl rrniovcr. jirr.cnt rc-Alrlctloii.' mi the siilc of milk in IrM-llinn-Quarl-.'.lic ctinlaltirr!' tor nui.Mmpllon in I;icl(irlr\ .••rlinnlv olflrcJ, on plavRrciimb. am! in ^lln. llivr plnrr.''. The provl .lmi. liowcvrr, rcMriPiliiK *■>'■ '■•‘1' ff f«r «■'' siimpilon In tionicH In li'vs-ilian- fpiart Hire conlaln(T% i.illl ri'iiinlns.

It ftL'O modlllri llir pir;,ml pro- vl.'lon prrvcnllin; inlll: Imntllcr:! from piirrlia-slii;; Imttlril milk crenin Jfom more Uian two liandlcrs (lurlni: a cslfiular nmntli. Utulcrt\ir ivmtw'mtsM. pTofrr.'.urx o( «\llk lire Mclii(l'’i! from ihb rcmilatloli: the fyrrlivl I' cltinu;i-d from on mnntli In Hirer rnir<-:utlve day nnd bulk nillk nnd rrc'iini a\ wrll n llif btilllrtl proiliicl;. arc Inrliiilrd Onlv rf.''tniir:iiit', hotehMmllnr fitabll-.hmiiii'. arr llniitpd lo piirrhn'f of hoit’rd or bulk pillk nnii rrcnm fnim not mure tlian two lian.-llfp I" n»v ^rm^rcullve <lay rroor/^r.s and pa'.inirlr.lnK liai; illrrs o( milk may piircliar.e fron nnv nunilipr of ;oiiifr%.. Stnrrs, rc.Matiralit', lioteU .-.Imllar r^t.ibll’linirnl.s are pniliH)- licd from icfiiMiiK delivery of milk or crraiil tlifv Imvr prrvlously dcrpd. mill from rriiirnlnK or offrr- Inn lo rriurii inilk or rrcam pre- vlniirly dfllvrrr.1 lo llirm.

Tlic rcfiU'rimciiV ol ilfpo;.5t' bolilrs iL-.ctl In tlic linmc delivery trade I', llljcrallrrd. Exrmptlons from Ilili rcijuircmcni may Krnniril la anv i fHilrpiiifnt elfrrt uhcrr an rxrmpl collrcllnii on dci>o:.lI.i In ;ilr milk irr.de.Rurnl iiriM' and Inrorporated

miuUt 6.f>00 In tK>piilat Ion arc ■ii'mpl from the rr.Hrlcilun.'. of llie

i ;-ono!iiy hik! Ill iKit prevent

e tt'liolc-


Carey Red Cross Donations at .$638,

CAIU:Y. April ir. — Mr';. Uival Cnatc.r, chnlrman of (lie Ui-d Cror.i

ar t«Ml drive, W.\n wmouurca that illpcllniii 111 C;irey lotnlril $f;3li<'l Tnillvliliial ilfinatlons made up llic

Krralcr part ot Hie total the fol- Iinv orKaiiir.illtiir: nUo doimtcd: Ciirrv ward I..U.S. churrli. Jib; Carry Pronfc.-.Mve club, $:n; Davld Davii iml, American I/'(;lon and I:iclk:; nuxlllary, $2.').. nnd Carry■ aril Miiitual inipnivrmrnt n.'.'ocln- liiii, $10.Tlic piipll.l of tlie Kriulc .•rliool do-

,atC(I Jlfin Mllli llir Ililid ali'rt foiirtli uriiilr.'. iiiulcr the dlrcrllon ot Ml'. Mnrjorle S|>cncer Rlvlns *<• of Ihi.' amoiinl.

ll ir (iiinl'i for Ciirey tin;: i:,00. ll ir fjiioi.i u.a.', p:LV'cd .'.ccoiiil v,c?k■ llic drive.

D. McLey .Burned In Farm Accident1ANHF.N, April I5-D:irrrl Mr- V, ttlin !' fnrniltiK near MiirtaiiKli :li Ills father, l.i niirslnc mtIou''

burn;, nboilt hl.i ctic;.t nnrt nrms ivhlch lir rcfclvecl rrcpnlly, ttlicn

mLMnkrnly poured Ka^ollnc I hp tliouKht to be nil on ilip

Sor«p. MtLfV uar, pirparlliK a lire 111 Ihe (nrnc for tlic purjxc.c of rcp.ilr unrK.

Hi'. cbthUiK. Incliitllnit a wool i>lilrt, hr io[p from hlnwclf but jiol unill lie ttjiN badly burned.

From where I s i t . . .

/ / J o e M a r s h

John Trumbull, our porima.- icr, Kv>ks up (rot5\ lils newnixijxr .vcsterdaj- and wy::: -I .'.cc ihcy ciUKhl another one o' them no. called '(p»iv:-lords’ of the Pro­hibition era.

“Wonder how Jong ifs ^olnfr If) fake IIS to wipe out tlic evil rrohlhiUon left behind . . . not

tomcnvSon \ht bllHons ol t'oH.tr* Ii cost the people?”

TTfll. Johnl* rijtht o’ roawe. Hart to bfllcTP America couM rxrr iw s a Uw like ProhJhltlon.

Hut from uhere I »K li'n a bit; con'nl.ition-no«r Dial Pro1ill>[.

tion l« ovrr-fo neo hoir itioiler- nllon nnd loleranee have Rrotrn up In Ita place.

Nowaiiay/i, if a man cnjoj-s a friendly Rlnss of beer or two after a tlaj-’s work, he not only

can do It In clcan. respectable rurroundlPKS-but he knows that no bootlcsKcr or unnffster !■ making n red cent c


«E D CROSS GEIS J ] , 6 4 2 I N K U

BURLEV, ?lprll 15 “ At Uie April board mcetins of Ca.%'la county clinptrr ot American Red Cros.i, Nfbi O. tillnclcf. clialnnnn ol war fund drive, announced tlmt tlib county rabed S7,C42.TJ, ovcrMib- ^crlblnK Uie $3,000 quota by a con- i.ldernble nniount.

Of thli nmouiit. «,01Dr2 wn2 :.cnt

Vo tJi# National ne<l cree». »nil tt.- 003il will remain for local work. .

Mrs. Calvin Lobc. home eeri'ice chairman, reported thftt <5 cn.ica were handled throuRh her dei«rt- incnl. many of these cases being given financial old.

DurlnK the month of March. 278 civilian war ftid garmcnt-i were ship* ped to Hie Red Crca.i warchoiw nt OsiUiv Mis. Wiv Parke. chalrTOs.n of that work, .itated that 37 women put In 1.248 hours mnktng ISl Ear-

t. C. Wlllm.'.. chulnnan of fturKiral iircjjlnRs work, reported the production of dre.vilnsa was tripled

to MuTth. but lo lln» cooperalloa

of all ceramunltlrj In tiic county. There were C32 Aoliinteem working 5JSI hourr to make HI,025 drerj- hlR5,

There are thrrr home niiri.liiR cla.w» being eomlucted nt pre.'fiil, one for the public and two in high chDol. Tlie Red Cro.-.i aI;.o Ims

cnc tlrst aW clvA and oi\e wutsltion cla.1.1 in progrc^v

With the addition of lao Junior Red Cnv.i itroups, there tuiw 14 scliooh enrollpil In that

At the recent . macliliicr>'


Mr«- John 3->nc.'.l ha.i rccrin'd word from her ion. Si;i. Joiin T. Erickson, who b statlonrd at an nir- bit&e in Maine, Ihal in.- Iuls been presented wlUi a r.ervUr record card flvlMK n "very koojI" rating <v- p;oJ- ecllonallst iit tJir nniiy nioiiun plr- ture tiiputer at tJint Ii L.r. .Serp'c.inl Erlck.- in wus employni at iiiP l(»al thcoter.i for lx ><-at.i belnre goinc Into the ftervlcc.


Mra, Hnr ’cy Steel and dnURlitcr Lallne have lelt lor Salt Lake.

Mra. Lldla ,Vost returned home from Urlgham City. Utah, where tiie was callrd bccausr of the lllnc;j o hrr daUKliter-ln-law.

Mra. .Malda Maiinum left for Trx«.-s wlirrc slic will Join her luis- b,iiid. who 1-i In llip iirmciJ forces.

Mr^. R. 11. Tracy from IltlKlmni City. Ui.ih, rrtunietl to her home alter a tew dajT vLill.

Mr. nnd Mr.^-E. D, Joiiri. Ro.-i.i

Jooea and Jamea Bran»oa. ir.. fpent

ft few dtt)» In PocftteUo vUltln* rclaUvea.

Now Many Wcnr

FALSE TEETHW llh More Com fort,

ton, Jiui rprinllp k lllilf I'A.'lTtrrJt on )oiif piiirj No emnmT. £WT. P*»- 1/ Uile or rrflliig. l.'lirclii "nl»le ofloc- ulriiiuip bmini. Oft KAaTtmi tt

.Vo. S7 pf 0 Saia WO, Bmiwi hJuUrj foiWc/ia

Page 6: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN


Rier Davla, dlrcclor or »ar Informa, tlon. Raid UiP bnvvrrj- of Ainrrlfan corrropondcnt.' nnJ U>c rntrnirlw or American iifB'i'i'aixr*. prrs.\ clBllonj. maunJlif-'' riidlii nftt'jrfrl orKniilrjlltniJ tiavr sivrn 111? Amrrlc-aii trank undcom[ilPt liirnrmnlloii nboul llir »ar.

•Tlie Kall;iii!n- or Hi'-.-r ri ;«irl.-i3 ttJld pjiolnsrnplirn t' akin lo Ilinl nr oiil ruiilliiK mrn. but It u nl'O n llilin: apart," U;ivl.' ‘ jlfl In ii (ilati-mrnt. 'Tiir lliry dnirt fuhl— anil llifv raii'I lUlil I'jrk wiirn. a.i II h.-ip|x-rn V) ..llfn, llirlr i.»ii ;i l arr J<•r.;>a t!la l.

“ Ilifir mi"lon ai linaii

. Page Six

tory b!L-r<l In jian jiaiiiimft ifi'-y i;i'r i

<aO C’o.rrlnc »'

morr tlu.ii COO !ifuii-.ii>.r rudio rcvninrnljior* and mrn tiavr brni »rrrr«Utf<1 fd .Slatri military niitlioiill'

iu,li(’rr mid aflo.it in ttif.'p arr acllwly m nil the rrniit.i nt nil

III Hclillllon, lirlw , . iniTlciiii ni'U-i and piriurr "'*yu\'i“T)rt'ii nrcrcdltod lo Hir fifllhll

or Ilrttt^ti doniliunn mlliwr)- «u» Uiorlilr.-..

KirttTii liiivp dlpil in llir iMTfonn- aiicp or UiPlr ridly.

A r C4irrr!ipond»nl< PraUrd Ainrinn rorrc ipoinlNiLs ^iiiiclrd o;it

for prnl.'.c by Davis wnrr *uc!j Amu- clalcd rrpT.i mrn as ttirse;

Haro' Cnx-kctt. wlio Uist Ills lirr wlicii n DrltlMi vr.Mrl wiu toiprd- oixl l:i Uie MsdttrrrBtican.

Larr ' AU«h. wto was Ukrn ptb- oner o/f Tobruk loal SeplMnbrr.Mid now Is A prL’iontr of war In Italy.

Tnylor Henry, ttho Ktuclc lo 1 post nl VIcliy "unlll wliut rcmaln- nI of Prancc was ovcrttliclmfd by Uie hazLt.”

Vem HatiKland. who, forced ball out of an army bomber o New Ouliifa, for six wrcka foughl JiLi way Uiroiisli the mountain Jun­gle bfforp, cmacUtfd. frvrr-rackrd and dellrlotu, lie crawled to mote mission stntloii.

Clmrles McMurlrJ. accrrdltcd lo Uie navy In the Solomoni area, win sulferfd ncvcre bums when a JiitU' nMp bomber cmshrd Into a Unltixl SLiilo Aircraft currier.

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thund«y, April 16, 1043

Beets autl Cattle Mean Money, Says Northsider

Hob i;dm»n. Wrnilrll farmtr «jiil «lofkm»n, lioprt aurar W l acrfac^ wlU fc* « M Ma«le V»Ilfy(armrm ran makr It brrauw of pulp value In llrralork Irrdinc u well u the wartime nt«d lor sn{ar. (HUfi l’liGta<Kncri>lnKl . . .


LIMA. Peni. April 15 (,r) — Vice rrc.ilflcnl Heno' A. Wallace Urmed P.m-Amerlcankm a pact lo win the WAr and nftcrward build "n truly Jii.'il world’" In llie keynote apccch of hUi vl-ili to Peru.

Wallace npolco seven times In one of Uic mosl active days of hL<i Lattn> American tour jind stood for Uo houra on n reviewing stand tocetlier wlUi President Manuel Prndo Y uearteche while 10,000 men of Pcni’R armed forces paradctl by,

Spcaklnc al a meeting la.il right aponiored by Uie Peruvian-North American Cultural committee. W»l- lace declared the future belongi lo the American pecple.i.

neferrhiK to hla lour, he !.aW, "I have founa Amot\K all Uii-w p«<ijiU'n a firm will to coo;irratc lo tiie full- est measure of their ability toward Uio defeat of nail fusebm, The'.p people have rrfujcd no werlflfe. Tliey Mr fortified by an unalteml>lp belief Uiat i>coce will brUiK the world an order ba.ied on Uie fire- doms e.ipou-'.ed by Prr.iUlrni noo.»r. vclt. For nil these peoplr.i todny's Pnn-AmcrlcnnLim is a p-iet not only to coopernip to achieve victor?-, but lo be able to build up aflerward In pcncc and In a hnrmonloai nlmn - phrre a truly Just world ba.-ied or

4 i ese freedonvi."\7inince left today by airplane

for Quito. wlUi a stop en rou Oualaqull.

Suijar Beets Vital to Cattle Feeding, Says Wendell Man

Bob Edman. f\iccf-\sful Wendell i'-rinn- thLi Aeiuon. hut that's all farmer and iHesta-k srowrr. look sone no*. I exi>cct to quite a

,u. wet pulp Jrom Twin l-'alUlime off Wednesday to thins about the lont; aiul ahort

view of faniiliiK riurinc the ......FUlmnn ngteciallzM in livestock

and crops which ko with . . calls that he bousht cattle during the liut war for the CIiIcbro mar­ket and has been IredlnK livestock ever since. Naturally he thinks of Ihlncs A httlr dillerently tlwe fellows who dop't feed." h< plained.

DerU E-wntlatTo Edm.in and many otherx like

him In Mnslc Valley, "freil thins." And he rcmrnibrfs Uirre was practically no frcdlnK In- ilwtry here, ’Tlial." hr ,«ay.>. iKlore the :.UKar berl Indu-Mry to Twin Falls, It wem.'. that feed* liiK and sUKsr beets always go to- Kelhrr. to t supirar theyTe both cf-'.entlBl war crojvs Huhl nox. if the short.-)Ke of nirnt and dairy producU iran.s anything. ‘"S» far." Mv.i Eilmnn, “we've had

plrniy of .feal In the valley, but I dnn't know how It uniiUI he If .iiiKar bcri ncreaee shoulU l>e drastkalb' reduced. I've been ujlng dry beet pulp from the Ny.ua, Ore.. lugar

"Hay Is a mighty good crop rat'c no*-.~ he added. "When you can get present prlcr.s for hay., whctlier you fee<l It nr »rll I hardly P«y* to plow It up for < i.ial duii'. fit KU viell imu }uur reg­ular farming program.

Sutntantlal Itrtum “Sugar beetA fit Into It perfectly,

however, and give me part of a reei) crop and the sugar besides, with a net cash return la.it year of more than $100 an acre, anil I .Miould be able to make more than that thU year. Mlih beeu up $150 a ion.

"I had no trouble getting beet labor . . . not iui much trouble a' gettlnR labor to hoe my bean*, in fact. I'm not worrying about help for iny beet.s again ihli year.

"There’* anoUier Kood thing about beets," Edman cnntiniieil. "J'Toin niv experience I have found no crop that won't do better following i>

80 bunhels of wheat or 100 bu.ihrU or br.rley unlll 1 jibnied H

lert land. Follo\vliig ber..t 1 103 bu.shcls of barley the first


‘Britisher’Yank Yelled at Proves Top Commander

32 Get First Aid Course Diplomas

BUHL, April 15-ln Uie first aid le.st at Clover H completed the *tandard course, and JS the Junior course, Bum.ird AlbcrLson, Bohl, has been Uielr Instructor. After the examination, the group gave a party of apprecIaUon for the In­structor.

Complellilir the course were; Standard, William F, Boehlkr. Mrs. Clara S. Doehlke. Mrs. W, H, Dler- ker, Mrs, Hulda Oehle, Tlifo, Oehle, Mr.s. Mar>- Olhring, Mr*. Martin Knlep, Mrs, Jen.s Lns^fn. MLis Olea Meyer. Mki Fslher Wenier. Erich Wegenrr. O. C. Weslerkamp. Ml'j Helen Knlep, Mrs. Edmund Clrlrli. and Junior. Leralne Boehlke. Liilii Mae Dierkcr. Rnlph Olhring, OIrr.ii Knlep, F.Ialne lAw n. Unvd IJrr- mnn. Cliarle.t Lutj. David Lutz, lie- airlce Meyer, Hilda Meyer. Vera Mae Per-slgrahl, Clacivs Perslgeahl, Wayne Schroeder. Dolores Sclitoe* der. Enola and Manln Ulrich. Co:i- cordla Westerkamp and Harvld Boehlke.

Ut I'niled Pm*Tlir Yankrr srrKeant wns

hurn- and hnd no Umc forwhrn the AmrrlMn and Hrli*

Ijh forrrs wrrr making the hlMnrlc Junrlinn In ,'outh T\inUln.

was ^culIlmk• alxnil In a Jrrp InnklnK for an ndvanreil Ilrlt unit, nrcordlns to thr slory (old the Drltbh Ilroadc.isiing corpora­tion.

Turning a comer, he saw a small rtPup nf .soldlem In British battle drr.M. Hr pulled up and yrl!r<l at one of Ihrm, nvklns whrre the was. Till" 'nldlrr asked why hr

'"lie Io'm the lirltUh lolcllrr plain- Iv," the n nc verslpn ,-.ald, (juotlne Ihe Trjrant as follows: "I gi mavl)T 1 threw In a few personal .. marks niid the nntt-Iirr talked to mr pretty straltht. ln<\

"After hr WBlkfrt a«ay, 1 s.tlrl to one of the others: Tliat fellow must be a srrsranl. ihe w.iy he talked In mt.' T ie ^crrt• S Cillon salil: 'No, you're wrong there. He Is not a .ser- gesnl. That'.s General MonlKom-

■—Gen. Sir nemfirt) L. Mont­gomery. the commander of the eighth amj}-.

Final Session to BeHeldbyP.-T.A.JEiJOMK, April IS — Monday

r«enlng. April 13, will be the lo-st meeting of the year for members of the Uneoln school P.-T,A-

Tl'.e committee in eharse of nr-( inirnirnt.s has extendevl Invitation! > members and gue t.v Tliere will e an election of officers, and the

program will feature parts of the coming operetta prrsenied by the ela-M of Mto UvRue Anderseii.

II. Maine Shoun. .superintendent ot KhoaU, will H'eak. Open houv ' will be observed wlirti parent.s may | confer wltJi Ihelr childrens' leach-j

room prtre will be offered for rivim having the largest mim-' if jiar^nts pre.senl that evening

Funeral Rites for Frank P. Willis

aoODINO. April IS — Funeral •srn'lce.s wrrr held at tlie Tlinmi»snn chapel for Frank P. Wlllls. 84, witli Itev, O. L. Coleman, pastor of the Awmblv of God church, officiating.

Mr. Wlllls was bom March :d. llir.n, and died following a lingering lllnrss nJ hh liome In Gooding April 7. Hr Is survived by his wife. Mr Nrlllr WlllW, Ooodlng. and a soi Hrnr ' Wlllls. l/ ij Angeles.

ralll>earers were D. A. nreu-ri W. K. Enstabrooks, F. H. Jeffrie' T: C. JnrKensrn, Hrrli TTrver ati- \rt Pmllh, Burial wxs at ElmwoiM •emeiery In Ooodlng. -


Bottolf.sen today w*i confined to the £t, Luke's hospll^ luflertng Irt>’n pneumonia.

"Tlip governor Is not extremely HI. He U In good condition." hts physi­cian. Dr. F. A. Pllten6e;<>*lil last

IJotlolfsen had been 111 the past week, believlnj he w ^ suffering from a cold.

HL\ lllneM resulted In cancellation today of a meeting of t:ie board of :i;.un ccwunli-sluners. Tlie rrjiorted i r.'Unatlon of Warden C. Van Cl\-'k . OA lo have been taken ujx Ernie Hood, the governor's .sec­

retary, also Mid a north Idaho trip ;n which the governor had several 'I>eakmg engagementa had been pcclponed.


WENDEtX. April IJ-Wlth oUier meats rationed but no point* as- ses'.ed against fowls, the demand for turkey poults thU year Is the great­est It h ^ even been here and those In.charge of the two Wendell tur­key hatcheries report orders far In exce.ss of production faclllUes.

E. a . Commons, Twin Falls, whose plant here is probably Uie largest turkey hatching and brooding »et- up Ui the United Slates, expects lo produce 65,000 poults this seaton. He tald he will be unable to fill many orden and all poulLi he will produce l>etween now and the last hatch July 2 have been r.old.

The second turkey hatchery here, Uie Commoas llatcheo'- opened IhLs spring by Bott Common. and Claud Drake, both experienced hatcheo' men. Orders Uiey hava re­ceived win keep their plant oper­ating at lt« top capacity, they said.

Commons, a releran hatchery Qpera.toe aod tutkey kcowc;. Ivaodles all pha-ses of turkey production. In eluding Uie production- of -bis owr egg.s, hatching, brooding Uie pouli. until they are six weeks old. and proccssln* them «In the fall for shipment to market. He also opcr- '.rs feed mixing faclllUes.Orders for 230.000 poulus. nearly

four Umes his hatchery capacity, have been received at his plant, he said. Of his production, 17,000 poult.s will go to grower* in southern Ida­ho. 10.000 to Utah, 6,000 to Wyo­ming. heavy coaslgnmrnta to the Upr*r Snake rirrr country In Idaho and the remainder to other terri­tories.

Turkey poulti were coming out of the incubator hatcheO's at both plants this week,

Salisbury Estate Petition Is Filed

PetlUon for letters of admlnlstm- on In the estate of Fonr.it O.

Salisbury, who died April 1, has been filed In probate court by Ellen Jane SaUsburj-. the widow.

Property In the estate Ls valued $7,000. The heirs. In addition to Ihr petitioner, are Max Sallsbur>',

Omaha; Mrs. Esther Salb- Itolmes, a daughter. Twin

Falls; James Salisbury, a son, can of the postmaster. San Francisco: 'Irs Margaret Sall.sbur>' Harbert. a daughter. Lee Angeles: and Jack S-iltsburj', Twin Falls,

Tlip petitioner a.sk.? letters of ad­ministration for herself. Judge C. n.illry set the hearlnf for 10 a. : April :j.

Post-War, Autos WiU Have Glass That’s Wetproof

DCTnorr. Apni 15 cd — No windshield wipen will be needed on put-war automobllea tiecause of new tjpej of glass now belnj made for fightlns.

Tills was a predlcUon to Uie American Chemical society today by Dr. GujUv Egloff of the UrU- versaJ Oil Products Co.. Chicago. The new glass contains no alllca. Neither rain nor snow will wet or cover 11, he declared.

Furuierroare. windshields prob- abl; will be proof against glare, dne lo new quallUts of glAis. At the same Ume Uie window areas will have transparent supporting posts, which do no t obstruct vision.

In a cltaed car a person may be able to see on all sldea as readll; as In an open vehicle.

S5-nUieUc rubbers. Dv E«loff predicted, will be used as shock and TibraUon absorbers through­out a car, giving amoother riding. He expect-s aynthelic llres.to out­last the cars.

ingRed Cross LeaderJEROME. April 15-L. W. Grcv- ij was reeleclcd chairman of the

Jerome county American Red Cross chapter, during a nietjilng a l Uie Jerome funeral ohn|>cl.

Others reelected were Mrs. Roy D. Smith, secretary-, and Mrs, William G. Phoe ilx. treasurer.

Reports of acllvltlea uere given. Including details of the recent war fund drive.



first time since the start of the war. Uie axis nqw Is roeklnp tinder a

three-front allied bombing offensive which Is dropping a record tonnage of explosives on Germany, Italy and occuplcd tcrrllorr.

The United States army air rorco and Uie royal air force have been carrj'lng on unprecedented attacks dlrecled primarily al the German war Indiistxles In the Ruhr, the U- boat bases and faclllUes. and trans­port mediums.

Since the iiarl of the ‘ closing phase of Uie battle of Tunisia. American and British long range bombers based in Alrlca and Malta have Joined In wlUi ateadlly mount* Ine attacks on Uie Italian' main­land, Slcll)' and Sardinia.

Now Uie Russian air force hai opened a Uilrd major bomblnc sphere with two heav? raids on Kocnigtberg. East Prus.slan base and communications center. In the last few vys.

Whether Uie Russians pin., maintain long range bombing pres- r.ure against Gemiany la unknown, but speculaUon arose that the raids mny be connected with apparenUy

Lewiston Feels 2 Earth Shocks

LEWISTON. Ida, April 15 W —Ta-o distinct earth ahockj were felt in the Lewiston area yester­day.

No dam«e waa reported.

[ 1


StJosephA S P IR IN

developing Qerman mores against Leningrad,

Koenlgsberg Is known as one of the chief Cerman bases In Oie rear for Uie northern front In Russia.

TTie Soviets attacks wefC believ­ed to have been carried out by the red air fleet's counterpart of the American FU'lng Fortress. Tlie Rus­sian bomber Is known at the TBC. It. has a , reported range of about 1.300 miles wiUi a S.OOO-pound load.

STORE COAL!Help Uncle Sam solve a trans- portaUon problem. Help yourself to surety by ordering and stor­ing cool now! Place your order todayr


Mother of Four Seekinc: Divorce

DURUTi', April 15 — Mildred Grace filed .suit on April 12 for divorce from John D, Oraer whom she wa.s married at Rupert July, S. 19M. Shr srrk-s the custody nf four minor children, $S0 per month fupport and the housrhnld lumlture. shr al:,o asks an Injunc­tion Bgrlast hrr husbami to krrr him from molesting her nr Ihe rhll- ilren. In the complaint, .she chanirs hrr husband with habitual Intern-

More Ration Points

for Meat






F O R D T R A N S F E RWrite. Wire or rhsoi




,W« Connect Witb V*a 8«rrlot Aorwberv iti Ametlea

D O U B L E -

M IXSave ^ i n u . . . for neat purc Iiam ...on red tickets,wb«a 7»« buT buiiar. C*i •

of DAUBL(-miX .ml 1 pint Milk wUk I lb. '

ml botttr (ar urgmriBt) .iat« { lU. dtliciMt <pra»d . . . ikii l•ok^ ui«M iprvsdt tik* Om fiMit boiisr.OOUBLt-mU Spma kald. >1) tk*rkk food TtlnM »( ih* bvttar (•r m4rt>riB«) ■••d milk «i*d.N» rttiM P«iau ar« l«bmr DODBL(*fl)tX.2 P4ek»i4 m*Jm 4 Ih.wllibntItT (•f mmri.Hm,) mU milk.

/ Jt Q iio o fu '

PEP PEASKollfipfj*.'*. A model nir- Majp.'itic L a r g e Sweet |il:inv ill I'ach ^ A m Points

8oz. PackHKC.... A W C ; : jo;?C:u lOcCORN

Gani.-n 5’ntch. 12 oz. C.m.

.... 25c No. 5


SYRUPAm.-rizo Dark


June Rose Salid Dressing. 30c- 2 3 c


RAISIN BRAN Wieat Bran With Raisins. 13cChocolate Wheat 17c

BUTTERChnllcnge Top Score

S Point.<t

Pound ...............


French's ".Medford" Brand 9cCOCOA ScSOAP

Crystal White. Olant Bar 2Sc45c

J Na 38 Stamp. Pound.... 33c

SUGARFine While Satin

i lb. Ra;:. 3 ^ CNo. 12 Stam p .. .

JAR RINGSRutibcr R ings fo r Can-

niiiK. 'Dozen...... ....... -

SWAN ■Toilet Soap, Medium Size


Replucca Ammonin for Cleaninfj.

I Quart .... I7cOur free deliver}’ service reaches all parts

of the city. Phones No. 0 and No. 1. Only

one free deliveir to each home each day.

IDAHO DEPT. STOR“If It Isn’t R ight, Bring It Back”

— ^ E C O N O M Y BASEMENT---------A large selection of perennial plants. Pansies and Rose

Bushes on sale in the Economy Basement





2 P L A N T S F O R 2 5 eD e l p h i n i u m — S h a d e s o f B lu e

C o l u m b i n e — A s s o r t e d C o lo r s

P a i n t e d D a is ie .s — 'S h a d e s o f P i n k

P i n k s — A i l S h a d e s o f P i n k

V e r o n ic a ~ B l u e b i r d F lo w e r , V i o l e t B l u e

C a n t e r b u r y B e l l s — W h i t e , P i n k , B l u e


WhiteBells 1 2 f o r 1 0 c


Yellow Giant

Crimson Red

While Willi Yellow Center

20c Each

Pink Ciwhlon and Bronze Cushion


2 Q C e . c»

Blue Gem

Hardy Perennial Astora

2 0 C E . c h

H ig h G r a d e 2 Y ^ a r

O l d R o s e B u s h e sSEVEN VERY BEST VARIETIES

2 0 c each20 Etoil Do Hollandc — Vtflvcty red with fine fraprancc.

■45 Edith Nellie Perkins — Rich orange out.'iidc, salmon pink inside.

20 Frau K. Druschki — Snowy while, large,, very hardy.

'20 Margaret McGredy — .Orange acnrlct, vivid color, very fragrant.

70 Jlrs. Sam McGredy — Large, very double, scarlct, copper, orange.

70 Pre.s. Herbert Hoover — OranKP, ccnter red shades.

55 Paul Scarlet Ciimber.s — Intense scarlet flowers. Best hardy red climbers

I d a h o D e p t . S t o r e

Economy Basement

Page 7: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

, Thursday, April 15, 1943 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven

Br HOWARD W. BUIKESLCE A«o(Ul«l P m . ScieoM. EdlUr DCnuaiT. April 15 —Tlie UnlWtl

States h u ft possible Ubor fore* ot ftDout M^.Oyo. Fowlrr V. Hirpcr. deputy clialnnaiJ. w»r manpower commlMlon. told Uie Amtrlcan Cl'nnltaV Kjcltly i t j t nlsh<-

"Wllh a population or more thun J30,OOO.CN»," he aaJd, "If properly mobUlKd anil utUUol. ft labor Jorc# o( liair tliAt number Lt not out of Uie queaUon."

He prMlciwl Ihut it will be necu* »#ry to iliiri people Irom Jobs that

• are leu importanl In war Uj»n la pcnce.

S'jcefM In getting labor depend* rirst of nil. he said, on community orBanlzaiioii. Tlie nation, on a in»n‘ power basis, would become a net* work Q( eommunlUe* onanUcd Jor rnicleiit vork.

Mutt n'erk Nc»r Home*To do this he*explalne<l that, peo­

ple must work aa near their home* ft.s poulble, dWike ol employing women and Nesroes must slop, and ft^c llmltji must be abandoned. La* bor pirating, labor hoarding. Job Bliopplne nnd ntaenlecLim roust

"i have suet'-ed," .i;ilil Harper. "Llinl It ii-fflle.'.i mltfruUoii.ftiid ab- tnilrebni arre ellmlnnlfd. we would enUi the equivalent of J.OOO/XWiiif'n.”

Hy Uic end of UiU year. UOO.OM ntldlUonal men will hnve to be taken from civlllmi lllc for mllltiuy Rcrv- Icr. At U« same limr-'mJnHSDM factories itnil othc ei.' enUal Indus- (rle.1 will rctjulre an additional 3.- 100.000 workers. This makes 8,400,- OOO more wo.-krrs this .year,

2.000.000 U'omen Needed To meet UiLi newt It h expected

In liir nrxt nine months to employ 1’,000,OOO women, moetly those who rto Jiot work except In Uvttr homts. Including married women wltiiout small children. Another million must come from retired perioiis. youth Mid some.of Uie phy. lcally handi­capped. Tliere Is a furUier twt>-and« a-iialf million of handicapped who mlgiit be used for certain types of work.

"E>'en after we bring Into our la­bor force all Uiese people who an not ordinarily employrd," Mr. Har­per aald. ”wr shall aUji^'ce a defi­cit of about m gg tm worker*. Tlie!.« «e can OjMg^\s by ciUtt- Ins I>eople from that are leu Important In time of war tlian they were In peace."

Putting Last B ig Boost in Red G oss Tot^I


China Relief, R e d Cross Cash

Used W ell, M issionary Says


Mourlce Devins received word Saturday of the death of hU broUi- er. Hex Devins who was aervlng with the army oversea* and wa* killed In action.

Mr. and Mm. Ijeonard CondSl and family arrived this week from Ta-

^ coma. They have moved to Hager. W man and have leased the farm of

Mr*. Lee Doyer.Joyce McDouKftl uho li attending

N.y.A. school In Welser U spending IS day* here at tlie home of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. Lawrence Hendrickson.

Herman Anderr.on nnd Willlnm Ifcndrlckson left for St. Nfarle.i where they nre employed at tlie state game form.

Blarvche Currie, dean o! women at Albion Normal, and . I.yle Frailer and rinuRhter, Judith Ann, Twin FalLi. vI.^ltM at the home of Mr, find Mrs, H. O, Frniler.

SUs. Eail Latham rclumrd Irom Mnrgnn, Utah, where she lia.i been vl. ltlnB at the home of her sLiler and broUier-ln-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Mullln.'.,.

Arlln DrnnU, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, 1. Dennfs. and Harold Concllt, who are seniors at tlie University of Idaho, are spending tlie week In Hngerman, They ore prsetlee leach­ing In the high school here.

Wlllls Drake, f>eth. Nev., came for a few days vl.ilt with hU parent-i, Mr nnd Mrs, WlllUm Drake,

Fred Calhnun, a Junler hi ItwitT- man high .school, has left for Farra-

P gut naval training base.


Warr.int Officer Martin A and liL wife from Cnllfomla.\hltlng hLi p*renls, Mr. and Mr*.

-'AI Amds, thli week,Mrs. H. C. McCormick. San Pran-

'cL'.co, Is vl.iltins her pnrem.'. Mr. ni'.d Mrs, n. P. Du«can. Prom her* shr* will go to Indianapolis to vL«lt with her hujiband'a mother. Her husband Is In Dtsbrane. Australia, wlUi ihe U. S. medical corp*.

Mr*; David McCl>isk3r accompa­nied Z>r. McClusky on bis trip east.She will visit her parents'In Chicagonnd rl.'o tnke a course In X-ray, .nw -t.L ,m.ciis uiTJiey will return lo Duhl the Utter uge lor the li.nras ed population p in of April, . I Ul the botiiBlng of Pearl Harbor

Two check* folalllng JDM.IC from Orpheom and Haho theaUr palrena* don»llntti were handed yeiter- day by .Manager IJreck i-'aglR, right, to Dr. Charlea Keolt. left. Ilrd Croti war fund drita chairman, and Frwnk L. Cook, center, Twin KalU chapter chairman. The theater funds lent ihe chapter'i war relief col- lecUon beyond JZIJOO. (Staff Photo-Engratlnr)

_____________________ j# ♦ ♦ *

W ar F u n d for

Red Cross at

821,500 Markllie T»in Pall.i Red Crow

fund drive U well past ILi uoal ot IM.OOO, with more tlian $21,JOO now collected and more coming. It wa: reported by Dr, Charles Jl. gcott, campnlKM ch.ilrmaii.

Tlie last large addition lo the fund came In the form of two check*— one from the Orplieuin Uieater and one from Uie Idaho tlieawr—pre- tcnltd by Breck P-Ajln. TOivnastT ot the two plnces, Tlie checlu towded tfM,16, and represented the pro­ceeds of Red Cross week In tht theaters.

Dr. Scott .laid there would be otJi- er additions to Uie fund In tiie near future. Including additional money from the Labor temple, proceeds from a dance given by Uic Twin Palls Moose lodge, nnd otiicr mlicel- laneou.i Items. —

Assurance tliut money contribut­ed 10 China relief and tlic Rr<l Crcts goes where Uie donor means li to go wa.1 KlveH licit by Viola Hill, returned Clilii;i ini:''4onary,

of the principal .'peuk- m at Uje CelilraJ SisccJa-tlon 8c. slon at filer .Monday anil Tuesday.

Miss lilll. whose hiime b nt Santa Ana. Calif., flrit went lo Clilim nn a mbslonar>- m IDlli. bhc w..;, ni Shaohlag. Chekiang province, from 1030 until Uie United Siatfs entered the war ami JJic returned to this country aboard Uio 'Vichnnge ship” Oflpiholm. 'Ilie DapiiM inlaslon nt •Khlch ilit tauaht •A. |,ullc ol U «' many over China whitli saw the contribution!! ot merry reocli Uielr ultimate destiiiailon—tiir, liunKry moiilhs of n ix-(i|ilr Mjiu'c lend iiiiJ olher • property were lUweik-by uk- jreisoi.'.

Carefully Admlnlitcred 'Tlie money ylven by clUjcns of

tJie Unlled Stair:., 0;r.iV Urli and other cuuiiiriM U latcfully ministered." Mlv Hill «ald, " Judiciously alic:-.itril atiionu many place* of iin\i,

"Tills Wiis Jlone “JV mlttees in simiiKliai before PearlHarbor. Amn.... . n...;,/throuKh an Amc riiMii ndvLwry i mlttee, and w;;.-. till re apportl lo the \iirloii . iiil.-.-l<ins."

In Shaohiii;; f«''r in ■. i crated In the ii llef work, ’Hieythe Frtiicii -C.'-.u).,;, i...- ........ . .England, tlio China Inland Mli-Moti lUid Uie Baptbt .Mls;.loii.

Perdi Hungry ChlMren One tiart (it Itn' [>roJiTl w

;lve inejil a day to I.loO hungry tli'.Uln-ii tunv.ing In ax\' ln)iii Jinir to U years. This coasUled nf Kn.ln

green vrcetable. Urinl IfllO. when the Japjinc.'e came, the iiraln was rice, but thut wa.s-aiiioiik: Nii>- [xnie.ic loo!, mid the gra n tlicii !)<•• came cUher coin, wheal or bc,iw.

One meal ;iitl.i> iiI.'O wu'. ;:lvi ii to nurMiin motJin:., and there "rn- i3

the ml.’.slon orphanase who wnt

and Amcrlcii's entry Inlo Uic nnd tliiit began the chain of cventi leading up to MIm Hills departure for Uie Unlt«j States In o Kroup be­ing exchanged'for Japanc.-e diplo­mats and other nationals, sue trav- e/M on t-’if Conte Verde, an Italian .•.hip, from China to South Africa, and there transferred to the Grlps- holm.

On Uie Conte Verde .ihe gained iin Idea of how the Italians feel iitwut their JapM\e;.e alUts,

Jlallani Dbllke Japs••\Ve wl.''li you folks were stnj’lng

aboard." Iliey whispered lo Amerl- •faUier than Uie Jnyarese

we'll have nn the reUirn trip."Ml;s Hill liB.i been ajiprovcd by

the Duptl-M mt.v,lon boaro lor return to Chinn, but she must wait until fi:.'.t China Is freed, because of Uie jiartlcular dIMect she speaks. Tlie board fixes the probable date of her departure as 1044, which nt least .'■huw.i how the Baptist ml';*lon liourd fecla about the course of "

In Ihe meantime, .MLw Hill urses cvrivone to dl]> as dcepiy as pa•. l- l>lr In giving to the China-relief liiiid, the flKl Crov', or any oUier agency engaged in helping Uie Chl-

fed.On tlirei; aftcrnonns a a'Tt tin

eomblnnl ml.v.iijiis dlitrll)»i''d food 5200 person:,, 'ihlcli v,ir, uiien

oma to be prepared nnd Tlic mlwlon alvo had

100 girls rccelvim: liidiistrlfti inMnic- tloii. and n Krn:ip ci! woincii .'pin nlhg cuiioii nnd 'vcavliiff i;;ir'ni‘nt They urre paid for their wori;, lui so eould buj' food, 'nui openited t.. stretch the money received from contrlbutioni ax far as po,«lhlr.

Days of Horror nie Jiipane.'iC m.vle two eiitrle.i

Into Shiiohliig, Hill said. And the only difference between their treatment ot NankltiR nnd SUnolMns was that there were Joumftllsts nt the foimer place to report ihe no­tion of Uie Jnpanc.-.e to the world. They suycd but tliree days on their Jlrtl npi)ti>t»nce In the hiier part of October. 1040, bul Uiose were three days of horror for the Chi­nese [wpiJsUon. When Uie Jnpfi left Ihry took all they eould caro’ of money, Run.-.. food nnd cotton. They returned In April, lOll, nnd have been there ever .ilnce.

The inKvlniLi were havens of ref-'


Mm. Hert Dnwler attended a pl.-iy production at Mo.icow In which her (InUKlitcr, .Mercdyth appeared In I leftdlng rol'-.

Mrs, Charle.i C. Shaw and s< Jimmy. Iw*. Aligele*, nrc vl.iltlng the homf ol her parent.*, Mr. a Mrs.-A. F. James,

Mrs. Hirhard White, daughter of •Mr. siml VUs. E. IV BnUe, Li vl-.llliii; In Wft-MilnKton, D. C.. with Sm. John Tlioma.i nnd Mr.*. Tlinmas. Mrs, W llle had been In norlcln wUh I.leutennnt'White before he left for overseas duly.

Mrs. neihel Day, stale pre'ldenl of the W.C.T.U., attended a meet­ing of the third dbtrlct W.C.T.U. la Boise. She apoke at meeUnKs later In polie and Mountain Home.

Byron Nel,*on. U-T.S.D. student, nnd Keith Tester, navy V-1 student .'outherii brnneh. attended the Jmi- ior prom htTe.

J, W, Carpenter has returned to Gooding nfter nn abwnce r>( five months during which Ume he work­ed on war projects at Hawthorne. Nev., nnd Ixicur.t Orove, Okl.i.

Pfc. Hnyal Hubbard hn* returned I Camp Chnflre. Ark,, after rpend- jg n 10-day furlough In GiK'dlng

with his parent-s. Dr. and Mts. R. E. Hubbard.


Now Open


Bobble Turner. l2.yenr-o!d w . ;r. and Mr.. If, H. Turner, U vnle.*clni; otter i,u{£etlin:. jcwre bums about the legs Inst week,

Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Hartnon nnd ms. Earl nnd Dick, nre at Farra-

gusi. Idalio, vi'ltlng Uielr son anC brother, llnrolil, who ni the na val training ,''iatlon. They will abo vL*lt their pon-ln-law. Leonard flemt, Hnmm^tl, wiin I* also In tridnlng there, and .Mrs, Demi, who Is living In Coeur d'Alene,

Sill Griffith, chnliiiiiin of the Glenns Pern’ Brolherhood of Lo- cciiiotlve frtiglneers. was pri'.sehted

a 25-year acuvr mcmtierihlp It a recent mreting.

R U N G OPENEOAddlUonal openings for trahilng

In the aircraft communicator ser­vice ore announced by the regional ottlce of the civil aeronautics nd- mlnlslraUon at Seattle.

TJie CAA olrcratt communlcatiir* provide almien wlih Infnrmatlun vital lo lh« -safe .operlTuon of air­craft by mearjj.of radlo-teleplioiie, radlolelegrapliTielelype and hiter- plione, says ihe announcement.

Since August. 1M2, the CAA eommunlcMOf traliiSsiR ttTvice hM been training young wunieii and men whtwc aelectlve service raUng* Indicate their tervlces are not now required by the armed force.*, teach­ing them radio telegraphy, telciypln* and many procedure.i tiiiolved In operating nn airway conununlcatlon station, Porty young women and »l* men have been graduated from Uie training center and av.iuned to the CAA communication stations In the states of Oregon, wa.^hlngwn, Idaho and Montana,

With the c*5>ai\de\t ttnlnlng pio- gram. It Is pointed mil. a broad territory of assignment wil] be ogien- ed. Trainee* will be piven the op­portunity lo receive a.«tKnment to jlatlons located ouUlde the seventh region. In fact. It Is fald. wherever vacancies are open in the Unlled States, and in the territory of AIa.«ka.

Only men. and husbnnd and wife “leams." are being accepted for ser­vice In Alaska. However, Uie pny for Alx*kan service Is nnproxlmate- ly UiOQ n >ear per Itvdlvldual. awI tiiU permits a combined salary of li.OOO a year for a married couple In Alaska. Trainee^ arc paid while they learn, and the rale of pay for women Is the same ns for men,,

Applleatlmi blanks may be ob­tained from the eini ,*rrvlce reprr- srutallve at any [wsiofflee, nnd ad­ditional InfominUoii niiiy be ob­tained by writing to Ihe aircraft

•altlc.•nter. i

. SmlUi Tower annex.


Mrs. Otorse Hoag left tor Omaha, Neb,, where she will Join her ' iMinil and make her home.Hoag ha.s spent the past month visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mr*. Frank Manning,

Mrs. Annie Williams left recently for Oregon where she will vbit ii monUi with her son*. Elmer and Vernon W’llllams.

Gloria Satmdberg left for Call fornla, where .'he will make nn eX' tended visit with lier aunt.

Mrs, C. R. eimplnt hiis returned tn her home. In Caldwtll nSler Ing her daughters. Mrs. pa and .Mrs, MerlV Clayville,Dob Slmplot.

Mrs, Mable fllchen* hfls returned home from n visit In Balt Lake wltJi her daughters.

Food antj Drink

Cor. Coljste W. Darden, Jr.. of Vlrglnls. Metegines l.'nlted Nations food conferenre delegate* to hl( Hale, hut warn* Ihem Ihey muil obser>e Virginia drinking laws when they eonrene at Hot tiprlnga-

U. S. Employment Office for Buhl

As nn arcommodatlon lo west end farmers, a United Btales employ­ment senlee olflcc will be opened nt lluhl Monday, It wa.* reported by JJnwaiil tilaples, inaiiti«eT Ol the employment service office at Twin FnlU.

Tlie new office will be located the i.cfiind Ilonr of tlir Huhl city building, nith Dr. W. V. KwlKcr n.* the liitirvlrtt'er on dutv, A branch of the Twin F;ilK olfire, the Huhl office will be uniler tlir direction of Slaule.v

•Tlie fliihl office will Mive n great deal of time ni-.d trniihle for west rmj tiin:\c:s:' /.iid "ii.* theynow may Irair.act all Uielr employ­ment srrvltc al Kiihl, ra’.her tiian traveling the sreatrr distance to Twin Fall*. It will Improve the serv­ice which the dPparimcnt ti able to render."

$25,000,000 Now Recovered

In Prosecution o f Wai- F raudslEdUar'i Bate: In the laUewWig

dispatch writUn far the United Prea*. Altomry CenentJ Francis Olddle dlrtcli attention 1« mull* obtained under the new praelice ot proaecutlng war (raad* daring. In­stead of after, the wsr indictments have b«n rttamed against abetil 200 ptrsan* and IS eempanin and >U.OOO,(MO has bern recoveted.I

By FRANCIU DIDDLE Attemey General ef the L'nIled

SUte*(Wrillen for Uie Unlled Pre*») WASHINGTON, April Il-Hislor-

Ically. there Ij nothing new about war frauds, but In Uils WTir some­thing new has been added.

The ut#e to cfieat. to protliecr. to fatten on the patrlotl.vn of others. Is oj old as the profit moUve. pos­sibly as old as war lt*eif.

No. there Is noUilng new about war fraud. But In this war some­thing new ha.1 been sdded—prompt and Just retrlbuUon In the form of punishment now.

iDddly enough, this Is nn enUrely new approach to Uie problem of war frnud. It was not unUl four years aft^r the fighting ended In lOIB that the deparunent of Justice set up a “war transaetlon* »ecUon" lo comb through more ihon 30,000 warUme ordnance contmct.s In the hope of recovering orerpaynients. It was n ihankleu, and almost fnUtle.v*. Job, M l the conmtti lem n\arkr\i cIor- e<l. witnesses and evidence were mls.slng. and both the cases and Uie public were “cold." Only about |1!.- 000,000 was recovered, and Uie sec­tion wound up lUt task w1Ui but one convlcUon.

ProtMUllens D<fln Rsrly This time, however, Uilngs ari

Ing done dlfferenUy, Back In Peb- niury, 10«, Jiut a few months after Pearl Harbor, 1 e.*UblL*hed a frauds unit In Uic department of ju.*tjce. ccmpoaed of carefully e- lected atwl trat!\M penot\t\el equip­ped to prosecute war frauds as Uiey were une»rthe<l, not after the war wa.-» over. Their orders were to take prompt acUon wherever fraud was found nnd no matter who or what might be Involved—collusion, cost padding, kickback, graft, bribery, and the most reprehensible of all

fraud, the deliberate palmlng-

... n our armed Jorees ot defeeUvB munlUons or article* of war.

FortunaKly, Uiere ha* not been much of thi* *ort ot thtng. Tlie ac­tual number of cheaters and cl>l*el- er* has been small. At the aame Ume. Uie result* of ttil* "get thnit now" policy havi been graUfylng' proof of Its efficacy.

In flntt Meted out Indictments hare already been m -

cured against nearly 300 Individuals and more than u companies and corporaUons. A lotal ot approxi­mately 1130.000 In fines and 35 years In prLson sertlcncei liaji been meted out In 10 convictions obtained to dale, Tills represents about 15 per cent of Uie cases now awalllng trlnL Equally rignlllcaiit. npproximately IJ5.000.000 ha.s already been recover­ed on conlraCL* InvestlgaUd by Uit war frauds unit.

But \S*«rou& pfMecMllon ot Irnud and renegotlaUon to recover un­conscionable but legal proflla are not the only effecUvc methtxl.i of curbing wartime proHteerlng. Sub- stontlal bcneliu may be obtained. It feem-s to me. first by npplylnff the bright spoUlght of publicity to In- atances of gro-vt Irregularity, wheth­er actually fraudulent or not, and secondly by the oppllcatlon of never# licnalUes under law where fraud liaa been proved,

Hobbi mil Favorrd As (or the tapcRlllon ot Mvere

penalties on war contract chfnlers nnd frauds, an effective proposal has already been advanced by Con- grevjnan Hobbs. Alabama. HLi bill would eipanfl exhUng wibotngo leg- l.*laUon lo include Uie willful mon- iifacture or repair ond Uie sale or trnnsfer lo the United SUites and Its allies of defecUve material of war. It provides penalUe.* up tp Im-' prWonment lor 30 years and a lino of $10,000.

1 am In favor of some law of this type, butaa wartto.6 legislation oitly, alnco Uie eubject matter of Ms. Hobb.*' bill is covered neither by existing leglslaUon nor by Uie pending war security act.

ratentj stlied by the U. 8. alien properly custodian and made avail­able to public Inspection occupy 73 .feet of shelf space.

Tbe world Vesrs a ile when Spring comes

trotindl And Old Suony Brook certsioly goca

w ith the iei*on! A fter t)I, it ’* a c h e er fu l wbiikejr—>vith p]eni'y of character and f ine , *"

ta liifjing flaTor.


Nitlenil Dlitlllen ProdDcli Con,, N- Y. . SS.4 Proof

as a sunny Spring day!O X . D


Page 8: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Page Eight TIMES-NEWS, TT\'IN* FALLS, IDAHO Thursday. April 15, 1913

yOl S )EC J1! ■) Your Purchases of Bond? Help Buy Materiel Such a< Tliis | jj|j[j[j ||[|||Q(]|{


The mfdlcal director of Uie stlecUve t sfrvlce jyitem rcmlndNl scnstora

lhal won »11 addltloiu to the anrrd forcM mujt come frotn prtient lilRh uchool net youths wliom lie crltlclred

, ,ln Ktneml m “mII bivI {I«bby“■ I'estlfyiris m-favor of a bill to Bpproprlat# W,48077 II ycsr for tli« IiJRh Kliool vlcton' corp* procrnm. Col. Lfonird O. Rowntrrc lold the senate education commltwe ihal In the past t»o years hla office has aceumulM^fl evidence of an overall lack of hfivlth anti physical fltnrM amons j'ounir Americans.

For imtnncf. he Kold. brfnre tnk Inu blood pres.'Ure' of Ilm |>rfllvl Inductees the draft examiners ukciI to make them wiiinl down wid gel up 10 tlme.5.

Klve Time* the Umll •'Now some of the examlnlni; phy-

Mclans tell me Uiey tmve tn rc around and help the boys up after five Kjuatvi," Rownlree testified.Tlie fltne-.i of youth varies 1 state to slate, he added.

•’Colonvdo and the stntes around Colorntio are In n health bell, said. "Seven out of ten mer, examine there are acceptable. In some wuthtrn state.». hoaever, onlv set three out of ten."

Rowntree said a sample of « . 000 •tren-ane reKl.'tTanl.i shoaec 25.4 per cent rejectloas for physical and eduratloiial deflclencle.t. AmonK whites l;i the croup, the rejtctlnn was 23J per cent; among Negroej. <5 per cent.

Manr riaced In 4-F Of tt total of approximately 0,-

000.000 examined for the draft, lie dcflared. between 3..W.OOO and 3.- 000.000 have been cln.wlfled 4-P. Senator Taft. K.. O . continued to present hli objections, as a member of the committee, asnlnM srantliiK federal fund.i to help the states run the secondary schools. He told J. W. Stmlebakrr. United States cnm- mlMloner of education, dial 'lie. thouRht the Job could be don<- better on a voluntar)’ bivsls. "Iiwteafl of hnvlnit the schwls subject to a lot of orders from Wa-shlnRton"

--- r-Troiram Called Failure

CINCINNATI. April IJ U’—Col. Tlaeodore P. Banks, the army's rhlef of athleticj and recreation, declared high school and eollese physical education proRrnm.i had been a "mUerable failure."

Colonel Banks, former conch at the University of Idaho, told tlic national war fltnes.s conference phy­sical education throush play "must be dUcarded ntul a more rusned pro- sram In.stltuted" -to prepare hiKh school niirt eollese youths for army or navy tenlce. Few yoiltJis acrept-

., .ed In the army are physlcnll'Jiow, he said.

•'We miut All a-Mume our share of the responsibility for Uie un- necemrj- Ica.i of American lives.’ he Mid. "Many of our boys have perished because of fatleue and the lack of eridurance. stamina, and tatn BRlllUes.

"You read about the men who struRpled through swamps and Jun

and over mountains, or inir. vlvrd In rubber boati for many daya before being retcued. Tliey had tli (txenKth and stamina.

"Bui ^'ou don't read about the hundreds that did not have such strengliJ and Mamina. Ttiey did not live to report."


Se.-rr:A.-v cT Siatt I l i i tn a p:e«:.-c ;r.:rrT.i'.i3aiI cocpenuce. urte^ •Jif »c.-v'-ion o: Paa Assencan

r.fifhbor pciliry ai tlie majna c.' l^e pcBtwaj wrxli.

fpextjsc beiOTT tSe P»a Aaert' car. UTJsr. izi ctlebriTtca of Pm

ia r . KuU Cexr-.btd the ef'r;.'r~rr.t c! U:e food neishbcr ;K>;;rT u-.t healiphft*

ill ?f--ac;p>s of 'loTtrtisnty.liw . order. J'is'.ict. moral*

r.-tt-ir.irrvratlon. inrSdliaea »rs2 c.v\TeraUor_“

cpcn *hlth vt S-J: c«r ir.ter-Aeervran life."

he » a p.*rp»rcd addrtjs,*».T 20 exiluuve property of the CTC-r r.-.-v cvf : ie .vaierv*!. They »--T s;: pe<--:ar la UOs f#asljpherr. T .ry a.~r aruien»U)' appilcaitic and are c>prr. to ur.:\mal aCopUon."

Eb1« for Ustns •n»e p.*»rL*cr of pq--;:y. Hull enj-

w "r.oi a dc--:in for a but Ls a r-le for Urtr.5

izi a t.Tt and pe-artfal aorld." • ”T;.f U\at »e jealouilj

Uie niJ'.t o!;aiicn, cm :

erra by liie Knssstst. We hai* eoCiia.-icil0D hr «hJch the iincs ar» abCTTc the law and the «rak a l i if by precrpla tnJcrerd upon ihea by a cre»lef power. Ratrjr. »e scrt frepdoas tJiroutij the Kll-rtstralnt and rrapcei for the n jh u ei ai: wMch tr.en aad tiaUcsu tba: art frre willlr:;!; arcrpt as f~-tal to frredocj ItitX '

Maay CcltbnUotn Pan .\niencaTj Cay. oterncd la

Uie : i Aaerican tT?ub::a. eoe- me«orau-a the fin: ln:er-.\sier.- can ca"_'erT2ct tn 1E50 a: w.Mch ifte crtaUoo of the Pan-Aavert.-an lia- IDO was c.*iar.ed. FO.Tnal rt!civil ar>d lallJtarT cemncrjo. par­ades. firsu j and tiup b^.chir.ga marted Ihe day.


i t . arJl ilrs, m r t i llle r . Batic. ■" itTs L;3-.fl Mi;:er and ciii;-

£ire= »; •-’'.e W. C. Posi haese.G»:rt5 Sar.:;em and batr.

Orr. arr n.yii.-j a l t>.e IRiS SiT-nrrs I.ctrr.

S :iir S;;. E::i -Ex.-tto and Tpch. S<:. Hcfacter. who arrtsow ?*_i;:.-c.rd al PocateUr'. a: 'J-.r Frar^ Eirroa h«r.e.

il-T. •*. Cli:k hai her brother. \r_:_i=; .\Ii2\u;e. Utih. aa a

Funeral Services Honor H. Dennis

OOODINO. April IS - }-urxr^ MnJfW werr held for Ha.iy G., DeunLv 23. well knowT fonr.rr; Gooding mWer.l who died at Port- i Und. April 4. |

Pallbrartra were Otto Carrlcp. i AUen CTS.M. O. E. Hir.Rebau=V F. C. | Oibome. Sam Redlnfton and CT.mj 5te\-erA BurUl was la nswood cemetery la Gooding. |

Serrltes were cond'icted a: the] Thompion chapel with Rev. Ncr-j man E StockwelL pa'tor c! the! TrvJty Epi^opal thurch. oftl; atlr.g.


m llr tad EM ca tie trtxa. I'd u t r a ae- c;c;ial Uxaiue and cet

puira all over

I*, was et£;t:fill= d=f Uct cX la =y d:rt -li? bad w = is j fo;ts aur- rrr tro=i. &>-l becia ratiac ax iixcs tU'ttxa !r. I ; i a »Tt3 brrakfait trrtal. aad It C3l dSreUr at tte c! c j ccsjupa- ti:a asi csrreetfd it.

If rr=sl!.-«*Jsa la tfaets ls:t war d3a^

111 m u

Royal Neighbors Plan Conference

HANSEN. April 15-Tlie proRram of Uie dWrlcl convention of the Royal Neighbors, which will be held at Hansen high .school nudltorlum. May 15, wm anreed upon by the local order Tuesday evenlnd. as planned by Mn. Cloe Weech, dLv trlcl oracle. Mrs. Alice Grovonor, Nampa, state orarle. will be presenl and take a part on the prosram of both afternoiin and evenlni;.

Tlie Hansen camp U being railed on lo”presenlVevernl‘rralUfrs"MiuIrf Ihe direction of Mrs. Marcarel Riv.s, drill captain.

The oracle, Mrs. Alla Biirdlck a.'ked the members to meet at 9 m. hrfeafter. A roiitrlbutlon w made to the c.incer pro;;rnm. By vote of the body each member w purcha.'e her uniform to be used


Dallas JiLste.sen, 4. son of Mr, and Mrs. livar Justesen, has returiird from the Hailey ho.«plial. where he was taken fnr medical trealmetit after swallowlnc a nuantliy of gaso-

• line.Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Richards lm<

received word from the war di partment, that their son. Dentna Tvh.i 1) a lieutenant In the slcnal corps arrived safely on forrlun snll. Previous to this Infnrnintlnti thev had received reveral letters from

.him In Persla.' Word has been received bv rela-

, tlves that Curas' Pyrah. who was Injured while on ' a bonitilns raid

Kurope. Ls Improved and Is! able t L In r

s decorated with the purple hrarl for bravery In line of duty.

Mrs. Oeorge Sparks, who has been serlotisly til at her home of Carey, ts Imprfived.

Mr. and Mr.s. Klilnn Hocge and children. Weber, have l>cen vUlllne for R week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bparks.

Cpl. Curtb Parke ha.s been xislt- Ing with hLs parents. Mr. and Mrs. Har -ey Parke. He has also spent a few days wlUi hLs sLster. Beatrice, In Boise.

Aaron York, son of Mrs. Alice York. Tlslted his moUier. He Is ttaUoned at Camp Farraeut

Arrlel ramwonh. who w»a with a road eonstiucUon crew In Alaska for the past year, ha* arrived home 10 vUlt hli Tile and daughter.

Merllne Qdredge. son of Mr. end Mn. W. c . Hdredge who has been recelrtns naTal training tn Plorlda, has been transferred t« Kor/oUc. Va.. for Bpedal tralnlnff at a etmnerr Khool.

Word has bc«n received by the {amily of Mr. and Mrs. Dare Durfee that their parenU are now In Poca. uno. where Mr. Durfee U resUns before completiDs his trip home.

.Mr. Durfee has been a patient at the Mayo brothers clinic for a {aoatb. ■

L. L IE . D HEADQUAim^lS NOR-ni AFIUCA. April 15 <UPi - Tlie pre-lnvftslon cicnnup of Tunl%ia Is going forwnrd otl schedule dtsplti' Field Mafshol &wln Rommel's lie.M efforts to slow the allle»l nnnlr^ Gen. Dwlulit D. Ebenhoxer, su­preme allied commander, nnlil today In an Interview lt> the weekly mnK- ailne, Tam.

"Rommel 1.1 eerlftlnly a Brc.'>t gen- ,ml but he Ls iiol a suprrrmin." Elsenho«er siild. Ilominel is doing all he can to hinder the iilllrd army advance with unweakenliig riierny.

He will cotltlniie to try to .•.lim- up as loiiK ns fxvvilhlr but

allied armies arc i)roKrrx.slHK cordhiR to plan., n..enlioacr r.ulcl-.tlie lUlled armies Intend to annlhllfttr the Clermiiii Afrlka korps In Tuiit-'ln.

■'I am umiblc to .nay how the bat­tle Ls going to BO. but I hojw and believe Uie !»lUt_nf. Tiuils will be comparable to Uml of SlnllngnKl." he said.

Tlie Rasslnns wiped out a Oi-r- man army al StallnKriid. uiid KL ll• hower Indicated Uie . Intenllon v.n.s the .same for the nlllcd lotrn lii Tunisia 40 llial nol a siUKlr iixU fighter will reach the rdiitini'iit and help defend It. nnnliist an In­vasion which may follow the 'ninls- Ian moji-up.Dsenhoner expre.vscd rr^|lrcl fur

the flKhtlng ability of his nmwii- entj.

Tlie German nrniy niu.Nl not he underestimated, lie .Mild, uddliii;, however, thal 11 uiuloiibt.illy -.uiuld go down In defeat before the Anier- leans. Urltlsh and Krcnch.

Winners Named in

W.C.T.U. Contest■nie W.CT.U. was hrld illlorlimi V

e prer.entrd

BUia. April ir»- declamatory cotite.s the lincoln school children from nine . taking part. “In four different each of which a

rrs. wlioIlrtlv Ann Ilonar an

Nnrma .Ir;ui Reed. Ceilnr Dr;iv of whom prrsentfil 'Hlir Mu

Klclan's Hat"; Ami Drake. Ihitil.ThhikliiK It Over." and

Barbara Jean Aldrich. v.ho spoke 1 'Corrlsan'.s Cont. llettv t^u Tliimiix'nn. a Jimlnr

hlk-h srhool ,'tudriit. Mho wcm ronte.sl last year, received a

be atmrlied tn her pin. Her lection «ns •'Control Yoiir-rlf."

niree Judges heard each group. Tlie nine judges were Mr?. C. O Smithson. Rev. J. F. Pi'tin. Mrs Uilu Oault. Rev. Murl Junes, Mrs Ed Johnr.on. Rev. E. II. Halbted Vin Falh; MKs Harriet Hitt. Mrs 'niichn Shrlver and Mrs. Roy

fimlih.Tlie contest was held on the recn-

lar meeting day of the W.CT.U. Tlie' chapter'will dlsrontlnin meetings until .‘Vpteniher. Mr A. Drake and Mrs. Hov Smith

charge of the conte.st.

Castleford Boy’s

Essay Is WinnerBUHL. April IS—Sewanl Prltfh-

(ird. Castleford. place first In thr eisay contest sponsore^I by the H;ihl Leclon auxiliary In ronjunrtinn ' with Buhl and Ca.sileforrt sch'xil Doris Ring. Buhl, was second. Ho:: orable mention went to Jertw Zach. Castleford: Vivian, Ma.Mer... . Buhl; France.'* Oppllnser, Buhl, and , Carol Jean Miller. Castleford.

The auxiliary awarded prlres of j M and 12 In defeasr stamps for the two besl e»ays. Tlie winning evay will be entered In ft .state eonte.st. Slate winners will enter a national contest.

The subject wa.i •'Making Amerl- _ Ica Blrons." Judges were Rev. Cecil Hannan, head of the Red Cro--s chapter: J. W. Taylor, attorney, and Martina Yelter. Buhl llbrarbn and dUtrict president of the i lllary.

A C R E A G E "F O R SALE1 term, will IcraMi **rMS. ■■••Itni hM'l tm>M k««M. chlckni bau« tn W«. ««ur to *11 kiUdlsn.m »4 ti ^ck irt

B IL L C O U B E R I.Y44< 4(b Are. N. Thooa t3I-B

Page 9: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

rhursday. April 15. IWS TIMES-NEW^ TWIN PALLS, IDAHO Page Nine

District Meet of Girls’Counsellors-

Ai-ranged HereD ia lr ic t cur.fcn.'::«x' c-‘ Gir-'*

couBsellcra v.Ll cor.vc“<

Tw in F a!U in the hijrh 5ch-v.I office o f Mrs. Rcm' >!urrxx- North a i - m . Sif-irviiy.

April IT .illiS Lo-3 R-^T. ^ t-'A

d»aa c; KU-J ct i i* G o cc jt SAfS ir. rc-.i=c u i *

cl r ”Tt7:^ '-r.ScT i«:

run:;;;:-, c:

»r>i U»- pencc.-<: ««t-

s p fit fr j :=• ’ e ^tie t i G--> -aC-» —Tr-.n rallj I-.U-*: cothe r~-!rra5x :.■- iTJSJccfr----.p -n--- >.-s=:.'r..- M-'J Ccers-J aiiii Hr_-a i t i *

0::-t.-n c.' :;or .Vc-.vir,' DfiTJ c: \V.%rt=

»r»r j:.-:, JlirriT n

Cr»r. o: fvrit. f « ^ F w . r- -- E.v^rf tUvs=. c.-i= •

IVautioal and Nice

Mi-s.Han-yBiHTy W. S. and S. Head

M S. S c;-i fl.-.-.-'i .Nin.Jtirr?' a ir r r u lif x

=«: %•-•_'■. iir:. rrtvl,itr^. Eirrr fJ l >r xv>.!:-

■ rd ty ilrN. Hi.-T7 Tvf-p.-cs:iec;; M-t. F~'t iUr.-.-^ wr^- UH'-; Mrj, W, S, ri.-.'.'- ;rr-i. -.= r. M:»- .\nh:? FVf. 5cv--TTlirc; Mr?- V*', c>,.'cifrali.-o. S:r. K.;;>. .V=-

v i i f 'n .Ni.Vv.-.‘.V I\ .Mr?. C, B. Llr^-ex. R-i CrniJ

ro&ps a.”d rv=-r>wtf s.',Jar thii waJsT- Rrror’-i ci xiri.'^s

«r:T r-'>r=.O’-es'j i = i . '

>i-v Hitlr-r i=.l Sta. H.O. lU.*tn*.rr. M-. Ba.-ry !ulr. iSe crr'-r »: tie m : '

» ♦

ri! i- pp f ” x-iu-.': —Arevy u-j l.'-j.: :

jMarian Jlartin^ ' Pattern

Idaho Women Ready to Assist in Second Drive

Or, rcturr.inff tror.'. ,i tou r o ( Idahn towns in the interests cf the ^vir ^avir.fs iTOirrAm. M rs. John E . Hnyc.s, chairm an of ;r.c v\c'~<T.'> MVtio:; of the w ;ir .NavinR;* sta ff of Idaho, do-

clm\: .‘ he four.ci the uo m cn o f Idiiho ‘’eager to do the ir

j i i r t- ' :r. the sewr.d war loan drive.V:>;:ir.;: Coc-r d'Alcni’. I.eui.^ton, Wciser, Kampa, Boise,

Cn\\::r.):. Burl.'v. P.vatollo. rnv.oT i ir..-; I.i;:hn Fails w ith M.-s. ^-(Ar.OT \V•;: o: McAcico,

H j ,vos Idaho

\i\.',T.e.n .n,'-'Tv>rd:r-.c u ith :h-.:,nis:n to the ^]opa^ for tt\'.r.er- 'O u t f i; the O u tfit ."

U Mri. &: .»ri 4 to b'jj-K 'c^ -Jif a imps, t


li; cnLv 'i.V=xnt.T tr»s bitr.c be«ns

r jcii.rr's

.a^ a C«il .\vt :o r:^f: hrt-swrf r\ Ea.-.'-. i-.-'--r.Vv's cjo;.i

tnn--. T;i(- i;ro;i f-C-r. fvrr.: T-.itf i : b-V.:.v xvi: o-i\s v-hr.p;f i i . a r>.=-.r«i Is chitjtiiMi r>:

r.-=Tj=-.::;r«- -.ya, sjrirnkrii Mne

c= m co=-.s-jt:«


SM-VET nTO-mCXK\a^ rsiAr.ezi. si^x

-jUBillT- fJT ---- ;«r*,' » ia be cxia rije rJ? d--;— ■ t«cO-p.'rcc ~ ^ . . 't:T « Patura S ia Ci*... ?.‘T .V j :u*lery la^a rc;:-ci: *a ; » w . xt r 71- ~

TiiJtta=.i; a it .n »-.i> r~—« cC :ir* cCi pa."5f:» »=<J a.-. c-Licca: 5cil^-*~s-v: *

Pa"fTt; 5Ci3 =UT crJ.Tfi c c ^ . s;xm Uif CliurrJ oIJ Ji. I t 3J. i.\ e : S:T--\TTa v - jarf. »i s p. at.

\ I rrvijj- ur.5 Rent,

________; K .t » *jMcU!i.vi «mr=fv; a: S 7 JV-lAy M1.-.1S=-.i Cil.'anua t,-un»tnt.\.* « «

RfCi:ir cU::_-!rr awtlTi ci Uie PrttijTtru^ SIrr.'S t^;;b •«ia £» 6J5a. =;. xrca :s. *

■ » ♦SK-JhJJrrk' »-.a aw : H g p.

;S. FJiliT ■«-.•.•■. Xtrs. Cart* Kir.s, « SacJ-.iikS.

1 ♦ •— asKcutsaa ssftu ftt '^^=L.S>.r=^i»T rv-c-irticf *ad It* »5 xiif :ca^o pperr <«a?tty ■adl* sxtsa. TW rcMrrrsuaa *UfJb!e «wa v-» rtar;:t»a to o2 Mn. x:^yx- j=s.

Send SCCTEIN CtNTS b ects; f?f l ia M*.-taa v « r~ m:- lers. Wi*r.:e SttE. XJLVt..\DDRESis STYIX NTXSEX.

Aa « tra T5T? CLNrv osr P a : : « S .x i»bc fi

Send yet? c r ^ L? tie >5r« Pattern Falis. Dflrrt^f cr CUT take • Ie» <iin l:cs«- >3-- tau»I bfcaass cT ’J * ^ X F »Tk~

Mary sl.iy-ot-home wTltcs: '■Sir.TiKht from my heart.And straight to my hero—I ni huyinc War Bondi To help dov.Ti that Ztro'.”

cvcrj" sp-ire dollar into out- flitlnf tlie outiitj flRhling for vou. They cive their hves . . . You lead your money.

Miss D. Collard Tells of Nurses’ Red Gross Work

•ti.s Do.-o;.‘iv Colbnl, superln'ien- tlenl ol n'ji.-f.v nf Ute .•.ouUi cc:r.fal

ili,-l.'nl-«f-ihe-Bed-Cross rc<;uirr.n;e:iis ot ;> nar.c in the .i.-mfcl lorcr.-. lilstiiutillne lirr ad-

!i tJip uort or tlif n;:r< inle air corps,Rrq;i;rrmrnu nrc lijsh. »hf ?,-Ud,

naUiiK n'crultinrnt of >oui;c utj;;.ut from 21 10 31. prr.'erabb' t;;r..r with flylnc fiiw.-lelicr, T .l tircncli n co:npAralivelj- ntw. ;.;a:pd Ml--' Cnllwij. and b t eourtiKfou.> ajic! fl.ir.iK-.'D-.u .•.rnlcp—nylnK :i ‘ combat ii.nrs with rvacu.ition crt a:iil hrlpl.'-.ff to clear Uie Injnird -■jlciy.

TTfo RM C.Twa fllnu were :!;o j thra;:;,li tlic cour;c-\v of &le fl Jtflta ! o; SIX' lV:no:ia Qranse.I Tjif nifaiis conduftNl by Mrs.Dc.;a IVrrr .-..viV...........................Wj^oii. H.iir.hairrniin and Mly Pearl McDon a:-. Mv.-«'l:.r - or Ttln rails Red Cro.-.N cli.iptcr.*

A cr,'.Yimir.tc VM appCilnted by Mis Geer to make a ser>-ic« flac to hemor aie::;bm now ih L’le ttnice.

Announ;:enifnt ii'u nuule of Ibe vacation Irom i>or.it.tinj of puhll- cay ctiMrrow tind Xrtuuief b j Mi*. Dorothrx Porey and MUs Lucy Colombo. ni;o art nor In defeaso « w t In rh^se of flr»t aid aiaUcn*.

M W Wiljon dUctusttl pUns Icb- a mmwace iile to be htW SaUij. dttj- In Uie Pcrrlne buUjUn«. Th* fund tUI be u^fd tow d a seholw. r-Mp for youne women *ntenn« auTTj^ tralnlns school. /

« « e Mn. Calc*Misa Oennjdc ■nKwel*. Ur*. iu:ey and Mrs. Edith MUaer.

MeT Plans DanceMcT tnemben njtt Sunday »lth

Mi.\s Petty Porttt- to malte Rlani for xhr annual jprlns dance u be held April 29, Mlii ?em Salmon U ceneral chftlrrtmn '.a chatt* of the event.

Miss Eayse Blm ham and Doan* L « smith art In charse of the brcttkfaat to honor aenlort. The ttrls pTBenied Mn. ‘pjtxy WtratT. spouor vbo U leaTlac, vtth a elft.

$100,000,00 TO LOAN ON

t-ARM * ciTT raoPKit-nr


>• SL Cart

Friday’s Prom Night at Twin Falls High Scliool

Camp Fire Girls ToContinueTheir

Victory ServiceRe-::»-=u;w C^--? J'-*

■Ser»i» ter V-.;;o.-j' pivs-.m. the T»m i-'aUj 0.:tru.ar.> a*>A-iau>v\ ce; t.“ia «rei: to t.'if ccr.-

:Ki;cai. Ite c;o>v:* ccr-.a a;W Red Cr\*.i

"AU };Jcr.i..-.*-j-.; ctCisip fire »:v;jp». »tU ^ »U, wrtije c.'ia.-.iiaucrj arr u.-VfJ i-' avail iprsa»e;vt» tf tiu» aaj* Mfv S . O. JcCuaoa. as :.vaua chairn;»n.

Cnder U'-.e .\e«l>*c.-t c.'Carnp.r.rr. t;:e WaJiar.ta c^:-? with iin . K.’.u^ P-.;<Ua. o u C-i:.:- laa h*> rc.T.; ;ctcsl lU T rJ Ctv.-j

projrt;. »fu;» several o;ht: jfoupa rrpcrti^j »ert ur-'S' S»:* tnenu *fU ur.tfr way.

KUnberly Ci:::;i n.*e O if^ arr mre:i:;g :hi> .' a-.uuta.r Holden, lJ-.f;r s;.4,'d;in. to can plfJBtjcf r.v the vtur.tv fatt-.i; j but one cf t."-rir rw.:r.ur.!;v ice*.

jkueO 1.' M. Kr:v.;';:u ;-c- V.:-(lor* UcM v. Ilutii Kc.t'.p a:-.i Kir.’.i Tilctw.»r--i

Reading of Play Marks Final Meet

Of Drama UnitMfmMn ind iufjts cf t.-.e Dra.-.-

Rii<J Litf.-alurt depart.T.r;;; Twrnileth Cer-tury elub TUf.s- d»r at t.’ie .\rr.p:u-.vn Le»l.-n Iiir the final mretuis pf the ^^von.

An excfUent retiea c; Ja»eph KesielrtiiS's tvpuUr cemcvlr. "At* acrUs and o:d 1-ace.” » a i jner. bT Mr*. Hush rnilllpj. and Mr<. H. C. Schur^er ab:.v preacn’sfi a d;*r.-.»t:c rtadins of i>.e Eia:*.*

t of Slclty.' by Lor.;;ri;.-r.A »ho.-t bLj:ae=3 seiiSv-.-. '•a

ducted by M ir Beeje pATtment ch*L*g;an-

PresJdms a: the la.-r ec^rr iblf dunas U-.r »».•.*: h.-u:

Mr*. Bee« V.X:ia.-ai arxS Mr?;. Schtuxer,

Although ih c tiicmc of Ihc

dance n iu .'l rem ain n .secrct, ov'tnmittee.s fo r t l ie Tuin

J-'alls hiRh ?choo! junio r prom, which is to be lu ld Friday, A rril 1C. have brvn ;,i,.

iH'iincfd hy .MIns i^arhani I'nco. ^TfntTal chairman.

i: DAioIhy" Krr;:'^o‘u"j!.r: cvi;:;:;;;;.-.* is ji;n,l.-:» »;,o I.M- !:B::Jlc:aI[

^tut MV i


^ ^ 6 I R L S

Meaibers of the hcjtrij cc=-jal!- tee »ere Mr*. \\1i;;a=-. ,chairman, a»tite>i bv Mr?. Jane Jmstn. MTV C. C. lta>r..f av;3 Mr*. D. P. Hart. * * *Mrs. Shepherd Is

Unity R-esidentKe* cffl.-era »er» In-VaUrd hr

Mr*. Roy J. E«arj, and Mr*. H. E. Bailey, aa I .ar3 JLI, »hrn r-.fabers of the Vnlty t'u'a tr.e: AVoir:rsi*j with Mrs. Earl O-Marroic.

Mrs. Ray ShephrM was tr.>tai;«S I president: Mr«, C. V. .’.-r,r?. M.-e-

prrildet\:: Mr*. John s-.T.Tt-.er. «-c- reury and Mr*. S aa Oas-.V.r, treaa- rer. •Th# troup »otfd to .‘■-rr.l.'h tNvi

Jes for Cie USO cc-.e day each month. Mr*. U U. It;'.l.r.st.-r»appointrt thMnr-jin c! Bt\i Ctt<’3•ewins fjr U;e c -ir.:;'; >e.\r, "H-.e aftemooji waj rrer.t tri srtttr.f Qull: which wUJ Sse .-;d tci t bond. Mr*. M. L. U t.it and Mrj. J . O. RoBtnjc;\ we;\- v'.!iib. M rt Ben O ii jr rw a.v3

the ■hoiU^

Good Will Elects At Next Session

Nomination cor.;rr.i::re wa.' f. pd for the e'.ts-U-r. t.-. be he; the ne « meetir.j wticn «-.e i Will club me: Mrs. Far Uamm Wednesday attrrr.cv.-,. T^.is mlttee ccnU't ct Mr^. G. -K.Mr*. Marie Pc-.tell. »r.d Mr*. W, A. M^nnltk.

Tlie_isreu2_r^'twKi_;>(;_'ned card par.v L-.?.f:ir.lte;r, M;r, Utcllie Ochlftree sketched t. P •.;:<■ of Tho.Tuui Jeffrr^cn ar.d Mr*. I'.;- cttle Sjal'vh read k stc’CT' et tv.- published poems by O. U McC.'v. T» ln FalU.

The neit meeting » t’.l be cur-t dnv. Mar l:. at the h.-.t-.e c-f .V.:r. J. n. Nell-«n.

Wed in Goodin.crOOODl.VO. April IS-CU.-* .\rrr.‘

itronj, Ocod;n^. an.1 Jan-.ca .Vtt.- atron.', J'lilrrield, »e.*e mam^-l a; the Baptb'. parswjkse here. Kcr. C, H. Nofthro;> rra.l ;hr. rir.jcrrem6.Tj-. Mr. and Mn, Arm^trvc.; wiU make U'lrlr near Cc.-ral

* » «You can rrtrlm la.< rear's !s;:-r

mo?l effectlTe y br v.'lr.^ a row. of dottrvi 5i>Lv' r..:V.'.r.r Av.l for tliat fO'UcportAnl 'er.'rr.',Mf ir-cJi. sew k ti*. ot the some ru;h'.r.j on the-cuffs of ycvr lace tnlttj,.

New nMjtr^nm

C r e a m D e o d o r a n t

“/'{rStops Perspiration


1. Do(Soe<t«<<i.Tswi er r ihina. Don ecj cciiJt ska.

2i Ko*ticiaxto<i-'*.Caat«iu») ii^(tfasaiitT-.£C.

S. tsstas(ir«tcr>r«Ti7int>oa(or I (9 ) t . rWTtaa cv>.Y.

4. A yore, white. x^ iitU iv.•euelw laaaka* OTUS.

C. Avaedtti S«»J



Price Adnilnlitrntcir l’rriitli-\ M. Bruaii lliui frjroli'd rrlil control cluiises [)ro|*k ctI by llic National A.v.'Klutlon of rtnil K-tiite nf>;inl.i, iaylnu Uley v,uu;u l>c l:i ccarilcl witli the I^re.'.irtrni'ii order lo "liold Uie line'' ur;aIl>^t Intlatlnn.

n ir o.vvx'latlon prc>;iaMil.\ were o' ft.irchnlcal n.iture. Cfi)»ii com­mented UiAt -wIjUb yuur i»fuji<»ials do not t»pl1clty request any general increase In the rent Itvtl, t-’ielr ndDptlon wouJ^ clearly aOilcve tuch a rrqueat-'

He explained hU poilUon In i letter to John W. Oalbreatli. Wash. Ington, chBlnnnn of a com.-nUtee o; the Riiocl&tlon,

Tlie letter aald OPA li consider- ine a few minor chanse.i In i; rent rules but awertrd "ft.' for Uie biu lc prtxram. I do not intend lo alter cither 111 nictliod oc tutitUuliti

"We must hold the line on . fronU,* BrowTi wrote, "and control of the price of ihelter Is one of the mon vital for the; increasing num­ber of families whws chief support U now a nirmber of the nmied «crv- icM. olferlnc hi* life to preserve tiie tteiiiccmilc wny,"

35 Examined at

West End ClinicnUHU April IS — Tlilriy-flve

cliildren *ere examined at the pre- -ichool clinlf. aponaored by the Wom en of the Moose.

Mrs. Zetta lUndnll wns clialrman

of the eooimittee tn charce. Other meaiber* were Mrs. Bloesoni Krle«h, Mr*. Mary DliuM. Mrs. Vedn WIb- ington. and Mr*, n ien Hliavaty. Physifians offlclatlne were Dr. M. A. Drake. Dr. David McCluiky and Mr. O. T, Parkinson a»t.ned by ML * CoUaid E>'flyn Wurstw. Evelyn Drnke, Rose Barker and AnaaUcla Wlljon, nurses.

Burley’s Students Offer Two Plays

B unun ’, April 15-nurley Juiihr hlcli wliool will prr.'rnt two piny.'. "Clcanrd .irul Pn-.vrd" and "bUKiir and eplce," In the high BChool-nurtl- lorlum at 8 pjn. Prlday. April 18, Mnrter ftlrtcUon o! Ora OiedhlM.

nio ea.'U Include.' Eddie KnrUon. Doris Unander, Don Worthington,

UUlan B*lR«ll. MaXlne Maxine Call, Raymond ConneDy. DnrU Tarbet, Marilyn Clark, «nd Max Crvner.

The Junior high school ehoru* wUl present numbers between aet«, un< der direction of ElUott Budge, With UelKn Hacks u accoapanUU

Cofuumcr expenditure* In the llnitrd StAlea durlns 1941 totaled rS.D09,000.000, according Co e«U* mates.


Tt^ one, t r y a l l

O ur fla v o rs p le a s e ^

J u s t u s e u s

In y o u r r e c ip e s !


N O W ... See CreatedBefore Your Very Eyes. . .


O F F I C I . V L

R U L E S F O R )

D U N K I N G /Don't be an amateur. •oIlflw the«e klmple rules and yoall soon ac^oire the (race and «klU known only to pmfetilnnal donken. Voull loon develop an unrrrlng areurary, and a keen srnie of tlminc that li amarln|r.

Step No. 1. Tuck R KTo'tlt. biK .(l)iKHer .l lio lictlpr) najik in iiiitier your chin, tt»

priHocl you from any stray .srl.i.'shes. Once you hnv become cX)HTt,’thifl will not

be n«“Ci'.'‘sary.

S ttp No. 2. Break your do­

nut ill half.' DunkiiiK n whidi' at otft time isdefinitely had form.

Step No. ;i, Pick U|) a ’lialf. don;i! tendi'-rly tn-lwi'tn tlie

tluniih and the fo^efill^:or. The c'tluT three iirini'r.-i

•rui>t daintily up­

ward. H i'lil the half-(ianuL poisi'd o w r your cii)i of cof- f<\’, cc'oi'iu ti.-a o r niilk. Vou

niav'.vif.-li ill rap lm ous an- ticii'a linli.

Slop No. 1. Prococd to tlio liiin iit rhyihmic-

ally in the bi-voniK*: with a free aitil I'i^-y moVi'iiienl of tlu' . ;;tiri' ,trni. Keep your wri.-t :uul «'lbow f-oluxod for a .'•niiHiih. eirenl.u- stroke.

!^ie|i No. .■>. Y ou r domil

,«tun;ld l>i' iinnicr.-<inl in the drink for cxac ily two-and- o:ii'-haIf .-ecoiid.s . . . lonif

enwiK'Ii fo r the drink to soak thi'otiph the dvinkcd

I’ortion , . . not too lonp or it w ill lire.line ;cij'K'y umi

break oil'.

Step No. f>. Keniovc the do­nut and hold i l .ibuve tlic

cuji, luT in itlin j: .’ill the cx ' ce .s tlrops o f liqu id to drip, ilrip, i^rip back.

■ Slcp No. 7, .\nd now llic . 'Vi'el e lin iax ! Vou ywprve

Uie dom it in n Kraceful ciirv.’ toward ytnir mouth, and chi.'O your toetli ten­derly over the dunked por­tion. .-\t Ihi.s jv iin t it is

both proper and only hti-

man. cv.-ii fo r profes.sion- fils. to close your eyes in ocsl.noy and sm ile dreamily.

Step No. S.- Repent theabove 'i‘i im til all the

donm.' «>n the table arc simply fend m cm oviw .

Now tl),ii. Ko o u t find try

your luck . . . don ’t gctdis-

couraved i f t h e 'f ir s t few

(^ffcrt.s are cmbarrnssinR ’ .V . the basic rulcb urc Rim- plo. but experience alone can dpvelop the beautifully

cxecutcd durtk o f an expert.




W l I I L E

T H I ^ V R E




( S h h ) S U G A R

9“ T H E F R E S H E S T


T O W N ”

You've never before aeen anythlni like ihla . , . the mlmcle of ihe nRCs . . . In diops u circle of douKh, to ft bolllne .tmy of oil . . . 11 »wiJls, turn* A arttir oiuv sn'tlen hio«n. lurai dtct, and pop* out a flecret trap door onto a tray where It re­ceive.-: the final delielous bath of snowy white pow­dered (sli-h) BUKar. or other eoallnH. Ail before your very eye*, all eoinpietcly tinder fciass, and riKhi whtTc you can WBich c\'er? operation . . . your mouth wlil «-ater at the slRht.

Nn fooKnr. we’ve juit Initalled one of Amerlea'a fliiMl -White yon wait’* donut AUtiilcc* . . . for }<iur added servlcc. snly the tlntsl o( donutf|oi>n>. vesetabie ollt. and frosCings . . . llirse de- ilrloui donula are delivered to yau ilu llnf hot, Iruri; (he "rreihest Thing la Tonn."

Viirictics . . .

J’iain in w h ite or whole wheat, frosted, powdered tiURar, >:ruuu!ated suKar, whito

frostinv. chocolate fro.stin>Ti or maple froHling. M any others on spccini ordor.




KenMiUanat Snr Way^ lo Make Belter Cake>!

S O F T - A ^ - S IL K


2 9 cAclimlb' eaves CO '.i of the iinic neceiMiry to mnfce old fnj.hloned cakes . . . be llrai to two this, new e.i.iler mftliod to finer, flufllcr cakes. LurKO Pkc-

S A V E O N .

S Y R U PStaloy.i W affle Sy-rtip

9 8 cKnro Blue Label

.... 4 3 c

Another Slilpmeuf^f

ott.ic io trt \\

O Z A R K '\

J 1 ? L L I E S \

2 5 c Ja r '

Dcllclous flavors of Otatk mount.iiiJ pure wlkl fruit and bcrrle.i, . wild cheny, ra-iiiberry, strawberry, cur­rent, and miuiy oUierx Try It, QtAoiiiUaci limited.

A s p a r a g u s V lb s .


R a d i s h e s b u . 4ONIONS *

G r a p e f r u i t £ f o r

AriMna Juley sweet ^

R h u b a r b , f r e s h S g i L b .Usng, CrLnp atilka

s p i n a c h - f A m L b .Home Orott-n, DcUdous *

O r a n g e s .Med. Oolcl BUckl#

F LO U R, Surc fiuc , -IS I

STARCH . Pcnnick, corn o r^lQsS jS pkps.............................1 5 ^

COFFEK . Cha.se k Shnborn, rcffTHrlTT-DCji^'cr., 1 lb., 3 1 c

CRACK.EUS. Premium Flakes, 2 Ih. box ..........................3 3 ?

M ILK , MoriiiiiK'. t*Jl cans, -1 for ............................ ........ .................................

C om p ljinc W ith Govt. Rcquesta — We Rc.scrvc R ifrht To LIftiil Qoantllleal


P L A N T SAverted Color* Husky Plants

6 i":^ .2 5c^ P«cket


M A R K E T ^CASH IF Y O U HAVE rT— Credll It yoa w aul U ! • We !

5 7 4

5 7 5We Deliver

Page 10: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Page Ten TIMES-NEW3, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO Thursday, April 16, 1948


B u h l W i l l F a c e B r u in s H e re ;

I n v i t a t i o n a l a t R u p e r t O v a lThe lid will be tippc<i on

the hiRh school track nmi field ae.'ihon in the -’'ln;ric

Valley Fridiiy with n duul between Buhl nnd Twin Fnlls here nnd an invitational meet

lit Rupert.Three Bijr Seven schools,

Kuperl, liiirley and Oakley, plus American Fall.s, w ill en­ter thinclads- in the Rupert

meet.Coach Raljih Viller.s w ill

brin^r a stroiiK squad o f track- . men to Twin Falls. Ilcadin^r

llic Riilil Sfiiijul will 1)0 Uoii

McKay, who wa.i second only to the Bruin state champion, Mel Hulbert, in the -J JO-yard dash. The Buhl .star also w ill riin the century and low hur­

dle.-; this year.Othrr Icllrrnirn Incluclc Bill

nncclr! and Kcimy Mlrnrle. wnlo: polr-Vftilllrr.'', Iwth of llirtii pinccd ’inen \jp 111 int-ctJ. )x'X xrni. *niry ftlM> uin ccmii>rle la llie Jnvclla niid dUcu-i.

Kfnnfr In IHiJi JumpMilford Kninry tack lo com-

Pft< III lliff lilsli Jump »l wlileli >if wn.1 undrfcnlrd diirliiR tlie 104::

nichoril CnHsoii. who

Famous G rid S tar M issing

pine 1 well In Uiff Cl will rtrnd liLi cnmi>rll!loii lo Itin 320.yard duMi iind Uif hro»tl Jiunp tills yrar. Another Vlllfm tprlnler l» I>e Lnwson. » foplinmorr. who won «on polnl.1 laM sr»wm In the fur- Inns ftntl wno will nbo compelr In llip JOO-y»rd dll'll flcaliiM. Twin

' FalL’.nay Slraurr. • »ophomore who

rin In tlie 5:0-)«rd dllJl nnd rrlay for Dull! la.'t Sfaion. liM bffii turn«l into a wflslitman, Tlic jounustfr jlncr hh frcjhrnnn yrnr

tokrn wflk-l andwriglii nboul 100 pound'

rifnly of t>prlnlrr«Vlllcrn »ppnrrnily Ij well fortl-

Ilfd In sptlnlerf;. t^onarrt Rodts who Irlierrd In the rdnv anil tlft.il'r.i 111 1043, will compclr m tfir hlnll Jtimp ond rrlay. Don Mlllrr, t Bopliotnorc Ittifnnivn, l iu l>«cn Iht ed for the furlong and relay.

The nulil eoBcli Is not wJlhoiit dl.tUnce men. He h u Cecil Him* nan. a .icnlor Ifltrnnnn. for Uie mile jind htilt-mne; Dm Woodrall and Qlll Wagner itlfo will be entrrrd In !lie dblnnce event*. Eugene Lcw- ton will compete In the (jiiarter- mlle and retny In which he coined points lait «ea.-«n,

Villera iiiilrt that he expeclcd lo bring hLi entire fKjund of 37 fflhlet<-a to Twin Fnlls. Others Include Frank Ollmore, Janies Nipper. Don ItoxborouRh, Stanley Votller. Harrj" Wilson. Ned Lelanil, Norman Novak and Robert McNnmamon.

Fil-st Meet in

R upe rt H istorynt/PEKT. AprU 15—Tlie first

track nnd Held meet in riuperl’s history will be lieUl here tomorrow afternoon when the tlil!icliid.s from Rupert. Burley nnd Oiikley of Uie Bin Seven conference and American FalU mnt£l) slrldej In nn invlUitlon- «1 affair.

Tlifl Plratfs have Imd traclf K'nrns for many years but for wnie reii.**jii or other all tlielr meetj heretofore were away from home. Tlicy also will be host to th# Ulg Seven meet •el for April 23.

Some fine oihlei« will b? Ii petition. Among them will be Eii-nns, Burley's confrrrnce lilcli hurilli champion, and Bob MnttJiew.'. Oak' ley's all-events athlete. Rupert wil *how a Hns daihmtin. who ha; been running the ceiitiirr under 11 *rcondi, ^hot•puttfr nnd broad Jum[)er in little Leland aariicr: Shermon Taylor, oho nlrenily Imd run the mile In S:lo, and Holhs Ooff, a 3:08 mllcr.

\Vhlle American FbIIj ' ilrenRlh Is not known, Uiat k IiooI has always been strong In track In Uie pt

Coach Tie* Ilimsaker of thi nte.s exj>«Ls a Inrgc. crowd oi Uie meet.


ANN AOBOR, Mich.. April 13 (,r) —Tlie pBrent.s of Tom Uiirnion. far. mer AU-Amerlca. football player ai the University of Michigan,. were Informecl by the war drpartmenl Jtvsl nlKhl IJinl their son Li ml.vilng in the South Anicrlcwi nrca.

Tlie tficKram to Harmon's par- ■nis. Mr, and Mrs, Louis A. Har- nnn, contained no details except imt ho hi< been missing since

April 8. Hts parents’ Inst word of him waj In n letter dated April 4,

niiy nlrHamion cnlLstfi! In tli corp. u year iifter ,-:rrvim. , broiidi'iL'ilcr followli:;; lih KriuliiiiUun from Mlchlgtui wlirir in- h;ul curved a brilliant career nii the Kridlron. He wi« All-Amrrlr.'v liiil(b:ick in low and Itm, Ills b.M two w.irs at the university.

Harmon's iiltine. In which hr I-, believed to liiive IpII the Unlt.'d Slate!, was nlckniimrd' "Old flfl' after the number htvarrled lo fnms on ilio Kfl'llfon.

Pearson Sets New Broad-Jump

R ecord in Class T rack Meetnew record wns e.itablL'heil when I.yle Pearr.oii broatl-;iini|Hil 2t) fc

. Inches to win the eveni In the clu-.liiK day of tlic iininiiil 'I'A'.in Kalis IUkIi school tluM Uftck nnd tleUl mccC Wcduesdivy cifceruoou.

Coach Hank Powers *ald the distance r.el ft record lor the Jiimpli pit ay the local stadium. Too. li exceeded Pc.irson'.s best prcvloiu effort by several Inches,

Tlie Junior brut out DailKhrrly, a .'.riilnr, who wii;, ;,cr()ii.l; Jtrd JlluKl: Junior, ant! Hill Lmerlch nnd Stun JVilyKrovc. Iwo r.rnlors who tli'd lur

fourth pliice.In the olhcr event run off yeaterday, I’ettVKfovr won llic low Ini I 35.0 .leconds. Dick Brl:cc wa.i sccond and Pi-arr.oii third. Tlicrc w;

fourth,’llie fceiilors won the ihr<'t'-ilay niri't with a poliii tulnl of pj. inlors were sccond wllli 5:i, wlilli- the r,opliumurt.'.i m.irkcd up

five jwlnw.

On the


So Uic blK town scrlbc.1 have pick­ed «\<i New York Yniiktra JUjali to capture the Amcr’ .un lc;it;ui Koiualon? But why? Jur.l bcciiu.M the aglnif Bill Dlckry will be behind Uic bat^pari tliiit? Bcc:iU'.c Oordon will be at ilie key;,(op

"nia^r about U)c full b: menl.

T5itre1l be tin ccnier field to ik)1e or lo ru-sli bii.'.c lo Knthrr In ilrlK.';. a pltchlni; cUiff which. Kufflnv:. Yc Oldc tJcrlvi thought £0 hot. Too. ihr Hrndrlck to |>olc '<in h Tlirrp'll bo nr.v fiic.;, at Mllnn

thcl arvu

Joe DIMhkkIo In ;ire tci the fl;111 behind r-Kc

: Ja<ml I 1 III.'

Ilvlll, M-CDIld

Ilr.M dlvLMtint

Nick K.-.',cii III fir-t. Hut ar with the I’liillin.

Ye 01(1 .Scrlvi'iifr. uiiti c ir with ihi- I'hll!i■• 7 ik» IhI.s rl;lu I:o:u

Scrlveiier'n fced-box: Tli won't fIriLnh In Uip H thpy do Ye Oldr ctil all tlie hay in lli:it rced-bci

Kifteen record* »m be crestri the InvllaKonul trurk ;iiiil field n to Iw held al Itupert Kriday. ' ilr'. that’s true. You srr, a n irver wai held befcrr on llie : lerl field and r(ia-ri]uenlly Ime In raeh event tlirre Kill

down a* a rrrord—tn he shut ;il redlnc yearx bjr othrr Il1lnrl4d .

Y a n k s P ic k e d to W i n

A m e r ic a n L o o p F la gNK\V YORK, April 16 f/P) — The man who coined the

plira.se, “when in doubt Htrin« nlon;: w ith the w inn e r .neve r

heard of the New York Yankees but th iit’a probably why the .sporl.s writcr.s have selected the Yankees to top the Am ­erican league pennant racc for the th ird straiKht year.

Fifiy-.' i.x of the 74 Beribc.'i

bailoliIl^^ in tho A.s.socinted I’re.-s' aniuinl survey picked

the Yaiik.s as the Ko. 1 team iles{nlt> the fact they havt: been liit by the w ar h.1 hard

Its any oilier club. The Bronx boniliers scarcely l-c.scmbic the outfit that lost to the St.

Louis Car<linals in la.st fa ll’s worlil .neries after tiikiriK tiie nieiisvire of the Brooklyn

D(idfr<‘r.-< in 1911.Only .lo<‘ Oordon rrmaliii of thr •iiri: iiiiifld, Joe DlMagKln nnd (iinniy HenrUh iirc Kone from the nilrld and Hed Ruffing. rlRht- indrd plichhiK. ace, Is no Ioiik.t ciiukI. Ncvrrthelc.-J. Manager Jtw I'C^iiihv hill pliiKccd the K“t>s lo II h iin rxi< nl lliiii nol one of the titer;, hell'-ve thn Yankees will

'Of the flMt division.finl'h c

.Some 1 K.Ihe bowUns; tviw-iuutd'.r:

M.'.on no avc.Mi:ri Irum the lid Minor tcnjilii li'iicuc.i w

Ica-ied thLs week w.i,'. lor tli )f kfcphiK hi.-. li,uiic out

jiubllo prlnt.n, liin i has been very Irufn said prlnLs,

Of c e theit;hV 11

doe.i he do but hii .

Rice, Service Stars Top Penn Relays

PHILADELPHIA. April IJ iUP> - The first outdoor api>carancf* of Ortg nicp and the entry of a .similar tonitnRenl. ot ptrlorrot:*combined today lo pronibe Ihc hot- te.\l eoni|>ellllon nnd most sufcer-s- ful meet in history fnr the 10-t3 newal of the Penn relay.v

Rice', ehiinky ei-Nmre Diunc ; who has been undefeated fnr Hires years, will mn a jperlal two-mlle race aealtwl a field of lop-ranklng dblnnre runnrrs headed by CoV BTvW's Indoor IC4A Iwomlle cham­pion, Glenn Master.

Although a Rice apafarance reg­ularly Knlna precedence In any track nnd neld earnlvnl. Hi Jamle.wn Bw.irts. mcel director, belleve.s that the "mlRhty mile” will be' given a run for the spotlight a.s n field of

• approilmntcly 2i 00 athletes from the sen'lcM, colIeKe.% high schooU Mid Indiutrlivl plants, make.n a con- Mrted aisBUli on meel marts In more than CO eventa at FraUkUn Held April 23 and 2<.

Ponzi Extends His Lead Over Champ

KANSAS CTTY. April IS yn — Andrew Ponzl. Philadelphia. In­creased his lead over Champion 'WUUe Mosconl. Jackson. Mich-, by wlrmlne the third block ot Ihelr world pocket billiard ehatnplonahlp match yest<r<lly, 133 to M.

The challenger In.lbe .IJSO.polnk 13-bIock nutch now leads, 3S7 to JOJ. for' the three blocks played. Porul had an unflnljbed run of 28 lu t night and added 70 more In the first lanlns today, for the high run of tho match. 06. Moeeonl’t hlsh

o f« vM offset by a penali,!- of 38 balls for three consecutive ■cTktcbu lo seventh frame.

H ocke lt Left

O u t o f L ineupSPRINOHELD. O.. April 15 l-n-

Maiiager Lou Boudreau hi« rrlcivs* ••<1 his tciilallve Cleveland lineup for next Wednr.'.dny'.s oiK-ncr, inul It f.liowcd Outfielder Orl.< Hockc not escaping reproof for nn i plained week-end destrllon to hU Dnyton. 0-. home.

Although Hockett was a regular nil la.M seit'on nnd Jeff Hrntli hx'.n’ inanaKi-*! lo Join the Tribe for rvn one workout ;.inrr rndlnK a trnt holdout. Heath Is .iliitcd t( start aKaliiM I he Detroit Tiger:! li I he Cleveland clivih which opeas the

H.1 rampnlRn.Houilreifii made no eniiimenl on 1C lineup. Tlie ecnterfleld sjwi gi>ei

to Iliink nlward.i, a ^lugglnl: rookie, nnd dr.^plie hU failure to hit In tlie abbreviated spring trnlnlng sewim. Newcomer I?oy Cullenblne will pnt-TOl tlKht JitW.

Jim Bacby, Jr.. the Indlan-s' 10<2 oun<l tvco and \lctor over Deirolt

In Ia.'l r.ca on's Inausurnl. ncain won the fea-'on-Mnrtlng n.■ ll;nnlpnl. Tlic tentatlxe buitlni; order U Bcnid- renu, .w; Ed«ards. rf; Ken Kclinef. 3b: Heath. If; Cullrnblne, rf: O!to Denning, ,1b; Rny Mark. 2b; Gene DeSauieli. c, and Bngby, p.

Jeffries Now 68LOS ANOFl-ES. AlVll 15 (UH -

Ftormer heavy boxing Chajnplon Jim Jeffrlc.s celcbrntcd hLs G8Ui blrthd xlay. A .'.pecliil boxing can! ai 1 rcna wtUi siwrls notaWes on iMnd 0.S planned In hti honor.Jeffries won the Utle June 0. ..

by knocking out Bob Fltiilmmons.

Bowling Scores.MINOR

TROUT SEASON OPENS BOISE. April 15 (-T>-Troul-flsh-

hiB sea.ion o;iened today In irlbu- tarles ot Uie Clearwater river In north Idaho, the slnt* fbli an<l game -departmrnt .reminded north Idalio anglers. The aeiuvon li the earnest In Uie state with Ihc exception of those for the Maple rt.-*n’olr and Uie soutli fork of tiie Snnke river, where flshlBS-opcncd April 1.

W n.U A.StS WINS • • p iN a rcT ts rrm n n tijr ii is in—Two d*WTi and three holes to play, CpL Ronnlfl Williams. Camp But- ner. medalist, squared the match jxnd won Uie 10th over Tommy Bum- fforifcr, Davidson coUece In the first round of the Urd Annual north and *ouUi amateur *ol£ clMmploniliSp today. Other favorllea aLio ad- vanced.

I whl.’ per iverk for AI W

Uilt E. A. for wlmt with on "ril-.'tinw-'cm-iil the llowladronic Wciliir.' iind pound oui a 030 tota lol ot wood lo thill big I'

rn carrylnc. ’ni;!! ’i I>ocki'f mu.'.l have h:id n

for he ki'lit hl;i ball llin nine for .'.inglc gami: . coi 213 and 203,

Ye Olde Scrivener wll .lU one; Jt wn-s n quite a

the Tlme.'i-Ni-ws bowlers, er^ren. tlic circulation ranic UJ. with GOI In tl l<-at;ur, Jo; DoluUnie, II rnKHivcr. had a 230 gi Brln^ar rolled belter II; average In hh six Major t loop contc;il.i.

M inors Must

A id Card inalsST. 1X3UIS, April 15 M>-Llke the

father who provuli-;, for hl;i rlilldn and liirn i-'ipirtA ll . l. :ancc fro

the St. Loiib C Proimni; In

Canlliuil-, In

• of a

itdlnak thl.'i ji'j ^ cxprrlriici', he im t made

I. U VIMllcy

••proiirlel;vi7 Intorcr.t" of home tow n faiu In ilu-ir tcam.s,

Uut thin re.v'.on "It's OUlereiit* because of the manpoyrr uncer- lalniv." Brcttdon said today.

••It's Uie farm ehib.i’ turn to help Uie CarillnaU," he added. "We have n^ade It plain to them tlial If an

•lulls In SI. Ix)!!!-'. wo will frel'frrr to t.Tke nliv player,

en nn oiii.Maiidliig »tar. Irom any ' our minor league ctiibv We have .ked the clubs lo tell the fani unit II. ^o ihrv'll be prejjiired if r haVD to recall thrlr lie.-.i play

Itrowni Secondtheir preponderance ot first nte.i. the Yanks rolled up a

n.'.’il of .'5C5 polnl.1 on the b.i nf ei«hl fiT Ilrsl. seven for second.

’Ilie St. tyiuts Drowns, who sur- prl.-ed by coming In third la l yenr

■fiirure In be .vcond IhU year If the ;.rrll)e;.‘ nrlUinietlc Is correct. Five nf iliem placed Uie Brownies nt Ihc he,W of Ihc st.indlngs and Uiey poll­ed enough otiier voles for the next five places to runner-up honors In a close race with Uie Cleveland In- (lliun iinil Boiton Red Sox.

llie Iirowns polled 437 votes tt 1111 lor the Indians nnd 401 for the Red Sox nlthouKh Ihe latter lw( elulis enrh recelvetl six ftol plan I -xllot.i, Detroit, with one pennant winnliiR vole, flnWied fifth; ChlcaRQ While 6ox, Mxiti; Wii.-.hlnKlon Sennlors seventh, the Phllailelphln Alhletlu last with no.Dijposlilon.

DOOGERS w in PAIR NEW YORK. April 15 (,1’~Tli

tlirrc major league clubs of the big to'.vn yr.'.terdav gave n biwball slm fti- Uie benefit of New York's c villiin defenses volunteer office nnd Mieceeded bo\h In entertajnlng 35, 3ni fan-s and giving the iJrooklyi DodKcrs n clear-cut claim lo Ui oinmunlty chsmplonslilp.The Doilgcr.s inmilliated th^ Nc

Y'ork Yankees in Uic first game o doublehcader. C-I, and llicn used

Ihelr ,'erond r.trlngers In mc«t of Uie •eond game to suppress the Oianta,

n ie crowd had a lol of fun, espc- ;:illv white j.howbo:it Buck Newr.om

v,a-. Ii-,idlng off with five .'liuKiul first game. He went whole reijcrtolre of

iwotlons, grtniftce' wid nnd limited the American

champions to two hi!.',

nilcrrs round Clianiller IXKlgcrn tore Into Spud

Chnndlrr for two runs In the fourth r,Ingles, a double by Joe

M.-dwlrl: and nn Infield oiil and fn riuird Chandler's day In the itlv with three runs, iwo of them . a double by Dolph Canillll. In c eUhth Dixie Walker drew, a .'-I from Johnny Murphy, *d- nce<l 10 third on two wild pltchc.i d scored nn an Infield out.Die >< coiid i.erjlnn w.is a pitching

duel between Max Macon and Ed Head, Doilger.s. and Johnny Wlttlg nnd Ken Trinkle, Giants, with Brooklyn getting only three hits nnd New York two. But two of the Dodgers’ blows came in the sixth Inning and brought a nm a;

roller with Un

Bulil Sluggers May Give Bruin Team Trouble

num .. April 15-Tlie fact lhat Pitcher Harold Hu.-.lead nnd .Short.itop Herby Pcmber linve the r.iiiKo on the Buhl left field fence may eau.'e the Twin Falls Bruliu plenty of hradaclic.i when they play Uie Indians here Fri­day afternoon.

'llie pitcher and shorijtop parked blow.s over the wall in succc.-Kslon lo beat Ca;.llc{ortl here Monday after 11 appeared Ihe vlillors had the game safely In Ihf bin:. Tlie doubles were Uif pay-off tnmche.-, bi a nlly tUui gav« Buhl four nins after Ca.s- Ueford had gained a 4-1 lend,

Hustend abo had a single to give him two thirds of Uie aafe- ties mnde off Davl.t. the C;stle- ford hurli-r. who nl.io slnick out 13 bailer.' In Ihe flve-ljwln)? eon-

Id a h o Bows to

O regon StateCORVALUa. o.'e, April 15 C-TV-

Orrgon' Slate's baseball Uam de­feated Iho University of Idaho. 8-7, juterday to take lop spot in the nortlicni dlTlslon cotui conference

■n'le Beavers were sparked by BUI Prnrier. sophomore hurler, who cap­ped six Innlnxa of tlghl relief pitch- Ins with n nlnlh-lnnlns single that brought In Uie tying and winning nins.

Idaho wenl Into the nlnUi with i 7-5 lead bui Uie first Oregon batlei. Vic Brown, hit a home run. Dob Churchill followed wlUi a single. Andy Frahlcr walked nnd Praxler f.lnglrd lo score Churchill from seC' ond. Prnhler came In with Uie wlO' nlng counter when Uie Vandal out- flHd mkplayed l-'ra:ler'« hit.

Frader replaced Spike Johnson in the fourUi on the mound for Ofcsot\ Stale and hailed a lovir- run Vandal rally. Frankie Roelandt nnd Frahlcr also hit homers lor the Beavers.

R U EIdaho________010 420 000-7 10 5O S C ........ ...020 010 203-a 13 3

Bcrllas, Pla.sUno and Klnopka; Johnson, Frnzlcr and Itoelandi.

lers probably will not have time > continue b;L*.ebiill,Sflie<luled for Induction are Calch- • Irv Konojiku. Pitchers Tom W'oods

nnd Difk Sodorif, Outfielders Mall Lcwt'i and Ocriild Pederioa and

Penrlc Monroe.

$99,294.14 From Rose Bowl Game

PASADENA. Colir., April 1« MV- 7h# University of Georgia recelTed IJ9J04.U u ita share of the New

'Year's day football game here with UCl^. reports'the tournament of roses committee.

Tlie remainder of the receipt* was divided a* follows; UCLA. W9,01J‘, It# Pacific Cooil conference com­missioner'# office. «J,000: each m:mber achool of the coast confer­ence oUier Utan UCLA. »5.«33.87, and th# loumaaienl of roses, *71.257. Ex­pense of Staging the game was «g.S30.

H E L P the\

W a r E f f o r tYour worUiless or dead horses,

cows, sheep and ho^s will bring you cash and will aupDJy iiuf govcnimcnl wiu> fau for gly- cerlnel

Cash paid for hides, pelts. Ul- tow. ho’isehold fats, bones. Call collect Ta-ln Falls. 314; Ooodlng,47; Rupert, 55.


r C,I).V,0.

Meade Is Denied License to Ride

on (he apiilic.itio I. ih»',little KeiitiK-klan Iji;ne\)ii WlilrlaWi

bring charged with collu. lnIl iiiiidlcap race on Oct. IP. U- . ML'iva-.lon WHS extended un-

< llcen.se was revokH by -V club stcww(U nn Sepi, Ur; up thr field wUh-John

,,, Occupation in the COTxtlln ikM for iwo-ycar-otds at At]uc-

a. e.i Imded-$:.’!,000 fc

Tlie extilbltlon, widely broiiRil three New York eluM together fr the first lime slnee thev plnvcd a

•niployiiienl relief bill In 193 raL'.ed npproxlmaiely *75,000 for Ui C.D.V.O.

Score bv Innings: It H ENew York (N) 000 000 000-0 3 0 Brooklyn <N> 000 OOl OOx-t 3 (

WH\g. Tt\nyj» t il and PoliiTitl .\t.icon. Head |7) and Bragan.

R-H rUrcoklvn <Ni 000 203 010—0 New York. A 000 ftV) OlO-l

New.oin, Wrrber lOi and O' Chandler, Murphy ('», Breuer nnd Hohln'on,

Aiitniiinblle veijlllallne . sy: irr badly handlcapjjed these daj-j >ecau.'c (if flow driving.


puLivERY myfPhone «4 If you wish

milk dellveredl


ige divers of the Dodcca. ilands wlUioul diving suit:, hsland prrs.iurcs nl depths than feet.

SPOT CASHFor Dcftd or Worthlc-w Horses.

Mulca and Cows CaH CcUect eZSS-J}, Twin FaQi

MABY ALICE TROUT FAlt.MV’c are authorlicd agciita for ALLIED V ANS, vorW’g latgesl

lonR dl.stance movers. Wc'Jl quote rales anxJcjitinalion.

Page 11: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Thursiloy. April 15, l'J-13 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Fago Hlevea

. m t D A I [ S I D BY C. OF C,

JEROME. April IS - Annue cle»n-up d»tfi announc«d (J>u-lni Chajn^r ol Coinwcrce lur.d't'in U1J3 veck »crc u (ollnwi: 60ULh* «Mt KCllor. ApHl I# and JO: April 21. biulneu msii'i d«y. whan Uie Jeroffli merchinu wlU tuU t In d on tn i up the biir.lncM KcUon of ihe clly: April 33-23. norihwtst »«c tlon of cliy; ndrthewl icctlon, April Biid southewt. April J7 ftWl M.

Thi eliy »1I1 fitmlih inicks for eonT»rlni lh« c irbat. rubbUh. tin com and other Ilk* dvbrLs which will be pliead In the «U m In buck of rMldcnilnl dlatrtcU- Tlie Jcrume merchuiU trt oUo eooperttini 10 /umlih Irucki for tW* purpo**-

It h»i b»en «iuphMH«l »iy Cliam' ^ b«T 6t Cornmntt eltlclftUs ih»t <w f the ib «« n»med <J»trs the tnicka

will go ihroujh the to re-cflve the rofuw which haa been placed there In neat pUf^. ftnd which U lepirued. Mhes In one pile; cam In anather. ««•

No l«r*e objecl/i mch a« pile# of Wlllowj, irer» cr trco ctllllnei or ftny o««r *uch latRe maUtlila wUI l>e rtmavBiJ, It hai been rmpha^lr*'' AH refu»» fo bo moved rannot ... in-ilde a fence, hut next to the alley to lhat It ttvn.be reached eutly and moN'ort a*(iy,

If there' la no alley In a itreel. rc.ildent.1 nre arkcri to plncp tliclr n'fuie adjncent to (he street, but jiot In the Mreet,

llicro vlll bo no aecond (U)ps. ond If ihe refuse la nni placed in plica ond teparaled. U will not be plckci'up.

At v;tilnfc'.J!.y'5 lusithc >I »ruslnn two olJlclsld, D. H. Whim, oKccU' tlvc tllrcclfir'0/ the unr!n|)lHyinfnt compenratlon dlvblnn, nnd Hoyd West, n.-jWlanl jrcrotnry of the Idaho Slali! Chnnibt-r of Cnmincrcc, ]3i)lie. oppcnrcd ;pc;ik on thi

• provblon* nnd chancM in ilie lin' employment cnmpensaiion 1#»- puu'

• ed In tercnt lejljliuufe.

Final Rites for

Edwin DilatushIIAOEIIMAN. April iri-Kiincrnl

fcrrvlcM «ere ccnriiicicd Mimdny nftcrnoon fnr F!t|w!ii nilnllir.h nl

I the family home. Rev. OnllM Me. Kell cotiriiictfld the 5frvlr:r» iitilstcd by BUhop L'mcrwn Piinmlrc.

Mn, m a Knl>eri.i rn-l Mrs. Piinl FtnKsrwrn accompmilml hy Mr«. Jolin W. Jont.1 mu;:. Unnorary pall- benrcr* were Henry Jlackniun. Paul. E. S. Ayres. BIK', Georttr Mnrtln niicl J . R. nlncktiart, bolh i>t UsKer- mrin. Aclliii: iiallJx-nn r.i were Oiict WfK)dheart, Elinrr Aiiclrr;<in, Gli'iin nrll. Leo Hell, H. O. rriidcr, nnd Miirtin Ciirrnn.

i>eopIe atlentllnR the funcrnl «rrr Mr«. fred Ifsliclkai nntl ion. Ffititly, of Crcede, Colo.; Ml.'v'i Allre 'ITnvlllo, IJnl;.p: Mr. and Mr.-:. cilnloii •IVovlllo. Rupert; Mr,

Mr. and Mrs. Kd G'jihrlo and Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Jt.'nralliford. T^'in pnlLi; Mr. and Mrj. Van Ironi and Mr, and Mr*. Hnro' Camel. Olrnn.' Ferry, and Mlti Dorntliy Olenden- hiK nnil Mni. Kr\ln Hnith. DoL-ie.

Woodmen Convene

Hnnsen Modem ■Woodmen for Mvernl month! ua i hi:ld .Mondny. Cnrl Blionner. Rlffby, (Iblrlci drpuiy, uas present to en- conrasc irn Incrrnw In membership, Tttciiiy mcinbrr* were on hand l:i- ehidlnf fnme from the Buhl cnmp.

roUowlng ll'e biu-lt'tra 'he rorn aprni the »oclnl hnur In rlflo ilioot.

' hiK ofllclul itAte cardi belns


JN TIIf; PIIOIIATE COURT OP TWIN PAl-Ui COUNTV, STATE OK IDAHO.Iti the Maltfr of Ihe E»lale of FRED W, KNOW. Pccen.^ed. Notlrr l.f hereby Riven by the un-

I derr.lgntd. Miry C. Hnnl.', r«ecu- ^ trix of the will of Fred w. Hnow.

drceated. to Ihe credlWrs of ond nil pcr.'.oni hnvlnc claim* nsalnil the kald deecivd, to exhibit (hem r.lih the neceiiary voiichcr* wllhin four month! after the firit publication of thli notice to the (aid execu­trix at Ihe office of WlUon fihen. elwrser, yirteUly Nallnnal nank Building. "iSs'ln FnlLi, Idaho, Uil» being tha place fixed for the trana- ncUnn of the builneu of said ti-Ute,

Datefl \hii Uth day ol April. lfi«.MARV C. HARRIfi,

Kxecutrlx of the will of Fred W. Snow. DcccRMd.Pub; Apr, J5. 23, 25, May fl, 190


TifE in.i:vEN-ni ju d ic ia i , DI.STniCT 01'' THE STATi: OF IDAHO, IN AND POn T»E COUNTS' OF TWIN FALU?.

HOME OWNERi>' LOAN CORPOR­ATION, a eorpomtlcm. Plaintiff,

ALFRcb WILTON PECK, a wld- ower: If. O. UOONK. na Tnuitco

* of the eitafe of Alfred Wilton Peek. Danknipt: MARY HAN- iiEN. Executrix of Uie Will and Ev fjite Of Hana N. Hen.',en, rteceaicd: MARY HANSEN, a widow, end ANNA K. LITir. ai »ole hein and dcvltetj o{ Hana N. H&cvicn, rtt' rrft-«d. Defenrtantj.Under and by virtue of ORDER

OP SALE Issued out of the abovfi entitled Court In the above entitled action, -herein the pUInllff ob­tained n judKmenl and decree of forecIo»ure afralnit the nbove named defcndant.i on the Dth day of April, '1B4J. cald decree being recorded tn Judgment Iloflk M. Pace J8 of Mid Dl.itrlet Court, and wherefn and whereby. I, Uie undernlimed. Sheriff of To-ln Pali* County, am com- mandM to «\1 all that cerialn plr*e or parcel of land iltrnted l i ‘•■.r County of Twin Falli, Elate of Ida- Jio. and bounded and desirlbrd .i: lollows. to-wlt:

LoU Nine (S> anil T;;i r’?>In Block Eleven <11) of Ihe Cliy of Tn’ln Pnlb. In Tain Falls County. Idaho, as ramr -nre ;,hown on the fUinl anti atnixSed

. plat thereof now on file and of record In the office of the County Recorder of said Conn- ty. together t,IUi all Uie tene- menia. hntiliunitnui, and ap-

_ purlcnanctj thereunto belong-

“W ar B ond ,” a Patrio tic H en

0. W. Wakr. IS7 Third arrnoe weit. believes he luia the ma>( patriotiB Chicken ef them all. Named “War Boiitf," the Uhcwlc IiUnJ red hen ha* been layinc notlilnr bnl doublc-y<’lk rtc*. Why thajiame “War Bond"? Hald Mr. Wake: "She's »Uppcd up production for victory." iStaft rhota-tngrBvInt)

LEGAL ADVERTISEMKNTSIng or In any wbc upjicrtuiiilng. Pt;aLIC .N'OTICK IS Iti'KKlJV

GIVEN; Tlint nn the inth <l:iv of M.ny, 1043, nl the hniir nf 10:00 A. M. Mountain War ’Kme, of tnld day. at the Eatt fri)ni door of the Court Houie of ihn Cminty of Twin Pulli. Blnte of Idaho, I will. In ol>o- Ulp.nca to siW QUDnl OP KAt.E aell tJic nljovc dr.vrlbcd prciiX'.'ty to satlify plalntlff’fl di-c.-i i- \Uih intrr- terf.'l thcri'on, IorpUiit wlili all cQst.i that have nccnird or may ru-- crur, »o the hlghtM Wcklcr lur bwftil ninney of tin- United Kintcs, iiilijcct to redemption as provided by Inw. nnd lhat plnliillff reient'^ the riKlit to hid at such r.ale.

Dated tliU lilh day (if April. I0«, ftl Twin Fall.'!, Iil:ilio.

W, W. 1X3WERY filjerlff of Twin Kalla County. Idaho,

Ihlb. April i5. Mny 6, l»i:'


KICJAI. t'SK Nollce l5 luTiby lhal al

10.00 u, m. on till- i::nil <l:iy of M;iy. IB43, at Twin FbILi . Cotmlv of IV iii FaIIi . Elate of Idaho, b-lea- 8. T. Homlllon, Nowry Piihiir. nroof will be fiibmUtAl of the apiilicullon to brnefUlaj ur-e of Four Trnihn i.<l cubic feet [K-r mcoikI of Ilic watcri. of Unnamed .Mrcam In Uiiniiiuncc with lUc tcnnx ajul caiwlUV uK of Permit No. lOUO hrr.-iofi.r,' i.ucil by the Deparimml of Hr-cla:i);iijon of tile Stale of Idaho.

The name and poitofflce add;«J t Ihe permn or corporntlon htr.dine illd permit Jamr-j F. Hrll, Port­

land, OrcKoii,'me UK' iJ) which iiiM water lia.i

bfun applied U Irrlcatlon nnd du-

TliB amount nppllnd (o brnrfldal ue Is Pour Tentlw (.4> ruble feet )i r .■.econd.T!t« \ilttea wUer* rulct waIm In

:lf for Irrluallon. k1\-- Im!I j i;i1 »r- eunte de.'-rrlplion of ihr l:ii;d'. Inl- atrd); Nnrlhcafl Qu;irTT of .S'ortli- i.it Quarter <NE'..*<E'.) nnd

BouUiea.li Qu»rt<r of Norihcitft Quarter tSE'.NE’.l of .Secllnii JO, To«-n»hlp Eleven (]I>. Houth. Jtaiiiic ElKhteen (IB). Jv, D, .M.

The nnme of the ruiial or ditch or other work* by which »old wnirr U enndiicted to puch place of ui>e h No name, Tlie dhcr.'inn direct fnmi tjic

Tl\t rluhl to liikr '•.uter Im^ii meV woika U boicd uiv>n Pcnnli .Vo 29MO.

Tlie tource of supply frmn which luch water It diverted la L’nnamed atreiim.

Tlie dutc of tlic prlorllv which lid luer Li prepared to cv.tiihlLih U

MsNj. ID41.JAMES aPOFFOUD,State RfcJumatloh EimmeiU’.

Piib!l;.h; April 15,'22. M: '.May i). IPO.

NOTICE TO CUEDlTOltS In the Probatn Court of the Coun­

ty of Tu'ln Fall*, etate of Idaho.tstate of Blanche E. Beebcut, de­

ceased.Notice Is hereby given by Uie

undcrilgneifWcntor of the laat will Mid t/iU m V l of Blanche E. Becbout, }K<r.rie\to the creditors of and rfll persoiiX imvlng cliUma agalMt t^e taU! det^?n«d. to exlilblt them ftiih the iiecessarj’ vouchers. Bithin (Ix montlis after the first publication of thLi noUcc. to tlie lald txtcwlor at cltlce M Hrjr>' Povey, attorney for said rkceuior, Idaho Dep.artnient Store Uulldlnc. Tft-in Pall.1. Twin Falls County, flute of Idaho, this belnp the plnee flx»d. for th« trannoctlon of the biMlncjs of tald estate.

Dated March :9. 1043.RHUEL D. DEEBOUT.

Executor of the Lost Will iMid Ter.t.\- ment of Blanche E. Becbout, de- ceaKd.Publish: April 1. 8.16. 23, lOU

LEOAL ADVKUTISBMENTSplalnilffi complaint In wild Court, or pl;ilnilff v.ill t.ike JiidKinent aCHli'M you as ]>raMd In Mid plaint.

l l ih Rctlftn ti hrouEhl to recover from you n Mi.’ii of mnney loaned lo you by jilnitiiiff on the 2nd day (if IXrrniljrr, lOtJ. at yo'.ir rrfjucr.t iiiid tijicii yoiir inwniic to repay r.alil icjii on or before Dt'ccmbtr H. 1542.

WITNESS my hand this 8th day of Ftbruar>-. 11143,

IIAIIRY D. JENNIN03 Jiwllce of tlic Peace

PubllJ.h: March :5, Apr, 1. 8, 15, IU<3,


•niR Ei.KVi;yin ju d ic ia l DhS'nticT 01’ Tni; statio-opIDAHO IN AND FOR W IN FAl.l.S COUNTY,

J. MATI1.DA HAIJ, aiul C HAI.U her htL'band,


JULIA'S0R!;SS0N. Kralil; .Sure- ;.(in. Guy }iorrn.-on. Cii:.lrr .S< en»iin nnd Bland Sorrn»oii, belni; the ivlcltnv nnd loiii and hrlr.i of HcV<eT C. yDrcn-’-iii, nr.dIn all imknnwn helri and (lrvl, of 'altl Hrtier C. (iori'li'on. c , ccai»sl. and to all the i;nl;r,ni\n hclM niul unknown drvicrt each nnd Hlhrr of Ihi' nbm-e ijnnic'd If elthiT of thrin br AND AIJ. nnknoim onnim of lot 31 In niei'k 70 of the TO'.wulU o{ Twin Pall*,

■ DEPK-S’DAN'TS. Tlie- .Sialo of IJaho urndi i;

lnK« 10 till' above named ilrltnilanlii. Yon arc hereby notlflerl that .

coinpV'lni haa been lllert nualnst

SUMMONS . Robert I . Abrams. Plaintiff ta, H. E. Shaw, Defendant.THE STATE OF IDAHO 6ENDS

OREErnNOQ TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT;Yoii’are hereby aummoned to ap­

pear 111 the above rntltled Court to be held in said Coiuity wid Precinct lu the above tnUtled cniua u five days fro.'n the d.-ite of service of this aummons upon you. If served within this County, or, It served else­where. then I'lthin tweiity days from- the date of eerMce of tills siuuaoos upon you and plend' to ,

Eleventh Jii/llclal Dliirlci of ihe filate nf Idaho-'In nnd for Twin Fall.i Cninuy. by the almvr n.imcd plalntlftv, :uul Jfiil iitr hrrrliv i;i ri'ilril tci a|ii)rar ;inil plc :i(l III Mlc cnmiilaliu v. uhin tv.cntv d:iy. i'.' the M.TV1CC of Ihh luinnioii;; a;;il ym a:E tHilhvt iioilStrd that vr.V.vw \ch !o appear nnd plead to «:ild com plaint wlihlii the time lifn hi m'i'C' llled. Ihe plallitllh will lake Jufli;. mcnt ni;a|n:,i you b' pra)cil t:i lan complAlnt, ThL'. nriinn Ij In.'.tltul'-d by Uie pinliuilf.i herein to <5Uli't title in plalnillf rnd asaln.'i : ilrfendanU In mid lo Lnt 21, 1)1- 70 u( the Original Tottwlte of the City of.Ttthi ralL<. In T«ln Falls Countv. Idaho,

In Whnc^^ Wheri-of, I ha\e here­to affixed the h’pI of uid DUirlct Conn \hb 1th Oay ol April. » « ,

PAULH. COIIDON (Seal) ClerkO. C. Hall.Attorney lor Plalniiffs.TB-ln FnlU, Idiitin.Pub, April fl, !!!. :a; Mav «, 1043

NOTIfK FOR J'i:r»I.!C,\TlON OK TIMU A n ‘OtKTf',0 to il PUOV- ING WILL, ETC.

In tho Proljatc Court of T»'ln FuUa County, Slate of Idaho.

In the Matter of the EiUte Of Rob- m NVil’.lam Surtees, ijeceaied. Piir.‘.u:vnt ot nn order of the Judge

of isld Court, made on the 0th day of April. 1D43, notice U hereby Rlvni thiit \Vp<lnc:<lay. UiB 2Ut da April, JD13, at ten o'clock a. r .•;afd day. at tho Court Room of said Court, at the Courthouse In the City of Twin Fall.’. County of Tr-Iii PftU*., 6uie OS Idaho, liw, bcfn ap­pointed os tJio time Olid place for proTlnc the Will of said Ro^Tt Wil­liam Surtees, ili'cea.wd, and for hearlntf tiie application of .Mrs. T. J . Brown tor the Iwuance to her of letter.i Testamentary when and where any person lnterente<l may appear nnd eonte.it the swiie.

D.ltrd April B. ID43. fScali C. A, BAILKY.Probate Judge nud Ex-ofJiclo Clerk. iniblWi: April 8. IS. 20, 1#«.

Men,Women! Old?

Get New Pep,VimFeel Years Younger

Vi •iZJ.}Des'ibt sW. tvSj, imUH. w&u.

II d'uc >u>r«a la T*i<i(I IfDllajCT J-barr «K< W»lrrwn'».

G r a n g e G l e a n i n g sBy J. B. CKAWFORD

FAIIIVIEW JUVENILE Falrvlew Juvcnllo Orange held Its

metitns tn the biiwmtni room wltt\ Matron Baxter presiding during th« obience of Sister HarrUon. Bobblt Harrl-on U reported lo b« Improv-

Hng from the flu. It was decided to have » pei’.ny march, tha money lo to" into the chaplain’s fund. Tho twln.1. June and Jean King, were In eharce of the progam and preKnted three conl<• •.^~onc on beana, an­other with balloU and the third a quli. Tlic ulnner {or llic Klrli wa* Xiciui-r .Mornoii, While DUlle Me- Caulfv navi' ihe best aniwer* for u « buy...

k a ik v iewPalrvlew oranso met with a »ome-

what Aninllcr ultenUanee tlian luu- al. Some diAcuMlon vat held as to who Bhou'-I be placed on the service flai;, members onlf or aoni. cousins, •oni-lii-law, etc. Ai Uiere teemed

. .. votM to Inclutle members unly. 006 of tha tiiterj p\i\ \\\ -H you want to benefit by Uie Oran);e you should b*long to tha OranEe." For the lecturer's pro.Tiim .Mrs. Janet Latham pr«;.fnted a tkctch-. Ins contest with high honor.i for iha men goln* to Bvln Noh and fur the ladles to Mn, N.ili. HetrcJh. menta of detert. douxhiuiti and cnf. fee were ter\-ed by ihr lumie .-co. nonilcs committee. Tlie ilr'rrl u»i M>me kind of » vanblili;i: pine, apple flulf.

m rrR ti ;nDietrich Orat^ge mft In regiilnr

ifsslon with a good ittenritncc. FpI- lowliiR thr bunlneij meeting, W. ji, Oates, Nampa, iieneral manasrr of tha Idaho Orvige mutual In.-ur- ance. and Roy flmlth. Wendell, pre.'.ented a picture tliov which In­cluded movies of the cnmfortable

and thrift)' farm home and family, beMiMtul technicolor Illini ot tha Klaclers of tho Arctic nnd the cot­ton llclds Of our ioutlii-ru tU lo . AliO shown were educational films preiontlng Uie vt.m ifj of our In­dustries, conicdln lorthejouintMrrs nnd a portra>al of the truucdle* of the war. Dlctrlrh Orante plnns to have a cclfhratlon In May fnr pk'- wntaUon of Ihe 2j-yrar mnnlier- »hlp eertlflcatr to tlie chiirter mrm- ben. ll ie regular nirptlnr tlmn nre nn tho flr.'t nhil third \Vi(irip-.rt:>y of each month. .‘Vrvlni: of rrfresh- tntntji c\o6td tliB iwriinw,

P. B.-All I cnn hi-.ir from .Norlh- Tlew at ttdj tlmr U that iliry don't Ilka the butter Mt'.iatlrm, nnd have appointed a eonimlUn- of ihrep to meet with nn-mbcn nt the Jerome Co-Op to leam If nnv chnnee* r.m be tnnde. Tlie farm women term to be fairly busy these li.iys and ?/>nie (eel th'.vt ^s InsM', a* the mUVi ttuclt hauLi tlieir milk away It iwuld help If It would haul their l)',::tcr bncl: too. Lo«!;.i llko n f.avhig nf tires und BB.1 too for these furm women. Wo will 5oo): fur n rejwrt on Uili mutter In a couple of weeks.


Reports Given at

•Healtii Unit MeetHAOE31MAN. April 15 — The

Health iinit met at (lit* home of .Mra, Hof4 Finch with all membefi present. Mrs. Dorothy E. Ccllard. Tttin Fnlls district r.upervlmr. Mrs. AtuuaU Wtlwn, iwt;c «if lUilil.Mrv Fremont Froit mid Mrs. Pearl Kirk- Patrick, both Ooodlng were present.

Mr;!. Kirkpatrick repo;te.l Ho pu­pils of the Hairerinan achool were clvrn the tuberculnslA tc»t. All crade children have received n coniplrte niirie.'T cherkup nnil 4fl, the doctors phyf.lcal eiamlnatlon. Tldriv-lwo KlrU eiC UttUtnnsn Wjh whwl hoint I’cononilM elaia have llnlshcd the Red Cr'ii.s h' iiie nuralni; course.

Tlir (jrc-.'-rliool cllrlr dale lian been i-et for April 23 from 0 Jo 11 n in. Tlvrc will he a charge lor curl fn)all pox niul dli'liUicrla hiiinunU ftllon. Mrs. Wlhen Rave a report on the eouf?e rhe lin. l:iUpn on fh' Kenny trrnlment frr Infantile par. nly.-.li. 'Jiie next meeiinK will bi .Mny 10 when the Health unit w]l kIvc a piirty for the home nur;hu clft^%

Christening a ship wbj a bias* cuUne preroKaUve untU the Utb century v.lien an Engllsli prince named .coun ladles to act Oi Sponsors.

Sore Aching


• - , hcjiim, *ye</ • aood »3 1 hit a> ywi can bev it «nd >od Ut (or »‘oouf 5 mlnult*

»~Mher on •ndtc«ttan >c1. YcAi'U c>' un>ln M

-rr, eomlcrtaljU. Kolp It UP

i«lii_(«ctlai fiJ4f«nlrt<J Sr'ft>gn«¥ back.


Amcncn public h „ bcc™ pcrfomcd duri™

Ihh «■„ lh .n Uio .pl„did h.ndli„s by II ®

P '“ ' '>'■ OPA procc.scd foods rationing program.

P“ Wi“ lion in thom m ds „r

nc»ipapcrj o f ihc OPA consnmcs' dcolani.

lion fo m pcm iii.cd millions of American! lo

W r al Ihe rcgisiralion siics ar.d obtain W a

Rnlion Book N o . 2 in a mailer orminnlcs.

This means an incalculable savins boll, i„ '

manlionrs o f work b j ilie volnn.eer rejistrars

»nd in tlie lime o f II,e indi,idual applicants.

Similatlj,, the publication by neivspapcrs o f

IhcolScial .able o f point v ie s fo '^ rZ e ;makes It |x.ssible for millions of l i„ „ s „ , i j„

o p h n t t e ir families’ me.,Is, and ,l„,ppi„g

lou ■ in ad,-ancc. A nd here, also, i , „cc„m-

600,000 food stores and the ,h „p p „

Again', due lo repeated appearance ofpicturcs.

mtheprcsstogcthcrwjthc.xplanalorymatcri.il.W ar Ration Book No, 2 became familiar to

lie puWic weeks in advance ofils issuance.

Added to all o f these extremely important ser. '

vices was the publication in ne.vs columns o f

(e service...■anoninj and use o f t te pom t tystem.

II is not an overstalcment to say that withouth'S cooperation the lu fh degree o f public

tinderstandms " ‘'H'is h iifc rationing p,Mram

n ™ could have f e n achieved i n ' t L f t ospncc 01 a few weeks.

Such a splendid public service looms even

, urger w ,„ i , j „ remembered that, like many

ouie enterprises, newspapers nre feeling the

effvus o f manpower shortages, transportation

d n c«lt,es.andcurta,lmentofsupplies.Nevct.

' eoii'E "head fu ll steam andotcrconiing tlicic handicaps to tlic end ilmt

AhieriMfis cm comintic to be lUc best in-

lormcd popiibiion in iJic worJd.

For the invaluable assistance frcdy gi'

Vtcc press of □ tree country, m ay 1 « f

deepest grjiitudc of the O PA?

. ^ivcnhyn

«pres5 tiic

Prentiss BrownAOMtNISTRAToi

OfMCI or |.||C( AOMINftTBAllOK

In a I f Her )o EdUor <f Publisher

' _ f P j N r m u E ^

IkmMS mnII.

V VHAT NUWSPAPi-Rs d id lo hc !p Uic succcs-^fiil la un ch ­

ing o f the food ra tion ing p rogram . . . as described by

Price A dm in istra to r P rhn t is s B ro w n . . . is bu t one cvi-

dcncc o fh o w the na tio n ’s press, today as always, keeps tlic

people fu lly informed.

In coim llcss o ther ways, too , newspapers arc arm ing the

people fo r their hom c ;fron l jo b . . . g iv ing them fu ll

, in fo rm a tion on ra tion ing and taxes, d im o iltsand b lackouts,

conservation an d salvage . . . h e lp in g every ind iv idua l take

the steps wc a ll m ust take to hasten the day o f victory an d

V ' :


Jpcacc. In spite o f w a r t im e bandic^ips, as M r . Brow .v

points ou t, newspapers "o re going ahead f u l l s team . . .{o

she end that A m ericans can con iim c lo be (he best informed

popidaiio ii in the w orld .”

One th ing only m akes i t possible for the prc.' s lo render

such essential scrvicc . T h .it i.? Ihc people's faith in their

ncwsipupcrs . . . th e con fidcncc w ith w hich Am ciicaos

cverj-wlicre lo o k to th e ir newspapers fo r information,

guidance and leadersh ip . A n d that, basically, is what makes

newspapers so v a lu ab le a m ed ium fo r advertisers today.



Page 12: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Pajje Twelve TmES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursdiy, April 15, 1943


TIIE STOnY: AlIlMti Topplnr. to(MT tie}, ii o il te CuMlrnitU, (o ran hrr rslhcr’* chlrte plinU- (Ion. lUrrr Firldlnr >uu trlrd rnan^ tlmn to dlniude hrr. At Turrlo Rarrioi, AIllwB lnlroduce» Barrr tj Itriuldo, hrr falhtr'i ■ttemrj'. I<<n- ■Ids promlM la, find > pilde for Barr7. ThtI rrrnlnf he admlti he hju had n® lock u no one want* ta (m p u i on Quiche trrrltorr. He luctnti Darrr kcrompan; himtelf and AllUon (o (he pUnUllon. where there are othrr juldeu If thej- refute, nenaldo hlmielf will l-v


n ic ruin wns |vlt!nc Ukr billlcl-'\ on ilic tin roof. Tlif clo e Mlcltliic?..-' of llie nlr made Uic IumI opprr-Mve Uinn wlieii the »iin pour­ed closin. Unrry cume down Uir niirrow boardwalk tn llie rtnnll liotel nfllrr. In tlie tlilii uriiy UkUI nf ciirly mnniltiK hr cauld un.i qtlile nione ejcrpt fi>r ... .. tlvp dfsk clrrk whn unn sireichrd full kiiKtli In n rlmlr fnorlns iioL’ lly. Tlien the flrcrt door .iprnrtl tiiid nrnnlifo, ficiidr. of tivlll Kil-'frn- liiR nn ht.1 <I:irlc fucr. canir In. Re* him! him ciimr n Klnnl of

- uhnni lie Inlrcxliirrd n\ Jo'e. Acrn 1 Jo-.f> hiilry dir:,I Rwuni: rra.'rtlciirlrltlKe hdl.i. Tv,n old *Iylc f.lx- nliootrrs hiimiied hU hliw tn he walked.

'•Jtte 1.1 Ilie brr.t iiiulrtrpr In nil Oiwlpnmhi," nrnalrio "Andihe bfJl Kulrte ni well. Afler we Ret to the pinntatlon he wlll-Ro on with vnii to the Qiilfhe coiitilr>’." cinpped hL< hnnd.i loudly and Uie nlcrplnK dr:.k rlrrlc iitniKKled feel. "Coffee nnd Inrtinnfil"

•Hie nnllvr xhufflrd nff In the direction of Ilie kllchrn, nnd Re- nnldo turned b.-vrlc lo Dnrry. "Where 1. the Krnofltn?"

"I illrtn't knocl: nt her door,"Bnrry snld. "I IhoiiKht iiinybo br- eniise of Ihe rnln Khe Troiildn'l wanl to po today."

•C.iramhn," Hennldo roared. "We . . . .Ihlnk nollilnK of rnln In Otialemnln. Ji:n«lrl" Ahe Raid llKlilly. at rnln. nlmu-it everv dny. If nhe "Urer-i, yc-.i. but surtly

Then tiie u i) v,tllcome out wid ym wJJJ be iSry in five nilnuU-s."

'Tlittl'4 a con.vDiallon!” Allison luuzlied. 'Juit no I tiio*' ini be dry wmetlme. U really dorin’t miiller tthelher If i this moiiUi or iir • *

•The worel Uilng about Uic rain.* Ilenaldo eiplalned. "l.i Uiat II mokes It hard golns for Uie mules. Tlio trnll E(tj .OIptTO’ " “'I 'mnny holts where ft mule ^ot^ell ne^ tljiiti conplftely out of f.lulit."

Barry wa.i wntfliliis Allhon cla.e- ly, knowlnK «rll ilie ml/islvlnRi vellliiK u[) wlUiln her. She held her cool nlootnerj. Jiever once letUnc a note rf tuuH'ly creep Into her voice. In Hut nuenent lie was wonderins about LUa, wonderlnif how iiiiKht act If hrr cournKC were i lUt 10 sucti A iMt,• You can still Btuy here." Bnrry

aid tlntly. "No Dll'- will ucc l^e you Ilf bcliis ft il;.')'. In fnct. II woiild Jit't be u\lnK Kood 4cn:.c."

in ln.Miinl AllL-.ori’s .smllr fnd. hough she miKht Ik- eonald.

rrlni; Hie xtiKice.silon. Uut Uien r.he brlKhtencd aniUn.

"It sounds like funl" alie"/ ROijJd/i'f int.^ n lor the

v,orlcl,” Blie plekKi ft briKht red floarr from the table bcniqucl niuj j.lld It UirouKh Uic coll of her hnlr.

Bnrry Uirrw up hh himda In a gr.sture of cotnplele dlvu.sU

•nrnaldo, the Klrl'n Incorrlfclble." hr wild, ure wiuitlin.- our pity,- We i.hoiild »nve 11 lor the nntles.''

neniildo laiiKhi'd.



. flnblifxl their coffco nnd Renaldo stepped to the door nnd &ald r.omethlnK In ijpnnlxh. Six nn> live boys came in nnd R»'niiIdo tlirin nciirrylnu W IJflnK Uir /iiKH»Ke.

After Uie nntlvr boy.i liiul inndc . evcrlll tfl|u up the nurrovi' bonrtl- Walk nnd had Uie wnnll room priie- tlrally filled with luKuase. Uenaldo turnrxl anxlour.ly to Allison.

"You are not takhiK iill tJilsI” He mndr a swi'eplns gcaturc with lils hnnd.

"A Kiri hn.i lo drt.vs—even' In the

It like rain then she will not

•'She 1,1 n vrry determined young womnn,” Bnrrj' ;inld lowly.

■Tills Li no pinee for n womnn. Ripeclally for nn Anierlcniio del Norte. We shouM do our beat convince her of tJiLi."

••Voii heard me convincing hrr,* Dnrr)' Jeered.

A queer Kmlle eroved Renaiilo: face.

"I think, maybe, tlil.i trip will b« convincing."

Tlie nnUve boy cnme In Uien with n tray nf Iced coffee nnd tortllla.i. He put Ute coffee cupn around n tn- bJe 111 Uic cowrr o! Uie rcoro. T5>e .....I hntl Ji»t sat dottii when the>;/ henrd footatep.! on Uie walk. TliCy KOI to their feet ns AllLion cnmc In. She looked radiant In her white rid­ing hnblt. her light Imlr plied In n soft roll above her janlling fnce. She wore black patent leaUier riding boolj,

"Look.1 like ,u-c’re about ready to, Rhove off." the raid gully nn *hc took the chair Bnrry woa offering her,

••You look more like you were ‘ ready for thcfllUjnore Country Club

hor.se show thnn tor ft'Knielllnt trek fnlo the JimjJe,” Dsro' said « !I»J« eourly.

"I pity your wlfr—If you t onel" Alll.ion r.ald IlghUy. sUrrhig her coffee. •'You'd be Ju.it Uie tyi>e to jitart the dny off wrong by being dl.iiigrcenble at the breakfast tn-

Dnrrj’ didn't answer. AllLion fd to ncnnldo.

•'What do*we do-wnll tor UiU rain to flop?"

Rrnnldo Mnlletl hl.i iimu'ement. •Tlint miKht lie n monUi from now. Wo never tiiink nne wny cr the oth­er nboiil rnln down here, II might rnln an hour, a week or a month.

need all thl.v Tlie Jiikve lo take the nrr apt to get Inlo."

"Tlicre you ko worn'hic about Uie muli'.i uKalit. 1 have iilrcady iiiMkcii to Uic mull's and they suld they would be dcllgliled to carry my

Page 13: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

.^uns'iay. April 15, 1913 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Thirteen

C la s s i f ie d a d v e r t is in g l i O R iE D dixie

-imistEo Markets and Finance

im L i v e s t o c k i w e i i u i B L E sJ N F M E S

CinCAOO.-April IS yp) - Or*ln pricu tumbled tn the Itn&I minutes lodiy. dropping more than bctnl, a-. lA Increm In o!(tHncs

' (ound the maikel wlU) a scarclli’ o(: bl(l5. UnUI l iG lait five mtnui«3 ' prtccs had held wJUila » narrow ' range In dull tradlcr

l&abUlLy or the maitet la maJu any prosreu earlier In Uie teaslon caused Uie late Uquldalloii, Iradera uld. Oata and rye dropped wlUi -(tie bread cerral, l)ut com held atludi’. PoMlblUty of a eellltig on eolion waa copldered rejponslble for bringing'Mmo telUne Into sralm.

In Uie caih com market, tiovever, anotlier day of henry trndlng «'aa

, In proereaa In reflection of higher . OPA eellliig«. Demand from tlie eaal

and sauthetul heavy and about ; iCO.OOO baiheli were k>U1 for Milp-

0 t iose areas. Moit wUe were V maxlmums.*l cloeed cenU lower.

, May July comWM unchanged at ceilings, May

' 11.01, nau dropped '.i>S anQ ryo


Plrrproof nnd Dii.'.iproof


for Uie llne.it of furniture.

In lerniountniti Seed Co.


'Ford Transfer Co.

ilw A N T E D — R E N T . LICASK

? K liA L ESTATE w a n t e d "





> fl/CVCZ^g SALES ti SERV.

> FLOOR S A N D ina

> INSECT EXTERM INATOR^ llji tnanmen. T»la Tall* rietmi S

I KEY SHOP ■_____________ ,

e num EvoH A PH iN a


FSA Chiefs Plan For Worker GroupRanald W. Pureell. slate farm

curliy admlnLiiralor, nnd C. 0..M11- Icr. state farm labor supply repre* senlaUve for Uie FSA. arrived Wed- nMday to u«Lil In phnii for rrcek- inc the 39 farro workers lo wrtve from LouUlana next week.

Purcell went on lo Pocatello, knd Mlllf-r remained here Tlmrsday.

Miller sold the arrival date of the LouLMana workers Li Indefinite, and

which they may ---wiu be an-

ippclnied chali...... .................... flight box aoelnlconimlllee at Uie noonday lunch

Lion* club yeilerday. Harry DaLsch and H. O, Hays mrmbers.

Avlallnn C.iclet Lcland « the Riir.t of hl.i broUier,

Wallace While.Report i were rr.iciv by Secrclnry

Rw.seU Jen-'fn and Swelary E. F.

will n





Wheat Crop DownnOlflE, AprU 15 —-Wmter

wheat eiUmate* (or Idaho Indicate crop of lO.lJfOOO biuheb—ft de-

•ea.^ of J1 per eent from last year'a Ilgurcs.

Tlie bureau of agricultural eco- nomlte alio reported fair condition* for Ui# winter wheat crop with thin *unda expecied in areaa where *Twth already ha* lUrted.

SEEDSheriff Warren I-o*cry urges IJial

his office be nnilfl^ by the finder ’ t»-o.*ack« of alfalfa seed lost roni truck beiwrcn Buhl and Twlr

alls Turidny.Lowery aald Uie two aaclu of b1< ilfa affd and a sack of clm-er need ere Iwt Tnp»day by lha'Preeinan

Packing company. Idaho Paav Tlie clorer wed was found by-Mr*. Claud Pratt, TB’ln FaJlJ, nnd reported tc the Mierlff.

"I hofw that whoever picked up the alfalfa will do<he Mme.” &her*


41,631 Employes Of U. S. Cut off

WAfilUNGTON. April 15 (T- udKCt Hurrsii Dlreclor Harold D.

Bmllli tolrl ihe hoii^r civil spr;li-e commiUee tlint hr lv»s ordered elU mlnnlinn nf M^31 rmplo^M from the pnyrollfi of 34 “non-war” gor*-

BlEKC-it rrdu'cllnn—19,124 rmi •»_wn.t ordftfd In the post' c denarimetil. he fslcl. Tlie rlvll i Ice ronunltlee In InvMtlKallng cl Uinl federnl hiircnii.i are nverAlu

Elk, Deer StarveBOISE. April 15 njP.'-A reJ)dent

of the Lowman area, Lee Bunch, re- ported lodiij'_lhnt "hunrtreri.i of elk.

■ '.hoiwands of deer“ !i>d »lar ■f<l alh on Uie Pajette river water*

»hed la it winter,He said the stench from dcraylne

bodies pervade. the area and tliat public health problem exlsta.-

Tw ill Falls Markets

[•.fkln* M... llclii .

I* <lul«r qwMdl

rf quotrd)

icouurv Ib^--- _t,.<h<>Ri (»•.!., an<l.r i U.. _ Lfthorn fo>U. 4 la lU- ■ Cokir*! towli, 4 to i ' l II*. . c:sl0N<l t 'i ll>.r«o4 ■ sun. a ^ r ll«.l----

nn>, M VO 2>UKk r*oi. I' Slack tfmt. I

I. M poaa« i»4

Page 14: 25. ALLIES STORM TUNISIAN HILLSnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times... · BACK UPi YOUR BOYl VOL. 25. NO. 314 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, THURSDAY, APHIL 15. 1913 WAR BULLETIN

Page Fourteen _ TIMES-NEWS.TWINFALLb,._ 'ITiursday, April Ifi. 1043

Little Girls’

Plaid Jackets

The hew Swirlskirt

Blue or Broiktj .....



A (Inc colIecUon o( ssMrted plild juckcU (or Uie lUUe mlists’ Eut«rcostume. 81ms 3 to 8 ______



Ciuuab (or sprlns '

cUrk Bnd putcl tliades . . .

(rom “Kemplon HaU” .

' Cliooee (rom colors o( belcf.

coffce, red.' lur( and pink.

Priced tMlly (rom—

S3.50 . S5.90

F R E S H E N Y O U R C O S T U M E . . . F R E S H E N

Y O U R O U T L O O K f°r E A S T E R °nd S P R I N G

Easter-time Dresses featuring


6llrltlK'. brlKhtcit Idra — Butchrr Linen

lor drt-M-up iiowl Tliey’re colorliil wUli •

coiitr.v.tUiK trliw In tlit KayMl *prln«

moo<l. Wearable, waslmble and economical

t • . bul (lon'i s cll them short on siylcl




Small f.lsta . . . but In the nQst

colorful of printj to erace tlis

*prlns'3 ferlsht -seathpr. For out­

door drrw-up occMlon-n.



$ 8 9 0MAIN rx o o jl READY TO WEAR DCPT.

JERSEY BLOUSES. . . Ui s!iart sifcred Drtfht CoJor.i o! Koid,trown. red. tnn and blue. With <PO PA-tlic usfful cowl neck ............... ................


Rayon with colorful 'embroidery.

... ..... $2.19Dotted gwiM, embroidery rlc-Vac.

______ $1.29MAnJ FLOOR


IDAHO DEPARTMENT STORE“If It Isn’t Right, Bring It Back'