25 02 14 yy class

Hello my name is Lex I come from Australia I was born in Melbourne, Victoria at the bottom of Australia. My job is security products sales I travel to China with my work. I have been studying Chinese for about 4 years and love listing to Chinese music and singing Chinese song. I like talking to friends on QQ and joined YY to help my spoken Listing and reading Chinese . I have been teaching on YY for more than 2 years . Hope I can help you to love English the way I love Chinese. Regards Lex

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Learning English, Talking with others sharing ideas. Learning to listen and read.


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Hello my name is Lex I come from Australia I was born in Melbourne, Victoria at the bottom of Australia.

My job is security products sales I travel to China with my work. I have been studying Chinese for about 4 years and love listing to Chinese music and singing

Chinese song.

I like talking to friends on QQ and joined YY to help my spoken Listing and reading Chinese . I have been teaching on YY for more than 2 years .

Hope I can help you to love English the way I love Chinese.Regards Lex

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5 Speaking Rules you need to know!

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1. Don't study grammar too much

• This rule might sound strange to many ESL students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar.

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1. Don't study grammar too much• Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse

you. You will think about the rules when creating sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native. Remember that only a small fraction of English speakers know more than 20% of all the grammar rules. Many ESL students know more grammar than native speakers. I can confidently say this with experience. I am a native English speaker, majored in English Literature, and have been teaching English for more than 10 years. However, many of my students know more details about English grammar than I do. I can easily look up the definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.

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1. Don't study grammar too much

• I often ask my native English friends some grammar questions, and only a few of them know the correct answer. However, they are fluent in English and can read, speak, listen, and communicate effectively.

Do you want to be able to recite the definition of a causative verb, or do you want to be able to speak English fluently?

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2. Learn and study phrases

• Many students learn vocabulary and try to put many words together to create a proper sentence. It amazes me how many words some of my students know, but they cannot create a proper sentence. The reason is because they didn't study phrases. When children learn a language, they learn both words and phrases together. Likewise, you need to study and learn phrases.

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2. Learn and study phrases

• If you know 1000 words, you might not be able to say one correct sentence. But if you know 1 phrase, you can make hundreds of correct sentences. If you know 100 phrases, you will be surprised at how many correct sentences you will be able to say. Finally, when you know only a 1000 phrases, you will be almost a fluent English speaker.

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2. Learn and study phrases

• The http://www.talkenglish.com/Speaking/listbasics.aspx section is a great example of making numerous sentences with a single phrase. So don't spend hours and hours learning many different words. Use that time to study phrases instead and you will be closer to English fluency.

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2.Learn and study phrases

• Don't translate

When you want to create an English sentence, do not translate the words from your Mother tongue. The order of words is probably completely different and you will be both slow and incorrect by doing this. Instead, learn phrases and sentences so you don't have to think about the words you are saying. It should be automatic.

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2. Learn and study phrases

• Another problem with translating is that you will be trying to incorporate grammar rules that you have learned. Translating and thinking about the grammar to create English sentences is incorrect and should be avoided.

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3. Reading and Listening is NOT enough.

• Practice Speaking what you hear!• Reading, listening, and speaking are the most

important aspects of any language. The same is true for English. However, speaking is the only requirement to be fluent. It is normal for babies and children to learn speaking first, become fluent, then start reading, then writing. So the natural order is listening, speaking, reading, then writing.

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3. Reading and Listening is NOT enough.

• First ProblemIsn't it strange that schools across the world teach reading first, then writing, then listening, and finally speaking? Although it is different, the main reason is because when you learn a second language, you need to read material to understand and learn it. So even though the natural order is listening, speaking, reading, then writing, the order for ESL students is reading, listening, speaking, then writing.

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3. Reading and Listening is NOT enough.

• Second ProblemThe reason many people can read and listen is because that's all they practice. But in order to speak English fluently, you need to practice speaking. Don't stop at the listening portion, and when you study, don't just listen. Speak out loud the material you are listening to and practice what you hear. Practice speaking out loud until your mouth and brain can do it without any effort. By doing so, you will be able to speak English fluently.

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4. Submerge yourself

• Being able to speak a language is not related to how smart you are. Anyone can learn how to speak any language. This is a proven fact by everyone in the world. Everyone can speak at least one language. Whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power, you are able to speak one language.

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4. Submerge yourself

• This was achieved by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and speak your language constantly. You will notice that many people who are good English speakers are the ones who studied in an English speaking school. They can speak English not because they went to an English speaking school, but because they had an environment where they can be around English speaking people constantly.

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4. Submerge yourself

• There are also some people who study abroad and learn very little. That is because they went to an English speaking school, but found friends from their own country and didn't practice English.

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4. Submerge yourself

• You don't have to go anywhere to become a fluent English speaker. You only need to surround yourself with English. You can do this by making rules with your existing friends that you will only speak English. You can also carry around an iPod and constantly listen to English sentences. As you can see, you can achieve results by changing what your surroundings are. Submerge yourself in English and you will learn several times faster.

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5. Study correct material

• A common phrase that is incorrect is, "Practice makes perfect." This is far from the truth. Practice only makes what you are practicing permanent. If you practice the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected saying the sentence incorrectly. Therefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by most people.

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5. Study correct material

• Another problem I see is that many students study the news. However, the language they speak is more formal and the content they use is more political and not used in regular life. It is important to understand what they are saying, but this is more of an advanced lesson that should be studied after learning the fundamental basics of English.

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5. Study correct material• Studying English with a friend who is not a native English

speaker is both good and bad. You should be aware of the pros and cons of speaking with a non native speaking friend. Practicing with a non native person will give you practice. You can also motivate each other and point out basic mistakes. But you might pick up bad habits from one another if you are not sure about what are correct and incorrect sentences. So use these practice times as a time period to practice the correct material you studied. Not to learn how to say a sentence.

In short, study English material that you can trust, that is commonly used, and that is correct.

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"Say Something"(with Christina Aguilera)

Say something, I'm giving up on youI'll be the one, if you want me toAnywhere I would've followed youSay something, I'm giving up on you

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"Say Something"(with Christina Aguilera)

• And I am feeling so smallIt was over my headI know nothing at all

• And I will stumble and fallI'm still learning to loveJust starting to crawl

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"Say Something"(with Christina Aguilera)

• Say something, I'm giving up on youI'm sorry that I couldn't get to youAnywhere I would've followed youSay something, I'm giving up on you

• And I will swallow my prideYou're the one that I loveAnd I'm saying goodbye

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"Say Something"(with Christina Aguilera)

• Say something, I'm giving up on youAnd I'm sorry that I couldn't get to youAnd anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-oh-oh-oh)Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on youSay something...

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Come up and talk to me

• What's your favourite song?• Why do you like this song?• Do you like to sing?• How often do you go to KTV?• Do you listen to music at home?• Can you play a musical instrument?

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New Words

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Learning new words

• suggested• told• built• permitted• increased

• offered• invited• founded• left• written

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Pick the missing word?

1. The factory was ______ in 1953. a) suggested b) told c) built d) permitted

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Pick the missing word?

2. The company was ______ in 1983. a) increased b) founded c) left d) written

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Pick the missing word?

3. I was ______ to make a presentation at the Conference. a) suggested b) increased c) permitted d) invited

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Pick the missing word?

4. The job was ______ to Frank but he turned it down. a) offered b) permitted c) left d) written

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Pick the missing word?

5. I was ______ that I wouldn't need to bring my own slide projector. a) told b) increased c) permitted d) written

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Pick the missing word?

6. The report was ______ by a leading expert in the field. a) suggested b) increased c) left d) written

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Pick the missing word?

7. Smoking is not ______ on these premises. a) suggested b) left c) permitted d) increased

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Pick the missing word?

8. Some things are best ______ unsaid. a) suggested b) left c) offered d) increased

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Pick the missing word?

9. Taxes are being ______ by 20%. a) suggested b) increased c) offered d) invited

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Pick the missing word?

10. It has been ______ that we should delay this decision for a few weeks. a) suggested b) built c) offered d) invited

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Learning to Reading

Please join the cue read with a partner take it in turns http://www.eslfast.com/easydialogs/

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I need a job• A: I need a job.

B: I thought you had a job.A: I did.B: What happened?A: I got laid off.B: That’s terrible! When did it happen?A: I got laid off last week.B: Just you?A: No, ten of my co workers got laid off, too.B: What are you going to do?A: I’m looking in the newspaper for a job.B: Good luck!

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Bad Service• A: Have you seen our waiter?

B: Here he comes now.A: We’ve been sitting here for almost 10 minutes.B: Oops, I guess I was wrong. That isn’t our waiter.A: We can give him five more minutes, and then leave.B: I’ll go up front and talk to the manager.A: That’s a good idea.B: Maybe they’ll give us free drinks for waiting so long.A: Maybe he’ll send us our waiter immediately.B: Every time we eat out, it’s an adventure.A: Last time, we got seats next to the kitchen.B: We’ll never go there again.

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A Good Table

• A: Is this table okay?B: No, it’s too close to the kitchen door.A: How about this table?B: No, it’s too close to the front door.A: This looks like a nice table.B: No, it’s too close to the salad bar.A: Okay, I give up.B: Well, there is one good table.A: Great. Which one?B: That one. A group of eight just sat down at it.

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Before you go to that interview• A: Before you go to that interview, check yourself.

B: What’s to check?A: Are your nails clean?B: Yes, they are.A: Did you double-check your nose and teeth?B: They are clean, too.A: Did you shine your shoes?B: My shoes are shined.A: Do your socks match?B: Of course they match.A: No, they don’t. One is black and one is dark blue.B: Yikes! Thank you.

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Life is hard• A: Life is hard.

B: It sure is.A: I thought school was hard.B: Me, too. I couldn’t wait to graduate.A: But now work is hard, too.B: I agree. Work is just as hard as school.A: Sometimes I wish I was back in school.B: Me, too. School was fun.A: And it was only 12 years.B: It went by pretty fast.A: But work goes on forever!B: We have to work for 30 years!

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I don’t like my job• A: I don’t like my job.

B: What do you do?A: I’m a babysitter.B: Is that a lot of work?A: Babies cry all the time.B: You have to change their diapers.A: I have to feed them.B: Are you looking for another job?A: No, I’m looking for another family.B: Another family?A: A family with only one baby.B: That’s a good idea.

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Talk about their jobs?

• A: Do your students ever talk about their jobs?B: Yes, and they ask me what jobs are the best.A: I tell my students to become a teacher.B: Teaching is a great job.A: It’s the best job I’ve ever had.B: What makes it so good?A: For me, it’s the students.B: What do you mean?A: I mean I have wonderful students.B: That must be nice.A: Teaching is the best part of my whole day.B: You’re a lucky man to have a job you love

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Something real stupid• A: I think I did something real stupid.

B: What did you do?A: I bought some stock.B: Everybody buys stock.A: I bought it on a hunch.B: You didn't read about the company first?A: I didn't have to. It's been in business for 60 years.B: So what's the problem?A: I used all my savings on this one company.B: You put all your eggs into one basket.A: If the company goes out of business, I'll have nothing.B: Oh, you'll have something—you'll have a lesson you'll never forget!

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I was going to be a doctor• A: I was going to be a doctor.

B: What happened to your plans?A: I got a D in college chemistry.B: Well, a D is better than an F.A: A tutor helped me get the D!B: So, you didn't become a doctor.A: And now I'm glad that I didn't.B: Why's that?A: A hospital is the most dangerous place in the world.B: Oh, yes, because of all the killer germs.A: If you're a smart doctor, you stay away from hospitals.B: Yes, the smart doctors are those TV news doctors—no hospitals, no patients.

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What did the doctor say• A: What did the doctor say?

B: He thinks I have too much stress.A: Stress causes your stomachaches?B: Stress causes different problems with different people.A: So what did he tell you to do?B: He said I need to think positive.A: He didn’t give you any medication?B: I hate medication. It makes me feel different.A: So how do you think positive?B: I think about nice things.A: Like what?B: Like a day at the beach, with my toes in the sand.

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Do you smell that?• A: Do you smell that?

B: Oh, yes.A: I can’t stand cigarette smoke.B: It smells so bad.A: One cigarette stinks up the whole sidewalk.B: Smokers think they are so cool.A: They are so weak.B: A little cigarette controls them.A: They look so stupid taking a puff.B: And then they blow smoke out of their mouth.A: They think it’s cool.B: Cigarettes stink.

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My back is killing me• A: My back is killing me.

B: What did you do?A: I got out of my car.B: That’s it?A: I injured my back one time just by sneezing.B: You should see a doctor.A: My doctor said I need surgery.B: So?A: So, forget it.B: You don’t have the money?A: I have no insurance.B: Maybe a back rub would help.

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Dirty Nails• A: Let’s leave.

B: But we just got here.A: Did you see the waiter’s hands?B: No.A: He had dirty fingernails.B: Really?A: His nails were black!B: That’s disgusting.A: And he poured water into our glasses.B: Yuck! No water for me.A: I wonder if the cooks?nails are dirty, too.B: Who cares? Let’s get out of here.

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Remote is filthy• A: Our TV remote is filthy.

B: Yes, it’s covered with crud.A: I’m going to clean it.B: Don’t use water on it!A: I’ll use a damp cloth.B: Don’t let water get into any of the cracks.A: I’ll squeeze the cloth so it’s almost dry.B: Don’t rub the numbers off the remote.A: I will rub gently but firmly.B: Do it quickly, please, so I can change channels during commercials.A: I’ll give it back to you in a couple of minutes.B: Maybe we should put it in a plastic bag to keep it clean.

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The new face

• A: Did you see the woman with the new face?B: Did she get a nice job?A: She got a job with “everything? B: What do you mean?A: A team of doctors gave her a whole new face.B: Why did they do that?A: A mad dog bit most of her face off.B: Oh, that’s terrible. What does she look like now?A: Her face is really fat, but they say the swelling will go down.B: And then will she look normal again?A: I guess so.B: God bless modern medicine.

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A Good Lunch• A: Lunch was delicious.

B: Thank you.A: What kind of soup was that?B: It was tomato soup.A: That tasted so good.B: I put lemon and butter in it.A: The sandwich was good, too.B: Everyone likes bacon and tomato sandwiches.A: Especially on toast.B: And the pickles were great, too.A: Tomorrow we’ll have rice and fish for lunch.B: I can’t wait.

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A Slow Burger• A: I can’t believe how long this line is.

B: This is a popular restaurant, isn’t it?A: Yes, but it isn’t a fast-food restaurant, is it?B: It’s the slowest hamburger in town.A: That’s because they cook it while you wait.B: Yes. That’s why it’s also the best hamburger in town.A: A great burger and great service.B: Yes, the workers are very polite.A: And they’re clean.B: I’ve been coming here for years.A: Me too.B: Excuse me. They just called my number.

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Do I Hear $60,000?A: I don't believe the art world.B: What is it this time?A: An Andy Warhol drawing.B: He's a famous artist.A: He drew two butterflies and a flower on a napkin in a restaurant.B: Did he sign it?A: Yes.B: Is it beautiful?A: It's just black ink on a white napkin. And the napkin has food stains!B: So it's not worth much?A: Only about $30,000.B: Without the food stains, it would probably be worth more.

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Thanks for coming to my class

• English web link have a look • http://cdict.net/?q=+curator• http://www.lyricstraining.com/index.php• http://www.eslfast.com/easydialogs/• http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningen

glish/• http://www.radioaustralia.net.au/chinese/learn

-english/features• http://www.talkenglish.com/