2435 oak crest ave. austin, tx 78704 · 19/07/2020  · rev. jairo sandoval-pliego, pastor rev....

All Masses are Live-streamed on Todas las Misas se transmiten en Vivo Facebook & YouTube Saturday Vigil (English/Inglés).........................................................5:00pm Sunday / Domingo (Spanish/Español) .................................................... 8:00am (English/Inglés)....................................................... 10:30am (Spanish/Español) ....................................................1:00pm Daily Mass / Misa Diaria Monday & Wednesday (English/Inglés) ................ 6:30pm Martes y Jueves (Spanish/Español) ......................... 6:30pm First Friday Mass (Spanish/Español) ...................... 6:30pm First Saturday Mass Spanish/Español 8:00am Reconciliation / Reconciliación (Confessions | Confesiones) By appointment | Sólo con cita Perpetual Adoration Chapel is closed Capilla de Adoración Perpetua está cerrada Find the Tabernacle livestreamed on YouTube La imagen del Tabernáculo se transmite por YouTube 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 Office Hours | Horario de Oficina Sunday | Domingo: 9:00am - 2:30pm Tuesday - Friday | Martes a Viernes: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Parish Office .......................................... (512) 444-7587 M s ( ) ............................. (512) 888-1137 Fax ........................................................... (512) 443-1212 Religious Education (Office) ................ (512) 444-4664 Religious Education (School) .............. (512) 444-9876 High School ........................ (512) 804-1935 St. Vincent de Paul Society .................. (512) 914-2747 Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon Mr. Guadalupe Velasquez Romie Galica, Pastoral Associate Mr. Enrique Velasquez Mrs. Kathy Duran, Liturgist Mr. Rene Gladyn, Music Coordinator Mrs. Diana del Real, Bookkeeper Mrs. Rita Velasquez, REd Director Ms. Mary Morris, REd Secretary Mrs. Rosario Tristan, Receptionist Mr. Raul Noriega, Jr., Receptionist Ms. Ester Terrazas, Archivist Mr. Salvador Perez, Custodian Mr. Sergio Castillo, Substitute Custodian

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Page 1: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

All Masses are Live-streamed on

Todas las Misas se transmiten en Vivo

Facebook & YouTube Saturday Vigil


Sunday / Domingo

(Spanish/Español) .................................................... 8:00am

(English/Inglés)....................................................... 10:30am

(Spanish/Español) ....................................................1:00pm

Daily Mass / Misa Diaria Monday & Wednesday (English/Inglés) ................ 6:30pm

Martes y Jueves (Spanish/Español) ......................... 6:30pm

First Friday Mass (Spanish/Español) ...................... 6:30pm

First Saturday Mass Spanish/Español 8:00am

Reconciliation / Reconciliación

(Confessions | Confesiones)

By appointment | Sólo con cita

Perpetual Adoration Chapel is closed

Capilla de Adoración Perpetua está cerrada

Find the Tabernacle livestreamed on YouTube

La imagen del Tabernáculo se transmite por YouTube

2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704

Office Hours | Horario de Oficina

Sunday | Domingo: 9:00am - 2:30pm

Tuesday - Friday | Martes a Viernes:

3:00pm - 5:00pm

Parish Office .......................................... (512) 444-7587

M s ( )

............................. (512) 888-1137

Fax ........................................................... (512) 443-1212

Religious Education (Office) ................ (512) 444-4664

Religious Education (School) .............. (512) 444-9876

High School ........................ (512) 804-1935

St. Vincent de Paul Society .................. (512) 914-2747

Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor

Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired)

Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon

Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Mr. Guadalupe Velasquez

Romie Galica, Pastoral Associate

Mr. Enrique Velasquez

Mrs. Kathy Duran, Liturgist

Mr. Rene Gladyn, Music Coordinator

Mrs. Diana del Real, Bookkeeper

Mrs. Rita Velasquez, REd Director

Ms. Mary Morris, REd Secretary

Mrs. Rosario Tristan, Receptionist

Mr. Raul Noriega, Jr., Receptionist

Ms. Ester Terrazas, Archivist

Mr. Salvador Perez, Custodian

Mr. Sergio Castillo, Substitute Custodian

Page 2: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web.

Prayers for the repose of the soul of:

Descanso del alma de:

†Edward Mendoza

†Francis Loera

All Events listed here are Livestreamed! Todas los Eventos en esta lista se transmiten en vivo!

Saturday, July 18: Saturday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time 5:00pm Birthday: Joseph Ciprian Tristan Blessings: Glenise Perez †Roxana Arrendondo, †Benito Vences Sunday, July 19: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Accion de Gracias: Emily Rodriguez Velazquez Bendiciones: Stephany Anaya y Ximena R. del Real 10:30am Misa Pro Populo Blessings: Michelle Guillen & Renato De Piccoli Health: Maria Cavazos Diaz 1:00pm Salud Marcelino Jaimes, Carmen Muñoz. Trejo, Violeta V. Muñoz Salud: Mariano Mata Ramirez, James Angel Mata Tinajero †Carlos Ahumada, †Benito Vences, †Antonio Esquivel, †Salomon A. Flores Monday, July 20: Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time 8:00am Spanish Lauds/Laudes 6:00pm Spanish Vespers/ Visperas 6:30pm Blessings: Glenise Perez †Carlos Ahumaba, †Benito Vences, †Parfirio Flores 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Tuesday, July 21: Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time 8:00am Spanish Lauds/Laudes 6:00pm Visperas | English Vespers Blessings: Gilbert 6:30pm †Benito Vences, †Salomon Anacleto Flores, 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Wednesday, July 22: Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene 8:00am Spanish Lauds/Laudes 6:00pm Vespers/ Visperas 6:30pm Birthday: Rosaura Acosta †Benito Vences 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Thursday, July 23: Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time 8:00am Spanish Lauds/Laudes 6:00pm Vespers/Visperas (inglés) 6:30pm Cumpleaños: Jessica L. Aldama, Samuel J. Aldama †Maria De Jesus Villarreal 9:15pm Profundizando la Palabra y Completas Friday, July 24: Friday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time Saturday, July 25: Feast of Saint James, Apostle 2:00pm 25th Wedding Anniv. Carlos y Ana Lorena Perez 5:00pm Blessings: Glenise Perez Sunday, July 26: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Santa Misa 3o Anniv Matrimonial: Hector Henriquez y Sofia Rodriguez Jesus—Rey de Todas las Naciones Por las Almas del Purgatorio †John S. Cortinez 10:30am †Rosemary Sepeda Garcia, †Antonio Duran 1:00pm Salud: Marcelino Jaimes Bendiciones: Junior E. Mandujano, Hanna Halbach, Maria G. Barrientos Alberto M. Mattinez, Jonathan Mendoza, Niños Mandujano/Halbach †Ubo Albertos Alzada Delgado

The Altar Flowers this week are donated by:

Las flores en el altar esta semana estan

donadas de:

Dolores A. Legrand

Sunday Offering

Please call the Parish Office if you would like

to make your Sunday Offering with your credit

card. Or, visit our website to make your dona-

tion with Venmo, eOffering SecureGive!

Ofrenda Dominical

Llame a la Oficina Parroquial si desea hacer

su Ofrenda Dominical con tarjeta de crédito.

También puede visitar nuestro sitio web y

hacer su donativo con Venmo, eOffering,


Have you, or has someone you know, expe-rienced abuse?

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez and the Diocese of Austin are committed to providing compas-sionate care to persons who have experienced abuse, particularly if committed by clergy or a church representative. If you or someone you know have experienced such abuse, contact the diocesan Coordinator of Victim Assistance and Pastoral Support at [email protected] or (512) 949-2400.

¿Ha sufrido usted, o alguien que conoce, algún tipo de abuso?

El Obispo José Vásquez y la Diócesis de Aus-tin están comprometidos a proveer de cuidado compasivo a personas que hayan experimen-tado abuso, particularmente si éste fue co-metido por clero o un representante de la igle-sia. Si usted, o alguien que usted conocer ha experimentado dicho abuso, contacte a la Co-ordinadora diocesana de Asistencia a las Vícti-mas y Apoyo Pastoral, escribiendo a [email protected] o llame al (512) 949-2400.

Attention Ministry


There will be a Ministry Leaders meet-

ing on Tuesday, July 21st, at 7:30pm

via Zoom. Be on the lookout as more

information is forthcoming. Everyone,

please plan to attend!

Atención Líderes del


Habrá una reunión con los Líderes

del los Ministerios el martes 21 de

julio a las 7:30pm vía Zoom. Estén

atentos para la próxima infor-

mación. Haga planes para participar!

Wedding Bands

Amelia Marie Diaz &

Miguel Rodriguez Jr.

Juanita Renee Rivera &

Jonahtan Carmona

Sonia Esther Gonzalez

Aguilar & Jose Guada-

lupe Rico Buenrostro

Page 3: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon
Page 4: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Religious Education News!

Registration for NON Sacramental Classes will be from

July 19th- July 22, 2020. This is for children who have

received their sacraments and would like to continue their

religious education. There is no cost for families in good

standing. For all other families there is a $20 registration

fee per student.

To register please submit by email your family name,

church ID, student/students name and grade level to

[email protected] by July 22, 202.


Who am I? See if your child can guess who the biblical character is based on the descrip-

tion given. Then as a family read the biblical account of the story by looking

up the scriptures noted and discuss so your children can understand the sig-

nificance of the biblical story.

Noticias de Educación Religiosa!

La inscripción para las clases no sacramentales será del

19 al 22 de julio de 2020. Esto es para niños que han rec-

ibido sus sacramentos y les gustaría continuar su edu-

cación religiosa. No hay costo alguno para las familias

que estén al día. Para todas las demás familias hay una

cuota de inscripción de 20 dólares por estudiante.

Para registrarse, por favor envíe por correo electrónico su

apellido, identificación de la iglesia, nombre del estu-

diante/estudiante y nivel de grado a

[email protected] antes del

22 de julio de 2020.


Quién soy yo? Vea si su hijo puede adivinar quién es el personaje bíblico basado en la de-

scripción dada. Luego, como familia, lean el relato bíblico de la historia

buscando las escrituras anotadas y discútanlo para que sus hijos puedan en-

tender el significado de la historia bíblica.

Faith and Fruit: A Family Activity | Fe y Fruto: Una Actividad Familiar

Page 5: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Daily Readings for the Week | Lecturas de la Semana July 18th Saturday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time MI 2:1-5; 10:1-2, 3-4, 7-8, 14; MT 12:14-21 July 19th Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time WIS 12:13, 16-19; PS 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16; ROM 8:26-27; MT 13:24-43 June 20th Monday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time MI 6:1-4, 6-8; 50:5-6, 8-9, 16BC-17, 21 AND 23; MT 12:38-42 June 21st Tuesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time MI 7:14-15, 18-20; 85:2-4, 5-6, 7-8; MT 12:46-50 June 22nd Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene SGS 3:1-4B; PS 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; JN 20:1-2, 11-18 June 23rd Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time JER 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; 36:6-7AB, 8-9, 10-11; MT 13:10-17 July 24th Friday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time JER 3:14-17; JER 31:10, 11-12ABCD, 13; MT 13:18-23 July 25th Feast of Saint James, Apostle 2 COR 4:7-15; 126:1BC-2AB, 2CD-3, 4-5, 6; MT 20:20-28 July 26th Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time I KGS 3:5, 7-12; PS 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130; ROM 8:28-30; MT 13:44-52 OR 13:44-46

San Jose Prayer Chain Warriors

is a Ministry within our Parish that serves the Prayer Needs of Parish-

ioners and others who are in dire Need of Prayer for serious health or

difficult situations.

You may leave your intentions at the Parish Office.

If you have a medical emergency please call the emergency number in

front of the bulletin

If you have an immediate emergency Prayer Situation you may call the

office for the emergency line.

Los Guerros de Oracion de San Jose

es un ministerio Parroquial que attiende para atender las necesidades de

Oración de los feligreses que están en graves problemas de salud o situ-

aciones difíciles.

Pueden dejar sus intenciones en la Oficina Parroquial.

Si tiene una emergencia médica, por favor llame al número de emergen-

cia que aprece enfrente del boletín.

Si tiene una situación de oración de emergencia inmediata, puede llamar a

la oficina para obtener la línea de emergencia.

Positions open at the Diocese of Austin

The Diocese of Austin has a job opening for a Human Re-

sources Generalist – Catholic Schools. This position will be

responsible for providing direct human resources services

including leading all staffing efforts, managing the full re-

cruiting lifecycle, and acting as the primary resource for HR

content and processes. The position works with the Director

of Human Resources and the Superintendent to ensure ap-

plication of policies in each school. The position reports to

the Director, Human Resources and operates with wide lati-

tude for the use of independent judgment and initiative. The

Diocese of Austin only accepts online applications. To apply,

please visit our website http:/austindiocese.applicantpro.com/


Diocese of Austin has a job opening for a Senior Accountant.

This position is responsible for preparing, examining and an-

alyzing accounting records, financial statements, and other

financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and con-

formance to reporting and procedural standards. The posi-

tion reports to the Controller-DOA and operates with some

latitude for the use of independent judgment and initia-

tive. The Diocese of Austin only accepts online applications.

To apply, please visit our website http://


Couples invited to online Marriage Encounter

Married couples don't miss the opportunity to give your marriage

the gift of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) experi-

ence this summer! WWME is designed to deepen and enrich the

joys a couple shares together, whether they have been married for

only a short time or for many years. In these unprecedented times

of isolation and social distancing, the need for a healthy marriage

relationship is more important than ever, and WWME is here to

come to you! Experiences are available online for you to experi-

ence from the comfort of your own homes, with one coming up

July 31-Aug. 2. For more information and to apply online, vis-

it wwme10.org/Virtual, call (512) 677-WWME (9963), or

email [email protected].

Page 6: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Seminarian of the Week

We ask that you pray for Jakob Hurlimann from St. Vincent de Paul, Austin .

Keep him in your prayers as he strives to answer God’s call. Keep praying for

vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Seminarista de la Semana

en St. Vincent de Paul, Austin .

For more info., visit us on the web at: Para más info., visite nuestra página web.

Col lec t ions Repor t / Repor te de Ofrendas 7 /12 /2020

Walk-In or Mailed in Collections 12,875.23

My e-Offering 1,309.10

Square 0.00

Venmo 1,454.00

Securegive 720.00

Total Income: 16,358.33

Amount Needed per Week: 20,000.00

ABOVE/(BELOW) Weekly Budget: (3,641.67)

Total Income since 07-01-2019:

Amount Needed 20,000 x 2 Week (s): 40,000.00

Total Sunday Collections to Date: 29,198.52

Difference Year-to-Date: ABOVE/(BELOW): (10,801.48)

Bill Tarpley

Augustina Tenorio

Helen Camarillo

Esperanza Herrera

Moses Saldaña

Anna Maria Saldaña

Josephine Carrizales

Merced R. Zuniga

Ernesto Gonzales

Isaiah Berron

Marcelino Jaimes

Jayden Martinez

Gabriel Garcia

Jane Hernandez

Margaret Martinez

Maria Aguilar

Eduardo Aguilar

Jimmy Joe Mata

Enrique Hernández

Frances Muñoz

Edward Maldonado

Andrew Escobedo

Ruse Agado

Theresa Peña

Andy Lopez

Rosa Olascoaga

Tom Soto

Charles Saucedo

Raymond Gonzalez

Joy Moneyhon

Please Pray For Those Who are ill, including







Total Annual


2019 2020 Total:

Vigil Mass 6 pm 108 655 6,131 52,686.99 20,187.00 72,873.99

Misa Dominical 8 am 230 1,059 27,510 100,009.00 47,808.00 147,817.00

English Mass 10:30am 503 1,048 18,862 137,753.00 63,053.00 200,806.00

Misa Dominical 1 pm 428 1,616 37,319 83,556.50 39,607.43 123,163.93

Walk in or Mailed in


30,751.00 145,548.25 176,299.25

Coins 886.61 1,153.57 2,040.18



23,876.92 5,822.00 29,698.92

Colecta fin de

año 2019

4,476.00 15,000.00 19,476.00

Electronic Collections 10,037.80 51,662.58 61,700.38

Total Sunday Collec-

tions to 2019-2020

89,822 444,033.82 389,841.83 833,875.65

Amount Needed (20,000 * 52 Week) 1,040,000.00

Difference year to Date ABOVE (BELOW) (206,124.35)

Fiscal Year | Año Fiscal

Intercessions for Life July 19th : Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

May married couples embrace their call to total, faithful, and fruit-ful love, and joyful openness to new life;

We pray to the Lord:

Intercesiones por la Vida

19 de julio: 16° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Que las parejas casadas abracen su llamado al amor total, fiel y fértil, y la apertura alegre a la nueva vida;

roguemos al Señor:

Page 7: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

Radio Encuentro, the only Catholic Spanish radio station in the Diocese of Austin, has the mission of evangelizing through social media. Radio Encuentro is

broadcast in Central Texas on 1560 am, Facebook, you tube and the aplicación Radio encuentro. Radio Encuentro offers local and international programs

focused on Catholic values, faith formation, family reinforcement, spiritual growth, social justice, news from the Vatican and local church announcements.

Radio Encuentro, la única estación Católica de radio en español en la Diócesis de Austin tiene la misión de evangelizar a través de los medios sociales. Radio

Encuentro es transmitida en el Centro de Texas a través de la 1560 am, a través de Facebook, you tube y en su aplicación Radio encuentro. Radio Encuentro

ofrece programas locales e internacionales enfocados en los valores Católicos, la formación de la fe, el fortalecimiento de las familias, el crecimiento espiritu-

al, la justicia social, con noticias del Vaticano y anuncios de la iglesia local.

Relevant Radio, 970 AM, in Austin area

Grow in your faith and change your life with Relevant Radio 970 AM - Austin’s “Talk Radio for Catholic Life.” This

non-profit, listener-supported Catholic radio station bridges the gap between faith and everyday life - covering topics

of the day from a uniquely Catholic perspective. Relevant Radio 970 can be heard on the radio, on the Internet

at www.relevantradio.com or on the mobile app, available for Apple or Android devices. Take your faith with you

wherever you go - tune in today!

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Page 8: 2435 Oak Crest Ave. Austin, TX 78704 · 19/07/2020  · Rev. Jairo Sandoval-Pliego, Pastor Rev. Alfred Benavides, Deacon (Retired) Rev. Agapito Lopez, Deacon Rev. Jose Mendez, Deacon

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Que dios los bendiga!