24 1901 T i P u r s q h- THBSUL WD8Y JULY nr rox KVROFS AND ov- UXM nXATRlCAL USABOX will Irrta Boraawrdt Wivtttal- lawtrey sad Ilre New Flays b FlinG and Joe Arraagesaerat jusd Adam ad Other Asrlcaa ltar- Chrl Frohman returned from Europ home on Long Island Anofflcl of hU theatrical may b a a forecast of America next dr- tnta ajon he 1 the prollflo o producing managers Every year he CM Into more extenilre business ContlnulnI- B the management of the Empire Criterion Oirden Garriok and Madlaon Square thei- be wUl add to his responsibilities wit tie Savoy All of hi stars of last aeaaoi- remain under hU management and Wll Hut Farersham sod Virginia Horned wl be added to the lilt The Impression ae ra- t have arisen that the scheme of a Mud combination filjen through In reference to this Mi- Frohman said yesterday When Sara Bemhardt left London h took the acting edition of Romeo and Jullel ai u ed by Miss Adams and will perfect her Hit In of Romto having the aUta- no of the American actress With Maurice Orau I have selected the towoi for the BernhardtAdams tour and It la no ilroplr a question of Mme Bernhardt learalni rote Mr London continued Mr Frohman In Duke of York Theatre Include a siMon at Lyceun with William Gillette In Sherlock Holmes a renewal of my contract of oomanagemenl with the Oattl brothers for four more year it the Vaudeville productions with George Ed wurdesnt the Apollowhlch we will open in with Edna May In a new musical plec wiled Three Little Maids a presents tlo of Are a Mason at one of the Wee End theatres and a production with Charle- Wyndham at one of his houses The ru of Capt Ba ll Hoods Sweet and Twenty at the Faudnvllle will be toUowed by a musics play afterward I will Seymou Kicks and Ellallne Auristu- Thomass farce of On The Quiet I wl the Duke of Yorks Theatre In Angus with A Royal Rival with Lewis Waite In the part to ba played here by Wllllan- Fumsham Mr Wallers season will b followed by my Duke of Yorks Stock Com- pany headed by Irene Vanbrugh 1 have arranged to bring several Engllst starS to America fUr Henry Irving at the In October untng Corio laau Mine Sans Gene and other I have a twofer contract with Charle a company of thirty including JfMlo luteman Iaternan He wIlt open ut Oarrlck on Oct 7 with A Message from Jlsrs which ho has for two con Ncutlre season In London have uls an arrangement with Charles by which he to by Oct 1 whether will undertake an tour under my direction with Mary Moore and their entire probably be accepted which wilt bring specially company to the antis season the Savoy producing the Empire on Kept 2 with In Capt corned Second In Command as leaders engagement The first play will be H V Eiraonds The Wilderness The Oarrlcl will reopen In August with Are a of Capt Jinks of with Ethel Barrymere Hawtrey engagement commences Klhw will the Madison Square followed by William in a new rtar under my management will reopen the in Royal I the Savoy with a new comedy with Isabel Irving E Holland In principal or a Paul Potter his stars not before accounted for Mr Frohman sold tailor of France and will return to weeks William will follow Herat the In Siattou Annie to the Lyceum In bar In A Royal Family the the year and her William H Crane the snme month H a star under my management In Alice Among the new secured are A comedy by Henry Arthur Jones the principal Sky I will do nt the Capt Marshall K R author of Lord and Lady AllY Mr Car comedy LA Vein which U th biggest sunrise in Paris sInce Froij Frou an th Lyceum last year secured Twin Sister 0 rman com dv which so succe at the Irving London Tho Man will b held for Charles Hawtrey I hrive also brought home CJiam Th a new play by riviio Fitch delivered his pill the Dandy and I hays ar ranprj to have done In London by was remarkably fortunate In contracting With Imnnrmnt n rmftn vsrinz all their work for next three their play can only b produced In America In ll h have a new Plerro port author of Yvette bv Pierre Doeourcelle of a new author of Catherine which has a d nt A flood and An Historical teen by Alexander Among dram tltatlons I wilt present Ire The from Mr it looking forward to a very big season for the Court will be out mourn a number of new plays which wero- 3nl dons year on the receive OMiT production this autumn I feel that New York the Frenoh and what cotntn could uk more THEATRICAL NOTES JcKeph M Web r and Marie WILson Stock llrtker lletam From Europe Jowph M Weber of Weber k FIeldS re- turned yesterday from Europe Hn had bon abroad simply for pleasure and his trip will la no way affect tho plans of tho music at told In TUB SUN of yesterday Marie Wilson Incidentally of the Floro dora textot but better known a Wall 3trot broker In partnership with the Casino press agent aim returned front Eitropo- Sb herself very much and has not MUlrd whether she will return to tho stags Ml Yllsons return caused no marked ohangu- Urniwn did not land until utter tho markut Had clo i Oeorgt W Sammli been ru- v her brother Louis says that she has pur ojiaied from the Daudnt tha abiolute proprietary FROHMANS MN PLANS for a and wont Immediately his Bund aunt a most had the pat arran cement the ou prOd and FJlen Terry a w Rob rt the to begin In In Ianuary to John It him to ew a year from this October s of the old Only the dates or iew York theatres been I Drew The Stock the Drew You loed a the Then Ole the Idter Which I there dAbut a Leele Carter then Occupy the r either that I decide upon Af Sir engagement at the Maude begin her York with a ne DY- J M and all make AI You Adams II In a In In Novel Capt be a ne Clyd a for he hope to In for his under I man In Dad Huumln Oct I Vln to In DY a by A W lnero 11 play b Colorado which J shall at In and a Edward Call Farm which a eum am also to Jew by Hood nd C tho to one London alo the by e Ir by l and on t to bade th of slim A this Beer Dr Flda- Ir Or Blumenthal Outa n Been ca hd o Chi lon Inter I Eben I oldn an n Imlni have nt Mdlnr America hal u but thn the b Inlaid of Iho In plar of the into Mann In n lsttcr Londn sad to sum- mer Iie will MI a the sept- ember t open will att New York made an otIer lIare all early my will John company with Charles will follow Maeon Mr k Jordan in september will make making liii as lire wtU Julia Criterion will follow IInr Nnw wilt the lion lntendel for last Like it- Ii3 little village the Marehells comedy will is comedy Mtss Ruaei which have ttrc begins second s4aeon agcment be- come Daft Lena corndy which I- eiil nrst produce Aueustu produce Wallacks ovember new E I htye Dash kamorii Carton tOis Pie t ho first at CrIltrion I hay Alfred a La Petite by aae3- lthor Mtc Men Mrs Tn Capt Lila will be new pI7 Similar his Night which made loch I Cave was P1ca Theatre a Ariiteye flottle by himoceif his present ie a him DCflJfl the Ludwig FrCOC 1 so Little HenrI been Com the bencfil plays the enjoyed en Knler IlbeIm has ie1tr lisray from ¬ < right lo of Sapfco gh ai made ucoe In the and a the revert to herself 1 a case of a Irene In the wna ular and paying royalties to an owner Mr ha made C Fisher and Thomas W Ryley pu Trvirrua entitled Florodora the fist song or cal feature accepted out of a hundr offerings of The words and ecoi- or new work are by Eugene Walling an MeTer F engaged Estrlle of the a donna f the Lulu 0laser Opera Company In Doll VerdI AIda baa been elected by W Savage aa th the al of opera In English t be given the at the Broadway beginning Sept li The cast new men bars of the organization J riper of th Fourteenth Street Theatre on Mon day AUf It when E Blany wl Mormon Wife a of life In KMNNMDY TMBASBED Bat Not by Frir4 f f McDoaac41 at Trial forwarder H Tttttd Tom Kennedy the Harlem gambler i figured In the shooting In the Onawa last December In which one man waakllle and three wounded with the result the Miles McDonnell Kennedy foe was recent tried for murder and acquitted beaten lest Sunday In a fight In Murphy roadhouse at Tremont end Arthur avenues I now at the Bank Hotel In taxing under the care of two physician and hit condition U serious and Charles Bchlldwacbter went driving last Sunday teem to pay A visit to Kondya mothci who lives In The Bronx On their they called at Murphys roadhouse The found twenty men In th place ani all to at ex In the was David brother of a who Isiulng When the fight begs M stepped behind him a ear with a Curie of the is authority for tbe that Job Warren struck Apparently tb wachter fist blow and gave a severe drubbing The two got to the buggy as they until ho saw It In the evening papers A printed Instigated but that the police say not true JANITOR A TglEf Had Mr roIaktHi Imported Silverware aad Lot of Fawatlckrt la Bis H A Michael Polakoff a Polish artlal of 1MJ Madison avenueandhls wife returned a few day ago from a trip to Europe When Mr Polakoff opened their trunks on iMond he found that a basket oantalnlng 11500 worth of allverware purchased abroad The duty had been paid and artist felt screly aggrieved over hlsloss He told the East 104th street police Detectives Reid and were put on cue They soon several other In house had lost artlr months From one of these tenants heard that Janitor had thrown a basket In areaway on Monday afternoon detectives contained the silverware Then they put the under arrest On searching rooms they found th had bought It yea The detectives then wife in room and asked her where they got such One silverware from he gave it to me yesterday He it was arrested too and a thorough search of the rooms made representing property valued at several found Doreskl that the are child was sent to the Gerry society OOSE SUPPER CAVSED HER DEATH Vp Old Mn White In Front of a Which Cat OB Bor I c Amelia White a woman nearly 70 wa hurrying home as fast aa she the delicatessen store last night to et eupper readywhen one of her carpet slip er came half off as she was crossing First venue at and trfpped up The old woman basket of eggs cheeserolled one way and her list went another and she fell on her back with her across the car tracks John Sheridan the driver of a Dry and East Broadway horse car was set to make up lost time on his schedule be up horses soon enough o avoid running over Mrs hoofs strike her but two wheels- f the car went across her legs cutting them ff below the knees was taken to Belle Hospital where sho died within anhourt- ody who saw the accident to hold responsible for It but the crowd hat got car and the so great that the reserves from street police over to clear the lived at U4 First avenue with husband who a pawnbroker that address FACJiAOE FOR J R BLATTEttr lock of Wood Iiuld Womaa Screamed When Hoy Tried to Deliver tl A nicely dressed man stopped a messenger at Eighth avenue and Thirtyfourth treet yesterday afternoon and gave him a ackage which he told him to take to J R- lattery at 38 West Thirtyfifth street He gave the boy a note which saldthat he rae to collect HI W on the Nobodv named West street bouso and the boy was old to go He refused and two were called They communicated with Detective Bureau a detective followed- he boy man who had given him the dlsapp when back o Eighth avenuo Tho packs go contained of wood The police say that when the entered he a woman screamed that dont Who the woman was but suv- lect that she expected an Infernal machine Offlrcn of Cornell Clab At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of ho Club last evening In the club Royalton Apartment House n West Fortythird street these omcern were ilccted President C J Vice Civ It n tntfAl t Thomas Chairman of tho mine Committee I 11 Katt Tho club an to t In a most prosperous con Itlon tho in me now rln lore then 400 It was decIded to toko room i the the sire of the pnrtmonU now occupied by the club welry Extracted From raneniers Clothes Morltz Klein of this city n second cabin isnAenger by tho North Gorman Lloyd stoam hIp Kaiser Wllhelm Uer Oro e In yesterday Ilromcn neglected In hl iloclnratlon 9 mention him about 11son worth of jewelry bought abroad found the Jnwrlry- i various iiarti of Mr Kleins tie wns confliratrd and Mr Klein permitted to go home ItalicS for a flits Small Boy A bullet flied by Policeman Lyons In front- f 274 Kldrldga street lost night to end the goon of a run oer cat not killed the l caromed from tin sidewalk and Morris Plnenloh on the heck The boy was taken to Uouverteur I for the of Terlion o 18apbol for tbe which she present It In and the manila Whiney on the rand b In GAL ho Kenney Kenney a return abut tem his Whit a for and U- e tat bo married Whit an blo I KenO whole aan them on the t the and out trnt over his friends by and e the not cal d not know ult yes- terday aol nearly the and Sell the at tenant In t abut sole an his were up Te polO are fed yen old from her and lei I Doc and h a e fUR Sheridan locked at nut on the of When the the to o thE lent ben boy pole awa thc red a kno Now the Cornel fihearn hplmerl 0 W FJdll J I C Jr at hit the Resne has an this liberti oiler rights the Ytich provinces lfaIl after will Join chased copyrighted of a new mud has Went- worth recently season West The Cat was badl3 divorce whom and Kennedy Into the blackjack Harlem bore ra threw the wheels passing were wa taken to he flow ii Thi police were Capt Pdceof thi station the was I was rnts lpg the his Rat an- other was wife locked Trips Street- Car street was charge reckless driving wonan was val sr baa A lao house residents Matthews rue loepital < < < OH1ZBNS UNION KOfVn COYVZVTOVrRJT XEETtX OX SKfT 0 It U rrfotd to nV9 th nil AattT Ticket la Field Bolero Tam at AllOo lp Ahoat Ma Objects to Schler The Citizens Union City Commltt adopted at meeting last evening at Union Square East the following calend for conventions- New Yoik County Canrentloa first meet- ing 8 pt AI borough coaTentloe and other county eonreaUoos Seat mettlogi Sept Auembly and Aldermanic ConreoUoos 3 pt Brooklyn Magistrates Coarenttons Sept The resolution in which theee dates wee adopted declares that the City Convtntlo ihould reconvene not later than Sept 2 and It I auggetod that the other convei- tlons adjourn after they have complete their organization ns follows ethic for Sept until one day after Con ventlon those celled for Sept 10 until tw days after the City Convention those oalle for Sept n until three days after the Cit Convention and those called for Sept I until four days after the City Convention This will bring the last of the Citizen conventions not later than the last week 1 September The ftrst Tammany conventio will be the City Convention to be held in th Grand Central Palace on Oct 3 which adjourn until a week from that date Thu tho whole Citizens Union ticket which It expected will be the same a the regul Republican ticket will be In the fold the first of the Tammany nominations wl be made In making tbe schedule public the corn mtttee Issued a memorandum of which part Is a follows It Is recognized that each convention ba power to adjourn to auch dato as It may Itsel select but Inasmuch as concerted Is required In order that tbe convention not adopt conflicting plans It I teemed that suggestions as to luitte The further nd to each conventions to be cal ed a above t Its fist meeting It organize b officers and appointing usui committees on rules that It also a small committee t confer first with the Committee Committee of One then with such other bodies as th said Committee of Convention and the said Committee of Twelve shall aere that It is advisable to confer with with i to uniting candidates for offices for which the convention In to make nominations It belm understood that tbo small commute nsted in the above schedule While it recognized convention has pone nomination with the Committee of Hundred o with anybody of Itself U Is ilso that Is to bn an agreement upo candidates by all the bodies opposed Hall will be necessary consult with those bodies and Central Committee representing those bodl as well as committee- or conventions representing districts as the Committee o Hundred through Committee o Twelve Is now In repre of such bodies It would soon bet that all the subsidiary conventions o to confer with outside bodies should do so connection with Committee of One Hundred s that sections of the may not be acting at crow purposes at the While the delegates to the convention were talking of the they My has been most satis- factory they were sslced how they regarded that tn friends of Char lei A started for the nomination for the ofllco Mayor far for them t this matter but A the cnalrma of said that reason for this Mr did not play Into the hands of the Brooklyn In 1994 Much of tho time at last even was up In receiving from districts The progressing the organization Is said to fight io not about any man yet for candidate r the bilk of tho antiTammany campaign thero ho a In fever The frn Yesterday ther was some talk of the of M f hav heHrd the name of Mr Knos uir- vsted said Col Willis L Ogden the of conference T ean mike nut Is mor- In this talk about him than there in that about score of m n mv tlgn lon lead m to think that there Is not now any strong public in any Pnlon will a of randldntet to subunit to tho IP rontiln the names of as well ai of D mo irHtP and crv nily I would h a to accept in a Pemorrnt That notof the greatest Wf want that we ore to make the nisht on Tin Rxenitlvo Committee of the Greater few York meet the Iltfir- nrt of week or early In npjMfre- Uclde when to hold conv n and n IU b h lf to the conference on thn Brooklyn old yi terd tn In tho Prook Miigiio of over the otion to exMayor Srhleren simply moint that there was among ermsrs practically olid for SChteren SUM ALBAXY STREET RAILROAD Isnhatl Who Wai Atsaoltod Daring Strike Wants aSOOOO ALBANY July 23 The United Traction Company of this city has been served rlth a summons and complaint In an action by John Marshall of Brooklyn to ecover IOOOO for injuries received during- ho recent strike on the lines of that rom Marshall took out the second car on 14 when riots occurred near tho Quail treat berne of the company His car was leralleU and ho was with bricks stonen and his skull fractured Ho was for nt the HoBOltal at ho of tho until Jun6 when ho was discharged and sent to his In The commencement of the action U a rreat surprise to the company State Hatcheries Report ALHAST July 23 Tho total distribution if fish from tho hatcheries of the ig the months of April May and Juno by the State Forest Fish anti ommlsslon Is BI follows Brook trout fry JSIOOO yearlings MGM rainbow trout trout fry 107VOOO I77CKW 4 J2 n I00oi liriwn trout 8J throat or tack trout yearlings 000 lik IS05 perch l oowo Scotch trout ITOo rainbow rout fry HiOuO 4070000 the Hudson hatehorr aegis atcd iwxitw from the I nltod Cum il uin I4i9ioo and from the Lung Island atchco1 WWWO ro Apply for Uecelrer for NUcara hank ALUAxr July 33 Deputy AttornoyOen- rnl Mniwin left for RulTriln today taking rlth him UT report f Stats f linixlni on ti tho ho hl i In lhnt city tomorrow for 10 npi olntmeiit of n receiver for the bank Cummltiloner of V S Depotlt Fund ALBANT July The Odell his appointed- ohn J Brown of Whltn Ilnlns a Commls loner of tnlted States Deposit lund r county Nat Its U I 10 1 Tat mar before ao lon the CUr are prp th and and the the said back to the of convention to on the I t d same hav of that elon not ad- vanced Jet k ot or the on 10mJand a leader amont e lhr1en in d 8 would hy that r the ken than of T Mayor began loni tAt of I Flr of n chat rnt mont taor 0 non or of Is to men ran on plltorm when 10 be Sn Wl Rte In with of the O tone that 01 hl uhtl nf thl tmo is th n that Brooklyn Are tie b May and care com van 2 homo Stat dur rep- orted trout frost red plk mupnl onll 701 lnllr lank or iuinke term ot tlJ DATE the CaM I a mom Committee tuestiom adjourned metini the be dash evi- dent no time ion them the City Conventions who ar movement Mr never be selected the tog the well now was on the eve the lIP has for e 4 the man the te other lIst thide independent all sorts national win the to men shall this ineetLi- iclil held tht tu doings thud dde of river lyn a nan tile delayed the nformilon the gun caning rown try sea iota IrOn RucTel lieu wIll the Urt lie < ¬ < > < > > > < > < < ° i f IJU JJNATI9NM UCVME- Wot at rokta rraT rt U KoMrsI TMt t Chtaa- yron i sow ntpoadnl at Fcklo- SpKUl Caw JDwjwKk If THI 8VN July aBefore leaving for Pa tingfu yesterday Cheu Fu the Provlncl Treasurer and for the settle ment of missionary claims was entertain at dinner by the American and English ml slonarles The occasion was the tettl m i of allclaim of convert The Rev Mr Norris started today Yunghlngwhere he will hold memorial vices for missionary Norman and a numb of convert who were massacred last yea The local official provided an escort for M Norris A band of too U report- to be In that district feel stony by any means ta much local moalty displayed them and the load i lag official arranged for them to occup the property of a wealthy acte- as a Boxer leader and took a port I welting massacre of hit year Work barrack and fortification for the legation quarter I rapidly in charge ar th work in quarter for the foroir guards may be ready at Ua of the atlon In August Th fortlnoatlons of the British quarter b mot xtenlv and thorough for mines hav been dug at all the approaches to the tegatloi projections for are belm built This precaution been token be cause the British occupy the mOlt critic position of any of the legations All legation are providing themselves with heav the city wall timber from th the House of Examination the Hall of Public Office and the expense I lets than It would be under ordinary The impression prevails that there will be greater security for legation and lees security for foreigner elsewhere In Pekln The demarcation be- tween Chinese sod foreigners will be empha- sized and friendly Intercourse I llkel than heretofore If turns out to be i correct prognostication the will be of no value Prince Konoye President of the Japanes House of Peers who U here to investigate the condition of affair la a strong rtvocati of an alliance between China and Japan The time I favorable for Mm to present hi view but RussIa will probably succeed Ii checkmating any such LI Chang favors Russia takes the Japanese SVQLBR DUNN TJfJVRED- Bey Who Led tho Advance the Tage- lno aa Acctdeat at Cap Sftcltl Cable Dwpolf 10 TIll SUN TOWN July 23 Whll practlsln at areenpotnfr camp today for the re caption to the Duke and Ouches of Corn- wall and YorkBugler Dunn met with an HI horse bolted and stumbled and fell Dunn had one of legs broken and the horse su ered a similar injury The shot Is fifteenyearold bugler of the First Royal Dublin Fusiliers who was wounded three times at the battle of Colenio while sounding odern He one of the first to cross the Tu U after sounding the order to advance When he returned- to England to recuperate Queen Victoria presented him with a livermounted bugle He was afterward sent back to South Africa at his own request He spent some time In Netley Hospital where he was visited by several of the royal family 1 A NEW FiLIPINO FAXTT ar- It Ohjtct Clttmato bdopoadoaee and At l- aald Is Ak d ta Bo Troddcat- Ajwrlal Ctttt DMpoM e Tin SOW MAmLA July 23 The Libtrtad tte to day that S norPateme will leave the Federal party and will organize the Nationalists on a platform reiembllnginat of the with Agulnoldo as President and former Inidrgent military pfQcer 1nd former membera of the Federal party a The purpose of the nw party will ultimate Independence of tbe Philippines This colnpld wIth Seflir reont policy a h has been mak- ing dally effortsto Induce Aguloaldo tOlend his name to the new party Congretamao Kahn of California who Is here on a visit statesthatfrom his first Impressions which have been Influenced by army he believes that the con- dition in the Philippines ire more aatls- bctory thanIn Cubs and that the situationi- s more advanced AUTHORITY JV TUX PJT J ChatTeo to U All Cnorgaa apttM C M Dtipumta Tire STJ MANILA July 23 The PlsUlpDlnlCom- ilsilon and Gen ChafTee reached a eflnlte and satisfactory sphere qf operation whereby all that has not formally raiisferred to the civil authorities wilt ro- atln under military control until pacified military authorities will administer ivilAffair at places except atpoint f residence of civil courts Tbe same policy if separation of civil and military admlnls rations U proceeding gradually In all de- lartmenU and U giving the gr 4teit antis action Count Ya Walrs Beach Ofteta C N DupaKlk It THE SV- BtRLiN July Flld Marshal Coat woo aiders arrived at Sues today on tearashlp Oars The German Chin quadron has arrived at Post Bald IBB Edward VII Inspect Sfttlol CatU Duptlt It TB Sine LOKDOX July 23 Tbe crown regalia from the Tower to Marlboroagh Rouse for Kings Inspection v Th Weathtr rv The best wave In the West stowed no abattaintt- ittrtUy The low pressure over Ui Mountain dl rlcU from southern OUIfomla- lortneastwiid fo Montana wUi lowest pu- tt the dtpxiilon central In souUnra put o that tate ThIn ian U no changtln latauted atia until A break In this depression wtleh may ecu lime Om the iMVtn the country a ebaage w a- titnf place thirt ages ot high pnosur and oolei weather came down tb Lakt reflon hIre It had caused a till la temperature of Iron to 10 iltrrtM and It will make the weather cooler i the Middle Stales arid New Entland to- y The generally la ill be neept for clouds and rain along the border f AtUnlto and Gull Slate In the la erlor there were a few scattered showers but ta the- rotiihtnulckea districtS little or no rain felt In this city the day wa fair highest temper lute 00 riecrres al 450 P If average bumldlty 1 wind freah bironukri- rrecWd to read to sea level at a A U 2190 3 P u If- Th ur M record J by tht oUclil Its iomcter and also by TUB SUNS thirmoaiitef at trttl keel it jbown la tat aaneiei t OJI Juni Olftthl sacs 1 OI 100 1M1 HOI 100 1M1- DA II SI 4 0 P M8 7 W u J f u 73 r I7 13UI4U4 71 M- ASMlfQTOX FOnBCAST yon ToDAY AND TO uonnuw For IM DtiirM ft CdumAlj Dtlarean Uartftnd- Irjlnta tjHtrn PnfuylMnlJ Jersey HUlirn- Vir Yorl at4 nlmd ttnirMt fete tt litmarrav not nut tlanjt In ttmptrtliirt X winds For Thin and western PenniylTinl fur today notably warmer In north portion tomorrow Icht to aoutheul winds For New York partly cloudy today tad imorrow variable winds bccomlnf light oaUeit L r Pun for Ole The aol tae bo this on the proc TOe IOU app and the brick and the pac mOT luna ToW CAB anima U the member 1 Inert leader BaT baT dl1 al- to not The these h CreW was ten the r ten par our Alt fain SIt I 1 U 82 ez 3 U s 1 a fair ell Pita I seu has the quarter guns has circum- stances here- after lees this aide Across acci- dent his his was what he calls Pa WEt Gsa iea area spread teak the the pet cent tnibwe3tei7 Its ibis 3 > P Vw New today dad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > ANHSCA1PING LAW DtcLAmso vxcoffSTiiiTioKAL e APPELLATE DIVISION Pear Jad JatUc rardoa O Wl Hams FUUg Disrating OpinionHal read TlcksUj th Judge May Have lain QarOlty a Other Iliad of FroptrtjB- OCBUTKR N v July Justice of the Appellate Division sitting In today declared the existing antlscnlpln law unconstitutional Four Judges agree In this decision but Justice Pardon C hems flied a dissenting opinion The action was entitled The People the State of New York on the Relatto of Clarence Flelsohmann vs Samuel Cud welt as Sheriff of Erie County who for several years been engaged I the business of privet ticket broker In Dud falo was arrested on May 281M1 for bavin violated chapter of the laws of iDol en Act to Amend the Railroad Law I Relation to TicketIn that he sold a ticket giving the right to a Buffalo to the city of Maiden Conn ove the Valley Railroad front Buffalo over York New Haven and Hartford Railroad from Ne York to tth of June last Flelschmann wa released on a writ of habeas railroad made of It a test case and appeals to determine the constitutionality Justice upon previous decision In the declared unconstitutional the similar lav of 1007 lie says In regard to case It the opinion court ticket brokerage as a has been In exlntrnce for that It ha been and continues to be regards as a lawful for prove to a great convenience to the public will be readily seen that n desirable must under the present statute the not hued It ben declared valid continues We have not deemed It or to continue to enter upon a of the merits of the controvert which has arisen because of the enactment of the statutes referred to or on account similar legislation by the legislature of other but to whether or not the tion Involved In has ben upon lest State and have reached the that the decision In the case Is decisive of at bar chapter M o the laws of IMI under the relate was arrested Is unconstitutional and void that whatever may be the nature of the ftr whether It be a token or prima facto evlds of a contract when the ticket U It to person It and use is way limited It has the lame quality a every other kind of property atiumit SPEAKS or DOZES rvTVRx hushes Will Be Treated With Generosity Wba the War Ii Over SpeW CMt Dispatch lo TllK StTT- LONDOK July 33 The freedom of oty of London was conferred on Lord Mllner of the Transvaal and the OrangeRiver Colony at the Oulldhall today Colonial Secretary Chamberlain the Rt HonOeor KJi Qoichen First Lord bftha Admiralty Lord Strathcona and and many other prominent persons were present The Lord iMayor a eulogistic speech In Lord work to South Africa a sne ch4n reply in which referredta phenomenal stead fastness of British public opinion In regard- to the war- Lord Mllner in his speech deprecated the granting of any concessions that possibly would compromising In the future or risk popularizing the rebellion by treating what he called orimeitalned treason venial offence There was he said ar Immense dltferenceibetwejn the stout old burghers who were still adhering to their andthe roving ruffians who were their fellow British subjectsis the Brttlshcolontes- He referred to the to treat the burghers when the over with such generosity as will thorn to accept the situation Lord We bow them In the Sir Wilfrid that If they their Independence- they have notlost their freodom Lord Mllner referred to the danger and difficulty ofthe problem of winning the hearts of the British without allenatlngtheconf dence of the South African oyaJIsU1 He ded red that this problem was not Insoluble but It necessitated regard to the constitutional question In the new Statesand in the ultimate SouthAfrican- ederatlon KILLED ar OIL CASOO XXTLQSmX- aptaia and Crtwet American Schooatr Lost at Swedish Port SfKlat Cettt Diipattli ta TUB Sun STOCXBOUT Joy 23 The threemasteH- merlcan schooner Louise Adelaide Capt from Philadelphia April 24 and Portland 4 arrived at Oaeddvlgen yesterday fternoon The petroleum with which the essel was loaded exploded today It Is that a customs omcer and ten of perished Three of the crew were rescued PORTLAND Me July u Capt Edgar Ore f the schooner Louise Adelaide who was tiled by an explosion the harbor of B took olm morning a native and resident if Portland He was 1 of age He eaves a widow and The Louise Ldelalde was principally owned In Portland Ore hiving a onefourth Interest In hey apt Orr had followed the sea life end tad sailed as more than forty New Royal Yacht Commtiilon- apttttt ctiu r ip u A to THE sex r LONPOX July 33 Tlie new royal yacht lotorln and Albert was commission hit The Ron I rho commanded the cruler at tbe beginnIng of he war In South Africa Is the o The roundtrip ticCbta1 points in the is unusually low this summer COLORADO CALIFORNIA OREGON MINNESOTA NEBRASKAT- o these and most other western states the rate over our road from Chicago or St Louis is about onehalf the usual price We sell throach tlcksts rectrre berths famish maps and time tables and can bo of service In other Write for particulars t I SWORDS Gcnir Ant C B a Q R R 379 BfcadnlT Nets York VOID The this of The relator An pale The the Tyro er o thl bUlln has employment number of ref a the dl call passed loLennan that It Is evident tee the of fade the al- a loadon nora bell bait word i June belted was year mater year I place an r fon- t nout I for Wet ways Agreed a cit ViI has titled an It lucrative large cithiena has ISO Ifs necessary resort JusUce evidenced be- longs the CO Town Lord Mllntrmacte original of the caution in Dma this apt alibis the rapbt < < 0 V CUE Dill SCBBgXLT IN XXOLA- Jin Was a New Yorker bit Had lived for Time la Paris Bfttlot Cabs DutttA tt TUB SUIT LOXDOX July 23 Howard C Case fork died suddenly In Lancaster Mr Case met with an accident I his be lroem at liitcasler on Sunday I preparing for a coaching tour of the Lai district He was taken ill yesterday and a physicIan wets Mr Case nslctp at 330 oclocl- He was found dead on hour later 11 death In attributed to lyncope Mr Case had lived for a number of yeas In Iarln He a member of the Club of this city LASCKLIJCS LEAVES A fOKTUXi- Barl HaUBrotaor Who Was a TravelUi Boaey- agKlal CoOt Dtitutch If TIIB SUN LOXDOX July S3 The Earl of Dmr Solicitor to the Treasury the will of the lIon Eric travel who paused for years under tbe name of Erie Lelth but who was a halfbrother of the Earl of who died at Cheltenham a month ago The estate amounts to JBOVX BICYCLE TMffTS Sixty Wheels Stolen tad the Police Thin Thejr Now on Thiefs Track Bicycle have been stolen wholesale Ii The Bronx In the last few weeks and the police think they are on the traok of thief If they havent got him alredy Detective England of the Bicycle Squat called to tee A V Schuler of 3401 Thin avenue a few days ago Schuler had a whe without a number or trademark on it England asked Schuler where he got I- IBchuler said he bought It of a boy flcbwalsky who lived at l7th street Washington avenue Schuler said was back to ret the balance of purchase o England waited for th learned from that the wheel had been purchased from John Wright carpenter found Wright who said hi had bought the wheel from a man In Throgg Neck The detective learned that more than slxt wheels had been sold In Junt such A way ii that locality As Wright was unable wheel he was nearly sixty complaints of bicycle theft Men to In the last few weeks VANISHED WITH THREAT OF SVICIDE Jersey Town Committeeman DUippe red After Tforrylng Over tony Matter PATKBSOX N J July JSHugh Mul holland a real estate agent of 03 Third Atreet Passalo has disappeared and left the follow- ing note pinned on the top of his desk DEAR Moment I cannot stand the citrate any longer Ooodby You will not see me any more I will end my life with suicide Miilholland Is a unrnarriM and lived In Walllngton R suburb of Passaic He was a town committeeman Money matters have troubled him P cfl other and tb river Is being watched Some Till turn up All DRANK ACID rOD LOVE Itmnt Ctrl Trie to Kill Uerntf en Steps of Young M n noardlng fleas A young woman who said she Mattie Grant a servant and declined to tell where she lived waa found on stoop of the house at J Sackett street Brooklyn early yes a carbolic acid She was taken to tile Hospital probably Backett house tuoked inside her shirtwaist note she TTOVAXS PICTURE l HIS FOCKXT- D Took Carbolic Add U Central Park aid In the Horite Cnldtatltted A man about CO years old whose body ha not yet been Identified killed hlmiwlr near tho wall U Central Park yesterday morning by drinking car hollo acid In his pocket wastho picture of a young women and near Ills body wMfound a scrap of brown paper n which was the address Julia t She doesnt live there now Inches tall and ha- trlp d trousoxs andeoft hat James Plant a veteran of the Civil War known In Irish chicle died at his in Washington on Tutadfty agd SI lie was born In Athlono Ireland canto to theUnlted States in t8J3 vowing ever to return while the British flag floated W the Island UoenlUteddurug the Olvll- it the close utat Buffalo Plant was one of the orders the for the Invasion of CanAda nd participated In thee raid he bad m 4fng r- r Watchman In the doparttuenU at Wuh igton was for severs Ancient ofIUberaun prominent In Samuel D of own Md died yesterday In Baltimore at Ho where brought on lat Friday and later on for the War h served in the Union Army and as promoted to the r lie had charge of he munitions of war nt lo was a Past Commander of Reno Poet Irand Army of a stationed In Baltimore a a rerenua auger one of the bRAt known role In Louisiana died at night 1 73 was born at no to the place of Major He was leriff of after tim Civil ur He went to planting In WJ Eliza L of the late who died In 1IW7 died on Monday her home 40 East Twentyfirst street was 4 oil was daughter T Jenkins Her was on the Island of Nantucket In Itm and OH a direct of Thomas llllam M Klngsland and Mrs Isaac U- allior ion Janice E CurtUs of Buffalo died rdny r nn Illne t of several weeks born in H county In I MI and nt- e breaking out of the Civil War eitrred e rvlc UK of Company t ISJrt- ew York Volunteers ou iwj c n 1 hrovrtted BrUndlr- Tlinma H Ivnch who w i attachpil to Department In Brooklyn for er twenty rears fio t nt hoo 3ia Peso street tlxtv eond IIJ wile nn old winn- er flrorpnn anti a number of the of Id UrooklynlteH Hi leaves a widow and ireo Bonn Oeorja Ehrhorn a wealthy brewer died Ii nn Miindir night Ho- u Si vein old a native and n owner several breweries widow anti children Ha had fur nearly n year and had been ted through nntrcl for Wabaihi Cntranre in Flttibnrg- PlTtsntno Pi July Samsey resIdent of the Wahs h Railroad was here day und let contracts to 2 OW In building nf the eonnoctlnu linn Into ittbiirit A contnict of JKOnoo- si In Moran k Co of Pltthburs a con hat tot a tunnel of 7JOiioo let to Wlllinin- enrmflc of KanHis and a contract for tn about IISWOW Wai Itt to cMUlau A Co of New York aCer non low toy proved rely abut now the 1 and named and boy this arrested lJrn oun friends say that they She Strange supposed to be a boarder In tht to come see her CCt that she could not JWlthout him Xi Park N J HU clde Will feet In lIY nd ills clothing which was rather the worse torwear of lad well home years tad New which atterllsrd be ame PtOf Gen ins It h lie credit War For beech Older end veteran the bell o ont or and at tune was Judge In the Orpheus f rn 1800 ho was Lat IIi tern a- New yes- terday was hag bowman the th was the a A begged Btrng and avonue lbe A bali consisted a brown OfliTUA fly War intho YorkVoltnlrri Brigade with the while 5 en o or a ode es- Exltt appen hate A the Brag aiote for the Confederate Armj cierys- rith diStinction was In nnrederato Army antf sugtr Ins IulIcceasfUl ard at the his ft5 the ownuor of several plantations anj- ne of the I I bee I era FW of lice nine origInal settlers who bought o ittand from Mrs bail treco children SlIliam Ii Msy 1 Mr aft fle- as tel p- arch enurtl ftl faIthful anti ncrlloriouts service r th te- ed lebanon of I Ci been tube 23 Joseph let was cost < > > < >< < > ¬ Madam Ocean has such a tak- ing way her that in three moist days she takes bit of from starched goods no matter how much put in and a good bit of color cloth put in exceedingly hard and fast Look out for suit blue serges with the color anchored 16 to 2- Iruilnr July and August sure close at MO 91104 It noon ROGERS FEET COKPAKT 211 Broadway sot Warren aad 7 8 Warrea SU M9 Broadway for Prince UW cot ajd and 14 West Md St Wfltlrelo- kyanatl STILL FIGhTING TOE BLuRb Walker Barter to Vacate Rl In St Pitrlokr nectory The longstanding controversy between Bishop McDonnell of the Brooklyn Catholic diocese and the Rev John F Baxter who was formerly rector of the parish at Babylon L f has reached an acute stage Father Baxter I living at present in the rectory of St Patrick Church at Willoughby av nue and Graham street although month ago he received from the releasing him from all obligations In the diocese and naming the last day U Juno as the date of his departure Father Baxter has so far refused to comply with the Bishops mandate and ha eo tar con tinuedto hold po3eslon of hi apartments at the rectory In defiance of the Her Thoma- Taaffe the rector who frequently asked him to vacate Over eightyears agoFather Baiter owing to troubles In which be won Involved with hie congregation resignedbis chargo at Babylon There Is no complaInt ot any kind against his moral character and coming to Brooklyn he was appointed chaplain of St Mary Hospital holding this place he In stituled suit against Bishop McDonnell an of Loughlin for moneys which ho alleged was duo Idea a pastor of church al The decided favor but thee decision was ev rsod by tlio IV K fresh suits against cia cutorn In of other lain At the of the ulsters ba was released tbe chaplaincy duel wa then received by one ot Ills osMntnnts BOOQ after this he received from the tu wIthdrew but on formally withdrawing them was re- instated About a year ago ho requoeted UM but It wise a low when lie rac lvrd an invitation from Bishop of Perth Australia At his o ne- ilnc thin hi conduct as ul Taaffe so annoying SiteS Bishop sent him his fonnal him a of the Australian diooese Father Baxter continued to hold of his It Is Bald declared hi intention to Cardinal ton He persistently rooms needed by the who has appointed to super- sede A SinaI to Fattier Baxter on Monday nail a failure it will probably result In legal proceedings In of tile Church authorities till retains the privilege of celebrating maw Father a statement yesterday reciting his troubles with the he the Babylon that Loughun had this before prior to Father Baxter are still before Apostolic Delegate at Washington be continued an account of unpleasant relations said n account I determIned to remove to another diocese I am a frUnr- if Bishop of West Australia and I for as soon ft necessary funds to travel with are now engaged In taking a me tee me that I cones to take my meals it the rectory after today WILL SUE XC31CAL VfflOJT Blamenthai Thinks That the DMeitlo- or nil Orchestra Cod Him saOOOO George A Blumenthal the theatrical man- ger who was In charge of the American heatres roof garden at its disastrous aloe the root garden was In to he which mt leaving the player n chsrge nf the muRlcal part of pro rromme that termjof WsleAR with Weg A Onto rail of th yUJMirloan he was obliged o rellBQiUsh aDulation and 70000 Yard Workman PiUs Dead Marshall Leondrlx SJ years old of CM itvonu MAnhattan fell dead hllo at No 3J In the Navy Yard DIABETES Dr J KetfM Professor HediclM at the University of Vienna In his celebrated work on dU betes inelHtus says Of all rem edies in my large experience with this disease and many experi- ments which I as well as such prominent men as Angle Fleck les Hlawezek and others have made Carlsbad Spruclel Water deserves to be placed in the first rank All of the above writers agree with me that the use of the bad Waters exerts a very beneficial influence in diabetes I have in the course of many years treated a very large number of patients suffering with the diseases and have with great interest noticed the effect of Carlsbad Water in reducing the amount of sugar My invariable experience has been that almost without an exception an improvement was marked and during and after the use of the same cveu where no strict diet was ob served Hisner Mcndelson Co sole agents New Vori 1 1 your a Rita Ressss nearly a Bishop hIs exact has While the successor in lIjiter tti adverse decision began were luuclueicii icnid ate the sisters of lit lIoupltal fee hi salary its no dloese for his Wiest urgeht tss Bishop gave per to remain enough itad cnb4i4 toward the lie at Washin ignored Fattier ire ben was to the when Iltihop McDonnell 1iat the suni of vtich be had loaneej to p15 predecessor wonld be in also said acknowledged eLi priests his that ho the get the dub has moat tanager come week ago bring 122900 damage against Mutual Protective Araoctatlnn The sudden a measure dus one tberoby losIng 4me proitti to the eteilt o Navy fir weria Carts > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: 1901 T i P u r s q h-THBSUL WD8Y JULY nr rox KVROFS AND ov-UXM nXATRlCAL USABOX will

24 1901


i P u r s q h-


nr rox KVROFS AND ov-


will Irrta Boraawrdt Wivtttal-

lawtrey sad Ilre New Flays b

FlinG and Joe Arraagesaeratjusd Adam ad Other Asrlcaa ltar-

Chrl Frohman returned from Europ

home on Long Island Anofflclof hU theatrical may b a

a forecast of America next dr-

tnta ajon he 1 the prollflo o

producing managers Every year he CM

Into more extenilre business ContlnulnI-

B the management of the Empire CriterionOirden Garriok and Madlaon Square thei-

be wUl add to his responsibilities wit

tie Savoy All of hi stars of last aeaaoi-

remain under hU management and Wll

Hut Farersham sod Virginia Horned wlbe added to the lilt The Impression ae ra-

t have arisen that the scheme of a Mudcombination

filjen through In reference to this Mi-

Frohman said yesterdayWhen Sara Bemhardt left London h

took the acting edition of Romeo and Jullelai u ed by Miss Adams and will perfect herHit In of Romto having the aUta-no of the American actressWith Maurice Orau I have selected the towoi

for the BernhardtAdams tour and It la noilroplr a question of Mme Bernhardt learalni

roteMr London continued Mr

Frohman In Duke of YorkTheatre Include a siMon at Lyceunwith William Gillette In Sherlock Holmesa renewal of my contract of oomanagemenlwith the Oattl brothers for four more yearit the Vaudeville productions with George Edwurdesnt the Apollowhlch we will open in

with Edna May In a new musical plecwiled Three Little Maids a presents tloof Are a Mason at one of the WeeEnd theatres and a production with Charle-Wyndham at one of his houses The ruof Capt Ba ll Hoods Sweet and Twentyat the Faudnvllle will be toUowed by a musicsplay afterward I will SeymouKicks and Ellallne Auristu-Thomass farce of On The Quiet I wl

the Duke of Yorks Theatre In Anguswith A Royal Rival with Lewis WaiteIn the part to ba played here by Wllllan-Fumsham Mr Wallers season will bfollowed by my Duke of Yorks Stock Com-

pany headed by Irene Vanbrugh1 have arranged to bring several Engllst

starS to America fUr Henry Irving

at the In October untng Coriolaau Mine Sans Gene and otherI have a twofer contract with Charle

a company of thirtyincluding JfMlo luteman

Iaternan He wIlt open utOarrlck on Oct 7 with A Message fromJlsrs which ho has for two conNcutlre season In London have ulsan arrangement with Charles bywhich he to by Oct 1 whetherwill undertake an tour under mydirection with Mary Moore and their entire

probably be accepted which wilt bring

specially company to the antisseason the Savoy producing

the Empire on Kept 2 withIn Capt cornedSecond In Command

as leadersengagement The first play will be H V

Eiraonds The Wilderness The Oarrlclwill reopen In August with Are a

of Capt Jinks ofwith Ethel Barrymere

Hawtrey engagement commencesKlhw will

the Madison Square followed by Williamin a new

rtar under my management will reopenthe in Royal

I the Savoy with a new comedywith Isabel Irving E Holland Inprincipal or a Paul Potter

his stars not before accounted for MrFrohman sold

tailor of France and will return toweeks William will follow

Herat the In Siattou Annieto the Lyceum In

bar In A Royal Family thethe year and

her William H Crane

the snme month Ha star under my management In Alice

Among the new secured are Acomedy by Henry Arthur Jones the principal

Sky I will do nt the

Capt MarshallK R

author of Lord and Lady AllY Mr Car

comedy LA Vein which U th biggestsunrise in Paris sInce Froij Frou

an th Lyceum last yearsecured Twin Sister 0 rman

com dv which so succe at the Irving

London Tho Manwill b held for Charles Hawtrey

I hrive also brought home CJiamTh a new play byriviio Fitch delivered his

pill the Dandy and I hays arranprj to have done In London by

was remarkably fortunate In contractingWith Imnnrmnt n rmftn

vsrinz all their work for next threetheir play can

only b produced In America In ll hhave a new Plerro

port author of Yvettebv Pierre Doeourcelle

of a newauthor of Catherine which has

a d ntA flood and An Historical

teen by Alexander Amongdram tltatlons I wilt presentIre The from

Mrit looking forward to a very big

season for the Court will be out mourna number of new plays which wero-

3nl dons year on thereceive OMiT production this

autumn I feel that New York the

Frenoh and whatcotntn could uk more


JcKeph M Web r and Marie WILson Stockllrtker lletam From Europe

Jowph M Weber of Weber k FIeldS re-

turned yesterday from Europe Hn had bonabroad simply for pleasure and his trip willla no way affect tho plans of tho musicat told In TUB SUN of yesterday

Marie Wilson Incidentally of the Florodora textot but better known a Wall3trot broker In partnership with the Casinopress agent aim returned front Eitropo-Sb herself very much and has notMUlrd whether she will return to tho stagsMl Yllsons return caused no marked ohangu-

Urniwn did not land until utter tho markutHad clo i

Oeorgt W Sammli been ru-

v her brother Louis says that she has purojiaied from the

Daudnt tha abiolute proprietary



and wont Immediately his


a most


the pat

arran cementthe



andFJlen Terry a w

Rob rt the

to begin In In Ianuaryto John It

himto ew a year from this October s

of the oldOnly the dates or iew York

theatres been IDrew


the Drew


loed a theThen

Ole the IdterWhich I there

dAbut a

Leele Carter thenOccupy the

reither that I decide


Af Sir engagement at theMaude begin

her York with a ne DY-

J M and all makeAI You

Adams II In a In In


be a ne Clyda for

he hope to In for

his under I manIn Dad Huumln Oct I


to In DYa by A W lnero

11 playb Colorado whichJ shall at Inand a Edward CallFarm which

a eum am also to Jewby

Hoodnd C tho

to oneLondon alo


e Ir by l andon t

to badethof



this Beer

Dr Flda-Ir Or Blumenthal Outa


Been ca hdo

Chilon Inter

IEben I oldn



Imlni have ntMdlnr America



but thn the

b Inlaidof IhoIn plarof the into Mann

In n lsttcr Londn


to sum-











will att

New Yorkmade an otIer lIare


early mywill


company with Charleswill follow



Jordan in septemberwill make making liii as

lire wtUJulia Criterion

will follow


wilt thelion lntendel for last Like it-

Ii3 little village the

Marehellscomedy will

is comedy Mtss Ruaeiwhich have ttrc

begins second s4aeonagcment



Daft Lenacorndy which I-

eiil nrst produceAueustu

produce Wallacks ovembernew E

I htyeDash kamorii


tOis Pie t ho first at CrIltrionI hay Alfred a

La Petite by aae3-lthor Mtc Men Mrs Tn

Capt Lila willbe new pI7Similar his Night which madelochI Cave

wasP1ca Theatre a Ariiteye

flottle by himoceif his present

ie ahim




1 so

Little HenrI

been Com

the bencfil playsthe


en Knler IlbeIm

hasie1tr lisray




right lo of Sapfco gh aimade ucoe

In the and a therevert to herself 1 a case of a Irene

In the wnaular and paying royalties to anowner Mr ha made

C Fisher and Thomas W Ryley puTrvirruaentitled Florodora the fist song or

cal feature accepted out of a hundrofferings of The words and ecoi-or new work are by Eugene Walling anMeTer F

engaged Estrlle

of the a donna fthe Lulu 0laser Opera Company In Doll

VerdI AIda baa been elected byW Savage aa th the al

of opera In English tbe given the

at the Broadway beginning Sept liThe cast new menbars of the organization

J riperof th Fourteenth Street Theatre on Mon

day AUf It when E Blany wlMormon Wife a

of life In


Bat Not by Frir4 f f McDoaac41 atTrial forwarder H Tttttd

Tom Kennedy the Harlem gambler ifigured In the shooting In the Onawalast December In which one man waakllleand three wounded with the result theMiles McDonnell Kennedy foe was recenttried for murder and acquittedbeaten lest Sunday In a fight In Murphyroadhouse at Tremont end Arthur avenues

I now at the Bank Hotel In taxingunder the care of two physician

and hit condition U seriousand Charles Bchlldwacbter

went driving last Sundayteem to pay A visit to Kondya mothciwho lives In The Bronx On theirthey called at Murphys roadhouse Thefound twenty men In th place ani

all to at exIn the was David

brother of a who Isiulng

When the fight begsM stepped behindhim a ear with a

Curie of theis authority for tbe that JobWarren struck Apparently tb

wachter fist blow and gavea severe drubbing The two got to thebuggy as they

until ho saw It In the evening papersA printed

Instigated but thatthe police say not true

JANITOR A TglEfHad Mr roIaktHi Imported Silverware aad

Lot of Fawatlckrt la Bis

H A Michael Polakoff a Polish artlalof 1MJ Madison avenueandhls wife returneda few day ago from a trip to Europe WhenMr Polakoff opened their trunks on iMondhe found that a basket oantalnlng11500 worth of allverware purchased abroad

The duty had been paid andartist felt screly aggrieved over hlsloss

He told the East 104th street policeDetectives Reid and were put oncue They soon several other

In house had lost artlrmonths From one of these tenants

heard that Janitor had throwna basket In areaway on Monday afternoon

detectivescontained the silverware Then they putthe under arrest

On searching rooms they found thhad bought It yea The

detectives then wife inroom and asked her where they got

such One silverware fromhe gave it to me yesterday He

itwas arrested too and a thorough search

of the rooms maderepresenting property valued at several

found Doreskl

that the arechild was sent to the

Gerry society


Vp Old Mn White In Front of aWhich Cat OB Bor I c

Amelia White a woman nearly 70

wa hurrying home as fast aa shethe delicatessen store last night to

et eupper readywhen one of her carpet sliper came half off as she was crossing Firstvenue at and trfpped

up The old woman basket of eggscheeserolled one way and her list went

another and she fell on her back with heracross the car tracks

John Sheridan the driver of a Dryand East Broadway horse car wasset to make up lost time on his schedule

be up horses soon enougho avoid running over Mrs

hoofs strike her but two wheels-f the car went across her legs cutting themff below the knees was taken to Belle

Hospital where sho died within anhourt-

ody who saw the accident to holdresponsible for It but the crowd

hat got car and theso great that the reserves from

street policeover to clear the

lived at U4 First avenue withhusband who a pawnbroker

that address


lock of Wood Iiuld Womaa Screamed WhenHoy Tried to Deliver tl

A nicely dressed man stopped a messengerat Eighth avenue and Thirtyfourth

treet yesterday afternoon and gave him aackage which he told him to take to J R-

lattery at 38 West Thirtyfifth street Hegave the boy a note which saldthat he

rae to collect HI W on theNobodv named West

street bouso and the boy wasold to go He refused and two

were called They communicated withDetective Bureau a detective followed-

he boy man who had given him thedlsapp when back

o Eighth avenuo Tho packs go containedof wood

The police say that when the enteredhe a woman screamed that dont

Who the woman was but suv-

lect that she expected an Infernal machine

Offlrcn of Cornell Clab

At a meeting of the Board of Trustees ofho Club last evening In the club

Royalton Apartment Housen West Fortythird street these omcern wereilccted President C J Vice

Civ It n tntfAl

t Thomas Chairman of thomine Committee I 11 Katt Tho cluban to t In a most prosperous con

Itlon tho in me now rlnlore then 400 It was decIded to toko roomi the the sire of the

pnrtmonU now occupied by the club

welry Extracted From raneniers Clothes

Morltz Klein of this city n second cabinisnAenger by tho North Gorman Lloyd stoamhIp Kaiser Wllhelm Uer Oro e In yesterday

Ilromcn neglected In hl iloclnratlon9 mention him about 11sonworth of jewelry bought abroad

found the Jnwrlry-

i various iiarti of Mr Kleinstie wns confliratrd and Mr Klein

permitted to go home

ItalicS for a flits Small Boy

A bullet flied by Policeman Lyons In front-f 274 Kldrldga street lost night to end thegoon of a run oer cat not killed thel caromed from tin sidewalk and

Morris Plnenloh on theheck The boy was taken to Uouverteur


for the of Terliono 18apbol for tbe

which she present It In

and the manila

Whiney on the






Kenney a


abuttem his

Whit a

for and U-e tat bomarried

Whit an


IKenOwhole aan


on the t theand out trntover his

friends by and ethe

not cal dnot know ult





andSell the

attenant In




anhis were up Te polO are




lei IDoc

and h ae

fURSheridan locked at nut on the

of When thethe to o








Now the



hplmerl 0 W FJdll J I C Jr



theResne has an


liberti oiler rights the Ytichprovinces

lfaIl after will

Joinchased copyrightedof a new


has Went-worth recently





was badl3

divorce whom

and Kennedy Into

the blackjack

Harlem bore rathrew the

wheels passingwere

wa taken to he flow ii Thipolice were Capt Pdceof thi

station thewas


was rnts lpg





wife locked

Trips Street-Car


was chargereckless driving wonan



sr baaA



residents Matthews








It U rrfotd to nV9 th nilAattTTicket la Field Bolero Tam

at AllOo lp AhoatMa Objects to Schler

The Citizens Union City Commlttadopted at meeting last evening atUnion Square East the following calendfor conventions-New Yoik County Canrentloa first meet-

ing 8 ptAI borough coaTentloe and other county

eonreaUoos Seat mettlogi SeptAuembly and Aldermanic ConreoUoos 3 ptBrooklyn Magistrates Coarenttons Sept

The resolution in which theee dates weeadopted declares that the City Convtntloihould reconvene not later than Sept 2and It I auggetod that the other convei-tlons adjourn after they have completetheir organization ns follows ethicfor Sept until one day after Conventlon those celled for Sept 10 until twdays after the City Convention those oallefor Sept n until three days after the CitConvention and those called for Sept I

until four days after the City ConventionThis will bring the last of the Citizen

conventions not later than the last week 1

September The ftrst Tammany conventiowill be the City Convention to be held in thGrand Central Palace on Oct 3 whichadjourn until a week from that date Thutho whole Citizens Union ticket which Itexpected will be the same a the regulRepublican ticket will be In the foldthe first of the Tammany nominations wlbe made

In making tbe schedule public the cornmtttee Issued a memorandum of whichpart Is a follows

It Is recognized that each convention bapower to adjourn to auch dato as It may Itselselect but Inasmuch as concertedIs required In order that tbe convention

not adopt conflicting plans It I

teemed that suggestions as to luitte

The further ndto each conventions to be cal ed aabove t Its fist meeting It organize b

officers and appointing usuicommittees on rulesthat It also a small committee tconfer first with the Committee

Committee of Onethen with such other bodies as thsaid Committee of Conventionand the said Committee of Twelve shall aerethat It is advisable to confer with with i

to uniting candidates foroffices for which the convention In

to make nominations It belmunderstood that tbo small commute

nsted in the above schedule While itrecognized convention has pone

nominationwith the Committee of Hundred owith anybody of Itself U Is ilso

that Is to bn an agreement upocandidates by all the bodies opposed

Hall will be necessary consultwith those bodies andCentral Committee representing those bodlas well as committee-or conventions representing

districtsas the Committee o

Hundred through Committee oTwelve Is now In repre

of such bodies It would soonbet that all the subsidiary conventions o

to confer withoutside bodies should do so connectionwith Committee of One Hundred sthat sections of themay not be acting at crow purposes at the

While the delegates to the convention weretalking of the

they My has been most satis-factory they were sslced how they regarded

that tn friends of Char leiA started for thenomination for the ofllco Mayor

far for them tthis matter but A the cnalrma

of said thatreason for this Mr

did not play Into the hands of the BrooklynIn 1994

Much of tho time at last evenwas up In receiving fromdistricts The progressing

the organization Is said tofight io

notabout any man yet for candidate

r the bilk of tho antiTammanycampaign thero ho a

In fever The

frn Yesterday ther was some talkof the of M

f hav heHrd the name of Mr Knos uir-

vsted said Col Willis L Ogden theof conference

T ean mike nut Is mor-In this talk about him than there in thatabout score of m n mv tlgnlon lead m to think that there Is not nowany strong public in any

Pnlon will aof randldntet to subunit to tho


rontiln the names ofas well ai of D mo irHtP and

crv nily I would h a to acceptin a Pemorrnt That

notof the greatest Wf want

that we ore to make the nisht onTin Rxenitlvo Committee of the Greater

few York meet the Iltfir-nrt of week or early In npjMfre-Uclde when to hold conv n and

n IU b h lf to the conference

on thn Brooklynold yi terd tn In tho Prook

Miigiio of over theotion to exMayor Srhleren simply moint

that there was among

ermsrs practically olid for SChteren


Isnhatl Who Wai Atsaoltod Daring StrikeWants aSOOOO

ALBANY July 23 The United TractionCompany of this city has been servedrlth a summons and complaint In an action

by John Marshall of Brooklyn toecover IOOOO for injuries received during-

ho recent strike on the lines of that rom

Marshall took out the second car on14 when riots occurred near tho Quail

treat berne of the company His car wasleralleU and ho was with bricks

stonen and his skull fractured Howas for nt the HoBOltal atho of tho until Jun6when ho was discharged and sent to his

InThe commencement of the action U a

rreat surprise to the company

State Hatcheries Report

ALHAST July 23 Tho total distributionif fish from tho hatcheries of theig the months of April May and Juno

by the State Forest Fish antiommlsslon Is BI follows Brook trout fry

JSIOOO yearlings MGM rainbow trouttrout fry 107VOOO

I77CKW 4 J2n I00oi liriwn trout 8J

throat or tack trout yearlings000 lik IS05 perch

l oowo Scotch trout ITOo rainbowrout fry HiOuO 4070000

the Hudson hatehorr aegisatcd iwxitw from the I nltod Cumil uin I4i9ioo and from the Lung Islandatchco1 WWWO

ro Apply for Uecelrer for NUcara hankALUAxr July 33 Deputy AttornoyOen-

rnl Mniwin left for RulTriln today taking

rlth him UT report f Statsf linixlni on ti tho

ho hl i In lhnt city tomorrow for10 npi olntmeiit of n receiver for the bank

Cummltiloner of V S Depotlt Fund

ALBANT July The Odell his appointed-ohn J Brown of Whltn Ilnlns a Commlsloner of tnlted States Deposit lundr county

NatIts U






ao lon


are prp





saidback to the

of convention to on






of that elon not ad-vanced Jet k otor the on10mJand a leader amont e lhr1enin d8 would hy that



than of



began loni

tAt ofI Flr of



rnt mont taor 0non

or of

Isto men ran on plltorm

when 10

be Sn

Wl Rte In with ofthe


tonethat 01

hl uhtl nf thltmo isth n that Brooklyn





andcare com van 2


Stat durrep-


trout frost

red plk

mupnl onll701

lnllr lank or iuinketerm ot






mom Committee


adjourned metinithe be dash





them the

City Conventionswho

ar movement Mrnever be selected



now was on the evethe lIP



4 the

man the



thide independent all sorts national

win the


men shallthis ineetLi-

iclil held tht tu doings thud

dde of river


anan tile


nformilon the


caningrown try



RucTel lieu wIllthe

















Wot at rokta rraT rt UKoMrsI TMt t Chtaa-

yron i sow ntpoadnl at Fcklo-

SpKUl Caw JDwjwKk If THI 8VN

July aBefore leaving for Patingfu yesterday Cheu Fu the ProvlnclTreasurer and for the settlement of missionary claims was entertainat dinner by the American and English mlslonarles The occasion was the tettl m i

of allclaim of convertThe Rev Mr Norris started today

Yunghlngwhere he will hold memorialvices for missionary Norman and a numbof convert who were massacred last yeaThe local official provided an escort for M

Norris A band of too U report-

to be In that district feel stonyby any means ta much localmoalty displayed them and the load

i lag official arranged for them to occupthe property of a wealthy acte-as a Boxer leader and took a port I

welting massacre of hit yearWork barrack and fortification

for the legation quarter I

rapidly in charge ar thwork in quarter for the foroirguards may be ready at Ua of theatlon In August Th fortlnoatlons of the

British quarter b mot xtenlvand thorough for mines havbeen dug at all the approaches to the tegatloi

projections for are belmbuilt This precaution been token because the British occupy the mOlt criticposition of any of the legations All

legation are providing themselves with heavthe city wall timber from th

the House of Examinationthe Hall of Public Office and the expense I

lets than It would be under ordinaryThe impression prevails that

there will be greater security forlegation and lees security for foreignerelsewhere In Pekln The demarcation be-

tween Chinese sod foreigners will be empha-

sized and friendly Intercourse I llkelthan heretofore If turns out to be i

correct prognostication thewill be of no value

Prince Konoye President of the JapanesHouse of Peers who U here to investigatethe condition of affair la a strong rtvocatiof an alliance between China and JapanThe time I favorable for Mm to present hiview but RussIa will probably succeed Ii

checkmating any such LIChang favors Russiatakes the Japanese


Bey Who Led tho Advance the Tage-lno aa Acctdeat at Cap

Sftcltl Cable Dwpolf 10 TIll SUN

TOWN July 23 Whll practlslnat areenpotnfr camp today for the recaption to the Duke and Ouches of Corn-

wall and YorkBugler Dunn met with anHI horse bolted and stumbled and

fell Dunn had one of legs broken andthe horse su ered a similar injury The

shotIs fifteenyearold bugler of the

First Royal Dublin Fusiliers who waswounded three times at the battle of Coleniowhile sounding odern He oneof the first to cross the Tu U after soundingthe order to advance When he returned-to England to recuperate Queen Victoriapresented him with a livermounted bugleHe was afterward sent back to South Africaat his own request He spent some time InNetley Hospital where he was visited byseveral of the royal family 1


It Ohjtct Clttmato bdopoadoaee and At l-

aald Is Ak d ta Bo Troddcat-Ajwrlal Ctttt DMpoM e Tin SOW

MAmLA July 23 The Libtrtad tte today that S norPateme will leave the Federalparty and will organize theNationalists on a platform reiembllnginatof the with Agulnoldoas President and former Inidrgent militarypfQcer 1nd former membera of the Federalparty a The purpose of the nwparty will ultimate Independence oftbe Philippines This colnpld wIth Seflir

reont policy a h has been mak-ing dally effortsto Induce Aguloaldo tOlendhis name to the new party

Congretamao Kahn of California whoIs here on a visit statesthatfrom his firstImpressions which have been Influencedby army he believes that the con-

dition in the Philippines ire more aatls-bctory thanIn Cubs and that the situationi-s more advanced


ChatTeo to U All Cnorgaa

apttM C M Dtipumta Tire STJ

MANILA July 23 The PlsUlpDlnlCom-ilsilon and Gen ChafTee reached aeflnlte and satisfactory

sphere qf operation whereby allthat has not formallyraiisferred to the civil authorities wilt ro-

atln under military control until pacifiedmilitary authorities will administer

ivilAffair at places except atpointf residence of civil courts Tbe same policyif separation of civil and military admlnlsrations U proceeding gradually In all de-

lartmenU and U giving the gr 4teit antisaction

Count Ya Walrs BeachOfteta C N DupaKlk It THE SV-

BtRLiN July Flld Marshal Coat wooaiders arrived at Sues today on

tearashlp Oars The German Chinquadron has arrived at Post Bald

IBB Edward VII InspectSfttlol CatU Duptlt It TB Sine

LOKDOX July 23 Tbe crown regaliafrom the Tower to Marlboroagh Rousefor Kings Inspection


Th Weathtr rvThe best wave In the West stowed no abattaintt-

ittrtUy The low pressure over Ui

Mountain dl rlcU from southern OUIfomla-

lortneastwiid fo Montana wUi lowest pu-tt the dtpxiilon central In souUnra put o thattate ThIn ian U no changtln latauted atiauntil A break In this depression wtleh mayecu limeOm the iMVtn the country a ebaage w a-

titnf place thirt ages ot high pnosur andoolei weather came down tb Lakt reflonhIre It had caused a till la temperature of Iron

to 10 iltrrtM and It will make the weather cooler

i the Middle Stales arid New Entland to-

y The generally la illbe neept for clouds and rain along the border

f AtUnlto and Gull Slate In the laerlor there were a few scattered showers but ta the-

rotiihtnulckea districtS little or no rain felt

In this city the day wa fair highest temper

lute 00 riecrres al 450 P If average bumldlty1 wind freah bironukri-rrecWd to read to sea level at a A U 2190 3 P



Th ur M record J by tht oUclil Itsiomcter and also by TUB SUNS thirmoaiitef at

trttl keel it jbown la tat aaneiei t

OJI Juni Olftthl sacs1 OI 100 1M1 HOI 100 1M1-

DA II SI 4 0 P M8 7 Wu J f u 73

r I7 13UI4U4 71 M-


For IM DtiirM ft CdumAlj Dtlarean Uartftnd-Irjlnta tjHtrn PnfuylMnlJ Jersey HUlirn-

Vir Yorl at4 nlmd ttnirMt fete

tt litmarrav not nut tlanjt In ttmptrtliirtX windsFor Thin and western PenniylTinl fur today

notably warmer In north portion tomorrowIcht to aoutheul windsFor New York partly cloudy today tad

imorrow variable winds bccomlnf light oaUeit

L r



OleThe aol

tae bo

thison the





brick and



mOT luna



anima Uthe






baTdl1 al-






ten the




Alt fain


I1 U 82 ez3 U s









quarter gunshas

circum-stances here-







his was

what he calls





area spreadteak


pet cent tnibwe3tei7


3 >


VwNew today











Pear Jad JatUc rardoa O WlHams FUUg Disrating OpinionHalread TlcksUj th Judge May Have lainQarOlty a Other Iliad of FroptrtjB-

OCBUTKR N v July Justiceof the Appellate Division sitting Intoday declared the existing antlscnlplnlaw unconstitutional Four Judges agreeIn this decision but Justice Pardon Chems flied a dissenting opinion

The action was entitled The Peoplethe State of New York on the Relattoof Clarence Flelsohmann vs Samuel Cudwelt as Sheriff of Erie Countywho for several years been engaged I

the business of privet ticket broker In Dudfalo was arrested on May 281M1 for bavinviolated chapter of the laws of iDol en

Act to Amend the Railroad Law I

Relation to TicketIn that he sold aticket giving the right to aBuffalo to the city of Maiden Conn ovethe Valley Railroad front Buffalo

over York NewHaven and Hartford Railroad from NeYork to

tth of June last Flelschmann wareleased on a writ of habeasrailroad made of It a test case and appealsto determine the constitutionality

Justiceupon previous decision In the

declared unconstitutional the similar lavof 1007 lie says In regard to case Itthe opinion court ticket brokerageas a has been In exlntrnce forthat It ha been and continues to be regardsas a lawful


to a great convenience to thepublic will be readily seen that n

desirable must underthe present statute thenot hued It ben declared validcontinues We have not deemed Itor to continue to enter upon a

of the merits of the controvertwhich has arisen because of the enactmentof the statutes referred to or on account

similar legislation by the legislatureof other butto whether or not thetion Involved In has benupon lest

State and have reached thethat the decision In the case Is decisiveof at bar chapter M othe laws of IMI under the relatewas arrested Is unconstitutional and voidthat whatever may be the nature of the ftr

whether It be a token or prima facto evldsof a contract when the ticket U It

to person It anduse is way limited It has the lame

quality a every other kind of property

atiumit SPEAKS or DOZES rvTVRx

hushes Will Be Treated With GenerosityWba the War Ii Over

SpeW CMt Dispatch lo TllK StTT-

LONDOK July 33 The freedom of otyof London was conferred on Lord Mllner of

the Transvaal andthe OrangeRiver Colony at the Oulldhalltoday Colonial Secretary Chamberlain theRt HonOeor KJi Qoichen First Lord bfthaAdmiralty Lord Strathcona andand many other prominent persons werepresent

The Lord iMayor a eulogistic speechIn Lord work to SouthAfrica a sne ch4n replyin which referredta phenomenal steadfastness of British public opinion In regard-to the war-

Lord Mllner in his speech deprecated thegranting of any concessions that possiblywould compromising In the future orrisk popularizing the rebellion by treatingwhat he called orimeitalned treason

venial offence There was he said arImmense dltferenceibetwejn the stout oldburghers who were still adhering to their

andthe roving ruffians whowere their fellow British subjectsisthe Brttlshcolontes-

He referred to the to treatthe burghers when the over with suchgenerosity as will thorn to accept thesituation Lord Webow them In the Sir Wilfridthat If they their Independence-they have notlost their freodom

Lord Mllner referred to the danger anddifficulty ofthe problem of winning the heartsof the British withoutallenatlngtheconf dence of the South AfricanoyaJIsU1 He ded red that this problem was

not Insoluble but It necessitatedregard to the constitutional question In thenew Statesand in the ultimate SouthAfrican-ederatlon


aptaia and Crtwet American Schooatr Lostat Swedish Port

SfKlat Cettt Diipattli ta TUB SunSTOCXBOUT Joy 23 The threemasteH-merlcan schooner Louise Adelaide Capt

from Philadelphia April 24 and Portland4 arrived at Oaeddvlgen yesterday

fternoon The petroleum with which theessel was loaded exploded today It Is

that a customs omcer and ten ofperished Three of the crew were

rescuedPORTLAND Me July u Capt Edgar Ore

f the schooner Louise Adelaide who wastiled by an explosion the harbor of B tookolm morning a native and residentif Portland He was 1 of age Heeaves a widow and The LouiseLdelalde was principally owned In Portland

Ore hiving a onefourth Interest In heyapt Orr had followed the sea life end

tad sailed as more than forty

New Royal Yacht Commtiilon-apttttt ctiu r ip u A to THE sex

r LONPOX July 33 Tlie new royal yachtlotorln and Albert was commissionhit The Ron Irho commanded the cruler

at tbe beginnIng ofhe war In South Africa Is the o

The roundtripticCbta1 points in theis unusually low this summer


states the rate over our road

from Chicago or St Louis is

about onehalf the usual price

We sell throach tlcksts rectrreberths famish

maps and time tables and canbo of service In otherWrite for particulars

t I SWORDS Gcnir Ant C B a Q R R

379 BfcadnlT Nets York




The relator




the Tyro ero


bUllnhas employment

number of

refa the


call passed

loLennan that It Is evident















mater yearI




t nout I








anIt lucrativelarge cithiena has

ISO Ifsnecessary






CO Town

Lord Mllntrmacte


of the

caution in








Jin Was a New Yorker bit Had lived forTime la Paris

Bfttlot Cabs DutttA tt TUB SUIT

LOXDOX July 23 Howard C Casefork died suddenly In Lancaster

Mr Case met with an accident I

his be lroem at liitcasler on Sunday Ipreparing for a coaching tour of the Laidistrict He was taken ill yesterday

and a physicIan wets

Mr Case nslctp at 330 oclocl-He was found dead on hour later 11

death In attributed to lyncope

Mr Case had lived for a number of yeasIn Iarln He a member of theClub of this city


Barl HaUBrotaor Who Was a TravelUiBoaey-

agKlal CoOt Dtitutch If TIIB SUNLOXDOX July S3 The Earl of Dmr

Solicitor to the Treasurythe will of the lIon Eric travel

who paused for years undertbe name of Erie Lelth but who wasa halfbrother of the Earl ofwho died at Cheltenham a month agoThe estate amounts to


Sixty Wheels Stolen tad the Police ThinThejr Now on Thiefs Track

Bicycle have been stolen wholesale IiThe Bronx In the last few weeks andthe police think they are on the traok ofthief If they havent got him alredy

Detective England of the Bicycle Squatcalled to tee A V Schuler of 3401 Thinavenue a few days ago Schuler had a whewithout a number or trademark on itEngland asked Schuler where he got I-

IBchuler said he bought It of a boyflcbwalsky who lived at l7th streetWashington avenue Schuler saidwas back to ret the balance ofpurchase o England waited for th

learned from that the wheelhad been purchased from John Wrightcarpenter

found Wright who said hihad bought the wheel from a man In ThroggNeck

The detective learned that more than slxtwheels had been sold In Junt such A way iithat locality As Wright was unable

wheel he wasnearly sixty complaints of bicycle theft

Men to In thelast few weeks


Jersey Town Committeeman DUippe red AfterTforrylng Over tony Matter

PATKBSOX N J July JSHugh Mulholland a real estate agent of 03 Third AtreetPassalo has disappeared and left the follow-ing note pinned on the top of his desk

DEAR Moment I cannot stand the citrateany longer Ooodby You will not seeme any more I will end my life with suicide

Miilholland Is a unrnarriMand lived In Walllngton R suburb of PassaicHe was a town committeeman Moneymatters have troubled himP cfl other

and tb river Is being watched Some

Till turn up All


Itmnt Ctrl Trie to Kill Uerntf en Steps ofYoung M n noardlng fleas

A young woman who said she MattieGrant a servant and declined to tell whereshe lived waa found on stoop of the houseat J Sackett street Brooklyn early yes

acarbolic acid She was taken to tile

Hospital probably

Backett house tuoked insideher shirtwaist note she


D Took Carbolic Add U Central Park aidIn the Horite Cnldtatltted

A man about CO years old whose body hanot yet been Identified killed hlmiwlr neartho wall U Central Park yesterday morningby drinking car hollo acid In his pocketwastho picture of a young women and nearIlls body wMfound a scrap of brown paper

n which was the address Juliat She doesnt

live there nowInches tall and ha-

trlp d trousoxs andeoft hat

James Plant a veteran of the Civil Warknown In Irish chicle died at his

in Washington on Tutadfty agd SIlie was born In Athlono Ireland

canto to theUnlted States in t8J3 vowingever to return while the British flag floatedW the Island UoenlUteddurug the Olvll-

it the closeutat Buffalo Plant was one of the orders

the for the Invasion of CanAdand participated In thee raid

he bad m 4fng r-

r Watchman In the doparttuenU at Wuhigton was for severs

Ancient ofIUberaunprominent In

Samuel D ofown Md died yesterday In Baltimore at

Ho wherebrought on lat Friday and lateron for the

War h served in the Union Army andas promoted to the r

lie had charge ofhe munitions of war ntlo was a Past Commander of Reno PoetIrand Army of

astationed In Baltimore a a rerenua

augerone of the bRAt known

role In Louisiana died atnight 1 73 was born at

no to the place of Major He wasleriff of after tim Civilur He went to planting In WJ

Eliza L of the latewho died In 1IW7 died on Monday

her home 40 East Twentyfirst streetwas 4 oil was daughter

T Jenkins Her wason the Island of Nantucket In Itm and

OH a direct of Thomas

llllam M Klngsland and Mrs Isaac U-

alliorion Janice E CurtUs of Buffalo diedrdny r nn Illne t of several weeks

born in H county In I MI and nt-

e breaking out of the Civil War eitrrede rvlc UK of Company t ISJrt-

ew York Volunteers ou iwj c n1 hrovrtted BrUndlr-

Tlinma H Ivnch who w i attachpil toDepartment In Brooklyn for

er twenty rears fiot nt hoo 3ia Peso street

tlxtv eond IIJ wile nn old winn-er flrorpnn anti a number of the ofId UrooklynlteH Hi leaves a widow andireo BonnOeorja Ehrhorn a wealthy brewer died

Ii nn Miindir night Ho-u Si vein old a native andn owner several brewerieswidow anti children Ha hadfur nearly n year and had been ted through

nntrcl for Wabaihi Cntranre in Flttibnrg-

PlTtsntno Pi July SamseyresIdent of the Wahs h Railroad was hereday und let contracts to 2

OW In building nf the eonnoctlnu linn Intoittbiirit A contnict of JKOnoo-si In Moran k Co of Pltthburs a conhat tot a tunnel of 7JOiioo let to Wlllinin-enrmflc of KanHis and a contract for

tn about IISWOW Wai Itt tocMUlau A Co of New York


lowtoy proved






this arrested


friends say that they

SheStrange supposed to be a boarder In tht

to come see her CCtthat she could not JWlthout him


Park N JHU clde Will feet In

lIY ndills clothing which was rather the worsetorwear of

lad wellhomeyearstad

Newwhich atterllsrd be ame PtOf Genins It h lie credit


For beech

Olderend veteran


orand at tune was Judge In the Orpheus

f rn 1800 howas

Lat IIi



New yes-terday


hag bowman





a A

begged Btrngand

avonuelbe A


consisted a brown

OfliTUA fly

War intho YorkVoltnlrriBrigade with

the while



o or aode es-




A the Bragaiote for the Confederate Armj cierys-rith diStinction was

In nnrederato Army antf

sugtrIns IulIcceasfUl ard at the hisft5 the ownuor of several plantations anj-ne of the



FW of lice nine origInal settlers who boughto ittand from Mrs bail

treco children SlIliam Ii Msy 1 Mr

aft fle-as


archenurtl ftl faIthful anti ncrlloriouts service

r th te-ed

lebanon ofI Ci



23 Joseph







>< <> ¬

Madam Ocean has such a tak-

ing way her that in threemoist days she takes bitof from starched goodsno matter how much put inand a good bit of colorcloth put in exceedinglyhard and fast

Look out for suitblue serges with the

color anchored 16 to 2-

Iruilnr July and August sure close at MO 91104It noon

ROGERS FEET COKPAKT211 Broadway sot Warren

aad 7 8 Warrea SUM9 Broadway for Prince

UW cot ajdand 14 West Md St


STILL FIGhTING TOE BLuRbWalker Barter to Vacate Rl

In St Pitrlokr nectoryThe longstanding controversy between

Bishop McDonnell of the Brooklyn Catholicdiocese and the Rev John F Baxter whowas formerly rector of the parish at BabylonL f has reached an acute stage FatherBaxter I living at present in the rectoryof St Patrick Church at Willoughby avnue and Graham street althoughmonth ago he received from the

releasing him from all obligationsIn the diocese and naming the last day UJuno as the date of his departure FatherBaxter has so far refused to comply withthe Bishops mandate and ha eo tar continuedto hold po3eslon of hi apartmentsat the rectory In defiance of the Her Thoma-Taaffe the rector who frequently askedhim to vacate

Over eightyears agoFather Baiter owingto troubles In which be won Involved with hiecongregation resignedbis chargo at BabylonThere Is no complaInt ot any kind againsthis moral character and coming to Brooklynhe was appointed chaplain of St MaryHospital holding this place he Instituled suit against Bishop McDonnell an

of Loughlin for moneyswhich ho alleged was duo Idea a pastor of

church al Thedecided favor but thee decision was

ev rsod by tlio IV K

fresh suits against ciacutorn In of other

lain At the of the ulsters ba wasreleased tbe chaplaincy duel wa thenreceived by one ot IllsosMntnnts BOOQ

after this he received fromthe tu wIthdrewbut on formally withdrawing them was re-instated

About a year ago ho requoeted UMbut It wise a lowwhen lie rac lvrd an invitation from Bishop

of Perth Australia At his

o ne-ilnc thin hi conduct as ul

Taaffe so annoying SiteSBishop sent him his fonnal

him a of the Australiandiooese Father Baxter continued to hold

of hisIt Is Bald declared hi intention to Cardinal

ton He persistentlyrooms needed by

the who has appointed to super-sede A SinaIto Fattier Baxter on Mondaynail a failure it will probablyresult In legal proceedingsIn of tileChurch authorities till retains the privilegeof celebrating maw

Father a statement yesterdayreciting his troubles with the

he the Babylon

that Loughun hadthis before prior toFather Baxter are still

before Apostolic Delegate atWashington

be continued an account ofunpleasant relations said

n account I determIned toremove to another diocese I am a frUnr-if Bishop of West Australia and I

for as soon ftnecessary funds to travel with

are now engaged In taking ame

tee me that I cones to take my mealsit the rectory after today


Blamenthai Thinks That the DMeitlo-or nil Orchestra Cod Him saOOOO

George A Blumenthal the theatrical man-ger who was In charge of the American

heatres roof garden at its disastrous aloe

the root garden was In tohe whichmt leaving the playern chsrge nf the muRlcal part of prorromme that

termjof WsleAR with Weg A Ontorail of th yUJMirloan he was obligedo rellBQiUshaDulation and70000

Yard Workman PiUs DeadMarshall Leondrlx SJ years old of CM

itvonu MAnhattan fell deadhllo at No 3J In the

Navy Yard

DIABETESDr J KetfM Professor HediclM

at the University of Vienna

In his celebrated work on dUbetes inelHtus says Of all remedies in my large experience withthis disease and many experi-ments which I as well as suchprominent men as Angle Fleckles Hlawezek and others havemade Carlsbad Spruclel Waterdeserves to be placed in the firstrank

All of the above writers agreewith me that the use of thebad Waters exerts a very beneficialinfluence in diabetes I havein the course of many yearstreated a very large number ofpatients suffering with the diseasesand have with great interestnoticed the effect of CarlsbadWater in reducing the amount ofsugar My invariable experiencehas been that almost without anexception an improvement wasmarked and during andafter the use of the same cveuwhere no strict diet was observed Hisner Mcndelson Cosole agents New Vori





Rita Ressss

nearly aBishop

hIs exact



the successor


lIjiter tti adverse decision began

were luuclueicii icnid ate the sistersof lit lIoupltal fee hi salary its


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