23rd hkuyl newsletter vol 2

Newsletter Volume 2 23 Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders rd

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23rd Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders Newsletter Volume 2


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Newsletter Volume 2

23 Hong Kong Union for Young Leadersrd

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YLS Orientation Day 3

YLS Workshop 1 4

YLS Workshop 2 5

YLS Camp 6-7

Alliance Recollection 8-15





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YLS Orientation Day28th February, 2015 marked the commencement of 23rd HKUYL Youth Leadership Seminar (YLS). Often considered as the beginning of the second journey in the Camper’s venture, the Orientation Day was suc-cessfully held at Wah Yan College, Kowloon.

The day started off with a hectic cheering session, followed up by a series of ice-breaking games and presentation session, allowing Campers to introduce their group names, flags and group song. Afterwards, Camp-ers had to work in teams to complete various checkpoint tasks inside the campus. Eventually, the groups gathered and received their ultimate challenge.

Nevertheless, before the adjournment of the event, a video was displayed in order to set the scene for the storyline of YLS and to allocate tasks for Campers. Finally, four alliances were formed among the original eight groups by mixing and matching different criteria. The day ended with the high-spirited Union Song and the vivacious OUTSTANDING cheer.

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Workshop 1As usual, the first workshop of the 23rd HKUYL Youth Leadership Seminar began with a series of enthusiastic cheering on 22nd March, 2015 at TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College.

Campers were then asked to sit according to their alliances and participated in a series of warm-up games. Later on, the presentations given by the four alliances provided an excellent opportunity for them to showcase their cre-ativity and teamwork over the past few weeks on their designs of Alliance Flag, Alliance names and slogans. Apart from allowing Alliances to strength-en their bondings, this also served as an essential platform for other alliances to learn more about the situation of different alliances.

After a quick lunch, the virus game then took place. Campers received their respective envelopes, instructing them on doing various tasks in order to find their own “cure”, with an addition note of keeping their infection in low pro-file. Working as teams, yet underneath, they had to work on their own to find clues, and they were also required to figure out the right committee member and complete the tasks given to them secretly. Turned out in the end that everyone were infected in the first place, the session allowed Campers to con-template on whether individual or a team matters the most.

Finally, the first workshop ended with the Union Song and the energetic OUTSTANDING cheer.

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Workshop 2The launching of the Second Workshop took place on 28th March, 2015 at Queen’s College.

The day kickstarted with a series of intense exercises and captivating and enter-taining impromptu speeches given by Campers. Sitting in respective alliances, two Campers were selected each time to give a 1-minute speech. Moreover, the audi-ences had to vote to pick the best speaker among the two. This session undoubt-edly enhanced their speaking skills and prompt responses.

Following the Impromptu speech session, a Situation Game was held. With the absence of Committee members, Campers had to search for instructions hidden all around the school campus and accomplish different tasks. After observing the sentences and clues left by the Committee members in numerous checkpoints, the fact that the Committee members will soon be leaving them after the Youth Lead-ership Seminar was underscored. It is essential for Campers to cherish the gold-en opportunities offered to them in the upcoming camp, since they will have to continue their once-in-a-lifetime journey, the Camper-Cum-Committee Project (CCC) on their own.

The highlight of the day was the inspirational talk given by Mr. Roy Tsui, who is a well-known author and entrepreneur in Hong Kong. Not only did Mr. Tsui share his personal experience, but also expressed his thoughts on authority- whether it is always absolutely correct to blindly follow orders, accentuating the importance of critically judging rights and wrongs. Both Campers and Committee mem-bers have gradually formulated their own interpretation after enjoying Mr. Tsui’s thought-provoking speech.

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YLS CampThe beginning of the 4-day-3-night Camp marks the crest of the Youth Leadership Seminar , held on 7th April to 10th April, 2015 at the Jockey Club Tai Tong Holiday Camp, where Campers get to actualise their learnt skills and put it into practice. To start off the journey, a photo-taking session was introduced when Campers and committee mem-bers stepped into Erebus after travelling on the UYL Bus. “There is no free lunch in this world”. Shortly after settling down, Campers set off for a Food Hunt Challenge. In form of Alliances, they searched around the whole Campsite to complete various tasks and acquired relevant materials for making their “very own banana split”. Following a two-presentation, the night-time adventure was held. Campers were required to finish different tasks located around Erebus during a set time of pe-riod. Campers were also told to look for clues and hints from other sections of the Camp. Eventually, the day ended with a warm family time session.

On the morning of Day 2, intense morning trainings and an awaking water battle took place. Then, Alliances were given time to show their bizarre tastes in fashion. All the alliances sent out 2 models and showcased the modern fashion in Erebus. Yet, the climax of the day was the Detective Game. Right after the BBQ, a frenetic camp fire instantly took place. yet, something went wrong - the dis-guised camp fire turned out to be the onset of the long awaited the Detective Game! With the accom-paniment of the heavy rain and the cold weather, the venue of the detective game was changed yet the event ultimately adjourned in success.

After a nerve wrecking, exhausting night of detective game, Day 3 embarked with a solution-re-vealing session. Alliances were allowed to ask Committee members questions regarding last night’s detective game. Alliances then amended their ratiocination for the last time. Following was the be-ginning of the first phase of Life Monopoly. Each Alliance were assigned a family in which everyone held respective roles with different qualifications. Individually, Campers had different personal life goals to complete and realise. In order to accomplish their target step by step, they had to fulfil dif-ferent tasks offered. Together with occasional chaos and unexpected events, the families had to keep track of their ‘market share’ and to compete in holding the most assets out of the four families. At the same time, Campers of different roles were allocated with various life values and stamina levels, their mission is to keep themselves alive and maintain a high stamina level. Subsequently, a classic of all times – the XY game was introduced. Through negotiations, Alliances had to decide on their choices and make wild guesses of the opponents’ next moves. After the short transition, the second phase of Life Monopoly continued. At the end of the day, Campers were required to think beyond convention and ponder on their life goals. At night, the apex of the day- Campfire was held. Campers, Com-mittee Members and alumni surrounded the glistening light, following the cheers led by Committee Members in the middle of the circle of UYLers. The night continued with a frenetic disco night, with everyone showing off their superb dancing skills. The day ended with Alumni Sharing, allowing the returned-home UYLers to share their own experiences and words of encouragement to inspire the 23rd Campers in pursuing their final quest.

On the last day in Erebus, Trust games such as trust fall and the ‘XY Game’ were held to allow Camp-ers to strengthen and re-examine their bonds and friendships built between each other over the past 130 day. Then, the final session was given to the committee members to share their innermost, inti-mate feelings and treasurable experiences in Union. Shedding their tears, the Committee members gave useful advices to Campers and concluded the 3-day-4-night journey. The ending of YLS is yet the beginning of CCC. We hope all of you can bear in mind the qualities of enthusiasm, perseverance and determination in the rest of your UYL journey. All the best!

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Presented by23 Hong Kong Union for Young Leaders


www.hkuyl.org.hk [email protected] GPO 10379