22apr10 list of candidates - current

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  • 8/9/2019 22Apr10 List of Candidates - Current


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    List of Candidates

    UNION SOLIDARITY AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION( As of 15 April 2010 party not yet officially registered )

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Aung Thaung (U)Minister for Industry


    Mandalay, Mandalay


    Mandalay Division has

    29 townships.

    In 1990, there were 56constituencies. 55 were

    won by the NLD.

    Mandalay township

    itself had 8

    constituencies and they

    were all won by the


    Aung Thein Lin

    (Brig-Gen) Mayor of Yangon

    Yangon Division

    Yangon Divison has 42


    In 1990, there were 61

    constituencies. 59 were

    won by the NLD.

    Chan Nyein (Dr.) Minister for Education



    Sagaing Divison has 38


    In 1990, there were 58

    constituencies. 52 were

    won by the NLD.

    Kantbalu (1) was won

    by U Thein Pe,


    Kantbalu (2) was won

    by U Myint Naing, NLD

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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Aung Min(Maj- Gen) Minister for Railways

    Kawa, Bago Division

    Bago Divison has 28


    In 1990, there were 51

    constituencies. 47 were

    won by the NLD.Kawa (1) was won by Dr

    Myo Win, NLD.

    Kawa (2) was won by U

    Mya Lay, NLD

    Htay Oo( Maj-Gen)Minister for


    Kyaw San(Brig-Gen)Minister for


    Pale, Sagaing Division

    Sagaing Divison has 38


    In 1990, there were 58

    constituencies. 52 were

    won by the NLD.

    Pale (1) was won by U

    Than Sein, NLD, now in

    exile in India.

    Pale (2) was won by Dr

    Tint Swe, NLD, now inexile. Serving as

    Minister in the National

    Coalition Government

    of the Union of Burma


    Maung Maung Thein


    Minister for Livestock

    and Fisheries

    Kayan Township,

    Yangon Division

    Yangon Division has 42


    In 1990, there were 61constituencies. 59 were

    won by the NLD.

    Kayan (1) was won by U

    Kyaw Thwin, NLD.

    Kayan (2) was won by U

    Tin Maung Win, NLD

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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Ohn Myint

    (Brig-Gen) Minister for Mines

    Paung Township,

    Mon State

    Mon State has10


    In 1990, there were 20

    constituencies. 16 were

    won by the NLD, and 4by the Mon National

    Democratic Front.

    Paung (1) was won by U

    Nyan Win, NLD.

    Paung (2) was won by U

    Nai Thaung Nyunt, NLD

    Soe Naing

    (Maj-Gen.)Minister for Tourism


    Ayeyawaddy Division

    Ayeyawaddy Division has

    26 townships.

    In 1990, there were 51

    constituencies. 48 were

    won by the NLD.

    Dedaye (1) was won by

    Dr Myo Nyunt, NLD.

    Dedaye (2) was won by U

    Than Tun, NLD

    Soe Tha (U)

    Minister for National

    Planning and



    Twante, Yangon Division

    Yangon Divison has 42


    In 1990, there were 61

    constituencies. 59 were

    won by the NLD.

    Twante (1) was won by U

    Tha Saing, NLD.

    Twante (2) was won by U

    Mya Hlaing, NLD

    Than Htay


    Deputy Minister for


    Meiktila, Tharzi,

    Mandalay Division

    Mandalay Division has29 townships.

    In 1990, there were 56

    constituencies. 55 were

    won by the NLD.

    Meiktila (1) was won by

    Major Maung maung

    Myint (retired), NLD.

    Meiktila (2) was won by

    Dr Thein Lwin, NLD

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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Thein Aung

    (Brig-Gen)Minister for Forests

    Ingapu, Ayeyawaddy


    Ayeyawaddy Division has

    26 townships.

    In 1990, there were 51

    constituencies. 48 were

    won by the NLD.Ingapu (1) was won by U

    Mya Win, NLD, now in

    exile in USA.

    Ingapu (2) was won by

    Dr San Aung,

    independent. Former

    NCGUB Minister, now in

    exile in Australia.

    Thein Nyunt (Col.)

    Mnister for Progress

    of Border Areas and

    National Races and

    Development Affairs

    Maubin, Ayeyawaddy


    Ayeyawaddy Division has

    26 townships.

    In 1990, there were 51

    constituencies. 48 were

    won by the NLD.

    Maubin (1) was won by

    U Chit Than, military-

    backed National Unity

    Party (NUP).

    Maubin (2) was won by

    U Hla Myint, NLD

    Thein Swe(Maj-Gen)

    Minister for Transport

    Sittwe (formerly Akyab),

    Rakhine State

    Rakhine State has 17


    In 1990, there were 26

    constituencies. 9 were won

    by the NLD, 11 by the

    Arakan League for

    Democracy (ALD), 4 by the

    National Democracy Party

    for Human Rights, 1 by theKamman National League

    for Democracy, and 1 by

    the Mro or Khami National

    Solidarity Organization


    Akyab (1) was won by U

    Shwe Ya, Kamman National

    League for Democracy

    Akyab (2) was won by U

    San Tun a.k.a. U Lu Pru,


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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Thein Zaw


    Minister for


    Myitkyina, Kachin State

    Kachin State has 18


    In 1990, there were 20

    constituencies. 14 were

    won by the NLD, 3 by the

    Kachin State NationalCongress for Democracy

    (KSNCD), 2 by the

    military-backed NUP and

    1 was not contested.

    Myitkyina (1) was won

    by U Mya Maung, NLD.

    Myitkyina (2) was won

    by U Oo Byit Tu, KSNCD

    Tin Naing Thein


    Minister for


    Zaw Min (Col.)Minister for Electric


    Magwe Division

    Magwe Division has 25


    In 1990, there were 39

    constituencies. All 39

    were won by the NLD.

    Nyan Tun Aung


    Deputy Minister for


    Natogyi, Mandalay


    Mandalay Division has

    29 townships.

    In 1990, there were 56

    constituencies. 55 were

    won by the NLD.

    Natogyi (1) was won by

    U Pan Tha, NLD.

    Natogyi (2) was won by

    U Sein Maung, NLD

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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Hmu Thang (Dr.)

    Delegate to National

    Convention / MEP


    Thangtlang Township,

    Chin State

    Chin State has 9


    In 1990, there were 13

    constituencies. 4 were

    won by the NLD, 3 by theChin National League for

    Democracy (CNLD), 2 by

    the Zomi National

    Congress, 1 by the Mra

    Peoples Party, 1 by the

    military-backed NUP,

    and 2 by independents.

    Thangtlang was won by

    Dr Hmu Thang, who ran

    as an independent.

    Kap Tial (U)Delegate to National


    Thangtlang Township,

    Chin State

    Chin State has 9


    In 1990, there were 13

    constituencies. 4 were

    won by the NLD, 3 by the

    Chin National League for

    Democracy (CNLD), 2 by

    the Zomi National

    Congress, 1 by the MraPeoples Party, 1 by the

    military-backed NUP,

    and 2 by independents.

    Zam Khen Thang(U) Middle School Teacher

    Eastern Tonzang

    Township, Chin State

    Chin State has 9


    In 1990, there were 13

    constituencies. 4 were

    won by the NLD, 3 by theChin National League for

    Democracy (CNLD), 2 by

    the Zomi National

    Congress (ZNC), 1 by the

    Mra Peoples Party, 1 by

    the military-backed NUP,

    and 2 by independents.

    Tongzang was won by U

    Tang Lian Pau, ZNC, now

    in exile in India.

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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Aye Lwin (U) Chairman -

    2. 88 GENERATION STUDENT YOUTHS (UNION OF MYANMAR)(Registered 22 March 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Ye Htun (U) Chairman - -

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    3. NATIONAL UNITY PARTY (NUP)(Re-registered 29 March 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Tun Yee (U)


    (Former Deputy

    Commander in Chief

    of Army)


    Than Tin (U)


    (Former Minister for

    Mines )

    - -

    Han Shwe (U) CEC Member

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    4. DEMOCRATIC PARTY (MYANMAR )(Registered 30 March 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Thu Wei (U) Chairman -

    Than Than Nu (Daw) General -Secretary -

    Cho Cho Kyaw Nyein

    (Daw)Joint-Secretary -

    Nay Yi Ba Swe (Daw) Joint-Secretary - -

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    5. KAYIN PEOPLES PARTY(Registered 31 March 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Saw Tun Aung Myint


    (Retired Army Officer)-

    Simon Tha (Dr) Vice-Chairman (1) - -

    Saw Aye Ko (Col)


    (2)/(Retired Army


    Saw Kenneth Wai

    Thaw (U)Vice-Chairman (3)

    Naw Tin Tin Yin



    (4)/(Former University


    Saw Say War Nyunt(U)

    General-Secretary/(Retired Police



    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Ohn Lwin (U) Chairman - -

    Kyi Win (U) CEC Member - -

    Win Zaw (U) CEC Member - -

    Tin Win (U) CEC Member - -

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    7. PA-O NATIONAL ORGANIZATION (PNO)(Registered 2 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Aung Kham Hti (U)


    Shan State

    Shan State has 52


    In 1990, there were 62

    constituencies. 22 were

    won by the NLD, 23 by

    the Shan Nationalities

    League for Democracy

    (SNLD), 3 by the Union

    Pa-O National

    Organization, 2 by the

    Ta-Ang National League

    for Democracy, 1 by the

    Democratic Organization

    for Kayan National Unity,

    1 by the military-backed

    NUP, 1 by the Shan State

    Kokang Democratic

    Party, 1 by the Union

    Danu League for

    Democracy, 1 by the

    Union Nationals

    Democracy Party, 1 by

    the Lahu National

    Development Party and

    6 were not contested.

    Taunggyi (1) was won by

    U Kyaw Khin, NLD.

    Taunggyi (2) was won by

    U Hkun Pe Htwe, NLD

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    8. KACHIN STATE PROGRESSIVE PARTY(Registered 5 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Manam Tuja (Dr) Chairman

    Kachin State has 18


    In 1990, there were 20

    constituencies. 14 werewon by the NLD, 3 by the

    Kachin State National

    Congress for Democracy

    (KSNCD), 2 by the

    military-backed NUP and

    1 was not contested.

    Khaw Bawm Vice-Chairman (1) - -

    San Khuang Vice-Chairman (2) - -

    Tu Raw Secretary - -

    Zaw Latt Joint-Secretary --

    9. MYANMAR NEW SOCIETY DEMOCRATIC PARTY(Registered 5 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    10. THE DIFFERENCE AND PEACE PARTY(Registered 6 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Nyo Min Lwin (U) Chairman - -

    Tin Maung Aye (U) Vice- Chairman - -

    Nay Myo Wai (U) Vice-Chairman - -

    Aung Myo Oo (U) Joint-Secretary - -

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    11. NEW ERA PEOPLES PARTY(Registered 6 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Tun Aung Kyaw (U) Chairman -

    Yee Yee San (Daw)

    Former Secretary of

    Anti-Fascist Peoples



    12. CHIN NATIONAL PARTY(Registered 7 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Pu Zo Zam (U) Chairman

    Tiddim, Chin State

    Chin State has 9


    In 1990, there were 13

    constituencies. 4 were

    won by the NLD, 3 by the

    Chin National League for

    Democracy (CNLD), 2 by

    the Zomi NationalCongress (ZNC), 1 by the

    Mra Peoples Party, 1 by

    the military-backed NUP,

    and 2 by independents.

    Tiddim (1) was won by U

    Ngin Thang,, NLD.

    Tiddim (2) was won by U

    Pu Cin Shing Thang, ZNC.


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    13. UNION DEMOCRACY PARTY(Registered 8 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Shwe Ohn (U) Patron -

    Kyaw Win Maung (U) Patron - -

    Nyo Tun Ko Patron - -

    Phyo Min Thein (U) Chairman -

    Htay(U) Vice-Chairman - -

    Thein Htay (U) Vice-Chairman (2) - -

    Thein Tin Aung (U) General- Secretary

    Hlaing Township, Yangon


    Yangon Division has 42


    In 1990, there were 61

    constituencies. 59 were

    won by the NLD.

    Hlaing (1) was won by

    Colonel Maung Shwe

    (retired), NLD.

    Hlainge (2) was won by

    Lt-Colonel Saw Mya

    Thein, NLD


    Thaung Win (U) JointSecretary -

    San San Aye (Daw) Joint-Secretary (2) - -

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    14. SHAN NATIONALS DEMOCRATIC PARTY(Registered 8 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Sai Ai Pao Chairman

    Shan State

    Shan State has 52


    In 1990, there were 62constituencies. 22 were

    won by the NLD, 23 by

    the Shan Nationalities

    League for Democracy

    (SNLD), 3 by the Union

    Pa-O National

    Organization, 2 by the

    Ta-Ang National League

    for Democracy, 1 by the

    Democratic Organization

    for Kayan National Unity,1 by the military-backed

    NUP, 1 by the Shan State

    Kokang Democratic

    Party, 1 by the Union

    Danu League for

    Democracy, 1 by the

    Union Nationals

    Democracy Party, 1 by

    the Lahu National

    Development Party and

    6 were not contested.

    Sai Saung Si Vice-Chairman --

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    15. TA-AUNG (PALAUNG) NATIONAL PARTY(Registered 8 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Mai Ai Phone Chairman

    Shan State

    Shan State has 52


    In 1990, there were 62constituencies. 22 were

    won by the NLD, 23 by

    the Shan Nationalities

    League for Democracy

    (SNLD), 3 by the Union

    Pa-O National

    Organization, 2 by the

    Ta-Ang National League

    for Democracy (TNLD), 1

    by the Democratic

    Organization for KayanNational Unity, 1 by the

    military-backed NUP, 1

    by the Shan State

    Kokang Democratic

    Party, 1 by the Union

    Danu League for

    Democracy, 1 by the

    Union Nationals

    Democracy Party, 1 by

    the Lahu National

    Development Party and6 were not contested.

    In 1990, the TNLD won

    seats in Kutkai (2) and

    Namsan constituencies.


    16. UNION KAYIN LEAGUE(Re-registered 8 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Saw Than Aung (U) Chairman - -

    Saw Ju (U) Secretary - -

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    17. WUNTHANU NLD ( THE UNION OF MYANMAR)(Registered 9 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    Ye Min (U) Alternate Chairman - -

    Nan Shwe Kyar (Daw) Alternate Chairman - -

    Ye Ko (U) CEC Member - -

    18. WA DEMOCRATIC PARTY(Registered 9 April 2010)

    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo

    - Chairman

    Shan State

    Shan State has 52


    In 1990, there were 62

    constituencies. 22 were

    won by the NLD, 23 by

    the Shan Nationalities

    League for Democracy

    (SNLD), 3 by the Union

    Pa-O National

    Organization, 2 by the

    Ta-Ang National League

    for Democracy, 1 by the

    Democratic Organizationfor Kayan National Unity,

    1 by the military-backed

    NUP, 1 by the Shan State

    Kokang Democratic

    Party, 1 by the Union

    Danu League for

    Democracy, 1 by the

    Union Nationals

    Democracy Party, 1 by

    the Lahu National

    Development Party and6 were not contested.

    In 1990, the Wa National

    Development Party

    fielded 5 candidates but

    did not win any seats.


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    Candidate Profession Constituency Photo


    Rakhine State

    Rakhine State has 17


    In 1990, there were 26

    constituencies. 9 were

    won by the NLD, 11 by

    the Arakan League for

    Democracy (ALD), 4 by

    the National Democracy

    Party for Human Rights,

    1 by the Kamman

    National League for

    Democracy, and 1 by the

    Mro or Khami NationalSolidarity Organization


    Kyauktaw (1) was won

    by Dr Tun Aye, ALD.

    Kyauktaw (2) was won

    by U San Tha Aung,
