$22.50 nearly 1,000 styles display===many

: Tomorrow.Tuesday- Is Basement Day! Don't Fail to Visit the Downstairs Store Tomorrow New Fall Dresses In a Special Offering for Basement Day A Group of Charming fs'ew Silk Dresses Arranged for Tomorrow's Selling At $14.85 An unusually comprehensive, assortment.a great diversity of new styles in the wanted new colors. All splendidly made garment? that possess great attractiveness and that are not generally obtainable at such a low price. Materials include Satins, Taffetas, All-wooi Serges. Crepe de Chines and Crepe Meteors. all favorites. ~- Many of the dresses are bead¬ ed.others have the new panel fronts, so very popular. Sizes 16 to 44 included. Tomorrow, Basement Day, at $14.85. 300 New Fall Suits at $22.50 So Many of Them Different, Choosing Will BeDifficult They are made of fine All-wool Serges, Gabardines and Poplins. The coats are trimmed with military braid or plain tailored. All lined throughout with fancy linings. Skirts are plain flare styles, with gathered back. Colors include black, navy, brown and taupe. Basement Day at $22.50. New Fall Silk Skirts New Fall Wool Skirts la sixes 22 to 341 waist band. Fashioned of serges and wool pop¬ lins. Neat tailored effects, with new pockets, wide separate belts and gathered backs button trimmings. /J» ^ A f\ Black, navy and brown ^ Tb«w are made of excellent grade Silk Poplins.plain .flare, gathered back and wide separate girdle; 2 swinging pockets, fin¬ ished with tassel. Sizes 23 to 34. In black, navy and taupe Bargain Basement, $4.49 To $27.50 Fall Coats Qualities Unequaled Anywhere at the Price $22.50 The Saving at This Price -Is Worth While There are All-wool Burella Cloths, Meltons and Heavy Winter Coatings included and some Egyptian Plush Coats. Beautiful models in waist-line styles, with belt in front or all-around belted models; with large collars and deep cuffs of Chase's Beaver Fur. Two slash pockets and large button trimings a^orn the coats. Lined throughout with good warmth-giving linings. Full 48 inches- long. In bla^k. navy, taupe, brown, plum and green. Sizes 16 to 44 years. Special $22.50. Women's Plush Peco Coats at $14.98 & $27.50 Two wonderful lots of garments including at the above prices Salt's Peco Plush, Egyptian Plush and Wide Stripe Corduroy Coats, with large collars and wide bells. 48-inches long. Very remarkable values included. Bargain Basement, Housedresses Very Special Here are two excep¬ tional lots on sale tomor¬ row. Note the values: JV11T Are Extra size Presses >f gingham, in plaids ind checks. Sizes 48 to 52. We donbt if we could duplicate these dresses to sell for less than $3.50. Tomorrow, $2.15. C f /LQ u 1 a r ¦+>>?07 8ijEe8 i. Gins ham. Percale and Chambray Dresses, in checks and stripes; waist line models with all- ronnd belt or plain, loose style. $2 values. Tomorrow, $1.69. Don't Miss This Sale. 100 Dozen Blouses Special at $2.98 Georgettes and Crepe de Chines.a great purchase.beautiful models.some hand- embroidered: large. square or round col¬ lars.pin-tucked or plain fronts and the new turn-back cuffs. Siz^s to 44. Regular $6.50 New Sweaters at $4.98 Exceptional values for Basement Day. of Shetland yarn, with Angora collar. middy styles. In the new color combina¬ tions. Very special. Bargain Basement. A Wonderful Lot of Undermuslins Special, $1.98 Values Are Exceptional Included are Gowns, Envelope Chemise, Step-in Chemise and Pet¬ ticoats.attractively made of fine white and pink nainsook: elab- >rately trimmed with laces and em¬ broidery. Special Table.69c .includes drawers, corset covers, kimonos, ' dressing sacques and other odds nud ends. Values to $1. Basement Day at 69c. New Satin Striped Blouses at $2.98 Of messaline satin.black and navy, with rich stripe color combinations; plain 6tyles with collars that can be worn either high or low. Sizes 36 to 44. New Fall Velvet Hats Values in the lot to $3.50 $2.49 aw $1.98 At $2.49 are W^tnen's and Misses' Tailored and Ready-to-Wear Hats.medium and large shapes, suitable for business, auto or street wear.in black and wanted colors. Very pleasing* styles. At <1.9$ are Ready-to-Wear Velvet Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats.in black and some autumn shades. About J 250 in the lot. They are samples from a leading maker, and 4 offer splendid values. Towels, Table Covers, Ginghams, Muslins, Etc. Marked at Special Prices for Basement Day Thrifty women will reap generous savings if they supply their needs in these goods tomorrow. Bleached Sheeting, 49c Yard 72 Inches wide, good weight and quality; fully bleached. Unbleached Sheeting, 59c Yard 63 inches wide, single-bed width, extra good quality and weight. Unbleached Sheeting, 69c Yard 81 inches wide (double-bed width), splendid weight and quality; easily bleach¬ ed and will give excellent service. Turkish Towels, 79c Each Kxtra good weight, .plondld quality: pretty blue and pink borders, neatly hemmed. 81m S2x42 inchea. Turkish Towels, 49c Each Some are all white, otbera with pretty borders. atlll other, with cluster stripe* in pink; neatly hemmed. Turkish Towels, 19c Each Unbleached quality. 17x36 inches, with fringed ends. A good value at 19c each. Table Covers at 98c Highly mercerized table cov¬ ers, in &6x72-inch sizes; in pret¬ ty all-over bow knot design and neat border. Regular at f1.49, special 98c. \ Apron Ginghams, 21c Yd. In blue and white check only. Good quality and colors are fast. Barilla Baaemeat White Huck Towels, 27c 16x34-inch sise, neat floral borders, with Initial space and nicely hemmed. White Huck Towels, 17c Splendid quality, gnest size, with pretty floral border and initial space; have hem¬ stitched ends. Light Percales, 29c Yard 36 inches wide, in a variety of stripes and figures, in every wanted color. Will make splendid shirts, bungalow aprons, etc. Dress Ginghams, 21c Yard Good quality, 27 inches wide, many pretty plaids and checks in smart coloi combinations; fast colors. Bleached Muslin, 35c Yard 39 inches wide, excellent weight- Unbleached Muslin, 29c Yard The well-known "Sea Island Crackei Jack'* brand; good weight. Table Covers at $1.39 Mercerised table covers, in 62x64-inch size. Have pretty floral center design, neatly hem¬ med and Ironed ready for use. Regular $2.19 value, at 11.39. Only 200 In the lot Half-Linen Crash, 16c Yard IB Inches wide, Rood weight; has been washed. Ready for New Voile Blouses Extra Sizes.48, SO and 52 to Choose From / 15 styles in the collection pin tucked or trim¬ med.with largv collars edged with lace. Very handsome blouse? and unusual qualities at the price. Two 550 Bonds Will Mike a HIR-dred ^ . Boy all the Bonds Yob Can //Ifl THE SHOPPING It is the urgent duty of every good citizen to get fcjCTATV behind the Government right now at the outset and fgVSy help put the Fourth Loan for Liberty way "Over the Top." 11th and C Streets JL.USN5U . Mrs. Barber Is Here Demonstrating Binner Corsets She will be able to givg special advice on the selection of the proper Corset. The new.Fall garment styles reqnire proper corsets to-bring out the grace¬ ful lines. Come in tomorrow and take advantage of this special service. TIM For the Baby and Growing Children NewSilk Petticoats Right From the Makers.On Sale Tuesday 500 Beautiful "Matteawan" Velour Hats for Misses and Women The following arc a brief list of the many warm wearables here for their comfort and to protect their health. Flannelette Nightgowns, 89c.Of white flannelette, with or without collar, draw string or button styles. 6 months to 3 years. Babv's Shirts, 40c.Good weight; have high neck and long sleeves. 'Sizes to 2 ycars^ Babv's Shirts, 40c to $2.00 Each. Priced" according to sizes and quality. All weights in all-wool, half-wool, half-silk or quarter-wool. Petticoats and Gertrudes For children, made long and short. Flannelette, 69c to $1.00 Flannel at $1.00 to $3.00 Shown in the wanted colors to match your new Dress or Suit. Excellently made o't fine quality taffeta, messaline, cr silk- jersey, in every possible shade, also h!ack. This is a new lot specially priced for tomorrow at ?5.98. New Wash Dresses, $2.98 New models in Wajh presses, made of ginjrl-_in. per<-a!e and crepe; one-piece styles with or without waist line; good wash ins colors. All sizes. , The Name "Matteawan" in Velonr Hats Stands for the Utmost in Correct Style and Quality. The most Remarkable Assortment We Have Ever Had, Here in an Extraordinary Display Tomorrow at: t Ready-to-Wear Hats A fm Charming styles adapt- in a variety of smart ^ i 1 I ed for business, street styles and new colors. f J and sport wear. ly&jm Right now thousands of young women war workers are look- |r - *" ing for smart, snappy hats for business &nd street wear. This great purchase was made with the sole idea of presenting an op- portunity to buy the best hats of the kind at the lowest possible A&SSmma price consistent with reliable quality. Here are Sport Hats and Tailored Hats.Hats that the young college miss will be delighted with.Hats that the Patriotic war worker will find just rght and easily within her means.Hats that are right up to the p|wv^9nif|\ minute in style and worn by many of the best dressed women in America | j|r for general utility. Hats for the Red Cross worker. ji| STYLES IN WONDERFUL VARIETY.ROLLED BRIM, STRAIGHT This Hat, $7.95 BRIM, MUSHROOMS, SIDE ROLL EFFECTS, OVERSEAS CAPS, ETC Hat, $7.95 All the wanted colors.black, brown, navy, taupe. Allies, Russian and purple. Exceptional values! Exceptional opportunity! PalaU Royal.Second Floor 239 Bodices and Camisoles A special lot made of satin or crepo de chine, with dainty yokes of various laces and ribbon. In ¦» I\f\ white and pink. Splendid jJ I iHI values, at ^ Drawer Leggins, $1.00 and $1.98. Of all-wool, li\ white and colors. In plain stitch at $1. Llnx stitch at $1.98. Knit Toques, 50c to 91.25. Knit Bonnets, 50c To $1.98. Knit Tama, at $1 to 92.50. Knit SacqneM, $1.50 to $3. Knit Sweaters, $1.08 to $3.98. Long Kimonos, $2.25 to $3.98 New lot of Long Kimonos, made of fleecedown or flannelette, in plain colors or floral effects; ribbon trimmed, empire, Hubbard or waist models. Uniforms, $3.50 and $3.98 Service uniforms worn by nurses en¬ tering Government service; in white, blue and stripes; regulation approved styles, both with or without collars. 300 Pieces of Sample Jewelry at $1 Each Worth Uft to $2.00 Each An exceptional collection of desirable Jewelry, comprising necklaces of pearl be*ds, Oriental effects in long chains set with strange but beautiful stones and many other samples worth to $2 offered at half their usual price. There are 300 pieces from which to choose. Special at $1 each. Hair Combs shell and amber, set with rhine stones and other imitations <Cl 00 of precious stones, Brooches; clever reproductions tf « ftft of Tiffany designs, 2 for «p>»w Gate Tops; opening large, closing flat. Very ornamental, suggesting the nf| making ot a bag. >p>.W Sterling Sliver.few of a Kind, but a great variety, wonderful values $1.00 Solid Gold, small but good Beauty Pins, set of two, and men's solid gold Aft top Cuff Buttons. Palais RoyaK.Street Floor. Palais Royal.Third Floor Splendid Values in Women's Excellent Wearing Quality Good medium weight Silk Hose, in black, white, brown, gray, champagne and suede; super-fashioned. Women's Silk Hose, 98c.Full fash¬ ioned with lisle garter tops, in black, white, gray, taupe, bronze, brown, beaver and cocoa. Women's Lisle Hose, 75c.Full fash¬ ioned in black, white, gray, suede, navy, khaki antl brown. Also good weight fiber silk hose in black, white and a good as¬ sortment of colors. All pcrfect. I'alabi Royal.Street Floor. Nearly 1,000 Sweaters===New Fall and Winter Styles in a Great r2i Display===Many Remarkable Values ^ Shetland Wool Spencers These Spencers are to be worn in the house or on the porch. Shown in many beautiful color combina¬ tions, such as Copenhagen and rose, Nile and blue, rose and white, etc. A very practical garment. Fashioned of all serge or serge and satin combination. There are plain styles new youthful effects, collarless neck, narrow shoulders, snug sleeves, tight fitting bodice and straight line styles with tunic draped or panel. Many are trimmed with flat silk braid, others are embroidered. Sizes for misses and women. N Women's Exclusive Model Dresses, $59 Rich satin de chine. Georgette and combination of materials; also silk" trlcolette. Each model a distinctive style and splendidly tailored. rjj |u Fall Underwear Time Is Here! Palais Royal Assortments Are Ready Never such a display as we are showing now and in the very best qualities and styles. All^good makes.your favorite.at the lowest possible price, Union Suits, 85c Kayser's make, low neck, sleeve¬ less. tight kiiee and umbrella style; hemstitched band and croohet yoke. In white and pink. Extra sizes, 95c. Women's Vests, 95c Merode make fall weight vests, also tights and corset covers in regular sizes. Vests with high neck and long sleeves or Dutch neck and elbo-w sleeves; knee and ankle pants. Extra sizes at $1.25. $1.00 Union Suits 75c Union Suits in V neck, sleeve¬ less, tight knee and umbrella style; shell finish. The popular 3-piece suit in regular and extra sizes. All perfect. Palais Royal.Street Floor. Union Suits, $1.50 Carter's make, with high neck and long sleeves, Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, in knee and ankle lengths. Extra sizes, $1.75. Union Suits $1.50 to $2.25 Merode make, of cotton,* with high neck and long sleeves and Dutch neck and elbow sleeves; knee and ankle lengths, low neck and sleeveless models with tail¬ ored band. In regular and extra sizes. 50c Vests at 39c Women's low neck sleeveless vests, with tailored band and cro¬ chet edge, also in bodice style, in white and pink. Regular and extra sizes. Here are Two Remarkable Valne-Giving Lots of Plush Coats, $29.50 & $35 Sizes and Styles for Misses and Women! All New! Choosing will be the most difficult thing about buying a Coat from these two lots, the styles are so extremely handsome and the values so unusual at the prices. Handsome Coats of Salt's Peco Plush, with deep self-collar, which is convertible; belted all around; self cuffs; full sweep. Shown in a full range of sizes 16 to 46. Later coats of this quality will sell at $35. Specially priced tomor- $29.50 row at Excellent Assortment of Coats, fashioned of Salt's Peco Plush; cut full, with wide sweep; deep cuffs; belted all around; finished v with large convertible collar of gray coney fur. All sizes to 46. Worth $4J.50. Exceptional $35.00 value at Women's High Class Fall Coats, at $85 Rich, luxurious garments of the best materials.Coats* of soft, warm wool velours, silvertones, bolivias and crystal cloths. Man- tailored throughout and fully silk-lined with dependable silks, also warmly interlined. Beautiful fur collars of Hudson seal, nutria and natural raccoon. Many full belted styles, others half belted and espe¬ cially designed for full figures. Paints Royal.Third Floor. Linens and Damasks As Every Housewife Knows Have Advanced Tremendously in Price.But Very Fortunately Our early cash buying enabled us to secure generous quantities that are now offered at decidedly moderate prices. For instance: Pattern Cloths of all pure linen bleached damask, 70x70 inches; heavy quality, in good de- $4 50 signs. Each, Table Napkins of all pure linen damask, 22-inch size; unusual jg values at, dozen, - Bureau Scarfs, nurses' cloth centers, trimmed with filet $1.25 lace, 18x54 inches. Kach. Table Damask, heavy quality, highly mercerized, bleached, in linen patterns; 70 inches an- wide. Yard, Tea Napkins, 15-inch size, mer¬ cerized, hemstitched and of a fine close weave; linen finish. $2.75 Dozen, Tea Napkins of al! pure linen, hemstitched ;. 15-inch size; made o* good grade linen. $5 Dozen, Breakfast cr Tea Napkins, 18- inch size, of all pure linen; very scarce and at a lew price com¬ pared with today's market price. Dozen, Palais Royal.Second Floor. 1,200 Men's Shirts All Fresh New Stock.Many Worth More Than $L50 Special $1.10 An extra special assortment of good quality shirts, well made, of madras, rep, percale and mercerized weaves. This special lot of shirts was contracted for nearly a year ago, but delivered only last week. In New Colors and Patterns Every Shirt Perfectly Made and Finished Thete are from well known and reliable manufacturers.they were made according *t© our specifications. Therefore yon are assured of obtaining the best at the lowest price. Not a shirt worth less than $1*0. Special at $1.10. Hes*i Shsy Street Floor. Men's New Underwear $2.00 Union Suits at $1.15 $1.50 Shirts and Drawers, Each 80c About 700 pieces of Men's Fall and Winter Weight Underwear. Included are-union suits of ribbed balbriggan, long sleeves and ankle lengths, closed crotch and perfect fitting. Also shirts and drawers of the same quality in long sleeves and ankle lengths. Regular $2.00 value union suits, at $1.15; $1.50 value shirts and drawers, each 80c. $7 Blanket Robes, $5.95 Heavy-weight Blanket Kobes, Men's Ribbed Underwear $1 Garment Heavy-weight ribbed shirts, with long sleeves, also drawers in ankle length. All sizes to choose from. Special at $1 garment. richly brocaded patterns in medium and dark colors; small and medium sizes. Kegular $7 value. Special at $5.9 S. Men's Shop.Street Floor. THE MOST RELIABLE COUCH BED Enjglander One-motion Folding? Coach Bed, with 30-lb. soft cotton mattress; covered in g?reen denim; % size bed; $27.25. Enplander Coach Bed. covered in brown and art denim/ with fine soft mattress; has link spring; 4 ft. 2 in. wide; $25.50. En^lander Level-look Conch Bod, fitted with a soft cotton mattress and sagless link spring:, at $21*75. Fnjtrlander One-motion Folding Coach B"d, with 35-lb. all white cotton mattress and best guaranteed link spring, finished in gray enamel; $30.50. Dressing Tables at Reduced Prices Quartered Oak Dressing Table; colonial style; has triplicate mirrors, one large drawer, wood pulls. Reg¬ ularly $50.00. For $40.00. Quartered Oak Dmnlnc Tables plain design, with large bevel glass; ne large drawer with wood pulls, egularly $38.00. For 928.00. American Walnut Dressing Table: poster colonial style: has triplicate glasses, two drawers, with wood pulls. Regularly $CO.OO. For 930.00. Axnericuu Walnut Urrsilns Tahlej has triplicate mirrors; colonial style, with one Iiuge drawer. Regularly $50.00. For I'nlaU Royal.Fourth Floor. Beeaiiiaimi

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: Tomorrow.Tuesday-Is Basement Day!

Don't Fail to Visit the Downstairs Store Tomorrow

New Fall DressesIn a Special Offeringfor Basement Day

A Group of Charming fs'ewSilk Dresses Arranged for

Tomorrow's Selling

At $14.85An unusually comprehensive,

assortment.a great diversityof new styles in the wantednew colors. All splendidlymade garment? that possessgreat attractiveness and thatare not generally obtainableat such a low price.

Materials include Satins,Taffetas, All-wooi Serges. Crepede Chines and Crepe Meteors.all favorites. ~-

Many of the dresses are bead¬ed.others have the new panelfronts, so very popular. Sizes

16 to 44 included. Tomorrow, Basement Day, at $14.85.

300 New Fall Suits at $22.50SoMany of Them Different, Choosing Will BeDifficult

They are made of fine All-wool Serges, Gabardines and Poplins.The coats are trimmed with military braid or plain tailored.All lined throughout with fancy linings. Skirts are plain flarestyles, with gathered back. Colors include black, navy, brown andtaupe. Basement Day at $22.50.

New Fall Silk SkirtsNew Fall Wool Skirtsla sixes 22 to 341 waist band.

Fashioned of serges and wool pop¬lins. Neat tailored effects, withnew pockets, wide separate beltsand gathered backsbutton trimmings. /J» ^ A f\Black, navy andbrown ^

Tb«w are made of excellentgrade Silk Poplins.plain .flare,gathered back and wide separategirdle; 2 swinging pockets, fin¬ished with tassel.Sizes 23 to 34. Inblack, navy andtaupe

Bargain Basement,$4.49

To $27.50 Fall CoatsQualities UnequaledAnywhere at the

Price $22.50 The Saving at ThisPrice -Is Worth

WhileThere are All-wool Burella Cloths, Meltons and Heavy Winter

Coatings included and some Egyptian Plush Coats. Beautiful modelsin waist-line styles, with belt in front or all-around belted models; withlarge collars and deep cuffs of Chase's Beaver Fur. Two slash pocketsand large button trimings a^orn the coats. Lined throughout withgood warmth-giving linings. Full 48 inches- long. In bla^k. navy,taupe, brown, plum and green. Sizes 16 to 44 years. Special $22.50.

Women's Plush Peco Coats at $14.98 & $27.50Two wonderful lots of garments including at the above prices

Salt's Peco Plush, Egyptian Plush and Wide Stripe Corduroy Coats,with large collars and wide bells. 48-inches long. Very remarkablevalues included. Bargain Basement,

HousedressesVery SpecialHere are

two excep¬tional lots onsale tomor¬row. Note thevalues:

JV11T Are Extrasize Presses

>f gingham, in plaidsind checks. Sizes 48to 52. We donbt ifwe could duplicatethese dresses to sellfor less than $3.50.Tomorrow, $2.15.

C f /LQ u 1 a r¦+>>?07 8ijEe8 i.Gins ham. Percaleand ChambrayDresses, in checksand stripes; waistline models with all-ronnd belt or plain,loose style. $2 values.Tomorrow, $1.69.

Don't Miss This Sale.

100 Dozen BlousesSpecial at $2.98

Georgettes and Crepe de Chines.a greatpurchase.beautiful models.some hand-embroidered: large. square or round col¬lars.pin-tucked or plain fronts and thenew turn-back cuffs. Siz^s to 44.

Regular $6.50 NewSweaters at $4.98

Exceptional values for Basement Day.of Shetland yarn, with Angora collar.middy styles. In the new color combina¬tions. Very special.

Bargain Basement.

A Wonderful Lot of

UndermuslinsSpecial, $1.98

Values Are ExceptionalIncluded are Gowns, Envelope

Chemise, Step-in Chemise and Pet¬ticoats.attractively made of finewhite and pink nainsook: elab->rately trimmed with laces and em¬broidery.

Special Table.69c.includes drawers, corset covers, kimonos,

' dressing sacques and other odds nud ends.Values to $1. Basement Day at 69c.

New Satin StripedBlouses at $2.98

Of messaline satin.black and navy,with rich stripe color combinations; plain6tyles with collars that can be worneither high or low. Sizes 36 to 44.

New Fall Velvet HatsValues inthe lotto $3.50 $2.49 aw $1.98At $2.49 are W^tnen's and Misses' Tailored and

Ready-to-Wear Hats.medium and large shapes,suitable for business, auto or street wear.in black

and wanted colors. Very pleasing* styles.At <1.9$ are Ready-to-Wear Velvet Hats, Trimmed and

Untrimmed Hats.in black and some autumn shades. AboutJ 250 in the lot. They are samples from a leading maker, and4 offer splendid values.

Towels, Table Covers,Ginghams, Muslins, Etc.Marked at Special Prices for Basement DayThrifty women will reap generous savings if they supply their

needs in these goods tomorrow.

Bleached Sheeting,49c Yard

72 Inches wide, good weight and quality;fully bleached.

Unbleached Sheeting,59c Yard

63 inches wide, single-bed width, extragood quality and weight.Unbleached Sheeting,

69c Yard81 inches wide (double-bed width),

splendid weight and quality; easily bleach¬ed and will give excellent service.

Turkish Towels, 79c EachKxtra good weight, .plondld quality:

pretty blue and pink borders, neatlyhemmed. 81m S2x42 inchea.

Turkish Towels, 49c EachSome are all white, otbera with pretty

borders. atlll other, with cluster stripe* inpink; neatly hemmed.

Turkish Towels, 19c EachUnbleached quality. 17x36 inches, with

fringed ends. A good value at 19c each.

Table Covers at 98cHighly mercerized table cov¬

ers, in &6x72-inch sizes; in pret¬ty all-over bow knot design andneat border. Regular at f1.49,special 98c. \

Apron Ginghams, 21c Yd.In blue and white check only.

Good quality and colors are fast.Barilla Baaemeat

White Huck Towels, 27c16x34-inch sise, neat floral borders, with

Initial space and nicely hemmed.

White Huck Towels, 17cSplendid quality, gnest size, with pretty

floral border and initial space; have hem¬stitched ends.

Light Percales, 29c Yard36 inches wide, in a variety of stripes

and figures, in every wanted color. Willmake splendid shirts, bungalow aprons, etc.

Dress Ginghams,21c Yard

Good quality, 27 inches wide, manypretty plaids and checks in smart coloicombinations; fast colors.

Bleached Muslin,35c Yard

39 inches wide, excellent weight-

Unbleached Muslin,29c Yard

The well-known "Sea Island CrackeiJack'* brand; good weight.

Table Covers at $1.39Mercerised table covers, in

62x64-inch size. Have prettyfloral center design, neatly hem¬med and Ironed ready for use.Regular $2.19 value, at 11.39.Only 200 In the lot

Half-Linen Crash,16c Yard

IB Inches wide, Rood weight; hasbeen washed. Ready for

New Voile BlousesExtra Sizes.48, SO and

52 to Choose From /

15 styles in thecollection pintucked or trim¬med.with largvcollars edgedwith lace. Veryhandsome blouse?and unusualqualities at theprice.

Two550 BondsWill Mike a HIR-dred ^. Boy all the Bonds Yob Can //Ifl


It is the urgent duty of every good citizen to get fcjCTATVbehind the Government right now at the outset and fgVSyhelp put the Fourth Loan for Liberty way "Overthe Top."

11th and C Streets JL.USN5U

. Mrs. Barber Is Here DemonstratingBinner Corsets

She will be able to givg special advice on theselection of the proper Corset. The new.Fall garmentstyles reqnire proper corsets to-bring out the grace¬ful lines. Come in tomorrow and take advantage ofthis special service. TIM

For the Baby andGrowing Children

NewSilk PetticoatsRight From the Makers.On Sale Tuesday500 Beautiful "Matteawan" Velour

Hats for Misses and WomenThe following arc a brief list of the

many warm wearables here for theircomfort and to protect their health.Flannelette Nightgowns, 89c.Of white

flannelette, with or without collar, drawstring or button styles. 6 months to 3years.Babv's Shirts, 40c.Good weight; have

high neck and long sleeves. 'Sizes to 2ycars^Babv's Shirts, 40c to $2.00 Each.

Priced" according to sizes and quality. Allweights in all-wool, half-wool, half-silkor quarter-wool.

Petticoats and GertrudesFor children, made long and short.

Flannelette, 69c to $1.00Flannel at $1.00 to $3.00

Shown in the wanted colors to matchyour new Dress or Suit. Excellentlymade o't fine quality taffeta, messaline,cr silk- jersey, in every possible shade,also h!ack. This is a new lot speciallypriced for tomorrow at ?5.98.New Wash Dresses, $2.98

New models in Wajh presses, made ofginjrl-_in. per<-a!e and crepe; one-piecestyles with or without waist line; goodwash ins colors. All sizes. ,

The Name "Matteawan" in Velonr Hats Stands for the Utmost in Correct Style and Quality. Themost Remarkable Assortment We Have Ever Had, Here in an Extraordinary Display Tomorrow at:

tReady-to-Wear Hats A fm Charming styles adapt-in a variety of smart ^ i 1 I ed for business, streetstyles and new colors. f J and sport wear.ly&jm

Right now thousands of young women war workers are look- |r -*"

ing for smart, snappy hats for business &nd street wear. Thisgreat purchase was made with the sole idea of presenting an op-portunity to buy the best hats of the kind at the lowest possible A&SSmmaprice consistent with reliable quality.

Here are Sport Hats and Tailored Hats.Hats that the young collegemiss will be delighted with.Hats that the Patriotic war worker will findjust rght and easily within her means.Hats that are right up to the p|wv^9nif|\minute in style and worn by many of the best dressed women in America | j|rfor general utility. Hats for the Red Cross worker. ji|STYLES IN WONDERFUL VARIETY.ROLLED BRIM, STRAIGHT This

Hat, $7.95 BRIM, MUSHROOMS, SIDE ROLL EFFECTS, OVERSEAS CAPS, ETC Hat, $7.95All the wanted colors.black, brown, navy, taupe. Allies, Russian and

purple. Exceptional values! Exceptional opportunity!PalaU Royal.Second Floor 239

Bodices and CamisolesA special lot made of satin or crepo

de chine, with dainty yokes of variouslaces and ribbon. In ¦» I\f\white and pink. Splendid jJ I iHIvalues, at ^

Drawer Leggins, $1.00 and $1.98.Of all-wool, li\ white and colors. Inplain stitch at $1. Llnx stitch at $1.98.Knit Toques, 50c to 91.25.Knit Bonnets, 50c To $1.98.Knit Tama, at $1 to 92.50.Knit SacqneM, $1.50 to $3.Knit Sweaters, $1.08 to $3.98.

Long Kimonos, $2.25 to $3.98New lot of Long Kimonos, made of

fleecedown or flannelette, in plain colorsor floral effects; ribbon trimmed, empire,Hubbard or waist models.

Uniforms, $3.50 and $3.98Service uniforms worn by nurses en¬

tering Government service; in white,blue and stripes; regulation approvedstyles, both with or without collars.

300 Pieces of SampleJewelry at $1 EachWorth Uft to $2.00 Each

An exceptional collection of desirableJewelry, comprising necklaces of pearlbe*ds, Oriental effects in long chains setwith strange but beautiful stones andmany other samples worth to $2 offered athalf their usual price. There are 300 piecesfrom which to choose. Special at $1 each.Hair Combs shell and amber, set with

rhine stones and other imitations <Cl 00of precious stones,Brooches; clever reproductions tf « ftft

of Tiffany designs, 2 for «p>»wGate Tops; opening large, closing flat.

Very ornamental, suggesting the nf|making ot a bag. >p>.W

Sterling Sliver.few of a Kind, but a

great variety, wonderful values $1.00Solid Gold, small but good Beauty Pins,

set of two, and men's solid gold Afttop Cuff Buttons.

Palais RoyaK.Street Floor.

Palais Royal.Third Floor

Splendid Values in Women's

Excellent Wearing QualityGood medium weight Silk Hose, in

black, white, brown, gray, champagneand suede; super-fashioned.Women's Silk Hose, 98c.Full fash¬

ioned with lisle garter tops, in black,white, gray, taupe, bronze, brown, beaverand cocoa.Women's Lisle Hose, 75c.Full fash¬

ioned in black, white, gray, suede, navy,khaki antl brown. Also good weight fibersilk hose in black, white and a good as¬sortment of colors. All pcrfect.

I'alabi Royal.Street Floor.

Nearly 1,000 Sweaters===New Fall and Winter Styles in a Greatr2i Display===Many Remarkable Values ^

Shetland Wool SpencersThese Spencers are to be worn in

the house or on the porch. Shownin many beautiful color combina¬tions, such as Copenhagen and rose,Nile and blue, rose and white, etc.A very practical garment.

Fashioned of all serge or serge and satin combination. There are plainstyles new youthful effects, collarless neck, narrow shoulders, snug sleeves,tight fitting bodice and straight line styles with tunic draped or panel. Manyare trimmed with flat silk braid, others are embroidered. Sizes for misses andwomen. N

Women's Exclusive Model Dresses, $59Rich satin de chine. Georgette and combination of materials; also silk"

trlcolette. Each model a distinctive style and splendidly tailored.

rjj |u

Fall Underwear TimeIs Here! Palais Royal Assortments Are ReadyNever such a display as we are showing now and in the very best

qualities and styles. All^good makes.your favorite.at the lowestpossible price,

Union Suits, 85cKayser's make, low neck, sleeve¬

less. tight kiiee and umbrella style;hemstitched band and croohetyoke. In white and pink. Extrasizes, 95c.

Women's Vests, 95cMerode make fall weight vests,

also tights and corset covers inregular sizes. Vests with highneck and long sleeves or Dutchneck and elbo-w sleeves; knee andankle pants. Extra sizes at $1.25.

$1.00 Union Suits 75cUnion Suits in V neck, sleeve¬

less, tight knee and umbrella style;shell finish. The popular 3-piecesuit in regular and extra sizes.All perfect.

Palais Royal.Street Floor.

Union Suits, $1.50Carter's make, with high neck

and long sleeves, Dutch neck andelbow sleeves, in knee and anklelengths. Extra sizes, $1.75.

Union Suits$1.50 to $2.25

Merode make, of cotton,* withhigh neck and long sleeves andDutch neck and elbow sleeves;knee and ankle lengths, low neckand sleeveless models with tail¬ored band. In regular and extrasizes.

50c Vests at 39cWomen's low neck sleeveless

vests, with tailored band and cro¬chet edge, also in bodice style, inwhite and pink. Regular andextra sizes.

Here are Two Remarkable Valne-Giving Lots of

Plush Coats, $29.50 & $35Sizes and Styles for Misses and Women! All New!

Choosing will be the most difficult thing about buying a Coat fromthese two lots, the styles are so extremely handsome and the valuesso unusual at the prices.Handsome Coats of Salt's Peco

Plush, with deep self-collar, whichis convertible; belted all around; selfcuffs; full sweep. Shown in a fullrange of sizes 16 to 46. Later coatsof this quality will sell at$35. Specially priced tomor- $29.50row at

Excellent Assortment of Coats,fashioned of Salt's Peco Plush; cutfull, with wide sweep; deep cuffs;belted all around; finished v withlarge convertible collar of grayconey fur. All sizes to 46.Worth $4J.50. Exceptional $35.00value at

Women's High Class Fall Coats, at $85Rich, luxurious garments of the best materials.Coats* of soft,

warm wool velours, silvertones, bolivias and crystal cloths. Man-tailored throughout and fully silk-lined with dependable silks, alsowarmly interlined. Beautiful fur collars of Hudson seal, nutria andnatural raccoon. Many full belted styles, others half belted and espe¬cially designed for full figures. Paints Royal.Third Floor.

Linens and DamasksAs Every Housewife Knows Have AdvancedTremendously in Price.But Very Fortunately

Our early cash buying enabled us to secure generous quantitiesthat are now offered at decidedly moderate prices. For instance:Pattern Cloths of all pure linen

bleached damask, 70x70 inches;heavy quality, in good de- $4 50signs. Each,

Table Napkins of all pure linendamask, 22-inch size; unusual jgvalues at, dozen,

- Bureau Scarfs, nurses' clothcenters, trimmed with filet $1.25lace, 18x54 inches. Kach.

Table Damask, heavy quality,highly mercerized, bleached, inlinen patterns; 70 inches an-wide. Yard,

Tea Napkins, 15-inch size, mer¬cerized, hemstitched and of a fineclose weave; linen finish. $2.75Dozen,

Tea Napkins of al! pure linen,hemstitched ;. 15-inch size; made o*good grade linen. $5Dozen,

Breakfast cr Tea Napkins, 18-inch size, of all pure linen; veryscarce and at a lew price com¬pared with today's marketprice. Dozen,

Palais Royal.Second Floor.

1,200 Men's ShirtsAll Fresh New Stock.ManyWorth More Than $L50

Special $1.10An extra special assortment of

good quality shirts, well made, ofmadras, rep, percale and mercerizedweaves. This special lot of shirtswas contracted for nearly a yearago, but delivered only last week.

In New Colors and PatternsEvery Shirt Perfectly Made and

FinishedThete are from well known and reliable

manufacturers.they were made according *t©our specifications. Therefore yon are assuredof obtaining the best at the lowest price.Not a shirt worth less than $1*0. Specialat $1.10. Hes*i Shsy Street Floor.

Men's New Underwear$2.00 Union Suits at $1.15

$1.50 Shirts and Drawers, Each 80cAbout 700 pieces of Men's Fall and Winter Weight Underwear.

Included are-union suits of ribbed balbriggan, long sleeves and anklelengths, closed crotch and perfect fitting. Also shirts and drawersof the same quality in long sleeves and ankle lengths. Regular $2.00value union suits, at $1.15; $1.50 value shirts and drawers, each 80c.

$7 Blanket Robes, $5.95Heavy-weight Blanket Kobes,

Men's Ribbed Underwear$1 Garment

Heavy-weight ribbed shirts, withlong sleeves, also drawers in anklelength. All sizes to choose from.Special at $1 garment.

richly brocaded patterns in mediumand dark colors; small and mediumsizes. Kegular $7 value. Specialat $5.9 S.

Men's Shop.Street Floor.

THE MOST RELIABLE COUCH BEDEnjglander One-motion Folding?

Coach Bed, with 30-lb. soft cottonmattress; covered in g?reen denim;% size bed; $27.25.Enplander Coach Bed. covered in

brown and art denim/ with fine softmattress; has link spring; 4 ft. 2 in.wide; $25.50.

En^lander Level-look Conch Bod,fitted with a soft cotton mattressand sagless link spring:, at $21*75.

Fnjtrlander One-motion FoldingCoach B"d, with 35-lb. all whitecotton mattress and best guaranteedlink spring, finished in gray enamel;$30.50.

Dressing Tables at Reduced PricesQuartered Oak Dressing Table;

colonial style; has triplicate mirrors,one large drawer, wood pulls. Reg¬ularly $50.00. For $40.00.Quartered Oak Dmnlnc Tables

plain design, with large bevel glass;ne large drawer with wood pulls,egularly $38.00. For 928.00.

American Walnut Dressing Table:poster colonial style: has triplicateglasses, two drawers, with woodpulls. Regularly $CO.OO. For 930.00.Axnericuu Walnut Urrsilns Tahlej

has triplicate mirrors; colonial style,with one Iiuge drawer. Regularly$50.00. For

I'nlaU Royal.Fourth Floor.
