22 home remedies for ticks

22 Home Remedies for Ticks December 10, 2013 by What are Ticks? Ticks are the tiny parasites, which looks like a spider. They are a part of the arachnid family. They are actually arthropods, which are neither spiders nor insects. They attach themselves to the body of human or animal and sucks blood. They are usually present in fur of various animals, especially dogs and cats. These tiny parasites are mostly active during warm weather, like summers or spring. Who are attacked with ticks? People, who work in zoos, or maintain farm, or travel to some exotic location, are attacked with ticks. Animals, like cats and dogs, can also be attacked with ticks. Most ticks are not harmful and do not cause any diseases. Symptoms Tick bite is usually painless. It remains painless even after the bite. But, several problems arise when tick falls off after feeding blood. The signs and symptoms are: Itching Redness Burning Localized intense pain Rashes Shortness of breath Numbness Swelling Weakness Vomiting Fever Headache

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For Pet Treatment


Page 1: 22 Home Remedies for Ticks

22 Home Remedies for Ticks December 10, 2013 by

What are Ticks?

Ticks are the tiny parasites, which looks like a spider. They are a part of the arachnid family. They are actually arthropods, which are neither spiders nor insects. They attach themselves to the body of human or animal and sucks blood. They are usually present in fur of various animals, especially dogs and cats. These tiny parasites are mostly active during warm weather, like summers or spring.

Who are attacked with ticks?

People, who work in zoos, or maintain farm, or travel to some exotic location, are attacked with ticks. Animals, like cats and dogs, can also be attacked with ticks. Most ticks are not harmful and do not cause any diseases.


Tick bite is usually painless. It remains painless even after the bite. But, several problems arise when tick falls off after feeding blood. The signs and symptoms are:

Itching Redness Burning Localized intense pain Rashes Shortness of breath Numbness Swelling Weakness Vomiting Fever Headache Joint pain

Home Remedies for Ticks

It becomes very upsetting, when our lovable pets are attacked with ticks and fleas. Various lotions and creams are available in the market to get rid of ticks. But, they might not be as effective as home remedies.

1. Aromatherapy Oil

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Aromatherapy oils, like basil, lemon, cinnamon, cedar, lavender, and pennyroyal are the natural repellent for ticks. For removing ticks, prepare a mixture of any three oils. Mix one drop each of the three oils chosen and pure almond oil. Stir it well, and soak a cloth in it. Wrap this cloth on your pet. This remedy also helps in removing ticks from human skin. Just apply it on the skin.

2. Citrus

Citrus is abundantly found in oranges and lemon. All you need to do is to prepare natural repellent oil from these citrus fruits. Take out peels of lemon or orange and boil them. Let it cool down naturally. Apply it on the affected area of pets.

Note- This remedy is not suitable for cats as they do not like citrus fragrances.

You can also add juice of lemon or orange in a cup of water. Allow it to boil for some time. In the solution, add 5-15 drops of lemongrass oil. Shake it well and let it cool down. Apply it gently on the affected area.

3. Rose Geranium Essential Oil

One of the most popular tick repellents is rose geranium essential oil. Add 20 drops of rose geranium essential oil in three tablespoons of almond oil. Mix it well and apply a few drops on your pet’s fur, especially around the collar.

Note- This remedy should be used only on dogs.

4. Combs

Combs are the cheapest and easiest remedy against ticks. Whenever you return from a morning walk, do not forget to comb your pet. Combing once in a day helps in removing ticks, crawling on pet’s fur. Combs will surely sweep off ticks and prevent irritation.

5. Neem Oil

Neem oil is the most common oil, preferred for removing ticks from pet. The anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties of neem oil are meant to fight against harmful ticks. All you are required to do is to pour a few drops of neem oil on your palm and gently rub it on the affected region.

Dogs with sensitive skin can also be treated with neem oil by diluting it. For diluting, you have to mix neem oil with any light carrier oil, like jojoba or almond oil. Pour a little quantity of mixed oil on palm and rub it gently on pet, covering the affected area.

You can also prepare a spray with the help of organic neem oil. You have to mix ½ ounce of organic neem oil with ½ or ¼ ounce of mild detergent or soap. Stir it well and add this solution to two cups of water. If you want a stronger solution, mix 2 ml soap with two cups of water. Then, add 5 ml neem oil to it. Fill it in a spray bottle and use it immediately.

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Neem oil is also helpful in removing ticks from human. Just apply a few drops of neem oil gently on the skin, especially covering the affected area.

Note- Use the spray immediately as it can last maximum for 8 hours. Neem oil is not suitable for cats.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar or ACV can be a beneficial remedy for removing ticks. You just have to prepare a spray with the help of apple cider vinegar. Pour 8 ounce of apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Add 4 ounce of warm water in it. Stir it well adding half teaspoon each of salt and baking soda. Fill the solution in a spray bottle and shake it well before use.

You can also use apple cider vinegar with lavender oil for removing ticks. Mix 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar in one cup of water. Add 15 drops of lavender oil in it. Mix it well and apply it on your pet’s fur.

It can also be used with neem oil. Take 500 ml water and add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to it. Stir the mixture well adding two tablespoons of neem oil. Apply this solution on dogs to kill ticks. You can also spray this mixture on curtains, walls, and carpets.

7. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural tick repellent. Instead of using alcohol on pet, use witch hazel. Just mix witch hazel and lemon eucalyptus oil in 10:1 ratio, stir the solution well and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it on your pet to kill ticks.

You can also prepare a spray by pouring 8 ounce of distilled water in a bottle. Add half teaspoon of vegetable glycerin and 30-40 drops of essential oil in it. Add enough witch hazel to fill the bottle. Shake it well and use to kill ticks and fleas or bugs, present in bed, curtains, mattress, etc.

8. Lemon Juice

The citrus acid, present in lemon, helps in removing ticks naturally. You just have to use a fresh lemon against ticks. Squeeze out some fresh lemon juice directly on ticks or affected area of pet.

You can also prepare a spray with ingredients, like lemon juice, peppermint oil, and citrus oil. Mix all the substances equally and spray it on required places.

You can also prepare a disinfectant solution for bathing your pet, with the help of lemon juice. Squeeze out the juice of lemon in a cup of water. Also add peels and pulp in the water. Put it on simmer for a few hours. Pour this solution in regular bath water.

You can slice a lemon and put it in a bowl of boiling water. Leave it overnight. Dip a sponge in the solution and apply it on troubling area of your pet.

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9. Cedar Oil Spray

To get rid of ticks, use a cedar oil spray. Cedar oil acts as a repellent to harmful ticks. Use cedar oil spray, once in a day. Apply it directly on pet’s face, collar, and tummy area. This will surely drag out ticks from pet’s fur.

10. Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oils are rich in sulphur, which acts as a natural repellent for ticks. You have to mix two teaspoons of vegetable oil with 10 drops of peppermint essential oil. Add one teaspoon of dish washing liquid. Stir the mixture well. Apply it on pet’s body. Do not apply near eyes, ears, or mouth. For best results, practise this method once a week.

11. Vaseline

It is very simple to use Vaseline for removing ticks. Just take some Vaseline in your palm and rub it gently on pet’s fur, covering the infected area. Vaseline suffocates the ticks, and they will get die. After applying Vaseline, comb pet’s fur. This method will remove ticks easily.

12. Garlic

Garlic is a strong repellent for ticks. Garlic should be consumed in sufficient amount. When it comes to dogs, they cannot intake raw garlic. Garlic is more toxic than onions and can cause anaemia or damage red blood cells in dogs. Dogs should be served with food and soups, containing garlic.

You can also use garlic powder in place of raw garlic. Simply add 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder per pound of regular dog food.

13. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural remedy for removing ticks from pet’s body. To use baking soda against ticks, you need to mix half teaspoon each of baking soda and salt. Add this dry mixture to four ounces of apple cider vinegar. Pour this mixture in a spray bottle, filled with 4 ounce of warm water. Spray it on pets.

Note: While spraying it, ensure that it does not reach the pet’s eyes.

You can also make a paste by adding little quantity of water in two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply it directly on problematic area.

14. Permethrin

Permethrin is a toxic substance, used to kill ticks. Simply spray it on curtains, clothes, and mattresses. Ticks get killed when they come in contact with Permethrin. There are various Permethrin formulations, which are registered for use on dogs and cats.

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You can also dip a sponge in Permethrin-10 solution. Rub it gently on pet’s body to kill ticks. The Permethrin solution lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Alternatively, make a spray out of Permethrin. Just mix 2 ounce of Permethrin solution with 1 ounce of citronella. Also add a few drops of rosemary oil and four ounces of apple cider vinegar. Stir it well and fill it in a spray bottle. Shake it well before use.

15. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is very effective against ticks. To prepare eucalyptus spray, you have to boil 15-20 leaves of eucalyptus in approximately 1 litre water. Let it boil for 10 minutes. After boiling, let it cool down at room temperature. Strain the solution in a spray bottle. Use the solution to kill ticks.

You can also make spray by using eucalyptus oil. You are required to fill a spray bottle with 4 ounces of distilled water. Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil in it. Shake it well before use.

16. Liquid Dish Detergent

Liquid dish detergent is beneficial in killing ticks. All you have to do is to pour some liquid dish detergent in a bowl. With the help of a cotton ball, apply it on pet’s body, covering the infected area.

Note- Liquid dish detergent is not suitable for pets, allergic to soap.

17. Orange

Orange is rich in citric acid, which helps in removing ticks. Squeeze out some juice from 1-2 oranges. Apply it on pet’s body with the help of a cotton ball.

You can also apply some orange oil on the affected area. It is also a natural tick repellent.

18. Clove

The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of clove help in killing ticks. It has been used for removing ticks and fleas from pets. Pour some clove oil on palm and rub it gently on pet’s fur.

A spray can also be prepared with the help of some peppermint oil, clove extracts and water.

19. Tea Tree Oil

The medicinal properties of tea tree oil help in killing ticks from pets. Tea tree oil can be used in different ways to kill ticks. Add a few drops of tea tree oil in regular shampoo of your pet.

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You can add a few drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle, filled with water, and spray it directly on pet’s body. Else, put a few drops of tea tree oil directly on the infected area with the help of a dropper. Now, remove ticks with the help of tweezers.

Note: The natural tea tree oil can cause irritation if applied directly.

20. Mouthwash

Mouthwash can also be a home remedy to pull out ticks and fleas. This sounds interesting. Pour some mouthwash on a tissue paper or a cotton ball and place it on the infected area. You will experience positive results. It is a proven remedy.

21. Turpentine or Gasoline

Alcohol fuels, like gasoline, are also effective against ticks. You have to pour two tablespoons of gasoline in a container. Now, dip a cotton ball in it and place it on tick. Let it rest for 3 minutes. With this, ticks will get suffocated and can be easily removed with the help of tweezers.

22. Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon oil is very useful in getting rid from ticks. All you are required to do is to apply some cinnamon oil directly on the affected area. Cinnamon oil works as a natural repellent against ticks and fleas.

You can also add 80 drops of cinnamon oil in one ounce of water. Fill the solution in a hose sprayer. Gently spray it in the lawn. This will work against ticks.

Cinnamon oil acts as a protecting shield against ticks on human skin. Just rub cinnamon oil on your skin.

Preventive Measures

Ticks are the type of insects, which remain active in warm weather. It is actually difficult to keep them out of our home as well as from our pets. There are umpteen home remedies to get rid of ticks, but what if we can take preventive measures to stop their contact with pets and household materials? Just go through these preventive measures for ticks:

Spray ticks and flea repellent regularly on pets and on household materials, like mattresses, curtains, etc.

Keep your pets in smooth surface areas. Clean your home with a vacuum cleaner. Use hot water to wash blankets, linen, and cushion covers. Sanitize corner areas in house, properly. Spray pesticide in home. Make your pets wear flea collar. Shampoo your pet regularly.

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Remove ticks safely with tweezers. Avoid pet to approach bushy or wooded areas. Mow your lawn regularly. Remove all the litter, including fallen leaves and weeds from the lawn.

6 Ways to Naturally Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas on DogsI share my life with many four-legged friends, owning 2 dogs and fostering at least 2 others at any given time. My canine companions make up a huge part of my life so, naturally, I want to care for them…naturally. Like human medications popular dog medications, such as flea and tick preventatives, are full of strange chemicals that could have potentially harmful side effects. If you have little ones running around the house, you don’t want them getting into the medication or touching the dog after it’s applied. Since I foster and have rescues coming in from all kinds of places, I have to be up on the flea care year round. Instead of constantly applying synthetic repellents, there are natural substitutes I can turn to that can help keep the little beasties at bay.

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Why the ingredients: The essential oils/ingredients used here are all natural insecticide/pesticides, shown to either kill or deter the pests due to their various compounds/naturally occurring chemicals. Indeed, many of them are found in commercial flea/tick preventative.

1. Flea collar

A flea collar is a great way to ward off fleas without always having to reapply something topically, and it keeps the flea control constant and steady.

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You will need…

-3-5 drops of cedar oil or lavender oil- 1-3 tablespoons of water-Bandana OR your dog’s collar-an eyedropper (optional)


Dilute 2-3 drops of your chosen oil in 1-3 tablespoons of water. Some people use the oil undiluted, but I personally feel it should always be diluted, even if it’s only by a little. Next, pick out a bandana to be the flea collar-I think a bandana is preferable because you can take it on and off and your dog’s collar won’t smell. It’s always fun to get creative with patterns and colors here. If you go up to ½ teaspoon you can use up to 5 drops of the liquid. Using an eyedropper or other similar means, apply 5-10 drops of the mixture to the bandana and rub the sides of the fabric together, and then tie it about your dog’s neck in a snazzy way. Reapply oil mixture to the collar once a week. In conjunction with this, 1 or 2 drops of oil diluted with at least 1 tablespoon of olive oil can be placed at the base of your dog’s tail.

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2. Flea deterring drink- can be used alongside any of these remedies.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar


For every 40 pound dog add 1 teaspoon of white distilled vinegar or apple cider vinegar to 1 quart of their drinking water. We highly recommend using Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar. Not only does it deter fleas, it improves a pups skin and coat condition from the inside-out.

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3. Flea comb

This contains lemon and lemon contains something called limonene, which is a chemical that kills and repels fleas but is harmless to us or our pets.

You will need…

-1 freshly sliced up lemon-1 pot of fresh water-a comb, sponge, or brush


Boil a pot of water and add the slices of a freshly cut lemon to it. Turn off the heat after the lemons has been added and cover the pot, letting the mixture steep overnight. The next day dip a comb or your pets brush in the liquid (make sure it’s sufficiently cool) and run it through their hair. A sponge works as well, especially if you have a very short haired breed. A quick version is to bring water to a vigorous boil and then pour over a freshly sliced lemon. Then just dip the comb, let it cool, and use as above.

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4. Flea spray

As a bonus, your pup will get a nice gleaming finish to their coat after using this flea spray.

You will need…

-1 cup white distilled vinegar OR 1 cup apple cider vinegar OR a 50/50 blend of both-1 quart fresh water-2-3 drops of lavender or cedar oil-a decent sized spray bottle


The essential oil isn’t vital, but it certainly gives the spray an extra edge (and a nice smell.) If you’re using it, add 2-3 drops as you add 1 cup of white distilled vinegar/apple cider vinegar/both to 1 quart of fresh water. Fill your spray bottle, and mist your dog, being careful not to get it in their eyes, nose, or ears-aka avoid spraying near the face. To get up around the neck and behind the ears/their chin area, dampen a soft cloth with the mixture and wipe it on. Spray your pets bedding and around it with this mixture lightly as well.

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5. Flea (be-gone) bag

This little sachet contains things that smell pleasant to us, but that drive pests away from your pet.

You will need…

-Two 6 inch squares of breathable fabric (such as muslin)-a rough handful of cedar chips-1-2 teaspoons of dried lavender buds-the peel of 1 lemon


Follow the instructions on how to make a sachet here if you need more detail. Cut 2 6 inch squares of fabric and place them together inside out. Sew all but 1 side and turn inside out. Fill with a rough handful of fragrant cedar chips, 1-2 teaspoons of lavender, and 1 lemon peel. Leave enough room at the top so you can tie it off with a ribbon or sew it shut (tying allows you to reuse it when the contents lose their potency.) Place under your pets bed/bedding or near it to ward off fleas. Change the mixture every month or so.

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6. Flea bath- wash your pup with this weekly to deter fleas.

You will need…

-A half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice*-1 ½ – 2 cups of fresh water-1/4 –1/2 cup of mild pet-friendly soap or shampoo


Stir together a half a cup of lemon juice, 1 ½ cups of water, and ¼ cup of mild pet-friendly shampoo or soap. Bottle and label and bathe weekly to keep fleas away.

*amounts will vary depending on the size of your dog. As a general rule of thumb, use 2 parts water to every ½ cup of soap and lemon juice.

NOTE: You must always dilute essential oil before using them. Pay attention to and read and respect your dog’s body language. It may sound odd, but let them sniff the different scents and see how they react. Whichever one you think they “like” the most, or will tolerate should be the one you use. It is estimated that dogs can identify scents 1,000-10,000 times better than humans. Imagine something you hate the smell of, and then imagine it being rubbed all over your body and smelling it 1,000 times stronger!

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I cannot begin to say how engrained into my life dogs are. Their wellbeing is of the utmost importance to me, and if I can avoid strange chemicals, I will do so in the same way I avoid them myself. Dogs are natural beings, just as we are, and should rightly be treated as such.

Cat owner? Take a look at our flea remedies for cats.

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What kind of dog do you have, and how do you treat it for fleas? Feel free to talk about your dog in great length…we’re very dog-friendly!

Fur/body treatments:

4.   Apple cider vinegar

A little apple cider vinegar in your pet’s food/water helps maintain correct PH balance and healthy digestion, arthritis, alleviate allergies, maintain great skin conditions and control parasites such as fleas, ringworm, ticks, fungus, and bacteria. It is suitable for dogs and cats.

Dosage and instructions: Start with a one-teaspoon dose mixed into your dog’s food twice a day for a 50 lb (~23kg) dog (adjust accordingly by weight) and if necessary increase up to about 1 tablespoon twice a day for the same size dog. For skin application, you can spray on or rub apple cider onto the skin/fur directly, or for sore or open wounds mix the ACV with equal parts water before application to the dog’s skin. In the case of pests or parasites, bathe your dog and then apply a 50:50 mix of apple cider vinegar and water. Allow this to air dry on your pet to kill off fleas, ticks, ringworm, etc. and to prevent future infestations and/or infection. You can also spray your dog with apple cider vinegar before going out for a walk, in order to repel fleas and ticks naturally. [2]

5.   Brewer’s yeast and garlic

Along with ACV, this is another one of my favorite combos. Apparently, fleas dislike the taste of garlic and brewer’s yeast. A few years back I used to prepare homemade doggy biscuits and treats for my dogs, and I’d always add garlic. I never recall having any problems with fleas back them. Thinking back on it now, due to time constraints I stopped doing that some time ago, and I’ve had to fight fleas much harder ever since. But I was back to using this magical mix just at the beginning of summer, and I can say that my dog’s have been flea and tick free, even after daily walks in a nearby park and forest.

1tbs of brewer’s yeast or natural yeast for a 50-pound (~23kg) dog and a few cloves of garlic, or garlic powder added to food. Naturally, adjust the amounts for smaller / bigger dogs. Too much garlic can cause anemia in dogs, so as with everything, balance is the key.

6.   Oranges, lemons and grapefruit

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Place orange, lemon and grapefruit peels in a blender and puree it. Boil some water and add it to the puree until you obtain a soft paste. Let it cool and rub onto your dog’s fur. It’ll make your pet smell wonderfully, and it’s an excellent natural flea repellent.

7.   Mint infusion

Mix the following ingredients:

2 lemons (squeezed into juice)

10 tsp apple cider vinegar

10 mint leaves

Warm water

Leave it to sit overnight, strain and place into a squirt bottle. Spray onto your dog.

8.   Cloves and camphor spray

33oz (1 liter) ethanol or pure alcohol

3 camphor rock crystals

3 dried cloves

1 cup of apple cider vinegar

Mix the camphor crystals in alcohol until they fully dissolve. Add cloves and ACV. Pour the mixture into a squirt bottle and spray it onto the animal’s fur, protecting its eyes and mouth. Let it sit for 2 hours, and then rinse out with water.

9.   Wash your dog with organic rose bar soap

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Washing your dog with rose soap is a natural way to repel fleas invading its body, and it will leave your dog’s hair super soft. Rose bar soaps are usually easily accessible and a great low cost solution.

10. Wash your dog with organic peppermint soap

Organic peppermint soap should contain a fair amount of peppermint essential oil. This oil is deadly for insects like fleas and ticks, since it causes the insect’s nervous system to break down. It also smells wonderfully.

11. Dry pennyroyal (not as essential oil)

Dried pennyroyal can be placed around the house or dog house. It’s a biological deworming agent, as well as an excellent insect repellent.

However some caution is required. If you’re keen on using it in essential oil form, be cautious with its application. As essential oil it can never be ingested internally due to high toxicity.

12. Alcohol, distilled water and essential oils spray

3.3oz (100 ml) ethanol or pure alcohol

6.6oz (200 ml) distilled water

30 drops lemon tree essential oil

30 drops eucalyptus essential oil

60 drops lavender essential oil

Spray it onto your dog’s fur, rub it in and leave to work its magic!

13. Aromatherapy spray against ticks, fleas and phlebotomus (sandflies)

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For those more familiar with aromatherapy oils, this spray is a strong insect repellent, it regenerates hair and skin, and soothes the dog. It is also recommended for dog


Base oil: Sweet almond oil (Prunus Amygdalus dulci)

Drops of:

English or common lavender oil (Lavandula angustifólia)

Geranium oil (Pelargonium graveolens)

Common myrrh oil (Commiphora myrrha)

Bay laurel oil (Laurus nobilis)

Lemon eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus citriodora)

Atlas cedar oil (Cedrus atlântica)

14. Homeopathic remedies

Sulphur 30c in water.

Homeopathic sulphur is usually not used to repel ticks, as its potency works better for smaller parasites, like fleas (and other biting bugs). It doesn’t kill them, it simply turns your pet’s skin far less attractive to these bugs, and in that way deterring them from living on the animal.

Ledum (Marsh Tea) 12c to 30c in water.

Remedy for puncture wounds, stings, animal bites, with amazing ability to heal tissues carefully from the deepest point and working up to the surface with specific action on hematoma (bleeding under the skin).

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Staphysagria 6C with water

Mixing several pellets of Staphysagria 6C with water and spraying around cracks, crevices, and furniture will kill adult fleas and prevent eggs from maturing. Repeat twice a month or more frequently to keep the house free of fleas during summer.

15. Eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) powder / capsules

Eastern black walnut works against fleas, ticks and sand flies. It also anti-parasitic properties; commonly used to cure tapeworms and ringworms. It is poisonous to horses, so consult your vet before giving it to animals.

16. Bay leaves (crushed or ground)

Rub crushed or ground bay leaves all over dog’s hair. You’ll have to repeat this process every time before going out.

17. Rosemary infusion

Add two cups of fresh rosemary leaves (needles) into 33oz (1 liter) of boiling water. Let it sit for 30 minutes, while it cools down. Sprinkle this infusion all over your dog’s fur, rubbing it in and allowing it dry naturally.

18. Lemon, salt and vinegar spray

Boil several lemons in water with a few tea spoons of salt. Once cooled, add one table spoon of apple cider vinegar. Spray it onto your pet’s coat and leave it to dry naturally.

19. Apple cider vinegar, salt and baking soda spray

8oz (240 ml) ACV

4oz (120 ml) warm water

½ tbs salt

½ tbs baking soda

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Spray it onto your pet’s coat and leave it to dry naturally.

20. Bathe your pet in a natural, herbal shampoo

Use an herbal shampoo that contains a combination of pine cedar, bergamot, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, citronella, juniper or geranium.

21. Coconut oil rub

Coconut oil is truly one of nature’s greatest gifts. Amazingly enough, this oil can be given to your pets to improve their overall health. In its pure, unprocessed state it contains lauric acid, which acts as a natural flea repellent, so only but pure organic, unprocessed coconut oil. Rubbing only half a tablespoon of oil on your doggy’s fur will reduce body odor, improve coat shine, and act as a flea, tick or mite repellent. When ingested, coconut oil has natural antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties and helps expel or kill intestinal parasites. Also, another one of my absolute favorites.

22. Essential oils

These are some of the most frequently used essential oils to treat pests:

Lemongrass Lemon Citronella Tea tree Eucalyptus Rosemary Bay Thyme Witch hazel Clove

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Cinnamon Linalool Rue Neem Juniper Cedar Geranium Bergamot Lavender Sweet almond oil Pennyroyal

As mentioned in one of the sections above, pennyroyal essential oil should be avoided. If ingested, it can cause seizures, coma and even death in animals. Preferably, use dry pennyroyal which can be placed around the house in safe places. Furthermore, not all essential oils are safe for animals. Oils such as citrus, cinnamon, clove, d-limonene, geranium, tea tree, lavender, linalool, bay, eucalyptus and rue oils should be used sparingly because they reportedly can cause allergic reactions in cats and dogs.

Some of the safest oils for pets:

Cedarwood Lemongrass Peppermint Rosemary Thyme

Indoor (house) treatments:

23. Vacuuming / Cleaning

Vacuum cleaners collect fleas from carpets, floors and dark shaded places underneath the furniture. If you’re facing a flea infestation, don’t forget to dispose of your vacuum bags, or preferably use water based vacuum cleaners that immediately drown fleas. If you have a bagless vacuum system, make sure to immediately splash all the dust (and fleas) with water, as you can expect the vacuumed fleas to attempt escape as soon as you open your vacuum cleaner. If the

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flea infestation is out of proportions, you might want to invest in a professional carpet cleaning service.

24. Salt and baking soda

Remove all furniture prior to sprinkling salt and baking soda heavily on your carpets. Once you applied both products, take a broom a sweep them from left to right so that they penetrate the carpet fibers. Leave it on for at least 12h, or up to a week, depending how severe your flea infestation is. Vacuum afterwards, but make sure to throw away the vacuum bag or to clean water vacuum cleaners well. Both salt and baking soda dehydrate the fleas, so they literally die out of thirst, or they’re just too thirsty to reproduce. Repeat the process during several days as fleas can hatch every 3 days in ‘optimal’ conditions.

Note, if you live in humid climates or it’s raining outside, the salt will absorb air moisture, so make sure to vacuum within 3-5h, instead of leaving overnight.

If you decide that your weapon of choice is only salt, you can use a squirt bottle filled with lukewarm water to dampen the carpet. Sprinkle salt heavily afterwards, and leave overnight. Vacuum in the morning.

25. Dehumidifiers, air-conditioning, vacuuming

All of these interrupt the flea life cycle. Fleas like humidity of at least 70%-75% to hatch, and larvae need at least 50% humidity to survive, they also need temperatures at 70° to 90°F / 21° to 32°C to survive. Lower temperatures slow down or completely interrupt the flea life-cycle.

According to Wikipedia, laboratory study done at the University of California showed that vacuuming catches about 96% of adult fleas. A combination of controlled humidity, temperature, and vacuuming should eliminate fleas from an environment. Altering even one of these environmental factors may be enough to drastically lower and eliminate an infestation.

26.   Boric Acid (or Borax detergent)

Boric acid is a natural insecticide and antiseptic, found in certain volcanic areas around the world. In some countries it can be purchased in grocery stores in the laundry section, in others in specialized stores. It affects the insects’ metabolism, and the dry powder is abrasive to their exoskeletons. Sprinkle boric acid on all surfaces your dog has been on (carpets, furniture, hardwood flooring), let it sit overnight, vacuum and either get rid of the bag or make sure to wash the inside parts of your water vacuum cleaner well. I found that some people spray BA or Borax directly onto their pets, but I don’t recommend that.

Backyard/garden treatments:

27. Diatomaceous earth (natural, food grade)

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DE is a naturally occurring soft, siliceous sedimentary rock, crumbled into a fine whitish powder. It consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae. As an insecticide, the powder absorbs lipids from the outer layer of insects’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate. In order to be effective, it must be uncalcinated and have a mean particle size below about 12 microns – food-grade type. Sprinkle it on all surfaces your dog has been on, let it sit overnight, and vacuum afterwards. Some people apply it directly onto the dog or cat, rubbing it well into their fur. It’s not toxic, but both DE and boric acid are very fine powders which when applied indoors, it is best to protect your moth and nose since they can dry out your mucus membranes. “DE was the only thing I’d found that could be and was used on infant animals, was chemical-free and completely non-toxic.” ~Shaggylord, Adirondack Mountains

28. Happy gardens

If you have a backyard or garden, keep the grass and shrubbery clipped. In areas where your pet likes to spend time, you may want to refrain from excessive watering. Sun, heat and dryness can reduce flea numbers, as they prefer warm and moist environments.

29. Nematodes or roundworms

The insect-parasitic nematodes are  safe, as they are not the type that attack people, pets, or plants. They are a natural way of controlling fleas, as they act by feeding on flea larvae. They can be purchased  at some pet and garden stores, and should be placed in moist, shady spots outside the house. Initially, introduce only a small number, as nematodes have a very high reproduction cycle. Research shoes that they are

most effective against fleas in moist, sandy soil, and they won’t survive on dry, sun exposed soils, but then again, neither do fleas.

30. Plants  that act as natural pest repellents

The best way to treat pests and insects in your garden is to do it naturally by planting herbs and shrubs which act as natural repellents. Consult the list of essential oils for options, adjusting for climate, soil type and sun exposure in your garden and backyard. Once the plant is grown, you’ll be able to rub the animal’s fur with freshly cut leaves, hence reducing your expenditure in essential oils.

Flea & Tick Remedy: 8 oz apple cider vinegar, 4 oz warm water, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda - Mix dry ingredients first then slowly add to wet as the vinegar and baking soda will react slightly. Put into spray bottle and spray pets down. Be careful not to get in pets eyes. -- Use Borax throughout the house, sprinkle it on the carpets and let sit for a few hours, then vacuum. This should kill all the fleas and ticks in your home and on your pets. ..

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Treat indoor pets. Indoor pets, usually dogs, are the number one source of tick infestations. Dogs can carry ticks in from outdoors, or catch them from other animals in the kennel or the local neighborhood.

First you need to physically remove any ticks that are using your animal as a host, then treat the dog with a topical tick-killing product containing ingredients such as fipronil, amitraz or permethrin. Ask your veterinarian for suggestions.

You may also invest in a tick-repelling collar for your pet. These will keep ticks from latching onto your cat or dog for approximately three months. These collars can be difficult to find in stores, so ask your vet, or shop online.[3]

Natural Home Remedies for Flea and Tick ControlWhile we may not be able to roll back the global warming trend that is making pest season longer in some parts of the country, there are easier, softer ways to treat parasites, and ways in which we can avoid some of the worst pests.


A lot of people are reluctant to use chemical flea treatments because of the possibility of a toxic reaction with the skin. "If it isn't safe for my children, how can it be safe for my pet?" they ask. Unless it is a full blown flea infestation, you may have good results by using gentler and safer methods for flea eradication and control.


1. Juice 'em Away

Fleas are known to be repelled by citrus. The juice from a freshly squeezed orange or lemon can be lightly rubbed onto your pet's fur to ward off the buggers. 


Take note that oil extracts from lemons and oranges (and any citrus) are not safe for cats and dogs at all. The oil that is extracted from the rind of the citrus fruit contains limonene, an effective insect repellent as well as an all purpose household cleaner. Limonene is also irritating to the skin, and when ingested, can cause liver damage in cats and dogs. Limonene is found in household cleaning products and insect sprays, in home fragrance products, and may be found in some topical products (i.e., for use on skin). Take great care in using citrus oil products only in areas of the home your pets cannot reach, and do not use it on yourself if your pets will be licking you, or on your pets' hair or skin in any form. The oil is specific to the cells within the rind of the fruit and can only be extracted using specialty equipment, and so is not found in the fresh-squeezed juice of the fruit. If your pet licks a little of the juice off of his fur, there is very

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little risk of harm — always keeping in mind that allergies can happen to anyone. If your pet behaves oddly after using or eating anything different, discontinue its use immediately. 


2. Rub-a-Dub Tub

Remember the old cartoons where dogs would jump into water to relieve themselves of fleas? Water really does work. Since fleas do not grasp and hold onto the hair shafts, they fall off in the water and drown. A good dip in a tub of water will wash away most, if not all, of the fleas on your pet. Using a gentle pet shampoo or a little bit of regular dish liquid, along with a thorough brushing (an outdoor brushing is best), will go a long way toward ridding your pet's body of fleas.


3. A Clean Home is a Happy Home

Around the house, laundering pet beds and furniture covers, and vacuuming and disinfecting the floors — not just around your pet's living spaces but all over — will help to control the population of fleas (just make sure you do not use products with volatile organic compounds). Always dump the bag or cannister of the vacuum, since fleas can continue to live inside the container.


4. Flea vs. Predator

In the yard, you might consider adding a natural predator of fleas. Nematodes are small worms that feed off of flea larva, and are easy to find at garden stores or pet shops. They are highly effective, with a noticable improvement in flea popualation within two days. Keep in mind that the type of nematode that is being recommended here is termed a "beneficial" nematode. It is not the type that is known for infecting animals, such as the heartworm.


Lady bugs can also be found at your local gardening shop, and are also very effective. Lady bugs feast on soft bodied bugs like fleas, and a mature lady bug can eat an average of 50 insects a day. Finally, fire ants are known to eat flea larvae, so if you have them in your yard, you may want to practice some controlled fire ant management that limits them to some areas of the yard rather than complete eradification of them.


5. Blades of Fury

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Ticks hang out in tall grass and use the opportunity to grab on to passersby when they feel body warmth — which they are very good at doing. If you are going to be spending time in wooded or grassy areas with your dog, you might want to fashion some cover-up clothing for your dog in order to avoid ticks. An old t-shirt can be altered to fit your dog's body, and old socks can be cut to make "leg warmers." This may not entirely prevent ticks from making their way onto your dog, but it may work to keep most of them off since they have nothing to latch onto, and will slow the rest down so they do not spend as much time on your dog's skin (the longer ticks stay on the skin, the more likely they are to transmit disease).


6. Essential Oils

Because ticks carry dangerous bacteria, repelling them is a priority. One of the natural repellents that a lot of people have success with is rose geranium oil, which can be applied to your dog's collar. Do NOT use rose geranium oil on your cat, though. Cats can have a bad reaction to essential oils, primarily because they spend a lot of time grooming, which means that anything on their skin goes into their mouth. With ticks, the best thing you might do is to check your pet a few times a day when you are in an area that has ticks, and remove them promptly. Proper technique is important for removing ticks, so make sure that you consult a veterinarian before doing it yourself if you are not completely sure of how to do it.


Now that you have a few alternate means of combating fleas and ticks, you can feel confident that your pets will remain bug-free throughout the year — especially in the summertime, when there are so many nasty critters to worry about.


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Home Remedies for Mosquitoes

1. Dry Ice

The carbon dioxide that we exhale attracts mosquitoes. Dry ice emits a lot of carbon dioxide. So, place dry ice in a container and keep it at a certain distance. When all the mosquitoes are attracted towards that container, close the lid. While this can be a little time-consuming, but it is an effective method to drive away mosquitoes.

2. Coffee Grounds

The simple home remedy to repel mosquitoes is coffee grounds. All you need to do is just sprinkle coffee grounds wherever you find stagnant water near your house. The mosquito eggs present in the water will be forced to come to the surface of the water due to the coffee grounds. As they come to the surface, they will be deprived of oxygen. This will kill them before they are hatched and will prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

3. Mosquito Traps

You can buy a mosquito trap from market or can easily make it at home. For preparing homemade mosquito trap, you need a plastic bottle. Cut this bottle in half. Add brown sugar in hot water and mix well. When it cools down, empty it in the bottom half of the bottle. Now, add yeast. Put the funnel part into the other half of the bottle in upside down direction. Wrap a black tape on the bottle, but the top should be uncovered. Place it in the mosquito prone area. Change the solution of the bottle after every 2 weeks.

4. Camphor

Camphor is another home remedy to get rid of mosquitoes in an environment-friendly manner. Just close all the doors and windows of the room. Then light camphor and leave it for about half an hour. When you go back to that room after some time, you will not find any mosquitoes.

5. Garlic

Garlic has a very pungent odor, which many people do not like. Even mosquitoes abhor its smell. Crush a few cloves of garlic and boil the crushed garlic in water for some time. Then pour this homemade mosquito repellent in a spray bottle and squirt it around the room. This remedy will kill the mosquitoes.

6. Dish Soap

Squirt dish soap on the mosquitoes to kill them naturally.

7. Beer

Fill a bowl with beer and place it in your house to drive out the mosquitoes.

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Herbal Remedies for Mosquitoes

8. Indian Lilac Oil and Coconut Oil

Indian lilac has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral and also anti-protozoan properties. Mix Indian lilac oil and pure coconut oil in the ratio 1:1 and apply it all over your body. The strong smell of the mixture will keep the mosquitoes away from you for at least eight hours.

9. Eucalyptus Oil and Lemon Oil

A mixture of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil also works as a natural mosquito repellent. You just need to mix the lemon oil and the eucalyptus oil in equal proportions and apply it on the exposed parts of the body.

10. Holy Basil

Holy basil leaves are known to kill the mosquito larvae. Hence, check the breeding of mosquitoes. Just plant a holy basil plant in your garden and at the entry points of your home.

11. Citronella Oil

Citronella oil is the best essential oil when it comes to prevent mosquitoes. Apply citronella oil all over the body. You can also inject a few drops of this essential oil in a candle and light it up. Or else, put it in a spray bottle and sprinkle it in the mosquito prone areas.

12. Mint

The strong odor of mint, which most of us love very much, is loathed by mosquitoes. You can take out the mint oil from the mint extracts or just use the extract as it is to keep mosquitoes away. You can spray the mint oil by pouring it in a spray bottle, or you can apply it on the exposed parts of your body. Alternatively, grow mint shrubs in your garden.

13. Lavender Oil

The smell of lavender oil can keep away mosquitoes as effectively as any chemical agent would do. The smell of the lavender flower and oil is very strong and mosquitoes can’t tolerate it. Therefore, spray lavender oil it in the room. Or you can also apply it on your face and other parts of the body which remain exposed.

Alternatively, you can also spray lavender-scented room fresheners that are easily available in the market.

14. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is one of the effective essential oils to get rid of mosquitoes. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties work wonders when it comes to fighting off the mosquitoes. The strong

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odor of the tea tree oil keeps the mosquitoes at bay. All you need to do is mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a few drops of water and apply this mixture on your face and other exposed parts of your body.

15. Red Cedar Mulch

Red cedar mulch not only makes the garden or the yard beautiful, but is also effectively keeps the mosquitoes away. Boil red cedar chips in water. Next, put this liquid in the garden sprayer that you use for your garden and sprinkle it everywhere. This will hold mosquitoes off your home.

16. Pinion Wood

Get some pinion woods. Burn these woods outside your home. The pungent odor that the woods release on being burnt kills mosquitoes and prevents them from entering your house.

17. Rosemary

Rosemary is a natural mosquito repellent. Burn a few stalks of rosemary. The aroma that arises thereof will drive out the mosquitoes.

18. Mosquito Repellent Plants

Grow plants that repel mosquitoes such as catnip and feverfew in flower beds; and place them in your garden.


While going to bed at night, make sure to hang a mosquito net. All the mosquito repellent coils or creams work for a few hours. Thereafter, the effect decreases. Hanging a mosquito net at night while sleeping will keep mosquitoes away.

Keep all the doors and windows of your house closed to prevent the entry of mosquitoes. Whenever you see mosquitoes flying around you, just kill them immediately. This will

make your atmosphere relatively mosquito-free. Mosquitoes get attracted by light. So use mosquito-repellent lights such as sodium lamps,

yellow bug lights or LED lights in your house.


Do not allow any water to stand near your house. Stagnant water is the place where mosquitoes breed and multiply.

Neem oil: If you have been wondering how to kill mosquitoes, try neem oil as it acts as a great indoor mosquito-repellent. A study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association {1} found that mixing neem oil with coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio is an effective way to keep mosquitoes at bay. Being a potent antibacterial, anti-

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fungal, antiviral and anti-protozoal agent, neem lends your skin a particular smell that wards off mosquitoes. To make an effective insecticide mix neem oil and coconut oil in equal portions and rub it on your body (all exposed parts). This will protect you from mosquito bites for at least eight hours. Here are 5 ways to save your baby from mosquito bites.

Eucalyptus and lemon oil: Recommended by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) as an effective indoor insect-repellent, the mixture of lemon oil and eucalyptus oil is extremely effective in repelling mosquitoes – naturally. The way lemon oil and eucalyptus oil works is due to its active component cineole, which has both antiseptic and insect-repellent properties when applied to the skin. The best part about this mixture is that it is natural and does not come with all the ill effects of chemical mosquito repellents. To use this mixture, mix lemon oil and eucalyptus oil in equal proportions and use it on your body. Read about the top 10 facts you should know about malaria.

Camphor: This easily available ingredient could be the answer for how to kill mosquitoes in the house. Made from the extract of a tree, this compound has been found to have the longest mosquito repellent activity when compared to other natural products. {2}Light camphor in a room and close all the doors and windows. Leave it this way for about fifteen to twenty minutes and go back to a mosquito free environment.

Tulsi: According to data published in the Parasitology Research Journal {3} Tulsi was extremely effective in killing mosquito larvae and helped keep mosquitoes away. Moreover, according Ayurveda simply planting a Tulsi shrub near your window is all you need to keep mosquitoes away. The plant has properties that not only help you to get rid of mosquitoes in your house but also prevent them from entering your house. Here are 8 tips to prevent dengue.

Garlic: It acts as an effective natural remedy to kill mosquitoes and thus, prevent numerous diseases caused by these parasites. It might smell bad, but that is exactly why mosquitoes stay away. The strong and pungent odour of garlic is known to prevent mosquito bites and even prevents them from entering your home. So to use this remedy you could crush up a few pods of garlic, boil it in water and use the water to spray around the room you want to keep mosquito free. If you are the adventurous type (or really hate mosquitoes), you could also spray it on yourself to avoid being bitten.

Tea tree oil: It has numerous benefits for your skin and hair and is a very powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent as well, but did you know that tea tree oil is also perfect to drive mosquitoes away? Well, the odour and its antifungal and antibacterial properties help prevent mosquitoes from biting you and drive them away. So if you want to use this remedy you could either rub some tea tree oil on your skin or add a few drops of it to a vaporizer. This way the scent of tea tree oil permeates the air and kills the mosquitoes in the house. Here’s how mosquitoes attack their targets.

Mint: If the scent of mint relaxes you then this remedy is for you. According to a study published in the Journal of Bioresource Technology {4} found that mint oil and the mint extract is as effective as any other indoor mosquito repellent. You can use mint leaves and essence in various ways. You can choose to use it in a vaporizer to help fill the room with the scent of mint, apply the oil on your body or plant the shrub outside your room’s window. Alternatively you could mix a bit of mint-flavoured mouthwash with water and spray it around your home.

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Lavender: Not only does it smell divine but it is also a great way to keep those pesky mosquitoes at bay. The scent of this flower is often quite strong for mosquitoes making them unable to bite. So to use this home remedy, use lavender oil as a natural room freshener or apply it on your skin (you can mix it with your cream) for best results.

Citronella: Citronella oil is an essential oil extracted from citronella grass. This oil has been known to prevent mosquito bites extremely efficiently. So much so, that many people resort to using this extract instead of chemical agents. All you need to do is infuse this extract in a candle or use it in a vaporizer to help you stay mosquito bite free and might even kill mosquitoes.

Plant trees: If you thought that trees and shrubs led the breeding of more mosquitoes, you are wrong. Planting the right kind of shrubs and trees can go a long way in keeping your home mosquito free. Shrubs of tulsi, mint, marigold, trees of lemon and neem and planting citronella grass are all extremely effective in preventing the breeding of mosquitoes – keeping you safe from dreaded vector-borne diseases; naturally.