21v broad st - digifind-it · toey trill adopt pldity ttiaa the!h bells.;!• «o tb*m la or of the...

CRANFORD. N. J-. SATURDAY. AUGUST 11 and Blue^t^e yard m the State. and Headstones*-. of every description N.E,Wh!pple. 88-90.E. Grand St, Ellabeth.B.J Telephone Best mnteri,l««d ^ ^ and prices before ordering your AtaOS CLARK. L. F. HERSH. PRESIDENT. . . . UICC "HtS'T. THE CITIZEN'S 21V BROAD St E. A. FAULKS. GASHIC . GiMral U, A Boxes inSafe Dieposit Vaults for Rent. CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS abd PROF.TS S19.000 DIRECTORS: Jol»it)«lda<m. Ba*.B.atnur, Wo* fUi*. O. H. Homing. OMKirlK H.T. PotU, John UcC'uidl»t, O. II, Lonxduo, .*Amu« Clark. V. C, lUnli. * Discount day, Thursday. I'luu. I. V»u«lin. Vim. Ucl'ullon. JohnN. Hnnlwr, UuU V. tUnh, ""Alu.JUiT, Accounts Solicited. Orfinford. * - - ' .; .'"•••" -',. ; . I/IGHT. ... ^ ; Electrlo Oo«iiiii For TBIJ reasonable rates they givtl cloctricity for hoat and powor. Coins and teo their station. •'.It will cost you nothing. -Talk matters . '"•'•. over and you muy suvo monoy. .... •' Telephone: " . . Station tMut-OfllceH': Long Distance, 84 B. ~ 77 Murray Htnwt, EUcubetb 25*. Kllwibetli,"New Jersey Boaelle. I.yt>«a . We will sell 50 ft., ""Advance Hose, Reel witl Nozzle and Washers, all complete, gauranteed to stand High pressure for 11 ~ , , - This is not quality advertised by departtiient stores HT« also carry a full line of Hose, all sixes, and Mechanics! Rubber Goods, Wat*r Bigs, Mackintoshes, ttc. EXCELSIOR RUBBER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 29 Vesey sheet, NEWVOBKCITV .LAUMDRt The Great Spring Hbuaecleaning—Lace-cur'tatns and many other things which were constantly in use during the winter need cleaning. We would like to call the attention of the IIOUBC at this occasion to our establishment. New improvements to facilitate the work were added recently to our present ones, which anable us to make the most satisfactory work. flmeriean Steam Laundry! --••"*•. 16 and 17West dersey Street, Elizabeth . , D niQfi Water Company IncorporateliBfo. --'. "'" 7. T ~ The Uuion Water Company supplies the iuhabi- tafita of tje villages of Faa.ood, Westfield, Cranford and Roselle with water for domestic use. "The Purest and Sweetest that Hature can Yield." bj&sali« extort of DoaiofC and prvcoQAceU by bim t4> bs **watcr of CTtAlattmic paritf." wlUt n v p l r . u d r » s n c e l b s n e o u u w t j vbatsterma u<it* Tb* intend «f tbaComsvayiB identified witb Ite lillxtKm in which ii«.blaat is located; "ft&d U. la t^*policy ti lbs t&aai^viDest tv do it* fall sbBja to procaot* ttair crovtb mad tnmi/tritj, . The Company Refers to all its Patrons. A ri^iritEtttJTg ^ t*» Coccuflmy will ty jitoaiwA to rail oq (jhrtic4«t*o do act « prvrnxa*. tt» vatn troa it» mai&c *ad taplaia ntct, CeratB, methodof »crTKe T etc. Dnion Water Company, ^<< ..At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth. ttttu urtb« , Win. , Itmni^nmwwi Ewitimm *tr*»u, Mi*. V.L ll»t», N. IL a'nwr. U. #I7-Mlll««ui!Ni>rtl. iianom. Keiiwiil Alt™iUclullr», ll.t. JttvttM.C. M. Illu »•«• m.. K«i at U4U»1 l!oI(>n uHtCUrtunast mveuu*«. K»}«« J. W. iVimuuD, li. K. AiUuu. J. C IIuut. OQUmaIU »ud lAnruld itianH. K«l« Uwvwl l)ojl». Philip J«l.u «., f. I^FOO. 41»—UBroln «nd WBlnut tin. T. A. I'rktw C. L.!Ue*..W.T.l'n(t. «a-Unlcmu>dUnculttk«rhii». . Km nit x 1). A. Kicrett. Juoi'h AlUu. Ua H. i. C ITa»a>ls.l»r#|Mar»ii UOUMO EAST.-^ Cli**. . leave, ...\ B.03 8.1V a. in, 2.*> ff«*l JBait. BOUND WI-JtT. 'H'1<»». 1«>». \t,ll ' *.MI *. ni. IU . «.«• p.m. rrouivolata«a>t--«.U,1.S!ii>.ui.. MJ, .4.11 pin I'nmi iulut> wMt-B.il •. u.. 1.45, OU. .. . U|K)ii 'ruowluy, Thurmlay hui Saturday aftemooiiB from 3 to 5 UDS )ear'* Hulmctiptiuu t-'i.W; sitbncription lUu. ~ .. i£ver)'uno in corillully woleuui^ to como unJ iiiBiwct the bouku. vnvnvii Methodist -Ixxatwlon Walnut aveuue. Preaching «>rvic*> each Huuduy a 10.30 u. in. and 7.45 p. in. Sunday school 12 in. ' Epworth Leagu» service each Sunday 0.5O p. in. Prayer mooting, Fridays, 7.45 p. in. Kpworth IjeuguB ineuts each Wediies day B.IK) p. in. 'Junior Ixaguo meets tach Friday 3.30 pr-III. jtdleanid soeioty meets llrut'l'liurnduy etich month. Mlimiouury socinty moots sucond Thursday each month. Presbyterian—I/ut-ufad on Union UVDIIUD. Public ttorahipeacb Sunday at II. a. DI., and 8 p. in. Sunday Kch'uol ut &30 a. in. |—YrP.&O. E.iChape1 r «un.l Junior Endeavor, chapel, Monday at 3 p. ni, Gospel service, chapel, Fridays p.m. Special Biblo clous for young women, Jliun.li Study, 10.30 n. in., jWednawliiy. (IAHWOOII Chiuwl-Buncliiy services at O.'M a. in., 8 p. in. j V. P. 8. C. E., Thursday 8 p. in. Chriatiao Scion«»- Services held at ooiUB occupied by the ltoyal Anauuiu n the Upi-rs House Block. Bonrices every .Sunday morning at 1 o'clock. . " Huoilay school alter the sorvices. Heading Knomon Miln atroot,o[wn«'«rk duya from 10 n. in, in 5 p. in. wheie Chriatian Science literature may lie btHinod . Testimonial, inepting at the irximeBch Wejnoaday evenintjnt ei|{ht 'clock. No services during Auguat. Episcopal—LocaUd North avenue, east of river. Sunday services Bt 11 a. m., and 7.30 rn-. _ Sunday school 930 a. m. Friday, Prayers 5 p. m. Vestry"meets first Thursday in each month att)p. m. Parish circle, firat Wednesday in each month. i ' St. Agnes' OuilJ, first Tuesday in each uontb. Firrt Bsp'titt Church, located on High rmi&^ZP!f6« n h\ tier""MrirrJ^it .^ii»f hrr I ^inl '*• •hool, 3 P.M. Tuesday evening, prayer «eting. Tbursdsy evening. Christian Endeavor Society meeting, 8P.M. The rat Monday of each month, trustees' Mseting, 8 P.M. The. third Monday of i&ch month, deacons and psator's meet- ng. 8 P.M. On the fourth Monday of ach month, general Church meeting, 8 '.M. On the flrsf Iionl's day of each Wfith.th* L<onl'» Suppor wilLbe:served, WILLIAM N. GRAY, ndertaker aid Embalmer. FOLDING C1IAIES TO RENT. Crialort. S. 1 A Tel£i2hoiie_J»'aii Dpoii hour tlirtiiii;li which \ trade enters. • ... ' ' ' * Telephone ' Service—is' ;i, .husiness ttt'ccs^iiy. It in tu the. ui'eivluint an oiillOt (or iiilorm:i- tion inul i|iintutii)iis ami an inlet (u^? oriliM's. TeleplUHio Service keeps the- iiuiiiiiliiftiirer. the merchant anil the. cniistinu'r in coiistinit touch'. •^••••••^^t• ; tw>l^llet*•"•••^l•u^»••.pro^^uc^lv•at.••vv.llJlev.^M•...,^li.:itau_c^!_ uf the vaiiatimiH ot dcniniul. Telephone gervico increanes »ale l>y "il'ur. e\peilitiou "it. leiuls to tin; IHI- It "ko'i'iM the...liusiueris*' inte'reHt^ thrimcflioiit- tlu- ciinntry in' coiir tion with the niarUetH. : % ''• - • • ••.•«=*• Teli'))hone Service sa'v.eH inuch tinie, ami, an " Time is Money." it saves Jlomy. •. ' . - '••'•'• v It eoatH less, than an eiraiul boy aiiil it .dcieH the woik of a eoiuiiier- cial ^iant. "" " '' - Telephoiie Service lietvveen ollU'e and residence in a tieiueiuloiM nin- veiiieiiee, at the present MCHS.I^C -rates, i« an uiiiinpurtant expense rowded open another dour that i* have another t(4t'plioiii%'"irnrrtTtTr":t™Hr crowded.- open another dour, that i* have another t(4t' vatc l.Jrauch Hxchaiitfe, with trunk lines t(»tlu 1 "Central,'' a swilclilioard and aw nany stations as may ho required. ' . " THE NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE CO. Broi.it.lit Ktisl Uniiul Sts., , Hlizuln't\\, N,*W LIGHTNING'S QUEER VVORK. l*li«lba*ra|lH of Trr* Found nn of HanKlllra b r • Hull. . Tlii> (It-mi limly <it William II. Krl-i: f thetown <if IlriMiktlvll).ii.iir Wouk<' Vaallr at funorr Ultds. . "Do yoo know," paid nuolwiTVunt ! gcntlenmu, "that, burring n muii unit a pencock, I hulluvu u immry bird In thii voiumt uf nil crraiuri'Hi lliilli my wlf» and luynctf «r» very fond uf pi<lx, uml W<l kl l'l> lll'KTIll Uf lllCDU Illtl'l mi\\HtlU<t* K-d a t'oiupK't*- tihotoKfaplil*' Itu- ^r«aslun^if-tliu-liu;i{i!_trciijj|i!l!:r_w,li.!ij.i_ bo stood ivbeii 1ln- fiital Imlt filrurk iliit, Hiiyii tht- <'bli'ai;<i' Inter'Oci'uii. ['his niurn'luii* pbntnKrn|ili nui* r«uinl .iu-lils-l«»Wi i r-lliiilJ!»rjuid.Jt_wiims"_ilit tluct that e.ven.the imrHi mtiiuti* .VI-IIIH if tin- Icuvi'D wen- plainly rl«lhl<>. There art* tiiatiy a(<inintn uf llln- pin-- louit-un. OlflMit lit.pnrtlciilarl)' ftUHi'eiftl- ill) of ri'Ci-lvltiK* niiili-|il'luri'». - Tin' It tbnt tln-y tin- tin* flin 1 ramlllratliin* of lliir-Vlwirli'. i'urr<tit» over tho mirfaif, nffvrtlUK. IMT- lap*"burning. -runm fnlty or utliir HUliKtaui't'M, In thf- trei'llki- 'orm nfli'U IM-HI In ll^bttilni;. Many tclt'OllnlH txllt-v' (hat tln-p; In power In an Intenup cliitrlr «urriiit to n>r«k<- limlow plituri'n iimli-r xuiuv <I»KII- luu*: Them- bnvi- IHHK I>IIII nought without (lulling. noaqullurs Kllllaa I •III*. i urn IMik iiLxiut MIir.<nl. X*l.. ami llvi? Bti«:k lu th»- "necks" ar*- K terribly, mine younK >1iH.k illed from Mti-s of tlie ln»>-et». »ay» the I'lilhidelphln ltwuril. Travel sear the buy Hhor<> hai been uluiuFt to protiH't th«? hume.i frotr. uioieiultwi. ami tji'-y ar>- kept In dark tables auil coti'ti'1 »"ltb netting. I'ann'kop* andIl««•!>•. The oriiflnal pawnshop dilllrult to wunouoM slfnlr. which huil bieii In -.ibiLfajnUy_for.._yiiirv find wan nueil m mnih fur trailitiuii'H u* furTi^iiyiiiy's ! lako. I hud frequently remarked*.to my wife that 1 believed tin' (UTiifinlit of Ubi«xa«iia'tti)..W!iiiew^io^BjdMiuieil of h|» Mhubhy *lwelliii|{ .'|*lnci>_ miil~iTih>'urvVi| , with vuvluim t'.yi'n Ibofact t licit/111 n nth- ' IT rutiguler* vyeru morn nrtlattcally L ,lod'i|i'<l. " . " ' "Well, tbiulit ifli{« llnally inllu|mi!i|,' , and it Ij'.i-.iiii'j necewiary to liiirelnlio n ] ueW 'utiA.""lii ordrf tis tent my Iwllnf lu : tlm intelligence, of my feuthi'reil frirlid I initdo imt pulnt tui(et Mm III" lirel/ : tl'«t little bran IIUIMI I coillil llnd. Thn i»Ilei t win inanliiil. No auuber wnt liu : turned Intu hiii new-IIUIUH thuti hi Iw . WH\ to vitiK ail IIH hat} nevur itfluK IMI* fur«. <:i/ni|ilet<rly drowning nut tile IIIIIHII; of tb'i other birds anil ImhavitiK Dlljnr- ) wlia InH.imiuner altuKnlher I'luinliiK : bin nudd«u rl*H lu life. No pn/ud pau|»T tuiniiiK untMpecU'iiJy into an Inherit I anei; cf great rli'liei (.'oiildiii«r(i Kracn- | fully havu im^iiiiieil a Kruutcr degreu of , vanity."—Mempblif Hdlm-fur. II rnyuhl lti«> I'untfr«>ifitllun. How In Intiri'Mt mill h,,l,| the nllin tlljtl of lltl Illlllielil'll l>4 liftell n Kiiliri*it . . much wcrk nii'l Ihininht, but, tb" fid' IOWIIIH ini > l<l"iit nitiitiliilieil »"" by Itil |*iwnr Mid t'M>et|vi',iM»M: 'flu* linujurlty ni tliic»if WIIM ivuirdilp In iliy'rciu^ri'Kii* thin urn ni iitti'iitivn in miy UIHIII'IHIII .In the wr.t. luileid I think they nru "Txiejitlc/JiilMntllUtiiciln-ct. . ' (InnMutiiliiy niijriiliiK \ prt;rirhi!il n rerinuu un "TlniMunil I'lKhtiif i'ullli," .AH I K"' wiiriiiid upmy liiiinU kVjct '~jamrwith;-rity--|i»iiHMii.—'ibii-atliuiUuii wild fur- licycu'l tliu iirdltinry. Kvery fyci In tlui |iuii<m tvun llnid on tlm liriwicjicr f'riini n'tiirl. to Hhhili. And I : (ileanu ilu nut ciec'iiHii inn .,( vufilty- iboiiKht. "Surely tlm fiTinun in nuuml ouu, or it Imfl-Jitrtiilt Jlli'i rlisbt chord," And 1felt "pleiidid. ' 'i'lii'»ervle« iliHMil, nnd tlm (iinllinin wan dlMfimnrd. I wedt di>wn from tlm pulpit n brother wblnpired n few tri/rdii In me; tiieu niiiitlier. Onii laily Invlt'i] mu X't lie^ lroiiKif IM fuxiu tin I Cuiild ««rf uwuy. - A dozen <ir miiro m- (lilted t|ni llmt brolber'ii vrunN. Tbi» exiiirjitluiiiil iuli-reft in tluit Herruiiii wan dil» tothr! f net (but tho wmil Inthn iirni of my (out bci I p:irled, niunUn% « utiir- tliliK Mni-liof Kljilm-(BiitHV ry KMtriiM. If ultciilliwi lan.i, part a main.— Homllvtic Hi-view. 1 Ctiuuslna a Wllr For Her T»«lb. ' II, H,,,n Ilia llu>lnr«>. Orioof the rnoi-tcnr,l<.m and Intrrcut- i "J kriovt o unui uf nflnin In tliin ini{ uf brldul cuntorm among llj«Jr>k!- , c l t j . " irald u clunu olwrvi-r, "WIUMU , UIIJO i»th>i priitlicii <jlcho'jilrn{B bride, ; career ban liten einlnently Buccewifnl not for her fate, her llsjnro or her fur- iUUJ who i-ujoya Heut pcrwiiml puunlar- i tnnt), hut fur theeitellunci and atrenttlh ' lty, but whom titisitntui huiinu in oni) of I o i h e r te<-lb. . • - - . ! this bint huted (nmcernn in tliu tonlii. I Upin tli« polar circlv, wlieru n inau'd j -Mr. Ho-aml-mi hiiint°|f. \n ncapilul fel- ! blowl freeze atid part* of liim drop off \ \,lVIJ Kayn nearly everybody, 'but he In at tbo tom-b of. the icy tlait, it In o ' unrrunriiled by u-net of tlminciitieKt raii- -arrss 1 1 o »ld lead to tb. .c uD c|c,,,, r. tb.t pti- a. W loving ' 1 ,1 ••mkkmmtA aga&aa^^j

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Post on 13-Oct-2020




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Page 1: 21V BROAD St - DigiFind-It · toey trill adopt pldity ttiaa the!H BELLS.;!• «o Tb*m la or of the I'aola t cburcb bells ulature pass a uicanor to ring CRANFORD. N. J-. SATURDAY



to (Seat forcompany. Sir.Hotel MaJ«»ti<Virk TrlUune n-jmethliii about'French csptutf.fact Out thtre

It WOUlll

ely. (ram thef F ^ ' l dcb peopled «uu-•e not fond ofe Is better euit-

« 8D4 aiTar tt»tame time tbey,cb expense a»splijg a bowe.for more popo-icanse It U. jbrt-illstflaee woftcnuolloe can la75 electric T*-rement on foot»tntlpns. along

at tlectrlc cam,rneys. I W **-wer. This willicrtase at elec-

arls Is towardllooo t l m aeeuuost unknownill undoubtedlyille tire of the •BexlbUlrjr withro tiw-qusJUle*-

lotbe United1 great deal ofre the autotuo-aorae. It willthe automobilexjwerful factore improvementnerlcans realize•amjro vehicle* •ie|y practical,inille twice tJietoey trill adoptpldity ttiaa the

!H BELLS.;!• «o Tb*m la

or of the I'aolat cburcb bellsulature pass auicanor to ring


and Blue^t^e yard m the State.

and Headstones*-.of every description

N.E,Wh!pple. 88-90.E. Grand St, Ellabeth.B.J Telephone

Best mnteri,l««d ^ ^and prices before ordering your




. G i M r a l U, A

Boxes in Safe Dieposit Vaults for Rent.CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS abd PROF.TS S19.000


Sheridan Bays:the store a^JlubelL . Womiastores*, on tlojo ..Puoplo would

! just aa wellinglug, whang-kes more peo-tirlngs to re-'

, depending onst the people's; as strong asess. They can:es of huslntsuerson'a religionred man mustt pulling a bellle person to goU religion willrybody knowslust. when thohurchl'H. The. •uti they have

la published?papers There-nuisance."

=ER BED. ' i»», II* Wast ;

il Funston canU'n ;seluICoHia-"I to by a. mem- •'.rps juat homo -ays ttw^Phlla-; '-

:1c thing I ever'said the engl-attle Just out-i bad no sleepIn hadahape. •elf up In some;j>. 'JUcantlme "orders to ad- . '1 not be found.UUefl. and. it —>

loaei'a carlosi-' 'then—had led

ntly, however,f his r d hairhey.found him '.JUalathe'wayburial la thatgot more and *eachjiteo un-outed:J or alive?"> colonel aa hsap. -I'm aleep-

i Party.Ing.bugs anai, Ills., recent- aBCQugh. party .*Ivep by Jltaslughter of Mr. ' 'ithyl at their-

aajs the

booplnjt>ail«ti» were-

ittar day m«<ti vi heir borne,hooplnf, they-Cbe lireDU forles.>for con- '

•ck.»Is Iwrrasjitring i i anUeot to carry » -Tlba, which

lately as the1 throogh the,aalns tbe re-

' * « " " ' • .

Jol»it)«lda<m.Ba*.B.atnur,W o * fUi*.O. H. Homing.OMKirlK

H.T. PotU,John UcC'uidl»t,O. II, Lonxduo,

.*Amu« Clark.V. C, lUnl i . *

Discount day, Thursday.

I'luu. I. V»u«lin.Vim. Ucl'ullon.JohnN. Hnnlwr,UuU V. tUnh,


Accounts Solicited.


Orfinford. * - -' .; .'"•••" - ' , . ; . I / I G H T . . . .

^ ; Electrlo Oo«iiiiiFor TBIJ reasonable rates they givtl cloctricity for hoat and powor. Coins and teo

their station. •'.It will cost you nothing. -Talk matters .'"•'•. over and you muy suvo monoy. • .... •'

Telephone: " . . Station tMut-OfllceH':Long Distance, 84 B. ~ 77 Murray Htnwt,

EUcubetb 25*. Kllwibetli,"New Jersey• Boael le . I.yt>«a

. We will sell 50 ft., ""Advance Hose, Reel witlNozzle and Washers, all complete, gauranteed to standHigh pressure for

1 1 ™ ~ , , - •

This is not quality advertised by departtiient storesHT« also carry a full line of Hose, all sixes, and Mechanics!

Rubber Goods, Wat*r Bigs, Mackintoshes, t tc.



The Great Spring Hbuaecleaning—Lace-cur'tatns andmany other things which were constantly in useduring the winter need cleaning. We would like tocall the attention of the IIOUBC at this occasion to ourestablishment. New improvements to facilitate thework were added recently to our present ones, whichanable us to make the most satisfactory work.

flmeriean Steam Laundry!--••"*•. 16 and 17 West dersey Street, Elizabeth . ,

D niQfi Water CompanyIncorporateliBfo. --'. "'" 7. T ~

The Uuion Water Company supplies the iuhabi-tafita of tje villages of Faa.ood, Westfield, Cranfordand Roselle with water for domestic use.

"The Purest and Sweetest that Hature can Yield."

bj&sali« extort of DoaiofC and prvcoQAceU by bim t4> bs **watcr of CTtAlattmic paritf." wlUt •

nvplr .udr»snce lbsneo uuwtj vbatsterma u<it*Tb* intend «f tbaComsvayiB identified witb Ite lillxtKm in which ii«.blaat is located; "ft&d U.

la t^*policy ti lbs t&aai viDest tv do it* fall sbBja to procaot* ttair crovtb mad tnmi/tritj,

. The Company Refers to all its Patrons.A ri^iritEtttJTg t*» Coccuflmy will ty jitoaiwA to rail oq (jhrtic4«t*o do act « prvrnxa*. tt»

vatn troa it» mai&c *ad taplaia ntct, CeratB, method of »crTKeT etc.

Dnion Water Company,^<< ..At 68 Broad Street, Elizabeth.


urtb«, Win. ,

Itmni nmwwi Ewitimm *tr*»u,Mi*. V.L ll»t», N. IL a'nwr. U.

#I7-Mlll««ui!Ni>rtl. iianom. KeiiwiilAlt™iUclullr», l l . t . JttvttM.C. M. Illu»•«•

m.. K«i atU4U»1l!oI(>n uHtCUrtunast mveuu*«. K»}««

J. W. iVimuuD, li. K. AiUuu. J. C IIuut.OQUmaIU »ud lAnruld itianH. K«l«Uwvwl l)ojl». Philip J«l.u «., f. I FOO.

41»—UBroln «nd WBlnut t i n . T. A. I'rktwC. L.!Ue*..W.T.l'n(t.

«a-Unlcmu>dUnculttk«rhii». . Km nitx 1). A. Kicrett. Juoi'h AlUu. U a H. i. C


UOUMO EAST.-^Cli**. . leave, ...\

B.03 8.1V a. in,2.*>

ff«*l JBait.

BOUND WI-JtT.'H'1<»». 1«>».\ t , l l ' *.MI *. ni.

IU . «.«• p.m.

rrouivolata«a>t--«.U,1.S!ii>.ui.. MJ, .4.11 p i nI'nmi iulut> wMt-B.il • . u . . 1.45, OU. ..

. U|K)ii 'ruowluy, Thurmlay huiSaturday aftemooiiB from 3 to 5U D S )ear'* Hulmctiptiuu t-'i.W;sitbncription lUu. ~ ..

i£ver)'uno in corillully woleuui^ to comounJ iiiBiwct the bouku.

vnvnviiMethodist -Ixxatwlon Walnut aveuue.

Preaching «>rvic*> each Huuduy a10.30 u. in. and 7.45 p. in.

Sunday school 12 in. 'Epworth Leagu» service each Sunday

0.5O p. in.Prayer mooting, Fridays, 7.45 p. in.Kpworth IjeuguB ineuts each Wediies

day B.IK) p. in.'Junior Ixaguo meets tach Friday 3.30pr-III.

jtdleanid soeioty meets llrut'l'liurnduyetich month.

Mlimiouury socinty moots sucondThursday each month.

Presbyterian—I/ut-ufad on Union UVDIIUD.Public ttorahipeacb Sunday at II. a.

DI., and 8 p. in.Sunday Kch'uol ut &30 a. in.

|—YrP.&O. E.iChape1r«un.lJunior Endeavor, chapel, Monday at

3 p. ni,Gospel service, chapel, Fridays p.m.Special Biblo clous for young women,

Jliun.li Study, 10.30 n. in., jWednawliiy.(IAHWOOII Chiuwl-Buncliiy services at

O.'M a. in., 8 p. in. jV. P. 8. C. E., Thursday 8 p. in.

Chriatiao Scion«»- Services held atooiUB occupied by the ltoyal Anauuiun the Upi-rs House Block.

Bonrices every .Sunday morning at1 o'clock. ." Huoilay school alter the sorvices.Heading Knomon Miln atroot,o[wn«'«rk

duya from 10 n. in, in 5 p. in. wheieChriatian Science literature may lie

btHinod .Testimonial, inepting at the

irximeBch Wejnoaday evenintjnt ei|{ht'clock.No services during Auguat.

Episcopal—LocaUd North avenue, eastof river.Sunday services Bt 11 a. m., and 7.30rn-. _Sunday school 930 a. m.Friday, Prayers 5 p. m.Vestry"meets first Thursday in each

month att)p. m.Parish circle, firat Wednesday in each

month. i 'St. Agnes' OuilJ, first Tuesday in each


Firrt Bsp'titt Church, located on Highrmi&^Z P!f6« n h\ tier""MrirrJ^it .^ii»f hrr I inl '*•

•hool, 3 P.M. Tuesday evening, prayer«eting. Tbursdsy evening. Christian

Endeavor Society meeting, 8 P.M. Therat Monday of each month, trustees'Mseting, 8 P.M. The. third Monday ofi&ch month, deacons and psator's meet-ng. 8 P.M. On the fourth Monday ofach month, general Church meeting, 8'.M. On the flrsf Iionl's day of eachWfith.th* L<onl'» Suppor wilLbe:served,


ndertaker aid Embalmer.FOLDING C1IAIES TO RENT.

Crialort. S. 1

A Tel£i2hoiie_J»'aii Dpoii hour tlirtiiii;li which\ trade enters. • . . .

• ' • ' ' *

Telephone ' Service—is' ;i, .husiness ttt'ccs^iiy.It in tu the. ui'eivluint an oiillOt (or iiilorm:i-

tion inul i|iintutii)iis ami an inlet (u ? oriliM's.

TeleplUHio Service keeps the- iiuiiiiiliiftiirer. themerchant anil the. cniistinu'r in coiistinit touch'.•^••••••^^t•;tw>l^llet*•"•••^l•u^»••.pro^^uc^lv•at.••vv.llJlev.^M•...,^li.:itau_c^!_

uf t h e v a i i a t i m i H ot d c n i n i u l .

Telephone gervico increanes »ale l>y "il'ur. e\peilitiou "it. leiuls to tin; IHI-

It "ko'i'iM the...liusiueris*' inte'reHt^ thrimcflioiit- tlu- ciinntry in' coiir

tion with the niarUetH. : % ''• - • • • • . • « = * •

Teli'))hone Service sa'v.eH inuch tinie, ami, an " Time is Money." it

saves Jlomy. • . ' . - '••'•'• v

It eoatH less, than an eiraiul boy aiiil it .dcieH the woik of a eoiuiiier-

cial ^iant. "" " '' -

Telephoiie Service lietvveen ollU'e and residence in a tieiueiuloiM nin-

veiiieiiee, at the present MCHS.I^C -rates, i« an uiiiinpurtant expense

rowded open another dour that i* have another t(4t'plioiii%'"irnrrtTtTr":t™Hrcrowded.- open another dour, that i* have another t(4t'

vatc l.Jrauch Hxchaiitfe, with trunk lines t(» tlu1 "Central,'' a swilclilioard and aw

nany stations as may ho required. ' . "

THE NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE CO.Broi.it.lit Ktisl Uniiul Sts., , Hlizuln't\\, N,*W

LIGHTNING'S QUEER VVORK.l*li«lba*ra|lH of T r r * F o u n d n n

of H a n K l l l r a b r • Hull. .Tlii> (It-mi limly <it Wil l iam II. Krl- i :

f the town <if IlriMiktlvll).ii.iir Wouk<'

Vaallr at funorr Ultds. ."Do yoo know," paid nu olwiTVunt

! gcntlenmu, "that, burring n muii unit apencock, I hulluvu u immry bird • In thiivoiumt uf nil crraiuri'Hi lliilli my wlf»and luynctf «r» very fond uf pi<lx, umlW<l kl l'l> lll'KTIll Uf lllCDU Illtl'l mi\\HtlU<t*

K-d a t'oiupK't*- tihotoKfaplil*' Itu-^r«aslun^if-tliu-liu;i{i!_trciijj|i!l!:r_w,li.!ij.i_bo stood ivbeii 1ln- fiital Imlt filrurkiliit, Hiiyii tht- <'bli'ai;<i' Inter'Oci'uii.['his niurn'luii* pbntnKrn|ili nui* r«uinl.iu-lils-l«»Wiir-lliiilJ!»rjuid.Jt_wiims"_ilittluct that e.ven.the imrHi mtiiuti* .VI-IIIHif tin- Icuvi'D wen- plainly rl«lhl<>.There art* tiiatiy a(<inintn uf llln- pin--

louit-un. OlflMit lit.pnrtlciilarl)' ftUHi'eiftl-ill) of ri'Ci-lvltiK* niiili-|il'luri'». - Tin'

It tbnt tln-y tin- tin* flin1

ramlllratliin* of lliir-Vlwirli'. i'urr<tit»over tho mirfaif, nffvrtlUK. IMT-

lap*"burning. -runm fnlty or utliirHUliKtaui't'M, In thf- trei'llki-

'orm nfli'U IM-HI In ll^bttilni;. Manytclt'OllnlH txllt-v' (hat tln-p; In powerIn an Intenup cliitrlr «urriiit to n>r«k<-limlow plituri'n iimli-r xuiuv <I»KII-luu*: Them- bnvi- IHHK I>IIII nought

without (lulling.

noaqullurs Kllllaa I • I I I * .i urn IMik iiLxiut MIir.<nl.

X*l.. ami llvi? Bti«:k lu th»- "necks" ar*-K terribly, mine younK >1iH.killed from Mti-s of tlie ln»>-et».

»ay» the I'lilhidelphln ltwuril. Travelsear the buy Hhor<> hai been uluiuFt

to protiH't th«? hume.i frotr.uioieiultwi. ami tji'-y ar>- kept In darktables auil coti'ti'1 »"ltb netting.

I'ann'kop* and Il««•!>•.The oriiflnal pawnshop i« dilllrult to

wunouoM slfnlr. which huil bieii In-.ibiLfajnUy_for.._yiiirv find wan nueil m

mnih fur trailitiuii'H u* furTi^iiyiiiy's! lako. I hud frequently remarked*.to my

wife that 1 believed tin' (UTiifinlit ofUbi«xa«iia'tti)..W!iiiew^io^BjdMiuieil of h|»• Mhubhy *lwelliii|{ .'|*lnci>_ miil~iTih>'urvVi|, with vuvluim t'.yi'n Ibofact t licit/111 n nth-' IT rutiguler* vyeru morn nrtlattcallyL ,lod'i|i'<l. " . "' "Well, tbiulit ifli{« llnally inllu|mi!i|,', and it Ij'.i-.iiii'j necewiary to liiirelnlio n] ueW 'utiA.""lii ordrf tis tent my Iwllnf lu: tlm intelligence, of my feuthi'reil frirlid• I initdo imt pulnt tu i(et Mm III" lirel/: tl'«t little bran IIUIMI I coillil llnd. Thni»Ilei t win inanliiil. No auuber wnt liu: turned Intu hiii new-IIUIUH thuti hi Iw. WH\ to vitiK ail IIH hat} nevur itfluK IMI*fur«. <:i/ni|ilet<rly drowning nut tile IIIIIHII;of tb'i other birds anil ImhavitiK Dlljnr-

) wlia In H.imiuner altuKnlher I'luinliiK: bin nudd«u rl*H lu life. No pn/ud pau|»TtuiniiiK untMpecU'iiJy into an Inherit

I anei; cf great rli'liei (.'oiildiii«r(i Kracn-| fully havu im^iiiiieil a Kruutcr degreu of, vanity."—Mempblif Hdlm-fur.

II rnyuhl lti«> I'untfr«>ifitllun.How In Intiri'Mt mill h,,l,| the nllin

tlljtl of lltl Illlllielil'll l>4 liftell n Kiiliri*it . .much wcrk nii'l Ihininht, but, tb" fid'IOWIIIH ini>l<l"iit nitiitiliilieil »"" by Itil|*iwnr Mid t'M>et|vi',iM»M: 'flu* linujurltyni tliic»if WIIM ivuirdilp In iliy'rciu^ri'Kii*thin urn ni iitti'iitivn in miy UIHIII'IHIII

.In the wr.t. luileid I think they nru"Txiejitlc/JiilMntllUtiiciln-ct. .' (Inn Mutiiliiy niijriiliiK \ prt;rirhi!il n

rerinuu un "TlniMunil I'lKhtiif i'ullli,".AH I K"' wiiriiiid up my liiiinU kVjct

'~jamrwith;-rity--|i»iiHMii.—'ibii-atliuiUuiiwild fur- licycu'l tliu iirdltinry. Kveryfyci In tlui |iuii<m tvun llnid on tlmliriwicjicr f'riini n'tiirl. to Hhhili. And I —

: (ileanu ilu nut ciec'iiHii inn .,( vufilty-iboiiKht. "Surely tlm fiTinun in n uumlouu, or it Imfl-Jitrtiilt Jlli'i rlisbt chord,"And 1 felt "pleiidid. '

'i'lii'»ervle« iliHMil, nnd tlm (iinllininwan dlMfimnrd. A« I wedt di>wn fromtlm pulpit n brother wblnpired n fewtri/rdii In me; tiieu niiiitlier. Onii lailyInvlt'i] mu X't lie^ lroiiKif IM fuxiu tin I

Cuiild ««rf uwuy. - A dozen <ir miiro m-• (lilted t|ni llmt brolber'ii vrunN. Tbi»exiiirjitluiiiil iuli-reft in tluit Herruiiii wandil» tothr! f net (but tho wmil In thn iirniof my (out bci I p:irled, niunUn% « utiir-tliliK Mni-liof Kljilm-(BiitHV ry KMtriiM.

If ultciilliwi lan.i, part a main.—Homllvtic Hi-view.


1 Ctiuuslna a Wllr For Her T»«lb. ' II, H,,,n Ilia llu>lnr«>.Orioof the rnoi-tcnr,l<.m and Intrrcut- i "J kriovt o unui uf nflnin In tliin

ini{ uf brldul cuntorm among llj«Jr>k!- , c l t j . " irald u clunu olwrvi-r, "WIUMU, UIIJO i»th>i priitlicii <jlcho'jilrn{B bride, ; career ban liten einlnently Buccewifnl• not for her fate, her llsjnro or her fur- i UUJ who i-ujoya Heut pcrwiiml puunlar-i tnnt), hut fur the eitellunci and atrenttlh ' lty, but whom titisitntui huiinu in oni) ofI oiher te<-lb. . • - - . ! this bint huted (nmcernn in tliu tonlii.I U p i n tli« polar circlv, wlieru n inau'd j -Mr. Ho-aml-mi hiiint°|f. \n n capilul fel-! blowl freeze atid part* of liim drop off \ \,lVIJ Kayn nearly everybody, 'but he Inat tbo tom-b of. the icy tlait, it In o ' unrrunriiled by u-net of tlm inciitieKt raii-

-arrss11o»ld lead to tb. .cuDc|c,,,, r. tb.t pti- a. W loving '

1 ,1

••mkkmmtA "';£%';&}y. aga&aa^^jWBM


":y: •.-rr^>-''-r-:

Page 2: 21V BROAD St - DigiFind-It · toey trill adopt pldity ttiaa the!H BELLS.;!• «o Tb*m la or of the I'aola t cburcb bells ulature pass a uicanor to ring CRANFORD. N. J-. SATURDAY



•^•'Tr^TTrTTPi .

£(JE Cranfoft-QtifigmPuUislied «v/>ry Saturday by

Tk.Crasfai filbtt (bter^ratd).

Uown Avraae, Oranford, H. !•

l 1


- I S

C « u i l . » i s i * a r e f r e q u e n t of t h e i in

' i ^ h t l y !!•<• i i i n d c . f t h e Hlimle t i i e >

tel<jri.'i|.)i ]Hi!i» iiinl ferii-es 1111 <• u(-11..-it tlieToKiiVli!).. f..r the p u r p l e onilviTti-int?. 'i'ln; ('ijizeit KIIJ_'K<'Mthat the matii-r !«• tiiliWi up and meiwhr—-' inl'-pted wlili-ii will abate tinliui-Jiliec. A IIIIIIIIM-I of tifnl~l«mid-h-.nl'l IN' pn-pafvd and placed (it Millo:l* JiL-l.-f. Wlii-K" tlliy Would be ofvalue to the n'lve'niwT, and n c h a wwa«l> for the use of the name. TheSUWSH would thin lie kept clcwof cir-cular* mid the tree1* and fences wouldl-re-ent a much neuter fip|>T'arii|ice.The T".wii-lil|« <Vinilniltee_ hhoiildu.|..| t mni«" I'idinatiee that A'OIIM |>ro-I'-<t ptiijierly o»IHT>< lit this repaid.

In Mon1»t"«n thtaiotir-'i" liaH lieenpur-mil with very Kratlfylntf resultH.nfid ah it«><H'latioii akin to our ownfrtirtKelie V. I, A. (|erfv«"H ijiilu. a j'ev-iinie from the retitnl* uf bill fioutd*Mtital'ly lt»eated. ' IVrhnp^ tfn» ladles..rili" V. I A. would lend their aid Inthi-._iiintlir.

«".»-iil:l>««*S Hilly of Illlij-irili('.unity nn* one oft hei-pcnl^r." at theAnnual pliiilf of the Huiileiilon

- tiniiity |"iirii]i-i' Alliance held atf'N-rliiiiKton \Vediie«il»y of thin week"..Hi* I'tiiiripal tople WH* the harmfulln!lneiii-<- i-seited by the IIIIKIM, »<a!l'--l,in vatiownHue* <if iiHtnuructiiic.He made 1 Ji<- Mutcinciif that I'll Hot-it-u* tiri'l tlie trade eoinlilnatloli». t»r'••ni-tV, ix'ilueeil the J>llee t" ther..nsiinier; that their effort* were all

-luttanli the incrt'U-lJii; of the cu^t forthe U-tlellt of their owll pui-kot*.Nearlje^i-iv olie'wIH.easily I'clltem-

|mmnl<" Jo? ninety .ci'iiti amiwhen 'common kerosene, Hut

I la <|tmlity as. that now

v - i , -* l", » . » • ; .n |irl|ra)loli.

II |'ollllil-li't{ltl, llflil

- ~ t •-i^til f<"iit^'t"fr frfill

lo'OlltK'lle'l li.V "IPINtV of the lll|,'ll-<-t development. Jii fait they aic

' tho•ftipl'iil-t of 'i'fit'it•»i SVt"FiI!«• iiiuklnij

'if. ii ..r immeiiM' heuellt to the Kener.Ill piii.lic III rhenpfiilliK IheVost of ne-i«i'-ltie«, and -iiiiiny other nimllarra-xHi'oufd be cited. We iloii't umler-takr t.» defend 1 he trn*t». Imt In at-tac-kitiK them ran- should in' Inki'ii tok.-i |> tvilliiu the facts, x

i i i I '•

Ir the rc|nirt be true that the Wc»tHeld A KIIZJIIM'HI Trolley Co. have upI>li)ilfuraf4irtli*>rext«<i"i|iiiiiiftliiit!,fi>r«M!u|>Miiiii <•( tlifir llnr mi Houth nv -cnui-. It will prove a Hpleiiilld chunccf«r<>iir T<'wiislil|itJumiHlltv« tone-curefrom thiironipariy ii U'tK-r value Forthe fnnii'hlse Kinnlcd and KUIUP munr•iitPVIliat their promises wl|l be fillOiled. Fur instance, >lho roadway ofSouth avenue ha» l.Vi'ii aliim-.t InipiiH

« ' i %£

Only within a day or wi hat any elToi tI.e. n mudeto U'ltv-rthlsriitiilitioillllldonly t<> make :> show at that. Anothermatter is well worth the consideration(.four »Viininlttoe. ltoselle In wiselyo.uH>ellint; the'company li.iKivenii In-demnity l»>iid' against possible dam-age* to ptoiH'ity. The t'-lllvisuiJjTt^t*tliatihe same course- be(j>jir-*u«l lute Still another matter tolook iuui l.-i tin- pn»liic.ni uf the lns|H'c-t«r fur the Towiishlp on the trolleywork. At the time the urriiiiitcinvntlvas made wlu-ioby the Township I'll-^in.-*T fiirniHlii-d the grade Tor the Hue»>» South jiveiiue it win understoodlhat tho tinlh'V cotnpnny was to ]>nytho c\>5t of this work uinl for the iu-!<pccUoii. As yet they luive not paidtlt<» ilr>t Mil. *»«, and une of the ivpre..M'ala!iv.-i ..f the company stated tothe WiMHeld Town <\>inmittee thatthey >lii| not pay cost of inspection inCnihfonl. A further matter for eivii-sidcratiou is th? depth of the "crushedstone t« l>e |>!ai-ed on the ittudWay. Sofar. when-the stone lias been plaredat all it i* not a* deep as it was umlef-

»t K»I it WOllld 1"".TJ;t\-* suggestions are not oiTeivd in

the least spirit of hostility to the trolleycompany. The frat>chise was Kiantetlfar too cheaply in the tlrst plaee, butthere i< not the slightest reason why

* *

strict letter of. their .iKrecment. Tin

* '•;i ,

iivlEy. Tiii H y i t r t oc utyinR pa*.-H"np"is will prove of gi>»atvaiut" li» our Town, but tin1 promotersare not in it furlovoof thi< town, hutfur tlie Iwncfit of their owi»..j>oeki't»,and dealings with thflii should beeoti-ducte>l on strict business prhnlpli'sfroa» Doir._«n._ lt_ N inanlfestly, notjHJisiiihTThat the Si'<uth avenut; iiuewill («• in oi»Tatii<ti ity Sept. 1, whlohi> ill" time >*'t iiy the terms of theirfraiii'hi:*', lifini" the Xovvn CVunmittfehavr it inlheir |Hiwer to comi>el the«Mic|>any to t<x the mark for tlie bene-fit cf the pul-Ue. .

Tfirt final meeting of th» CarnivaOimmittoc-was held Thursday night attlioEelre'ticCluu. Ifeporta of variousonintiiitt«M were received and linnl atrontrcraents'were lu&de-for all ,t^e de-toils of the illumination. .Alt ttie brid^iabove lhi> dam will be illuminate], tlmimt rlalx;rat« work being at Iscouiann'nhiidtfe. This will lie in charge of Heiar1). I'. f>riK»ek and U. D. Chsudler. Messni.Kliwr MI^ITP, Jai.ie* }tob«rtson, St., andK3 wnf.riii'SIliT *i.'lbe in Hiarge of thedecoratlima lit the other brlt\gMi as Bfliia fiwtioMB of the liver bank. Olurwllira will fin burned at about ttteutypniiit«oni t l ie riyi'r£

'The wirivg. fur lnntarbs along therirer and on Kimtiuan street and UnionnreiiUH was Iliiialied this iiKirning HItlie lanterns will all be in plane beforeniiilit, Tho carnival committee wilfurnish caudles to nil nho may ni-e.them. Tlicno may be obtained at Mr(J. II. Mlllur's Ixiat house.

The baud stund has bran creeled byDedrick Kruio in the OJMIII l«t on Central aveiiUBJust off of Kualiuan street.Tliu Btaud has IHWIK furnished witleE^hleon )ncaud(.iM.'ont lights by theSuburlmli Co., without eoot to tlie commlltei', an "their contribution to theCurniral. ": All who intend to takn part in th<rivur pnriuln uru rpi|ii(«ted U> be on bainJhyneviinthirty. Atelght o'clock abouilu ill bo diiu'liargnl HH a "unt ready"eigna]and the second IHIIIII) will lw the start

The parade will go from thibnad stand to tlie dam and turningtlii'ro will go up the river to nlxnilMr. Aiinil<<raiin'a plai* whor«7a lightwiitnko will iin net in tliu river. FromJJienithupiirade will return tuthfi baudntiuid for dismluual. ' It has been ili'fiil.xllliu.tiiu Ijciii will bo nntitled t<> a priiiiilesiigiiiii({overtliiM'ntir«c<iiif«t", Tpmnile will IMI liciilod by a band onllont arrangod by Mr. W'aterson.and tliejifditea will bn'vt Mr. KantHigu I'orcella'ilimit hnu«e. 1 ho prizes olTerwl will lxa liailuoiuit cup with engraving thereofby Mr. I*. O. VanHmin, for tlw IWBI

eiiniM" and u nilk penunt foitilt* hunt ili!O<>rict.'d Imnt. A, prize forluwn ilecaratuuiH will nluo LH> olTurnl.

Many of IIHWII , who livo .along theriver will hnvo'special decorations (andnt Ni'U<r4il lilauea diuplaya of liro'work

rirrnfel"ttm -dtfoctJoTrt>f - I*r«f;Iliirtow of (!rHtif<ird.

Thin will I HI the thirteenth carnival,tlm Unit hitting bueu held in lBHti butimue hint yvnr.' Thnlato Ijeo Ahry wasI In* iiimiiiit spirit In thii earlier cariiivalabut Blued lH'.il Mr. (1. llano)' Miller, ascommodore and treasurer of tho IliiatingAtwoi'tation, has IhHm in charge and itKnoll-without Hiiyiug tlmt yu.has'duhe hwwurk well, an proved by previous grandHiieceaues. Tu his able iiimlHtuntsiin tin1

euinmitteii nluo is due tlio thanks of thepublic fur tlio great pleasure and uniqueuiiterliiluuiiiut'furnisliod by the carnival.

('•rrl»r liKruii* In lh« V.f. S»*y.Few people know tbut the U. S. Navy

ban for Boine years uood tlio carrier orhoming pigeon as a means of communi-cation bi'ttt'i'on the aliips of tlio NorthAtlantic Hquadron and the naval statiui.son tlio coast. •

Although thiu is comparatively u uewdoparture fori this government, Kuropeannatiuim liuvo siluceaHfiilly. used thi* niudeuf diBputihing mt'ssagt's when the tvle-h'raph ur mail waa unavuilablo or in-"

Uuring tho Franco Pruntiian war itvvtiH tlio iiH'anu of frei|iient and rvliablv

from the boleaguered city of Pariito tlio outside world. Tlio cloeely drawnand.carefully patrolled lines of tlieviiiy nho Invented tho city, stop)>eilallpniwago of uian or beant but the longestrnnge rille ot tliotw times. In tho hands ofUi» I'riiMtiian -«ildit>r» failed -to bfiitg.liiwn the agile, light winged ini>siu>ngerHint Hew over their heads at an altitudeof from HOOto l.'Jrtlfe.'t. Tho ilitlniteHiuiully tumll object of u kuiiiingin thttt height and the then uncertaintrajectory of the projectile of tlio (iirriiiinimtHllegun t>f that 'period uiadn fancyniug ehutH aliuoat an im|mssibility.

The nveruge carrier pigeon (lies nt aM|H>ei|l of t!U>i miles au hour, althoughtint yiiung bir.ls. attain a tipeed of !ll tvX'i iiiileit only in lliat time. A bird oneyear old will cover a distance of SO miles:nlwoyivir-uld, of '.'OM; while the wellltrained, old titagers have lieen kuuwn tocover distances ot nnywTicre from tM tuUHH) iiiileu al a iiingla tllght.

The uionsagi'S curried by these birdsare written ou specially prepared lieaue

«|H'r, tightly folded and placed in analuminum cup which is fastened to thoKg ot the bird above td» claw liy aband uf the same mulnl.

On being cast off they generally riseto an altitude of frvm 3tMto4i.io fort,ttin>;iiitf iua-fut_rcflchiuB-ciri.l<i,grad-ally uureusing their height above tli«

tirouTuI, uiitil iheir instinct points theway to the homiug cole, when unlessway laid by a hawk, storm or eome otheruufurtseen accident,', they wing thairsuitt and silent flight without deviation

rettt . - •

~In lino vventbcr a pigvon will travel atan altitude 'of _friun SkX) to l Xjil ftsiviliiloin bad weather barely rising to. alirigh't'ot 41X.1 feet wheu crossing coun-try, although rising perceptively to

ots a v*idu expanse of water or to jgoer a city or limn. IThe birds used in the naval senic^ of

this country hare beet, raised aUilott

the V. H. Nival1'iiteon Cot*, Na»y Vard,_ Brooklynfrom imported plock, »od during thSpaniiliAroericaiji war were us*d fre-'|t>ently by caral officers on chipboardwhile off the ftonst of Cubs.• With bird* released near Havasa anon the northern coast of the island, theresults were rery satisfactory, but withthose cast off from ships lying off Santiago, hardly lifty per cent, arrived inTunipH, ill* remainder )<<*ir:|{ their w aypr being enticed off by the iiJlnriDg nttractions ot a tropical floral of' vtliutfar more likely, being destroyeti by therapacious umiluught of the numeroubirds of prey for which <h« islands <ithe West Indieti are notiMl.

Farther north with the various shipsiif the Ttorth Atlantic 8'|Uatlron, 11lent* were far uioro i-iliauutivo und mecesaf ul and for.distances of within UKmiles of »hore, pigeona hare proviIhemselvt's U> reliable, eoeody and sufiana means of communication.

France, (iermany and " Kmisia havgone quite extensively into the bretHliriof war-pigeons and liuitsiaeten has advuneedf no far 09 to train falcons to preyupon the pigeons of 4lo enemy.

A No.rlly In

V. V. II.

Hall ll»jx>rllu».'• Mr. 1 lurry, a resident of our town ondwho has been for the last three yearnstatiot.ed at the Xrooklyn Navy Yard,liafl agreed U> intnxluco ft novelty nt tinbase ball game.of our local team hero to-d a y . T . . . . . . , .- . .. .. ' . - . ' . - •

II*» will have lit tho giimn n tlight olcarrier pigeonn from tho XJ.H, tinva.homing pigeon cote und ht intcrvalsduring the game release tho birds with mensagea; ' ;

OranfurditoB who have riover neon lion*ing pigeons cast off Hhmild not fnil to I*present, as the Bight will bo well worth atrip U> tho grounds. Tho Cranford hoyput up gixxl ball and well deserve acrowd ot ovory gaiho thnr play, but thdnublo starred attraction of our localnine and Undo Ham'a naval pigeonamight to puck grand Ktand and bleachers.

The management was heard to remarkat last .Saturday's gnm» thut any ladypreiwnt In tlio grand-stand who wnulilike to uend a letter to a friend would begiven the opportunity. ' ,

The Indies of Cranford have all usedmail, telegraph or ti'lopliono utr a means

4 ^11 HO of the pigeon for that purpono in anovelty that doubtreuH may prove - verjfetching to many of the fair sex.

Uottcr printeil yentertjny whnt pur-•portoAtyrbe n lint-nf—«itrh>u* xdvurtts-menta etc., on tho walls of the pilotolllco. It in true, us he Bays, that theteare not overly Jmnutiful but his'objectwnu HimpJy a veiletl ntlncli o'n tho postmtutter. The list given wus not i*orr"ctat ull and Totter omitn to mention Innown iiilvcrlisiiieiitwitli the rest, but thenperhn|>n ho cluwios thiu with tho "tlypaper and its struggling victims".


f o l o Hodlflrd For the Rajtol Wonra.

The latent udvclly lu feminine sportsU it new furm of the ululent game ofpolo. Bucti a viirlatlon was uulmuglu-able ou the plains of old Asia, wherethe game was .Invented, but tlmt iloe.inut bother the Innovators of 1'urU andHer 11 u. The uew polu lum been takeuup there with all the ZUHI of novelty,says the Ht. IXJUIH l'ost-IMapatch. TheplayerH_ are iitouiitiHl, mil ou punk's,but oil puiwuatrc"rt>ller''HViiVvS".'""Tuey:wear shurt dresses and fancy cap*, audcatch the adiulratluu ot all beholders,

hockey or pony IH>U>, with Bllcts. buta soft, rather large, rubtn'r ball Is used,which the players try to putili or kickwith their feet-no easy task on hullbearing puuutuutlc Nkiites. The gualsare tnu stakvit at the*nd» of theor platfonn, aud when the luill strikenI'lther of them n Binull-bcll rings, Thisauiusctueut has l«i'U introiluced byMine. Cnouchuutte, but ua« caught thepublic fancy so quickly that now It laplayed nonprofesidonally by many uftho would lie athletic ladles of theFrench and Herman capitals. -

At least live are uccded for thegame, though more may take part luIt. As In hockey, tlie pluycrtt raugcthemselves at tlielr respei'tlve goals;the umpire puts the tuill down In tbevery cctiter of tho Held aud then gives

.tho signal for attack either by a whistleor by waving a stick. She In Judge ofall the play and decides ou foul*, goal*,etc. All touching with the liaiuU andgrabbing of one another Is strictly for--hidden, but when Hume oue In a franticeffort to kick the ball to goal loses herbalauce. It Is too much to expect tbutshe will uot reach out for tho nearestsupport, be It iwst or player, to saveherself from an ugly fall.~ It Is no end of fun for the spectators.The skill required to use the piii-u-inatlc skate Is not by any moans smallunder ordinary conditions, and howmuch fin'ttU'r-IMlK'-Aloumiid *ij<* Uiuw

•Im irlt.'liipt t» ytntut on nil," f.Mit t\rtt\send the luill isplunlng tu coal: Thegame tnlgtil as" well be called skatingfoutbalt an polo, for the ball has- tobe kicked home, and the sport U almostas dangerous as an lntercollcguitL"match game.

GaiUrBd I'or Ualfrra..—litlle sttuarAvlivel^. lu-funu tn>t un-

i iUe .Huriuan.. iirayor whe».'l3,_areBow In us*,o!vthe coif links In Kash-mir, says- the "Delhi Morning Post.They are conducive to silence, a swhen one misses a particularly goodstroke, one takes the wheel hurriedlyfrom the caddie and violently turns Itarousd.


House formerly occupieIJIJ- Mr. Van Order, at cornelof SpriiigGelii;and Centraavenues.. ..All improvemenlS"and perfect condit-ion. Rent $35 per monthApply toM.S. SANDERSON, next deer.

D. A. EVERETT.(formerly Krer, t t i I'iarson.)

Mason pnd Builder:I A CRANFORO N.J

P. W. Park .1•hw family at Sp

-Mrs. P. D. \two reeics ttar

Miss A.' Eva Ifew Uay* wiili f

Jiidge W. M.

Boot and

ciuaroRo, a. j .



ilakerNeatly Done.

CUSTOM WORX A SPECIALTY.Also a foil lino of

Cigars, Confectionery anjlToys

NORTH AVE. Xear Fire House,



A new department has rei-ontly been

establiihod consulting of


' Giro mo • call and i'n»i>oct lay large



DIEDRICH KREIE,Carpenter and Builder. '

f^iiss M. Edith Blaise,

iilifiiiilr.1 tfrhuul. Uumta}* au J TliurmUliri.


P.HflRJftJICiSTIlath building, Union Avenue.

JOHN ISENMANN.Waaliingtoa Market Butcher •••'

AU Kinds of Meat* and Provisions

City Dressed Beef.(No Embalmed Beet)

Daily free deliveries in Crauford. Ordorsmay be left at reeidjence, Springtiold ave.or stand I'Jlr Washington Market. N. Y.

\V. W". MendeU,

Carpenter arid Builder,JubbltiK atteucleU to.

Kcuidenoe, Walnut aveoae, Cranford..


Lake Hopatcong IceMliue 1, Vranfortl.

J,aW.RANKIN.Uhi h Valley Coal.

Kindling Wood.s Hlock. Yud


S. K. AUAilSAtjcntfur

American Insurance Co,Cranfonl, X. J.

X.Y.OJPet,itiH>m lit, 4i B'u'ujf.


Livtry and Boardiity Stablti.

Adjoining Opera House,

:HAXF0Iit> -_ Xew Jerxy.

NORTH AVENUE,Opp. Engine House.



ou can l« sure you will gtt yourlauiiOrj-if left at my place."

Reasonable Prices^TOM I^^EJ,


Cranford, N.J.

We do jiot annoy people who have recently lostfriends, by peddling monuments but endeavor to,our trade by judicious advertising and by dealing withcustomers in a square business way giving an honestpiece of work and material for an honest dollar wewould be pleased to have your order on theseprinciples. ' • .' .

Very truly^ . . '/

165 East Ffont Street, Plainfield, N. J.


OoodCofTce, perlb 15c. , 'Pallfoffoe, ]«rl625o.Best Coffee, ]i«rlbS2c.

8a(ri>oii,rpMciSi l lS.Fresh t^bster, cm 20e.Bouaca Maokerel 15o. I1 I VllilMn KUsburr'Fion* 70c!

. I M i l l U o l i r» Oil >lt. bot 25c. IU I H . U ^ . U I W I I I I V H • ' " * V U 1 1 M Oj i T BOUpt. b o i lBo.!

Olivo Oil 1-2 pt. bot. IOO• Dunham Cocnannt 1b SOo

T - f .... —Dnnliahicot'oanatl-ii lBo ••.-•• *"~. -'. DUnbaincocoaDntl-4 08o :. ••

CONCENTRATED SOUPS, aioorted, per can IOo.


ill tho past weeimproved.'

..' Mr. and Mrs.' today on a two i"district of l leit

*Mra. E.B. Venuo return fd/1ed trip in Eurof

Tho truck cotelection Wedmthe present ofllc

Mr. Joseph PItion in the romsand enjoying^if

Ttie Central I•.Biding at Aidfor the Naw Or

It»ia reportednight operator afallen heir to an

A young dau,died Thursday Ivice will be hel

v3Ir. Oeorge RN\ Y., willepen

'• Mr.O. M. Van:Rev. W. A. H

in tho First IIInseparable HiPeople."

Louie Hendrihealth sufficient

.' sumo hia work Isection.

A. M. Shapiroot soft hats foi

. He sure nnd ginbright tie. .


A Full Line of EverythingFor The Garden.


• Ctnljan 8«t«, p*r qt#. „io«.

TubcroM Bulbs, each ic

Gladlola " » ••

Caladlum •• large

and blank cartriUrearuis and 1branch ot his bt

Visitors in toecome ut any

"Prwibjttorian tSchool or Chun

Otto I(ogt{onlhas the coDtrucin order will ui\the early part ol

/The many f rugist, John Marittbat his littlerecoverinK from

Itvfould nothave the loosestreets about t<

"great beuelltfo

II. Lusardi, tfinest asaorttuesoda water, do 1

* way to tbo Ca:thirst.

A"Sunllo»eiat the liaptUt (.

-The eotertaiamMiss Lizzie Ft

v W. Myers. •7

The New Sweet Pea"George Dewey." - V .

Tile Larges t arid Most I^eliable Stbeicof Garden Seed in trie County


The ElizabethtownGas light Company.

^^Supplies^aato-i the-.people:-ford-for light-and ineh—li~^neverused gas for cooking purposestry it and you will be pleased. TheCompany will furnish and set allutensil9 necessary to use gas for fuel.A ga^range is economical and con-

returned fromThompson's fai

. mornint servic. •' tomorrow.

MrE-B^Cronesa trip and ata land office bucFrom there he \Lincoln, Nob.

The passing4

d jea not teem ton tne tlirowiijudging by thirailroad station

Kev. L. R. Dyol

• antly remeajb*younger oces,"

' evening.The civil serv

Ur carriers andSept. 7. J.C.(master, will beservice board,in by Sept. 1.

Miss Lottia \for some woakaroad to compl

Address the Company at12^firoad street,

* Elizabetb.


This atienuxcross bate withRoosevelt Mame< to be one ofseason and theiat the gTounda.balf past three.

Thepolorod]eection tad tBoynton Beu-hmated that f re/gathered thereing tbat tj><Craotord


Page 3: 21V BROAD St - DigiFind-It · toey trill adopt pldity ttiaa the!H BELLS.;!• «o Tb*m la or of the I'aola t cburcb bells ulature pass a uicanor to ring CRANFORD. N. J-. SATURDAY

Ferguson and Van .Name.Insurance and-Real Estate.

in all its branches.policies

issued while you wait. :^ates two-thinU lower UtPirtv.In9ura.nce.. --•]""•

i IfottetjU H U i o k , - GOrpsiter Now York Olfloe tl-t I'lm1 SStreot.

Page 4: 21V BROAD St - DigiFind-It · toey trill adopt pldity ttiaa the!H BELLS.;!• «o Tb*m la or of the I'aola t cburcb bells ulature pass a uicanor to ring CRANFORD. N. J-. SATURDAY



v* ffSM) on that (tiffl itrtfJioltl, tinit from

a damp,Tbt ffrira

For •.."*.-'to«

•*TU agrb

ait. '

• ^ «•

ift&-<l itk/jiriirte **»!! a clifi

i futtwtu/r

•C tu lit 11l .1 l i •-:.


11 «J

Lit iU

li!!;1.it>; '

\ i

•VfuufM ly tw<> wt.it*'.tiiii'ii luftii-j to <!u»t f«r

m*dr; \lirhrtth il UKiBirO | U fini>:«f#. .tttnTr'M 1 flit 1*1. II-UJW: . • • ; \ - v -

It* Miikjnrd iVf.iti* -Milli t-ttv »!*• (VfLriJ wifh

IJW t'Uhtif Li"tA* f»">» ••'"•• <» th« fir.« uf

Mj wiitlJ w«* but wllitio It* %r«llt~l l<m<l ih«-liftM (>.«!<«") -•" ' .

iDtlcfi) c.f t*t tinar «t*!<llhrfa I *t<**d i n +U.$r-

Hut •mli l a i r j ij-*'t ui«P tin- firm Jrt l c-rni»ryli«i • i>*rt. . "

t <4J tauatf fi.ti.(* LOUi Iti nrnirt In tnjr*r& ' . , • •'•"'

—\lti*A<if\ Tritinri['(,

THE NUMBER 13\ By Prederlck B. flucrniey. I

Moilram » •inllr to On>V IllHrr'tud.

PMiMan»aWw- ' • w4af,i,i;,li.iiir,llihiiiiaK(ilil"jliiiilii»HiiTiHiiuiilarl:T

l u n ••umilry liortw on u HMCIII HUH-

The chnrhifuu lyolltn, withi^l,from Noiui' MtHirlKh H.UI-

-taua a^J Up* which lire two rulilcH.n mouth Illlcil with pciiiln.

kc of ^H: COIIIIII).' wcddllii: «T. HUIIM1

Kill frieudnivJ would never niiirry. ouii Tui'Kilny, forM Khould lie mile of Hn

"Vuu would not/fuarry even Antonioun a'TuwMlnyr n W a fair H|UIIII»IPKlrl. fir there nfc VjicHjiiutlim blondncfcli frtitn Ainlnlunlu. .

Udlta. whom evcry!>o(>)( IIJOICH. itrewroxy n-d'nud. »l * ^ '""•cmiuu nhouldcr",

(,,T«L.'llt!',,lj."Jj};;^,l.u?^' ' " l l ',V'"!

whatever dny you nhonld iiiiiiT}'\lmiiwould lie for lilpi the blackeM of IdhrkN

We nil InuRhitl nt thin willy. know-'.tuir. the rlvnlry nf the twn wniirlliw.

diplomat, upoko up, Kiiyliuc: "1'oii'tquarrel, dear KIIIH. 'There. In roomelioiltth III thv Held of love for both ofynurnnd lucky the UIIIII who win" you

, on nny day of the weel;. Tiicmlny In\ m r bad ilny In Mexico, but mimiiK theAmericans It l» Friday, the day Nui'H-ltro J^euor W«H cni" -

"Kilt, what Rood fortune for nil ofu«!" interrupted l.ollln, plouidy.

ltotin Clot lido, the hpHtcsn. it womanof crcnt 1/iNiuty. locally placed In ftcnrvtil chair of colouliil •lute, <<>oli upthe theme: "I l iu. I confenK, Htiperxtl'

-HOUR. I would* bcclu nothing, mi aTuesday, n day W which no onenhonld "etnUirk. limrry W -. unilertiilicunythliiR nf liu|Kirtuuciv; but. ubove nilthlupi. 'shun a Tuomluywhon It. fullson the 1.1th of tlu»r iiunilti. If .v»uJtiuUK people will listen,, 1\ will tellyou n true story, itfijl Ij-onliUiii wlll.1coutlrin every word of it. for 1 fi-e| that1 uacd n •te»llco.' *« extraordinary Inthe fate- of tlie' fiuhlly of Vnllo doMlrondn." ;

M!i! !

!i .

oud cakes, nud there wa» un liiferrup--tluUi but WO_HO<>II( JMVttine <iulet,_uui|_eioilid.'' n-siiiiuiT;T""iVi lRsii." perirapii uy«-ar later, there llvisl nt IM t'nlli1 <!<•iu« Daiuim Iteslns mr old nmn npd hln.wife called Si'iiuvla. They owuj'd th«>place unil liud IIVIHI then- 'iiinn.vj.veiirnnluut> wll.li tliclr Heryiint.-i, nil i'hteily|KH>ple. tlicTe I'cini? U|' chliiir«'ii. .1 ciiir-not sny tlicrc waii, ill luck nttcudlnK

-tllMU"— - • - ;"-. •"KxivptlUK havliiK uu chlldrvn."

vumuii'UtnT I.coiildnti, who doten uuctilldrt-u aud Is always surniuuditl l>ytlll'Ul.

"Kxwpttnn liavlng no children," ctin-tlQUtil Clotllde.' "Hut theso old peoplodied on the mime day, u» 1 well IIVHII.aud It wan the i:itli of Novt'iiiU-r. nudwheu tin' iilai-e\\;i» nold. wlmrtly after,the fauilly of Vnlle de Miranda iHUiRhtIt and moved In. the dnti1 hclni; theISllli of the folKitvlnjj IVlirunr.v, a dun-bk> 13. you will notice. The Vn|h«i tieMiranda li::il ulwa.vBluid moueyf'aM fur,as uuy one's rtfulltvtltin KIHS. Theywen- urlclually from (Sunuiijmito uudw r v mlut* owuers. * Whatever theytoucuol tunuit to KUUI. My crandfii-tbrr lias told me tlmo and nuMln in*their Imuu-upe KIHHI fortunt1. It Rceui-til a Kin. he salil, to K- xo lucky 111 a-world whore so many iwoplo can nrv-vr nut'cit-d. Mrlvo n» they will. Kuciigeneration of thU favonnl family |inm-pored. I>t'at*iwu» rvluclunt. It al-most 6Ct>iucd', to knock ai~tTiclr door.If the tpus sought lylvcn, they found

llntcnrrn, tu» 'good nature*!mlnilliiit not our pardonable lUual <•»-curxluu: "Suili wen' the pnrt»lir» of tb«"family who moved iiito i:i Hainan Sfir-Klam. nearly '£> yearn njr«. 'Flare werenix MH)» flilll tlie* Hanie UllilltH-r ofilaii;flrti'*f«. a hoimeful, you'll htij, butthe II'IIIIHI- of the colonial period, nlie Inwhfcti tiioiir vlivroyn and <Li'Ir iiiiir-Him (mil iluui riij nan epat'louii, and thegrand "ilia w:ma room ruuuliit tlx* full1IIIJ."III of tin' flni't front; Tlilliu'* «cntwell with the fiiinlly till two yi-nrs.aft-.

vjus Iwini. llW'iMrtii'titb chilli! ,Thi'nnil l int uim nlnlHti-r In the fntnl nuui-licr IM>(;«:I to iii.iulfitil ItMi'lf. Unit !(!-iimlii'liluivt'iliil'iiWlf »v«*ry. 4»y hi incKili-'IlHli luanner rthnt In, by lihinu-lf—<il«)liiins: to call lu n bnrber. nud (JIH-IIIITIIIIIK whlhv .uiuklUK lil» toilet, lielicnril H iioliu. in tin* collrtjuril iifidKtl'piii'd out ou the corridor ib-IUtcu.forp'ttltiK tlint It V.IIN chilly nud.thathe WIIH lu lil» xtockliiK feet. "He cniislila cold, • • It wjtn MippoKcd. liud therefiilloK ."(I un cMliollmu. Humethlng chok-,I.Mit.« vein or nr|ery In n leK. Manyp.illiflll Kyinptntua followed. Mil rcKUin-IdoN.ciiclitni), he took to Ilia lii'd, andtint f.iri'inii»l mirK'Hiini uf-ttin t-lty iuI'l.iiKiiltiitlon decided Unit 111 M lee njusttie niiipiithtnl t» «iii''' III* Hf»'- llfWtt*.a Ida, Ktronir, full Mondcd man. und Ifwim imt liiuiulni'd Hint <n> uilicht notmirvive the operntloii. Hut tc»'.d«y«lifter In- tiled of lilt- dhock, mill It was,li-iuarvel tiow wanted he hail bc<-ome.Thin wim the most irnKli' evctit durlnic(.•i'licrnt|iiu».lli the lil«tory of tlie Valh'Hlie Mlriindn. ' \ ,

"When other cventu, uliilstt'i; nml nor-rowful, hiiil-Kcctirrcd-In that utiti.'.hni):py fniiiKy. i^'imldnn looked lip'llilidiite

the dentil of lion lKiin(;l«i It wantlie 1,'lth. TIIIM W'IIK but tin* IK'CIIIIIIIII:..for on tin- l"lli of the followliiK MnyMnrla, tin1 wife, dhil of typliun, nudthen cuiiie IIMNI'H of (iroperty. tin1 llillli'rtfulled to |iuy, an Intercut Hi u bniikliiKhniiHi' WHN ln»t IhrouKh a iiitmt utici-peeled /allure, nud when »<• Sfiuinl Unitthe liiiiililuKhuiiM* wna nt III inreetwe Hhiiilderiil. M.v futher weiit to \n»yiluiiK Julio Vnlle de Mlriimln In eouu-M'l him tp liiovi- out of III I iiiuiiiH He-UIIIN, but .lullo Mild tlint It wan ull n He-rli'H of cnliiililiinrH mid that, even If Itwere tlint, he hiiil iio iiioney. ti> lipeniTIII IHIIlic up n lietv hoiiNe. It Ket'Wii III-criHtllde, but III the Hpucj- of three ycnrnevery, lucinher of that -faintly exceptJulio rtud • Muter, Trinidad, lind died,nud cuihili'iilli look place on u lMth orn L'lllh! j'co|ile nil over thf city hadcome to tnllc of the Vnlle dt> Mlrilllihl

ried. they got handsome aud ndorlnebustiaudn. It was like a fairy t;iU\dear Klrls., You bavt> never read nnovel Ilk* It."

Here our hostess, who Is a bit ro-mantic, sighed,, sipped her inciting let-aud went ou: "lion Icuaclo Valle dt>Miranda was one of the most dlstln-

. an4 Maria lutlau,. W*- KU»,

ivproachable ts«to and. although theinoibcr of many children, almost asslender of waMt as I.nlltn here."

"Wo all, of courw'. filed our eyes ontbe charminB form of tbe jrounc aul-tatSA and.then n-suuu\l our attitude of

pie. were collllIIK'lllllHt the. llUMllii'l' l.'l. Tllnlilmuvwl out of No. vif <ir'iluitiKcd the

uilier to 'U bin,' uriythlUK to hreak

iciiiM went by, ntul Jullii re-iimlhvVt\a bachelor, while bin Hl»tcr,TrliiliWul,\n Hplciidld lookhiK jtlrl, lull,of lovcly\ftuurc mid with urcut dnrkeycH, who hml l>cen carefully cducntmllit the Kucn^Csllenrt, n-iiinlnyd^wnli.til 111. Julio limi iHuiiuKi'd t<> rctiiln tneIIIIIIHI', for n copper^tnlne, wlililrno ohehad thought wortiiWoiiHldcrliiK lindwhich tin* creditor* oftlii' fai'nllj;. hadhft lu II doubtfully itcuHrouH wny toJulio uud bin nlxtiT. lind tilrimt out ofilliicli Vlilue uud Imd tm-ir Nold toI'lfiiiliinen, I ifun't know how It hup-pencil, hut Julio Heeuied fiiBt'lnuted hythe old hoiiHe. They were udil peuple.Unit brother uud'HlHtcn, nud dci-laiitlthat, where their futher nud motherhad lived WUH dear to thi'iii und thatthey could uot ln> happy In any otherIIIIUKI1. even jln a iiiiHlerii'iiiiihalou IILthe iit-wcr imtl of the city.

"It wa« IIIHIHI 1NIC wheu a JOUIIKUIIIII tif eM'i'llriil ftitiilly, Ilnfnel delMonte, hcttau to |uiy tMiirt tu Trlnldud,ttnudlut! under lier bulcony at nlglit.follinvliif her everywhere, lu nhort the

'ntuiimt ilevotlnu. itufiU'l hail u, l a wfnrttme lu-|ionm»<Tjud-liilld«i lltdl IIVIMItlie life of * you(iK cluliumn, uud, hclURfouii-^if-lmriten;' wit* nlwuyn drlvliigrtryliiK'-n <iew. carrhnti' or i!oltiB.un_hoiBebiuk cxtiirsloiin nliotit tju> vulley.l ie wnK'un luiiiienH'e favorite lu nocle-ty, and nil tin* luaiuumx wcivwlii'inlnitto ni't ltufuel for their duuKlitfni. l i ecoultl pluy the:|ititno,-8lUKr»*|H'ak- well,-biith lu I'l'etilh liud ICUKIUII. lunl truv-clctl. tJrt'Brted.lu lierf'H't lii^tv.atid WIIHnot only u lmiidmuiie fellow, but uoth-liiK •illHidpaUHl. .lAHiuldaii will he mywitiicHH tlint wi' u»ed to BII.V, on talk-,111).* over the devotion of Itufncl forTrlulilud, thill- perliupK the evil fortuneof the family of the Vulli'S tie MlmuiUiimd tukeii WIUK». Voulh and beauty,wtiilth "lid dU'liH-tlmi, uiudl.v In love!Suit'l.Vi w« thuuiilit, the leuf hut becuturueil tu th%> iKiok of"u trade fule. Atu.11 eveutx, I'oituno »i-i'ii\cd to liave relout ill. uud Trluldud WUH an luinpy aKill as on*.- could wish to BPP. Wlierev-tT we ini't her nt Boclul rcuulgu* shewon n radiant picture of youth andlicuuiy, nud her wo.ndcrfully illMln-Ktllxhcd iK-miui: und perfect vase drew..vJvj-v eye. t'hi" wnra u Klrl o f whom nooiu> said menu thlnijK. Hoclvly here 1»nharp toiiRUiHl xoniethucH, but as If bycommon COUHCUI all the world secmctlto with KO«J fortuuc for this lust of thedniiKhtcrH of nil III fitted housi1."

Lcoulduii looked meditatively at Clo-tllile's lovely .-hands and murmured."Trinidad was perfectlouajtself. nu nu-»:cl frvui heovcu." a speech well bcttt-

_.perfiH;tUin...iiud. _t»-'-iwhen WOUKU full lu love with a wo-umif you may be surv. Blrls, that she IsKood aud H\vi<et and charuilUK' Allthat was Trliitdud. Valle de MiraudiThe very bullOghtere ou the tlreet co^ners forKut to nay her aoixvw oue f»ld, "Sue Is a huly Imagefrom the altar, gone walking through

-KnFil,.«Aver.• Juadiod_Utr,.tara.Went alMOt'llie cftj-.-ileavea sivuwdto have relented and to law nhoweretlall IKISSIMJ* Rifts of Krao.' aud virtueou this superb young wotoau. Howdevout slie was! How cyustunt tu herilovotlons! How mauy tluiL-a the wentto llic sUrtnc at Ouadalupe to prayl

Ami tli» cli Iff ojftii-roumlwrleu ador-er* wax Unfa<-1. |

"I rc^ lk-a* If II were Jcirtpnlaf.thf-lr uarriaswln the archhlnhiq)'* jiri'vote cliapt'l. Joy Illoiultted t)u> fart- o fTrinidad. Unfurl was a pMfert ii!f-tuITi a )I>MNK hidalgo, an we see tlu>Killliintii uf old tlinei In iilct uro. l i e»BH w> luauly, HI) proud of ihli <horjn-ing. wojilaii! l lwiiuli l i . i l . Tliey weolaway on their wedding ilay fi;r a Umstour Iti Curopc. Kvcu Julio'it nail fan'ri'latcd on. the <L]y of the f-crcuiony.We ull went to the mlluu) Ktiitluliami ^avc theui a iti-ejM-illilii nin^iillU-n.Tin* lirlde. Ill lier Inuelliis <lre«». wantlie hatid^uuierit woman I liave. ever'tuvu." _ ___-r 1 •_

AM ciutlido In still linnil«>ni(> nml tuher youth wan a rvigntiig l» l le In tlteClly of Mi-xlco tier (iralM* nan Hint ufII' coliijJM:t(-iit i>eif»>n.: I^KiUlilan howei]liln lu'oil ilinl looked uuutlcraldy itnil.while » i ' UWIIIIMI tho mi|iiil . • >-

Hero Clotlhie/u voice triiiililiil. "rix.rJulio! He unit ut lil« dink lu UU olllic«u» Hfterniioi! ln'AHiiiiit~ivIi««ii a ti-Ie-ftraiu wan liroii^-lit In. It was fromIlnfue): 'Itallnay acclili-nt; Ttinhlmlkllluil; ir» xufTiriiiK. I <fc>4pcrnte. Tnr-lleulnrn hy mall.', Julio vrn* *iunn«:<l.In a iluy lie necintil t o linifrjieiau «Minn it, "Our. .fate: our wrcti IICIY ruinlly.All the llRht K'Mlc out nf my Ilfi-.V ThUWan nil uny one coiilil «ct from Julio.Tlu> letter ennii'. fluted from mime HttVclly ID IYUMCC, ninHiiclusiil o ni'W«iia-pcr ncoj i intof n terrllile rallwuy uccl-d e n L ^ l u e wrili'iin-, Illliil with lullnlteineaiiliijr. with HIIIIHIIT mi|(t;iiitlvcuetH.wax thin: T h e tlilrleeiilli luxly^tnkeufrom the wrei'lt wim that of n yomiK

Mexl inn woimin UMIully mnrrled. Herliiimluiud MtruiiKcly t'Ncuiicd^iuliuJ'imi]/.

"•The thirteenth hpdy.c-commentedall .Mcxlcii. •Tin' fate of tin- famlllaVolh) ile'Mlrniiiln.' • •,

\ "Ilufael never rflurnctl.* Utr HVCHahroad." 7T7": ~".;'"

"And Julln'/" wi- nil iiHkcd hliuullu-wimSly*.".-,-' ' \ . '

(.'liirllili' renumiilr "AH I unlil, he lie-,came oht In a ilay, M nunkeii of fftee..at/Kruy, HO lit t If til. Imt lie woiihl not leavethe houxe In -Omuim Ili'^Ian. Iliy'ile-votet) liluiHi'If to liU (tlster'n ini^nory.He (,'ave mhcli money lu lier'liHiue tothe lieiicHcctit nnliTn. Illw )iinlui'«Hprtwjiered.-\WnikiHtHl-liliiti<(> ^nniyyrto lake utiother IIUIIMC, • to7(!et tuiue-thlliK of the late ailltlMimil Joy of life.Holier, Hiilxlued, hut (ini/i'Tnl an HUII-Hhlue In tlie <lnyw of llii/fiilllnK leaven.We could nut move hUn. He W'IW lin-'piiHMlve wlii'ii we tatkeil alHiut theseiinitlerH. All' he wt^lld Hiiy WHH: "Hearfrlendi), I thiink )(/ii. At lettHt the love

fitmlly of Vnlle4Ie JSIIranda.1

Here, (,'iutlli)/ lii'pm to weep xifftly.."Tell the'rvHt/fLconltlaH," NIII- KIIIII In atreiuhlliiK vuicev nhil 111 the deeper toneof the-uiiiJifeumtLttie.eoucltiKloti of theHlninuc lUory: "It WUH OU H cold,elultdy. /inlxcrutilc , iluy In Junmiry.wheu iliit MUOW wnler» were fulllnitnud ull Mexico <vii'» nilHeruhlc und chill-ed t(/tlu> marrow, tluit n rumor Mpread;«l«;tit thctownthut DonJiillahad haujc<i) Iilnuu'lf. I wn» nuiiiiiK tint llr.it att/ie cluli tu hear the IICWH und, JllliiulliKililu iny carriage, went to IM IIIIIUUHIII'KIIIH. There mm the iitiuoHt counter-uutlou nin(mjr"Ttie~st>Tvldumliro. TheiilllcerH of the law were eouitiiK to Hi*the liody. It wait too true. The hint oftlie VMIICM de .Miranda wax nelf ImiiKcilIn liln chuinlier. He left im note, uoth-ltiK to explain hht ultimate IhoiiKht.When the liody'wnx olllclally exaiuln-IHI, there was found III ft little Hllkeii liat?HilHpriided by u conl worn uliout theneek u card on which lunl l inn llnclypnltiled u Htruucely. ouihlemUtle lurderof bleodltiK lu'iirts", uiidi'r ciicli a nameof u I^CIIIIKT of the fnU'il faiully and Inthe miter In deep hlack the fatal i:i.And thin wan the last of a familywhich for Keucrallons wnn a Hymniyiufor tiraHiH'rlly, for KOOII fortune, fur iliebeauty of Its women nmV the iniiiily

7K'f ftvlioTr of "If M~iioiiFU ' Biu I" init iinillyilnud the fntnl nunitier." -

"^Aiid ilie;jo|it; ; :tier eyex .liciiliuiueii, "does It

Anil I.eoiildim iuiide_rcidy: "A warc-luiuse occupleH Its place. It wan torndown uot from motive* of Hcntlmcut.lilit to (,'ivo place ti> tlio ndviinoo" oftrude."

It WUH fully an hour bufolv tliw |M>rtyIn the .country house rtvovered IUcheerful tone, Init by S o'clock the can-dli'H were ll|,'htcd, and the youni; iicopluwere daucliiK. Sunday was. endingliivrrlly.—Ihistoii Herald.

PIlBle I'lant »u*rr«.When Sir Hmui>hry lluvy was a

boy about luf^i llttlu girl i-aino to himIn Kti'it cxciteWnf: •

"Uniul'hry, do till uio why thesotwo |iieces t>f cano lunko n tin; t>,iark t>flight when I rub them togetherr^——

tlumphry WHH u ntuiliouii Ivy, whoepeul hours iu thi 11 k 1 ulipuat nicutlUcurohlems. Mo patted tho ciiilil'a curlyhead nml »nld: . .

"I do Uot kuow, tlrnr. Let us KO iftliey really ilo uiakti a liKht. njDd tbtuwo will try to Hud unt why."

Humphry HOOU fuuiul thut the littlegirl was right. The piocta ut cuue, ifrubbed toother t|ulckly. did ttivo atiny light Tlien he fet tu work to liudout the Tension, and after t>uuit< time,thanks totlio observing powers of hisliltlo frieuil nud lib o«u kindness to

done, Humphry D«w tuado thu firstof his interesting discoveries.. Everyrved, cauu and ftrasa bns un outer skinof tlluty stutt, which V[°trct>>tn0 ' Q 'fide from luwct.i and ULKI .belpi thefrail looking leaven to stned upright.—,Evangelist


btiught for her.uever sultwl ber.""fc>o she buys them herself uow% does

• l ie"?""No; she takes those 1 buy for my-

self. They always Bitiui to suit her."—C l V

mmm IT SULU.Description of Final Scene of

iOtjr War With Spain. >


l i i l m u n d Orvaa • ! tbmMs* "ml bVM-rliMUM s f••rrcad«r*d^-flp>«r« »t «b* DataI r i l l i Cauiaaid •to II» I I I U B .CUMBI* «

Tlie New Vorkrefixiiideiit, ou board the Caltcd Btattmr.tt-aiushlui Ilcli'iia. off Bakour, lu Ma-nila bay, writloc UDder date of JunelOubout the flasr raiilnj at Hulti, sayi:

On the tuornlng of Slay 1(1 pur or-der* en me to prejiare to get to ncl thfitulglit.'aud I K had to btiBtle. We tual-•HI iililp, took la water, took In oil.utiirted Ert-H In tbe , bolkm, aecnreiltbliijto far «ca nntl got out at 7 p. m.That ulght ami the ueit day me were

along 11 InJora islaud andat duxk were at the north end ofy Inland, where Hollo 1*. We went

first to Zamboauga, on the udand-ufMluduimo, aud theu to Jolo. or Sulu.ou the Island of SUlu. In the Sulu arch-lpclago, where a detachment of theTwenty-tblnl lufaulry. had liecu nentto relieve the Bpaulab eanisoD there.Wt» pasKcd Mfudnuao. tbe Island the.Molmiiiiiicilaus arc on, aud reached/jnulKKiUKa. the capital of Mindanao,on Sj|ny lUv '.-..'•.

In .tbo eVi'nlne^we ran Into Zam-buanga. Viiu tsiu't Imagine «ucb a con-dition a / exist* there. About 1.000Spanlib/soldiers bave been gatheredthere from the little Islands around"ilid/receUtly l(ave bee«» ni-ally lightingfor' their lives, 'the town Is a emailvillage, aud nt present ilfuru are no

/whiles hi It tixcejit tlii> Spanish,- andVheV have sent away ail of theb- gooda,.»u<l chattels. • They live In the Villagemid close to tt*. In the denseveocoiTaut(•roves that nurround It tlii; uutlves*have gatheretL' These native* are Bald-to lie armed with a few rlUcx and witheuuii and amniuultluu from the guu-lioatu" webollglit."The*e|fnnhoatii-wi-rogatbenil here by a M'punlsh agent, whobought them for us, nud It la said thinuncut let our enemies have the rapid"tlrlug RUUH, ammunition and provisionsf hitii them.

At Zauiboanga we found tlie Castlut*.She. has been gunning all about tbe

lhi> towb for developtuentB. In thehnrlwr was a largo Biiaulsh.lrausiwrt.sent to Rattier lu the SUQUIHII soldiersto re|intrlnte them, and when we werethere they Were trying to tlgure out•mue scheme by which these soldier*eould be gofely' withdrawn. The Kpan-Ish olllccrs feared that nhotild they, lie-,gin to evacuate the town; the nativeswould mass and rush • the. hist fewhundreds and massacre them. At 4u'clock this ship left Zamboanga forSulu. and we anchonnl til the mldat ofa jot of Islnn^*. watting until -' In thetnorulug, when we could get up-anchornud go ahead..:,

Ou May. W I witnessed tbe UnalRcene of our war with Spain, at the.towu of Sulu. Sulu l»luOd, Sulu nri'M-pclago; the hauling dowu of the Span-ish flag. In that faroff iporuer of ourucw territory, and the hoisting of theI'liltiil Ktaten Bag; the" uiwchlttj; out ofthe 8panlah gnrrlsou. aud the march-ing lu of ours. To go lack to the timeof our nucliorngc, on the utioal In theSulu,I 23 tulles front Zamboanga; thenext niorulug we were In night of uoeud of plvtly little gre*'n Islands withwhite coral beaches, and ueur to Uswas Sulu. a .HTfect little gem. appar-ently In nuite a high state of cultiva-tion,.. Jly_li).g.'c,loeU_\ve.went Iu:sightxuf tlte"town, and by 11 had anchoredeto»e oil the tudle and clow.* _lo the^Spanish transi'iori XebTi' XTIC^wliIclrhnd cowe In the ulght before With SiHIof. our Tvventy:thlrd lufautry to relievothe Spanish garrison there, aud to takethe latter hack to .Manila1 and Spain.From the ship thu town and 'country

wens beautiful, \ ,Hoou after we bad anchored, a Span-.

l»h army otllcer came aboard, aud laterone of our army officers. The lattertold us that the ccryuiouy of trausfer-rliiR would take placp at 1 o'clock, andwhen the captalu luvlted thu offlwrs togo with him to Mt! It. I douued myclennt'Ht white Rult and my sword andwent sliuij;. TIK'.HUUI total of the ter-ritory* to lie nurn-ndered to u» wasabout one-clghth tbe Kite of tlie Navalacademy ground prvitor at Anuapollu—just alwut the size of the paradeground, say.

SurrounillUK It was a loopholed stouewall, rather low aud tlilu. mure like agarden wall than anything else. Onthe wall werv watchtowcrs, aud ashort distance outside the walls wereblockhouses. The towu itself Is a'eem,as I said before. Its streets are broad-uud covered with clean white sand;trees Hue tlie sidewalks; uuwers ofbrilliant color grow everywhere, andenough upace is taken from the limitedarea to make two prvtty flowersiiuares; on many lives are tbe mostluxuriant orchids irrowluj;. Tto mainbody of the inhabitants werv Spanltb

lsh name for tho Mohammedan Inhab-itants of these islands) and permittedInside the wall-) after C lu tbe evening.All- told: 1 .Mionld say there are lessthan U.O0O Inhabitants counting In thesoldiers. Among tbe crowd there werea good ruany "Vloros," but.they belonsto a totally different race from the

and - dress- like thj*- savigi'Si- the/- ai»(using the most brilliant colors, withoutregard to their matching qualities.They are far .behind the - Filipinosaround Manila In knowledge of- tlieworld and approach the purelyelate very closely. .

Sosie That the United States


Allatlc*fap.,** ItWO la Onatcr thmu

Tkat »t Aar Olhcr Ceanlrr Ew«|>'irraM<e—lalted Bl«lc» CaliaiBg—*"laiyartKal Event. * .' . .r: J . r . fittBf; JUrectoTlnrc-Btef i f the

«iblhlu departmeuta for" tbe rbniuila-kluniT general of the I'ulted States tolUe ra.rl»;.espps|tlon, arrived 15 NewYork recently from 1'arls and brojugitt

.Wltji him mufb Informatlou as tu theprogress of the vork at the exposition.Sir. Bklff, wtieu seen by a New YorkBun reporter, «uld: "Just no w tbe eldexposliiuu buildings' are b*lug over-liouled and generally cleaned up forthe reception of exhibit* front tbe &7clvllltcd nations thht" tvlll be repre-sented there lit 1000. You can say thatAmerica will have more apace at herdisposal than-any of the other coun-tries, except, of course^ I'rance. AlfredI'lcard, the French commissioner geo-tml, and bis atmlstants are to be cou-gratuuited upon tbo remarkable pros-res» that they have umd« lu their «tu-pi'Udoun undertaking. Then) Is abso-lutely uo truth lu the rumors that tbenew buildings will not be. coojpU'U.-dIn time for tin- oin'iilnj; next April, forthe work has no fur advnuewl that 1believe thu exposition could open IIIJanuary If the exhibitors were readywith ttielr exblbllH. . •

"The* work on,.;, the United Statesbuilding hui progressed rapidly. Thefoundations have bceu completed, andtbe lufgu beams for.the inaln floorwere on the grounds when I left Parisa few days ago. The.United 8tBtenbuilding, when. It Is completed, willrewmlile milncwliat the Admlulstrutlonbulldrng at thu Chicago fair In 1KU3.One of tbo main featured of It will betli<> splendid dome, und It .will be prob-nbTyttiemofitelttborafeof thenationalpavlllous. There will lie nothing lu tbegrounds to cuiupuni with It from thepoint of modem architecture. Nothingtlint will tvtnt to i-umfort aud con-venience will be mlsslug. The ex-position work lu the United "Htates Isprogressing rapidly In ull departmeuta,

thf<li<uiand forVlia.ce greatly ex-

Iliilted Stnten have. at their disposalnliout MIM),UO6 square feet, aud If ulj therequests uf Atuorlcau exhibitors werogranted It would, require more, than7OU.0W nqiiaro feet to ai'commodute.tbeexhibits. This fm-t Will make AuierJ-ca'B exhibit a selected one, and we willnho\v to the Vvurld only tbo-best ofeVerythlng: Coin|aUaloner Generall'eck« Is enthU8lastll\o>-er the prospectand has- been Indefatigable In his ef-forts' to Jiring about aXcomplete suc-cess." • ' . \

"New York mate," said Mr. NormnnP. Otis, president'.of tlie New Yorkstate commission tu the Purls exposi-tion, when seen the other day, Vwlllmake a ttuo display at the Paris ex-position next year. One of the greatestfeatures of this exhibition will be therelief map of New York city, for whichan appropriation of ?10,IXH) wu» made.This map will be about M feet squareand will be preiiared under the direc-tion (if thu clly engineer. It will showthe library building which will be con-structed oil Fifth avenue'ou the siteof tho old reservoir, Uraut's tomb, thestatue of Jlbcrty und sectional modelsof KOUU> of the creutcst BtructurcM. lu-.eluding the Immense office buildingsand hotels. There •will be, besides,

. modela ot.our^bcst:BtVaiii;ttt)d._K81|l!nK.ynchtH, river stcaniboats and a typicalUrebuut and a ferryboat. The1 com-

lailssiou \vlir'inaku ii eoluptet© exhibi-tion of the transportation facilities Inaud about the city.

" "The city of Buffalo will be Well rep-reseuted, uud, as the l*aa-American f i-hlbltlon will be held there hi 1901, it ismore than probable tli»t the citymake nu unusual effort at Paris. It Isexpected that there will be a relief mapof Buffalo patterned after tbe map ofNew i'urk. city, and that it will stowthe wonderful plant of the Niagarat'alla Power coinpany,.the«tate reserva-tion and the entire fccopo of that ifrow-IUB city. Buffalo will also send a modelof the grain elevator system. Thecentral aud western part of the statewill be represeuted iu the fruit exhibit,to. which the cuuiuiisslou Intends topay particular atteutiou. A represent-ative of the national commlBslon wasrecently in consultation with Commis-sioner Illnkl-ly of I,yoU9 lu the Interestof-the fruit exhibit Tbe state commission la anxious that tbe dairy Inter-ests be also represented, and there willbe a consultation between the national-comnilsaloucr uf agriculture and Com-nitsslbner Phillips on this point. Theseexhibits will be transported at govern-ment expense, and the state commis-sioner will see to It that they are wellplaced at the exposition."__Cfllitaln A. 11. Maltoi of tbe bureauof publicity: when seen at his office InNew York, talked of the coming ex

•will take-laMattox said: "I have Just learned thatthe lion. Ferdinand Peck, commission-er general of the United States to theParis, exposition, baa Informed thestate department at Washington thatthree nieces of the late Mr. and Mrs.Anthony Pollock of Washington haveoffered a prize of $20,000 to be award-•ed-to- the- Inveotor-of tbe-best devicefor'laving-life at sea. and that.Coni-.cMssloner Peck has requested that thedepartment appoint a member of thisboard to award the prize. Mr. andMrs. Pollock were on board the'111fated steamship La Bourcogne and•were drowned."*

A wonderful collection cf exhibits la

«tu* wp ««-yB*«••*"« as IOUO •and dairy products. Dr. B. E. Balmoaand Major Henry AlTard; «llk catture,Dr. U - C Howard: r*get«bles and ce-ftals. Professor GiUfoway and Profess-or Carteton: Uquora, sogars and sirup*,N, Vf. Wllrr: tobacco, Milton WhltB»y;plants and eraiMK* lTofestor Uw-son SertbDfer; netUenlttirat ntenara.-tlon», a. p. Bractost aad V. A-Taywrfbotanical. If. V. ColrtUe: cotton. JohnHyde; experiment station* A. C. True;weather J w a u exhibit, Professor \t U-l l i l^ilgom .mlnesL Majoiv HarryGardner. .Preuident McKmley ta» &*•en several*sitting* to F. E. Seimer. theChicago sculptor, who U making theboat of the presldeat to be exhibited at•the Paris exposition. •"»' •

From John B. Cauldwell, director ofline art* for the fnlted States commis-sion. It la" learned tliat the art comrala-slon recently a'ppolnted by Commis-sioner Peck will direct the work ofmural decoration and will select thefresco worker*. It has been estimatedthat the . lnterlor_dK»rntlonB "of th»Unite* States building would cost be-tween $30,000 aud JM<M»O. Of thisamount the commission guaranteesJ1O.0OO, and tlie remainder will have.to be raised & popular ButacriDtlon.It l» contldently believed that therearc In tbe United States a sufflclentnumber of persons Interested In Bn»arts to warrant this expenditure andto assure to America a notable .place.The United States building will bemiuaru, with u large central dome androtunda, which will be. used by Ameri-cans as a general ineeting place.'""OB"three Bldtfs of the rotunda, there willbe rooms for the convenience of visit-ors, to the exposition. The secondfloor will be given to tbe use of \arl-ou% states, ahd-there will be book*where visitors can regUter. The .thirdfloor will be taken up'by the offices ofthe commissioner and his assistants,and the fourth floor will, be used bystates that cannot get accommoda«tlona on the second floor.,- Tbe build-lug will be situated on the Quay d' Or-aay, ou the left bank of the) Belue, onetif-the- most-favorable spots -wlthlu-tbdground*. The* building will be 85 byUO feet on the gruiiud plan and frbmJhe llrst" -tloor~to UieTojrof the dome,100 feet. The architecture, will beclassic. tThe main entrance wjll "beunder a* portico spanning the espla-

nade. ' lu the center of tbe arch oftho portico, overlooking the Seine, will

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ton, ybust of President Mtftluley. .On thobank of the Heine,'lu front of thebuilding, there' will be a boat landing,where tho boats of thu American Unacoiuiecttng 'with the American trolleysystem at Vlnceuues will touch.\ T b e exhibit of bicycles and auto-mobiles from tbe United States will besituated la a building at the Bols deVlncehucs, where'the railway exhibitsof all countries will be boused. A spaceof 8,000 »tluare;feet has been allottedAmerican bicycles. In conjunction,tbero will be u bicycle track for show-ing bicycles and motor cycles In opera-tion, and It hi expected that the Ainer-lean exhibit will be the largest at theexposition. A track two miles lu clr-cuuifereuen, running around Lake bay-niesull, has beeu bnllt for the u«e ofnutoiuoblk'9, UDd a ipaeu 6f 4,300eiiuarofcet ius been secured In themotor carriage building for the use ofthe American builders -tvlio will makedisplays. The great and1 growing in-terest In motor yelilcles wilt make this'building one of\the > inoat Bttractlfeat the cxiKisltlon. Much space will begiven to manufacturers of steam andelk-ctrlcal uiacbines anuSappllances andAmerica will be at tbeXfore In this

.departments The navy department will .send models of all thu battleships andcruisers of the uavy. Including thoseuot yet off the ways, and the wot de-partment will Have a tine display. Per-haps there will be nothing more Inter-^estlng than the display of the division r

of'forestry and fisheries vh|cn willbe Id charge'.of| Dr, Tarletou U, Bean,of Svasijlngton. The scope of this dis-play will be large, aad It will show thatAmerica is second to no country onearth. Native wines, especially thoseof California, will occupy ' a largespace. In this line America "will cornypare favorably with any country.

One of the Important events of th»exposition will be the Internationalgrocers' conference, at which thequestions of pure food and properstandards will be discussed. ' The con-ference will be held June 20,27 and 29,and many eminent persons have beensecured as patrons. Colonel BobertMitchell Floyd, editor of The TradePress List of Boston, Is now'in Lon-don, where he went to confer with apreliminary committee and make finalarrangements for the conference inJune. Other members of the commit-tee are W. Klndlat of Dublin and W.Pierre Vtnay of Paris. They will meetIn London at the meeting of the Fed-eration of Grocers of the United King-dom next mouth. This conference willbe the greatest convention of grocersaad allied Interests the world nas everknown. The following 'subject* willprobably_be dUcussed at: Payja: .Ibe


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JtewttoncrrntngtheadBherBtlofloffood producta and the posilblUty of se-CurlDg same uulformlty between thedifferent countries; the prospect of re-tail traders under the altered condi-tion* of competitions lawsaffectlnxtbe relationship between" employer*and assistants; apprenticeships; benev-olent societies^ technical' education:establishment of an international bu-

-iWtU -at Ptrade iBTormatluD; advk*; to -grocera 'wiio :may:..be vKltlng. (oiclgaconnlrles for commercial purposes;trade 'customs relating to conduct ofbusiness; methods'of weighing, pack-lag and distribution of goods; freightand transport of goodj In' rorlouacoonrrtra; systems of c d l jla retail tnulo. _

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