21th century skills

© 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Presentation_ID 1 What Are 21st Century Skills? Phan Thanh Son CTO, Cisco Vietnam

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Presentation about 21th Century Skill at Cisco NetAcad Program events in 2012


Page 1: 21th century skills

© 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Presentation_ID 1

What Are 21st Century Skills?

Phan Thanh Son CTO, Cisco Vietnam

Page 2: 21th century skills

© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Presentation_ID 2

The Popular Press Gets It

“This is a story about the big public

conversation the nation is not having

about education…whether an entire

generation of kids will fail to make the

grade in the global economy because

they can’t think their way through

abstract problems, work in teams,

distinguish good information from

bad, or speak a language other than


How to Build a Student for the 21st Century, TIME

Magazine, December 18, 2006

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We Believe the Education Game Is Changing

Facing Large Scale Disruption

In Need of a Bold and Urgent Response

The Employer

Demands New 21st Century Skills

Demands Strong Basics

The Learner

Lives an Online Life

Attends a Disconnected


Education System

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Employers are Adapting to the Challenges of Global Competition

Results refer to US 2-year college and technical diploma graduates, but are similar for high school

and 4-year college diploma graduates

Source: National Council on Economic Education, Tough Choices or Tough Times?—The Report of

the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce, Washington, 2007; Workforce

Readiness Project, 2006.

“The best employers the world over will be looking for the most creative, most innovative people on the face of the earth.”

Tough Choices for Tough Times, 2007

% Employers Think 21st Century Skills Will Be More Important in Graduates over Next 5 Years*

Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving

IT Application

Teamwork/ Collaboration

Creativity/ Innovation







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21st Century Learning

Education 2.0

Education 3.0—a Paradigm Shift

Education 1.0

Supported Through an Adapted Reform Agenda

Enabled by Technology

21st Century Skills

21st Century Pedagogy

Achieved in Holistic Transformation

Education 3.0

Traditional Education Systems





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Source: Developing a Framework for 21st Century Learning,

Partnership for 21st Century Skills, April 21, 2007; team analysis

21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Develop Core Subjects to Create Deep Specialized

Subject Knowledge


Place Special Emphasis on

Science, Technology,

Engineering, Math (STEM) Disciplines


Ensure Most Able Students Can Reach Higher

Achievements in 21st Century and

STEM Skills


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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Flexibility and Adaptability

Initiative and Self-Direction

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills

Productivity and Accountability


Ethics and Responsibility

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Global Awareness



Business and Entrepreneurial literacy

Civic Literacy

Health Literacy

Environmental Awareness

21st Century Content

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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Native Language/ Reading

World Language (s)



Core Subjects




Government/ Civics

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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Critical Thinking

Problem Solving


Creativity Skills

Self Direction


Learning and

Thinking Skills

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21st Century Skills: What Learners Need to Know

Life and Career Skills

21st Century Content

Core Subjects

Learning and

Thinking Skills

ICT Literacy

Information Literacy


Media Literacy

Technology Literacy

Social Networking

ICT Literacy

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Why Are 21st Century Skills So Important?

Global competition/ cooperation

Growth in new information

Pace of change is growing

Increased computerization and off-shoring

Global increase in service jobs

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“We are currently preparing students for jobs and

technologies that don’t yet exist… in order to solve problems that we don’t even know are problems yet.”

“Did you know”, widely circulated YouTube posting

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But Something Never Getting Old

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