21st bomber command tactical mission report 188, ocr

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    - UISSION NO. lOBFLOWN 5JUN 1.94'COpy NO.llS


    APO IJ 4


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    'lACTICll JIlSSIOJf R!PCR'l1'1e14 0I'4er No. 82 lIl88ice . . , . l88

    5 :June 19liST...BLE OF CONl'D1I'S Pa. . Ip .

    TQctiC::ll Rlrr:J.tive . . . . . 1Annex. A - Oper:l.t ions. . .. . ,port I _ N:!vigotion Tro::lck Cbart 10port II .. Mean points of Iop:lct 11p ~ III - Fli6ht Engineering Ch:r t s . 12" , r t IV R:J;d3.r . 14port V .. Q.lnncr1. .-. ""rt VI-.'Air-SC Rescue Ch:J.rt. 16

    Annex B - \,ecther . . ... 17par t I _ , leather Sur:rttJry. 18Part II .. Chart - ForeC-.::I.st ";'eother vObsaved I;ellthe.r. 19p a r t I n -prognostic Mlp 20part IV .. 5ynopt ic Mlp. 21Anncoc C .. ccmnunic:\tions.po.rt I RCU po.rt I I - Rodio

    .. .. AnnE:X 0 Intol l igence. . . . 26pnrt I _ Enemy Air Opposition 27p.::l.rt I I _ .Enemy Ant i.::l.ircr:lft. 31port I I I l)nI!le.BC Assessment. 33Annex E consolid{\ted Stntist icl \ l Sumnnry. J6Annex 1" XXI Bomber Ccmnand Field Ordur. 45Annex G _ Distr ibut ion. . . . . 50

    1._2 Sect ionXXI Bomber Catm::lnd

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    ! ! i ! ! ! t , 0 ., . , Aatb. ott UII e.O. .m ..... Oa = t I . .' ' ' - 1 ~ ... l/_'"' , Date ~ , i & 1 ' 111 ' 11" "

    SUBJmT. Report of Attack on Kobe on 5 June 1 ~ TO t Commanding General, Twentieth !1r Foree, Wdh1DctoD ~ D.C.

    1. IDENTIFICATION OF MISSIOll.a. Field Order Nuaber 82, Headquerters m BoBber eo-nd ,dated 4 JUlle 1945, directed the 58th, 7 )rd , JlJth end }l4tbinge to participate in a ~ e f r o r t attack against the lobe UrbIIDAres in Mission Number 188.b. Targets Specified.

    (1 ) The Kobe Urben Area ms designated as the pr1aaJ')'visual and radar target.(2) No secondArY or l a s t resor t tBl"gets were l!Ipec:1.t1ed.

    2. STRAM! AIm PLAN OF OPrnATIONSIa. selection of D-DaYI The previous incendiary attack egainatKobe, Mission Number 4" fai led to d8l:lsge eertain portions or the cit , .T'/hich contained lJ:lportant industr ial targets. Experience gained !'rocs1r:dlar assaults on other urban areas indicated that mother lncendle.ryattack ;lOuld probably e11l:linete Katie 8S an ineendiary target. Plans badbeen c.o.de to attack another incendiary target but on the ban:J of a fa _orable weather prediction for th e Kobe area, f i re decision na.:J cade tostrika on 5 June.b. Importance of the Targetl Kobe is Japan':J !!lOst lcportant

    tronaoorl8.tion canter and e.l.so MS cuch hG8.VY industry, shlp...buUd1l'@:aet!vi t ies end shipping in t ...rests . The desigNlted targot '\N!a for t h i .rossion contains severnl. ltlrge steel plMtl l , tI. rubber fll.ctcry, an 1J:pol'tabt ra.ilroad station, part of the CODCCTCil\l distr ic t Md A cl8ftlllalybul lt-up area.

    c. Detni1s of P1lum1ng OpcratloMlI(l) B o ~ b l n g l

    (a) DoterDination of B o ~ b Loadl1. .AJJ. nircraf ' t _ r e to carry incendiary bo.tHll

    and clullitcrs. E.!!.ch 81rcra1't ras 8uthorl1:cd to carry 1 T4S4 t ' ragaentatloncluster for tho purpose 01" intcrrerlng .....,.th organbed .fire rtghtlnc da..renees.

    _ 1 _

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    BKOa_.,-------..w ! . I t . . _Itt_ted. 1:het 4 .... p cd a U ' - - 'I'eqld.re , ~ each, end tile t 1 t t b . . . . p o b . o f 1IIput. w:MI1d=- 4 groUps. (See ma: 4, PIU't III to r p i c t u r e or . . . po1Dta o fand aae1gnment at crouP. to each.

    ,1. The 1IWIber 1 and 2 DIlen po1Dt. at 18pect ....eacb to be attacked b:r 1 group carrying .u..a47A2 1DclMd1an' boabe 2groUpe . . . . .>'ng._ o.1oebl. 01.._ . -,s..c IL69 _Th1. collblnatlon was considered to be the b e st w1 th Wllch to attack th...2 h1Ahl:r lnn8llllllable realdential areas.~ The nu=ber 3 and 4 IIMD polDt4 at 1IIpact weneach to be attacked by 1 group cl'llT)'1ng .lJUl47.l2 iDcend1ar7 bab s 8Dd2 groupe carrying AN.JIJ.7AJ. incendiary c:1ueters OOD t a1n1. ng 1L.5O bombs.The arel\S surrounding these 2 ' :lo1nts were principal1)" 1ndu1ltr1al in nature8lId r equir ed t he III;lderate penetrAtion and a\lJ.t1ple hi t s that ~ c a co..blnation of bor:Jbs was expected to give.1. The nucbcr 5 Dean point of 1cpact fOIl. to beattacked by 4 groups, 2 carrying AN-JA/.nA2 boobs and 2 can-yi,Dg cl1l8tC'sor !l-69 bombs, the cotlbination cons1dered the best nth 1IIh1cb to s ttack

    e. mixed res ident ia l and industrial. area.[,.. Group boob loe.ding for the 4 Wing8 "8 to be

    88 follOt'fSI!!!E& A!LII47A2 lL69 A J L I l l 7 ~58th .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    !U.I ! . ! 1

    ! . I t ... tbe beat troa lI D

    .. t t 1ICN1d 1Ito1llse pl"el!1aHd iU'hcetI1Dl boo. 18:) d ~ to bep tbe ._ pcd.ate of Upe f t dL... or . . . . .. I t we_ . . m. CIII -.tdah t.be dr1ft woa1dDDt be too exci Ye.

    ,!. '!'be t1m1ng control .. to be mc:b Uuat , pcllIIpI. . . .e to bomb T"ltbln 4 b1nutos ot each other MIS an a&'1t10M1 L "w t elnt8l"Val was to elapse betwoen the thi rd and tOllrtb poup.. 'Ih1. tb1Dgaohedule ".as to space the IlIquedrona and lIlUIl1t1one 1n web Il 111'87 tbatant1aircr8.f't and fire-fiGhting derenses 'I9OU1CI be saturated.

    1. A1rcratt carry1ng A1LJI47!2 1ncend1ar7 cl\lRel'awere to f ly in s f i a t formot1on to keep the boob. troa str1k1ns at.rcraftnying in the T'l1ng elecents.

    6. Axis o f attac:k for each Wing and etlt1D.t.eddr i f t and ground speed-nero as folloit8'58th Ul.ng 7Jr . TI1ng J1Jth W1!lg '14th '!1!!!

    Ans of Attack (true)Dr1t (right)Ground Speed25 degrees10 degrees325 000

    26 degrees9 degreesJZ1 "Ph

    2J, degroe810 rl.:'greca)24 "Ph

    28 dep-eea10 degree.J29 ....7. The n.4th Ulng W85 to send out 2 B-29 A1rcntt,each with a senior officer Md crec1, to act as caster ot COl"eIXIA1e. a 1

    cref't in the target area to l'lnrlounc:! the alti tude of attadr. Oneto act 8.8 1m eJ.ternate.8. Each \ling 178$ authorized to dispatch 1 a1rcrftf'tto precooe the main torce to recolllDend asseobly a lti tudos on the baabor ~ t h e r encountered.

    Route RellSons for Cho1ce-Base to lwo J1catoRG8ssccbly Areato.))50N-betnecnlJi,45E Md 13505EtoJ417H-1J500JOE (IP)toTargetto,455lLJ.J520Eto:#

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    (,) ""et !PP9'BP!M1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    ! ! 2 . ! ! !

    (1) ! p e r MteJ " . .. .ctlcn. I t .. ut:1M'ted tha t t .bwe8pproX1Jsatel:J SO t1I;htere capable o f 1nt8J'cept1ag the 8..29'. 111...... E o b ~ a a k a - l f a g o y a area. F ight er e scor t wee reoo.aadlecl troa d. , . . . .twoe POint to the terget, conndere4 the IIOR wlnerable por t i s or _eroute. A new broaka...ay procedure wae reCOllllD.end.ed, to the DOJ"UnreK, t b - .n l l t IlJld then lOuth to 8b1koku, an area in fIb1m tbere .. apected tobe a zd.n1mum of t ighter oppoll1tloD.(.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    II.!!!!.!.. , o. M !.. &eoon. Becau of ..........1Iler 00IId1t1.. tile----a t1gbt8l" eaoort , . .8 cencelled.

    4. 0ger Terg8t.(1 ) Primm Tmet . RAdar . . ueed to Idd DP1pt;1on 111the target are,,_ rdth weather conditions being "bout a8 predicted. Ofthe 474 a1rcre.t't ( \h is included 1 " I l. ther t rl lf t1c d1rect.er ai rcra t tthl'lt bol'lbed ni th the aldn torce) bombing the pr1.Dary target, ".v1lN8lly and 126 bJ radar. J. tot81 or 3O?!t.l t .ou at boab. . . droppedbet1-cea. 042222Z IUld oJ..:U47Z at tlltltudea reng1J2g tJ"ClD 13,650 to 18.800teet.(2 ) Tar6ets of OpportunitYI E l ~ t 8-29'11 dropped sA.?tons of ' boobs on 8 dUferent targeta of opportun1tJ blrt.".en oJ.:2OJ6Z aa4O423'tOz troE:l alti tudes of 8600 to:I7.800 t .(J ) ReCll.lndl!r of Forcel Forty_t""O a1rcre.tt were non-effective.

    e. Route Bnck' Navigtltlon back to bases 17M aCCOl:lPUahednithout dif f icul ty .r . Landingl Aircraft of the Da1n force lartded a t bues \l.Ddergood m:!ather oondtions as fallonsl

    First Land1nl; Last 1.ftnd1.nI;58th 050504Z 050721Z73rd 05Ql.o3Z 050'709ZJlJth 050459Z 05O'718ZJl4th 0 5 0 ~ 5 Z 05Q?06ZXXI B.C. Total 050 3Z 05Q7

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    le) ......crott the 58th . . . . . _end _ dU_f'1.aaJ.t;r _Utl the cabl.e becor:d.ng fOUled in t i l . lIbackle ed.epter. '1'Iw d1t_ficu.ltJ' OCcureel' 0IIl7 w i t h 8-lO abact .b . ab1cb w U l b . repleced t'1tb &.7~ e : t J . e a aa the l a t te r beecu avallable. Other W1Dg. report.acl t _ M], ...YllCt1ona.

    ....... lIlIOke,


    (b ) '!he poeate.t dUttGll1tJ' eC01llltere4 in the t I I r p t1"IhlC1b obaCW'od th e me.,. pointe o r 1m.ct .

    (d ) AU Wings reported that the in i t ia l point., 0Jd.n0Sh1ma, was 8atisfactory and easlly indenUfied en" that the 0 1 . ot attac:lr.a s sat isfactory bocau8a of the ~ ~ r O U 8 Check po in t. t ha t .ere visibleon the shores 01' Osaka Bay. All fortl8t1ons were over tbe t a r p t .tUl1Af t period of 85 ainutes. The a v ~ a g e "rln:. reported ... 6 degrees rteht.

    ()) Flight Engineering' (See Anncx A, Pcrt III , for cbart8,and the Con8011dntcd Statll l t ical Summary, Annex E, for f u e l and bo.bload atnt iat ica.)(8.) Narrative of the lolisdon 8S Fl.c""u

    1 . In i t ia l Cruisel J.ll aircraf t proceded a talt i tudes betneen .tooo to 9500 feet to th e point or cll!:.b to bocblngal t i tude. Differential al t i tudes and Bir speeds f la re used to O O ~ C 8 8the striking force and to llIin1.oize foreation asaecbly t ices.~ Climb to Bonbing Altitude and A..sSCCblyl Thet ice required to clicb to the 15,OOO-foot bonb1.ng alt i tude liftS atout aspredicted. Asseablies '9'ere effected off the coast of JapI!.D because otthe treather f ront north of It"'O J i. M.2. Return to Basel The cost econoc.ical rrturD8were made by a1.rcraf t nhich flcm at the bombing al t i tude Mel at cax1mu:Irange nlr speeds .WltU 11 2Oo..foot-per..minute descant broult lt 'the="ovC!' thebase a t pattern alt i tude.

    (b) Cocnents on the Results of ' tho Killsionl rue!consucptions nere about as predicted.

    (4) Radart See J.nnex A., Pllrt IV, f or det ail ed repor t .(5) Gunnery: See Annex A, PlU"t V, for ~ e t a 1 1 l ! d report.(6 ) Air_Sea ROscuol Ono alrcrAf't ditchod at ) 4 J . O J t . . l . J 6 l ~2 tLiles of! the COAst of Japan, ll.!'tcr having been r&tl.Coo by" an c n c ~ faircraft . or the crew of 11, only 5 p&rl'chutes r rerc seen to open. or

    thesG, 4 cre""' ceobers l'fCre reecucd by e suboarine.1. Uesthcrl8S predictcd for this

    (See Anncx Bnission. for dctft1ls). Tho u;:!8ther was a laon

    j . Conr.\unic"tionsl(1) RCJ,h (Seo .\Max C, Part I , ~ o dotRlllll).jacrdng \'IRS U;Cd on this nbslon. Erfcct1VG

    (2) Radiol (Sea .lnnox C, PArt I I , tor detallll.) . l totalof 60 str ike reporte ras reoeived.

    _7_! ! ~ ! ! ! !

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    1 !111k. Ipt.e1" sece. at

    ",-_ (1 ) Znew Air Oppoa1tlmu (SeD m1lZ D, Part I , to r d 8t d1L ).... IuDdred ad tut.:r . . .., a1 rp la n e. Md_ 6/11 a t ~ , the a t1 f fu t::;:t1oa eDOClIImtered to t'lato an a -.iadan in tbe 0"', SepJa ....weJ'O 44 de.troyod, 25 probabl:r destroyed lind JJ. daDaged.

    (2 ) hay Ant1.a1rcrattr (See.\nnG:l: D, Part D, to r deta1l.a.)las t .3 groupe, nbich coapreasCld their a tto ck i nt o a abort... periodat ' t1Ae than M y other 3 cons8O\ltive groupe, lmOO\ll1tcred tbe leas t oppodUon.(3) D!D!gc aaessnentl (Sec lnnex D, Part ID , tor deta1l )

    Ca) Da:lnge to [obc totnllcd 4.35 aquarc aUes, orappronaatcly 28 per ccmt of the bunt-up port ion o f thO c1t:r. .1notberona...ht1lf square l:I1le of daage was cnusoo to t h ere . J northeaat otthe lobe ci ty l l c i t s .(b) Total damage to Kobo troD this c1s!!lon end p str ikes (XXI Bocber Cor-..nand Llisslons No. 26 8Dd 4)) 1 , S.75 square l:I1lee,or approxlCJl.tcl.y 56 'lor cent of too built-up portiona ot the d,ty.(c) Seventeen mlcbered induatr1Bl target , were deagcd

    1n varying degree!!.


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr




    lIS IIII

    TARGET i LANO'S ENO1st Losl 1st Lost042232:Z 0 4 2 3 ~ l 042256Z 05000910422221 0 4 2 3 ~ Z 042305Z O""Z345Z042228Z 042341l!! 042240Z 05OOl0l042223Z 042347Z 042226Z 0 4 2 ~ 3 Z




    DPARTURE111. Losl5- . 042217Z 042325l .5 l ! ~ ()422004Z 0 4 2 3 1 5 ~7 2215l 042330Z31 ' 0'12207Z 042313131


    - O' I IY' I I

    I " I;CHlCHI- I... I I I2S-- - - - - T - - ---- ,,--t--.I IIII0'-

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    XXI B. C. MISSION,1885 JUNE 45C I.U. XXI 80M. COM.




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    ..., ~ ~ - - r H H _ - t ~ --t.- k

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    O \ ' ' ' ' I ~ ' . ~ I -I r;:I tor) Ii

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    ... - -

    --_ .. _ . ~ . , _ . _ .,...."\ .._-t...T..! t .., + H +.

    , .. 1 ...._. ~ ....

    Ii, !._.. , L ; ._.. _ . ~ ~ ' " 1 ;?'--'-'" - - r - ' - ~ -r--i / , ~ . " . ~ ' "~ -." ... / -.- "' f r; .. . !.... ~ 1 ~ _ .., . ~ " ' ' ' " . '.b.c... l I , ~ - . 1 ~ / ' _ ! ...;--oL...-!-&.-, ; ""i- .._V+.- ;" _.. _.+.,.._M 'T- ' - ~ " : ' ' ' ' f f r : , - _ ~ -

    /quo .......".+-_.-!- _H_

    PISt 9 ~ T / T U I ? E(-rU7)


    < j ; ~ 1 - ; 0 0ESE!/YE {(C"''J 1,000

    ,........j , , ._ ..-;.._-'--"---_ .-f-- t ' -

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    _ ~ . "M ' L.... __._;__ . ~ - _ . 4--- .....- - ; - _ . ~ _ ... l 'JJy!J ; $ / ~ , - ;- 1 - - ) t - _ ~ :/....... . . . . . . . - -x . ... . .. ..... .... . " ~ j : , , : ~ : " : = 2 '" - . - ~ -- .~ ~ 1 ' P - 4 ! " ' : : : : o l : " _ . . : . a ,l J T ~ i - ; - - ; , . i g - - - - i i

    : ! , ? ' ~ -- .. -.- - ~ - _ . .--.. ....... .. .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr





    c. !he average t'l&x:1e1U1a range or AlI/J.JIQ...lJ ,.... 68 nauticalan alt i tude o f 15,000 teet .


    d. The average caJ:1cw:l rMge o f rAdar beacon rocept1oDnautical o1le . a t an alUtude or 12,000 tMt.

    ) . AvaragG no. of" ~ 1'1roo 1n COl::bat p9! t u r re t ll!!. !!! ! H LF)80 17 ' 100 190 17'

    4. Totl'l1 sooo oxpcr i!ef I 1n COl'lbatl )85.7'-7 ~ s . .


    b. Railar identificat ion of tite landfal l , init l .!l , a1tl1Dspo1nts 1'l88 reportad as good 1n a l l cases.

    a. There were I I radar rel.easelll r e p o r t e ~ , with 107 l l1r-craft f . r o ~ p 1 n g on t h e s ~ releases.

    craft. f . There were 7 AliIAPQ...lJ fallurell reported bJ lead a1r_

    * * * * * *

    1 . No of Ne f i r ing 1n cocbftt: 416.2. Averago rounds of l!lnl:lunitlon l o t ' l d ~ ~ c turret I

    PARr n _ RADaI.

    .. '!here were "- Al/APQ-lJ ooer . t i.... OIl ute...ott, "'3OYer the target and 446 Oft. return.~ I . I b. h1autb . t .bUba t1an "u UMd OIl tbe boIIb1DB na too- dreraft . .

    PART V .. CUNNml*

    e. The average cax11:1UC mage of J.B/.lPQ...lJ Of t l __ t a l l po1Jltwaa 56 nautical D1lo:::s.

    aUe. at

    g. Other ftlUures reported 'l'fere as tOllomll 16 or Al/.lPL4.5 of SCR-695, end 2 of SC'R-718.

    ... 125

    2. Loran: Thc average aax1euo range of equlpc.ant fo r groUDd~ v e l l w a s ~ nautical cUes n1 th fixe(! antenna anc' 591 nautical . u . amth t ra i l ing wil'e antenna. For sky waves it 1'18S 854 nmrtlcal al learTith ground waves encl. 91l nautical t:!..Uelll 'Il'1th fhed m re anterma.

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    , . , 'O't. . . . . . . 1e , .E !'!1P'1 ) 7 , l I 4 2 ~ ..6. ........ ot "'""W. Ibo." . . 1IlIw . . ooU " ' " - loM.. bat.7. !Ia1J\mot1opel 'lhe DII1l'wlot1oaa mocnart8Z"lll! 1D - . Jc lvor ca. . . . . . . . d'lle to cere lea_ , ta t the . . . . 18 beIt""'-. todrop again .. t.nexper1enced crews l ap ro f t tbd.r abWt.7 Saa. Egu1pcent operetiol'u

    . . O.F.O 98._ opertrt1Ye.b. 50 Cal. lll8ch1ne ":Wl8 _ 98.2:& Oll'ft'aUft.* Dued on 1l1ng 0unner7 Ofncera l Reports.

    _ 1 5 _aseRST

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    - - -- - - - -


    E Y

    XXI 80fll8ER



    II. 0 00



    --------15"- -.u. ~ n l E S .llID SUIIF'l\C! C N ~ l " ' " ~ - ~ E 1( ' EE Or. < ; 1 " T I l : ~ S

    CURn: G T ' l ~ ~ I I I I ' l E 1115510"~ v r z < t D a . l ~ ' : I : : ~ ~ 10 .ll5 01: ~ T A . ' l ' I O N S p : ( ) ~ ~ T l " N fASSo\GE 0\"1"1110 lIA.lN " e t:'l u1J,lflOS , I E ~ E TO kf ; 011 S T . l T ~ S "lIUI tUE l!ibJl:.l!l'ED TII'101JOI\

    q ~ l 1 R l : a ' ,,,;;.IN ~ e J ;



  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    Part I _ WeatherPart II _ Chart _ ForeCt'st 'leather n .

    Observed 'll'eiltberPart II I _ PrognosUC lispPert IV _ ......1c . . . .

    Y1aa1on No. 188, Juno 1945

    _ 1 '7_

    s .g ! ! ! . ! ! ! ! ! ! !L

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    aO l r ID I . T IAL------------......

    Rout4.6/lo low cloud ba lS)Q ft., 6-010,000 t t -.r1tb 2/1.0 ddl ' leC1OUl'I Md l lgb t 1 n t ~ t t O D t sh01'Ql's t'ur1Dg th.a ~ q '-6110 lo w cloud m...e 2000 rt., to!). 6000 t t , 1ncreu1Dg to 10/10ault1-1ftYcred eJ.()U(l solid to ,)0,000 t t 1n """ ' wave t ro l l 2601 to3201 ant! then breaking into lsyer . ot lc m cloud. to 7000 ft., a1.ddlo froe 12,000 to 15,000 rt.; high e l ~ . troa 22,000 to 27,000it at COllst.!2!2.21 )/10 low clouds baso 2000 t t , toP. 5000 t t l 4/10 n1 ... (tlealout's bl\SC 14,000 t t , toDS 16,000 t t l 8/10 h1gh c l ~ . , 25-29000.

    O p ~ a t i o n a l Forocast i7cathar & 1 c o u n t c r ~BallO at Take Offl 4/10 low c10uclsbase 2000, tops 6-10,000 t t , 2/10rddd1e clouds bRSG 15,000 f t , top16,000 t t l J!10 high cloudl!l a t)O,oooJ l igh t to DOdcrate s h ~ s .Route Outl To 2lpNt ~ 5 / 1 0 lowc louds base ax50 :rt, top 6000 f t l4/10 h1gh clouds a t .JO,ooo ft stflrt-.1ng a t 2)li.2405 to ~ H 7/10 lOdr cloucls bose2000 f t , top llloo ttl 4/10 ald'5110 1M clouds, top ~ 5 O Q ) t t ,7-9/10 high clouds a t 22,000 f t ,v1sibil.1t,. H Q.1J.QS in l ight hue ,acoko bu i l t up to 2'J,0Cl0 f ' t J 'Idntlsa t B,OOO f i , 2700, a t 35 laK::ts.,2/10 10\'1 cloud. bue 3JOO,' t a r g ~ t t . 3/10 a1ddle cloud. b anto, it top 16,000 t t l 10/10 high15,000 t ' 25 000 f ' t ; vieibUity 15dOuds ~ n d s ' nt 15,000 r t IT1.ll beolles) t250 at ~ n g ~ ' &WO as Routo Outgoing 8&co 8IJ Routo Outgoing.RoUte !to8cturnl 4/10 low cloude bass 4'10 loot' Cloud, bue l8JO n ., topBLlJlc on 6-8000 ft. 2/10 Cl1d

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    000g 02 ~ Q


    8 aa 8~ \;C-

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    lWO JI ...."

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    .. .





    J- 4 ~ 6J SYN PT IC AOOOz

    S UNE 194M '"

    ( ... - ....,,- - '

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    Po r t I _ -r.nn._

    IIbeioD I o U,, JUDe 1945


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    I ! . ! ! ! ! !

    PAR:l' I _ ReM

    1. P\uopoa'i

    b. To eontiftllo search 1f t the 38-3000 me repon.c. To bArrftge JM. the en_y eun-la71ftg redan 111 tlae 190210 mc. band and to .pot JaD the 180-190 aad 2lO---2'2D .c . bad . C I tU1

    M y gaps thft t oustod in the bfUTftgO in an efrort to r e d .. tbe 1 I l ~KW\-laying rlldar uselan.2. Jlethod.

    ft . llinetccn ReN observers "'lllrtic1pated and uaOl' the toUow1b8tY'le& of equipment to 80coo""18h the llearch and J.....4 . . ~ __ I ." '.....J t ~ , ~ ~ ,APW.. , ~ AlLlB, APl'-1, A""Q...2, AP.L.2), and AilQ...8.

    b. An attecpt W8S D8de to in atall electronic Jl!l.Slers 1D eachlI1.rplane but clue to cquipcent shortagell SODe groups t"ere not able to c.'oeo. Most of tho squac1rons wero able to barrage the 190-210 riC. bandwith 8 spread froc 2-3 DO., depending upon the equijXlClnt avaUable.c. Spot jnacors ucre ecp10yed to Jm ~ l a f 1 . n g radar. thatappeared in the 180-190 and Zle-m me:. banda.

    J. Resultsl The 19Q...Zl.O cc. bMrl ml.S coe,letely covered by Jazmezos lUk!a1gM1. near the edgea of th1l!l band ware ll'Xlt jacced.b. The spot-jao-anrl-1ooJt..througb procoo;'ure revealed that theenecy rador ll did not turn off their sets man JaJ:E.e1 21 122 P0007' 0'00 50 Jtu.oN 13'37E 060,4' 0927 21 121 S to, CHI00078 049' J2 J:nON lJIuOE 06054' 0744 21 121 s ." CHI000'" 0478 44 3J07' 1J947E 060545 13" 21 122 C OJ CHI000'" 0,,"2 47 J228N 1.39058 060545 1150 21 122 P ." CHI000'" 0478 J2 J41.5N 1)6508 060545 1104 21 122 P '" CHI""""" Q.478 J8 3J43N 13558 060545 1420 2 l 122 P '" CHI00090 0370 J6 26

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    C!v!u:ter1at1g .......... ne p l!'!!a !lII!!.00098 0366 36 )310. 134101 060545 0752 2l 121 I I I 00Ill1020200098 0647 32 3150R 135251 060,4, 07al 2l 121 .. OOlQ1OOl)200106 0'09' 18 3.llC'i 1)4101 06054' ( 75 ) 2l 121 II I M1m02Q200106 0)47 50 3"1:m 1)635S 060,4, 092' 2l 121 .. OOllIlo:lll200106 0510 25 3 1 ~ 6 1 l ' IJ6l2E 060'4' OS,. 2l 122 P .. 0010l0:lll2OO1OS """" "" J ' . ~ 5 1 1 1)855 060545 l3:lO 2l 122 P .. 001lll03l2001"" 049, 06 .11)on 1.15t.ol 060,4, 071. 2l 121 ,., OOlO)llOO)001" 0490 07 Y,15N 13855E 060,4, 114, 2l 122 P00160 0510 10 ~ O 142J.0 060,4, 09)5 2l 122 PA* _ O r l ~ 1 n 9* - Ucthod 0* _ RcUnb1llt,

    4. Renarka:e. Slx r n ~ a r s wero D/F'ed to 10cationa on the mter .b. ColJDUllicl'I.tions volce intercepts w.?re cade on 42..3 DC.The signals wcre too weak for r e c o r ~ l n g by th e ANQ..2.

    ******PART II _ RADIO

    1 . Strike Reportsl There ' 3 ~ e 60 strike Re90rts recBtvcd by the111ng Ground StlltiOns. Each of the 4 t'dnBs tre.nao1tte-' 15 bocbs Ina7naSSl'.ges.2. Fox Transc1.ssionsl The J14th i71ng nnd 58th V1.ng uansc1ttod2 "Dunny" "Foxlf T:Iessages ron the Ground StEttlorl/S. The ) l4th reportee!

    68 per cent of the re.dio operEttors e01')lOO the 2 c ~ s S f t F , e s . The 58thrQoorted 82 per cent of th eir a er la l o1')erators copied 2 c . e s ~ l I g c s . Ocope.an ~ t h c r and Tine signals wero other Fox t)""lC f:IOssnges transc1ttad troothe Ulng Ground Stlttions.

    J. Frequenciesl Jaoolng lind interference were s l i tPt t'u.rillg thiscission. The 7Jrct and 58th U i ~ s Nportod tdlll. C'J JlU:lcl.nG on the1r6 Degacyc1e fl'l2quencies. F o l l ~ ~ 115 a pcrcentl\&e broakrlo1':t'l at t raf f icpar f requencyl 7 per cent on J l:lcgac;rclcsj 28 per cent on 7 aegaeycl.08Jand 65 per cent on 11 cegncyclos.4. NnviGat10nal l idsl Five request!! to r BF/DY b c e r ~ . "'1"Crereceivod by the Qrouncl Stations and a l l 5 t'"ill't! torvardod to the a1:rcrett..No rClqucats for VHF/DF bcnr1nss t7cre reported. Tho 58th 'illng rcported)6 aircraf t used 81r_to-air hooing succosstully. Ran.gcs, hecars ambroadcaats stationa l1crO u s ,successrully.

    5. Net Disclpl ine and Securi ty: Excellent net dbc1;u1ne waaotl1nti).1ned dur1nt:; th1s niss10n. No violations of sccur1tf ~ c r " r v p o r t ~ .6. Ene!:ll Trrl1lsc1u1oniU The follOl"l'1n& 1ne1rlent. or J&tII\1ng Mel.cncr.!Y trAnsc1ss10ne "ere encountered,

    a. 21.45 keSI JaT'J not operating froc l82,Z to 2000Z MillpnrtllU.lY e!'feotive .

    b. 6055 kCSI(1) Jflp voico at 005az _oS parti&1.l7 at'1'oet1ve

    ... 24_~ ~ ! ! ! !

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    1. 10820 kesl CW a t 22JQZ, 16JOZ and 2JQOZ 1IU Iftet 'fect1"to very effective.

    r. 10)05 ke, . Ci'J between CO)9Z am 005QZ and 19'oOZ and 22)OZweill 1netfectlve.

    d. JQa:> Ires. C'I1' between 16JOZ and .co)OZ .. ~ 1 etreot1...e. 6 6 l ~ kesl CW between 1930Z and 2 ) 4 ~ Z , with ca l l B1gu 9I1f,4P.:l3 was part ia l ly ef!'ect1ve.

    g. )990 kesl Negligible.h. 7!t15 kOSI OW at 1900Z, 2l00Z and 2J51Z wu lnetteot:1 t o e ff ec tiv e.


    (2) .Tep em bet..m 2100Z .., 2314Z ... ett 'ecrtl-.(3) Serio. or . ' . Ml' c.'Aabo. to r th1rtJ' a1Iut.......Pert1al1:r e r oct!va.

    c. 11080 kClIl 0\1 b.:."twoon 2200Z ~ r O1JQZ -ft. 'JUt1all7offaetlve.

    j . )410 kOSi 7310 kos, Me! l l l60 kOSI Negligible.7. Distressl The TIrd an! )13th r.'ings reported no distress . . . . .sages. The J1Ath reported the follol7ingl "One aircra.."t sent II eenq:eof another aircraf t ditching. Sent his position and o t . ~ e r pertinentinformation. ApproprlA.te action wes tllkl!n." The 58th recorded thefollowing transmissionslAircraft Subject



    Engine out position.~ n out end postion.Engine out, buddy escorting.Engine out, land1.n& bo .Engine out.Engine out returning .Sighted I1ferar t Md position.Prop froze and posit ion.Engine feathered and position.F'1ve men and position.10 chutes and post tion.Sea muking on water.Engine out Md 2 woundeet.No. 2 engine missing.l lo. 1 prop rU.'1.a"'8y.Position.No. l o u t , no . J missing.Ii:lJd.ng 1110.

    B Equioment Ua1functionsl AN/ARI'.....l.3, 1 inoperAtive, 4 no aidei dynamotor burned out , SCR....522, 10 inoperative, 1 dyn8Jllotort o n e ~ out 2 t ransmit ters inoperativel 1 inoperntive on Channel ....~ 7 A & ' L 7 SC1L2690, 5 sense antennas broken, 1 indicator inoperat ive,control box inoperat ive, 80-3108, 1 inoperative, RI-42, 10 inoperatiwv,1 t _ okt, lntorphone, 2 inoperative, 9 aicrophone mtche s !nop..2 los " ...... Et..erat ive.- ,,' -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    Port I _ Eae.,. Air 0pp00lt1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    1. " -m . t iF t. . . ott. . . . a.. .un.. oapodt.1a7ft 8bDOUntered 1n the Oelke Waco,. area OIl th1 .., a..doa to ~ "J1th an 8aUaated 150 Intorc. , tora uIr:1nB 647 a t t acb . I.oeHI 'ncl .., B...29 l a delltro)'ed lind 18 duage(l b7 Jatl8Dhe ft.lllt. . . a1aae and J ....8-291, dostroyed and 9 daaq:ed due to a c o ~ t 1 o n at lep fi&bter . . .ani Qat. Ev

    b. Over the target there aopearcd e concentr,.Uon or coeayf ig hte rs th at lI176ited the 8.-29 l s. The intcreeptors t'"OI"O eble to ctIII:eeon unusual. number of attacks becAuso of thei r lnrgo nur:bcra o!!'nd " ' i l l -directed ef 'forts.

    c. Evidence pointed to an effort to attaclt l ~ i v 1 d U & l B-.29'eeft.ar bOobs aPaY. Crippled 8-29 1 5 in particulllJ'" . e re s.1ngl.od out ta rattack I'JJ'ld only "budc!y1ng" kept l o s s e s ~ . Most of' the at tade . oc-curred af te r bombs 3"8.7.

    6. TsctiCSIa . .An Ul"IU5UlIlly lerge percenttlf:e of attaek8 occurrod a t the

    Olf nose and leve l. nose, 1ndicating thtl.t the J n ~ e s e JU'Obably be l l . -1 L29 to be vulnerable to those tyPes o f sttAck. Ouzm.;or. found it: ~ ~ f 1 e u l t to br1n8 guns to bear on efIerty e.1rcraft OOD1ng in .t low no. . .* This re port 1s bssed on evaluated f igures that " e r . not IIvailabJ..for inclusion 1n the Consolidated S t a t 1 s t 1 ~ SUaaal7._ 27_

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr




    la. JI1reot1.CIl _ 1eft1 or . . . . . .M",.

    Direct. ion and Lne l Of J.pprQQchof EIUIDJ' .Urcr'1l'

    To\al NumberA t t ~ . k a

    "lose5 6



    _____ ,u: < L 1 l . . E ' - " - _ ~

    7. Breekdorrn of attacks Ia. Enacy Airc:rtlf't,


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    :=.""'.TaUL10. l t taslb

    b. pprox1l18tel:r 4) per cent ot the a t t acb . . . broIta o t ta t :00 yards or less, 1IIhich was noma]. pertoraance on d q lI1_cmII.'1'h1. may b a v ~ 1nd1cated tha t B...29 1008 end d8l!l.8e. n:ro a8t.a1D8dbeeauee o t IDOre capablo pUote, 8ltbOUib thC)' . . . . DOt aeca . n l . 7more aggreesivo.c. There was no gencral et for t to uko t3etical uae Gt th .sun. The eneay Appftrcnt11 plannod hie datenae on the I I t I 'q ' th _

    e ~ A b U l t y of hie attaek1ng force.d. One rtu:D1ng I'I.ttack tl'as rel')OJ'ted. One! B..29 loet -e1Deover the tArget and MS strll{igl1ng J/4 l:I1le 'oE:h1m 11.1. torsatioa D8 I rland 's and. The tarnat ion lender SlOTTOO tha toreatlon to allow thecripple to rejoin. At thill tiflO A Ooorge .a observed a ~ a c h 1 r J G theWJ. of the strag:;l1ng B..29 and the !3Uot of th e B...29 ... "",..zn,ad b7rooio. The George t r a 1 1 ~ for I'I.bout 4 !I1mJtell, th e 8-29 ge'" ' rc n:rrl1t t lo on his fornation. The George did not f i re and nc1tbl3J' th e taUnor u')pcr nft turrets on the B-29 ap!3eued to be 1n operation. 'l'1!mt1oilea beyond lanrl'll end, the Georgc accelerated, pullecl up parellel to

    I'nCI sliE;htly above thc 8-29, a t ':"'hich t iac he turned into the boebernnr1 opparen tly s truck i t Just behind the upper nft turre t . The Georg.'.pilot bailed out short ly bei'ore conte-ct. The taU ( ; U l l D ~ r.u reportedto have bCen f ir ing l0tlb bursts as the Geor&e pu.l].ed up to hU parallelposition, but with no tlPparent effect . As 8 resul t o f t h coll1a1on,alcost a l l of the B-29 f in ImS severed. P'1ve crow 1C.eabc:rt 'lJa'e b ~ l l ~to have bailed out of the los t B-.29 and 4 t"era rescued. 10 eYaa1veaction tTas taken by the i:1-29 pi lo t to ll.wid the colllsion. No en s i "action nna taken by our foroations ega1n5t f ighter attacks.e. Af te r leav ing th e ta rg et, one B-29 crew a t 17,000 teetobserverl 2 unie.entif1ed encny nircraft on course of 1400 T, a t 3),000fcet . The e n ~ Q y aircraf t had v ~ r y soall tnnl; epana and scAl1 tuael.as_with no discernible t a l l o!l99Cobly. Both aircraf t ec1tti:'C' a stre&ll of

    ~ a r k blue Stlcke free tile ta1.l. No offena1ve cove - a l l ~ e but the a1rcraft UeTf' on the sane hending for lIbout 2 o1nutes l'.rui then turnedback near IMd I S enc1 tooaro Osnke.

    f . I t . - rB. lJ reportec1 tha t a Jack droppet'l a seek or cl'l."l.1ster..nth a ro')e 8tttlched. I t cisscd t he forea tion , however, w 1!8S notseen to e x p l ~ e .

    g. ~ e n g 1 n e rlrcref 't were secn t1 ring Mrectl7 a t 8-29'.edthout bearing in on thel:!, lnr '1cat1na: f ' 1 x ~ e or fiex:1blD guns.h. Both Jacks and Ton:ra nerC! thouGbt to be well artlOred utl"lfl.cers n-ere seen to ricochet o f f &!lODe o t hue a.1Tcraf't ,..,.thout cua1n&

    eny appP.rent c1aoege.1. It '""'s observGd thnt 1'1ghtl!rs were wa1t1.n6 beyond. th e

    nc1 attacking any strl\(;Glor. Soce n&htoU's tollQt>eCl the ! t )1"Q&-soake b ~ Y O n d th"e co81!t"; eppro-ently o ~ \ J c t i n r . to atto.ck the !onu"t iont 1 it' broke up. Aorobnt1.ca ucrc Q I l ~ to MVOl:t 8ttaut1on t rQc othaJ>n ck l:tlny casU of fcl.nUn,g: -ara ; x l ! l l o y e ~ ~ c aa to r a alan .. to .etta a, ' troD th e 111ds. then c1rcle end cOllie U t) on tho t i l l .ste.rt n

    _29_~ ! Q . . 1 ! ! !

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    11.1118. h1uatec! Ola1m

    DeatroreCl _ 44,RB (1) 8 Tonn (4 by Boae, 1 bJ LB, 1 b7 Jl8Q, 1 bJ 108, 1 by ROO &: LB)

    (2) 6 Jacks (1 by Noae, 1 by RB, 2 '07 118], 1 b7 lot . I:RSJ I 1 by Nose and TaU)(3l 5 N1cka (1 -by Nos., 1 by LB, 1 br RB, 1 b7 10 " RIJ),1 by RB and RS)(4) 5 0/1 ( , by RB. 1 by ROO, 3 b7 T.l l )(5) 5 Georges (1 by Rose, 1 by LB, 2 by REO, 1 b7 TaU)(6) 4 Zekea (1 by Noae, 1 by RB, 1 by Tall, 1 by Ro.. It(7) 3 TOjos (2 by Nose, 1 by LB)(8 ) J Franks (1 by Nose, 2 by ROO)(9) J Irv1ngs (2 by RB, 1 by Rm)(10) 1 Hacp (Nose)(11) 1 Oscnr (La It Tail)b. Probably D ~ s t r o y e d _ 25.( ,) 5 Jacks (2 by Noso, 1 by Rro, 2 by TaU)(2) 4 Tojos (Nose)(3) 4 Tonya (1 by Nose, 1 by LB, 1 by RB, 1 by RBO)(4) .4 ZckC8 (2 by Nose, 1 by LB, 1 by ROO)(51 J Nicks (2 by LB, 1 by Nose &nso)(6) 2 Oscars (1 by LB, 1 by RB &Tail)(7) 2 UtI (1 by LB, 1 by RB)(8) 1 ABC (Nosc)

    c. D/UIIsged - 4iu(1) 11 u;r (5 by Nose, 1 by IJl, 2 by Re, 1 by' l 'nH, 1 b7La &Tail, 1 by To11 &N080){Z) 7 Tonya (4 by Noaa, 1 by RSO, 2 by Tail)(J ) 6 Zekes (5 by floee, 1 by RSO)(4) 6 Nick" (J by Noec, 1 by IJl, 1 by RSO, 1 by Tau)(5) 5 Tojos (1 by N o s ~ , 1 by IJl. 2 by ROO, 1 by Noa. I t R80)(6 ) $'TrMkS (2 by Nose, 1 by IJl)

    - '" -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    - __ (7) ' - . (2"" . . . . . 1""_)Ca) 1 1",* (LI)(9) 1 ...... (RB)(10) 1 I _ no (T811) .__ *

    COBFJDIBTI . t .L------------1. 8w:II::lan of Attacln

    fallons. a. PriMry target T7ll.a n t t t 1 e k e ~ by alrer-aft ot J" ~ aa

    I"IOO 58 7J 31' )14Tottll Aircraft 107 139 114 114T108 Over Target 22)2l..2JJ5Z 22221....2J2.t.z 2228WJ4lZ 222JZ-2J47ZAltitude Bracket 15,200_18,800 lJ,65O-17,9OO l J , ~ 6 , 5 0 0 1),900-17,000Average A1 t1 t u ~ e 16,000 15,?OO 1.4,750 15,662Axis of Attl\ek l2"-290 2"..47" 2)0-41' lq>..4(p

    b. neath'll ' conditions over the tarGet araa as r ~ r t G ( 1 bythe '" ' ;i lngs 6VeTlIged 5/10 under-cast (soce f o r ~ a t 1 o n a fount' CAW e o ~ 1 tiona ant1 soee found 10/10 u n c l ~ C 8 ! 1 t ) . 1iinds tl.verao;ed 25-50 knots troc25QO-26O".c. Eight nircrnft b o r . : b ~ varloue targets of opportunity.

    2. Flak En Route to Targotl A t abulat ion of 8 ll flak: cncmmtoroc!en route to the target foliouSlLQChTION COORDINATES

    Shiono-Hlsnke }J25N-IJ550E(Vic1n1ty of Assoobly Area)S TiD of AnaJl Bh1Do. J4l2lLlJ44oE0Jd,n0" Shina ( Ip ) Jo415N-U500E(N t ip o f A ~ J l ) J-4JS!L.lJ50lEI'I'Iayn

    J ) 5 ~ J ' - ' O EJJXlIl...lJS4541J'llJSlLl3'J5E

    T:akayana, r. Flok OfficerS'

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    !U ! ! ! !U ! ! ! ! J&

    .3. !).ak OYer th e Term.&. In gen..rAl, the nat O'MI ' the t.araet . . . ben7. 8Olf. . . .

    to 1Dteneo W &OC1D"ato. AU ' t,..,e. at t1n cOJl'trOl . . . report.ed, 1IDt.bvrege t i re "'aa ropoJOtod mllrt f'requontli'. Wall ~ due toO'lP8rcast anel danao make over the tBl'get area. AYOr8Ie UDo of eacbtoraat1on under fire naB troc 1 to 'a1Dutea. rtre,... t 1 n t _ approx1oateJ.y 1-2 mnu te . befOre boo.b 1'81 b. .a. chronologielll t lak IItue.y of the groups attack1.ng ~ e the f i r s t 1 ) ~ U P 8 over the target encountered ood"l'l.t11 to 1II.t.... aDdaccurate n8k nhUe the l a s t , g roUOI OVBr encountered aaa-:8'r to ...te

    and inaccurate flek. 'lb1a!'Cult' 1ncl1cate pos.ible Il8turaUon of tbeClefenses by Ul.c last, grou9a. Banb relcaao t1.cCI actuall7 1ndJ.ce.tel.'!that the l as t , groups CODtJrehec" their attack 1Il.to a abort'-!' t1nIIthan ti l ly other 3 consecutive g r c u ~ .

    4. Flo.k: on 'C'ithclrtl.!Tftl1 A tabulat10ll ot e l l nat e n c o w r t . a r ~ f'roctnrget &rell. to lend's end (breakauay ~ 8 to tll.e r1;:bt bet-een the Oeata-XY?to defenses.) f o l l ~ 1LOCILTIORKyoto-Osllka AroaFl'OQ Kobe to Kyoto nndNE Oeruto.Nara and Innate Area(E. of Osaka)Oeno0&UtA LakeHabnrlTsnoochl AirfieldDorObaf'Tl1



    Ueftger end inaccurate, bc8Y7.Keager to coderote and 1Aaocurate, heavy.U e ~ e r anc:" 1nllceurate, b. . " . ,continuously p o 1 . n t ~ .L:etlfl:er err accurate, h e ~ .contimlOusl,. oointeC'.UCllber tmtl inaCe:urAt..:l, hesvy.12 bursts , froirly accurate,heavy.Ikl'lf;er ml'" lnoccurata, betrV7ant" caflu=..Vcry neet;er tin(! lnaeeurate,heavy, oootifll.loualy pointec'l.100burst barrage, lnt1ccuret. ,hCfWY.

    , . SuMtlry of A!rcrnft Lost nncl Dtl.l::t!Ejeih Thrco nlrcraft Nl"elos t diract ly to nnk on th i s o1gelon, ftnd of .Gal aircraft e t t a d r : ~ ,1.48 or 30. m, sustl\lnerl flllk daoage. 'I'h11!1 hish, loas and dtll:l8g8 r l ! . ~ eras a t t r l ~ u t o c l to the Ion bocblng altitut 'ell ecplOyad (14,75O-.1.6,ooofeet) . This R 1 t l t ~ e bracket t"t\s belen the opUcu=. oocbinb l.\ltitude&"10 178e necessitat8(l by ~ l l t h o r condi t ioM.

    6. IUscel.1llneous A/A Obs8rvat1oMle. Tnelvo poulblo lIi lver barrAba b&ll.oonll 1 " i ! T ~ rtr)()rtad a tthe DOuth or th:l: Sh.1n lodo River l i t O.stlka. Observing s:1rCTft!'t 1"&& at

    500 teot lIDd est1Datod balloona to be a t 5000 teet .15 .b. Tno instMco8 of a i r - to -a i r bocbins f":l:re r e p o r t ~ . A

    , G"1j. Ce.rlO 1n fron tho rishtntll1k, .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    22!1!! .!!! .!!!&

    PAR'J' I I I _ DWQB A88E8BIIft RiIKit&IllIlI 01'1'1

    ....- a. Daml\go to Kobo (1nelud1.nG pu t or lIikage) rellU1t.1ng troD!ember COMand 1Ii.8101l 188, June 1 9 4 ~ , to ta la ' 4. J eq.. n1.., orebout; 28J or the built-up oort1on or tbe e1tT. T o t ~ ID"e8 denB. t r oathie 1'31881011 me shout 4. 8 aq . t i t . , o. eq. 01. ba1:1'18 Just. or thel1n1te of lobe.b. !nduetrlll1 d ~ a g e includee 17 nuobered targots f ~ ' orc'eetroyecl.e. ToteJ. cl8I:lI.ge to Kobo 111 M"'l' 8.75 sq. n i or about. 56S ortb e bullt-up DOrtion or the city . Old 1"8:JII.ge to Kobe hea b e m rOC1.8f!la-


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    i ! ! !U ! ! I ! 1H01 Iaaeooo1.... _ I- - or Inow1arr Zone I . t ~ "

    Ana ot Inc......... _ IIIna o t Incencllary Zone II ~ e a t : r o ) ' e dTarget "rea 90.25 _ 3628Target Are,. ~ ( ! 8 t : r o 1 8 t ' lTuRet Area 90.25 _ 3629Target Area ~ e 8 t r o y e r 1

    .. ' 1 . .. '.M,.)4 924.7,., 681.'.74 50 1.4.8 57

    3. Inc'luatr18l D8l"IfI.gelTerRetNuaber Nsme of TlU'get TotAl Dapage to Dat.e4, M1natogsr8 steao p !'lontloho S t ~ e l il'orks 5 sotlll bic!gsc'lestroyeC' S sr.&.l bu.i..U1.r:lga ( 1 e ~troyet'. S e a t t C T ~ rootrlaD1lgc.67

    ko'be Steel liorksXanasrki Heavy Industry

    Severl'll S1Jtl1lb1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    !!la11oft NOe 1 9, JUDe 1945

    -)6-! l i ! ! l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    2.01 11

    Cren IJonbor COtlUO 1 t i cs . .. 103RJreent Of Toml ParticipCIUna. 1.71'

    COSI' OF LIISSION: . i rc rcf t Lost ..

    ~ r c o n t Of ~ i r c r : J . f t la.irborno.': 'ircro.ft D:lmgcd. ... . 196Porccnt Of ':"ircr:tft ':'irborT\(l. j5.,lC

    ....ircraft La.nding .H lv o rial. . ,



    a 6 ~ l %. .. .5JO



    FORM 34MISSION NO. 100

    5 rW1C 1945Kobo Urban .:..roo.

    Bcobs DropJXld On Pri.cD.ry 'IUrao t . . . . . . J079 TontiBodle Dr-oppod On Otnor 'l'a.rgo to . 55 TonDBocblng Rollu!ta Pr(ll1n1.no..r;y roports lndic.:'Ito 3 .0 Sllunro m10aot urban 01'0:1 delltroyed.

    Aircraft loirborno . Forcont Of "Urerc.ft On H::uld


    '; 'ircrart BCObif16 PriLnry Target . 473Porcent Of BOI:".bine ~ r c r : : 1 f t L.irborne

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    '.. E=fB. ;" l L : l S S I C f ~ laaAlkCRAFT PAdl'!CIPA'l'Xt"G w.:rz Ii .TWIO _lQla.JiI I A/e 'j'IM... (; . 1',.1' C;t' rJMl:. OF : , k : ; W U ~ A/C Ale A/C ~ / I row."Ie ..;C . A/C ECIl:nDlC B O ~ : I N G El:Ull1m C Tow.U1ilTI (.:l W....L- 1 , , ~ I ! : . C ,,1.,. O = ~ ~ ~ m l D ! .l ' . H ; . ~ 11...... 1- I . , ~ . , ' W lr w.r: t IlLSE usr m . n ~ y SZCCNIlARY 0'' ' ' ' ' 'IJ" II L'L...lJ r . , j ~ on T.i.ltGI:.T TJ..RGET 'WlGETS

    ~ ~ 152 1 12BJ a 120 4 '.0 1458 Z 1651 5 Jm 0504 z 0721 Z lC7 - 3 110 10- 1 . - 1 1 iii 173 154J 2 152 I I 1435 zl 1559 4 1 0403 ZI 0709 ZI 13: I I 1 I 139 I "1 - - - 2 2313 165 1 3 7 124 1454 1623 0459 Z 0710 Z 11 ' 2 115 I 9-,& - 2 - - 314 162 136 9 127 1421 1551 0535 z 0706 z 114 3 117 I 10 -& 3 - , 3 J- ;.;1 652 549 26 523

    4 '1' 14211 1651 15 J ~ 0403 z 0721 Z 473 a - I 4 a I 42a - a 8 - L!. Bupor dWilbo o1rcro.ft. NOO'21 XXI Be Fiold Ordor No. 02 4J.rcroft tendw .:.., lwo l i e f~ O Q t b a r t rQttlc diroctor aircraft.G. 2 . . tel callod to r maximum otfort on thisr ot eorcIllOn1oa oirc:rQtt. 1 aupor dUlllbo nircraf t . milllJloo. 56th Idrw .. 10 Q1J'CrQ1't.7jrd \lina .. 1 olrcl 'Q1't .

    ) l j t b [line .. 9 (l,irerdt.314tb 1;11\8 .. 17 oll'C1"Qft.

    J t j ~ f i k l

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    UHIT I, Non- Banbed Bc:mbed H=- .- Bombed Non_ I bl Bombed, IBombed Non_ , , . J ~ Bombed r 1DCIIlbed Hoo".1.-I_UfectiTe secondary other Effeeti't ' ",,"'or Other krreotlTo econdary Other Effect1,. Secondary Other ! t reet! eOlll..,. Otble58 110 - 2 t - t - t . I . t ' - t . t . t . t - I . I I 1\i"G

    73 9 I I . I 4 I - I - I' - I - I - I - I - I - I . I I ,,:lJ , I I 1 I 211 I - I 1 I - t - t - I 1loG14 I 1 I I 2 I 2 I - I 1 I - t - t - I - t t t 1... - .-21 1 32 I I 5 I 8 I - I 2 t t t t 1 I t I I I 1Be . - - - . 1 -

    :; 3 tn1ntc:l::u:leo Po.uonnol crro r . 1 au c.rog pononn"l orror.! l a i r crow .P"1'*Ot1nOl arror, lmln\oll8J\Co ,persOIUlol error .1. "l.Il.teM.Aco poraOl'.o/l(;l orror.! .i.1rtrt'.aw per80nno l e ~ o r .

    I HU ; I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    .,,- - ; . ; ; ~ . = . : .~ : I S S : : l : : 1/StJ

    aOI i311 :G R C :l DATi 'UDOm G ~ T BOftB:.D AUlCRAN Tn:::: OF i i : ~ S : ! ALT. 0: .':":12;.,5::: ' I ' A . ~ G ~ : T VI n::!.E 'I'A.'ur:::o :m \'iSI3LI

    maT I E DROPPHtG VIS:.JAL MDi-R r:.:r.t D":.iPP: '( i V:,5. SIGH'1'I.1 i '.ADARIIAKE or T.:.RG!T TYF : 3 C ~ , : J S :::J..aLlZST LA'!E:H' L:J;r::S'!' ,:iG,-=sr S ! ~ H ' : ' [ : , G ./: :.:: T, 5'_'nl. c: :;,:;.;:,.u::'.:E.. i ; ' ~ ; ~ ; : I - emOULY c r , : , ~ , , : : : : :;:-5 :,z.,w,.i: ); i O??S!T PT. 0;'1.:':; LUIID

    ~ ~ Kobo Urban .:..roO p 107.2- 2232 Z 2335 Z 1520018800 5 I - I 56 1 5 . ".

    Shizuki 1 2328 Z - 15000 - 1\;ok!:l.yllml 1 22)1 Z - 13500 - 1KOIlO tU5hiJlD 1 2251 Z - 17800 - 1

    73 Kobo Urban ~ o o . P 139 .2 2222 Z 2324 z 13650 17900 13 I . I 113 I 2 I . I - I 11,;0313 Kobo Urban ':'roo P 114 .. 2228 z 2341 Z 13900 16500 4 I 3 I 51 I I 3 I : I "" "ins' 1 2302 Z - 15500 - 1 . 'IUk.3 tsuld. T 1 2333 z - 15000 - 13'4 Kobo Urban *rce 3 114 222] Z 2347 Z 13900 17000 a I 4 I 91 I 1 I , I .1 7.c 7u.t.lal1.nouro ~ 1 r f i c l d 1 2340 z - 15000 . - 1So.ki I:ohaml 1 2234 z 14500 1Chichi J ial - -1 20)6 Z - 6600 . 1~ 1'0\>0 Urton woo p 474 2222 z 2347 Z 13650 IDGoo 30 7 311 8 11 lJl'I, : : ~ : ~ i ~ c r o . ~ ~ bGdI ne 171tb ) rd : ; 3 Qire f t bocb na n1th 13th \i1n ,and.3 ~ i r c tt bocb na vlth .314tb i i i . , .i Includo \' ~ r bomb "6 111th. 13th .. i and 3 o . L r c r ~ f t or.w1nu TJ th 3lbth 'bing.'I11tb 7 3 ~ d ' ~ ~ r.3 fi e D1roctor 1'lhich bClfbod nith m1n to o. ": 't. includo 5 \i.J"Crott boabln itb.,SClU."1n& 2 ~ 1 . f c r o . t ' ~ 1 J l I

    B. n ern t b1 111th 31 th ~ ' l l l B .

    ! ~ ~ ~ J : "

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    - " ~ ~ . B . U : td.LSWON -J.8B.DIO ; iFOSIT ION o ,- B 0 M B 5 DATE 5"" '945I S=ING lOADED ON ,uR- RELEASED OJ{ TARGETS JETTISONED Im_ BORN! URCRlFT Iw-OBE U R B t ~ . \ R E ! ~ ! lErU,-- I U.Ill/C UNIT I T;l.RGETS OF OPP.IIIcm ( BUS -= "0 "'on. " 0 "'ons "0 "'ona "0 'r"'naOM Tail To.. No

    58 1'-46 500# 1 C1\1. None v.o. 1879 375.8 1,563 312,-6 62 12.4 254 50.8"'G 144 500# F Cl'1. V.D. None 86 17.2 74 14.8 2 4 10 2.0!.N-1ol7J02-100fl LB. loot. none 4725 162.9 4355 1.50.2 - - 370 12.7.:.N .-1.:.2-100!l SDlko V,D. Uone 18 9 16 .8 2 .1~ - Y . l 7 . l 1 .so0# I Clu. 24 None 955 238 .8 926 231.5 29 73

    73 11:-46 soCiI I Cl'1. ~ o n o V.D. 1100 220.0 962 192.4 - . 134 26.8 I 4 I .8lOG T4.E4 500# 1 Cl'1. V.D. No,,",14;5

    1 3.2 115 27.0 - - 16 3. 2~ i - Y 4 7 ~ 2 . 1 0 0 H I.B. Inot. Nono 122 487.0 3325 459-5 - - 765 26.4 I 32 11.1. . > N - ~ 7 . : . 2 - 1 0 0 # Smoke _12 None 12 .6 12 .6 - - - -ANLD.7':'150o" I Cl'1. V.D. None 11Ba 295.0 1003 250.8 - . 177 44.2313 IZ-46 500# 1 Cl'1. 1595 13'9.0 1437 287.4 60 12.0 98 19,6 I - , - , - , .."" T4E4 Sooil F Cl'1. lrn;t. 36 7.2 15 7.0 1 .2 -...N-J47..2-100;7 I.D. hono 6&>6 234.7 6243 215.3 . - 563 19.41..n-U47.02100# anoka Soe. None 9 -4 9 .4 - - - >7-5 I - I .2 I - , .! ~ - 1 l l 7 ' ; ' 1 - 5 0 0 " I Clu. - - 1093 273.2 982 245.5 - - 110 1314 ~ - 4 6 500/1 I Cl'1. lono V.D. Ba2 160.4 750 150.0 52 10.4'" ~ : t . - -N - ~ 7 4 - 1 0 0 " I.B. ",,"" 9709 34.8 8Ba7 303.6 179 6.2 723 25.011.D.7kle 50Q# 1 C1u. .5 llono 1006 2515 030 207.5 62 '5 .5 111 27.8 I 3 1 .7:T4J!.4 500:/ F Clu. V.D. llono 121 24.2 II I 22.2 3 .6 7 1.4

    21 t;j46 500# I C1u. 5376 1075.2 4712 942.4 122 24.4 538 107.6 4 1.8ac T4i4 SoaR F C1u.1 ~ 7 . & . 2 - 1 0 0 ' ' I.S. 394 78.8 355 71.0 6 1.2 33 6.6 -1 ~ 7 ~ - 1 0 0 I J SlJDko 5362 1219.4 2730 120.6 179 6.2 2421 3.5 32 11.1,W.7":'1.500t) I Clu. 39 1.9 37 1.0 2 .1 - - -4234 1058.5 .3741 935.3 91 22..6 398 99-5 4 I .9'I'Or.:.L 'M5 13433.8 1575 1>97-2 40 2.679.1 1,00 547 390

    l ! ~ ~ H ~ I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr





    1 I 1 2 1 IS 1 2 5 2 17 1 1 2 3 5 21 1383 45 4 4973;,t: 2L 2 1 50 4 2 53 1731 7 2 9'3i,G lB.ll]! 2 lD 33 3 1 1 1 6 43 1394 3 11 8 22

    22 1 2321Be 3 I 3 3 1 1 1 . 18 139 9 3 3 4 24 JS2 3 05 15 103

    ~ ~ - - . ~ - . : . . in boCb b"ly, SW"voyod o.t 1'110.i "ircro.tt ~ c by t ighte r a t t ack , Ovor Ulrsot. pi lo t 0114 co.pilot l t i l lod. 11 oo n aboard, I) plro.chuteD observed .J . o i . r c r ~ t t b.1t by flo.k over tareet , l o t ~ l1ine OOVetrol,y dnr:l6od. 11 DOn aboo.rd. 1 chute obsororod.

    ~ ~ c r o t shot dcmn e n o ~ : torD vc r t.:I. Bot_ 0 onu ~ ob rved.!!. ,;, 1'Cmt roce ved d root lnk n t 1n , '3 0"81 c onro to to ooao. 11 r.ltn e ~ \ 1 boitd OUfnonj r o " ~ d ' d Jl ~ o . ~ : l . r d . 18 chutc.o bbOorv04... .;, rcro.t h.:ld ongt os at ro as a ro s I t ot la k an t1{shtc: a t ooks; t7ina broke f f 01 a i r r:lft 0 onhc . .. I! . rcrof l D n d ~ : l . t tJO in hoovy ro.in Uh on clltn ou t nd 1'0 off wmn. 11 no. nrd, no co,s "Ilti08 .2. rcre! to l l ou t c tor. tier. vor rgot , UDO 1 knolm 12 IrJn o.b ord.. in J .. 111 cc:b o.boo.rd. la roool,lCl4.i t l . :Hru t t 01 11'10 d O'cr t :orgot and o.i craf t o f t f t r l : D t 1 ~ 008 rill" d by MI:\Y 1ahto end c o.,shod 10 coc..L 1 t!.ircr f t JJU Ccred ac.vor bc.tt 0 ~ t . : : CO ml l r.::l0 0\.1 voyod a t I'll ~ : : - . - ""1rcrc.tt oUftcrca I >OJ[ n"

    ~ J ~ J ! J J :

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    O.:lr.,{ Drcl.;Y Ale li.F.STHOVUJ (;, DJJ.AAGU) 50 CALIBm ~ I T I W EU'iJmI'l1RBli..Ir Ale AT'I'ACl{5BY E/A nPE '" DES- "'OB. ~ Fl>

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    - J>J'" _"1. I 314'" -G 121 B . C ~ ~, ~ 9 106 !. 9J !! 42317 14:22 15:51 114 '4433 2895 2871> I 2853, I61 6053 6244 I 60923 6511 6755 675576 5461 5710 54612 723 625 67710 1)19 1)BC 170016 23) 158 116.1 421.2 393.8 413.6

    2.14 209 2.17 2.lJ.

    _.- --86 727JJ36 7795; 3075989




    2809 28






    l WEIGHT DATA.--_._-- --'-T---'- - ----NO. AIRCRAFT JdRBORNEil- 120 152 124 .!! 127,2 523Ave. BASIC WT. OF AIF..CRAFT 75027 74994 71.BJ.S 75618 75118AVG. USEFUL LOAD 60696 60663 61051 60780 60790Ave. 00. or' BQl.!BS LOADED Mixed Load ~ 1 x c d Load L1ixed Load lIixcd LoadAVG. WI'. Of BellBS LOADED 13435 13623 IJ,l.6S 1mL l)l78Ave. FUEL LOADUl 6101 6740 6771 6881 6mAVG. WT. Of FUEL LOJ..DED 40206 40440 40626 41286 406]8AVG. MISC. mICHT 70'5 660C 6960 7) -" 6971.AVG. CROSS "'''l'. AT TAKE. OFF IJ572J IJ5657 IJ5896 1)1:>398 135908



    ['orAL USED ON AIRBORNE Ale 697347 8115


    a Excludes weather traffic director aircraft.li Exclu:les tLaster of ccreoonies aircraft .

    J'LlG1:Q' I L " J'UBL CCIEUUPl'ICIfr=----------,r5-8n

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    - r

    m BCJIIIIR -- .uID PIllUI CIlIa

    111,,1. 10. 1M,Juu 1945

    . 40 .II.!!!.!.!

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    (5) Bomb 10adl

    FlECE 1lElUI1UJll.Bt GNup 58'h . . . .2rId. GrOllP 58t.b l1IWJnl Group 58'h :AJlI4th GNup 5. ..h ....

    iJ 'II l l lJ209111.0074!J10024024

    (2) !iltitudes cnroute to target: 4CXX> - 4,800 t t and 9000 to8800 ft.

    (b ) Secord group 58th ; ; i ~ passes departure line at D Hourplus 36 l,unute:l.(c) Third group 5Bth lling passes departLJ'8 Uric at DHourplus 56 minuteD.(d) FouM.h group 58th 'Iins passos departure l ine at D'IIau'plus 76 minutes.

    (a) Firs t group - ~ clusters .(b) Second group - 1J.7.(c) Third croup - U.71.2 III's.(d) Fourth 9'OUp - 1..46 cluGters.

    m.....x ' .-JClO _."

    (4) Time control:(a) Firs t group 58th "ing passes departure l ine at DHourplu!l 16 minute:>.

    (3 ) Re&sseQbJ,y area: J" circle l i th 20 :Lile radius &rOW'ld )32Qt:_135403.

    b. 7Jrd .:ing:(1) PrL.ll.ry visual nnel radar t .arget i s :;000 Urban .u--.

    FIl:LD mn,Jl NlA.BiE 82 KOB... DCIL.H Alw.1 . QUtted2. The m Bam CaD. -w'ilJ. IlI&ke an 1ncEl1d:iaI'7 str ike nth -'_ eM .against KoI:L Urban l.rea an D DaT.3. 8 . 58th :.'ing:

    (1 ) Pri.'Dary visual ad radar target, Icbe UJ"b8D. Ar- .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    c . 313th "ling:(1 ) Prim.:'U'Y visual tlnd r

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    (5 ) Bom load:

    (4) Ti..roo cort.rol:

    BasoAsscntJly ZonG 1Roa.:!:;or::bly .:l.r,;aOoJXI rt.ure l ine(JJSO:1 - b"tWQeD 1344SE nnd 13505))417N - 13500:J}E (IP)Tarset.3459>1 - 135203440N - 13600Er.o J . . . .Bae"

    l!.H.! IX

    (e) Third group Jll. th "ling passes departure l ine at D HaIrplus 52 minutes.

    (b) Second group J l l th "Tirt: p:lSSC$ departUI"C line at DHour plus )2 minutes.

    Ca) Firs t group 3M.th i ing passes depart1re l iDe a t D !barplus 8 minutes.

    (d ) Fourth group 314th tHne passes defr.rture l ine a t D Hourplus 72 minutes.


    (3) Roassembly uea : A circle with 20 aile radius arowd)JION - IJ4O::C.

    (2) ;,ltitw:l.es enrotr-e to target: 5000 - s,'D) tt. _ 9000900:> f t .

    (a) First group - &6 clusters .(b) f'ccond ._,roup - ll47!l.2 IB .(c ) T ~ r d eroup - Ml7.(d) Fourth sroup - U47h2 m.

    x . (1) lIPI referenco: XXI 801:1 Com Utho"'1llosaic Ko-'e Urban .\rea .- .(2) Route,

    1I>1rd _ -I l l?Fourth sroap - B46 d_ ten .

    d. 314th "1ng.(1) PrlJlD.r7 visual bl radlU' t a rp t . Kobe tIr'bM - . _ .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    . . . biMiI " 1"81 I ..... . . . . " ' " d r a n f t .W . . . :lI4tl1l111l1 wUl _load. ....u.o oft1c __ w111 M . . .P . tieo f the. . drClNf t to _ . . . . ttl == . .ai rcra f t , . m be a re _ l l l '- .... 111 . . . . .eitbcr t1 U . ftret. II1rc:raf't. Uort... "It. .'. m .. ..to target. u.. om b e q deelp.t.od . . _ a U . . . - M . . .announce a l t i tuSo at at.taek i l l nIDt. tb. Il1O .i. "is heard. t r o a the othor a1rcraft at. . . tpedf1ed u. . .

    (5) s",ch wing may dispatch one airc:nott t.o prlIlM:aiD. two.fo r purpose or rcecnrendil'f: :u,ltQIIbq l'tlt1t.wle '18lDI ..-aD"ures AS d ~ s i r " d b ,,:Ut;: cOlllllandere.(6) Fusine:

    Ca) !147A2 IS - instantaneous.(b ) Jfl6 - instnntonoous nose - non d O ~ . 4 1 V.U.(e) 1.11 c l u s t e r s fused to open 5000 ft 8 b o v ~ the tarpt.

    (7) Intervalom . t e r scttiJl!::(a ) L'76 - 35 f t .(b) "471,2 IB - 75 f t .(c) A.ll c l u s t e r s - 35 f t .

    (a) D Day

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    ' ' - 1945lltap !h,

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr



    17181920 21 - 222)24 252627 - )1)2) ))4)5)6 - 656667


    C 1141.. QIlDWal ..., Air ......ee-Dl l i t ts QllDIIr'81, U.s. 1Itft,-.pe Air '=:3ee-Dd1Ds GeDerOl, U.S ..., S tN ' hPo Air (C ~ D d l D 8 QeD..-e1. 'l'Weat:t-aa Air ran.~ D d 1 D s (JeDer'S1. Eiabt.It .u Poree (nt ' h n aCan:nonding Genero1, 31Jth Bcr:bardct.nt WinsCcon:J,nding Gont;.r.:ll. J14th BomWrdr.J!,ot WingCOllllPooina Gcncr::r.1. J l5 th Bantcr ,eoth6l ' (8) .COII"oII'.::nding OttlCCl'. 'J\'Ienti.eth Air Foree CC'Illb.:lt st"gu16C;;nter (Provisi .on"l)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 188, Ocr


    III.",.,.,.'3'4'596'7'8"00'0''02103104105.06107'08'09110"'12113114 - .25

    c _ n l d l l W 01/10 sas.s 0 7. -... lit. . . . . . . MIo _ (W)C e - a . D l u . 01110.. , 9tha. ('WB)ee-aDlllaa tlo. . , 16t1t. Cll'CIIIJI ('IB)C ~ n 4 1 D & O I t i c e r . 19tb or. . . IIC ~ n 4 1 1 l r s Office r, 29'b 8cIU CIl'clIiIpCClr'llElnd.1DC orticer. 39th BoiI6 CII'wp (1&)CQIID."\ndiq Clt/ic("l". 40th a.b OroapCcmm::Ddina OUicet ' , ))Otb _b Oroup (WI)COlllllQn41q att icer , 331at B::IIIlb Croup (YB)CClIIIllnndlD6 Ort icer , 444tb a . , Group Cft)CcnDDMina ~ t i c c r . li62nd. a .b Croup (18)CQllll:lodillB OfUcer , 46&th Bcmb aroup (YB)CoaJ!lt'Ddins Ot'ficer. ~ 9 7 t h a c . b Group (YR)COIIJ:IDndins O1'ticer. 496th Bcab Group (YR)ComlI