21784749-performance-appraisal-with-casestudy-project-report (2)

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    Come appraisal time and one of the most debated aspects of completing the fair-and-

    square appraisal revolves around what is 'measured' and what is 'achieved'. And the fable

    of the Bees and the Bee Keepers is a very popular paradigm that often gets quoted at such

    times. It goes thus:

    The Story: Once upon a time there were two beekeepers that each had a beehive.

    The beekeepers worked for a company called Bees, Inc. The company's customers loved

    its honey and demand for the product was increasing. So Bees, Inc. assigned each

    beekeeper a goal for increased honey production. The beekeepers had different ideas

    about how to meet their goal and designed different approaches to improve the

    performance of their hives.

    The first beekeeper established a bee performance management approach that

    measured the number of flowers each bee visited. At considerable cost to the beekeeper,

    an extensive measurement system was created to count the flowers each bee visited. He

    also provided feedback to each bee at mid-season on his individual performance. He also

    created special awards for the bees who visited the most number of flowers. However, the

    bees were never told about the hive's goal to produce more honey so that the company

    could increase honey sales. The second beekeeper also established a bee performance

    management approach but this approach communicated to each bee the goal of the hive

    for increased honey production. The beekeeper and his bees measured two aspects of

    their performance the amount of nectar each bee brought back to the hive and the amount

    of honey the hive produced. The performance of each bee and the hive's overall

    performance were charted and posted on the hive's bulletin board for all the bees to see.

    The beekeeper created a few awards for the bees that gathered the most nectar. But he

    also established a hive incentive program that rewarded each bee in the hive based on the

    hive's overall honey production the more honey produced, the more recognition each beewould receive.

    At the end of the season, the beekeepers evaluated their approaches. The first

    beekeeper found that his hive had indeed increased the number of flowers visited ,but the

    amount of honey produced by the hive had dropped. The Queen Bee reported that

    because the bees were so busy trying to visit as many flowers as possible, they limited the

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    amount of nectar they would carry so they could fly faster. Also, since only the top

    performers would be recognized, the bees felt they were competing against each other for

    awards. As a result, they would not share valuable information with each other that could

    have helped improve the performance of all the bees (like the location of the flower filled

    fields they'd spotted on the way back to the hive). As the beekeeper handed out the

    awards to individual bees, unhappy buzzing was heard in the background. After all was

    said and done, one of the high performing bees told the beekeeper that if he had known

    that the real goal was to make more honey, he would have worked totally differently. The

    second beekeeper, however, had very different results. Because each bee in his hive was

    focused on the hive's goal of producing more honey. This Bess had concentrated their

    efforts on gathering more nectar in order to produce more honey than ever before. The

    bees worked together to determine the highest nectar yielding flowers and to create

    quicker processes for depositing the nectar they had gathered. They also worked together

    to help increase the amount of nectar gathered by the poorer performers. Tile Queen Bee

    of this hive reported that the poor performers either improved their performance or

    transferred to hive No.1, because the hive had reached its goal. The beekeeper rewarded

    each bee his portion of the hive incentive. The keeper was also surprised to hear a loud,

    happy buzz and a jubilant flapping of wings as he rewarded the individual high-

    performing bees with special recognition.

    Should you measure performance or mere activities of employees? is the one who

    does silent work but does not show of himself/herself or the one who puts up a show but

    hardly performs to be recognized and rewarded? This and other related questions are

    answered in this chapter.

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    An organizations goals can be achieved only when people put in their best efforts. How

    to ascertain whether an employee has shown his or her best performance on a given job?

    The answer is performance appraisal. Employee assessment is one of the fundamental

    jobs of HRM. But not an easy one though. This chapter is devoted to a detailed

    discussion of the nature and process of conducting performance appraisal.

    Meaning and Definition

    In simple terms, performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an

    individual's performance in a systematic way, the performance being measured against

    such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership

    abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgement, versatility, health, and the

    like. Assessment should not be confined to past performance alone. Potentials of the

    employee for future performance must also be assessed.

    A formal definition of performance appraisal is:

    It is the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her performance on

    the job and his or her potential for development.

    A more comprehensive definition is:Performance' appraisal is a formal structured system of measuring and evaluating an

    employees job related behaviors and outcomes to discover how and why the employee

    is presently performing on the job and how the employee can perform more effectively in

    the future so that the employee organization and society all benefit.

    The second definition includes employees behaviour as part of the assessment.

    Behaviour can be active or passive--do something or do nothing. Either way behaviour

    affects job results. The other terms used for performance appraisal arc: performance

    rating, employee assessment. Employees performance review, personnel appraisal

    performance evaluation employee evaluation and (perhaps the oldest of the terms used)

    merit rating. In a formal sense, employee assessment is as old as, the concept of

    management and in an informal sense; it is probably as old as mankind. Nor performance

    appraisal is done in isolation. It is linked to job analysis as shown in Fig.

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    Fig. Relationshipof Performance Appraisal and

    Job Analysis

    Job analysis sets out requirements, which are translated into performance standards,

    which in turn from the basis for performance appraisal.


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    Describes work andpersonnel requirement

    of a particular job

    Describes the job-relevan

    strengths and weaknesses of

    each individual

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    Data relating to performance assessment of employees arc recorded, stored. and

    used for seven purposes. The main purposes of employee assessment are:

    1. To effect promotions based on competence and performance.

    2. To confirm the services of probationary employees upon their completing the

    probationary period satisfactorily.

    3. To assess the training and development needs of employees.

    4. To decide upon a pay raise where (as in the unorganized sector) regular pay scales

    have not been fixed.

    5. To let the employees know where they stand insofar as their performance is concerned

    and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of their


    6. To improve communication. Performance appraisal provides a format for dialogue

    between the superior and the subordinate, and improves understanding of personal goals

    and concerns. This can also have the effect of increasing the trust between the rater and

    the ratee.

    7. Finally, performance appraisal can be used to determine whether HR programmes such

    a selection, training, and transfers have been effective or not.

    Broadly, performance appraisal serves four objectives-

    (i) developmental uses,

    (ii) administrative uses/decisions,

    (iii) organizational maintenance/objectives, and

    (iv) documentation purposes

    Table below outlines these and specific uses more clearly:-

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    Multiple Purposes of Performance Assessment

    General Applications Specific PurposeDevelopmental Uses

    Administrative Uses/Decisions

    Identification of individual needs

    Performance feedback

    Determining transfers and job assignments

    Identification of individual strengths ad

    development needs



    Retention or termination

    Recognition of individual performanceLay-offs

    Identification of poor performers

    Organizational Maintenance/ Objectives


    HR planning

    Determining organization training needsEvaluation of organizational goal


    Information for goal identificationEvaluation of HR systems

    Reinforcement of organizational

    development needs

    Criteria for validation research

    Documentation for HR decisions

    Helping to meet legal requirements



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    The objectives of performance appraisal, listed above, point out the purpose which

    such an exercise seeks to meet. What needs emphasis is that performance evaluation

    contributes to firm's competitive strength. Besides encouraging high levels

    performance, the evaluation system helps identify employees with potential, reward

    performance equitably and determine employee's need for training. Specifical

    performance appraisal helps an organization gain competitive edge in the following ways

    (see Fig below)

    Fig: How Performance Appraisal can contribute to Firm's Competitive Advantage?

    Improving Performance

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    Strategy and



    Performance Making correct




    Minimizingdissatisfaction and


    Ensuring Legal


    Values and


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    An effective appraisal system can contribute to competitive advantage by improving

    employee job performance in two ways-by directing employee behaviour towards

    organizational goals, as was done by the second beekeeper (see opening case), and by

    monitoring that behaviour to ensure that the goals are met.

    Making Correct Decisions

    As stated above, appraisal is a critical input in making decisions on such issues as pay

    raise, promotion, transfer, training, discharges and completion of probationary periods.

    Right decision on each of these can contribute to competitive strength of an organization.

    If promotion, for example, is made on performance, the promotee feels motivated to

    enhance his or her performance.

    Ensuring Legal Compliance

    Promotions made on factors other than performance might land up a firm in a legal

    battle, thus diverting its focus on non-productive areas, as it happened to Williamson

    Magar. Organizations can minimize costly performance-related litigation by using

    appraisal systems that give fair and accurate ratings.

    Minimizing Job Dissatisfaction and Turnover

    Employees tend to become emotional and frustrated if they perceive that the ratings

    they get are unfair and inaccurate. Such employees find that the efforts they had put in

    became futile and obviously get de-motivated.

    Dissatisfaction in the job sets in and one of the outcomes of job dissatisfaction is

    increased turnover. Fair and accurate appraisal results in high motivation and increased

    job satisfaction. An organization having satisfied and motivated employees will have an

    edge over its competitors.

    Consistency between Organizational Strategy and Behaviour

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    An organization needs a strategy consistent with the behaviour of its employees if it

    were to realize its goals. A truism of organizational life is that people engage themselves

    in behaviours that they perceive will be rewarded. As employees want to be rewarded,

    they tend to occupy themselves more with those activities on which the organization

    emphasizes. For example, if the focus is on service, employees will behave in ways that

    will help them in gaining rewards associated with service delivery. If the focus is on cost

    control, employees will seek to control cost and thus be recongnised and rewarded. If the

    focus is on rewarding productivity, employees will strive for productivity.

    performance appraisal becomes not only a means of knowing if the employees' behaviour

    is consistent with the overall strategic focus, but also a way of bringing to the foreany

    negative consequence of the strategy- behaviour fit For example, a single poin

    productivity focus may include potential negative consequences such as decreased quality

    and co-operations. Thus, the performance appraisal system is an important organizational

    mechanism to elicit feedback on the consistency of the strategy-behaviour link.

    Organizational Strategy and Performance Appraisal

    The performance appraisal system serves many organizational objectives and goals.

    Besides encouraging high level of performance, the evaluation system is useful in

    identifying employees with potential, rewarding performance equitably. And determining

    employees' needs for development. These are all the activities that should support the

    organizations strategic orientation. Although these activities are clearly instrumental in

    achieving corporate plans and long-term growth, typical appraisal systems in most

    organizations have been focused on short-term goals.

    From the strategic management point of view, organizations can be grouped into three

    categories defenders, prospectors and analyzers. Performance appraisal has definite roles

    in all the three strategies.

    Typically, defenders have a narrow and relatively stable product-market domain.

    Because of this narrow focus, these organizations seldom need to make

    adjustments in their technology. Structure or methods of operations. They devote primary

    attention to improving the efficiency of their existing operations. Because of the

    emphasis 011building skills within the organization, successful defenders u

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    performance appraisal for identifying training needs. Performance appraisal is usually

    more behaviour oriented.

    Organizations with a prospector strategy continuously search for different product and

    market opportunities. In addition, these organizations regularly experiment with potential

    responses to new and emerging environmental trends. Prospectors are often

    harbingers of change. Because of the emphasis on skills identification and acquisition of

    human resources from external sources, as opposed to skills building wit

    organization, prospectors often use the performance appraisal as a means of identifying

    staffing needs. The emphasis is on results. Finally, the focus is on division and corporate

    performance evaluation as they compare with other companies during the

    evaluation period.

    Organizations with an analyzer strategy operate in two types of product-.market

    domains. One domain is stable while the other is changing. In their more innovative

    areas, managers watch their competitors closely and rapidly adopt the ideas that appear

    promising. In general, analyzers use cost effective technologies for stable products and

    project or matrix technologies for new product. Analyzers tend to emphasize both skill

    building and skill i1cquisilion and employ extensive training programmes.

    Thus, these organizations attempt to identify both training as well as staffing needs. The

    appraisal systems are considered at the individual, group and divisional levels. Finally,

    successful analyzers have a tendency to examine current performance with

    performance within the organization. Cross-sectional comparisons (comparisons among

    'companies) may also occur.

    Whatever the category, a performance appraisal system has strategic importance to a

    firm in three ways:

    1. Feedback mechanism,

    2. Consistency between organizational strategy and job behaviour, and

    3. Consistency between organizational values and job behaviour.


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    Figure below outlines the performance- appraisal process. Each step in the process is

    crucial and is arranged logically. The process as shown in Fig. Below is somewhat

    idea1ised. Many organizations make every effort to approximate the ideal process,

    resulting in first-rate appraisal systems. Unfortunately, many others fail to consider one

    or more of the steps and, therefore, have less-effective appraisal system.

    1. Objectives of Appraisal

    Objectives of appraisal as stated above include effecting promotions and transfers,

    assessing training needs, awarding pay increases, and the like. The emphasis in all these

    is to correct problems. Theses objectives are appropriate as long as the approach in

    appraisal is individual. Appraisal in future, would assume systems orientations. In the

    systems approach, the objectives of appraisal stretch beyond the traditional ones.

    In the systems approach, appraisal aims at improving the performance, instead of

    merely assessing it. Towards this end, an appraisal system seeks to evaluate opportunity

    factors. Opportunity factors include the physical environment such as noise, ventilation

    and lightings, available resources such as human and computer assistance and social

    processes such as leadership effectiveness. These opportunity variables are m

    important than individual abilities in determining work performance.

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    Objectives of


    Establish jobExpectation

    Design an appraisalperformance


    Use appraisal data forappropriate purposes

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    In the systems approach the emphasis is not on individual assessment and rewards or

    punishments. But it is on how work the work system affects an individuals.

    In the systems approach the emphasis is not on individual assessment and rewards or

    punishments. But it is on how the work systems affect an individuals performance. In

    order to use a systems approach, managers must learn to appreciate the impact that

    systems levels factors have on individual performance and subordinates must adjust to

    lack of competition among individuals. Thus, if a systems approach is going to be

    successful, the employee must believe that by working towards shared goals, everyone

    will benefit.

    Not that the role of the individual is undermined. The individual is responsible for a

    large percentage of his or her work performance. Employees should not be encouraged to

    seek organizational reasons for his failures. The identifications of systems obstacles

    should be used to facilitate development and motivation, not as an excuse to poor

    performance. The following table displays some of the differences between the traditional

    approach and the systems-oriented one.

    Traditional Systems

    Guiding value

    Primary roles

    Attribution to individual

    Control, documentation

    Attribution to systems

    Development, problem


    Leadership practices

    Appraisal frequency

    Directional, evaluative


    Facilitative, coaching


    Degree of formality

    Reward practices


    Individual orientation


    Group orientation

    2. Establish Job Expectations

    The second step in the appraisal process is to establish job expectations. This includes

    informing the employee what is expected of him or her on the job. Normally, a discussion

    is held with his or her superior to review the major duties contained in the job place of

    formal performance evaluation.

    3. Design Appraisal Programme

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    Designing an appraisal programme poses several questions which we need to answers.

    They are: -

    1. Formals versus informal appraisal

    2. Whose performance is to be assessed?

    3. Who are the raters?

    4. What problems are encountered?

    5. How to solve the problems?

    6. What should be evaluated?

    7. When to evaluate?

    8. What methods of appraisal are to be used?

    1. Whose performance should be rated?To the question as to whose

    performance should be rated, the answer is obviousemployees, is it individual

    or teams? Specifically the rate may be defined as the individual, work group,

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    When toevaluate?

    What toevaluate?

    How to



    What are






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    division, or organizations. It is also possible to define the rate at multiple levels.

    For example, under some condition, it may be desirable to appraise performance

    both at work-group level for merit-pay increases and at the individual level to

    assess training needs. Two conditions necessitate a group level appraisalgroup

    cohesiveness and difficulty in identifying individual performance. Description.

    Individual should not be expected to begin the job until they understand what is

    expected out of them.

    2. Formal V/s informal appraisal: - the first step in designing an appraisal

    programme is to decide whether the appraisal should be formal or informal.

    Formal appraisal usually occurs at specified time periodsonce or twice year.

    Formal appraisals are most often required by the organizations for the purposes

    of employee evaluation. Informal performance appraisal can occur whenever the

    superior feels the need for communication. For example, if the employee has

    been consistently meeting or executing standards, an informal appraisal may be

    in order to simply recognize this fact. Discussions can take place anywhere in the

    organizations, ranging from the managers office to the canteen. But care needs to

    be taken to ensure that the discussion is held in private. Many organizations

    encourage a mixture of both formal and informal appraisal. The formal appraisal

    is most often used as primary evaluation. However, the informal appraisal is very

    helpful for more performance feedback. Informal appraisal should not take the

    Group cohesiveness refers to shared feeling among work-team members. There is

    cooperation and clear understanding to accomplish tasks which a

    interdependent. Any attempt to assess individual performance shall undermine

    group cohesiveness and tend to promote individualistic or even competitive

    orientation. The difficulty in identifying individual contribution is also important

    to consider. In some cases, interdependent of tasks is so complete that it isdifficult to identify who has contributed what. There is no other choice but to

    view that task as a team effort. But the point to be remembered is that the

    performance of all employees must be rated. All must become raters.

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    3. Who are Raters? Raters can be immediate supervisors, specialist from the HR

    department, subordinates. Peers, committees, clients, self appraisal, or

    combination of several.

    a. Immediate supervisoris the fit candidate to appraise the performance of

    his or her subordinate. There are 3 reasons in support of this choice. No

    one is familiar with the subordinates performance than his or her

    superior. Another reason is that the superior has the responsibility of

    managing a particular unit. When the tasks of evaluating a subordinate is

    given to another person, the superior authority may be undermined

    seriously. Finally, training and development of subordinate is am portent

    element in every mangers job. Since appraisal programme are often

    clearly linked to training and development, the immediate superior may

    be the legal choice to conduct the performance evaluation.

    b. Subordinate can assess the performance of their superiors. The use of this

    choice may be useful in assessing an employee ability to communicate,

    delegate work, allocate resources, disseminate information, resolve intra-

    personal conflict, and deal with employees on a fair basis. But the

    problem with the subordinate evaluation is that supervisors tend to

    become popular, not by effective leadership, but by mere gimmicks.

    c. Peers are in better position to evaluate certain facts of job performance

    which the subordinates or supervisors cannot do. Such facts include

    contribution skills, reliability and initiative. Closeness of the working

    relationships and the amount of personal contacts place peers in a better

    position to make accurate assessments. Unfortunately friendship o

    animosity may result in distortion of evaluation. Further when rewardallocation is based on peer evaluation, series conflicts among co-workers

    may develop. Finally join together to rate each other high.

    d. Although clients are seldom used for rating employee performance,

    nothing prevents an organization from using this source. Clients may be

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    members within the organization who have direct contact with the rate

    and make use of an output (goods or services) this employee provides.

    Interest, courtesy, dependability and innovativeness are but a few of the

    qualities for which clients can offer rating information. Clients, external

    to the organization can also offer similar kinds of information. Where

    appraisal is made by the superior, peers, subordinates and clients, it is

    called the 360-degree system of appraisal. First developed at General

    Electric, US in 1992 the system has become popular in our country too.

    GE (India). Reliance Industries, Crompton Greaves, Godrej Soaps

    Wipro, Infosys, Thermax and Thomas Cook are using the method with

    greater benefits. The Arthur Anderson Survey 1997 reveals that 20% of

    the organization use 360 degree method. In the 360 degree method,

    besides assessing performance. Other attributes of the assesstalents,

    behavioral quirks, values, ethical standards, tempers and loyalty are

    evaluated by the people who are best placed to do it. Many employees use

    rating committees to evaluate employees. These committees are often

    composed of the employees immediate supervisor and three or four other

    supervisors who come in contact with the employee. This choice is

    welcome when an employee in the course of his or her job performs a

    variety of tasks in different environment. For e.g. 1supervisor may work

    with the employee when technical aspects of a job are being performed

    and another supervisor may deal with the same employee in situations

    where communications skills are crucial. There are several benefits in

    using multiple raters. First there may be objectivity in rating as more than

    rater is involved in the assessment. Furthermore where there

    differences in the rater ought ratings they usually stem from the fact that

    raters at different level in the organization often observe different facetsof an employee performance-the appraisal to reflect these differences.

    The disadvantages of committee rating are that it diminishes the role of

    the immediate supervisor in the area of training and development.

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    e. In self appraisalemployee himself or herself evaluates his or her own

    performance. Indian Telephone Industries has been following the self-

    appraisal system for executives in grade I to IV. Hewlett-Packard and

    Texas Instruments too ask their performance to prepare their own

    appraisal. On the positive side it may be stated that in self-appraisal there

    is an opportunity to participate in evaluation particularly if it is combine

    with goal setti9ng and this should be improve the mangers motivation.

    Managers are less defensive in self-evaluation than when supervisors tell

    them what they are. Self-appraisal is best suited where execu

    development is the main purpose of evaluation as the approach enablers

    managers to clearly assess their areas of differences. Unfortunately self-

    appraisal falls short almost by any criterion. They tend to be more lenient

    compared to other sources of evaluation, even that of peers who are more

    lenient than their superiors. Self-appraisal is also more likely to be less

    biased and less in agreement with judgment of others. In practice a

    combination of methods is followed for employee. For examp

    evaluation by self may be followed by a superior, the personal department

    or the HR department (following diagram).

    Different Raters of Performance- L&T, Bangalore works


    Action by/Date Form/Section

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    Annual Performance Review

    Form 2


    Form 2

    Sec: B, C

    - 21 -

    Describes actual results against

    objectives set earlier. Not more thanfive

    Carries out self-review highlighting

    significant contributions and factorsinfluencing performance

    Keeps himself or herself ready for

    appraisal interview by analyzing his

    performance, strengths and weaknessand development needs.

    Employee by15.4.1999

    Prepares for the appraisal interview byanalyzing results against objectives,

    strengths and weakness and recalling

    significant incidents. Related to critical


    Discusses with the employees and

    provides feedback on critical attributes

    and rate on performance and attributes.

    Carries out development planning with

    the employee

    Carries out performance planning for

    1994-1995 with employee, selects anddescribes role related attributes.

    Describes strengths and weakness andcomments on potential areas for growth

    Records training needs and apecific

    developments plans.

    Comments on specific developments

    plans Makes overall observations on the

    employees performance

    Forwards the forms if necessary to his

    superior to ensure:

    1. Covenants are reviewed by a superiors

    at least at DGM level2. Superiors/ executives are reviewed by

    covenanted officers.

    Sec C

    Sec D

    From 2Sec E

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    2. PERIODIC REVIEW (during the year)

    - 22 -

    Next superior(s)

    By 15.6.1994


    superior(s)By 15.6.1994

    From 2 Notes the comments by the next

    superiors and conveys significant

    observations to employee

    Forwards for convents to HRD depts.and for superiors/executives to

    Analyses rating and comments and

    furnishes data to all concerned for

    necessary actions

    Co-ordinates Development Action

    Proposals at Respective Group/ unitlevel

    Plans training programme and other


    Complies Pa data for aggregate analysis

    Comments on Pa exercise and send

    report to GMs and corporatemanagement

    Reviews performance and objectivesand writes comments as necessary

    Reviews development action taken

    and records status.


    HRD dept.By 15.7.1994

    HRD dept.By 30.7.1994



    From 2

    From 2

    From 2

    From 1

    From 3

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    Whoever may be the rater two requisites must be fulfilled. First the rater must be free

    from bias. Second the rater must have an opportunity to observe the full spectrum of

    activities and behavior of the rate over an extended time period.]

    4. Problems of Rating: - Performance appraisals are subject to a wide variety of

    inaccurate and biases referred to as rating errors. These errors occur in the raters

    observations, judgments and information processing and can seriously affect assessment

    result. The most common rating errors are leniency or severity, central tendency, halo

    effect, primary and recency effects, perceptual set, performance dimension behavior, spill

    over effect and status effect.

    5. Leniency or Severity: - Leniency or severity on the part of the rater makes the

    assessment subjective. Subjective assessments defeat the very purpose of performance

    appraisal. Ratings are lenient for the following reasons.

    The rater may feel that anyone under his or her jurisdictions who is rated

    unfavorably will reflect poorly on his or her own worthiness.

    He or she may feel that anyone who could have been rated unfavorably has

    already been discharged from the organization

    He or she may feel that a derogatory rating will be revealed to the rate to the

    determinant of the relations between the rater and rate.

    He or she may rate leniently in order to win promotions for the subordinates and

    therefore indirectly increase his or her hold over them.

    He or she may be projecting

    He or she feels it necessary to always approve of others in order to gain approval

    for him or herself.

    He or she may be operating on the premise, whoever associates with me is

    meritorious therefore, and I am meritorious.

    He or she may rate leniently because there exists, in the culture, a response set

    approve rather than disapprove.

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    WC according to a WC according to a lenient rater Severe rater True amount WC

    LOW written communication HIGH

    Skills (WC)

    4. Central tendency: - this occurs when employees are incorrectly rated near the

    average or middle of the scale. The attitude of the rate is to play safe. This safe-

    playing attitude stems from certain doubts and anxieties which the raters have

    while assessing the ratees. Such doubts and anxieties are :

    Do I know the man sufficiently well to be able to give a fair assessment of


    If I rate him the way I think I should what will be its influence on his

    relations with me and on his performance in the future?

    If I rate him the way I think I should what will be its effect on my relations

    with the others subordinates?

    If I rate him the way I think I should what will be its effect on his

    relationship within the group or subordinates?

    Will I able to be objective in view of pressures from peers, subordinates and

    trade union?

    If I rate him the way I think I should will be accused to being partial?

    How will my boss view the appraisal I make and how will that influences the

    way he appraises the man?

    What standards will my peers adopt to appreciate their subordinates? And in

    view of this am I likely to affect adversely the future of my subordinates?

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    Naturally the rates use such expressions as satisfactory and average to describe the

    performance of the rates. For example the principal of a college while giving character

    certificates to the outgoing students describe the character of each student as satisfactory.

    Obviously its become difficult to distinguish between excellent performance and poor

    performance. In small organization it is common to label all employees as an average.

    But in large companies errors of this type tend to obviate the value of evaluations.

    Close to error of central tendency is the problem of range restriction. Range restriction

    may involve clustering all employees around any point on a scale, often in combination

    with leniency errors at very top. What is distinctive in the error of central tendency and

    the error of range restriction is a failure to note real performance differences, either

    intentionally or due to insufficient attention.

    Halo Error - it takes place when one aspect of an individual performance influences the

    evaluation of the entire performance of the individual just as the assessment of the

    performance of a student in his or her examination being influence by the opening

    paragraph of every answer. If the introductory paragraph is poorly written the chances of

    scoring high marks in that answer are diminished however good the subsequent portion

    of the essay may be

    In an organization a halo error occurs when an emplopuee who work late constantly

    might be rated high on productivity and quality of output as well as on motivation.

    Similarly an attractive or popular employee might be given a high overall rating. Rating

    employees separately can each of a number of performance and encouraging raters to

    guard against the halo effect are two ways to reduce halo effect.

    Rater effect: this includes favoritism, stereotyping and hostility. Excessively high or low

    scores are given only to certain individual or groups based on the raters attitude towards

    the rate, not on actual outcomes or behavior. Sex, age, race and friendship biases areexample of this type of error.

    Primary and recency effects: - the raters ratings are heavily influenced either by

    behavior exhibited by the rate during the early stage of the review period or by outcomes

    or behavior exhibited by the rate near the end of the review period (recency). For

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    example if a salesperson captures an important contract/ sales just before the completion

    of the appraisal the timing of the incident may inflate his or her standing even though the

    overall performance of the salesperson may not have been encouraging. Likewise a

    blunder committed just before the appraisal period may diminish chance of securing a

    favorable rating even if the performance is good.

    One way of guarding against such an error is to ask rater to consider the composite

    performance of the ratee and not to be influenced by one incident or own achievement.

    The rater must also be aware of tendency on the part of the rates to improve odds in their

    favors or suppress weak points during the rating period.

    Perceptual Set: - this occurs when the raters assessment is influenced by previously

    held beliefs. If the supervisors for example have a belief that employee hailing from 1

    particular region is intelligent and hard working his subsequent rating of an employee

    hailing from that region tends to be favorably high.

    Performance Dimension order: 2 or more dimensions on a performance instrument

    follows or closely follow each other and both describe or rotate to a similar quality. The

    rater rates first dimension accurately and then rates the second dimension similar to the

    first because of their proximity. If the dimension had been arranged in a significant

    different order the rating might have been different.

    Spillover effect:This refers to allowing past performance appraisal ratings

    unjustifiably influence current ratings. Past ratings, good or bad result for the period

    although the demonstrated behavior does not deserve the rating good or bad.

    Status effect: - it refers to overrating of employee in higher-level jobs held in high

    esteem, and underrating employees in lower-level-job or jobs held in low esteem.It is not the raters errors alone that are barriers to accurate and valid measurement of

    employee performance. Barriers lie deep within the genetic and acquired make-up of all

    people concerned with performance appraisal. A wide variety of emotio

    psychological, intellectual and physical factors that at first glance may appear to be

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    separate and irrelevant may combine in any numbers of ways during the appraisal


    Exhibit 10.2

    Here is a bizarre case of performance appraisal. A pulp making unit located at Harihae in

    Karnataka, hired 40 engineers in 1994, as management trainees. The new hires were fresh

    from, REC, Suratkal, and other prestigious institutions. Obviously they were toppers in

    their respective branches and institutions.

    The management of the plant adopted a freakish policy with regard to performance

    appraisal 10 percent of all the employees were to be rated below average. The

    management did not want all the employees to be ranked high, notwithstanding their

    excellent performance.

    The axe fell on the trainees. The raters rated all the 40 trainees below average.

    Humiliated, these 40 put in their papers even before their training period expired.

    Solving Raters Problems

    the best way to overcome the problems is to provide training to the raters. At Hewlett-

    Packard, a 2 day training course is organized every year to prepare managers to handle

    appraisals better. Not that training is a cure-all for all the ills of appraisal systems. From

    a practical point of view, several factors, including the extent which pay is related to

    performance ratings, union pressure, turnover rates, time constraints and the need to

    justify ratings may be more important than training, influencing the ratings they actually

    give. This means that improving rating systems involves not just training the raters but

    remedying outside factors such ass union pressure. And it means that rater training, to be

    effective, should also add real life problems such as the fact that union representatives

    will try to influence supervisors to rate everyone high.

    But training can help improve the appraisal system to the extent of distortion that occurs

    due to the raters error such as halo, leniency, central tendency and bias. In a typicaltraining, raters are shown a video-tape of jobs being performed and are asked to rate the

    workers. Ratings made by each participant are then placed on a flip chart and the various

    charts are explained. For e.g., a trainee is rated on all criteria (such as quantity and

    quality) about the same, the trainer might explain that halo error had occurred. If, on the

    other hand, a trainer rated all video-taped workers very high, this might be explained as a

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    leniency error. Typically, the trainer gives the correct rating and then illustrates the rating

    errors made.

    In effect, training of raters must help strengthen the factors that tend to improve accuracy

    of ratings and weaken those that lower the accuracy of the performance measurement.

    Factors that help improve accuracy:

    1. The rater has observed and is familiar with behaviors to be appraised.

    2. The rater has documented the behaviors to improve the recall.

    3. The rater has a checklist to obtain and review job-related information.

    4. The rater is aware of personal biases and is willing to take action to minimize

    their effect.

    5. Rating scores by raters of one group or organization are summarized and

    compared with those by other raters.

    6. The rater focuses attention on performance-related behaviors over which the rater

    has better control than in other aspects of evaluation.

    7. Higher levels of management are held accountable for reviewing all ratings.

    8. The raters own performance ratings are related to the quality of rating given and

    the performance of units.

    9. Performance factors are properly defined.

    Factors that may lower accuracy:

    1. The rater rates ratees only when administrative actions are contemplated.

    2. The rater tends to inflate ratings when the ratees receive scores and results of


    3. The rater tends to recall more behaviours known to be of particular interest to

    higher level managers, whether or not they are pertinent, when his or her ratings

    are reviewed by such authorities.4. The rater is unable to express him or herself honestly and unambiguously.

    5. Appraisal systems, processes and instruments fail to support the rater.

    6. The rater has to rate employees on factors that are poorly defined.

    7. Finally, the supervisor/rater must be trained to conduct the appraisal interview.

    For many raters, this is a difficult task, especially when the appraisal is

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    unfavorable to the rater. Favorable or unfavorable rating, it is the job of the rater

    to convince the ratee about the appraisal, and advise him or her about the future

    course of action the rate should take.

    What should be rated?

    One of the steps in designing an appraisal programme is to determine the evaluation

    criteria. It is obvious that the criteria should be related to the job. The six criteria for

    assessing performance are:

    1. Quality: The degree to which the result or process of carrying out an activity

    approaches perfection in terms of either conforming to some ideal way of

    performing the activity, or fulfilling the activitys intended purpose.

    2. Quantity: The amount produced, expressed in monetary terms, number of units, or

    number of completed activity cycles.

    3. Timeliness: the degree to which an activity is completed or a result produced, at

    the earliest time desirable from the standpoints of both co-coordinating with the

    outputs of others and of maximizing the time available for other activities.

    4. Cost Effectiveness: the degree to which the use of the organizations resources

    (e.g. human, monetary, technological and material) is maximized in the sense of

    getting the highest gain or reduction in loss from each unit or instance of use of a


    5. Need for supervision: the degree to which a job performer can carry out a job

    function without either having to request supervisory assistance or requiring

    supervisory intervention to prevent an adverse outcome.

    6. Interpersonal impact: the degree to which as performer promotes feeling of self-

    esteem, goodwill and co-operation among co-workers and sub-ordinates.

    These criteria relate to past performance and behavior of an employee. There is also the

    need for assessing, as was pointed out earlier, the potential of an employee for futureperformance, particularly when the employee is tipped for assuming gre


    Exhibit 10.3

    Appraisal of Potential at Philips

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    More and more number of organizations are trying to assess potential of their employees,

    particularly at the managerial level. Cadbury India, Sandoz, Pfizer, Mafatlal, Philips,

    National Organic Chemical Industries, Glaxo and P&G are a few of the companies which

    seek to top managerial potential.

    At Philips a 2 by 2 matrix is used to assess performance and potential to perform. The

    vertical axis measures potential while the horizontal, actual performance. Both are further

    subdivided into parameters high and low resulting in 4 quadrants of classification.

    The Philips Model

    Low Potential-Low Performance: these employees are categorized as question marks.

    The company asks such employees to improve their performance levels. Failure to

    improve would result in their planned separation.

    High Potential-Low Performance: these are the problem children. In order to help them

    improve their performance, these employees are shifted to new locations to work and are

    closely monitored. If performance levels do not improve, these employees are reclassified

    as question marks and the separation process initiated.

    High Potential-High Performance: these are the star performers. They have to be kept

    engaged with complex assignments all the time and groomed to take up the top positions.

    Otherwise, they might leave.

    Low Potential-High Performance: these are called as solid citizens and constitute 70 to

    75 % of the total number of employees in any organization. They have skills but lack the

    potential to grow beyond their current job-profile. The organization has to constantly

    recognize their limitations and take care of their needs.

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    Children Stars










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    In order to assess employee potential, Philips has adopted the system that prevails at

    Philips NV, Holland. The system at Philips NV uses 4 broad attributes conceptual

    effectiveness, operational effectiveness, interpersonal effectiveness and achievement

    effectiveness and achievement motivation. Each attribute has a 5-point grading scale

    excellent, very good, good/adequate, weak and insufficient.

    Coming to the six criteria, it may be stated that the first 4 quality, quantity, timeliness

    and cost effectiveness are objective in nature; and the last 2 - need for supervision and

    interpersonal impact are subjective. Objective measures are quantifiable and are

    therefore highly useful in measuring the performance of an employee. But performance

    of employees should not always be evaluated against the amount of deposits mobilized

    for his or her bank. The effort put in by him/her, the contacts he/she has established, the

    image about the bank he/she has created in the eyes of public, and if relationships he/she

    has maintained with subordinates speak more reliably about the managers performance.

    Here comes the relevance of the subjective criteria. However, as subjective measures are

    dependent upon human judgments, they are prone to the kinds of errors we noted earlier

    leniency or severity, central tendency, halo and the like. To be useful, subjective

    measures must be based on a careful analysis of the behaviors viewed as necessary and

    important for job performance.

    Of late, there has been a shift in focus of appraisals. This shift is from performance of the

    individual to the systems approach. As stated earlier, in the systems approach the

    emphasis is on improving ones performance. Work performance of an individual

    depends on organizational factors in addition to his or her abilities. The focus in the

    systems approach is, therefore, the entire organization.

    Timing of Evaluation

    How often should an employee be assessed? The general trend is to evaluate once in 3months, or six months, or once in a year. According to a survey conducted in 1997 by

    Arthur Anderson, 70 percent of the organizations conduct performance appraisal once a

    year. Newly hired employees are rated more frequently than the older ones. Frequent

    assessment is better than phased evaluation. Feedback in the latter is delayed and the

    advantage of timely remedial measures by the employee is lost. Frequent evaluation gives

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    constant feedback to the rate, thus enabling him or her to improve performance if there is

    any deficiency. The performance of trainees and probationers should be evaluated at the

    end of respective programmes.


    The last to be addressed in the process of designing an appraisal programme is to

    determine methods of evaluation. Numerous methods have been devised to measure the

    quantity and quality of employees job performance. Each of the methods discussed

    could be effective for some purposes, for some organizations. None should be dismissed

    or accepted as appropriate except as they relate to the particular needs of the organization

    or of a particular type of employees. Broadly, all the approaches to appraisal can be

    identified into (i) past-oriented methods, and (ii) future-oriented methods. Each group has

    several techniques as shown in the figure below:

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    Past-Oriented Methods

    Rating Scales: This is the simplest and most popular technique for appraising employee

    performance; the typical rating-scale system consists of several numerical scales, each

    representing a job-related performance criterion such as dependability, initiative, output,

    attendance, attitude, co-operation, and the like. Each scale ranges from excellent to poor.

    The rater checks the appropriate performance level on each criterion, then computes the

    employees total numerical score. The number of points scored may be linked to salary

    increases, whereby so many points equal a rise of some percentage.


    Instructions: For the following performances factors, please indicate on the rating

    Scale your evaluation of the employee named below:

    Employees Name:

    Raters Name

    Excellent Good Acc

    5 4

    1. Dependability ------ ------

    2. Initiative ------ -

    3. Overall Output ------ ------

    4. Attendance ------ ------

    5. Attitude ------

    6. Co-Operation ------ ------

    ------ ------

    ------ ------

    ------ ------

    20. Quality of Work ------ ------

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    TOTAL + +


    Rating scales offer the advantages of adaptability, relatively easy use and low cost.

    Nearly every type of job can be evaluated in a short time, and the rater does not need any

    training to use the scale.

    The disadvantages of this method are several. The raters biases are likely to influence

    evaluation, and the biases are particularly pronounced on subjective criteria such as co-

    operation, attitude and initiative. Furthermore, numerical scoring gives an illusion of

    precision that is really unfounded.

    Checklist: Under this method a checklist of statements on the traits of the employee and

    his or her job is prepared in 2 columns viz., a Yes column and a No column. All that

    the rater (immediate superior) should is tick the Yes column if the answer to the

    statement is positive and in column No if the answer is negative. A typical checklist is

    given in the table below. After ticking off against each item, the rater forwards the list to

    the HR department. The HR department assigns certain points to each Yes ticked.

    Depending upon the number of Yes the total score is arrived at. When points are

    allotted to the checklist, the technique becomes a weighted checklist. The advantages of

    as checklist are economy, ease of administration, limited training of rater

    standardization. The disadvantages include susceptibility to raters biases (especially the

    halo effect), use of personality criteria instead of performance criteria, misinterpretation

    of checklist items, and the use of improper weights by the HR department. Another

    disadvantage of this approach is that it does not allow the rater to give up relative ratings.

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    Table: - Checklist for Operators




    1. Is the employee really interested in the job? - -

    2. Does he or she possess adequate knowledge about the job - -

    3. Is his or her attendance satisfactory? - -

    4. Does he/she maintain his/her equipment in good condition? - -5. Does he/she co-operate with co-workers? - -

    6. Does he/she keep his/her temper? - -

    7. Does he/she obey orders? - -

    8. Does he/she observe safety precautions? - -

    9. Does he/she complete what he/she commences? - -

    10. Does he/she evade responsibility? - -

    Forced Choice Method: In this, the rater is given a series of statements about an

    employee. These statements are arranged in blocks of 2 or more, and the rater indicates

    which statement is most or least descriptive of the employee. Typical statements are :

    1. Learns fast _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ works hard

    2. Work is reliable_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ performance is a good example for

    3. Absents often_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ others usually tardy.

    As in the checklist method, the rater is simply expected to select the statements that

    describe the rate. Actual assessment is done by the HR Department.

    This approach is known as the forced choice method because the rater is forced to select

    statements, which are readymade. The advantage of this method is the absence ofpersonal bias in rating. The disadvantage is that the statements may not be properly

    framed they may not be precisely descriptive of the ratees traits.

    Forced Distribution Method: One of the errors in rating is leniency clustering a large

    number of employees around a high point on a rating scale. The forced distribution

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    method seeks to overcome the problem by compelling the rater to distribute the ratees on

    all points on the rating scale.

    The method operates under an assumption that the employee performance level conforms

    to a normal statistical distribution. Generally, it is assumed that employee performance

    levels conform to a bell shaped curve. For example, the following distribution might be

    assumed to exist excellent 10 %, good 20 %, average 40 %, below average 20 %, and

    unsatisfactory 10 %.

    The major weakness of the forced distribution method lies in the assumption that the

    employee performance levels always conform to a normal distribution. In organizations

    that have done a good job of selecting and retaining only the good performers, the use of

    forced distribution approach would be unrealistic, as well as possibly destructive to the

    employee morale.

    The error of central tendency may also occur, as the rater resists from placing an

    employee in the lowest or in the highest group. Difficulties also arise for the rater to

    explain to the rate why he or she has been placed in a particular group. One merit of this

    approach is that it seeks to eliminate the error of leniency. However, the forced choice

    method is not acceptable to raters and ratees, especially, in small groups or when group

    members are of high ability.

    Critical Incidents Method: The critical incidents method of employee assessment has

    generated a lot of interest these days. The approach focuses on certain critical behaviors

    of an employee that make all the difference between effective and non-effective

    performance of a job. The supervisors as and when they occur record such incidents.

    Examples of critical incidents of a plant manager are given in the following table:

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    Examples ofCritical Incidents for an Assistant Plant Manager

    One of the advantages of the critical incidents methods is that the evaluation is based on

    actual job behavior. Further, the approach has descriptions in support of particular ratings

    of an employee. Giving job-related feedback to the ratee is also easy. It also reduces the

    personal biases, if raters record incidents throughout the rating period. Finally, this

    approach can increase the chances that the subordinates will improve because they learn

    more precisely what is expected of them. The method however has significant limitations.

    These include:

    1. Negative incidents are generally more noticeable that positive ones.

    2. The recording of incidents is a chore to the supervisor and may be put off an

    easily forgotten.

    3. Overly close supervision may result.

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    INCIDENTSSchedule Production for Plant Full Utilization of

    personnel andmachinery in the plant,

    order delivered on time

    Instituted new production

    scheduling system;decreased late orders by

    10% last month;

    increased machineutilization in plant by20%

    last month

    Supervise procurement of raw

    materials and inventory control

    Minimize inventory

    costs while keeping

    adequate supplies onhand

    Let inventory storage costs

    rise 15% last month;

    Over Ordered parts Aand B by 20%;Under Ordered part C


    Supervise machinery


    No shutdowns due to

    faulty machinery

    Instituted new preventive

    maintenance system for

    plant;Prevented a machine

    breakdown by discovering

    faulty part.

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    4. Managers may unload a series of complaints about incidents during an annual

    performance review session. The feedback may be too much at one time and thus

    appearing as a punishment to the rate. More appropriately, the management

    should use incidents of poor performance as opportunities for immediate training

    and counseling.

    Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales:

    Behaviorally Anchored Scales, sometimes called behavioral expectation scales, are rating

    scales whose scale points are determined by statements of effective and ineffective

    behaviors. They are said to be behaviorally anchored in that the scales represent a range

    of descriptive statements of behavior varying from the least to the most effective. A rater

    must indicate which behavior on each scale best describes an employees performance.

    Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) have the following features:

    1. Areas of performance to be evaluated are identified and defined by people who

    will use the scales.

    2. The scales are anchored by descriptions of actual job behavior that, supervisors

    agree, represent specific levels of performance. The result is a set of rating scales

    in which both dimensions and anchors are precisely defined.

    3. All dimensions of performance to be evaluated are based on observable behaviors

    and are relevant to the job being evaluated since BARS are tailor-made for the


    4. Since the raters who will actually use the scales are actively involved in the

    development process. They are more likely to be committed to the final product. BARS

    were developed to provide results which subordinates could use to improve performance.

    Superiors would feel comfortable to give feedback to the rates. Further, BARS help

    overcome rating errors. Unfortunately, this method too suffers from distortion inherent in

    most rating techniques.

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    Field Review Method

    This is an appraisal by someone outside the, assessors own department. Usually

    someone from the corporate office or the HR department. The outsider reviews Employee

    records and holds interviews with the ratee and his or her superior.

    This method is primarily used for making promotional decision at the managerial level.

    Field reviews are also useful when comparable information is needed from employees in

    different units or locations. Two disadvantage of this method are:-

    1. An "outsider" is usually not familiar with conditions in an employees work

    environment which may affect the employee's ability or motivation to perform.

    2. An 'outsider' review dose not have the opportunity to observe employee behavior of

    performance over a period of time and in a variety of situations. But only in an artificially

    structured interview situation which extends over a very short period of time.

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    A BARS Scale for the Knowledge and Judgement Dimension of a

    Grocery Checker's Job.

    Raters, making field reviews normally receive training on how to conduct the interview

    and develop their writing skills. Being independent of the work scene they normally have

    less bias for or against the ratee than docs the immediate supervisor. Even when a

    supervisor or others concerned supply biased information the rater may he able to

    pinpoint areas requiring training and development assistance.

    - 41 -

    Extremely good




    You can expect this checker to be aware of items that

    constantly fluctuate in price.

    Neither poor

    nor good


    Slightly poor




    Extremely poor


    By knowing the price of items. This checker would be

    expected to look for mismarked and unmarked items.7


    When in doubt. This checker would ask the other clerk i

    the item is taxable.

    This checker can be expected to verify with another

    checker a discrepancy between the shelf and the marked

    price before ringing up that Item.

    5Slightly good


    When operating the quick check. If the lights are flashin

    this checker can be expected to check out a customer wi

    15 items.



    In order to take a break. this checker can be expected to

    block off the check stand while people wait in line.

    You could expect this checker to ask the customer the

    price of an Item that he or she does not know.

    In the daily course of personal relationships, he or she m

    be expected to linger in long conversations with a custom

    or with another checker.



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    Performance Tests and Observations

    With limited number of jobs, employee assessment may be based upon a test of

    knowledge or skills. The test may he of the paper-and-pencil variety or an actual

    demonstration of skills. The test must he reliable and validated to be useful. Even then,

    performance tests are apt to measure potential more than actual performance. In order for

    the test to be job related, observations should he made under circumstances likely to be

    encountered. Practicality may suffer if costs of test development or administration arc


    Confidential RecordsConfidential records arc maintained mostly in government Departments. though its

    application in the industry .not ruled out. ITI. for example. had followed this method for a

    long time. Called the Annual Confidential Report (ACR). the approach had 14 items-(i)

    attendance. (ii) self-expression (written or oral). (iii) ability to work with others. (iv)

    leadership. (v) initiative. (vi) technical ability (job knowledge). (vii) ability to understand

    new material. (viii) ability to reason, (ix) originality and resourcefulness. (x) areas of

    work that suits the person best. (xi) judgement. (xii) integrity. (xiii) responsibility and.

    (xiv) and defect-indebtedness. Memo served. etc. Twelve of these were filled on a four-

    point grade scale (Excellent. Good. Fair and Poor).

    For integrity. there were special instructions from the management. Justification was

    required for outstanding or poor rating. Over:!!! rating on a five-point scale was

    separately given (Outstanding. Very good. Good. Average, Poor). again with justification

    for rating as outstanding or poor. Recommendations for promotion were also given. The

    ACR contained recommendations and signature of the rater. the head of the department

    and the CMD.

    The system was highly secretive and confidential Feedback to the assessee was given

    only in case of an adverse entry. The AC'R was highly subjective. Ratings were easily

    manipulated because the evaluation was linked to promotion. Even ITI has discontinued

    ACR system for these reasons.

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    Essay Method

    In the essay method the rater must describe the employee within a number of broad

    categories such as (i) the rater's overall impression of the employee's performance. (ii),

    the promo ability of the employee (iii) the jobs that the employee is now able or qualified

    to perform (.iv) the strengths and weaknesses of the employee. and (v)the training and

    the development assistance required by the employee. Although this method may be used

    independently, it is most frequently found in combination with others. It is extremely

    useful in filing information gaps about the employees that often occur in the better

    structured checklist method.

    The strength of the essay method depends on the writing skills and analytical ability

    of the rater.

    However many raters do not have good writing skills. They become confused about

    what to say. How much they should state and the depth of the narrative The essay method

    can consume much time because the rater must collect the information necessary to

    develop the essay and then he or she must write it The essay method also depends on the

    memory power of the rater.

    A problem with this method is that the rate may be rated on the quality of the

    appraisals that they give. The quality standard for the appraisal may be unduly influenced

    by appearance rather than content. Thus. a 'high quality' appraisal may provide little

    useful information about the performance of the rate.

    Cost Accounting Method

    This method evaluates performance from the monetary returns the employee yields to

    his or her organisation. A relationship is established between the cost included in keeping

    the employee and the benefit the organization derives from him or her. Performance of

    the employee is then evaluated based on the established relationship between the cost and

    the benefit.

    Comparative Evaluation Approaches

    These are a collection of different methods that compare one worker's performance

    with that of his/her co-workers. Comparative appraisals are usually conducted by

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    supervisors. As these appraisals can result in a ranking from best to worst, they are useful

    in deciding merit-pay increases, promotions and organisational rewards. The usual

    comparative forms used in this kind of evaluation are the ranking method and the paired

    comparison method.

    Ranking Method

    In this, the superior ranks his or her subordinates in the order of their merit, starting

    from the best to the worst. All that the HR department knows is that A is better than B.

    The, 'how' and 'why' are not questioned, nor answered. No attempt, is made to

    fractionalise what is being appraised into component elements. This method is subject to

    the halo and recency effects, although rankings by two or more raters can be averaged to

    help reduce biases. Its advantages include ease of administration and explanation.

    Paired-comparison Method

    Under this method the appraiser compares each employee with every other employee

    one at a time. For example there are five employees named A, B. C. D and E. The

    performance of A is first compared with the performance of B and a decision is made

    about whose performance is better. Then A is compared with C. D and E in that order.

    The same procedure is repeated for other employees. The number of comparisons may be

    calculated with the help of a formula which reads thus: N(N-1)/ 2 where N stands for

    the number of employees to be compared. If there are 10 employees, the number of

    comparisons will be 10(10-1)/2 = 45.

    After the completion of comparison, the results can be tabulated and a rank is created

    from the number of times each person is considered to be superior.

    Future-oriented Appraisals

    Is it not enough if only the past performance is assessed . How an employee can

    perform in the days to come is equally important. This can be assessed by focusing on

    employee potential or setting future performance goals. The commonly used future-

    oriented techniques are MBO, psychological appraisals, and assessment centres.

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    It was Peter F. Drucker who first gave the concept of MBO to the world way back in

    1954 when his The Practice of Managementwas first published. The MBO concept, as

    was conceived by Drucker, reflects a management philosophy which values and utilizes

    employee contributions. Application of MBO in the field of performance appraisal is a

    recent thinking.

    Four Steps in the MBO Process

    How MBO works can be described in four steps:

    The firststep is to establish the goals each subordinate is to attain. In some

    organisations, superiors and subordinates work together to establish goals. In others.

    Superiors establish goals for subordinates. The goals typically refer to the desired

    outcome to be achieved. These goals can then be used to evaluate employee performance.

    The secondstep involves setting the performance standard for the subordinates in a

    previously arranged time period. As subordinates perform, they know fairly well what

    there is to do, what has been done, and what remains to be done.

    In the thirdstep, the actual level of goal attainment is compared with the goals agreed

    upon. The evaluator explores reasons for the goals that were not met and for the goals

    that were exceeded. This step helps determine possible training needs. It also alerts the

    superior to conditions in the organization that may affect a subordinate but over which

    the subordinate has no control.

    The finalstep involves establishing new goals and, possibly new strategies for goals

    not previously attained. At this point, subordinate and superior involvement in goal-setting may change. Subordinates who successfully reach the established goals may be

    allowed to participate more in the goal setting process the next time. The process is

    repeated. As with other approaches. MBO too has been criticised. One comment made

    against the approach is that it is not applicable to all jobs in all organisations. Jobs with

    little or no flexibility. Such as assembly-line work, are not compatible with MBO. An

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    assembly-line worker usually has so little job flexibility that the performance standards

    and objectives are already determined. The MBO process seems to be most useful with

    managerial personnel 'and employees who have a fairly wide range of flexibility and self-

    control in their jobs. Besides, when the result of an MBO system are to be used to

    allocate organisational rewards, employees may be less likely to establish challenging

    goals-goals they are confident that they can accomplish. Further, the allocation of merit

    pay on a semi-annual or annual basis may encourage the setting up of goals with short

    time horizons to the disadvantage of important long-term goals.

    The performance appraisal presently followed in L&T reflects the principles of MBO.

    Psychological Appraisals

    Large organization employs full-time industrial psychologists. When psychologists are

    used for evaluations. They assess an individuals future potential and past performance.

    The appraisal normally consists of in-depth interviews, psycho1ogical tests. Discussions

    with supervisors and a review' of other evaluations. The psychologist then write an

    evaluation of the employee's intellectual, emotional, motivational and other-related

    characteristics that suggest individual potential and may predict future performance. The

    evaluation by the psychologist may be for a specific job opening for which the person is

    being considered. Or it may be a global assessment of his or her future potential. From

    these evaluations. Placement and development decisions may be made to shape the

    person's career. Because this approach is slow and costly, it is usually required for bright

    young members who, others think. May have considerable potential within

    organisation. Since the quality of the appraisal depends largely on the skills of the

    psychologists, some employees object to this type of evaluation, especially if cross-

    cultural differences exist.


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    APRIL 1993 TO MARCH 1994

























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    A2] SELF REVIEW (by employee)






    C1] Appraisal of Critical Attributes(by immediate









    1.INNOVATIVENESS Ability to think new and better

    ways of doing things that results

    in introduction of new ideas or

    improvements of the systems

    and operations.

    2.INITIATIVE Ability to determine and initiate

    actions that result in improve

    handling of jobs, without

    waiting to be told.


    Ability to interact effectivelywith people at all levels to gain

    their confidence and respect and

    work in a collaborative and

    participative manner.

    4.RESOURCEFULNESS Ability to muster resources to

    achieve desired results and

    device ways and means of

    solving problems in difficult




    Ability to convey thoughts and

    feelings clearly both through

    oral as well as writtenexpressions for betterunderstanding.

    C2] AREAS OF STRENGTH AND IMPROVEMENTS (by immediate superior)

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    C3] Potential Areas Of Growth (By Immediate Superior)

    D] Recommendations For Training And Development( By Immediate Superior)


    Description Code





    Proposed action

    (tick as applicable)

    Job rotaion

    Job enlargement

    Special assignment

    Deputatiomn of other dept

    Others(please specify)





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    Mainly used for executive hiring, assessment centre are now "being used for evaluating

    executive or supervisory potential. An assessment centre is a central location where

    managers may come together to have their participation in job-related exercise evaluatedby trained observers. The principal idea is to evaluate managers over a period of time say

    one to three days, by observing (and later evaluating) their behaviour across a series of

    select exercises or work samples. Assesses are requested to participate in in-basket

    exercises, work groups (without leaders), computer simulations, role paying, and other

    similar activities which require the same attributes for successful performance, as in the

    actual job. After recording their observations of ratee behaviors, the raters meet to discuss

    these observations. The decision regarding the performance of each assessee is based

    upon this discussion of observations. Self-appraisal and peer evaluation are also thrown

    In for final rating.

    The characteristics assessed in a typical assessment centre include assertiveness,

    persuasive ability, communicating ability, planning and organisational ability, self

    confidence, resistance to stress, energy level, decision making, sensitivity to the

    feelings of others, administrative ability, creativity and mental alertness. It

    formidable list which is quite difficult to measure accurately over three days, though

    there would be sizable number of trained observers and psychologists.

    First developed in the US and the UK in 1943, the assessment centre is gaining

    popularity in our country, Crompton greaves, Facher, HLL and Modi Xerox are using the

    technique with results being highly positive.

    Assessment Centre - Many Takers

    Ranbaxy retained the services of a team of psychologists from the UK-

    based Kelly& King to take the executives (of Ranbaxy) through an assessment

    center. 20 star manager went through the exercise.

    Santrupt Misra, Director- Birla Management Corporation had plans for

    a similar exercise to be held at Gyanodaya, the Aditya Birla learning centre. Misra

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    first used the assessment centre concept four years ago on 150 middle and senior

    level managers.

    Old timers like Tata have created their own assessment centers, and so

    have the talent centric companies' like Wipro and Cognizant.

    SHL, a HR consulting firm has worked with over 100 companies

    conducting dose to 1,000 assessment centers.

    Consulting firm ECS (formerly known as Eicher Consulting Services)

    does a number of assessments in a month for a variety of clients like Tata Steel,

    ING Vysya and the host of BPO outfits.

    ICICI Bank uses assessment centre as a recruitment and selection tool

    to find the best talent, while GE India subsidiary GECIS has used it on 20% of it5

    middle managers.

    The problem with the assessment centres is their cost Not only are the asses sees away

    from their jobs while the company pays for their travel and lodging, but the evaluators are

    often company managers who are assigned to the assessment centre fo