21250 hesperian blvd, hayward, ca 94541 | 510-783-2766...

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25, 2017 United in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit MASS SCHEDULES Sunday Mass in English Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PM Daily Mass 7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM) Reconciliation Saturday 3-4:00 PM Misas en Español Miércoles 7 PM Misas Dominicales en Español Sábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PM Reconciliación Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PM 21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541 | 510-783-2766 | www.stjoachim.net Do Not Be Afraid

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Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 25, 2017

United in faith and guided by the Holy Spirit


Sunday Mass in English

Saturday 4:30 PM

Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12:15 PM

Daily Mass

7 & 8:30 AM (Saturday 8:30 AM)


Saturday 3-4:00 PM

Misas en Español

Miércoles 7 PM

Misas Dominicales en Español

Sábado 6 PM, Domingo 2 & 6 PM


Miércoles 6-7 PM, Sábado 3-4:00 PM

21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541 | 510 -783-2766 | www.st joachim.net

“Do Not Be Afraid”

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Entre las muchas maravillas del

mundialmente famoso zoológico de San Diego está el compuesto de la jirafa. Dentro de un hábitat natural están varios de estos magníficos animales. Cada uno son de poca altura y elegantes como uno podría imaginar. Pero son mucho más masivas y musculosas de lo esperado. Altura de alguna manera parece implicar delgado. Sin embargo, estas grandes bestias no son nada flacas. Sus cuellos son más gruesos y sus patas más cortas y más poderosas de lo que uno anticipa. No es difícil ver por qué una patada podría enviar a un león ambicioso fuera de la jaula. Sin embargo estos animales enormes, majestuosos están encerrados en un recinto pequeño que parece demasiado restrictivo para su tamaño y poder. Pero la jaula no la contiene. No hay barras ni paredes. Hay un foso sin agua, simple, no más allá de la rodilla de la bestia, que rodea el recinto. La libertad está solo a dos pasos. Pero se encuentran atrapadas. Todas ellas están. Ninguna de ellas tomará el riesgo de caminar hacia abajo y todo por miedo a romperse su cuello. [Equipo Pensador de Don Martin, (Nueva York: Penguin Books Ltd: 1993), p. 76.] Me pregunto cuántos de nosotros estamos limitados por nuestros miedos. Miedo al rechazo... miedo al fracaso...miedo de parecer tontos...miedo de ser lastimado...miedo de estar solo...miedo de intimidad...miedo de ser aprovechado…miedo al cambio…miedo de ser criticados. "¡No temáis!" "¡No tengáis miedo!" Es el consejo urgente de Jesús a sus discípulos en el Evangelio de hoy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Una anciana llamada Maude tenía un asiento de ventana en un gran avión 747 que había salido hacia Roma desde Nueva York. Ella había estado ahorrando durante años para cumplir su sueño de visitar la Ciudad Eterna. Pero era su primer vuelo, y estaba aterrorizada. Incluso la presencia señorial de cuatro Obispos sentados detrás de ella no ayudaba. Con temor y temblor finalmente abrió sus ojos y miró por la ventana, justo a tiempo para ver a uno de los cuatro motores del avión soltarse del ala y desaparecer en las nubes. "Vamos a morir!" gritó. "Vamos a morir!" La azafata consultó con el piloto quien anunció a los pasajeros que todo estaba bajo control, que podrían volar de regreso a Nueva York y aterrizar con seguridad con tres motores. Pero Maude continuó clamando, "Vamos a morir!" La azafata fue a ella y dijo, "no te preocupes, querida, Dios está con nosotros. Tenemos sólo tres motores, pero mire, tenemos cuatro Obispos que rezan por nosotros." A lo que Maude respondió, "Prefiero tener cuatro motores y tres Obispos!" En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos da tres razones por qué no deberíamos tener miedo y por qué debemos tener la valentía de nuestras convicciones Cristianas. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un hombre había estado visitando a un terapeuta porque tenía miedo de los monstruos que vivían debajo de su cama. El hombre había estado viendo a este médico durante meses. Cada vez que él iba, el médico le preguntaba, "¿has hecho algún progreso?" Cada vez el hombre decía "No". El hombre decidió ir a ver a otro doctor. Cuando regresó a su primer médico, el médico le preguntó, "¿has hecho algún progreso?", dijo "Sí, me estoy sintiendo mejor ahora!" El médico le preguntó, "¿Qué pasó?" El hombre dijo: ¡fui a otro doctor y él me curó en una sola sesión! El médico le preguntó, "¿qué te dijo?" El hombre dijo "Solo me dijo que cortara las cuatro patas de mi cama y no dejara espacio para el monstruo".

Nota de nuestro pastor: Among the many wonders at the world-famous San Diego Zoo is the giraffe compound. Enclosed in a natural habitat are several of these magnificent animals. They are every bit as tall and graceful as one might imagine. But they are far more massive and muscular than expected. Tall

somehow seems to imply thin. However, these great beasts are anything but skinny. Their necks are thicker and their legs shorter and more powerful than one anticipates. It is not difficult to see why one kick could send an ambitious lion packing. Yet these massive, stately animals are enclosed in a small compound that seems far too restricting for their size and power. But no cage contains them. There are no bars or walls. There is but a simple, waterless moat, no deeper than the beast's knee, that circles the compound. Freedom is but a mere two steps away. But they are trapped. All of them are. For not one of them will take the risk of stepping down and across for fear of breaking its neck. [Don Martin, Team Think (New York: Penguin Books Ltd: 1993), p. 76.] I wonder how many of us are limited like that by our fears. Fear of rejection... fear of failure...fear of looking foolish...fear of being hurt...fear of being alone... fear of intimacy...fear of being taken advantage of ...fear of change...fear of being criticized. "Do not fear!" "Do not be afraid!" It is the urgent advice of Jesus to his disciples in today’s Gospel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- An elderly woman named Maude had a window seat on a big 747 jetliner that had just taken off for Rome from New York. She had been saving for years to fulfill her dream to visit the Eternal City. But it was her first flight, and she was terrified. Even the stately presence of four bishops seated behind her didn’t help. With fear and trembling she finally opened her eyes and peered out the window, just in time to see one of the plane’s four engines break loose from the wing and disappear into the clouds. "We’re going to die!" she cried out. "We’re going to die!" The stewardess consulted with the pilot who announced to the passengers that everything was under control that they could fly back to New York and land safely with three engines. But Maude continued to cry out, "We’re going to die!" The stewardess went to her and said, "Don’t worry, my dear, God is with us. We have only three engines, but look, we have four bishops to pray for us." To which Maude replied, "I’d rather have four engines and three bishops!" In today’s Gospel Jesus gives us three reasons why we should not be afraid and why we should have the courage of our Christian convictions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A man has been visiting a therapist because he has had a fear of monsters living under his cot. The man has been seeing this doctor for months. Every time he would come in, the doctor would ask, "Have you made any progress?" Every time the man would say "No". The man decided to go and see another doctor. When he went back to his first doctor, the doctor asked, "Have you made any progress?" he said "Yes, I am feeling all better now!" The doctor asked, "What happened?" The man said, "I went to another doctor and he cured me in one session!” The doctor asked, "What did he tell you?" The man said "He just told me to cut off all four legs of my cot and leave no space for the monster".

From the Pastor’s Desk:

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Readings for the Week

of June 25, 2017


Jer 20:10-13/Ps 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35/ Rom 5:12-15/Mt 10:26-33


Gn 12:1-9/Ps 33:12-13, 18-20, 22/Mt 7:1-5


Gn 13:2, 5-18/Ps 15:2-4ab, 5/Mt 7:6, 12-14


Gn 15:1-12, 17-18/Ps 105:1-4, 6-9/ Mt 7:15-20


Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-9/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19


Gn 17:1, 9-10, 15-22/Ps 128:1-5/Mt 8:1-4


Gn 18:1-15/Lk 1:46-50, 53-55/Mt 8:5-17

Next Sun/Dom:

2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a/Ps 89:2-3, 16-19/ Rom 6:3-4, 8-11/Mt 10:37-42


Parish Office


Parish Fax


Parish Email

[email protected]

Parish Office Hours

Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM

Bilingual available T,W,F 4-7:30 PM

Saturday 10 AM-4 PM

Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM

Sunday 9 AM-4 PM

Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM


Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian, SVD



10 AM to 12 PM

5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)

lunes, martes, miércoles, y Viernes

10 AM a 12 PM

5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD

Parochial Vicar


10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

5 PM to 8 PM (with appointment)

lunes, miércoles , jueves y viernes

10:00 AM a 12:00 PM

5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)

Ariel Mayormita

Musc Director/Director de Música

Phone Ext. #223

[email protected]

Flor Herce


Pat Ludwig

Administrative Assistant


St. Vincent de Paul


Office hours

1:00-2:30 PM ONLY


San Vicente de Paul

Gary Enos, President

Faith Formation Office Oficina de Formación de Fe


Glenda Aragón

Director of Faith Formation

[email protected]

Abraham Gonzalez

Faith Formation Coordinator/

Youth Minister

550-6878 / [email protected]

Bertha Cruz

Administrative Assistant


St. Joachim School

Escuela de San Joaquín


Armond Seishas


Sandra Garzon

School Secretary

St. Joachim Pre-School


Marisa Melgarejo



Sunday — June 25th

Hospitality Sunday

Coffee & Donuts after all the

Morning Masses!

In the Hall

Tuesday June 27th

Faith Formation Registration in

the Hall 6-9 PM

Registration for First Communion,

Confirmation and RCIA — First

and Second Year Students

Page 4: 21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541 | 510-783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/June-25-2017-Final-1.pdfNo hay barras ni paredes. Hay un foso sin agua, simple,


PRAY FOR Francis Roque Daniel Sarinas III Janel Sarinas Jose Montes Angie Biscoche Julie Paiso Edgar Delos Angeles Guadalupe Figueroa Jonathan Gomez Belina Rubio Jim Smith Catalina Ruiz Araceli Loza Beth Hutton Amelia Mamaril David Stump


St Vincent de Paul Food offering for next week:

Peanut Butter

or Jelly Crema de cacahuate

o mermelada

Donations are very much

appreciated—but please no

expired food. ~ Thank You



The Plate Collection $ 8,357.00

EFT Collection 125.00 On Line Giving $ 411.00

TOTAL for the WEEK

$ 8,893.00

Inscripciones para clases de Catecismo,

Confirmación y RICA 2017-2018

Inscripciones para las clases de Formación de Fe del año

2017-2018 en el Salón Social:

Junio 27 ~ 6-9pm

Costo de Matricula:

1 Niño/a $100.00

Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $125.00

2 Niños/as $140.00

Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $165.00

3 Niños/as o mas $150.00

Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $175.00

Después de Comunión: $ 50.00

Miembro de otra Parroquia o no-registrado $ 75.00 (por


Inscripciones después del 27 de Junio serán aceptadas si

hay espacio. Habrá una multa de $10 para las inscripciones

después de la fecha límite. La matricula DEBE de ser pa-

gada en su totalidad en la fecha de inscripción.

ATENCIÓN: NO habrán inscripciones automáticas.

TODOS los niños DEBEN de inscribirse.

Faith Formation Registration: Cate-

chism, Confirmation & RCIA 2017-2018

Registration dates for the 2017-2018 Faith Formation year -

held in the Hall:

June 27th ~ 6-9pm

Tuition Fees:

1 Child $100.00 Out-of-Parish/non-registered member $125.00

2 Children $140.00 Out-of-Parish/non-registered member $165.00

3 Children or more $150.00 Out-of-Parish/non-registered member $175.00

Post-Communion: $ 50.00 Out-of-Parish/non-registered member $ 75.00 (Per child)

Late registrations (after 6/27) will be accepted if space

is available.

There will be a $10 late fee assessed on late

registrations. Tuition MUST be paid in full at the

time of registration.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO automatic

registration. ALL students MUST register.

Page 5: 21250 Hesperian Blvd, Hayward, CA 94541 | 510-783-2766 ...saintjoachim.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/June-25-2017-Final-1.pdfNo hay barras ni paredes. Hay un foso sin agua, simple,

Pope Francis issued a statement June 13, 2017 inviting Christians and people of

other faiths around the world to celebrate the first World Day of the Poor on the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, which falls on November 19th this year. He wrote that “The poor are not a problem, they are a resource from which to draw as we strive to accept and practice in our lives the essence of the Gospel.” He wants us to love and help those in need and those that are marginalized, not only “with words but with deeds.” He wrote that God’s love for us “cannot go unanswered, it so sets our hearts on fire that all who experience it are led to love back, despite their limitations and sin.” He added that this can only happen if we welcome God’s grace so that we might be able to love not only God but also our neighbors. Francis’ wrote of the early Christian community and how it shared and helped the poor. They “realized that being a disciple of Jesus meant demonstrating fraternity and solidarity, in obedience to the Master’s proclamation that the poor are blessed and heirs to the Kingdom of heaven.” But he wrote that there were times when the Church failed to fully heed this appeal, and instead assumed a worldly way of thinking. Yet the Holy Spirit called them to keep their gaze fixed on what is essential, and inspired men and women to devote their lives to helping the poor. One example is the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis insists that acts of generosity and kindness must not be limited to occasional volunteer work, but must also strive to find the true origins of injustice and lead to a true encounter with the poor. Francis invites the faithful to “touch” the body of Christ “in the suffering bodies of the poor,” not hesitating to embrace them and meet their gaze, “their outstretched hand is also an invitation to step out of our certainties and comforts, and to acknowledge the value of poverty in itself.” It is Pope Francis’ wish that the week preceding the World Day of the Poor, Christian communities will make every effort to create moments of encounter and friendship, solidarity and concrete assistance. “They can invite the poor and volunteers to take part together in the Eucharist on that Sunday. If there are poor people where we live who seek protection and assistance, let us draw close to them. Let us welcome them as honored guests at our table.” At the heart of all the many concrete initiatives carried out on this day should always be prayer. “Let us not forget that the “Our Father” is the prayer of the poor. Our asking for bread expresses our entrustment to God for our basic needs in life. Everything that Jesus taught us in this prayer expresses and brings together the cry of all who suffer from life’s uncertainties and the lack of what they need.” Pope Francis will preside at the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica during the November celebration, with poor people and volunteers. After the liturgy, he will invite 500 of the poor to the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican to join him for lunch. Sources: cruxnow.com, news.va



TODAY — SUNDAY ~~ Hospitality Sunday

After ALL Morning Masses ~~In the Hall

Be sure and thank the Knights of Columbus for setting it up

and making sure that everything is ready for you to enjoy!

Come for the Coffee & Donuts, stay for the conversation !


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MASS INTENTIONS June 24-July 1, 2017

Saturday 4:30 PM Tony D’Mello † (1st anniversary) Juan Anacheto Fortich ( † birthday)

Saturday 6:00 PM Familia Bejines Magana (accion de gracias) Jose Montes (salud)

Magdalrina Perez † (aniversario) Benjamin Lopez † (aniversario) Camerino Ramirez †

Sunday 7:30 AM Luisito & April Fernandez (50th wedding anniversary) Sunday 9:00 AM Tenzin Pahl (birthday)

Alison Hope Viray † Ligoria “Lily” Fernandez † Apolunia Equi † (anniversary) Sunday 10:30 AM Adrienne Lam (birthday) Rafael Valderrama (healing)

Jocelyn A. Alcantara † Jose & Anna Pereira † Rick & Maria Mevill † Arnolfo Balmonte † (40th day) Maria Guadalupe Sandoval † Wilfredo Pineda Samson† (40th day)

Sunday 12:15 PM Rosario Balanon † (anniversary)

Gabina Bersabe † Sunday 2:00 PM Noemi Contreras (salud) Francisco Javier Garcia Contreras † (1st aniversario)

Sunday 6:00 PM Jose Antonio Gonzalez Carballo (accion de gracias )

Monday 7:00 AM Peter M.Y. Lim † Monday 8:30 AM Chloie Naral (birthday) Nash Jose Datayan (birthday) Lucia Joo (birthday)

Wilfredo Pineda Samson † (40th day)

Leopoldo & Imelda Salta † Tuesday 7:00 AM Molly Stewart † Tuesday 8:30 AM Teresa Loza (birthday)

Romeo Datayan † (anniversary)

Margarita & Trinidad Salta † Wednesday 7:00 AM The Community of St. Joachim

Wednesday 8 :30 AM Maria Herrera † (11th anniversary) Wednesday 7:00 PM Santiago Becerra Roman † (1st mes aniversario) Thursday 7:00 AM Lydia Villacorta † Thursday 8:30 AM Lucena Arcelo ( † birthday) Friday 7:00 AM Lucina Gonzales ( † birthday/anniversary ) Francisco DeOcampo† Jhonnie Cacas † Tan Chiok † Comrada Sampaga † (anniversary)

Friday 8:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim Saturday 8:30 AM The Community of St. Joachim

The Guadalupano Group are hosting a

Fabulous Household Goods Sale

Most items are used but in GREAT CONDITION

When : July 8th & 9th

Where: St Joachim Gym

All Proceeds go to St. Joachim

Spread the word —— There will be GREAT Bargains

See next week’s bulletin — we will have more information

and some Pictures!!


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Marlen Aguilar

Leonardo Alaniz

Marco Antonio Aldama

Jose Rogelio Amaya

Bryan Rodolfo Ames-Espinoza

Marialy Amparo

Maaryanne Arceo

Arlynn Britny Arroyo

Celina Rebecca Barba

Jose Salvador Ibanez Buenrostro

Maria Luisa Camarena

Samuel Campos

Alexander Carrillo

Francisco Chavez

Christopher Cordero Portillo

Jose Alfredo Cortes

Angela De la Torre

Nancy Anahi Delgado Gomez

Gloria Diaz Contreras

Arelia Diaz

Hecsan Diaz

Laura Patricia Dominguez

Heidi Flores

Stephanie Flores

Mildred Garcia Diaz

Uriel Garcia Lozana

Pauline Garingan

Xitlaly Yazmina Gomez

Juan Gonzalez

Melissa Gonzalez

Stephanie Gonzalez

Daniel Reyes Grafil

Michaela Sue Guerrero

Ricardo DeAnda Guerrero

Lidiana Gutierrez Salinas

David Gutierrez

Jose Luis Hernandez Jr.

Larisa Hernandez Martinez

Kevyn Armando Hernandez Ortiz

Kevin Hernandez

Jada L. Kelly

Marvin Andre Lapitan

Lisette Loza

Ilene Hernandez Marquez

Kristal Meja Perez

Ruby Mejia-Perez

Jennifer Mendez

Nancy Jelissa Mendez-Sanchez

Erika Ano Mendoza

Zachary Mesa

Librado Munoz Sanches

Jasmine Edythe Munoz

Jasmine Nevarrez

Miguel Angel Olmos

Jocelyn Breanna Oseguera

Angelica Paiso-Moore

Almira Paiso-Robleza

Nayeli Perez Sainez

Naome Perez

Jose A. Pineda

Jose Armando Pizano Rojas

Araceli Pizano

Brenda Quiroz

Jessica Quiroz

Ernesto Rafael Gazpar

Karina Ramirez

Yvette Ramos

Jessica Nayeli Rangel

Maria Guadalupe Rangel

Jashua A. Recinos Dominguez

Jonathan Diaz Reyes

Jacqueline Alexandra Rico

Ernesto Lopez Rivera

Yoseli Amariami Rivera Macias

Glenda Anahi Rivera-Segura

Tria L. E. Rodriguez Villanueva

Axel Leonardo Rodriguez

Olivia Rodriguez

Victoria Rodriguez

Julian Matthew Roman

Ruben Jesus Romo

Ilene Jacklin Rosales

Maricela Ruiz Hernandez

Karlo Adrian Rimando Salazar

Paulo A. Rimando Salazar

Javier Israel Sanchez

Maria Isabel Sanchez

Fatima Santeno Moreno

Nicolas Solis

Ana Patricia Talavera Ramirez

Omar Umidad

Natasha Maria Ureta

Nathalie Urena Sanchez

Alexander Gabriel Uribe

Daniel Alfredo Vasquez

Maria Regina Villanueva

Nathaniel Velasquez Wong

Alex Manuel Zarate

Rosa Alicia Zarate

Congratulations—Confirmation Class 2017!