21 days to truth pdf

How to Extract Key Information From Your Wildest Dreams PDF Accompaniment

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21 Days to Truth PDF


  • How to Extract Key Information From Your

    Wildest Dreams PDF Accompaniment

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    What if you had private, personal access to the hidden drivers of the power of the Universe, would you seize it?

    If we consider the Universe as an information system, then past/present/future can exist in every possible conceived state as probability and data. And with our brains as the quantum processor, we have access to that data.

    Highly successful people such as Steve Jobs, Einstein and President Abraham Lincoln have gained pivotal insight, inspiration and precognitions through dream.

    Why not you?

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    PART 1

    How to Remember and Interpret Your Dreams by Activating Your Dream Interface

    Your Brain is like a Quantum Computer. In dream it is connecting with information that spans beyond the space-time continuum. Even the explanation for precognitive dreams may lie in quantum mechanics and a phenomenon known as retro-causality.

    Discover how to use emotional carrier waves to access your dream information. By empowering yourself with a set of effective Dream Interfacing skills to dialogue with the Field, you allow your mind to access a deeper reality than can be perceived from your waking brain.

    The information that can be gained from this interface is a priceless asset.

    Highly successful people have gained pivotal insight, inspiration and precognitions through dream:

    Albert Einstein reported that his theory of relativity was inspired by a dream whereby he was going down a mountainside ever faster and watching the appearance of the stars change as he approached the speed of light.

    President Abraham Lincoln Dreamed of his assassination and described the dream to his wife just a few days prior to his assassination.

    Paul McCartney received the melody for the song Yesterday came in a dream.

    Elias Howe for example, invented the sewing machine thanks to a dream that helped him understand how the penetration of the needle would work in his invention.

    Otto Loewi dreamed of an experiment that led him winning a Nobel Prize.

    And Robert Louis Stevenson dreamt of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde after which he completed the book in just 10 weeks

    To name but a few

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    You, too, can gain strategic intelligence by learning

    how to effectively use the dream interface.

    Creating a Dream Interface

    1. How to creating a Dream interface: Use the methods described below, that take into account the quantum perspective of frequency, and the role of emotional carrier waves, to access your dream information and record your dreams

    2. Interpret your dreams using the system described below Taking into account the feeling tones associated with your dream as the ultimate litmus test for discerning the meaning. By doing this, you once again access the quantum interface and the deeper understanding you uploaded into your consciousness during the dream state.

    3. Set the field prior to going to sleep at night This places your search request for the answers you seek. This can be done both by writing it in your dream journal, and by using the activation included with this program.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    How to remember your dreams:

    1) To start with I want to say that getting enough sleep is important for us to access the brain states necessary for this quantum interface. Try to get your 8 hours in. It will make a big difference. And know that during that 8 hours you will still be productive on many fronts. You even get just the insight youve been looking for.

    2) Honor the fact that your brain has many functions and you need to make room for the state in which it connects to the frequency bandwidths of the Universe. That is a space not limited by time. It is the all of everything so you dont want to ground back into the today immediately if you want access to the information of your dreams. To facilitate remembering your dreams, give yourself float time in the morning where you can rest in a half-waking state and do the following activity. I will set my alarm 30 minutes to an hour early to give myself that time, because I prompt my dreams at night. I know there is valuable information waiting for me. I view this interface time as if its an important meeting that I dont want to miss a strategic intelligence download.

    3) When waking up, dont turn on the lights before doing your dream interface. Dont get out of bed to go to the bathroom. Dont start thinking about your day, or even thinking about your dream. Instead, as yourself how you are feeling upon awakening

    4) Without waking yourself up, get your dream journal or your recording device and roll back over into the sleeping position from which you awakened.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    5) Allow your dream to re-emerge in your minds eye. Dont strain for it. Allow it to emerge. The feeling tone acts like a frequency bridge reconnecting you to the relevant information.

    6) Write down the dream information that emerges in your minds eye. It can be colors, sounds, sights, smells. Dont judge it, dont think about it. Just record it.

    7) Each time you record something go back into the feeling tone and use it as a bridge. As they emerge in Tap back into that feeling . Dont think. Feel

    8) Remember your mind is translating frequency information to you through metaphor and imagery that you are familiar with. Now is not the time to think about it. Now is the time to record it. Once you feel complete, you can get up and go about your day. Give yourself a couple of hours before starting to try to interpret the dream and allow space for any more information to come in.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    How to Interpret Your Dreams:

    Understanding the dream interface process through a quantum perspective you will realize that everything

    is frequency including your emotions.

    Your emotions are the bridge that can take you from the physical world back into the non-physical world where the information of the dream originated.

    This is a very valuable asset.

    No judgment though that invokes the thinking part of the brain again and it will lock you out.

    Interpreting your dreams:

    1. Use your dream journal to record your thoughts and insights.

    2. Begin by thinking about the thing that was most significant to you in the dream. That could be a color, a shape a smell.

    3. Make a note other things of significance and your impressions. Write those down.

    4. Make note of how the dream made you feel upon awakening Then note how each of these additional items relate to that.

    5. Ask yourself what questions you are seeking answers to right now in your life, or what problems you are seeking to solve. If you are doing dream prompting this will be evident.

    6. Ask yourself how this dream may be related to that.

    You can also do some research on dream symbols through various free resources online.

    Always trust the feeling that resonates within you as you read them. You will know whether it applies.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    A dream may stick with you for days waiting for you to download the message. During this time you may

    have subsequent dreams that elaborate on the message.

    Keeping your log and an open dialogue with the field will help you translate the message of frequency into something practical and relevant to your life.

    Start practicing remembering and interpreting your dreams today.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    PART 2

    Dreaming with Purpose: How to Set the Field to Get the Strategic Intelligence You Need From Your Dreams

    As part of this program, you will receive a guided relaxation that will both help you get to sleep and that will program you to

    Set the field prior to going to sleep at night to place your search request for the answers you seek. This can be done both by writing it in your dream journal, and by using the activation included with this program.

    Learning how to both prompt the field for specific information, and how to retrieve your downloads and interpret what they mean gives facilitates:

    - greater ease

    - stronger intuition

    - clarity in life choices

    - improved creativity

    Prompting your dreams will help you gain the insight you need to make your life a richer more rewarding experience.

    From a quantum perspective, every possible past, present and future probability could theoretically exist as a probability. By setting the field you send a prompt a call sign for data. Learning how to create that call sign and interpret the result is strategic intelligence.

    - Dont watch TV or read a book immediately before going to sleep as this will be the last data input

    - Prior to going to sleep, write down your request in your dream journal - Listen to the activation included with this program to facilitate you prompting

    the field and gaining access to the information needed.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    Overview of a dream journal:

    A dream journal is a dedicated notebook/journal. In it you would include all things dream related.

    You can prompt your dreams, record your dreams and interpret your dreams.

    Place insights, record dj vu, anything dream related.

    The more attention you pay to your dreams, the more you will notice them and the more your frequency dictionary will unfold.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    PART 3

    21 Days to Truth Dream Prompts Leverage the relevance of quantum entanglement with these 21 prompts for the field to open your mind to the truth about you path, your purpose, your mission and your higher play.

    The answers that come in dream will provide you:

    - greater ease

    - stronger intuition

    - clarity in life choices

    - improved creativity

    Be sure to write your prompt in your dream journal and to also say it out loud.

    1. Tonight, in my dreams I am meeting my eternal self. I am open to receiving anything they have to share.

    2. Tonight, in my dreams I am hearing what my eternal self has to tell me about my life, my relationships, and my concerns.

    3. Tonight, in my dreams, I am receiving guidance on my path and purpose.

    4. Tonight, in my dreams I am meeting my future self. I am open to receiving anything they have to share.

    5. Tonight, in my dreams I am hearing what my future self has to tell me about my life, my relationships, and my concerns.

    6. Tonight, in my dreams, I am receiving guidance on my path and what steps to take next in _______________ (area of life).

    7. Tonight, in my dreams I am meeting my authentic self. I am open to receiving anything they have to share.

  • 2014 Dawn Clark & Dawn Clark Productions, LLC All Right Reserved

    8. Tonight, in my dreams I am hearing what my authentic self has to tell me about my life, my relationships, and my concerns.

    9. Tonight, in my dreams, I am receiving guidance about what my core passion is.

    10. Tonight in my dreams, I am receiving guidance about where I should invest my energy during my waking state.

    11. Tonight in my dreams, I am receiving guidance about what it means for me to play and nourish my authentic self.

    12. Tonight in my dreams, I am getting the help I need to overcome my darkest fear.

    13. Tonight in my dreams, I am going to experience what it feels to have plenty of money.

    14. Tonight in my dreams, I am going to experience what it feels to be deeply loved for all of who I am.

    15. Tonight in my dreams, I am going to experience wellbeing, happiness and joy.

    16. Tonight in my dreams, I am going to experience being loved and cared for.

    17. Tonight in my dreams, I am going to be shown the truth behind my current situation and how to bring everything to the light.

    18. Tonight in my dreams, I am receiving guidance about my path and purpose.

    19. Tonight in my dreams, I am being shown how to improve my life.

    20. Tonight in my dreams, I am meeting my true self.

    21. Tonight in my dreams, I am experiencing the feeling of belonging and infinite love.