2020 spark 2020 spark forum public policy forum … · 2020-03-20 · retirement industry...


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RetiRement industRy ConfeRenCes

2020 sPARK PuBLiC PoLiCy foRum

June 23-24

2020 sPARK foRumnovemBeR 1-3

Marriott renaissance Downtown Hotel

999 9tH st nw, wasHington, Dc

tHe BreaKers PalM BeacH, Fl



sPonsoRshiPs And exhiBitoR oPPoRtunities

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 2

neW LoCAtionmarriott Renaissance downtown hotel

999 9th st nW, Washington, dC

2020 SPARK Public Policy Forum • June 23-24

2020 SPARK Forum • November 1-3

The Breakers • Palm Beach, FL



www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 3

Recent sponsors




Smart data that speaks to your markets

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 4

Recent sponsors

100, 82, 16, 3

54, 6, 100, 0

75, 68, 63, 74

55, 42, 39, 33

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 5

R e c e n t M e d i a

R e c e n t E x h i b i t o r s

actuarial systems corporation

allianz global investors


allianz global investors

appo group



Benefit trust

Benefitslink.com & employeeBenefitsJobs.com



Brightscope, a strategic insight business

Broadridge Financial solutions, inc.

cerulli associates


congruent solutions, inc.

convergent, llc

corporate insight, inc.

cPas, a Xerox company

cUna Mutual retirement solutions

custodia Financial

creative Benefit strategies, inc.


Defined contribution real estate council (Dcrec)

Deloitte consulting

Delta Data

Dietrich and associates

Dividend capital Diversified Property Fund


empower institutional

enterprise iron Financial industry solutions

envestnet retirement solutions

envisage information systems, llc

Fiduciary Benchmarks


Fluent technologies, inc.

FPs trust

Franklin templeton Distributors, inc.

globe tax services, inc.

goldstar trust company

Healthsavings administrators

infosys Mccamish systems




J.P. Morgan asset Management – retirement investments and services


Market strategies international

Merrill corporation

Mesirow Financial

Millennium trust company


new York life / Mainstay investments

oculus Partners, llc

o’neil Data solutions

Paychex, inc.

Penchecks trust

Pension advisory group, inc.


Pnc retirement solutions

ProcessUnity, inc.

Prudential real estate investors (Prei)

Prudential retirement

retirement clearinghouse, llc

risk compliance Performance solutions, llc

russell investments


stadion Money Management

state street global advisors

student loan genius

the sParK institute, inc

tPa engine

Venture solutions

Veritas Document solutions, an rrD company

Vertical Management systems, inc.

Virtus investment Partners

Voya Financial

vwise, inc.

wystar global retirement solutions

Xtrac solutions, a Fidelity investments company

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 6

Benefits of Participationthe 2020 sParK conferences will provide opportunities for you to:

increase your industry profile enhance your brand and product awareness Promote your products and services to new prospects introduce new products and services network with industry leaders Meet with key industry media representatives increase your professional knowledge

Who should sponsor/exhibit?the sParK conferences are the perfect venue for any company that provides products and services to the retirement services market. among the organizations that choose the conference to support their marketing efforts through sponsorships or exhibits are:

Mutual funds and other investment management organizations

record keeping service providers communications and printing firms systems and technology companies consulting firms education and training companies trust companies outsourcing organizations rollover service providers

Attendee ProfileBy taking an active, visible role as a sponsor or exhibitor at the sParK conferences, you’ll have access to the top retirement industry executives, managers and other professionals who attend the conference, including:

retirement business presidents investment advisors and managers tPa owners and managers Fund company managers 403(b) service providers record keeping administrators sales and marketing executives and managers Product development executives government affairs representatives legal, risk management and compliance professionals

2020 sPARK Conferences

ContentsPrincipal sponsorship opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

meal/Refreshment sponsorship opportunities . . . . . . 10

sponsorship opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

exhibitor information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Advertising Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

important information, Requirements and Limitations 16

Recent sPARK Conference Attendee Companies . . . . 17

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 7

2020 sPARK Public Policy forum

June 23-24

Marriott renaissance Downtown Hotel

999 9th st nw, washington, Dc

2020 SPARK Forum – Nov. 1-3 the Breakers, Palm Beach, Fl

Services Exhibition Hours* registration Day: 7 pm to 9 pm

Day 1: 7:00 to 8:00 am Breakfast 10:15 to 10:45 am Morning Break 2:20 to 2:50 pm afternoon Break 5:00 to 7:00 pm reception

Day 2: 7:00 to 8:00 am Breakfast

10:15 to 10:45 am Morning Break

* times subject to change.

sPARK Conference Web siteFor the latest information and updates on the conference agen-da and further details, please make regular visits to the sParK conference web site:


Contactto register as an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact:

Marlene Jung, coo, cFo

the sParK institute, inc.

Phone: 860-658-5058

email: [email protected]

June – sPARK Public Policy forum hotel informationWe are excited about our new location at the Marriott Renaissance Downtown Hotel, 999 9th St NW, Washington, DC. We have negotiated a hotel discounted rate of $309 per night.

November – SPARK Forum Hotel InformationThe SPARK Forum will be held at The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida. Due to our long standing relationship with the facility, we have negotiated a discounted hotel rate of $350 per night.

Call for speakersShare your passion with attendees.

we pride ourselves on putting the leading voices on stage at sParK events.

we’re looking for new voices with thought-provoking ideas for panel discussions.

if you like to propose a speaker or session topic, we’d like to hear from you.

Phone: 860-658-5058email: [email protected]


2020 sPARK forumServices Exhibition Floor Plan

2020 sPARK Conferences

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 8

Principal sponsorship opportunities

Exclusive Platinum Sponsorship – $25,000 an 8’ x 20’ double exhibit booth space in the services exhibition. First choice of prime booth location.

Five conference registrations for sponsor’s employees

six conference registrations for sponsor’s customers and/or prospects

ad on sParK website for 90 days

company logo and link throughout the sParK web site

Gold Sponsorships – $15,000 an 8’ x 10’ exhibit booth space in the services exhibition. choice of prime booth location based on order of commitment (i.e., priority over other sponsors except Platinum)

Four conference registrations for sponsor’s employees

Five conference registrations for sponsor’s customers and/or prospects

ad on sParK website for 60 days

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Pre and post conference mailings (supplied by sponsor) to attendees, plus postage

special recognition signage

opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app.

company logo and link throughout the sParK web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Pre and post conference mailings (supplied by sponsor) to attendees, plus postage

special recognition signage

opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app.

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 9

Silver Sponsorships – $12,500 an 8’ x 10’ exhibit booth space in the services exhibition. choice of prime booth location based on order of commitment (i.e., priority over other sponsors except Platinum and gold)

three conference registrations for sponsor’s employees

Four conference registrations for sponsor’s customers and/or prospects

ad on sParK website for 30 days

company logo and link throughout the sParK web site Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Pre and post conference mailings (supplied by sponsor) to attendees, plus postage

special recognition signage

opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app.

Principal sponsorship opportunities

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

Bronze Sponsorships – $15,000 an 8’ x 10’ exhibit booth space in the services exhibition. choice of prime booth location based on order of commitment (i.e., priority over other sponsors except Platinum, gold and silver)

three conference registrations for sponsor’s employees

Fifteen conference registrations for Advisors only

an ad on the sParK website for 30 days

company logo and link throughout the sParK website

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app.

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 10

meal/Refreshment sponsorship opportunities

day one Breakfast – $3,500 Beverage cups and napkins imprinted with your company name/logo

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day one Afternoon Break – $3,500 Beverage cups and napkins imprinted with your company name/logo.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day one morning Break –$3,500 Beverage cups and napkins imprinted with your company name/logo.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day one Luncheon – $8,500generate high visibility for your company by sponsoring the only luncheon during the conference, with the added opportunity to provide a gift with your name/logo to each attendee as they sit down for lunch.

two conference registrations for sponsor’s employees company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Conference Registration – $3,500 conference attendees will be greeted with your logo on custom-ize chocolate bars as they arrive to register for the conference.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 11

meal/Refreshment sponsorship opportunities

day one After hours networking – Call for details

generate high visibility for your company by sponsoring the after-hours networking event. we will customize the reception to fit your company’s need.

the base package includes: special recognition and customized signage as our after Hours networking sponsor

Branded ViP e-vite (created by sParK) to conference attendees to personally invite them to attend

Promotion of networking event in the conference Mobile app

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day two Breakfast – $3,500 Beverage cups and napkins imprinted with your company name/logo

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day two morning Break – $3,500 Beverage cups and napkins imprinted with your company name/logo.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Water station sponsorship – $5,500 insulated tumbler cups (with lid and straw) imprinted with your company name/logo will be available at water stations throughout the conference.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

day one Evening Reception – Call for detailsa company may take one or more of the following individual sponsorships or contact sParK staff to discuss further options:

Beverage Service Hors d’Oeuvres

All sponsorships include:

napkins imprinted with your company name/logo (napkins and cups included with beverage service)

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

J u n e N o v e m b e r



J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 12

sponsorship opportunities

mobile App Presenting sponsor – $12,500 Generate high visibility for your company as the exclusive, presenting sponsor of our newly designed mobile app.

company name/logo featured as app sponsor every time the app is opened or refreshed

three conference registrations for sponsor’s employees company logo and link throughout the sParK conference website

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100-word limit)

company logo displayed on the app sponsor page special recognition signage opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app

J u n e N o v e m b e r

Charging Station Sponsor - $12,500Provide an invaluable service with this exclusive branding opportunity. stations are provided for attendees who need to charge a mobile device, at no cost. they charge quickly and are highly utilized. an exclusive branding opportunity in high-traffic spots.

sponsor logo/branding on charging station three conference registrations company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app

J u n e N o v e m b e r

Conference Tote Bag – $12,500 Distributed to all attendees at registration.

company name/logo imprinted on the conference tote Bags

two conference registrations for sponsor’s employees company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app

J u n e N o v e m b e r

Name Tag Lanyards – $8,500 Distributed to all attendees at registration.

company name/logo woven on name tag lanyards two conference registrations for sponsor’s employees company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

J u n e N o v e m b e r


www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 13

sponsorship opportunities

Pocket Agenda – $3,500 the Pocket agenda will be distributed to all attendees at registration.

company name/logo prominently displayed on the agenda used throughout the conference

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Room Key Cards – $7,500First impressions are lasting impressions, so be the first to make an impression on all sParK conference attendees.

company name/logo and message on room Key cards distributed to attendees upon check-in

two conference registrations for sponsor’s employees company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Day One or Day Two Evening Turn-Down Service* – $5,000*Additional hotel charges will apply, call for Details.

Company logo on gourmet chocolates placed on each attendee’s pillow

Company logo and link throughout the SPARK Conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Special recognition signage

Monday Room Drop* – $3,500Tuesday Room Drop* – $3,500*Additional hotel charges will apply, call for Details.

Your marketing piece delivered directly to the room of every attendee for the evening selected.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

J u n e N o v e m b e r J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r J u n e N o v e m b e r

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 14

Pens – $3,000 sponsor-provided pens with company logo or corporate message distributed with pads at each general session

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

sponsorship opportunities

day one or day two newspaper Delivery* – $3,500 *Additional hotel charges will apply, call for Details.

company name/logo printed on label affixed to The Wall Street Journal delivered to each attendee registered at the hotel

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Chair Drop – $3,500 Your marketing piece will be placed on the chair of all the attend-ees prior to a selected general session.

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage sponsorship opportunity is limited

Conference mints – $3,500 company name/logo imprinted on mints distributed at all conference sessions

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage

Post Conference mailing – $1,0000, plus postageitems will be mailed the week after the conference to all regis-tered attendees and must be received at sParK fully assembled with postage and ready for mailing. Please ship for delivery on wednesday, May 29th.

Pre-Conference Mailing – $1,000, plus postagesend a pre conference solicitation to your prospects. items will be mailed the week before the conference and must be received at sParK fully assembled with postage and ready for mailing no later than wednesday, May 15th.

J u n e N o v e m b e r J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r J u n e N o v e m b e r

J u n e N o v e m b e r

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 15

Golf sponsorship Cost - Call for details

Achieve high visibility among the golfers playing in the SPARK Forum Golf Tournament at The Breakers on Sunday morning. We will customize the tournament to fit your company’s needs. Please contact SPARK to create your own golf package. The base golf tournament sponsorship includes:

An 8’ x 10’ exhibit booth space in the Services Exhibition

Four conference registrations for sponsor’s customers and/or prospects

Four golf tournament registrations

Company logo throughout the SPARK Forum web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Special recognition signage

Recognition during the announcement of prize winners

Potential package items include: Company logo on coolers, balls, tees, gloves, towels, and caps

Coffee and danish for golfers at tournament check-in

Dedicated beverage and luncheon cart for golfers

November Only • Golf Tournament Sponsorship

Conference Beach Towels* – $12,500 The towels will be handed out to attendees at registration.

Company name/logo printed along with SPARK Forum information

Company logo throughout the SPARK Forum Conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

Special recognition signage Opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app.

N o v e m b e r O n l ySponso r sh i p Oppo r tun i t y

Wifi Sponsorship - $10,500this sponsorship package offers exclusive rights to supply com-plementary wireless internet access to conference attendees. enjoy high-profile brand exposure while giving attendees this valuable service.

exclusive opportunity for one company wiFi access signage with company logo three conference registrations company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

special recognition signage opportunity to provide one white paper or other educational document (supplied by sponsor) which will be available to attendees in our conference app

J u n e O n l ySponso r sh i p Oppo r tun i t y

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 16

the services exhibition at the sParK conference provides the perfect venue for you to showcase your products and services to the inerdustry’s top decision makers. with exclusive exhibit hours, exhibitors will have significant opportunities to showcase products and services, network, develop prospects, and meet with current clients.

exhibitor Package – $3,500 single / $5,500 double

an 8’x10’ exhibit booth space in the services exhibition (8’x20’ for double booth space)

one conference registration (two for double booths)

Digital listing with your logo, contact information and company description (100 word limit)

company logo and link throughout the sParK conference web site

Web Ad – Call for detailsas the primary source for details and registration for the sParK conference, the sParK web site will receive heavy traffic before and after the conference. limited ad space is available to promote your company, including a link on our conference web site. For details, contact:

Marlene Jung at 860-658-5058 or • [email protected].

Conference Event App Advertising – Call for Detailsadvertising space is available in our new conference app, which will be the primary onsite resource for the conference including the agenda, session and speaker information, detailed sponsor and exhibitor information and social media feeds. a limited number of banner ads will be available that will allow sponsors to increase their advertising impressions and further engage attendees.

Advertising Opportunities

exhibitor information

Media Sponsorships Available For information and availability contact:

Marlene Jung, COO, CFO • The SPARK Institute, Inc. • Phone: 860-658-5058 • Email: [email protected]

sponsorship benefits are subject to change and substitution with benefits of equal or greater value when necessary due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control (e.g., weather and facility limitations).

sponsorship opportunities are limited, and are assigned on a first-come, first served basis.

Membership in sParK is required for exhibitors or sponsors.

Vendor members must exhibit in order to attend the conference.

signs and other promotional material are limited to the services exhibition.

sponsors and exhibitors may not sponsor or host competing events on or off-site during conference sessions and functions.

all sponsor and exhibitor logos, company descriptions, and other information must be received by the stated deadlines in order to be included in designated print materials.

all exhibitors will receive an exhibitor services Manual from the drayage company, arata expositions, inc., with details regarding shipping, set up, etc. the Manual will include information about ordering tables, chairs, special power hook-ups, audio-visual equipment, phone lines, etc. these additional costs are not included in the exhibitor Fee. all shipping arrangements must be made through arata expositions, inc. as the hotel will not accept direct shipments.

sParK and the hotel are not responsible for exhibitors’ equipment and materials.

Cancellation Policy - sponsorship and exhibitor commitments cannot be cancelled, and the associated fees are non-refundable. sponsorship and exhibitor fees are non-transferrable to future conferences or events.

important information, Requirements & Limitations

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 17

Recent sPARK Conference Attendee Companies

401(k) Advisor401kDIRECT401kWireABG Retirement Plan ServicesAccess Data, A Broadridge CompanyActuarial Systems Corp. (ASC)ADP Retirement ServicesAFS Financial GroupAGH Wealth AdvisorsAHC (Anthony Hodges Consulting)AIGAlerus Retirement SolutionsAllen, Gibbs & Houlik, L.C.AllianceBernsteinAllianz Global InvestorsALM Media LLCALPS, A DST CompanyAlston & Bird LLCAltus GroupAmerican Benefits CouncilAmerican Century InvestmentsAmerican Enterprise InstituteAmerican FundsAmerican PensionsAmerican PortfoliosAmerican Retirement AssociationAmeritas Life Insurance Corp.Aon HewittAPPO GroupAQR Capital ManagementArchimedes SystemsAris Retirement ServicesArlington Benefits GroupArnerich Massena EducationAscensusAspen InstituteAspire Financial ServicesASPPA/NAPAAsset International, Inc.Asset Strategy ConsultantsAssociated Trust CompanyAustin Capital, LLC AXA Equitable LLCBaillie GiffordBaird AdvisorsBanc of CaliforniaBank of America Merrill LynchBaringsBB&TBD Consulting GroupBenefit Consultants Group

Benefit TrustBenefits SellingBenefitsLink.comBenefitsPro.comBerkshire Asset ManagementBipartisan Policy CenterBlackRockBloomberg BNABlueStarBluff Point AssociatesBMO Harris Bank, N.A.BNABNP Paribas Investment PartnersBNY MellonBOK FinancialBoston FinancialBPASBridgePoint Group, LLCBrightScope, a Strategic Insight businessBrightwork Partners, LLCBristol Health ServicesBroadridge Financial SolutionsBryan, Pendleton, Swats & McAllisterCafaro GreenleafCallan AssociatesCalvert GroupCambridge Investment ResearchCammack RetirementCanandaigua National BankCapital Bank & Trust CompanyCapital Retirement Plan Services, Inc.Capstone Retirement GroupCapTrust Financial AdvisorsCascade Financial ManagementCastle Rock InnovationsCDM Retirement ConsultantsCenter for Fiduciary Management LLCCenturion Group, LLCCerulli AssociatesCetera Financial GroupChandler, OíRear & AssociatesChao & Company, Ltd.Charles SchwabChesapeake Benefit PartnersCIO Executive AdvisorsClarion PartnersClark Capital Management Group, Inc.CMC Interactive LLCCody Partners, LLCCognizant Technology SolutionsCohen & Steers

Colorado National BankColumbia ManagementCommonwealth Financial NetworkCompass Financial Partners, LLCComprehensive Benefit Services, Inc.ConduentCongruent Solutions, Inc.ConvergentCorporate Insight, Inc.CPI Qualified Plan ConsultantsCPS Investment AdvisorsCreative Benefit Strategies, Inc.CUNA Mutual Retirement SolutionsCustodia FinancialDailyAccess CorporationDavenport & CompanyDavid K. Young Consulting, LLCDavis & Harman LLPDCIIADCRECDeloitte Consulting LLPDeloitte Tax LLPDelta DataDepartment of Homeland SecurityDeutsche BankDietrich and Associates, Inc.Dimensional Fund AdvisorsDiMeo Schneider & AssociatesDividend CapitalDrinker, Biddle & Reath, LLPDSTDTCCDuPont CompanyDWS InvestmentsEagle Asset ManagementECGeClerxEdelman Financial ServicesEdward JonesEJReynolds, Inc.Elliott Davis Decosimo, PLLCEmployee Benefit AdvisorEmployee Benefit NewsEmployee Benefit Research InstituteEmployee FiduciaryEmployeeBenefitsJobs.comEmpower InstitutionalEnquironEnterprise Iron Financial Industry SolutionsEnvestnet Retirement SolutionsEnvoy Financial

www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 18

EPIC Advisors, Inc.ePlan Services, Inc.Euromoney Institutional InvestorExpertPlanFederal Retirement Thrift Investment BoardFederated InvestorsFELA | LifeCentsfi360Fidelity Institutional Wealth ServicesFidelity InvestmentsFiduciary Benchmarks Fiduciary Capital Management, Inc.Fiduciary Plan Governance, LLCFifth Third Institutional ServicesFinaConnectFinancial Network Investment CorporationFinancial Services Information Analysis and Sharing

CenterFirst State Trust CompanyFIS Retirement ServicesFluent TechnologiesFranklin Templeton InvestmentsFreeERISA.comF-Squared InvestmentsFund ActionFund IntelligenceGalliard Capital ManagementGE Asset ManagementGenpactGenworth FinancialGeorgetown UniversityGerstein FisherGiller & CalhounGlenmede Investment ManagementGlobal Index AdvisorsGlobal Investment Management, LLCGlobeTax GLP Strategic Administrative Group LLCGoldman SachsGoldStar Trust CompanyGreat American Financial ResourcesGroom Law Group, CharteredGRPAAGuardian Life Insurance Company of AmericaGuidedChoiceHand Benefits & Trust, a BPAS CompanyHealthSavings AdministratorsHelloWallet, LLCHengtian Highmark Health

HITRUST AllianceHogan Lovells US LLPICMA-RCiGATEIgnites ResearchiJoin SolutionsIllinois State Treasurer’s OfficeIndustrial Medium SoftwareInfosys McCamish SystemsIngham Retirement GroupInnovest Portfolio Solutions, LLCInsight Wealth Solutions, LLCInspiraInstitutional InvestorInsured Retirement InstituteIntegrated RetirementInvescoInvestment Advisor MagazineInvestment NewsInvestmentWiresInvestor SolutionsIRSJ.P. Morgan Asset Management -- Retirement

Investments and ServicesJanney Montgomery Scott, LLCJanus Capital GroupJanus LabsJohn HancockJudy Diamond AssociatesJuly Business ServicesKarp Capital ManagementKeaneKeller Benefit ServicesKeystone PartnersKindred HealthcareKiplingerísKnowledgentKPMGLazard Asset ManagementLeadership Center for Investment StandardsLifetime Wealth Advisors, LLCLighthouse Strategic AdvisorsLIMRALincoln Financial GroupLockton CompaniesLOMALondon Life InsuranceLPL FinancialLynchval Systems WorldwideManagers Investment Group

Manning & Napier Advisors, Inc.Marco Consulting GroupMarketUp, LLCMarsh Risk ConsultingMarshall & Ilsley Trust CompanyMassMutual Financial GroupMathew Greenwald & AssociatesMatrix Financial Solutions, a Broadridge CompanyMcGraw-Hill Financial CommunicationsMcKinsey & CompanyMeltzer Retirement Plan ServicesMercerMerrill CorporationMesirow FinancialMetLifeMFS Investment ManagementMidamerica Administrative & Retirement Solutions,

Inc.Milestone Investments, Inc.Millennium Investment & Retirement AdvisorsMillennium Trust CompanyMillimanMoney-Media, A Financial Times CompanyMontgomery Retirement Plan Advisors, Inc.Moore Wealth, Inc.Morgan StanleyMorley Financial Services, Inc.MorningstarMRPMutual of OmahaNAPLIANAREITNational Automobile Dealers AssociationNational Benefit Services, LLCNational Life GroupNational UnderwriterNationwide FinancialNCP SolutionsNEPSNeuberger BermanNew York LifeNewport GroupNextCapitalNexus Financial ServicesNorthern TrustNRECAOculus Partners, LLCOk401k, Inc.OneAmerica Financial PartnersOppenheimerFunds

Recent sPARK Conference Attendee Companies




www.sParKinsti tute.org Page 19

Pacific LifePAiPantheonParadigm Capital ManagementPartners GroupPatterson Financial GroupPaychex, Inc.PenChecks TrustPension & Benefits DailyPension Advisory Group, Inc.Pension Dynamics CorporationPension Financial Services, Inc.Pension PlanetPensions & InvestmentsPentegra Retirement ServicesPershing, LLCPew Charitable TrustsPFS InvestmentsPGIM Real EstatePiedmont Independent FiduciariesPIMCOPioneer InvestmentsPlanAdviserPlanserve Data SystemsPNC BankPotomac Wealth ManagementPrincipal Financial GroupProcessUnityProfessional Capital ServicesProfessional Development SolutionsProvenance Wealth Advisors LLCPrudential Real Estate InvestorsPrudential RetirementPSA Financial AdvisorsPutnam InvestmentsPwCQP ConsultingRamsey Solutions - SmartDollarRaymond James & AssociatesRCP SolutionsReliance Trust, an FIS CompanyRenaissance Benefit AdvisorsRetirement Alliance, Inc.Retirement Clearinghouse, LLCRetirement Horizons, Inc.Retirement Income JournalRetirement Learning CenterRetirement Planners & AdministratorsRetirement Playbook, Inc.Retirement Research, Inc.

Rimkus, Marciano & AssociatesRiverBay Investment Group, LLCRolloverSystemsRREEFRS InvestmentsRussell InvestmentsRVK, Inc.S&P Capital IQ Financial CommunicationsSageview Advisory GroupSallie MaeSapiensSaveDaily, Inc.SCICOM Data ServicesSecurianSecurity BenefitSegal GroupSEISentry Life Insurance CompanyShoeFitts MarketingSibson ConsultingSimoneaux & Stroud Consulting ServicesSmart401kSocial Security SolutionsSouthwest Securities, Inc.Spectrem GroupStable Value Investment AssociationStadion Money ManagementState of DelawareState Street Global AdvisorsSterling Resources, Inc.Stonestreet Equity, LLCStudent Loan GeniusSunTrust BankT. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services, Inc.TASCTax AnalystsTax NotesTD AmeritradeTegrit GroupThe Atlantic Group-Morgan StanleyThe Bancorp BankThe Brookings InstitutionThe HartfordThe Journal of RetirementThe Lapps GroupThe Madison CoalitionThe Omni GroupThe Online 401(k)The Retirement Plan Company, LLCThe Retirement Readiness InstituteThe Standard Insurance Company

Recent sPARK Conference Attendee Companies

The Vanguard GroupThe Vita CompaniesThompson Hine, LLPTIAATIAA-NuveenTicker.comTotal Benefit Communications, Inc.Towers WatsonTPA EngineTrademark Capital ManagementTransamerica Retirement SolutionsTreacy & CompanyTrinetTSA Consulting Group, Inc.U.S. BankU.S. Department of LaborU.S. Department of TreasuryU.S. Government Accountability OfficeUbiquity Retirement & SavingsUBS Financial ServicesUnited Retirement Plan ConsultantsUSAAUSI Consulting GroupUSVI PensionsVALICVan Eck GlobalVanguard GroupVenture SolutionsVeritas Document Solutions, An RRD CompanyVertical Management SystemsVirtus Investment PartnersVoya FinancialVoya Investment ManagementvWise, Inc.Wabash Capital, Inc.WalmartWard Financial Advisory GroupWashington Financial GroupWashington PostWells Fargo Health Benefit ServicesWells Fargo Institutional Retirement and TrustWEMA Senior StrategiesWilliam BlairWillis Towers WatsonWilmington Trust CompanyWilshire Associates, Inc.Winona National BankWinsteadXinnovation, Inc.XTRAC Solutions, a Fidelity Investment Company