newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "excellence and care" newsletter 9 ward street, salisbury...

"Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email: [email protected] Friday 26 th June Principal: Katherine Holman Deputy Principal: Terry Minos From the Principal Katherine Holman Congratulations to Sharnae Woolgar, Cadence Horner and Christopher Teeuween from Room 34 who appeared on the Channel 7 News on Wednesday night. We were invited to send 3 of our current year 5 students (as these will be the first students to go to high school at the end of year 6) to attend the Minister for Education’s press conference at Salisbury East High School. The Minister was announcing a grant of $120,000 to assist with the refurbishment of an area to house the year 7 students as they move to high school in 2022. Our students spoke confidently and represented our school very well. They were thrilled at featuring on the news. We believe there is also some video of them that will be placed on Minister Gardener and Paula Luethen Our local member’s Facebook pages. Restrictions As you know through our SMS and paper communication as from Monday the 29 th of June some restrictions will be eased. Parents will be allowed to enter the site to drop off and pick up but there is still strictly no access to buildings unless invited in by a staff member from the school. Parents are not to enter the yard before 2.55pm and must social distance inside and outside of the school grounds. We can not have groups of parents sitting around in the school grounds as this breaches the advice provided to us by the Department and SA Health. Once again we thank you for your support during this uncertain period and appreciate you continuing to help keep us all safe. External Review Next term our school will be reviewed by an External Review team. It is a Department requirement that all schools are reviewed every three years. Attached to the newsletter is a letter to the community explaining a little more about the process and an opportunity to let us know if you don’t want the Review Team to speak to your child. Our last experience 3 years ago was very positive and has helped us move forward on our improvement journey. I have been on many external reviews as a review Principal and have found in most cases the school has found it valuable and the directions have helped shape how they will continue to improve. We do need some parents (only about 8) as well as the Governing Council to speak to the panel. If you would like to be considered to talk to the panel please let the front office know. Diary Dates 2020 Term 2 1 st July Academic Excellence Awards 1 st July Interviews End 3 rd July Early Dismissal 2pm- End of Term 2 Term 3 20 th July Pupil Free Day 21 st July Term 3 Commences 28 th &29 th July External School Review 28 th July Governing Council 4 th Sept School Closure 7 th Sept Pupil Free Day 8tj Sept Governing Council 9 th Sept Social Responsibility Awards 16 th Sept Academic Improvement Awards 23 rd Sept Academic Excellence Awards 25 th Sept Sports Day 25 th Sept Early Dismissal at 2pm

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Page 1: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"


9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email: [email protected]

Friday 26th June Principal: Katherine Holman Deputy Principal: Terry Minos

From the Principal – Katherine Holman Congratulations to Sharnae Woolgar, Cadence Horner

and Christopher Teeuween from Room 34 who

appeared on the Channel 7 News on Wednesday night.

We were invited to send 3 of our current year 5 students

(as these will be the first students to go to high school

at the end of year 6) to attend the Minister for

Education’s press conference at Salisbury East High

School. The Minister was announcing a grant of

$120,000 to assist with the refurbishment of an area to

house the year 7 students as they move to high school

in 2022. Our students spoke confidently and

represented our school very well. They were thrilled at

featuring on the news. We believe there is also some

video of them that will be placed on Minister Gardener

and Paula Luethen Our local member’s Facebook



As you know through our SMS and paper

communication as from Monday the 29th of June some

restrictions will be eased. Parents will be allowed to

enter the site to drop off and pick up but there is still

strictly no access to buildings unless invited in by a

staff member from the school. Parents are not to enter

the yard before 2.55pm and must social distance inside

and outside of the school grounds. We can not have

groups of parents sitting around in the school grounds

as this breaches the advice provided to us by the

Department and SA Health. Once again we thank you

for your support during this uncertain period and

appreciate you continuing to help keep us all safe.

External Review

Next term our school will be reviewed by an External

Review team. It is a Department requirement that all

schools are reviewed every three years. Attached to the

newsletter is a letter to the community explaining a

little more about the process and an opportunity to let

us know if you don’t want the Review Team to speak

to your child. Our last experience 3 years ago was very

positive and has helped us move forward on our

improvement journey. I have been on many external

reviews as a review Principal and have found in most

cases the school has found it valuable and the directions

have helped shape how they will continue to improve.

We do need some parents (only about 8) as well as the

Governing Council to speak to the panel. If you would

like to be considered to talk to the panel please let the

front office know.

Diary Dates 2020

Term 2

1st July Academic Excellence Awards

1st July Interviews End

3rd July Early Dismissal 2pm- End of Term 2

Term 3

20th July Pupil Free Day

21st July Term 3 Commences

28th &29th July External School Review

28th July Governing Council

4th Sept School Closure

7th Sept Pupil Free Day

8tj Sept Governing Council

9th Sept Social Responsibility Awards

16th Sept Academic Improvement Awards

23rd Sept Academic Excellence Awards

25th Sept Sports Day

25th Sept Early Dismissal at 2pm

Page 2: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"


The majority of teachers had 100% of their class having

interviews. We are currently chasing up the few

families that did not as it is essential we have the

opportunity to talk to all families about their child/

children’s learning and growth points. As you know

this year we had a combination of face to face, phone

and online video interviews. The response has been

overwhelmingly positive with many parents really

enjoying the phone and online interviews as they could

do these from their own homes. One positive comment

from a number of teachers was that they found it easier

to run on time with phone and online interviews and

that families were very respectful of people waiting for

their call or connection. Some parents were very proud

of their efforts using the technology. Thanks for your

flexibility and fantastic response. If you have any

feedback regarding interviews please let us know

through the front office.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School

Students with Disability (NCCD)

SHPS will once again be collecting information for the

NCCD. All schools are required to collect information

about the numbers of students that they provide

adjustments to under the Disability Discrimination Act

(1992) and Disability Standards of Education This data

is used as the basis for national funding.

The NCCD involves the collection of:

the number of students receiving adjustments

to enable them to participate in education on

the same basis as other students

the level of adjustment provided to students

student’s type of disability if known

Under the model the definition of disability is broad

and includes learning difficulties, health and mental

health conditions. If your child is identified for

inclusion in the Collection, the required information

will be included in this year’s data collection.

If you have any questions about the data collection,

please contact Terry Minos on 82587299.

Further information can be found at:


Safe Holidays

On behalf of the staff at SHPS we wish you all a happy

and safe holiday and again thanks to everyone for your

extraordinary support. We are looking forward to

things being more certain next term and we will keep

you informed of events that have been rescheduled. The

online assemblies have been really successful however

they have not included parents at this stage.

We will be reviewing how we hold our assemblies with

staff and students and how parents can be involved

when they are held online.

Early Dismissal & Casual Day

Casual Day next Friday. No gold coin donation

required. Students will also be dismissed at 2pm on

Friday the 3rd of July as it is the last day of term.

Finance- Sue McKee

M&S Fees $350.00 NOW OVERDUE: Stage 2 Now

in Progress


The next stage of our School Debt Recoveries Policy

has begun with Final Notices being posted home in

Week 10 to all families who owe payment towards

M&S Fees 2020 and have not contacted the school or

made arrangements. The Department for Education

Debt Recoveries Team will be notified and instructed

to engage in the recovery of any Outstanding 2020

M&S Fees. To avoid being sent to DfE Debt

Recoveries please pay your outstanding School Fees

asap or contact the school to arrange a payment

schedule and other options available to you.

We do understand some families are under financial

hardship and will need extended time to pay the School

Fees. Please contact the school to arrange a part

payment plan, instalment plan or obtain applications

for PayWay or School Card. To avoid DfE Debt

Recoveries being engaged please contact the Finance

Office as soon as possible.

How to Pay: The Finance Office is open every school

day from 8:30-9:30am and then again 2:30-3:15pm.

You can choose to pay in person (cash or credit card),

pay over the phone, complete a PayWay Application

form which is a Direct Debit from your bank account

or download the new QKR App for School and pay fees

with this quick and easy facility.

Page 3: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

School Card Applications.

You MUST RE-APPLY each year, it does not carry

over from last year. Please go on-line and complete the

application for 2020 or return your School Card

Application Form to the Finance Office asap.

If the School Card Unit have contacted you re: more

information, mismatch information or you are not

eligible and are appealing the decision please ensure

you let me know so I can flag your school fees as

pending. Re-assessment forms are now available from

the Finance Office.

School Card also offer a Hardship Application for any

families who now find themselves under new financial

pressures due to unforeseen circumstances. Please go

on-line and read the requirements.

QKR Ordering for SCHOOL & CANTEEN.

QKR is an online Ordering & Payment System that

allows you to pay School 2020 M&S Fees. You can

access the Canteen account to order your

child’s/children’s recess and lunch. Payment is made

directly and immediately from your nominated

account. If you wish to use this option simply follow

the instructions included with this newsletter to set up

your account and you’re on your way


Please be mindful that all CANTEEN online orders

for each school day have a cut off time of 8:00am to

order for the same day. You may also put in future



RESTRICTIONS OF COVID-19 during Term 2 the

CANTEEN DOES NOT offer any cash orders or sales

and is not open in the morning, recess or lunch to serve

students. All online QKR orders are delivered to


Term 3 Cash Sales- Recess & Lunch

Cash sales only accepted at the Canteen during recess

and lunch time play. We will advise everyone of

further changes based on health advice.




We still have over 30 student refunds waiting for EFT

Details to be supplied to us. If you haven’t returned the

form please do so asap. Another form has been sent

home with your child if we still owe you a $32.00

refund. We also have a few families who supplied their

details and we have completed the refund via EFT but

the bank deposit has been returned to us.

This is usually due to incorrect bank details you have

supplied or you have changed your bank details since

returning the form. Please check your bank statement

to confirm you have received the swimming refund.



We are happy to announce that our Student School

Banking can resume in Term 3.

A big thankyou to our 3 volunteers who have made

themselves available to support this valued program

and follow the safe procedures put in place. Please send

your school banking book and money with your child

on Thursdays for processing. Happy Saving!!!

Canteen News- Mandie & Lynette

Bi-Weekly Special:

Week 10 Term: See QKR for available items $4.00


Week 1 & 2 Term 3: Crunchy crumbed chicken strips

with oven baked wedges. $5.50


Digital Entertainment Books 2020 – Sue McKee

DIGITAL ONLY and Ready to Start NOW!

The 2020 Fundraising Season now offers 3 NEW

Digital Memberships that can start anytime and are

valid for 12 months from the day of activation. The

new memberships increase the opportunity to raise

even more funds for our school with the option of

Single City, Multi City or Multi Plus Memberships to

help reach our fundraising goals even sooner.

Simply look for the Salisbury Heights Primary School

link and purchase your Digital Book today!

Page 4: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"


Amber Arruzzolo – Student Wellbeing Leader

There will be letters sent home next week to those

students who are continually late or have had excessive

absences this term. Due to COVID-19 etc this has

slightly changed for term 2. This term these letters are

for students that teachers have flagged and are

concerned about – 10 days or more. We normally do

this across the school at the end of each term. These are

for your information and we hope to see some

improvements in term 3.

These letters are a reminder to families about the

importance of regular attendance and being at school

on time. Irregular attendance and continual lateness to

school does impact greatly on students wellbeing,

orgnanisation, disrupts the class routines and student’s

overall learning.

Thank you to those families that make a concerted

effort to get children to school on time and attending

everyday. Also to those families that have explained

absences, have kept unwell students home and been in

contact with teachers – working together has really

been beneficial in these tricky times. If you need

support with getting children organised in the mornings

or even to school please just let us know.

Spare Clothing- Front Office Staff

Please remember if your child is supplied with a change

of clothes from the Front Office, we ask that you wash

the items that were borrowed and return them to us as

soon as possible. We are desperately in need of

donations of certain items of clothing for our sick room

emergency supply cupboard. If you have any of the

following items of clothing that are in good condition

and you wish to donate them to us, we would be very


Navy Track Pants/ Leggings: Sizes 4, 6, 8

School Polo Tops: Sizes 6, 8, 10

Please leave clothing at the Front Office.


Early Dismissal on Friday 3rd July at 2:00pm

Term 3- Monday 20th July is a Pupil Free Day

Term 3 commences on Tuesday 21st July

Social Responsibility Awards

It was terrific to celebrate our students who received

awards for Social Responsibility at Week 8 assembly.

These awards recognise children who use all their

Program Achieve Keys and Habits of the Mind. These

children are reliable and we can depend on them to be

an asset to the classroom and show ‘Excellence and

Care’ towards their class mates and school. The

children who received this award were very excited.

Congratulations to…..

Hope Davies Mckenzie Mack Charlee Pearce

Tyler Heritage Madison McKenzie Izack Warner

Aria Waldon Tatjana Fafulic Chloe Bailey

Nate Bills Sienna Tape Josie Manto

Kacia Shaw Brooklyn O’Connor

Chace Quagliarellla Phoenix Fletcher-Bonnet

Academic Improvement Awards

Congratulations to those students that received

Academic Improvement Awards in Week 9 they


Crossing Monitors- Term 2 & 3

Week 10 Term 2 Anna Tsalamangos & Max Ferrante

Week 1 Term 3 Madison Davis & Abby Blades

Annelise Laurner Keli Ladhams-Prideaux

Tyson Wakefield Yana Yourtaiev

Neil Haythorpe Madeleine Holdsworth

Kelsey Hillas Jett Thompson

Flynn Chartres Makayla Heritage

Ethan Farrelly Jai-Lee Herrod

Zain Fatchen Mia Fatchen

Jordan Ferrante Caiden Van Diemen

Page 5: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Page 6: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Page 7: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri


July 20th

Pupil Free Day

21st 22nd 23rd 24th






External Review


External Review

30th 31st


August 3rd 4th

5th 6th 7th



11th 12th 13th 14th


17th 18th

19th 20th 21st



25th 26t 27th 28th



September 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

School Closure



Pupil Free Day










14th 15th 16th



17th 18th



22nd 23rd



24th 25th

Sports Day

Early Dismissal


Student Calendar- Term 3 2020

Page 8: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Dear Parents

As part of our continuous school improvement process, we will be involved in an external school review with a Department for Education review panel.

The purpose of external school reviews is to support us to raise achievement, sustain high performance and provide quality assurance to build public confidence in government schools.

All government schools are externally reviewed generally within a 3 year cycle.

The focus of the external school review is to evaluate our school’s performance. The review panel includes a review officer and one or two trained review principal/s. Our school review will occur on 28th and 29th of July.

The review panel will identify aspects of our school’s improvement that have been verified through the review processes, as well as the improvements that we need to make in the future.

During the external school review, some students, parents, governing council members and staff will be asked to provide information to the review panel in a number of ways. These include:

individual interviews

group discussions (with students or staff or parents)

meetings (governing council, staff meeting)

visits into classrooms.

The External School Review process will work with the principal to ensure it will be adhering to the current advice from the SA Health and Department for Education guidelines regarding COVID-19.

We appreciate everyone’s support and time in helping us with this external school review process.

Please complete the reply slip below and return to the front office if you do not want your child to participate.

If you would like more information please contact Katherine Holman on 82587299.


I do not want my child __________________________in room _________to be involved in the external school review discussions.

Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

9 Ward Street Salisbury Heights SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email: [email protected]

Page 9: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Page 10: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Page 11: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"

Page 12: Newsletter · 2020. 6. 26. · "Excellence and Care" Newsletter 9 Ward Street, Salisbury Heights, SA 5109 Phone: 08 8258 7299 Fax: 08 8281 5861 Email:

"Excellence and Care"