2019 officer’s instruction manual table of contents

1 2019 Officer’s Instruction Manual Table of Contents General Instructions ALL Officers 2 5 General Instructions Service Officers 6 7 Department President 8 11 Incoming President 12 - 16 1 st Vice President 17 21 2 nd Vice President 22 3 rd Vice President 23 Americanism/SOS Officer 24 26 Hospital Officer 27 28 Scholarship Officer 29 30 Executive Secretary 31 40 Treasurer 41 46 Chaplain 47 48 Sergeant at Arms 49 51 NEC Woman 52 54 Immediate Past President 55 58 Parliamentarian 59 61 Publicity Officer/Historian 62 63 Ways and Means Chairman 64 65 Fall Conference Chairman 66 68 Convention Chairman 69 73 Higgins Lake Lodge Representative 74 Personnel Chairman 75 76 Junior AMVETS Coordinator 77 District President 78 80 VAVS/MVH Representative 81 82 Webmaster 83

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2019 Officer’s Instruction Manual Table of Contents

General Instructions – ALL Officers 2 – 5

General Instructions – Service Officers 6 – 7

Department President 8 – 11

Incoming President 12 - 16

1st Vice President 17 – 21

2nd Vice President 22

3rd Vice President 23

Americanism/SOS Officer 24 – 26

Hospital Officer 27 – 28

Scholarship Officer 29 – 30

Executive Secretary 31 – 40

Treasurer 41 – 46

Chaplain 47 – 48

Sergeant at Arms 49 – 51

NEC Woman 52 – 54

Immediate Past President 55 – 58

Parliamentarian 59 – 61

Publicity Officer/Historian 62 – 63

Ways and Means Chairman 64 – 65

Fall Conference Chairman 66 – 68

Convention Chairman 69 – 73

Higgins Lake Lodge Representative 74

Personnel Chairman 75 – 76

Junior AMVETS Coordinator 77

District President 78 – 80

VAVS/MVH Representative 81 – 82

Webmaster 83



Article I – General Information

1. You shall read your instructions within fourteen (14) days following the Department

Convention. The Department Parliamentarian shall contact you after the fourteen

(14) days to answer any questions you may have regarding your duties.

2. YOU ARE TO READ THE CURRENT DEPARTMENT BY-LAWS AND STANDING RULES TO BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THEM. They may contain more information and/or instructions for your particular office.

3. After receiving your files at the post-Convention SEC meeting, use the checklist in the file to ensure everything is in the file. You shall inform the Department President and Department Parliamentarian if any items are missing.

a. OUTGOING Officers shall remove everything except the documents and

information from her year and the previous year [two (2) years total] prior

to the Department Convention.

b. INCOMING Officers shall check the files to be sure only the documents

and information from the outgoing Officer’s year, the previous year (see ‘a’

above) are included in the files. If you have questions, you shall contact

the Department Parliamentarian before disposing of anything.

c. During your year, this file should only contain the previous two (2) year’s

documents and information and any appropriate documents and

information collected by you.

d. EXCEPTION: The mid-year and final service reports in all Service Officers

files are destroyed after the Convention.

4. Officer’s instructions may only be changed if:

a. There is an automatic change from National or Department

b. A change is voted on and passed by the Convention body or the SEC

c. The Department President and Department Parliamentarian make needed

changes when they meet to go over the Officer’s instructions. You will be

contacted by the Department Parliamentarian to discuss any required

changes of your instructions.

d. If you are not contacted by December 1st and you feel you need any

changes, you must contact the Department Parliamentarian to discuss the

changes, no later than January 1.

5. Department Officers shall wear no pins or decorations on their hats. Earned pins

are to be worn on the Auxiliary blazer on the upper left pocket or on a 2x4” gold

grosgrain ribbon.


6. As a Department Officer with a vote on the Department Executive Committee, you

may not be a delegate of your local Auxiliary.

7. When you receive a poll vote, you are to reply by the deadline date to the

Department Parliamentarian with “NO” votes ONLY. Results of the poll vote will

be brought back to the next SEC meeting to be ratified and to be recorded into the


8. The Executive Secretary will send you a copy of the current local Instructions for

your particular office by April 1st. If any changes are needed, due to Convention or

SEC action, you will make the needed changes and forward a corrected copy to

the Executive Secretary by April 20th. If no changes are needed, you must let her

know they are correct as submitted to you no later than April 20th.

9. A copy of all correspondence sent to National Headquarters or any National

Officer must be sent to the Department President and the NEC Woman.

10. When contact is made by phone from any Officer on any important Department

business, it must be followed up by letters and/or emails with copies to designated

appropriate Officers.

Article II – SEC Meetings

1. Three (3) copies (four (4) copies for VAVS/MVH Representatives) of your Activity

report are to be given to the Sergeant at Arms prior to the start of the Fall and

Spring SEC meetings. You will not read your Activity report as part of your Officer

report at the meetings. You will give recommendations you may have or updates

related to your programs/projects.

2. If you are unable to attend an SEC meeting, you must send three (3) copies (four

(4) copies for VAVS/MVH representatives) or email a copy of your Activity report to

the Executive Secretary in time for her to receive it and make copies prior to the


11. Any Officer not submitting the required copies of her Activity report to the Fall and

Spring SEC meetings will not be paid mileage unless excused by the Department

President. If so, your report must be sent to the Department President, Executive

Secretary and Department Parliamentarian within fourteen (14) days following the

SEC meeting. The VAVS/MVH Representatives must also send a copy to the

Department Hospital Officer.


12. Your annual Activity report is to be received by the Executive Secretary no later

than twenty-one (21) days prior to Department Convention in order to be copied

for distribution on the Convention floor. a. This report should only contain those activities you do yourself in

conjunction with the office you hold and social obligations you attend as a

Department Officer. Activities you do as a local or District member or

officer DO NOT belong on this report.

b. If not received by the deadline date, you must provide 80 copies of your

annual Activity report for distribution on the Convention floor. If no report is

made available, mileage and per diem, if budgeted, will not be paid.

Article III – Bulletins and Newsletter Articles

1. Department Officers shall submit bulletins according to the schedule they receive

from the Department Parliamentarian. A copy of your bulletin is to be sent to the

Department Webmaster by the 15th of the month.

2. Newsletter articles are due to the Department Secretary by the 1st of each month.

These articles should include information in particular to your office and reminders

of due dates for reports, etc.

Article IV – Convention Duties

1. If scheduled, you will act as Chairman for your committee meeting at Convention.

The time of the meeting and meeting room information is on the Convention

Agenda. This meeting is for any Auxiliary member who has a special interest in

your program.

2. If you have a committee meeting at Convention:

i Your report must be given to the Executive Secretary and Department

Parliamentarian immediately following the meeting if there are any


ii If there are no recommendations to be voted on by the Convention

Body, give the Executive Secretary a copy of your report after it has

been read on the Convention floor. Any exception to the deadline must

be approved by the Department President.

iii Inform local members they are all welcome to attend.


Article V - Finance

1. Any Officer wishing reimbursement for a qualified budget item (postage, phone,

etc.) will fill out a voucher, attach the receipt (not hand written), and give to the

Department Treasurer. If over budget, approval for payment will be presented to

the SEC.

2. Any Department Officer attending Fall Conference at their own expense and

requested to perform duties by the Department President, shall not receive


3. Department Officers will have their registration fee waived for the Department

Convention ONLY.

a The following shall have their registration fee waived for Fall Conference:

Department President, Fall Conference Chairman, Instructors (limit of 3),

National President and out-of-State guests.

4. Solicitation of funds by any Department Service Officer/VAVS/MVH, must have

approval of the SEC. A complete report, with receipts, shall be forwarded to the

Department President and is to be reviewed by the SEC.

5. Any Department Officer conducting a fund raiser will forward all funds on a weekly

basis to the Executive Secretary for deposit.

6. Any money at a Department function is to be counted by two (2) people, the event

Chairman and the Executive Secretary and/or Department Treasurer. If neither is

available, the Chairman is to ask another person to help verify the count. Monies

are to be turned into the Executive Secretary.

7. All Officers shall receive three (3) days per diem to the Department Convention

and mileage to all SEC meetings. This is, if budgeted and if funds are available.

For those Officers traveling in the same vehicle to the SEC meetings, mileage will

be paid to the driver only.





[Americanism/SOS, Child Welfare, Community Service, Hospital, Scholarship]

Article I – Service Officer’s Reports, Corrections and Compiling

1. You will serve as a member of the Honors and Awards Committee to judge the

service program reports at the Department Convention.

2. Service report forms from Local Auxiliaries must be postmarked either by the

Post Office or by e-mail by November 5th for the mid-year report and May 5th for the

final report. When you receive the report, staple the envelope to the report. You

must notify the local Auxiliary Officer regarding the postal or e-mail date if the

report is late.

a. Each mailed report must have the envelope stapled to the back of the

report. If reports are submitted electronically, you will download a copy of

the e-mail which shows the date submitted and staple it to the report.

b. When the deadline falls on a Sunday or a holiday, the next business day will

apply for the Post Office date only but NOT for email.

c. You must notify the local Auxiliary Officer if the report is late according to

the postal or e-mail date.

3. You must place your initials next to any changes when you make a correction on

Mid-year and Final reports. Corrections are to be made in RED only. You must

notify the Local Auxiliary Officer by letter explaining in detail any errors you found.

Local Officers are to be notified of both Mid-year and Final report corrections.

a. Mid-year correction letters are to be mailed no later than twenty (20) days after

the Department Officer receives them.

b. Final corrections will be in letter form made out by the Department Officer and

passed out to the Local Auxiliary Representative on the Convention floor, after

the awards presentations.

c. If the Local Auxiliary is not represented at Convention, the letter is to be

forwarded by mail to the respective Local Officer for her files.

4. Service Officers shall send one copy of their completed mid-year report

postmarked or emailed no later than November 20 and final report postmarked or

emailed no later than May 20 to the Department NEC Woman.

Article II – Judging and Awards

1. The Youth Volunteer certificates are to be the responsibility of the Local Auxiliary in

the purchasing and presenting of said certificates. It is the responsibility of the


Local Auxiliary Officer to report Youth volunteers to the Department Officer, who in

turn will be responsible to give the information to the Executive Secretary for the

Convention book. The list will also be included with the report sent to the NEC

Woman. The only Youth Volunteers to have their individual names listed in the

Convention book are Junior AMVETS and those volunteers affiliated with the

AMVETS family. The Youth Volunteers from schools or clubs are to be listed in the

Convention Book by school or club, number of volunteers participating, number of

hours for all volunteers, and a list of projects they participated in.

2. Bring all mid-year reports to the Honor & Awards meeting, which is normally

scheduled before the Spring SEC meeting. Be sure you have gone through them

and made the needed corrections. At this meeting, the Service Officers can meet

with the Honors and Awards Chairman and become familiar with the various

programs they will be judging at the Department Convention.

3. To be eligible for any Department Service Award, a Local Auxiliary must follow the

Donor Rules.

4. For award judging at Convention, bring all your final & mid-year reports to the

Honor & Awards Committee meeting. Be prepared to only discuss your top five (5)

final reports. If your awards indicate two categories of selection (10-40 members &

41 members and over), separate your reports into those categories and be

prepared to discuss your top five (5) Final reports in each category.

5. You can receive information regarding local Auxiliary donations from the

Department Treasurer at any time.

6. You will serve as a member of the Honor & Awards Committee and will meet at the

Department Convention to judge all service program reports.

7. You and the Department President will sign the certificates for your respective

winning reports

8. The decision of the Honor & Awards Committee is final.



Article I – General Instructions

13. You should connect via email, phone or in person with the outgoing President

within fourteen (14) days to review any matters which may still be pending from her

year and any other advice she may have which may be necessary for you to make

a smooth transition into your role as Department President.

14. You should have an official photo taken as soon as possible and have a minimum

of two (2) 5x7 photos made for your Scrapbook and for the PRO/Historian’s file.

15. Nothing is to be worn on your uniform this year except your Department

President’s pin. You are to show no number on your hat. This year you belong to

every Local Auxiliary in the Department of Michigan.

16. Ask the AMVETS Department Commander and/or Executive Director to put you on their mailing list.

17. Make sure you are familiar with the National Grievance/Appeals procedure.

18. If you are invited to attend a function and can’t attend, ask one of your Officers to

represent you. When no one is available to represent you, send greetings by mail.

19. You shall prepare a page for the historical book to be kept in the PRO/Historian’s

file and it shall contain the following:

a. A list of current Officers and their projects

b. A brief description of your year as President

c. A 5x7 photo of yourself

20. Until the time the 4th National organizes as a District Auxiliary, the Department

President will not attend the Round Table if it conflicts with a Department function.

21. The Executive Secretary will provide you with a copy of the Department

Revalidation Form.

22. When a poll vote is needed, you shall notify the Executive Secretary of the poll

vote details and set a deadline date for replying to the Department Parliamentarian

with “NO” votes only.


Article II – Finance

1. You shall have in your files the number of all bank and investment accounts and

the name and address of the bank in which they are held. The authorized

signatures on these accounts shall be the Department’s President, Executive

Secretary and Department Treasurer.

Article III – State Executive Committee (SEC) Meetings

1. Fall, Spring and pre-Convention SEC meetings will be held in conjunction with the

AMVETS. If it is not feasible to hold the Spring SEC meeting at the same time or

place as the AMVETS, you shall set the date, time and place for the meeting. You

shall inform the Department Commander and Executive Director of the change of

your meeting when different than the AMVETS.

2. A thirty (30) day notice of all SEC meetings shall be posted on the Auxiliary

website and in the Department newsletter to invite the Past Department Presidents

and all Auxiliary members to attend the meeting. This is at no expense to the

Department. They shall have a voice on all matters but only the Past Department

Presidents will have a vote.

3. You shall approve the Liaison Officer’s reports for the AMVETS. They are to be

sent to AMVETS Headquarters fourteen (14) days prior to each AMVETS SEC

meeting with a financial review.

4. You shall prepare an agenda for each SEC meeting and send it to the Department

Secretary, no later than seven (7) days prior to the meeting so she can make

copies for you.

Article IV - VAVS/MVH Representatives

1. The appointment of VAVS/MVH Representatives shall be for an indefinite period of

service. The Department may remove from office any VAVS Representative, MVH

or Deputy who fails to comply with established National or Department policies and

procedures or by request of the Representative or Deputy for replacement due to

personal reasons.

Article V – Fall Conference


1. You will work with the Fall Conference Chairman to determine the classes desired

or needed for the Conference.

2. You shall compose a Welcome Letter for the Fall Conference book and submit it to

the Executive Secretary no later than thirty (30) days prior to Fall Conference.

3. Check with the Fall Conference Chairman to see if all arrangements have been


Article VI – Department Convention

1. You shall create a tentative daily agenda to be sent to the Convention Chairman

and Executive Secretary by March 1 so it can be included in the Convention


a. You shall compose a Welcome Letter for the Auxiliary Convention book

and mail it to the Executive Secretary thirty (30) days prior to the

Department Convention.

b. You shall prepare an agenda for each Convention session (this is

different than the daily agenda) and submit it to the Executive Secretary

thirty (30) days prior to Convention. Be sure you include a section for the

outgoing Officer’s final reports which should be done just before you

close the Convention.

c. You shall prepare your agenda for the pre-Convention SEC meeting and

submit it to the Secretary no later than ten (10) days prior to Convention.

2. Thirty (30) days prior to Convention, or as soon as room assignments are

available, send your final Convention daily agenda to the Executive Secretary.

The final agenda shall also be sent to the Convention Chairman and AMVETS

Executive Director.

3. Any resolutions approved by the Convention body must be signed by you and the

Department Parliamentarian.

4. Have a list of your Department Officers and Past Department Presidents for

introductions at the Convention banquet.

5. If for some reason the Honor & Awards Chairman can’t conduct the Awards

program, you shall ask a Past Department President to take her place.


Article VII – National Convention & National Executive Committee

(NEC) Meetings

1. Remind the NEC Woman to fill out the paper work inviting the National President to

make her official visit to the Department at Fall Conference.

2. After arrival at the National Convention, if the NEC Woman is unable to attend the

NEC meeting, you as the Alternate NEC Woman will take over her duties.

3. The NEC Woman and Head Delegate shall send their reports from National

Convention to you for approval before being put on the Auxiliary Website. The NEC

Woman reports on the NEC & post-Convention NEC meetings and the Head

Delegate reports on the Convention. The Head Delegate report should include:

recommendations from National Officers; Bylaw changes; newly elected Officers,

motions, etc. The NEC Woman’s report should include the newly elected Officer’s

themes and programs and any other recommendations made at that time.

Article VIII - Miscellaneous

1. Once Local and District Bylaws have been approved by the Department

Parliamentarian, she shall sign all copies and forward a copy to you for your files, a

copy to the local, if applicable, a copy to the District, if applicable and keep a copy

for her files.

2. As the Department President, you shall not serve on your Local Grievance




Article I – Things to do Prior to Convention

1. Get commitments from Auxiliary members to fill the following appointed offices:

Parliamentarian, Ways & Means Chairman, Publicity Officer/Historian, Junior

AMVET Coordinator (if needed), Personnel Chairman (must be a Past Department

President), Convention Chairman, Fall Conference Chairman, Higgins Lake

Representative (every 2 years), Grievance Committee Chairman plus two (2)

members to serve on the committee, Appeals Board Chairman plus two (2)

members to serve on the Board. All appointments must be approved by the SEC.

a. Get commitments from fourteen (14) members to serve on the Bylaw Committee.

These members must be approved by the SEC.

b. Notify the Executive Secretary and Department Treasurer of anticipated

appointments. They will need this information for determining mileage for the

Department budget.

2. Check the Fall and Spring SEC minutes to see who has announced running for an

elected office. If there are any elected offices which no one has announced for,

make a list of possible appointments and check with those members to see if they

would take the appointment if needed.

3. Select a theme for your year.

4. If desired, you may check with the incoming Commander to see if he/she would like

to hold a joint reception after the elections. If so, arrangements will need to be


5. Check with the AMVET Executive Director for the date, time and site of the Fall

SEC meeting and Fall Conference. Announce it at the post-Convention SEC


6. Get a commitment of your choice of installing Officer for the elected and appointed

Officers. This must be a Past Department President, a current or past National


7. Remind your choice of a Ways & Means Chairman to have ready three (3) items

(for approval at the post-Convention SEC meeting) for the Convention Raffle. If she

does not get approval at this SEC meeting, she must do so at the Fall SEC



Article II – Post-Convention SEC Meeting

1. Prepare an agenda for the post-Convention SEC meeting (see sample included

with these instructions).

2. You will need SEC approval of your appointed Officers (listed on sample agenda).

3. Immediately after approval of your appointed Officers, you may install them or have them installed by your choice of Installing Officer which shall be a Past Department President, a current or past National Officer.

4. Those Officers, listed on the sample agenda, will need SEC approval of any

program(s) pertaining to their office and any Chairman’s awards they may wish to


5. Your Convention Chairman is to select her choice of a Credentials and Attendance

Prize Chairman. She must ask get SEC approval for both at either the Fall or

Spring SEC meeting, if she has not already made a choice for approval at this


6. Remind the District Presidents to schedule a date for your official visit and to

inform you no later than the Fall Conference.

7. Remind the Officer’s that the Department Parliamentarian will be contacting them

after fourteen (14) days to see if they have read their instructions and if they have

any questions.

8. You and your installing Officer will need to sign the Department Revalidation form.

Check with the Executive Secretary on this.

9. Remind the Executive Secretary to send a new Officer’s list to the AMVET

Executive Director.

10. Ask if there is any new business to come before the Committee.

11. Remind the Officer’s and members that under announcements on the agenda are

dates, etc. for those events coming up in the Department.

12. Ask the Immediate Past President if she has set a date, time and place for the

Department audit.


13. Remind all Officer’s their Officer’s Instructions are on the Department website and

to pick up any other information the Executive Secretary has for them.

Article III – Miscellaneous

1. Immediately after the Department Convention, have a photo taken and send to the

Publicity Officer/Historian.

2. You shall be one of the auditors for the Department audit, which will be held within

fifteen (15) days following the Department Convention.



Roll call of New Officers by Executive Secretary

Approval of appointments: (ask if the SEC wants to vote on one at a time or all at


Parliamentarian _________________________

Fall Conference Chairman _________________________

Ways & Means Chairman _________________________

Personnel Chairman _________________________

PRO/Historian _________________________

Higgins Lake Rep (every 2 yrs.) _________________________

Convention Chairman _________________________

Jr. AMVET Coordinator, if needed _________________________

Any other office which was not filled during elections

Installation of the above

Approval Committee appointments: Grievance Committee Chairman ______________________

1______________________ 2______________________

Appeals Board Chairman ______________________

1______________________ 2______________________

Americanism Committee: Check with the Americanism Officer for recommendations)



By-Law Committee: Parliamentarian as Chairman ________________________

1 ______________________ 2 ______________________ 3 _____________________

4 ______________________ 5 ______________________ 6 _____________________

7 ______________________ 8 ______________________ 9_____________________

10 _____________________11 _____________________ 12 ___________________

13 _____________________14 _______________________

Approval of Convention Chairman’s choices for:

Credentials Chairman ______________________

Attendance Prize Chairman ______________________


1st Vice: contest approval _______________________________________

2nd Vice: chairman award approval ___________________________________________

3rd Vice: chairman award approval ___________________________________________

Americanism Officer: chairman award approval _________________________________

SOS Officer: project & chairman award approval ________________________________

Hospital Officer: chairman award approval ____________________________________

Scholarship Officer: chairman award approval __________________________________

Ways & Means: approval of fund raisers & Convention raffle prizes (if known – must

have AMVETS approval prior to this meeting, if possible)



Announcement of your theme for the year ____________________________________

Remind all Officers their Instructions are available on the website and to read and

prepare a

newsletter article for the July newsletter by the 1st and a website bulletin by July 15th

Remind all Officers to pick up the Bulletin/Newsletter schedule from the outgoing

Parliamentarian and any other information the Executive Secretary may have.

Remind the Ways & Means Chairman to contact the Fall Conference Chairman with her

needs at the event

Remind District Presidents to schedule a date for your official visit

Ask for any additional business.

Announcements (include any Department event dates you are aware of)

Benediction by the Chaplain

Retirement of the Colors by the Sergeant at Arms





Article I – General Instructions

1. If you are going to have a special program, contest or Chairman’s award for

Membership, you will need to present it/them at the post-Convention SEC meeting

to get approval.

2. Keep the local Auxiliaries informed of any membership changes, contests, etc.

Encourage them to remit membership renewals and their Life Member Hospital

donations by October 31. Explain these are the funds the VAVS/MVH

Representatives receive for use in our hospital programs for our Veterans.

3. You are a member of the Personnel Committee.

4. In your final bulletin, remind the District Presidents and Executive Secretary they

are required to attend your Membership Committee meeting, if held. Urge local

Membership Chairmen and other members they are all welcome to attend.

5. If you choose to list the top ten (10) Auxiliaries in any article/bulletin, it must be

done by the strength of the Auxiliary, not by Auxiliary activity.

6. Be sure to read the Incoming President’s Instructions so you will be prepared when

you arrive at Convention.

Article II – D & R’S and How to Compile Reports

1. D & R’s, deceased member notices and various changes will be sent to you

frequently from the Executive Secretary, as she receives them from the local

Auxiliaries. You will keep a roster of each Auxiliary with their current members by

name and current membership status. Be sure to make changes on the roster

when Change Forms or other corrections are received from the Executive

Secretary. Be sure to retain these copies in a binder in alphabetical and date order

with ID number and date they renewed or last paid dues.

2. Deceased members in Michigan are removed from any current membership totals

immediately. Adjustments to your roster and membership chart are coordinated

with the Executive Secretary.

3. If an Auxiliary has notified you a member is deceased, the member is not counted

as a renewal due for any renewal contest.


4. To remove a Life member from the roster, proof is needed that the whereabouts of

the member is unknown. This is done by the Local Auxiliary. They send a letter to

the member using the address from the National roster. If the letter is returned by

the Post Office with “address unknown”, the Local 1st Vice makes a copy of the

envelope for the local files and forwards the original envelope to the Executive

Secretary with the completed transfer form for MAL (member at large).

5. Keep an official Department membership chart listing prior year ending totals as

your beginning year totals as well as columns for: renewals, new, renew to life,

new life and life members. Update this chart frequently as you update your

membership rosters. Compare your records and totals with the Executive

Secretary at least monthly – more frequently if needed. Your goal is to always

have your records and the Executive Secretary’s records match.

6. The cutoff date for current year D & R’s to the Executive Secretary is May 31st.

Any memberships received after that date will be held for the following year.

Article III – Auxiliary Rosters

1. You shall receive two sets of the National Roster printout of current Michigan local

Auxiliary members from the Executive Secretary. One set is to be separated by local

Auxiliary and mailed to the local 1st Vice President of each local Auxiliary or

designated Membership Chairman within five (5) days of receipt. Enclose a letter

stating if there are any errors on the printout, the local Auxiliary Representative

needs to advise the Executive Secretary immediately. Keep the second set of

National rosters in a binder or file for your records.

a. National Rosters are to be reviewed, corrected and returned to the Executive

Secretary within fifteen (15) days.

2. Two (2) up to date membership charts shall be sent via email (regular mail to those

with no email) to each Local Auxiliary 1st Vice President during the year, as well as a

copy of their updated member roster. These charts and rosters represent information

you have received from the Executive Secretary, who has documented and

confirmed them as she receives them from the local Membership Chairmen. You will

include a letter indicating what is included and instructing the local Membership

Chairman to notify the Executive Secretary of any corrections immediately.

a. The first mailing will include a chart of total Department membership as of

12/31 as well as the local Auxiliary roster listing each member. Your chart

indicating Department membership through 12/31 must be completed,

confirmed with the Executive Secretary and mailed by you to the local

Auxiliaries no later than January 10.


b. The second mailing will be sent to the newly elected Local Auxiliary 1st Vice

President and includes the total Department membership chart as of 5/31 and

the updated Local Auxiliary roster. Be sure to fill in the ID number of last

year’s new members. Make sure to confirm your information with the

Executive Secretary as the final chart will be included in the Convention Book.

This mailing must be sent on or before June 5. Immediate notification to the

Executive Secretary of any errors is critical.

3. Compare all corrections/changes you receive with the Executive Secretary monthly

and update your records to reflect the corrections/changes.

4. You shall send a copy of all local rosters to the Department Parliamentarian no later

than April 10th so she has them to use as verification of members on the

Revalidation forms.

Article IV – Reports

1. You should work closely with the Executive Secretary so both your records and

hers are correct before doing the Department Mid-Year (12/31) and Final (5/31)

membership charts. These charts are your reports.

2. You shall send a current membership chart to each Service Officer mailed/e-mailed


November 5th so they can review the figures for their reports. Send a copy of the

final chart to the Honor & Awards Chairman as soon as it is completed.

3. On January 10th, you shall send letters to all Auxiliaries with Life members still

owing hospital donations after December 31. Inform the Executive Secretary to

whom the letters are sent. If hospital donations are not paid, the Local Auxiliary is

not in good standing.

Article V – Membership Contests

1. The Department 1st Vice President is allowed to have up to three (3) special

membership contests during her year with prizes set according to the funds

available from the .25 reserved from each annual member’s dues. Check with the

Department Treasurer prior to convention on funds available for all contests.

2. The membership contest deadline will be May 31st for an Auxiliary to be eligible for

the various membership awards.


3. Each Auxiliary which is 100% renewed by October 31, will be awarded a check in

the amount of $25.00 from the membership reserve account. The D & R must be

received by the Executive Secretary postmarked by November 5th. Renewal is

defined as 100% of the previous year’s annual membership, with the exception of a

death or a transfer.

4. Early Bird Contest – In November, document the names of all who have renewed

from July 1 through October 31 from D & R’s postmarked by November 5th. You

may determine the prize (amounts and number) not to exceed a total of $75.00.

Article VI – Convention and pre-Convention Responsibilities

1. Within a week following the close of Membership year, compare figures with the

Executive Secretary to determine Membership winners for the Class A, B & C

awards. The Honors & Awards Chairman will ask you for the winners as these

awards are presented during the Honor & Awards program at Department


2. Be sure you have an award to be presented for each of your membership

contests. You will present them during your Membership report on the Convention

floor. The Executive Secretary will make the contest award certificates for you if

you give her the information no less than fourteen (14) days prior to Convention,

unless the contest is a drawing which will be held at Convention.

3. Prepare envelopes for winners of the Department Membership Contests. You will

need to contact the Department Treasurer prior to June 5th to let her know how

much money you will need, so she can write a check prior to her cut-off date.

4. After the membership contest drawings, you will list the winners of each drawing and give a copy to the Executive Secretary. Each winner called, or a representative from her Auxiliary or the District President, will pick up the envelopes with the money when you announce the winners on the floor.

5. If you have a Membership Committee meeting at Convention:

a. Your report must be given to the Executive Secretary and Department

Parliamentarian immediately following the meeting if there are any


b. If there are no recommendations to be voted on by the Convention

Body, give the Executive Secretary a copy of your report after it has

been read on the Convention floor.

c. Any exception to the deadline must be approved by the Department



d. Remind the District Presidents and the Executive Secretary they are

required to attend.

e. Inform local Membership Chairmen and other members they are welcome

to attend.

6. Be sure you have done the preparations indicated in the Incoming President’s

Instructions before arriving at Convention.




Article I – General Information

1. At the post-Convention SEC meeting, you will ask for approval of any special

Chairman’s award you wish to present. If not available at this meeting, you may

ask for the approval at the Fall SEC meeting.

2. You are a member of the Personnel Committee.

Article II – Department Child Welfare Project

1. The Department project for Child Welfare is Penrickton Center for Blind Children.

2. After conferring with the Department President, you are to arrange a visit to

Penrickton. Once the date has been confirmed, you will put an article on the

Department website and/or in the monthly newsletter inviting all members of the

AMVET family to join in the visit. In your article, stress that if a member plans to

attend the visit, they are to contact you so you can notify Penrickton with the

approximate number of people who will be on the tour.

3. Once the President has drafted her tentative Convention agenda, contact

Penrickton to confirm their attendance so you can present them with their donation

check. If a Penrickton representative is unable to attend Convention you will

compose a letter, enclose their check and forward it to their headquarters.

Article III – Worchid

1. In your bulletins, you will promote the Worchid program and explain how this

program works with the children of deceased Veterans.

2. Advise the Local members how they can work with the Local Veteran’s Council

or funeral home for the names of deceased Veterans with children under 18 years of





Article I – General Information

1. At the post-Convention SEC meeting, you will ask for approval of any special

Chairman’s award you wish to present. If not available at this meeting, you may ask

for the approval at the Fall SEC meeting.

2. You are a member of the Personnel Committee.

Article II – Department Community Service Project

1. You are to have only one (1) Department project for Community Service which is

PAWS with A Cause. It is also the National Community Service Project.

2. After conferring with the Department President and obtaining three (3) dates,

contact the National 3rd Vice President to arrange a date for her visit to PAWS.

Once the date has been confirmed, follow up with the Department President and

NEC Woman. Work with the NEC Woman to arrange pickup at the airport and

arrangements to get her to PAWS. Once the date has been confirmed, you will

put a bulletin on the Department website and/or in the monthly newsletter inviting

all members of the AMVET family to join in the visit. In your article, stress that if a

member plans to attend the visit, they are to contact you so you can notify PAWS

with the approximate number of people who will be on the tour.

3. Once the Department President has made out her tentative Convention agenda,

contact PAWS to see if they will be able to attend. If they are able to attend, you

can present them with a check for the Department donation. If a PAWS

representative is unable to attend Convention, you will compose a letter, enclose

their check and forward it to PAWS.




Article I – General Information

1. As the Americanism Officer, you will have only one Department project which is the

Department Americanism Poster, Essay and Flag Coloring Contest. Approval at

the post-Convention SEC meeting is not necessary.

2. As the SOS Officer, you will choose a project for your year and have it approved

no later than the Fall SEC meeting.

Article II – Department Americanism Activities

1. Urge all Auxiliaries to write their Congressman in support of the Annual

Proclamation of “Pledge of Allegiance Day”, which is April 30th or the last school

day in April.

2. March is to be Americanism month with the last Sunday specified for a special

program. It shall be called “FAD” Day (Family Americanism Day)

3. When AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Colors are posted at another organization’s

functions, credit may be taken on the Americanism report.

4. If requested by the Department President, you may give the Americanism

reading at the start of the Department Convention.

5. AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary has established a Carillon fund to donate funds to

the Michigan Carillons. Carillon donations are to be listed on the Americanism

report. At the Department Convention, a decision will be made on how the

money will be disbursed, if not previously determined.

6. The Americanism Committee meeting at Convention will be at the discretion of

the Chairman, with approval of the Department President.


Article III – Joint Americanism Committee Instructions

1. Your Department project is joint with the AMVETS and the Sons of AMVETS. It is

the National essay (6th – 12th grades), poster (2nd – 5th grades) and flag coloring

contests (K-1st grade). The committee may approve other joint projects.

2. You will be Co-chairman with the AMVETS 3rd Vice Commander and the Sons of

AMVETS Commander. You will work together to set up joint committee meetings,

fundraisers and the awards program held at the Department Convention in June.

3. You will select a committee of four (4) Auxiliary members, from different Districts,

who must be approved at the post-Convention SEC meeting. You are to forward

the approved member names to the AMVET Executive Director immediately

following the Department Convention.

4. The Joint Americanism Committee will work on fund raising and any monies turned

in at SEC meetings, Fall Conference or Department Convention shall be turned into

the AMVET Executive Director at the end of the Committee meeting, Fall

Conference or Department Convention after it has been counted and recorded. The

Executive Director will sign for all monies and ensure deposit to the Joint

Americanism Project account. If circumstances do not allow for this, then all

monies should be sent to the Executive Director within two (2) weeks after the

close of the session.

Article IV – Essay, Poster, Flag Coloring Contests

1. Discuss with your Joint Committee Chairmen, who will update the essay, poster

and flag coloring rules if there are any changes from National or the Joint

Committee. You shall also discuss who will receive all of the contest submissions

for judging. Ensure that the contest forms include the name and address of the

recipient on the top of the form. Forward an updated copy of the entire package to

the Executive Secretary to put on the Department Auxiliary website and to the

AMVETS to put on their website. The package must include the contest rules,

entry forms and deadline dates.

2. All judging shall take place by May 1st. The winner’s names, addresses, phone

numbers and parent’s names, along with their grade and their prize position, shall

be sent to AMVET Headquarters by May 10th.

3. The prizes for the winners are purchased by the AMVET Executive Director. They

are normally money orders, certificates, and 3X5 American Flags. All entries

must be submitted on the official entry form and received by the Department

deadline date.


4. The AMVET Executive Director or 3rd Vice Commander will send all 1st place

originals to AMVET National Headquarters for judging by June 1st. Co-chairs are

responsible for ensuring that copies of all flag coloring, posters and essays are

kept in the Department for the Awards presentation at Department Convention, at

which time they are returned to the student. Non-winning entries are to be returned

after the judging process to the entity which submitted them.

5. The Co-chairs will determine who will send out letters by May 10th to the winners

as well as the Locals and/or Districts who have sponsored them. AMVETS

Department Headquarters will send the 9th grade essay winner information about

attending the Freedoms Foundation program.

6. After Department Convention, forward the names of all the contest winners to the

Department Webmaster to put on the Department Auxiliary website.

7. Copies of the essay, poster and Flag coloring contest rules shall be in your file for

any requests you might receive from Local Auxiliaries or schools.

8. You will submit a bulletin immediately following National Convention relating to

any changes to the Poster, Essay or Flag Coloring Contests.

Article V – SOS Activities

1. In your bulletins, you will promote the SOS program by suggesting/sharing ideas of

ways to Serve Our Service personnel.

2. You shall inform the local Auxiliaries of your approved project for the year in your

newsletter articles and website bulletins and encourage their donations and/or




Article I – General Information

1. The Department President, with approval of the SEC, shall appoint VAVS/MVH

Representatives and Deputies (up to 3 Deputies if needed) to serve in the VA

Medical Centers and Michigan Veterans Homes. The appointments shall be for an

indefinite period of service.

2. If a Representative or Deputy is not following Department or National Policies and

procedures, and after talking to them, they still do not comply, you may make a

recommendation to the SEC to have them removed from Office.

3. You shall send to the National VAVS Representative, the name and address of

any new Representatives and Deputies for certification. The record of certification

and copies of the VAVS Representative’s instructions are to be kept in your file

and up to date. Blank certification forms are in your files.

4. The VAVS Representatives are to send you, the National VAVS Representative

and the Department President a copy of their joint review which is held annually in

the month of September.

5. You shall contact each facility by July 10 to obtain the number of residents being

served which will help determine if the amount to be allotted for each

Representative needs to be adjusted.

Article II – Financial and Audits

1. The name of the VAVS/MVH Representatives, the bank name, account numbers

and the hospital served must be in your file and in the file of the Executive

Secretary and Department Treasurer.

2. All VAVS/MVH Representatives who are charged with the responsibility of handling

funds shall be required to place funds in a checking account, bearing the name of

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, _______________ (Aleda Lutz, Jacobetti, etc.) Hospital

fund. The Department Secretary must be a signer on all the Hospital accounts

3. VAVS/MVH Representatives are to submit an accounting of the balances in their

checking/savings accounts for the Fall and Spring SEC meetings with no need to

attend. They shall attend the pre-Convention SEC meeting with the balances in

their checking/savings accounts. Mileage will be paid for the pre-Convention SEC

meeting only.


4. Fifteen (15) days prior to the Department Convention, you shall notify by letter or

email the VAVS/MVH Representatives a reminder to bring all financial records,

including the check book and savings account book to the Department Convention

for the purpose of audit. The books are to be audited by the Department Hospital

Officer (acting as Chairman) and VAVS/MVH Representatives and Deputies in


5. At the Hospital Committee meeting, you shall review the number of beds in each

facility to determine the allotment amount each Representative will receive.

6. With approval of the VAVS/MVH Representatives, you may ask for a double

allotment in November, if funds are available.

7. Hospital allotments are issued the 1st of August, November, February and May.

Article III – Bars, Pins and Certificates

1. Local Auxiliary Hospital Officers shall have applications for pins and bars to you

no later than March 1st. It must be signed by the Local President and Hospital

Officer. The hospital served must be included.

2. The Department shall give hospital pins to AMVETS, Ladies Auxiliary, Junior

AMVETS, Sons of AMVETS and Honorary members with 100 hours of service.

Bars will be given, with the local Auxiliary required to pay one half the cost of the

bars for 300, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500 and 5,000 hours. Certificates are to

be issued by the Department for every 1,000 hours over the 2,500-hour bar.

Certificates that are presented for Hospital bars are to be on hand in your file.

The volunteer(s) will wear only the highest hour bar received on the Hospital

Volunteer pin.

3. You shall compile a list of names eligible to receive hospital pins and bars and

notify the Executive Secretary by March 15th of the number of pins and bars

needed. Copies are to be sent to the Department President and Executive

Secretary and retain one copy in your file. The Executive Secretary will order the

pins from the National AMVETS.

4. In your August bulletin, stress to the Local Auxiliaries about getting their Life

member hospital donations in and explain this is where the funds come from for

the allotments for our VAVS/MVH Representatives to use in their hospital work

for our Veterans.

5. In your February bulletin, remind the Local Auxiliary Hospital Officers that

applications for pins and bars are due to you no later than March 1st.



Article I – General Information

1. Scholarship Memorial Cards shall be made available to our members. You shall

advise the Executive Secretary when your supply of cards is getting low so she can

order more.

2. The Scholarship Officer is not to be limited in ways of fundraising. The only

exception is NO RAFFLES at Fall Conference, Convention or either SEC meetings.

Article II – Scholarship Applications and Grants

1. All Scholarship applications are to be sent to you, postmarked no later than fifteen

(15) days prior to the Department Convention. The envelope is to be attached to the

application cover sheet to verify the postmark deadline date. The applications are to

be numbered.

2. One or more Scholarship grants and Career Start grants shall be made available as

finances permit. Anyone, including local Auxiliaries, may contribute to the

Department Scholarship Fund. This fund may only be used for AMVETS Ladies

Auxiliary Scholarship grants. Scholarship applicants can only apply for one of the

two scholarships, either the Career Start or the Scholarship Grant – not both.

3. The Scholarship Officer shall show the judging committee any application she

believes should be disqualified, advise why she believes it should be disqualified and

get a committee ruling on whether to disqualify the applicant. If an applicant is

disqualified, the application will not be judged. Any disqualified applicant is to

receive a written notice from the outgoing Scholarship Officer explaining why they

were disqualified as soon as possible after the close of the Department Convention.

4. The Scholarship Grant shall be a minimum of one $500.00 grant and others as

dollar amounts are available. You shall obtain the dollar amount in the Scholarship

fund from the Department Treasurer and the committee shall use as much of these

funds as possible when granting the Scholarship awards.

Article III – Scholarship Judging

1. The judging charts which reflect the criteria shall be used by the judging

committee. Blank charts shall be left in the file for the next year. The judging


criteria shall be as follows: Need 40%, Academic 35%, Aim 20% and Volunteer

work 5%.

2. The parent/parent’s financial statement is not to be considered when judging

applications for Scholarship awards.

3. You will compose a letter for the winner(s), enclose Scholarship check(s) and

mail directly to each recipient.

4. You will select three (3) to five (5) Auxiliary members from different Districts to be

approved at the Spring SEC meeting to comprise the judging panel. No member

of the panel can be related to any applicant.

5. The Scholarship Officer shall prepare the applications for judging by removing

pages 1 and 2 and black out any names or other identifying information on the

remaining pages and supporting documents. Three (3) copies of the modified

application should be available at judging. No document shown to the

Committee for judging or ruling will have any identifying information on it.

6. Each judge shall fill out a judge’s sheet, sign and date it. The Scholarship Officer

shall fill out a sheet with the total scores of all the judges and have each judge

sign it.



Article I – General Information

1. You shall read your instructions (including the All Officers Instructions) within

fourteen (14) days following the Department Convention. The Department

Parliamentarian shall contact you after the fourteen (14) days to answer any

questions you may have regarding your duties.

Article II – Department Convention

Prior to Convention:

1. You are responsible for preparing the Department Convention books and making

enough copies for the total pre-registration plus ten (10) extra for those who register

at Convention. The following items are to be included in the Convention book:

a. Bulletins which you will receive from the Department President and Service


b. The Convention agendas (general daily & daily session) sent by the

Department President.

c. The Convention Rules & Election Rules prepared by the Department


d. Finance Report prepared by the Department Treasurer.

e. Final Membership Report prepared by the Department 1st Vice.

f. Service Officer’s Department Report to National received from the NEC


g. Welcome letters from the Department President and Convention Chairman.

h. Auxiliary Preamble, Code of Ethics, Aims & Purposes, Credential pages,

Nomination/Election pages and Election tally sheets. You will also include lists

the following: Department Officers & Chairmen, Past Department Presidents,

donations from the Locals & Districts and the Youth Volunteers from the NEC

Woman’s report.

2. Letters will be sent to each Local Auxiliary twenty (20) days prior to Convention. It

shall include:

a. A report of their delegate strength at the Convention. You will receive a listing

of those Auxiliaries ‘not in good standing’ from the Department


b. Convention Delegate/Alternate Credential slips (provide extra copies to the

Registration Desk at Convention).

c. Each Auxiliary shall have three (3) days to protest and/or correct the



3. You need to prepare the certificates for the Honor & Awards program. You will

receive the pages naming winners in each category from the Honor & Awards

Chairman following her meeting.

4. Depending on the Department 1st Vice President, you may need to prepare

Membership certificates for the Convention (100% renewal by 10/31, 100% or more

equivalent by Convention). If you are requested to do the certificates, you will be

given the information from the 1st Vice President two (2) weeks prior to Convention.

5. You need to prepare the name badges for the Department Officers and Chairmen,

the Past Department Presidents and the pre-registered Convention Delegates and

Alternates. Be sure to have blank badges for the Registration desk.

6. You will need to prepare a Registration book which includes the following


a. Registration/Status sheet for each local Auxiliary which include a list of the

pre-registered Delegate and Alternates.

b. Department Officers and Past Department Presidents.

c. Room to write in those who register at Convention, including guests.

7. You shall prepare Credential pages for the Convention books and extra copies

for the Credentials Chairman. They will include a row for each local Auxiliary with

columns for the following: total membership, Department Officers allowed &

registered, Past Department Presidents allowed and registered, Delegates allowed

and registered, guests registered, total registered and total vote allowed.

8. You will make 50 copies of each Department Officer’s Activity report, received by

you by the deadline (21 days prior to the start of Convention), to have available on

the Convention floor at the back of the room. Department Officers whose reports are

received after the deadline will need to be notified and informed that they are

responsible to bring eighty (80) copies to have available on the Convention floor.

At Convention:

1. You will take minutes of the pre-convention SEC meeting, all sessions of the

Convention and the post-Convention SEC meeting.

2. Any Department Officer who has recommendations from her committee meeting will

give you a copy to prepare for distribution on the Convention floor. This is to be

received immediately following her meeting, unless excused by the Department



3. At the close of the pre-convention SEC meeting and each session of the Convention,

you will meet with the Department Treasurer to verify all funds turned in that day. At

that time, vouchers and checks can be prepared.

4. Be available to make copies, type, or help the Department Officers in any way


5. Be sure to have the Installing Officer and the President sign the Revalidation Form.

6. Thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of registration, give the Convention Chairman the


a. Pre-registered Delegate/Alternate Credential slips

b. Prepared name badges

c. Blank badges for the Registration table

d. Registration book

Following Convention:

1. The Department Revalidation form must be completed and sent to National

Headquarters by the National deadline date. (on or before July 1st, a 5-day grace

period shall be allowed if a Convention is held during the last week-end of June).

Copies are also given to the AMVETS Executive Director and the Incoming

Department President and Department Parliamentarian.

2. Upon approval of the minutes, you shall forward them on the Department Webmaster

to be posted on the website.

3. Mail all donation checks approved at the Convention, unless the Department Service

Officer wishes to send the donation. Addresses to be provided by the Department

Service Officers.

Article III – SEC Meetings

1. You shall take minutes of the Fall SEC and Spring SEC meetings.

2. Immediately following the close of the SEC meeting, get with the Department

Treasurer to review vouchers and write checks to those receiving mileage, or

requested receipt reimbursement.

3. Upon approval of all minutes, you shall forward them on the Department Webmaster

to be posted on the website.


4. Any correspondence received by the Department should be read with the

Department President’s approval.

Article IV – Membership

Membership Cards:

1. You are responsible for sending the Local Auxiliaries their membership cards

within ten (10) days after receipt from the Local Auxiliary, assuming the cards

have been received from National Headquarters. Local Auxiliaries shall retain the

privilege of signing the annual membership cards as issuing Officer.

2. A form letter written on Department letterhead and signed by the Department

President, “Greetings to the New Member” is to be sent to Local Auxiliaries with

the membership cards of all new members. A form letter written on Department

letterhead and signed by the Department President, “Welcome Back to the

Auxiliary” is to be sent to Local Auxiliaries with the membership cards of

members who let their membership lapse and have rejoined. (These are both

given to you by the Incoming President at the post-Convention SEC meeting so

you can make copies for distribution.)

3. When an Auxiliary member purchases a Life Membership, the annual

membership card will be sent to her so she will have proof she is a member in

good standing, until her Life Membership card is received from National.

4. When cards are received from National Headquarters put them in alphabetical

order by Auxiliary. Divide them by Auxiliary using tabs, index cards, etc. and

keep them in a file box.

5. The Department 1st Vice President gets the Department portion of the card.

6. Make up Membership contest forms for the Department 1st Vice President if


Dues & Remittance Forms:

1. Process D & R’s when they are received as follows:

a. Verity the payment check is for the correct amount

b. Make three (3) copies of the form – the original is mailed to National, a copy

is mailed to the Department 1st Vice, a copy is returned to the Local Auxiliary

with the membership card(s) and a copy is retained for your files; as well as

any Life Member forms, change of name/address forms, etc.


c. Type up membership cards for new members, members with names

changes, IF requested and/or temporary Life Member cards for new/renew to

Life members.

2. Send the Department 1st Vice President her copies of the D & R’s once or twice a

week. Include the original Membership Contest forms (sign a new member,

renew yourself, etc.).

3. Once a month (more often if several D & R’s are received), prepare a National

Transmittal form, get a check from the Department Treasurer and mail the

original copies to National Headquarters. Before mailing, copy each sheet sent to

National. Keep the copies in a binder.

4. Rosters of each Auxiliary are kept which continue from year to year. Update individual Auxiliary rosters with the dates paid. Add new members, update status (new, renew, renew to life, etc.).

5. If there are any discrepancies, illegible writing, or questions on a D & R, call the

local 1st Vice who prepared the D & R.

6. If D & R’s are incomplete, at the discretion of the Executive Secretary, they may

be returned to the local Membership Chairman.

7. After processing, keep all D & R’s received in a folder, binder or hanging file by

Auxiliary number. Use whatever is most convenient for you.

8. Keep an updated membership chart listing each Auxiliary’s life members, life

members due, new life, renew to life, annual paid, annual due, new members

and total current membership. Compare your Membership chart totals monthly

with the Department 1st Vice President.

Article V – Bulletins & Mailings

1. Check the Local/District Revalidation Forms for the name and address of the person

who will get the official mailing from the Department. Make labels for each. Also

make three or four labels with the name (and address) of each Department Officer.

2. Special items that must be included in bulletins or mailed separately:

a. Revalidation forms will be sent to each Local Auxiliary in the March

Convention Digest.

b. Honors & Awards Donor’s Rules – to be in the March Convention Digest.

c. The mid-year membership chart will be put in the March Convention Digest.


d. Convention status report – to Local Auxiliaries twenty (20) days prior to


e. Tentative Convention agenda will be in the March Convention Digest

Article VI – Fall Conference

1. The Fall Conference Chairman will prepare a Fall Conference agenda and will

forward it to you no later than fourteen (14) days prior to Fall Conference to be

prepared for distribution to the members when they register. All materials used for

the instruction classes are to be to you twenty-one (21) days prior to Fall


2. A welcome letter from the Fall Conference Chairman and Department President is to

be to you twenty-one (21) days prior to the Fall Conference.

3. Pre-registration forms will be submitted to the Department webmaster to put on the

Auxiliary website approximately sixty (60) days prior to Fall Conference. You shall

also submit the agenda to the Department webmaster to post on the website when it

is received from the Department President.

4. You will prepare pre-printed badges for the pre-registered members. Blank badges

will be made available to the registration desk for those not pre-registered.

5. The only members who registration fee is waived is: Department President, Fall

Conference Chairman, Instructors (limit of 3), National President and any out-of-

State guests.

6. Have all agendas and welcome letters at the registration desk at least thirty (30)

minutes prior to the start of registration.

Article VII – Revalidation Forms

1. New Revalidation forms must be sent to each Local Auxiliary in the March

Convention Digest

a. Include instructions for completing the form. b. Clearly inform the Auxiliary the form is to be sent to the Department

Parliamentarian and postmarked thirty (30) days prior to Convention.

c. The Department Parliamentarian will forward copies to you as they are


2. Compile listings of all Local Presidents, 1st Vice Presidents, 2nd Vice Presidents,

3rd Vice Presidents, and so on down the list. These lists are given to each new


Department Officer at the post-Convention SEC meeting. The President’s listing

section is sent to National Headquarters.

Article VIII – Instructions – Department & Local

1. Update your Secretary instructions as necessary. These must be sent to the

Department Parliamentarian no later than January 1 for approval at the Spring

SEC meeting.

2. Send copies of the current Local Officer’s instructions to the corresponding

Department Officer for review by April 1st. Advise the Department Officer she is

to make any corrections necessary and return to you by April 20th. If they have

no corrections/revisions, they are to let you know they are correct as presented

to them.

Article IX – Financial

Auxiliary Checks:

1. The Executive Secretary receives all checks from local Auxiliaries & Districts, (i.e.

membership, donations, hospital).

2. Deposit all checks into the General Account. After deposited, you will transfer the

funds to the proper accounts.

3. Deposits shall be made based on the amount of funds received, but do not hold

checks longer than ten (10) days.

4. After writing checks, the Department Treasurer shall forward them to the Executive

Secretary for her signature and she will disburse them.

5. After the Executive Secretary has transferred monies from the General Fund into the

proper accounts, she will forward a copy of the transmittal to the Treasurer.

Department Transmittals:

1. List every check received with the D & R’s, include a breakdown of number of Life

members, number of new members, number of renewals. Also, breakdown how the

dues money is divided (State, National, Hospital, Life Reserve, donations etc.).

2. List the transmittals in numerical order.


3. Make sure your totals on the transmittal match the check totals.

4. Make a copy of each transmittal and two (2) copies of the checks.

5. Bank deposits must match the total amount on the transmittal.

6. After depositing the money in the bank, send the Department Treasurer the original

transmittal, one copy of the checks and the original deposit receipt from the bank.

You may want a copy of the deposit receipt for your records.

7. Keep the transmittals and copies of the checks in a 3-ring binder or folder for easy


Article X – Budget

1. Per Department Bylaws, you will meet with the Department Treasurer, no later than

May 1, to compile the proposed budget to be presented to the Finance Committee

prior to Convention. You will prepare the copies needed by the Department

Treasurer for her committee meeting.

a You shall contact the Incoming President to get information on her proposed

appointments to help with the compiling of mileage for the proposed budget.

2. The Convention Chairman, Fall Conference Chairman or the AMVETS Executive

Director will provide information regarding lodging costs at Convention and Fall


3. Anticipated income for the next year is estimated from the number of memberships in

the current year.

4. For purposes of the budget, the Department Convention books, Fall Conference

Books badges, certificates, etc. are considered part of the Executive Secretary

supplies and are not charged to the individual event.

5. Prepare fifteen (15) copies of the proposed budget for the Finance Committee

meeting at the Department Convention. Make enough copies of the Finance

Committee approved budget for distribution to the Department Delegates one day

prior to voting on the budget.

a. The final adoption of the budget is made by the Convention body after review

of the recommendations from the Finance Committee.


Article XI – Convention Digest

1. Donor rules will be updated by the Department Honor & Awards Chairman and she

will forward them to you NO LATER THAN March 1st.

2. The Donor rules will be part of the Convention Digest and will be forwarded to the

Local Auxiliaries by the middle of March.

3. Items which go in the Convention Digest:

a. Revalidation Form with instructions

b. Donor’s Rules (Honors & Awards Chairman)

c. Convention Hotel Information (Convention Chairman)

d. Tentative Agenda (Department President)

e. Bulletins from the President, Membership (1st Vice), all Service Officers,

Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Ways & Means and any other Officers who wish to

have something included.

f. Pre-registration slips

4. Convention Digests are mailed to each Local Auxiliary President, all Department

Officers and those members who have paid to receive the Department newsletter.

Article XII – Poll Votes

1. At the request of the Department President, the Executive Secretary will e-mail or

mail poll votes to each member of the Executive Committee. She shall inform the

officers to return the vote to the Department Parliamentarian only if voting no. The

Department President will establish a deadline date for replying.

2. No poll vote may be sent without the knowledge of the Department President.

Article XIII – Miscellaneous

1. A copy of all National donations from the Local Auxiliaries and the Department will be

sent to the NEC Woman by November 15th and May 15th.

2. A chart/list of all donations sent to the Department programs shall be sent to the

Honors and Awards Chairman prior to the Honors & Awards meeting at Convention.


3. The Executive Secretary will have a specified amount for various items as determined by the budget approved at the Department Convention. No monies will be disbursed beyond the budgeted amount.

4. You may receive mileage for Fall and Spring SEC meetings, the budget meeting with

the Treasurer and the Department Auxiliary audit.

5. If an AMVET Post is interested in starting an Auxiliary, you will send them a starter

kit consisting of:

A. Department By-Laws & Standing Rules.

B. Department Officers List.

C. Sample By-Laws

D. Sample agenda.

E. Local Officers instructions.

F. Charter Application

G. Membership application forms.

6. Notify the District President from that area when a starter kit is sent.

Article XIV – Sunshine Fund

1. The Department of Michigan has established a Sunshine Fund for the purpose of

giving a small gift to ill or injured Auxiliary members who meet the program


2. A copy of the complete guidelines shall be in the Department Chaplains file and the

Executive Secretary’s file.

3. The Department Chaplain shall be the Department contact for this program and she

will be the person who determines if the Sunshine gift will be sent.

4. When the Chaplain determines a gift is to be sent, she will contact you with the

information needed to contact the local Auxiliary representative to contact. You or the

Department Treasurer will forward a check to the Department Chaplain at this time.



Article I – General Information

1 You are a member of the Personnel Committee.

2. You will chair the Finance Committee meeting at the Department Convention. The

members of your committee are the Department Secretary and the District


You shall have your committee report to the Executive Secretary and Department

Parliamentarian immediately following the meeting if there are any recommendations.

If there are no recommendations to be voted on by the Convention Body, give the

Executive Secretary a copy of your report after it has been read on the Convention

Floor. There are NO EXCEPTIONS without the approval of the Department


Article II – Auxiliary Accounts, Transmittals and Vouchers

1. All accounts will be in the name of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, Department of

Michigan and shall have the name of the Department President, Executive

Secretary and Department Treasurer on them.

2. All checks issued by the Department shall carry the words ‘Void after 30 days’

and include two (2) signature lines.

3. There will be three checking accounts set up for the Department:

a. A General Fund checking account which will be used for the operating

expenses of the Department.

b. A Hospital Fund checking account which will be used for operating

expenses for the VA hospitals and the Michigan Veterans Homes.

c. A Texas Hold’em checking account which will be used for expenses to

hold the events and to make donations to National.

4. The Department will have two Savings accounts. One Savings account (#1) is to

hold all reserve monies and the other Saving account (#2) will hold all service

project donations.

a. The reserve accounts in Savings # 1 are as follows: Equipment

Maintenance; Half of Life membership monies; Local monies in Trust,

Membership Reserve; Outstanding checks; Scholarship Memorial Card

sales; President’s gift fund and Sunshine Fund.


5. No monies will be taken from the General fund for special service projects. Only

monies received by the Executive Secretary postmarked by May 5th will be

donated at Convention. Money received after the deadline may be returned to the

Local Auxiliary.

6. You will keep a running balance in the checkbooks to insure there are sufficient

funds when checks are written.

7. A voucher must be made out before any checks are issued. NEVER issue a

check which is not a budget item unless it is approved by the SEC.

8. At the beginning of each fiscal year, transmittals will be numbered T1, T2, etc.

Vouchers will be numbered using the last four (4) digits of the corresponding

check number.

9. The number of all bank accounts/CD amounts and the name and address of the

banking facility in which they are held are to be on file with the Department

President, Secretary and Treasurer.

10. Keep ledger sheets for all accounts. Record all receipts and expenditures in the

proper accounts. The reserve account funds (Savings #1) are not to be used for

general expenses except in dire emergency. Set up a separate line item for

checks that have not been cashed and keep the money in the restricted savings

account for a period of three (3) years.

11. Keep a ledger sheet for each budget item in order to keep the Department within

the approved budget.

12. When extra money becomes available, you, the President and Secretary may

together make the decision to purchase CD’s.

13. There will be a savings account and/or certificates of deposits to hold the bulk of


Auxiliary funds. These accounts will be in the name of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary,

Department of Michigan and shall have the name of the Department President,

Secretary and Treasurer on them.

Article III – Department Vouchers

1. You or the Treasurer will design voucher forms for the current year for each of the accounts for use by yourself and the Department Treasurer. They will be:

a. General Fund b. Hospital Fund


c. Savings #1 d. Savings #2

2. Vouchers will contain the following information:

a. Date

b. Payee

c. Explanation/reason

d. Check number

e. Voucher number

f. Receipts attached, if applicable

g. Mileage, if applicable

h. Transmittal number, if applicable

3. Voucher numbers will correspond with the check number. (i.e. check #2197 –

voucher number 197).

4. No checks are written without a voucher.

5. The Department Treasurer will keep the original voucher along with the receipts.

The Department Secretary will keep a copy of the voucher.

Article IV – Reports, Audits and Record Relinquishment

1. Copies of the financial report shall be available to persons attending the Fall &

Spring SEC meetings. When you make out the financial report, the reserve

account amounts are to be identified.

2. You shall issue no checks after June 5, except for emergencies or necessary

convention expenses, in order to give you enough time to prepare the convention

finance report.

3. The Treasurer’s books are not to be turned over to the incoming Treasurer until all

accounts are balanced out showing the correct balances to be carried forward for

the following year. This is to be done within fifteen (15) days following


4. You will reconcile all bank statements as you receive them.

5. The AMVETS will review the Auxiliary books. If you are unable to attend, you will

inform the AMVETS and forward copies of all items requested by the AMVET Audit

Committee by the cheapest means possible. You shall give them a phone number

where you may be reached if they have any questions.


6. At the end of your term in office, all records pertaining to your year will be placed in

a large manila envelope for storage and transferred to the incoming treasurer. The

year will be written on the front of each envelope and the date which the contents

can be destroyed. Records are to be kept for seven (7) years; the current year

plus the six (6) previous years.

7. Receipts are to be given to the Department Treasurer for all monies received

and/or requested from the Department Officers. The only exception to this is:

mileage for SEC meetings, compensation, allotments and donations.

8. Within fifteen (15) days following the close of the Department Convention, you shall

attend the Department audit to answer any questions which might arise. Mileage

will be paid at the current rate, not to exceed the budgeted amount.

9. You are responsible for filing the Department 990 Form which is due to the IRS by

November 15th of each year.

Article V – Budget Requirements

1. No monies over budget shall be paid without approval of the SEC. Exceptions:

mileage for SEC meetings.

2. A budget item is to be allowed for the NEC Woman or her Representative to

entertain the National President and the National 3rd Vice President during their

official visits. Any unused funds are to be returned to the Department.

3. Per Department Bylaws, you will meet with the Executive Secretary, no later than

May 1, to compile a proposed budget to be presented to the Finance Committee

meeting prior to Convention. The Executive Secretary will prepare the copes for you

to have at your meeting. After review of the proposed budget by the Bylaws &

Resolutions Committee, you shall submit the proposed budget, if there are changes,

to the Executive Secretary or confirm the acceptance of the proposed budget so

copies can be made for distribution to the Convention delegates, one (1) day prior to


a. You shall try to have information of those who intend to run for office at

Convention to help with the figuring of mileage.

4. The Department budget is to be figured on the membership as of May 31, less

life membership and using the closest round figure. Example: if total membership

less life is 613, use 600. If funds are left in the treasury after all expenses are met,

1/3 of the balance may be used as the starting basis for next year’s budget,

otherwise funds to meet the current and anticipated budget items will be


transferred from the savings account as a starting basis and funds will be

reimbursed when monies are available.

5. Any donations from Local Auxiliaries to the Department General Fund will be

credited towards the Ways & Means Chairman’s amount to be raised to balance

the budget.

6. Prior to the budget meeting with the Secretary, you will contact the AMVET

Executive Director to get lodging costs, meeting room charges, any equipment

charges, etc. for the following year’s convention and this year’s Fall Conference.

Article VI – Receipts and Disbursements

1. Donations to National Scholarship, John Tracy, National President’s Project St.

Jude’s Research, Parke Youth Hospital Scholarship and Freedom Foundation are

to be paid from budget allocation.

2. Dues overpayments of $10.00 or less from Local Auxiliaries will not be returned but

will be credited to the General Fund. Amounts of $10.00 or more will be kept on

record and then a check will be written by the Department Treasurer at the end of

May and sent to the Local Auxiliary by the Executive Secretary.

3. The Executive Committee shall receive mileage to the SEC meetings at the current

rate paid round trip from home address to meeting site. They shall receive $10.00

per diem for three (3) days of Department Convention, if it has been budgeted and

funds are available. Mileage and per diem for VAVS/MVH Representatives will be

paid out of the Hospital Fund.

a VAVS/MVH Representatives are only required to attend the pre-Convention

SEC meeting and shall receive mileage only for this meeting.

b The Fall Conference Chairman is required to attend the Fall SEC and pre-

Convention SEC meetings and shall receive mileage only for these


c The Convention Chairman sis required to attend the Spring SEC and pre-

Convention SEC meetings and shall receive mileage only for these


4. VAVS/MVH Representatives expenses, postage, mileage to facility meetings (if

submitted for payment) will be paid from the Hospital fund.

5. One half of the monies received for new Life Members is to be placed in the Life

Membership Reserve Account and used only in the case of emergency.


6. Membership drawings and 100% renewal contest funds will be disbursed from the

Membership Reserve Account from the portion placed in it during the current year.

7. Donations from Local Auxiliaries to the VA hospitals and/or MVH homes will be

sent out once a month to the Representatives.

8. Allotments for the VAVS/MVH Representatives will be disbursed the 1st of August,

November, February and May.

9. The Department Secretary, Ways & Means Chairman and Chaplain shall receive

mileage to the Fall Conference, which includes the Fall SEC meeting.

10. The Department President, Ways & Means Chairman, Fall Conference Chairman

and National President (if in attendance) shall receive lodging for the Fall

Conference, as budgeted.

11. The Department President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ways & Means Chairman,

Convention Chairman shall receive lodging for the Department Convention, as


Article VII – SEC Meetings

1. Immediately following the close of the SEC meeting, meet with the Executive

Secretary to review vouchers and write checks to those receiving mileage, or

requesting receipt reimbursement.

2. At the close of the pre-convention SEC meeting and each session of the

Convention, you will meet with the Executive Secretary to verify all funds turned in

that day. At that time, vouchers and checks can be prepared.



Article I – General Information

1. You will offer a prayer at the opening and closing of all SEC meetings and the

Department Convention.

2. You should be prepared to offer a prayer whenever you are at Auxiliary functions, if


Article II – Courtesies

1. Send out appropriate cards when you have been notified. There is a thirty (30) day

limit to be set on sending out sympathy cards.

2. If you are requested to conduct a memorial service at a funeral home, consult the

family regarding time and offer any services you can give. (See National Auxiliary


Article III – Sunshine Fund

1. The Department of Michigan has established a Sunshine Fund for the purpose of

giving a small gift to ill or injured Auxiliary members who meet the program

requirements. A copy of the complete guidelines shall be in your file and the

Executive Secretary’s file.

2. The Chaplain shall be the Department contact for this program and she will be the

person who determines if the Sunshine gift should be sent.

3. The Department Chaplain is to maintain a supply of cards. When you, as

Department Chaplain, determine a gift should be sent, you will contact the

Department Treasurer for a check and send it to the Local Auxiliary representative

who made the request.

4. To ensure funds are available, you should request donations from the Local

Auxiliaries in your bulletin.


Article IV – Deceased Members

1. Upon notification on the death of the Department Commander or Department

President, you shall in the case of the Department President, send a card notifying

the family we have made a donation to the Department Auxiliary Scholarship fund.

In the case of the Department Commander, send a card notifying the family we

have made a donation to the AMVETS Service Foundation. If the family has

designated a charity, you will state that in the card. Notify the Department

Treasurer to transfer $50.00 to the Auxiliary Scholarship Fund or to send a check

to the AMVETS Service Foundation. If to a charity, let her know the name and

address so she can forward the check.

2. In the event of the death of an elected or appointed Department Auxiliary Officer,

Past Department President or their immediate family (spouse, child, parent), send

a scholarship card to the family. Notify the Department Treasurer to transfer

$10.00 to the Scholarship fund.

3. In the event of the death of a Past Department Commander or their immediate

family (spouse, child, parent), send a sympathy card to the family informing them

we have made a memorial donation to the AMVETS Service Foundation. Notify

the Department Treasurer to send a check to the AMVETS Service Foundation in

the amount of $10.00.

Article V – Memorial Services

1. Contact the AMVET Chaplain and offer your services and help with the Memorial

services held at Fall Conference and Department Convention. The AMVETS are in

charge of the Memorial services.

2. Prior to Department Convention, contact the President of the Gaveliers to see if

they have any deceased members during this past year. If they have, the Past

Department Presidents will walk in as a group and the Gaveliers President will

place a rose. This is the first order of business at the Memorial Service. The only

exception would be if the AMVETS are also doing this, then the Gaveliers would be

second. Notify the AMVET Chaplain of this so he/she can incorporate this into the

service. If the Gaveliers are doing this, please have seating for approximately 15 at

the front of the room for them.

3. The names and date of death of the Past Department Presidents are to be printed

in gold in the back of the Bible in your file.



Article I – General Information

1. You shall be responsible for the Colors.

2. It is your responsibility to remind the members of the correct uniform and hat.

3. You shall study flag etiquette as prescribed in the Manual and shall promote the

proper respect for the flag at all times.

Article II – Posting the Colors, Ceremonies and Escorting

1. You are the responsible person in charge of the flags at any meetings or ceremonies.

Appoint Color Bearers whenever needed to carry flags and to properly post them.

Consult the Auxiliary Manual for Auxiliary ceremonial duties.

2. The flags should be posted at all meetings by using either a small tabletop set or the

full-size set.

3. If the small set is used, you will carry them yourself to the front of the room and place

in front of the President with the American flag to her right.

4. When posting the full-size Colors, upon command from the President to do so, you will

come forward to the front of the rostrum, face the Color Bearers and command “Color

Bearers Attention, Forward March”. The Color Bearers will then advance the Colors,

being sure the American Flag will pass the marchers right. Upon arriving at the front of

the room, you will then say “Post Colors”. The American Flag will then pass to the left

of the President and in front of the Banner, and the Banner will pass to the right where

they are placed in the stands. The American Flag will now be on the left as it faces the

assembly and the Banner will be on the right.

5. When retiring the Colors, you will come forward and face the Color Bearers and

command, “Color Bearers Attention, Forward March”. When they get to the front of the

room you will say “retire Colors”. They will remove the flags and step back one step.

You then command “Right and Left, Forward March”. You make an about face and lead

them to the back of the room.

6. You are responsible for escorting distinguished guests into a meeting or on the

Convention floor. Your position should be on the right side of the person being escorted.

If the guest is female, you offer her your left arm. If the guest is male, you place your

left hand under his right elbow. You then walk them to the rostrum.


7. If you post the Auxiliary Colors at another organizations function, advise your

Local Americanism Officer so credit may be taken on their Americanism report.

8. Check with the Department Chaplain prior to the Fall Conference and the

Department Convention to see if you will be needed to escort any Officers at the

Memorial Services. If escorting, you must be in uniform.

Article III – Meetings

1. You shall make sure that you have appropriate equipment as well as adequate tables and chairs for members and guests at a meeting. Try to avoid placing any chairs behind the head table.

2. You are the “Keeper of the door(s) during SEC meetings and Convention

sessions. You are to station yourself near the door(s) except when answering calls, delivering messages and distributing or collecting items needed to/from the Officers and any others in attendance. If there is a second set of doors, you will assign a page to cover them, if needed.

3. You will assist the President in keeping order during the meetings and shall

perform any other duties requested by her.

4. For Fall & Spring SEC meetings, you will prepare three (3) folders with a

complete list of Officers attached to the front of each. You will prepare another

folder with a complete list of the VAVS/MVH Representatives attached to the

front. As the Officers arrive, they will hand in their Activity reports. A copy of each

goes into each folder and a check mark MUST be made next to each Officer you

receive them from. This check mark is vital so the Secretary will know at a glance

of any Officer who did not submit a report. The 4th copy of any report goes into

the VAVS/MVH Representative folder which will be turned over to the Hospital

Officer. One (1) each of the other folders go to the Department President,

Executive Secretary and Department Parliamentarian.

5. At Department Convention, be sure to have each Auxiliary number on individual

slips of paper as they will be used to draw the voting order. During elections,

when needed, you shall record the number of votes from each Local on a

blackboard, whiteboard or poster paper set up in front of the meeting room.


Article IV – Awards

1. After the traveling awards are passed out at the Department Convention, you must

obtain a signed receipt from each winning Auxiliary, put it in the awards book and

turn it over to the Honor & Awards Chairman before the close of the Convention.

2. You must check in the traveling awards when they are returned from the Local

Auxiliaries at Department Convention. Report to the Honors & Awards Chairman

any award which may need repair.




Article I – General Information

1. As the NEC Woman, you are elected in the even years and shall serve for a two (2)

year term.

2. As the Liaison between the Department and National, it is your responsibility to see

that all information coming from National Headquarters and any National Officer is

forwarded to the Department. Your report to each Department meeting should

contain information from National.

3. Anytime an Auxiliary National Officer visits the Department of Michigan, you will

make arrangements for her to be met at the place of her arrival by you or another

Department Officer.

4. When the National President attends our Fall Conference, you shall be sure

arrangements are made for a reception for her to meet the members in attendance.

5. You and the Department President are to receive a copy of any/all correspondence

to any National Officer sent by any Department Officer.

6. The National President is to be invited to make her official visit to Michigan at our

Fall Conference.

7. Should you accept an elected or appointed National Office, you will resign your office as NEC Woman. With the approval of the SEC, the Department President will appoint a new NEC Woman.

8. A copy of all National donations from the Local Auxiliaries and the Department will

be sent to you by the Department Secretary by November 15th and May 15th.

9. All recommendations, questions and/or requests for the National Auxiliary are to be

put in writing from the person requesting same, with an explanation and/or sample.

They are to be submitted to you at least fifteen (15) days prior to the SEC meeting or

Department Convention.

Article II – Finance

1. You shall receive compensation for National Convention & the NEC meeting as

budgeted and approved at the Department Convention. You are to pre-register


yourself for National Convention and the NEC meeting and make your hotel

reservation. This is included in the budgeted amount.

2. You shall receive a budgeted amount for entertaining the National President at Fall

Conference (if in attendance). The unused monies are to be returned to the

Executive Secretary, along with the receipts.

3. When the National 3rd Vice makes her official visit to Paws with a Cause, you or your

representative, shall have a budgeted amount to entertain her. The unused monies

are to returned to the Executive Secretary, along with the receipts.

Article III – Reports for NEC Meetings and National Convention

1. Within two (2) weeks of any NEC meeting, you shall submit a report of all action

and pertinent information of business conducted to the Department President (for

approval) with a copy to the Department Webmaster to be posted on the website

once it is approved. You shall forward a copy to the National Parliamentarian

within forty-five (45) days of the close of the meeting.

2. You are responsible for giving a copy of your annual report to the Department

Publicity Officer/Historian.

3. Department Service Officers shall send you a copy of the mid-year and final

service reports. These reports should contain items of importance happening

within the Department and criteria should be detailed in their reporting. The mid-

year reports are to be postmarked no later than November 20 and the final

reports are to be postmarked no later than May 20.

a. You will correct ay reports which may have the wrong information (i.e. Child

Welfare items on the Community Service report, etc. When you have made

any needed correction(s) and signed the report, you will enclose a letter

explaining the correction(s) when you send the Department Service Officer

a copy of the report.

b. You shall make seven (7) copies of your signed report and forward one (1)

copy each to the following: Department President, Department Webmaster,

Publicity Officer/Historian, Liaison Officer, the appropriate Department

Service Officer, the appropriate National Service Officer (mid-year by

December 1 and final by June 1) and a copy for your files.

4. You shall submit a written report to the National Executive Committee, due

February 1, and National Convention, due June 30. Reports submitted after

these dates will not be included in the NEC and Convention books. The outgoing

NEC Woman shall prepare the Department report for the National Convention.


Article IV – NEC Meetings and National Convention

1. You shall attend the Spring NEC meeting, the National Convention, post-

Convention NEC meeting and any Council of NEC Women.

2. In the event you are unable to attend the NEC meeting or National Convention,

by majority vote, the body may seat another member of the Department as a

voting representative, if requested.

3. You shall present all recommendations and resolutions from the Department of

Michigan at an NEC meeting and/or National Convention and report back to the


4. You will bring back any changes from the National Convention regarding the

Americanism Poster, Essay and Flag Coloring contests which you will give to the

Americanism Chairman immediately for her files.

5. At the National Convention, the outgoing President and the NEC Woman are to

poll the Michigan delegation and vote with the majority. The EXCEPTION would

be when mandated by the Department Convention Body they are to vote as


6. You shall prepare by the Department deadline dates an article for the

Department newsletter and a bulletin for the Department website reminding the

local Auxiliaries about competing for the “Local Auxiliary of the Year” award

given at National Convention.

7. You are to make recommendations to National regarding qualified Michigan

members who are interested in serving on National Committees. Do this by the

National deadline.

8. If a committee member from Michigan knows in advance that she will not be

attending the National Convention and/or committee meeting, she is to notify

you so you can notify the National Chairman.

9. You shall prepare the Department’s entries for the National Awards according to

the specifications on the entry forms supplied annually in the Convention Digest.



Article I – General Information

1. Within thirty (30) days of the Department Convention, the Executive Secretary

will send you and your Parliamentarian the minutes of both SEC meetings and

the Convention for your approval. You must respond within seven (7) days with

corrections or approval as written.

2. Within fifteen (15) days following the close of Convention, the Department

financial records will be audited by the incoming President, incoming Executive

Secretary and/or Department Treasurer and an auditor. The outgoing President,

Executive Secretary and/or Department Treasurer will be present to answer any


a. An auditor is to be selected from the area where the audit will be held.

Mileage is to be paid by the Department at the current rate not to exceed

the budgeted amount. If members of the audit committee travel to the

audit in the same vehicle, mileage will be paid to the driver only.

Article II – Department Delegate Duties

1. As the Department Delegate, you shall call a caucus at National Convention

upon the request of the majority of the delegation.

2. You and the NEC Woman are to poll the Michigan delegation and vote with the

majority. EXCEPTION: When mandated by the Michigan Convention Body, you

are to vote as mandated.

3. You shall write a report of the National Convention within fourteen (14) days of

your return. Copies shall be sent to the National Parliamentarian within forty-five

(45) days of the close of the National Convention.

a. In making your report you will include any changes from National

Convention regarding the National Constitution and all Convention action.

You will send copies of the report to the Department President,

Department Parliamentarian and the Department webmaster to be posted

on the website.

4. You shall retain any permanent National awards won by the Department during

your year as President.

5. You will accept any awards won by the Department, with the Department

Chairman, if present, to accompany you. If a local Auxiliary is not represented at

National Convention, you will accept any awards won by them.


6. All National awards not presented to the winning member or Auxiliary shall be

presented by you at the Fall SEC meeting.

Article III – Honors and Awards Chairman Duties

1. Within thirty (30) days following the close of Convention, you shall contact the

Award Donors to ask if they have any changes to their Donor rules (send a copy

of the most recent rules you have on file to each). If an award is near the ten (10)

year term limit, ask the Donor if they wish to continue their award. This needs to

be done so you can make a report at the Fall SEC meeting of any awards which

will need a new Donor or if changes were requested, which will need approval of

the SEC.

a. After the Fall SEC meeting, you shall update all the Donor Rules for each

Award with any SEC approved changes Make sure the correct names are

on each award. Note at the bottom of each page of rules when they were

reviewed/revised by the Donor.

b. Bring the updated Donor rules to the Spring SEC for the Executive

Secretary to include in the Convention Digest.

2. In conjunction with the Spring SEC meeting, set a time for your Committee

meeting and check with the Service officers to make sure this time will work for

them. Contact the Department President with the time of your meeting and ask

her to contact the AMVETS Executive Director to make sure the SEC meeting

room will be available for you to use prior to the SEC meeting.

3. The Executive Secretary will prepare the certificates award to the winners and

runners-up. You will need to give her a list of each winner and runner-up as soon

as possible following the Honors and Awards meeting. The Department

President will sign all certificates and each Service officer will sign their

respective certificates for the service awards.

4. The decision of the Honors and Awards Committee is final.

5. All service reports, mid-year and final, shall be destroyed after the Department


6. You will set a time for your Committee meeting prior to Convention and check

with all Service officers to make sure the time works for them. Once you have a

time established, contact the Department President for approval and assignment

of a meeting room. As Chairman, you will refrain from judging and voting on all



a. All Service officers are required to attend the Honors and Awards

Committee meeting prior to Convention. If an officer does not show up for

the meeting, you are to notify the Department President as soon as

possible to determine if they were excused. If they have not been

excused, they will not receive mileage and per diem, if budgeted.

7. Upon receipt of the awards, you are to notify the Gaveliers President of any

awards which are in need of repair or are in unpresentable condition.

8. You shall notify the Gaveliers President when an award has been held for ten

(10) years by the same person.

9. All awards are to be given out at Convention at a specified time. Prior to the

awards ceremony, you will ask the Donors to pick up their award and sit near the

front of the room so they are ready to present it when called upon.

10. You are in charge of announcing the runner-up and winner of each award, as

well as announcing the total evaluation of each winner, when applicable.

11. All awards being presented shall be called by their full name at all times. The

awards shall be presented by the person(s) as stipulated in the donor’s rules. If

no one stipulated in the donor’s rules is present, the current Department

Chairman will present the award.

12. If an award donor is present at Convention but off the floor attending to Auxiliary

business, the award shall be passed over until the donor is available to present it.

However, it should be presented prior to the end of the Honors and Awards


13. The Honors and Awards Chairman must notify all Auxiliaries having traveling

awards to return them in time to be presented at the Department Convention.

Local Auxiliaries are responsible for any award in their possession from the time

of receipt until it is returned to Convention. When returning an award by mail, be

sure it is packed carefully and the package is insured.

14. When there is a tie for any traveling award, the Auxiliary receiving the award first

shall be responsible to get the award to the second Auxiliary after five and one

half (5-1/2) months, within thirty (30) days.

15. Only Past Department Presidents or Districts will be eligible to be award donors.

Preference will be given to Past Department Presidents on a seniority basis, to

be reviewed after ten (10) years. The SEC shall review new donor’s requests and


use the donor’s guidelines and rules for the approval or disapproval of such


a. Districts will only be allowed to hold an award for three (3) years. If no

Past Department President asks to take the award as hers, the District

may take it again for the three (3) years.

16. If for some reason you are unable to chair your meeting or present the awards,

the Department President will ask a Past Department President to take your


17. If there is no award donor for one any of the awards, you will obtain a certificate

from the Executive Secretary to present to the winning Auxiliary. You shall also

make the rules for the award and shall present same to the Spring SEC for

approval and send a copy to the Executive Secretary no later than March 1 to be

included in the Convention Digest.

Article IV – Liaison Officer Duties

1. You shall perform any duties as requested by the Department President or the


2. You shall be available at the Fall Conference and Department Convention as an

intermediary between the AMVETS and Ladies Auxiliary.

3. You shall prepare a report for the AMVETS for their Fall and Spring SEC

meetings, using the figures and data received from the NEC Woman (copies of

National service reports), Treasurer (financial overview) and 1st Vice President

(membership numbers). It shall be submitted to the Department President ten

(10) days prior to the AMVETS deadline date for her approval before submitting it

to the AMVETS. A final report shall be prepared prior to the Department

Convention using the same information as used for the SEC reports. It shall be

submitted to the Department President for approval before submitting it to the

AMVETS by their deadline date.

4. You will receive a copy of the National Service reports, both mid-year and final,

from the NEC Woman.

5. Contact with the AMVETS shall be made prior to the post-Convention SEC

meeting to request permission for the Auxiliary to have proposed drawings/raffles

for Fall Conference, Spring SEC and the next Convention.



Article I – General Information

1. If changes to the National Constitution or National Bylaws have been made during

the National Convention, you will download them from the National Website after

the changes have been incorporated. If changes have been made to the National

Manual, the Executive Secretary will order one for your file as this is not put on the

National Website.

2. You will download the current Department Bylaws and Standing Rules from the

Department website and familiarize yourself with them. The Executive Secretary will

purchase a new copy of Robert’s Rules of Order if your copy is outdated.

3. You are an aid to the President, Department Officers and the Convention Body and

will render an opinion only when called upon.

4. You must submit a copy of the Convention and Election Rules to the Department

Secretary no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to Convention or as soon as you

have them ready.

5. You may be asked to assist when there is interest in starting a new Auxiliary or

when an Auxiliary is disbanding and forfeiting their Charter.

6. You shall have all the rights and privileges as the other Department Officers.

7. When you receive the Parliamentarian Files, you will note there is a Pertinent

Information file. This file stays intact and nothing is to be removed.

Article II - Officers, Officers Instructions and Local Instructions

1. The President may ask you to assist her if an Officer is derelict in her duties.

2. The individual Officer’s instructions will be reviewed by you and the Department

President to make sure they are not in conflict with any new National or Department

Bylaws or Standing Rules.

3. You will be responsible for making any authorized revisions, corrections or

deletions to the Officers’ Instructions. Individual Officers are responsible to advise

you, in writing, of any changes they feel should be made to their instructions by

January 1. You will request the changes at the Spring SEC meeting.


4. You shall revise the Officer’s Instructions with any changes made at the Spring

SEC meeting and e-mail them to the Department webmaster and she shall post

them to the Department website.

Article III – SEC and Convention Duties

1. You shall record all motions during the SEC meetings and the Department


2. You shall receive a copy of any recommendations proposed by a Committee for the

Convention body.

3. You are the Chairman of the Bylaws/Resolutions Committee. The President, with

approval of the SEC, will appoint fourteen (14) members to serve on this


4. You will act as Chairman for your committee meeting at Convention. The time of the

meeting and meeting room information is on the Convention Agenda. You will send

out a meeting reminder to all members of your committee who were approved by

the SEC.

5. After your committee meeting at Convention:

a. Your report must be given to the Executive Secretary who will make copies to

be distributed on the Convention floor one (1) day prior to voting on the


b. If there are no recommendations to be voted on by the Convention Body, give

the Executive Secretary a copy of your report after it has been read on the

Convention floor.

6. You are an ex-officio member of all committees.

Article IV – Bylaws and Resolutions

1. The NEC Woman shall submit to the National Parliamentarian resolutions from the in

duplicate, typewritten, bear Department identification and shall be signed by the

Department President and NEC Woman.

2. Districts shall submit three (3) copies of their bylaws and locals shall submit four (4)

copies of their bylaws for approval every three (3) years. They shall be signed in

black ink. You will mail all copies with your signature to the Department President for

her signature, along with envelopes addressed to who they go to; with one copy


being returned to the District, one copy kept by the President and one copy returned

for your file.

3. If changes have been made to the Department Bylaws and/or Standing Rules at an

SEC meeting or Department Convention, you shall submit them to the Department

Webmaster to be put on the Auxiliary website. The changes to Department Bylaws

and Standing Rules are to be updated once a year.

4. The outgoing Parliamentarian shall be responsible to re-type the Department

Bylaws, if any changes have been made at the Department Convention. They shall

be submitted to the National Parliamentarian in duplicate, including a separate page

indicating where changes are within the Bylaws. They shall be signed by the

outgoing Parliamentarian and outgoing President and sent within 30 days after

adoption, for approval at which time they shall become effective. After approval,

they shall be forwarded electronically to the Department Webmaster to be put on the

Auxiliary website. Bylaws that are updated to conform to National Bylaw changes

need not be submitted to the National Parliamentarian for approval.

5. The National Constitution, Bylaws, Department Bylaws, Standing Rules and Robert’s

Rules of Order, Newly Revised, contain pertinent information for the Parliamentarian.

Article V – Revalidations

1. You will receive the Local Auxiliary Revalidation forms from the local Auxiliaries,

postmarked thirty (30) days prior to the Department Convention. You will review

them to make sure all items are filled in as required, along with proof of filing Form

990 or e-postcard.

2. When only one copy of the Revalidation is received from the locals or Districts,

make one (1) copy of each Revalidation form – front and back.

a. Original to National Headquarters.

b. One copy is for your files.

3. When you receive the Revalidation, scan it and send a copy via email to the

Executive Secretary and Department 1st Vice President so they have the new officer

information for the local Auxiliaries.

4. Keep the Department President, 1st Vice President and Secretary updated of which

local Auxiliaries are in good standing or not in good standing.

5. The outgoing Parliamentarian is to contact any Auxiliary by letter or email, which is

not properly revalidated BEFORE the Department Convention. Copies of the letters

and/or e-mails shall be placed in the file for the incoming Parliamentarian so she can

do any follow-ups, as needed.




Article I – General Information

1. It is up to you to keep the public informed in every way possible on all Department

Auxiliary events that would be of interest to them.

2. You will cooperate with the AMVETS and other patriotic Veterans or Community

organizations when it is required.

3. When a National Officer visits the Department, it is up to you to see that the visit is


4. The Department has a historical file which contains two pages, along with a 5 X 7

glossy photo of each Past Department President. The first page is a list of Officers

and their projects. The second page is a brief description of the President’s year.

This is to be updated by the Publicity Officer/Historian.

Article II – Presidential Aid and History Book

1. You shall act as an aid to the Department President. Her coverage is your


2. The NEC Woman is responsible for giving you a copy of her mid-year and final

reports for the history book.

3. You are responsible for keeping an accurate, written and pictorial record of the

Department’s year and compile a History Book for submission to National. (See the

National Manual for book contents).

1. You shall be reimbursed for expenses up to the budgeted amount as approved

by the Convention body. Receipts are to be submitted for any reimbursement.

2. You are responsible for getting the History Book to National Convention on time

for judging and returned to you after National Convention.

3. The History Book is to be presented to the Immediate Past Department

President at the Fall SEC meeting.


Article III – Department Convention & Scrapbook Judging

1. You shall be Chairman of the Publicity Officer committee meeting at the

Department Convention.

2. You shall have a Committee of four (4) members for the purpose of judging the

scrapbooks. Committee members shall be selected from four (4) different Districts,

chosen from those present at the Convention.

3. The scrapbooks will be judged on the following point system:

a. Presentation & Originality 30 points

b. Neatness 30 points

c. Newspaper articles, pictures & press releases 15 points

d. Conformance to the Table of Contents 15 points

e. Miscellaneous 10 points

4. You and the Department President will sign the certificates for the PRO awards.

5. You are to have the PRO books on display on the Convention floor Sunday


Correction letters are to be placed in a sealed envelope and put in the front of the


6. You shall keep the two-page judging chart for both the scrapbook and the cover to

be used each year, with forms left in the file for the ensuing year.




Article I – General Information

1. Your main objective is to make money to meet the Department budget.

2. You are to contact the Fall Conference and Convention Chairman thirty (30) days in

advance of the events to advise them of how many tables you will need, what days

you need them and what time you want them set up.

Article II – Finance

1. You must give an annual financial report at Convention even if it is an oral one.

2. Any donations from Local Auxiliaries to the Department General Fund will be

credited towards the Ways & Means Chairman’s amount to be raised to balance the


Article III – Fund Raisers

1. All fund raisers must be approved by the SEC.

2. The usual projects are assorted types of raffles held at SEC meetings, Fall

Conference and Department Convention. With SEC approval, you may have up to

five (5) other fund raisers during the year.

3. You shall apply to the State of Michigan Lottery Commission for a raffle license for

the annual Convention drawing no later than December 15th. You have to have

SEC approval for the prizes you are offering, not to exceed a value of $500. The

prizes will need to be listed on the license application and you shall get a check

from the Department Treasurer for the cost of the license.

4. You shall let the Fall Conference Chairman know what fund raisers you have

planned for the weekend so she can make arrangements for any extra tables, etc.

you may need.


Article IV – SEC Meetings and Department Convention

1. The tickets for the Department Convention raffle will be printed by the Executive

Secretary and sent to you in time to have them ready for distribution at the

Spring SEC meeting. No more than one (1) book of tickets shall be given to a

Department Officer to purchase, unless more are requested. If a Department

Officer is not in attendance at the meeting, the tickets shall be mailed to the

Officer within one (1) week following the Spring SEC meeting.

a. You shall have no more than five (5) books of tickets to give the

District Presidents at Spring SEC to take back to their respective

Districts, unless more are requested. If there is no District

representative at the Spring SEC meeting, the tickets shall be mailed

to the District President within one (1) week following the Spring SEC


2. The Convention raffle tickets are to be sold for $2.00 each or in a booklet of six

(6) for $10.00. When sold, the seller will return the ticket stubs and monies to

the Ways & Means Chairman. The check is to be made payable to AMVETS

Ladies Auxiliary Department of Michigan. You shall forward the checks you

receive to the Executive Secretary at least once monthly until seven (7) days

prior to Convention. Bring any remaining checks received to the Convention with

the ticket stubs you have received.

3. If not approved at the post-Convention SEC meeting, you will need to get

approval at the Fall SEC meeting for the Convention raffle prizes.



Article I – General Information

1. You are to appoint no more than three (3) Fall Conference Instructors with the

approval of the Department President. You may choose to be an Instructor, if you


2. You are required to attend only the Fall SEC and pre-Convention SEC meetings and

will receive mileage for these meetings only.

Article II – Finance

1. You are to let the Executive Secretary know by July 15 if you want her to make your

hotel reservation. After this date, you will be responsible to make the reservation.

There is a budget amount for your room for two (2) nights and the Department

Treasurer will pay the hotel directly not to exceed the budget amount. Any extra

charges are your responsibility. There is also a budget amount for your banquet

ticket and your spouse’s, if in attendance. There is no other compensation.

a The registration fees for you and your Instructors are waived.

2. Turn in all funds on Friday and Saturday to the Executive Secretary and obtain a

receipt for same. Make out a complete financial report along with a copy of the

registration list and send it to the Department President and Executive Secretary

within fifteen (15) days after the Fall Conference.

3. When making out your financial report, you do not show any room charges. These

are budgeted amounts.

Article IV – Meeting Rooms, Requirements, Agenda

1. As soon as possible following your appointment, contact the AMVETS Executive

Director to let her know you are the Fall Conference Chairman and obtain any

information she may have. If you are asked to make a site visit, you will receive

mileage if you travel fifty (50) miles or further. As soon as you have a reservation

code, address, phone number, room rate, etc., put a notice in the Auxiliary

newsletter and send the information to the Department President, for approval,

and the Department Webmaster to be posted on the Auxiliary website.


2. Ask the Department President if she has specific areas she wants covered during

the Fall Conference. If she doesn’t have anything specific, decide what you want

covered and advise your Instructors what classes they are to be in charge of and

how long they will have for their class. Ask if they will need any visual aids in the

meeting room. If they do, check with the contact person at the hotel about cost of

the items and check the budget to see if this is will be covered in the amount

budgeted for the meeting room(s).

3. You are responsible to prepare the agenda for the classes, etc. for Fall


4. Be prepared to give a short welcome and to introduce the Department President

at the Joint Opening session.

5. Check the meeting room(s) on Saturday morning to make sure they have been

set up as instructed.

6. Ask the Ways & Means Chairman what time she wants her tables to be available

Saturday morning. Advise her you will be reserving three (3) tables for her.

7. Contact the Gavelier’s President to see if they are having a luncheon and if so,

send her the information she needs to make the arrangements for this.

8. If you are not asked to make a site visit, send the AMVET Executive Director a

list of your requirements and your agenda. Advise him/her to send you the

meeting room assignments and written confirmation on everything.

9. Compose a “Welcome” letter and forward to the Executive Secretary along with

your agenda no later than twenty-one (21) days prior to Fall Conference.

10. Advise the Instructors they are to forward any materials they would like to have

copied for their class(es) to the Department Secretary no later than twenty-one

(21) days prior to Fall Conference. If they miss this deadline, they are responsible

to get them copied at their own expense.

Article V – Registration

1. Be sure to reserve a registration table for Friday evening and Saturday morning. You

will need two ladies to work registration. The Executive Secretary will provide the


a. A list of pre-registrations with badges

b. A sheet for additional registrations

c. Blank badges for new registrations


d. Form for calculating registration income

e. Envelopes for registration money

f. Felt tip pins for blank badges

2. The registration times are as follows: Friday-5:30 pm until 6:15 pm and Saturday-

8:00 am until 8:45 am.



Article I – General Information

1. You are required to attend the Spring and pre-Convention SEC meetings and will

receive mileage for these meetings only.

2. You are to choose a Credentials and Attendance Prize Chairman. If you have this

information at the post-convention SEC meeting, you will need approval of the

President and the SEC. If you don’t have the information yet, get approval at either

the Fall or Spring SEC meeting.

3. The duties of the Credentials Chairman are listed in Article VI, Registration &

Credentials in these instructions. Please be sure to forward them to your Credential


4. The duties of the Attendance Prize Chairman are as follows:

a. You will get the tickets for the drawings from the Department Secretary or

Convention Chairman.

b. You will handle the drawings for the attendance prizes, at the times designated on

the agenda.

c. You will be prepared to draw numbers at a moment’s notice, if needed.

d. Pages will assist you in the distribution of the prizes.

e. Attendance prizes may be turned over to the Attendance Prize Chairman, Sergeant

at Arms or you, as Convention Chairman.

5. As soon as possible after your appointment, make contact with the AMVETS

Executive Director to introduce yourself as the Convention Chairman for the

Auxiliary and find out when there will be a site visit. (This is usually in July and you

will receive mileage if you have to travel more than fifty (50) miles round trip for the

visit.) not to exceed the amount budgeted. At this time, you will be able to get the

following information: hotel address & phone number, room rate, reservation code &

cut-off date and any meeting room costs.

a. You will also approve the room to be used for the Convention and an office

for the Executive Secretary, preferably as close to the Convention room as

possible. The Convention room will be used for the following meetings:

Honors & Awards meeting, pre-Convention SEC, Finance meeting, Bylaws &

Resolutions meeting, Scholarship judging, Scrapbook judging and post-

Convention SEC meeting.

b. Advise the hotel representative you will need to have a separate bill for the

Auxiliary meeting room charges which will be paid on Sunday before we



c. Advise the AMVETS Executive Director you will need a copy of the signed

contract for the Department Treasurer’s records, as soon as possible.

6. Turn in all monies daily to the Executive Secretary during the Department

Convention and obtain a receipt for same. Ten (10) days following the Convention,

you will submit a written report of all receipts and expenditures to the Department

President, Executive Secretary, Webmaster and Department Treasurer. The

Webmaster will post the report on the Auxiliary website.

7. At the post-Convention SEC meeting, you will give a report which will include

how many Department Officers, Past Department Presidents, Delegates, Alternates

and guests registered and the amount of monies taken in for registration.

8. There is a budget item established for you as Convention Chairman for lodging

up to three (3) nights which will be paid by the Department Treasurer. Any extra

charges will be your responsibility.

9. Your banquet ticket will also be paid for along with one for your spouse, if in


Article II – Convention Book – AMVETS & Auxiliary

1. Remind the Department President to send her Convention agenda to the AMVETS

Executive Director thirty (30) days prior to the Convention.

2. Prepare a greeting for the Auxiliary Convention book and forward it to the

Department Secretary when ready but no later than thirty (30) days prior to


Article III – Department Convention Requirements

1. Forward the needed information to the President of the Gavelier’s, so that she can

make the arrangements for the Gavelier’s dinner/meeting no later than May 1.

2. Remind the Department President, Ways & Means Chairman and Department

Treasurer that the Executive Secretary will make room reservations for them if they

would like her to at the Spring SEC meeting. She will secure the reservations with

the Department debit card and give everyone their room confirmation number after

the reservations have been made. If you have special needs, please let her know if

she makes your reservation.


3. You should finalize details for the Convention when you attend the Spring SEC

meeting. You will need a table for registration, tables in the Executive Secretary’s

office and tables for the Ways & Means Chairman. The Convention room should be

set with a Head Table on a riser which will seat six (6) Officers, a table to the side of

the head table for the Executive Secretary and round tables for the remaining

Officers, Delegates, Alternates and guests to seat approximately 80 people. A table

will be needed at the back of the room for Attendance prizes and Secretary

handouts for each day, a table for the awards on Saturday afternoon and a table on

Sunday to display any Scrapbooks. If there is no extra charge, make arrangements

for a table for water and glasses available in the back of the room.

4. Find out if there is an extra change for sound (microphones, etc.). If there is, the

Department has a system you will need to use.

5. You will need to remind the Executive Secretary to bring an easel.

6. You will need the podium you received with the files for your office.

7. You will receive a check from the Executive Secretary or Department Treasurer for

the donations received from the locals and Districts which were designated for the

President’s gift. This check will also include the Department donation equal to the

cost of a Life membership, if the President is already a Life member.

Article IV – Registration & Credentials

1. Registration times for the Convention will be as follows: Thursday – 5:30 pm until

6:00 pm; Friday – 8:00 am until 8:30 am and 4:00 pm until 4:30 pm; Saturday –

8:00 am until 8:30 am and Sunday – 8:00 am until 8:30 am. Members can

register at the Auxiliary office when it is open during other times.

2. Officer’s badges and their Convention Books can be distributed at the pre-

Convention SEC meeting. They will also be available for pick up at the Auxiliary

office when it is open.

3. The Executive Secretary will provide the registration book, list of pre-registered delegates, credentials, membership rosters, convention books, blank credential slips and convention badges.

4. Turn in all funds daily to the Executive Secretary and obtain a receipt for same.

Make out a complete financial report along with a copy of the registration list and

send to the Executive Secretary, Department Treasurer and Department President

within fifteen (15) days following the close of Convention.


5. Post-it notes may be found on individual Auxiliary registration sheets which means

something may need to be cleared before anyone can register. This helps to remind

workers that there may be restrictions on that Auxiliary. The Executive Secretary

will provide the list of restrictions.

6. Delegates and guests who are pre-registered have already been verified.

Registration workers only need to check off their names in the registration book,

give them their badge, a Convention book and any other materials.

7. Registration workers are to check each onsite registration Delegate’s credentials

and registration book for any restrictions before distributing Convention books.

Return the registration book to the Executive Secretary at the close of the


a. The Registration fee shall be $20.00 for delegates, alternates and

guests. Out of State guest’s registration fee is waived.

8. The Convention Chairman is to provide a written report of delegates, alternates and

guests registered and all monies received.

9. All Credential reports shall be compiled at the conclusion of each registration day,

for presentation at the following morning session, with the exception of the

Election Credential report, which shall be compiled on Sunday morning. Credential

reports are read as is and if any local Auxiliary has a question, they are to go to the

registration desk and make corrections.

10. The Credentials Chairman shall choose the registration workers.

Article V – Convention Procedure for the Chairman

1. At the Opening session, call to order and welcome the members and guests.

Remind everyone to contact you if they need anything from the hotel. Request

the Sergeant at Arms to escort the Department President to the rostrum. At this

time, you turn the gavel over to her.

2. Prior to the Saturday morning session, check with the Department President to see

when she wishes to introduce her Officers (or if she wishes you to introduce them

with her being the last to come in) and the Past Presidents (get a list from the

registration desk of Past Presidents in attendance and give to the Department

President). Give a welcome to the members and guests.

3. Be present at all sessions and see that everything is running smoothly.


4. You are to notify any Committee chairman holding a committee meeting on Friday

of their meeting room number or name. The committee chairman shall notify

members of her committee.

Article VI – Post-Convention Reports

1. A report of registration and expenses shall be given at the post-Convention SEC


2. Place a copy of your report in the Convention file. The report should include the

total registration number as well as the financial report.



Article I – General Information

1. You shall be appointed for a two (2) year term in the even years to serve on the

Board of Managers without a vote or compensation by the AMVETS.

2. You will assist the Board of Managers in their goal to operate, maintain and

improve the facilities of the AMVETS Higgins Lake Lodge.

Article II – Board of Managers Meetings

1. As the Auxiliary Higgins Lake Lodge Representative, you are to attend any

regularly scheduled Board of Managers meetings.

2. The AMVETS will send you a notice of all meetings of the Board by mail or e-

mail at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.

Article III – Amendments

1. These rules and regulations will be modified to comply with the Rules and

Regulations of the AMVETS Higgins Lake Lodge Board of Managers provided by




Article I – General Information

1. The Personnel Committee shall be comprised of a Chairman who shall be a Past

Department President. She shall be appointed by the President with SEC approval.

The members of the committee are the Chairman, the Department President, the

1st, 2nd and 3rd Vice Presidents and the Department Treasurer.

2. The duties of this committee shall be to interview candidates for the position of

Executive Secretary and select same. She shall be selected in the odd year.

3. There shall be a complete list of equipment and items which belong to the

Department in your file. The equipment list should show the serial numbers for

insurance purposes.

4. Your file shall contain copies of application forms for Executive Secretary, blank

secretarial contract forms and Department letterhead. Files should be kept for two

(2) years.

5. Review the contract for the Executive Secretary and, if needed, revise same in

conjunction with the Department President and Department Parliamentarian.

6. In January, February and March of the odd years, place a notice in the Department

newsletter and on the Auxiliary website stating the position of Executive Secretary

is open for interested members. Include with the notice, the following criteria:

a. The position is for a two (2) year term and applicants must have a minimum of

three (3) years as an active, participating member of the AMVETS Ladies


b. The deadline for applying for the position is May 1.

Article II – Receipt of Interest in Position

1. When you receive an inquiry of interest for the position, mail the following to the

interested member:

a. Application – with a note this is for a two (2) year term and the application is

due back to you by May 1.

b. A copy of the Executive Secretary’s instructions (a copy can be downloaded

from the Department website).


2. Make sure to make an announcement of the Executive Secretary’s office being

open for interested members at the Spring SEC meeting so it is in the minutes.

3. Inform the applicant of the following criteria for the position:

a. Applicant must have basic secretarial skills, typing, filing, computer, etc.

b. Applicant must have good communication skills, both written and oral.

c. Applicant must have space for operating equipment, file cabinets, supplies,

copier, computer, desk and possible more.

Article III – Committee Duties and Interview Process

1. When applications have been returned, review the resumes and check all

references, both personal and professional. Document same.

2. After the deadline date of May 1st, notify your committee members of the number of

applicants to be interviewed and the starting time of the interviews.

3. Notify the applicant(s) of the date and time of her interview. These are to be set after

SEC and before the start of Convention.

4. The committee is to use the pre-printed interview questionnaire for all applicants.

5. Advise all applicants of the compensation the Executive Secretary will be allowed.

6. The contract will not be filled out and signed until the close of the Department


Article IV – Selection of the Executive Secretary

1. After all applicants have been interviewed, the committee will discuss the

qualifications of each and select the most qualified applicant who will work in the

best interest of the Department.

2. When the selection has been made, the Personnel Chairman will inform the

members of the SEC at Convention for approval. She shall also set a time with the

Department President to make the announcement on the Convention floor

sometime on Saturday.




Article I – General Information

1. As Junior AMVET Coordinator for the Department of Michigan AMVETS Ladies

Auxiliary, you are appointed to assist the AMVET Coordinator whenever possible to

better the growth of the Department of Michigan Junior AMVETS.

2. As the Auxiliary Coordinator, your only responsibility to the Junior AMVETS is during

a meeting or a social activity which has been pre-planned by the AMVET Coordinator

& yourself. The parents are responsible for their children at all other times.

3. Coordinate information exchanges between all levels of Junior AMVETS


4. Copies of Local Junior AMVET membership, officer’s lists and reports are to be sent

to the Department Coordinators for their files. Mid-year reports are to be postmarked

by December 5 and final reports are to be postmarked by June 5.

5. Report to the District President if there is any interest in forming a new Junior AMVET unit in their District.

Article II – Junior AMVETS Awards

1. Have the donors of Department Junior AMVET awards put in writing the criteria

for winning the awards.

2. Have the donors of Department Junior AMVET awards supply in writing the

addresses on where monetary donations are to be sent if monetary donations

are part of the donor rules.



Article I – General Information

1. Districts are considered a booster organization to help stimulate interest and to

assist in carrying out the programs of the Department. As a District President,

you may be asked to be a representative of the Department in handling possible

issues a local may have.

2. Thirty (30) days prior to Convention, a letter shall be sent to any Local Auxiliary

in your District regarding any indebtedness to the District. The letter shall state if

not paid ten (10) days prior to Convention, their vote will be challenged at the

Department Convention. A copy of the letter shall be sent to the Executive

Secretary and Department Parliamentarian. If the local complies, the Executive

Secretary and Department Parliamentarian shall be notified immediately.

3. You will advise the Local Auxiliaries in your District that any forms needed can

be found on the Department website.

4. Check the Department website to be familiar with the various programs and any

changes. Study the National Constitution, Manual, Department By-Laws,

Standing Rules and your District By-Laws and Standing Rules to become familiar

with all levels of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.

5. You will make arrangements for the District’s annual audit per the District Bylaws

or Standing Rules.

6. Your name is to be one of the three on the District bank account.

7. Suggest your District purchase two books of Convention raffle tickets to help the

Department Ways & Means Chairman.

8. When the Department Parliamentarian approves Bylaws for any Local Auxiliary

in your District, she will send you a copy for your files.

Article II – Meeting, Visits and Reports

1. You are to preside at all District meetings or make arrangements to have the

District 1st Vice President preside in your absence.


2. Contact the Department President no later than the Fall SEC meeting to invite

her to make her official visit to one of your District meetings.

3. You shall send out meeting reminders to the District officers, local Presidents

and delegates at least fourteen (14) days prior to each District meeting.

4. You shall make sure the District By-Laws are sent in for approval every three (3)

years. Also, any time amendments are voted on and passed, they must be sent

in immediately. All are to be sent in triplicate to the Department Parliamentarian.

5. You shall make an official visit to each local’s meeting in your District at least once during your term of office. After this visit, you will complete a local visitation form, make two (2) copies and send one (1) each to the Department President and Department Parliamentarian. You shall keep a copy in your files. (You can find a copy of this form on the Department website.)

Article III – Elections and Installations

1. District Presidents shall be elected prior to the Department Convention. If not

elected prior to Convention, they shall be elected by a caucus of the respective

District at the Department Convention.

2. You shall make sure a Revalidation form is completed and two (2) copies are sent to the Department Parliamentarian within seven (7) days following the installation of the new officers.

3. The Executive Secretary will send a copy of each Local Auxiliary Revalidation Form in your District for your files.

4. You are responsible for the installation of Local Auxiliaries within your District. If a

local want to have someone other than the District President install them, they

shall inform you, in writing, of the person they have chosen to replace you.

Article IV – SEC and Department Convention Requirements

1. You are a member of the SEC and shall report to the Department all work being

done and the needs of the Local Auxiliaries in your District.

A. Your uniform should include the Department level hat – not the District level hat

since you are a member of the SEC.


2. Encourage the incoming District President to attend the Membership Committee

meeting, if one is scheduled during the Department Convention.

3. You shall preside over all District caucus meetings at Convention. In your

absence, the District 1st Vice President will preside. If she is not in attendance, you

will appoint a chairman.

a. The vote of the District President may be mandated at the Department or

National Convention, if provided for in the District Bylaws.

4. As the District President, you are a member of the Membership Committee and

Finance Committee at the Department Convention.

5. If you are unable to attend an SEC meeting or the Department Convention, ask

your 1st Vice President to represent you and inform her she shall be afforded the

same privileges and benefits as the District President.

6. Notify the Executive Secretary fourteen (14) days prior to Department Convention,

if the outgoing or incoming District President will be the District representative to

the Department Convention.

Article V – Organization and Charter Obligations

1. In the event the District wishes to disband, you must notify the Department

President, Department 1st Vice and Department Parliamentarian. Procedures

from the Department Bylaws, Article XIII must be followed before you can

disband the District.

2. If there is an AMVET Post in your District that is interested in organizing an

Auxiliary, you may request the Department Secretary to send them a starter kit.

3. You shall attend the Organizational meeting to help run the meeting and to be

sure all paperwork, etc. is properly filled out and signed.

4. If the Executive Secretary sends a starter kit to an AMVET Post in your District

during your term of office and an Auxiliary has not been chartered or had an

organizational meeting, leave a note in your file for the incoming President so

she can follow up.



Article I – General Instructions

1. The appointed Representatives and deputies shall be certified for an indefinite period of service.

2. You and your Deputy should attend meetings of the Advisory Board.

3. Keep in contact with your Director of Voluntary Services & the Activities Director.

4. The Representative and Deputy will meet with the Chief of Voluntary Services in

September to hold their Annual Joint Review. Copies will be sent to the National

VAVS Representative, the Department President and Department Hospital

Officer. Keep a copy for your file. NOTE: THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE



5. The Deputy shall serve as a full working partner to the Representative and

should be prepared to act for her in her absence. You shall provide her with a

copy of these instructions.

6. All Auxiliary activities and donations to your facility shall be channeled through


7. Department may remove from office any VAVS/MVH Representative or Deputy

who fail to comply with established National or Department policies and

procedures or by a request of the Representative or Deputy for replacement due

to personal reasons.

8. You are responsible to see that the needs of the facility regarding volunteers,

materials, policies and procedures is known to the Department, District and Local

Auxiliaries. When you receive a copy of your facility NEEDS LIST, submit this as

a bulletin.

Article II - Finance

1. You must keep records in a ledger of monies donated to you and how it was

spent. You are also expected to keep accurate records of volunteer hours.

2. If you have a savings account in addition to the checking account, you must keep

a separate ledger sheet for each account.


3. Local Auxiliary donations to VAVS/MVH will be sent out once a month to the

Representative by the Department Treasurer.

4. Your books shall be audited prior to the start of the Department Convention.

Books and records, which includes bank statements from May 1 the previous

year until April 30 of the current year, cancelled checks, ledgers, etc. are to be

brought to the pre-Convention SEC meeting by you or your Deputy. If neither of

you can attend, you shall mail them to the Department Secretary not later than

seven (7) days prior to the Department Convention.

5. Mileage for VAVS/MVH facility committee meetings will be taken from the

Hospital Fund, if submitted.

6. If applicable, VAVS/MVH Representatives are to send a letter to the Department

Hospital Officer stating how their AMVET grant was used. The Department

Hospital Officer will compile the information and send a letter to the AMVETS

regarding the grant funds.

7. The hospital quarterly allotments will be paid on the 1st of August, November,

February and May.

8. Your checking/savings account shall bear the name AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary,

(Aleda Lutz, Jacobetti, etc.) Hospital fund. At least three (3) signatures are to be

on these accounts with only one (1) required to draw checks. One signature will

be the Department Secretary.

Article III – SEC Meetings and Department Convention Reports

1. In the absence of the appointed VAVS/MVH Representative at the pre-

Convention SEC meeting, the appointed Deputy giving the report shall be

allowed to vote and be paid mileage and per diem, if budgeted, afforded the

VAVS/MVH Representative. This is the only meeting you are required to attend

and you will receive mileage for this SEC meeting only. You will send an activity

report and financial report to the Fall and Spring SEC meetings.

2. If you and/or your Deputy are attending the Department Convention, you shall

attend the Hospital Committee meeting.



Article I – General Instructions

1. You shall be in charge of posting information which may include events,

announcements and well-being information of the AMVET family; which you

receive from the local Auxiliaries, Districts, members, the Department President

or Department Secretary.

2. Bulletins from the Department officers are due by the 15th of each month

according to the schedule set for them.

3. Minutes of all SEC meetings the Department Convention shall be submitted by

the Department Secretary for inclusion to the website.

4. National Convention minutes/report is to be submitted by the Department Head

Delegate for inclusion to the website.

5. NEC minutes/reports shall be submitted by the NEC Woman for inclusion to the


6. Information and bulletins should be edited for typos. If you are not sure of some

of the information sent to you, you shall contact the appropriate person for

clarification and make appropriate edits/corrections before posting the item.

7. You shall review the website at least once a month and delete events,

announcements and any other information which is outdated.

8. When the revised Department Bylaws and/or Standing Rules are sent to you to

be posted, you will move the previous documents to the Archives page. They

are NOT to be deleted in case there would be a need to refer back to them in

the future.