2018 national resources tax conference · session 9b: r&d tax incentives – the shifting...

12 CPD hours 2018 National Resources Tax Conference 24–26 October 2018 | Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

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Page 1: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

12 CPD hours

2018 National Resources Tax Conference

24–26 October 2018 | Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre

Page 2: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

Thank you

The Tax Institute gratefully acknowledges the generous assistance of members of the National Resources Tax Conference Organising Committee:

Nick Heggart, CTA, Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills (Chair, Conference Organising Committee)

Peter Bourke, FTI, Grant Thornton

Kurt Burrows, KPMG

Jaime Hayes, EY

Len Hertzman, CTA, Australian Taxation Office

Peter Hyman, ATI, INPEX

Maree Johnston, Rio Tinto

Richard McBride, CTA, Alcoa of Australia Ltd

John Middleton, CTA, Clayton Utz

Jonathan Schneider, CTA, Deloitte

Niv Tadmore, CTA, Clayton Utz

Jerome Tse, CTA, King & Wood Mallesons

With the energy and resources sector taking a promising upswing in comparison to the recent past, The Tax Institute’s National Resources Tax Conference comes at the right time for the sector to embrace opportunity once again.

As in previous years, the conference program will provide updates on questions of tax transparency, increased complexity in transfer pricing, R&D claims, valuations and Part IVA. Adding to this continued focus, will be sessions on contingent consideration, project combinations and stamp duty as well as evaluating M&A opportunities.

The Tax Institute’s programs are renowned for delivering leading technical presenters discussing practical solutions to tax issues. This year will be no exception. Some of the nation’s leading tax professionals including Andrew Broadfoot QC will be complemented by senior ATO officials such as Second Commissioner, Andrew Mills. We are also delighted to have Ian Macfarlane from Queensland Resources Council sharing his thoughts on the changing energy mix.

In addition to a first-rate technical program delivered in the heart of Perth’s CBD, we will provide ample networking opportunities, including an exclusive conference dinner in the newly built Optus Stadium.

I thank the committee for delivering an exceptional program and I look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Early bird offer Register on or before Friday 7 September 2018 to save!

Proudly supported by:


Nick Heggart, CTA Chair, Conference Organising Committee

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Page 3: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

Technical program

Day 1 – Wednesday, 24 October 2018Time Session Presenter

11.30am-12.45pm Registration and lunch

12.45pm-1.00pm Welcome and Opening Address Nick Heggart, CTAGreenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills

1.00pm–1.45pm Session 1: The Changing Energy Mix This session will explore the changing energy mix both locally and internationally and what this means for the resources sector.

Ian MacfarlaneQueensland Resources Council

1.45pm–2.30pm Session 2: A Comparative Review of The Reconstruction Powers of Divisions 13 and 815, and Part IVAMuch has been written about Australia’s retired transfer pricing provisions, Div 13 and Subdiv 815-A, especially in light of the Chevron decision. But there is far less said about Subdiv 815-B and, in particular, s 815-130 dealing with “reconstruction”.

This session will compare and contrast the reconstruction powers under each of Div 13, Subdiv 815-A, Subdiv 815-B and Part IVA, and in doing so, will explore the core Subdiv 815-B concepts of “arm’s length conditions”, “comparable circumstances” and “commercial and financial relations”. The discussion will assume a basic level of understanding of Australia’s transfer pricing and Part IVA (including Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law and diverted profits tax) provisions.

Niv Tadmore, CTAClayton Utz

Jerome Tse, CTAKing & Wood Mallesons

2.30pm–3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.00pm–3.45pm Session 3: Exploring Other Current Transfer Pricing Issues – A Panel DiscussionFollowing the earlier transfer pricing (TP) session, Mark will provide an update on where the ATO is heading on its TP and base erosion and profit shifting work program for the next 12 months.

The session will then move to a panel discussion, which will consider broader TP issues that may include an update on PCG 2017/4 and its schedules, and dealing with ATO audits, disputes and settlements in a TP context.

Panel:Mark Konza, Australian Taxation Office

Niv Tadmore, CTAClayton Utz

Jerome Tse, CTAKing & Wood Mallesons

3.45pm–4.30pm Session 4: Administering Energy and Resources Taxation – Challenges and OpportunitiesThe energy and resources industry has faced a number of significant tax issues in recent times that are equally challenging for the ATO as administrator of the tax system. In an environment where the ATO is focused on improving the client experience, both opportunities and challenges present themselves. This session will examine some of the interpretation, litigation and policy challenges facing the industry and suggest some opportunities to improve the tax environment for participants.

Andrew Mills, CTA (Life)Australian Taxation Office

4.30pm–6.30pm Sundowner welcome reception


Page 4: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

Day 2 – Thursday, 25 October 2018Time Session Presenter

9.00am–10.00am Session 5: Contingent Consideration – What Do We Know?Notwithstanding the introduction of the look-through earnout rules, the tax treatment issue of contingent consideration continues to create areas of uncertainty for taxpayers involved in M&A in the resources industry. In this panel session, the topic will be approached from the perspective of two panellists who have considered the issues in detail and identified where the real issues lie. The session will focus on:

— The major tax issues for sellers and buyers to be aware of when negotiating contingent consideration arrangements, with emphasis on the resources context

— The application of the taxation of financial arrangements regime (Division 230) to contingent consideration arrangements

— Current ATO thinking — What the future may hold.

Chair: Nick Heggart, CTAGreenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills

Panel: Marcus Ryan, CTAAustralian Taxation Office

Craig Yaxley, CTABoard of Taxation

10.00am–11.00am Session 6: Tax Disclosures - Is Sunlight the Best Disinfectant?This session will consider developments in tax disclosures, the impact of not making disclosures, and provide insights on what that information reveals about taxpayer behaviour. It will focus in particular on:

— Why have additional transparency measures been implemented? — What additional information now needs to be provided as a result of compulsory and voluntary transparency measures (reportable tax positions, the tax transparency code, getting to justified trust)?

— When should information be disclosed? Can you wait until an audit starts? — How does that information need to be disclosed (as part of the tax return, as part of the statutory accounts)?

— Who do the disclosures need to be made to (boards, the ATO, users of the statutory accounts)?

— Where is the benefit of the disclosures? Have they resulted in taxpayers paying their fair share of tax?

Enzo Coia, CTADeloitte

11.00am–11.30am Morning tea



Session 7A: PRRT - Key DevelopmentsGiven the current climate of change forecast for petroleum resource rent tax (PRRT), as well as an evolving technical focus on specific elements of the operation of the Act, this session will focus on a number of key legislative and interpretive developments associated with PRRT.

Ryan JonesPwC

Session 7B: Current Issues in Financing for Resource CompaniesThe session will review current issues in financing relevant to resource companies, including:

— The new hybrid mismatch rules, what is proposed and what taxpayers should do to prepare for the introduction of the new rules

— Thin capitalisation — Interest withholding tax including s 128F and treaty exemptions.

Ian Kellock, CTAAshurst

12.30pm–1.30pm Lunch

Technical program continued

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Page 5: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

Time Session Presenter



Sessions 8A: Navigating the Shifting Sands for Non-Resident ContractorsThis session will provide an update on a range of measures that have relevance for non-resident contractors operating in Australia. This will include non-resident contractor withholding tax, the potential application of the Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law and recent international developments with respect to when permanent establishments can be held to exist.

Matthew Popham, CTAKPMG

Session 8B: Project Combination/Integration in the Resources Sector – Tax ConsiderationsThis session will explore the tax, duty and state royalty considerations associated with the various ways in which assets can be combined and/or shared across resource projects. In particular, it will highlight some of the key tax impediments to implementing project combinations and investigate potential avenues for addressing them.

James O’ReillyPwC



Sessions 9A: Structuring a Sale and Purchase – Stamp Duty on Direct vs Indirect AcquisitionA direct assets acquisition commonly produces a different duty outcome to a share or other indirect acquisition. Such duty considerations are important when structuring an acquisition (what duty is payable on the acquisition), and determining the appropriate holding structure for the acquired assets (noting that different structures can give rise to different duty outcomes on exit).

This session will focus on:

— Direct assets acquisition vs share acquisition. What is in the duty base in each relevant Australian state and territory? What valuation requirements apply?

— Particular holding structures and comparative duty consequences on exit — Duty considerations on pre-sale restructure.

Jinny ChaimungkalanontHerbert Smith Freehills

Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory LandscapeThis session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive program, which is currently going through unprecedented change, from both a policy perspective as well as a regulatory perspective concerning interpretation, governance and substantiation. The session will cover:

— Policy changes (proposed or implemented) and their flow-on effect on R&D tax incentive claims

— Current regulator thinking on legislative interpretation and how it is impacting mining industry claims

— Outline of the new level of governance and substantiation requirements for your R&D claim.

James EdwardsKPMG

3.15pm–3.45pm Afternoon tea

3.45pm–4.45pm Session 10: Part IVA and RestructuresA number of tax measures have recently been introduced, or are in development, with the aim of removing the attractiveness of particular structures from a tax perspective (e.g. the hybrid mismatch rules). It is reasonable to expect that taxpayers may wish to alter existing arrangements so that they are not exposed to the harsh consequences that can flow. This session will consider the Part IVA issues to address when restructuring arrangements in response to such legislative changes.

Andrew Broadfoot, QCVictorian Bar

6.00pm–10.00pm Conference dinner – Optus Stadium

Day 2 – Thursday, 25 October 2018 continued

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Day 3 – Friday, 26 October 2018Time Session Presenter

9.00am–10.00am Session 11: The Future of Tax – Digital, Controversy, Governance and RiskThe way tax professionals are required to think and act is changing, and quickly. The digital world is changing the way we record and report; a growing number of stakeholders are impacting the way we govern and manage tax risk; and the global debate around tax and everyone paying their “fair share” is changing the way we engage in and manage controversy.

In that landscape, how do you prepare yourself, your team and your tax function for this future? This session will share insights on how tax professionals and tax functions are needing to adapt to meet these demands, including through the use of technology, advocacy and people.

Jonathan Rintoul, CTAEY

10.00am–10.30am Morning tea

10.30am–11.30am Session 12: Valuations – Placer Dome and RCFThis session will explore some of the key points relating to valuations in light of the Placer Dome and RCF decisions for duty, Div 855 and thin capitalisation purposes. The discussion will consider:

— The statutory context — Valuation methodologies — The types of mining interests — Intangibles and mining companies — Briefs to experts and assumptions.

Philip Bisset, CTAClayton Utz

11.30am–12.30pm Session 13: Expenditure Related to Capital Assets – Immediately Deductible or Capital in Nature?This session will provide insights into the ATO’s current technical views in relation to the tax treatment of expenditure incurred in relation to acquiring, constructing, developing, enlarging and upgrading capital assets. The session will also cover the ATO’s compliance approach, including what’s attracting their attention and how taxpayers can reduce the risk of ATO compliance activity.

Rebecca SaintAustralian Taxation Office

12.30pm Close

Technical program continued

Member benefits include:

– Taxation in Australia journal

– TaxVine e-newsletter

– CPD event discounts

– Publications and tax product discounts

– Business Alliance Partner discounts.

See registration form for details.

Become a member

Lead the way in taxThere is no time like the present to join Australia’s premier tax body and take advantage of the special new member introductory offer.

For an additional $320 on the member registration fee you will receive membership until June 2019.

6 THE TAX INSTITUTE 2018 National Resources Tax Conference

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Philip Bisset, CTA, is a taxation partner at Clayton Utz. He has over 30 years experience in many facets of revenue law and commercial taxation, practising as a lawyer, chartered accountant and corporate tax manager. He has significant experience in managing audit and tax disputes and in negotiating settlements to successful outcomes. Philip also helps his clients develop robust tax policies and risk guidelines to minimise potential reputational and commercial threats to their organisations in connection with tax audits and disputes.

Andrew Broadfoot, QC, has been a barrister since 2002 and took silk in 2016. He has a broad-ranging advice and alternative dispute resolution practice. In the resource tax field, he has appeared in numerous petroleum rent resource tax trials and appeals as well as in cases concerning capital allowances and the R&D tax incentive. His commercial practice has encompassed many resource-related disputes, including arbitrations concerning FPSO contracts and tax indemnities, offtake agreements, health and safety issues, disputes between joint venturers, engineering and construction disputes, reservoir management and disputes about royalties.

Jinny Chaimungkalanont is a Partner in Herbert Smith Freehills’ national Stamp Duty practice. She has over 15 years experience advising on the Australia-wide duty implications of commercial transactions, including M&A, IPOs/demergers and restructures. Jinny’s work involves structuring and implementing transactions, as well as helping clients with compliance and audit issues. Her clients span multiple industries and include those in mining, energy/renewables, infrastructure, real estate, funds management and finance.

Enzo Coia, CTA, is a Tax Partner at Deloitte. He has 20 years experience providing advice on Australian and international taxation matters. He specialises in mergers and acquisitions, capital management and dealing with revenue authorities. He has a deep understanding of the energy and resources industry and is expertly placed

to understand clients’ needs, having spent several years in a senior tax leadership position at a multinational oil and gas company.

James Edwards is the lead Partner in KPMG’s Perth R&D Incentives practice and has advised and managed a significant number of R&D tax incentive claims in a variety of industries, as well as successfully overseeing a range of ATO and AusIndustry compliance reviews. James has over 20 years experience, predominantly in the mining sector, in both R&D incentives and technical roles as a qualified mechanical engineer.

Nick Heggart, CTA, is a Director in the Perth office of Greenwoods & Herbert Smith Freehills. Nick provides clients with advice in relation to a broad range of tax issues, including M&A, demergers and capital management strategies. He sits on the Energy & Resources Working Group with the ATO and on the State Council for The Tax Institute’s WA Division.

Ryan Jones is a Director at PwC with over 13 years experience in providing income tax and PRRT assistance to a wide variety of local and multinational organisations in the resources industry. Ryan also has extensive experience with providing international tax assistance to several multinational oil and gas companies, including advice on cross border structuring, financing transactions and M&A.

Ian Kellock, CTA, is a Tax Partner at Ashurst and has extensive experience in Australian corporate and international tax, advising Australian and foreign-owned energy and resources groups. Ian’s practice is primarily focused on due diligence and structuring for mergers, acquisitions and divestments, and group reorganisations. Ian has significant recent experience advising on income tax aspects of infrastructure, financing and refinancing transactions and asset and debt reconstruction projects.

Mark Konza is the Deputy Commissioner responsible for international taxation in the ATO. He leads the development of ATO strategy in response to the base erosion and

profit shifting, offshore tax evasion and foreign investment risks. He represents Australia at various OECD forums, particularly the Taskforce on the Digital Economy.

Ian Macfarlane was elected to Federal Parliament in 1998 and became Australia’s longest serving federal Resources and Energy Minister with over 14 years experience in both Cabinet and shadow ministerial positions. After retiring from parliament in May 2016, Ian became Chief Executive of the Queensland Resources Council. Ian is a non-executive director of Woodside Petroleum and the Chairman of the Innovative Manufacturing Co-operative Research Centre.

Andrew Mills, CTA (Life), is the Second Commissioner, with overall responsibility for the ATO’s law practice, including law interpretation, dispute prevention and resolution, and the ATO’s role in policy and law design. Andrew has more than 30 years experience in taxation. He was a Director at Greenwoods & Freehills for more than 20 years and later managing director from 2006 to 2011. Andrew was President of The Tax Institute in 2006–2007 and is a former Governor of the Taxation Research Foundation. Andrew is a Chartered Tax Adviser (Life), a member of the Australian Committee of the International Fiscal Association and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

James O’Reilly is PwC Australia’s Tax Leader for Energy & Mining. He is based in Brisbane and specialises in advising clients investing in the Australian resources industry. James has extensive knowledge of the tax issues relevant to resource operations, including the tax implications associated with a mining operation’s life cycle, the establishment of joint venture arrangements, M&A activity and the application of state-based royalty regimes.

Matthew Popham, CTA, is a KPMG Tax Partner with over 20 years tax experience. He advises clients on a variety of income tax and CGT matters affecting a wide variety of industries, including energy and natural resources, mining and oil and gas

Presenter profiles

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service companies. Matthew leads the International Tax Advisory Group at KPMG in Perth and has significant experience in advising multinational groups on the ever-increasing tax complexity associated with cross-border transactions. Matthew is a previous chair of The Tax Institute’s WA State Council and regularly speaks at industry events.

Jonathan Rintoul, CTA, is a partner at EY in Melbourne. Jonathan’s experience includes providing corporate tax advice and compliance services to listed, government, private and foreign-owned entities, predominantly in the resources, energy and utilities sectors. This experience is complemented by two long-term secondments into senior in-house tax roles.

Marcus Ryan, CTA, is an Assistant Commissioner with the ATO in Sydney, and works in the Tax Counsel Network. He currently focuses on the tax aspects of corporate and banking and finance transactions. Prior to joining the ATO in May 2017, Marcus was a senior associate at Ashurst. He has over 17 years experience as a tax lawyer providing advice on both direct and indirect taxes to both Australian and foreign clients, across a number of industries and government enterprises.

Rebecca Saint is an Assistant Commissioner at the ATO in the Public Groups and International (PGI) business line. She leads the Energy and Resources Strategy and is responsible for the strategic management of industry-based income tax issues and industry liaison. She also leads the PGI client engagement area in Moonee Ponds and a number of complex and strategically significant cases in the energy and resources sector.

Dr Niv Tadmore, CTA, is a Tax Partner at Clayton Utz. His main areas of practice are international taxation, integrity measures and transfer pricing, and the resolution of tax disputes in these specialised fields. Niv is a co-chair of The Tax Institute Dispute Resolution Committee and represents the Institute on the ATO’s Dispute Resolution Working Group. He is also a founding member of the Federal Treasury BEPS Advisory Group and a member of the Central IFA Executive Committee.

Jerome Tse, CTA, is a Partner at King & Wood Mallesons, specialising in taxation disputes and litigation. Jerome advises corporate taxpayers on all aspects of Australian tax disputes from the audit and independent review stage through to High Court litigation. He also guides clients through alternative dispute resolution processes, advance pricing agreements and mutual agreement procedures.

Craig Yaxley, CTA, has over 30 years corporate tax experience including 23 years as a tax partner with KPMG, Perth. He provides tax advice to a wide range of international and Australian clients in the resources sector. He is a Chartered Tax Advisor, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and a member of the Board of Taxation. Craig has been extensively involved in mining industry tax policy developments in his previous role as Chairman of the Tax Committee for AMEC.

Presenter profiles continued

Uniquely located in the centre of the CBD, on the banks of the Swan River and adjacent to Elizabeth Quay, the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre (PCEC) is Western Australia’s only dedicated and purpose-built convention, exhibition and meeting venue.

Accommodation and travel

Favourable room rates have been negotiated at three hotels in close proximity to PCEC. All accommodation and flights can be booked through our travel provider ConferenceNational or by following the link on our website taxinstitute.com.au/nrtc.

All additional hotel incidentals, including breakfast and extra charges for additional guests, remain the responsibility of delegates, and individuals will be responsible for payment of the balance of their account when checking out of the hotel.

Getting there

PCEC is approximately a 20-minute drive from Perth airport. There are convenient train and bus services close to the venue. To plan your journey, visit transperth.wa.gov.au.


Parking is available at PCEC with access via Mill Street, Mounts Bay Road or the Riverside Drive off-ramp from the Mitchell Freeway. For more information, visit pcec.com/visit.


Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre 21 Mounts Bay Rd, Perth

Please turn to page 11 for event information.


Page 9: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive

A tax invoice and confirmation letter will be sent on receipt of your registration. Please photocopy for additional delegates and retain original copy for your records. All prices quoted are in Australian dollars and include GST where applicable. ABN 45 008 392 372.

2018 National Resources Tax Conference Registration form

2018 National Resources Tax Conference 6181020 | WD

1 Registration

2 Delegate contact details

Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other (please specify) Date of birth: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

First name: Last name:

Position: Company:


Suburb: State: Postcode:

Telephone: Fax:

Mobile: Email:

Please tick this box if you do not wish your name to be included on the delegate list provided to all attendees for networking purposes.

Member no.: If your member details are up-to-date, you can skip this section.

*EVENT AND MEMBERSHIP OFFERThere is no better time than right now for non-members to take up membership! Register at the Member rate + add on $320 for Membership and receive member benefits through to 30 June 2019. All new members are eligible to ‘upgrade’ their membership level at no additional cost by providing the appropriate documentation when applying within the initial membership subscription period.I hereby apply for membership of The Tax Institute and declare that I am a person of good fame, integrity and character and agree to be bound by the Constitution of The Tax Institute. Further information available at taxinstitute.com.au Signature:

Date of signature:

D D / M M / Y Y Y Y

^ Day registration does not include tickets to any networking functions. Tickets can be purchased separately for the welcome reception and conference dinner.

Please conference tick the breakout sessions you would like to attend during the conference:

Promotional code:

3 Breakout session selection

11.30am–12.30pm Session 7A Session 7B

Thursday 25 October

2.30pm–3.15pm Session 9A Session 9B

1.30pm–2.30pm Session 8A Session 8B

A Full conference registration

Member New member* Non-member

Early bird registration Received on or before 7 September 2018 $1,675 $1,995 $1,850

Standard registration Received after 7 September 2018 $1,775 $2,095 $1,950

B Day registration

Member New member* Non-member

Wednesday only^ $525 $845 $625

Thursday only^ $925 $1,245 $1,025

Friday only^ $525 $845 $625

I acknowledge that I will receive electronic access to the available papers and presentations through The Tax Institute CPD app.

Dietary requirements:

Page 10: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive


The Tax Institute (TTI) complies with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) with respect to how it handles personal information. TTI collects, uses, holds and discloses your personal information (including sensitive information, such as health information) for a range of purposes, such as administrative purposes relating to membership of TTI and TTI’s courses (including assessment of eligibility and providing courses), compliance with Government and statutory requirements, provision of information relating to TTI’s services and member benefits and to conduct market research. If you do not provide the personal information requested by TTI, it may not be able to provide its services to you, such as assessment of your course enrolment application. TTI does not disclose criminal record information to third parties. TTI usually discloses your personal information to entities such as your sponsoring employer (with respect to your course records and results), The Tax Practitioners Board, TTI’s business partners for marketing purposes, IT companies and other companies who provide administrative and other services to TTI and government bodies, such as the Tertiary Education and Quality Standards Agency. TTI may disclose personal information to overseas recipients in countries such as the United States of America and India. For further information on how TTI collects, uses, holds and discloses personal information, please see its privacy policy at www.taxinstitute.com.au. The Privacy Policy also contains information on how to request access to or correction of your personal information and how to make a complaint about a breach of privacy. By submitting your application to TTI, you confirm that you have read TTIs Privacy Policy and you consent to your personal information being collected, used and held by TTI and disclosed to third parties as set out in this notice and in accordance with TTI’s Privacy Policy. If you do not want your personal information to be used by TTI or disclosed to third parties, for the purpose of direct marketing, please contact us in writing at [email protected].

Collection notice

Online taxinstitute.com.au/nrtc

Mail GPO Box 1694 Sydney, NSW 2001

Email [email protected]

Fax 02 8223 0077





4 Sundowner welcome reception

The welcome reception is INCLUDED in the registration fee for delegates attending the full conference.Wednesday, 24 October: Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre – Southern Foyer

Yes, I WILL attending the Sundowner welcome reception OR

No, I WILL NOT attending the Sundowner welcome reception

Additional tickets^

Yes, I require additional tickets for the welcome reception at $80 per person

No. x tickets at $80 each: $ ^Please supply names of attendees and any dietary requirements as a separate attachment.

The conference dinner is INCLUDED in the registration fee for all delegates attending the full conference.

Thursday, 25 October: Optus Stadium - Victory Lounge

Yes, I WILL be attending the conference dinner OR

No, I WILL NOT be attending the conference dinner

Yes, I WILL require transport to the conference dinner

Additional tickets^

Yes, I require additional tickets for the conference dinner at $160 per person

No. x tickets at $160 each: $ ^Please supply names of attendees and any dietary requirements as a separate attachment.

5 Conference dinner

6 Optional: Optus Stadium tour

Delegates can opt in for a tour of the newly completed Optus Stadium which will take place before dinner on Thursday, 25 October.

Yes, I require tickets for the stadium tour at $25 per person No. x tickets at $25 each: $

Membership and education program promotion

I am interested in becoming a member of The Tax Institute. Please send me further details.

I am interested in learning more about The Tax Institute’s education program. Please contact me.

Marketing and business alliance partner exclusions

I no longer wish to provide my contact details to The Tax Institute’s contracted business partners.

I no longer wish to receive marketing correspondence from The Tax Institute.

We take your privacy seriously, and our policy can be viewed at taxinstitute.com.au/go/footer/privacy.

7 Payment summary

Registration fee $

Additional conference welcome drinks ticket/s ($80 per person) $

Additional conference dinner ticket/s ($160 per person) $

Additional Optus Stadium tour ticket/s ($25 per person) $

Total payable $

Please note: The Tax Institute cannot accept responsibility for delegates’ late flight arrivals. Transfer costs are non-refundable and non-transferable.

8 Payment method

Cheque payable to The Tax Institute (in Australian dollars)

Credit card $ Card type: AMEX Visa MasterCard Diners Expiry date: M M/ Y Y

Name on card:

Card no.: Cardholder’s signature:

For our refund, cancellation and replacement policy visit taxinstitute.com.au/professional-development/event-policy

Page 11: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive


Early bird registrationAll registrations received and paid for on or before Friday 7 September 2018 will be entitled to an early bird discount.

Group discountsPurchase four full conference registrations (early bird or standard) and receive a fifth full registration for FREE. This offer cannot be redeemed in conjunction with any other promotional offer or code. All attendees must be from the same firm and all registration forms must be submitted together.

Tailored packages

For tailored group packages of more than 5 delegates, please contact Brian Martin on 08 6165 6600 or email [email protected].

Confirmation of registration

Confirmation will be received via email. Please note you will receive two separate emails in the form of a confirmation email and tax invoice.

CPD accreditation

Attendance at the full conference counts for 12 hours of Professional Development Accreditation with The Tax Institute. Single-day attendance on Wednesday counts for 3.25 hours, Thursday for 5.75 hours and Friday for 3 hours. This event is accredited with the Legal Practice Board of Western Australia for CPD points.

Delegate list

A delegate list will be included in the conference app to assist with networking. Please indicate on the registration form if you do not want your details included on the list.

The Tax Institute CPD app

The Tax Institute CPD app will be accessible to delegates one week prior to the event. The app will contain session and speaker information, the delegate list and available technical materials. Delegates will receive instructions via email detailing how to download and access materials.

Paperless conference

To assist in reducing the environmental impact, the full conference registration option will only provide electronic access to materials.

Changing or transferring sessions

Space permitting, delegates will be able to amend their concurrent session selection on the day. Registrations can be transferred subject to the Institute’s alteration and cancellation policy.

Sundowner welcome reception – Wednesday 24 October

Network with speakers and delegates as you enjoy drinks and canapés. This event will be held onsite at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre at the close of day one and is included for all full conference delegates. Additional tickets are available to purchase for $80.

Conference dinner – Thursday 25 October

Delegates will enjoy dinner in the Victory Lounge of the newly completed Optus Stadium. The conference dinner is included for all full conference delegates, with additional tickets available to purchase for $160.

Optional Optus Stadium tour – Thursday 25 October

Delegates can take an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the state-of-the-art Optus Stadium before the conference dinner on Thursday evening. Book your tour place for an additional $25.

Dress code

Business or business casual attire is suitable for the duration of the conference.

For further information regarding this event, please contact the WA office on 08 6165 6600 or email [email protected]

For registration enquiries, please contact [email protected]

Event information

Online access to presentations and technical papers

Morning/ Afternoon tea/

conference lunches

Welcome reception and conference

dinner*How to register

Full conference registration This registration option entitles one delegate to attend the entire event.

✔ ✔ ✔

Register online or complete the form included in this brochure.

Day registrationThis registration option entitles one delegate to attend a full day of technical sessions.

✔ ✔

for your selected day

Register online or complete the form included in this brochure.

*Additional tickets to the welcome reception and conference dinner can be purchased on the registration form.



Registration options and inclusions

Register online at taxinstitute.com.au/nrtc

11THE TAX INSTITUTE 2018 National Resources Tax Conference

Page 12: 2018 National Resources Tax Conference · Session 9B: R&D Tax Incentives – The Shifting Policy and Regulatory Landscape This session will examine how to navigate the R&D tax incentive





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