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2017 USAS Convention Guide to Committees Dallas, TX

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2017 USAS Convention

Guide to Committees

Dallas, TX

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USA Swimming Guide to Committees 2017

Prepared by the Convention Education Committee and Staff liaison,

with committee descriptions from the USA Swimming Policy Manual, updated August 2017

This publication is intended for use by USA Swimming House of Delegates members, as well as members of standing and ad-hoc committees of USA Swimming at the 2017 annual meeting in Dallas, TX. All rights reserved.

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2017 Committee Index

Committee Staff Contact

Age Group Development Committee ........................................................... Tom Avischious Athletes’ Executive Committee ................................. Stacy Michael-Miller, Lindsay Mintenko Audit Committee ............................................................................................. Jim Harvey Awards Committee .......................................................................................... Mike Unger Championship Evaluation Committee .............................................................. Dean Ekeren Club Development Committee .................................................................... Tom Avischious Convention Education Committee ........................................................... Morgan Weinberg Credentials/Elections Committee ......................................... John Burbidge, Denise Thomas Disability Swimming Committee ..................................................................... Randy Julian Diversity & Inclusion Committee ................................................................... Manny Banks Executive Committee ..................................................................................... Tim Hinchey Governance Committee .................................................................................... Pat Hogan International Relations Committee ................................................................... Mike Unger Investment Committee .................................................................................... Jim Harvey LSC Development Committee ....................................................................... Mariejo Truex National Board of Review Committee........................................................ Susan Woessner National Team Athletes Committee ........................................................... Lindsay Minteko National Team Steering Committee ................................................................. Frank Busch Officials Committee ....................................................................................... Gina Mensay Open Water Development Committee ............................................................. Annie White Open Water Steering Sub-Committee ............................................................... Bryce Elser Operational Risk Committee .......................................................................... George Ward Registration/Membership Committee ........................................................... Cathy Durance Rules & Regulations Committee .................................................................. Cathy Durance Safe Sport Committee ............................................................................. Susan Woessner Senior Development Committee ................................................................. Tom Avischious Sports Medicine/Science Committee ........................................................ Keenan Robinson Times & Recognition Committee ........................................................................ Larry Herr

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The United States Aquatic Sports (Swimming, Diving, Water Polo, Synchro and USMS/Masters) annual convention provides an opportunity for USA Swimming to gather all of its delegates together for the purpose of making decisions that will affect the future of our sport. We elect our officers, vote on rules and legislation, and discuss and plan programs that will continue our tradition of excellence in the sport of swimming. The mission of this booklet is to assist in educating the delegate by providing information about all of the USA Swimming committees, their responsibilities, and their staff liaisons. We hope that this information will be useful for the delegate not only in making choices of which meetings to attend, but also in assisting the delegate when selecting a committee on which to serve. The booklet is arranged alphabetically for easy reference. Additional help for the first-time delegate to the convention is available at the “First Rodeo? Convention First Timers’ Corral! (Wed., Sept. 13, 2017, 11:00am) workshop. The format of the workshop will include informational presentations about how the convention operates, small group discussion and activities, as well as what level of involvement delegates have at various types of meetings. It is our intention that this booklet be useful for all delegates. If you have suggestions for improving this document, please submit them to Morgan Weinberg: [email protected]. Have a fantastic convention! The Members of the Convention Education Committee

Jayne Spittler, Chair

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The Right to Speak at Committee & Business Meetings In order to complete the work of a committee, the ability of non-committee members to voice an opinion at a committee meeting may be restricted. Before adjourning, and if appropriate, each committee will make every effort to hold an open discussion (question/answer) period. Members: Only the committee members may speak during sessions; an open discussion period before adjournment may be allowed. All: All conventioneers in attendance may be recognized by the committee chairperson to voice opinions. Bidders: Representatives seeking pool site selection for a National Championship may speak when recognized by the chairperson. Workshop/Seminar: An educational presentation; questions and discussion may be fielded at the presenter's option. Consult the Parliamentary Procedure brochure for assistance with Robert’s Rules of Order. How Committee Members Are Chosen Committee Selection: Unless otherwise specified in USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, the Board Chair appoints the members of all committees and their respective chairs. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please complete the Committee Application form: https://fs22.formsite.com/usaswimming/form3/index.html. or go to www.usaswimming.org/convention and look for the link to the form. The deadline to complete the form is October 1, 2017. The form is no longer available in hard copy; all submissions must be made online. Please note that you must be a 2017 member of USA Swimming, with all membership requirements current, in order to be considered for a committee appointment. Committee terms are staggered over four years with ¼ of each committee rotating annually in most cases. Committee appointments made this year will be for four (4) years unless otherwise noted. Please do not complete a form for those committees on which you are currently serving unless your term will expire at this convention. Committee Accountability: All committee members volunteer their time to serve USA Swimming, and that dedication and willingness to participate are what sets our organization apart from others. It is understood that committee meetings will be scheduled in advance so that all members may plan accordingly. It is expected that all members are active participants and that all committee assignments be carried out promptly and as directed by the chair and/or staff liaison. Lack of responsibility or an unexcused attendance at a scheduled meeting could be causes for removal from the committee.

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USA Swimming Board of Directors

Chair of the Board ......................................................................... Jim Sheehan (2018) Administration Vice Chair ............................................................ Robert Broyles (2018) Program Development Vice Chair ...................................................... John Bitter (2018) Program Operations Vice Chair ...................................................... Dan McAllen (2018) Technical Vice Chair .......................................................................... Tim Bauer (2018) Athletes Vice Chair ......................................................................... Mark Weber (2018) Athletes Deputy Vice Chair ..................................................... Van Donkersgoed (2018) Finance Vice Chair .......................................................................... Bob Vincent (2018) National Team Steering Committee ............................................................... Jim Wood Secretary & General Counsel ........................................................... Lucinda McRoberts Central Zone Directors ................................................................... John Bradley (2017)

Amy Hoppenrath (2018) Jack Swanson (Athlete Rep- 2019) Eastern Zone Directors .............................................................. Tristan Formon (2018)

Mary Turner (2017) Ty Seymour (Athlete Rep- 2019) Southern Zone Directors ........................................................... Clark Hammond (2018)

John Roy (2017) Seth Maslowski (Athlete Rep- 2019) Western Zone Directors .......................................................... David Coddington (2017)

Sean Redmond (2018) Grant Sugaski (Athlete Rep- 2019) Athlete Representatives ............................................................................... Derek Paul

Chip Peterson Davis Tarwater NCAA Allied Representative .................................................................... Marie Scovron YMCA Allied Representative ........................................................................... Jim Ryan Ex-Officio………………. ............................................................................ Bruce Stratton

Ron Van Pool Dale Neuburger Carol Zaleski Bill Maxson Ed Tsuzuki Don Heidary Natalie Hall Tony Ervin Kelley Otto Aaron Peirsol Amy Schulz Garrett Weber-Gale

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USA Swimming Headquarters Staff

Executive President & Chief Executive Officer ..................................................................... Tim Hinchey Vice President & Chief Operating Officer ................................................................ Mike Unger Secretary & General Counsel ..................................................................... Lucinda McRoberts Safe Sport Director ....................................................................................... Susan Woessner Safe Sport Coordinator ................................................................................ Liz Hoendervoogt Safe Sport Education Specialist ............................................................................. Maggie Vail Human Resources Manager ................................................................................ Laura Yaciuk Executive Assistant ......................................................................................... Brenda Adams Legal, Risk Management & Safe Sport Assistant ................................................. Paula D’Amico Business Development Vice President & Chief Operating Officer ................................................................ Mike Unger Chief Marketing Officer ......................................................................................... Matt Farrell Art Director......................................................................................................... Matt Lupton Editorial Properties Director .................................................................................. Jim Rusnak Marketing Director .................................................................................................... Jim Fox Public Relations & Communications Director ..................................................................... TBA Business Development Director ........................................................................ Geri Woessner Corporate Services Marketing Manager .................................................................. Mandy Rick Local Marketing Manager………………………………………………………………………….… Wendy Bartlett Marketing Manager ............................................................................................ Jake Grosser Manager of Productions .................................... …………………………………Nailah Ellis Timberlake Assistant Director, Communications...................................................................... John Martin Graphic Design Manager .................................................................................. Natalie Elzinga Communications Coordinator ................................................................................ Kara Raney Web Producer .................................................................................................... Joel Stauffer Business Development Administrative Assistant ...................................................... Gina Perry Business Operations/Member Services IT Director ...................................................................................................... John Burbidge Member Services Director ................................................................................ Cathy Durance National Events Director ..................................................................................... Dean Ekeren Performance Database Director .............................................................................. Larry Herr National Events Manager ..................................................................................... Annie White Special Projects Manager ..................................................................................... Jaime Lewis Member Services Program Manager .................................................................... Gina Mensay Membership Coordinator ................................................................................ Denise Thomas Special Projects.............................................................................................. Amanda Bryant Software Developer .............................................................................................. Robb Hinds Applications Developer ....................................................................................... Michael Carr Database Administrator ...................................................................................... John Pharris Network Administrator......................................................................................... Chris Detert Technical/Application Support Analyst & Software Quality Assurance Tester ............ Dan Becker

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Administrative Assistant/Background Check Coordinator ....................................... Cindy Hayes Club Development Club Development Managing Director ..................................................................... Pat Hogan Field Services Director .................................................................................... Tom Avischious Facilities Development Director ............................................................................ Mick Nelson Programs and Services Director ........................................................................ Mariejo Truex Sport Development Consultant – Central Zone ..................................................... Randy Julian Sport Development Consultant – Eastern Zone ......................................................... Jeff Allen Sport Development Consultant – Southern Zone ................................................ Dave Thomas Sport Development Consultant – Western Zone ................................................................ TBA Sport Performance Consultant .............................................................................. Mark Hesse Sport Performance Consultant .............................................................................. Scott Colby Sport Performance Consultant .......................................................................... Jay Chambers Programs & Services Manager .................................................................... Morgan Weinberg Aquatic Programs Specialist .................................................................................. Sue Nelson Diversity Membership Specialist ......................................................................... Manny Banks Diversity & Inclusion Consultant ......................................................................... Juan Caraveo Diversity & Inclusion Consultant .................................................................... Shaun Anderson Club Development Administrative Assistant .............................................................. Ruth Flint Programs and Services Administrative Assistant ............................................ Denise McDonald Field Services Administrative Assistant ................................................................ Patty Pannell Financial Affairs Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer ........................................................................ Jim Harvey Accounting Director ............................................................................................... Tami Bock Risk Management Director ................................................................................. George Ward Revenue Manager ............................................................................................... Joan Burgar Accounts Payable Specialist .................................................................................. Erin Russell Accounting Coordinator ........................................................................................ Tyler Foote Accountant/Purchasing Facilitator ........................................................................ Jean Skjerly Receptionist ...........................................................................................................Line Saole Shipping & Receiving Supervisor ...................................................................... Mike Wilkinson Shipping & Receiving Assistant ..........................................................................Coy Lavergne Travel Agent ...................................................................................................... Jean Elsener USA Swimming Foundation Executive Director .............................................................................................Debbie Hesse Director of Major Gifts .......................................................................................... Scott Usher Annual Fund Manager ....................................................................................... Nicole Wilson Make A Splash Program Manager ........................................................................ Tina Dessart Foundation Projects Manager ................................................................... Kristina Stockburger Make A Splash Program Coordinator ........................................................... Shweta Shreyarthi Foundation Coordinator ........................................................................................ Jill Johnson

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National Team National Team Director........................................................................................ Frank Busch National Team Managing Director ................................................................ Lindsay Mintenko High Performance Director........................................................................... Keenan Robinson National Junior Team Program Director ............................................................... Mitch Dalton Athlete Services Director .......................................................................... Stacy Michael-Miller National Team Open Water Program Director ........................................................ Bryce Elser International Games Manager ....................................................................... Carliann Brashier High Performance Manager ................................................................................. Katie Arnold High Performance Manager ................................................................................. Matt Barbini High Performance Manager ................................................................................ Russell Mark High Performance Manager .............................................................................. Dan McCarthy Athlete Services Coordinator ......................................................................... Jennifer Thomas National Team Administrative Assistant .......................................................... Deanna Paschal Athlete Services Coordinator .......................................................................... Kelcie O’Donnell

How to contact a member of the USA Swimming headquarters staff by e-mail: The member’s e-mail address is composed of the first letter of the staff member’s first name followed by that person’s complete last name @usaswimming.org Example: [email protected] . The USA Swimming phone is 719-866-4578

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Committees Reporting to the Chair Executive Committee Mission Statement: To act for the Board of Directors and the Corporation between meetings of the Board and the House of Delegates. Membership: The Executive Committee shall consist of the USA Swimming Board Chair and Vice Chairs, the National Team Steering Committee Chair, one additional athlete member from the Board of Directors, and the Secretary & General Counsel who shall have voice but no vote in any of the affairs of the Corporation. Meetings: The meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at any time or place upon the call of the Board Chair or any three members of the Committee, and upon no less than ten (10) days written notice of such meeting to each member. The Executive Committee shall convene at least once per year for the purpose of evaluating the goals and productivity of the committees. Chair: Jim Sheehan Staff Liaison: Tim Hinchey Responsibilities:

1. To vote upon special matters in person, by mail, or by telephone (confirmed in writing within 24 hours), although no action can be taken without the concurrence of all members of the Executive Committee.

2. To make a report of its activities since the last Board meeting for the Board’s confirmation, ratification, modification, or rejection at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors.

3. To annually conduct a performance review of the Chief Executive Officer.

4. To periodically establish the compensation package of the Chief Executive Officer.

5. To determine the mission and core objectives of USA Swimming and each of its committees.

6. To measure and evaluate the goals and productivity of the committees.

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Committees Reporting to the Chair Governance Committee Mission Statement: To provide on-going evaluation of the structure of USA Swimming to promote optimal business process and accountability, and to provide best practice guidance and support to the USA Swimming Board of Directors, Committee Members and LSCs as requested. Membership: The Governance Committee shall consist of eight members appointed by the Board Chair, sufficient athlete appointments to constitute at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership of the committee, and the Secretary & General Counsel who shall have voice but no vote. There shall be no current voting members of the Board of Directors appointed to this committee. Each non-athlete member shall serve a four-year term, staggered so that one-fourth (1/4) of such members are appointed each year. Chair: Frank Swigon Staff Liaison: Pat Hogan Responsibilities:

A. Supply educational resources and research, as requested, to improve the

governance process; and

B. Consider governance process issues, as directed, and provide options for issue


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Committees Reporting to the Chair

International Relations Committee

Mission Statement: To plan and develop the agenda and action items for USA Swimming in the international area and to expand the influence of USA Swimming in those international organizations to which USA Swimming relates.

Membership: The International Relations Committee shall consist of the following:

a. Members of USA Swimming who hold any of the following positions shall be automatic members of the committee during their tenure in these positions: Any FINA Bureau member, UANA Executive Committee member or USOC Board member, FINA committee or commission chair, the National Team Steering Committee Chair, the USA Swimming representative to the United States Olympic Committee, the current head coaches of the U.S. Olympic Swimming team, the Technical Vice Chair (ex-officio), and the immediate past Board Chair of USA Swimming (ex-officio).

b. Up to eight additional members of USA Swimming with relevant international experience, appointed by the Board Chair.

c. A sufficient number of athlete representatives with international competitive experience on an Olympic, World Championships, Pan American, Pan Pacific, or World University Games team within 10 years preceding selection to the committee so as to constitute at least 20 percent of the voting membership.

d. The Board Chair, President and National Team Director of USA Swimming, with voice but no vote.

e. Each member shall serve during their tenure as listed in A. The additional members named by the Board Chair shall serve four year rolling terms. The Board Chair shall appoint a Chairman with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Chair: Michael Lawrence

Staff Liaison: Tim Hinchey/Mike Unger


1. To develop and advance a comprehensive non-technical international strategic plan for USA Swimming.

2. To identify and promote individuals for nomination and advancement to international political and leadership positions.

3. To enhance the influence of USA Swimming with FINA and the USOC commensurate with our competitive success and for the betterment of athlete-centered governance of our sport.

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Committees Reporting to the Chair Safe Sport Committee

Mission: To inspire a culture of athlete and member protection at all levels of USA Swimming. Membership: The Safe Sport Committee shall consist of twelve (12) members, as follows: 1. Three (3) athlete members selected by the Athletes Executive Committee, each of

whom shall serve one year terms; 2. Three (3) coach members appointed by the Board Chair, each of whom shall serve

staggered four (4) year terms ending in different years. The terms of coach members should be staggered so that there is no year in which more than one member is appointed;

3. Five (5) at-large members appointed by the Board Chair, each of whom shall serve a four-year term, staggered so that at least one at-large member is appointed each year;

4. One (1) subject matter expert from an organization outside USA Swimming, appointed by the Board Chair, who shall serve a four (4) year term.

The terms of the coach members and at-large members should be aligned so that there are two non-athlete, non-outside expert members appointed per year. Chairperson: The chair, who may be either an athlete or non-athlete member, shall be appointed by the Board Chair from the foregoing enumerated members and shall serve a one year term. Staff Liaison: The Director of Safe Sport shall serve as the staff liaison to the Safe Sport Committee. Responsibilities: 1. To develop and regularly review USA Swimming’s Safe Sport policies, best practice

guidelines, educational programs, reporting and adjudication procedures, and make recommendations to the USA Swimming Board of Directors for changes to such policies, best practice guidelines, programs and procedures, as well as recommendations for new ones, as are appropriate;

2. To raise the awareness of and engage USA Swimming members in Safe Sport and the availability of Safe Sport educational resources within the swimming community, including at the LSC and club levels;

3. To coordinate and ensure that Safe Sport education requirements for membership are properly developed and implemented;

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4. To interface and collaborate with the Center for Safe Sport, the USOC, other NGBs, other sport and non-sport related youth organizations and appropriate child protection groups;

5. To take such further actions as may be directed by the Board of Directors; and 6. To report to the Chair of the USA Swimming Board of Directors.

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Committees Reporting to the Finance Vice Chair Audit Committee Mission Statement: To provide technical and operational direction for the annual audit of USA Swimming finances, to serve as a liaison to the Board of Directors and the external audit team, and to ensure that the highest levels of accountability are applied to all financial procedures. Membership: The Audit Committee shall be comprised of five members appointed by the Board Chair, as follows: an Executive Committee member, a Zone Director, an athlete from a slate submitted by the Athletes’ Committee, and two additional members with designated financial experience. No member of the committee shall have check-signing authority for the corporation. Each non-athlete member shall serve a four-year term, staggered so that one member is named each year. Chair: Amy Hoppenrath Staff Liaison: Jim Harvey Responsibilities:

1. Reviewing and accepting the annual audited statements, accompanying opinion letter, and management letter.

2. Making a recommendation for acceptance to the Board of Directors. 3. Evaluating the system of internal control of the corporation.

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Committees Reporting to the Finance Vice Chair

Investment Committee

Mission Statement: To oversee the investments of the corporation and subsidiaries, which are administered by investment managers, and to advise the Board of Directors on investment matters. Membership: There shall be an Investment Committee of five (5) persons. Two (2) of the members shall be the Board Chair, or the Board Chair’s duly appointed representative, and the Finance Vice Chair. The remaining three (3) members shall be appointed jointly by the Board Chair and Finance Vice Chair with the approval of the Board of Directors. One (1) member shall be appointed each year to serve a three-year term. At least two (2) of the appointed members shall be non-members of the Board of Directors, one (1) of whom shall be appointed chair by the Board Chair and Finance Vice Chair with the approval of the Board of Directors. At least one (1) of the appointed members shall be an athlete. Chair: Stu Hixon Staff Liaison: Jim Harvey Responsibilities:

1. The committee and staff liaison shall have primary contact with the investment consultant and manager to instruct them on all matters requested by the Treasurer or Board of Directors.

2. To review on a quarterly basis the reports provided by the investment consultant

and managers, and to report the results to the Board of Directors. 3. To meet periodically with the investment consultant and managers to review their

performance, as well as the Chief Financial Officer of the corporation to determine the needs of the corporation.

4. To make recommendations on investments as provided in the investment policy of

the corporation. 5. To annually review the investment policy of the corporation with respect to both

the operating and endowment funds and to make recommendations to the Board of Directors for change.

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Committees Reporting to the Secretary & General Counsel

National Board of Review

Mission Statement: To act as a hearing body to resolve matters, questions and disputes involving USA Swimming, the Local Swimming Committees, or the membership. Membership: The National Board of Review shall be comprised of a Chair and one or more Vice Chairs, all of whom shall be appointed by the Board Chair. Hearing panel members shall be appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Board Chair and the Secretary & General Counsel. The term of the Chair shall be two (2) years and there shall be no term limit. Chair: Buddy Pylitt Staff Liaison: Susan Woessner, Lucinda McRoberts The National Board of Review has the authority set forth in Part Four of the Rules and Regulations, including without limitation, to:

1. Impose and enforce penalties for any violation of the rules and regulations, administrative or technical, of USA Swimming.

2. Determine the eligibility and right to compete of any athlete.

3. Vacate, modify, sustain, reverse, or stay any decision or order properly

submitted on appeal, or remand the matter for further action.

4. Investigate any election impropriety or cause for removal of a national officer or national committee member and take corrective action.

5. Interpret any provision of the rules and regulations of USA Swimming with the

exception of the technical rules (Parts One and Seven).

6. Review any revocation, suspension, reinstatement of membership or challenge the granting or denial of membership.

7. Issue such interim orders, prohibitory or mandatory in nature, as may be

necessary pending a final decision of the Board.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair Awards Committee Mission Statement: To ensure that proper recognition is bestowed upon those persons who have distinguished themselves by either their performance or contribution to USA Swimming. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of four members appointed by the Board Chair for a four year term and one athlete member. Terms shall be staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. With respect to the identification and / or recipients of the awards presented by USA Swimming, other members of USA Swimming may be included in the meeting. Coordinator: Ellaine Cox Staff Liaison: Mike Unger Responsibilities:

1. To identify the nominees and / or recipients of awards presented by USA Swimming.

2. To approve the design of awards to be presented at USA Swimming Championship meets and the annual meeting of USA Swimming.

3. To provide assistance in selection of awards to be presented at all USA Swimming

events, including the Golden Goggles.

4. To review requests and help with the creation of new awards. Proposals for new awards musts meet with the approval of the USA Swimming Board of Directors.

5. To recommend to the USA Swimming Board of Directors necessary changes in

criteria of existing awards.

6. To submit for consideration the names of the best possible candidates in various award or scholarship categories by outside organizations.

7. To assist the staff and Board Chair in all recognition programs.

8. Oversee and approve the yearly updated nomination form for the USA Swimming Award. These nomination forms are mailed to appropriate persons responsible for submitting names for nomination of the Award. Nomination forms are updated and mailed in May by the USA Swimming Administrative Assistant.

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9. To annually run the meeting of the previous winners of the USA Swimming Award for the purpose of selecting the recipient of the USA Swimming Award.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair

Convention Education Committee

Mission Statement: To strengthen the USA Swimming experience by streamlining opportunities to swim efficiently and effectively through Convention. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of eight members appointed by the Board Chair for a four-year term and two athlete members. Terms shall be staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. Chair: Jayne Spittler Staff Liaison: Morgan Weinberg Responsibilities:

1. To coordinate and promote the conduct of workshops at the annual meeting.

2. To enhance the annual meeting experience through the use of social media and other digital options.

3. To oversee the annual publication of the Guide to Committees.

4. To oversee the preparation and distribution of an orientation letter to first

time delegates.

5. To evaluate the programs and workshops conducted at the annual meeting.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair

Credentials and Elections Committee

Mission Statement: To certify delegates at the annual meetings of the corporation and to conduct elections held at the annual meetings. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of eight non-athlete and two athlete members appointed by the Board Chair. Terms shall be staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. Chair: Laurie Benton Staff Liaison: John Burbidge/Denise Thomas Responsibilities:

1. To establish and maintain fair and reliable procedures for certifying delegates to

the annual meetings of the corporation.

2. To recommend procedures for and supervise the conduct of all elections at the annual meetings of the corporation.

3. To recruit volunteers to assist in the certification and election process at the annual

meetings of the corporation.

4. To certify the results of elections held at the annual meeting.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair

Registration/Membership Committee

Mission Statement: To develop, administer, and communicate consistent policies and procedures among LSC Registration / Membership Coordinators. Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of two athletes and eight members appointed by the Board Chair. Non-athlete members shall serve a four-year term, staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. Chair: Mark Brown Staff Liaison: Cathy Durance Responsibilities: 1. Create and implement policy for the registration of athletes (year round, seasonal and outreach), non-athletes (coaches, officials, apprentice officials, others), clubs and organizations for approval by the House of Delegates and/or the Board of Directors. 2. Coordinate the administrative procedures of all membership registration.

3. Communicate with and provide educational opportunities to LSC Registration Coordinators/Chairs. 4. Serve as the designee of the Board of Directors to review and make recommendations on all organizational membership applications, including numbers of delegates to the House of Delegates.

2017 Committee Goals: 1. Empower, support and educate LSC registrars through direct communication and training opportunities. 2. Support LSC registrars in the operational function of registration/membership through communication with the committee and encourage LSC feedback. 3. Cooperate with IT staff to develop SWIMS 2.0 and future SWIMS enhancements. 4. Promote and maintain collaborative relationships and communication with other USA Swimming committees.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair

Rules & Regulations Committee

Mission Statement: To act as the custodian of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations, responsible for its contents, amendment process, and interpretation. Membership: The committee membership shall be structured as follows:

a. the Chair of the Officials Committee, the Chair of the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Swimming and Diving Rules Committee, the Chair of the High School Swimming and Diving Rules Committee, the Technical Vice Chair, the Program Operations Vice Chair, the immediate past Chair of the Rules & Regulations Committee, the USA Swimming representative to the FINA Technical Open Water Swimming Committee, and the USA Swimming representative to the FINA Technical Swimming Committee or their respective designees;

b. a representative from each Allied member appointed by that member within thirty (30) days following the annual meeting of USA Swimming in even-numbered years;

c. eight non-athlete members appointed by the Board Chair, none of whom shall be members of the Board of Directors, and three of whom shall be coaches, each serving a four-year term, staggered so that two members are appointed annually;

d. a sufficient number of athletes appointed by the Athletes Committee so as to constitute at least twenty (20) percent of the voting membership of the Committee;

e. ex-officio members (Chief Executive Officer, Secretary & General Counsel of the Corporation, the representative of U.S. Masters Swimming, the staff liaison, and others appointed by the Chair of the Rules & Regulations Committee) with voice but no vote.

The Board Chair, subject to the approval of the House of Delegates, shall appoint the Chair of the committee for a two-year term, who shall appoint a secretary. The committee chair may serve up to four consecutive two-year terms. Those persons originally selecting members of the committee shall fill vacancies occurring in membership. Chair: Jay Thomas Staff Liaison: Cathy Durance Responsibilities: See USA Swimming Rules & Regulations for additional responsibilities.

1. To have the sole authority to interpret the technical rules for swimming which are contained in Part One and Seven of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations when requested by the Board of Directors, local swimming committees, staff, committees, members of the corporation, or when interpretation seems appropriate.

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2. To have joint authority with the Secretary & General Counsel of the Corporation to officially interpret Part Two of the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.

3. To receive all proposed amendments to the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations. 4. To review or initiate proposed amendments to the USA Swimming Rules &

Regulations with recommendation for adoption or rejection at the annual meeting of the House of Delegates.

5. To review and approve changes in LSC affiliation of clubs, changes in the territorial boundaries of LSCs, and changes in the Zone affiliations of LSC’s as prescribed by the procedures set forth in the USA Swimming Rules & Regulations.

6. To review applications for the creation of new LSCs and to study the geographical structure of the corporation prior to submitting recommendations to the House of Delegates.

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Committees reporting to the Administration Vice Chair

Operational Risk Committee: Mission Statement: To provide a proactive environment regarding assessment of risks, develop guidelines to manage risk and create educational materials and guidelines. Membership: The Board Chair shall appoint the committee comprised of two athletes and eight other members, geographically distributed, who have long-term membership in USA Swimming with expertise or experience in safety (other than that acquired in the sport). Terms of the non-athlete appointments shall be four years, staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. Chair: Mary Jo Swalley Staff Liaison: George Ward Responsibilities:

1. Proactively identify operational risks.

2. Analyze the operational risks.

3. Recommend guidelines, policies and programs to manage operational risks.

4. Promote the implementation of guidelines, policies and programs to manage operational risks.

Ongoing review and coordination with other USA Swimming committees and staff.

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Committees reporting to the Program Development Vice Chair

Club Development Committee

Mission Statement: To develop and implement programs that help build, support and educate USA Swimming member clubs. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of two athletes and eight people appointed by the Board Chair. Non-athlete appointments shall serve four-year terms, staggered so that 25% are named annually. Meetings: The committee shall meet as necessary by conference call and at the annual meeting of USA Swimming and in person as otherwise may be needed. Chair: Matt Sprang Staff Liaison: Tom Avischious


1. To conduct an on-going evaluation of the USA Swimming club system and to

identify the strengths and weaknesses. 2. To develop, implement, and evaluate programs and services with the intent to

strengthen the USA Swimming club system. 3. To assist LSC’s in providing their member clubs with new programs and services

which are intended to increase the numbers of clubs and athlete registrations.

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Committees reporting to the Program Development Vice Chair

Disability Swimming Committee

Mission Statement: To encourage people with disabilities to participate in the sport of swimming and to facilitate their inclusion in USA Swimming programs through education and collaboration. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of two athletes and eight people appointed by the Board Chair. Non-athlete appointments shall serve four-year terms, staggered so that 25% are named annually. Meetings: The committee shall meet as necessary by conference call and at the annual meeting of USA Swimming and in person as otherwise may be needed. Chair: Mark Rieniets Staff Liaison: Randy Julian Responsibilities:

1. To educate athletes, parents, coaches, officials, and other members of the

swimming community about competitive swimming opportunities to athletes with disabilities.

2. To collaborate with USA Swimming committees, disability sports organizations, the

USOC, and other relevant groups to achieve the mission of full integration of swimmers with disabilities in USA Swimming programs.

3. To assist USA Swimming in fulfilling the mandates of the Americans with

Disabilities Act and the Amateur Sports Act with respect to participation of swimmers with disabilities in USA Swimming programs.

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Committees reporting to the Program Development Vice Chair Diversity and Inclusion Committee Mission Statement: Educate, encourage and support the membership of USA Swimming

to achieve Diversity & Inclusion growth at all levels.

Membership: The Board Chair appoints the members to four-year terms, staggered so

that 25% are named annually.

Chair: Kathy Mendez Staff Liaison: Manny Banks Responsibilities:

To support USA Swimming in:

1. Increasing participation of minority and economically disadvantaged youth.

2. Creating an atmosphere for athletes, coaches, and volunteers to discuss

inclusion in an open and trusting atmosphere.

3. Identifying opportunities that will reduce gender disparity among the coaching

and leadership ranks.

4. Creating awareness initiatives and programming for athletes, coaches, and

volunteers to educate them on age and gender inequity, racial inequity, sexual

orientation discrimination, religious discrimination and other discriminations

and/or inequities that underrepresented groups face.

5. Identifying and implementing creative strategies to achieve our mission.

6. Developing and supporting elite athletes and coaches as positive role models.

7. Educating and increasing awareness of our mission.

8. Enhancing the diversity, cultural competence, skill and performance of USA

Swimming leaders.

9. Partnering with other organizations and agencies to achieve our mission.

Diversity and Inclusion Committee Members act as:

1. Advocates for USA Swimming, and diversity through support for the

organization, its staff, and mission, vision and key strategies.

2. Resources to USA Swimming, the LSCs and the broader swimming community

through assistance with diversity initiatives, gender equity initiatives, dialogue

and expertise.

3. Liaisons to the LSC boards and Diversity Chairs.

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Committees reporting to the Program Development Vice Chair

LSC Development Committee Mission Statement: To provide a national network for LSC education and communication and to serve as a resource for LSC leaders. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of eight people appointed by the Board Chair, plus two athletes. Non-athlete appointments shall serve four-year terms, staggered so that 25% are appointed annually. Meetings: The committee shall meet on a monthly basis by conference call/Zoom. The committee shall also meet twice in-person annually, once in January in Colorado Springs, CO and once at the annual meeting of USA Swimming. The committee may meet additionally, as needed. Chair: Laura Matuszak Staff Liaison: Mariejo (MJ) Truex Responsibilities:

• To strengthen LSC governance and operations by providing educational

opportunities and mentoring for LSC boards and officers.

• To provide a national network to enhance the sharing of information and ideas

among LSC leaders.

• To identify and provide support to LSCs experiencing operational and governance


• To monitor LSC compliance (through the LEAP program) with respect to LSC

obligations to USA Swimming and facilitate necessary action to insure compliance.

• To work with LSCs to encourage good public relations with their constituencies.

• To foster methods of communication among the elected and appointed leaders of


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Committees reporting to the Program Operations Vice Chair

Championship Evaluation Committee

Mission Statement: Provide feedback to help insure that national-level swimming competitions provide the best possible environment for maximizing athlete performance. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of two athletes and eight people appointed by the Board Chair. Non-athlete appointments shall serve four-year terms, staggered so that 25% are named annually. Chair: Ron Zolno Staff Liaison: Dean Ekeren Responsibilities:

1. To evaluate the conduct of meets conducted by Program Operations from the

perspective of the athletes, coaches, spectators and officials. 2. To report these findings to the Program Operations Vice Chair and the National

Events Director. 3. To recommend appropriate action to the Program Operations Vice Chair for

improving the conduct of the national championships.

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Committees reporting to the Program Operations Vice Chair Officials Committee Mission Statement: To conduct programs to recruit, educate, train and certify a diverse team of USA Swimming officials to provide the highest quality and consistent officiating for athletes at all levels of swimming. Membership: The committee shall consist of eight (8) members appointed by the Board Chair and two (2) athletes designated by the Athletes’ Committee. The Chair of the Rules and Regulations Committee shall be an ex officio member with voice but no vote. The appointments shall be for a term of four (4) years which shall be staggered so that 25% of such members are appointed annually. The Board Chair or his designee shall choose one of the appointed persons to act as the Committee Chair, or in lieu thereof, name two (2) persons to serve as co-chairs. The chair(s) shall be appointed annually and may, at the pleasure of the Board Chair, serve in that capacity for four (4) consecutive years, but not longer. Chair: Jim Holcomb USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Gina Mensay Responsibilities:

1. Promulgate officials’ minimum performance standards for all USA Swimming sanctioned or sponsored events.

2. Develop and publish educational materials and conduct training seminars and clinics for officials.

3. Develop and maintain testing materials for officials at all levels including open water swimming. Develop and maintain questions for the coach foundation test.

4. Assist staff in maintaining a current roster of LSC Officials’ Chairs and Zone Officials’ Chairs.

5. Work with LSC Officials Chairs and Zone Officials’ Chairs to provide support for local swim officiating programs

6. Supervise the certification of all officials above the LSC level. 7. Assist staff in maintaining a roster of officials certified above the LSC level. 8. The Officials Chair or co-chairs, together with the Vice Chair of Program Operations, will

review and approve the selection of officials for all USA Swimming Championships and other USA Swimming competitions when requested by USA Swimming, in accordance with established policies.

9. The Officials Chair or co-chairs, together with the Vice Chair of Program Operations, will identify potential nominees for appointment to the FINA and UANA officials’ lists for submission to the Board of Directors of USA Swimming, in accordance with established policies.

10. Develop specialized programs as necessary to ensure quality officiating at Open Water Meets.

11. Work with other swimming bodies to promote fairness and consistency of officiating for all athletes.

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NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP1 Criteria considered in determining assigned positions (in random order and not all inclusive):

• Qualified and proficient in the assigned position • Demonstrated knowledge of the rules and regulations • Demonstrated knowledge of duties and responsibilities of the assigned position • Demonstrated integrity and good judgment • Demonstrated ability to work well with others – “a team player” • Demonstrated proficiency in position being considered, i.e. CJ, starter, deck

referee, admin referee and meet referee • Committed to all levels of swimming and not just the national or international deck • Positions worked at National meets during previous several years • Individual evaluations and recommendations • Geographical balance • Recommendation of both the USA Officials Chair and the VP Program Operations

as to the Meet Referee and the recommendation of the Meet Referee, the USA Officials Chair and VP Program Operations as to the other assigned positions.

1 Not all criteria must be met in order to be considered. As with any officiating position, all officials

serve at the pleasure of USA Swimming and will be assigned based on what USA Swimming believes is in the best interest of the organization.

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OFFICIALS COMMITTEE – POLICY Passed May 2011 Board of Directors Meeting


Criteria considered for nomination (or re-nomination) as an official for the FINA list (in random order and not all inclusive):

• Age3 • Demonstrated integrity and good judgment • Demonstrated ability to work well with others – a “team player” • Demonstrated good communication skills • Demonstrated proficiency in position considered, i.e. referee or starter • Committed to all levels of swimming and not just the national or international deck • Participation at national meets, especially those where application was submitted

to work the meet. Appointed meets (Trials, Pan Pacs, etc.) are not considered. • Individual evaluations • Ability to diplomatically and skillfully represent USA Swimming at international

events • Geographical balance • Recommendation of both the USA Officials Chair and the VP Program Operations

as well as other appropriate senior members of the USA Swimming community

Items considered when nominating an official for an international assignment (in random order and not all inclusive):-

• Olympics, World Championships and other FINA events – 4

• Currently on a FINA List

• Availability • Seniority

2 Not all criteria must be met in order to be considered. It is the goal of the Officials Committee and USA

Swimming generally to place officials on the deck at International and FINA events with the ultimate goal of placing officials on the Olympic and World Championship decks. Accordingly, assignments will be based in part on achieving this goal which may mean that one or more USA FINA officials may be given preference in assignments (out of rotation or seniority). The fact that a person is on the FINA list does not necessarily mean they will officiate at a FINA sponsored meet. Final selection of officials nominated for FINA competitions is the responsibility of the FINA Technical Swimming Committee.. Once an official has officiated at the Olympics games, it is understood that they may rotate off the FINA list when their current term expires. 3 Currently FINA has an age limit. If this restriction is ever eliminated, then age will become less of a factor in the selection of officials for the FINA list. 4 A person being considered for this assignment must still meet those criteria for selection as a FINA official. If for any reason, the Officials Committee, the Officials Chair or VP Program Operations do not believe the person meets that criterion, then they may not be nominated for participation at the event even though they may be the most senior FINA official or next in rotation.

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• Specific needs of the competition • Recommendation of the Officials Committee • Previous assignments5 • Evaluations or comments from previous assignments

• Goals and objectives of the USA Swimming • Recommendation of both USA Official Committee Chair and VP Program


• Participation at National meets.

• Other international competitions6 –

• Considerations in the NOMINATIONS listing

• Level of participation at national meets • Nominations do not need to hold current FINA credentials • Availability • Specific needs of the competition • Goals and objective of the USA Swimming

• Recommendation of both the USA Officials Committee Chair and the VP Program Operations

5 Other than USA Officials on the TSC, if any official has worked the Olympic Games, he or she may be taken

out of rotation and not assigned to any further international meets. 6 A person being considered for this assignment must still meet those criteria for selection as a FINA official. If for any reason, the Officials Committee, the Officials Chair or VP Operations do not believe the person meets that criterion, then they shall not be appointed or name submitted for participation at the meet.

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Committees reporting to the Program Operations Vice Chair Times and Recognition Committee Mission Statement: To assist in maintaining the SWIMS database and process information to recognize swimmers for their achievements. Membership: The committee shall be comprised of, two athletes, and eight members appointed by the Board Chair. Non-athlete appointments shall serve four-year terms, staggered so that 25% are named annually. Meetings: The committee shall meet as necessary by conference call and at the annual meeting of USA Swimming. Chair: Tim Husson Staff Liaison: Larry Herr Responsibilities:

1. To develop policy, procedures and criteria for entry of times from all USA Swimming sanctioned and approved meets, and observed swims by designated SWIMS Times Module Officers in each LSC.

2. To provide support to LSC SWIMS Times Module officers and monitor their compliance with published standards and guidelines to ensure that data from the field is properly transferred to the SWIMS database.

3. To make recommendations regarding potential enhancements to the LSC SWIMS functionality.

4. To maintain a list of all meets authorized for USA Swimming observation and to forward those needing approvals to the Vice Chair of Program Operations or designee.

5. To verify compliance of potential new records [e.g., World, American, U.S. Open, National Age Group with published rules and standards, and to execute appropriate steps for recognition.

6. To develop and implement a selection process for Scholastic All-America and ensure that recognition is distributed in a timely fashion..

7. To annually establish and publish the National Age Group Recognition times standards.

8. To assist in the annual publication of short and long course National Age Group Recognition listings and in the distribution of certificates and awards.

9. To oversee the process for the reimbursement of athlete travel expenses to the USA Swimming National Championships according to the current Athlete Reimbursement policy.

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair Age Group Development Committee Mission Statement: To plan for the needs of the Age Group level of our sport. To generate, evaluate, and communicate ideas, which will assist USA Swimming in planning and developing quality age group swimming programs Membership: The committee shall be comprised of eight people appointed by the Board Chair, plus two athletes with at least one representative from each Zone. At least five of the members shall be coaches. Each non-athlete member shall serve a four-year term, staggered so that two appointments are made annually. Chair: Jennifer Gibson Staff Liaison: Tom Avischious Responsibilities:

1. To conduct an ongoing evaluation of the local and national age group programs.

2. To develop and submit proposals to provide for the long range planning of age group swimming.

3. To encourage the development of programs that promote participation.

4. To oversee recognition for age group swimmers.

5. To communicate with and provide education and direction for the age group chairs in each LSC.

6. To develop programs to assist athletes in transitioning from Age Group to Senior.

7. To advise and consult with the Club Development Division regarding camps, including open water.

8. To promote inclusion of open water at all levels including LSC competitions, LSC Championships, and Zone meets.

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair

National Team Athletes Committee

Membership: Members will be appointed by the Athletes Vice Chair and Chair of the National Team Athlete Committee All members must be athletes currently on the National Team or having been National Team members within the last ten years. All must be athlete members of USA Swimming. All will get automatic vote in HOD. Minimum of two must have been OW National Team Members; One will serve on the OW Steering Sub-Committee. Two members must have been appointed to the National Team Steering Committee. Members of the US Paralympic Team are eligible to serve on this committee. The National Team Athlete Committee Chair shall serve as the Chair of this committee. Ex-Officio: Athletes Vice Chair, USOC AAC Rep and Alternate, FINA Athlete Commission Member, Add’l may be named by the committee Ex-Officio members do not have an automatic HOD vote. Members shall serve a term of 2 years with half appointed each year. Chair: Garrett Weber-Gale Staff Liaison: Lindsay Mintenko

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair

National Team Steering Committee

The Board of Directors of USA Swimming has established the National Team Steering Committee (see USA Swimming Rules and Regulations, Article 506.9) with the responsibilities to operate under the direction of the National Team Director to create a National Team Program; expedite decisions regarding that program; and plan for specific needs of the National Team in preparation for international competition.

The National Team Director is empowered with all decision-making authority necessary for the formulation, development and implementation of a National Team program. This authority encompasses, but is not restricted to schedule planning, team and staff selection, participation requirements, discipline and criteria.

The National Team Director will work in a cooperative manner with the National Team Steering Committee in exercising this authority. The National Team Steering Committee shall review, comment and endorse the report of the National Team Director.

Functions of the National Team Steering Committee: Under the direction of the National Team Director, the functions of the National Team Steering Committee are:

Endorse selection procedures for swimmers and staff members of all National Team, Open Water Team, and National Junior Team

Endorse the USA Swimming National Team Quad Plan, developmental programs, training camps and pre Games training.

General: The National Team Steering Committee shall be formed at the annual meeting of the House of Delegates in the year preceding the Olympic Games and the terms of the newly elected members shall commence on the day following the conclusion of the Olympic Games and end the last day of the next Olympic Games.

There shall be a maximum of ten (10) members in the Committee elected or selected as follows: The National Team Steering Committee shall consist of: Eight (8) coaches selected as follows;

• Preceding Head Women’s Olympic Coach (1) • Preceding Head Men’s Olympic Coach (1) • The Head Women’s Coach for the two Long Course World Championships

preceding the Olympic Games (2) • The Head Men’s Coach for the two Long Course World Championships preceding

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the Olympic Games (2) • Two coaches appointed by the Board Chair in consultation with the National Team

Director (2) • Two athletes selected by the Athletes Committee, one female/one male, both

former USA National Team members (2)

Once the new Head Olympic Coaches are named, they shall become ex-officio members of the National Team Steering Committee, if not already on the committee.

Ex-officio: the Technical Vice Chair, the Chair of the Senior Development Committee, and the Chair of the Sports Medicine Committee. The Committee may name additional ex-officio members.

Any vacancies on the committee shall be filled by appointment by the Board Chair in consultation with the National Team Director. Chair: Jim Wood USA Swimming Staff Liaison: Frank Busch

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair National Team Athletes’ Committee Mission Statement: Under the leadership of the National Team Vice Chair, provide feedback on National Team programs and services and to guide legislation and policies as directly related to the USA Swimming National Team. Membership: The National Team Athletes’ Committee shall consist of eight (8) voting members:

1. National Team Vice Chair, Committee Chair 2. National Team Steering Committee, male athlete 3. National Team Steering Committee, female athlete 4. National Open Water Team Steering Sub-Committee, male or female athlete 5. National Open Water Team Athlete 6. At-Large Athlete 7. At-Large Athlete 8. At-Large Athlete

Voting members of the committee shall have a vote in the House of Delegates. The ex-officio (non-voting) members consist of (but are not limited to):

1. Athletes’ Vice Chair 2. USOC AAC Representative 3. USOC AAC Representative Alternate 4. FINA Athlete’s Commission Member

The committee may name additional ex-officio members. Ex-officio membership shall not entitle an athlete to a vote in the House of Delegates. Qualifications:

1. Members shall have been a member of the USA Swimming National Team within the preceding 10 years.

2. Current members of the US Paralympic team are eligible for the Committee. Responsibilities:

1. To review the programs and services offered by the USA Swimming National Team division.

2. To evaluate and propose rules and regulations that directly affect the National Team Athletes.

3. To address the specific needs of the National Team Athletes in preparation for major international events.

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4. To evaluate, develop projects, and conduct long term plans in all areas concerning National Teams Athletes.

5. To report to the members of the National Team Steering Committee and Open Water Steering Sub-Committee any issues that warrant attention from those groups.

Where/When Appointed: At the USAS Convention every even year by the Athletes’ Vice Chair and National Team Vice Chair. Term length: Two (2) years with half the membership appointed each year. Meetings: The Committee shall meet as necessary and at the USAS Convention. Chair: Van Donkersgoed/Mark Weber Staff Liaison: Lindsay Mintenko

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair

Open Water Steering Sub-Committee

Mission Statement: The Open Water Steering Sub-Committee shall assist the National Team Director (or designee), Chair of the National Team Steering Committee and the Steering Committee develop an Open Water National Team program designed for success in International competition. Membership: Open Water Steering Sub-Committee comprises of 7 members appointed as follows: The Open Water Olympic Team Head Coach, five members appointed by the National Team Steering Committee in consultation with the National Team Director and two Athletes with Open Water National Team Experience. The term of non-athlete members shall be four years commencing with the conclusion of House of Delegates meeting following the Olympic Games. The National Team Director, the Chair of the National Team Steering Committee and the USA Swimming Technical Vice Chair shall all be ex-officio members of the Committee with voice but no vote. The Open Water Steering Committee shall elect a chairman from within its own membership. The Chair of the Open Water Steering Sub-Committee shall be an Ex Officio member of the Steering Committee with voice but no vote. Vacancies on the committee shall be replaced according to the original selection procedure. Meetings: The Committee shall meet as necessary and at the annual meeting of USA Swimming (USAS). Chair: Catherine Vogt Staff Liaison: Bryce Elser Responsibilities: The Committee shall operate under the direction of the Steering Committee and the National Team Director to:

1. Develop an Open Water National Team program designed for success in

International competition; 2. Expedite decisions regarding that program; 3. Plan for specific needs of the Open Water National Team in preparation for

international competition; 4. And, develop an Open Water National Team Quad Plan.

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair Open Water Development Committee Mission Statement: To plan for the needs of Open Water Swimming for our sport. To generate, evaluate, and communicate ideas, which will assist USA Swimming in planning and developing Open Water Swimming programs within its established budgeting and financial parameters and its Quadrennial Game Plan. Membership: The committee will be comprised of twelve people, at least four of whom shall be coaches, appointed by the Board Chair as follows: (1) a current member of the Sports Science/Medicine Committee, (2) a current member of the Open Water Steering Sub-Committee, (3) a current member of the Age Group Development Committee, (4) a current member of the Senior Development Committee, (5) a current member of the Officials Committee, (6) a current member of the Safety Education Committee, (7) a current USA Swimming member with experience in planning Open Water events, (8) one additional current USA Swimming member who shall serve as the chair, and (9) two current USA Swimming athlete member selected by the Athletes Vice Chair. In addition, the current member of the FINA Open Water Swimming Technical Committee and the USMS Open Water Chair shall serve as ex-officio members with voice, but no vote. Chair: David Johnson Staff Liaison: Annie White Responsibilities: 1. Develop and review programs and policies regarding the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators involved in open water swimming. 2. Encourage the development of programs that promote safe and fair participation in open water swimming at all appropriate age and ability levels. 3. Develop programs to recruit, train, and educate open water coaches, officials, and volunteers. 4. Continued on-going review of all USA Swimming open water rules, guidelines, and special issues of concern with the purpose of improving fairness, athlete performance, and the safety of all involved.

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair

Senior Development Committee

Mission Statement: To evaluate programs, advise and make recommendations within the scope of the committee focusing on issues that affect senior level athletes and coaches. Membership: The Committee shall be comprised of eight members appointed by the Board Chair plus two athletes. At least five of the members shall be coaches. Each non-athlete member shall serve a term of four years, staggered so that two non-athletes are appointed annually. Chair: W. John Morse Staff Liaison: Tom Avischious Responsibilities:

1. To conduct an ongoing evaluation of senior swimming. 2. To conduct long range planning for senior level swimming. 3. To provide technical input for the structure of the national championship meets

including Sectionals, Futures, Junior Nationals, National, Open Water, and U.S. Open Championships.

4. To develop proposals and programs that encourage senior level competition. 5. To provide technical input for programs to develop athletes at the post-age

group level. 6. To provide assistance in transitioning athletes from Age Group to National Team. 7. To develop proposed time standards for the ConocoPhillips National

Championships, U.S. Open, Junior Nationals, Futures and Sectional Championships.

8. To study and evaluate swimmers’ performances in corresponding meets of past season.

9. To study and analyze available statistics to determine new methods for improving criteria for establishing national championships time standards.

10. To recommend legislative changes concerning time standards to the Rules Committee.

11. To advise and consult with the Club Development Division regarding camps, including open water.

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Committees reporting to the Technical Vice Chair Sports Medicine/Science Committee

Mission Statement: The Sports Science/Medicine Committee shall assist and support the development, implementation and evaluation of medical and science-based programs for USA Swimming. The committee will use a multidisciplinary approach to develop and implement protocols related to medical care for swimmers, and to develop sports science programs to optimize medical care and sports performance. Membership: Terms are staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. 10 members: 1 elected by NT Steering Committee 2 appointed by NT Steering Cmte chair in consultation with NT Director 5 members appointed by Board Chair 2 athletes ex-officio: NT Director, NT Steering Cmte chair, Technical Vice Chair The term of non-athlete members shall be staggered so that 25% of the non-athlete members are appointed annually. The Chair of the Sports Science/Medicine Sub-Committee shall be appointed by the Board Chair in consultation with the National Team Director and the Technical Vice Chair. The Chair of the Committee shall be an Ex Officio member of the Steering Committee with voice, but no vote. The National Team Director and the USA Swimming Technical Vice Chair shall all be ex-officio members of the Committee with voice but no vote. Meetings: The Committee shall meet as necessary and host a workshop at the annual meeting of USA Swimming (United States Aquatic Sports Convention). Chair: Thomas Kremen, Jr., M.D. Staff Liaison: Keenan Robinson Responsibilities: The Committee shall:

1. Develop and assist in the implementation and evaluation of medical and science-based programs for USA Swimming;

2. Coordinate applicable medical and science-based programs with the Age Group

Development, Senior Development and Medical Committees;

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3. Expedite and implement decisions regarding those programs as necessary;

4. Support the National Team Division and the Steering Committee in all scientific

and medical areas as they relate to the National Team.

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Committees reporting to Athletes Deputy Vice Chair

Athletes Executive Committee

Mission Statement: To discuss and make recommendations on those issues affecting athlete members. Membership: Chair/Athletes’ Vice Chair, Deputy Vice Chair, Convention Vice Chair, Recruitment & Leadership Vice Chair, National Team Vice Chair, USOC Athletes’ Advisory Council Representative, Central Zone Athlete Representative, Eastern Zone Athlete Representative, Southern Zone Athlete Representative, Western Zone Athlete Representative, At-Large Athlete (appointed), At-Large Athlete (appointed), Immediate Past Chair (Ex-officio), USOC AAC Alternate Representative (ex-officio, non-voting), and Athlete(s) serving on the USA Swimming BOD not otherwise included (ex-officio, non-voting)

If a member of the Executive Committee cannot fulfill the requirements of his/her position, including attendance at the annual meeting, an alternate shall fill the vacancy for the remainder of their term, pursuant to procedures established by the Athletes Committee.

Chair: Mark Weber Staff Liaisons: Stacy Michael-Miller, Lindsay Mintenko Responsibilities:

1) Lead the business of the Athletes' Committee throughout the year, especially

during the USAS Convention. 2) Act as a liaison between the USA Swimming Board of Directors and the Athletes'

Committee. 3) Appoint, at the direction of the Athletes' Vice Chair, representatives to serve one

year terms on each USA Swimming committees. 4) Monitor attendance of athlete representatives at their respective committee

meetings and submit the record of attendance to the Athletes' Committee. 5) Recruit new athletes to serve on the Athletes' Committee and build a pipeline by

preparing athletes for future leadership roles. 6) Communicate with and make recommendations to the House of Delegates, Board

of Directors, and standing and local swimming committees, in those matters that affect athlete members of USA Swimming.