2017 july - hogemempresby.org 2017.pdf · hoge memorial presbyterian church 2017 july ... up under...

HOGE HERALD Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church 2017 July Instilling the Meaning of Independence Day by David Crowe What does the Fourth of July mean to contemporary Americans? For many it means a day off from work and little more. To others it means an opportunity to "party," roast hot dogs, drink beer and watch fireworks. But to the Founders of our nation, it meant far more. Upon the completion of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams, known as the "Father of the American Revolution" said, "We have this day restored to Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His Kingdom come." Adams was a man of no small stature in the colonies. His views are widely known and he was not closet Christian. He formed the Committees of Correspondence that unified the colonists preced- ing the Revolution; signed the Declaration of Independence; and served as Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Massachusetts." It was Adam's view that in declaring their independence from Great Britain, the colonists were placing themselves under the only true "sovereign", the King of Kings and the LORD of lords. Adams believed that as God "reigns in Heaven" it was His desire to further His Kingdom in the New World "from the rising to the setting of the sun." On July 3, 1776, the day following Congress' approval of the Declaration of Independence – John Adams – a signer of the Declaration and later our president wrote the following to his wife Abigail: "The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festi- val. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Al- mighty. To John Adams, it was to be remembered as a "Day of Deliverance" from the control and op- pression of tyrants, and it should be marked by acts of devotion to the God who delivers! To Sam Ad- ams, and to his cousin John, the spiritual implications were significant. As God, the author of our lib- erty has "declared" us free from the power, dictates and cruel authority of the arch "tyrant", the colo- nists were declaring themselves "free" to serve the King of Kings, and not an earthly tyrant. Their understanding of the event was theologically based, in a desire to serve the only true "sovereign", Christ Himself. It is difficult in light of the current state of America for the next generation to gain an understanding or appreciation of these spiritual implications. The enemy is using ignorance, complacency, and revisionism to disengage Christians from their civic duties. While we celebrate "Independence" this fourth of July, remember that the greatness of America is knowing that our liberty comes from Him who died for us,.and that our "freedoms" spring from the love of God.

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HOGE HERALD Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church



Insti ll ing the Meaning of Independence Day by David Crowe

What does the Fourth of July mean to contemporary Americans? For many it means a day off from work and little more. To others it means an opportunity to "party," roast hot dogs, drink beer and watch fireworks.

But to the Founders of our nation, it meant far more. Upon the completion of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams, known as the "Father of the American Revolution" said, "We have this day restored to Sovereign to Whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in Heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His Kingdom come."

Adams was a man of no small stature in the colonies. His views are widely known and he was not closet Christian. He formed the Committees of Correspondence that unified the colonists preced-ing the Revolution; signed the Declaration of Independence; and served as Lieutenant Governor and Governor of Massachusetts."

It was Adam's view that in declaring their independence from Great Britain, the colonists were placing themselves under the only true "sovereign", the King of Kings and the LORD of lords. Adams believed that as God "reigns in Heaven" it was His desire to further His Kingdom in the New World "from the rising to the setting of the sun."

On July 3, 1776, the day following Congress' approval of the Declaration of Independence – John Adams – a signer of the Declaration and later our president wrote the following to his wife Abigail: "The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festi-val. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Al-mighty.

To John Adams, it was to be remembered as a "Day of Deliverance" from the control and op-pression of tyrants, and it should be marked by acts of devotion to the God who delivers! To Sam Ad-ams, and to his cousin John, the spiritual implications were significant. As God, the author of our lib-erty has "declared" us free from the power, dictates and cruel authority of the arch "tyrant", the colo-nists were declaring themselves "free" to serve the King of Kings, and not an earthly tyrant. Their understanding of the event was theologically based, in a desire to serve the only true "sovereign", Christ Himself. It is difficult in light of the current state of America for the next generation to gain an understanding or appreciation of these spiritual implications. The enemy is using ignorance, complacency, and revisionism to disengage Christians from their civic duties.

While we celebrate "Independence" this fourth of July, remember that the greatness of America is knowing that our liberty comes from Him who died for us,.and that our "freedoms" spring from the love of God.

Page 2

Special Announcements KEEP IN DAILY PRAYER

-Kay Moore’s family, Kay passed away on June 15

-Veronica Martin, medical testing and surgery

-Joby Whitehead recovering from pneumonia

-Bev and Jack Neil, Bev’s brother passed away

-Nancy Loik, fell a is recovering from broken pelvis at The Grands in Dublin.

-Gail Gorman’s family, her sister, Kay Swanson, passed away

-Janet Fetherolf recovering from knee surgery

-John Griffin (Outreach Chair from Covenant PC) - being treated for contracting bacterial pneumonia in Germany.

-Patti Nussle’s (Westside Urban Ministry Chair) father– recovering from a recent stroke.

-Pat Newman, Doug Alter, Marianne Black, Bud Dorn, Judy Isel, Juanita Deweese, Sallie Wilson, Barbara Mapes, Wilbur Smith

-Hoge Church: continued support for community-based ministries.

-Our city, nation, and world leaders. Our schools, teachers and children.

Rev. Ed Sensenbrenner inducted into “Board of Preachers of Morehouse College

On March 30, 2017, Rev. Ed Sensenbrenner was inducted into the “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Board of Preachers of Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Rev. Ed was one of 71 persons induced in a

worship service held in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. International chapel of Morehouse College.

Morehouse College is an historic black college, located in the heart of downtown At-

lanta. Its graduates have been leaders of the Civil Right movement of the last 60 years. Its most

famous graduate is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for whom its chapel is named.

The Board of Preachers is composed of leaders who are spiritually oriented, role

models, and moral examples. Each year a new class of moral leaders are selected for induction

into the Board of Preachers.

Rev. Ed is a product of Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church. He grew

up under the pastorship of Rev. AJ Wold and the Sunday School teaching of

many dedicated Hoge women and men. He was a member of Boy Scout Troop 172, which

was sponsored by Hoge Memorial. He played on the church basketball teams all through

High School and College years. Rev. Ed and Rev. Bob Schmidt were ordained in a Joint Ordi-nation service at Hoge by Columbus Presbytery on June 24, 1962.

Rev. Ed served as pastor of Churches in Steubenville Presbytery, Columbus Presbytery and Miami

Presbytery. In retirement, Rev. Ed served Hoge Memorial in a part-time basis as Preacher and Worship

Leader, Pastoral Visitor and Moderator of the Session for Four years from 2012 through 2016.

Moore Kay L. Moore, age 65, passed away peacefully on Thursday, June 15, 2017, with her family by her side after a year plus long battle with MDS, a bone marrow failure disorder. Preceded in death by parents William R. and Elinor L. Moore, numerous special aunts and uncles, special pets Sugar, Jake, Tippy, Sarah and Kitty Boy, just to name a few. Sur-vived by sister, Carol (James Jr.) Lewis; brother, Kevin Moore; nephew, Landon (Jessica) Moore; great niece, Kinley Moore; pets, Hope, Snoopy and Cee Cee. Also the kind neighbors and friends from the Westgate area, Hoge Memorial Church, where she was a lifelong member and aided in many Mid Ohio Food Bank drives through the church, and friends and associates from her 44 year career at Nationwide Insurance. Kay was a 1969 graduate of West High School. Friends may call at JERRY SPEARS FUNERAL HOME, 2693 W. Broad St., Tuesday 1-2 p.m. with service to follow at 2 p.m. Pastor Ed Sensenbrenner officiating. Interment Sunset Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations in Kay's name to the MDS Foundation

Page 3

Lay readers: January-Beth Ormsby, February-Patti Gorman, March-Beth Ormsby, April-Mike Minch, May-Carolyn Colborn, June-Bill Aiken, July-Diana Purcell, Au-gust-Gail Garman, September-Carol Ross, October-Mike Minch, November-Beth Orms-by, December-Donna Swaneck. If you cannot be the lay reader for the month, contact Beth Ormsby Communion Servers - If you are unable to serve, please try to find a replacement and notify the worship committee.

January 8-Natalie Alter, Donna Swaneck, Debbie Peters, Diane Purcell, Judy Moody, Joy Rector February12-Susan Barrett, Jack Neil, Patti Gorman, Gail Garman, Gary Link, Beth Ormsby March 12-Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith, Mike Minch, Doug Alter, Carol Ross, Janet Fetherolf April 16 -Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Donna Swaneck, Gail Garman, Judy Moody, Patti Gorman May 14-Natalie Alter, Debbie Peters, Joy Rector, Beth Ormsby, Jack Neil, Gary Link June 11-Susan Barrett, Gail Garman, Charlotte and Wilbur Smith, Janet Fetherolf, Carol Ross July 9-Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Mike Minch, Doug Alter, Judy Moody, Donna Swaneck

August 13-Patti Gorman, Beth Ormsby, Kay Moore, Joy Rector, Diana Purcell, Natalie Alter September 10-Gary Link, Jack Neil, Gail Garman, Susan Barrett, Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith October 8-Carol Ross, Janet Fetherolf, Debbie Peters, Mike Minch, Judy Moody, Diana Purcell November 12-Doug Alter, Natalie Alter, Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Joy Rector, Patty Gorman December 10-Gail Garman, Jack Neil, Susan Barrett, Charlotte Smith, Wilbur Smith, Gary Link December 24-Dave Colborn, Carolyn Colborn, Beth Ormsby, Kay Moore, Donna Swaneck, Diana Purcell Schedule of Ushers: If you would like to usher, please contact Gail Garman, Beth Ormsby or Carolyn Colborn. Usher Team #1 (Jan, April, July, Oct.) Gary Link, Jack Neil, Bev Neil

Usher Team #2 (February, May, August and November): Judy Moody, Mike Minch, Bill & Dorothy Aiken Usher Team #3 (March, June, Sept, Dec): Mike Purcell, Diana Purcell, Beth Ormsby, Jim Cheadle Worship Committee This is the schedule for the fellowship hour on the second Sundays: January-Finance and Facilities; February-Session; March-Outreach/Worship/Christian Ed; April-Choir; May-Martha Circle; June - Session; July - Finance and Facilities; August– Ushers; September- Outreach/Worship/Christian Ed Committees; October- Martha Circle; November- Deacons; December- Ushers No Potlucks on fourth Sunday in July, August, November and December

Regular Session Meeting April/May15th, 2017

The Session of Hoge Memorial Presbyterian Church met for their regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. May 15, 2017 Meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Tracy Keenan, Elders Present: Gail Garman, Michael Minch, Patti Gorman, Joy Rector, Natalie Alter, Diana Purcell; Elders Excused: Dave Colborn; Moderator: – Rev. Dr. Tracy Keenan; Clerks’ Report – Diana Purcell, Communion was given to (43) people on Easter Sunday April 16, 2017,Communion was given to (43) people on May14th, 2017, No Meeting was held in April; Modera-tors/Pastoral Care Report: Jim Mehler visited Jim Cheadle in Mt Carmel Hospital. Katie Kinnison will be visiting with Wilbur Smith. Tracy Sent email to Kay Moore after she got good news about her recovery. Tracy will be talking with Gary Brose at Presbytery meeting who is interested in preaching and doing pastoral care.; Treasurer’s Report – Patti Gorman, Contributions are up for April, Other Income is up a little, Building ex-pense was down from March due to Alarm fee Being paid quarterly. (see financial report on page 5)’ Commit-tee Reports: Outreach: Michael Minch, Easter Egg Hunt was held on Saturday April 15th and approx. (200 total) children, parents and volunteers. Special thank you To Amber Fetherolf, and Alyssa Barrett and others who helped organize and fill the thousands of eggs needed to make this a huge success for the community; Out of the Box Community Theater will be performing "Dixie Swim Club" starring 2 of our own Patti Gorman, And Judy Manley. The dates are June 9, 10,11,16,17, and 18. Fellowship hour was re-scheduled for May 21 due to Mother's day being on May 14. Potluck was cancelled. HM3- All meals have been scheduled through the end of June. Finance, Facilities, and Stewardship – Janet Fetherolf, No Report, Have had issues with the Women's restroom downstairs, and Crib room.; Worship and Music – Gail Garman- Ministers Scheduled to preach in April & May: April 23rd-Wayne Morrison, April 30th- Keith Jones, May 7th- Rudy Smith, May 14th- Jim Mehler, May 21st- Keith Jones, May 28th – Wayne Morrison. June 4th - Susan Warrner Smith, June 11th - Rudy Smith, June 18th- Gary Brose, June 25th – Wayne Morrison; Nominating: Gail Garman- No Report (nominating committee: Mike Minch, Susan Barrett, and Natalie Alter); Personnel: Carolyn Colborn-Committee Chair- No report; Deacons: March Food Pantry Served: 72 Families (see page 4); Presbytery of Scioto Valley/ Westside Urban Ministry; Next Presbytery meeting will be held Tuesday May 16, 2017 3:30-6:30 pm at Overbrook Presbyterian, Free Store at Methodist Church Near West High school is looking for an-other location.; Old Business: No Report; New Business: Discussion regarding Development of Gearhardt's Hardware Store into Drive-Thru Carry-Out. Meeting at Buckeye Ranch on Thursday May 18th, 2017. Letter was reviewed and approved. Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm with the Lord’s Prayer. Next Session Meeting: June 19, 2017 at 7:00 pm. Respectfully: Diana L Purcell, Clerk of Session

Page 4

Updates and Reminders

Families Served at our HM3 (Hoge: Music, Message, Meal) for the month of April:

Adults 161, Kids 31, (Volunteers 34, Hoge Members 9), Total 197 If you are interested in donating personal care items call Robin Wilson at 614-783-9757. For

helping with the meal, Mike Minch 614-557-8816. To help with food pantry contact Dorothy

Aiken or Carolyn Colborn.

The Lord’s Army A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and the preacher was standing at the door as he always is to shake hands. He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside. The pastor said to him, “You need to join the Army of the Lord!” My friend replied, “I’m already in the army of the Lord, Pastor.” The Pastor questioned, “How come I don’t see you except at Christmas and Easter?” And with a totally straight face, he whispered back, “I’m in the Secret Service.”

One of our three on-going major ministries is the Mt. Carmel Outreach Bus. The bus served a total of 97 people in the months of July (6), August (20), Septem-ber (14), October (32), November (25), December (10)

May 2017 Monthly Totals Monthly Totals, 75 Families,

People served 287, Adults

(60+) 34, Adults (59-18) 142, Children 111

Martha Muses—After our annual meal together and a visit to the play at church we will not be meeting together until September 12. You are welcome to join us then. We will be studying the book “American Miracle Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic” as our bible study for this session.




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July April 2017

September October

November December

January 2017 February 2017


The gorgeous windows in our church

are a given. But have you noticed all

the other beauty in the structure?

The wood carvings, the arches, the

curves? I have walked new visitors

into the sanctuary several times.

Without exception there has been a

sort of gasp and a whispered “how

gorgeous”. We are lucky to visit our

Lord in the beauty of this place.

Families People Over 60 Adults Children








May April

April and May Monthly Totals

Children and Teens Corner

Welcome to a new feature in the Hoge Herald! This will be a space where happenings from Sunday School and beyond are shared with the congrega-tion.

The Children’s Sunday School Class has been studying darkness and light as it is talked about in the Bible. There are a lot of references to both, and we are learning a lot. We have created a darkness box, with verses that we have chosen about darkness glued around the box. Nick and Izaiah did the beginning work on this box. The inside of the box contains a symbol and a verse that Izaiah chose to represent what give us hope in darkness. We also created a light box, with verses that we have chosen about light glued around the box. Aurora did the beginning work on this box. Izaiah chose a symbol and verse to put in this box. We will share these box-es, and more of our work on darkness and light on Sunday July 30th during the Time with Children.

July Birthdays

Carol Ross, 3rd,

Patti Gorman, 8th,

Gary Link, 11th,

Rebecca McGraw, 13th

Bud Dorn, 27th

Jeff Colborn, 27tth

Page 5

Financial Update – May 31, 2017

The following is a summary of Hoge’s current year financial activity through May 2017. Detailed finan-cial reports are available by request to the church office.

Designated Offerings / Donations / Other Income during 2017:

Deacon’s Funds: $2,782.05 (includes donations from Worthington Presbyterian, Glenwood UM Church)

One Great Hour of Sharing: $1,565.00

Parking Lot/Building Maintenance Fund: $2.06 (interest earned from designated savings account)

Ed & Lois Sensenbrenner Pastoral Care & Leadership Fund: $543.59

Recycling: $49.00

HM3 Offerings: $105.82

Mission Support: $694.44 (from Worthington Presbyterian Church – directly supports HM3)

Donation in honor of Ed & Lois Sensenbrenner’s 65th Wedding Anniversary: $650.00

Memorial Funds in Memory of Marge Kennedy: $3,000.00

Financial notes:

Please continue to commit to Hoge in prayer, physical efforts, and financially. God is calling each of us to do our part to keep Hoge alive, providing mission and outreach to our community.

If you are not currently participating in any of the activities at Hoge, please prayerfully consider your willingness to do so. We have unique mission and outreach occurring here which is not happening any-where else. You have to experience it to understand it!

Patti Gorman, Treasurer

The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide is available free to the congregation.

Balances as of May 31, 2017:

Unrestricted cash $ 65,493.27 Restricted cash 29,413.04

Payroll Liabilities ( 301.11) Net liquid assets $ 94,605.20

Operating Income:

Contributions $ 32,720.70 Interest 1,388.06 Other income (building use) 2,590.00

Other income (other support) 2,243.13 Other income (flower dedications) 973.00

Total Operating Income $ 39,914.89

Operating Expenses:

Admin & Other Expenses $ 4,012.06 Building & Maintenance Exp 3,497.49 Committee Expenses 3,540.76

Office Expenses 1,831.33 Non-Pastoral Salaries 11,107.50

Pastoral Expenses 2,537.46 Utilities and Phone 7,223.34 Total Operating Expenses $ 33,749.94

Difference - Operating Activity $ 6,164.95

Balances as of May 31, 2017:

Unrestricted cash $ 65,493.27 Restricted cash 29,413.04

Payroll Liabilities ( 301.11) Net liquid assets $ 94,605.20

Operating Income:

Contributions $ 32,720.70 Interest 1,388.06 Other income (building use) 2,590.00

Other income (other support) 2,243.13 Other income (flower dedications) 973.00

Total Operating Income $ 39,914.89

Operating Expenses:

Admin & Other Expenses $ 4,012.06 Building & Maintenance Exp 3,497.49 Committee Expenses 3,540.76

Office Expenses 1,831.33 Non-Pastoral Salaries 11,107.50

Pastoral Expenses 2,537.46 Utilities and Phone 7,223.34 Total Operating Expenses $ 33,749.94

Difference - Operating Activity $ 6,164.95

Let’s Celebrate Independence Day with a Patriotic Hymn Sing – Sunday, July 2, 2017

Our July 2 service will be a Patriotic Hymn Sing followed by an ice cream social fellowship hour. Join us

in spiritually celebrating the nation’s birthday along with recognition of veterans in attendance.

2017 PSV Mission Trip is being planned!

The annual presbytery-wide mission work trip is scheduled for the week of October 22-28

to work with the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. This week

will consist of work projects focused on fire recovery efforts. There will be space for 25-30

adult volunteer workers from our presbytery congregations. To reserve a space on the mis-

sion team, email: [email protected]. More information will be available soon.


Page 6


2 10:30am Worship—Special Patriotic Service 11:30am Deacons Meeting 7:00pm AA Meeting

3 10:00am Breast Feeding Clinic 6:00pm Girl Scouts 6:30pm Urban Ministry 7:30pm NA Happy Birthday Carol Ross

4 5:30pm AA Meeting Office Closed

9 10:30am Worship w/ Communion w/Rev. Doug Taylor 11:30am Doughnut Fellowship 7:00pm AA Meeting

10 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30pm NA

11 5:30pm AA Meeting Happy Birthday Gary Link

16 10:30am Worship w /Joan Bolinger 7:00pm AA Meeting Newsletter Deadline

17 10:30am Breast Feeding Clinic 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:00pm Session 7:30pm NA

18 12:00pm Food Pantry 5:30pm AA Meeting

23 10:30am Worship w/ Rev. Wayne Morrison 7:00pm AA Meeting

24 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30pm NA

25 12:00pm Food Pantry 5:30pm AA Meeting

30 10:30am Worship w/ Rev. Keith Jones 7:00pm AA Meeting

31 6:00pm Girl Scouts 7:30pm NA

Quick Corn on the Cob: Wet a paper towel. Then wrap your paper towel around the corn and place on a micro-wavable plate. Cook in the microwave on high for 5 minutes. Allow to cool and then remove paper towel. Butter all sides of the corn, then salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!-Keep Apples from turning brown: clean apple, make a cut straight across, next to the core. Make the same cut on all sides, gather them back up to reform the apple and secure them with a rubber band.-Cover scratches on wooden furniture: Use a WALNUT! Just rub a shelled walnut on the damaged area, and watch in amazement as the dings, scrapes and scratches all begin to darken and disappear.


Page 7


1 5:00pm HM³ 7:00pm AA Meeting

5 7:30pm NA Meeting

6 2:00pm Mt. Carmel Medical Bus 6:00pm Brownies

7:00pm G.S. Leader Meeting 7:00pm Outreach/Worship/ Christian Ed

7 6:00pm AA Meeting

8 5:00pm HM³ 7:00pm AA Meeting Happy Birthday Patti Gorman

12 7:30pm NA Meeting

13 2:00pm Mt. Carmel Medical Bus 6:00pm Brownies Happy Birthday Rebecca McGraw

14 6:00pm AA Meeting

15 5:00pm HM³ 7:00pm AA Meeting

19 12:00pm Food Pantry 7:30pm NA Meeting

20 2:00pm Mt. Carmel Medical Bus 6:00pm Brownies

21 9:30am Newsletter prep 6:00pm AA Meeting

22 5:00pm HM³ 7:00pm AA Meeting

26 12:00pm Food Pantry 7:30pm NA Meeting

27 2:00pm Mt. Carmel Medical Bus 6:00pm Brownies

Happy Birthday Bud Dorn Happy Birthday Jeff Colborn

28 6:00pm AA Meeting 29 5:00pm HM³ 7:00pm AA Meeting

Bulletin information should be in by Wed. at noon—Please no exception Newsletter information by the 3rd Sunday July 16 —Please no exception

Pumpkin Bread-Makes 2 to 4 loaves, depending on size of your loaf pans; (fill loaf pans 2/3 full after spraying with non-stick spray); Dry Ingredients: 3 cups sugar, 3 ½ cups all purpose flour,1 cup salad oil, 2 tsp baking soda, 4 eggs, 1 tsp nut-meg, 16 oz can pumpkin, 1 tsp allspice, 2/3 (two-thirds) cup water, 1 tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp cloves, 1 ½ tsp salt. Cream sug-ar and oil. Add eggs, pumpkin & water. Mix dry ingredients together. Add to sugar, oil, etc. Bake at 350 degrees 40-45 minutes. Praline Sauce- 4 Tablespoons light brown sugar, 2 Tablespoons cornstarch, ½ cup dark corn syrup, ¾ stick but-ter, ½ to 1 cup finely chopped pecans, 1 tsp vanilla extract. In small heavy saucepan, stir together brown sugar & corn-starch. Stir in corn syrup & butter. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick. Remove pan from heat and stir in pecans & vanilla. Cool slightly. Pour over cooled pumpkin bread. From First Presbyterian Church in Washington, NC.

Hoge’s Recycling Project-Hoge has had a recycling project. Donna Swaneck takes aluminum cans brought to the church to Cyclemet for recycling. While some are bringing cans that their immediate family has used, others collect cans from work, extended family members, or friends. Our sexton Tony picks up cans from our prop-erty as he cares for the outside of our church. Thank you for your support.


PHONE: 614-276-5433 FAX: 614-276-5434



Feeding the Community Physically & Spiritually

Page 8

Inside this issue

1 Food For Thought

2 Special Announcements

3 Mark Your Calendar

4 Updates and Reminders

5 Financial Information

6 & 7 Calendar of Events

8 Staff/Contact Information

Hoge Memorial Church Staff

Head of Staff: Jesus Christ

Sexton, Tony Barnett

Organist, Phil Leston

Various Committee Heads

Various Volunteer Office Staff

Heads of Various Programs and community service groups (Food

Pantry, HM3, AA and NA groups, Girl Scouts, Urban Ministries,

Mt. Carmel Bus)

Members of Out of the Box Community Theatre