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Page 1: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Eugowra Public SchoolAnnual Report



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Page 2: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the


The Annual Report for 2017 is provided to the community of Eugowra Public School as an account of the school'soperations and achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Carmel Doyle


School contact details

Eugowra Public SchoolHill StEugowra, 2806www.eugowra-p.schools.nsw.edu.aueugowra-p.School@det.nsw.edu.au6859 2233

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Page 3: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

School background

School vision statement

At Eugowra Public School, we believe that by working in partnership within and beyond the school in a strategic,enthusiastic and purposeful way, we will inspire the development of successful and confident individuals. We will developthe capacity of our students to be problem solvers, engaged learners, leaders and responsible, productive citizens. Ourlegacy will be building students’ capacity to be successful in their future education and careers.

School context

Eugowra Public School (EPS) is a two–teacher school located in a rural area forty kilometres east of Forbes in theCentral West of NSW.


The school has excellent facilities that include well–equipped air–conditioned classrooms and attractive grounds andgardens. The school is one of two primary schools in the Eugowra area. It caters for students from the local township andsurrounding farming area. The school has a very experienced and dedicated staff.

The students of Eugowra Public School are from a variety of backgrounds from rural and urban areas and present with arange of learning needs. Students are encouraged to do their personal best in a safe and caring environment. There is astrong emphasis on improving students' literacy and numeracy with a focus on engaging students through interactivetechnologies for improved learning. A high priority is placed on technology in the classroom as a result; all classroomsare provisioned with more than ample ICT devices.


The school is proud of its partnerships with parents and the community.

Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework. The framework supportspublic schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of high quality practiceacross the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading.

In the domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading staff identified achievement at Delivering across the three domainsand Sustaining and Growing in the element of Teaching: Effective Classroom Practice.

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine our school plan, leading to further improvements in thedelivery of education to our students.

For more information about the School Excellence Framework:


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Page 4: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Strategic Direction 1

Develop Inspired Learners


Eugowra Public School will deliver high quality teaching and learning programs to equip students with the necessaryskills to be successful 21st century learners.


The school will support all students to become competent and creative learners. This will be achieved through thedevelopment of whole–school programs, increasing teacher capacity and engaging students with meaningful learningopportunities.

Overall summary of progress

• Growth and areas for development have been monitored using internal and external assessments. • Students K–6 are tracked on a Data Wall to monitor progress along Literacy and Numeracy continuums. • Teachers developed PDPs to set and evaluate goals. • The school provided extra–curricular activities and programs and sought opinions of students and parents. 

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Analysis of data from NAPLAN,PLAN, Best Start andschool–based assessments willbe used to monitor growth andareas for development.

$8897 Learning andSupport Funding 

• Teachers used assessment data to track andanalyse student progress  • Student support was informed by data 

Teachers using Literacy andNumeracy continuums to monitorstudent achievement.

$561 Literacy andNumeracy Funding

• All students K–6 tracked and monitored alongcontinuums

Teachers identifying areas fordevelopment through reflectionand evaluation of goals.

$5461 ProfessionalLearning Funding

$13450 Beginning TeacherSupport Funding

• Teachers developed and discussed PDPs withsupervisors leading to PL opportunities • Reflections and evaluations were evident inteaching programs • Beginning teacher received support fromsupervisor and undertook professional learning

Parental and student feedback onschool programs.

$3449 Extra Curricular

$7301 Key Learning Areas

• Students and parents were positive aboutprograms the school was implementing

Next Steps

• Continue to seek professional learning for staff to improve student outcomes particularly in Literacy and Numeracy • Undertaking professional learning around Learning Progressions and monitoring students growth and achievement

along the progressions • Continue to investigate and implement new initiatives and extra–curricular activities to enhance student learning

and engagement • Seek and implement innovative and evidence–based practices across the whole school

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Page 5: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Strategic Direction 2

Instill a Culture of Respect


Eugowra Public School will develop students’ sense of self–worth, self–awareness and personal identity that enablesthem to manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing.


The school will support students in developing their personal values and attributes such as honesty, resilience, empathyand respect for others. This will be achieved through ensuring students have the knowledge, skills, understanding andvalues to establish and maintain healthy, satisfying lives.


Students will appreciate diversity and value cultures in order to be active and informed citizens.

Overall summary of progress

• Whole–school 'Better Buddies' program proved successful in minimising student misbehaviour and maintaininghigh levels of student engagement

• Positive partnerships between the school and parents and community members  • Students were involved in various cultural events throughout the year

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

A reduction in bullyingbehaviours.

• Regular and consistent use of monitoring sheetsindicate minimal bullying incidents

Decreased incidents of studentmisbehaviour. 

$372 awards/ prizes • Behaviour monitoring sheets indicate low levelsof misbehaviour • No incidents of suspension or expulsion for 2017

All parties collaborating andinteracting respectfully andprofessionally with each other. 

$2746 Sporting Schools

$680 General SchoolContributions

• Whole–school Better Buddies program is provingsuccessful  • Parents and community members maintainingpositive partnerships  

Increased involvement andparticipation in cultural events. 

$1414  Excursions

$1345 Visiting Performers 

• Students involved in various cultural events andexperiences throughout the year

Next Steps

• Continuation of 'Better Buddy' initiative, whole–school rewards and monitoring sheets for misbehaviour.  • Continue to have an open door policy with parent body and communicate regularly with parents in regards to

student behaviour and learning.  • Continue to participate in school and community events to reinforce values and provide cultural experiences to


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Page 6: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Strategic Direction 3

Foster Strong Partnerships


Eugowra Public School will create effective partnerships with the school and local community.


The school will foster strong collaboration and consultation with parents, family and community members through activeand authentic participation within our local community and with our parent body. 


Our school will continue to network with other schools to develop strong partnerships, relationships and linkages. 

Overall summary of progress

• Students involved in community events, creating a positive school image as well as school pride  • Strengthened community partnerships • School networks continuing to be collaborative and positive partnerships  

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Funds Expended(Resources)

Progress achieved this year

Increased involvement of staffand students in communityevents. 

$3449 Extra Curricular  • Community events have continued to be a focusfor staff and students to be involved in with theschool taking part in many community eventsthroughout the year

Increased involvement of parentsand community members withinthe school. 

$897 Donations (Non P&C) • Steady continuation of parent numbers beingactively involved with the school

Existing partnerships utilised andfurther school and communitynetworks strengthened. 

$2746 Sporting Schools • Increased collaboration with the Small schoolsnetwork – continue to enhance this in 2018 • Local community partnerships have beenmaintained

Next Steps

• Community events to continue to be a priority for students to be involved in • Continue to build upon school networks and partnerships with a focus on student collaboration  • Approach community groups to be more actively involved in student learning experiences  • Continue to seek ways to actively involve our parent body with the school 

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Page 7: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Key Initiatives Resources (annual) Impact achieved this year

Aboriginal background loading $8733 Funds used to employ School LearningSupport Officers (SLSOs) to provideadditional support for students to improveeducational outcomes. 

Low level adjustment for disability $27154 Funds used to employ SLSOs to supportstudents with additional learning needs aswell as to provide classroom support toteachers. 

Socio–economic background $27498 Funds used to employ SLSOs to providesupport to students and teachers. Fundinghas also been used in conjunction with schoolfunds to employ additional teacher time toprovide additional release and in classsupport to teachers to successfully implementschool programs to enhance teaching andlearning. 

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Page 8: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2014 2015 2016 2017

Boys 17 19 18 15

Girls 19 20 17 14

Student attendance profile


Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 96.5 94.7 94.9 94.9

1 91 93.6 90.7 89.8

2 93.8 93.9 91.3 94.1

3 92 93.2 95 92.7

4 94.5 91.9 91 96.2

5 96.6 96.7 91.7 92.9

6 97.5 96.4 94.1 94.8

All Years 94.4 94.3 92.6 93.7

State DoE

Year 2014 2015 2016 2017

K 95.2 94.4 94.4 94.4

1 94.7 93.8 93.9 93.8

2 94.9 94 94.1 94

3 95 94.1 94.2 94.1

4 94.9 94 93.9 93.9

5 94.8 94 93.9 93.8

6 94.2 93.5 93.4 93.3

All Years 94.8 94 94 93.9

Management of non-attendance

Eugowra Public School prides itself on high studentattendance rates, which reflect the schools welfareprograms success as well as ensuring our student'slearning and well–being needs are catered for.

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Deputy Principal(s) 0

Assistant Principal(s) 0

Head Teacher(s) 0

Classroom Teacher(s) 1.28

Teacher of Reading Recovery 0

Learning & Support Teacher(s) 0.2

Teacher Librarian 0.08

Teacher of ESL 0

School Counsellor 0

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0

*Full Time Equivalent

Reporting of information for all staff must be consistentwith privacy and personal information policies. 

The Australian Education Regulation, requires schoolsto report on Aboriginal composition of their workforce. 

All staff were of Anglo–Saxon origin.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree 0

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

Professional learning continues to be a focus for allstaff at Eugowra Public School. Some professionallearning undertaken in 2017 included: AUSTWIM,Beginning Teacher Conference, TEN training, Bridgesout of Poverty.

All staff have continued to maintain their accreditationrequirements.

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Page 9: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Financial information (for schoolsusing both OASIS and SAP/SALM)

Financial information

The three financial summary tables cover 13 months(from 1 December 2016 to 31 December 2017). 

The financial summary consists of school incomebroken down by funding source and is derived from theschool Annual Financial Statement. 

Receipts $

Balance brought forward 64,175

Global funds 69,431

Tied funds 83,317

School & community sources 9,483

Interest 798

Trust receipts 494

Canteen 0

Total Receipts 163,523


Teaching & learning

Key Learning Areas 7,301

Excursions 535

Extracurricular dissections 14,878

Library 2,246

Training & Development 130

Tied Funds Payments 39,394

Short Term Relief 4,846

Administration & Office 17,159

Canteen Payments 0

Utilities 9,659

Maintenance 3,201

Trust Payments 4,030

Capital Programs 9,982

Total Payments 113,361

Balance carried forward 114,337

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

The information provided in the financial summaryincludes reporting from 1 January 2017 to 31December 2017. 

2017 Actual ($)

Opening Balance 0

Revenue 126,962

Appropriation 114,781

Sale of Goods and Services 417

Grants and Contributions 11,764

Gain and Loss 0

Other Revenue 0

Investment Income 0

Expenses -52,605

Recurrent Expenses -52,605

Employee Related -25,372

Operating Expenses -27,234

Capital Expenses 0

Employee Related 0

Operating Expenses 0



Balance Carried Forward 74,357

The Opening balance for the 2017 school financial yearis displayed in the OASIS table as Balance broughtforward. The financial summary table for the yearended 31 December 2017 shows the Opening balanceas $0.00 because the Opening balance for the 2017school financial year is reported in the OASIS table (asBalance brought forward). 

The amount displayed in the Appropriation category ofthe financial summary table is drawn from the Balancecarried forward shown in the OASIS table and includesany financial transactions in SAP the school hasundertaken since migration from OASIS to SAP/SALM.For this reason the amount shown for Appropriation willnot equal the OASIS Balance carried forward amount. 

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Page 10: 2017 Eugowra Public School Annual Report - Amazon S3€¦ · Introduction The Annual Report for€2017 is provided to the community of€Eugowra Public School€as an account of the

Financial summary equity funding

The equity funding data is the main component of the'Appropriation' section of the financial summary above. 

2017 Actual ($)

Base Total 441,853

Base Per Capita 5,349

Base Location 12,756

Other Base 423,748

Equity Total 63,385

Equity Aboriginal 8,733

Equity Socio economic 27,498

Equity Language 0

Equity Disability 27,154

Targeted Total 0

Other Total 2,720

Grand Total 507,957

Figures presented in this report may be subject torounding so may not reconcile exactly with the bottomline totals, which are calculated without any rounding. 

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments.

In 2017, Eugowra Public School had 4 students in Year3 and 6 students in Year 5 sit the NAPLAN tests. Theactual results are not able to be reported on due to thesmall size of the group. 

The school is unable to reproduce any data results ifthe cohort is less than 10 students as it could identifyindividuals. 

The My School website provides detailed

information and data for national literacy and numeracytesting. Go to http://www.myschool.edu.au to accessthe school data.

In accordance with the Premier's Priorities: Improvingeducation results and State Priorities: Better services –Improving Aboriginal education outcomes for studentsin the top two NAPLAN bands, schools are required toreport their student performance for the top twoNAPLAN bands in reading and numeracy and thepercentage of Aboriginal students in the top twoNAPLAN bands. 

Due to the small cohort sizes of Eugowra PublicSchool, the school is unable to report on these resultsas it could identify individuals.

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Each year, schools are required to seek the opinions ofparents, students and teachers about the school. Theirresponses are presented below.

In 2017, the school sought the opinions of parents,students and staff about the school.

Parents agreed: • that Eugowra Public School is an attractive and

well–resourced school • that the school is connected to its community and

welcomes parental involvement • that the school is a friendly school that is

accepting of all students • that teachers provide effective extra support to

students who need it • that parents/carers are encouraged to be actively

involved in their child's learning

Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

In 2017, Eugowra Public School participated with otherlocal schools in celebrating National Aboriginal IslanderDay Observance Committee (NAIDOC Day). Thisyear, Primary students participated in Wiradjurilanguage lessons.  Across the school Aboriginaleducation and perspectives are integrated andembedded into the teaching of all curriculum areas.

Multicultural and anti-racism education

Multiculturalism is reflected in the programming of allcurriculum areas. Students participate andacknowledge cultural events and celebrations andstudy various cultures as part of integrated units ofwork. The whole school annually participates in thelocal CWA County of Study competition, which enablesstudents to learn about various cultures.  

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