· 2017. 12. 16. · ronnsncial. _ alexandria blarkcl, au|nit 31. ta#...

ronnsnciAL. _ Alexandria Blarkcl, Au|nit 31. Ta# market is quiet, with light offerings.. So o! ,,,lour reported, *nd price* unchanged. Sales of white and red Wheat of inferior quality at 130c for the former, and 125c. jor :b«? latter. Sales of white and mixed Corn No change to note in Rye or Oat«. Tin nsrktti, BaiTixoa* August 30 .Flour is steady; (>nio, ,mj City Mills $5.6*i®5.75. Wheat is firm; rfd 12'3ac., white 13. 0150c. Cornisquiet; shite Tsjgi'c.; yellow S^b9c. Whiskey is <Jji. Fork is quiet; meu $17,50. Siw York August 31..Flour is lower; sales 0. ,, barrels, .vate $4 900$5.1O; Ohio $5.70 jf:,.. bouthern $5.OO0$5,7O. Wheat is still hiifher. sal^s ol 3U,<JU<J bushels; Southern red \2i<aW'C \ whi'e 130(9143c. rorn declined; j sales ol 3",vo0 bush.; mixed at 69070c. Pork iifir®. mess $17 50; prime at $15,200$ 15.25. Lardd'lli- Whiskey is dull at 24024 Jc Stocks sie rirm. but dull. Va. 6 s 92; Mo. 6's t*4^. Rkhm 'So. Aug 3l.--WHr.Ar..-Prime Wheat ' '* 4A * .J a , ,>ii(iDUfs to command *1»i 4U ior rea, anu «! Cor white: but the latter is more readily paid than the Conner, as the quantity of white crf-ruig i* iarj»!y out of proportion to the red, which constitute the hulk of the offerings, the inferior grades 0t which have declined, and for .,;!S description of red there is no demaud The heavy receipts during the past fortnight have enabled 'be millers to accumulate large stocks, v 'j <ei tly, they exhibit much less eagerness to b y. unless a sample of clean, plump white i- pr.gented. The arrivals were comparatively light to day, and, in connection with the fact above stated, imparted rather a dull aspect to the n arket Cons . We continue to quote Corn at 7£;d 80c The receipts during the pust month were qji'e heavy, and nearly all were taken by distillers, wno nave regulated the prices. ()v«r 16,000 bushels of wheat were shipped from Bristol, Tennessee, to eastern markets, over the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad last wet a of which 3.00U bushels arrived in Bristol .it wagons About 1.0C0 bushels of corn were received in Norfolk, V irginia, on Friday, over the Norto'k am' Petersburg Railroad. AltlANAO. 1 Sen So* ~~ SEPTKMBKR. ni« teh. Moox's Phabis. 1 wednesday 6 34 0 tdfj d. b. m. 2 Thursday.. 6 36 ft 26 Last qr. 2 9 10 m. 3 Friday. 6 3ft ft 24 New 7 9 4 m. 4 Saturday... 6 3" ft 22 First qr.. 15 0 6 m. * " 1 ' Wis oi v.,,m !iQ m q a ? ,n«:..y . -- 6 Monday... '> 4M 20 HIOH WATXU."" 7 Tu*»s«iay .. 0 11 >5 1'.' Sbvt'r 1 -b.. «. mahisb list. POET Of ALEXANDRIA.ACQTOT 31 ARRIVED. Schr . Tippins, Aquia, wheat to Washington A Co. >cor F.eanor. fair, Farmington, wheat to Wutuhgtou Ac Co. Sailrd. Srhr. .Minerva Winslow, Fall River, coal by Borden Milling Co. >r&r John Forsyth, Holmes, New York, coal by 1 J Mehafley. Srhr Sarah Mills. Tyler, New York, coal by Borden Mining Co Schr. Volant, , Boston, coal by T. J. Mehafley Schr. Wave, Sprague, Providence, by M. Eldridge. Memoranda. Srhr I'alf-tir.e, Cambreen, Irom this port, arrived at New York 2'.»th inst. Srhr Hamilton. Trutx, Irom this port, arrived at Albany 2Sth inst. Schr. Naiad Ci een Hulse, from this port, armed at Providence ifith inst. AH. THE NEW BOOKS MAGAZINES, ask PAPERS, at FRENCH'S Book and Pnuxhcul Df/ i'l Frank Leslies Illustrated Paper, monthly jiarf, lor September, 2He Harper's Weekly, monthly part, for September. 20c Waverlry Magazine, monthly part, for September, i'>c. Telegraph Supplement to Harper's Weekly, entailing ai; the doing* and drawings of the Telegraph. '>r. A lre»h supply of the Two Sisters, by Mrs. Emma I' F N. Southworth; paper covers $1, bound > X'i. Said to be the best of her works. New York Ledger, New York Mercury, New York Weekly. Flag. Pictorial, Saturday Evening l ost Haip. r s Weekly, f eslie's Illustrated News, Wavetlty Magazine, Boston Pilot, New York Clipper. National and United States Police tiavtte. Weekly Heiald and Tribune, Yankee Privatter. Tine Flag, Hollar Paper, Weekly Sun, London Illustrated News, Punch, New York Picayune. Porter's Spirit, Irish News, Irish American, Ac , Ac. KfiVv Hound the Rectory, by Owen Varra, first iSMi**d in America in "Little's Living Age," price All the New Books on hurl. sep 1 1 kRl'GS, \c.Aver's Cherry Pectoral, Glau X' b»r > salts; Colchicum Root; Strichnme; Cau>'ic; I'hrystalized Nil rate Silver; Elm tarn. French Chalk; Cream Tartar; Bottle forks, CorosiveSublimate; Hoffman's Anodyne; f^xe s Gelatine; Calabria Liquorice; Ellis'Solution. Citrate Magnesia; Preston & Merrill's Las* Powder; Salad Oil; Arsenic; Sub Nit. Bumuth Wells' Strengthening Plasters; Wistar's louga Lvnges; Seneca Root; Chloroform; f'Utii Arabic Oil Anise; Salt Tartar; Arrow Root, Nutmegs, Wood's H:<ir Restorer; Borax; bum ( aniphor; Brown's E-s. Jamaica Uinger; MoA liv er s Ointment; Gum Opium ; Tongua *'(t \ an: la Beai.v; ()|| Bergwmot; Celery Seed; M ivtard Seed; Blue Mass; Confec Roses; - lain Killer; Camels Hair Pencils; Mof l'i.!». Ground Mustard; Bartine's Lotion. u»t rtiei\eU ai.d for tale by WM. A. HART, INo. 10U King street, cor. of l'itt. I ^ iy >>2n ot the Goldf 11 Mortar. sep l_ I OELKCT FEMALE SCHOOL..MISS M. 1 O -i RO.H'H will open, on Monday, Stpttnber I V' ^ot-'TH Royal strkkt. a SELKC1 I HtH>L. in»0 wbich not more than twenty I J°utig !a,!i,.s will te admitted The charge for I j:'iod \*i [ be from $0 to $S, according to the I I'tidict pursued. I . s N>>Ung to enter their daughters, will I i''e tnalce early application as above. I OT1CE..MISS WJtDDEY will resume U ,ae duties 01 her School, in her former I ^ on laiiiax street, on Monday ntjct, tith I *nere she will be pleased to see her tormer I v^'1* a")' others who may wish to enter. I W * *'li continue to pay especial attention to truing. Spelling, Geogiaphy, and H ®-'f fundamental branches, as heretofore. In mf»ntime, she can be seen at the room, be > and 11 o'clock. A. M. sep 1.<dtd* I (T BALDWIN, dealer in IRON and vl S1KF.L No. 13 Nort/i Royal Sire*..Al Ri\t\°" Dd"^' a complete stock of BAR, I r'lvT H< K),>- awl HORSE SHOE IRON ; aLo, I STrr. «H®AR. GERMAN, and BLISTER I E Ail ot w hich will be sold at the lowI c /ric'/or f"*'» or ou thort rredttt to punctual *?»« *. tep 1_ I T1 °,*>ALK.Several Servant WOMEN and */h,lDKKN. The WOMEN are valuaI ..^r * very fair Cook, Wash , n uoner. Terms reasonable. Apply ear -j,0 WILLIAM RIXEY. I .ville,* Culpeper Co., Va., sep 1.eolm I TEf rH BRUSHES..We hare just received I .TwP",Schr' Fairfax, a large assortment of *l t or London Teeth Brushes, for sale by a,, J. LEADBF.ATF.R A SON, and 7, South Fairfax street. I 1 LRKn HAMS..900 Bis euperior u. vtIre Raute Hams, just received and for *b>; L. M. McCORMICK, 1 ' Theatre Building. ALEXANE By Te«lerdk7 Etcdiii|'i Alalia. The Black Tongue is prevailing to ao alarming extent, in various parts cf the coun- £ try, and is proving quite fatal to cattle. A c gentleman residing in Henrico county, in- t formed us yesterday, that his miloh rows had c given such strong evidence of suffering with 8 toe disease, that he bad forbidden the use of milk in his family. From all we have beard r of this disease, we have very little doubt that ! it is contagions, not only among cattle but that human beings may readily take it. 1 be following remedy is said to be a good one, , when taken in time: As soon as a cow gives ' indication of sickness, examine her mouth v closely, and if small blisters or tumors have \ formed under the tongue, upeu them. Ii her gums are swollen, lance them. Use as a wash, a strong solution of chloride of lime, . keep the animal stabled, gi«e ber a pound . of salts, and iced her on gruel for tbree or four days. This remedy, an intelligent farmer informs us has been used with groat success n Europe, and is worth trying.. ^ Rich. l)itt. ! c . * Robbed..We learn that while the train from the Sooth was stopped at \V oldon yef- j j terday for dinner, a Cuban, who was among tbe passenger*, bad bis valice broken open j and robbed of seven hundred dollars in gold, and Northern bills ol credit amounting to fifteen hundred dollars. No arrest was made v but parties were suspect) d. The gold was c all in Spanish oom, which, it is hoprd, may lead to the dotection of the robbers..Vet Int. V An inquest was held on Monday on the c body of Joseph Tucker who it was supposed '2 had been murdered neAr Richmond. Nine '1 witnesses were examined, but their combined a evidence threw no light upon the su'ject ol enquiry. As there were no marks of vi deuce j upon hie person, tbe conclusion is, that he lay down in the bushes to sleep off the lutnes a of liquor, and while there was taken with a i fit and died. The jury returned a verdict j that he died from intemperance. ^ Hon. Fiyetto McMullin and lady, from a Washington Territory, are at present in ^ Washington. 2 The General Land Office is taking mea- ' sores for the prompt issue of patents for tho Kansas trust lands. v 8 MJtRKIRU. On Tuesday, the 24th lilt, by the Rev. G. W. Sampson, Mr. FRENCH GRAHAM, to 1 Miss AMANDA COURTNEY, both of Wash| ington. t DIEU. f In Washington, on the 30th ult, ANNA JANE HAWKE, in the 18th year of her age, ^ alter an illness of live day.-. rlST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post j - - i.:~ v_ ,v. 1 J umrf, ai .lICAaimi ia, » a., mi lilt fi^iviuJ ot August, 1 Nf>s. Persons calling lor Letters in c this list, will please say they are advertised. t A } Arguelles, L J Armstrong, Alfred Capt Anderson. W P I! u Byroads, John Burke, Levi Col Brown, Mary Mrs Bioud, Jane Mrs Brandt. J D Bond. Wm ^ Berry, Noble Beach, Lucinda Baldwin, Hiram Thus Bayley, Angeline (col'd) 11 C > Coombs, J B Capt-2 Coombs, C A Capt-'» » Clark, I C Cook, John C Cook. James & Co Crisnmul, J L Chancey, J Wm Choderick, John L ^ Christopher. V B Carson Annie K j Case, John C Capt Crosby, Amelia FA Colton, fc>arah C Cook, Charles R Cooper, Richard Claggelt, John Ramsey f D o Davis. Annabel Denison, Bpnj F ^ Downs, Nancy E Davis, Edward Davis, Nathaniel " K t Entricker, Mr England, James 8 F Ford. Henrietta Fitzgerald, Wm Finch, Wm E French, bcott & Co, Messrs t ^ T Grupy, FH Green, John Gerry. Albert F Capt Gibson. Robert W Gibbs. Russell Capt Gaskins, Thomas u Godurn, Sarah J <>eogbigan. n.evi ^ajn if » ( Hunnewell, Jonas-? Hiili^r, Jacob Hutching, Catherine Holladay. HT 1 Hodgkins, Kitty Heaslv, I' I Hammell, Charles Harris, Rarhael Mrs j Hamilton. Julia Hamrrell. ( has F Hamilton, Charles H Capt Handbill K Morriss, Messrs a J t Jenkins. George K v Kan, Patrick Kilbv. F.trrraF Keene. John I) K^pbart, F M t Kelly, John L * Lelian. Carolina Lynch. Pa'rick Lloyd. E Chew Lcveland, Reuben A Lockwood, Philip M Leamatis, Charles E J Lane, William I s M L I Mattaon, Wm G Mayo. V* m F Markland, Mrs Marten, Susan Jane r Mitchell, George Mills. Samuel i1 Murphy, F K t Mr McCraeken, James McEwan, C R * N t %'orriss. Israel-? Nickerson, Asa W Capt ] NifF, Henry Neale, Jane Miss Noxc, Henderson 0 » O'Hugbs, John Offiitt&Co, A F Messrs | Ogden, J S O'Connell, John-? P " c O . Porter, J R i'tmups <* omi, Piles, Sarah Phillips, John R R I Reedy. James Rock. Wm W Cap! « Rowell, .Martha Roberts. Grft Kozier, ( harles B Rowland, Thomas W ' Rhett, Benj I>r Reageley, Major e Resider, James Reynolds, Mr t ^ I Summerfield, Annie Studds. Emcline Staples, Josiah G Capt Stone. Richard E 1 Stonnell. William Sterling. Richard W c j Smoot, Joseph Smith, Mr y Smith, R L Sisson, William P T 1 Thompson, James Tinkler, Fdward-2 t Taylor, S i V Van, Bloxcomb Vanamin, Lake Capt W ] Wilson, Robt R Agent YV ilson. Amanada Wilson, NoahCapt-2 Webster, Hiram l Ware, Philip Warder A Co, Geo A , Walker, John ! aep 1.It T. W. ASH BY". P. M. IAOR SALE.A fine Saddle and Harness ' ' HORSE. Apply to 1 THOMAS PERRY, i aep 1.*t No. 5, Janney's Wharf", j GREEN GINGER.A lull supply, just received by Paddles, lor sale by JAMES ENTWISLE, Jr., , ep t Apothecary. ^4 King street. . S" ALT..1000 SACKS FINE SALT, Mar- , shall's and Deaking's brand. 2000 SACKS COARSE SALT, for sale by j aug 19 FOWLE A CO. ( MRS. McCORMICK will resume the duties of her School, on Monday, the dth of" j mber. aug 30.eo2w j IN store and for sale. 200 sacks Ashton ; 100 sacks Worthiugton, and 200 sacks GROUND alum salt. i ' aug 30 Z. ENGLISH ft BRO._ J C BBLS Rectified WHISKEY", in store, #)\J f°r **le ty i, jv j. h. McVeigh a son, |1 sag 20 Prince street Wharf, j lEIA GAZETTE A local 1tkms. The Canal..The water in Wills creek < md Potomao river is very low, and much 8 lifficulty is experienced in getting boats into ^ he canal lork at this place. The water is J i!so low in the caral, and a number of boats c ire fast on the bottom. Unless wo should 8 ;et a g >od rain soon, the supply of water will 8 jecoie so short as to put a partial stop to a mating. We are told that tho difficulty of ow wut;T is only felt on the level next to Cumberland, as tbero is stili a sufficiency iclow that point. The Steam Pump is at fl vork and dsing good service. Business on a he Canal, lor tde week ending on Siturday ^ a*t wai very g iod; for that time, 113 boats eft Cumberland for tide water, with 10,844 or.H of coal, m iking for the season 1 318 r )oat», carrying 140,344 tens ol coal..Cum- o vrlaml Civilian. IIall or tiik Catholics' Fkiend 9 Iocietv..Trie Young Catholics' Friend Sj- r iety of Alexandria, commenced yesterday, c he erection of a tine building for their own ;{ ise and that of their beneficiaries, upon tl.c rt ot recently purchased of B. II. Lambert, ,0 pq., on the north-east corner of Wolfe and t I iyal streets, just below St. Mary's Church. r This lot is 83 by 05 feet, and in its ceotre t rill stand tho ball, a handsome brick edifice overed with slate, fronting GO feet on R iyal treet, and 30 on Wolfe. The first story, 1 rhicb will be elevated three feet above the 0 round, will contain two fino hoIiooI reruns ... \ 17 by 28 feet with ceding* 12 feet high . ,'bcse are to bo used respectively fir male * nd femaio free schools to bo established icr^after. The second story will bo a l.»r.e j iall, 58 by US feet in s:z , with the coiling r.t t n elevation of 16 feet, intended for the meet- , ngs of the society, and for tlio use of Sr. p Viaiy's .Sunday School. The windows in I r >otb stories will have round arched heads, * od the 6taircanes lor admission to the idGd ( iall will be contained io a brick vestibule b 13 by 14 feet, surmounted by a neat cupoln. .'his will be connected with the U»yal street ^ ront. The entrance to the male free school t rill be <>u Wolfe, that to the female on K >yal p treet.the play grounds being eeperated by f igb fences, and the two establishments beug kept entirely apatl. ti Mr. Kiuanuel* has the contract f »r " be brick work of the Hail. The contracts ^ or the other work have not yet been awarded, p The Society under the direction of which a his handsome improvement is Leing made, | ras organized on the 12*h of February, 853, and has about 150 members. I's ofli- I a ere for the present year, nr : Geo. W. Urent, 'resident; John Cleaisnn, Vice President; .. i » . iiehard L Carne, .Jr., S-cretary; John La- I ihcn, Treasurer; and Stephen Woolls, S:ewrd. 1 Gen. W asiunuton'sServants.. It answer 1 D a I'luladilpOin coieinporary, wqu wuuih 9 be informed bow many si rvants General | Vashington had," and why "they have lived 1 9 long, <feo wo cin unlv say, it is it:c 'mprc- 1 lensiMe ! l>ut we will ask another quo-tion. Vhy is it that almcet all < f the paid African I .d viduals are found at the North? mm, we believe, started the idea of mmuaeturing the nrticle. Joice Ileth was the riginal bogus edition, which has so often ieen repeated of late years. Tho other day, iime paper reported Billy, who really was he body servant of Goo. Washington, alive j ; md well, after a tramp through Mexico, durng the late war. Many yenrs ago, during be lile-timo of Gen. Washington, some pn>ere, relating to the United States, were pub- ish*d in England.the author, or publisher f if which, suid they were found on Hilly when le was taken by the British; .whereupon the , Ivneral bimselt contradicted the story, say- j ng Hilly never was captured by the enemy. \ Ve hope Harnura will not find out where j1 liily is, or lie will be captured this time, in- vitably. A few years since, there were here- | ibonts, many, white and black, who remem- r »ered seeing Gen. Washington. S>roe few, 1 ery few, arc left. Tho last will soon disap- >ear. But some enterprising showmen may * ' * * « 1 i . t* iC expected to lurmsn tucm, pcr:j;ips, 10 kud tad of tho century! ' Fine Peaches..Our neighbor and friend, ' )r. IJayne of I'rioco George's County, Md., tent us yesterday a hamper of the different I rarieties o( Peaches from his orchard. We -s lever saw larger ones, and their flivor wns lelicious. We do not know the names of he various kind*.but vrc know they were ill excellent.and we question wbcthrr beter fruit can be produced in the L otted State®. < Jr. Bayno is known in all this section of ' sountry us a skilful and successful orchard- a st. lie deserves credit for his exertions.. it lie present to us was a most acceptable ODe. j Excelsior Sele-Sealinu Cans.Mr. II. ; I i I. Gregory, southwest corner of Iving and j Put streets, has presented us with several 'Excelsior Self-Sealing Cuns," for prcser t- ng fresh fruit and vcg.'tablee. Ibcyarevery limple in their construction, and in usir g ». i L : 1 v,nrn tiern mucn lauur is pjvku, mcra v.» . a ren used by a number of our citizens, and > n my prefer them to "Arthur's," while ibey J ;aa be purchased at a much leas cost. A* vo arc decidedly in favor of Ifutne mariulaeuree, we bopo Mr. (i. will Le liberally pat- onized by those who intet:d preserving for winter use fruits aud vegetables. ExrEDiTiON..We learn from Mr. Jl. W. j F ill-, Ageut of The Adams Express Compa- ly in this city, that tiy a late arrangement, ;o< ds from New York are now received here in twelve hours which formerly were twenty I jure on the way. From Philadelphia, pacK ages are now received in eoven hours which jnder the old schedule were fuuiteen hours in transitu Latixg or a Corner Stone .We learn that the corner stone of a r.ew Catholic Church at Faiifax Station, on the Uranzc and Alexandria Railroad, will be laid by the Rt. Rev. John MiGill, Bishop of Richmond, on Sunday, the 12th of September, with the ceremonies prescribed by the Roman Pontifical. Health..The first Fall month (September) commences to-day. We hare now cool mornings and evening', with hot sunshine during the day.the weather fur aguo and fcrer. But, so far, the general health of all this section of country has been unusually good. M> ViKGINIA II Telegraph along the Line cr the )range and Alexandria Railroad.Wo' ire pleased to see from the advertisement of Hr. II W. Yandegrift, superintendent of this *oad, that a line of telegraph is to he istablisbed along the Orange and Alrxindria Railroad at an early period. Nearly dl the leading railroads in this c untry, and \ll in England, have adopted this courre, iDd the effects have proved must benfti :ial -in many instances preventing collisions md con-eqnent loss of life, or serious injury nd damage to property. lu case of acci- loots, the necessity of a telegraph is apparent, a by means of it, assistance can be speedily eodcred, and tbo great anxiety always felt a such occasions, in a measure relieved. Accident..A lady passing along King treet yesterday, trod upon a piece of the ind of a C.iuteiope, which slipped and ansed b»r to fall, l»y which sho was severely ejured. Persons cannot be too careful in ^ eelng that Caotelopo or Watermelon rind r the parings of fruit arc not thrown upon ho side walks. There is an ordinance, eudering persons who throw such things on be side walk liable to a tine. County Court..The September term of he County Court for this County, couimeces on Monday next. The Justices fur the erm arr"..'Turner Oixon, P. J.; J. C. Moore; V. II. Fowle, Noah Drummund and Jobn Summers. _ Washington Items.About noon on Mon- ay, as the laborers were excavating tho rench on Pennsylvania tiveuuo to receive tho voter pipes a portion of tho bank fell in, car 14trt street, and two Irishman wore bu- ird up to their waists beneath the stones and olid earth. IJy the exertions of their feljw-iaborcrs they were soon relieved from lie superincumbent mass, but not without uslaining serious injuries. A large number of first cla«s dwelling louses are now being erected in the city; and he work on the various public buildings is irogrew-ing mt'sfictorily. = - . . 1mK DliTlE^ ok Miss ELLEN MAKK'S >KMINAKY. will tic resumed on Tuesday, he 14th ol September l'arents and guardians [Heading to enter their children, will please ppiy, (it practicable ) betore the opening 01 the cboul. as it is very desirable they should be resent at 'hat time; and altei wards, regularity nd punctuality in attendance, are absolutely ssential to their improvement and advancenent. AH changes in the discipline ol the School re anticipated. Terms, tor Knglish branches as heretofore Latin. French, and Music, at Protestors' harges. aug '<»}.eoOctl c }Iif)I ova Ls hi! he received to Sep'rmhcr 6th. lor the delivery of TELEGRAPH 'OLES, along tin- line of the Orange and Alex!ria Railroad. i he Poles to be ol White l)ek, Ihestiuit. Cedar, or Locust T"irnbor, twenty five tet !ur-g, six inches at the small en!, sound and traight.the bar k to be taiveri nil The nurn- lei inquired to a mile is TWENTY-KIN E; and ironosals will be itceiv»d for the delivery of Li: number, upon each mile of road Parties an propose l<-r liie delivery ol any riiimber. tip o '00, upon any point ol the road convenient j nr loading up mi the cars The Poles to b- do ivered bv tii" 1st ot October tfxt. Address H. W. V'ANDWGUIFT, Alexandria, Va. aug 2S.otd S AALL IMPOK I ATIOA . is'*. i'" ARMSTRONG, GATOR A CO., htl'OKTKKS AM> Jt hbKII.-t op RIBBONS, MILLINKRY. Ml-K (JOOPS, iS/rutc Bonnets, and liuche, ^"o. 2.'t~. Baltimore street, between Chailes and Hanover streets, BALTIMORE, MI). Our stock is unequalled in variety, extent and rheapness, in any market. Tkum.s.tstrictly six months, or fi ctT for 'ash, par funds. Baltimore, aug 20.eo'-w* \\r ALL. STEPHENS k CO., 322, IVnrsyl- 1 Jiy vania avenue.. BOY'S and TH'S I »KADV-.MAI'E CLOTHING, lor school and !r« ss wear Rami's and guardians wishing to ornish th»*ir children and wards with school and :ollege ou lits tor the coming season, aie invited o examine our present large and extensive as- ortmeiit o! BOV's CLOTHING, where they can i'. out their children, oi all sizes, in a tew monents,with evny descriptionofready-nriade gar- nents, ol substantial and durable qualities, at rery moderate prices. WALL, STEPHENS k CO., 322, Penn avenue, between 2th and loth s's. Washington. ang 30. in KA VfcLLliNG TRUN Ks..Ladies ami Gentlemen about leaving the city, are invited u examine our large variety, of al! qualities <ole Leather Trunks Ladits' Ori?s Trunks, Packing Trunks I.if boxes. Valines, Pellissierar d Carpet Bugs <atchels, Ac., whici we aie selling at very educed prices, to make room lor another lot, to irrrve in a lew days WALL. STEPHENS & CO .12"?, Penn. avenue, between <jih and 10th 6fs. Washington, aug 3".I m SPAN'S MODEL ARCHITECT..The Model jinhx ret. a series of original ilesigns I or Cottages. Villas. Suburban Resiliences, etc., iccompatned with explanations, specifications, stimates, .,nd elaborate de'ails. prepared e<nessly lor the u«e of proj"Ctors an<l arti/aps biongrioiit the L int..1 States, by Sarruri >!oan, \ifhitect, in 2 large quarto volumes, containing ( rver two bundled ilegant plates and designs irice 1>'3. For sale by aug 31 ROBERT BELL. 61 King-st. N' OTICK .The undersigned having b en appointed Receiver in the suit ol Charles VI ('astleman vs .lames A English, takes this nethorl ol informing all persons indebted to English St ('astleman. and Eng'i-h. Ca«tieni;tn V Co . ot the necessity tor a stee.'y settlement nt the business ol said firms, and ot requesting those indebted to iht in to make immediate payment. P. C. CLA L(jH TON, aug IT.eolm Receiver. * ST. CH ARLES HO'I p.L. corner of Mtixn <ind IVullstr>tif Richmond. I <i.. 1 he undersigned tiave bared tne above HifJ PH.. and are now billy prepared to receive their triends and the public. They intend to make the St. Charles n all respects comfortable and agreeable to its natrons Board nrf day $1 tfios. k. p. ingram, JOHN G. MOSBV, Jn. Richmond.))* 1.d&eoim i p. franklin*. t. j. rothkotk. JNRANKLIN be ROTHROCK, Importer* and ^ Dealers in FRENCH. KMiLL>H. and AMERICAN PAI'EK HANGINGS: Window Shades. Cornice. Curtain Pir.s, and lTPHOLSl'ERV GO'»DS, Southwest corner ol I'th and n kireets. W ashir.gton, I). C. pg* Paj»er put on by experienced workmen. Washington D. C. aug Id.eo3m I^TnCODRAGE HOME INDUSTRY.I am j maniuactnrin?superior CORN BRuOMS, and Wl>p>; dealing in Bl'C KE'l S, Tl'BS. BASKETS, NEST BOXES. WASH BOARDS, MATCHES, BLACKING. Ac. lamde*ermined to sell low. and all I ask is a call, ar No. »54, Royal st., south ofTrince. L HERRING. ^ fy highest price paid lor Broom Corn aug' riNHK SELEC T SCHOOL FOR BOYS under ] the of the subscriber, will be resumed on Wednesday, September Stb. Terms $t'2 *0 per quarter of 11 weeks aug DJ.'aawtl GEO A. SMITH. ~JOB ~FRINT1NG Neatly executed, with despatch, at this Office. )VEKTISER-sepi BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH. Additional liy the Propeller. St. Joiixs, X. F. Auzust 29..The steamship Northern Light, from New York, arrive-i at Southnmj too on the 20th ult. Napoleon had nearly completed his tour through Brittany. Some of the Madrid journals ridicule the idea, which has just been renewed in America, that Spain will sell or cede Cuba to the United States. The dispatch convoying the intelligence of the bombardment of Jeddah by the Cyclops gives no account of the extent of the damage done, nor of the immediate grievances which impelled the British officer to pursue that course; it having been previously understood that be was to await tbo arrival of Istnael Pacha before proceeding to extremities. Liverpool, Saturday, Aug. 21..By telegraph toGilway. Cotton remained quie'; sales to-day G.OOU bales at previous rates.. Flour quiet. Wheat cloeed with an advancing tendency; holders demanding a further advance. C >rn quiet. Provisions steady. rilHK G UK AT BKAU'J IFIKR SO LO\G I L'lVSUCCKSSFL'LLY SOUGHT found at last!.For it restores permanently gr.iy hair to its original color; covers luxuriantly the bald head: removes all danduitf itching ami all scrotula, scald head and all eruptions; makes the hair solt. healthy, and glossy; and will preserve it to any imaginable age: removes, as it by magic, all blo'ches. &c. Irorn the lace, and ' " "<l nufUAiia a ehu Sou tUT^S a; I lirmai^ia auu ncuwuj u t uvi u ^ circular and the following: Dover. N. H.. Feb. '2d. lb.r>7.Phok. O. ). Wood At Co..Gents: Within a lew days we have received so many ord-rs and calls lor Prot. O. J. WOOD'S HA IK KKSTORATIVK, that to day we were compelled to send to Boston tor a quantity, (me »" dozen you forwarded all liein® sold) while we might order a quant;- tv Irom you Kvery bottle we have sold seerns to have produced three or lour new customers and the approbation and patronage it receives Iroin the most substantial and worthy citizeusol 0 ir vicinity, fully convince us that it is a most valuable preparation. j Send us as soon as may be. one gross ot -"fil size: and one d«a»n $2 size; ar.d believe yours very respectfully. (Signed) DAMKL LATHORP & CO. Hickoky Grove, St. Co, Mo, Nov. ly. isbrt..Prot. (). J. Wood.Dear Sir : Some time last summer we were induced to use some 01 your HAIR RKSTORAT1VK. and its effects were so wonderlul, we leel it our duty to you and the afflicted, to report it. Our little son'shead lor some time had been perfectly covered with sores, ami some called it scald head. The hair almost entirely carne off in consequence, when a Iriend. seeing his sufferings, advised us to use your RKSTURATIVK; we did so with little hope ol success, but, to our surprise, and hat < ' ali our Iriends, a very fewapplications removed the disease entirely, and a new an i luxuriant crop ol hair soon started out. and we can now say that our boy has as healthy a scalp, and a- luxuriant a crop ol ha:r as any other chilli. YVe can. therefore, am: uo hereby recommend your KKSTOKA'FlVE. as a perlect remedy lor all diseases ot the scuip and hair. We are, yours, respectfully, GKORGK W. HIGGINBOTHAM. SARAH A. HIGGI.NBOl HAM. Gakdinku Mains:. dune Jt, l&Nb..Prof. (>. J. Wooi».Dear Sir I have used two bottles of Prof. WOOD'S HAIR RPM'OKATlVK, and can truly say it is the greatest discovery ot ttie aye foi restoring am! changing the hair Before u»mg it 1 \us a man of seventy. My hair has now attained its original color. You can recommend it to the world without the least tear, us my case %va.< one of the worst kind. Yours, respectfully, DAMKL N. Ml'Rl'HY. (). J. WOOD k CO. Proprietors. 31*2 Br-adway. N. Y .(in the greet N V. Wire Railing Kstabli-hment,) and 114 Market street, St. Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Druggists, and Fancy Goods dealers jy ¥4.eo.'iin i ONGWORTHY'S I'URK olIIO CATAWJ y HA BRAN I) Y..This Brandy has hem manufactured for several years Irom the eiiu: jficK of ti.e Catawba Ghapk, thus affording additional evidence of the progress ot Aiteriean enterprise and industi y. and ol our ability to pro dure articles at home equal to those made by any other iia'ion. The Ohio Catawba Brandy not only equals but excels the best Imported Brandies, hi purity and flavor. It u iu lecl the best Brandy known. This statement Is lully eorrobora'ed by the certificates of our most distinguished analytical chemists. The w ant of pure Brandy has long been felt in this country, and the introduction ot an article rl such quality as to supercede the sale aid use ot those vile compounds hitherto sold under the name of Brandy, can only be regartieu a great public good. The Catawba Brandy possesses* ,iii * be good qualities claimed lor the best Imported Liquors, and is of perlect purity and superior flavor, and a sovereign and tuie remedy i«>r Dyspepsia, Flatulency. Ciamp, Cholic. Can gour. Low Spirits, Central Debility, Xc. No family should he without it. Retail price. $1.2.7 per bottle. Mr. W. A. HART is the sole agent lor Alexandria. By calling upon the egmt the public will be supplied with a small bottle gratuitously Dealers and customers will please forward their orders aug 17.eolm "V^OTICK..At the Stockholders me ting of the ' f pperville and Manassas Gap Blank Road Company, he'd in Upperville. on the ltd instant, a majority of the stock not being r-pre. sen ted. the meeting w as acjourned to 'luesday, the 7:h day of September n-xt. a: 11 o'clock A .M , when it is desirable all the stock should be represented, either in person, or by proxy. By order of the Board FRANK L. FRED, Treasurer U. and M. G. I*. K. Company I'pperville, aug 21.eo*sept7 a SITUATION WANTED as TEACHER. .I wish fo obtain a situation as Teacher in a family, or as an assistant in a >chool.. I have attended two courses of Lectures a' the University of Virginia, and feel myself competent to instruct in the lollowing branches.English, Ladn, French. Spanish, and Mathematics. For further information, address L. T., Warrenton. Va. ang -1.eolrn VL K X ANURIA. LOUDOUN ft HAMPSHIRE RAILROAD Co..The Annual Gtneral M/eting ot this Company will be held at their office in Alexandria, at 11 o'clock, ». nr. on Tuesday, the 7th day ol .September next, .nig 23.enrd K JOHNSTON, Cl'k. II 1 L. L. V . JL) E N GLAND. 1KKL A N I), SCOT LA ND. And all parts of the CONT'NK.NT, lor sale Collections made, and Inheritances collected in all parts of Europe. an® -'1 BURKE a HERBERT,Bankers. ** VESSELS WANTED. For N KW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, COHASSET NARROWS, PHILADELPHIA, and other Northern and Eas'ern ports. Dispatch given. Apply to [auglf'J FOWLE A ('<>. 1)7) K'l L A ND SUGAR AND S i ii UV.. 20u Lbis. A Portland Sugar 100 14 AA w 100 " Portland Syrup just received per Schr. E. W. Pratt, and for sale, by aug 19 FOWLE A CO. \\T OOD FOR SALE . I have IW ^ords vy of OAK and HIPKORY WOOD lor sale, either by the quantity or car load, deliver| ed in Alexandria. J. E. EDSALL, nag 27 .eotf Mount Hebron. EMBER 1, 1858. Howard association, philadel I'HIA..A benevolent Institution, estab lished by special endowment for the relief of th< sick and distressed, afflicted w ith Virulent am Epidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted witl Sexual Diseases, such as SPERMATORRHEA SEMINAL WEAKNESS. IMPOTENCE, Ac The Howard Association, in view ot the aw fu! des'ructton ot human lite, caused bySexua diseases, and the deceptions practised upon th< unfortunate victims oi such diseases by quacks several vears ago directed their Consulting Sur a charitable act, worthy ot their name, t open a Dispensary tor the treatment ot tbi class ot diseases, in all their forms, and to givi Medical advice gratis, to all who apply by let ter with a description of their condition, (agi occupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases o extreme poverty, to furnish -Medicines tree o charge. It is needless to add that the Associa tion commands the highest Medical skill of th< age. and will furnish the most approved mod ern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, fee assured that their laborsin this sphere ol benev olerit effort, have been of great benefit to the at dieted, especially to the young,and they have re solved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal to this very important but much despised cause Just published by the Association, a Repori on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, b) the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent bj mail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) free of charge on receipt of two stamps lor postage. Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEO R CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard \ssociation. No. 2 south Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order o!" the Directors. EZRA D. HEAR I WELL. President. Gkouge Faikchild, Secretary. Philadelphia, sep 4.dlteoiini\wly i episcopal high school of vir. 1 j cini A, at HoWAKD. ox tux heights, TilftKI MILKS WKSTOK Al.KXAM'KlA. Rev JOHN P. MoGCIKF. hki r»K The next ion of this Institution will commence on Wednesday, the *lh day if Sip'itnbtr. The studies embrace a lull couise oj Ancient ami .Modern Languages, the .Natural Si iences, Mathematics, English, Music Drawing. \c. Tkkms..$e5Q per session, payable, invaria bly, semi-annually, in advance, viz: $1*25 at th« commencement ol" the session, and $125 on tht second Wednesday in February. This charge includes Board, Tuition in the regular course, and Modern Languages. Lights Fuel, Washing, Mending. Ac..everything, in short, except Books. Stationery, and Clothing and what is furnished to the pupil. Music and Driving aie extra charges. I'amphiets, containing a lull account of the School will be sent to those who request It . Applications lor entrance, or 'or luither inlorinatiun, ad '.rested to the Rector. Post office, Theological Seminary, Fairfax County, Virginia. . ubfkkbkcrs. . Kt Rev. William Meade. D. D. Rt. Rev. John Johns, D. D. The Clergy of the Dioce«e The Prole-«sors ol the L'niversity of Virginia jy 24.cotSepM N country merchants and the public genkrally.. The Boor, ShoB. Hat ash Cap Hisink.-w. here tolore carrm I on by GEORGE H. BAYNE A CO . will be hereafter c inducted by PAT TER.iOX I>.1 Y.\E, at the old stand, in th name ol BAYNE A Co. Country merchants wi'l find a general assort nnent o' fresh and desirable FALL and WIN PER GOODS, as aoove described, lately pur chased of the Eastern manufacturers, which will be sold low to rath vr punctual dealers.. 'In all tiwh an earnest invitation L- given to call aug 0.eo'lm BAYNE A CO. "Y^OTIf'I' .All persons indebted 'o us whox accounts are now passed due are re«jues ted T<» rail and settle the<n without delay, a longer indulgence cannot he given GEORGE H. BAYNE Sl CO. aug d.eo'truo » IRF.XCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICA? WALLPAPERS, FIRF.-KOARH PRINTS B'»RI)EKS ami DECORATIONS, WINDOW SHADE*. Gilt CoitMicKa and Banl>8. Ciktaii Pins and TniMMiM.a..The undersigned are nov prepared, at the corner of 9th and D streets, t< ofl-r to t|j» puhlic the largest and most variei assortment ot the above goods to be found ii this city. They have received within the pre sent week, large additions to the stork, and wit constantly be in receipt of the latest and mos choice paiterns. A call is solicited. Prices ai low as any house north. Paper »int on by experienced workmen, unde the supei vision of cue of tb" firm. FRANKLIN * KOTHROCK. J S. P. Franklin. Washington City. D. C. f L. .1 Roth rock. aug Ifi. 2awim i/lHARLKS HF.RNDON. (latk Conway i HehM'on.) Attorskv at L.w, Frederickt burg, Virginia, continues to practice in th Courts ot King George, blatlord,Caroline, Spo sylvania. ami the town ol Frederic kiburg Collections promptly made and remitted. . KEKIIK NCKH.! David Fu listen. f Messrs. Fowle k Co. Geor. e W. Brent, | Messrs CaxenoveAc C< Fiancis L. Smith. I McVeigh A Chamber' John B. Daingerlield, | Smnol, Ciller fc Co., JohnS. Barhour, Robinson <Sc Payne, Lewis .McKenzie, I J H. Brent, Burke & Herbert, | Bryan. Adams ft Co., C. F ft Co., and other merchants. Fredericksburg, Va.,jv 26.dAccly rpRI'sTKK'S SALE.The undersigned, a | Trustees, offer at Private Sale, at the Coarl hactory ot Bowen, Berlin ft Peak, No 17r». cor ner of King ami Henry streets, Alexandria, very superior lotol CARRIAGES of every de scnjitiou. with HARNESS to suit, consisting i part of the to!lowing, Phaetons, Ctiarriotei lour and two seat Rockaways, Buggies with o without tops, Jersey Wagons Double and 3ingl flartsess. Arc , Ac. Trkmh..All purchases of and under $20 ninety da s credit, over tna' »um six monthsNotes with approved security required in a cases. K. B MANTOR, ) ,r , j. 7-wtf n.jcNsTKN, Crult""' FOR SALE.A new two story buc -A"W HOUSE and Aittc, at the corner of I'll land Duke streets. Ibis dwelling has every coi venience.supplier! with gar and water.a sma garden well tilled with choice .shrubbery an Fruit. This property will be shown to any pe son desiring to purchase, and the terms be marl accommodating. A small portion of trie pui cnase money only will be required in hand. I aug i1.vaw'iw MARY MANDEV1LLE. 3^()K RENT.A WHARF, in good orde ^ . .rl. a I J Rill-'. YARD adioining. Thi JL """ " .. property is well located tor a Coal dej>ot, Lunr her. or V«*ood Yard. Mu Also, I WO LARGE WAREHOUSE! ^ fl the wharf. well adapted tor Commi sion and .Shipping houses. Also, .i number of VACANT LOTS, or. Un on street, very desirable tor Piaister lots. Ft terms, enquire of GREEN ft BROTHER. f!,,-. SHORE H>K KEN i..'1 ne new thri JiaSLitory BRICK STORE, on the north su ot King street, recently occupied by George 1 Blacklock as an auction and Dry Goods Stor is tor rent. The situation ot this property is a business part ol the city, and iu comple arrangements lor any kind of mercantile bus ness, renders it very desirable. Apply ne; door, to HULST k CO.. or J. A. MJLbUH' corner ot King and Washington streets, m'n ' MFOR RENT.The H'T>E. on Eairta street, No. 14, whicti has been orcupit by Enoch, as a Stove and Iin-V\ai Store. Terms moderate Apply to SAMUEL H JANNEY, au? pi.eoti" No. Fairfax atree aFOR SALE..The Buck STORE ar DWELLING, on the Southwest corner Prince and Fairfax streets. The situation is oi ot tbe best in the city tor a store. Terms ma< known on application to H. JACOBS, aug No. 06 Prince atret BOXES PRIME CHEESE, juat recei £*) ed, and for sale by aug 21 l'ERRY k PENNY BACKER. AUCTION SALES. BY s. J McCORMICK.Ammomt. 1 JEf AT AUCTION .By vir1 tUt> ot a moitgage from Josiah Todd <> ' Thos. Hooper. late ot Baltimore city, dec'd., we the undersigned, executors ot the »8id Hooper, will dispose oi at public auction, at Yowells W hart. on Friday, the |n/A day of Stptrmbrr, ut e i oH<k the Srhr -UNITE!'," of Baltimore. li She is 7't 3 95 tons burthen, and is in good or der. Terrs at sale. HANNAH HOOPER. ) Executors of A. J. ROBINSON, Thos. Hoope w. A. MITCHELL, ) er, dee d. sep 1.dts j ^ OTICE..By virtue of a deed of trust rxeI J.1 cuted to me by John Comwell, on th* . 29th day of May, 1857, and recorded in Prince » William County Court, I shah offer for sale . the highest bidder, on the premises, the 9;h da\ of September, 1858, one-fifth part of 1 -i I ACRES, which lies on Powell's Run, adjoining Mrs. Williams, John Clark, and others, ill Prince William County, and which is now in the possession of said John Cornwall. Terms ot sale cash.the title is unquestionable, but, selling as trustee, I shall convey such title only as is vested in me. . WILLIAM SELECMAN, Trustee , ' Prince Wm County, aug .eots* TTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE-lie y sub.ocribei offers at private sale, his FARM commonly called "Hill Farm." 2$ miles east of Middleburg, and 3b miles west of Alexau; dria There is upon it a good !>WKLHOUSE, all necessary Out-Ruildings, and a g^od Apple ORCHARD. It is ii: a good state oi cultivation, is well watered, and i is within five miles of one of the contemplated depot- oi the Loudoun Branch of Manassas Cap Railroad, and within nine miles of the Piping Station oi said road; is within |ths of a mile of two large Flouring Mills, and surrounded by first-rate schools, both male and ternale. in as healthy a section of the State as can be lound ; is situated in the midst of good and desuable , society, and combines many other advantages which 1 deem it not necessary to mention as - any one wishing to purchase w i!' examine 'he i premises for themselves. The Farm contains . about TWO HUNDRED a»d SIXTY three ACRES, and adjpins the lands of Col. Hannl ton Rogers, Gen. A.-a Rogers. Wm Roger? and , others. If not sold privately before the 3'dh day of July, l.u58, it will then be offered at Public Sale, in the village of Middleburg, on that day. Persons desiring any further information in relation to the Cairn, or wisuing 10 khow h Tei (Tlx ol Sale, can obtain it by«'the subscriber through mail, at Middleburg, l.oui doun county, Va., or making enquiry ot t,. ( hancellor. esq., Attorney at Law. at said place, who is lully authorized to negotiate a »&le. HUGH SMITH. Middleburg, Va.. feb. '2f>.wtf VALUABLE FAl'QUIER LAND FOR SALE . The subscriber offers atprixate ' sale, the FARM "MOUNT STERLING,r of which Mrs. Charlotte M. Mitchell, died seized i and possessed; situated in the countv ol Fau- quier, Va., five miles east of Warrenton, ai d - at an intermediate point between Gainesville, a i Nation on the .Manassas Gap Railroad, and* lett, a station on the Orange and Alexandria e Railroad Said FARM contains about FIVE HI N - DREI) ACRES, with an abundance ol timber . upon it, and is divided into ten fields, with one . J or more Springs of excellent water on each, and most of the arable laud which is not in culfh a- j tion, is well set in grass, thereby rendering this . a very desirable farm for grazing purpose- . The soil is of excellent original quality, and is now in a good state of improvement. Ther<- is * JhaAu|»ontbe premises a good DWELLING - JEjE-HOUSE, with all necessary out buildu ps. * most ol which are quite new and very subatun| tially built. I will take pleasure in showing the premises to any one desirous of purchasing and reply promptly to any communications ad; dressed to me, respecting particular ioquirce as ; to terms, Ac., for which purpose application j may also be made to JOHN I'. PHILLIPS, e»<| , . Warrenton, Va. R. TASKER MITCHELL v For himself and the other heirs or Mrs. » >i. } Mitchell, dec'd. Fauquiar ao., Va jy 7.eotl 1 "QOTOMAC LAM) FOR SALE .The unI dersigned desires to sell a TRACT <>K * LAND, on the Waters ot Potomac Creek. 111 ' Stafford County, Va., containing TEN HI Ncj DKEDandTWEMY ACHES, It borders on II the Creek twhich is navigable) zj miles. and is distant about one mile from the Ruhmoid, r Fredericksburg aud Potomac Railroad. The I soil * very productive in all the usual grain crops, but particularly adapted to the growth of > Tobacco and Grass, though it is ol uneven surface. i, There is on the land inexhaustible beds of the finest shell Mail. A large quantity of Hickory, e Oak and Pine Wood may be cut Irom the land, t. worth on the shore ol the creek Irom two to tour dollars per cord. Also, a good deal of Cedar and Locust, Yellow Popular and White Oak Timber. There is a meadow now yielding an average , of $.'.01) worth ot Hay per annum, containing n fourteen Acres of land, w hich may be increased to fifty acres of prime Meadow. Grass grows well all over the Land, which renders it valuable for grazing purposes. Indeed, it grazes annually, about fitty head of cattle in the Wuod«. Altogether it is a very valuable tract, but 1 am disposed to sell it below its value, as 1 own another iaige farm adjoining it, and have not a 9 sufficient force to manage both. I invite per ^ j sons disposed to purchase such property to ex" I amine it, or communicate w itn me by letter at 8 Accokeek Post Office, Stafford county, Va. t JOHN' MINOR, M. D. n Sfaffiiid Co.. ap 1.'^awdrn V \J F.KY DESIRABLE FARM FOR SALE. ,1 f .I offer lor sale, privately, the FARM ' * i- . oor \ ^ upon wnicb 1 IlOW regiue, containing ion ntnr.n, (j This Farm offers great inducement* to the pur chaser Irorit its locality, being within 2 j mile* of II Mitchell's Station, and 4 of the Rapidan, nrid thereby broiiirht into immediate connection, by railway, with Richmond and Alexandria I' is beautifully situated in one of the best neighborIt hood-, in the State. The improvement# are a 1 fll?^ comfortable I) W K L L I N (i. with nx ' jy^jj^rooma. and all other neceaaary out-bon-ee, I' A more particular description it unn- crssary. d a* those wishing to purchase will examine r* for themselves. For a further description, apIe ply to J. C. GREEN, at Gulp* per CL House, or r* the subscriber at Mitchell's Station. WM. A ROBERTSON Culpeper County, my 4.eotf Ti rj^HF. SL'BsCKIBER wishing to return So :i X o^rs lor sale the place upon which he i- resides, consistingot TWENTY axd A HAI.K ACRES, situated in Fairtax County, upon 'he ">i old Leesburg Koad, which separates it lrom the grounds ol the Theological Seminary. a The DWELLING is a two story frame building, (completed in the Fall of lb.'o.) >f containing live good sized roorna, exclusive ol kitchen, storeroom, and pantry. A well of excellent water at the door. ,e Its proximity to Alexandria, and the neigkborje j hoc! affording the best tociety, makes it desira^ ble, if only for a Summer residence. Possession given immediately. For terms, e' annlv rithrr through the Seminary Post Office, or upon the premises, to r I Fairfar Cn jV5H.CJN 8MF.TS tt I atUMAC WaSTKR..The subscribers wi*h ^ t0 Purc^iaw TONS of SUMAC, lor which they will pay the highest cash price. Village store keepers will find it to their advantage to communicate with us in reference to * what they may take in during the season. We also ** ish to purchase WOOL of all grades, e and will give the highest market price tor it. RAMSBURG A KBKKT. Georgetown. D. C., aug 3.w2m TOY TO THE WORLD. ".KSO\ 1(* ; BROTHER, (sole agents for the sale of 01 Baker's Tobaeco,) have on hand a supply of this brand of Baker's Tobacco. Also a supply of Baker's Gold I^eaf Tobacco. aug W 5l JV'OllLE..Those in want of BROOMS made expressly for Brussel Carpets, can v- get them by c»lliug at the Broom Factory, Roval, south of Prince street. aug 20 L. HERRING,

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Page 1: · 2017. 12. 16. · ronnsnciAL. _ Alexandria Blarkcl, Au|nit 31. Ta# market is quiet, with light offerings.. So o! ,,,lour reported, *nd price* unchanged

ronnsnciAL. _Alexandria Blarkcl, Au|nit 31.

Ta# market is quiet, with light offerings..So o! ,,,lour reported, *nd price* unchanged.

Sales of white and red Wheat of inferior

quality at 130c for the former, and 125c.

jor :b«? latter. Sales of white and mixed Corn

No change to note in Rye or Oat«.

Tin nsrktti,

BaiTixoa* August 30 .Flour is steady; (>nio,

,mj City Mills $5.6*i®5.75. Wheat is firm;

rfd 12'3ac., white 13. 0150c. Cornisquiet;shite Tsjgi'c.; yellow S^b9c. Whiskey is

<Jji. Fork is quiet; meu $17,50.

Siw York August 31..Flour is lower; sales

0. ,, barrels, .vate $4 900$5.1O; Ohio $5.70

jf:,.. bouthern $5.OO0$5,7O. Wheat is still

hiifher. sal^s ol 3U,<JU<J bushels; Southern red

\2i<aW'C \ whi'e 130(9143c. rorn declined; jsales ol 3",vo0 bush.; mixed at 69070c. Pork

iifir®. mess $17 50; prime at $15,200$ 15.25.

Lardd'lli- Whiskey is dull at 24024Jc Stocks

sie rirm. but dull. Va. 6 s 92; Mo. 6's t*4^.

Rkhm 'So. Aug 3l.--WHr.Ar..-Prime Wheat' '* 4A * .J a

, ,>ii(iDUfs to command *1»i 4U ior rea, anu

«! Cor white: but the latter is more readilypaid than the Conner, as the quantity of white

crf-ruig i* iarj»!y out of proportion to the red,which constitute the hulk of the offerings, the

inferior grades 0t which have declined, and for

.,;!S description of red there is no demaud The

heavy receipts during the past fortnight have

enabled 'be millers to accumulate large stocks,v 'j <ei tly, they exhibit much less eagerness

to b y. unless a sample of clean, plumpwhite i- pr.gented. The arrivals were comparativelylight to day, and, in connection with

the fact above stated, imparted rather a dull aspectto the n arket

Cons.We continue to quote Corn at 7£;d80c The receipts during the pust month were

qji'e heavy, and nearly all were taken by distillers,wno nave regulated the prices.

()v«r 16,000 bushels of wheat were shippedfrom Bristol, Tennessee, to eastern markets,over the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad lastwet a of which 3.00U bushels arrived in wagons About 1.0C0 bushels of corn were

received in Norfolk, V irginia, on Friday, over

the Norto'k am' Petersburg Railroad.

AltlANAO.1 Sen So*


SEPTKMBKR. ni« teh. Moox's Phabis.

1 wednesday 6 34 0 tdfj d. b. m.

2 Thursday.. 6 36 ft 26 Last qr. 2 9 10 m.

3 Friday. 6 3ft ft 24 New 7 9 4 m.

4 Saturday... 6 3" ft 22 First qr.. 15 0 6 m.* " 1 ' Wis oi v.,,m !iQ m q a

? ,n«:..y . --

6Monday... '> 4M 20 HIOH WATXU.""7 Tu*»s«iay .. 0 11 >5 1'.' Sbvt'r 1 -b.. «.

mahisb list.


Schr . Tippins, Aquia, wheat to WashingtonA Co.>cor F.eanor. fair, Farmington, wheat to

Wutuhgtou Ac Co.Sailrd.

Srhr. .Minerva Winslow, Fall River, coal byBorden Milling Co.>r&r John Forsyth, Holmes, New York, coal

by 1 J Mehafley.Srhr Sarah Mills. Tyler, New York, coal by

Borden Mining CoSchr. Volant, , Boston, coal by T. J.

MehafleySchr. Wave, Sprague, Providence, by M. Eldridge.

Memoranda.Srhr I'alf-tir.e, Cambreen, Irom this port, arrivedat New York 2'.»th inst.Srhr Hamilton. Trutx, Irom this port, arrivedat Albany 2Sth inst.Schr. Naiad Ci een Hulse, from this port, armedat Providence ifith inst.


Pnuxhcul Df/ i'lFrank Leslies Illustrated Paper, monthly

jiarf, lor September, 2HeHarper's Weekly, monthly part, for September.20cWaverlry Magazine, monthly part, for September,i'>c.Telegraph Supplement to Harper's Weekly,

entailing ai; the doing* and drawings of theTelegraph. '>r.A lre»h supply of the Two Sisters, by Mrs.

Emma I' F N. Southworth; paper covers $1,bound > X'i. Said to be the best of her works.New York Ledger, New York Mercury, New

York Weekly. Flag. Pictorial, Saturday Eveningl ost Haip. r s Weekly, f eslie's Illustrated News,Wavetlty Magazine, Boston Pilot, New YorkClipper. National and United States Police tiavtte.Weekly Heiald and Tribune, Yankee Privatter.Tine Flag, Hollar Paper, Weekly Sun,London Illustrated News, Punch, New YorkPicayune. Porter's Spirit, Irish News, IrishAmerican, Ac , Ac.KfiVv Hound the Rectory, by Owen Varra,

first iSMi**d in America in "Little's Living Age,"priceAll the New Books on hurl. sep 1

1 kRl'GS, \c.Aver's Cherry Pectoral, GlauX' b»r > salts; Colchicum Root; Strichnme; Cau>'ic; I'hrystalized Nil rate Silver; Elmtarn. French Chalk; Cream Tartar; Bottleforks, CorosiveSublimate; Hoffman's Anodyne;f^xe s Gelatine; Calabria Liquorice; Ellis'Solution.Citrate Magnesia; Preston & Merrill'sLas* Powder; Salad Oil; Arsenic; Sub Nit.Bumuth Wells' Strengthening Plasters; Wistar'slouga Lvnges; Seneca Root; Chloroform;f'Utii Arabic Oil Anise; Salt Tartar; ArrowRoot, Nutmegs, Wood's H:<ir Restorer; Borax;bum ( aniphor; Brown's E-s. Jamaica Uinger;MoA liv er s Ointment; Gum Opium ; Tongua*'(t \ an: la Beai.v; ()|| Bergwmot; Celery Seed;

M ivtard Seed; Blue Mass; Confec Roses;- lain Killer; Camels Hair Pencils; Mofl'i.!». Ground Mustard; Bartine's Lotion.

u»t rtiei\eU ai.d for tale byWM. A. HART,

INo. 10U King street, cor. of l'itt.I

^iy >>2n ot the Goldf 11 Mortar. sep l_I OELKCT FEMALE SCHOOL..MISS M.

1 O -i RO.H'H will open, on Monday, StpttnberI V' ^ot-'TH Royal strkkt. a SELKC1I HtH>L. in»0 wbich not more than twentyI J°utig !a,!i,.s will te admitted The charge forI j:'iod \*i [ be from $0 to $S, according to theI I'tidict pursued.I


s N>>Ung to enter their daughters, willI i''e tnalce early application as above.

I OT1CE..MISS WJtDDEY will resumeU ,ae duties 01 her School, in her formerI ^ on laiiiax street, on Monday ntjct, tithI *nere she will be pleased to see her tormerI v^'1* a")' others who may wish to enter.I W * *'li continue to pay especial attention to

truing. Spelling, Geogiaphy, andH ®-'f fundamental branches, as heretofore. In

mf»ntime, she can be seen at the room, be> and 11 o'clock. A. M. sep 1.<dtd*

I (T BALDWIN, dealer in IRON andvl S1KF.L No. 13 Nort/i Royal Sire*..AlRi\t\°" Dd"^' a complete stock of BAR,I r'lvT H< K),>- awl HORSE SHOE IRON ; aLo,I STrr. «H®AR. GERMAN, and BLISTER

IE Ail ot w hich will be sold at the lowIc /ric'/or f"*'» or ou thort rredttt to punctual*?»« *. tep 1_I T1 °,*>ALK.Several Servant WOMEN and*/h,lDKKN. The WOMEN are valuaI..^r * very fair Cook, Wash,

n uoner. Terms reasonable. Apply ear

-j,0 WILLIAM RIXEY.I .ville,* Culpeper Co., Va., sep 1.eolmI TEf rH BRUSHES..We hare just receivedI .TwP",Schr' Fairfax, a large assortment of

*l t or London Teeth Brushes, for sale bya,, J. LEADBF.ATF.R A SON,

and 7, South Fairfax street.

I 1 LRKn HAMS..900 Bis euperioru. vtIre Raute Hams, just received and for*b>; L. M. McCORMICK,

1 ' Theatre Building.

ALEXANEBy Te«lerdk7 Etcdiii|'i Alalia.

The Black Tongue is prevailing to ao

alarming extent, in various parts cf the coun- £

try, and is proving quite fatal to cattle. A c

gentleman residing in Henrico county, in- t

formed us yesterday, that his miloh rows had c

given such strong evidence of suffering with 8toe disease, that he bad forbidden the use ofmilk in his family. From all we have beard r

of this disease, we have very little doubt that !it is contagions, not only among cattle butthat human beings may readily take it. 1 befollowing remedy is said to be a good one, ,

when taken in time: As soon as a cow gives '

indication of sickness, examine her mouth v

closely, and if small blisters or tumors have \formed under the tongue, upeu them. Ii hergums are swollen, lance them. Use as a

wash, a strong solution of chloride of lime, .

keep the animal stabled, gi«e ber a pound .

of salts, and iced her on gruel for tbree or

four days. This remedy, an intelligent farmerinforms us has been used with groatsuccess n Europe, and is worth trying.. ^Rich. l)itt. ! c

. *Robbed..We learn that while the train

from the Sooth was stopped at \V oldon yef- j jterday for dinner, a Cuban, who was amongtbe passenger*, bad bis valice broken open jand robbed of seven hundred dollars in gold,and Northern bills ol credit amounting tofifteen hundred dollars. No arrest was made v

but parties were suspect) d. The gold was c

all in Spanish oom, which, it is hoprd, maylead to the dotection of the robbers..Vet Int.


An inquest was held on Monday on the c

body of Joseph Tucker who it was supposed '2had been murdered neAr Richmond. Nine '1witnesses were examined, but their combined a

evidence threw no light upon the su'ject olenquiry. As there were no marks of vi deuce jupon hie person, tbe conclusion is, that helay down in the bushes to sleep off the lutnes a

of liquor, and while there was taken with a ifit and died. The jury returned a verdict jthat he died from intemperance. ^

Hon. Fiyetto McMullin and lady, from a

Washington Territory, are at present in ^

Washington. 2

The General Land Office is taking mea-'

sores for the prompt issue of patents for thoKansas trust lands. v


MJtRKIRU.On Tuesday, the 24th lilt, by the Rev. G.

W. Sampson, Mr. FRENCH GRAHAM, to 1

Miss AMANDA COURTNEY, both of Wash|ington. tDIEU. f

In Washington, on the 30th ult, ANNAJANE HAWKE, in the 18th year of her age, ^alter an illness of live day.-.

rlST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post j- *« - i.:~ v_ ,v.

1 J umrf, ai .lICAaimi ia, » a., mi lilt fi^iviuJot August, 1 Nf>s. Persons calling lor Letters in c

this list, will please say they are advertised. tA }

Arguelles, L J Armstrong, Alfred CaptAnderson. W P

I! u

Byroads, John Burke, Levi ColBrown, Mary Mrs Bioud, Jane MrsBrandt. J D Bond. Wm̂Berry, Noble Beach, LucindaBaldwin, Hiram Thus Bayley, Angeline (col'd) 11

C >Coombs, J B Capt-2 Coombs, C A Capt-'» »

Clark, I C Cook, John CCook. James & Co Crisnmul, J LChancey, J Wm Choderick, John L ^

Christopher. V B Carson Annie K jCase, John C Capt Crosby, Amelia FAColton, fc>arah C Cook, Charles RCooper, Richard Claggelt, John Ramsey f

D o

Davis. Annabel Denison, Bpnj F ^Downs, Nancy E Davis, Edward

Davis, Nathaniel "

K tEntricker, Mr England, James 8

FFord. Henrietta Fitzgerald, WmFinch, Wm E French, bcott & Co, Messrs t

^ TGrupy, FH Green, JohnGerry. Albert F Capt Gibson. Robert WGibbs. Russell Capt Gaskins, Thomas u

Godurn, Sarah J <>eogbigan. n.evi v» ^ajn if» (

Hunnewell, Jonas-? Hiili^r, JacobHutching, Catherine Holladay. H T1

Hodgkins, Kitty Heaslv, (» I' IHammell, Charles Harris, Rarhael Mrs jHamilton. Julia Hamrrell. ( has F

Hamilton, Charles H CaptHandbill K Morriss, Messrs a

J tJenkins. George

K v

Kan, Patrick Kilbv. F.trrraFKeene. John I) K^pbart, F Mt

Kelly, JohnL *

Lelian. Carolina Lynch. Pa'rickLloyd. E Chew Lcveland, Reuben ALockwood, Philip M Leamatis, Charles E J

Lane, William I s

M LI Mattaon, Wm G Mayo. V* m F CV.ptMarkland, Mrs Marten, Susan Jane r

Mitchell, George Mills. Samueli1Murphy, F K t

MrMcCraeken, James McEwan, C R *

N t

%'orriss. Israel-? Nickerson, Asa W Capt ]NifF, Henry Neale, Jane Miss

Noxc, Henderson0 »

O'Hugbs, John Offiitt&Co, A F Messrs |Ogden, J S O'Connell, John-?

P" c O .

Porter, J R i'tmups <* omi,

Piles, Sarah Phillips, John RR I

Reedy. James Rock. Wm W Cap! «

Rowell, .Martha Roberts. GrftKozier, ( harles B Rowland, Thomas W


Rhett, Benj I>r Reageley, Major e

Resider, James Reynolds, Mrt^ I

Summerfield, Annie Studds. EmclineStaples, Josiah G Capt Stone. Richard E 1

Stonnell. William Sterling. Richard W c

j Smoot, Joseph Smith, MrySmith, R L Sisson, William P


Thompson, James Tinkler, Fdward-2 t

Taylor, S i

VVan, Bloxcomb Vanamin, Lake Capt

W ]Wilson, Robt R Agent YV ilson. AmanadaWilson, NoahCapt-2 Webster, Hiram l

Ware, Philip Warder A Co, Geo A ,Walker, John !

aep 1.It T. W. ASH BY". P. M.

IAOR SALE.A fine Saddle and Harness'

' HORSE. Apply to1


aep 1.*t No. 5, Janney's Wharf", jGREEN GINGER.A lull supply, just receivedby Paddles, lor sale by


ep t Apothecary. ^4 King street. .


shall's and Deaking's brand.2000 SACKS COARSE SALT, for sale by jaug 19 FOWLE A CO. (

MRS. McCORMICK will resume the dutiesof her School, on Monday, the dth of" jmber. aug 30.eo2w j

IN store and for sale. 200 sacks Ashton ; 100

sacks Worthiugton, and 200 sacks GROUNDalum salt. i

' aug 30 Z. ENGLISH ft BRO._J C BBLS Rectified WHISKEY", in store,

#)\J f°r **le ty i,jv j. h. McVeigh a son, |1

sag 20 Prince street Wharf, j

lEIA GAZETTE Alocal 1tkms.

The Canal..The water in Wills creek <md Potomao river is very low, and much 8

lifficulty is experienced in getting boats into ^he canal lork at this place. The water is Ji!so low in the caral, and a number of boats c

ire fast on the bottom. Unless wo should 8

;et a g >od rain soon, the supply of water will 8

jecoie so short as to put a partial stop to a

mating. We are told that tho difficulty ofow wut;T is only felt on the level next toCumberland, as tbero is stili a sufficiencyiclow that point. The Steam Pump is at fl

vork and dsing good service. Business on a

he Canal, lor tde week ending on Siturday ^a*t wai very g iod; for that time, 113 boatseft Cumberland for tide water, with 10,844or.H of coal, m iking for the season 1 318 r

)oat», carrying 140,344 tens ol coal..Cum- o

vrlaml Civilian.

IIall or tiik Catholics' Fkiend 9

Iocietv..Trie Young Catholics' Friend Sj- r

iety of Alexandria, commenced yesterday, c

he erection of a tine building for their own ;{ise and that of their beneficiaries, upon tl.c rt

ot recently purchased of B. II. Lambert, ,0

pq., on the north-east corner of Wolfe and tI iyal streets, just below St. Mary's Church. r

This lot is 83 by 05 feet, and in its ceotre trill stand tho ball, a handsome brick edificeovered with slate, fronting GO feet on R iyaltreet, and 30 on Wolfe. The first story, 1

rhicb will be elevated three feet above the 0

round, will contain two fino hoIiooI reruns... \

17 by 28 feet with ceding* 12 feet high .,'bcse are to bo used respectively fir male *

nd femaio free schools to bo establishedicr^after. The second story will bo a l.»r.e jiall, 58 by US feet in s:z , with the coiling r.t tn elevation of 16 feet, intended for the meet- ,

ngs of the society, and for tlio use of Sr. p

Viaiy's .Sunday School. The windows in I r

>otb stories will have round arched heads, *

od the 6taircanes lor admission to the idGd (

iall will be contained io a brick vestibule b

13 by 14 feet, surmounted by a neat cupoln..'his will be connected with the U»yal street ^ront. The entrance to the male free school t

rill be <>u Wolfe, that to the female on K >yal ptreet.the play grounds being eeperated by f

igb fences, and the two establishments beugkept entirely apatl. ti

Mr. Kiuanuel* has the contract f »r "

be brick work of the Hail. The contracts ^or the other work have not yet been awarded, pThe Society under the direction of which a

his handsome improvement is Leing made, |ras organized on the 12*h of February,853, and has about 150 members. I's ofli- I a

ere for the present year, nr : Geo. W. Urent,'resident; John Cleaisnn, Vice President; ..

i » .

iiehard L Carne, .Jr., S-cretary; John La- I

ihcn, Treasurer; and Stephen Woolls, S:ewrd.1

Gen. W asiunuton'sServants.. It answer1

D a I'luladilpOin coieinporary, wqu wuuih

9 be informed bow many si rvants General |

Vashington had," and why "they have lived 19 long, <feo wo cin unlv say, it is it:c 'mprc-


lensiMe ! l>ut we will ask another quo-tion.Vhy is it that almcet all < f the paid African I

.d viduals are found at the North?

mm, we believe, started the idea of mmuaeturingthe nrticle. Joice Ileth was the

riginal bogus edition, which has so oftenieen repeated of late years. Tho other day,iime paper reported Billy, who really was

he body servant of Goo. Washington, alive j ;md well, after a tramp through Mexico, durngthe late war. Many yenrs ago, duringbe lile-timo of Gen. Washington, some pn>ere,

relating to the United States, were pub-ish*d in England.the author, or publisher f

if which, suid they were found on Hilly when

le was taken by the British; .whereupon the ,

Ivneral bimselt contradicted the story, say- jng Hilly never was captured by the enemy. \

Ve hope Harnura will not find out where j1liily is, or lie will be captured this time, in-

vitably. A few years since, there were here- |

ibonts, many, white and black, who remem- r

»ered seeing Gen. Washington. S>roe few, 1

ery few, arc left. Tho last will soon disap->ear. But some enterprising showmen may

* ' * * « 1 i . t*iC expected to lurmsn tucm, pcr:j;ips, 10 kud

tad of tho century! '

Fine Peaches..Our neighbor and friend, '

)r. IJayne of I'rioco George's County, Md.,tent us yesterday a hamper of the different I

rarieties o( Peaches from his orchard. We -s

lever saw larger ones, and their flivor wns

lelicious. We do not know the names of

he various kind*.but vrc know they were

ill excellent.and we question wbcthrr beterfruit can be produced in the L otted State®. <

Jr. Bayno is known in all this section of '

sountry us a skilful and successful orchard- a

st. lie deserves credit for his exertions.. itlie present to us was a most acceptable ODe. jExcelsior Sele-Sealinu Cans.Mr. II. ;

I iI. Gregory, southwest corner of Iving and jPut streets, has presented us with several'Excelsior Self-Sealing Cuns," for prcser t-

ng fresh fruit and vcg.'tablee. Ibcyareverylimple in their construction, and in usir g ».

i L : 1 v,nrntiern mucn lauur is pjvku, mcra v.» . a

ren used by a number of our citizens, and >

n my prefer them to "Arthur's," while ibey J;aa be purchased at a much leas cost. A*

vo arc decidedly in favor of Ifutne mariulaeuree,we bopo Mr. (i. will Le liberally pat-

onized by those who intet:d preserving forwinter use fruits aud vegetables.ExrEDiTiON..We learn from Mr. Jl. W. j

F ill-, Ageut of The Adams Express Compa-ly in this city, that tiy a late arrangement,;o< ds from New York are now received here

in twelve hours which formerly were twentyI jure on the way. From Philadelphia, pacKages are now received in eoven hours which

jnder the old schedule were fuuiteen hours

in transitu

Latixg or a Corner Stone .We learnthat the corner stone of a r.ew CatholicChurch at Faiifax Station, on the Uranzcand Alexandria Railroad, will be laid by theRt. Rev. John MiGill, Bishop of Richmond,on Sunday, the 12th of September, with theceremonies prescribed by the Roman Pontifical.Health..The first Fall month (September)commences to-day. We hare now cool

mornings and evening', with hot sunshineduring the day.the weather fur aguo and

fcrer. But, so far, the general health of all

this section of country has been unusuallygood.

M> ViKGINIA IITelegraph along the Line cr the

)range and Alexandria Railroad.Wo'ire pleased to see from the advertisement ofHr. II W. Yandegrift, superintendent of this*oad, that a line of telegraph is to heistablisbed along the Orange and AlrxindriaRailroad at an early period. Nearlydl the leading railroads in this c untry, and\ll in England, have adopted this courre,iDd the effects have proved must benfti :ial-in many instances preventing collisionsmd con-eqnent loss of life, or serious injurynd damage to property. lu case of acci-loots, the necessity of a telegraph is apparent,a by means of it, assistance can be speedilyeodcred, and tbo great anxiety always felta such occasions, in a measure relieved.

Accident..A lady passing along Kingtreet yesterday, trod upon a piece of theind of a C.iuteiope, which slipped andansed b»r to fall, l»y which sho was severelyejured. Persons cannot be too careful in ^eelng that Caotelopo or Watermelon rindr the parings of fruit arc not thrown uponho side walks. There is an ordinance,eudering persons who throw such things on

be side walk liable to a tine.

County Court..The September term ofhe County Court for this County, couimeceson Monday next. The Justices fur theerm arr"..'Turner Oixon, P. J.; J. C. Moore;V. II. Fowle, Noah Drummund and JobnSummers.


Washington Items.About noon on Mon-ay, as the laborers were excavating thorench on Pennsylvania tiveuuo to receive thovoter pipes a portion of tho bank fell in,car 14trt street, and two Irishman wore bu-ird up to their waists beneath the stones andolid earth. IJy the exertions of their feljw-iaborcrsthey were soon relieved fromlie superincumbent mass, but not withoutuslaining serious injuries.A large number of first cla«s dwelling

louses are now being erected in the city; andhe work on the various public buildings isirogrew-ing mt'sfictorily.

= - ..

1mK DliTlE^ ok Miss ELLEN MAKK'S>KMINAKY. will tic resumed on Tuesday,

he 14th ol September l'arents and guardians[Heading to enter their children, will pleaseppiy, (it practicable ) betore the opening 01 thecboul. as it is very desirable they should beresent at 'hat time; and altei wards, regularitynd punctuality in attendance, are absolutelyssential to their improvement and advancenent.AH changes in the discipline ol the School

re anticipated.Terms, tor Knglish branches as heretoforeLatin. French, and Music, at Protestors'

harges. aug '<»}.eoOctl

c }Iif)I ova Ls hi! he received to Sep'rmhcr6th. lor the delivery of TELEGRAPH

'OLES, along tin- line of the Orange and Alex!riaRailroad. i he Poles to be ol White l)ek,Ihestiuit. Cedar, or Locust T"irnbor, twenty fivetet !ur-g, six inches at the small en!, sound andtraight.the bar k to be taiveri nil The nurn-

lei inquired to a mile is TWENTY-KIN E; andironosals will be itceiv»d for the delivery ofLi: number, upon each mile of road Partiesan propose l<-r liie delivery ol any riiimber. tipo '00, upon any point ol the road convenient jnr loading up mi the cars The Poles to b- doivered bv tii" 1st ot October tfxt. Address

H. W. V'ANDWGUIFT, Alexandria, Va.aug 2S.otd


htl'OKTKKS AM> Jt hbKII.-t op

RIBBONS, MILLINKRY. Ml-K (JOOPS,iS/rutc Bonnets, and liuche,

^"o. 2.'t~. Baltimore street, between Chailes andHanover streets,

BALTIMORE, MI).Our stock is unequalled in variety, extent and

rheapness, in any market.Tkum.s.tstrictly six months, or fi ctT for

'ash, par funds. Baltimore, aug 20.eo'-w*

\\r ALL. STEPHENS k CO., 322, IVnrsyl- 1

Jiy vania avenue.. BOY'S and TH'S I»KADV-.MAI'E CLOTHING, lor school and!r« ss wear Rami's and guardians wishing to

ornish th»*ir children and wards with school and:ollege ou lits tor the coming season, aie invitedo examine our present large and extensive as-

ortmeiit o! BOV's CLOTHING, where they can

i'. out their children, oi all sizes, in a tew monents,withevny descriptionofready-nriade gar-nents, ol substantial and durable qualities, at

rery moderate prices.WALL, STEPHENS k CO.,

322, Penn avenue, between 2th and loth s's.Washington. ang 30. in

KA VfcLLliNG TRUN Ks..Ladies ami Gentlemenabout leaving the city, are invitedu examine our large variety, of al! qualities<ole Leather Trunks Ladits' Ori?s Trunks,

Packing TrunksI.if boxes. Valines, Pellissierar d Carpet Bugs<atchels, Ac., whici we aie selling at veryeduced prices, to make room lor another lot, to

irrrve in a lew daysWALL. STEPHENS & CO

.12"?, Penn. avenue, between <jih and 10th 6fs.

Washington, aug 3".I m

SPAN'S MODEL ARCHITECT..TheModel jinhx ret. a series of original ilesigns I

or Cottages. Villas. Suburban Resiliences, etc.,

iccompatned with explanations, specifications,stimates, .,nd elaborate de'ails. prepared e<nesslylor the u«e of proj"Ctors an<l arti/aps

biongrioiit the L int..1 States, by Sarruri >!oan,\ifhitect, in 2 large quarto volumes, containing (

rver two bundled ilegant plates and designsirice 1>'3. For sale byaug 31 ROBERT BELL. 61 King-st.

N' OTICK .The undersigned having b en appointedReceiver in the suit ol CharlesVI ('astleman vs .lames A English, takes thisnethorl ol informing all persons indebted to

English St ('astleman. and Eng'i-h. Ca«tieni;tnV Co . ot the necessity tor a stee.'y settlementnt the business ol said firms, and ot requestingthose indebted to iht in to make immediate payment.P. C. CLA L(jHTON,aug IT.eolm Receiver.*

ST. CH ARLES HO'I p.L. corner of Mtixn <indIVullstr>tif Richmond. I <i.. 1 he undersigned

tiave bared tne above HifJ PH.. and are now

billy prepared to receive their triends and the

public. They intend to make the St. Charlesn all respects comfortable and agreeable to itsnatrons Board nrf day $1

tfios. k. p. ingram,JOHN G. MOSBV, Jn.

Richmond.))* 1.d&eoimi p. franklin*. t. j. rothkotk.

JNRANKLIN be ROTHROCK, Importer* and^ Dealers in FRENCH. KMiLL>H. and

AMERICAN PAI'EK HANGINGS: WindowShades. Cornice. Curtain Pir.s, and lTPHOLSl'ERVGO'»DS, Southwest corner ol I'thand n kireets. W ashir.gton, I). C.

pg* Paj»er put on by experienced workmen.Washington D. C. aug Id.eo3m


j maniuactnrin?superior CORN BRuOMS,and Wl>p>; dealing in Bl'C KE'l S, Tl'BS.BASKETS, NEST BOXES. WASH BOARDS,MATCHES, BLACKING. Ac. lamde*erminedto sell low. and all I ask is a call, ar No. »54,Royal st., south ofTrince. L HERRING.

^ fy highest price paid lor Broom Cornaug'


] the of the subscriber, will beresumed on Wednesday, September Stb. Terms$t'2 *0 per quarter of 11 weeks

aug DJ.'aawtl GEO A. SMITH.

~JOB ~FRINT1NGNeatly executed, with despatch, at this Office.


BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.Additional liy the Propeller.

St. Joiixs, X. F. Auzust 29..The steamshipNorthern Light, from New York, arrive-iat Southnmj too on the 20th ult.

Napoleon had nearly completed his tour

through Brittany.Some of the Madrid journals ridicule the

idea, which has just been renewed in America,that Spain will sell or cede Cuba to theUnited States.The dispatch convoying the intelligence of

the bombardment of Jeddah by the Cyclopsgives no account of the extent of the damagedone, nor of the immediate grievances whichimpelled the British officer to pursue thatcourse; it having been previously understoodthat be was to await tbo arrival of IstnaelPacha before proceeding to extremities.

Liverpool, Saturday, Aug. 21..By telegraphtoGilway. Cotton remained quie';sales to-day G.OOU bales at previous rates..

Flour quiet. Wheat cloeed with an advancingtendency; holders demanding a furtheradvance. C >rn quiet. Provisions steady.rilHK G UKAT BKAU'J IFIKR SO LO\GI L'lVSUCCKSSFL'LLY SOUGHT found

at last!.For it restores permanently gr.iyhair to its original color; covers luxuriantly thebald head: removes all danduitf itching ami allscrotula, scald head and all eruptions; makes thehair solt. healthy, and glossy; and will preserveit to any imaginable age: removes, as it bymagic, all blo'ches. &c. Irorn the lace, and

' " "<l nufUAiia a ehu SoutUT^S a; I lirmai^ia auu ncuwuj ut uvi u ^

circular and the following:Dover. N. H.. Feb. '2d. lb.r>7.Phok. O. ).

Wood At Co..Gents: Within a lew days we

have received so many ord-rs and calls lor

Prot. O. J. WOOD'S HA IK KKSTORATIVK,that to day we were compelled to send to Bostontor a quantity, (me »" dozen you forwardedall liein® sold) while we might order a quant;-tv Irom you Kvery bottle we have sold seerns

to have produced three or lour new customers

and the approbation and patronage it receives

Iroin the most substantial and worthy citizeusol0 ir vicinity, fully convince us that it is a mostvaluable preparation. j

Send us as soon as may be. one gross ot -"filsize: and one d«a»n $2 size; ar.d believe u»

yours very respectfully.(Signed) DAMKL LATHORP & CO.Hickoky Grove, St. Co, Mo, Nov.

ly. isbrt..Prot. (). J. Wood.Dear Sir : Sometime last summer we were induced to use some

01 your HAIR RKSTORAT1VK. and its effectswere so wonderlul, we leel it our duty to youand the afflicted, to report it.Our little son'shead lor some time had been

perfectly covered with sores, ami some called itscald head. The hair almost entirely carne offin consequence, when a Iriend. seeing his sufferings,advised us to use your RKSTURATIVK;we did so with little hope ol success, but, to our

surprise, and hat < ' ali our Iriends, a very fewapplicationsremoved the disease entirely, and a

new an i luxuriant crop ol hair soon startedout. and we can now say that our boy has as

healthy a scalp, and a- luxuriant a crop ol ha:ras any other chilli. YVe can. therefore, am: uo

hereby recommend your KKSTOKA'FlVE. as

a perlect remedy lor all diseases ot the scuipand hair. We are, yours, respectfully,


Gakdinku Mains:. dune Jt, l&Nb..Prof. (>. J.Wooi».Dear Sir I have used two bottles ofProf. WOOD'S HAIR RPM'OKATlVK, andcan truly say it is the greatest discovery ot ttie

aye foi restoring am! changing the hair Beforeu»mg it 1 \us a man of seventy. My hair hasnow attained its original color. You can recommendit to the world without the least tear,us my case %va.< one of the worst kind. Yours,respectfully, DAMKL N. Ml'Rl'HY.

(). J. WOOD k CO. Proprietors. 31*2 Br-adway.N. Y .(in the greet N V. Wire RailingKstabli-hment,) and 114 Market street, St.Louis. Mo. And sold by all good Druggists,and Fancy Goods dealers jy ¥4.eo.'iin

i ONGWORTHY'S I'URK olIIO CATAWJy HA BRAN I) Y..This Brandy has hemmanufactured for several years Irom the eiiu:

jficK of ti.e Catawba Ghapk, thus affording additionalevidence of the progress ot Aiterieanenterprise and industi y. and ol our ability to produre articles at home equal to those made byany other iia'ion.The Ohio Catawba Brandy not only equals

but excels the best Imported Brandies, hi purityand flavor. It u iu lecl the best Brandy known.This statement Is lully eorrobora'ed by the certificatesof our most distinguished analyticalchemists.The w ant of pure Brandy has long been felt

in this country, and the introduction ot an articlerl such quality as to supercede the sale aiduse ot those vile compounds hitherto sold underthe name of Brandy, can only be regartieu a

great public good. The Catawba Brandy possesses*,iii * be good qualities claimed lor the best

Imported Liquors, and is of perlect purity andsuperior flavor, and a sovereign and tuie remedyi«>r Dyspepsia, Flatulency. Ciamp, Cholic. Cangour. Low Spirits, Central Debility, Xc. Nofamily should he without it. Retail price. $1.2.7per bottle.

Mr. W. A. HART is the sole agent lor Alexandria.By calling upon the egmt the publicwill be supplied with a small bottle gratuitously

Dealers and customers will please forwardtheir orders aug 17.eolm

"V^OTICK..At the Stockholders me ting ofthe ' f pperville and Manassas Gap Blank

Road Company, he'd in Upperville. on the ltdinstant, a majority of the stock not being r-pre.sen ted. the meeting w as acjourned to 'luesday,the 7:h day of September n-xt. a: 11 o'clock A.M , when it is desirable all the stock should be

represented, either in person, or by proxy. Byorder of the Board FRANK L. FRED,

Treasurer U. and M. G. I*. K. CompanyI'pperville, aug 21.eo*sept7

a SITUATION WANTED as TEACHER..I wish fo obtain a situation as Teacher

in a family, or as an assistant in a >chool..I have attended two courses of Lectures a' the

University of Virginia, and feel myself competentto instruct in the lollowing branches.English,Ladn, French. Spanish, and Mathematics.For further information, address L. T., Warrenton.Va. ang -1.eolrn

VL K X ANURIA. LOUDOUN ft HAMPSHIRERAILROAD Co..The AnnualGtneral M/eting ot this Company will be heldat their office in Alexandria, at 11 o'clock, ». nr.

on Tuesday, the 7th day ol .September next,.nig 23.enrd K JOHNSTON, Cl'k.

I I 1 L. L. V .


SCOT LA ND.And all parts of the CONT'NK.NT, lor saleCollections made, and Inheritances collected

in all parts of® -'1 BURKE a HERBERT,Bankers.** VESSELS WANTED.


PHILADELPHIA, andother Northern and Eas'ern ports. Dispatchgiven. Apply to [auglf'J FOWLE A ('<>.

1)7) K'l LAND SUGAR AND S i iiUV..20u Lbis. A Portland Sugar100 14 AA w

100 " Portland Syrup just received perSchr. E. W. Pratt, and for sale, byaug 19 FOWLE A CO.

\\T OOD FOR SALE . I have IW ^ordsvy of OAK and HIPKORY WOOD lor

sale, either by the quantity or car load, deliver|ed in Alexandria. J. E. EDSALL,

nag 27 .eotf Mount Hebron.

EMBER 1, 1858.

Howard association, philadelI'HIA..A benevolent Institution, estab

lished by special endowment for the relief of th<sick and distressed, afflicted w ith Virulent am

Epidemic diseases..To all persons afflicted witlSexual Diseases, such as SPERMATORRHEASEMINAL WEAKNESS. IMPOTENCE, AcThe Howard Association, in view ot the aw

fu! des'ructton ot human lite, caused bySexuadiseases, and the deceptions practised upon th<unfortunate victims oi such diseases by quacksseveral vears ago directed their Consulting a charitable act, worthy ot their name, t

open a Dispensary tor the treatment ot tbiclass ot diseases, in all their forms, and to giviMedical advice gratis, to all who apply by letter with a description of their condition, (agioccupation, habits of life, Ac.,) and in cases o

extreme poverty, to furnish -Medicines tree o

charge. It is needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of th<age. and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.The Directors, on a review of the past, fee

assured that their laborsin this sphere ol benevolerit effort, have been of great benefit to the atdieted, especially to the young,and they have re

solved to devote themselves, with renewed zealto this very important but much despised cause

Just published by the Association, a Reporion Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weakness, b)the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent bjmail, (in a sealed letter envelope.) free of chargeon receipt of two stamps lor postage.

Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEOR CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Howard\ssociation. No. 2 south Ninth street, Philadelphia,Pa. By order o!" the Directors.

EZRA D. HEAR I WELL. President.Gkouge Faikchild, Secretary.Philadelphia, sep 4.dlteoiini\wly

i episcopal high school of vir.1 j cini A, at HoWAKD. ox tux heights, TilftKIMILKS WKSTOK Al.KXAM'KlA. Rev JOHN P. MoGCIKF.hki r»K The next ion of thisInstitutionwill commence on Wednesday, the *lhday if Sip'itnbtr. The studies embrace a lullcouise oj Ancient ami .Modern Languages, the.Natural Si iences, Mathematics, English, MusicDrawing. \c.Tkkms..$e5Q per session, payable, invaria

bly, semi-annually, in advance, viz: $1*25 at th«commencement ol" the session, and $125 on thtsecond Wednesday in February.This charge includes Board, Tuition in the

regular course, and Modern Languages. LightsFuel, Washing, Mending. Ac..everything, inshort, except Books. Stationery, and Clothingand what is furnished to the pupil.

Music and Driving aie extra charges.I'amphiets, containing a lull account of the

School will be sent to those who request It .

Applications lor entrance, or 'or luither inlorinatiun,ad '.rested to the Rector.Post office, Theological Seminary, Fairfax

County, Virginia.. ubfkkbkcrs..

Kt Rev. William Meade. D. D.Rt. Rev. John Johns, D. D.The Clergy of the Dioce«eThe Prole-«sors ol the L'niversity of Virginiajy 24.cotSepM

N country merchantsand the public genkrally..

The Boor, ShoB. Hat ash Cap Hisink.-w. heretolore carrm I on by GEORGE H. BAYNE ACO . will be hereafter c inducted by PATTER.iOX I>.1 Y.\E, at the old stand, in thname ol BAYNE A Co.

Country merchants wi'l find a general assortnnent o' fresh and desirable FALL and WINPER GOODS, as aoove described, lately purchased of the Eastern manufacturers, whichwill be sold low to rath vr punctual dealers..'In all tiwh an earnest invitation L- given to callaug 0.eo'lm BAYNE A CO.

"Y^OTIf'I' .All persons indebted 'o us whoxaccounts are now passed due are re«jues

ted T<» rail and settle the<n without delay, a

longer indulgence cannot he givenGEORGE H. BAYNE Sl CO.

aug d.eo'truo


B'»RI)EKS ami DECORATIONS, WINDOWSHADE*. Gilt CoitMicKa and Banl>8. CiktaiiPins and TniMMiM.a..The undersigned are nov

prepared, at the corner of 9th and D streets, t<ofl-r to t|j» puhlic the largest and most varieiassortment ot the above goods to be found iithis city. They have received within the present week, large additions to the stork, and witconstantly be in receipt of the latest and mos

choice paiterns. A call is solicited. Prices ai

low as any house north.Paper »int on by experienced workmen, unde

the supei vision of cue of tb" firm.FRANKLIN * KOTHROCK.

J S. P. Franklin. Washington City. D. C.f L. .1 Roth rock. aug Ifi.2awim

i/lHARLKS HF.RNDON. (latk Conway i

HehM'on.) Attorskv at L.w, Fredericktburg, Virginia, continues to practice in thCourts ot King George, blatlord,Caroline, Sposylvania. ami the town ol Frederic kiburg

Collections promptly made and remitted.. KEKIIK NCKH.!David Fu listen. f Messrs. Fowle k Co.

Geor. e W. Brent, | Messrs CaxenoveAc C<Fiancis L. Smith. I McVeigh A Chamber'John B. Daingerlield, | Smnol, Ciller fc Co.,JohnS. Barhour, Robinson <Sc Payne,Lewis .McKenzie, I J H. Brent,Burke & Herbert, | Bryan. Adams ft Co.,

C. F ft Co., and other merchants.Fredericksburg, Va.,jv 26.dAccly

rpRI'sTKK'S SALE.The undersigned, a

| Trustees, offer at Private Sale, at the Coarl

hactory ot Bowen, Berlin ft Peak, No 17r». cor

ner of King ami Henry streets, Alexandria,very superior lotol CARRIAGES of every descnjitiou. with HARNESS to suit, consisting i

part of the to!lowing, Phaetons, Ctiarrioteilour and two seat Rockaways, Buggies with o

without tops, Jersey Wagons Double and 3inglflartsess. Arc , Ac.Trkmh..All purchases of and under $20

ninety da s credit, over tna' »um six monthsNoteswith approved security required in a

cases. K. B MANTOR, ) ,r ,

j. 7-wtf n.jcNsTKN, Crult""'FOR SALE.A new two story buc

-A"W HOUSE and Aittc, at the corner of I'llland Duke streets. Ibis dwelling has every coi

venience.supplier! with gar and water.a sma

garden well tilled with choice .shrubbery an

Fruit. This property will be shown to any peson desiring to purchase, and the terms be marlaccommodating. A small portion of trie puicnase money only will be required in hand.

I aug i1.vaw'iw MARY MANDEV1LLE.

3^()K RENT.A WHARF, in good orde^

. .rl. a I J Rill-'. YARD adioining. ThiJL """ " ..

property is well located tor a Coal dej>ot, Lunrher. or V«*ood Yard.Mu Also, IWO LARGE WAREHOUSE!^ fl the wharf. well adapted tor Commi

sion and .Shipping houses.Also, .i number of VACANT LOTS, or. Un

on street, very desirable tor Piaister lots. Ftterms, enquire of GREEN ft BROTHER.

f!,,-. 20.tfSHORE H>K KEN i..'1 ne new thri

JiaSLitory BRICK STORE, on the north su

ot King street, recently occupied by George 1Blacklock as an auction and Dry Goods Storis tor rent. The situation ot this property is

a business part ol the city, and iu complearrangements lor any kind of mercantile busness, renders it very desirable. Apply ne;

door, to HULST k CO.. or J. A. MJLbUH'corner ot King and Washington streets,

m'n '

MFOR RENT.The H'T>E. on Eairtastreet, No. 14, whicti has been orcupit

by Enoch, as a Stove and Iin-V\aiStore. Terms moderate Apply to

SAMUEL H JANNEY,au? pi.eoti" No. Fairfax atree

aFOR SALE..The Buck STORE ar

DWELLING, on the Southwest corner

Prince and Fairfax streets. The situation is oi

ot tbe best in the city tor a store. Terms ma<

known on application to H. JACOBS,aug No. 06 Prince atret


£*) ed, and for sale byaug 21 l'ERRY k PENNYBACKER.


1 JEf AT AUCTION .By vir1tUt> ot a moitgage from Josiah Todd <>

' Thos. Hooper. late ot Baltimore city, dec'd., we

the undersigned, executors ot the »8id Hooper,will dispose oi at public auction, at YowellsW hart. on Friday, the |n/A day of Stptrmbrr, ut

e i oH<k the Srhr -UNITE!'," of She is 7't 3 95 tons burthen, and is in good or

der. Terrs at sale.HANNAH HOOPER. ) Executors ofA. J. ROBINSON, Thos. Hoopew. A. MITCHELL, ) er, dee d.

sep 1.dts

j ^ OTICE..By virtue of a deed of trust rxeIJ.1 cuted to me by John Comwell, on th*

.29th day of May, 1857, and recorded in Prince

» William County Court, I shah offer for sale.

the highest bidder, on the premises, the 9;h da\of September, 1858, one-fifth part of 1 -i

I ACRES, which lies on Powell's Run, adjoiningMrs. Williams, John Clark, and others, ill

Prince William County, and which is now in

the possession of said John Cornwall. Termsot sale cash.the title is unquestionable, but,selling as trustee, I shall convey such title onlyas is vested in me.


' Prince Wm County, aug .eots*

TTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE-liey sub.ocribei offers at private sale, his FARM

commonly called "Hill Farm." 2$ miles east

of Middleburg, and 3b miles west of Alexau;dria There is upon it a good !>WKLHOUSE,all necessary Out-Ruildings,and a g^od Apple ORCHARD. It is ii: a

good state oi cultivation, is well watered, andi is within five miles of one of the contemplateddepot- oi the Loudoun Branch of Manassas CapRailroad, and within nine miles of the PipingStation oi said road; is within |ths of a mileof two large Flouring Mills, and surrounded byfirst-rate schools, both male and ternale. in as

healthy a section of the State as can be lound ;is situated in the midst of good and desuable

, society, and combines many other advantageswhich 1 deem it not necessary to mention as

- any one wishing to purchase w i!' examine 'hei premises for themselves. The Farm contains. about TWO HUNDRED a»d SIXTY three

ACRES, and adjpins the lands of Col. Hannlton Rogers, Gen. A.-a Rogers. Wm Roger? and

, others. If not sold privately before the 3'dhday of July, l.u58, it will then be offered at

Public Sale, in the village of Middleburg, on

that day.Persons desiring any further information in

relation to the Cairn, or wisuing 10 khow h

Tei (Tlx ol Sale, can obtain it by«'thesubscriber through mail, at Middleburg, l.ouidoun county, Va., or making enquiry ot t,.

( hancellor. esq., Attorney at Law. at said place,who is lully authorized to negotiate a »&le.

HUGH SMITH.Middleburg, Va.. feb. '2f>.wtf

VALUABLE FAl'QUIER LAND FORSALE. The subscriber offers atprixate

' sale, the FARM "MOUNT STERLING,r ofwhich Mrs. Charlotte M. Mitchell, died seized

i and possessed; situated in the countv ol Fau-quier, Va., five miles east of Warrenton, ai d- at an intermediate point between Gainesville, a

i Nation on the .Manassas Gap Railroad, and*lett, a station on the Orange and Alexandriae Railroad

Said FARM contains about FIVE HI N- DREI) ACRES, with an abundance ol timber. upon it, and is divided into ten fields, with one

. J or more Springs of excellent water on each, andmost of the arable laud which is not in culfh a-j tion, is well set in grass, thereby rendering this

. a very desirable farm for grazing purpose- .The soil is of excellent original quality, and isnow in a good state of improvement. Ther<- is

* JhaAu|»ontbe premises a good DWELLING- JEjE-HOUSE, with all necessary out buildu ps.* most ol which are quite new and very subatun|tially built. I will take pleasure in showing

the premises to any one desirous of purchasingand reply promptly to any communications ad;dressed to me, respecting particular ioquirce as

; to terms, Ac., for which purpose applicationj may also be made to JOHN I'. PHILLIPS, e»<| ,

. Warrenton, Va. R. TASKER MITCHELLv For himself and the other heirs or Mrs. » >i.

} Mitchell, dec'd. Fauquiar ao., Va jy 7.eotl

1 "QOTOMAC LAM) FOR SALE .The unIdersigned desires to sell a TRACT <>K* LAND, on the Waters ot Potomac Creek. 111

' Stafford County, Va., containing TEN HI NcjDKEDandTWEMY ACHES, It borders onII the Creek twhich is navigable) zj miles. and is

distant about one mile from the Ruhmoid,r Fredericksburg aud Potomac Railroad. The

I soil * very productive in all the usual graincrops, but particularly adapted to the growth of

> Tobacco and Grass, though it is ol uneven surface.i, There is on the land inexhaustible beds of the

finest shell Mail. A large quantity of Hickory,e Oak and Pine Wood may be cut Irom the land,t. worth on the shore ol the creek Irom two to

tour dollars per cord. Also, a good deal of Cedarand Locust, Yellow Popular and White OakTimber.

There is a meadow now yielding an average

, of $.'.01) worth ot Hay per annum, containingn fourteen Acres of land, w hich may be increased

to fifty acres of prime Meadow. Grass growswell all over the Land, which renders it valuablefor grazing purposes. Indeed, it grazes annually,about fitty head of cattle in the Wuod«.Altogether it is a very valuable tract, but 1 am

disposed to sell it below its value, as 1 own

another iaige farm adjoining it, and have not a

9 sufficient force to manage both. I invite per^ j sons disposed to purchase such property to ex"

I amine it, or communicate w itn me by letter at8 Accokeek Post Office, Stafford county, Va.

t JOHN' MINOR, M. D.n Sfaffiiid Co.. ap 1.'^awdrn


,1 f .I offer lor sale, privately, the FARM' * i- . oor \ ^

upon wnicb 1 IlOW regiue, containing ion ntnr.n,

(j This Farm offers great inducement* to the purchaser Irorit its locality, being within 2 j mile* of

II Mitchell's Station, and 4 of the Rapidan, nridthereby broiiirht into immediate connection, byrailway, with Richmond and Alexandria I' is

beautifully situated in one of the best neighborIthood-, in the State. The improvement# are a

1 fll?^ comfortable I) W K L L I N (i. with nx

' jy^jj^rooma. and all other neceaaary out-bon-ee,I' A more particular description it unn- crssary.d a* those wishing to purchase will examine

r* for themselves. For a further description, apIeply to J. C. GREEN, at Gulp* per CL House, or

r* the subscriber at Mitchell's Station.WM. A ROBERTSON

Culpeper County, my 4.eotf

Ti rj^HF. SL'BsCKIBER wishing to return So :i

X o^rs lor sale the place upon which hei- resides, consistingot TWENTY axd A HAI.K

ACRES, situated in Fairtax County, upon 'he">i old Leesburg Koad, which separates it lrom the

grounds ol the Theological Seminary.

a The DWELLING is a two story framebuilding, (completed in the Fall of lb.'o.)

>f containing live good sized roorna, exclusive ol

kitchen, storeroom, and pantry. A well of excellentwater at the door.

,e Its proximity to Alexandria, and the neigkborjej hoc! affording the best tociety, makes it desira^ble, if only for a Summer residence.

Possession given immediately. For terms,e' annlv rithrr through the Seminary Post

Office, or upon the premises, tor I Fairfar Cn jV5H.CJN 8MF.TS

tt I atUMAC WaSTKR..The subscribers wi*h

^ t0 Purc^iaw TONS of SUMAC, lor

which they will pay the highest cash price.Village store keepers will find it to their advantageto communicate with us in reference to

* what they may take in during the season.

We also ** ish to purchase WOOL of all grades,e and will give the highest market price tor it.

RAMSBURG A KBKKT.Georgetown. D. C., aug 3.w2m

TOY TO THE WORLD. ".KSO\1(* ;BROTHER, (sole agents for the sale of01 Baker's Tobaeco,) have on hand a supply of

this brand of Baker's Tobacco. Also a supplyof Baker's Gold I^eaf Tobacco. aug W

5l JV'OllLE..Those in want of BROOMSmade expressly for Brussel Carpets, can

v- get them by c»lliug at the Broom Factory,Roval, south of Prince street.

aug 20 L. HERRING,