2015 year of the poor - mercy and compassion 1st sunday of ... · pdf filedone by dr. zenaida...

November 29, 2015 www.ssaparish.com 1st Sunday of Advent Forbes Park, Makati 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion Santuario de San Antonio Parish Office • Tel. nos. 8438830-31 The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of the Archdiocese of Manila celebrated its 2015 Loyalty Day at the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros, Manila last October 17. The Eucharistic Mass was concelebrated by main celebrant Rev. Fr. Reginald Malicdem with concelebrants Rev. Msgr. Nesto Cerbo, Rev. Msgr. Hernando Coronel and Rev. Msgr. Esteban Lo, LRMS. The crowning of the image of Our Lady of Fatima was done by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish were Ma. Victoria A. Bautista, Susan L. Chung and Zita Feliciano. The Saints Bridget and Catherine awardees from Santuario de San Antonio Parish were Mother Isabelita B. Poe and her three daughters Ma. Melissa P. Garcia, Ma. Ysabel P. Ang, Michaela Poe and daughter in law Ma. Rosario A. Poe. All her daughters were named Maria after our Blessed Mother. Other awardees from our church who received the St. Anne’s Recognition were Isabel A. Abella, Asuncion S. Jalandoni, Gloria Morada and again Isabelita B. Poe. A special award was given to Clara Quesada, mother, whose son Bro. Rafael Quesada made his solemn profession as a Benedictine monk. The Catholic Women’s League of our parish has been committed to the service of the poor. During the feast of St. Anthony de Padua last June 2015, CWL sponsored the following: Mass Baptism (38 were baptized), Mass Confirmation (59 were confirmed), Mass Wedding (21 couples married) and yearly Medical Mission (975 indigent patients served). CWL continues to provide free medical check-up and medicines to indigent patients every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Menchu Concepcion as our CWL Board Member provides merienda (mamon and boiled egg) to all 50 patients, doctors and CWL volunteers. CWL also provides financial assistance, merienda and spiritual formation for selected 40 students in Makati as scholars. Catholic Women’s League Loyalty Day 2015 By Clare Quesada CWL 2015 Loyalty Day CWL Loyalty Day at Manila Cathedral CWL Medical Clinic every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month Free Medicines for CWL Medical Clinic Patients at the CWL Medical Clinic

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Page 1: 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion 1st Sunday of ... · PDF filedone by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish

November 29, 2015www.ssaparish.com

1st Sunday of Advent Forbes Park, Makati2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion

Santuario de San Antonio Parish Office • Tel. nos. 8438830-31

The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of the Archdiocese of Manila celebrated its 2015 Loyalty Day at the Manila Cathedral in Intramuros, Manila last October 17. The Eucharistic Mass was concelebrated by main celebrant Rev. Fr. Reginald Malicdem with concelebrants Rev. Msgr. Nesto Cerbo, Rev. Msgr. Hernando Coronel and Rev. Msgr. Esteban Lo, LRMS. The crowning of the image of Our Lady of Fatima was done by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish were Ma. Victoria A. Bautista, Susan L. Chung and Zita Feliciano. The Saints Bridget and Catherine awardees from Santuario de San Antonio Parish were Mother Isabelita B. Poe and her three daughters Ma. Melissa P. Garcia, Ma. Ysabel P. Ang, Michaela Poe and daughter in law Ma. Rosario A. Poe. All her daughters were named Maria after our Blessed Mother. Other awardees from our church who received the St. Anne’s Recognition were Isabel A. Abella, Asuncion S.

Jalandoni, Gloria Morada and again Isabelita B. Poe. A special award was given to Clara Quesada, mother, whose son Bro. Rafael Quesada made his solemn profession as a Benedictine monk. The Catholic Women’s League of our parish has been committed to the service of the poor. During the feast of St. Anthony de Padua last June 2015, CWL sponsored the following: Mass Baptism (38 were baptized), Mass Confirmation (59 were confirmed), Mass Wedding (21 couples married) and yearly Medical Mission (975 indigent patients served). CWL continues to provide free medical check-up and medicines to indigent patients every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. Menchu Concepcion as our CWL Board Member provides merienda (mamon and boiled egg) to all 50 patients, doctors and CWL volunteers. CWL also provides financial assistance, merienda and spiritual formation for selected 40 students in Makati as scholars.

Catholic Women’s League Loyalty Day 2015By Clare Quesada

CWL 2015 Loyalty Day

CWL Loyalty Day at Manila Cathedral

CWL Medical Clinic every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month

Free Medicines for CWL Medical Clinic

Patients at the CWL Medical Clinic

Page 2: 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion 1st Sunday of ... · PDF filedone by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish

Would you give Forgiveness a Chance?

All of us have experienced getting hurt in both profound and trivial ways. We feel sad; we are angry; we cry - these reactions are normal for we are human. When Peter asked how many times it was necessary to forgive, Jesus said: “I do not say seven times, but seventy times seven times.” (Mt 18:22) It means that we always have to forgive. Oftentimes it is very difficult to forgive. But maybe if we understand what forgiveness is, it will be easier to pardon. Forgiveness does not mean we return to being the victim, or we tolerate any form of abuse. It is not ignoring repeated offenses nor freeing the offenders from his responsibilities -as we still hold them accountable for their actions. It does not mean we have to be friendly with them again, or to go back to the old relationship. It is not forgetting the hurt, as it is normal for memories to revive. But it is possible we do not want to forgive because we refuse to let go of perceived power. We feel powerful when the offender is in need of forgiveness which only we can give. Forgiveness is a process. It might take some time to work through our emotional

Parish Bulletin


November 29, 2015



of the CHURCH675-749

December 4

St. John of Damascus came from a wealthy Christian family and was tutored by a monk. John then held the post of tax collector of Mohammedan Caliph of Damascus and was chief representative of the Christian community. But when there was a change in policy among the Muslim rulers, John lost his position, distributed his money among his relatives and joined the monastery. Ordained a priest John entered the Monastery of St. Sabbas near Jerusalem, Palestine where he spent most of the rest of his life studying, writing, teaching, preaching and practicing a severe asceticism. He had a fondness for poetry and song. John is known as one of the two greatest poets of the Eastern Church. Some of his poetry and hymns are still liberally used in the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church and his hymns ranks high in Eastern hymnody. An intellectual and prolific writer, he wrote one hundred and fifty works on a wide range of subjects from theology, religious education, philosophy to biographies. His two foremost works were called Sacred Parallels and The Fountain of Wisdom, also called Fount of Knowledge. John was known to be the champion and defender of icons and other sacred images during period of the Iconoclastic Controversy (belief that icons or sacred

RANDOM THOUGHTSVoices from yesterday and today…

By: Peachy Maramba

The ABC’s of Catholic Doctrine

by Lianne Tiu

turn to page 3

problems (like in a broken marriage) before we can truly forgive. If they do not apologize or never ask, we still have to forgive. We do not always have to tell them we have forgiven them. People will continue to hurt us through life. Some people will remain mean, unreliable, unfaithful, dishonest, and they may refuse to change. We either remain angry and resentful, or we think of our loving relationship with God. Jesus said, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” (Mt 5:7) This beatitude is what we are asked to particularly aspire in this Holy Year (Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy) which will start on December 8, 2015, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Let us live this year in light of the Lord’s words: “Merciful like the Father.” We are asked to show mercy (to pardon offenses) because mercy has first been shown to us by Father God. We beg Him to give us the grace to forgive others, for without Him we cannot do it alone. And we ask our Lady to help us for she is the Queen of Peace and Mother of Forgiveness. (Reference: “Misericordiae Vultus” by Pope Francis; “Why Do We Find It So Hard to Forgive? by Rose Sweet)

pictures of Jesus, Mary, etc. fostered idolatry and were against the biblical ban on graven images. This was called the Iconoclastic Controversy meaning “image-breaking” in Greek). He argued that in cherishing icons or physical representations of Jesus, Mary and the saints painted on a wall or on a wooden panel, Christians were not worshipping nor venerating the images themselves but those who were in the pictures. Thus, rather than being idolatrous the icons were not only useful but necessary tools that would strengthen piety among Christians. Since images speak to the sight as words to the ear they bring us understanding and also nourish thought and devotion. This period of image-breaking (iconoclasm) lasted 116 years! It was not till 780 that steps were taken to reverse the iconoclastic policies. In 787, John’s arguments condemning the nefarious practice finally settled the issue. On February 19, 842 AD icons were carried in a triumphal procession in Constantinople. So St. John is rightfully called the “Doctor of Christian Art.” We can all gratefully thank John for our being able today to use our favorite medal, enjoy looking at our stained glass windows, paintings and statues and praying before our dear crucifixes. It is also thanks to him that we have in our Apostles Creed the article, “I believe in the Communion of Saints” as he was its champion believing it to be most precious. Pope Leo XIII in August 18, 1890 proclaimed him a Doctor of the Universal Church because of his writings. John is also known as the Doctor of the Assumption. Marian devotion in the East reached its highest point with our saint. Not only was he the last of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church from the East but also was the first to be declared a Doctor of the Church (in 1890) from that part of the world since St. Cyril of Alexandria (5th century). St. John died in December 4, 749 and is buried at the Monastery of St. Sabbas. He was canonized by both Greek and Latin churches which hold his feast day on December 4 and March 27 respectively. In the West the Church celebrates his feast on December 4.

Sources of Reference: Butler’s Lives of Saints – Vol. II pp 689 – 691; The Book of Saints – p 302; My First Book of Saint – p. 489; and others.

Random Thoughts...from page 2SUNDAY


First Sunday of Advent C

Be vigilant at all times

Today, the first Sunday of Advent, marks the beginning of a new liturgical year--Year C, during which the Gospel of St. Luke will be mostly read. Luke’s gospel is the gospel of prayer, the gospel of joy, the gospel of the poor, the gospel of the Holy Spirit, the gospel of mercy, the gospel of women… a beautiful gospel indeed. It is New Year’s Day today in the Church.

* * *

It feels a little bit awkward to announce today the beginning of Advent, in preparation for Christmas, since the flavor of Christmas has been with us for several months now. Since the start of the “-ber” months, Christmas carols have been on the air; Christmas trees and décor are all over the place. For all practical purposes, the Advent season does not exist. It is our task to re-discover the meaning and the importance of Advent as the time to prepare for a fruitful and meaningful celebration of Christmas. We must not allow ourselves to be dazzled by the glitter of the Christmas lights or by the perks and trappings thrust upon us by the department stores. Lest we forget, it is not Santa Claus, loaded with goodies that we are waiting for. It is the poor, little Baby laid on a manger that we are waiting for. He, not Santa, is the reason for the season. The liturgy of Advent is divided into two parts: The first, from today up to

December 16, focuses on the second coming of Christ at the end of time. The second, from December 17 to 24, draws our attention to his coming as man in Bethlehem. This structure is clearly expressed in the two Prefaces of the Advent season. In today’s gospel we heard the announcement of Christ’s coming amid cosmic upheavals: Signs in the sun, the moon and the stars, the roaring of the sea, etc. To those unfamiliar with apocalyptic writings (and that includes most of us) this gospel may sound scary. In fact, through the centuries, this gospel has been used as the basis to predict the end of the world. But then, deadlines (such as 12-12-12) came and went... and here we are still, alive and kicking. As a matter of fact, the message of today’s gospel is not one of fear and trembling, but rather one of joy and hope—as are all apocalyptic writings: “When these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your head because your redemption is at hand.” We are not told to run and hide, but to stand erect… Your redemption is at hand! Being redeemed means being ransomed, being set free. Advent’s favorite song is: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel.” It is not only Israel that is captive. We are all captive in one way or another. Oh yes, we are free to move around. But if we carry within us anger, or hatred, or envy, or pride… we are captives. Then, we are all captive of fear—fear of bombings, of terrorists attacks a la-Paris, of drug addicts, of hold-uppers, of kidnappers… Captive of political and economic uncertainty; captive of the hopelessness and helplessness which envelop much of our society. Rightly then, today’s gospel invites us to be vigilant and to pray constantly. Let us not spend these days of Advent in endless shopping and partying. Saving a little cash in order to feed some empty stomachs is much more meaningful and Christmassy. Also, let us spend some extra time in prayer with the Lord—who is the reason for the season. We will discover the true meaning of Christmas, not in the noise of the shopping malls or restaurants but in the silence of the adoration chapel; in the silence of prayer.

Page 3: 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion 1st Sunday of ... · PDF filedone by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish

Parish Bulletin November 29, 2015

January, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother


2 Basil the Great and Gregory

Nazianzen, Bb & Dd Memorial

3 Epiphany of


4 Elizabeth Ann

Seton Memorial

5 John

Neumann, B Memorial

6 Bl. Andre

Bessette, Rel Opt. Mem.

7 Raymond of Penyafort, P

Opt. Mem.

8 Friday after Epiphany Weekday

9 Saturday after

Epiphany Weekday

10 Baptism of the Lord


11 Monday of

the First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

12 Tuesday of

the First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

13 Hilary, B & D

Opt. Mem.

14 Thursday of

the First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

15 Friday of the First Week of

Ordinary Time


16 Saturday of

the First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

17 Second

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

18 Monday of the Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

19 Tuesday of the Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

20 Fabian, Po & M; Sebastian,

M Opt. Mem.

21 Agnes, V &

M Memorial

22 Vincent, De &

M Opt. Mem.

23 Saturday of the Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

24 Third Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

25 Conversion of St. Paul, Ap


26 Timothy and

Titus, Bb Memorial

27 Angela

Merici, V Opt. Mem.

28 Thomas

Aquinas, P & D


29 Friday of the Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

30 Saturday of the Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

31 Fourth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

February, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Monday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

2 Presentation of the Lord


3 Blase, B & M;

Ansgar, B Opt. Mem.

4 Thursday of the Fourth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

5 Agatha, V &

San PedroBautista



6 Paul Miki and companions,

Mm Memorial

7 Fifth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

8 Jerome

Emiliani; Josephine Bakhita, V Opt. Mem.

9 Tuesday of

the Fifth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

10 Ash

Wednesday Weekday

11 Our Lady of

Lourdes Commem.

12 Friday after

Ash Wednesday


13 Saturday after

Ash Wednesday


14 First Sunday

of Lent Sunday

15 Monday of

the First Week of Lent


16 Tuesday of

the First Week of Lent


17 Seven

Founders of the Order of

Servites Commem.

18 Thursday of

the First Week of Lent


19 Friday of the First Week of

Lent Weekday

20 Saturday of

the First Week of Lent


21 Second

Sunday of Lent


22 Chair of Peter,

Ap Feast

23 Polycarp, B &

M Commem.

24 Wednesday of

the Second Week of Lent


25 Thursday of the Second

Week of Lent Weekday

26 Friday of the Second Week

of Lent Weekday

27 Saturday of the Second

Week of Lent Weekday

28 Third Sunday

of Lent Sunday

29 Monday of the Third

Week of Lent Weekday

March, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Tuesday of the Third

Week of Lent Weekday

2 Wednesday of

the Third Week of Lent


3 Katharine Drexel, V Commem.

4 Casimir Commem.

5 Saturday of the Third

Week of Lent Weekday

6 Fourth

Sunday of Lent


7 Perpetua and Felicity, Mm


8 John of God,

Rel Commem.

9 Frances of Rome, Rel Commem.

10 Thursday of the Fourth

Week of Lent Weekday

11 Friday of the Fourth Week

of Lent Weekday

12 Saturday of the Fourth

Week of Lent Weekday

13 Fifth Sunday

of Lent Sunday

14 Monday of

the Fifth Week of Lent


15 Tuesday of

the Fifth Week of Lent


16 Wednesday of

the Fifth Week of Lent


17 Patrick, B Commem.

18 Cyril of

Jerusalem, B & D


19 Joseph,

Husband of Mary


20 Palm Sunday


21 Monday of Holy Week Holy Week

22 Tuesday of Holy Week Holy Week

23 Wednesday of

Holy Week Holy Week

24 Holy

Thursday Triduum

25 Good Friday


26 Easter Vigil


27 Easter Sunday


28 Monday in the

Octave of Easter


29 Tuesday in

the Octave of Easter


30 Wednesday in the Octave of


31 Thursday in

the Octave of Easter


April, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Friday in the

Octave of Easter


2 Saturday in

the Octave of Easter


3 Second

Sunday of Easter


4 Annunciation SOLEMNITY

5 Vincent Ferrer, P Opt. Mem.

6 Wednesday of

the Second Week of Easter


7 John Baptist de la Salle, P


8 Friday of the Second Week

of Easter Weekday

9 Saturday of the Second Week of Easter


10 Third Sunday

of Easter Sunday

11 Stanislaus, B

& M Opt. Mem.

12 Tuesday of the Third Week of Easter


13 Martin I, Po

& M Opt. Mem.

14 Thursday of

the Third Week of Easter


15 Bl. Damien Joseph de Veuster, P Opt. Mem.

16 Saturday of the Third Week of Easter


17 Fourth

Sunday of Easter Sunday

18 Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter


19 Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter


20 Wednesday of

the Fourth Week of Easter


21 Anselm, B &

D Opt. Mem.

22 Friday of the Fourth Week

of Easter Weekday

23 George, M;

Adalbert, B & M

Opt. Mem.

24 Fifth Sunday

of Easter Sunday

25 Mark,

Evangelist Feast

26 Tuesday of

the Fifth Week of Easter


27 Wednesday of

the Fifth Week of Easter


28 Peter Chanel, P & M; Louis

Mary de Montfort, P

Opt. Mem.

29 Catherine of Siena, V & D


30 Pius V, Po Opt. Mem.

May, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Sixth Sunday

of Easter Sunday

2 Athanasius, B

& D Memorial

3 Philip &

James, Ap Feast

4 Wednesday of

the Sixth Week of Easter


5 Ascension of


6 Friday of the

Sixth Week of Easter


7 Saturday of

the Sixth Week of Easter


8 Seventh

Sunday of Easter Sunday

9 Monday of the Seventh

Week of Easter


10 Tuesday of the Seventh

Week of Easter


11 Wednesday of

the Seventh Week of Easter


12 Nereus and Achilleus,

Mm; Pancras, M

Opt. Mem.

13 Our Lady of

Fatima Opt. Mem.

14 Matthias, Ap


15 Pentecost Sunday


16 Monday of the Seventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

17 Tuesday of the Seventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

18 John I, Po &

M Opt. Mem.

19 Thursday of the Seventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

20 Bernardine of

Siena, P Opt. Mem.

21 Christopher

Magallanes, P & M, and

companions, Mm

Opt. Mem.

22 Trinity Sunday


23 Monday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

24 Tuesday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

25 Venerable

Bede, P & D; Gregory VII,

Po; Mary Magdalene de

Pazzi, V Opt. Mem.

26 Philip Neri, P


27 Augustine of

Canterbury, B Opt. Mem.

28 Saturday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

29 Corpus Christi


30 Monday of the Ninth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

31 Visitation


June, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Justin, M Memorial

2 Marcellinus and Peter,

Mm Opt. Mem.

3 Sacred Heart


4 Immaculate

Heart of Mary Memorial

5 Tenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

6 Norbert, B Opt. Mem.

7 Tuesday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

8 Wednesday of

the Tenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

9 Ephrem, De &

D Opt. Mem.

10 Friday of the Tenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

11 Barnabas, Ap


12 Eleventh

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

13 Anthony of

Padua, P & D Memorial

14 Tuesday of

the Eleventh Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

15 Wednesday of the Eleventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

16 Thursday of the Eleventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

17 Friday of the

Eleventh Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

18 Saturday of the Eleventh

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

19 Twelfth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

20 Monday of the Twelfth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

21 Aloysius

Gonzaga, Rel Memorial

22 Paulinus of

Nola, B; John Fisher, B & M and Thomas

More, M Opt. Mem.

23 Thursday of the Twelfth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

24 Birth of John the Baptist


25 Saturday of the Twelfth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

26 Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

27 Cyril of

Alexandria, B & D

Opt. Mem.

28 Irenaeus, B &

M Memorial

29 Peter and Paul, Ap


30 First Martyrs of the Church

of Rome Opt. Mem.

St. Anthony

July, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Bl. Junipero

Serra, P & Rel Opt. Mem.

2 Saturday of

the Thirteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

3 Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

4 Elizabeth of

Portugal Opt. Mem.

5 Anthony

Zaccaria, P Opt. Mem.

6 Maria Goretti,

V & M Opt. Mem.

7 Thursday of

the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

8 Friday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

9 Augustine

Zhao Rong, P & M, and

companions, Mm

Opt. Mem.

10 Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

11 Benedict, Ab


12 Tuesday of

the Fifteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

13 Henry

Opt. Mem.

14 Bl. Kateri

Tekakwitha, V


15 Bonaventure,

B & D Memorial

16 Our Lady of

Mount Carmel Opt. Mem.

17 Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

18 Monday of

the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

19 Tuesday of

the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

20 Apollinarus,

B & M Opt. Mem.

21 Lawrence of Brindisi, P &

D Opt. Mem.

22 Mary

Magdalene Memorial

23 Bridget, Rel

Opt. Mem.

24 Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

25 James, Ap


26 Joachim and Ann, Parents

of Mary Memorial

27 Wednesday of

the Seventeenth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

28 Thursday of

the Seventeenth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

29 Martha Memorial

30 Peter

Chrysologus, B & D

Opt. Mem.

31 Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

August, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Alphonsus

Liguori, B & D


2 Eusebius of Vercelli, B; Peter Julian Eymard, P Opt. Mem.

3 Wednesday of the Eighteenth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

4 John Vianney,

P Memorial

5 Dedication of

St. Mary Major

Opt. Mem.

6 Transfiguration


7 Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

8 Dominic, P


9 Teresiae

Benedicta of the Cross, V

& M Opt. Mem.

10 Lawrence, De

& M Feast

11 Clare, V Memorial

12 Jane Frances de Chantal,

Rel Opt. Mem.

13 Pontian, Po &

M and Hippolytus, P

& M Opt. Mem.

14 Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

15 Assumption SOLEMNITY

16 Stephen of Hungary Opt. Mem.

17 Wednesday of the Twentieth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

18 Thursday of

the Twentieth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

19 John Eudes, P

Opt. Mem.

20 Bernard, Ab &

D Memorial

21 Twenty-First

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

22 Queenship of

Mary Memorial

23 Rose of Lima,

V Opt. Mem.

24 Bartholomew,

Ap Feast

25 Louis of France; Joseph

Calasanz, P Opt. Mem.

26 Friday of the Twenty-First

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

27 Monica Memorial

28 Twenty-Second

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

29 Beheading of

John the Baptist, M


30 Tuesday of the Twenty-

Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

31 Wednesday of the Twenty-

Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

St. Clare

September, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Thursday of the Twenty-

Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

2 Friday of the

Twenty-Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

3 Gregory the

Great, Po & D Memorial

4 Twenty-Third

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

5 Monday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

6 Tuesday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

7 Wednesday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

8 Birth of Mary


9 Peter Claver,

P Memorial

10 Saturday of the Twenty-Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

11 Twenty-Fourth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

12 The Most

Name of the Blessed

Virgin Mary Opt. Mem.

13 John

Chrysostom, B & D


14 Triumph of the Cross


15 Our Lady of

Sorrows Memorial

16 Cornelius, Po

& M and Cyprian, B &

M Memorial

17 Robert

Bellarmine, B & D

Opt. Mem.

18 Twenty-Fifth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

19 Janurius, B &

M Opt. Mem.

20 Andrew Kim Taegon, P &

M, Paul Chong

Hasang, M, & companions,

Mm Memorial

21 Matthew, Ap & Evangelist


22 Thursday of the Twenty-

Fifth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

23 Pio of

Pietreclina, P Opt. Mem.

24 Saturday of the Twenty-

Fifth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

25 Twenty-Sixth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

26 Cosmas and Damian, Mm

Opt. Mem.

27 Vincent de

Paul, P Memorial

28 Wenceslaus, M; Lawrence

Ruiz and companions,

Mm Opt. Mem.

29 Michael,

Gabriel, and Raphael,

Archangels Feast

30 Jerome, P &

D Memorial

October, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Theresa of the Child Jesus, V


2 Twenty-Seventh

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

3 Monday of the Twenty-

Seventh Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

4 Francis of Assisi, Rel


5 Wednesday of the Twenty-

Seventh Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

6 Bruno, P; Bl. Marie Rose Durocher, V

Opt. Mem.

7 Our Lady of the Rosary


8 Saturday of the Twenty-

Seventh Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

9 Twenty-Eighth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

10 Monday of the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

11 Tuesday of the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

12 Wednesday of the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

13 Thursday of the Twenty-Eighth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

14 Callistus I, Po

& M Opt. Mem.

15 Teresa of

Avila, V & D Memorial

16 Twenty-Ninth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

17 Ignatius of

Antioch, B & M


18 Luke,

Evangelist Feast

19 Isaac Jogues and John de

Brebeuf, P & Mm, and

companions, Mm


20 Paul of the Cross, P Opt. Mem.

21 Friday of the

Twenty-Ninth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

22 Saturday of the Twenty-Ninth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

23 Thirtieth

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

24 Anthony Claret, B Opt. Mem.

25 Tuesday of

the Thirtieth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

26 Wednesday of the Thirtieth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

27 Thursday of the Thirtieth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

28 Simon and Jude, Ap


29 Saturday of the Thirtieth

Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

30 Thirty-First Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

31 Monday of the Thirty-

First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

St. Francis

November, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 All Saints


2 All Souls


3 Martin de

Porres, Rel Opt. Mem.

4 Charles

Borromeo, B Memorial

5 Saturday of the Thirty-

First Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

6 Thirty-Second

Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

7 Monday of the Thirty-

Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

8 Tuesday of the Thirty-

Second Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

9 Dedication of

St. John Lateran


10 Leo the Great,

Po & D Memorial

11 Martin of Tours, B Memorial

12 Josaphat, B &

M Memorial

13 Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary

Time Sunday

14 Monday of the Thirty-Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

15 Albert the

Great, B & D Opt. Mem.

16 Margaret of Scotland;

Gertrude, V Opt. Mem.

17 Elizabeth of

Hungary, Rel Memorial

18 Dedication of Churches of

Peter & Paul; Rose

Philippine Duchesne, V

Opt. Mem.

19 Saturday of the Thirty-

Third Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

20 Christ the


21 Presentation

of Mary Memorial

22 Cecilia, V &

M Memorial

23 Clement I, Po

& M; Columban,

Ab; Bl. Miguel Pro, P

& M Opt. Mem.

24 Andrew

Dung-Lac, P & M, and

companions, Mm


25 Catherine of

Alexandria, V & M

Opt. Mem.

26 Saturday of the Thirty-

Fourth Week of Ordinary

Time Weekday

27 First Sunday

of Advent Sunday

28 Monday of

the First Week of Advent Weekday

29 Tuesday of

the First Week of Advent Weekday

30 Andrew, Ap


December, 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Thursday of

the First Week of Advent Weekday

2 Friday of the First Week of

Advent Weekday

3 Frances

Xavier, P Memorial

4 Second

Sunday of Advent Sunday

5 Monday of the Second Week of Advent Weekday

6 Nicholas, B

Opt. Mem.

7 Ambrose, B &

D Memorial

8 Immaculate Conception SOLEMNITY

9 Juan Diego

Opt. Mem.

10 Saturday of the Second Week of Advent Weekday

11 Third Sunday

of Advent Sunday

12 Our Lady of Guadalupe


13 Lucy, V & M


14 John of the

Cross, P & D Memorial

15 Thursday of

the Third Week of Advent Weekday

16 Friday of the Third Week of Advent


17 Saturday of the Third Week of Advent Weekday

18 Fourth

Sunday of Advent Sunday

19 Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent Weekday

20 Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Advent Weekday

21 Peter

Canisius, P & D

Opt. Mem.

22 Thursday of the Fourth Week of Advent Weekday

23 John of

Kanty, P Opt. Mem.

24 Saturday of the Fourth Week of Advent Weekday

25 Christmas


26 Stephen, M


27 John, Ap and

Evangelist Feast

28 Holy

Innocents, Mm Feast

29 Thomas

Becket, B & M

Opt. Mem.

30 Holy Family


31 Sylvester I, Po

Opt. Mem.

Liturgical Calendar 2016

Page 4: 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion 1st Sunday of ... · PDF filedone by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish


November 29, 2015Parish Bulletin


SUNDAY - NOV. 29* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 9:00AM - CCD Sunday Religion


MONDAY - NOV. 30* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 3:00PM - OFS Formation

TUESDAY - DEC. 1* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 9:00AM - JPIC Hospital Ministry

PGH Visitation * 2:00PM - Health Care Ministry

Dancercise “Open to All Parishioners”* 4:00PM - Marian Cenacle Group

Prayer Meeting

WEDNESAY - DEC.2* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 4:00PM - CCD Religion Class

THURSDAY - DEC. 3* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 9:00AM - Health Care Ministry

Visitation at Rizal Medical Center, Pasig City

* 7:00PM - SYA Prayer Meeting

FRIDAY - DEC. 4* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 2:00AM - Health Care Ministry

Dancercise :Open to All Parishioners”* 3:00PM - Health Care Ministry First

Friday Healing Mass* 6:30PM - Men of the Sacred Heart

Meeting* 7:00PM - Household Help

Charismatic Prayer Meeting* 8:00PM - SYA Payday Prayer* 9:00PM - Tig-Awit Choir Practice

SATURDAY - DEC. 5* 8:00AM - Thrift Shop* 4:00PM - VOSA Choir* 4:00PM - LUKE 18 Prayer Meeting

CALENDAR OF MINISTRIES FOR THE WEEK30-Nov-15Jose Ong Dyhianto Jr & Maria Anjelyn V. Jocson

30-Nov-15Rembrant Cortez Tolentino & Justine Felice Calalang Santos

03-Dec-15Watson Chua Nacague & Erica Therese Bassi Herrera

05-Dec-15Luceño Carlo Nebriaga Labayen & Nina Diorella Kallos Ifurong

05-Dec-15Jan Robin M. Tan & Erikah Joie A. Padilla

05-Dec-15Mark Anthony O. Rupido & Katrina Blythe C. Malig

06-Dec-15Mark Anthony M. Tsai & Justine Nathalie C. Ng

07-Dec-15Rowel A. Santiago & Eisel Eunice M. Laygo

10-Dec-15Juan Paolo Tumacder & Margaret Ann C. Bacani

11-Dec-15Raymund Earl Los Baños Blanco & Ivy Kristine Molo Yap

12-Dec-15Erick Christian Pineda David & Marchellie Ocampo Balay

12-Dec-15Brent Chua Estrella & Kazel Umali Ferreras

13-Dec-15Woodrow Capili Graven & Marichell Capacete Briones

14-Dec-15Ken Martin Silva Gardiola & Lara Venisse Marcelo Gardiola

18-Dec-15Eduardo Irwin Bartolome Batang, Jr. & Jessabelle Veloria Porciuncula

17-Dec-15Kevin Michael Bordey Ramos & Monica Ariones Sioson

17-Dec-15Greg Vincent E. Roasa & Ma. Angelique Ernestine S. Cipriano

17-Dec-15Christopher Andrew Mejica Ledesma & Suzette Ocsio Herrera

18-Dec-15Elias Manuel Olivares & Tracee Mae Castro Dizon

18-Dec-15Santiago S. Malacca & Ma. Remedios G. Puata

19-Dec-15Ken C. Solon & Sophia Nicole Barretto Villanueva, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Fort Gen. Gregorio del Pilar, Baguio City

19-Dec-15Carl Dave Tayag La Compte & Jammy Ann Corpuz Tapiru

19-Dec-15Jason Ervin Lao Yap & Samantha Nichol Ng Paz, Shrine of St. Therese Villamor Airbase, Pasay City

19-Dec-15Carl Dave Tayag La Compte & Jammy Ann Corpuz Tapiru

21-Dec-15Erick Jose Flores Herrera & Kathleen Kate Danga Baluyot

22-Dec-15Edward Theodorus Jozef Holla & Ellaine Claire Jimenez Rafael

22-Dec-15Nick Crison C. Ching & Mylah A. Joven

23-Dec-15Dan Erlou Serrano & Ramon Concayda Esguerra

23-Dec-15John Alexander Abad Gregorio & Joy Marie Villonco Mabanta

23-Dec-15Adel Lom Bardy Cruz Lardizabal Jr & Mary Khristine Bernardo Antonio

26-Dec-15Virgilio San Pablo Bordeos, Jr. & Maria Nina Jimenez Perez

27-Dec-15Roland Romeo Ramiro Pacis & Ma. Cecilia Infante Flores

28-Dec-15Mark Angelo C. Sanchez & Roxanne Kyle S. Jover

28-Dec-15Jayson Pineda Diwa & Reina Obico Manalangit

28-Dec-15Rey Anthony Cuenca & Kristine Andal Bitanga

29-Dec-15Norbert Marcelo Concepcion III & Ma. Zarina Jane E. Agduma

30-Dec-15Arvin Russel P. Anicete & Joy Ann del Rosario Saldaña

30-Dec-15Carl Michael N. Manglo & Sharmaine Joyce Hiponia

30-Dec-16Robin Ryan Sto. Domingo & Claire Marie Tolosa Gustilo

03-Jan-16Edison Noel Kwong & Nizelle Valerie Lim

05-Jan-16Vincente Rafael L. Rosales & Margarita Carag Franco

06-Jan-16Michael Perz & Gianna Maria Sta. Maria Abrahan

07-Jan-16Gabriel Francisco I. Gonzalez & Lourdes Claire C. Romualdo

08-Jan-16Shaun Robert S. Santiago & Maureen O. Pontigon

09-Jan-16Mikko Mojares Estolano & Jean Daisy C. De Guzman

10-Jan-16Glenn Donesa Gregorio & Heidi Gloria Maris Lee Wee

14-Jan-16Jhustine Icaza Cruz & Jasmine Reboya Geluz

15-Jan-16Godofredo Deocareza Jalasco Jr. & Georgette Tiu Barrera

16-Jan-16Arnaud Michel Stephane Guillemot & Judy Alice Uy Repol

16-Jan-16Jose Martin Capistrano Antuñez & Katherine Marco Del Villar, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Malay, Aklan

16-Jan-16Emerson Patrick Sanderin Tuazon & Ana Ruby De Leon Cada

16-Jan-16Luis Miguel B. Orsolino & Nikki Angela B. Ignacio 16-Jan-16Darwin Troy Jacinto Padlan & Catherine Anne Lim Diño

16-Jan-16Louie Lawrence Sy Lao & Lorraine May Coyiuto Cuyegkeng, San Sebastian, Quiapo, Manila

17-Jan-16Jestoni B. Po & Trisha June B. Rico

18-Jan-16Alvin Joshua Anthony N. Redoblado & Buena Marie B. Braña

23-Jan-16Vicente J. Cordero & Carmela Ysabelle P. Javellana

28-Jan-16Michael Mariscotes Villagracia & Patricia Christine Olmed de Guzman

31-Jan-16Terence Daniel Y. Lok & Bianca Marie Jacinta R. Crisologo

02-Feb-16Jose Carlo B. Pastelero & Audrey Joy Ednacot

03-Feb-16Levi Reyes San Buenaventura & Gladys Gay E. Gomez

19-Feb-16Michael Reich & Karen Jill Ong

22-Feb-16Danel C. Aboitiz & Mariana Beatriz E. Zobel de Ayala, Iglesia de San Pedro Claver, 4 Cartagena, Bolivar, Columbia

26-Feb-16Antonio Miguel B. Alcantara & Amry Kathleen R. Joseph

03-Mar-16Mark Anthony Baltazar Antonio & Rina Lauren Santos Isidro 18-Mar Edgar Allan Dickinson & Ma. Gieleen Relova Resurreccion

Meldy CojuangcoConnie GomezMarilou ArteficioMa. Pilar OledanIggy ClavecillaAfrica and Cecile ReynosoMaxima ‘Amah’ SyAurora GonzalezTommy Dy BuncioNaning BagabaldoRemedios Maceda BerrisCedric CastroPilar del GallegoNena JalandoniVictoriano ChungErlinda Miranda-OledanZwei Lopez GadiShallouh Bancil Swinnerton

Francisco TankiangCynthia ArmsFelicisimo AlcantaraRosario de Leon TobiasGloria SyjucoRaffy ChanEdric CoPeter SooChito San JoseRon JacobsNancy ImperialJohnny LopezLisa AlvendiaLetty LigonNorma J. CarlosSony Lopez GonzalezShaina BudhraniGia Gonzalez

Orlando BernardoRolando SotasoCecilio HidalgoVictorina LeusIya OcampoBernadette GozaliGuillermo ProfetaDra. Ofelia AdaponSoledad T. ConsingDavid LuLeonardo RodriguezFr. Hugh Zurat OFM

If you want a name added or deleted, contact Bernadette at the Parish office tel. nos. 8438830-32.

Please Pray for the Sick

Our deepest sympathies go out to Ricardo & Lourdes de Leon and their family on the loss of their son, Victor. May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may our prayers serve as comfort to you and your loved ones.

CORO ANNOUNCEMENTNo CORO on Sunday, Nov. 29 to give way to the launching of the CCD Buy-a-Parol at the 6PM Mass. Instead, the CCD Children’s Choir conducted by Peachy Guevara Miller will sing.

FIRST FRIDAY HEALING MASSWHEN : December 4, 2015TIME : 3:00 pmWHERE : Ground floor, Parish CenterSponsored by the Health Care Ministry.


Yes it was not the frog that croaked but the laptop assigned to Ms. Jackie, Socio-Pastoral worker of the JPIC Scholarship Program, has been using for several years as it was donated by a caring Scholarship Committee member / parishioner. It has outlived its use as having caught a virus it cannot save and hangs! Do you grit your teeth when this happens? Or stand up in exasperation because you cannot do your work and the machine just refuses to budge? It is the laptop assigned to JPIC Scholarship Committee that croaked and we now NEED another one as in yesterday! NOT a brand new one but a GOOD PREVIOUSLY OWNED LAPTOP that will serve for making presentations to our scholars, communicating with partner schools and the preparing reports to the Foundation and Parish Council, completing our data, correspondence, and the like. We know we run to you dear parishioners for our needs but we do so because we prioritize the funds you lovingly give for the education of our scholars. And somehow we hope that a kind soul with big perceptive ears and a noble heart WITH AN EXTRA LAPTOP will answer this need. It is a Christmas wish we are hitching to a star! Dreamily we hope for a human Santa to answer this croaking need.We promise to let you know if our wish comes true.



Our Parish’s JPIC Ministry–Scholarship Program’s ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY/ GRADUATION PARTY/REUNION is on 1st SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015. We need your gifts for ENTRANCE RAFFLE and GAMES PRIZES. We are expecting 250 young men and women. That means at least 250 Entrance Raffle Prizes and at least 700 small items for game prizes. To date, we do not have that quantity so this is an S.O.S Please! Dear Parishioners, PLEASE open your closet doors for those unused clothes, t-shirts, umbrellas, backpacks, utilities and white elephants or buy a gift or two and send to the Parish Office, care of Ms. Jackie, JPIC Socio-Pastoral Worker - no later than Wednesday, December 2, 2015. We thank you and wish you an EARLY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT that will grow all the way till Christmas and beyond.

SSAP JPIC Scho. Comm. / Millette T. Ocampo


The Health Care Ministry had its final recollection of the year last Nov. 10, 2015 at the Precioza Farms in Tagaytay. After the mass officiated by Fr. Reu Jose C. Galoy, OFM the group listened intently to a short but very meaningful talk about the relationship between Franciscan spirituality and health in general, and the role of the HCM in particular. Franciscan spirituality is committed to social justice by striving for solidarity with the poor and the marginalized, the powerless and the voiceless, as images of Christ Crucified. In this light, the HCM is tasked with carrying out this responsibility with its projects, seminars and various programs.

Submitted by Barbie Lu Young

Franciscan Candles for Sale

Please support the Franciscans by purchasing these candles at the parish office c/o Susan Gumban. Proceeds go toward the construction of an elementary school building for the St. Francis School at Our Lady of the Angels Seminary campus in Novaliches. Quezon City. The school will provide a Catholic education to the young children in the area. The income of the school will help address the financial needs of the evangelization, formation and missionary efforts of the Franciscan province of San Pedro Bautista which had been in constant threat.

Submitted by Melinda Silverio


Page 5: 2015 Year of the Poor - Mercy and Compassion 1st Sunday of ... · PDF filedone by Dr. Zenaida Rotea, Dr. Amelita Dayrit-Go and Mrs. Grace Padilla. The Loyalty awardees from our parish



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