20141129 zebras workshop - eckhart tolle - the power of now!


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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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You are not your mind Past and Future The NOW 3 possibilities how to enter the now Your expierences & questions

Eckhart Tolle: Two of us We all are beggars We are looking in the outside for fulfillment,

valuation, security and love The treasure is in the inside Thinking has become a diesease

Thinking can only happen in the past or future

Past: Everything was better I should have done this or that I should have react like this or that

Future: Looking for Hope Everything will be better When I have a relationship, money, knowing the

right people then I will be happy

The only thing that exist and ever will exist Normally we only see for several seconds

the beauty How to be in the present:

Extreme Sports Jogging Music Sex

Enlightenment nothing to reach Like fog It’s here and was here all the time

Awareness Body from the inside Breathing Moment where are you right now

Mind What is going on in the inside of me? The moment you realize you are not in the

present YOU ARE in the present