2014 upper room books small group catalog

“For where two or ree are gaered in my name, I am ere among em.” — Matthew 18:20, NRSV ~ 2014 ~ Small G roup CATALOG . ,

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Catalog of resources for small groups. These resources are from the well known publisher Upper Room Books and can be ordered online at Bookstore.UpperRoom.org


Page 1: 2014 Upper Room Books Small Group Catalog

“For where two or � ree are ga� ered in my name,

I am � ere among � em .” — Matthew 18:20, NRSV

~2014~Small Group


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800.972.0433 or Bookstore.UpperRoom.org

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For video trailer and updates, visit: www.TheGodWeCanKnow.com

Coming in September


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Why a Churchwide Study?

◆ Provides a compelling focus for congregations

◆ Encourages intentional spiritual growth at every age level

◆ Aligns worship with Sunday school and midweek programs

◆ Offers a strong invitational and outreach message

◆ Builds attendance and keeps people coming each week

◆ Inspires family conversation

◆ Creates synergy and energy

Page 3: 2014 Upper Room Books Small Group Catalog

A New Churchwide Study for Lent 2015

The God We Can KnowExploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus

. by Rob Fuquay ,


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For video trailer and updates, visit: www.TheGodWeCanKnow.com

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Perfect for Lent or anytime, this 7-week worship and study series will help us fi nd and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, “Who do you say I am?” One

by one, Jesus’ statements not only grab our imagination by revealing more about his purpose, but they also shape our own Christian identity and connect us to the God of Moses, the Great I Am. Signifi cant—yet ordinary—images of bread, light, shepherd, vine, and more give us insightful ways to experience Jesus anew and to discover a God who is close and wants to be known.

The DVD, fi lmed on location in the Holy Land, allows us to travel with Rob Fuquay and actually see the places where Jesus stood while disclosing his identity, and in what context he spoke each “I Am.” The gospel comes to life as we move from the Judean wilderness to the Galilean hills and into the heart of Jerusalem in this fast-paced, interactive video journey that helps us fi nd meaning in Jesus’ teachings. A leader’s guide for adults is included for group discussion and refl ection. Age-level study guides for youth and children are also available as PDFs on the DVD and online.

In the book Rob offers an in-depth weekly reading based on biblical study and his own personal refl ections and experiences. The book, DVD/group guides, and online support work together to provide one of the most meaningful, transforming initiatives your church can provide for the entire congregation.

Continued on page 4

A New Churchwide Study for Lent 2015

The God We Can KnowExploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus

Perfect for Lent or anytime, this 7-week worship and study series will help us fi nd and form

Book #1338 • 978-0-8358-1338-9 • $9.99DVD with Group Guide set #1362 • 978-0-8358-1362-4 • $39.99Small-group discount package: 7 books and one DVD P100 • $99.00

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The God We Can KnowExploring the “I Am” Sayings of Jesus

Weekly themes include:1. Introduction – Knowing the Great “I Am”

2. I Am the Bread of Life – Knowing God’s Satisfaction

3. I Am the Light of the World – Knowing God’s Guidance

4. I Am the Good Shepherd – Knowing God’s Care

5. I Am the True Vine – Knowing God’s Power

6. I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – Knowing God’s Way

7. I Am the Resurrection and the Life – Knowing God’s Possibilities

Key Features:• A deeper exploration of Jesus’ “I Am” sayings

• Easy-to-use churchwide study for all ages

• 7 weekly sessions on DVD, fi lmed in the Holy Land, along with Group Guides for adults, youth, and children

• Perfect for Sunday school classes or midweek studies

• Online support featuring sermon guides, worship media, and promotional tools for churches

• Short daily devotionals based on a weekly theme sent by e-mail to participants

• Online e-course available for participants unable to attend a small group

• Linked to the widely read daily devotional guide, The Upper Room

This is an outstanding resource for churches, small groups, and individual Christians to grow in their faith as Rob Fuquay explores the “I Am” sayings of Jesus. Rob is an outstanding teacher and guide, and I look forward to studying this resource in my own small group!

–Adam Hamilton, pastor and author of The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus

Rob Fuquay

Rev. Rob Fuquay is senior pastor at St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis, one of the largest churches in the denomination. Rob says as he studies Jesus, he see someone who shows grace to all people, and he wants to be a part of a church that models that understanding. He has degrees from Pfeiffer University and Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Avid sports fans, Rob and his wife, Susan, have three daughters – Julie, Sarah, and Anna.

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A Conversation with Rob FuquayTell us about your new resource, The God We Can Know.

The God We Can Know is a worship and study experience for congregations. It’s based on the “I Am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Statements like “I am the bread of life,” “I am the light of the world,” and “I am the true vine” connect us with Jesus’ mission. It includes a book; a DVD featuring 7 study sessions along with group guides for adults, youth, and children; plus a website for congregational leaders. It is an excellent study for any time of the year, but we hope churches consider it for Lent because it starts with God’s “I Am” introduction to Moses and will conclude on Easter Sunday with Jesus’ “I am the resurrection and the life.”

What can we learn from Jesus’ “I Am” statements?

These sayings remind us of the great stories in the Old Testament and help us appreciate the time and culture in which Jesus lived. When we understand the context and meaning of each “I Am,” we realize that a relationship with Jesus continues to be an answer for our needs. In Jesus, we experience the God who meets us at the point of our greatest need. The “I Am” sayings not only help us learn who God is but also discover our purpose.

You traveled to the Holy Land to fi lm the study sessions for small groups. Why was it important to fi lm there?

We fi lmed the DVD study in the Holy Land because being in the places where Jesus spoke these words makes them come alive. We see the land and better understand the context of each saying. It’s exciting to be where Jesus stood, and to invite viewers to

imagine what it is like to be in that place, both physically and spiritually. Over the course of the study, we take viewers on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Capernaum, the Judean wilderness, and the tomb of Lazarus – just to name a few sites.

What did you learn anew about scripture while you were in Israel?

Being in Israel naturally builds an understanding behind the stories of scripture. It makes scripture more relevant and real. That’s what excites me about this resource. You stand in the places where Jesus spoke these words, but you also become aware that the needs of people are not dated. They’re not lost in antiquity. We experience the same needs today.

The people who came to Jesus were hungry. They were looking for guidance. They were afraid about what his departure would mean for their lives. And we still need security, look for satisfaction, and yearn for happiness. Today we can experience the way Jesus provides for us just as people did then.

For example, when Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” he was in Capernaum, where a day before he had performed the miracle of the feeding of the fi ve thousand. In less than 24 hours, people came seeking him for another miracle because the physical bread and fi sh didn’t last. They were looking for someone who could satisfy them. Jesus invited them into a deeper level of satisfaction, of fulfi llment that doesn’t go away. So, it was meaningful to be in Capernaum and to imagine those times in life where we easily grow tired of the blessings we think we need for true happiness.

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The Lord’s PrayerJesus Teaches Us How to PrayMary Lou Redding

#1066 • 978-0-8358-1066-1 • $9.99

Do we make prayer harder than it has to be? Mary Lou Redding unveils the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and how it is a model for all our prayers. Learn how to connect scripture with your daily life and grow closer to God with this practical, encouraging study. 6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

A House of PrayerThe Power of Praying in CommunityThomas R. Steagald

#1321 • 978-0-8358-1321-1 • $16.00

Praying together allows the church to become “one,” as Jesus intended, and the “body” the apostle Paul described. Tom Steagald incorporates memoir, travelogue, refl ection on scripture, church history, and psychology as he builds a compelling case for congregations to put more focus on praying as a community. 6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions


The Lord’s Prayer

Praying together allows the church to become “one,” as Jesus intended, and the “body” the apostle Paul described. Tom Steagald incorporates memoir, travelogue, refl ection Tom Steagald incorporates memoir, travelogue, refl ection on scripture, church history, and psychology as he builds on scripture, church history, and psychology as he builds a compelling case for congregations to put more focus on a compelling case for congregations to put more focus on

6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions 6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

The Lord’s PrayerThe Lord’s PrayerJesus Teaches Us How to PrayJesus Teaches Us How to PrayMary Lou ReddingMary Lou Redding

#1066 • 978-0-8358-1066-1 978-0-8358-1066-1

Do we make prayer harder than it has to be? Mary Lou Do we make prayer harder than it has to be? Mary Lou Redding unveils the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and how it Redding unveils the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer and how it is a model for all our prayers. Learn how to connect scripture is a model for all our prayers. Learn how to connect scripture with your daily life and grow closer to God with this practical, with your daily life and grow closer to God with this practical, encouraging study. encouraging study. encouraging study. encouraging study.

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“Pray for Me”The Power in Praying for OthersKenneth H. Carter Jr.

#1090 • 978-0-8358-1090-6 • $12.00

“Pray for me” is a cry for help. It’s as if the person in need is holding a bucket full of emotions – grief, disappointment, fear, confusion. Explore what the Bible says about intercessory prayer, and learn how to walk alongside others as you receive and carry their concerns to God. 6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Sacred Breath40 Days of Centering PrayerJ. David Muyskens

#1031 • 978-0-8358-1031-9 • $16.00

God is closer than the air you breathe. Grounded in scripture and Christian tradition, Sacred Breath walks you through the practice of Centering Prayer and helps you breathe deeply in the presence of God. 6 weeks • Includes suggestions for group study

Forty Days to a Closer Walk with GodThe Practice of Centering PrayerJ. David Muyskens

#9904 • 978-0-8358-9904-8 • $15.00

Life can be chaotic, scattered, and unfocused at times. David Muyskens invites you on a journey full of discovery and challenge: spending time daily focusing your heart on the Lord. The readings and prayers in this book will help you develop a closer walk with God. A good basic introduction to Centering Prayer. 6 weeks • Includes suggestions for group study

“Pray for me” is a cry for help. It’s as if the person in need is “Pray for me” is a cry for help. It’s as if the person in need is holding a bucket full of emotions – grief, disappointment, fear, holding a bucket full of emotions – grief, disappointment, fear, holding a bucket full of emotions – grief, disappointment, fear, confusion. Explore what the Bible says about intercessory prayer, confusion. Explore what the Bible says about intercessory prayer, confusion. Explore what the Bible says about intercessory prayer, and learn how to walk alongside others as you receive and carry and learn how to walk alongside others as you receive and carry and learn how to walk alongside others as you receive and carry

6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions6 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

40 Days of Centering Prayer40 Days of Centering Prayer40 Days of Centering PrayerSacred Breath40 Days of Centering PrayerJ. David Muyskens


God is closer than the air you breathe. Grounded in scripture and Christian tradition, Christian tradition, Christian tradition, Centering Prayer and helps you breathe deeply in the presence of God. Centering Prayer and helps you breathe deeply in the presence of God. 6 weeks • Includes suggestions for group study6 weeks • Includes suggestions for group study

Life can be chaotic, scattered, and unfocused at times. David Muyskens invites you on a journey full of discovery and challenge: spending time

this book will help you develop a closer walk with God. A good basic 6 weeks • Includes suggestions for group study

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Praying in the Messiness of Life7 Ways to Renew Your Relationship with GodLinda Douty

#1041 • 978-0-8358-1041-8 • $15.00

How can you squeeze more time for prayer into an already busy life? Linda Douty suggests fresh ideas for weaving prayer into your life as it is, messiness and all. 5 or 9 weeks • Includes refl ection questions and a group guide

Lord, Teach Us to PrayA Study of Personal PrayerMargie Burger

DR570 • 978-0-88177-570-9 • $10.00

Learn how to pray and encounter God through this book on the basics of prayer. Burger combines biblical teaching and personal testimony to help us overcome obstacles to intimacy with God. 18 weeks • Includes refl ection questions and activities for groups

8 800.972.0433


A Bead and a PrayerA Beginner’s Guide to Protestant Prayer BeadsKristen E. Vincent

#1217 • 978-0-8358-1217-7 • $12.00

A Bead and a Prayer introduces Protestant prayer beads to those who have no experience in praying with beads. This 4-week Bible study includes instructions for making your own prayer beads, offers a variety of prayers, and shows how to use beads to listen to God. A great hands-on way to help you focus while praying! 4 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

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Companions in Christ offers a powerfully transforming small-group experience in opening yourself to God’s presence and guidance. Explore classic spiritual practices and develop new daily patterns that will open your life to a deepening relationship with God and with your group.

The Companions in Christ foundational resource is offered in both a 5-volume Participant’s Book set as well as the traditional 1-volume Participant’s Book. Use the 5-volume set if your group wants the fl exibility to take breaks between modules. Use the 1-volume book if your group will continue to study together for 28 consecutive weeks.

Exploring the Way An Introduction to the Spiritual JourneyMarjorie J. Thompson

Participant’s Book #9806 • 978-0-8358-9806-5 • $12.00Leader’s Guide #9807 • 978-0-8358-9807-2 • $15.00

Exploring the Way was created for people who are new to spiritual formation. Intended to introduce you to basic spiritual practices, Exploring the Way is an ideal initiation to the Companions in Christ series. Suitable for large or small groups and adult classes that meet for an hour. 6 weeks

Companions in Christ Stephen D. Bryant, Marjorie J. Thompson, Janice T. Grana

Leader’s Guide (Revised) #9840 • 978-0-8358-9840-9 • $20.00Participant’s Book in 1 Volume #9843 • 978-0-8358-9843-0 • $20.00

The Leader’s Guide allows the leader to facilitate Companions groups that use either type of Participant’s Book. It also includes a “Getting Started Guide” and a closing retreat.


Embracing the Journey, Vol. 1

#9830 • 978-0-8358-9830-0 • $8.00

Feeding on the Word, Vol. 2

#9831 • 978-0-8358-9831-7 • $8.00

Deepening Our Prayer, Vol. 3

#9832 • 978-0-8358-9832-4 • $8.00

Participant’s Books, Vols. 1-5


5 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks 5 weeks 5 weeks

Responding to Our Call, Vol. 4

#9833 • 978-0-8358-9833-1 • $8.00

Exploring Spiritual Guidance, Vol. 5

#9834 • 978-0-8358-9834-8 • $8.00

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The Way of Blessedness Marjorie J. Thompson, Stephen D. Bryant

Participant’s Book #992 • 978-0-8358-0992-4 • $12.00Leader’s Guide #994 • 978-0-8358-0994-8 • $15.00

Explore the Beatitudes and discover Jesus’ vision for the kingdom of God. 9 weeks

The Way of Scripture M. Robert Mulholland Jr., Marjorie J. Thompson

Participant’s Book #1034 • 978-0-8358-1034-0 • $12.00Leader’s Guide #1033 • 978-0-8358-1033-3 • $15.00

Experience scripture as a place of transforming encounter with God. 7 weeks

The Way of Transforming Discipleship Trevor Hudson, Stephen D. Bryant

Participant’s Book #9842 • 978-0-8358-9842-3 • $12.00Leader’s Guide #9841 • 978-0-8358-9841-6 • $15.00

Open yourself to transformation as you discover what it means to be an authentic Christ-follower. 5 weeks

The Way of Discernment Stephen V. Doughty, Marjorie J. Thompson

Participant’s Book #9958 • 978-0-8358-9958-1 • $12.00

Leader’s Guide #9959 • 978-0-8358-9959-8 • $15.00

Discover the ancient spiritual discipline of discernment. For individuals, congregations, or larger bodies of the church. 10 weeks

The Way of Forgiveness Marjorie J. Thompson, Stephen D. Bryant

Participant’s Book #980 • 978-0-8358-0980-1 • $12.00

Leader’s Guide #981 • 978-0-8358-0981-8 • $15.00

Always keeping God’s grace and our blessedness before us, we examine shame, guilt, and anger before turning to forgiveness and reconciliation. 8 weeks

The Way of Grace John Indermark

Participant’s Book #9878 • 978-0-8358-9878-2 • $12.00

Marjorie J. Thompson, Melissa Tidwell

Leader’s Guide #9879 • 978-0-8358-9879-9 • $15.00

In this fresh approach to the Gospel of John, you are invited to travel with 8 biblical characters (or groups of characters) who discover God’s grace through their encounters with Jesus. 8 weeks

The Way of Prayer Jane E. Vennard, Stephen D. Bryant

Participant’s Book #9906 • 978-0-8358-9906-2 • $12.00

Marjorie J. Thompson

Leader’s Guide #9907 • 978-0-8358-9907-9 • $15.00

Many Christians have a limited vision of what prayer is and how to pray. The Way of Prayer offers many forms of prayer to explore and practice, both individually and as a group. 10 weeks

3 Continue with any of these Companions titles:

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Spiritual Discernment


Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack #819 • 978-0-8358-0819-4 • $22.00 for 10 booklets

This packet contains 10 copies of the spiritual gifts inventory from Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts. The inventory makes the material in Dr. Bryant’s basic text available for use in small groups. Sorry, this item is not eligible for special promotional discounts.

Understanding Spiritual Gifts Mary Lou Redding

Participant’s Book #1015 • 978-0-8358-1015-9 • $8.99Leader’s Guide #1014 • 978-0-8358-1014-2 • $9.99

Identify your spiritual gifts and those of your congregation. Discover how God wants you to use each spiritual gift. Includes a spiritual gifts inventory. 7 weeks

The inventory makes the material in Dr. Bryant’s basic text available for use in small groups. The inventory makes the material in Dr. Bryant’s basic text available for use in small groups. The inventory makes the material in Dr. Bryant’s basic text available for use in small groups. Sorry, Sorry,

Living into the AnswersA Workbook for Personal Spiritual DiscernmentValerie K. Isenhower, Judith A. Todd

#9944 • 978-0-8358-9944-4 • $15.00

Living into the Answers is an inspiring and practical workbook that offers tools for you and small-group participants to use as you allow God to shape your priorities and create prayerfully considered alternatives. This process allows you to live with the confi dence that God will use your choices to draw you into a deeper relationship and to see every decision as an opportunity for living more fully in God’s presence. 10 weeks

Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack Your Spiritual Gifts Inventory Pack

spiritual gifts inventory. spiritual gifts inventory. spiritual gifts inventory. 7 weeks7 weeks

Rediscovering Our Spiritual GiftsBuilding Up the Body of Christ Through the Gifts of the SpiritCharles V. Bryant

#633 • 978-0-8358-0633-6 • $14.00

Bryant identifi es, defi nes, and discusses 32 spiritual gifts including giving, healing, hospitality, service, witnessing, and music. He encourages individuals and groups to discover the particular gifts the Holy Spirit has given them and then challenges them to use these gifts to build up the body of Christ. The book provides a “Grace-Gifts Inventory” to help readers name and apply the spiritual gifts in their lives. 6 weeks

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28 Daysof Prayer.•,

Aging FaithfullyMissy Buchanan

#1063 • 978-0-8358-1063-0 • $10.00

Discover what it means to age joyfully through these daily Bible-based refl ections, prayers, and practical suggestions. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Praying Through a Child’s IllnessWessel Bentley

#1064 • 978-0-8358-1064-7 • $10.00

Bentley offers insights from his own experience, prayers, and practical suggestions to help parents cope with their child’s serious illness. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

The Struggles of CaregivingNell E. Noonan

#1091 • 978-0-8358-1091-3 • $10.00

This encouraging yet realistic book offers empathy and strength for any care provider. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Facing Financial StruggleWessel Bentley

#1027 • 978-0-8358-1027-2 • $10.00

Join Bentley on a 28-day prayer journey that will improve your perspective and help you tackle your fi nancial problems. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Healing from DivorceMary Lou Redding

#1315 • 978-0-8358-1315-0 • $10.00

Whether you are in the midst of divorce or are living life after divorce, this book will help you begin the journey of healing. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Freedom from WorryPatricia Wilson

#1189 • 978-0-8358-1189-7 • $10.00

Turn your worries over to God – focus on the Psalms, devotions, and practical suggestions in this helpful book. 4 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

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14 800.972.0433

Maxie Dunnam.•,

The Workbook on Abiding in ChristThe Way of Living PrayerMaxie Dunnam

#1028 • 978-0-8358-1028-9 • $9.99

What does it mean to “abide” in Christ? Daily readings and personal refl ection will help you fi nd your place in God’s heart and discover the secret of authentic Christian living. 8 weeks

The Workbook of Living PrayerMaxie Dunnam

English • #718 • 978-0-8358-0718-0 • $9.99

Spanish • #977 • 978-0-8358-0977-1 • $12.00

Nearly a million people have been reawakened to prayer through this resource. This study will help you learn to pray in a simple, practical way. You will discover how prayer can strengthen you and be a life-changing adventure. 6 weeks

The Workbook of Intercessory PrayerMaxie Dunnam

#382 • 978-0-8358-0382-3 • $9.99

Experience the impact you can have on other people’s lives. As you learn how to pray for others, you will deepen your faith. 7 weeks

The Workbook on the BeatitudesMaxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman

#9808 • 978-0-8358-9808-9 • $9.99

This workbook takes us on a journey to the mountain slopes above Capernaum, where Jesus delivered history’s greatest sermon. The beloved Beatitudes are taken from that sermon to form this study. 8 weeks

What does it mean to “abide” in Christ? Daily readings and personal refl ection will help you fi nd your place in God’s heart

8 weeks

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Maxie Dunnam.•,

The Workbook on the 7 Deadly SinsMaxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman

#714 • 978-0-8358-0714-2 • $9.99

This study explores how the 7 deadly sins – sloth, lust, anger, pride, envy, gluttony, and greed –are present in our lives and how we might deal with them. It will help you fi nd out how Christ brings deliverance and new growth. 8 weeks

The Workbook on Virtues and the Fruit of the SpiritMaxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman

#854 • 978-0-8358-0854-5 • $9.99

On our own power, we cannot be virtuous. Explore the tools God provides for us to become the good persons God created us to be. 8 weeks

The Workbook on the Ten CommandmentsMaxie Dunnam, Kimberly Dunnam Reisman

#9875 • 978-0-8358-9875-1 • $9.99

In this study, Dunnam and Reisman challenge you to reexamine popular stances on issues addressed in the Ten Commandments, while showing how biblical laws intersect with contemporary life. 8 weeks

The Workbook on Keeping Company with the SaintsMaxie Dunnam

#925 • 978-0-8358-0925-2 • $9.99

Draw from the rich well of spiritual writing as Dunnam guides you through the lives and teachings of William Law, Julian of Norwich, Brother Lawrence, and Teresa of Avila. Discover how studying these faith pioneers infl uenced the author’s life at pivotal points and how their teaching can transform your life today. 7 weeks

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Spiritual Growth.•,

Servants, Misfi ts, and MartyrsSaints and Their StoriesJames C. Howell

#906 • 978-0-8358-0906-1 • $14.00

Get a glimpse into the lives of ordinary people who made a profound impact on the world through their service to God. This rich resource includes an introduction to such misfi ts as Francis of Assisi and Clarence Jordan; the stories of Billy Graham and Sojourner Truth; and accounts of the singing saints Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, and John Newton. 8 weeks

Do What You Have the Power to DoStudies of Six New Testament WomenHelen Bruch Pearson

#643 • 978-0-8358-0643-5 • $12.00

Explore the stories of 6 New Testament women: the woman who anointed Jesus, the bent-over woman in the synagogue, the insistent Canaanite woman, the woman with the hemorrhage, the woman caught in adultery, and the Samaritan woman at the well. Their stories will encourage and empower you. 7 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

The Power of a Focused Heart8 Life Lessons from the BeatitudesMary Lou Redding

#9818 • 978-0-8358-9818-8 • $15.00

Sometimes you have to say no to some things so you can say yes to God, Redding says in this in-depth study of the Beatitudes. She gives valuable help for making decisions based on your spiritual gifts. 8 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Sometimes you have to say no to some things so you can say yes Sometimes you have to say no to some things so you can say yes Sometimes you have to say no to some things so you can say yes to God, Redding says in this in-depth study of the Beatitudes. She to God, Redding says in this in-depth study of the Beatitudes. She gives valuable help for making decisions based on your spiritual

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Spiritual Growth.•,

Do Not Live AfraidFaith in a Fearful WorldJohn Indermark

#9996 • 978-0-8358-9996-3 • $16.00

Fear can keep you from living the soul-satisfying life God intended. The fi rst thing God says when you are poised at the edge of a momentous decision or a holy encounter is, “Do not be afraid.” John Indermark’s powerful book helps you discover the courage to let go of any fears you are clinging to. 7 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Heart WhispersBenedictine Wisdom for TodayElizabeth J. Canham

#892 • 978-0-8358-0892-7 • $11.99Leader’s Guide #893 • 978-0-8358-0893-4 • $6.00

In the endless rush of today’s world, sometimes it’s hard to hear the still small voice of God. Heart Whispers offers insights from the life of Benedict, a 6th-century monk, to help you listen with “the ear of the heart” and live a faithful, balanced life. 10 weeks

Mother RootsThe Female Ancestors of JesusHelen Bruch Pearson

#957 • 978-0-8358-0957-3 • $17.00

Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective on these strong women’s lives. 6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Matthew’s Gospel names 4 women in the genealogy of Jesus: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Pearson uses the Jewish tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – tradition of midrash – reading between the lines of scripture – to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ to explore the stories of these women and that of Mary, Jesus’ mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective mother. You’ll be intrigued and inspired by her fresh perspective

6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

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Spiritual Growth.•,

Finding Your Voice in the PsalmsAn Invitation to Honest PrayerElizabeth J. Canham

#1195 • 978-0-8358-1195-8 • $12.00

Discover the beauty and power of the Psalms, and learn how to pray about every situation in your life. As you explore 7 themes in the Psalms, Canham guides you to write your own psalms that express your feelings to God. 7 weeks • Includes group guide and worship suggestions

Entering the PsalmsParticipant’s Workbook #9973 • 978-0-8358-9973-4 • $8.99

Leader’s Guide • Anne Crumpler #9975 • 978-0-8358-9975-8 • $9.99

Learn to read the Psalms in ways that deepen your relationship with God and inspire soulful living. Entering the Psalms models the movement from reading scripture to personal prayer, using entry-point questions to deepen your engagement with scripture. 6 weeks

Gathered in the WordPraying the Scripture in Small GroupsNorvene Vest

#806 • 978-0-8358-0806-4 • $8.99

For those who thirst for God, Vest describes an age-old form of devotional reading that is intended specifi cally for spiritual nourishment. This method of praying the scripture, called lectio divina or divine reading, helps you drink deeply and satisfy your spiritual thirst. 6 weeks

When You Come Unglued... Stick Close to GodPatricia Wilson

#9918 • 978-0-8358-9918-5 • $7.99

With her folksy wisdom, Wilson shows us how to dump our baggage, resist stress, loosen up, and begin simply to be the unique individuals God created us to be. Part motivational writer, part spiritual director, part Everywoman, Wilson offers a wise and lighthearted take on the serious business of maturing in faith. 12 weeks • Includes group exercises and refl ection questions

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Spiritual Growth.•,

Tending the SeedNurture Your God-Given PotentialAnn Siddall, Gary Stuckey

#9829 • 978-0-8358-9829-4 • $14.00

The parable of the sower is one of Jesus’ most beloved parables, perhaps because it so clearly illustrates the parallels between growing a healthy plant and growing a healthy faith. In this study, individuals and groups explore the spiritual growth process so they can bear fruit as the Creator intends. An excellent primer on spiritual formation. 6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Creating a Life with GodThe Call of Ancient Prayer PracticesDaniel Wolpert

#9855 • 978-0-8358-9855-3 • $14.00

Take your prayer life to the next level with this guide to 12 prayer practices. You’ll meet traveling companions who exemplify each prayer method, like Ignatius and Julian of Norwich. An appendix gives step-by-step instructions for the Jesus Prayer, examen, walking the labyrinth, and praying with your body. 12 weeksJesus Prayer, examen, walking the labyrinth, Jesus Prayer, examen, walking the labyrinth, Jesus Prayer, examen, walking the labyrinth,

Kindred SoulsConnecting Through Spiritual FriendshipStephanie Ford

#9903 • 978-0-8358-9903-1 • $14.00

We all need kindred spirits to encourage and challenge us on our spiritual journey. Ford explains how spiritual friendship differs from other kinds of friendship and gives practical help for fi nding and nurturing spiritual friendships. Meet spiritual companions from biblical and Christian history and learn how the most profound friendship of all – friendship with God – can transform your life. 6 weeks

We all need kindred spirits to encourage and challenge us on our We all need kindred spirits to encourage and challenge us on our spiritual journey. Ford explains how spiritual friendship differs from other kinds of friendship and gives practical help for fi nding from other kinds of friendship and gives practical help for fi nding from other kinds of friendship and gives practical help for fi nding and nurturing spiritual friendships. Meet spiritual companions

profound friendship of all – friendship with God – can transform profound friendship of all – friendship with God – can transform

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Spiritual Growth.•,

A Seeker’s Guide to Christian FaithBen Campbell Johnson

#907 • 978-0-8358-0907-8 • $3.00Leader’s Guide • PDF909 • FREE Visit Bookstore.UpperRoom.org to download.

A Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith is an introduction to habits and practices Christians have agreed upon for thousands of years, including prayer, scripture reading, meditation, outreach, and listening to God. This easily understood booklet will guide you and your group in self-examination, alert you to signs of God’s presence in your lives, and help you understand the language of faith.

A Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith, 10 Pack#908 • 978-0-8358-0908-5 • $22.00

This package contains 10 copies of A Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith. Sorry, this item is not eligible for special promotional discounts.

Apprenticed to JesusDiscipleship Practices for Growing ChristiansThomas R. Hawkins

DR628 • 978-0-88177-628-7 • $16.00

An apprentice learns by observing and working alongside a master worker. As disciples, we are apprenticed to Jesus and are part of his community, the church. Together we are apprentices learning from Jesus Christ how to announce, teach, and live within the already present kingdom of God.

Questions God Asks UsTrevor Hudson

#9990 • 978-0-8358-9990-1 • $15.00

Trevor Hudson will captivate you with his invitation to consider 10 questions God asks us. Rather than fi nding fault or putting you on the spot, Hudson reveals questions that lead to a deep dialogue between you and God. 10 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

A Seeker’s Guide to Christian FaithA Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith

is an introduction to habits and is an introduction to habits and is an introduction to habits and practices Christians have agreed upon for thousands of years, including prayer, scripture reading, meditation, outreach, and listening to God. This easily understood booklet will guide you and your group in self-examination, alert you to signs of God’s and your group in self-examination, alert you to signs of God’s presence in your lives, and help you understand the language of presence in your lives, and help you understand the language of presence in your lives, and help you understand the language of

A Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith, 10 PackA Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith, 10 PackA Seeker’s Guide to Christian Faith, 10 Pack

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Spiritual Growth.•,

10 Life-Charged WordsReal Faith for MenDerek Maul

#1116 • 978-0-8358-1116-3 • $16.00

Hey, guys – ever think church is boring or feel like you’re just going through the motions in your spiritual life? God wants so much more for you. Popular men’s group leader and speaker Derek Maul delivers straight talk on how to live a purpose-fi lled, abundant life in Christ. Ideal for a

men’s group or for individual study. 10 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Get RealA Spiritual Journey for MenDerek Maul

#9911 • 978-0-8358-9911-6 • $16.00Leader’s Guide #9924 • 978-0-8358-9924-6 • $9.00

When men are faced with the impossible expectations our culture places on them, they often respond by putting on a false face. In bite-sized sections Maul delivers straight talk about faith, family, and the desire men have for God to be in their lives. A perfect 10-week men’s study.

The Jesus Priorities8 Essential HabitsChristopher Maricle

#9914 • 978-0-8358-9914-7 • $16.00

You’re probably familiar with the The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Christopher Maricle takes a new twist on that idea and identifi es the habits he noticed as he examined the life and ministry of Christ. This book will help

you learn about Jesus’ priorities so you can grow more Christlike. 8 weeks

To Walk in IntegritySpiritual Leadership in Times of CrisisStephen V. Doughty

#9885 • 978-0-8358-9885-0 • $17.00

Through poignant stories, To Walk in Integrity offers a model of spiritual leadership in an age of great need. Using illustrations from personal and biblical encounters, Doughty describes the spiritual qualities of those who walk in integrity. This

book examines the patterns of daily living and choices through which these individuals offer leadership and encourages us to examine how we can incorporate integrity into our lives. 11 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

you learn about Jesus’ priorities so you can you learn about Jesus’ priorities so you can you learn about Jesus’ priorities so you can

book examines the patterns of daily living and book examines the patterns of daily living and book examines the patterns of daily living and book examines the patterns of daily living and



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Loss & Healing.•,

Beyond DeathWhat Jesus Revealed about Eternal LifeFlora Slosson Wuellner

#1318 • 978-0-8358-1318-1 • $10.00

What awaits us after death? Flora Wuellner brings her deep wisdom and a lifetime of study and spiritual direction to shed light on what Jesus revealed about eternal life. She offers hope and comfort to those who might be troubled by mixed messages about the afterlife from church or who are simply wounded from misunderstandings on the subject. 8 weeks • Includes guided meditations

Lose, Love, LiveThe Spiritual Gifts of Loss and ChangeDan Moseley

#1043 • 978-0-8358-1043-2 • $12.99

You aren’t alone in your grief. In Lose, Love, Live Dan Moseley tells about his experiences of multiple losses and the new life he discovered through them. As he explores 10 realities of loss and change, he gently guides you to journey through your suffering and open yourself to the rebirth that is possible even in the pain. 10 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Forgiveness, the Passionate JourneyNine Steps of Forgiving through Jesus’ BeatitudesFlora Slosson Wuellner

#945 • 978-0-8358-0945-0 • $13.00

Too often forgiveness has become a frustrating struggle involving willpower, guilt, and emotional numbing. Looking with fresh eyes at the Beatitudes, Wuellner transforms this old understanding into a new understanding of offered forgiveness. 11 weeks • Includes guided meditations

An Adventure in Healing and WholenessThe Healing Ministry of Christ in the Church TodayJames K. Wagner

Korean #840 • 978-0-8358-0840-8 • $9.00

This book brings Wagner’s successful workbook on healing and wholeness to Korean Christians and churches. The workbook adapts Wagner’s popular workshop into a seven-session format that explores a holistic approach to health and the relationship between prayer and healing. An Adventure in Healing and Wholeness offers individual and group refl ection, study materials, and information needed to begin a healing ministry within a congregation. 7 weeks

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Holy Spirit Here and NowTrevor Hudson, Foreword by Scot McKnight

#1220 • 978-0-8358-1220-7 • $16.00

Do you long for something more in your relationship with God? The Holy Spirit is God’s gift of presence with you here and now. Trevor Hudson invites you to open yourself to that gift and discover how the Spirit can bring you alive spiritually, drawing you closer to God and other people in a way that will transform your life. 10 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Invitations of JesusTrevor Hudson

#1312 • 978-0-8358-1312-9 • $10.99

How do we respond to the invitations of Jesus? Trevor Hudson calls us to consider the invitations Jesus offers in 5 dimensions of life. In his gentle and intimate style, Hudson leads you to see where Christ is touching your life, calling you to deeper relationship with God, self, and neighbor. 6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

One Day at a TimeDiscovering the Freedom of 12-Step SpiritualityTrevor Hudson

#9913 • 978-0-8358-9913-0 • $12.00

Addiction, personal weakness, and feelings of inadequacy are issues many people face daily. Using a step-by-step plan for a lifetime commitment to change, Trevor Hudson offers principles that will help you learn to reclaim a sense of self-worth and renewal in your life. 12 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Hope Beyond Your TearsExperiencing Christ’s Healing LoveTrevor Hudson, Foreword by Dallas Willard

#1115 • 978-0-8358-1115-6 • $14.00

“The risen Christ meets us in our tears.” With these gentle words Hudson invites you to enter the story of the encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene in the garden on the fi rst Easter morning. Follow this beloved pastor’s guidance to open your heart to the living Christ, fi nd hope to move beyond your tears, and reach out to those suffering around you. 10 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

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Reaching Out to Others


A Mile in My ShoesCultivating CompassionTrevor Hudson

#9815 • 978-0-8358-9815-7 • $15.00

Many think of a pilgrimage as a long journey that must be taken in a foreign land. However, this book helps us discover the possibilities of being on a pilgrimage in our own communities. Hudson enables us to benefi t richly from his experience in South Africa and apply it to our own personal and community circumstances. 7 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Being the Presence of ChristA Vision for TransformationDaniel Vestal

#9965 • 978-0-8358-9965-9 • $14.00

Christian discipleship means practicing the presence of Christ in your daily life. Discover a progressive approach to scripture study and prayer that leads to personal and corporate spiritual transformation. Learn how to embody Jesus’ example of community, justice, and sacrifi ce. 9 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Yours Are the Hands of ChristThe Practice of FaithJames C. Howell

#867 • 978-0-8358-0867-5 • $14.00

A recent survey found few differences between the lifestyles of American Christians and non-Christians. By considering all that Jesus did with his hands as a teacher, healer, and compassionate servant, you’ll be challenged to fi nd ways to make your faith evident in your daily life – to be the hands, feet, and love of Christ in the world. 12 weeks

challenged to fi nd ways to make your faith challenged to fi nd ways to make your faith challenged to fi nd ways to make your faith

Many think of a pilgrimage as a long journey that must be taken Many think of a pilgrimage as a long journey that must be taken in a foreign land. However, this book helps us discover the possibilities of being on a pilgrimage in our own communities. possibilities of being on a pilgrimage in our own communities. Hudson enables us to benefi t richly from his experience in Hudson enables us to benefi t richly from his experience in South Africa and apply it to our own personal and community South Africa and apply it to our own personal and community South Africa and apply it to our own personal and community

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Does Your Church Have a Prayer? In Mission Toward the Promised LandMarc Brown, Kathy Merry, John Briggs

Leader’s Guide DR566 • 978-0-88177-566-2 • $16.00Participant’s Workbook DR567 • 978-0-88177-567-9 • $9.00

If your church is going through rough times, take heart. Jesus has already prayed for your unity so that you can share his love with the world. Does Your Church Have a Prayer? contains 6 weeks of Bible studies that, along with sermons and

worship, will help generate congregational feedback critical to establishing a 2-year action plan for your congregation. 6 weeks

Leading a Life with GodThe Practice of Spiritual LeadershipDaniel Wolpert

#1003 • 978-0-8358-1003-6 • $17.00

“A group of people who pray together can change the world,” notes the author – but not without effective spiritual leadership. Wolpert again examines the 12 prayer practices addressed in his fi rst book and offers specifi c help and

encouragement for those transitioning from personal practice to leading a group. 12 weeks • Appendix includes group guide

The Cycle of GraceLiving in Sacred BalanceTrevor Hudson, Jerry P. Haas

#1198 • 978-0-8358-1198-9 • $16.00

Are you soul-weary? This workbook and the accompanying videos featuring well-known pastor and speaker Trevor Hudson will help you fi nd your identity, sustain your spiritual life, follow God’s calling for you, and restore balance

to your life. 6 weeks • Includes a Leader’s GuideVideos available FREE at Bookstore.UpperRoom.org

A Quiet PentecostInviting the Spirit into Congregational LifeDwight H. Judy

#1199 • 978-0-8358-1199-6 • $16.00

During the past 30 years, Christianity has undergone a revolution as more churches discover the value of spiritual formation practices. Dwight Judy weaves together stories and practices from more than 40 congregations that witness to the “quiet

Pentecost” taking place. 7 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

to your life. to your life. 6 weeks • Includes a Leader’s Guide6 weeks • Includes a Leader’s Guide

Pentecost” taking place. Pentecost” taking place. 7 weeks • Includes

encouragement for those transitioning from encouragement for those transitioning from

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WitnessLearning to Share Your Christian FaithRon Crandall

DR493 • 978-0-88177-493-1 • $12.00

Witness is a 25-week small-group study that integrates biblical and theological refl ection, the practice of spiritual disciplines within a community of faith, and witnessing in the name of Jesus. The experience helps

participants identify their gifts for ministry and prepares them for sharing those gifts and faith with others. 25 weeks

A Blueprint for DiscipleshipWesley’s General Rules as a Guide for Christian LivingKevin Watson

DR556 • 978-0-88177-556-3 • $15.00

Watson offers a concrete and practical approach to Christian discipleship that is distinctly Wesleyan. His approach builds on the foundation of the General Rules – do no harm, do good, and practice spiritual disciplines. Learn how John

Wesley’s method of discipleship is both simple and profound and can help you develop a faith that affects every part of your life. 9 weeks • Includes discussion questions and guide for groups

The Leadership LabA Leadership Development Resource for Senior High YouthHank Hilliard

DR597 • 978-0-88177-597-6 • $39.00Downloadable DRPDF672 • 978-0-88177-672-0 • $39.00

The Leadership Lab takes a holistic approach to leadership development, keeping a balance between improving leadership skills and helping young people grow in relationship with God and others. Through hands-on activities, lively discussions, and team building exercises, senior high youth will learn how to become leaders who can change their church and their world. The CD includes a Facilitator’s Guide, Participant’s Book, handouts, Powerpoint presentations, and more. 7 weeks

Leadership Lab for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth Hank Hilliard and Chris Wilterdink

Flash Drive DR631 • 978-0-88177-631-7 • $39.00Downloadable DRPDF673 • 978-0-88177-673-7 • $39.00

Four sessions are jam-packed with activities, games, and discussions for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade youth and provide adult leaders with lesson outlines, handouts, and visuals. 4 weeks

takes a holistic approach to leadership takes a holistic approach to leadership development, keeping a balance between improving leadership skills development, keeping a balance between improving leadership skills and helping young people grow in relationship with God and others. and helping young people grow in relationship with God and others. Through hands-on activities, lively discussions, and team building Through hands-on activities, lively discussions, and team building exercises, senior high youth will learn how to become leaders exercises, senior high youth will learn how to become leaders who can change their church and their world. The CD includes who can change their church and their world. The CD includes a Facilitator’s Guide, Participant’s Book, handouts, Powerpoint a Facilitator’s Guide, Participant’s Book, handouts, Powerpoint

Leadership Lab for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth Leadership Lab for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Youth

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A Perfect LoveUnderstanding John Wesley’s “A Plain Account of Christian Perfection”Steven W. Manskar, Diana L. Hynson

DR426 • 978-0-88177-426-9 • $14.00

Christian perfection is the doctrine that distinguishes Methodism from other Christian denominations. John Wesley’s text, presented in updated language, will give you a better understanding of

this important doctrine. 8 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Reclaiming the Wesleyan TraditionJohn Wesley’s Sermons for TodayDouglas M. Strong, Sarah B. Dorrance, Robert McDonald-Walker, Ingrid Y. Wang, Kevin Watson

DR519 • 978-0-88177-519-8 • $15.00

Concerned that even Methodists do not fully appreciate the basic tenets of John Wesley’s theology, a group of Methodist pastors and professors crafted this introduction to his work. Groups and individuals will

fi nd this study challenging and rewarding as they explore everything from humankind’s creation in the image of God to sin, grace, justifi cation, and the riches of spiritual rebirth and sanctifi cation. 13 weeks

Opening Ourselves to GraceBasic Christian PracticesProduced by Mark V. PurushothamDVD & CD-ROM DR508 • 978-0-88177-508-2 • $26.00

Opening Ourselves to Grace explores the basic practices of Christian faith and life from a Wesleyan perspective. This resource contains both a DVD and a CD-ROM with video content and written resources. Included are a

video presentation on Wesley’s understanding of spiritual practice, Bible study, and other additional helpful resources. 6 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

Forty-SixtyA Study for Midlife Adults Who Want to Make a DifferenceRichard H. Gentzler Jr., D. Min., Craig Kennet Miller

DR325 • 978-0-88177-325-5 • $8.00

You will discover 10 signifi cant midlife issues faced by people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Some of the topics are relationships, aging parents, children, spirituality, and losses. These issues are explored through a 10-week Bible study and

discussion. 10 weeks • Includes Leader’s Guide

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Creativity and Divine SurpriseFinding the Place of Your ResurrectionKarla M. Kincannon

#9812 • 978-0-8358-9812-6 • $8.99 Sale $4.50

Do you think of yourself as creative? God made all of us with the ability, perhaps even the need, to create. Kincannon helps you discover your untapped creativity and explore it as part of your spiritual journey. 7 weeks

The Unmaking of a Part-Time ChristianDerek Maul

#9992 • 978-0-8358-9992-5 • $16.00 Sale $8.00

What happens to our spiritual life when we do just enough to get by? There’s no such thing as a part-time Christian, Derek Maul asserts. Sharing stories from his own spiritual journey, he challenges you to “live as if you mean it” – to become an authentic, full-time disciple of Jesus. 12 weeks • Includes refl ection questions

Climbing the Sycamore TreeA Study on Choice and SimplicityAnn Hagmann

#946 • 978-0-8358-0946-7 • $14.00 Sale $7.00

Do your everyday economic decisions give evidence of your faith, or have you been infl uenced by our materialistic culture? Using the story of Zacchaeus as inspiration, Hagmann examines economic decision making in light of Jesus’ teachings. This study for groups or individuals calls you to simple daily living that harmonizes with your Christian beliefs. 6 weeks • Includes group sessions

You Gave Me a Wide PlaceHoly Places of Our LivesPaul E. Stroble

#1002 • 978-0-8358-1002-9 • $17.00 Sale $8.50

God meets each of us at particular moments, stretching us to recognize the places and circumstances that are sacred in our lives. Join Stroble as he maps out some of the “wide places” found in the stories of the Bible and in his own life. 6 weeks • Includes small-group guide

Limited-Time Offer: Discounted prices are available through September 1, 2014.

Creativity and Divine Creativity and Divine

God meets each of us at particular moments, stretching us to recognize God meets each of us at particular moments, stretching us to recognize the places and circumstances that are sacred in our lives. Join Stroble as the places and circumstances that are sacred in our lives. Join Stroble as he maps out some of the “wide places” found in the stories of the Bible he maps out some of the “wide places” found in the stories of the Bible

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Exciting and engaging new titles from Upper Room Books, available this fall. Excellent resources to strengthen your spiritual walk – not necessarily designed for small-group study.

InterruptionsA 40-Day Journey with JesusJacob Armstrong

#1347 • 978-0-8358-1347-1 • $9.99

We often fi nd ourselves forgetting God in the midst of a busy life. This 40-day devotional is designed to help you focus on God, no matter what distractions you may face. Jacob Armstrong helps you see that you can use the interruptions of life to fully rely on God, no matter how hectic life may be.

Walking in the LightKnowing and Doing God’s WillSteve Harper

#1344 • 978-0-8358-1344-0 • $14.00

Are you hungry to know God’s will for your life? Using scripture and prayer, Steve Harper helps you discover how to know and do God’s will. He employs the metaphor of walking in the light to frame the method of prayer and practice, while using scripture to guide the steps of your ongoing walk with God. Includes refl ection questions.




Wild ThingsPoems of Grief and Love,Loss and GratitudeRoberta C. Bondi

#1363 • 978-0-8358-1363-1 • $14.00

How does a person tolerate the intolerable, bear the unbearable? For Roberta Bondi, a more specifi c question arose: “How will I continue my life when my mother is not in it?” As Bondi put pen to paper, she gave voice to her grief – and created a resource for others who grieve. She articulates her pain so others can know that they can live beyond the grief and pain and fi nd a measure of comfort. Just as the “light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5), Bondi shines a light on the dark face of grief, reminding us of God’s enduring love.

New Releases.•,

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New Releases.•,


Room at My TablePreparing Heart and Home for Christian HospitalityEvelyn Bence

#1359 • 978-0-8358-1359-4 • $9.99

“Miss Evelyn,” as she is known in her neighborhood, offers 52 winsome devotions that witness to Christian love as the foundation of gracious hospitality. Refl ecting on gatherings at her table that have brought together friends, family, and strangers, Bence inspires you to reach out to others in your own setting – and love your neighbor. A little helpful hosting advice and recipes along the way provide even more encouragement and delight.

Rhythms of Growth365 Meditations to Nurture the SoulLinda Douty

#1351 • 978-0-8358-1351-8 • $15.00

In Rhythms of Growth, Linda Douty uses the seasons of the year to illustrate natural trends in our spiritual lives. For winter, she writes about themes of rootedness, fallow times, refl ection; for spring, awakening, planting, new growth, storms; for summer, bearing fruit, abundance, blossoming, weeding, and pests; for fall, letting go, sifting, harvesting. Douty’s conversational style and ability to bring the everyday and the holy together make this the perfect selection for the woman who wants a devotional book that is applicable to everyday life.



At the Edge of LifeConversations When Death Is NearRichard L. Morgan

#1332 • 978-0-8358-1332-7 • $9.99

Richard Morgan draws on 60 years of experience as a pastor, hospice chaplain, volunteer, and friend to dying persons to help those coping with a family member, friend, or patient who is approaching death. His meditations guide you to know how to listen and what to say to a dying person. They move you from accepting your own mortality and the impending death of someone you care about to making preparations, fi nding closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s dying moments.


Richard Morgan draws on 60 years of experience as a pastor, Richard Morgan draws on 60 years of experience as a pastor, Richard Morgan draws on 60 years of experience as a pastor, hospice chaplain, volunteer, and friend to dying persons to help hospice chaplain, volunteer, and friend to dying persons to help hospice chaplain, volunteer, and friend to dying persons to help those coping with a family member, friend, or patient who is those coping with a family member, friend, or patient who is approaching death. His meditations guide you to know how to listen and what to say to a dying person. They move you from accepting your own mortality and the impending death from accepting your own mortality and the impending death from accepting your own mortality and the impending death from accepting your own mortality and the impending death of someone you care about to making preparations, fi nding of someone you care about to making preparations, fi nding of someone you care about to making preparations, fi nding closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s closure, and being a comforting presence during the loved one’s

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Discount PolicyWhen you purchase multiple copies of resources for your church, study group, committee, or other formative group, you may qualify for a quantity discount. You must order directly from the publisher, and the discount applies only to items shipping to one address. Videos, DVDs, CDs, PDFs, and prepackaged sets are excluded from all quantity discounts, promotions, or other special offers.

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