2014 southeast webster grand graduation book

Congratulations Class of 2014! Southeast Webster-Grand Community School District Class of 2014 A Publication Of Southeast Webster-Grand Graduation: May 18, 2014 • 2 pm Burnside High School Gym Colors: Navy Blue & Silver Flower: White rose tipped in blue Motto: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. May 7, 2014

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Page 1: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Congratulations Class of 2014!

Southeast Webster-Grand Community School District

Class of 2014

A Publication Of

Southeast Webster-Grand

Graduation: May 18, 2014 • 2 pm

Burnside High School Gym

Colors: Navy Blue & Silver

Flower: White rose tipped in blue

Motto: Only those who will risk going too far

can possibly find out how far one

can go.

May 7, 2014

Page 2: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

2 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand


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Congratulations Coley

Page 3: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 3

niCole Blair

emma Browning

Colten Bills

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We Salute

the Class of 201 4

PARENTS: dave and Vickie Bills

ACTIVITIES: Wrestling, Cross Country and Rodeo

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending Iowa Central Community


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Training Horses

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t Goof Around

PARENTS: Tim and Staci (Hansen) Blair

ACTIVITIES: Volunteer at Almost Home for three years

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attend one more year of job training in

working with plants and animals.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I would like to have

my own country home where I can rescue and/or foster abandoned animals

and place them with loving forever families.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Never be a bully or think you are better

than anyone else. like people for who they are, because we are all different.

PARENTS: Kia Parrish and Mike Browning


PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Go to college.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Being a vet.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Always do your best.

Page 4: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

4 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

Kenny Carstensen

tanner CarniCle



Southeast Webster-Grand Booster Club

PARENTS: Rick Carnicle and Kathy Ekstrom

ACTIVITIES: frisbee, Golfing

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Go to college at Iowa lakes Community

College for Motorcycle Mechanics.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? living in Texas,

working on motorcycles.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Pass your classes.

PARENTS: Brad and Tracy Carstensen

ACTIVITIES: football, Wrestling and Track

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attend Iowa Central Community College.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? In the Military.

Page 5: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 5

emma Clausen

maCy DeVries

Curt Castenson

SS kk oo gg ll uu nn dd S k o g l u n d AA uu tt oo BB oo dd yy A u t o B o d y

202 W. Skillet • Dayton, Iowa 515-547-2416

PARENTS: dave and Kristi Castenson

ACTIVITIES: football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, National Honor Society

and ffA

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending Simpson College and playing


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? With a solid job and

starting a family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: live your life to the fullest.

PARENTS: Mark and Emily Clausen

ACTIVITIES: Cross Country, Basketball, Softball, National Honor Society

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: To attend dMACC for 2 years and then

continue my education at the university of Iowa, majoring in Sports


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully married with

a fulfilling, successful career somewhere in Iowa.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t worry what others think––just do

what makes you happy and have fun!

PARENTS: Kurt and Tracy deVries

ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, Track, National Honor Society,

Student Council, Choir, Musical, Speech and Mentoring

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I plan on attending the radiology program

at Iowa Central, then furthering my education at the university of Iowa.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I see myself with a

bachelor’s degree in radiology. I hope to have started a family in ten years.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: There are two types of people in this

world, the ones that help bring you up and the ones that tear you down. So,

surround yourself with the right ones.

Page 6: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

6 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

Kierra elDriDge

Jossie Ferrari


3043 Madison Ave. • Fort Dodge 515-547-2370

PARENTS: Kevin and Kerrie Kuiper

ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, National Honor Society, Mentoring,

Vocal, Musical, Art, 4-H, Track and Softball

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending Buena Vista university to go

into the field of Athletic Training and Physical Therapy.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully being an

athletic trainer for a team and having a family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Make the best of your high school years,

it goes really fast.

PARENTS: Troy and lori ferrari

ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Softball, Student Council and

National Honor Society

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending Iowa Central, playing for the

Iowa Central Basketball team and join the dental hygiene program the

following year.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I see myself as a dental

hygienist, married and having a family started.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: It’s better to walk alone, than with a

crowd going in the wrong direction.

spenCer FluCKiger

PARENTS: dan fluckiger and Julie Ehresmann

ACTIVITIES: football, Wrestling and Golf

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Going to Iowa Central Community


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? With a good job.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t be a basketball player.

Page 7: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 7

Carmen geis

ZaCHary Hansen


Congratulations Class of

2014 One Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA 800-362-2793

Become a fan and follow us on Facebook at “Iowa Central Community College.”

PARENTS: Bill and deb GeisACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Musical, Student Council,National Honor Society, Mentoring, and SpeechPlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I plan to major in Physical Therapy.WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I see myself with atleast a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy working to help lead people to aspeedy recovery. I hope to have started my family by then also.AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: High school is a time to find who youare. The more time you waste trying to be like everyone else, the longer itwill take for you to be who you want to be.

PARENTS: dan and Karen Hansen

ACTIVITIES: I am involved in 4-H, Cross Country and Track.

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: To go to Iowa Central and then transfer to


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Pursuing my dream


AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: do your job and quit complaining.

alexis Hanson

PARENTS: Julie Tucker and Chris Hanson


PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Go to ICCC for 1 year then transfer to ISu

for 2 years.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Graduated from

college, living on a farm, starting a family and owning my own cattle herd.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Be who you want to be, and not

somebody you’re not.

Page 8: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

8 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

Cole Jones

trey KaHl-long

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PARENTS: Michelle Popp

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Going to college.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Rich.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Make lots of money.

PARENTS: Brian and Melissa long

ACTIVITIES: football, Basketball, Speech, Musical, National Honor Society,

Mentoring, Track and Student Council

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending college, finding a job and

hopefully either playing sports or be in performing arts.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully having a

good job, a nice car, and be ready to have or starting a family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t let procrastination take over your

life. Also to cherish high school while you can.

emma KieFer

PARENTS: Angie and Mark Kiefer

ACTIVITIES: Golf and 4-H

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Becoming a hearing impaired teacher.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Becoming a teacher.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Stay positive, don’t let people bring you


Page 9: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 9

melanie lamBert

emma luHmann

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PARENTS: Brad and Angie lambert

ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading, Musical, Vocal, Mentoring, National Honor

Society, Art and Youth Group

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Going to Iowa Central Community College

to get an AA degree in Human Services/Psychology.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully I’ve

graduated college and have found a successful job as an art therapist.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Time flies, the good news is you are the


PARENTS: Grant and Stephanie luhmann

ACTIVITIES: Cross Country, Cheerleading, Track, National Honor Society,

Jazz Band, Student Council, Band, Choir, Musical and Speech

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I plan to attend Grinnell College and major

in Biochemical Engineering. After Grinnell, I plan on attending law school.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? With a law degree.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Go out for cross country.

Caalyn loeHrs DowlingPARENTS: Christopher dowling and Kylene Rabourne

ACTIVITIES: Band, Choir and Golf

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I plan to go to Iowa Central for 2 years for

Pre-Veterinary Medicine and transfer to Iowa State to finish my education.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I see myself having a

career that I enjoy, possibly planning on starting a family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Most of the things you do now won’t

matter 10 years from now. figure out what’s most important and always strive

to reach your goals.

Page 10: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

10 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

Brittney mCClenDon

Colton miller

wHitney martinson

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PARENTS: Sherri and Mark Martinson

ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I plan to attend Iowa Central and majoring

in nursing.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully married and

being a very successful nurse.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t count the days, make the days


PARENTS: Machelle McClendon and Mark McClendon

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: I will be attending ICCC, attaining my

AdN, then going to on to work in the Birthing Center in a hospital.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Working in a hospital,

living on a farm and married with a kid or two.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Take as many college classes as possible.

don’t slack off, it all counts. And most important... be yourself. Enjoy the


PARENTS: Joni Miller

ACTIVITIES: football, National Honor Society, TAG, Science Bowl and 4-H

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: My plans after graduation are to attend the

university of Northwestern in St. Paul and study computer science and MIS.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? I see myself starting a

family and having a good job in a major tech company, like Google or


AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: “don’t fear failure... in great attempts it

is glorious even to fail.” - Bruce lee

Page 11: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 11

riVre paulsgroVe

Katie peterson

tyrine paterson


(515) 359-2211 www.lvcta.net

PARENTS: Christine Paterson

ACTIVITIES: Vocal, Choir, fishing and dancing

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Take a few months off, go back to school...

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? living in Tennessee,

working, 28 years old.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Be nice to everyone, do your work and it

will be over before your know it.

PARENTS: Jeanette Andrews and Mike Schwering

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Going to college and working.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully with a good

job that I enjoy.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t take high school for granted.

PARENTS: Paul and Barb Peterson


PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attend dMACC in Boone to become a


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Hopefully married,

being a successful nurse.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: They aren’t kidding when they say high

school flies by. Make lots of memories!

Page 12: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

12 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

JosepH pHipps

amanDa propst

mason peterson


713 Central Ave • Fort Dodge, IA 515-576-6721 • (fax) 515-574-4515

[email protected]

Senior Books Available Online

PARENTS: daymon and diane Peterson

ACTIVITIES: football

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attending and graduating college for

motorcycle mechanics.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? living on my own and

have a full time job.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Try your hardest.

PARENTS: Weslie and Teresa Phipps

ACTIVITIES: Baseball, Speech and Basketball

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Graduation Party

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Pursuing a career.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t let people walk on your rights.

PARENTS: david and Jodi Propst

ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, 4-H, Mentoring, Band (Jazz, Pep, Concert and


PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Go to ICCC and get my AA, then get my

degree in something with little kids.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? living in my own

house, maybe kids and have a career working with little kids.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t follow the path everyone takes,

follow the path you want to take.

Page 13: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 13

leaH segoVia

BlaKe smitH

Katelyn raymonD

The campaign continues to brighten Christmas for children in Fort Dodge and Webster County.

Donations are being sought for Santa Cops, a program that pairs police and deputies with local children and gives the children money to spend any way they want as they whirl through the aisles of a retail store.


To Support The Program: A check made out to Santa Cops can be sent to the

Fort Dodge Police Association, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Questions about Santa Cops? Contact Cpt. Mike Buske at 573-1426

PARENTS: Sonia Kepler and Jason Raymond

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Go to college.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? In college or having

my own house and family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: do your work and don’t fall behind.

PARENTS: lisa lawton and ulises Segovia

ACTIVITIES: Band, Vocal and Jazz Band

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Going to dMACC and then transferring to

Iowa State to get my masters in child psychology.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? With my friends,

having a job I enjoy, loving life.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Be friends with everyone, and have fun.

PARENTS: Tom Smith and Jodeanna Ramirez

ACTIVITIES: football, Track, Speech, TAG and Charter School

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Attend South dakota State university to

study pharmacy.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Married with kids and

great career as a pharmacist.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Try every opportunity you can, and high

school will fly by.

Page 14: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

14 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

JaCoB williamson

ryan ZeKa

JorDan smitH



Mon - Sat: 6:30 AM - 7 PM • Sunday: 9 AM - 4 PM

PARENTS: Craig and Karen Vote, Traci Vote

ACTIVITIES: I’m involved in Vocal.

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: To go to ISB in the fall.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Working in a salon,

possibly owning my own salon and married.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Always pay attention and listen to your

teachers. Also, stay away from drama and do not start drama.

PARENTS: Jeff Williamson and Jodi Williamson

ACTIVITIES: Band, Choir, Jazz Band and Musical

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Tour the country and write a hit song.

WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Being famous as a


AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: don’t worry too much, it’ll just stress

you out and make you overthink.

PARENTS: Brian and lynn Zeka

ACTIVITIES: football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Band, Jazz Band,

Mentoring, Musical and National Honor Society

PlANS AfTER GRAduATIoN: Play football and major in Psychology at


WHERE do You SEE YouRSElf IN 10 YEARS? Having a successful job

and starting a family.

AdVICE To uNdERClASSMEN: Know who your friends are.

Page 15: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand 15

GREAT JOB and CONGRATULATIONS on your graduation

Southeast Webster-Grand Community School District Little Eagles Booster Club

Best of Luck with your future plans!

Page 16: 2014 Southeast Webster Grand Graduation Book

16 Class of 2014 • Southeast Webster-Grand

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