2014 pisces horoscope

26/12/2013 2014 Pisces Horoscope ww w.ganeshaspe ak s.com/article/2014-pisces-H oroscope.action?u tm_sou rce=M -Dec- 2014-Yearly-Horoscope&utm _med ium=Email&utm _camp aig n=M- Dec-2014-Yearly-Hor oscope&p artnerName=mailer&source… 1/14  Home 2014 Horoscopes Career & Business Love & Dati ng Relationships & Sex

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Your Pisces horoscope


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    2014 Pisces Horoscope Year 2014 at a glance

    Ganesha foretells that there are favourable events lined up for you this year in various areas, such as education, children

    and even on the financial front. But issues related to joint finances, inheritance and health are likely to pose a few tricky

    challenges. Dont get swayed by emotions while taking decisions in any area of life, especially during the first half of the

    year. Use your intellect and deductive posers. Some differences within the family are likely because of Ketus transit

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    through the 2nd House of Finances and Family. You may not be able to find ready solutions to these problems, so it would

    be best for you to take things as they come without trying to have your way each and every time, and as time passes by,

    they shall get resolved on their own. Finances may also cause some concern, but thats nothing to worry about, and youll

    find a way out. These are generalised predictions, but if you wish to have a more personalised view of the year ahead,

    order 2014 Yearly Reportor 2014 Detailed Yearly Report.

    Pisces Business 2014

    Ganesha predicts that on the business front, the first half of the year is likely to be more favourable for you than the

    second half. So you would do well to schedule all major activities and projects before July to reap the maximum profits,

    but make sure you dont blow them up recklessly; save them for the tricky second half of the year in which the going may

    not be so good. You may not see eye to eye with your partners regarding financial matters, as they may be spending

    more than you would have liked, but no drastic changes in your partnership agreements are foreseen. After August you

    may have to hire someone in a higher position to take some responsibility off your shoulders. Since business may be slow

    in the second half of the year, you may need to lay more stress on the promotional and marketing fronts. Now plan your

    business strategies correctly by getting a reliable and 100% personalised guidance through detailed, quarter-wise 2014

    Business Report.

    Pisces Career 2014

    The first half of the year is more favourable for you than the second half, foretells Ganesha. You shall not only thoroughly

    enjoy your work, especially if you are fresh out of college, but shall also share a very cordial relationship with your

    colleagues. Even though the second half of the year may not be as good as you would have wanted it to be, you need to

    put it down to experience and accept that it is a part and parcel of your growing up as a professional. So be sincere and

    work hard even when you feel the chips are down. For more experienced professionals who may be on the lookout for a

    better job opportunity, hold your guns till April-May, once transiting Jupiter reaches closer to the last degrees of Cancer. If

    the new job involves relocation, try to avoid it as the year ahead is not conducive to it. Wish to have more personalised

    predictions about the career matters? Get 2014 Career ReportNow!

    Pisces Finance 2014

    On the financial front, the most important thing this year is going to be proper planning, because Ketu (South Node) is

    transiting through Aries that rules your House of finance. At times you may run short on resources, so you shall have to

    stick to spending only on the bare necessities of life. You may not be able to buy all the goodies you wanted to buy.

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    Ganesha advises you to budget your financial resources judiciously, and avoid unplanned expenditure. Things are only likely

    to get worse in the second half of the year, and you could find yourself in a situation where you may have to borrow

    money, but make sure no one exploits your situation. Long-term bonds are good for investments, while joint assets and

    inheritances may pose problems. Now get a detailed analysis of the financial matters get 2014 Finance Reportat the


    Pisces Love & Marriage 2014

    As on other fronts, the first half of the year will be auspicious for you even on the love and romance front, while the

    second half could be dicey. You shall share a great equation with your beloved, regardless of your marital status. As for

    proposing marriage, the period between July and mid-December is auspicious. You will be guided by your emotions in

    matters of the heart during the first half of the year which is likely to work out in your favour. Ganesha foresees travel for

    leisure, fun and to unwind till September. Deal with love dilemmas in the first half. Married couples shall enjoy a hunky dory

    relationship throughout the year. To gain a deeper insight into your love life and to find answers to some long-standing

    issues, get a 100% reliable Love Ask 3 Questionsas soon as possible. You may also seek personalised guidance with our

    premium 2014 report for Love and Marriage Prospects.

    Tips for Pisces

    Dont let emotions solely be your guiding force. Be practical when you have to be practical.

    You need to look after your health properly.

    Hobbies or creative activities can help your de-stress.

    19 Oct 2013

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