20130226 moocs and learning analytics

Open Education | open.tudelft.nl/education MOOCs and Learning Analytics ir. W.F. van Valkenburg

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Presentatie voor SurfAcademy seminar over MOOCs. Presentatie gaat in op TU Delft en MOOCs en MOOCs en Learning Analytics.


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MOOCs and Learning Analyticsir. W.F. van Valkenburg

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Willem van Valkenburg

Coordinator TU Delft Open Education Team

Assistant to the President of the OpenCourseWare Consortium

Projectleader EU-project OCW in the European HE context

twitter.com/wfvanvalkenburg slideshare.net/wfvanvalkenburg

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1. TU Delft and MOOCs2. Learning Analytics3. MOOCs and Learning Analytics

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Why MOOCs?

• Delft is a strong advocate of Open Education

• We believe the next step for education is online

• MOOCs are an interesting step into this direction.

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Online and Campus Education

Massive Open Online Courses


Open Course Ware (OCW)

Online Distance Education

Campus Education

• Learning Activities & Course Materials

• Free• Enrolled students only, massive

numbers• Bachelors Level• Certificate of Completion

• Course Materials• Free• Big Exposure, Worldwide

audience• Both Bachelor and Master

level• No interaction with faculty• No accredited certificate

• Learning Activities & Course Materials

• Paid enrollment• Enrolled students only, limited

numbers• Master level• Accredited Course Certificate• Full Master Degree

• On-campus Education• Top-class education and research

facilities• World famous university library• Active student societies• Great opportunities to participate in

special student projects

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Why EdX?

• Consortium of top universities• Focus on improving campus education• It is not-for-profit• It has a focus on Open• Focus on research of innovation in education

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DelftX Courses

In the academic year 2013-2014 DelftX will offer 4 courses:

• Fall 2013• Prof Jules van Lier - Introduction to water treatment • Dr Arno Smets - Solar Energy

• Spring 2014• Prof Jacco Hoekstra - Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

• The fourth course is to be announced.

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Learning Analytics

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NMC Horizon Report 2013

More information: http://www.nmc.org/publications/2013-horizon-report-higher-ed

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Learning Analytics

Different definitions• Learning analytics is the use of intelligent data,

learner-produced data, and analysis models to discover information and social connections for predicting and advising people's learning.

• Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.

Bron: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learning_analytics

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Learning Analytics

• Het gaat er vooral om dat je met LA kunt begrijpen wat er plaatsvindt in leersituaties.

• Dat je leeractiviteiten kunt tracken en kunt analyseren wat er nu echt gebeurt binnen leerprocessen.

• Binnen het onderwijs baseren we ons vaak vaak vooral op intuïtie, in plaats van dat we besluiten kunnen nemen op basis van wetenschappelijke data.

Bron: http://wilfredrubens.typepad.com/wilfred_rubens_weblog/2011/10/erik-duval-learning-analytics-geeft-student-meer-controle-over-leerproces-in.html

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“Learning Analytics is about confronting people with their progress on their own goals”

Bron: https://twitter.com/#!/wfvanvalkenburg/statuses/184296937053372416

Erik Duval op LIC12

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Based on 3 developments

•Big data•Online learning•Studierendement

Artikel Winst te behalen met Learning Analytics:http://www.surf.nl/nl/publicaties/Documents/SURF_25_jaar_learning_analytics.pdf

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The five steps of Learning Analytics

Academic AnalyticsCampbell J., DeBlois P., Oblinger D. EDUCAUSE White paper, 2007






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MOOCs and Learning Analytics

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MOOCsTeaching a Course in a Stadium

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Flipping the funnel

154.763 Registered for the course

26.349 Tried the first problem set

10.547 Made it to the midterm

9.358 Passed the midterm

8.240 Took the final

7.157 Certified

Sources:• Clow, Doug (2013). MOOCs and the funnel of participation. In: LAK ’13: 3rd International

Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, 8-12 April 2013, Leuven, Belgium (forthcoming).

• Blog: http://www.e-learn.nl/2012/06/26/mitx-flip-the-funnel

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Charles Severance: MOOCs Are Really Great! But What's Next? - OWD2012http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8ZItXwF2ys

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What can we learn with LA?

For the instructor:• Clear indicators to enhance course content. • Pinpointing learners at the verge of dropping out

For the learners:• It helps learners meaningfully filter web content.• It delivers meaningful support.• It helps you connect to parallel or complementary

learner colleagues.• It offers guidance for correct participation/

quotation/ certification.Source: http://www.learningsolutionsmag.com/articles/1026/

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Difference with formal education

• Qualitative• a learner who starts but does not complete may well be seen as a success, depending on the reasons

• Quantitative• the rate of dropout is so very much larger in MOOCs

Source• Clow, Doug (2013). MOOCs and the funnel of participation. In: LAK ’13: 3rd International Conference on Learning Analytics &

Knowledge, 8-12 April 2013, Leuven, Belgium (forthcoming).

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Some interactions do not scale!

Deep and meaningful formal learning occurs if

one of the interactions is at a high levelT. Anderson, 2003.Getting the Mix Right Again: An updated and theoretical rationale for interaction Equivalency of InteractionThe International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 4 (2)

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Size vs interactivity

Transition to MOOC easier when low interactivity

Abelardo Pardo: Pushing the MOOC envelope with Learning Analyticshttp://www.slideshare.net/abelardo_pardo/pushing-the-mooc-envelope-with-learning-analytics

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Size vs tutoring

Technological intervention is essential!

Abelardo Pardo: Pushing the MOOC envelope with Learning Analyticshttp://www.slideshare.net/abelardo_pardo/pushing-the-mooc-envelope-with-learning-analytics

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Scope vs Automation

LearningAnalytics allowmore genericinterventions

Abelardo Pardo: Pushing the MOOC envelope with Learning Analyticshttp://www.slideshare.net/abelardo_pardo/pushing-the-mooc-envelope-with-learning-analytics

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• Microscopic view of learning events• Collect interaction events• Automatic discovery of complementary

learning resources• Collect feedback• Measure Engagement• Detect emotions with Facial Expressions

Massive Personalization of Interactions

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Massively Personalized

Online Open Course

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