2013_01_24_pg1 azusa

On Tuesday the Rose- mead City Council voted 4-0, with Mayor Sandra Ar- menta absent, to approve the city’s participation in the 710 Coalition. The Coalition is advo- cating for the completion of the 4.5-mile 710 Freeway gap from its current terminus in Alhambra to the Interstate 210 Freeway in Pasadena. According to the staff re- port, the Coalition is request- ing membership dues in the amount of $6,000 a year to be paid through Measure R monies. Rosemead will partici- pate in the 710 Coalition with the nearby cities of San Ga- briel, San Marino, Monterey Park, and Alhambra. Members of the 710 Coalition asked that Rose- mead join its efforts to help The stormwater-cleanup tax on Los Angeles County property owners was post- poned by the Board of Su- pervisors on Tuesday, Jan. 15, after about 150 people, representing property own- ers, municipalities and orga- nizations, voiced their opposi- tion to the measure. The City of Rosemead is reaching out to compas- sionate volunteers in the community to participate in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count for 2013. In a motion intro- duced for the January 22 Board agenda, Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich has called for the Public Utilities Commission to enforce regulations violat- ed by Edison in the 2011 windstorms. “The PUC investiga- tive report revealed that Edison destroyed evi- dence that should have been available to inspec- tors, used substandard utility poles, and failed to conduct emergency train- ing exercises,” Antonovich said. “Edison’s failure to comply with common in- dustry standards resulted in prolonged outages, un- necessary damage, a com- plete customer commu- nications blackout -- and ultimately, an increased threat to public safety.” In December 2011, powerful windstorms swept through the San One firefighter suf- fered minor injuries and 150 Los Angeles County firefighters responded to a fully involved fire at Moun- tain View High School's cafeteria early morning Monday, Los Angeles County Fire official Tony Imbrenda said. The fire broke out in the cafeteria's attic around 2:30 a.m. and was put out by 6:30 a.m. with no addi- tional injuries, fire inspec- tor Tony Imbrenda said. Monday schools and financial institutions as well as all government offices observed Martin Luther Monrovia council mem- ber Clarence Shaw submitted his resignation in an email to City Manager Laurie Lisle last week. Shaw cited no rea- son for his resignation. That resignation has led to ques- tions regarding the upcoming election scheduled for April 9. The council will hold a special meeting tonight, Thursday, January 24, start- ing at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the election. /See Complete text of Shaw resignation email, p. 4/ Several council mem- bers have been critical about the timing of Shaw’s resigna- tion. Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said, “I am not pleased with the manner in which Mr. Shaw conducted himself. He should have given notice to the citizens of his intention not to run just as Council Mem- ber Garcia did, in an honor- able manner.” Controversy that has arisen is based on whether or not the city should even hold an election and if it does not if somehow this is fair to the electorate. Often, when the number of individuals who file for election equal the num- ber of available seats, the city has cancelled the election. In this case only the incumbents filed for mayor, city treasurer and city clerk. There were two seats up for re-election; those held by Garcia and Shaw. Garcia announced in December, prior to the open- ing of the filing period, that he VOLUME 18, NO. 4 Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996 THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 - JANUARY 30, 2013 Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996 BY TERRY MILLER Los Angeles County firefighters battle an early morning blaze that gutted parts of the Mountain View High school in El Monte Monday morning. -Photo by Terry Miller Please see page 12 Please see page 13 Please see page 5 Please see page 9 Please see page 8 Please see page 16 Shaw resignation leads to controversy over upcoming election Supervisor to PUC: enforce regulations violated Los Angeles County firefighter injured during 3 alarm blaze at El Monte High School Clarence Shaw sent an email resignation to Monrovia’s City manager and refuses to speak to the media about his decision. -Photo by Terry Miller BY JIM E. WINBURN BY SUSAN MOTANDER BY JIM E. WINBURN Property owners savor rain tax stay, brace for next protest Rosemead calls for compassionate volunteers in upcoming 2013 Homeless Count BY JIM E. WINBURN Rosemead approves participation in pro-tunnel 710 Coalition A ZUSA B EACON azusabeacon.com

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Page 1: 2013_01_24_pg1 Azusa

On Tuesday the Rose-mead City Council voted 4-0, with Mayor Sandra Ar-menta absent, to approve the city’s participation in the 710 Coalition.

The Coalition is advo-cating for the completion of the 4.5-mile 710 Freeway gap from its current terminus in Alhambra to the Interstate 210 Freeway in Pasadena.

According to the staff re-port, the Coalition is request-ing membership dues in the amount of $6,000 a year to be paid through Measure R monies.

Rosemead will partici-pate in the 710 Coalition with the nearby cities of San Ga-briel, San Marino, Monterey Park, and Alhambra.

Members of the 710 Coalition asked that Rose-mead join its efforts to help

The stormwater-cleanup tax on Los Angeles County property owners was post-poned by the Board of Su-pervisors on Tuesday, Jan. 15, after about 150 people,

representing property own-ers, municipalities and orga-nizations, voiced their opposi-tion to the measure.

The City of Rosemead is reaching out to compas-sionate volunteers in the community to participate

in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count for 2013.

In a motion intro-duced for the January 22 Board agenda, Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich has called for the Public Utilities Commission to enforce regulations violat-ed by Edison in the 2011 windstorms.

“The PUC investiga-tive report revealed that Edison destroyed evi-dence that should have been available to inspec-tors, used substandard utility poles, and failed to conduct emergency train-ing exercises,” Antonovich said. “Edison’s failure to comply with common in-dustry standards resulted in prolonged outages, un-necessary damage, a com-plete customer commu-nications blackout -- and ultimately, an increased threat to public safety.”

In December 2011, powerful windstorms swept through the San

One firefighter suf-fered minor injuries and 150 Los Angeles County firefighters responded to a

fully involved fire at Moun-tain View High School's cafeteria early morning Monday, Los Angeles County Fire official Tony Imbrenda said.

The fire broke out in the cafeteria's attic around 2:30 a.m. and was put out by 6:30 a.m. with no addi-tional injuries, fire inspec-tor Tony Imbrenda said.

Monday schools and financial institutions as well as all government offices observed Martin Luther

Monrovia council mem-ber Clarence Shaw submitted his resignation in an email to City Manager Laurie Lisle last week. Shaw cited no rea-son for his resignation. That resignation has led to ques-tions regarding the upcoming election scheduled for April 9. The council will hold a special meeting tonight, Thursday, January 24, start-ing at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the election.

/See Complete text of Shaw resignation email, p. 4/

Several council mem-bers have been critical about the timing of Shaw’s resigna-tion. Mayor Mary Ann Lutz said, “I am not pleased with the manner in which Mr. Shaw conducted himself. He should have given notice to

the citizens of his intention not to run just as Council Mem-ber Garcia did, in an honor-able manner.”

Controversy that has arisen is based on whether or not the city should even hold an election and if it does not if somehow this is fair to the electorate. Often, when the number of individuals who file for election equal the num-ber of available seats, the city has cancelled the election. In this case only the incumbents filed for mayor, city treasurer and city clerk. There were two seats up for re-election; those held by Garcia and Shaw. Garcia announced in December, prior to the open-ing of the filing period, that he

Volume 18, No. 4Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996Thursday, JaNuary 24 - JaNuary 30, 2013 Community News, Arts & Opinions Since 1996


Los Angeles County firefighters battle an early morning blaze that gutted parts of the Mountain View High school in El Monte Monday morning. -Photo by Terry Miller

Please see page 12

Please see page 13 Please see page 5Please see page 9

Please see page 8

Please see page 16

Shaw resignation leads tocontroversy over upcoming election

Supervisor to PUC:enforce regulations violated

Los Angeles County firefighter injured during3 alarm blaze at El Monte High School

Clarence Shaw sent an email resignation to Monrovia’s City manager and refuses to speak to the media about his decision. -Photo by Terry Miller




Property owners savorrain tax stay, brace

for next protest

Rosemead calls for compassionate volunteers

in upcoming 2013 Homeless Count


Rosemead approves participationin pro-tunnel710 Coalition

A zusa Beaconazusabeacon.com