2013 tcsa umpire clinic

2013 TCSA Umpire Clinic By: Alvin Lam Danny Yang Y-S Columbus Leo Last update May 5, 2013 1

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2013 TCSA Umpire Clinic. By: Alvin Lam Danny Yang Y-S Columbus Leo Last update May 5, 2013. Basic Information. See http://tcsasports.org for rules, news.. A team must have at least two (2) persons that passed the umpire test (i.e. are carded umpires) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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2013 TCSA Umpire Clinic

By:Alvin LamDanny YangY-S Columbus LeoLast update May 5, 2013

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Basic Information•See http://tcsasports.org for rules, news..•A team must have at least two (2) persons that

passed the umpire test (i.e. are carded umpires)•For each game, an umpiring team must have at

least two (2) persons with at least one carded umpire. The Home Plate Umpire must be a carded umpire

•Each umpiring team are being scored (by both teams) for each game – Points determine Lords Cup Winner and will determine season seeding

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Christian League•TCSA is a Christian league: Christian

spirit•Softball Canada rules, and ASA bat rules.

TCSA add-on rules over-ride. •Full game consists of 7 innings

▫In the event that a game is stopped due to hazardous weather (i.e. rain, lightening, etc), a complete game is considered to be 5 innings (41/2 if home team is winning)

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Pre-Game•Timing of Game

▫15 minute Grace Period▫Do not start another inning 15 min prior to start

of next game if there is a game afterwards

•Keep Track of Score▫Check with scorekeeper of both teams after

every ½ inning▫7-run mercy rule except for the last inning and

extra innings

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Beginning of Game▫Check:

Bases, straps and spikes, pylon position; Hot Dot balls (at least one new)

Home team responsible to supply full equipment* Home team to conduct post-game devotion

Proper Uniform (deduct points by opposing team)

Mandatory Helmets for players 18 or under (identify on line up, and intro)

Blood rule: no blood on body or uniform; must cover up or change

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Beginning of Game• Ump calls both teams together and explain rules

▫Define Lines; Foul & Dead Ball Territories▫(Warning) Jewellery (caught when batters steps into

batter’s box) Includes non-metal jewellery (e.g. rubber/string

wristbands)▫(Warning) Swearing▫(Warning) Thrown Bat, helmets▫No Metal spike shoes ▫etc…(i.e. dented or non-ASA bats, smoking, drinking)

• Intros by visiting team, then home team; opening prayer by home team; handshakes, start game..

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Players & Lineups▫Each team needs minimum 8 players to start the game at

least 3 of which are females no players can be added after the 1st inning and/or if team

has already gone through batting lineup▫3:1 ratio – no more than 3 males can bat consecutively in

the lineup Both teams check lineup before game to avoid scenarios like

the one below if ratio is found to be upset during game, lineup must be

corrected immediately▫Defensive team can have 8, 9 or 10 fielders

8 fielders – 0 rover, at least 3 females 9 fielders – 1 rover, at least 3 females 10 fielders – 2 rovers, at least 4 females

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• Players & Lineups (continued)▫Ghost Girl rule

Used to satisfy the 3:1 ratio when there is excess number of males only

Designated batting slots where girls rotate No ghost guys

▫Injured player Injured player taken out of the line-up (cannot return this

game) shall not result in penalty (No outs) Turn-at-bat is skipped If it upsets the 3:1 ratio => Ghost Girl Rule If less than minimum (8 players w/ at least 3 females),

game is forfeited.

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TSCA Diamond (lines)• Lines

▫ Player’s line▫ Pitcher’s line

(min. 30’)▫ Commitment

line▫ Safe line▫ 150’ defence

line, with a cone at each line

▫ Fixed pitching mount is 46’

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TSCA Diamond (positions, note 2B for correction)• Positions

1. Pitcher2. Catcher3. 1st baseman4. 2nd baseman5. 3rd baseman6. Shortstop7. Left fielder8. Centre

fielder9. Right fielder10. Rover(s)

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150 feet Defence Line▫An arc 150 feet from home plate▫Rovers and outfielders cannot be positioned

inside this line at the start of the play▫They may only move into the infield after the

pitched ball is hit▫If violated: Obstruction will be called and a

delay dead ball will be signalled; award one base

▫No outfielder may make a direct throw for force out on the batter-runner at 1B, on initial play.

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Player’s Line▫Imaginary line from 1B to 3B▫No fielder can cross the line until the

pitched ball is hit▫If violated: Obstruction will be called and a

delay dead ball will be signalled

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Commitment Line▫When a runner crosses this line (as soon as

any part of the runner is on the ground and passes or touches the line) but does not reach the safe line, s/he is called out when an defensive player has the ball and is in contact with home plate

▫Runner who have crossed the line may not return to third base (even to tag up on fly ball).

▫Obstruction: Tagging of runners between commitment and safe line, or more than 2 fielders at home

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Safe Line▫This line is drawn from the front corner of

the home plate closest to 3B. Perpendicular to 3B line

▫A runner scores as soon as any part of the runner is on the ground and it passes or touches the safe line

▫The runner will be called out for touching home plate

▫Sliding is prohibited at home plate, and will be called interference if done (out)

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Game Situation – In game• Helmet: All batter/runners and on-deck, 18yr or under

must wear a helmet; no helmet –> out;• Foul Tips behind Home Plate (7.5)

▫ Foul tips caught behind home plate do not need to reach any height. Regardless of height, if a ball is hit back and the catcher makes a legal catch, the batter is out.

• Leadoffs▫ Runners may not leave their bases until a pitched ball is

hit (bat must make contact with ball)▫ If caught, runner is OUT, play is dead and all runners

return to last base and ball is re-pitched ONLY if batter has not made an attempt to hit the ball

▫ Multiple leadoffs, only one (first leadoff) runner is out

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Infield Fly▫Less than 2 outs with runners at (1B & 2B )

or (1B, 2B & 3B)▫Must be a catchable ball with “ordinary”

effort▫Batter is automatically out IF ball is fair▫If foul, treat it like a foul ball▫Live ball, runners may advance at their

own discretion (i.e. not dead ball)▫Ump yells “Infield fly ball if fair, batter

is out”

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1B and Safety Bag• 1B (White in fair territory, Orange in foul

territory)• On initial play to 1B:

▫Fielder must touch white▫Batter-runner must touch orange▫Batter-runners may touch any part of 1B when

ball is hit to outfield. ▫No tagging on B/R to 1B

• After initial play, only white in use• No more than 1 fielder for 1B; if more ->


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Obstruction▫Defence Obstructs (DO)▫Fielders obstructing runners progress▫Delayed dead ball – play continues▫Umpires will award the base(s), in umpire’s

judgement that should be awarded to the runner had the runner not been obstructed, after the play is over/dead

▫If the obstructed runner is put out after passing the base he would have reached had there not been obstruction, the obstructed runner will be called OUT

▫Give warning to fielder(s)

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Interference▫Offence Interferes (OI)▫Batter or runners interferes with ball or

fielder▫Dead ball and runner is OUT▫If the interference is to deliberately break

up a double play, 2 OUTS will be awarded.▫Batter & all runner(s) return to the base

last occupied at the time of the pitch. ▫Ball is NOT re-pitched and a strike is


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Overthrows▫When the ball is in play and is overthrown out

of play (beyond boundary lines) or is blocked, all runners will be awarded two bases (from the last touched base) and the award will be governed by the position of the runners when the ball left the fielder’s hand.

▫Note: If the fielder loses possession of the ball, such as an attempted tag, and the ball enters the dead ball area, all runners are awarded one base.

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OFHR Limit; 2+▫There is a limit of 2+, for Over the Fence Home Runs

(OFHR). That is, each team can have two (2) more OFHR than the other team, at any time. If a team has 2 more OFHR than the other team, any other OFHR hit beyond the 2+ limit, will be considered a single.

▫E.g. If team A hits 2 OFHR more than the other team, then any other OFHRs team A hits are all singles – until if team B hits a OFHR (team A becomes +1), team A can hit another OFHR for a HR.

▫If team A has hit +2 OFHRs, team B can next hit 4 OFHRs (i.e. +2) before the next OFHR will be a single.

▫If a fielder knocks a fly ball over the HR fence, it is a 4-base award, not counted toward the OFHR limit.

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• Thrown bats▫one warning for both teams. Next thrown bat ->

OUT• Bunt

▫Contact between bat and ball which does not involve a full swing. A STRIKE is called

• Chopped ball ▫Motion of the bat determines if the ball is chopped,

no the motion of the ball. STRIKE is called• Courtesy Runners, for any base:

▫Allow 3/game, run once per game; M for M, F for F

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Signals•Safe•Out•Fair (point, no sound)•Foul (yell)•Time (including ball thrown to IF, to

pitcher)•Trapped Ball – no catch, also call out•Infield Fly•Obstruction (no sound)•Don’t pitch

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Quick Summary (after warning)Incident Situation Resulting call

Obstruction (Defence) Delayed dead ball Award base(s) if necessary150 feet defence line Delayed dead ball Result of play or 1 basePlayer’s Line Delayed dead ball Result of play or 1 baseSwearing Delayed dead ball Warning then ejectionNo helmet (18 or under) Dead ball OutInterference (Offence) Dead ball OutLeadoff Dead ball OutThrown bat Dead ball OutJewellery Dead ball OutBatter’s Box Dead ball OutBatted ball hits pitcher Dead ball StrikeBunt Dead ball StrikeChopped ball Dead ball StrikeOverthrows into dead ball territory Dead ball Award base(s) if necessaryInfield Fly Live ball Batter Out if fair

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Positioning of Umpires•(Refer to diagram in other file)

•Use clicker; • If in doubt, never ask players; signal your

umpiring partner(s) or call for a conference

•Do not over-call, ump who made call can reverse

•Be professional and respectful•Assume the ball will be dropped, wait

then make the call

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Straps•2 spikes forEach base

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Post Game •All players who participated in the

softball game must attend devotions. No exceptions▫Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of

the game.

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Softball Canada/ASA bats•All bats must be ASA Approved.  The bat

must have the 2000 or 2004 ASA stamp, and is NOT in the non-approved list with certification stamp. 

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Softball Canada/ASA bats•The bats with new ASA 2013 stamp are

NOT allowed as they are only available in US

•For 2013, TCSA uses yellow Worth SPN Hot Dot balls.

•Please see this link:▫http://www.asasoftball.com/about/
