2013 marketing blueprint: 3 must-haves for success

1 2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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Post on 09-May-2015




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Struggling with completing your 2013 marketing plan all the while successfully running your small business? We know you wear several hats, so in this Small Business Marketing 101 webinar, we’ll break it all down for you in bite-sized pieces. You’ll come away with the three essential components you need to have in your marketing plan and a template for incorporating it all together. Plus, you’ll get tips on increasing your online presence and which social media networks you should be hanging out at.


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2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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Session Framework

•Talk about the critical questions you should be asking when coming up with your marketing plan.

•The three areas of focus, what to consider and how to engage with your customers.

•Close with five action points to start on today.

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•Cole Directory•1947 published. •Crisscross directory of addresses & phone numbers.

•Invaluable information for: •Telemarketing•Debt collection •Law enforcement

•Today •Web-based lead generation for small business.

Then & Now

Jack Cole

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Why a Blueprint?

•Helps :

•Map out where you’d like to be.

•Keep you accountable.

•Identifies areas of improvement.

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Critical Questions

•Ask yourself:

•Who’s my target?

•What makes me stand out among the


•Pricing and promotion strategy?

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Critical Questions

•Ask yourself:


•How do I generate leads?

•How’s that working?

•What else can I do to find new customers?

•Hubspot’s Smart Template

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2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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1. Relevant lead capture opportunities.

2. Current & fresh information.

3. Answer the most-asked questions.

4. Easy to navigate and clear action directives.

5. Optimized for mobile.

Website Critical Look

Flickr.com via aussiegall

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Current Information

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Answer Questions

Answer Questions:• What are top customer recurring topics of interest? •Consider answering them via a blog.•Keeps your website fresh & relevant.

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Answer Questions

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Find Your Voice

•What’s interesting about my product/service?•Why did I start my business? Inspiration?•What challenge/problem am I trying to solve?•“Aha” moment? Result?

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Mobile Website

•Simple Navigation•Current Listings•Full site Link

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Mobile Website

Keep in mind:

•Small screen size

•Simple design

•Easy check-out


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Engagement is key:•Listen•Respond•Communicate

Don’t:•Overly Self-Promote•Hard Sell•badger

Social Media

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Pictures:•Representative of your brand•Creative•Updated frequentlyVideos:•1-3 minutes in length•How-tos, testimonials, promotions Questions, blog articles:•Relate to your service/industry •Relevant•Interesting

Post Quality Content

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Tap Brand Evangelists

•Rethink the customer testimonial.•Ask for permission.•Promote on website.

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Consider:•Schedule Facebook posts.

•Ideally once/twice a day.•Create conversations/build relationships/hold contests.•Give stuff away!•Schedule other social media updates with free tools.

•Hootsuite•Keep tabs on the competition.•See how your favorite stores, brands & companies are engaging with their friends.

More Tips

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Give Thanks

“When I first started tweeting, I had no brand recognition; no one knew who I was. To build my brand I started creating conversations about what I cared passionately about: wine.”

~Gary Vaynerchuk

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2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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You’ve got mail!

•Despite: •Social media craze•Cell phone explosion•Email marketing campaigns

•Mail is big business:•171 billion pieces of mail processed by USPS in 2010•80% scan direct mail•4.7% growth in 2012

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Session Framework

•Smaller areas are more effective.

•Use an event to draw new customers in to your store.

• Remember the rule of seven.

3 Benefits of Direct Mail

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Define your Community

List builders:

• Free


•Easy to use

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Compelling Offer

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•The offer is the biggest driver of success.

•Tie events to time of year/holiday.

•Make it personal to your customer base.

Don’t Provide an Offer…

Create an Event…

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Rule of 7

Research Proves 7 impressions Make a Sale:

•More brand impressions=higher brand response.

•Builds trust.

•Creates buy-in.

•Establishes a relationship.

•Keeps you top of mind.

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2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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Target Prospects

• Pull your 10 best customers. Look at who they are, what their ages are, average incomes, types of neighborhoods they are.

• Depending on your Cole Information product, use the tools to reach out to more.

• Based on the customer profile information, figure out the offering, event, etc. to reach out to them when they’re most receptive to you.

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Say The Right Thing

Building Effective Scripts

• Introduction

• Customer Benefit

• The Close

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Map Your Message

•Twitter friendly headline:

•Who you are in 140 characters or less

•Add three supporting key benefits:

•Critical to your message

•Very short.—bullet points

•More time? Reinforce the message

•Add statistics or examples for each of your benefits

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Map Your Message

Cole Information

helps business find new


Information for direct mail & telemarketing that’s industry

specific. Accurate

information that’s


Customer Support and

regular customer learning


•Customer care available through regular business hours.•Free monthly product, refresher and small business marketing webinars.

•Monthly information updates. •Subscription based.•Unlimited leads & downloads.

•Focus on small business, insurance agents and real estate agents.

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Hi is Joe Smith there? Hi Joe, my name if Lora Ullerich with Cole Information . We help small businesses find new customers through accurate & affordable direct mail and telemarketing solutions. Plus, we have free regular product training and customer care advisors who work one-on-one with clients to ensure their using the product efficiently and effectively. In addition, we have worked with (competitor) to improve their communications with their client base, which has resulting in new sales and higher customer retention.

I’d like to schedule (timeframe) with you to talk about how we helped improve (Competitor’s) customer retention and new sales methods. I’m thinking it would be a fit for you too. How does (date sound)?

Sample Script

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B2B message:“Hi this is (name ) with (Company name) calling in regards to (a

competitor). Please call me at 314.555.5555 when you get a chance . Thanks.”

Sample: “Hi this is Lora Ullerich with Cole Information. I was calling in regards to (Competitor). Please call me at 855.282.7297 when you get a chance. Thanks.”

“Hi. thanks for getting back to me. I was calling because we were able to help (competitor) improve their customers results by making it easier for them to find new customers. Are you interested in improving the number and quality of customers you reach out to?”

Leave a Message!

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B2C message

“Hi this is (name ) with (Company name) and I was calling to (your

service or benefit). Please call me at…Thank you.”

Sample: “Hi this is Lora Ullerich with XYZ Insurance and I was calling to

see if we could save you some money on your homeowner’s

insurance. Please call me at 314.555.5555.”

Leave a Message!

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2013 Marketing Plan Blueprint

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Articulate Your Value

•Being local is a huge asset! •You live and work in the community.•You understand the needs of your neighbors.

•Harness your power. •Customers’ needs come first!

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What is foursquare:•Location based marketing using a cell phone

Why it’s important:• Both foursquare use, and smart-phone use are on the rise• More buzz = More traffic = More sales• Foster customer loyaltyHow:• foursquare.com/add_venue• Choose appropriate “badge”• Implement loyalty rewards program

Drive traffic using location-based applications

TMLocation! Location! Location!

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Reward customers who “check in”

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Reward Reviews



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Don’t Be Everywhere.

•Focus on your strengths.•What social media spaces best represent that.•Cross-promote

•Email signature •Direct mail•eNewsletters •Social media spaces.

•Automate sparingly. •Be consistent.

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•Offer a Discount for rate user experience.•Make sure you can track the response.

Drive Online Reviews Via DM

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Five Action Points

• Sit down and create/update your marketing plan.

• What’s your competition doing?

• Engage your consumers.

• Start slowly.

• Track to see what’s working and do more of that.

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