2013 home show catalog

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Pure Mountain Olive Oil Home Show Tasting Catalog


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C a t a l o g S u b t i t l e

M 2 01 3 Catalog

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E x t r a V i r g i N

Olive Oil

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F l a v o r e d & I n f u s e d

Olive Oil Olive Oil


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Vinegar Balsamic

All of the dark balsamic vinegars start with our Traditional Dark, before adding natural flavorings. No sugar is ever added. They are dark as night with a heavenly thick con-sistency and a sweet, pungent taste that delights all the senses. The vinegar is aged in small barrels under the tradi-tional methods with strict controls. It reaches a perfect bal-ance of aroma and flavor when fully mature.

Traditional Dark Nothing beats a classic!

All balsamic vinegar 375ml bottles $16

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Jo in Ou r

Gourmet Oils & Vinegars

Olive Oil CluB


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Tasty A d d i t i o n s & More!

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Make Your Own!

Gift Baskets, CRATES

& Special Packages


W e d d i n g ? S p e c i a l e v e n t s ? C o r p o r a t e g i f t s ? W e o f f e r

c u s t o m l a b e l s & b o t t l e t a g s ! A s k a r e p t o d a Y !

Perfect for

the Chocolate lo


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