2013 d.o.v.e. fund mission trip summary files/2013tripsummary.pdf · 2017. 12. 7. · 2013 d.o.v.e....

2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary Thursday 1-17-2013 Fred Grimm, Jill Grimm, Dale Dykema, Cathy Morgan, Jerry Dunaway and John Craven left Detroit Metro Airport at 10:30am along with 8 duffel bags crammed with nearly 3,000 bandages to be given to those with leprosy in Pleiku and other areas of the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Other travelers who will be joining the group over the next few days are Tim Ryan, John Abbey and daughter Courtney, Dan Gregg, Angie Perino, Hao and Tina Lam and their son. Do and Theresa Nguyen, arriving a week earlier, make final preparations for the group’s arrival and greet us on the evening of January 18 th at Saigon’s Tan Son Nhut International airport. The group will be staying at the historic Continental Hotel in downtown Saigon for a few days before heading north to Quang Tri province where the bulk of D.O.V.E.’s projects are located. The duffel bags below are brimming with almost 3,000 Bandage Brigade bandages for the leper patients in the Central Highland villages. To date the Bandage Brigade has supplied in excess of 12,000 bandages. We are again fortunate as American Airlines has granted, as have other airlines in the past, free baggage delivery for these eight duffel bags. Saturday 1-19-2013 We will be meeting with the university scholarship students soon, but beforehand, we meet briefly with world renowned photojournalist, Catherine Karnow, at the Caravelle Hotel –just across from the Continental in downtown Saigon. Catherine has worked 23 years studying Vietnam, its people, culture and changes that accompany a war torn and emerging nation. She is on a mission to complete the last segments of her extensive study. She contacted us weeks beforehand because of our Vietnam veteran members and she is anxious to see firsthand, veteran humanitarian efforts being carried out. We aren’t sure who iss more excited - us or her!!! She very much wants to capture images of benevolent and healing work being done by veterans of the war who are freely and willingly giving back – It is a perfect match!!!

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Page 1: 2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary Files/2013TripSummary.pdf · 2017. 12. 7. · 2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary Thursday 1-17-2013 Fred Grimm, Jill Grimm, Dale Dykema,

2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary

Thursday 1-17-2013 Fred Grimm, Jill Grimm, Dale Dykema, Cathy Morgan, Jerry Dunaway and John

Craven left Detroit Metro Airport at 10:30am along with 8 duffel bags crammed with nearly 3,000

bandages to be given to those with leprosy in Pleiku and other areas of the Central Highlands of

Vietnam. Other travelers who will be joining the group over the next few days are Tim Ryan, John Abbey

and daughter Courtney, Dan Gregg, Angie Perino, Hao and Tina Lam and their son. Do and Theresa

Nguyen, arriving a week earlier, make final preparations for the group’s arrival and greet us on the

evening of January 18th at Saigon’s Tan Son Nhut International airport. The group will be staying at the

historic Continental Hotel in downtown Saigon for a few days before heading north to Quang Tri

province where the bulk of D.O.V.E.’s projects are located. The duffel bags below are brimming with

almost 3,000 Bandage Brigade bandages for the leper patients in the Central Highland villages. To date

the Bandage Brigade has supplied in excess of 12,000 bandages. We are again fortunate as American

Airlines has granted, as have other airlines in the past, free baggage delivery for these eight duffel bags.

Saturday 1-19-2013 We will be meeting with the university scholarship students soon, but

beforehand, we meet briefly with world renowned photojournalist, Catherine Karnow, at the Caravelle

Hotel –just across from the Continental in downtown Saigon. Catherine has worked 23 years studying

Vietnam, its people, culture and changes that accompany a war torn and emerging nation. She is on a

mission to complete the last segments of her extensive study. She contacted us weeks beforehand

because of our Vietnam veteran members and she is anxious to see firsthand, veteran humanitarian

efforts being carried out. We aren’t sure who iss more excited - us or her!!! She very much wants to

capture images of benevolent and healing work being done by veterans of the war who are freely and

willingly giving back – It is a perfect match!!!

Page 2: 2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary Files/2013TripSummary.pdf · 2017. 12. 7. · 2013 D.O.V.E. Fund Mission Trip Summary Thursday 1-17-2013 Fred Grimm, Jill Grimm, Dale Dykema,

Above, the D.O.V.E. contingent at our initial meeting with Catherine Karnow and her Administrative

Assistant, Kieu Thu Giang - front row: second and third from left holding book and newsletter.

Next we’re winding our way through Saigon, a city extravagantly decorated for the Lunar New Year

celebration of TET, as we are excited to visit Ho Chi Minh University of Technology (HUT) for an

afternoon visit with the twenty D.O.V.E. Fund scholarship recipients. Always a favorite among D.O.V.E.

members, these deserving students enjoy sharing their future plans, practicing their English and

expressing gratitude for their scholarships. Not usually at school on a Saturday, they are eager to meet

those who represent the donors providing them their opportunity to learn and succeed.

As usual, speeches, singing and the photo op above are in order. Most impressed with this visit are Tim

Ryan, front row, second from right, and Jerry Dunaway, front row, fourth from right – both first time

travelers with D.O.V.E. Tim has travelled to many third-world countries personally and on behalf of

Rotary International and mentioned how impressed he is with the quality of the students as well as their

proficiency of the English language. Jerry, a retired public school teacher who proudly sported his

Detroit “D” ball cap throughout the trip, mentions how impressed he is with the D.O.V.E. Fund as to how

we work with the school administrators to choose those who need help the most and will study the

hardest to maintain their scholarship. Both men agree they enjoyed the chance to meet and bond with

the students.

Sunday 1-20-2013 We begin with a flight north to Phu Bai airport, then a long drive through Hue

bringing the group to Dong Ha, the provincial capital of Quang Tri province. Lodging is in the newly

opened Saigon Dong Ha Hotel and everyone settles in for the night before visiting projects tomorrow.

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Monday 1-21-2013 The busy day begins at dawn with a quick breakfast followed by travel by van to

visit the five homes funded by D.O.V.E. for Agent Orange/Landmine victims in Cam Lo district. The

photo below left shows our approach to the first new home. The photo below center shows the home

owners with Cam Nhung who are explaining that besides the husband who suffers from Agent Orange,

the couple has two children at school who suffer from a brittle bone illness – believed to be inherited

from the father. The family raises pepper on their land to provide a meager income. Below right, Do

Nguyen, Fred Grimm and John Craven pose with the owners before the group bids goodbye.

As we approached the second home we hear wailing that sends chills down our spine! It sounds like a

wild animal. We soon realize the mournful sound is coming from one of the two severely afflicted Agent

Orange sons – one 23 and the other 28. The mother explains her husband, working in the field, was a

soldier contaminated by AO. Of her four sons, the oldest is unaffected by AO while three are with one

having already died. She is very happy with her new addition to their home. However, her only concern

is: “What will happen to my children when I die!?” The mother and father are 65 and 68 respectively.

The mother has to carry the boys from one place to another within the house. They are her life.

The third home is shared by a single mother of two along with her aunt and mother. One child attends a

school for handicapped children while the other, age 17, stays home to help with odd jobs she and her

mother pick up for their meager income. They also raise some pepper on the land. The 17 year old

daughter, pictured below on the right, had to drop out of school about 5 years ago to help her mother at

home. The mother and daughter have slight Agent Orange afflictions.

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The next homeowner is a single lady who volunteered during the war and she has a slight mental

disorder. She is pictured standing at the right on her porch as we walk up to her home. She raises a few

chickens for her income. At right she gifts Fred Grimm with an egg from her chicken coop as Cathy and

Dale Dykema look on. She bids us farewell as we head to the last of the five homes.

The owners of the fifth home are borrowing additional money to build a larger addition so the home is

not yet completed. When we arrive the wife is away selling bananas and Jack fruit at the Dong Ha

market while her husband is working in the fields. Both children are at school. The children are 16 and

17. We are told the sixteen year old has a slightly deformed face from Agent Orange, exhibits some

mental slowness and gets sick easily. The photo below shows the new, large addition attached to the

existing dwelling.

As we arrive at the Cam Thanh Elementary school we are greeted by the students lining the walkway to

welcome us with balloons, flags, wonderful smiles and waves (photo lower left). We are here to observe

the students in the computer classroom (photo lower right) which has new computers via a grant from

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CompTIA. D.O.V.E. Honorary Member, John Rice, was instrumental in obtaining this technically-based,

educational grant. The teachers voice their gratitude and explaine how the computers are helping the

children learn on a global basis. The intensity of the students and their appreciative smiles is all we need

to confirm this grant is very well invested! Thank you, CompTIA and John Rice!

It is now mid-day and time for lunch. We drive to a secluded, garden restaurant and enjoy lunch and

camaraderie with the Cam Lo District officials. Lunch with local officials always consists of their “thank

you” for funded projects and their hope for future assistance from the D.O.V.E. Fund.

In order to maximize our time, the group divides in two sections. A portion drive to visit a new project

site, a daycare center at nearby Cam Thanh, while the remainder explores the countryside to locate the

Rockpile and LZ Stud where Dale Dykema, former Marine Surgeon with the IIIMAF, served in 1968-1969.

The photo below left is the Rockpile. The center photo is former LZ Stud. As Dale describes it, the LZ

was on the flat, raised section in the foreground with mountains in the background. The photo on the

right is the entrance to the secured facility that is currently located on the LZ Stud property. It is always

a privilege to observe a veteran scanning the area where he walked over 40 years ago – very humbling.

Mission accomplished! It is time to return to the hotel for a Happy Hour…

Tuesday 1-22-2013 New and ongoing projects to inspect, this morning finds the group starting visiting

the Phu Luu Daycare Center under construction. There are currently 75 children needing to attend. The

small building on the left only accomodates 20 children. The remaining 55 go to another school farther

away. When construction is completed in late March, the small building will be removed and all 75

children can attend Phu Luu.

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Now the group is off to visit the Trieu Dong school where a new project is discussed. The current

classrooms handle 143 children (photo below on left). In the center photo John Abbey is having fun with

the children. The photo far right shows the area in front of the school (current garden area) where they

plan to build the new classrooms which will hold another 50 children.

Before we leave for the next project, Jerry Dunaway enlists a new Detroit Tiger fan!

Now it is time to visit Quang Tri High School to meet with the 90 scholarship students and sit in on the

English learning class. A technical/cultural program is being developed by D.O.V.E. for which American

and Vietnamese students can interface and communicate via a computer program system. In the photo

below left, a scholarship student expresses her deep appreciation for the D.O.V.E. Fund and all the

donors who provide their scholarships. Each member of the group is able to personally hand out several

scholarship certificates. Below right is Tim Ryan enjoying giving scholarship certificates.

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During our visit with the English class students we conduct a trial run of an interface program. On the

screen below are D.O.V.E. Trustees Celeste and Roland Southard who are in Toledo, OH as we make our

initial connection. We hope to be able to offer the cultural exchange program soon as both American

and Vietnamese students are anxious to begin communicating with each other.

Following lunch with the Trieu Phong district officials, the group spends the rest of the afternoon

meeting with the Quang Tri Department of Foreign Affairs discussing existing projects as well as future

project considerations. Putting their comments succinctly, D.O.V.E. not only provides funding, we build

relationships and share our hearts too. They have no other charity that does that!

Before the close of the afternoon there is one last official action on the docket. The Deputy Director of

the Quang Tri People’s Committee presents a Certificate of Achievement and Appreciation to Fred

Grimm, past chairman of D.O.V.E. and our current Vice Chair of Vietnam Projects. Fred is one of a

handful of people and organizations to be honored in this fashion. He proudly accepts his certificate of

appreciation on behalf of all members of the D.O.V.E. Fund. Pictured below l-r are: John Craven, Jill

Grimm, Fred Grimm and Deputy Chairman of People’s Committee of Quang Tri province.

Congratulations Fred and Jill!

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Wednesday 1-23-2013 A new dawn necessitates a trip to Hai Lang district to dedicate the Hai Thanh

Elementary school. Today we are pleased to see Catherine Karnow again as she and her assistant, Zang,

will be spending the next two days with us to pictorially capture facets of our work and the resulting


Below left is the ribbon-cutting ceremony…notice how photographer, Tim Ryan, captures the moment

and also captures Catherine in the lower right of the photo also capturing the moment. Lower right is

the image of the plaque on the front wall of the school building.

Catherine is in her element below as the children enjoy seeing their own images!

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After speeches, songs and dance entertainment the group moves on to visit the Hai An Medical facility

where former Marine Surgeon Dale Dykema is seen asking pertinent medical questions of the staff

physician’s assistant (lower left). Lower right is the scene as we approach the medical facility including

the medicinal herb garden.

Below left, Catherine is unexpectedly reunited with a medical staff person she met during a trip several

years ago. Next we visit a few families who received outdoor latrines funded by D.O.V.E. Catherine, via

interpreter Theresa Nguyen, below right, asks the homeowner how the latrine project has helped her

family. The response from her echoes others on this subject saying their sanitary condition is so much

improved as is their overall health…some things we Americans may take for granted.

After lunch with district officials it’s back in the vans for a visit with the Hai Lang High School scholarship

students. Speeches, music and photo ops easily fill the allotted time in the assembly room. Now we

gather in small groups in the courtyard. Photo lower left shows Tim Ryan posing with the students after

handing out their individual scholarship certificates. Lower center shows Jerry Dunaway interacting with

students in the courtyard. Lower right is Cathy and Dale Dykema encouraging students practicing their

English. The students look forward to this almost as much as they do their scholarships. They are proud

to explain how hard they study…especially their English!

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We begrudgingly bid our farewell to the students until our next visit as we are heading to the Hai Truong

Daycare Center – this school was inspired by Trustee John Abbey in memory of his family’s very close

friend, Tricia Bohm. This is extra special since it is John’s daughter Courtney’s first visit to Vietnam and

their school. It doesn’t take long after delivering school supplies to each child and hearing some singing

before we gather for pictures. The photos below show John and Courtney sharing a great bit of fun with

the children! It is a rare opportunity for children to share a trip to Vietnam with their veteran fathers.

This is a blessing!

This concludes another long day of work and the group travels by van south to the historic city of Hue.

As is customary, we pack lightly and have laundry done a few times. Some in the group explain how

they either received an article of clothing back that they didn’t give the launderer, or they are missing

some articles of clothing. John Abbey quipped: “Having laundry done in Vietnam is very much like

gambling. You win some. You lose some. And in the end, you walk away with NOTHNG!” The group

howled after the punchline!

Thursday 1-24-2013 Today the group will distribute 144 PET (personal energy transportation) mobility

carts to the disabled in three districts in Thua Thien Hue province: 28 in Phu Loc, 28 in Phu Vang and 72

in Huong Tra. In addition, 16 are provided to Hue’s handicapped children. The carts are provided by PET

International, Inc., transportation from Florida to Vietnam by the D.O.V.E. Fund, receiving, storing,

transportation inside Vietnam and cart assembly by Hearts for Hue and the local Red Cross. Only

through this collaboration is this project so very successful. “To be here and watch how these

wheelchairs will change lives is extraordinary” says first-time visitor to Vietnam, Angie Perino, of Florida.

In all, the 144 mobility carts are delivered to amputees, victims of Agent Orange and many with severe

birth defects. Vietnam veteran and PET volunteer Dale Dykema and wife Cathy of Holland, MI provide

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invaluable instruction and assistance during the distribution. How fitting Dale is here to distribute the

“first PET mobility carts” in the country of Vietnam! These pictures pale in an effort to accurately

portray the transformation of the recipients as they crawled to or were carried to their personal, PET

mobility cart. Their new gift of mobility, often taken for granted by those with it, is by far the highlight

of the day…along with plenty of emotion.

Dale explains his involvement with PET International and the general usage of the mobility carts below

left. He adjusts a brake lever below center and explains the brake application lever, below right.

In the three following photos Theresa Nguyen helps this lady get the hang of using her hands to turn the

handlebars so the cart will move forward. Up to this point, she could only crawl on the ground, crablike,

since she was born without a left hip joint. She has moved in this manner for 40 years. Her entire

countenance changes to a stately manner the instant she climbs into her cart! She rolls down the road

waving and throwing kisses to us as would Miss Universe! In the center photo this young man who is

missing one limb, smiles to show he treasures his new mobility too. The former Vietnamese soldier on

the far right is strong enough to create his mobility with ONLY one limb! Oh what a glorious day!!!

Friday 1-25-2013 The group leaves early for a very long and arduous van ride to the remote district of

A Luoi. Today is Solar Lights for reading distribution in the mountainous villages near Laos. Tina and

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Hao Lam are the major donors for solar lights and they will lead the day’s distribution and installation of

the systems. Lower left shows the difficult drive through the mountainous area to arrive at A Luoi.

Lower right, are Tina and Hao Lam explaining the solar lighting system.

Lower left Hao Lam is explaining how to attach the solar panel to a brick before taking it up on the roof.

Lower right is the home owner placing the panel at the right location to capture the maximum sunlight.

The mother below is showing her son how he now can read (with doors and windows shut and an

otherwise dark house) even without electricity to the home. Eighty-eight solar lights are distributed

today and we learn many other families in the Hong Van community who are without electricity are in

need of them too.

Saturday 1-26-2013 Today we visit several Micro Finance businesses and sit in on a session aimed at

teaching local farmers how to raise mushrooms. We like to help support the local micro-finance

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community when possible. Below Fred Grimm is displaying just one of the several items purchased at

this lady’s place of business. We’ve been known to generate what would normally be a month’s worth

of revenue in an hour. The micro-finance project infuses loans at the grassroots level of VyDa ward by

Hue. We begin our drive south to Hoi An through the Hai Van Pass – a beautiful venue for


Sunday 1-27-2013 We’ve earned a day of rest and shopping for auction items in Hoi An. This is a

quaint town with lots to offer in the way of merchandise and cuisine! After a good dinner we settle in

for the night as we have a very long day tomorrow driving south three and a half hours to Quang Ngai

province and back in the same day!

Monday 1-28-2013 After the more than three hour drive, we arrive at Nghia My Nursery school

funded by Fred and Jill Grimm and Dianne Van Voorhis. The school has been freshly painted and white

ceramic tile has been added to the lower portion of the walls to provide a much cleaner, useful wall

space. We provide school supplies and new uniforms for the children, are entertained by them and take

advantage of another photo op. Fred, Jill and Dianne are surrounded by their happy children, left, while

one of the little girls proudly models her new D.O.V.E. uniform while flashing the victory sign plus one!

Too cute!!!

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It is always difficult to leave the children, yet we have a daycare center dedication ceremony in the

nearby Duc Pho, Pho Phong area. This new kitchen and dining room is funded by Tom and Renee

Treece, who were not able to join us, however, they provided kind words of love and support for the

children and teachers at this school that are expressed by chairman John Craven during the program.

This school is striving to achieve “national standard” accreditation. The 4 room school, kitchen and

dining room and two story classroom/admin/conference building are inching them closer to their

goal…thanks to Tom and Renee in conjunction with the Quang Ngai Department of Education. Donors

for this project can be very pleased to know what once was a crumbling, unsafe building with two

classrooms, has been replaced with four new classrooms and a new kitchen and dining area. The

children, teachers and local officials are very appreciativeand proud.

Left to right are the new kitchen and dining room, the four classroom building and the two-story, multi-

purpose building.

Below left is a peek inside the new, state of the art kitchen. Below center is Theresa Nguyen with a few

of the students who just received their new uniform shirts. Below right is Dianne Van Voorhis, very

difficult to capture on camera herself, snapping a few photos of the children with their new uniforms.

Below is the group photo of Pho Phong officials, Quang Ngai DoFA members and the D.O.V.E. group.

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After racing back to Hoi An we are just in time for a dinner with the director of mobile dental clinics

representing East Meets West Foundation. We’ve partnered for two mobile clinics in the past and

discuss the possibility of funding another clinic later this year based on approval by the board of

trustees. Each of the past clinics provided dental hygiene education and treatment for over 500

children, most who were seeing a dentist for the first time.

Tuesday 1-29-2013 Today the group flies from Danang to Pleiku in the Central Highlands where we

will visit people afflicted with leprosy. After a short flight we check into the hotel, enjoy a relaxing

dinner, share our personal insights about the many facets of the trip and settle in for the night.

Tomorrow is another powerful and busy day.

Wednesday 1-30-2013 Sister Theresita and other Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres meet us in the lobby

and bring us up to speed as to the status of their orphanage and the care they provide for the leper

patients. D.O.V.E. members brought nearly 3,000 bandages knitted and crocheted by global volunteers

and they have been distributed to the villages already. Our donors have also funded food and clothing

for these people in great need. The leader of the village in the center of the lower left picture thanks

the D.O.V.E. Fund and its donors for providing the bandages, food, clothing and blankets. Jill Grimm, in

the center photo, is with a mother and her son who are very appreciative. One of the sisters, far right, is

leading the children in a song for the group.

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At another village the dire situation is the same and only the faces have changed. Angie Perino is ready

to assist the first family with their sustenance package, below left. The nun is assessing the situation of

this man’s wound on his foot, below center. We are amazed at the positive attitude of these resilient

people! The village urchins patiently look on as they watch their parents getting food and clothing.

The group bids farewell to the villagers and drives an hour to the orphanage in Pleiku which is managed

by the nuns. We are treated to a wonderful home-cooked dinner and then are entertained by over 40

of the children playing mandolins in concert as well as children performing dances to various songs.

Bythe happiness exhibited by these orphan children, we know they are loved unconditionally. Another

very long day comes to a close and each of us expresses our perspective on another blessed day.

Over the next few days the group members travel in many different directions: Qui Nhon, Phu Quoc

Island, Tay Ninh and Cambodia. Most of the group meets in a few days back in Saigon for the traditional

toast at the top of the Rex Hotel remembering our Perpetual Honorary Members: Chuck Oswald, Bob

Mehring, Tom Saam, Mark Sathe and Lanny Saumer. After sharing our special memories of the trip, we

conclude (as every prior group has done) that this indeed was the best trip ever!