2013 doi ?-amylase an enzyme specificity found in various families of glycoside hydrolases

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  • 7/29/2019 2013 DOI ?-Amylase an Enzyme Specificity Found in Various Families of Glycoside Hydrolases


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    DOI 10.1007/s00018-013-1388-z Cellular and Molecular Life SciencesCll. Mol. Li Sci.


    Amylase: an enzyme specifcity ound in various amilieso glycoside hydrolases

    tean Janecek Birte Svensson E. Ann MacGregor

    Rcid: 26 April 2013 / Risd: 27 May 2013 / Accptd: 27 May 2013 Springr Basl 2013

    amily GH57 attributs ar likly to b charactristic o-amylass rom th amily GH119, too. with rgard toamily GH126, conrmation o th unambiguous prsnco th -amylas spcicity may nd mor biochmi-cal instigation bcaus o an obious, but unxpctd,homology ith inrting -glucan-acti hydrolass.

    Keywords -Amylas Glycosid hydrolas amilis GH13, GH57, GH119, GH126 Consrd squncrgions Catalytic machinry eolutionary rlationships

    AbbreviationsCAZy Carbohydrat-Acti nZyms

    CBM Carbohydrat-binding modulCSR Consrd squnc rgionGH Glycosid hydrolasSBD Starch-binding domainTIM Trios-phosphat isomras


    -Amylas rprsnts th bst knon and most intn-sily studid amylolytic nzym. Amylolytic nzyms arnzyms dgrading starch and starchy substrats and arapplid idly in arious branchs o th ood, pharmacu-tical, and chmical industris. In a broadr sns, th dsig-nation amylolytic nzyms has bn usd or th arityo starch hydrolass and rlatd nzyms that ar actiin trms o hydrolysis, transglycosylation, and isomriza-tiontoards th -glucosidic bonds prsnt in starch andrlatd poly- and oligo-saccharids.

    As our undrstanding o th dtails o protin primaryand trtiary structur o indiidual amylolytic nzymsincrasd in th last coupl o dcads, it has bcom

    Abstract -Amylas (eC rprsnts th bst

    knon amylolytic nzym. It catalyzs th hydrolysis o-1,4-glucosidic bonds in starch and rlatd -glucans. Ingnral, th -amylas is an nzym ith a broad substratprrnc and product spcicity. In th squnc-basdclassication systm o all carbohydrat-acti nzyms,it is on o th most rquntly occurring glycosid hydro-lass (GH). -Amylas is th main rprsntati o amilyGH13, but it is probably also prsnt in th amilis GH57and GH119, and possibly n in GH126. Family GH13,knon gnrally as th main -amylas amily, orms clanGH-H togthr ith amilis GH70 and GH77 that, ho-r, contain no -amylas. within th amily GH13, th-amylas spcicity is currntly prsnt in sral sub-amilis, such as GH13_1, 5, 6, 7, 15, 24, 27, 28, 36, 37,and, possibly in a mor that ar not yt dnd. Th-amylass classid in amily GH13 mploy a ractionmchanism giing rtntion o conguration, shar 47consrd squnc rgions (CSRs) and catalytic machin-ry, and adopt th (/)8-barrl catalytic domain. Althoughth amily GH57 -amylass also mploy th rtainingraction mchanism, thy possss thir on CSRs andcatalytic machinry, and adopt a (/)7-barrl old. Ths

    . Janck (*)Laboratory o Protin eolution, Institut o MolcularBiology, Sloak Acadmy o Scincs, Dbrask csta 21,84551 Bratislaa, Sloakia-mail: [email protected]

    B. Snssonenzym and Protin Chmistry, Dpartmnt o Systms Biology,Th Tchnical Unirsity o Dnmark, Sltots Plads, Building224, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Dnmark

    e. A. MacGrgor2 Nicklaus Grn, Liingston, wst Lothian eH54 8RX, UK

  • 7/29/2019 2013 DOI ?-Amylase an Enzyme Specificity Found in Various Families of Glycoside Hydrolases


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    clar that ths nzyms, hich ar ry closly rlatd bythir unction on starch, .g., -amylas, -amylas, andglucoamylas, ar not closly rlatd in trms o struc-tur and raction mchanism. It has turnd out to b morappropriat to bas a classication o amylolytic nzymson similaritis in thir amino acid squncs and thr-dimnsional structurs, raction mchanisms, and catalytic

    machinris, all rfcting olutionary rlatdnss, than onspcicity. Such an approach, hor, opns th door toidas that nzyms closly rlatd in unction ill classiysparatly, but also that similar ractions can b catalyzdby structurally dirnt and thus olutionarily unrlatdprotins.

    This appars to b th situation or th -amylasnzyms that ar th topic o th prsnt ri. Thmain goal is to dscrib th most rcnt knoldg o-amylass ith rgard to th xistnc o structurally di-rnt nzyms apparntly possssing th sam -amylas-typ actiity. Sinc th -amylas is an nzym ith a

    broad substrat prrnc and product spcicity, mpha-sis is also gin to subtl but uniqu structural aturs dis-criminating btn closly rlatd -amylass, taking intoaccount, or xampl, thir taxonomical origin.

    CAZy classifcation system and amylases

    -Amylass ar glycosid hydrolass (GHs) and hathror bcom a part o th squnc-basd classica-tion systm o nzyms acti toards arious saccharids.This systm as rst dlopd som 20 yars ago or GHs

    [1] and latr updatd [2, 3]. No, th ntir systm xistsonlin (sinc 1998) or all Carbohydrat-Acti nZyms(CAZy), as th so-calld CAZy databas (or CAZy srr;http://.cazy.org/) coring: (1) catalytic modulsinold in dgradation, cration, and modication o gly-cosidic linkags o saccharids; and (2) associatd carbo-hydrat-binding moduls (CBM) rsponsibl or adhsionto saccharids [4]. Th classication o catalytic modulsincluds, in addition to GHs, glycosyl transrass, poly-saccharid lyass, and carbohydrat strass.

    Th CAZy classication systm basd on comparisono amino acid squncs as stablishd in an ort toorcom th inability o classical IUB enzym Nomn-clatur (or GHs: eC 3.2.1.x) to rfct structural atursand olutionary aspcts o GHs [1]. within th CAZysystm, indiidual nzyms ar classid into squnc-basd amilis. Currntly, mor than 130 such amilis(dsignatd ith Arabic numrals, .g., GH13) ha bncratd chronologically sinc 1991. Th nzyms (pro-tins) blonging to th sam GH amily should, in princi-pl, xhibit squnc similaritis (usually ith consrdsqunc rgions; CSRs), shar catalytic machinry (th

    sam catalytic rsidus locatd on corrsponding struc-tural lmnts), mploy th sam raction mchanism(ithr rtaining or inrting) and adopt th sam typ ocatalytic domain old [1]. Thr ar to additional lls ohirarchical classication in th CAZy databas, i.., clansas a highr ll and subamilis as a lor ll o hir-archy [4, 5]. A GH clan groups togthr amilis sharing

    catalytic machinry and adopting th sam structural oldo th catalytic domain, but ith signicant dirnc inorall squnc. A clan is dsignatd by a lttr prcddby a dash (.g., GH-H) attributd in th alphabtical ordro thir apparanc, ith ry GH clan cration bingbasd on trtiary structur inormation [4]. A GH subam-ily is a group o mmbrs o on amily that shars morsqunc/structural and unctional charactristics thanapplicabl or th ntir amily, i.., a subamily mmbrsshould shar a mor rcnt olutionary ancstor. Subami-lis o a gin GH amily ar dsignatd by a numral su-x prcdd by undrscor (.g., GH13_7). In th scintic

    litratur proposals ha bn mad to split arious GHamilis into subamilis, and th -amylas amily GH13as th rst to ha bn ocially diidd in this ay, inthis cas into 37 subamilis, by th CAZy curators [6]. Inaddition to GH13, o all 131 GH amilis, ocial subami-lis ha bn dnd only or th amilis GH5 [7] andGH30 [8]. Moror, th ntris or th amilis GH21,GH40, GH41, GH60, and GH69 r dltd rom th GHsystm (CAZy; [4]).

    Currntly, th ntir CAZy databas cors th squncdata rom mor than 2,100 gnoms o Bactria, almost150 gnoms o Archaa and around 70 o eukaryots

    (CAZy; [4]). Th ncyclopdic projct CAZypdia (http://.cazypdia.org/) as cratd about 5 yars ago and,bing rittn and curatd by scintists dirctly inold instudying such nzyms, it constituts a ry comprhnsiand complmntary sourc o inormation.

    -Amylas (eC, th most idly studid amylo-lytic nzym, catalyzs th hydrolysis, ith rtntion oconguration, o th intrnal -1,4-glucosidic bonds instarch and rlatd poly- and oligo-saccharids and is anndo-acting nzym [9]. Som xo-acting nzyms can bconsidrd as -amylass, but ar not addrssd in dtailhr. Th -amylass, hor, xhibit quit arid prod-uct prols, dpnding on thir origin [10]. In addition toth main hydrolytic raction, many -amylass ar alsoabl to catalyz transglycosylation, .g., thos rom Asper-gillus oryzae [11], Alteromonas haloplanktis [12], humansalia [13], and human pancras [14], and n a chimraromBacillus amyloliqueaciens andBacillus licheniormis[15]. without a srious biochmical charactrization, th-amylas spcicity should not b ascribd unambigu-ously to an nzym displaying simply amylolytic (i.., astarch-hydrolyzing) actiity [16]. Any xprimntal data,

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    on th othr hand, can no b supportd by rliabl in sil-ico analyss o primary structur and prdictions.

    Currntly, th -amylas nzym spcicity ithin thCAZy databas can b ound unambiguously in th ami-lis GH13, GH57 and GH119, moror it has bn sug-gstd to also b prsnt in amily GH126 (CAZy; [4, 17].O ths, th amily GH13 can b considrd to b th

    main -amylas amily rst proposd in th CAZy systmin 1991 [1], ith amily GH57 as th scond and smallr-amylas amily stablishd in 1996 [3] and th amilisGH119 and GH126 dnd in 2006 and 2011, rspctily(CAZy; [4]).

    Amylase amily GH13

    -Amylas amily GH13 as stablishd in 1991 hnth classication o GHs, i.., th CAZy databas [4], asrst publishd [1]. At that tim, th amily GH13 as (du

    to classication critria) dnd as a polyspcic nzymamily coring, in addition to -amylas, nzyms suchas -glucosidas, dxtran glucosidas, isoamylas, pul-lulanas, amylopullulanas, nopullulanas, cyclodxtringlucanotransras, and som xo-acting amylass [1].Th classication rfctd th prdictions mad pri-ously that arious starch hydrolass and rlatd amylolyticnzyms ould xhibit mutual squnc similaritis andshar catalytic rsidus and olds [1821]. Currntly, thamily GH13 contains approximatly 30 dirnt nzymspcicitis rom thr eC groups, i.., hydrolass, trans-rass, and isomrass [4, 22], plus non-nzymatic mm-

    brs rprsntd by th hay-chains o htromric aminoacid transportrs and 4F2 antigns [2325]. with rgard toth numbr o squncs blonging to GH13, this amilyranks among th largst in CAZy ith mor than 13,500mmbrs in March 2013 (CAZy; [4]) originating prdomi-nantly rom Bactria (~11,500), ith r rom eukary-ots (~1,800) and Archaa (~200).

    In gnral, th GH13 -amylass and othr amily GH13mmbrs ar thr-domain protins (Fig. 1) consisting oth main catalytic (/)8-barrl domain (domain A) itha small domain B protruding out o th barrl as a longrloop btn th strand 3 and hlix 3 and succdd atth C-trminal nd by domain C, adopting an antiparal-ll -sandich old [10, 2630]. This domain organiza-tion as rst dtrmind or Taka-amylas A [31], i.., th-amylas romA. oryzae. Th domain o th (/)8-barrlis composd o ight innr paralll -strands surrounddby ight -hlics and, bcaus it as rst rcognizd inth structur o trios-phosphat isomras (TIM; [32]), itis otn calld th TIM-barrl [33]. Indiidual GH13 mm-brs and somtims all mmbrs ith a gin spcic-ity may contain additional domains on ithr trminus o

    thir polypptid chain. Although thir unctions ha stillnot bn compltly undrstood, such domains ar otninold in binding starch, glycogn, and othr rlatd sac-charids [3438]. Typical starch-binding domains (SBDs)ha also bn classid ithin th CAZy databas as thso-calld CBM amilis [4] ith CBM20 as a rprsnta-ti o th C-trminal SBD that as rst rcognizd [39

    41]. At prsnt, tn CBM amilis ar considrd as SBDamilis: CBM20, CBM21, CBM25, CBM26, CBM34,CBM41, CBM45, CBM48, CBM53, and CBM58 [4245].


    All th amily GH13 mmbrs should oby sral distinctcritria [10, 46]: (1) mploying th rtaining mchanism o-glycosidic bond claag; (2) adopting a (/)8-barrl asth catalytic domain; (3) xhibiting 47 CSRs positiondmostly on -strands o th barrl (Fig. 2); and (4) sharingth catalytic machinry, consisting o strand 4-aspartic

    acid (catalytic nuclophil), 5-glutamic acid (protondonor), and 7-aspartic acid (transition-stat stabilizr)hr rrrd to as th catalytic triad. Ths critria rdnd xplicitly by [47] in a mor stringnt rsion thatrfctd th situation 20 yars ago hn a much lornumbr o squncs as aailabl.

    Throughout amily GH13, squnc idntity isxtrmly lo and only th catalytic triad, i.., Asp206,Glu230, and Asp297 (Taka-amylas A numbring; [31]),plus th arginin (Arg204) positiond to rsidus borth catalytic nuclophil (Fig. 2) ar consrd inariantly[46]. This is, hor, not applicabl or th non-nzymatic

    GH13 mmbrs, that, dpnding on thir taxonomic origin,may not contain th catalytic rsidus [23, 25].

    In gnral, hor, most unctionally important andothr consrd rsidus or any GH13 amily mmbr around in th 47 CSRs [46] (Fig. 2). Th our bst knonrgions, i.., CSRs I, II, III, and Iv, r ll stablishdin 1986 by comparison o 11 -amylass originating rommicroorganisms, plants and animals [48]. It is orth mn-tioning that th CSRs I, II, and Iv r initially proposdby Toda t al. [49] ho pointd out ths rgions or Taka-amylas A and pig pancratic -amylas, thn by Fridbrg[50] ho addd th rgions in th B. amyloliqueaciens-amylas and nally by Rogrs [51] ho compltd thpictur by dscribing thm in th barly -amylas. Ththr additional rgions, i.., CSRs v, vI, and vII, ridntid latr [52, 53]. Th rst our CSRs ar locatd ator nar th C-trmini o strands 3, 4, 5 and 7 o thcatalytic (/)8-barrl domain and includ th catalytictriad. Th thr additional CSRs, positiond nar th C-tr-minus o domain B and at or nar th C-trmini o th bar-rl strands 2 and 8, contain rsidus that may b usd todistinguish th GH13 spcicitis rom ach othr.

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    Clan GH-H

    Noadays, nzyms rlatd structurally to -amylas arrprsntd by th CAZy clan GH-H consisting o thramilis, i.., th amilis GH70 and GH77 in addition toth main amily GH13 [4, 10].

    Th amily GH70 contains glucosyltransrass hainga circularly prmutd rsion o th -amylas-typ (/)8-barrl catalytic domain, rst prdictd by MacGrgor t al.[54] and conrmd by soling th thr-dimnsional struc-tur oLactobacillus reuteri glucansucras [55] ollodby th structurs o a closly rlatd nzyms [5658].

    Th mmbrs o amily GH77 ar 4--glucanotransrassith a rgular catalytic (/)8-barrl, but lacking thdomain C that ollos th barrl in amily GH13 [5961].Moror, in sral GH77 4--glucanotransrass rom

    Borrelia, th abo-mntiond consrd arginin that issituatd to rsidus prcding th catalytic nuclophil,

    in CSR II, is substitutd by a lysin [62]. This mans that,hn th nzyms o clan GH-H ar considrd as a hol,only th catalytic triad is truly inariantly consrd [63].

    Dspit th obsrd dirncs btn th indiidualGH amilis o clan GH-H, thr is no doubt that all thmmbrs o this clan containing -amylass (i.., GH13,GH70, and GH77) shar a common ancstor [64, 65] andmay b radily discriminatd rom th rmotly homolo-gous amily GH31 o-glucosidass [66].

    Subamilis in GH13

    Th many spcicitis, larg numbr o squncs, andobious subgroups o nzyms, .g., th so-calld oligo-1,6-glucosidas and nopullulanas subamilis [67], sug-gstd th nd or urthr subdiision o GH13. A majorbrakthrough to dscrib th amily mmbrs at a lorll o hirarchy cam in 2006 hn GH13 as brokn

    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)


    Fig. 1 Trtiary structurs o rprsntati amily GH13 -amylass.Th structurs rom olloing subamilis and origins ar shon: aGH13_1, Aspergillus oryzae (PDB cod: 2TAA; [31]); b GH13_5,Bacillus licheniormis (PDB cod: 1BLI; [249]); c GH13_6, Hor-deum vulgarebarly isozym AMY-1 (PDB cod: 1P6w; [129]); dGH13_37, unculturd bactrium AmyP (modld structur; rsidusLu6-Thr491) obtaind rom th Phyr srr [245] basd on th Fla-vobacterium sp. 92 GH13 cyclomaltodxtrinas (PDB cod: 3eDe;[205]) as tmplat; e unclassid,A. haloplanktis (PDB cod: 1G94;[12]); unclassid, Halothermothrix orenii AmyB (PDB cod:

    3BC9; [70]); g unclassid, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (PDBcod: 3K8L; [38]). Th indiidual domains ar colord as ollos:catalytic (/)8-barrl blue, domain B green, domain C red, N-trmi-

    nal domain cyan; starch-binding domain o CBM58 amily magenta.Th GH13 catalytic triad, i.., catalytic nuclophilAsp ( top), pro-ton donorGlu (let) and transition-stat stabilizrAsp (right)ishighlightd in th (/)8-barrl domain in ach structur in a similarposition. Saccharid molculs ar colored yellow to mphasiz: c anadditional surac binding sit as a pair o sugar tongs ith th sid-chain o tyrosin (in black) inold in binding; e a hptasaccharidoccupying th subsits rom 4 to +3 as a transglycosylation prod-uct rom acarbos (a psudottrasaccharid); and g a maltopntaosbound by th SBD o th amily CBM58 insrtd ithin th domain

    B. Th structurs r rtrid rom th Protin Data Bank (PDB;[250]) and isualizd ith th program wbLabvirLit (Molcu-lar Simulations, Inc.)

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    up into 35 subamilis by CAZy curators [6]. This basicallyrfcts th ida that thr ar groups o nzyms in amilyGH13 that xhibit, ithin such a subamily, a substantiallyhighr dgr o similarity in squnc, taxonomy, and/orspcicity than in amily GH13 as a hol. Currntly, 37subamilis o GH13 ha bn dnd (CAZy; [4]), butsral squncs and charactrizd nzyms ar not yt

    assignd to a subamily [38, 6871].

    Subamily GH13_1

    Th subamily GH13_1 cors th ukaryotic -amylassrom ungi and yast only [6] ith no -amylas o a di-rnt taxonomic origin (CAZy; [4]). Th numbr 1or this GH13 subamily may ll rfct th act that th-amylas rom A. oryzae (i.., Taka-amylas A; [49]) isclassid hr, hich as th rst -amylas ith its thr-dimnsional structur sold (Fig. 1; [31]). Trtiary struc-turs ar aailabl also or to additional closly rlatd-amylass romAspergillus niger; on bing th so-calldacid-stabl -amylas [72] and th othr on xhibiting100 % squnc idntity to Taka-amylas A [73]. Thr arto additional Taka-amylas A trtiary structurs xhibit-ing an incrasd thrmostability, on ith chmically mod-id Asp197 [74] and th othr as a hay-atom driati[75].

    Although thr is no structur as yt or GH13_1-amylas rom a yast (CAZy; [4]), sral yast-amylass r dmonstratd to possss SBDs o ami-lis CBM20, .g., th nzyms rom Cryptococcus sp. S-2[76] and Cryptococcus avus [77], or CBM21, .g., th

    nzyms romLipomyces kononenkoae [78] andLipomycesstarkeyi [79]. Som sho an ability to dgrad ra starchithout a distinct SBD, or xampl th -amylas oSac-charomycopsis fbuligera KZ [80]. This may rfct thprsnc o surac (i.., scondary) binding sits, hich isa gnral atur o CAZy [81]. Approximatly hal o thknon surac binding sits ha bn ound ithin sralGH13 subamilis [82], but thy ar bst knon rom bar-ly and othr plant -amylass o subamily GH13_6 [83].In th subamily GH13_1, a surac binding sit as sn,.g., outsid th acti sit in th A. niger-amylas struc-tur [73]. whil SBDs may b prsnt also in som un-gal -amylass, .g., rom Aspergillus kawachii [84], it isnot clar hy som o ths -amylass contain an SBDhras othrs do not [40, 41, 85].

    Intrstingly, th GH13_1 mmbrs xhibit simi-laritis in thir CSR vI (strand 2) to cyclodxtrin glu-canotransrass rom GH13_2 and in CSR vII (strand8) to -glucosidass rom GH13_31, rspctily [46].This rlatdnss as also sn in th olutionary tr oth ntir amily GH13 [6], hr subamilis GH13_1and GH13_2 ar adjacnt to ach othr, and th GH13_31

    -glucosidass ar on th nighboring branch as a part oth so-calld oligo-1,6-glucosidas subamily clustr co-ring sral GH13 nzym spcicitis [67]. Structuraldtails can b ound in arious thr-dimnsional structurso th subamily GH13_2 cyclodxtrin glucanotransrass[86, 87] and subamily GH13_31 that contains oligo-1,6-glucosidass [88, 89], -glucosidas [90], dxtran glu-

    cosidass [91, 92], and sucros isomrass [9395]. Thprsnc o a glutamic acid rsidu in th position i-3 romth transition-stat stabilizr, i.., th inariant aspartic acidrsidu at th strand 7 in CSR Iv (Fig. 2) may b con-sidrd as anothr charactristic squnc atur o mostsubamily GH13_1 mmbrs.

    Subamilis GH13_5 and GH13_28

    Th subamilis GH13_5 and GH13_28 includ bactrialliquying and sacchariying -amylass, rspctily. Tr-tiary structurs ar aailabl or thr typical rprsnta-

    tis o th liquying -amylass o GH13_5, i.., romB. licheniormis (Fig. 1; [96, 97]), Bacillus stearothermo-philus [98] andB. amyloliqueaciens [99] and on sacchari-ying -amylas o GH13_28 rom Bacillus subtilis [100].Structurs ha bn dtrmind or additional GH13_5-amylass, .g., that rom Bacillus halmapalus [101], orhich also scondary (surac) binding sits r obsrd[102], to othrs rom Bacillus strains [103, 104], andn an xo-amylas rom Bacillus sp. 707 [105], i.., amaltohxaos-producing amylas [106] also classid insubamily GH13_5 (CAZy; [4]). Intrstingly, rom tholutionary point o i, th unclassid polyxtrmo-

    philic -amylas AmyB rom Halothermothrix orenii [70]that posssss an N-trminal domain prcding th canoni-cal (/)8-barrl (Fig. 1), sms to b closly rlatd toGH13_5 subamily nzyms (Fig. 3).

    Although th nzyms o ths to subamilis possssquit dirnt squncs, .g., on o th most obious di-rncs is th lngth and squnc o domain B [23], bothths -amylas subamilis blong to th so-calld amyl-as part in th olutionary tr o th ntir amily GH13coring subamilis 5, 6, 7, 15, 24, 27, 28, and 32 [6].

    Latr, som ungal -amylass producd intracllu-larly r addd to th subamily GH13_5 [107]. Thsnzyms in som cass, .g., rom Histoplasma capsula-tum [108] and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis [109], smto b associatd ith irulnc by thir inolmnt inth production o an outr -(1,3)-glucan layr. Rcntly,this subamily as incrasd by addition o a potntial-amylass romArchaea (CAZy; [4]).

    In subamily GH13_28, th prsnc o th SBD romamily CBM26 occurring as rpatd motis in -amylassrom lactobacilli [110, 111] is o a spcial intrst[112, 113]. It should b pointd out that th -amylass

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    rom GH13_5 ar closly rlatd to plant and archaal-amylass rom subamilis GH13_6 and GH13_7(Fig. 3), hras thos rom GH13_28 ar closr to animal-amylass rom subamilis GH13_15 and GH13_24 [80,107, 114, 115].

    Subamilis GH13_6 and GH13_7

    Th subamilis GH13_6 and GH13_7 rprsnt mainly-amylass rom plants and Archaa, rspctily, hichr originally rald as constituting a group o closlyrlatd -amylass [114, 116]. Such a clos rlatdnss(Fig. 3) is rmarkabl not only du to a long taxonomicaldistanc btn prokaryotic archabactria and ukary-otic plants, but also bcaus o, or xampl, markd dir-ncs in thrmostability o archaal and plant -amylass.whil plant -amylass do not ha xcptional thrmo-stability, th GH13_7 -amylass ar, in gnral, producdby hyprthrmophilic archaons rom arious strains oto gnra, Pyrococcus and Thermococcus [117], andths nzyms tnd to b acti and stabl at tmpratursaround 80 C and highr.

    Th bst charactrizd rprsntatis o th GH13_7subamily ar th -amylass rom Thermococcushydrothermalis [118], Thermococcus onnurineus [119],

    Pyrococcus uriosus [120, 121], and Pyrococcus woesei[122], or hich also th thr-dimnsional structur hasalrady bn dtrmind [123]. Rcntly, a hypothti-cal -amylass romBacteria r assignd to th GH13_7subamily (CAZy; [4]) that as or a long priod consid-rd to b solly th archaal -amylas subamily [107,114, 115, 124]. All o ths hypothtical nzyms originat

    intrstingly rom faobactria.On th othr hand, th subamily GH13_6 basically co-

    rs highr plant -amylass and thos rom grn alga,but th bactrium Saccharophagus degradans as oundto contain in its gnom a plant-lik copy o -amylasin addition to a bactrial on, indicating a horizontal gntransr nt [115]. At prsnt, thr may b our GH13_6-amylass rom Bacteria, th on rom S. degradans,to rom strains oSpirochaeta thermophila and on romStigmatella aurantiaca (CAZy; [4]). with rgard to thbst charactrizd plant -amylass, ths ar th to bar-ly isozyms AMY1, a lo pI isozym [125] and AMY2,

    a high pI isozym [126], ith sold thr-dimnsionalstructurs (Fig. 1) dtrmind both in r orms and ascomplxs [127130]. -Amylass rom othr highrplants, such as hat [131], ric [132], maiz [133], kid-ny ban [134], appl [135], Arabidopsis thaliana [136],banana [137], and othrs ar also includd in GH13_6(CAZy; [4]). Intrstingly, th plant -amylass blong toth GH13 -amylass haing th shortst polypptid chain(Fig. 2).

    Surac binding sits r obsrd among th rpr-sntatis o both subamilis. In addition to our such sitssn in th structur o th archaal GH13_7 -amylas

    rom P. woesei [123], th surac binding sits ha bnbst studid in to barly -amylas isozyms [129, 130,138140], spcially th on locatd in domain C o thlo pIisozym AMY1 calld a pair o sugar tongs [129]that shos no quialnt binding in th countrpart high pIisozym AMY2 [141].

    Both GH13_6 and GH13_7 subamilis r originallyrald as to closly rlatd groups positiond in tholutionary tr on adjacnt branchs [114]. Mor rcntstudis ha indicatd [107, 115, 142, 143], hor, thatths to togthr ith th subamily GH13_5 blong toon olutionary clustr o-amylass (Fig. 3), both hnth phylogntic tr is basd on th alignmnt o CSRsonly and hn a substantial part o amino acid squncs,typically th catalytic domain, ar includd in th calcu-lation (.g., Fig. 2). This applis n in th olutionarytr o th ntir amily GH13 in th so-calld amylaspart [6]. Th subamilis GH13_6 and GH13_7 sharsral uniqu squnc aturs that discriminat thmrom th -amylass in th rmaining GH13 subamilis[114]. On o th most notabl aturs may b th Gly202(T. hydrothermalis-amylas numbring; [118]) at th nd

    Fig. 2 Amino acid squnc alignmnt o GH13 -amylass rpr-snting th indiidual -amylas subamilis. Th alignd squncsspan th typical GH13 -amylass domain arrangmnt consisting ocatalytic (/)8-barrl ith domain B (insrtd btn th strand 3and hlix 3) and domain C (succding th TIM-barrl). Th namo an nzym is composd o th GH13 subamily numbr (xx orth rcntly dscribd -amylas rom Bacillus aquimaris and ??or -amylass rom A. haloplanktis, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron,andHalothermothrix orenii AmyB that currntly ar still not assignd

    any GH13 subamily in CAZy) ollod by th abbriation o thsourc (organism) and th UniProt accssion numbr. Not thr arto -amylass rom Halothermothrix orenii, th AmyA assignd tosubamily GH13_36 (UniProt Q8GPL8) and th AmyB not assigndas yt to any GH13 subamily (UniProt B2CCC1). Th organismsar abbriatd as ollos: Aspor, Aspergillus oryzae; Bacli,Bacilluslicheniormis; Horu, Hordeum vulgare; Pyco, Pyrococcus woesei;Tnmo, Tenebrio molitor; Sussc, Sus scroa (pancras); Arhy, Aer-omonas hydrophila; Bacsu, Bacillus subtilis; Stmli, Streptomyceslimosus; Hator, Halothermothrix orenii; Uncba, unculturd bact-rium; Bacaq, Bacillus aquimaris; Altha, A. haloplanktis; and Bctth,Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. Th sn CSRs typical or th am-ily GH13 [46] and th catalytic triad ar highlightd in yellow andblue, rspctily. Th rsidus consrd inariantly ar markd byan asterisk blo th alignmnt. Th indiidual -amylas amilyGH13 domains ar indicatd as a colored lane above the alignment:blue catalytic domain A, green domain B, redC-trminal domain C.Th positions corrsponding to th dltd SBD o th amily CBM58in ??_Bctth_Q8A1G3 (SusG -amylas) ar signid by a magentalan. All squncs r rtrid rom th UniProt knoldg data-bas [251]. Th squnc alignmnts r don using th programClustal-w2 [252] and thn manually tund in ordr to maximizsqunc similaritis

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    o th CSR II at th strand 4 o th catalytic (/)8-barrl(Fig. 2) th carbonyl group o hich srs as a spcic

    ligand or th calcium ion in th complx structur o bar-ly -amylas (high pI isozym AMY2) ith acarbos[128] and could play th sam rol in th archaal countr-part, i.., th P. woesei-amylas [123].

    Subamilis GH13_15, GH13_24 and GH13_32

    Th -amylas subamilis GH13_15, GH13_24 andGH13_32 rprsnt mainly th -amylass rom inscts, ani-mals (including mammals) and Actinobactria, rspctily.Thir mutual rlatdnss (Fig. 3) as rald in 1994 [53]and conrmd in many subsqunt studis [107, 115, 142

    144] including th comparison mad hn th ntir amilyGH13 as ocially diidd into subamilis [6].

    A spcial cas is rprsntd by th -amylas rom thAntarctic psychrophilA. haloplanktis [145] that as dm-onstratd to xhibit clos similarity to animal -amylass[53, 115, 146], but up to no has not bn assignd to anyGH13 subamily (CAZy; [4]). Its thr-dimnsional struc-tur is aailabl [68, 69] and basd on structural studis[12] this -amylas as also ound to prorm a transgly-cosylation raction (Fig. 1). Togthr ith rlatd animal

    -amylass (Fig. 3) it blongs to a group o th so-calldchlorid-actiatd -amylass [147, 148] and is a usul

    modl or comparati studis [149].Among inscts, th -amylass blong to th subam-

    ily GH13_15, and th -amylass rom a modl organ-ism Drosophila melanogaster [150] and rlatd ruit fisha bn th subjct o many olutionarily orintdstudis [151153]. Th trtiary structur is aailabl orth -amylas rom a yllo mal orm Tenebrio molitor[154, 155].

    In th subamily GH13_24, coring animals rom, orxampl, molluscs [156, 157] and arthropods [158] to r-tbrats (i.., rogs, shs, birds, and mammals includinghuman bings; [159]), th bst knon rprsntatis ith

    trtiary structurs aailabl ar pig pancratic -amylas[160163] plus thos rom human salia [164] and pan-cras [165]. Rcntly th structur o th -amylas o thsh Oryzias latipes as sold [166]. Th surac bindingsits r also ll rcognizd in trtiary structurs o s-ral subamily GH13_24 mmbrs, .g., in th -amylassrom pig pancras [163, 167169] and both human salia[13] and pancras [170].

    Th third subamily GH13_32 intrstingly containsbactrial -amylass mostly rom actinomycts. Som o

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 3 eolutionary trs o GH13 -amylass rprsnting thindiidual -amylas subamilis. Th trs ar basd on th align-mnt o: a catalytic (/)8-barrl including domain B ith succd-ing domain C (653 positions; alignd in Fig. 2); and b sn GH13charactristic CSRs (52 rsidus; highlightd in Fig. 2). Th nams o

    th -amylass ar xplaind in th lgnd to Fig. 2. Th olutionarytrs r calculatd as a Phylip-tr typ using th nighbor-joiningclustring [253] and th bootstrapping procdur [254] (th numbro bootstrap trials usd as 1,000) implmntd in th ClustalX pack-ag [252], and thn displayd ith th program Trvi [255]

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    ths amylass may xhibit a maltotriohydrolas spcic-ity (eC, .g., thos rom Thermobifda usca[171] and Brachybacterium sp. [172], both blonging toActinobactria. Such -amylass rom Actinobactria arotn calld animal-typ -amylass [115]. In this sub-amily, th halophilic -amylas rom Kocuria varians hasbn dscribd rcntly [173] as possssing, C-trminal to

    th catalytic domain, to tandm copis o an SBD o thamily CBM25 [174, 175]. A similar domain arrangmntas ound priously in th -amylas rom Bacillus sp.No. 195 [176] that also blongs to th subamily GH13_32(CAZy; [4]). Typical GH13_32 -amylass rom strpto-mycts [177, 178] may also contain an SBD, usually oth amily CBM20 [41] at thir C-trminus. A ry rcntolutionary study has idntid th subamily GH13_32typ o-amylas in basidiomycts o ungi, i..,Eucarya[179] and th authors, in agrmnt ith anothr study[180], concludd that th gn donor may ha originatdrom Actinobactria.

    Subamily GH13_27

    Th subamily GH13_27 cors a small group (~50squncs) o bactrial -amylass (Fig. 3) rcognizd ashomologous bor th CAZy classication as stab-lishd [181]. In most studis [53, 80, 115] this subamilyis usually rprsntd by to xprimntally charactrizd-amylass rom Aeromonas hydrophila [182] and Xan-thomonas campestris [181]. Although no thr-dimnsionalstructur is aailabl or any GH13_27 -amylas, thr isno doubtbasd on squnc comparisonths nzyms

    ar typical 3-domain GH13 -amylass (i.., ithout addi-tional domains such as SBDs). In addition to th to rp-rsntatis rom A. hydrophila and X. campestris, to-amylass rom Pseudomonas sp. KFCC 10818 ha bnclond, xprssd, squncd, and charactrizd [183, 184].

    Subamily GH13_36

    Th subamily GH13_36 sms to contain a group o-amylass possssing rlatd GH13 nzym spcicitis[185]. This subamily as originally dnd as th groupo amylolytic nzyms ith an intrmdiary position inth olutionary tr btn th polyspcic subamiliso oligo-1,6-glucosidas and nopullulanas [67]. That pro-posal as mainly basd on a spcic squnc in th CSRvtypically QPDLN and MPKLN or oligo-1,6-glucosi-dass and nopullulanass, rspctily, th intrmdiarygroup bing charactrizd by MPDLN (Fig. 2). Noadays,th oligo-1,6-glucosidas and nopullulanas subami-lis cor sral CAZy-curatd GH13 subamilis [6].Th intrmdiary group as, hor, assignd to thsubamily GH13_36 only rcntly (CAZy; [4]). Only 11

    GH13_36 mmbrs ha bn biochmically charactrizdto any xtnt, although in som cass, ths nzyms rdscribd just as an amylas [185], .g., th nzymsrom Dictyoglomus thermophilum AmyC [186] and Bacil-lus megaterium [187]. Th actiity toards -1,6-branchdglucans togthr ith a transras ability r, hor,dmonstratd or th amylolytic nzym rom B. mega-

    terium [188, 189] as ll as or th priplasmic on romX. campestris [190]. Furthrmor, th GH13_36 amyl-as rom Paenibacillus polymyxa as abl to rlas pan-os rom pullulan [191, 192], th on romBacillus clarkiixhibitd prdominating actiity toard -cyclodxtrins[193] and th lipoprotin amylas rom Anaerobrancagottschalkii shod both cyclodxtrin-hydrolyzing andtransglycosylating actiitis [194]. No additional acti-ity as obsrd or th othr lipoprotin -amylas romThermotoga maritima [195] or or th halothrmophilic-amylas romH. orenii [196], or hich th thr-dimn-sional structur is aailabl as th only rprsntati o th

    subamily GH13_36 [197].

    Rcntly stablishd subamily GH13_37

    Th subamily GH13_37 is th most rcntly stablishd-amylas subamily in CAZy (CAZy; [4]). It as cratdbasd on isolation and phylogntic analysis o a nol-amylas dsignatd AmyP rom a marin mtagnomiclibrary [198]. Th nzym as latr shon to xhibit thability to dgrad ra starch [199]. Currntly this subamilycontains, in addition to th AmyP,

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    closly rlatd to thos rom subamily GH13_1, spciallyi only th GH13 charactristic CSRs IvII ar considrd(Fig. 3). Th -amylass rom GH13_37, togthr ith thabo-mntiond GH13_36 intrmdiary -amylass andth GH13_19 maltohxaos-producing amylass, round to occupy th adjacnt clustr in th olutionarytr [71]. Th xclusi squnc atur o this nly pro-

    posd GH13 -amylas subamily is th prsnc o toconscuti tryptophans (Trp201 and Trp202, B. aquima-ris-amylas numbring), locatd at hlix 3 (Fig. 2) pr-cding strand 4 (i.., th CSR II) o th catalytic (/)8-barrl domain, that may indicat a surac binding sit[71]. Th sam atur is prsnt in -amylas homologusrom Geobacillus thermoleovorans [202] and Anoxybacil-lus sp. SK34 and sp. DT31 [203]. Th rcntly soldthr-dimnsional structur o th G. thermoleovorans-amylas has shon [204] that th abo-mntiondtryptophan pair is positiond in a rgion ith additionalaromatic rsidus xhibiting a structural rsmblanc to

    th nopullulanas subamily GH13_20, spcially to thcyclomaltodxtrinas rom Flavobacterium sp. 92 [205]. Inth lattr nzym th aromatic rgion intracts ith domainN, hich is not prsnt in -amylass. Moror, th sc-ond tryptophan o th xclusi tryptophan pair (w205, G.thermoleovorans-amylas numbring) is not xposd toth solnt but burid [204]. Furthr, it as pointd out thatth G. thermoleovorans-amylas rsmbls in structur,not only GH13_1 and GH13_20 nzyms but also somrom th GH13_2 subamily [204] that contains cyclodx-trin glucanotransrass [6].

    Notably thr is anothr intrsting and yt unclassi-

    d -amylas ith thr-dimnsional structur alradysoldth SusG protin rom Bacteroides thetaio-taomicron [38]. It is rlatd to subamilis GH13_36 andGH13_37 and, in a idr sns also to th currntly unclas-sid group rprsntd by marinB. aquimaris-amylasmntiond abo (Fig. 3). Th -amylas SusG is ncoddby a mmbr o th sus (starch utilization systm) locus oth human gut symbiont B. thetaiotaomicron [206208]and rprsnts th only GH13 -amylas ith an SBDinsrtd in domain B (Fig. 1); in this particular cas thSBD is o amily CBM58 [38].

    Family GH57

    A n amily, GH57, containing -amylass as cr-atd in 1996 [3] atr long orts to nd th amily GH13squnc aturs in to supposd -amylass, on romth thrmophilic bactrium D. thermophilum [209] andth othr rom th hyprthrmophilic archaon P. uriosus[210]. en atr th amily GH57 as stablishd, thpossibility o a rlationship btn th to amilis GH13

    and GH57 as not dnitily liminatd, although it hadprod impossibl to align conincingly th to abo-mntiond GH57 nzyms ith rprsntatis o GH13-amylass [211]. Th rst GH57 crystal structur, ho-r, sold or th 4--glucanotransras rom Thermo-coccus litoralis in 2003, unambiguously conrmd that thGH57 amily cannot blong to th GH-H clan [212].

    Noadays th amily GH57 rprsnts a scond andsmallr -amylas amily [213]. It contains ~900 mmbrs

    Fig. 4 a eolutionary tr shoing th -amylas rprsntatio th amily GH57 among th othr GH57 nzym spcicitistogthr ith th -amylas rprsntati o th amily GH119. Thtr is basd on th alignmnt o th GH57 charactristic CSRs(36 rsidus). Th nam o an nzym is composd o th GH57 orGH119 amily numbr ollod by th abbriation o spcic-ity (in capitals), abbriation o sourc (organism) and th UniProtaccssion numbr. All squncs r rtrid rom th UniProtknoldg databas [251]. Th spcicitis ar abbriatd as ol-

    los: AAMY -amylas, PAMY putati -amylas-lik protin,MGA maltognic amylas, AMY unspcid amylas, APU amy-lopullulanas, APU-CMD amylopullulanas-cyclomaltodxtrinas,BE branching nzym, BE-AAMY -amylas-branching nzym,4AGT 4--glucanotransras, AGAL -galactosidas. Th organ-isms ar abbriatd as ollos: Bacci, Bacillus circulans; Bccth,Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron; Mccja, Methanocaldococcus jan-naschii; Pycu, Pyrococcus uriosus; Sttma, Staphylothermus mari-nus; Thchy, Thermococcus hydrothermalis; Thcko, Thermococcuskodakaraensis; Thcli, Thermococcus litoralis; Thtma, Thermotogamaritima; Uncba, unculturd bactrium. Th olutionary tr ascalculatd as a Phylip-tr typ using th nighbor-joining clustr-ing [253] and th bootstrapping procdur [254] (th numbr obootstrap trials usd as 1,000) implmntd in th ClustalX pack-ag [252], and thn displayd ith th program Trvi [255]. bStructural modls o -amylass rom amilis GH57 and GH119.Let suprimposd modld structurs o th GH57 Methanocaldo-coccus jannaschii -amylas (blue) and GH119 Bacillus circulans-amylas (magenta). Th -hlical bundl succding th catalytic(/)7-barrl as modld only in th GH57 -amylas. Th rectan-gle indicats a dtaild i on th right. Righta clos-up ocusdon prdictd catalytic rsidus o th -amylass rom GH57 (Glu145and Asp237) and GH119 (Glu231 and Asp373). Both modls rsuprimposd ith th ral structur o GH57 Thermococcus lito-ralis 4--glucanotransras (PDB cod: 1K1Y; [212]; not shon).Th structural modls o -amylass r obtaind rom th Phyrsrr [245] basd on th GH57 4--glucanotransras tmplat asollos: rsidus Mt1-Tyr356 o th GH57 -amylas [216] andThr121-Asp429 o th GH119 -amylas [242]. Th suprimposd

    part cors 218 C-atoms ith a 0.75 root-man squar diation;th suprimposition as don using th MultiProt srr [256]. Acar-bos-occupying subsits 1 through +3 [257] rom th complx ithGH57 4--glucanotransras structur [212] is shon. Th struc-turs r isualizd ith th program wbLabvirLit (Molcu-lar Simulations, Inc.). c Squnc logos o-amylass rom amilisGH57 rom Archaa and Bactria and GH119. CSR-1, rsidus 15;CSR-2, rsidus 611; CSR-3, rsidus 1217; CSR-4, rsidus 1827; CSR-5, rsidus 2836.Asterisks signiy th catalytic nuclophil(glutamic acid) in position 15 (in CSR-3) and proton donor (asparticacid) in position 20 (in CSR-4). Th logos ar basd on idntiyingth CSRs in both amilis [217, 242] as ollos: or 59 -amylassquncs (47 rom Archaa and nin rom Bactria) rom amilyGH57 and or six bactrial GH119 -amylass. Squnc logos rcratd using th wbLogo 3.0 srr [258]

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    all originating rom prokaryots ith th approximatArchaa:Bactria ratio 3:1 and, lik th main -amylasamily GH13, th amily GH57 is a polyspcic amily(Fig. 4a; CAZy; [4]). Intrstingly, th to undamn-tal amily mmbrs, hich r originally considrdto b -amylass [209, 210], no ar both rcognizd as

    4--glucanotransrass: th nzym rom D. thermo-philum as r-aluatd as a glucanotransras in 2004[214], hras a transras actiity or th on romP. uriosus as idntid immdiatly [215]. Thr ar ll-stablishd nzym spcicitis in th amily GH57[216, 217], i.., -amylas [218], 4--glucanotransras




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    [209, 210, 219221], amylopullulanas [222225], branch-ing nzym [226228], and n -galactosidas [229].Noticably, to additional amylolytic spcicitis in thamily GH57 may b dnd by to partially charactr-izd GH57 mmbrs: th PF0870 opn rading ram romth P. uriosus gnom [230] and a non-spcid amylaso an unculturd bactrium isolatd rom a hydrothrmal

    nt in th Atlantic Ocan [231]. Rcntly, a GH57 nzymas dscribd possssing dual spcicity: th amylopul-lulanas rom th archaon Staphylothermus marinus alsoxhibits cyclomaltodxtrinas actiity [232]. Dual spcic-ity may also b ound or th AmyC nzym rom T. mar-itima, dscribd originally as an -amylas [226], but itssqunc-structural aturs clarly indicat it may haalso branching nzym actiity [217].

    Although amily GH57 shars th rtaining ractionmchanism ith th main -amylas amily GH13 [87,228], a (/)7-barrl (i.., an incomplt TIM barrl) isadoptd as th old baring th catalytic rsidus [212, 228,

    233235]. Any GH57 mmbr can b charactrizd by CSRsidntid originally by Zona t al. [236] and rndrcntly by Blsak and Janck [217]that ar clarly di-rnt rom thos charactristic or amily GH13 [46]. Thcatalytic machinry also discriminats th amilis GH57and GH13 rom ach othr, bcaus a glutamic acid atstrand 4 (Glu123 in T. litoralis 4--glucanotransras)and aspartic acid at strand 7 (Asp214) o th (/)7-barrlact as th catalytic nuclophil and proton donor, rspc-tily [212, 228]. Rmarkably, in GH57 nzyms, thr isno third catalytic amino acid rsidu lik th transition-stat stabilizr ncssary in amily GH13 [10, 87, 237]. Th

    (/)7-barrl domain is succdd in ry GH57 mmbrby a hlical sgmnt consisting o a bundl o 34 -hlics[216, 217]. Sinc th CSR-5 positiond in this -hlicalbundl as rald to contain unctionally ssntial rsi-dus [228], it as proposd that both th barrl and th hl-ical bundl togthr orm th catalytic ara o nzyms inth amily GH57 [217].

    -Amylas and its putati homologus

    It should b pointd out that although th amily GH57 isconsidrd to b an -amylas amily, th tru -amylas(eC nzym spcicity has still not bn conrmdunambiguously. Th only idnc coms rom th studyby Kim t al. [218] ho shod that th -amylas romth mthanognic archaon Methanococcus jannaschiidgrads solubl starch. Th uncrtainty concrning thxact spcicity has arisn rom th act th -amylas asalso abl to dgrad pullulan at a rlati rat o 82 % othat dtrmind or starch [218, 238]. Thus th potntial-amylas, idntid rst as a hypothtical MJ1611 opnrading ram in th M. jannaschii gnom [239], is th

    lading amily GH57 mmbr arranting th -amylasdsignation [240].

    what is, hor, mor intrsting is th obsrationthat amily GH57 contains mmbrs, i.., th so-calld-amylas-lik protins, xhibiting clar squnc aturso th -amylas rom M. jannaschii, but simultanouslylacking on or both catalytic rsidus [216]. with rgard to

    thir origin, GH57 -amylass com prdominantly romArchaa (~80 %), hras th GH57 -amylas-lik pro-tins originat mostly rom Bactria (~85 %). Both o thsgroups contain protins approximatly 500 amino acid rsi-dus long that xhibit a high dgr o squnc idntity toach othr, spcially in th CSRs that ha bn suggstdto b squnc ngrprints o th indiidual amily GH57nzym spcicitis [217]. Th most substantial dirncdiscriminating th -amylass and -amylas-lik protinso amily GH57 rom ach othr is th prsnc o bothcharactristic catalytic rsidus in -amylass (Fig. 4b)and th lack o on or both o ths rsidus in thir homo-

    logus [216]. Th catalytic nuclophil locatd at th strand4 o th catalytic (/)7-barrl in CSR-3 (Glu145 in M.

    jannaschii -amylas) and proton donor at th strand 7in CSR-4 (Asp237) ar most rquntly substitutd by asrin and glutamic acid, rspctily, in amylas-lik pro-tins that ar ound mainly in to gnra Bacteroides andPrevotella, both rom th ordr Bactroidals o Bactria.

    Th amily GH57 nzyms ith spcicitis o amylop-ullulanas, branching nzym and 4--glucanotransrascontain som squnc-structural sgmnts at thir C-tr-mini additional to catalytic (/)7-barrl ith succd-ing thr-hlix bundl [212, 228, 234, 235], hil both-amylass and -amylas-lik protins sm to b com-posd o only th barrl and hlical bundl [217]. A similarto-domain arrangmnt is also ound in -galactosidass,but th domain coring th -hlical rgion in -amylasssms usually to b ~50100 rsidus longr than that pr-snt in th -galactosidass [217]. with rgard to th N-tr-minus, thr is probably no signal pptid in -amylassand -amylas-lik protins sinc th CSR-1 is almostxclusily locatd ry clos to th N-trminus [216] andno inormation is aailabl on a signal pptid or th onlycharactrizd -amylas romM. jannaschii [218].

    Th uniqu squnc aturs that discriminat both-amylass and -amylas-lik protins rom th rmain-ing amily GH57 nzym spcicitis as ll as rom achothr ar sn in thir CSRs and bst rprsntd by thirsqunc logos. Thy r suggstd to dn th so-calld squnc ngrprints o a gin nzym spcicity[217]. Basd on a dtaild bioinormatics analysis o 367squncs rsulting in crating th squnc logos or GH57 nzym spcicitis, th positions 1, 12, 13, 21, 27,and 3536 r rald to b spcically charactristicor -amylas as ollos (Fig. 4c): (1) positions 1 (CSR-1)

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    and 12 (CSR-3) contain mostly glutamic acid or glutaminand arginin or glutamic acid, rspctily, ith all ourrmaining ll-stablishd GH57 spcicitis bing char-actrizd by a histidin and tryptophan in th corrspond-ing positions; (2) positions 13 (CSR-3) and 21 (CSR-4) arxclusily occupid by inariant asparagin and tyrosin,rspctily, th othr spcicitis possssing dirnt

    rsidus thr and not so strictly consrd; (3) th posi-tion 27 (CSR-4) is an inariant histidin, but this positionis not so uniqu or -amylass sinc a corrspondinghistidin can also b ound in amylopullulanass; and (4)positions 3536 at th nd o logo (CSR-5) consist o toadjacnt tyrosins and may rprsnt th most unambigu-ous GH57 -amylas atur bcaus a tyrosin rsidu hasnot bn sn at ths positions in any GH57 squncsascribd to a spcicity othr than that o -amylas. Itshould b mphasizd hr that ths last to positions ina GH57 squnc logo (positions 3536; CSR-5) rprsnta squnc ngrprint that most rliably distinguishs th

    indiidual nzym spcicitis rom ach othr [217].Squnc logos ral also spcic dirncs btn

    -amylass and thir -amylas-lik protin countrparts[216]. For xampl: (1) th inariant prolin in position 5(th nd o CSR-1) in -amylass is otn substitutd by anisolucin in bactrial -amylas-lik protins; (2) th posi-tion 7 (CSR-2) is rquntly occupid by a cystin i ithro th to, i.., an -amylas and/or an -amylas-lik pro-tin, originats rom Bacteria (or th -amylas-lik pro-tins rom th gnus Bacteroides, thr ar to adjacntcystins in th CSR-2); (3) highly spcic or -amylassis th prsnc o thr aromatic rsidus in positions 18,

    21 and 24 (CSR-4), hras only th position 18 mayb considrd as aromatic on in th -amylas-lik pro-tins; and (4) th last thr positions (3436; CSR-5) oth -amylas squnc logo ar mostly aromatic rsidus,too, th middl position 35 bing rplacd by an argininin th -amylas-lik protins. Ths spcic dirncsbtn th nzymatically acti -amylass and thirmost probably inacti -amylas-lik countrparts romth amily GH57 ar, hor, still smallr than th di-rncs btn th -amylass and th othr ll-stab-lishd nzyms spcicitis ithin GH57, as indicatd byth olutionary tr (Fig. 4a).

    Family GH119

    Th amily GH119 as stablishd in 2006 olloingth study by watanab t al. [241] ho dscribd a nol-amylas as a product o th gnIgtZromBacillus circu-lans AM7 and ound no obious squnc similarity to any-amylas rom ithr amily GH13 or GH57. Th spci-city o-amylas as ascribd to th IgtZ protin basd

    on production o glucos and maltooligosaccharids up tomaltopntaos rom maltooligosaccharids longr thanour glucos units, amylos and solubl starch [241]. Th-amylas IgtZ also contains SBDs o amilis CBM20 (1copy) and CBM25 (2 copis). Th amily GH119 may thusb considrd as th third CAZy -amylas amily, but itis orth mntioning that currntly, i.., 7 yars atr it as

    cratd in th CAZy databas, th amily is still ry smallsinc only hypothtical bactrial protins obtaindrom gnom squncing projcts ha bn addd to th-amylas IgtZ dscribd originally (CAZy; [4]). Untilrcntly, hn a clos rlatdnss o th amily GH119 toGH57 as rald (Fig. 4b; [242]), inormation on amilyGH119 concrning squnc-structural dtails (.g., cata-lytic machinry and old) as, in act, lacking [243].

    A rlatdnss to th amily GH57

    Basd on a dtaild in silico analysis that inold com-

    parison o amino acid squncs o all amily GH119mmbrs (CAZy; [4]) in combination ith th BLAST tool[244] and trtiary structur modling at th Phyr-2 [245]and SissModl [246] srrs, an unambiguous olu-tionary rlatdnss as rald btn amilis GH119and GH57 [242]. Th CSRs charactristic o th am-ily GH57 [217, 236] r idntid in th squncs oall six GH119 mmbrs. It as thus possibl to prdict thGH119 catalytic rsidus, i.., Glu231 and Asp373 in thsqunc o th -amylas IgtZ rom B. circulans, hichar consrd inariantly in GH119 (Fig. 4c). This prdic-tion is urthr supportd by thr-dimnsional structur

    modling indicating that th amily GH119 shars ith thamily GH57 both th catalytic (/)7-barrl old and cat-alytic machinry (a glutamic acid as th catalytic nuclo-phil and an aspartic acid as th proton donor at th strands4 and 7 o th barrl; Fig. 4b). Dspit th clar similar-ity, th amily GH119 rtains its on idntity in th olu-tionary tr common or both amilis (Fig. 4a) rfctingits charactristic squnc aturs also in th CSRs [242].As suggstd, th cration o a nol CAZy GH clan oamilis GH57 and GH119 is thus highly probabl but thisnds to b conrmd by soling th trtiary structur andidntiying xprimntally th catalytic rsidus in a amilyGH119 rprsntati [242].

    Family GH126

    Th last CAZy GH amily supposdly containing th spci-city o -amylas is th amily GH126, cratd on thbasis o a rport by Ficko-Blan t al. [17]. Thy assssdth CPF_2247 protin product rom th Clostridium per-

    ringens ATCC 13124 gnom as an -amylas sinc th

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    nzym shod actiity on maltooligosaccharids, amyl-

    os and glycogn, but no attmpt as mad to sho thatanomric conguration is consrd. Rmarkably, althoughth CPF_2247 dns its on amily GH126, hich cur-rntly also contains approximatly 60 hypothtical protinsrom Bactria (CAZy; [4]), it xhibits ~20 % squncidntity to ndo--1,4-glucanass rom th amily GH8[17]. Moror, th CPF_2247 is structurally most closlyrlatd to GH8 ndoglucanas ClA [247] and GH48 cllo-biohydrolas ClS [248] both rom Clostridium thermocel-lum. Ths to amilis orm togthr th clan GH-M(CAZy; [4]). Th nzyms rom th clan GH-M mploy,hor, an inrting mchanism o glucosidic bond cla-ag and th CPF_2247 -amylas sms to shar iththm, in addition to a catalytic (/)6-barrl old, its cata-lytic nuclophil (Glu84) plus a othr inariantly con-srd and unctionally important rsidus (Fig. 5; [17]).Ths acts ar not consistnt ith th gnral dnition o-amylas nzym spcicity [9, 87] mploying th rtain-ing mchanism, that has bn conrmd by crystal struc-turs o arious -amylass rom amily GH13 [11, 12, 14,73, 100, 101, 123, 128, 130, 148, 162] and rprsntatisrom amily GH57 [212, 228].

    Dspit ths apparnt inconsistncis, monitoring

    th dpolymrization o arious polysaccharids by thCPF_2247 using thin-layr chromatography rald claractiity on amylos and glycogn (ith production o amixtur o maltooligosaccharids rom maltos to malto-hptaos), but no actiity on pullulan and cllulos [17].Furthrmor, raction products rom th sris o malto-trios to maltohptaos tstd by high-prormanc anionxchang chromatography shod that maltopntaos isth minimal oligosaccharid substrat or CPF_2247, romhich th nzym rmos a singl glucos rsidu [17].This mans that, as ll as th diculty o undrstandingho an -amylas could shar th catalytic mchanismith inrting -glucanass, thr is also som uncr-tainty concrning th ndo/xo ashion o action o thisrmarkabl GH126 amylolytic nzym CPF_2247 rom C.



    As documntd in th prsnt ri, -amylas ranksamong th most rquntly occurring CAZy. It is likly

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 5 Structur o th -amylas o amily GH126. a GH126structur o th -amylas rom Clostridium perringens (PDB cod:3ReN; [17]) shoing th (/)6-barrl ith highlightd rsidus(colord by lmnt) inold in catalysis: Glu84 (gnral acid),Asp136 (gnral bas), and Tyr194 (contributing to catalysis). bSuprimposition oClostridium perringens GH126 -amylas (blue)ith Clostridium thermocellum GH8 ndoglucanas ClA (redPDBcod: 1KwF; [247]). Th suprimposd part cors 193 C-atomsith a 1.93 root-man squar diation; th suprimposition asdon using th MultiProt srr [256]. Th dtaild i ocuss onth catalytic rsidus in th structur o GH8 ndoglucanas ClA

    (Glu95 and Asp278 ith Tyr215) and th proposd rsidus in thGH126 -amylas (Glu84 and Asp136 ith Tyr194). Cllopnta-os occupying subsits 3 through +2 [257] in complx ith GH8ndoglucanas ClA is shon. A comparison ith th amily GH15glucoamylas, i.., an -glucan-acti nzym ith (/)6-barrlcatalytic old mploying th inrting mchanism [259], rals lsssimilarity sinc th suprimposd part btn th GH126 -amylasand Aspergillus niger GH15 glucoamylas [260] cord only 146C-atoms ith a 1.97 root-man squar diation. Th structursr rtrid rom th PDB [250] and isualizd ith th programwbLabvirLit (Molcular Simulations, Inc.)

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    that -amylass ar prsnt in amilis GH57 and GH119,and possibly n in GH126, but -amylas is considrdth main rprsntati o amily GH13knon gnr-ally as th main -amylas amily. This GH amily ormsa clan togthr ith amilis GH70 and GH77, but in thlattr to, no -amylas spcicity has bn ound. withinth amily GH13, hor, th -amylass dn sral

    GH13 subamilis, th mmbrs o hich xhibit closrsqunc-structural similaritis than obsrd or th am-ily as a hol. Nrthlss, dspit mor than 13,500squncs classid currntly in th amily GH13, all thmmbrs shar 47 CSRs, th -amylas-typ o (/)8-barrl catalytic domain, catalytic machinry, and rtainingraction mchanism. Th -amylas classid in amilyGH57 mploys th sam rtaining mchanism as GH13-amylas. All th amily GH57 mmbrs dir, hor,rom thos o amily GH13 in that thy possss thir on CSRs and adopt a (/)7-barrl old (i.., an incompltTIM-barrl) baring catalytic machinry dirnt rom that

    usd in th amily GH13. All o ths GH57 charactristicsar likly to b shard by amily GH119, hich is th thirdGH amily containing -amylas spcicity. Th last GHamily that has bn indicatd to contain th spcicity oan -amylas, i.., th amily GH126, is o spcial intrstand th situation may b clarid hn urthr biochmi-cal charactrization and structur dtrmination ha bncarrid out, sinc protins o th amily GH126 xhibit anunambiguous homology to -glucan-acti hydrolass oamilis GH8 and GH48 that mploy an inrting ractionmchanism.

    Futur discoris rlating to -amylass may sho

    idr, but rlatd, spcicitis and n structurs, gi-ing n amilis ithin th CAZy systm, but thoroughbiochmical charactrization and structur dtrminationis rquird bor n and surprising conclusions can baccptd.

    Acknowledgments SJ thanks th Sloak Rsarch and Dlop-mnt Agncy or nancial support undr contract No. LPP-0417-09and th Sloak Grant Agncy veGA or Grant No. 2/0148/11. BSthanks th Danish Rsarch Council or Indpndnt Rsarch | Natu-ral Scincs (FNU) or nancial support undr Grant No. 09-072151.


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