2013 - american postal workers union · 2019-11-15 · due to rapid expansion of energy development...

lABOR RELATIONS UNITEDSTIJTES fl!!:iM POST4L SERVICE March 7, 2013 Mr. Cliff Guffey President American Postal Workers UniOn, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4128 Dear Cliff: " 2013 Certified Mall Tracking Number: 7012 2920 0000 8276 9662 As information, enclosed is a copy of the first Post Implementation Review for the Mobridge, South Dakota Customer Service Mail Processing Center (CSMPC) Area Mail Processing (AMP), If you have any questions, please contact Rickey Dean at extension 7 412. Sincerely, /A1llf Patrick M. Devine Manager Contract Administration (APWU) Enclosure 475 L'ENFflfiT Pt..llZA SIN WASHINGTON lJC :<U:lW-4101 WWW.USPS.COM (CA2013-240)

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Page 1: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices



March 7, 2013

Mr. Cliff Guffey President American Postal Workers

UniOn, AFL-CIO 1300 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20005-4128

Dear Cliff:

1'.~,::1 " 2013

Certified Mall Tracking Number: 7012 2920 0000 8276 9662

As information, enclosed is a copy of the first Post Implementation Review for the Mobridge, South Dakota Customer Service Mail Processing Center (CSMPC) Area Mail Processing (AMP),

If you have any questions, please contact Rickey Dean at extension 7 412.


/A1llf Patrick M. Devine Manager Contract Administration (APWU)


475 L'ENFflfiT Pt..llZA SIN




Page 2: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

----- PIR Data Entry Page -----

Type of Distribution Consolidated: Orlg & Dest Facility Name & Type; Mobridge CSMPC

Street Address: 404 N Main Street

City: Mobridge

State: SD 50 Facility ZIP Code: 57601

District: Dakotas Area: Westem

Finance Number: 465850 Current 3D ZIP Code(s): 576

Miles to Gaining Facility: 114.8 EXFC office: Yes

Plant Manager: Joe Carmody Senior Plant Manager: Todd Snyder (A)

District Manager: Roy T Reynolds

~~ Facility Name & Type: Bismarck P&DF

Street Address: 2220 E Bismarck Expy Rm 212

City: Bismarck State: NO

SD Facility ZIP Code: 56504 District: Dakotas

Area: Western

Finance Number: 370950 Current 30 ZIP Code(s): 565,566

EXFC office: Yes Plant Manager: Brian White

Senior Plant Manager: Todd Snyder (A)

District Manager: Roy T. Reynolds

Approval Date: June 24, 2011 Implementation Date: Jan-01-2012

PIR Type: 1st PIR

Date Range of Data: Jan-01-2012: Processing Days per Year: 310

Bargaining Unit Hours per Year: 1,742 EAS Hours per Year: 1,819

Date of HQ memo, DAR Factors/Cost of Borrowing/


May 7, 2010 Now Facility Start-up Costs Update 1--------------l

Date & Time this. workbook was last saved:

Area Vice President: Sylvester Black Vice Prosident, Network Operations: David E. Williams

Area AMP Coordinator: Stephen Murray NAI Contact: Doris Billinglea I Sarah Grover


PIR Data Entry Page

Page 3: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Approval Signatures

Lollftt,_., ..... __,Typr. .. ....,.~ FfnMtc,e NUmiNr.

Cvnwm-8Cf ZIP en.($

Type qf DtnofbuUon Coneolldallld: -""'"-'""'"'----­

<JiiiMI P8CUIQ' ...... lml ~ FftllttyZIPCodll' -­Cunent SC' ZP ~

--o.w, ,01_,10"''"""'2 ___ _ oat. R.,._ ol o.ta: to

P'lR Typo: _,, "'"-'P-"!R"---­


~~(llr~AW.JT'I'-1_.,• I ,,.,_, __ ., ..................................... ~,.;- .. ~....,.._...,. .,_... ......... ~1$11811MIIIhJM,....."VIQ\IIi(lli¥o""'""""t'O'•"*'V-CIOIICifl +C.OI...-~~ .. ~-~(11 flftlt ......... .,....be.YII;a 1Q Dill~

ANMliQ rMj;111m

Ptant Mana;er.

Brl81'1White ... Dlatrlot. M•n .. ot:


¥let I'TOt- H<llwort Opontllona:

Da.ld,.£.'0""' ~-01

Page 4: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Losing Facility Name and Type: Street Addren:



cu,..nt $CF ZIP Cudo(a):

Type of Distribution Consolidated:

Gaining Facility Name and Type: street Address:


''''" Current SCF ZIP Code( e):




Fui'\Ciiol"l 1 Workhour Savings

Noo-Processlr.g Gran Workhour Savif"IQS (leu MalnVTraos)

PCESIEAS WOO<hour Savjngs

Transportation Savings

Maintenance sav1ngs

Total Annual Savins.s

Total One-Time Costs

Total First Year Savings

C.wt Position Lo83

PCESIEAS Position Loss

First-Class Mail S~rYice PerfQri'Tlen<;e (EXFC 0/N)

fil'l>t-CJass Mall Service Performance (EXFC 2 Day)

First-Class Mail Service Performance (EXFC 3 Day)

Customer Exper~nce Measurement Overall Satisfaction Residen~al at PFC level

Customer Experieooe Measurement Overall 5aUslactkm Small BUSineSS at PI"C level

Executive Summary

1at PIR vs Pre AMP 1at PIR VI Approved

($657,727) ($773,778)

$133,998 $133,998

$19,299 $19,299

($21,867) ($353,849)

$41,261 $41,261

$0 $0

($485,035) ($933,068)

$0 $0

($485,035) ($933,068)

(6) (7)

1 1

Losing Cu!Tent Qtr Gaining Current Qtr

100.00% 96.30%

93.22% 91.74%

94.44% 93.11%



PIR Type: 1st PIR

TrOm rnonsponaNon HCR ond Tr&nsp<>llaff<>n PVS

from Sttlffmg.Crafl

from stamt~Q.PCES!EAS

rrom SeNictl Pwfomi.Jnce & CSM

PIR Executive Summary

Page 5: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

_____ ::_;;:::>;-&yJ, ·--'-"' -'·' _____ -·""~:.::;;:;: .:~.~· ----- .·:·;~.,;,:~! -,~,--,-- ~'.;$iM:flc>•1 ,-;i4~\'ii!!J~~-:c,LC\;;)Wilf'{~~Y)_.,_ '-<-;i;~\&,;!!~c-:\,;:.;(!l<lltlW'il/)';'i~;f~:if.:~;l:r~";-, _,-

Calculation References combllled LOS/nflana Gaming Faclllly Data:

Function 1 Wort<.hour CO$\$

Non-Prooossing Craft Workhour C<tats (loss Mairltononoo & Tr..,opotlatlon)

PCESJEAS workhour CO$ts

Transportation Coal$

Ma1ntenance Costs

Space savlnas Total Annual Cost

Total On&-Time Cost$

Total FlretYeor

cran Pos.non Total On-ROlls

PCESIEA$ Po~ition Totol Ort<-Roll~

Funetion 1 Wotkhour Savings

Nur>-PrcootN<flll Cllffl 'Mlrllh<•Jf SII\IU)\jS (0.•• ~omVT .. no)

PCESIEAS Wor~hour Sav'n1gs

Transporta~on Savings

Maintenam;c Saving5

Space Savings

Total Annual Savinga

Total One-Time Costs

Total First Year Savings

-Craft Position Loss

PCESIEAS Posiliorr Loss



$778,653 $533,762

$1,173,419 $1,336,522

$0 $7,648,719







$778,653 $533,762 $841,437

$1.336.522 $0






1st PIR


$644,655 $514,463

$1,195,286 $1,295.261

$0 $8,133,754





~~~;;~s~~~~~-t~f{s:~~+.~t:-~~~~1~~ 1st PIR vs Proposed

1st PIR vs Pre-AMP (Approved) AMP Approved AMP

($657,727) ($773,778) $116,051 $133,998 $133,998 $0

$19,299 $19,299 $0 ($21 ,867) ($353,849) $331,983 $41,261 $41,261 $0

$0 $0 $0 ($485,035) ($933.068) $448,033

$0 $0 $0

($485,035) ($933,068) $448,033

(6) (7) 1

(1) 1 (2)

PIR Executive Summary

Page 6: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Summary Narrative Losing Facility Name and Type:

Current SCF ZIP Code(s):

Last Saved: February 12. 2013

Mobridge CSMPC 576

Type of Distribution Consolidated: Orig & Dest

Gaining Facility Name and Type: Bismarck P&DF Current SCF ZIP Code(s): 585,586


The Dakotas Perf()(I'Tlance Cluster, with the assistance from the Western Area Office, has completed an Area Mail Processing (AMP) &-month Post Implementation Review to measure the success of consotidatlon of mail processing operations from Mobridge SD CSMPC (576) to the Bismarck NO P&DF {585). The AMP was approved on June 24. 2011.

The approved AMP transferred the processing of all originating and deslinatlng volumes for the 576 ZIP Code service areas to Bismarck NO P&DF from Mobridge SO CSMPC. The transfer of volumes was completed on Dec 1 , 2011.

The Mobridge CSMPC was a USPS-owned faCility located approximately 115 miles from the USPS­owned Bismarck P&DF. There have been no changes to local mau collection box pick-up times due to AMP. Add111ona11y, mere been no changes to retail or BMEU operations as a result of the AMP Implementation ana Mailers are able to Cleposlt the1r man tnrough the MobriDge Post omce BMEU as done befOJe the AMP was Implemented. A local MOI>ritlge postmarK Is stm avaital>le.

F!npnc!a! SumiD!I!ry

Financial savings identified during this first PIR stucly for this GOnsolldation of originating and destinating operations are:

Total Annual Savings ($ 401 ,395)

CombiQ<O<I~Inli'.,dGoltJinli'F-*1 D•IO: PreAMP Pro pond 1atPIR F..-.otlon1Wo<l<r.:..-CQoto -$3,626,363 ' $3,710,312 $4,484,090

Non-l'roo<IO .. "ff Cn'lftWo<l<r.:..- CQoiS $778,653 $778,653 $644.655 ''"' illln~nonot • r .... _ .. )

PCESIEAS Vll>ndlot.r CoN $533.762 $533,?@~ $514,463 Tran&por!allonCosts $1,173,419 $757,797 $1,111,646

M,;--.,,.,. Cools $1,336,522 $1,338,522 $1,295,261 Sp""":;la\Or>ijo $0 $0 $0

TOUII Annual COlt $7,648,719 $7,117,046 $8.050,114

ToUII one-Time costs $0 $0 $0

Totalflr.tYear $7,648,719 $7117046 $8.050.114

1 he 6-month PIR Identifies that the AMP is not meeting the expectations of the approved AMP due to the following om1ss1ons ana ISSues in planning for the event, Identified below, that have impacted this first PIR flnanctals.

• HCR Route 570MG from SIOUX Falls to Mobridge was proposed for elimination in the approved AMP with a projected savings of $174,872. Wltn the P1erre to Dakota Central AMP being placed On-Hold awaiting implementation or Netwonc. RationaiiZBIIOn InitiatiVe, only the Pierre to Mobridge portion of this trip GOuld be terminated to maintain service responsiVeness required between Sioux Falls and Pierre. The PIR identifie5 a 5avlng5 of $1 ~.916 for the adjustment made to the HCR to support lhiG AMP;

Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices due to demand exeeecting supply. Any new (AMP required fQ,ur, 56594 w115 box delivery and not included) or expiring transportation contractsrMulled in contract awards that far higher than Area T ransportatlon projected. For the four new over-the-road routes

PIR Summary Narrative

Page 7: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

• added with the approved AMP, the actual awarclecl cost per mile versus projected eQuates to an additional tran1portation cost of $221,596;

• Impact of the lfansfer of major mailer One World Priority ancl1"1 class parcels on Bismarck operations. Pre-AMP these volumes were transported to Sioux Falls for processing on their APBS ana tnus, these volumes and associated workload was I'IOt accounted for in the approved AMP. This transfer of volume resulted In an a<tdltlonal10,835 hour annually or $323,512;

• Addttlonatly, Mobridge Is must ao AO Prep on lhese parcels to separate local overnight and l>Urface dispatches from air volumes, which accounts ror their 1,903 annual hours over propoaed or $65,937. Dakotas District Is currently researching the economics of returning these parcels to the automated APBS sort In Sioux Falls.

Adjusting for the above detail concurreot initiatives and issues identified with the Approved AMP and 6-month PIR data Impacting both the losing and gaining sites, the projected Ann11al Savlnga for tfle Mobridge AMP Is $209,850, but not exceeding the approved AMP expected savings of $542,339. A portion of this can be attributed to an overall decline In F1 productivity as measured by BPI.

Customer Service Considerations

There were nine OND service pair upgrades and six dov.ngrades with the implementation of the AMP. National Distribution and Labeling List changes were submiHed as appropriate for lists L002, L003, L004, L005, L011, L201, L601, L602, L605, L607 & L801, and published in PB 22321 on October 6, 2011.

Area Dlstrtl>utions center changes were made for the 576 SCF. Fargo ND is the AADC for letters and nats. BismarCk NO Js now the ADC for pnonty mail.

The Mobrio:Jge SO ~76 CSMPC EXFC First Class Mall 5ervlce performance from TTMS iS:

The Bismarck P&DF EXFC First Class SeiVice performance from TTMS is:

PIR Summary Narrative

Page 8: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Initial indicators show overall slight improvement in 311 sef\lice categorieS to pre-AMP scores.

§llfflng Impacts

The approved Mobridge AMP proposal identified a net reduction of 1 craft position with Mobridge reducing 4 dlstnDullon pos1t10t1S and Bismarck adding 3 diStribUtion positions. The approved AMP ldentlflea an increase of two EAS that were authorized but vacant at the time of the study.

The 6-month PIR data reflects a net craft complement increa5e of 6 posnlons with Mobridge reducing 3 distrlbuUon positions and Bi:smorc;k P&DF lncrea:sing by 9 distribution po:>itions. The additional distribution positions were added to reduce lhe overtime percentage at time of AMP Implementation al"ld to process the additional parcel volume that was transferred from Sioux Fab to Bismarck with AMP implementation. During the pre-AMP base period Bismarck P&DF had an overtime percentage of over 20%, which has been reduced to 10% to 15% In recent months.

' Craft • FTR+PTR+PTF+Cnual•

The staffing Impacts on management-to-craft ratiOS are SI.JTimanzed In the table below:

1 Crall• FTR+PTR+PTF+Coeo.~llle

'Craflc F1 + F4 at Losing: Ft only at Ga1n111g

All affected employees that were reassigned to other Pos.tal facMities were subfect to proceues outlined in the National Labor Agreements. Pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN), the USPS is complying with the National Labor Agreements in reassigning employees.

PIR Summary Narrative

Page 9: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Tranaportmlon Changn

All transportation supporting both Bismarck and Mobridge is exclusively HCR with no PVS service. The approved Mobridge AMP prOjected annual transportation savings of $415.623 with the 6-month PtR data projecting an annual savings of $61.773 due to d'langes made both prior to and post AMP implementation.

Specific changes to HCR transportation identified in the original AMP include: • HCR 57631 was terminated as planned and replaced bY HCR 57680 & 58585 to meet DOT

regulations; • HCRs 57611 and 576A8 were terminated as proposed; • HCR 576AO was split to eliminate the box delivery portion of the route and this portion was

replaced by HCR 58584; • HCR 576MU was terminated as planned and replaced with HCR 58583 with an additional trip

addecl aue to One wona Priority mall volumes; • HCR 57632 was terminated as planned and replaced with HCR 58582: • HCR 570MG was not terminated as proposed due to the Pierre to Dakota Central AMP being

placea On-Hold and only the Pierre to Moonage portion of this trip could be terminated to maintain service responsiveness required between Sioux Falls and Pierre. rne Pierre to Mobrloge leg was eliminated from the route;

• HCR 57710 was aOjusteu to only perform service from Rapid City to Pierre with tne Pierre to Mobridge leg tenninateo as no longer require!J for OND service performance with Implementation.

Those adjustments were necessary to ensure operating plan perform<1nce for timely processi~ of originating and de$tlnating volume$.

l!gutpmtnt Rs!oeatlon and Malntonenso tmpasl!

One CSBCS In Mobridge was eliminated. Four phase 1 DBCS stacker modules were added to the DBCS in Bismarck.

One CSBCS was removed from Mobridge as proposed and four stacker modules were added to the Phase 1 OBCS in Bismarck. There were neither one-lime equipment relocation costs nor facility modifications associated with the expansion of the existing machine as work was performed utilizing in­house maintenance staff.

The AMP proposed a no change In maintenance cost of as a result of the AMP, with the PIR reflecting a savrngs ot $41.261 that can be attributed to toea I initiatives to reduce costs.


The full AMP uf originalillQ and Oestlnallng maM volumes from the Mobridge SD CSMPC to Btsmarck P&DF was fully implemellted on December 1, 2011.

The 6-month PIR identified on odditionol coet of $401,395 a~ compared to the pre-AMP pertod. Thi5 additionol cost is directly related to HCR contract c~»ts tho! were higher than projeeted. tho proc.cssing of parcel volumes that were previously processed at Sioux Fall$ P&DC and were not accounted for in the AMP propoial, and overall decline in F1 productivity due to high overtime ond inability to bring sufficient on board due to "Oil Boom" in western North Dakota.

PIR Summary Narrative

Page 10: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction Measurement L11~t Saved: February 12,2013

Losing Facility: Mobridge CSMPC District: Dakotas

After AMP

PIR Type: Implementation Date:

- ,,, __

1st PIR 01/01/12

Gaining Facility: jB~i~sm~a~rc~k=P=&=D=F=========== District: Dakotas


After AMP

PIR Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction Measurement

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I Other Workhour Move Aflalysis I LC<JiOg Facj!ly· Mol::odoe CSNPC Gaining Facjoty Bosmarck P&OF Date"""~~<' ot oaa 01101112 lo OO'liOi12

I 1st PIR Other losina Craft Workhours I I 1st PIR PIR Other Gainina Craft Workhours I

PR otworWakhoor Costs

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Page 27: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices
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Staffing - Craft Last Saved: February 12. 2013

PIR Type: 1st PIR Data Extraction Date: 07102/12 -----

Craft Po:>itioms

_, _____ ,_,,,.,_, __ -

Craft Positions 111 PIR

r-----(23>-----r·----(24)-----1 1 1st PIR vs Pre AMP 1 1st PIR vs Proposed •

Total Craft Position Loss: i (6) i (7) i ·~--------------------------· (Above numbef'J are e;orr;.<lforwar<l to theEx.wutive Summary)

PIR Staffing- Craft

Page 33: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Staffing • PCES/EAS

PCES/EAS Positions

Position Title

Last Saved: Fellru1irl' 12. 2013

PIR Typit; lsl PIR


Page 34: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Fln•nc• 11 '''''""'"'------o.ta E.U.otlo~ Dot;"

PCES/EAS Positions


Page 35: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

losing Facility: Mobridge CSMPC Finance Number: 465850

Transportation - PVS last Saved: February 12, 2013

PIR Type: 1st PIR

Date Range of Data: Jan-01-2012 - to -- ,J~"~"~-30-:::..:20::..c12:.._ ___ _

(11) Total 1st PIR vs Pre AMP Transportation-PVS Savings: $0 (12) Total 1st PIR vs Proposed Transportation·PVS Savings: $0 (Thi$ mmDer added to the Executive Sl!mmary {This nunber added to the Executive Summary)

(13jNo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ; """'"'.,.....,.,., ' "of :WfW'W~"'ii~W :;:t·J'

PI R Transportation - P\15

Page 36: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Losing Facility: Mobridge CSMPC

Type of Distribution Consolidated: Orig & Oest

Data of HCR Data File: 07101112

, .. , ...

Transportation - HCR Last Saved: February 12, 2013

PIR Type: 1st PIR

CTfor Outbound Dock:

... lllol

PIR Transportation HCR- losing

Page 37: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices



Cllange Analysil 1st PIR 'IS Pre AMP I 1st PIR vs Proposed

PIR Transportation HCR- Losing

Page 38: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Transportation • HCR last Saved: Februaty 12, 2013

Gaining Facility:~B~is~m::a~rc:::k:_P:._:&~D~F~-----------------­Type of Disbibution Consolidated: Orig & Oest

Date of HCR Data Ale:

I t~\

CETfor Inbound Dock:

CET for Cancellations:

PIR Type: Orig & Dest

CETforOGP: ____ _

CT for Outbound Dock:

' ,~- ... , 1stPIR Annual


PIR Transportation HCR- Gaining

Page 39: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Ch11nge Ana1Y$1S 1stPIR vs

(13) Total 1st PIR vs Pre AMP Transpol1ation-HCR Savings: (from losing and gaining facilities)


(14) Total1s1 PIR vs Proposed Transportation-HeR Savings: (from losing and gaining facilities)

(15)Total1stPIR vs Prv AMP Transportation (PVS & HCR): $21,867 (This number carried forward to the Executive Svmmary)

(16) T otal1 st PIR vs Proposed Transportation (PVS & HCR): (This number C<!lrried forward to the Executive SlJmmary)



PIR Transportation HCR. Gairling

Page 40: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Data Extraction Date: ___ _

Losing Facility: Mobridge CSMPC


MPE Inventory Last Saved: February 12, 2013

PIR Type: 1st PIR Date Range of Data: Jan-01-2012 --to-- Jun-30-2012

Gaining Facility: Bismarck P&OF

L ,;_~!LA--"': I 121 I 111::1 ld 1'71 I lA\ I ten I

- 1stPIR

0 $D $D


Space Evaluation and

Variance in Coots


PIR MPE Inventory

Page 41: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Maintenance last s...ed Feb!'uary 12. <01~

PIR Type~: 1~ PIR Date Range of Data: Jan-01·21:112 : Jun-30-2012

losing Fa<:ll~: Mobndga CSNPC Gaining Facility: "'c'~""'c""c.:.':8D:::_F _______________ _

F Mail PI"OU$5

e-==~---Equ~ LDC l7



WQ>'kbour C<lSI


[;;][~J "' "' i Variance \larA nee 1et PIFt j" 1St PIFt to htf'IFtto Costs PreAMP '• "

0 ' o\ 0$ •

os oj· os o

== I.Ut $ 1.762 -~ 501 $ .,

---0-$ o\ O$ o

== t os ot: os o

--- (' 1,281 $ 1782 ' 501 $ 501 - 1

'~ =r

""" 0 •

~--····~ 22.421l ~ :!,t-14 $


~ Ma~ Pro<:e~ \............. ~!olipl

"'"'' IDC"

F Maintenance OperatiOl: Suppo1

r.=::- Maintenance \ ........, """ Tralnlrlg

ww<lxlur C<»t SublOUil

Parts emf Su~pl es

(1111at PIR V$ Pre ANP- Maintenance &.vlngs: {$41,261 J

(12) 1st PIR V$ Proposed -Maintenanc:eSavlllQS: ($41,261)

1~1 ,., j; ~ (ml

\ V~r1ance 1st Variance 1st tst PIR PIRI(IPre PIRioPre eo.• .. ,

I """'" .....,009. 660.825 $ -·-· 19,(64 $ 19,064

A~ 534 ~ 17.!21) $

~-65,1J14 $


-321.391 $ ?liB 317 • (15 074: $ ilS,N4)

------~"907 ' 61,674 $ ---- t,Zl4 $ 1,~34 .

26.G42 $ ?n><l ~ (l4 0141 ' i14,D14)

-- --.. -,-.-.~-l (11.269) $ 1.1«l.MI $ 1?1 2j;H)


~~.15e ~ (1~,2001 $ (l2.23S)

:r 0 ... 0

1,272,833~ 14HJ5) $ (~3.005)

(Thesel'lllllber$ conied lorwardlo lhe Ex~~)

(These rlJmt>en canied forward 1o tile Ex~ Summ~t~Y)

(13)Notes:================================================= '0.0."' "IR "*'""' • ........... ~'F ... ""'

,!-tih~ d,'-.;t·~--![l;!~_-'1!'·!

PIR Maintenance

Page 42: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices


Distribution Changes Last Saved: Fetrua~ 12, 2013

Losing Facility : Mobridge CSMPC PIR Type: 1st PIR

Type of Distribution Consolidated: Orig & Dest Date Range of Data: Jan-01-2012 -to- Jun-30-2012

Place a .. r next to tile DMM labeling list(s) revised as result of the approved AMP --


X DMML002 X DMM L201

X 0MML003 X Dt.9v'll601

X DMM L004- X [)t.N l602


OMML006 DMM L604

OMM L007 X DMML605

DMML008 DMM l606

av!M L009 X DMM l607

DMM LD10 X Dt.f./1 L8Q1


Identify the date of the Postal Bulletin that contained o• labeling list revisions.

<~ PB 22321 10-6-11

Was the Service Standard Directory updated for the approved AMP?

<~ YES

{4J Drop Shipments for Destination Entry Discounts

Faclltty Name



BISMARCK 82 14 117.07%1 45 D 0.00% 68 82.93%

BISMARCK 64 6 I 9.38% I 35 D 0.00% 58 90.62%

(5JNo~s: ________________________________________________________ -===============================

ir- -~- t~\~~-~~A~

PIR Oistritlution Changes



Page 43: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Customer Service Issues l.>SIS&ved Fel>fliOI)' 12 2013

Losing Fatllity;i~o~boi~d;go~C~S~M~PC~~~=::::::===~ 5-0iglt 21P Code: 57601 O..tll &traetiono.e: 07J16112

~ ... _ .. ~- ,..._ .. _, "'?"

1. Colltdlon Point! NlJI1'"0erpid:edup bel<lr9 1 p rn.

Number p4cked up t:oeMeen 1-5 p rn. Nuirbor pocked up after 5 p_rn_ _ ., , ,, ..

Tota Nurrber of Collodion Po1rts tE 2. How maQy collecton bolr:IH a" curnnttf d9sign!ted lor "'Jo:>cal dtlivery"? I I 3. How many "local delivery" bcxe$ _., remOI'EHl u a r.sult of AMF'?

4. Dellvtfy Pilrtorrn•nce Report

% earners ret""'"'9 bete<e 5 p m

6. Ret-.11 U•lt lnsld• Losing F!ICillty (Window Service nmes) 8. B~slness (Butk) Mall Acceptance Hours

7. can custoa>on oMolo a- pastn~orl<ln """"""'""" wflllapplic.a~policiHinO!e ,_()p...-.._n YH

8. Notes;

Gaining Facility:,s,;-""""'"-'P~&~D"F _____________ _

9. Mat !)OStmar!\ is printed on collection mall? I BISMARCK NO P&Df I DATEITJME

, $'{:'""'~· :: rx-

PIR Customer Service IIISUOS

Page 44: 2013 - American Postal Workers Union · 2019-11-15 · Due to rapid expansion of energy development drilling activity in Westem North Dakota, all large truck5 command premium prices

Losing Facility: Mobridge CSMPC

1. Allected facility

2 On~TimeCoSis

3 Savmas lnlonnation

Space Evaluation and Other Costs Llllll)aveQ: fi!OrUII)' 12,201~

Space EvaluatJOr

~ ~

Date: _____ _

i'fhOse n..,bers slloom &lOW undQl" OM-Tn•"' Cost< •e<bon )

Space Savings IS):---"'-- ~ ~

(Tflese r•,.nbars c:a-nea IOIWard lo the Eucw ... Summa~}')

One-Time Costs

Empl¢yee Reloca~on C0$1$ $0

Mail Processing Equipment ReiOC!Ition Costs " $0 " (from 1./PE 1n...mor.1

Facility Costs $0 10 $0 llrom above)

Total One-Time Cosu $0 $0 lo PIR COOlS temoel Jolwaf1110 Ex<lcvtlw SUI!WI!MV)

Remote Encoding Cortt()r Cost fWf 1 00{

~ing F11cillty: Mobridge CSMPC

r---,,---~;;:P:~:-A:M:P~•;!FY!;:2~0~11:::;.,-,,-,--;;;-:R:•:•oo: ";":'~"":":.,--.;;;~:~;::;;:!;;,.-... ,.--,.-.,.,-.,

PIR Space Evllk!ation and Other Costs