2013-2014 plan vivo annual report mikoko...

2013-2014 Plan Vivo Annual Report Mikoko Pamoja Submitted by the Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation Prepared by Salim Abdalla, Lemmy Nyalle Adili, James G. Kairo and Mark Huxham 22 December 2014

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2013-2014 Plan Vivo Annual Report

Mikoko Pamoja Submitted by the Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation

Prepared by Salim Abdalla, Lemmy Nyalle Adili, James G. Kairo and Mark Huxham

22 December 2014

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Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Part A: Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Part B: Project activities ............................................................................................................................... 6 Part C: Plan Vivo Certificate issuance submission ...................................................................................... 8 Part D: Sales of Plan Vivo Certificates ......................................................................................................... 9 Part E: Monitoring results ............................................................................................................................. 9 Part F: Impacts ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Part G: Payments for Ecosystem Services ................................................................................................. 11 Part H: Ongoing participation ..................................................................................................................... 12 Part I: Project operating costs .................................................................................................................... 14 Annexes ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Annex 1. Monitoring results for issuance request ........................................................................... 15 Annex 2. Impacts ............................................................................................................................... 16 Annex 3. Community meeting records (summary) .......................................................................... 16

Acronyms used in this report

ACES Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services CFA Community Forest Association ESPA Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation GOGACOFA Gogoni-Gazi Community Forest Association HMP Hazina ya Maendeleo ya Pwani KCDP Kenya Coastal Development Project KFS Kenya Forest Service KMFRI Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute MPCO Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation MPSG Mikoko Pamoja steering group NGO Non-governmental Organisation WWF World Wide Fund for Nature


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Summary Project overview Reporting period 1st October 2013 – 30th September 2014 Geographical areas Gazi Bay mangrove forest Technical specifications in use Mikoko Pamoja Project indicators to date (reporting period end) No. smallholder households with PES agreements 0 No. community groups with PES agreements 1 Approximate number of households (or individuals) in these community groups

498 households

Area under management (ha) where PES agreements are in place 117.4 ha Total PES payments made to participants (USD) 11,984 Total sum held in trust for future PES payments (USD) 6250 Plan Vivo Certificates (PVCs) issued to date 0 Project activity this reporting period No. smallholder households with PES agreements signed NA No. community groups with PES agreements signed 1 Approximate number of households (or individuals) in these community groups

498 households

Area put under management by participants with PES agreements this year (Ha)


Plan Vivo Certificates (PVCs) requested for issuance this reporting period 2125


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Part A: Overview A1 Key events 3rd October 2013- The forest management agreement between Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and GOGACOFA was signed. MPCO being one of the user groups under the CFA is a beneficiary from agreed user rights. The agreement provided tenureship of a designated area of mangroves of Gazi bay by MPCO. 16th January 2014 and 18th March 2014- Community consultative meetings (community barazas) between MPSG and the community members were convened. These meetings allowed prioritization of community development projects to be supported through revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits. 29th February 2014 - the global director of UK’s Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation (ESPA) Program, Prof Paul Van Gardingen, graced a ceremony for the donation of education materials to the different primary schools at Gazi bay. 150 textbooks were purchased and distributed to Makongeni primary school, while Gazi primary school received roofing materials and games kit for the school. These are the first fruits in terms of community development realized from carbon earnings (paid from start-up funds contributed by Aviva Ltd). A2 Successes and challenges The project was found to be conforming to Plan Vivo systems & standards by the Plan Vivo-approved validator in 2013. 1st January 2014- The project received its first payment in return for meeting monitoring and social targets; money for this came from start-up funds provided by Aviva Ltd. 3rd April 2014- The project went through a transition phase, recruiting a new project coordinator to oversee the day-to-day operations of the project after the previous coordinator Ms Mwanakombo got a new job. 7th April 2014- MPCO received additional funding of US$ 5500 from World Bank’s funded Kenya Coastal Development Project (KCDP). The funds will be used to construct a watchtower for improved surveillance of the community managed mangrove forest. Improved surveillance will lead to enhanced mangrove productivity and integrity. 7th September 2014- Mikoko Pamoja is working closely with like-minded partners to enhance payment for ecosystem services of Gogoni-Gazi forest ecosystem through the creation of awareness among members and the community. WWF has launched a project that will promote the use of energy saving jikos and solar heating systems. These clean energy initiatives come at a time when forest products are dwindling mainly because of exploitation of mangroves for firewood. Introduction of energy saving stoves should reduce pressures on natural forests, including mangroves. Challenges

I. The biggest challenge facing the project is poaching of mangroves in and around the project area by licensed and un-licensed cutters. This problem has been aggravated by lack of clear demarcation of the project area. However, KFS in collaboration with KMFRI have organized for a zonation exercise of the Gazi bay mangroves involving all stakeholders which is to take place later in the year. The aim of this zonation is to clearly designate the areas to be utilized


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by the different user groups under GOGACOFA as detailed in the management plan and as a result prevent potential resource use conflicts.

II. Lack of precedence and experience in the processes involved in the implementation of a community project inside Government gazetted forests. This has resulted in delayed approval of funding from other sources, affecting the construction of the watchtower.

III. Changing rainfall patterns have delayed and shortened the mangrove planting season impacting a key project activity.

IV. Unprecedented sedimentation in the planting sites has also led to significant mortalities of planted mangrove seedlings. This is a big concern as shoreline change is a phenomenon the community cannot easily comprehend.

Sedimentation at the planting site (such events increase mortality of natural and replanted mangroves)

V. The transition period in recruiting a new project coordinator resulted in delayed implementation of this year’s workplan. The new project coordinator has been working closely with KMFRI personnel to achieve project targets and results in good time.

A3 Project developments This was our first full year of operation; so there were no changes to the PDD, risk assessment or technical specification this year. A4 Future Developments Our plan was to establish the feasibility and credibility of Mikoko Pamoja by achieving successful sales and disbursement of money for the area of forest currently protected. We then intend to negotiate a gradual increase in the protected area to ensure increased income. We hope to start this process during 2014/2015.


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Part B: Project activities B1 Project activities generating Plan Vivo Certificates Mikoko Pamoja has a single technical specification that covers three activity areas, involving avoided deforestation/forest recovery activities in areas 1 and 2 and planting activities in area 3. The responsibilities for and benefits from these activities are shared communally with the single project community organisation. Table B1: Project activity summary

B2 Project activities in addition to those generating Plan Vivo Certificates

Village and beach clean-up during World Oceans Day

On 8thof June 2014- MPCO celebrated World Oceans Day under the theme, “Sustainability- together let’s ensure that oceans sustain us into the future”. The activity involved a cleanup exercise in both Makongeni and Gazi villages and at the beach. 140 adults and children from schools, NGOs and government agencies attended the event.

Mikoko Pamoja Area (Ha) No smallholder households

No Community Groups

Natural mixed forest (Activity Area 1)

107 498 1

Indigenous plantation (Activity Area 2)

10 498 1

Degraded beach site (Activity Area 3)

0.4 498 1


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The team involved in the clean-up at Makongeni village In addition, an essay writing and artwork competition was conducted and the winners awarded. These activities all aimed to help create awareness of the value of our oceans to biodiversity, climate and community livelihoods and their sustainability.

Winners in the essay writing and artwork competition pose for a group photo

During the same reporting period, community groups from Lamu, Embu and Kiambu counties visited our Project to learn from our experiences in implementing a carbon offset project.


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Part C: Plan Vivo Certificate issuance submission C1 Contractual statement This issuance is based on signed PES agreements with participants complying with all the minimum requirements stated in these agreements. C2 Issuance request for projects where issuance is made on the basis of ongoing activities on land already managed by the project (e.g. avoided deforestation, calculated ex-post) Table C2a: Statement of tCO2 reductions available for issuance as Plan Vivo Certificates based on activity for reporting period 1st October 2013 – 31st September 2014

Area ID

Total area (ha)

Tech. Spec tCO2 available

from previous periods

Total tCO2

achieved this


% Buffer

No. of PVCs

allocated to the buffer


No. PVCs requested

for issuance from

saleable carbon

tCO2 available for future issuances

Area 1 107 Mikoko Pamoja na 2243 15 337 Area 2 10 Mikoko Pamoja na 210 15 31 Area 3 0.4 Mikoko Pamoja na 47 15 7 Total 117.4 0 2500 375 2125 0 * Number of tCO2 sequestered or avoided emission through participants’ activities this reporting period. Table C2b: Allocation of issuance request Buyer name/ Unsold Stock

No. PVCs transacted Registry ID (if available)

Tech spec

Earthwatch Institute 1000 n/a Mikoko Pamoja Paolo Merlini 10 n/a Mikoko Pamoja Association for Coastal Ecosystem Services

1115 103000000005489

Mikoko Pamoja

Total 2125 C3 Data to support issuance request Please refer to Annex 1


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Part D: Sales of Plan Vivo Certificates D1: Sales of Plan Vivo Certificates

Table D1: Sales of Plan Vivo Certificates Vintage Buyer No of PVCs Price per

PVC ($) Total sale amount ($)

Price to participants per PVC ($)

% Sale price received by participants

2014 Earthwatch Institute

1000 88

2014 Paolo Merlini

10 88

D2: Unsold stock available for sale

Table D2: Unsold stock of Plan Vivo Certificates Vintage No of PVCs Price to participants

($ per PVC) 2014 1115 Depends on volume

Part E: Monitoring results E1: Ecosystem services monitoring

Monitoring results that support the request for new issuances are presented in annex 1. Monitoring targets were met for all activity areas in the period 2013/2014

E2: Maintaining commitments

No participants have resigned from the project this year

E3: Socioeconomic monitoring

Initial payments – funded from start-up funds - were disbursed to the two villages involved in Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation this year – further information is given in part F.

E4: Environmental and biodiversity monitoring

See Annex 1 for monitoring results. Successful forest protection and replanting will result in a range of ecosystem benefits, but these will not become manifest for a few years.


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Part F: Impacts F1: Evidence of outcomes During the reporting period, the same benefit sharing scheme was used. Both Makongeni and Gazi villages received Ksh.152,905.00 each as direct payments for community projects. The funds were used to purchase new text books for Makongeni School; whereas for Gazi village the support was used to rehabilitate the roof as well as purchase sporting equipment for the local primary school (details of receipts and labour costs are included in annex 3). This will help to improve education standards in the local schools and give them a competitive edge in the national examinations.

Distribution of books bought by MPCO carbon funds to Makongeni Pri. Sch. by

ESPA Global director, Prof. Paul van Gardingen (second left)

Roofing materials and soccer equipment bought by MPCO carbon funds

at Gazi Primary School


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Roofing works funded by MPCO at Gazi Primary School

The presence of the project has promoted mangrove ecotourism and integrated aquaculture activities around the project area. This has further contributed to improvement of the living standards in Gazi Bay community and has enhanced community understanding of the true value of the mangrove ecosystem and the need for its conservation. The technical team involved in supporting this project have published two important scientific papers this year dealing with emissions from degraded forests and the key advantages of using PES in mangrove conservation:

• Langat, J., Skov M.W., Kairo, J., Mencuccini, M. Bouillon, S. Waldron, S. and Huxham, M. (2014). Rapid losses of surface elevation following tree girdling and cutting in tropical mangroves. PloS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107868

• Locatelli, T., Binet, T., Kairo, J., Patenaude, G., King, L., Madden, S., Upton, C. and Huxham, M. (2014) Turning the Tide: How payments for ecosystem services (PES) might help save mangrove forests. Ambio 43, 981-995. DOI 10.1007/s13280-014-0530-y

Part G: Payments for Ecosystem Services G1: Summary of PES by year Payments made in the previous year came from start-up funds and not from sales of PVCs, but were distributed in accordance with the PDD and Technical Specification and in line with the terms of PES agreements signed. This was a planned phase of the project to allow all participants experience of how it would run in the future. Table G1: Summary of payments made and held in trust

1. Reporting year (mm/yy –


2. Total first year


3. Total ongoing


4. Total payments made


5. Total payments held

in trust

6. Total payments withheld

10/13-9/14 $11,984* na $11,984 $6,250** 0 *Total anticipated funds per year from PVC sales is $12,749. After deduction of issuance fees, this leaves $11,984 available per year for transfer to the Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation **Before transfer to the Mikoko Pamoja Community Organisation, funds are held by the charity Association for Ecosystem Services. As of Dec. 2014 there was £3,874 held in the ACES account.


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Part H: Ongoing participation H1: Recruitment As this is the first Annual Report and issuance, there were no additional participants added this year. H2: Project Potential We have deliberately started on a small scale. The intention is to expand the area of forest under active management once all stakeholders have seen the initial success of the project and provided PVCs can be sold. So given these conditions we hope to start negotiating an additional 50 ha this year. H3: Community participation The Forest Act (2005) provides for participatory forest management of state forests. The launch of the participatory forest management plan and signing of the management agreement between KFS and GOGACOFA allows the community to jointly manage the natural forests within and adjacent to Gazi bay for environmental sustainability and societal benefits. MPCO, being a user group of the CFA, is entitled to benefit from this legal framework, enhancing sustainability of the project. MPCO works closely with other user groups within GOGACOFA by conducting activities that aim at community benefits from the protection and conservation of the mangroves of Gazi bay. These activities are in line with the objectives of GOGACOFA, whose main aim is to enhance forest productivity and improve community wellbeing at Gazi bay. MPCO has put in place structural frameworks that promote and reinforce community participation in the Project. The MPCO constitution qualifies members as those above 18 years of age and coming from Gazi and Makongeni villages. The project is managed by a Project Implementation Committee (PIC) that is democratically elected by the community members. During the reporting period, MPCO organized several meetings with the community and other stakeholders of the Gazi bay ecosystem (Table H3).


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Table H3: Meetings held by MPCO 2013/2014

Date Name of meeting No. attended Remarks

27th December 2013 Committee 10 KCDP subcommittee were formed

MPCO funds received

7th March 2014 Committee 5 Screening of Coordinator application forms

18th March 2014 Gazi community Baraza Discussion on community projects for Gazi

17th April 2014 Committee 12 Planning on projects activities

Change of signatories

10th May 2014 Committee 9 Planting planning

Delivery of Gazi Primary school renovation materials

10th June 2014 Committee 9 Planting planning

16th July 2014 Committee 12 KCDP Grant implementation planning

6th September 2014 Committee 10 Financial report represented to the committee

Project progress

Planting planning

27th September 2014 Committee 7 Nursery establishment planning

Monitoring activity planning

Community meetings in Gazi and Makongeni were held during the reporting period in order to prioritize potential community projects for funding through carbon funds. Involving the community in the decision-making process has allowed for transparency and accountability, ensuring sustainability and stewardship of the project.


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Part I: Project operating costs I1: Allocation of costs All expenditure this year was met from start-up funding not from PVC sales Table I1: Allocation of costs Expense Narrative Amount ($) Contribution

from sale of Plan Vivo Certificates

Contribution from other sources

Community development projects

New school roof, sporting equipment, school books etc

3,436 - 100%

Labour Workteams for planting and monitoring

3,161 - 100%

Project worker salary

2,627 - 100%

Expenses for committee and office

518 - 100%


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Annex 1. Monitoring results for issuance request The project operates in three areas; Areas 1 and 2 deliver PVCs through avoided deforestation and forest conservation activities. Area 3 involves planting trees in degraded beach sites that used to support mangrove forests. 90% of the PVCs are generated through activities in Areas 1 and 2.

Forest protection and surveillance (Areas 1 and 2) MPCO has been working to strengthen ties with Kenya Forest Service. This has enhanced forest surveillance and policing, resulting in a decrease in illegal harvesting. During the reporting period the number of harvesting stumps had significantly reduced while juvenile density had increased; these are the key monitoring data agreed in the project design document (Table X1). Based simply on stand data, MPCO has not experienced any serious illegal harvesting in its project areas during the reporting period and forest condition can be said to be recovering. Table X1: Stump count and regeneration levels in Mikoko Pamoja project areas Activity area Forest attribute Quantity (no./ha) Baseline Remarks 1 Stocking rates

(for trees with dbh > 2.5cm) 3,931.81 Reference plots show no

signs of new illegal cutting and good evidence of regeneration, meeting the annual monitoring targets

Natural regeneration 39,622.73 Mean stump density 995.45 2720

2 Stocking rates (for trees with dbh > 2.5cm)


Natural regeneration 2,825.00 Mean stump density 583.33 778

With support from KMFRI, MPCO applied for extra financing from KCDP to improve community forest surveillance through the construction of forest watchtowers. The Steering Committee of MPCO has approved the activity awaiting tower designs from KFS.

Tree planting (Area 3) MPCO is committed to plant 4,000 mangrove seedlings per annum for the 20 years contracting period. During the reporting period 2,842 seedlings of Sonneratia alba were planted in project area 3, representing 70% of the target at this site (Table X2). Since the objective of rehabilitation was for coastal protection, all planting was carried at a spacing of 0.5 m x 1.0 m, representing a stocking rate of 20,000 seedlings/ha. The survival rate of these newly planted mangrove seedlings was 92% after three months. Table X2: Number of seedlings and the date they were planted DATE SPECIES PLANTED NUMBER PLANTED 15thMay 2014 Sonneratia alba 530 2nd July 2014 Sonneratia alba 644 3rd July 2014 Sonneratia alba 612 26thJuly 2014 Sonneratia alba 400 27th July 2014 Sonneratia alba 250 13thSep 2014 Sonneratia alba 406 TOTAL 2,842


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While the MPCO had planned to meet the 4000 seedlings planting target using Sonneratia alba, this was not possible for a number of reasons:

• Unprecedented changes in rainfall patterns delayed and shortened the planting season • Unprecedented sedimentation in the planting sites has also led to significant mortalities of

planted mangrove seedlings • Reduced number of mangrove seedlings in the community nursery

To counter the shortfall, MPCO collaborated with the host Community Forest Association and KMFRI in replanting other mangrove species in degraded sites of the bay at Makongeni. At least 3,331 seedlings of mangroves (Ceriops tagal and Avicennia marina) were planted at a spacing interval of 0.5 m x 1.0 m representing a stocking rate of 20000 seedlings/ha (Table X3). These species were planted here as they are adapted to the site conditions; Sonneratia alba is a low water species that grows at the seaward edge of mangrove forests and cannot survive high tidal sites such as the alternative area used. Both the original beach site and the alternative site are degraded areas that once supported healthy mangrove forests. Table X3: Mangrove seedlings planted in Makongeni area of Gazi bay DATE SPECIES PLANTED NUMBER PLANTED 26thMay 2014 Avicennia marina 1,208 27th May 2014 Avicennia marina 804 28th May 2014 Ceriops tagal 556 28th May 2014 Avicennia marina 763 TOTAL 3,331

Hence 6,173 seedlings were planted in total, exceeding the target number by 2,173. Mortality rates were well below the target of 50%. So although the target was not met by planting Sonneratia, as originally planned, it has been exceeded through the use of two other indigenous species. Since Avicennia is a faster growing species total anticipated carbon benefits from tree planting will be exceeded for this year.

Annex 2. Impacts These are described in the main report and are principally expenditure on new school infrastructure, new school books, sports equipment and forest conservation. In addition the project success has allowed the MPCO to apply for match funding for further activities.

Annex 3. Community meeting records (summary) These are summarised in the report text and pasted as pdfs here:



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obmokanawM a ;IRFMK hguorht eettimmoc ajomaP okokiM ot rettel noitangiser reh derednet yllaiciffo sah ramO rosnops remrof dna rentrap yek .tcejorp eht fo

eht ni latnemurtsni saw ramO .sM ,OCPM fo noitpecni ecnis reganam tcejorP a sa devres sah ramO obmokanawMoleved ytnuoC sa tnemtnioppa wen reh gniredisnoC …OCPM fo serutcurts laicnanif dna tnemeganam eht fo tnemp

trap no gnivres eunitnoc revewoh lliw ehS .noitangiser rof derednet ramO .sM,rotartsinimdA - reH .secivres emitkat neeb yliraropmet sah tcejorp eht ni elor .deyolpme si reganam wen a litnu aynuR treboR yb ne

sazaraB egalliV :41/40 niM

11 no dleh eb ot sazaraB egalliv izaG .yraunaJ ylrae ecalp ekat ot deludehcs era sazaraB egalliv 2 ht morf sa 4102 ,naJ81 no dleh eb ot egalliv inegnokaM fo taht elihw mp2 ht aJ ,SFK ;era stnemtraped tnemnrevog detivnI .)ma8( 4102 ,n

FMK R .FWW dna )odnoniK( eciffo s’feihc ,I - .azarab eht fo evitcejbo daorb a edivorP

BOA :41/50 niM

oc dna noitacinummoc etatilicaf ot egalliv inegnokaM ni dehsilbatse eb ot draob eciton ajomaP okokiM ytinumm.deludehcs sa dleh eb ot sazaraB egalliv 2 eht demrifnoc sdaeh egalliV .noitazilibom

:yB demrifnoC - ..…fdP sa setunim lla tsop dna erutangis cinortcele eht hcatta esaelp

:rotanidrooC tcejorP olaliK obmokanawM

…erutangiS ……………………………………………………………… 72 :etaD……… ht 3102 ,rebmeceD

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

………………………………………………erutangiS 72 :etaD………………………… ht 3102 ,rebmeceD

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7 hcraM :etaD ht yadirF 4102 ,

ma03:01 - ma03.11


.1 erP - rotanidrooc fo gnineercs eludehcs weivretni dna snoitacilppa

.2 azarab ytinummoc izaG no drawrof yaW

.3 BOA

tneserP eloR

ramO obmokanawM rotanidroC

ikiziR yraterceS ogoG

aynuR treboR ffats IRFMK

inadnarawM demmahoM namriahC

demmahoM asfaH rerusaerT

:41/10 niM azarab ytinummoc izaG no drawrof yaW

obmokanawM eht egagne ot yad etairporppa tsom eht no rehcaet daeh loohcs yramirp izaG htiw ssucsid ot ramO erom eb lliw ti ,izaG morf emoc stnerap eht fo tsom ecniS.sdrawretfa dediced eb ot etaD .keew txen stnerap loohcs

kiM no ssucsid ot murof rieht esu ot elbatius .dednuf eb ot tcejorp a no ediced dna yttik ytinummoc ajomaP oko

:41/20 niM erP - eludehcs weivretni dna snoitacilppa rotanidrooc fo gnineercs

erp eht dessap hcihw fo ruof ;rotanidrooc tcejorp fo noitisop eht rof deviecer erew snoitacilppa xis fo latot A -rcs etelpmocni na gnieb eno ;detcejer erew owT .weivretni eht rof deredisnoc eb lliw dna ssecorp gninee

.sdnuorg nigiro fo aera no detcejer eno rehto eht dna noitacilppa


tnacilppa fo emaN edarg naeM :oN ;leT

.II 1 onadnirawM isimaH ihsiM -

.III 2 ibahdubA aibmaJ +D 2840726170

.VI 3 ogneisiK reteP moT D- 3861263270

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.V 4 demmahoM isimaH inuA +C 6067370170

.IV 5 amirawM halladbA milaS C- 8175661070

.IIV 6 irahawM amuJ isimaH +D -

esohw weivretni eht rof deecorp ot detsiltrohs erew 5&4 ,3 ,2 ;rebmun noitacilppA .tes eb ot tey si setad

IRFMK,SFK ;morf rebmem eno fo esirpmoc ot lenap weivretnI , FWW , s’feihc(noitartsinimda lacoL eettimmoc ajomaP okokiM ,)inewbmasM(tnempoleved laicos & redneg fo tnemtrapeD,)eciffo

.)lenap eht fo yraterces ;obmokanawM(rebmem

bmokanawM .weivretni eht rof etad evitatnet a nalp dna stsilenap eht ot etacinummoc ot o

BOA :41/50 niM

sydalG htiw pu wollof ot treboR seman lluf edulcni ( PDCK eht gnifeirb SFK ot nettirw eb ot rettel a ot drager htiw )P okokiM yb detcudnoc eb ot seitivitca fo dnik eht rof tnemeriuqer tnatropmi si sihT .dnuf PDCK eht rednu ajoma

.dnuf fo tnemesrubsid

:yB demrifnoC

tcejorP olaliK obmokanawM :rotanidrooC

………………………………………………erutangiS 71 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,hcraM

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

……………………………erutangiS ………………… 71 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,hcraM

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loohcs yramirP izaG :euneV

81 :etaD ht yadseuT.3102 ,hcraM

MA00:01 - MP03.21


.1 sdnuf ajomaP okokiM

.2 noitisop rotanidrooc tcejorP

.3 sB.O.A

tneserP eloR

ugnahC ihallidbA

aynuR treboR ffats IRFMK

inadnarawM demmahoM namriahC

demmahoM asfaH rerusaerT

egalliV inamoB iddI izaG daeh

namriahc loohcs yramirp izaG eht morf skramer gninepo htiw nageb gniteem ehT eht rehcaet daeH nehttaht denoitnem eH .loohcs eht ot meht democlew dna stseug eht decudortni -:

seef noitanimaxe etubirtnoc ot stnerap eht rof deen saw erehT saw erehT srehcaet dna sksed ,sessalc erom rof deen steliot wen eht dna slewot yratinas rieht esopsid dluoc yeht erehw enirtal tip a dedeen slrig ehT

.sknat citpes on dah etag a fo deen ni saw loohcs ehT

awM demmahoM .wB( namriahc ajomaP okokiM eht democlew neht eH emoclew neht skramer sih evig ot )inadnar.)olaliK obmokanawM( rotartsinimda draw eht

:41/10 niM sdnuf ajomaP okokiM

yenom eht fo noitrop rieht desu dah egalliv inegnokaM woh fo stnerap eht demrofni inadnarawM demmahoM .wBac eulb eht gnilles fo tuo nettog retal dna yramirp inegnokaM rof skoobtxet thguob dah yeht taht dias eH .nobr

a evag olaliK obmokanawM .desu eb ot noitrop izaG eht detnaw yeht hcihw ni syaw tseggus ot stnerap eht deksadah yeht woh dna seitivitca sti dna ajomaP okokiM eht fo yrotsih feirb nobrac lufsseccus tsrif eht eb ot nettog

.not rep 11$ ot 6 morf reyub retteb a nettog dah yeht taht denoitnem osla ehS .tcejorp gnilles

drawrof tup snoitseggus eht fo emos. desu eb dluow yenom eht woh no snoitseggus rof denepo neht saw roolf ehTdedulcni -;

pmup retaw egalliv wen a gniyuB

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sksed erom gniyub dna loohcs eht ni steehs foor gnikael eht gnicalpeR maet llabtoof egalliv eht rof sllabtoof fo gniyuB .egalliv eht ni retaw hguone saw ereht taht gnimialc noitseggus tsrif eht dedracsid stneraP

cum retfA a nommoc a saw ereht noissucsid h desu eb yenom eht taht tnemeerg foor gnikael eht gnicalper nisksed erom gniyub dna loohcs eht ni steehs hsK tsael tA . eht rof sllabtoof fo gniyub rof desu eb ot saw =/000,01

.maet llabtoof egalliv

tseggus demmahoM .wB dna rehcaet daeH eht htiw tis dluoc yeht taht taht os detnioppa eb stnerap 4 taht de stnerap ehT .tegdub a htiw pu emoc retfaereht dna deriuqer erew sksed dna steehs gnifoor ynam woh ssucsid

yleman erew nesohc :

.1 ahuK amuJ ameheR

.2 ogogawM isimaH milaseM

.3 milaS isasiK amuJ

.4 anniJ ilA

:41/20 niM noitisop rotanidrooc tcejorP

okokiM fo noitisop eht rof ylppa ot tog elpoep 4 ylno taht tnemtnioppasid sih desserpxe namriahc ajomaP okokiM na ogrednu dluow setadidnac owt eht taht denoitnem eH .rotanidrooc tcejorp ajomaP teg yeht taht os weivretni

.etadidnac lufsseccus lanif eht

BOA :41/30 niM

eht ni gnitnalp eert evorgnam ni etapicitrap ot stnerap lla etivni dluow ti erehw yad a eludehcs ot ajomaP okokiM.izaG fo saera dedarged

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP bmokanawM olaliK o

………………………………………………erutangiS 72 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,hcraM

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

………………………………………………erutangiS 72 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,hcraM

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71 lirpA ht yadsruhT ,4102

MA03:9 - MP03:1


.1 seiranimilerp & noitcudortnI

.2 seitivitcA

.3 seirotangis fo egnahC

.4 BOA

tneserP eloR

inadnarawM diaS demahoM

aguZ demahoM asfaH

ogoG milaS ikiziR

ennaamuJ isimaH

inamoB iddI

damaH amilanawM

isimaH baniaZ onadnirawM

ahokaM dias ayhaY

amirawM alladbA milaS

afoG amuJ




izaG namriahc egalliV


ygolopa htiw tnesbA

ugnahC ihallidbA

umilawM isimaH

ygolopa tuohtiw tnesbA

afuhS ilA

seiranimilerP & noitcudortnI :41/10 niM

ot ecnahc a nevig saw rebmem hcae dna nosrepriahc eht morf skramer gninepo htiw detrats gniteem ehT.rotanidrooc wen eht ot snoitisop evitcepser rieht dna sevlesmeht ecudortni

seitivitcA :41/20 niM

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si slairetam noitavoner loohcs yramirp izaG fo gnisahcruP rieht no krabme sloohcs erofeb yletaidemmi enod eb ot ot neht si eettimmoc ehT .sreilppus tnereffid morf snoitatouq teg dna secirp mrifnoc ot si rerusaert ehT .syadiloh

.reilppus eht tceles dna nwod tis

saw nigeb ot saw gnitnalp evorgnam nehw no gninnalP 0004 fo tegrat eht teem ot redro ni si sihT .enod osla .yllaunna sgnildees

seirotangiS fo egnahC :41/30 niM

milaS htiw )gniogtuo( obmokanawM ecalper ot deerga eettimmoc ehT sihT .yrotangis tnuocca knab BCK wen eht sa.hsac fo noitisiuqca dna noitatilicaf netsah lliw

si yrotangis gniogtuo ehT olaliK ramO obmokanawM ;era seirotangis gnimocni eht dna

.1 )nosrepriahC( inadnarawM diaS demahoM

.2 )rerusaerT( aguZ demahoM asfaH

.3 dbA milaS )rotanidrooc weN( amirawM alla

:swollof sa era sliated tnuocca ehT

:eman knaB knaB laicremmoC ayneK ( BCK )

si hcnurB knaB adnukU

:eman tnuoccA noitazinagrO desaB ytinummoC ajomaP okokiM

:rebmun tnuoccA 3614255311

BOA :41/40 niM s

dleh eb ot si gniteem A ot drawrof yaw eht ssucsid dna dezilanif si yrotangis fo egnahc eht retfa yletaidemmi.seitivitca tcejorp fo noitatnemelpmi ylemit erusne

keew txen fo dne eht erofeb thguob eb ot loohcs yramirp izaG fo slairetam eht taht dessucsid osla saw tI

d osla saw tI emoc dluohs reciffo IRFMK aynuR treboR morf pleh eht htiw rotanidrooc eht taht deerga dna dessucsi.shtnom eerht txen eht rof enod eb ot seitivitca eht fo nalp krow a htiw pu

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP amirawM milaS

………………………………………………erutangiS …… 71 :etaD …………………… ht 4102 ,lirpA

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

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………………………………………………erutangiS 71 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,lirpA

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01 yaM ht yadrutaS 4102 ,

MA00:01 - MP03.2


.1 yranimilerP

.2 gnitem suoiverp morf gnisira srettaM

.3 gnitnalp evorgnaM

.4 )seiradnuob tcejorp ajomaP okokiM fo gnikram( gnippam ecruoseR

.5 tnarG PDCK

.6 slairetam noitavoner loohcs yramirp izaG fo yrevileD

.7 BOA

tneserP eloR

inadnarawM diaS demahoM

aguZ demahoM asfaH

ogoG milaS ikiziR

umilawM isimaH

inamoB iddI

damaH amilanawM

onadnirawM isimaH baniaZ

ahokaM dias ayhaY

amirawM alladbA milaS




namriahc egalliVinegnokaM

izaG namriahc egalliV


ygolopA htiw tnesbA

ihallidbA ugnahC

muJ isimaH a enna

ibawsiK miharbI

ygolopA tuohtiw tnesbA

S ilA afuh

ennaamuJ isimahK

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seiranimilerP :41/10 niM

hcihw retfa yarp ot srebmem eht fo eno detseuqer eh neht nosrepriahc eht yb noitnetta ot dellac saw gniteem ehTt srebmem eht lla democlew eh .gnittis eht o

setuniM suoiverp eht fo noitamrifnoc dna gnidaeR :41/20 niM

dna diaS ayhaY yb desoporp erew yeht dna gniteem suoiverp eht fo setunim eht hguorht tnew rotanidrooc ehT.gniteem eht fo setunim yllud sa inadnarawM demahoM yb dednoces

:41/30 niM gnisira srettaM

hcihw fo thguob neeb ydaerla dah loohcs yramirp izaG gnitavoner rof slairetam eht fi wonk ot detnaw srebmeM.erew yeht

eht retfa noitatnemelpmi rof eettimmoc loohcs eht ot revo meht dnah dna loohcs eht ot og lliw eettimmoc ehT.gniteem

iM tegdub ytivitca gnitnalp gnildees evorgnaM :41/40 n

dna izaG evlovni dluohs ti dna nosaes niar eht nevig ytiroirp a saw ytivitca gnitnalp evorgnam taht deerga saw tIegnokaM ,gnitnalp eht gnirud taht deerga dna dessucsid rehtruf saw tI .segalliv inegnokaM sdik loohcs izaG dna in

.stneduts )02( ytnewt gnirb dluohs loohcs hcae tsael ta dna ytivitca eht no etapicitrap osla dluohs

.inegnokaM morf 01 dna izaG morf 01 ;gnitnalp ni pleh ot sisab yliad a no deyolpme eb ot srekrow 02

ts IRFMK taht deerga osla saw tI eht gnildnah no troppus lacinhcet edivorp ot gnitnalp ni devlovni eb osla dluohs ffa.sgnildees evorgnam

)seiradnuob tcejorp fo gnikram( gnippam ecruoseR :41/50 niM

etaidemmi enod eb dluohs stolp ajomaP okokiM eht fo gnippam ecruoser taht dessucsid saw tI ot si siht ,yl .tseuqer fo rettel nettirw a gnidnep SFK fo pleh eht hguorht enod eb lliw tI .yrtne tcirtser dna stolp eht etacramed

rettel lavorppa tnarG PDCK :41/60 niM

a fo troppus ni eb lliw sihT .SFK morf rettel lavorppa tcejorp gnidnep eht no dezisahpme dna ssucsid osla srebmeM ot rotanidrooc ehT.)PMH( PDCK yb dednuf yaB izaG ni tserof evorgnam fo tnemeganam elbaniatsus no tcejorp

tel siht fo ssergorp eht no pu wollof .ret

loohcs eht gnitavoner rof slairetam gnidliub ytinummoc izaG fo yrevileD :41/70 niM

dna smeti eht demrifnoc eettimmoc dna enod saw loohcs yramirp izaG rof slairetam gnitavoner fo esahcruPt si rehcaet daeh ehT .loohcs eht ot revo meht dednah yllaiciffo detavoner eht etaiciffo ot gniteem a rof llac o

.ajomaP okokiM yb noitubirtnoc suoreneg a ;smoorssalc

BOA :41/80 niM

dluohs rotanidrooc ehT .seludehcs dna setad gnitnalp evitatnet no ffats IRFMK htiw tlusnoc

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dluohs srebmem eettimmoc eht llA uf etapicitrap ledom elor sa evres ot ;gnitnalp evorgnam eht ni yll s eht ot.ytinummoc

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP amirawM milaS

………………………………………………erutangiS 01 :etaD………………………… ht 4102 ,yaM

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

………………………………………………erutangiS :etaD………………………… 01 ht 4102 ,yaM

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91 enuJ :etaD ht yadsruhT .4102 ,

ma03:01 - mp03.1


.1 seiranimilerP

.2 setunim suoiverp eht fo noitamrifnoc dna gnidaeR

.3 gnisira srettaM

.4 gnitnalP gninnalp

.5 BOA

tneserP ygolopA htiw tnesbA

inadnarawM demahoM

ogoG ikiziR

demahoM asfaH

amuJ isimaH a enn

irakaB isimanawM

damaH amilanawM

damaH iliP

isimaH baniaZ

alladbA milaS





ygolopA htiw tnesbA

diaS ayhaY

afoG amuJ

ygolopa tuohtiw tnesbA

afuhS ilA

umilawM isimaH

seiranimilerP :41/10 niM

gniteem eht fo sadnegA eht ylkciuq denoitnem eh neht namriahc eht morf skramer gninepo htiw detrats gniteeM .gnittis eht ot srebmem eht lla democlew dna

setunim suoiverp eht fo noitamrifnoc dna gnidaeR :41/20 niM

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rotanidrooc ehT asfaH yb dednoces dna desoporp erew hcihw gniteem suoiverp eht fo setunim eht hguorht tnew.gniteem suoiverp eht fo setunim tcerroc dna yllud sa isimaH baniaZ dna demahoM

setunim suoiverp eht morf gnisira srettaM :41/30 niM

gorp eht wonk ot detnaw srebmeM ehT .tcejorp PDCK eht rof rettel lavorppa SFK detiawa gnol eht fo sserwollof ot si rotanidrooc - .rettel eht no pu

ajomaP okokiM morf loohcS yramirP izaG rof smoorssalc gnitavoner fo ssergorp eht wonk ot detnaw osla srebmeM.dnuf ytinummoc

gnitnalP :41/40 niM

evitucesnoc owt rof enod eb ot gnitnalp fo yad dnoces a rof deludehcs eettimmoc eht stegrat tcejorp teem oT IRFMK ,srebmem eettimmoc ,sloohcs yramirp izaG dna inegnokaM morf htob stneduts ;evlovni dluohs sihT .syad

.ytinummoc dna ffats

BOA :41/50 niM

sa ajomaP okokiM .yadrutaS no enod eb ot slaiciffo wen fo snoitcele AFC gnimocpu eht fo demrofni erew srebmeM.snoitcele eht gnirud detneserper eb ot deksa saw AFC eht fo puorg resu a

e gniteem eb lliw eettimmoc eht taht deerga osla saw tI 3 yrev dr .htnom txen morf gninnigeb htnom yreve fo

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP amirawM milaS

…………………………………………erutangiS :etaD..…………… 91 ht .4102 ,enuJ

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

………………………………………erutangiS :etaD………………… 91 ht .4102 ,enuJ

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61 yluJ :etaD ht yadsendeW 4102

MA03:9 - MP03:21


.1 ytnuoC elawK OLC eht htiw gniteem gninnalp noitatnemelpmi tcejorp PDCK

.2 gnitnalP

.3 BOA

ygolopa htiw tnesbA

aibmaJ miharbI

ugnahC ihallidbA

damaH amilanawM

ygolopa tuohtiw tnesbA

umilawM isimaH

ytnuoC elawK OLC eht htiw gniteem gninnalp noitatnemelpmi tcejorp PDCK :41/10 niM

tsop eht morf dekcip eb ot tey si dna SFK morf deviecer neeb sah tcejorp desoporp eht rof rettel lavorppa nA.eciffo



inadnarawM demahoM

demahoM asfaH

afoG amuJ

irakaB isimanawM

irakaB obmokanawM

isimahK baniaZ

damaH iliP

inamoB ddI

ebugiraD isimaH

urijnaW ennA

alladbA milaS

urabM leoN



namriahc eciV

namriahc egalliv izaG


reciffo ytnuoC PDCK

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m A .tcejorp eht fo noitatnemelpmi eht no yletaidemmi nopu dellac eb dluohs gnitee

a taht deerga saw tI .ecnanetniam fo tsoc eziminim ot detcurtsnoc llew eb dluohs rewot eht taht dessucsid saw tI eht fo ngised dna noitacol etis eht no ecnadiug gnikees rettel eb dluohs smrofinu tuocs fo roloc dna ngised ,rewot

.noitca rof reganam tserof aduB eht ot nettirw

.tnarg PMH eht morf hcnert tsrif a sa 089,971 shsK deviecer sah noitazinagro eht taht demrifnoc saw tI

CMP - a ssucsid tis dluohs eettimmoc tnemeganam tcejorP nwod gnitsil yb trats ot gniog era yeht woh eerga dn.gniteem taht gnirud nekat eb dluohs setunim dna enod eb dluohs ti tahw

CSP - bus tnemerucorP - t ,nalp tnemerucorp a etirw dna tis eettimmoc ot noitatouQ rof tseuqer a neh eerht tsael ta.edam sreilppus

OPL - a deviecer era sdoog eht nehw dna elbisnopser nosrep eht ro erawdrah eht ot tnes si redro esahcrup fo retteL rof nettirw si rehcuov tnemyap a dna eettimmoc laicnanif fo nosrepriahc eht ot nevig dna nettirw si eton deviecer

tamrofni ytinummoc neht tnemyap .ycnerapsnart rof draob yalpsid noi

:etoN PMH( urabM leoN .rM deknaht namriahc ehT - dluow yeht taht detaretier rehtruf dna ecnadiug eht rof )OLC .melborp yna fo esac ni eciffo PMH eht morf ecnadiug erom kees

gnitnalP evorgnaM :41/20 niM

ht dessucsid saw tI tcejorp eht flah ylerab si hcihw 0002 si raf os detnalp gnildees evorgnam fo tnuoma latot eht ta deerga saw tI .tsuguA fo dne erofeb dehcaer si tegrat tcejorp erusne ot deludehcs eb ot seitivitca gnitnalP .tegrat

K eht htiw yler dluohs rotanidrooc eht taht 62 fo yadnuS dna yadrutaS no ytilibaliava rieht mrifnoc dna ffats IRFM ht 72 dna ht .gnitnalp rof syad desoporp eht sa yluJ

BOA :41/30 niM

.ytilibaliava ffats IRFMK dna level ladit fo noitamrifnoc evig ot deksat saw rotanidrooc tcejorp ehT

ot amirawM milaS edam eb dluohs mrofinu stuocs dna noitcurtsnoc rewot no rettel SFK eht no pu wollof .tnes si rettel eht retfa yletaidemmi

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP amirawM milaS

………………………………………………erutangiS :etaD………………………… 61 ht 4102 ,yluJ

:namriahC demahoM inadnarawM

etaD…………………………………………………………………………erutangiS : 61 ht 4102 ,yluJ

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D 6 rebmetpeS :eta ht yadrutaS 4102 ,

ma03:01 - mp03.21


.1 rotanidrooC eht morf tropeR

.2 tegduB dna gninnalp gnitnalP

.3 BOA

tneserP eloR

ogoG ikiziR

alladbA milaS

aguZ demahoM asufA

inamoB ddI

irakaB isimanawM

aibmaJ miharbI

damaH iliP

ahokaM ayhaY

isimaH baniaZ

damaH amilanawM




izaG namriahc egalliV

ygolopa htiw tnesbA

ennaamuJ simahK

inadnarawM demahoM

tnesbA ygoloppA tuohtiw

afuhS ilA

ugnahC ihallidbA

afoG amuJ

1 niM 410/ rotanidrooC eht morf tropeR

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ennaamuJ isimahK democlew dna gnittis eht ot srebmem eht democlew rotanidrooC ehT fo namriahc gnitca eht sa eht woh no troper laicnanif trohs eht tneserper ot rotanidrooC eht ot revo dednah neht eh ,gniteem eht

swollof sa troper eht hguorht tnew neht eH .sa secnanif sti gnidneps neeb dah noitazinagrO

desu sah noitazinagrO ehT 8,503 hsK 01 ,tcejorp gnitifeneb ytinummoc rof 090,64 hsK hsK ,sesnepxe eciffo ni350,461 dna ytivitca gnitnalp rof 000,891 hsK .yralas srotanidrooC fo tnemyap ni

erutcurts laicnanif eht no deniltuo sa segatnecrep eht kcehc dluohs rotanidrooC eht taht detniop saw tI okokiM fo nip osla saw tI .tnuocca eht no gniniamer si tahw dna tneps saw tahw no serugif reporp htiw pu emoc dna ajomaP

.tegdub eht revo era sesnepxe eciffo eht ecnis tsoc sti eziminim ot evah lliw noitazinagro eht taht detniop

2 niM 410/ ninnalp gnitnalP tegduB dna g

dehcaer tsael ta evah dluohs sgnildees fo rebmun eht taht erusne ot sah noitazinagrO eht taht dessucsid saw tI 834,2 detnalp raf os sah noitazinagrO eht taht detniop rotanidrooc eht dna tnemeerga SECA eht no deerga sa %07

tpecrep %06 si hcihw .detnalp eb ot sgnildees eht fo rebmun latot eht fo

sgnildliw teg ot evah lliw gnitnalp txen eht taht dna dehsinif era yresrun eht no sgnildees eht taht dessucsid saw tI.detnalp eb ot etis eht morf esolc eht morf

a on si ereht ecnis taht dessucsid saw tI evlovni lliw gnitnalp txen eht taht deerga eettimmoc eht neht krow fo tol eb dluohs gnitnalp ehT .ytinummoc eht morf shtuoy wef dna ffats IRFMK ,srebmem eettimmoC eht erom

.wol eb lliw edit retaw eht nehw s’taht ecnis dnekeew eht no deludehcs

3 niM 410/ ssenisuB rehto ynA

.gnitnalp gnirud ytilibaliava rieht no ffats IRFMK htiw mrifnoc dluohs rotanidrooc ehT .1

erofereht ,stolp deifitnedi eht fo gnirotinom eht no gniyaled neeb sah tcejorp eht taht detniopnip osla saw tI .2at eb ot noitca tnegru na .emas eht etatilicaf ot nek

emas eht evah taht stcejorp rehto ot ruot lanoitacude na rof nekat eb dluohs yeht taht detseggus rebmeM .3.saera rehto no stcejorp tesffo nobrac eht tuoba erom nrael dna og ot ajomap okokiM sa ssenisub

:yB demrifnoC

ejorP :rotanidrooC tc amirawM milaS

………erutangiS 6 :etaD…..……………………………………………… ht 4102 ,rebmetpeS

:namriahC inadnarawM demmahoM rof ahokaM ayhaY

……………………………………erutangiS 6 :etaD……..……………… ht 4102 ,rebmetpeS

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D 72 rebmetpeS :eta ht , yadrutaS 4102

ma00:9 - mp03.21


.1 weiver tegduB tnarG PDCK

.2 tnemhsilbatsE yresruN

.3 stolp tcejorp fo gnirotinoM

.4 BOA

tneserP eloR

inadnarawM demahoM

irakaB isimanawM

isimaH baniaZ

demahoM asufaH

inamoB ddI

alladbA milaS

ogoG ikziziR

damaH amilanawM



izaG namriahc egalliV



ygolopA htiw tnesbA

ennaamuJ simahK

ahokaM ayhaY

inamoB ddI

ygolopa tuohtiw tnesbA

afoG amuJ

afuhS ilA

inadnarawM demahoM .rM morf reyarp a htiw detrats gniteem ehT dna srebmem eht lla democlew eh neht.gniteem eht fo sadnega eht noitnem ot alladbA milaS .rM ot revo dednah

weiveR tegduB margorP tnempoleveD latsaoC ayneK PDCK 410/1 niM

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K nosrep ecnailer ytnuoc eht leoN htiw teem dah eh taht denoitnem alladbA milaS .rM taht dessucsid dna PDC rewoT eht fo noitcurtsnoc eht gninrecnoc tegdub sih enod dah eh IRFMK reenigne eht yb tisiv etis eht gniwollof

.emas eht fo tegdub a dna ngiseD eht htiw pu emoc dah eh dna

eht saw ti ,eettimmoc eht htiw rehtegot delbat saw tegdub ehT PDCK yb devorppa tnarG PMH eht taht dessucsid n ton dluoc detrats eb dluoc ytivitca eht fi taht hcum eb ot dias saw siht 001,497 si tegduB tnerruc eht tub 059,944 si

.dehsilpmocca eb

gnilliw si ajomaP okokiM fi taht si leoN yb pu thguorb saw taht aedi ehT noitubirtnoc ytinummoc sa yenom dda ot rof 000,000,1 eviecer lliw ajomaP okokiM eht nehw s’taht muidem ot tnarg llams a morf devom eb dluoc tnarg eht

el a dna yenom erom evig ot gnilliw si eettimmoc eht nehw elbissop demret ylno saw siht ,tcejorp rewot eht rett.sraey eerht tsal eht rof gnitsixe neeb sah ajomaP okokiM taht gnitroppus secivreS tseroF ayneK SFK morf

htiw pu gnimoc suht evorgnam eht fo noitanoZ od ot desu eb nac yenom eht fo tser eht taht dessucsid saw tI tahw snwo ohw sa snoitacramed laiciffo .stolp tcejorp eht no erusserp eht pots dluoc taht dna

lliw ew yaw on si ereht neht tcejorp ajomaP okokiM rof ytivitca doog a si rewoT eht taht dias namriahc ehTom nobrac eht hguorht eettimmoc eht taht edam saw tnemeerga na erofereht , tcejorp eht nodnaba dda lliw yen

.sseccus a tcejorp eht ekam nac yeht taht os PDCK ot yenom erom

tnemhsilbatse yresruN 410/2 niM

taht dias neht saw ti ,raey gnitnalp txen rof yresrun eht gniraperp trats ot deen tcejorp eht taht dessucsid saw tI edivorp dluohs ffats IRFMK eht rof desoporp dna deraperp saw tegdub a os ytivitca siht gnirud troppus lacinhcet

.keew txen morf gninnigeb emas eht fo noitatnemelpmi eht

stolp tcejorp fo gnirotinoM 410/3 niM

taht dessucsid saw tI nod eb tsum stolp tcejorp eht no enod eb dluohs gnirotinom taht gniteem tsal eht gniwollofno na eb dluohs ti dna - a enod si tnemhsilbatse yresrun eht nehw yletaidemmi taht dias saw ti ,ytivitca gniog

drocca detnemelpmi dna enod eb lliw eludehcs gnirotinom .stolp tcejorp eht ot gni

BOA 410/4 niM

.1 era yeht taht dlot erew dna gniteem neeb evah srebmem eettimmoc AFC eht fi wonk ot detnaw srebmeM.htnom yreve gniteem

.2 eht ta noissimbus rof troper launna eht gniraperp si rotanidrooC eht taht dlot osla erew srebmeM SECA.tnemyap txen eht rof

:yB demrifnoC

:rotanidrooC tcejorP amirawM milaS

………erutangiS 72 :etaD…..…………………………………………………… ht 4102 ,rebmetpeS

:namriahC inadnarawM demahoM

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…………………………………erutangiS 72 :etaD………..…………………… ht 4102,rebmetpeS