2013 2014 moark district directory


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An informational directory for the Missouri Arkansas District of Circle K International.


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Message from the Governor ........................................................... 1

About Circle K International .......................................................... 2

District Calendar of Events ............................................................ 5

District Board Contacts ................................................................... 6

District Goals ...................................................................................... 7

District Club Contacts

Arkansas State University ................................................................. 9

Lyon College .................................................................................... 10

Southeast Missouri State University ............................................ 11

Truman State University ................................................................ 12

University of Arkansas Community College .............................. 13

University of Central Arkansas ..................................................... 14

University of Central Missouri ...................................................... 15

University of Missouri .................................................................... 16

Washington University ................................................................... 17

District Bylaws and Policies

District Bylaws ................................................................................. 18

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Hello my fellow CKI'ers!

My name is Tamara Edgin and am honored to call myself your 2013-2014

Missouri Arkansas District Governor. Being four months into this new

CKI year and my new role as your Governor, I can proudly say that the

Missouri Arkansas District is off to a great start!

The district is currently planning some awesome events including our

annual Fall Service MADness(FSM) and District Convention, and for the

first time ever we will also be hosting a District Large Scale Service

Project! This year’s annual FSM will be a Clue Mystery theme, so grab

your magnifying glasses and Sherlock pipes to come discover the mystery

of Service! Information about each event is slowly being leaked onto our

Website and Facebook, so keep an eye out for that.

Keep in mind; we also would love to hear your input about anything

related to the district. To do so get in touch with any district officer, so

your voice can be heard and we can represent the district well.

I have an open door policy, so feel free to contact me anytime and I will

do my best to serve you. I look forward to serving with you this year, and

I challenge us all to represent the Missouri Arkansas District of Circle K

International (MADCKI) with pride and go MAD!

Tamara Edgin

Missouri Arkansas District Governor

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Circle K International develops college and university students into a global

network of responsible citizens and leaders with lifelong commitment to service.


The vision of CKI is to be the leading global community service organization

on the college and university campuses that enriches the world one member,

one child, and one community at a time.


I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International to foster compassion and

goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the

abilities of all people and to dedicated myself to the realization of mankind’s potential.


To emphasize the advantages of the democratic way of life

To provide the opportunity for leadership training in service

To serve on the campus and in the community

To cooperate with the administrative officers of the educational institutions of which the

clubs are a part

To encourage participation in group activities

To promote good fellowship and high scholarship

To develop aggressive citizenship and the spirit of service for improvement of all human


To afford useful training in the social graces and personality development; and to

encourage and promote the fellowship ideals

To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life

To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships

To promote the adoption and application of high school, business, and professional


To develop a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship

To provide through CKI clubs a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render

altruistic service, and to build better communities

To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism,

which makes possible the increase in righteousness, justice, patriotism, and goodwill

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Key Club International is a high school-based organization with more than 245,000 members

dedicated to helping others, serving their schools, and making their communities better.

There are nearly 5,000 high schools around the globe with service–minded members of Key



An Aktion Club is a community-service group composed of adults who live with disabilities. A Kiwanis

club, composed of leading business and professional people of the community, serves as the Aktion club’s

sponsor. Aktion club service projects can address needs of the community and of the supporting agency.

Kiwanis members focus on not only the social and emotional needs of the clients through Aktion Club,

but they also help the agency purchase materials and equipment. Aktion Club members strive to return to

their communities the benefits, help, and caring they have received, while at the

same time developing important skills.



The first chartered Builders Club was sponsored in 1975 by the Kiwanis Club of Ashland,

Kentucky, at the Coles Junior High School (now known as Verity Middle School). The

original concept of Builders Club (known as “Young Builders” in the 1930s) was to provide a

guidance program to combat disruptive

behavior at the junior high and middle school level.

From this evolved the idea of a service organization to

develop leadership skills in junior high/middle school

students interested in making a personal contribution

to their home, school, and community..


K-Kids is a “student-led” community service club for elementary-age students

that teaches members the value of helping others through participation in community service

projects and club activities.


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UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and

territories to improve the lives of children

helping children meet their basic needs and expanding their opportunities

to reach their full potential. Across the globe, wherever vulnerable

children are struggling to survive, UNICEF is there with medicine,

vaccines, clean water, nutrition and educational opportunities.

The Kiwanis family, in partnership with UNICEF, is working to eliminate

maternal and neonatal tetanus from the face of the Earth. How? By raising

US$110 million by 2015. Find out how you and your club can help save or

protect millions of women and babies. Learn how to take part in

fundraising and advocacy efforts. Keep up with the elimination of MNT

and get inspiration from others. Go to www.TheEliminateProject.org.


Every day 1 in 8 babies born in the U.S.

arrive too soon. Circle K members help

by raising funds annually for March of

Dimes programs to help prevent

prematurity. The March of Dimes

currently focuses on raising awareness

of prematurity and reducing the rate of

premature births. CKI members collect

money to support the March of Dimes

and participate in the annual March

for Babies.

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District Officer Training Conference ........................... April 20th – 21st

1st District Board Meeting ............................................... April 20th – 21st

Club Officer Training Conference ................................... May 10th – 11th

2013 Large Scale Service Project ..................................... June 23rd – 26th

2013 International Convention ........................................ June 26th – 30th

2nd District Board Meeting ................................................. July 26th – 27th

Leadership Academy .............................................. July 30th – August 4th

MOARK Kiwanis District Convention ....................... August 3rd – 5th

Missouri Key Leader .................................................... October 11th – 13th

MOARK Fall Service MADness .............................. October 25th – 27th

Arkansas Key Leader ................................................. November 8th – 10th

District Large Scale Service Project ................... November 15th – 16th

3rd District Board Meeting ..................................... November 16th – 17th

MOARK CKI District Convention ........... February 28th – March 2nd

MOARK Key Club District Convention ....................... March 6th – 8th

CKI New Year .................................................................................... April 1st

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Tamara Edgin


[email protected]


Clara Oh


[email protected]


Linh Tran


[email protected]

Mary Elizabeth [email protected]

Kelby Jones [email protected]

Mellissa Yandell [email protected]



Sara Nguyen


[email protected]


Steven Reiman


[email protected]

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Updated as of April 20th, 2013

1. Recruit and retain 12 active clubs within the Missouri Arkansas District

by March 31st, 2014.

2. Recruit and Retain 300 members within the Missouri Arkansas District

by March 31st, 2014.

3. Publish 8 District newsletters, 22 weekly Governor Updates, and 11

District Goal Stats by March 31st, 2014.

4. Have 16 CKI officers in attendance at the 2013 MOARK Club Officer

Training Conference

5. Have 2 CKI members in attendance at each of the Key Leaders in

Missouri and Arkansas

6. Have 70 people in attendance at the 2013 Fall Service Madness event

7. Have 70 people in attendance at the 2013-2014 District Convention

8. Fundraise $2,500 for the Eliminate Project, which is also the

Governor’s project, by March 31st, 2014.

9. Complete 400 Kiwanis Family Relation Hours by March 31st, 2014.

10. Complete 7,000 Service Hours by March 31st, 2014.

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Taura McDaniel


[email protected]

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Bobby Watkins

[email protected]


Dr. Cassia Oliveira

[email protected]


Batesville, AR


Lillian J. Pearcy

[email protected]


Nathan Armstrong

[email protected]

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Kelli Mitchell

[email protected]


Katie Beckman

[email protected]


Kelli Mitchell

[email protected]



Grace Lackner

[email protected]


Cape Girardeau, MO

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Ashley Birtley

[email protected] CLUB VICE PRESIDENT

Alicia Kimberlin

[email protected]


Maryssa Rehagen

[email protected]


Ann Strickert

[email protected]


Clara Schoff

[email protected]

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Katie Crews

[email protected]


Benjamin Stone

[email protected] CLUB SECRETARY-


Ann Rodgers

[email protected] CLUB EDITOR

Claudia Huskey

[email protected]

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Alayna Bell

[email protected] CLUB VICE PRESIDENT

Dylan Lane

[email protected]


Derrick White

[email protected]


Derrick Moses



Allison Sharp

[email protected]

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Ashley Ellis

[email protected]


Megan Myers

[email protected]


Ernesha Bland




Katie Wegman




Ka'Rissa Coach

[email protected]

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Kit Webster

[email protected]


Ryan Swearingen

[email protected]


Nicole Nemechek

[email protected]


Madi Feller

[email protected]


Erin McDowell

[email protected]

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Yuji Kim

[email protected]


Yuji Kim

[email protected]


Kristine Yang

[email protected]


Evan Liu

[email protected]


Trinity Lopez

[email protected] CLUB EDITOR

Sarah Callison

[email protected]

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Article I: Name and Territorial

Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Missouri-Arkansas District of Circle K International and shall also

be known by its abbreviation “Mo-Ark CKI”.

Section 2. The territorial limits within which the District shall function shall be coextensive with the territorial limits of

the Missouri-Arkansas District of Kiwanis International unless other territorial limits are petitioned by the Kiwanis and Circle K Trustees and the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.

Article II: Objects

Section 1. The objects of this district shall be:

To accept and promote the Objectives of Circle K International as outlined in the Constitution.

To coordinate the projects of member Circle K clubs.

To strengthen and extend Circle K in the District.

To increase the fellowship and cooperative efforts of the clubs within the District.

To provide the goods and services necessary for the welfare of the clubs and individual members.

To promote participation of the clubs within the District in the general objects, programs and policies of

the District and of Circle K International.

To accept and promote the Constitution and Bylaws and Policy Code of Circle K International.

Article III: Divisions

Section 1. The territory of this district shall be divided into four (4) divisions.

Section 2. The territorial limits of these divisions, as approved by the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees, shall be as

delineated from time to time by the District Board of Officers.

Article IV: Membership

Section 1. Each Circle K club situated within the territorial limits of this Circle K district shall be a member of the


Section 2. Any member club more than thirty (30) days in arrears for any indebtedness to Circle K International, its

district or its sponsoring Kiwanis club shall be considered “not in good standing” and may have its charter

and membership suspended or revoked as provided by in the Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K International.

Article V: Officers

Section 1. The officers of the District shall be the Governor, District Secretary, Editor, Lieutenant Governors, and any

other elected or appointed officers as deemed necessary by a majority of the House of Delegates and the

Kiwanis district board of trustees.

Section 2. The officers of the District, as defined above, shall be elected at the annual district convention.

Section 3 All officers shall assume their official duties as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K International.

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Section 4 The duties of the officers shall be as follows:

a) The Governor shall have the duty of furthering the objects of Circle K International and promoting the interests

of Circle K clubs within his/her district. He/she shall work closely with other International and district

officers to strengthen and expand Circle K. The Governor shall be the chief executive of the District, shall

appoint all standing and special district committee chairs, and shall preside at the District Convention and

all meetings of the District Board of Officers. He/she shall attend the International Convention (if funds

are available) and all meetings of the International Council. The Governor shall be responsible for the

leadership training of district officers, for workshops which will be held at the District Convention; , and

for developing all communication with clubs for the purpose of bringing administrative aid to said clubs.

The Governor shall develop and work within an established income and expense budget, and shall work

closely with the Kiwanis district Circle K administrator on all matters dealing with the operation of the


b) The Lieutenant Governors or a council of club presidents or club representative system shall assist the

Governor in the work of the District. This person shall represent the Governor and have full responsibility

under the direction of the Governor in supervising the District executive work in his/her respective

division. The Lieutenant Governors or a council of club presidents or club representative system shall

complete worthwhile service projects, and remain up-to-date on the conditions of the clubs within his/her

division. The Lieutenant Governors or a council of club presidents or club representative system shall

share club information to the Governor through monthly report forms due each month.

c) The Lieutenant Governors or a council of club presidents or club representative system shall also work with the

Governor, District Administrator, Kiwanis Lieutenant Governors and area Kiwanis clubs on the building

of new clubs and the rebuilding of inactive clubs. This person shall also perform such other duties as may

be assigned by the Governor or the District Board of Officers.

d) The Secretary/Treasurer or other elected or appointed officer shall keep all records of the District Convention

and of all meetings of the board of officers. He/she shall submit a report to the annual convention and at

such other times as the Governor or the Board of Officers may require. He/she shall submit to the proper

officials and committees all communications received from Circle K International. He/she shall cooperate

with the Governor in forwarding all official reports required by Circle K International. He/she shall

submit a financial report at the annual convention and at such other times as the Governor, the Board of

Officers, or the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees may require. He/she shall also perform such other

duties as may be assigned by the Governor or the Board of Officers.

e) The Editor shall be responsible for the printing and distribution of the official district publication, the Mo-Ark

Insider. He/she shall send copies of the publication to all clubs in good standing. He/She shall be

responsible for updating the official website and any associated social media. He/she shall perform such

other duties as may be assigned by the Governor or the Board of Officers.

Section 5. A district officer may be removed from office for just cause by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the

Board of Officers duly elected and serving at the time. Whenever there appears to be sufficient cause for such

action, the Governor shall give said officer immediate notice of the scheduled meeting of the Board of Officers.

Consideration shall be given to the facts and reasons why the office should be declared vacant. The officer shall be

afforded the opportunity at that meeting to explain or refute the allegations. In the event that the Board of Officers

shall find the alleged facts to be true, by a vote of two-thirds (2/3), the Board of Officers shall have the power to

declare such office vacant, and the vacancy will be filled in accordance with the provisions contained in these


Section 6. No elected district officer may hold any International office or club office in addition to his/her district office.

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Article VI: Board of Officers

Section 1. The board of officers of the District shall consist of the Governor and any other elected or appointed officers

deemed necessary by the majority of the district House of Delegates as voting members. The International

Counselor, Immediate-Past Governor, the District Administrator and appointed administrative personal shall serve

as non-voting members in an advisory position.

Section 2. The management and control of the affairs of the District not otherwise provided for in these bylaws shall be

vested in the board of officers, subject to the direction and approval of the Kiwanis District Board of Trustees,

through the District Administrator and the Circle K International Board of Trustees.

Section 3. The District Board of Officers shall hold a minimum of four meetings annually, one of which to be held during the

summer months.

Section 4. The Secretary/Treasurer or other appointed officer shall notify each member of the Board of Officers, the Kiwanis

Governor, and the District Administrator and his/her working committee, and the presidents of all Circle K clubs

in the District, in writing, of the time, place (including directions), and date of all meetings of the Board of

Officers not less than thirty (30) days prior to each meeting.

Section 5. A special meeting of the Board of Officers may be called by the Governor, the Secretary/editor Treasurer or two-

thirds (2/3) of the members of the Board of Officers.

Section 6. In the absence of the Governor from a meeting, the Board of Officers shall designate a member of the Board of

Officers to act as chair for that meeting upon recommendation of the Governor and/or the District Administrator.

Section 7. A majority of the voting members of the Board of Officers shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of those

present shall decide any question, with the exception of those questions for which a greater proportion is

specifically required by these bylaws.

Section 8. Within thirty (30) days after any special or regular meeting of the Board of Officers, the Secretary/Treasurer or

other elected or appointed officer shall make a report of the proceedings of the meeting, compromising complete

synopsis of all actions taken, and shall distribute said report to members of the Board of Officers, the District

Administrator, the International Counselor, the Kiwanis Governor, Kiwanis District Secretary, and the presidents

of the clubs in the District.

Article VII: Committees

Section 1. The titles and duties of district standing committees shall be as follows:

a) Executive: This committee shall maintain public image and report on the progress of District Goals. It

shall maintain the Bylaws in conformity with the Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K International and

shall make recommendations to the Board of Officers for proposed amendments. It shall be responsible

for the interpretation of these Bylaws for the action by the Board of Officers and for all matters affecting

Circle K on the District level. It shall also review all club bylaws submitted for District approval, make

revisions and approval recommendations to the Board of Officers, and forward approved bylaws to the

International Office for final approval by the International Board of Officers. It shall also be responsible

for all planning concerning the future of the Missouri-Arkansas District of Circle K International

b) Convention: This committee shall work in the planning, development, and promotion of the annual

District Convention. It shall make all materials produced by the committee available to the District Board.

Section 2. Other committees deemed necessary by the District Board of Officers shall be outlined in the District Policy Code

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Article VIII: Conventions

Section 1. The annual convention of this district shall be held at the time and place mutually agreed upon by the immediate-

past Board of Officers of the Missouri-Arkansas District of Circle K International. The dates and site of the

convention shall be submitted to the Administrator of Circle K International not less than sixty (60) days prior to

the proposed convention dates, and the Administrator, acting for the International Board of trustees, may approve

the dates and site.

Section 2. The Governor shall appoint convention committees as outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K


Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer or other elected or appointed officer shall distribute to each club, the District Board of

Officers, the International Administrator, the Kiwanis governor, and the Kiwanis district secretary an official call

to the annual convention not less than thirty (30) days prior to the dates of the convention.

Section 4. The Board of Officers shall have full supervision and management of all conventions, in consultation with the

District Administrator. The District Administrator, or representative of the Administrator selected by the Kiwanis

District Board of Trustees, shall handle any contractual arrangements necessary for the District Convention.

Section 5. Each member club in good standing shall be entitled to two (2) voting delegates and two (2) alternates at the

District Convention. The delegates and their alternates shall be active members in good standing of the charted

clubs they represent. The Governor and other elected district officers shall be delegates-at-large at the District

Convention. International officers shall not be considered delegates unless certified as representatives of their

home club.

Section 6. Each accredited delegate shall be entitled to vote on each question submitted at any convention. There shall be no

voting by proxy or by absentee ballot.

Section 7. In the absences of the Governor from any district convention, the Board of Offices shall designate a member of the

Board of Officers to act as presiding officer of the convention.

Section 8. A quorum for any district convention shall be the official delegates present and representing not less than one-half

(1/2) of the total member clubs in good standing with the District.

Section 9. Each district convention program shall include, but not limited to, the following:

An address by the Governor of the sponsoring Kiwanis district or a representative of the Governor.

An address by the Governor of the Key Club district or a representative of the Governor.

An address by the International counselor if in attendance.

Workshops for the purpose of stimulating enthusiasm, motivating and educating membership, training newly

elected club officers, developing leadership potential, increasing awareness of International activities.

Service Initiative areas and increasing service activities.

Nomination and election of officers for the upcoming year.

Installation of the newly elected district officers.

A presentation promoting attendance at the upcoming International convention.

Presentation of club and district awards.

Section 10. The Secretary/Treasurer or other elected or appointed officer shall submit a report of the convention as outlined in

the Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K International.

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Article IX: Vacancies in Office between Conventions

Section 1. In the event of a vacancy in the office of governor, a qualified member of a club in good standing with the District

and Circle K International shall be elected by the board of officers to serve for the remainder of the unexpired

term. Such action shall be communicated by the Secretary/Treasurer or other elected or appointed officer in

writing to the International Administrator. In any year in which the District Convention is not held, the House of

Delegates will convene, and shall elect a qualified member of a club in good standing to serve for the upcoming

administrative year.

Section 2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of an elected or appointed officer the Governor shall, with the approval of

the Board of Officers, appoint a qualified member of a club in good standing with the District and Circle K

International to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. Such approval from the board of officers must be

made, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of the appointment.

Section 3. If an extenuating situation should arise in which the House of Delegates could not meet physically, then the Rules

and Regulations Committee Chair will determine the procedure for electing the next year’s board.

Article X: Revenue

Section 1. Each member club shall pay to the District for every active member annual dues of $10.00. The amount of the

District dues shall be determined by the District Board, which must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of

House of Delegates attending the District Convention.

Section 2. Assessments in excess of the annual dues may be made only upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all delegates attending

the District Convention or by a two-thirds vote of all clubs in good standing in the District between conventions

and must be approved by the Kiwanis District Board and the Circle K International Board.

Section 3. The Kiwanis district board of trustees shall determine the official depository for the Circle K district.

Section 4. Each check shall carry the signature of the District Administrator, or other individual designated by the Kiwanis

District Board.

Section 5. Revenue may be derived from other sources in such a manner as may be determined by the board of officers,

however, the District shall never sponsor or participate in any manner in a lottery, raffle, drawing of game of

chance in connection with any fund raising activity unless the District has received the approval of the Kiwanis

District Board of Trustees. If such permission is granted it does not constitute official endorsement of such

activities by Circle K International or by Kiwanis International. Any lottery, raffle, drawing, or game of chance so

approved must not contravene any laws, mores, customs or traditions of the country, state or province in which the

fund raising activity is to be held. The District shall not directly or indirectly engage in any activity which may

impugn or reflect unfavorably on the good name of Circle K or of Kiwanis.

Article XI: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. The current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority for all

matters concerning the House of Delegates. Procedures not specifically outlined in these bylaws or in the

Constitution and Bylaws of Circle K International shall be addressed in the District Policy Code.

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Article XII: Amendments

Section 1. Vote Requirement. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote as deemed necessary by the voting

delegates and voting delegates-at-large present and voting at any convention of Circle K International

Section 2. Approval & Effective Date. No such action shall become effective until approved by the Missouri-Arkansas

District of Kiwanis International.

Section 3. General Requirements for Submission. Only Circle K clubs in good standing, the Mo-Ark CKI District Board, or the

Administrators of the Mo-Ark CKI District may propose amendments to these Bylaws. Proposed amendments

shall be submitted in writing and be received by the District Board at least sixty (60) days prior to the opening of

the convention.

Section 4. Submission by Clubs. Proposed amendments submitted by clubs in good standing must be endorsed by a

majority vote of the members present at a regularly-scheduled club meeting. All such amendments must be sent

to the club membership at least two (2) weeks before the vote is to take place.

Section 5. Submission by District Board. Proposed amendments submitted by the District must be endorsed by a majority

of vote of the District Board. All such amendments must be sent to each district board member at least two (2)

weeks before the vote is to take place.

Section 6. Notice. The District Board shall send a copy of the proposed amendments to every club and every district officer

no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the District convention and to convention registrants from each chartered

club no fewer than fifteen (15) days prior to the convention.

Section 7. Amendments in Years Without a Convention. In years in which no District convention is held, the House of

Delegates, by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present, may enact or amend these bylaws, provided

that no bylaws enacted or amended shall be effective unless and until approved by the Missouri-Arkansas

District of Kiwanis International. Any amendment enacted in a year without a convention may be brought up for

reconsideration by any voting delegate at the succeeding convention following its approval.

Section 8. Changes to the District Bylaws. The District board is authorized to make non-substantive corrections in

terminology, grammar, numbering, and cross-references which causes unintentional conflicts or inconsistencies

within the District Bylaws.